
Dimitarhisto can you recommend me one please?00:00
FrenkHey I have an issue with mysql =(  ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)00:00
g0thwhen I use mplayer -ao alsa, then seeking is very "responsive"/fast but if I use -ao pulse it is "laggy"/slow00:00
histoDimitar: recoment you one what?00:00
g0thany idea why?00:00
Random832is there a way to go to 'server edition' by removing all desktop-related packages and installing some metapackage for all the server stuff?00:00
Random832like you can with kubuntu etc00:00
gsfaiFrenk, i had this error too... not sure how i solved it... try checking the .conf file00:00
macog0th: different way of buffering i think...pulse fills up a buffer and empties it, refilling only as needed. alsa tries to refill constantly00:01
rwwRandom832: Ubuntu Server is Ubuntu Desktop without the ubuntu-desktop package and with linux-server package instead of linux-generic00:01
the-great-pandemplease help me00:01
g0thmaco: well the "pulse" way sucks bad00:01
histoRandom832: different kernel00:02
ssfariasboa noite00:02
macog0th: depends what you want *shrug* if youre more interested in not having it constantly waking up to refill the buffer then youd want pulse00:02
woodzywhen i use the 'sudo apt-get --reinstall <application>' does it reset the settings for that application to default?00:02
maco!pt | ssfarias00:02
ubottussfarias: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:02
Frenkgsfai: there is no conf >D? wtf00:02
macothe_eye_: you havent asked a question00:02
Random832rww: i guess i don't know what all is ubuntu-desktop dependencies and what would be there anyway00:02
bobbydwoodzy: use purge00:02
histowoodzy: no it will keep your old configs00:02
Random832after removing ubuntu-desktop and walking through deborphan removing stuff with no dependencies, it's getting pretty minimal00:02
woodzybobbyd? can you explain?00:03
rwwRandom832: Ubuntu Server is command-line only. It's pretty minimal by default...00:03
bobbydRandom832: what are you trying to do?00:03
woodzyhisto: how would i reset an applications settings to default?00:03
rwwRandom832: just ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-standard, linux-generic, a bootloader, and language packs.00:03
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity00:03
rwwRandom832: sorry, s/generic/server/00:03
histowoodzy: purge it00:03
eightieskcan you install unity ?00:03
macorww: i didnt think there was still a separate server kernel00:03
bobbydwoodzy: apt-get purge <app_name>00:03
gsfaifrenk, it should be called my.cnf00:03
rww!info linux-server maverick00:04
ubottulinux-server (source: linux-meta): Complete Linux kernel on Server Equipment.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)00:04
bobbydwoodzy: without the angle brackets00:04
rwweightiesk: not on maverick, no.00:04
Frenkgsfai: root@mail ~ # locate my.conf root@mail ~ # locate my.cnf00:04
woodzyok, thanks.00:04
macorww: oh ok00:04
Frenkgsfai: both nothing00:04
Dimitarhisto after installation the rest is intuitive ? i should be able to figure it out quickly or it is complex?00:04
Dimitari mean i need to get things back fast for tomrow00:04
rwwmaco: it may be a transitional package. dunno.00:04
eightieskrww when or what i am willing to download the beta if its out00:04
gsfaidid u just install mysql?00:04
histoDimitar: installing what?00:04
Frenki reinstalled it00:04
macorww: its a metapackage, and Depends: linux-generic-pae00:05
gsfaiit should be in /etc/mysql/my.cnf00:05
g0thmaco: I would say that in this case it is pretty obvious that -ao alsa is _MUCH_ better than -ao pulse00:05
histoDimitar: I have no idea what you are talking about?00:05
halcyon-skyhow's it goin tonight, guys00:05
rwweightiesk: It's on natty. You should /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support related to it.00:06
gsfai!offtopic | halcyon-sky00:06
ubottuhalcyon-sky: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:06
Frenkgsfai: if i vi it vi wants to create a new file00:06
the_eye_<maco> yes, I cant mount samba shares in nautilus. Only mounts with ip00:06
gsfaithen try /etc/my.cnf00:06
macothe_eye_: no idea00:07
halcyon-skycan i ask a best practices questoin here or do I need to post that in offtopic?00:07
LxndrMy Ubuntu desktop computer refuses to boot (I get a 'Gave up waiting for root device.' error). It booted fine six days ago, before I shut it off to go spend holidays with my family. Now it fails. Please tell me how to get my desktop working again so I'm not stuck on my laptop.00:07
woodzythanks guys, it worked. :)00:07
bobbydwoodzy: np00:07
jon8now hear me out ... i _KNOW_ there are plenty of threads regarding .bashrc and people posting theres. Does anyone care to share theirs via pastebin.ca -- that would contain things that would help a nub like myself? Please K? thanks! :)00:07
woodzybobbyd, can i use purge to reset my desktop settings to default?00:07
Frenkgsfai: this file also dont exist - what the heck is going on oO00:08
gsfaiFrenk, my.cnf is probably playing hide&seek :P00:09
LxndrMy Ubuntu 10.10 desktop computer refuses to boot (I get a 'Gave up waiting for root device.' error). It booted fine six days ago, before I shut it off to go spend holidays with my family. Now it fails. Please tell me how to get my desktop working again so I'm not stuck on my laptop. Can anyone help?00:09
gsfaitry ~/.my.cnf00:09
gsfaiLxndr, fsck00:09
mockilloLxndr: Boot livecd and fsck the disk00:09
Frenkgsfai: i think locate is fine and if locate didnt find anything ... the file just dont exist -.-00:09
gsfaiwow fsck is sooo easy to mispell00:10
gsfaiFrenk, i would say you try to reinstall the mysql-server package00:10
Lxndrmockillo, gsfai: I lack any CDs of Ubuntu (and this laptop fails to have a CD burner, as well).00:10
mockilloHave a pendrive?00:11
Frenkgsfai: apt-get install -reinstall mysql-server?00:11
gsfaiLxndr, can you boot into recovery mode?00:11
gsfaifrenk: i would prefer    apt-get remove --purge mysql-server && apt-get install mysql-server00:11
Frenkgsfai: does it delete my databases oO???00:11
gsfaiehh probably00:11
macoFrenk: purge likely will00:12
gsfaitry going into a terminal00:12
Lxndrmockillo: No pen drive. gsfai: I've tried every recovery mode I have (I have 4 available in GRUB). None boot. Windows XP (available in GRUB, as well) *does* boot.00:12
gsfaiand typing    sudo find / -name "*my*cnf"00:12
mockilloSo you can boot XP?00:13
Lxndrmockillo: I can, indeed, boot XP.00:13
v0lksmananyone know if I need any additional libs to be able to access a blackberry tour 9630 in 10.04?00:13
v0lksmanlsusb doesn't list any RIM devices00:13
mockilloLxndr: What filesystem is your disk? ext3 or 4?00:14
v0lksmanbut the phone is charging off my USB port so I know it's not a connection issue...00:14
Lxndrmockillo: Not entirely sure. How can I find that out?00:14
v0lksmannothing in dmesg either...seems pretty suspect00:15
mockilloWell, boot from another device that can read the filesystem :P00:15
mockilloLxndr: Can't you burn a new livecd from this computer if you can boot Windows XP?00:15
Frenkgsfai: Just /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_safe_syslog.cnf  and /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/examples/my-small.cnf00:15
fabiobikwhat is the command to update list00:16
fabiobikupdate pakages00:16
Lxndrmockillo: If I had a blank CD, probably. Unfortunately, I lack one.00:16
fabiobikin ubuntu00:16
v0lksmanfabiobik, apt-get update00:16
mockilloaptitude update and upgrade00:16
mockilloupdate for list, upgrade for actual upgrade of packages00:16
fabiobikto upgrade the list00:17
fabiobikto see if have new versions of pakages00:17
Dimitarhisto what now i installed it00:17
Skaperencan you do 2 or more commands on apt-get at once, like doing an update, upgrade, and install some packages, all in one apt-get command?00:17
Dimitarwhere is the partition? :)00:17
gsfaiFrenk, try reading /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqld_safe_syslog.cnf,   /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/examples/my-small.cnf is just a documentation00:17
mockilloLxndr: Ah :S Well, your best bet is to get a nother device to boot from.00:17
Lxndrmockillo: Just got a blank CD. Let's see if burning actually works.00:17
mockilloGo for it :)00:17
Frenkgsfai: content of the file> [mysqld_safe] syslog00:18
Lxndr(tbh, I have horrible luck burning CDs)00:18
mockillofabiobik: aptitude update and then aptitude upgrade will update your repos and show you available upgrades, and ask you to do them.00:18
histoDimitar: i've been responding to you that I have no idea what you are talking about.00:18
gsfaiFrenk, im honestly out of ideas,00:18
Dimitarhisto i installed the ext reader00:18
bluezoneLxndr: same, just dont do like me and use the built in windows one00:18
Dimitarhisto so how can i see my files now ?00:18
Random832i removed a bunch of packages and now ssh X11 forwarding doesn't work, what am I missing?00:18
gem_catwhat is the deal with the permissions in Ubuntu? - I changed the permissions /dev/sg2 to (r-x) but the scanimage does not see it00:18
gsfairead /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.1/examples/my-small.cnf00:19
* Random832 was trying to remove everything gui related except a couple programs00:19
mockilloLxndr: imgburn is rather safe, if you usually have bad luck :P00:19
histoDimitar: I don't know supposedly rww said that it isn't working.  But i'd ask in #windows.00:19
Spaztic_Onehaving issues installing a program. something about my gtk libraries? I think its just an old program and looking for an old set of libs. here is my terminal: http://pastebin.com/LCGNyLLp00:19
gsfaiit might say what to do00:19
Random832what packages are required for x11 ssh forwarding to work?00:19
* gsfai is never out of ideas00:19
=== al3x is now known as Guest66777
Skaperenwhat I would like to do is an apt-get upgrade and an apt-get install for some packages, all at once, so it lists everything to be done for both and asks me Y/N just once00:19
mockilloRandom832: X11 and SSH server I assume00:20
Random832mockillo: define "X11'00:20
SkaperenRandom832: just the ssh client00:20
mockilloOn Debian I just had to install ssh server and the core xorg package atleast.00:20
mockilloNot sure what that package is called on ubuntu00:20
Frenkgsfai: thanks00:20
Random832Skaperen: er, server side. as in, i can't forward my Xming from putty on my windows machine00:20
SkaperenRandom832: then run ssh in a context where DISPLAY variable is set00:20
Random832and it worked before and my putty config hasn't changed00:20
SkaperenRandom832: are you running an X server on your windows machine?00:21
Random832Skaperen: yes00:21
dnquarkgreetings all.  after I upgraded to 10.10, grub2 lost my Windows menu entries00:21
Random832did i not mention Xming?00:21
Frenkgsfai: mh maybe I need to create the my.conf file?00:21
gsfaiFrenk, x-actly :P00:21
SkaperenRandom832: the question then is if putty will detect that and do it automatically00:21
Random832it worked before, and nothing's changed on this end00:21
Frenkis there a default file?00:21
SkaperenRandom832: the forwarding is initiated by the client00:21
dnquarkand os-prober doesn't detect windows00:21
Frenklike an example i can just paste00:21
Random832Skaperen: nothing has changed in my putty config00:21
Random832but i've uninstalled a bunch of stuff on the ubuntu machine00:22
dnquarkcan somone help me add windows entries back to grub?..00:22
Random832what _exactly_ does ssh x11 forwarding depend on, on the ssh server side?00:22
gsfainot just ubuntu, but my whole room is falling apart O_O00:23
SkaperenRandom832: ssh will know you have an X11 context when it seens the environment variable DISPLAY defined (possibly with the correct X11 reference syntax)00:23
gsfaimaybe 2012 was wrong? maybe its 2011?00:23
SkaperenRandom832: I don't know how a program on Windows would detect that there is an X server running there00:23
Random832Skaperen: it's NOT a problem on the windows/putty end - nothing has changed there00:23
SkaperenRandom832: so putty is setting up the forwarding?00:24
Random832the problem is the _only_ visible difference is that $DISPLAY isn't defined on the ubuntu side after i connect, and i haven't made any changes on the windows end00:25
Frenkgsfai: no i created both files - mysql still doesnt work00:25
Random832i don't have a clue how to diagnose this, and you need to just STOP telling me it's something wrong with my putty config because NOTHING has changed there since it worked before00:25
SkaperenRandom832: is the sshd on the ubuntu side doing a listen on an X11 port number?00:25
Random832no, it's not - that's the PROBLEM00:25
Random832there is something i have uninstalled that it apparently needed to do that and i have no clue what00:26
gsfaifrenk: there should be an option for mysql to get its configuration from. find it!00:26
xPhilosxSo whats the story on 10.10 networking?  I've look for solutions for about 2 hours and I cannot get even a wired connection established.  I've tried to use the standard network/interfaces configuration and the Network applet but neither seem to work.  Is there some well known bug that I can't seem to locate?00:26
=== aidrocsid is now known as melange
SkaperenRandom832: then either the sshd config is blocking it (that'd not the default) or putty is not initiating it for some reason (must not be due to the configs you didn't change, but maybe something else)00:26
Dr_Williswhen doing X forwarding - i thought the SSH agent set somthing up for that.00:26
Random832the ONLY thing that has changed since when it worked is i have uninstalled a large number of packages on the ubuntu side00:27
SkaperenRandom832: you need openssh-server on the ubuntu side00:27
Random832uh, that wasn't one of them - i know i need a sshd :P00:27
Dr_Willisperhaps the ssh agent is not part of sshd.. but in some other package.00:27
=== Guest180 is now known as ogra
SkaperenRandom832: that should be all you need ... but I don't have putty so I can't test it that way ... I have Debian, Slackware, and Ubuntu here right now00:28
Random832Skaperen: and you have an ubuntu box that has nothing X-related installed except for [say] gdmap and its dependencies?00:28
FrenkI try mysqld_safe )00:28
Dr_WillisRandom832:  so youy are using what on the windows side to actually Display the X programs? xming?00:28
Random832there's no x server, there's no metapackage like xbase-clients or xutils00:29
Random832i'm thinking there's something in one of the latter that is missing00:29
Random832Dr_Willis: yes00:29
SkaperenRandom832: I do have servers with no X at work00:29
Random832Skaperen: and you can run X apps on them?00:29
Random832and they have no X server _installed_ not just none running00:29
SkaperenRandom832: no ... because those apps are not there00:29
Dr_WillisRandom832:  ive done similer setups.. but i found letting the xming wizard handle just launchign me an xterm worked better then using putty :)00:29
Frenkgsfai: mysqld_safe works =)00:30
gsfaithe lamp works too :P00:30
Random832Skaperen: my goal is to run X apps on a computer that has no X server installed, displaying on the forwarded display00:30
Random832for some reason it's not working00:30
Random832and you're just saying that it should work without any evidence00:30
mockilloRandom832: Just to rule out windows/putty end, don't you have a linux box around you can ssh -X to the ubuntu server just to check?00:30
=== jethrot is now known as bdbdbd
SkaperenRandom832: I think the question is, if I ssh from my Ubuntu+X11 desktop at work to one of the servers, will the X port be listening even though no X apps are there to use it ... that I don't know ... would have to test it tomorrow00:31
Random832mockillo: I have already ruled out the windows/putty end to my satisfaction. It literally worked two hours ago.00:31
mockilloWell, you need X installed on the physical machine that executes the code.00:31
Random832and nothing has changed on that end00:31
Dr_WillisRandom832:  just testing here.. i putty in, with the X forwarding enabled. I get a DISPLAY of 'localhost:11.0'00:31
Random832i was even _in the same putty ssh session_ when it stopped working00:31
mockilloAnd in the case of X forwarding you execute the code on the remote end00:31
SkaperenRandom832: did sshd just stop listening on the X11 port while in that session?00:32
SkaperenRandom832: or did DISPLAY get undefined in the shell?00:32
Random832Skaperen: i don't actually know, i didn't check netstat before restarting putty00:33
Random832all i know is i could no longer run apps, and after i restarted putty it no longer listened on the port or defined DISPLAY for the [new] shell00:33
SkaperenRandom832: but NOW ... when you make a new ssh session, it is NOT even listening on the X port at all?00:33
Random832it's not listening on it at all00:33
gem_catgsfai, I am new to Ubuntu but have used another dist for many years - I am trying to get my scanner to work - it works cl with sudo - I tried changing the port permissions but scanimage does not see the scanner without sudo - what else do I need to change?00:33
bobbydRandom832: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI00:34
Dr_Willisxming latest versions are still not Public are they. :( have to use the version from 2007 if i want the free version.00:34
SkaperenRandom832: any way you can do a similar test from a Linux/BSD/Unix desktop box running an X server, with genuine openssh client, to the same box, and see if that has the same problem?00:34
Random832i'm not made of computers00:34
SkaperenRandom832: just asking00:35
gsfaigem_cat, im afraid i've never worked with scanners :/00:35
bobbydRandom832: really?00:35
KM0201Random832: lol...00:35
supercom32When looking at the sensor applet, what does temp1, temp2 mean? I know what core1, core2 means but...00:35
gem_catthanks anyway gsfai00:35
gsfaisupercom32, temperature00:35
SkaperenRandom832: to diagnose it, I'd have to do some things with an ssh client ... and I have no idea how to do those things with putty00:35
Random832bobbyd: THANK YOU!00:35
bobbydsupercom32: mainboar temp?00:36
SkaperenRandom832: with openssh client, I'd set up some debugging modes00:36
Random832Skaperen: bobbyd's link pointed out i need xauth00:36
DysteR_HelpMewheres everyone00:36
supercom32bobbyd: No idea. But it shows a higher temprature than the core1, core2 does so.00:36
bobbydRandom832: google is your friend00:37
Random832bobbyd: i tried google, stuff like 'x11 forwarding stopped working'00:37
Random832doesn't work if i don't know what to search for00:37
bobbydsupercom32: doesn't the lmsensors client tell you that?00:37
gsfaiI FOUND THE PROBLEM!!!!11!!!oneone!!!!!!!eleven!!!00:37
gsfaiit originates from a library called libc00:37
bobbydRandom832: use metagoogle00:37
SkaperenRandom832: you won't need xauth if you do "xhost +" on an existing session via that X server ... how to do that in Windows I have no idea00:38
SkaperenRandom832: "xhost +" tells X to allow any host to connect00:38
gsfaishcherbak, lol wtf? :P00:38
bergqvistjlIs this the right room for a major bug/problem troubleshooting?00:38
supercom32bobbyd: It says smBus nForce2 adapter. Whats that?00:38
Random832Skaperen: er, then i wouldn't be doing SSH X11 forwarding i'd just be directly connecting to X00:38
exxtremeexaile is not connecting to shoutcast radio..i upgraded it to and still won't work.00:39
bobbydsupercom32: that's the motherboard chipset00:39
shcherbakPillow on keyboard.00:39
SkaperenRandom832: ssh can do forwarding with or without xauth ... but X might not allow it00:39
bobbydsupercom32: try googling that and maybe someone on the hyperwebs knows :)00:39
=== DysteR_HelpMe is now known as DysteR_Posting
SkaperenRandom832: I've done it ... but that wasn't a case with Windows, so I don't know the effect with that00:40
bergqvistjlill ask anyway lol, Basically (ive had this problem with Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 both 64bit), every now and then (Usually every 2nd or 3rd time i start up), the system refuses to finish booting.00:40
gsfaiSO. how can i reinstall libc without removing half of my programs?00:40
bergqvistjlits stops booting and completely freezes the system and seemingly random places during bootup, always before X starts.00:40
SkaperenRandom832: I do understand that this situation would not have given you an obvious search term to google for00:41
bobbydbergqvistjl: does it only happen on boot?00:41
gartralI have a darn strange problem00:41
bergqvistjlyes, if it actually completes booting then its fine00:41
exxtremegsfai: try sudo apt-get install libc600:41
bergqvistjli thought it was because i had my USB webcam in but it wasnt that.00:42
bergqvistjlit just does it randomly though00:42
bobbydbergqvistjl: then you need to grab a syslog from the failure and see if it's also producing a core dump00:42
gsfaino changes00:42
BlueFish_hello room does anyone know a good video podcast ,something like a how to (linux based-ubuntu )????00:42
jb__I'm getting a lot of background static on my speakers in ubuntu that I don't get in windows- any suggestions?00:42
bergqvistjlhow would i get that?00:42
Skaperenbergqvistjl: how long of time have you given it to finish ... just in case something is just taking way too long?00:42
Random832Skaperen: putty manages its own authorization, i think, now that i look at the options00:42
bobbydsyslog should be somewhere in /var/log00:42
Frenknow i have got a new problem - my website is running (uses mysql) but i cant access phpmyadmin00:42
bergqvistjli can tell its frozen cos the keyboard leds dont light up. (num lock etc)00:43
Skaperenbergqvistjl: OK, 2 hours is beyond any of the delays I know about00:43
gsfaifrenk: no other clues?00:43
Frenkgsfai: no ... site is running - in safe mode and with mysqld00:43
hiexpohola Edgan00:43
bergqvistjlfrom the kernel messages i get on screen theres no errors, just the next line fails to appear and i know its frozen00:43
bergqvistjlno HDD activity either00:44
gsfaiwhat do you get when trying to connect with it?00:44
bobbydbergqvistjl: is it always at the same line? or near the same place?00:44
Skaperenbergqvistjl: at this point I'd guess some device is not responding after it first did respond to a probe ... USB devices are sometimes culpable in this ... the syslog as suggested might help00:44
Frenk#2013 Unable to connect to server00:44
rats_BlueFish_: try http://www.thelinuxlink.net/00:44
bergqvistjlerm no, sometimes its before the fsck, sometimes its after.00:44
Spaztic_Onehaving issues installing a program. something about my gtk libraries? I think its just an old program and looking for an old set of libs. here is my terminal: http://pastebin.com/LCGNyLLp00:44
Frenkin phpmyadmin00:44
Skaperenbergqvistjl: did you try doing Ctrl+Alt+F1 to see if X would let you out to a text console?00:45
BlueFish_thanks rat00:45
bergqvistjlno, no keyboard response whatsoever00:45
bergqvistjlthis happens before X starts up00:45
jb__I wonder if anyone can help: I'm getting a lot of background static on my speakers in ubuntu that I don't get in windows- any suggestions?00:45
gsfaifrenk: safemode obviously only supports connectin via the socket, not via port 336255215 or whatever port mysql uses00:45
bergqvistjlit even does it if i boot into recovery mode as well00:45
bobbydbergqvistjl: hmm, well I would run "lspci" and google for problems with your mainboard chipset or other components. And remove everything from the machine that you don't need connected00:46
gartralI have a latencey issue with an atheros wifi card, can anyone help me pinpoint the problem? i'm running 10,10 32-bit00:46
bobbydbergqvistjl: either some component is just broken, or there's a bug that's causing the kernel to lock up00:46
bergqvistjlI have AHCI set for my HDD (1 sata drive), and my keyboard and mouse are USB, no other devices.00:46
bobbydbergqvistjl: if there's a core dump on disk, that might give some clues00:46
bobbydbergqvistjl: do you run windows too?00:47
Skaperenbergqvistjl: next time it happens try this to see if the kernel is locked up hard ... Alt+SysRq+u then Alt+SysRq+o00:47
bobbydand obviously no lock-ups there?00:47
bergqvistjlno probs on windows lol00:47
bobbydhad to ask :)00:47
jimi_I have a floppy disk image i mounted. I edited some files, now I want to push those changes back into the image. I tried dd if=/mnt/floppy of=foo.img but it says /mnt/floppy is a directory00:48
gartralI have a latencey issue with an atheros wifi card, can anyone help me pinpoint the problem? i'm running 10,10 32-bit00:48
bergqvistjlI have never had a BSOD in 1 year of using win7 lol, whereas all my mates have lol.00:48
bergqvistjli must be lucky00:48
Skaperenbergqvistjl: if those 2 keyboard actions get to the kernel, the first will remount all filesystems read/only and the 2nd will power off00:48
bergqvistjli think the last time it happened on 10.04, i looked at the logs and they just stopped, with no errors.00:48
gartralthere's no reason i need too ping out of freenode when im on WIFI00:49
Frenkmysqld obviously doesnt start at all =(00:49
gsfaianyway ladies and gentleman, im going to rejoin tomorrow00:49
bergqvistjlits just odd that it only randomly happens, and not always in the exact same place00:49
gartralbergqvistjl: I've had that happen 10.04 was log deficient00:49
gsfaiFrenk, check , check, cheeeeeeeck the .cnf00:49
Quantum_IonBSOD you like it00:49
Skaperenbergqvistjl: have you installed a proprietary video driver?00:49
gsfaithats all i have to say00:49
bergqvistjlyes Nvidia00:49
gsfaihave a nice night00:50
Quantum_IonI never had a BSOD on Ubuntu Linux but sometimes filesystems locked up on me because my computer was too Hot00:50
JeruvyQuantum_Ion: i00:50
Skaperenbergqvistjl: I've had Nvidia drive lock on me a couple times ... I'm sure it was Nvidia ... but it was still rare00:50
bergqvistjlbut i dont think thats the problem, cos it also happened when booting a live CD, which wasnt using proprietory drivers00:50
Spaztic_OneAnyone able to help with gtk problems?00:50
Skaperenbergqvistjl: but some more problematic cards might hose it ... or ... it could be anything else ... usually some hardware issue00:51
bergqvistjlI hope its not my motherboard that has something funny in it somewhere which the kernel doesnt like00:51
bergqvistjl(its a Biostar t-power i45.00:51
Skaperenbergqvistjl: you could always let it run memtest86 for a day :)00:51
plustaxHey, how do I play a dvd .iso file?00:52
Skaperenbergqvistjl: when it happens, is the machine hot or cold?00:52
Moral_I need a A small ubuntu iso, I'm setting up a honeypot. I dont need X11 or anything just CLI and the basics. Can Ubuntu provide that?00:52
exxtreme<Spaztic_One> looks like ubuntu doesn't have that library (at least i can't find libgtk-1.2.so.0 in the repo00:52
plustaxI tried googling to no avail. mplayer brings the menu up but doesnt let me click anything to play it.00:52
jb__I wonder if anyone can help: I'm getting a lot of background static on my speakers in ubuntu that I don't get in windows- any suggestions?00:52
bergqvistjlits happend when cold.00:52
bergqvistjland hot00:52
tripelbthnaks someone for that "how it used to be" link00:52
tripelbsorry wrong wind00:52
Quantum_IonNvidia is known for shipping bad graphics cards especially in laptops00:52
Skaperenbergqvistjl: are you comfortable with opening it up, unplugging everything (not all at once), including RAM, and firmly plugging it all back in?00:52
bergqvistjloh ive done that already lol00:53
Skaperenbergqvistjl: OK ... well ... hmmm00:53
=== Know1edge_ is now known as Know1edge
Quantum_IonI am an using some kind of intel graphics chipset on a dell netbook00:53
Spaztic_Oneexxtreme: You know how I can get it? Also, isn't that an old library? I think gtk is up to 2.2 now00:53
Skaperenbergqvistjl: replacing parts with others similar, or leaving optional parts out, might be the next hardware diagnosis00:54
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone00:54
icarus-cspankpole, 2.22.100:54
icarus-cSpaztic_One, 2.22.100:54
bergqvistjlwell i took my tuner cards out and that made no differrence00:54
Skaperenbergqvistjl: and one important part to swap in a hardware swap test sequence is the power supply00:54
bergqvistjlthat might be tricky.00:54
Skaperenbergqvistjl: yeah ... it can require pulling a lot of stuff out to get it out00:55
bergqvistjlwell no, i just dont have another power supply00:55
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB00:55
plustaxHey, how do I play a dvd .iso file?00:55
plustaxI tried googling to no avail. mplayer brings the menu up but doesnt let me click anything to play it.00:55
Skaperenbergqvistjl: this is "borrow another 'pile of parts' (e.g. a friend's machine) time" :-)00:55
Moral_I need a A small ubuntu iso, I'm setting up a honeypot. I dont need X11 or anything just CLI and the basics. Can Ubuntu provide that?00:55
bergqvistjlis it because my HDD is on AHCI mode?00:55
exxtreme<Spaztic_One>  sometimes i have to google for a missing library from another repository. Then extract the package to an empty folder.  Start the application with LD_LIIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/library  yourapp00:56
bergqvistjlbecause i dont think it started doing that when I had it on compatibilty00:56
Skaperenbergqvistjl: I've had bad power supplies cause flaky problems about a dozen times in the past 10 years00:56
shcherbak!minimal | Moral_00:56
ubottuMoral_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:56
Moral_shcherbak, thank you.00:56
bergqvistjlthe last messages i usually get before the error appeared to be scanning the SATA pors00:56
Skaperenbergqvistjl: including two machines I built identically at the same time both fail a week apart00:56
shcherbakplustax: iso need to be mounted00:57
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB00:57
Gorilla_No_Bakaany ideas?00:57
Skaperenbergqvistjl: and it was power supply for them ... they were 5 years old00:57
plustaxshcherbak I mounted the iso00:57
bergqvistjlmy power supply is 6 months old00:57
CompositorHello I wrote a server application in my ubuntu virtual machine. i keep gettign a 10016 error when my windows host tries to connect. this includes and and even my real IP00:57
strigoi66hello room00:57
bergqvistjland it was a proper decent one00:57
bergqvistjlnot a taiwanese knock-off00:57
Skaperenbergqvistjl: still can happen at 1 month old ... depends on quality of internal parts00:58
shcherbakplustax: vlc?00:58
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bergqvistjldid you read what i said about AHCI?00:58
plustaxvlc wont play it either shcherbak00:58
strigoi66i have a problem with ubuntu 10.04lts i have installed all packages for dvd playback and yet any time i try to play a dvd i get a (could not read from drive)Error. Does anyone have any idead?00:58
icarus-c!cn | yukun00:59
ubottuyukun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:59
icarus-cicarus-c, but yes.00:59
nyRednekyukun: we can't read that language00:59
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB00:59
Gorilla_No_Bakaany ideas?00:59
Lxndrmockillo: the image is 50% downloaded. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to try burning it to a CD.00:59
bergqvistjlSkaperen: did you read what I said about my drives being on ACHI?01:00
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB never happend before with 10.401:00
Gorilla_No_Bakaany ideas?01:00
=== BlueOyster is now known as blueoyster
shcherbakplustax: mplayer -dvd-device=img.iso dvd://101:01
Skaperenbergqvistjl: yeah, but I have no idea how that might or moght not affect it01:01
mrFrog23489Hey all. So my windows pc is having troubles (won't boot all the way). I'm trying to recover some photos. I've booted up ubuntu 10.10 from the cd drive. Takes forever to get there, but I finally do. I have an external hard drive plugged in through usb. I'm copying files from the hard disk to the external hard disk. Right now it's going at like 200kb/s (way too slow). It'll take days and days to recover my data. Any ideas on how to01:01
bergqvistjli think the last messages that appear before it usuallly freezes concern scanning the sata ports for drives01:01
bergqvistjli spose i could change it over to compatability and see if that does anything?01:02
SkaperenmrFrog23489: put the drive with the desired data into another machine01:02
plustaxshcherbak its said unknown command01:02
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB never happend before with 10.401:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaany ideas?01:02
UncleChipsI have Ubuntu 9.04 under /etc/lighttpd/conf-available and conf-enabled... I can't find 10-auth.conf and might've deleted it before accidentally... I tried "sudo lighty-enable-mod auth" but the file is still missing... How can I rebuild it?01:02
Skaperenbergqvistjl: unplug all sata drives and boot from USB and see how that goes01:02
shcherbakplustax: mplayer?01:02
plustaxwait should I type that exactly or put the path of the iso file in?01:03
bergqvistjlwell ill get back tomorow01:03
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB never happend before with 10.401:03
icarus-cplustax, of course the path to your iso file01:03
Skaperenbergqvistjl: g/l01:03
Gorilla_No_Bakaany ideas? cheers01:03
plustaxyeah I did this01:03
plustaxmplayer -dvd-device=/home/plustax/Videos/movies/ETID_SHITHAPPENS.ISO dvd://101:03
randomOfAmberhello, if I have this working: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/Testing/UsingGesturetest with this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/AppleMagicTrackpad , then why can't I scroll with two fingers in applications?01:03
shcherbakplustax: sorry, gave you rip command, this one: mplayer -dvd-device /mnt dvd://01:04
plustaxwhere in there do I put the path?01:04
UncleChipsrandomOfAmber: scroll with TWO fingers? I thought scrolling up/down required one, and sideways required two01:04
plustaxcan you take that path I just gave you and make a line for me?01:04
Know1edgeAnyone know how to set the mousewheel scroll speed so its not super fast?01:04
randomOfAmberUncleChips: well you can set it in mouse prefs01:04
randomOfAmberKnow1edge: system > preferences > mouse?01:05
Know1edgeRandom832: Nope01:05
Gorilla_No_BakaGuys , I have a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 32 bits I get a "error splicing file: input output error" when i try to copy stuff from my hd to my USB never happend before with 10.4 ...Any ideas on how to get around this?? Cheers!01:05
=== hailu is now known as hailu|afk
aeon-ltdKnow1edge: its limited, by something like 3 lines a scroll (one click of the gear)01:05
Know1edgeaeon-ltd: its scrolling way too fast01:06
Know1edgelike not even usable01:06
plustaxshcherbak can you put that path I gave you in the command I need to put in and paste it for me? :D01:06
plustaxThat path is where the actual file is in my computer. Do I need to use archive mounter to mount it first?01:06
blueoysterplustax, seriously man?01:06
fabiobikanyone here from portugal?01:07
bluezoneWhy is transmission going so slow compared to utorrent on windows, ( it is the same torrent) I wouldnt be complaining but im getting like 0.5kBps01:07
plustaxyeah I dont know what Im doing01:07
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, what type of file and how is the usb formatted and is it a HD or a thumb01:07
blueoysterplustax, put the command into a text editor and type01:07
randomOfAmberbluezone: did you tweak the preferences at all? blocklist, prefer/require encryption, max peers/torrent?01:07
plustaxblueoyster you arent getting it. Thats not what Im asking him for.01:07
randomOfAmberalso, I think #transmission might have a channel of it's own01:07
plustaxI dont know WHERE in that command to put it.01:07
blueoysterah hah! i see01:08
borkednbrokenHey guys. I ran a bash script that tried to make my plymouth resolution higher, but it resulted in causing Ubuntu to only boot into recovery, and not able to boot normally at all. I think it somehow messed up my /etc/default/grub, could anyone pastebin theirs so I can compare? Also, any advice about my problem in general would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks a ton!01:08
randomOfAmber!hi ^^DP^^01:08
plustaxI can get my mplayer to PLAY the iso file. The dvd menu even comes up01:08
plustaxBut I cant click play01:08
GayAndProudHey fellow gays!!!!!01:08
randomOfAmber!hi | ^^DP^^01:08
plustaxand it starts cycling through the different dvd menus01:08
shcherbakplustax: what path?01:08
^^DP^^"fellow gays"?01:09
plustaxshcherbak this is the command I put in   mplayer /home/plustax/Videos/movies/ETID_SHITHAPPENS.ISO01:09
GayAndProudI'm gay :d01:09
nit-witnot that there's anything wrong with that01:09
plustaxand it opens the movie and plays the menu screen and cycles quickly through the screens. But I cant click play01:09
^^DP^^ME TOO01:09
GayAndProudI love cox01:10
shcherbakplustax: point to mounted directory01:10
gartralthere's no reason i need too ping out of freenode when im on WIFI01:10
borkednbroken!offtopic | ^^DP^^01:10
ubottu^^DP^^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:10
plustaxahhh okay01:10
gartralI have a latencey issue with an atheros wifi card, can anyone help me pinpoint the problem? i'm running 10,10 32-bit01:10
GayAndProud18 m California01:10
^^DP^^20 m london01:10
bluezonerandomOfAmber, yes, and i even tried another port several times01:10
borkednbroken!offtopic > GayAndProud01:10
ubottuGayAndProud, please see my private message01:10
icarus-cis that minute or millisecond..01:10
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  as for now... (I have only installed Ubuntu ) we are talking of .avi files around 700MB The usb flash drive i have it is formated ntfs (filesystem type msdos) Sandisk01:10
Quantum_IonGayAndProud, How lomg you been Gay ?01:10
CyLEvening folks, trying to mount a LVM LV which has the option user specified in /etc/fstab results in an permission denied error while trying to access the device... any advice on how can I overcome this?01:11
GayAndProudU baby love l01:11
^^DP^^GayAndProud, rpivate chat?01:11
plustaxshcherbak that didnt work01:11
plustaxthe mounted path is archive://file%253A%252F%252F%252Fhome%252Fplustax%252FVideos%252Fmovies%252FETID_SHITHAPPENS.ISO/01:11
CyL!votekick GayAndProud01:11
Quantum_IonGayAndProud, I hope you can get married to your boyfriend soon01:11
^^DP^^Im gay, so what01:11
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, strange error I have never run into this, No OS on the thumb correct?01:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:11
shcherbakplustax: how did you mount it?01:11
GayAndProudI gucking love hairy black cock01:11
plustaxI right clicked the file and used archive mounter01:11
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit: OS as in operating system?01:12
plustaxit put it on my desktop01:12
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!01:12
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, yes01:12
Quantum_Ionthis convo is going nuts01:12
^^DP^^What's the point of this chat?01:12
jetlinkinI bought a new polaroid monitor for my son running 10.04 on an emachine.  Ubuntu boots and I can see the splash screen but then get a message on the screen that says "unsupported" with no other display01:12
Gorilla_No_Bakanope.. just a regular usbflashdrive i use to store stuff.. never happend this stuff before ... not since warty01:12
KM0201Quantum_Ion: can't believe you encouraged it01:12
Quantum_Ionto talk about Ub untu01:12
Quantum_IonKM0201, lol I am not a hater01:13
KM0201Quantum_Ion: me either, but there's a time and a place01:13
plustaxshcherbak how should I mount it? I used archive mounter. Right clicked the file01:13
randomOfAmberhas anyone used testdrive before?01:13
bluezoneWhy is transmission going so slow compared to utorrent on windows, ( it is the same torrent) I wouldnt be complaining but im getting like 0.5kBps01:13
bluezone(yes i tweaked the settings)01:13
shcherbakplustax: mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mnt01:13
Gorilla_No_Bakabluezone:  because of your isp..01:14
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, usually a thumb is better as a fat32, you might try that. The sandisk also has a U3 file which has caused problems, never heard of anythining associated with your error though01:14
bluezoneGorilla_No_Baka,  no i get speeds of 1 mBps on windows with utorrent01:14
Gorilla_No_Bakabluezone:  because of your isp.. try to enable the encryption or just download deluge and make sure you have the encryption enabled for the full stream01:14
jetlinkinI put in a live desktop cd and I can get into rescue mode.  I can't remember the file to edit for the monitor settings01:14
Gorilla_No_Bakabluezone:  all right01:14
azizLIGHTShow can i see the cpu usage % in livecd01:14
Gorilla_No_Baka i never use transmission.. is for me is very slow... i use deluge01:15
loteci am about to do my first ubuntu install any pointers01:15
^^DP^^is this like a tech support chat?01:15
nit-witbluezone, try deluge in linux01:15
randomOfAmberlotec: back up your data, ask if you have questions :)01:15
cryptodirawould someone point me to the solution for making the backlit keyboard light up after boot on a toshiba satellite notebook with amd chips and running  10.04..thanks.01:15
shcherbakbluezone: enable more connections, peer exchange, encription01:15
CyLEvening folks, trying to mount a LVM LV which has the option user specified in /etc/fstab results in an permission denied error while trying to access the device... any advice on how can I overcome this?01:15
d9500azizLIGHTS, click System--Administration--System Monitor01:15
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  it is a normal usb without the U3 thing.. i don`t like that crap i delete it right away01:15
=== ^^DP^^ is now known as _____DP
azizLIGHTSthx d950001:16
lotecgot an error right out of the bat, initramfs Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/ubuntu/01:16
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plustaxshcherbak check pm's my friend01:16
d9500azizLIGHTS, no problem.01:16
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Gorilla_No_Bakawell there is  STUPID bug then in ubuntu 10.10  i mean this error is all over the internet  http://www.google.com/search?q=Error+splicing+file:+Input/output+error+ubuntu&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=ivnsfd&ei=s4UaTd7SPISWhQfK5qi3Dg&start=20&sa=N01:16
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, other then the error isplicing file any other error like fle size...etcs there01:17
Gorilla_No_Bakanope that`s it..01:17
Gorilla_No_Bakanope that`s it.. nit-wit01:17
jetlinkinI bought a new polaroid monitor for my son running 10.04 on an emachine.  Ubuntu boots and I can see the splash screen but then get a message on the screen that says "unsupported" with no other display01:17
jetlinkinI put in a live desktop cd and I can get into rescue mode.  I can't remember the file to edit for the monitor settings01:17
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UnholyTerrorjetlinkin, that's all it says?01:18
d9500jetlinkin, are you referring to xorg.conf? i didn't think newer ubuntus still used that unless you'd installed proprietary video car drivers01:18
ZykoticK9jetlinkin, "unsupported" is an odd message to be getting.  If you have and /etc/X11/xorg.conf file you should move it to a different name to allow autodetection.01:18
jetlinkinUnholyTerror:  Yes.  I just get a splash in the center of the screen.  I think it is generated by the monitor itself01:19
=== hailu|afk is now known as hailu
UnholyTerrorjetlinkin, does it work with the livecd in normal mode?01:20
borkednbrokenHey guys. I ran a bash script that tried to make my plymouth resolution higher, but it resulted in causing Ubuntu to only boot into recovery, and not able to boot normally at all. I think it somehow messed up my /etc/default/grub, could anyone pastebin theirs so I can compare? Also, any advice about my problem in general would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks a ton!01:20
jetlinkinZykoticK9: yeah that is the file I was looking for and I do not have it.  I need it to autodetect again01:20
cryptodirawould someone point me to the solution for making the backlit keyboard light up after boot on a toshiba satellite notebook with amd chips and running  10.04..thanks.01:20
ndxtgI've just created a new logical partition,  what is the fastest way to move files from other partitions to it (same HDD)?01:20
jetlinkinUnholyTerror:  yes I can get it working with the cd but as soon as I boot from harddrive I loose the display01:20
ZykoticK9jetlinkin, if you don't have it then autodetection is already in place.  what graphics card are you using, and what cable type are you using?01:21
askHi, new to ubuntu 10.10 need help with networking,  i can see windows pc onmy network on the ubuntu pc but cannot see ubuntu pc on the windows 7 network.  I can ping ubuntu pc from windows 7 but not the other way around01:21
Sean93"mkvextract tracks ~/Videos/Avatar\ 1080p\ sample/Avatar.2009.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-ESiR.sample.mkv TID1:Track\ ID\ 4" gives the error "Error: Invalid track ID/file name specification in argument 'TID1:Track ID 4'". how do i fix it?01:22
jetlinkinZykoticK9:  Well I can't seem to figure out the card.  and the cable is a new VGA cable from the store and it works with the live cd01:22
ZykoticK9ask, the not being able to ping could be explained if you have a firewall on your windows box.01:22
shcherbakSean93: try \ in front of :01:23
GnurduxHas anyone had anything like this happen with compiz: http://imagebin.org/12987201:23
askit is windows fire wal , I disabled it but the same with o effect01:23
ZykoticK9jetlinkin, was wondering if it was VGA or the DV type...  sorry i have no idea then.  best of luck.01:23
shcherbakSean93: sorry, thats silly01:23
UnholyTerrorjetlinkin, is the computer running the livecd right now?01:23
ZykoticK9jetlinkin, from livecd if you run "lspci | grep -i vga" it should list your video card.01:24
jetlinkinUnholyTerror: yes.  I was booted in rescue mode but am now reloading just a normal mode from the live cd01:24
jetlinkinZykoticK9: BINGO  that is the command I have been trying to remember.  Thanks.  I am still pretty new and could not remember.  Now i can figure out the card01:25
askZykoticK9, i have tried disabling firewall on windows box , still cannot ping01:26
jetlinkinZykoticK9: The card is a ATI RS480 (Radeon Xpress 22G Series)01:27
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jetlinkinZykoticK9: * 200G Series01:28
lotecis ubuntu going to run ok on this laptop? 1.4 core solo and 512mb of ram?01:29
Moral_lotec, yes, it should.01:29
KM0201ask: are you using virtualbox by chance?01:29
ZykoticK9jetlinkin, well now you know the card :)  Sorry man I can't help with ATI stuff, best of luck.01:29
UnholyTerrorlotec, slow with more than a few apps open....01:30
splinterHi All01:30
Belial`does anyone else have a problem with nautilus sometimes having slow operation while music is playing?01:30
atoimmm, what's the starndard command to disable apache2 running on startup? Or what conf do I edit on Ubuntu?01:30
Belial`even starting up slower than usual.01:30
jsecJust installed UNE on a new netbook I bought... and there is no wireless connectivity. In Network Connections, there isn't even a wireless device listed. Ideas on how to fix this?01:30
aeon-ltdlotec: if you really want to make it lightweight i wouldn't use gnome ubuntu, perhaps lubuntu or xubuntu, mayb start from minimal/server install if you have the time01:30
dome22xlYeah Moral your ram is a little low but i think the CPU will help it out.01:30
splinterI have a quick query, been trawling google most of the evening without a solid answer. is there a way to run itunes/an itunes clone so i can transfer music to my iphone?01:30
KM0201jsec: need to figure out your wireless device  open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, hit enter, and find your wireless device, don't post the whole list here01:30
shcherbakjsec: run jockey-text01:31
Moral_dome22xl, talking to the wrong person, direct the answer at lotec01:31
Moral_jsec, also, type dmesg and look for errors regarding the wireless device01:31
ZykoticK9!iphone | splinter01:31
ubottusplinter: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:31
KM0201Moral_: it's probably just not detected, my guess is, broadcom or ralink01:31
lotecnot finding my wireless card01:32
loteci am just on the live cd,01:32
Moral_KM0201, yeah, agreed.01:32
=== Nisstyre65 is now known as cupcakes
KM0201lotec: do you knoww hat your wireless device is?01:32
=== cupcakes is now known as pink_cupcakes
UnholyTerrorsplinter, rhythmbox or such is fine for syncing... question is does your iphone work with linux?01:32
dome22xlWhat wireless device do you have lotec ?01:32
Moral_lotec, try 'lsusb' without quotes01:32
Moral_I know my wireless device is usb01:32
Moral_even though it's internal01:32
itaylor57splinter: short answer no01:32
ZykoticK9atoi, i'd check if you can see an apache file in /etc/init/ then just move it to apacheWHATEVER.conf.disabled and it "should" prevent it from autostarting01:32
KM0201Moral_: if it's internal... that shouldn't work, they run on the PCI bus01:32
splinterI can plug the phone straight in and it mounts on the desktop and rhythmbox will play the music on it01:32
Moral_KM0201, Rtl is all usb01:33
splinterbut transfering back is the issue01:33
atoiZykoticK9, yeah, I looked there... didn't see anything there.01:33
KM0201Moral_: dunno, i've got realtek on another computer, and it shows up under lspci01:33
dome22xllspci will show all of your devices lotec and you'll see the one.01:33
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:33
UnholyTerrorsplinter, what do you mean transfering back?01:33
splinterto sych from my desktop to the iphone01:33
Moral_scotty@SuperDinosaur:~/Desktop$ lsusb | grep RTL8187B01:33
Moral_Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter01:33
jsecMoral_: "Error 2 opening /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat"01:33
Gorilla_No_Baka nit-wit01:34
lotecnetwork controller is broadcom: unkinow device 431101:34
digitalfizdoes anyone know how to make wget access a webpage but not download it? can i set the output file to /dev/null?01:34
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, yes01:34
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UnholyTerrorsplinter, check the links ubottu just gave you.01:34
Moral_jsec, what's that from01:34
jsecMoral_: dmesg01:34
KM0201Moral_: i'm not calling you a liar, just saying.. onboard wiureless devices, usualy don't show up in lsusb.. usb devices do01:34
Gorilla_No_Baka nit-wit  just logged on as root and as it turned out as root I AM ABLE TO TRANSFER STUFF01:34
Moral_KM0201, agreed01:34
Moral_no hostility here :)01:34
jsecNetwork controller is a RaLink RT309001:34
Gorilla_No_Bakai do not get that error anymore01:34
splinterI have been UnholyTerror, will keep looking, thanks for that01:35
Moral_jsec, are you the one with the wireless issues?01:35
UnholyTerrorKM0201, lspci01:35
jimi_can someone recommend a image i can pxe boot, that will give me a command prompt where i can connect to a samba or windows share, and launch a windows installer?01:35
dome22xlhave you this Moral ? modprobe -f rt28060sta01:35
jsecMoral_: yes01:35
KM0201UnholyTerror: i know... moral and i were having a discussion01:35
Moral_jsec, 1 sec01:35
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, that will work but I think the transfered is root then01:35
UnholyTerrorsplinter, can't you copy  them over drag n drop?01:35
loteci dont see the wifi listed, but i am prettysure it is intel01:35
icarus-cjimi_, launch a windows installer?01:35
UnholyTerrorKM0201, yeah, i know... just thinking out load.01:35
daftykinsjimi_: got a machine that won't boot from any drive it has?01:36
Gorilla_No_Bakano no.. I enabled the root  password .. I logged in as root graphicaly using X and only then i was able to transfer the files01:36
splinterFor the iPhone4 (iOS 4.1), music syncing does NOT work as libgpod has not implemented this yet. You can view the iPhone filesystem by using ifuse. - bugger, looks like its a no go. thanks for the help though :)01:36
KM0201jsec: but i'm guessing you'll have to install tot ry this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131474701:36
Gorilla_No_Bakano no.. I enabled the root  password .. I logged in as root graphicaly using X and only then i was able to transfer the files  nit-wit01:36
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, I looked on the web seemed to be many haphazard fixes no real ones, have you just tried changing a files name?01:36
jimi_daftykins, doesnt have any drives... need to install windows for school ;(01:36
daftykinsjimi_: don't own a flash drive?01:36
CyLwell folks, I'm trying to mount something and I'm getting a permission denied error, even when trying to mount it as root, I'm a bit puzzled here, any help would be appreciated. Using Kubuntu 10.1001:36
Moral_jsec, google is telling me that file isn't essential for wireless loadup01:36
Moral_jsec, let me look around some more01:36
UnholyTerrorsplinter, i'm sure that will change soon... patience.01:36
KM0201jsec: what version of ubuntu are you using the live cd of?01:36
Gorilla_No_BakaDid that to no avail.. tried to compress it and all that ..the only thing that works is to be logged as root01:36
KM0201jsec: cuz a post in that thread, suggests it works fine w/ 10.1001:37
dome22xlsorry modprobe -f rt2860sta i meant Moral !01:37
TMKCodes_digitalfiz, yes you can with -O /dev/null option01:37
digitalfizTMKCodes_, ok thanks i was just trying that i just didnt want it to blow up lol01:37
ZykoticK9CyL, could you give some more details?  what are you mounting?  what error are you getting?01:37
Gorilla_No_Bakaso.. to me it looks like some bug.. .. somebug related with the user account permissions01:37
jsecKM0201: I've got 10.04 right now. I might d/l a copy of 10.10 if that's the case (I personally liked the 10.04 NE interface better, but I'd rather have wireless out of the box)01:37
KM0201jsec: NE interface?01:38
jsecKM0201: Netbook Edition01:38
KM0201jsec: so download the 10.10 netbook edition?01:38
Moral_Yeah, jsec that seems like the best idea.01:38
KM0201jsec: another thread... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160049801:38
jsecKM0201, Moral_: thanks for the help guys. I'm going to go grab a copy of 10.10. bbl.01:39
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  so.. to me it looks like some bug.. .. somebug related with the user account permissions ..I mean i do not mind using root at all but this is not the way it used to be and i know Ubuntu does not really encourage the using of root01:39
supercom32If I add a script to the folder "/etc/init.d" it will get run each time I startup right? As Root?01:39
gmoorejoin #ubuntu01:39
jroodhey, is there a way to use gdm themes in 10.1001:39
ZykoticK9supercom32, doubt it.01:39
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ZykoticK9jrood, short answer is No01:39
jroodlong answer?01:40
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, if you have to run that way just use alt f2 the type gksudo nutilus and you will have root in hoome01:40
supercom32ZykoticK9 is there a way to get a script to run in the Background as root at startup?01:40
Dr_Willisjrood:  install the old GDM...01:40
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, *gksudo nautilus01:40
Gorilla_No_Baka :)) nit-wit01:40
CyLZykoticK9: I'm trying to mount a LVM LV I had just created, I had added the following line in fstab: "/dev/mapper/vg-vault /mnt/vault fuse user,noauto,noexec 0 2", and when issuing a "mount /mnt/vault" I got the following error "/bin/sh: /dev/mapper/vg-vault: Permission denied", even when trying to mount it as root01:40
ZykoticK9jrood, with some 3rd party stuff you might be able to change to a handful of themes Mint and such - if you use Ubuntu Tweak01:40
Dr_Willisjrood:  there are a few gdm2 themes out.01:40
splinterthanks again. night all01:40
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  a lot easier to use ROOT:P01:41
lotecyea i dont see the wifi card listed01:41
jroodsweet, thanx!01:41
ZykoticK9CyL, sorry i know next to nothing about LVM (my first exposure recently using Fedora), best of luck.01:41
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, just the home is root then untl you close that window01:41
gmoorejoin #PinguyOS01:41
phuzionws hamradio01:41
CyLZykoticK9: well, I believe lvm is not the issue here... just treat /dev/mapper/vg-vault as a normal block device... the permission denied error is what is puzzling me01:42
CyLZykoticK9: maybe this is realted to selinux?01:42
twiztidhey all, quick question...   Ive successfully connected to my windowsXP machine from ubuntu 10.10's terminal server client but im no seeing the cursor! any ideas?01:42
ZykoticK9CyL, something else i know next to nothing about (selinux)01:42
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  just for fun i am gonna give it a shot... but since i have the root account enabled it does not really matter  to me01:42
CyLZykoticK9: any clue about the permission denied problem?01:42
ZykoticK9CyL, nope - good luck.01:43
CyLZykoticK9: thanks01:43
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supercom32does "/etc/init.d/rc.local" get run as root?01:43
icarus-csupercom32, yes01:44
itaylor57supercom32: not in 10.1001:44
supercom32icarus-c: That means any called script also gets root access? Like if I went "Tempwatch.sh &" it will get run in the background as root?01:44
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  copying.. 1.5 GB ... let`s see  if i can copy it all01:44
twiztidcursor isnt drawing while using terminal server client ubuntu->XP... but it draws just fine XP->ubuntu...01:44
supercom32itaylor57: How do I get a script to run in the background as root in 10.10?01:45
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, probably how big is the thumb01:45
Gorilla_No_Baka16 GB01:45
loteccant get wifi working?01:45
gartralcan I force focus ro never leave a window in typing in?01:45
itaylor57supercom32: unless I am wrong upstart does not run rc.local01:45
Gorilla_No_Bakaby thumb you mean the usbflash drive nit-wit  ... Right?01:45
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, yes01:46
onelinerJordan_U: around?01:46
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  16 GB .. i got space to turn around a tank..01:46
supercom32itaylor57: Well, what I want to do is run a script in the background. If say, the fan dies, I want it to run shutdown. But It needs to be root to do that. And I'd like to run in the background at each startup. Any ideas?01:46
twiztidso the connection to my XP machine from ubuntu TSClient is fine but i cant see the mouse cursor?01:47
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, I use a 16 gig with the pendrivelinux multiboot I have a bunch of dtuff on there including a W7 install01:47
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  nice one01:47
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, I bought a SDHC class 10 card 20MIB transfer rate01:48
SecConLtdI use a live cd and everytime I have to apt-get 3 programs, then I'm ready to roll01:48
nit-witSecConLtd, a live cd holds no running data it doesn't save anything01:49
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  now.. since the root account it is able to transfer the stuff without anyproblems it is clearly  a matter of permissions... Looks like the default user account ubuntu 10.10 creates does not have enough permisions..// Is there any way i can add all these permissions to the default user account ubuntu creates?01:49
SecConLtdI know... That's how pimp this live cd is01:49
twiztidi realize its not all that interesting... but why wouldnt the mouse cursor draw correctly on my ubuntu TSClient viewing XP???01:50
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, I don't know it doesn't make sense to be honest01:50
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, it may be a permission that is attached or changed by being in root, rather then root itself01:51
Gorilla_No_Bakaneither to me.. It is the first time when it happens sucha thing.. Had i not known how to enable root  and had i not tried from the root account i would have never realized...01:51
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  makes sense i guess.01:51
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  1 minute remaining... for the transfer01:52
Gorilla_No_Baka3 mb/sec01:52
Gorilla_No_Bakawell they ought to fix that one..01:53
nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, I would be curious if that file is not locked now in the regular environment01:53
DysteR_Postinganyone having troubles with Nvidia 9500m GS drivers ???????????01:53
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gartralcan I force focus ro never leave a window in typing in?01:53
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  locked as in..?01:54
jon_athonI mean... HELLO!01:54
lotecok so it has a Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card01:54
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nit-witGorilla_No_Baka, when you have to use root to get to stuff and transfer it I have found it hard to open, but  haven't messed around in this area much though.01:55
jon_athonis there any reason I shouldn't join channel #0x71 ?01:56
Gorilla_No_Bakanit-wit:  never had this problem  but then again .. i never bothered to use gksudo.. i always went and enabled the root account and logged in graphically01:56
Gorilla_No_Bakayou have full control this way01:56
twiztidI need help with solving my mouse cursor not being visible while viewing XP through ubuntu and TSC01:56
UncleChipsI just can't seem to start lightttpd after trying to enable mod_auth... I get the following error: http://paste.lighttpd.net/144301:58
UncleChipsoops /clear xD01:59
tensorpuddingmaybe that first line means that you set fastcgi.server more than once01:59
tensorpuddingyou should figure out where that duplication is01:59
icarus-cGorilla_No_Baka, gksudo comes in handy when you want to do admin stuff with GUI in your current user session02:00
bluezoneeh, i'm still getting relitively slow speeds with Deluge, sigh02:00
Gorilla_No_Bakaicarus-c:  why bother02:01
ZykoticK9!noroot > Gorilla_No_Baka02:01
ubottuGorilla_No_Baka, please see my private message02:01
UncleChipstensorpudding: updated to http://paste.lighttpd.net/1444 ... searching errors02:01
icarus-cGorilla_No_Baka, like you wouldn't want to switch between root session and your user  session while you are doing admin task and doing IM with friends02:02
twiztidi need a mouse in my TSC!!! Ive done all the hard work... does anyone know how to resolve the mouse pointer not showing through?02:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaicarus-c:  good point02:03
icarus-cGorilla_No_Baka, and it is considered risky to run a root session02:03
twiztidit shows when accessing ubuntu from xp... but when i access xp from ubuntu... no mouse... =(02:03
ZykoticK9twiztid, you might want to try the ##windows channel and see if they have any suggestions.  You don't seem to be getting much interest/input here.  Good luck.02:03
the_eye_any one knows how to open firefox from console without cotrol buttons and menus ?02:04
twiztidZykoticK9: ya, not tryin to bug... just hopin i catch someones eye... and to be honest... didnt know about ##windows !   I greatly appreciate it!02:04
icarus-cthe_eye_, firefox doesn't offer such a thing02:04
icarus-cthe_eye_, are you looking for a console web browser? w3m, elinks are good02:05
the_eye_I want X browser, midory ? or any other support it ?02:05
icarus-cthe_eye_, but if you mean firefox GUI with out menu/buttons, vimperator is a good plugin for that02:06
KFPFirefox does have a fullscreen mode...02:06
KFPHit F11 for it.02:07
the_eye_<icarus-c> yes, GUI with out menu/buttons02:07
icarus-cthe_eye_, check out vimperator plugin for firefox02:07
lotecso ubuntu does not recognize the Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card?02:07
loteci have to use ndiswrapper?02:07
the_eye_<icarus-c> any other solution without plugin ?02:08
icarus-cthe_eye_, not that i know of.02:08
icarus-clook, plugin thing is meant to extend functionality :)02:08
lotecanyone? lend a hand please?02:09
the_eye_<icarus-c> ok thanks02:09
icarus-cthe_eye_, let me guess, you are building a kiosk ?02:09
UncleChipsi need help with lighttpd, updated to include my .conf http://paste.lighttpd.net/1445 Basically... lighttpd won't start :/02:09
the_eye_<icarus-c> no, I am testin openemr02:10
Vadteci just upgraded all of the packages on my ubuntu 10.04LTS box and rebooted, and now a) my mouse moves very little when I move it (as in i move it across my mouse pad and it moves maybe 25% of what it use to) and b) the number pad on my keyboard doesnt work any longer, has anyone else noticed this behavior?02:10
nintnintthis isn't ubuntu related but i've got a usb2sata/ide/ata cable that connects stuff with a power supply to a usb port.  i've just used it for hard drives but it'd work witha bluray drive too, right?02:10
Vadtecand yes, I tried adjusting the mouse and KB settings already02:10
the_eye_<lotec> Give a lspci | grep Ethernet in console02:11
lotecthe_eye i have done that, what info do oyu need?02:11
lotecit is a Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card02:11
the_eye_<lotec> sorry lspci -nn | grep Ethernet in console02:11
azizLIGHTSim trying to change the mac address but i keep getting SIOCSIFHWADDR: cannot assign requested address.... i tried to do: sudo ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 17:e0:16:8f:11:2f02:12
uranus_gas_gianthey, I had my sound working with 10.04 LTS and upgraded and my sound disappeared *POOF* --module 'snd-es18xx' How do I fix this?02:12
the_eye_<lotec> I want the ID02:12
Vadtecanyone? this is really un-usable with the mouse the way it is02:13
lotecthe_eye nothing shows when i run lspci -nn | grep Ethernet02:13
KM0201Vadtec: ?.. whats wrong02:14
woodzyis there a way to clear out a users' configuration files either for gnome, kde, xfce, or any apps?02:14
VadtecKM0201: i updated all the packages and rebooted, and now the mouse moves hardly at all and the numpad on the kb isnt working02:14
the_eye_<lotec> then run  lspci -nn and locate your wifi card02:14
Dr_Williswoodzy:  all user  config files are in varioys .SOMTHING dirs in their home. so yes its possible to clear them out02:14
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Dr_Williswoodzy:  ubuntu-tweak has a feature to reset gnome settings back to default. You could also just manually delete the different .whatever dirs/files02:15
KM0201Vadtec: system/preferences/keyboard  click the "mouse keys" tab.. and make sure that box is unchecked.02:15
woodzythanks, dr. willis02:15
lotecthe_eye ther are 22 devices listed, none have ethernet or Ethernet listed02:15
the_eye_<lotec>xmmm try lsusb02:16
VadtecKM0201: will i need to log out/in for the change to take effect? (the box was checked)02:16
lotecthe_eye 5 devices listed none with Ethernet02:16
KM0201Vadtec: i don' think so, should be immediate02:16
cantomahey guys, what is the best place to ask questions about kile? And here it comes --> In kile 2.1 Beta 4 everytime I save a document (Ctrl+S) I have to wait a few seconds. This is annoying!! I want it to behave as fast as (ex: vim joe nano ...) during that operation. I checked in the Preferences but I didn't find any suitable option. I think it even tries to compile the file but not sure. Any clues??02:16
edbianWhat server are we on right now?02:17
jsecKM0201: I loaded up the live USB of netbook 10.10, and it seems I'm having the same problem. I'm going to install it to the HD and then try the steps outlined in those threads you referenced.02:17
KM0201edbian: freenode02:17
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VadtecKM0201: no change02:17
Guest18041ubottu: apt-fix02:17
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:17
edbianKM0201: Thanks02:17
loteci do have a 0000:0b:00.0 network Controller: Broadcom Corportation: Unknown Device 4311 (rev01) listed if i do lspci02:17
the_eye_<lotec> Are you sure that you have a working wifi adapter in your laptop ?02:17
VadtecKM0201: it even moves the same at the login screen02:17
KM0201Vadtec: hmm, what did you update from?02:18
lotecthe_eye yep working in windows02:18
VadtecKM0201: nothing, i just ran synaptic to update my 10.04LTS (which I installed fresh back in the summer)02:18
KM0201oh ok02:19
Guest18041ubottu: it didn't work02:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:19
jimi_i am getting a error message trying to pxeboot that says can not find ram disk image winpe_x86.iso but its in /tftboot and so is memdisk which was found02:19
KM0201!doesntwork | Guest1804102:19
ubottuGuest18041: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:19
JuicyJit doesnt work02:19
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
the_eye_<lotec> ok give the ID of  Broadcom with lspci -nn02:20
Guest18041KM0201: You misunderstand, I didn't say it doesn't work, I said it didn't work as in what Ubottu suggested didn't work :p02:20
sacarlsonvadtec: my guess is that the update installed a new kernel that must have mouse drivers that have caused you some problems,  so you can tell grub to boot the old one that was working02:20
KM0201Guest18041: so whats wrong/02:21
the_eye_<lotec> ID is [xxxx:xxxx]02:21
Vadtecsacarlson: i was just about to try that02:21
lotecthe_eye i am guessing 14e4:431102:21
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Guest18041KM0201: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND /var/lib/dpkg/lock:  root       3123 F.... dpkg Kill process 3123 ? (y/N) y dpkg: status database area is locked by another process02:21
sacarlsonVadtec: there is a gui called startup-manager that makes it easy to change the default kernel boot in grub02:22
KM0201Guest18041: so you have something else using dpkg..02:22
Guest18041KM0201: Indeed, but what?02:22
the_eye_<lotec> ok see here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76056802:22
the_eye_<lotec> or you can google with the ID02:22
KM0201Guest18041: common things.. synaptic is running/open, system update is running, you have another terminal running a root command..02:22
Guest18041KM0201: What caused this was I had to do an xkill on synaptic02:23
Dr_Willisand thus synaptic never cleared out its Lock file.02:23
Guest18041Dr_Willis: Exactly so how do I fix ir02:24
KM0201Guest18041: open system monitor, and look at the processes tab, and look if synaptic is still running, if so, kill it(right click, kill)02:24
Guest18041KM0201: If I xkilled it shouldn't it no longer be running?02:24
KM0201Guest18041: in theory, but it could still be a zombie02:24
Guest18041KM0201: Zombies? I thought that was only in movies?02:25
KM0201Guest18041: movies and ubuntu... look through the list and see if "gksu" didn't get killed by chance02:25
Guest18041KM0201: gksudo, close enough?02:26
KM0201Guest18041: i'd say so02:26
Guest18041KM0201: I am going to have to do to you like I did to ubottu & say "It didn't work" Same thing the termal said before.02:27
Vadtecsacarlson: yeah, i rebooted and everything seems to be working now02:27
sacarlsonVadtec: with the old kernel?02:28
KM0201Guest18041: well, something is lurking using root.... thats why youer getting that error.02:28
Vadtecsacarlson: i only have one kernel installed02:28
Guest18041KM0201: I disagree02:28
jimi_whenever my client tries to pxeboot, it says "can not find ramdisk image " however, the image is in /tftpboot/   and the kernel file is in the same directory and is loaded, what could be the cause?02:28
Vadtecsacarlson: 2.6.32-23-generic02:28
sacarlsonVadtec: normaly if you upgrade a kernel it still leaves the last one,  so it was just a bad boot,  these things hapen02:28
Vadtecsacarlson: not sure what the deal was02:28
KM0201Guest18041: ok.. so.. whats your theory?... unless your user doesn't have permissin to do whatever you're doing... but the error you're getting, suggests another process is using root02:29
Vadtecsacarlson: indeed, thanks for the help, same to you KM020102:29
luxurymodeI'm using Eclipse 3.5 with the Android SDK. Last time I installed the SDK, the Android items (like, create new Android project and create new XML) all showed up in the menus without having to click other. Any idea how to make those show up in the menus? Also, how do I enable the +/- for adding layouts/widgets in the resource editor?02:29
ZykoticK9Guest18041, have you tried rebooting?  if not you need to manually delete the lock file.02:29
luxurymodewhoops wrong chat02:29
Guest18041KM0201: As Dr_Willis & I noted the /var/lib/dpkg/ was locked because of me having to xkill synaptic in the middle of it performing an upgrade02:29
KM0201ZykoticK9: i was getting to rebooting..02:30
LxndrTrying to install ubuntu on a computer that already has ubuntu on it. Unfortunately, it is not booting from CD; instead, it is sliding directly into the already-installed grub and ignoring the CD entirely.02:30
KM0201Guest18041: well, good luck w/ it.02:30
Guest18041ZykoticK9: Now see you have hit onto it, I need to delete the lock file02:30
sacarlsonLxndr: it could be you have the bios set to a boot sequence of hd first,  you can change that to cd drive first in bios02:31
Guest18041KM0201: I am not a newbie by the way, I have been using linux for 7 years.02:31
KM0201Guest18041: i didn't suggest you were.02:31
Lxndrsacarlson: Even when the bios is set to boot from the CD drive, it still bypasses. :(02:31
sacarlsonLxndr: I assume when you have booted linux that you can read the cd drive contents02:32
Guest18041ZykoticK9: So should I just open a file browser as root & delete the file?02:32
sacarlsonLxndr: well then maybe the media is bad or the drive not good,  do you have a usb flash disk and does your pc have usb boot support in bios?02:33
Lxndrsacarlson: Unfortunately, it fails to boot linux successfully (hence the re-install). However, it *can* boot to Windows, and in there, I can read it perfectly. I have no usb flash disk.02:33
ZykoticK9Guest18041, i never recommend opening browser as root - "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" from terminal 'should' work02:33
gem_catfwiw i got my scanner up and learned udev at the same time02:33
AddisonianLxndr, I have seen that problem occasionally.  If the Bios really was set right, it could be that your system is just a bit incompatible with the boot code on the Ubuntu CD.  I have successfully used the alternate installer in cases like that.02:34
sacarlsonLxndr: ok in windows you can read the contents of your ubuntu boot cd?  and you do see at boot the attempt to spin the cd to try to boot it?02:34
AddisonianLxndr, Are you trying to boot from a USB drive?02:34
KM0201ZykoticK9: how's he going to do that if it's locking root?02:35
ZykoticK9KM0201, locking root?  I though it was package manager that was locked?02:35
KM0201ZykoticK9: he's getting permission denied, because something has root locked(presumably a failed upgrade of some sort)...02:35
Guest18041ZykoticK9: you are right, KM is wrong02:35
nit-witLxndr, do you know the per session key prompt for a boot from menu02:36
KM0201Guest18041: wrong about what?02:36
ZykoticK9Guest18041, ok02:36
Guest18041KM0201: you are wrong, root is not locked02:36
Guest18041KM0201: Apt was locked02:36
Lxndrnit-wit: I do! I've been doing that repeatedly, selecting 'CD' from the menu, and it still slides directly into the already-installed GRUB.02:36
nit-witLxndr, what is the key?02:37
sacarlsonAddisonian: Lxndr: that could be maybe you could try the alternate cd,   I'm sure it's not a 64bit install disk you try to install on a 32bit computer is it?02:37
gartralI need help debugging an atheros card, can someone help?02:38
bro_kenI am moving to linux from the windows world, can anyone recommend a good html/web site editor for jsp based stuff for ubuntu?02:38
Lxndrnit-wit: F1102:38
git__bro_ken, Gneay02:38
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dome22xlAlso bluefish is nice bro ken02:39
Guest18041ZykoticK9: Thank you, deleting lock fixed it.02:39
ZykoticK9Guest18041, glad to help02:40
Guest18041ZykoticK9: I am trying the upgrade again, this time in the commandline.02:40
Guest18041I am staying in ehre during it, just in case02:40
Guest18041ZykoticK9: It seems to be getting stuck at the same place as before.02:41
ZykoticK9Guest18041, what place is that?02:42
Guest18041ZykoticK9: it gets stuck at "Unpacking replacement chromium-browser-inspector ..." & stays at that indefanitly until I control C02:42
gartralI need help debugging an atheros card, can someone help? I', at a loss here, I don't really know what info to get and give you all x.x02:42
ZykoticK9Guest18041, sorry I don't have any suggestion for that.  Are you using chromium-browser from default repo, or some PPA?02:43
Guest18041From the unstable PPA, & yes, yes I know, that means I am on my own as that is not supported :p02:44
sacarlsongartral: maybe try the linux-backports??wifi???  package02:44
sacarlsongartral: atheros is quite well supported it should work02:44
Guest18041ZykoticK9: From the unstable PPA, & yes, yes I know, that means I am on my own as that is not supported :p02:45
onelinerright so i just solved multidisk misbehaving grub install thru chrooting from a live cd, awesome work; Jordan_U  thanks a lot :)02:45
ne7workhello all please someone help me how to change my default directory on proftpd02:45
ZykoticK9Guest18041, well, you could try disabling the PPA perhaps?  Don't really know how you should proceed really.02:45
gartralsacarlson: that's what annoys me, it's a flyer card in ChromOS... but ubuntu it lags.... horribly02:45
ne7worki tryed DefaultRoot ~/ ne7work, but nothing02:45
Guest18041ZykoticK9: Thanks for your help02:46
sacarlsongartral: oh I should ask if you are attempting to connect to an encrypted wpa access point?  if so make sure to install or upgrade wpa-suplicant02:46
Guest18041ubottu: thanks for your attempt, but human's still trump machine.02:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:46
onelinerright so,.. which irc client would you people recomend i use for my first synaptics download? :D02:47
Dr_Willisoneliner:  i perfer weechat these days02:47
onelinerDr_Willis: i ll take a look, thanks02:50
ne7workhello all please someone help me how to change my default directory on proftpd02:52
aeroliteIs anyone able to help me with a free disk space issue? I downloaded around 10GB of data onto a drive overnight last night, and I transferred it to another computer today and then deleted it, but the space does not seem to have been reclaimed. And I've searched for 'trash' folders and have found none02:52
campbellgolfHas anyone ran Dolphin on a PIV with an older NVidia Card w/ good results, or does one need a higher end processor/vid card?02:52
ne7workedbian please help me02:53
edbianne7work: sure...02:53
edbianne7work: but you owe me one!02:53
aeroliteI have also run du on the drive to find out the amount of space the contents occupies, and it returned 1325701944, but when I run df it says I have used 133575104002:53
aeroliteso there is roughly a 10GB discrepancy02:53
sacarlsonaerolite: you can try Applications>disk usage analizer  to see where the space is being used,  I guess that might be an added pacakge you may need to install02:54
ne7workedbian I really pleased you how to change my default directory on proftpd DefaultRoot / ne7work or how?02:54
edbianQuick question: I have a video file that ends in .h264.mp4  will an xbox 360 play it?02:54
vectoryaerolite: there are trash folders02:54
aeroliteIs that a GUI based tool? This is a headless server, command line access only02:54
vectoryon ntfs its in .Trash02:54
ne7workhello all please someone help me how to change my default directory on proftpd02:54
edbianne7work: I don't know.  Why don't you look for a config file in /etc ?02:54
ne7workyes I have config file in /etc/proftpd folder02:55
ne7workand there I have02:55
ne7work# Use this to jail all users in their homes02:55
ne7work# DefaultRoot~02:55
ne7workDefaultRoot ne7work /02:55
j_ayen_greenwent to nice my printer process, and hit the wrong key and killed one of the lp processes. now, even after rebooting, the printer shows as connecting and 'maybe offline', even though it's not02:55
FloodBot1ne7work: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
ne7workedbian but DefaultRoot ne7work / is not correct02:55
sacarlsonaerolite: oh yes it a gui sorry,  not sure what tools in a headless to do the same thing02:55
aeroliteIt's an Ext3 partition, data only02:56
edbianne7work: I have no idea02:56
aromanAnyone know how to get a time and date appindicator?02:56
tbruff13histo can i barrow you for a sec02:57
sasquatch1I was wondering if anyone knew of software that would aid in the cracking of a router username and password?02:57
tbruff13well you should can your isp02:57
wingnut2626Hi guys.  Im using GeMan X as a telnet client, i was wondering how i would download files off of BBses with that program.  Any insight?02:57
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tbruff13sasquatch1,  there is a program called aircrack02:58
sacarlsonsasquatch1: just do a full reset by pushing and holding the reset botton for 10 seconds02:58
tbruff13can someone help me please i need to know how to get the sound to work in wow under wine02:59
tonysanHow do I find a host's NETBIOS name with its ip?02:59
tbruff13tonysan hold up03:00
sasquatch1tbruff13: I already have access to the network, just want to get into now03:00
wingnut2626try admin for the username and password for the password03:00
tbruff13open it in a browser and then call your isp but open a diolog ill check it out03:00
vectory_you_ have to find the right tool ;)03:01
en1gmahi all. my friend just smoked his windows xp home edition for ubuntu....he has a vt6421a raid controller card and he has 3 hard drives hooked to it....(2) sata 80GB amd (1) ide 80GB and he used the raid card bios to create the raid0 array.03:01
en1gmawhy cant i get ubuntu 10.10 to mount it03:01
tonysanIn fact, I am trying to mount a shared drive on my ubuntu server, but smbtree didn't found that share03:01
aeroliteok so 'du' reports 1358GB usage, and 'df' reports 1368GB usage. So I have 1358GB of stuff on this drive, where does the other 10GB come from? this is driving me nuts03:01
en1gmai did a "sudo modprobe sata_via" and i can then do a "sudo cat /proc/partitions" and it shows the 3 hard drives not just one03:01
tonysanI have its IP and user/pass, there's some encoding issues though03:02
Dr_Willisaerolite:  5% is reserved for the root 'recovery' type tasks.. by default.03:02
en1gmadoes anyone know how to get the vt6421a raid controller to work03:02
aerolitethe thing is, yesterday I had that space free, then last night I download 10GB of stuff and then deleted it03:02
en1gmasay my nick if you reply so i can spot it as im gonna try and google for it03:02
sacarlsonsasquatch1: so a reset of the router box is not an option?  the next step would be brute force hydra crack http://freeworld.thc.org/thc-hydra/03:02
Dr_Willisaerolite:  check your 'trash' perhaps..03:02
jsecIs RM0201 still here?03:03
sasquatch1sacarlson: thanks already looked into that, don't know the username though03:03
aeroliteI've searched every directory on my fs for folders named '*trash*' and found absolutely nothing :(03:03
sacarlsonsasquatch1: use the default03:03
sacarlsonsasquatch1: they never change the user in most routers03:03
sasquatch1sacarlson: doesn't the new username and pass override the default factory username and pass?03:03
sacarlsonsasquatch1: most just use user admin look up the part number of what you are loging into03:04
Doylesasquatch1: just google "default router users" there are lots of lists out there03:04
sasquatch1Doyle: thanks03:05
sasquatch1sacarlson: thanks03:05
jsecAnyone have any experience with RaLink wifi drivers for a netbook?03:05
sacarlsonjsec: I use ralink it works for me,  are you using wpa encryption?03:06
jsecsacarlson: if i could get the device enabled i'd tell you :)03:06
KM0201jsec: yes, i'm still here.03:06
jsecKM0201: following the steps you forwarded regarding the RaLink drivers yielded no results. Still don't have a wireless connection.03:07
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tbruff13hello can someone help me get my sound working in world of warcraft03:07
sacarlsonjsec: so is the ralink device seen with sudo iwconfig?03:08
KM0201jsec: which thread did you try?03:08
jsecKM0201: I updated to 10.10 and used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160049803:08
MrUnagiwhat is the difference between drwxrwxrwx and drwxr-xr-x03:09
jsecsacarlson: it's listed under ra003:09
tbruff13hello can i have some help i just need someone really quickly03:09
MrUnagi755 vs 777?03:09
KM0201jsec: unfortunately im not very familiar w/ the ralink devices....03:10
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, in the second drwxr-xr-x group and other do NOT have write permission (that 755)03:10
Dr_Willistbruff13:  You have checked the wine app database? and  forums for any wine/audio issues?03:10
Dr_Willistbruff13:  there may not be a 'quick' fix.03:10
KM0201jsec: i'm pretty fortunate, the one i have, works out of the box.03:10
Dr_Willistbruff13:  thers no need to msg me.03:10
jsecKM0201: ok. I appreciate your help anyways. I might be finding my way back to M$ here... :(03:11
coz_jsec,  ooo I hope not03:11
MrUnagiZykoticK9: thank you, that is probably why when connected via sftp i cannot upload to the drwxr-xr-x right03:11
coz_jsec,  I just got here  ,, if you dont mind repeating the issue?03:11
FrenkHey, my MySQL doesnt permit root login. Where can I enable that?03:11
sacarlsonjsec: must use a different driver than me mine shows as wlan0  with the rt73 driver03:11
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, if you aren't the owner of the folder - yes03:11
tbruff13Dr_Willis,  i opened a diolog03:12
tbruff13if you can see it03:12
jseccoz_: New netbook. No wireless connectivity. Same issue with 10.04 and 10.10. No wireless card listed in Network Connections. RaLink RT309003:12
en1gmadoes ubuntu work with vt6421a raid card?03:12
MrUnagiZykoticK9: i am getting confused because i just changed it and i am still unable to upload03:13
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coz_jsec,  ooo ... sorry to have made you repeat... I know there are better skilled people here with wireless than me... however... if no one here can solve it  you might want to scoot over to the ##linux channel...see if someone there has some suggestions03:13
aerolitewoohoo i figured out where that disk space went. in case anyone is curious, they were files i had downloaded via rtorrent, and I had deleted the files, but rtorrent still had a lock on them or something. went into rtorrent and deleted all the torrents, and the space is back!03:13
DILhttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/adding-users.html | frenk03:14
vectoryinfo on ubuntu.com says update to 10.10 is as easy as pressin a button in the update manager, but in 10.4 there is none, in 9.10 there was, after update im stuck with 10.4, is that normal?03:14
coz_aerolite,  oo cool  ...yeah torrents can eat things up03:14
aerolitedoes anyone know if there's some way for checking for situations like that?03:14
aerolitewhere you have deleted files, but a process still has a lock on them so space is not reclaimed?03:14
craigbass1976This may or may not be offtopic...  I'm setting up an ubuntu lamp server for someone.  What's the best way for them to run GUI apps off of it via a windows box?  I just ssh -x into a box and fire up whatever that way, but I'm not sure the best way when a client box is windows03:14
sacarlsonjsec: oh did you try the package linux-backports??wifi??  that sometimes fixes stuf like that03:14
MrUnagiOne or more items can’t be copied to “waynrdude.dipmap.com” because you don’t have permission to read them. Do you want to copy the items you are allowed to read?     This is frustrating03:14
matrixa1Anyone had gotten quakelive to work in Chromium? Plugin installs but the gamedata doesn't loaf03:14
KM0201jsec: is this the driver you downloaded?03:14
coz_aerolite,   one way it to  be sure that the torrent client is not still  on or is still loading those files03:15
aerolitei was thinking more in a general case though, if some arbitrary program has a lock on some files which you have deleted03:15
aeroliteand you want to find out if this is the case03:15
jsecKM0201: huh?03:15
KM0201jsec: is this the driver you downloaded?   http://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/articles/ralink-rt3090-rt5390-pcie-wireless-lan-linux-driver-for-ubuntu-10-10.html03:16
greppyaerolite: take a look at lsof03:16
aeroliteok will do, thanks!03:16
jsecKM0201: no, i just pulled the latest off ralink's support site03:16
KM0201oh ok.03:16
vectorycraigbass1976: that depends on the applications that should run on the windows box, im sure z knowputty/xyfwin03:16
KM0201well that one is dated dec 2..03:16
en1gmano one seems to know much about vt6421a raid card.......my friend has a mobo with no bios-raid but it has 2 (sata) ports....is there a way to get ubuntu to use those ports hard drives as one drive during INSTALL for like with mdadm03:17
vectorycraigbass1976: another way is using webinterfaces if aplicable03:18
craigbass1976vectory, I imagine anything that's installed.  I know he wants to stream audio with it, but rather than fire up vlc via remote X, I was going to look for a command line player that would start when the server does03:18
ZykoticK9matrixa1, quakelive.com mentions nothing of a chromium plugin?  Where are you getting it from?03:18
vectorycraigbass1976: i suppose u wouldnt want to demand command line usage of a possibly less tech savy client03:19
MrUnagiunix permissions do not make sense to me03:19
craigbass1976vectory, I'd say he's a little better than "knows enough to be dangerous"03:19
mbrproblem10Hello, does anyone know where to find the Remote Desktop log file, for 10.10??03:20
matrixa1ZykoticK9, there's official support for it https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cchfogoljimabdbkfgkpgjocgdbnljmo03:20
avg_guyI am trying to install a  networked printer on ubuntu server 10.10 and i thought i installed  the print server during the server install but now how to make my lappy see it?03:20
dylan_noktumonce ive installed vbox guest additions how do i access my host files?03:20
KM0201dylan_noktum: you have to enable sharing for that.. guest additions really doesn't have anything to do w/ that.03:20
dylan_noktumwell how do i do that?03:20
KM0201dylan_noktum: probably have to ask in #virtualbox03:21
sacarlsonjsec: I found this https://launchpad.net/~markus-tisoft/+archive/rt3090/+files/rt3090-dkms_2.3.1.3-0ubuntu0~ppa1_all.deb03:21
dylan_noktumok thanx03:21
matrixa1ZykoticK9, my bad, it's not official but it works03:21
MrUnagiwhat does the number after drwxrwxrwx mean03:21
vectoryMrUnagi: amount of hardlinks to the file03:22
ZykoticK9matrixa1, and how do you install the QuakeLivePlugin_401.xpi?03:22
jsecsacarlson: that's what i just downloaded. now ra0 lists a lot more specs on the card, but i can't connect to a wireless network.03:22
KM0201sacarlson: i was looking at that well, only concern, is it was supposedly made for ubuntu 8.0403:22
KM0201thas why i didn't recommend it03:22
MrUnagivectory: i am having an extremely hard time understanding why i cannot upload files to my sftp.....it keeps saying i do not have permission03:22
matrixa1ZykoticK9, i klick on the quakelive bar03:22
KM0201jsec: did you try restarting after you installed it?03:22
matrixa1ZykoticK9, because the extension is already there03:23
jsecKM0201. Yes03:23
vectorymatrixa1: quakelive@irc.quakenet.org03:23
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matrixa1vectory, thanks03:23
jsecWhat confuses me is that iwconfig lists the card under ra0 instead of wlan003:23
ZykoticK9matrixa1, seems like from the comments it does NOT work :(  - QuakeLive is one of the only reasons i install Firefox03:24
JuicyJWhy is the display so laggy in ubuntu for my card? 2D screams in Windows on my machine. I've tried two different drivers.03:24
MrUnagii have 2 sftp users......user1 can download and upload to their sftp directory, user2 can view and download but cannot upload.....user1 and user2 directories appear to be identical as far as permissions....any ideas why user2 cannot upload?03:24
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sacarlsonjsec: KM0201: seems they tested it on 2010 as seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131474703:24
wolfricdoes anyone else get an error running wireshark and exporting all http objects? There are a few book reports that mention it but they're slightly different03:24
Addisonianjsec, some wireless drivers are like that.  Atheros usually exposes an interface as   ath0.03:24
vectoryMrUnagi: looks like an ownership issue03:25
KM0201sacarlson: yeah, but i saw another thread suggesting it was being used on 9.04/9.10... i dunno.. it's probably ok.. but that was why  i didn't recommend it03:25
mbrproblem10Hello, does anyone know where to find the Remote Desktop log file, for 10.10??03:25
MrUnagivectory: how can i compare ownership of the directories03:26
vectorywhats the output of ls -l03:27
MrUnagidrwxr-xr-x  4 root    root    4096 2010-12-27 19:2003:27
Addisonianmbrproblem10, it is probably in /var/log.  Connect and see what file is most recently modified.03:27
rinku_kokiriwifi card keeps hanging03:27
rinku_kokiriatheros 9k03:27
rinku_kokirirandomly i disconnect from IRC and have to reconnect to my router03:27
rinku_kokirino traffic works when this happens03:28
rinku_kokirianyone have a clue?03:28
mbrproblem10Addisonian: can you be a bit more specific where in the /var/ it is? or i may not be understanding you appropriately. I have a /var/ in the file system?03:29
vectoryMrUnagi: i fear i cant help u if u dont explain more details03:29
sacarlsonrinku_kokiri: try linux-backports packages and hope for the best03:29
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Addisonianmbrproblem10, /var/log is a directory.  Connect to your remote destop and then do   ls lt /var/log     on that machine.  The recently modified files will show at the top of the list.03:30
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tonysanI shared one of my folders on my ubuntu server via samba, but those win32 clients can't see the filenames right, any idea?03:30
MrUnagivectory: when trying to upload files to sftp i am told i do not have permission...i cannot seem to figure out the permissions needed for this to happen03:31
stefanoDuf20hi guys, what's a good C book?03:31
mbrproblem10Addisonian: Yes, i just realized you meant the /var/log directory. I am on the host machine and checking for the log now.03:31
GneastefanoDuf20: any03:31
vectorygallileo openbooks are nice for germans03:32
GneaMrUnagi: does it work with scp?03:32
MrUnagikunwon3 is spreading malware in the channel03:32
MrUnagiGnea: probably not because i have the users restricted to sftp only03:32
GneaMrUnagi: s/he is?03:32
MrUnagisending some kind of link that executes a script03:33
MrUnagikunwon3: http://blog.feenode.net/2010/12/january-1st-sasl-required/ please read03:33
stefanoDuf20Gnea: for example? :p03:33
kunwon3its an article03:33
kunwon3its important03:33
kunwon3read it03:33
FloodBot1kunwon3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:33
kunwon3on january 1st, freenode is changing the way you connect to it03:33
kunwon3unless you enable sasl, you will not be able to connect03:33
MrUnagiGnea: it may be an issue with macfuse03:33
* Gnea looks at kunwon3 03:34
mbrproblem10Addisonian: any clue what the remote desktop log file would be called? all the files most recently all seem to be system files.03:34
Gneakunwon3: how stupid do you think we are?03:34
kunwon3read the article03:34
kunwon3stop being rude @ me03:34
stefanoDuf20what's a good C book?03:34
Noturno99somebody help me about msn conection at ubuntu 10.10?03:34
jsecstefanoDuf20: K&R03:34
kunwon3<jbs> plz do03:35
vectoryalmost fell for it, praise noscript03:35
datavirusetwhat more exactly does a sudo do-release-upgrade do? or... what's the actual difference between ubuntu versions? like between 9.10 and 10.04?03:35
Noturno99it doesn't work03:35
datavirusetexcept for packages03:35
Gneakunwon3: you're the one being rude, thinking that we can't see that it's "feenode" and not "freenode"03:35
stefanoDuf20jsec: is it like a bible or? ^^03:35
kunwon3you cant read man03:35
vectoryits written by the kreators03:35
kunwon3it says freenode03:35
jsecstefanoDuf20: it IS the c bible.... essentially03:35
Gneakunwon3: regardless, it's offtopic, end of story.03:36
Addisonianmbrproblem10, My guess is that there won't be a seperate log file.  It may just make an entry in auth or system.  See what is modied most recently and look at it.03:36
kunwon3its very on topic03:36
stefanoDuf20jsec: i guess i'll have to study 1000+ pages then :(03:36
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Gneakunwon3: I don't see it having having anything to do with Ubuntu support03:36
stefanoDuf20jsec: is it hard to learn?03:36
Gnea!caps | kunwon303:36
ubottukunwon3: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:36
jsecstefanoDuf20: no03:36
j_ayen_greendon't get it. accidentally killed cups process. rebooted, purged and reinstalled cups package, reinstalled network printer, and still can't connect now03:36
kunwon3FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT  http://blog.feenode.net/2010/12/january-1st-sasl-required/03:36
=== gusmiskininterne is now known as guspur
Gneasee? feenode.03:37
KM0201kunwon3: that site gives a malware warning, go away03:37
MrUnagiPermission denied (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED: The user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.).03:37
vectorystefanoDuf20: I started C with wikibooks, helps gettin started with compilers03:37
kunwon3i dont know why03:37
kunwon3its the official freenode site03:37
stefanoDuf20jsec: allright... my evil plan is to make a linux distro ^^ so this would be the first step03:37
KM0201kunwon3: probably because your'e a moron spammer03:37
Gnea!ops | kunwon3 is spamming, shouting, advertising a false freenode site and just plain being rude03:37
ubottukunwon3 is spamming, shouting, advertising a false freenode site and just plain being rude: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!03:37
itaylor57stefanoDuf20: http://www.cprogramming.com/03:37
vectorykunwon3: it isnt03:37
kunwon3!ops |  http://blog.feenode.net/2010/12/january-1st-sasl-required/03:38
kunwon3!ops | http://blog.feenode.net/2010/12/january-1st-sasl-required/03:38
dataviruseterr... kunwon3, what are you doing?03:38
MrUnagiso what permissions are NEEDED to upload to sftp??03:38
MrUnagidataviruset: spreading some kind of a script03:39
MrUnagik-lines, what is that....that sounds serious03:39
datavirusetMrUnagi: i was lucky to see that it was "feenode" before i clicked :p03:39
KM0201that guy is a moron, he couldn't even hide a malware site right03:39
jsecI woulda Z-lined him... but I'm vindictive *shrugs*03:39
MrUnagidataviruset: i wasnt03:39
MrUnagiit made my safari act weird03:39
MrUnagii quickly killed all of safari03:40
MrUnagii thought he was trying to help me with my problem...03:40
GneaMrUnagi: it's when the server admins say "you're not allowed on this network anymore"03:40
datavirusetMrUnagi: oh....03:40
MrUnagiGnea: i dont wanna be k-lined lol03:40
vectoryMrUnagi: did you compare the output of ls -l for both folders?03:41
mbrproblem10Addisonian: the only entries i am finding all have to do with this time that i have logged in, right now. I am looking for previous logins from other users on my remote desktop.03:41
datavirusetwhat more exactly does a sudo do-release-upgrade do? or... what's the actual difference between ubuntu versions? like between 9.10 and 10.04? except for package updates...03:41
GneastefanoDuf20: sorry about that, got a bit distracted. :)03:41
MrUnagivectory: yes, i messed up somewhere, because i cant write to either now....so now i have to figure it out from scratch lol03:41
jsecKM0201: Reading back through these threads, a couple of people reported success with that driver on LP while using 10.04. I think I'm going to try to go back to 10.04 and then try that driver03:41
jacmieWany option for ubuntu to turn off the monitor after X minutes of idle ? looked at the screensavers thing and doesn't look like it has anything like it03:41
GneastefanoDuf20: really, any book for C is good, it depends on what style you prefer to learn with03:41
GneastefanoDuf20: a good way to figure out which one is good is to go to your local public library and see what they have, most libraries tend to have at least a few on a shelf03:42
MrUnagivectory: i am so confused because if i set the permission to anything but root:root....i cannot sftp....if i chmod to anything but 755 i cannot connect03:42
ZykoticK9jacmieW, check System / Preferences / Power Management03:43
MrUnagiugh except now user1 can upload03:43
gartralI need help debugging an atheros card, can someone help? the lag is so bad im being dropped from freenode >.<03:43
stefanoDuf20Gnea: well jsec said K&R, itaylor said cprogramming.com hmmm03:44
vectoryMrUnagi: i bet u havent tried 'everything' ;) if u remove read permission, u cant connect ofc03:44
MrUnagivectory: it seems to be an issue with fuse...03:45
stefanoDuf20the site is free but i think books might be better03:45
vectoryMrUnagi: i messed up too, forgot permissions for directories are different from file permissions >_<03:45
jsecstefanoDuf20: K&R stands for Kernighan and Richie, the guys that created the C language03:45
MrUnagivectory: it seems that i can upload through an sftp client but not through an sshfs client03:46
hendaushelp me please!03:46
GneastefanoDuf20: they're both likely to work out well in tandem03:46
vectoryjsec: thusly its old and partly outdated, still a mustread tho03:46
MrUnagiis it possible that it is because i have restricted ssh access?03:46
jsecvectory: very true. i've got the second edition (more geared towards ANSI C), but that's essentially all i used to start learning the language03:46
jacmieWZykoticK9: uhm yeah that works, didnt realize 0:15 was actually 15 minutes, I waited like 30seconds and thought it didn't work03:47
stefanoDuf20hope it won't take so much time to learn, i already know some c++03:47
jsecstefanoDuf20: POINTERS. learn them. love them as your own children.03:48
stefanoDuf20yea i already met them :P but03:48
stefanoDuf20are they 8 bytes?03:48
vectorygo read a book >_>03:49
stefanoDuf20lol ok03:49
stefanoDuf20are you guys pointers to books? :p03:49
Addisonianmbrproblem10, If you have identified the correct log file, look at the type of entries in the log file  it made.  Then, use grep to find similar lines and see what you find.03:49
vectorybut remember its hardware dependend03:49
hendauscan anyone help , when ubuntu starting i got: could not update ICEauthority , and then it shows There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)]03:49
stefanoDuf20well thanks a lot03:49
zekritekhello world03:50
stefanoDuf20i'll start from the bible of c :p03:50
kezefanyon there?03:50
macostefanoDuf20: if you already know c++...just take away the STL and new(), add in malloc() and free() and you're done03:50
mbrproblem10Addisonian: None of the log files seem to carry the data that I am looking for as I would like a log file of all the IPs of people who have logged in and out of the remote desktop client for 10.10 in the last 6 days. Now its possible that this log file does not exist.03:51
macostefanoDuf20: pretty much....  C++ is a pile of macros on top of C03:51
rooksok, how to setup MSN mesenger account again? i have created passport/Windows Live ID account, but pidgin says no when i try to connect :(03:51
kezefanyone have any experience with the b43 LP-PHY cards?03:51
=== hendaus is now known as wolf23
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stefanoDuf20ok just one question, do i use structs as objects?03:51
wolf23can anyone help , when ubuntu starting i got: could not update ICEauthority , and then it shows There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)] :(03:52
macostefanoDuf20: yep03:52
Addisonianmbrproblem10, very possible.  I can't test at the moment because I have only one machine here.03:52
macostefanoDuf20: technically its not supposed to be object oriented since it's C, but.... well, apparently you shouldnt inform the GNOME project of that ;-)  they use GObject all over the place03:52
kezefI have a b43 LP-PHY card in my laptop running ubuntu 10.10 x86.  I installed the LP-PHY b43 fwcutter firmware, and it works... For a while03:53
kezefthen it stops and prompts me for credentials again03:53
kezefanyone have  any ideas?03:53
mbrproblem10Addisonian: Im pretty sure vino is the remote desktop software 10.10 uses but i am having a hard time finding any info online about it.03:53
stefanoDuf20maco: hehe03:53
wolf23help please03:53
needlezkezef: what is your issue??03:53
kezefI have a b43 LP-PHY card in my laptop running ubuntu 10.10 x86.  I installed the LP-PHY b43 fwcutter firmware, and it works... For a while03:54
kezefthen it stops and prompts me for credentials again03:54
kezefafter that it just keeps prompting me for credentials03:54
needlezkezef: what is your kernel version??03:54
kezefwon't associate03:54
Addisonianmbrproblem10, That is the default vnc server in Ubuntu gnome.03:54
datavirusetwhat more exactly does a sudo do-release-upgrade do? or... what's the actual difference between ubuntu versions? like between 9.10 and 10.04? except for package updates...03:54
stefanoDuf20anyway i think i'll buy the book anyway, for reference and, just to be sure that i don't miss anything ^^03:54
needlezkezef: also did you remove the bcmwl-kernel-source ??03:55
macostefanoDuf20: even seasoned C programmers should have k&r03:55
kezefactually, i didn't install it at all03:55
craigbass1976Does anyone just sit there sometimes, remembering what life was like running windows, and then go AHHHHHhhhh...03:55
linux_is_my_heroubuntu won't mount my ipod touch, please help03:56
craigbass1976linux_is_my_hero, has it ever?03:56
linux_is_my_herocraigbass1976 linux needs its own mp3 portable player03:56
KM0201!ipod | linux_is_my_hero03:56
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:56
kezefhow do i check my kernel version?  the only thing i can think of is tail grub.cfg03:56
datavirusetkezef: uname03:56
jseccraigbass1976: considering the reason i'm in this room right now, troubleshooting a problem that was working up until i put the ubuntu thumb drive in, no :P03:56
kezefjust says linux03:56
datavirusetkezef: uname -r03:56
Gneakezef: cat /proc/version03:57
wolf23needlez can u help03:57
KayAteCheflinux_is_my_hero: floola03:57
craigbass1976linux_is_my_hero, hehe,  but seriously... if the ipod is ANYTHING like an mp3 player I just had a fight with yesterday, make sure you have all the permissions necessary to mount it.  For whatever reason, mine mounted fine, but my mother's new christmas present wouldn't.03:57
needlezwolf23: what is your issue pm me with it03:57
craigbass1976jsec, you will, eventually.  Have you gotten help yet?03:57
datavirusetkezef: uname -r to find out the kernel version, uname -a to find out a little bit more :)03:57
Gnea!pm | needlez, wolf2303:58
ubottuneedlez, wolf23: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:58
Addisonianmbrproblem10, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/33031003:58
kezefLinux kezef-Studio-1440 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux03:58
jseccraigbass1976: quite a bit actually. everything a dead end. trying to mix solutions right now to see if i can get lucky03:58
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:58
pillowhow ubuntu does not allow virus to our computer03:59
vectoryhas anyone updated from 10.4 to 10.10 recently?03:59
randy__I want to set up a Video hosting service,how to do it03:59
Gneapillow: it's linux03:59
KM0201!antivirus | pillow03:59
ubottupillow: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:59
datavirusetpillow: ubuntu doesn't allow viruses, if you let them in, they will get in. however, there are not many viruses for Linux at all04:00
kezefpillow It's not that it doesn't allow it exactly, it's more that there are a great deal fewer virii that are able to affect linux04:00
KayAteChefvectory: I did a fresh install of 10.10  yesterday04:00
handonsonhow do I undo the "safely remove drive?" i've "safely removed" an SD card, and now it seems the built-in SD card reader is not working at all. is there any way other than reboot?04:00
Addisonianvectory, I did that on Sunday.04:00
cryptodirawould someone point me to the solution for making the backlit keyboard light up after boot on a toshiba satellite notebook with amd chips and running  10.04..thanks.04:00
nottlTrying my first install of linux, using ubuntu 10.10 65 bit getting a black screen on boot after install.  have edited boot options to nomodeset to get video working and installed up to date nvidia drivers. still getting blackscreen boot ups. video card is nvidia 310m, have been googling the issue all day no luck yet any advice ?04:01
KM0201kezef: also, if you'd really have to be dumb enough to run a virus as "root" in order to do system wide damage.. toherwise, the most "viruses" could be dealt with by simply deleting a user and creating a new one04:01
pillowhow it follows is there any antivirus software inbuilt in it04:01
vectoryAddisonian: how?04:01
nottl65= 64 bit :(04:01
pillowdataviruset, how it follows is there any antivirus software inbuilt in it04:01
KM0201pillow: no.. read that link, it will explain everything you want to know about linux and viruses04:01
Addisonianvectory, the normal way.04:01
datavirusetwhat more exactly does a sudo do-release-upgrade do except for changing the version number? i'm running an ubuntu server :)04:01
mbrproblem10Addisonian: .... THAT was extremely useful. Thank you Very much Addisonian!04:01
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/04:01
Gneanottl: I would suggest trying 10.04 not 10.10, since 10.04 is considered a stable release while 10.10 is less so04:01
stefanoDuf20i love this channel04:02
kezefhowever, I have heard of some macro exploits for openoffice04:02
randy__who know about Video hosting service04:02
kezefbut then again, you have to allow them to run04:02
kezefsee you all in a few, gonna test this out04:02
Gnearandy__: better to ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic04:02
vectoryAddisonian: well i dont get the button to update, like i did for 10.4 update04:02
Addisonianvectory, System/Administration/Update Manager.04:02
randy__Gnea, what is?04:02
Gnearandy__: or are you looking for something to use to host video files in ubuntu?04:03
craigbass1976Gah... Which log is the one I'm after for this channel?  Someone answered a question for me earlier and I can't scroll back enough to see it.04:03
AddisonianLook in the settings, vectory.  You probably have it set to do only long term updates.04:03
KayAteChefI couldn't do an upgrade from within 10.4 because of some kde upgrader thing so I just did a fresh install.... and still have a  major glitch04:03
randy__Gnea, no,I want to set a web like youtube04:03
gartralI need help debugging an atheros card, can someone help? the lag is so bad im being dropped from freenode >.<04:04
randy__Gnea, I don't konw what is offtipic04:04
Gnearandy__: hmmm, you could start by getting apache and whatnot setup, but beyond that, you might be better off asking in #apache or #php04:04
youngfly 你好04:04
Gnea!lamp | randy__04:04
ubotturandy__: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:04
Gnearandy__: sorry, I misunderstood, it's not offtopic04:04
handonsonhow do I undo the "safely remove drive?" i've "safely removed" an SD card, and now it seems the built-in SD card reader is not working at all. is there any way other than reboot?04:04
Gnea!cn | youngfly04:04
ubottuyoungfly: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:04
paq7512is there a way to have the right click stay for a more than a milli-second ?04:05
vectoryAddisonian: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/a50b6f8791d938a08a09d73bc574fe3304:05
paq7512when you right click it select the top most option right away04:05
randy__youngfly, 这里是英文频道.this is english04:05
randy__Gnea, ubottu  I know lamp and lapp04:06
randy__Gnea, ubottu  I but any project can do this?04:06
buckyrandy__, this is probably the best way  http://blog.lighttpd.net/articles/2006/03/09/flv-streaming-with-lighttpd04:07
mbrproblem10Has anyone heard of Remote Desktop (vino) for 10.10 being unsecure?04:07
Addisonianvectory, I don't read German.  Well, at least not with comprehension.  At the bottom of that top dialog, in a place that it covered up, there should be a Settings button.04:07
pillowwhere can i get source code for calmav antivirus or any other antivirus?04:07
vectoryAddisonian: i didnt change anything in these options, cant spot anything significant either04:08
randy__bucky, thnak you , will try to red it,if it usefull I will translate into chinese04:08
LabMonkeyWe have an ubuntu virtual machine that suddenly started spewing ext3fs errors.  We reset the vm and got an error which said something similar to "giving up waiting for root device".  Now we have the vm in recover mode and we're trying to get the system back up and running again.04:09
datavirusetwhat more exactly does a sudo do-release-upgrade do except for changing the version number? i'm running an ubuntu server :)04:09
Addisonianvectory, Did you press the Settings button?04:09
vectoryfoundz it04:09
vectorynope didnt04:09
Addisonianvectory, On the Updates tab in Settings, there is a field at the bottom.  It is labelled Release upgrade.04:10
Gneapillow: apt-get source clamav04:10
DKJLKSDJFsDCC SEND virusvirusvirus.exe 0 0 004:10
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:10
linux_is_my_heroi might go work for apple just to get their passwords to their computers through their firewalls then quit and giv eeveryone what they deserve...a itouch that actually works with linux.04:10
linux_is_my_herothis is s**t04:10
linux_is_my_herostill cant get my itouch to work with ubuntu04:11
dewwthey dont make itouchs04:11
dewwbut that's off topic04:11
pillowGnea, will it give me the source code for that?04:11
craigbass1976vectory, earlier you pointed said "that depends on the applications that should run on the windows box, im sure z knowputty/xyfwin"  What are either of those?  I've used putty, but never to run x apps remotely.  googling for xyfwin brings up cygwin04:12
vectoryAddisonian: you mean the drop-down menu?04:12
macolinux_is_my_hero: please watch your language04:12
vectorycraigbass1976: yes thats it04:12
bluezonedeww: do you also chat on efnet?04:12
Addisonianvectory, yes it is a drop down selection box.04:12
bluezonedeww: helpchat?04:12
vectoryhad it on only long term support04:13
dewwbluezone: yes04:13
vectorychanged it, but it didnt help04:13
craigbass1976vectory, ok, I forgot that google thinks it knows what I want and I have to filter things a bit...  I seem to have found the xy one04:13
bluezonedeww: haha go their now, less spam here04:13
linux_is_my_herowhat do you guys use for high capacity portable mp3 players?04:13
eriksamchisenis there any successful way of using iTunes?04:13
vectorycraigbass1976: that was a typo, a bad one, sorry04:13
Addisonianvectory.  Change it to normal releases.  You may have to quit and restart Update manager.  I don't remember.04:13
craigbass1976vectory, and there's something called knowputty?04:14
wyclif /exit04:14
dewwlinux_is_my_hero: what's high capacity to you? there aren't many hdd based mp3 players anymore04:14
wizardslovakok people04:14
vectoryalso a typo, its dark here x)04:14
Spirits-Sightdoes anyone know how I can disable a display on a remote system04:14
mbrproblem10Addisonian: sorry, if you or anyone else said anything I missed it (obviously) I gave up on using pidgin and just downloaded Mirc. sighs.04:14
linux_is_my_herodeww: 60gb04:14
Addisonianlinux_is_my_hero, I use a Sansa.  It has more than 1 billion bytes built in.04:15
Spirits-Sightusing ssh04:15
wizardslovakhow do i make os mount other hard drives on its start?04:15
dewwlinux_is_my_hero: that would pretty much have to be hdd based04:15
randy__bucky, but it should make page youself,I want to do this like use phpbb304:15
mbrproblem10Has anyone heard of 10.10 remote desktop being unsecure?04:15
vectorywizardslovak: need to enter them in /etc/fstab04:15
dewwbesides the super expensive ipod touch and zune04:15
vectory`man fstab'04:15
Gneapillow: yes, that's what apt-get source does04:16
bluezonedoes anyone remember how to find the fastest server to download packages from? i used the gui method with update manager but the speeds are still terrible :S04:16
vectoryAddisonian: restart did it thx04:16
linux_is_my_herodeww: any recommendations?04:16
Spirits-Sightdoes anyone know how I can disable a display on a remote system using SSHing into the other system04:17
pillowGnea, in which programming language it download?04:17
vectorywont update just yet, heard its still buggy04:17
dewwlinux_is_my_hero: cowon, sandisk, archos stuff would probably work, but most stop at 16GB or so + perhaps microsd slots04:17
dewwor you end up with tablets04:17
datavirusetwhat more exactly does a sudo do-release-upgrade do except for changing the version number? i'm running an ubuntu server :)04:18
linux_is_my_herodeww: how does ubuntu do with...dare i say...zune?04:18
craigbass1976vectory, Do you think this is still valid?  http://www.math.umn.edu/systems_guide/putty_xwin32.html04:18
vectoryi wouldnt know04:18
chills518what would cause transfer speeds to be slower through permanent mount using fstab as apposed to book mark through connect to server?  When I use the fstab connect I can only trasnfer at 1.8Mb to the other machine.  When I do Connect to Server I get 7 or 8 MB transfers... any known issues?04:18
dewwlinux_is_my_hero: no clue. :P i've "low capacity" players04:18
litropyHi, peeps - I need to log into bash right after grub finishes so I can aptitude update. Because gnome no longer captures my keyboard nor touchpad.04:18
AddisonianSpirits-Sight, block port 22, or stop the ssh daemon.  That would work.04:18
bluezonelinux_is_my_hero, hah you can try running that zune software on wine! (pfft, don't do that thats a horrible idea)04:19
bsmith093is it nessessary and/or possible to hash check my backups, and if so how would i go about generating the hashes for all the files04:19
=== option is now known as option94
vectorywith the md5 command04:19
crash1hd_why does Gparted show 2% of my hdd is used on empty drive04:19
vectorynessecary, how valuable is the data?04:19
bsmith093vectory: ok what i meant is " is there a utility command or something that will do that for me04:20
vectoryGparted, some space is reserved for kernel or stuff04:20
AddisonianSpirits-Sight, or, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set X11Forwarding to no.04:20
Spirits-SightAddisonian: how does that disable the display on that system?  I want to turn off the display (not monitor) but the display like u can do in nviae <-spelt wrong04:20
kezefkeeps getting better04:21
linux_is_my_herobluezone: any other high capacity players besides microsoft zune and apple ipod?04:21
needlezkezef: how'd it go??04:21
kezefwhen i try to boot the -22 kernel, it won't boot04:21
AddisonianSpirits-Sight, I don't understand what you are saying.  Do you want to stop the GUI?04:21
Spirits-Sightor is it the monitor access (its a laptop) I have a standard monitor plug into it so I don't want the laptop monitor on also04:22
bluezonelinux_is_my_hero, why you can't get your ipod to work with ubuntu?04:22
linux_is_my_herobluezone: its a ipod touch 64gb and ubuntu won't see it.04:22
bluezone!ipod | linux_is_my_hero04:22
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:22
linux_is_my_heroi just bought it used and it works with windows, i just tried it.04:22
bluezonedid you try that yet?04:22
needlezkezef: ouch can you load into -24 image install -23 image and then load up  -23 image and kill -24 out??04:22
linux_is_my_heroi shouldn't have to change FIRMWARE on my IPOD to get it to work...04:22
scott_SeeI need some help with Putty04:22
needlezlinux_is_my_hero: what kind of ipod and do you have ifuse installed??04:23
bsmith093vectory: well by volume, most if it is isos of various very expensive self published dvds ive bought over the years, but by numbers, most files are documents and video, so what are the odds of a file miscopying and would nautilus tell me?04:23
vectorylinux_is_my_hero: tell that apple >_>04:23
Addisonianscott_See, Don't be Silly ;-)04:23
Danielc1234hey all, I am still getting permission errors when trying to run sudo echo "console output" >> /etc/init.d/nginx    and ideas?04:23
bluezonelinux_is_my_hero, bope, i don't use ipods so i wouldn't know04:23
scott_SeeIm not silly I need help with copy/paste in04:23
scott_SeeVMware, it's not working04:23
linux_is_my_heroneedlez: ipod touch 64gb, and i'm having troulbe installing ifuse04:23
Spirits-SightAddisonian: do you get last post and if so did you understand it better04:23
bsmith093Danielc1234:  what i meant was u need to be root to output there04:24
bsmith093i think u r screwed04:24
kezefi don't have the -23 image on my machine04:24
needlezsudo apt-get install ifuse04:24
vectoryMBarvian1: had that too04:24
kezefjust re-installed04:24
MBarvian1vectory: what did you do?04:24
kezefinstalled with the -22 image, then updated to the -24\04:24
needlezdo it from terminal04:24
Danielc1234bsmith093: when I set up this OS it never asked me for a root password, etc. just a user account and pass. How do I log in as root?04:24
vectoryMBarvian1: load a livecd and chroot04:24
MBarvian1vectory: goddamnit04:24
MBarvian1vectory: alright thanks04:24
needlezkezef: ahh yea -23 is best kernel image for 10.1004:24
chills518what would cause transfer speeds to be slower through permanent mount using fstab as apposed to book mark through connect to server?  When I use the fstab connect I can only trasnfer at 1.8Mb to the other machine.  When I do Connect to Server I get 7 or 8 MB transfers... any known issues?04:25
bsmith093Danielc1234:  the pass u created thats the root pass04:25
AddisonianDanielc1234, There is no root password.04:25
jk_MBarvian1, Get to the grub menu on a reboot and go into recovery mode. That will let you fix /etc/sudoers04:25
Danielc1234I tried to login as root and use the password, but no go.04:25
Danielc1234what is the root password then?04:25
scott_SeeAre there setting in putty for right and left click actions? I can't get Putty to copy or paste text04:25
polpDanielc1234: sudo sh -c 'echo "console output" >> /etc/init.d/nginx'04:25
bsmith093Addisonian when i sudo i use the pasword i created for my acount and it owrks04:25
vectoryDanielc1234: there is no root04:26
vectoryDanielc1234: at least u cant access it04:26
AddisonianDanielc1234, You don't login as root on an Ubuntu system.  You can make it possible by setting a root password.  But, by default you cannot login as root.  That is a security feature.04:26
Danielc1234that is what I thought, but it is still getting Permission denied04:26
dewwscott_See: there are http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter4.html#config-mouse04:26
Addisonianbsmith093, That is how sudo works.  So, you are normal.04:27
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Danielc1234well how can I get away from this with my user account?04:27
needlezLinux_is_my_hero: what does it say when trying to install ifuse??04:27
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: my method of veno security is that I enable and disable it over ssh with gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled false and gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true ,04:27
AddisonianDanielc1234, Get away with what?04:27
litropyPeeps, when gnome loads up, I have no keyboard/touchpad access. I can't ctrl+alt+f1. Before gnome loads, I have keyboard access. Is there anything I can press to log into a shell so I can fix my stuff?04:28
AddisonianLithrem, Try Ctrl+Alt+F204:28
Danielc1234Addisonian: I am getting Permission denied even when using sudo. Cant I just set a administrator or something that I wont need to do this?04:28
litropyAddisonian: tried it.04:28
AddisonianBoot with a Knoppix CD, mount the drive and edit whatever you need to, litropy04:29
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: If you real paranoid and need more security you can connect through ssh as shown here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47583904:29
scott_Seedeww, I'm running Ubuntu under VMware and the mouse actions are not working04:30
AddisonianDanielc1234, I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish that you believe you need to be root for.04:30
Danielc1234getting this......daniel@webserver2:~$ echo "console output" >> /etc/init.d/nginx -bash: /etc/init.d/nginx: Permission denied04:30
polpDanielc1234: sudo sh -c 'echo "console output" >> /etc/init.d/nginx'04:30
bluezonescott_See reboot the virtual machine, and make sure you allocated enough ram to it04:30
vectoryDanielc1234: or sudo su -.-04:30
bluezonescott_See, it may also be an issue that vmware (for some reason) isnt detecting your mouse04:30
mbrproblem10sacarlson: have you heard of vino being unsecure? I had a password protected and found someone else controling my desktop. Now that machine is no longer connected to any network.04:31
dewwscott_See: ok... and putty in ubuntu? (why?)04:31
Danielc1234so I have to use sudo su when I get these errors? not just sudo04:31
scott_Seebluezone, Dynampis/Dynagen04:31
AddisonianDanielc1234, A normal way to do that is    sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start04:31
scott_Seebluezone, Emulating Cisco04:31
jk_Danielc1234, You can't use redirection directly with sudo; instead, do 'echo "console output" | sudo tee /etc/init.d/nginx' to pipe the echo into tee and use the sudo on "tee" which will write. I'm not sure whether it will append or replace, though!04:31
vectoryDanielc1234: because >> is a separate cmd04:32
Danielc1234Addisonian: right that is what I did and still got permission error04:32
Danielc1234sudo sh -c 'echo "console output" >> /etc/init.d/nginx' this worked.04:32
scott_Seedeww, It's better then the default, what do you recomend?04:33
OrangePeelI just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" . How the heck do I stop this?04:33
OrangePeelin my downloads04:33
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AddisonianDanielc1234, You say it worked.  All it did was append some text to the file /etc/init.d/nginx04:33
dewwscott_See: it's not "native" and really ugly. maybe you can use something like minicom04:33
AddisonianI don't know NGINX. I don't know that it is a simple service to start.  It may have dependancies.04:34
dewwfor serisal stuff04:34
OrangePeelI just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my desktop and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner . How the heck do I stop this?04:35
cryptodirawould someone point me to the solution for making the backlit keyboard light up after boot on a toshiba satellite notebook with amd chips and running  10.04..thanks.04:35
scott_Seedeww, I'll look into it.  for the mean time I'm just trying to copy and paste some configuration files from one session to the other but the mouse and keyboard shortcuts aren't working..04:35
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have deleted some video files on ext3 partition and i know some knowledge of recovering deleted files using photorec but the file names are lost using that method; i also know something about 'ntfsundelete' and i'm able to recover the files with the original name using this app but it only works for ntfs file systems, is there any way i can recover the files from ext3 with the original file names?04:36
dewwscott_See: can you use the terminal  emulator that cmes with ubuntu?04:36
scott_Seedeww, I can.. It doesn't work either..  I think the problem is with VMware.04:37
AddisonianIf I rename 30_os-proberto 09_os-prober in /etc/grub.d, will subsequent os updates try to restore 30_os_prober?04:37
bluezonedoes anyone remember how to find the fastest server to download packages from? i used the gui method with update manager but the speeds are still terrible :S04:38
dewwscott_See: scp the files over or use netcat http://www.g-loaded.eu/2006/11/06/netcat-a-couple-of-useful-examples/04:39
Addisonianbluezone, Just pick the one closest to Australia.04:40
bullgardWhat do the letters »ldd« stand for in the command-line command 'ldd'? "load dependencies"? Synaptic: "A utility program related to the GNU C Library: print shared library dependencies."04:40
mbrproblem10Well, lets say that someone had Remote Desktop access to my ubuntu 10.10 for a unknown amount of time. I was also checking in on the machine and saw nothing unusual from my client. How do i tell if my ubunto 10.10 install is no longer secure?04:41
bluezoneAddisonian, joke?04:41
OrangePeelI just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my desktop and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner . How the heck do I stop this?04:41
Addisonianbluezone, that is the fastest for me, since you will no longer compete with me for the server.  A weak joke, but yes.04:41
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: I assume you read this to add security to veno http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47583904:42
FloodBot3administrator_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:42
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: you can see what ubuntu is listening on with sudo netstat -pant04:42
FloodBot3administrator_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:42
mbrproblem10sacarlson: i am reading it now.04:43
randy__where is /etc/inittab04:43
keith-so i installed ubuntu netbook 10.10 to a usb stick. whenever i connect to a wifi network it locks up instantly. it's an atheros ar9285 chipset. any other people with this issue?04:43
bluezoneAddisonian, i have 10 canadian servers to choose from, each time i use "choose best" it picks a different option, ive tested about 3 now and they are all giving me slow speeds. I remember a plugin that would automatically choose the best one, now i don't remember what it is called04:44
Addisonianrandy__, It is on Fedora systems04:44
randy__Addisonian, but the lpi 101 rest said it has this file04:44
bluezonekeith-, define locks up please04:44
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: to add security on ssh change the listen port to something other than port 2204:45
polpDanielc1234: the modification of /etc/init.d/nginx you committed is benign (if you run maverick), but i don't know how it interacts with package management. i suggest you undo the change.04:45
Addisonianrandy__, All systems used to have it.  That is no longer true.04:45
keith-bluezone: it completely freezes. the mouse doesn't move, i can't use the keyboard, and if the pointer is the circle thingk, it doesn't spin anymore. after a bit the screen has gone to black once and to all purple once and just stayed on the current screen frozen once. everytime it has to do with the wifi though04:45
mbrproblem10sacarlson: yeah, next time I go away, I will be using VNC over ssh and I will change the port. Currently, I need to figure out how to tell if my machine is compromized. I have already changed all of my important passwords, I am trying to decide if i need to do a clean wipe and reinstall of 10.1004:46
Addisonianbluezone, I just always take the default.  Sometimes it is slow, but I don't usually care about the update speed.  Is there a reason it matters, or are you impatient?04:46
randy__Addisonian, does ubuntu have run level?04:46
bluezoneAddisonian, i don't like 27 kBps04:46
bluezonekeith-, you said your running it off a usb stick right?04:47
keith-bluezone: indeed. was wanting to test this netbook edition out before i installed it.04:47
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: what makes you think it's compromized?04:48
tonysanhow do I disable ipv6? I tried modifying /etc/modprobe.d/aliases, but it doesn;t work04:48
mbrproblem10sacarlson: someone was controling my computer via VNC.04:49
bluezonekeith-, i would try a different usb stick, or try deleting and redownloading the edition and burning it at a low speed with descent software04:49
bluezonekeith-, otherwise i don't know what could be causing that04:49
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: oh ok, and what account was it?  a sudo user?04:49
mbrproblem10... good question.04:49
mbrproblem10sacarlson what ever default account ubuntu 10.10 has you create.04:50
keith-bluezone: it runs fine until i try to connect to wifi. seems odd that the usb stick has one weird bit. also... it's not really burnt. it's a usb stick not a dvd04:50
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: well with only one account it must be sudo'ed04:50
randy__Addisonian, do you any test about linux is new04:50
paranoidphreak_hi everybody, i have deleted some video files on ext3 partition and i know some knowledge of recovering deleted files using photorec but the file names are lost using that method; i also know something about 'ntfsundelete' and i'm able to recover the files with the original name using this app but it only works for ntfs file systems, is there any way i can recover the files from ext3 with the original file names?04:50
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mbrproblem10sacarlson: well if it helps, i always have to sudo anything when i am at the command prompt.04:51
mbrproblem10sacarlson: I know that occasionally after I sudo, a key appears as an icon in one of the task panals... but this icon is not normally there.04:51
Addisonianrandy_, Ubuntu has runlevels, but they are different than redhats.  I don't understand your last question.04:51
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: if you know the date and time of the attack you could do a find  that searches for files modified after that window of attack04:51
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: also you can look at logs for /etc/var/auth.log  to see if sudo was accesed in that window of time04:52
greg_shello room :)04:53
mbrproblem10sacarlson: I turned the server on and have been gone for the last 5 days. :< During my VNC sessions I did occasionally see "someone else is controlling the computer" but i assumed they ment Me. But today while i was local to my machine, I still had The server running and i got that message and someone really did start controling my computer.04:53
greg_sanyone in here that might be able to help me with a packaging issue?04:53
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: cool can you see what Ip address it was?04:54
randy_Addisonian, ok,thank you.last question is that  do you know any test in linux like cisco CCNA04:54
bullgardWhat do the letters »ldd« stand for in the command-line command 'ldd'? "load dependencies"? Synaptic: "A utility program related to the GNU C Library: print shared library dependencies."04:54
bucky!info ldd04:55
ubottuPackage ldd does not exist in maverick04:55
glitchdcan someone help me to get the ati/amd preprietary graphics driver to work in ubuntu 10.04?04:55
mbrproblem10sacarlson: Originally i came in here looking for a vino log. But its clear now that vino doesnt log anything. so No i did not.04:55
sacarlsonmbrproblem10: you must have a very weak password?04:55
glitchdi know it worked before04:55
glitchdbut all of a sudden i dont have desktop effects04:55
Addisonianrandy_, Oh, certifications.  No, I think those are silly.  Your boss may be insisting, so you may not have a choice.04:55
polpbullgard: list dynamic dependencies04:55
glitchdand i really want to enable the desktop cube04:55
bullgardpolp: Thank you for your help.04:56
glitchdanyone know anything about graphics drivers?04:56
OrangePeelI just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my desktop and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner . How the heck do I stop this?04:57
randy_Addisonian, ok,thank you04:57
Addisonianrandy_, The inittab file was used by the old init system.  That is gone on many distros now.  Ubuntu uses Upstart.  I understand Upstart is only an interim solution, but that is by no means official.04:57
polpbullgard: you're welcome. i found it on the intertubes. http://netbsd.gw.com/cgi-bin/man-cgi?ldd++NetBSD-current04:57
bullgardpolp: Thank you again.04:58
randy_Addisonian, because in china the certifications information is very little,so I ask here04:59
bullgardglitchd: Many people here know something  about graphics drivers. Please put a more concrete queestion here in this channel.04:59
kezef_sorry, accidentally closed the x-irc window04:59
Addisonianrandy_, I think there are certifications for Ubuntu or Debian.  I am just not a good person to ask.  Try google.05:00
dl551can someone help? I try to do a ./configure for a program but get permission denied05:00
randy_Addisonian, thank you very much,because even I konw spell  certifications05:01
adstatanyone here?05:01
Addisonianadstat, nope05:02
adstatHaving some issues with Ubuntu 11.0405:02
AddisonianWrong irc channel   Use   #ubuntu+105:03
Jeruvyadstat: #ubuntu+1 please05:03
Buddha-Dharmaodd question: anyone know how to resolve facebook plug-in on pidgin?05:05
bluezonebloody hell, it IS my isp that is lowering the download speeds of the repo's!05:06
wolf23i cant found the solution for ICEauthority :((05:07
Addisonianbluezone, Jesse Brown at Search Engine says all the ISPs up there are bad at that.05:08
glitchdcan someone help me with this error?? SystemError: installArchives() failed05:09
r3zI have an NFS question if anyone is around.05:09
glitchdr3z, need for speed??..lol05:10
Addisonianpascal, fft05:10
glitchdnfs=need for speed05:11
* r3z facepalms.05:11
rwwglitchd: no05:11
glitchdrww, i assumed it didnt, but just had to make sure05:11
JeruvyIf I hear that one more time today... glitchd05:11
jcsimscan anyone tell me why this line in the quickly tutorial is not working for me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/548433/05:11
pookywhere is the option to allow "alt-tab" to work across all workspaces?05:11
glitchdJeruvy, okok my apologies to the room05:11
wolfrichow long does it normally take for the status of a bug to be updated? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/69396205:12
glitchdbut can someone help me because i cant install graphics drivers, it just wont let me, but ive had them installed before?05:12
wolfrici submitted this one around a week ago05:12
rwwwolfric: depends on the package (and who looks after it, if anyone), the bug type, and whether anyone wants to work on it.05:13
Gormaniliusholy shiz05:13
Gormaniliuslots of people here05:13
glitchdcan someone help me with this error?? SystemError: installArchives() failed05:14
needlezglitchd: what up??05:14
wolfricrww: well it's simply adding in a package that's left out from the aircrack suite. I take it it requires a developer to submit the additional packages and we can only request them right?05:14
glitchdneedlez, im trying to install my graphics driver and i keep getting that error msg.05:14
OrangePeelI just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my desktop and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner . How the heck do I stop this?05:14
Addisonianwolfric.  I submitted ne.  A month later a reply was posted that asked me to do something impossible and then the bug was closed.  So, bugs don't always get worked out.  My case was unusual, though.05:15
rwwwolfric: or package it yourself and add it to the sponsorship queue.05:15
needlezglitchd: what graphics card is it and what driver package are you trying to install??05:15
wolfricrww: any guides on packaging and on sponsorship queue?05:15
glitchdneedlez, now im not exactly sure what card i have, but im trying to install the ati/amd proprietary FGLRX graphics driver so i can have desktop effects05:16
rwwwolfric: no, that's outside of my area of knowledge. #ubuntu-motu might know.05:16
wolfricrww:  whats motu?05:16
rwwor ubottu, maybe05:16
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU05:16
needlezglitchd: pm me05:16
cc123hi everyone. our ubuntu 10.04 server just crashed and no one can figure out what happened. the server wasn't high, no disk io wait time issues, no memory issues, but i do see in apache logs a random series of this: "^@" at the time of the crash (about 300 instances of that character). any idaes?05:18
wolfricrww: cheers for the links https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete in case you're interested for references sake05:20
Addisoniancc123, You were being attacked.  Or a hard disk error.  Those are only ideas, based on very little information.05:20
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cc123Addisonian, its a cloud hosting (rackspace) instance. could it still be hard disk?05:21
cc123Addisonian, what logs would you say i should check?05:21
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AddisonianA hard disk error can be just about anywhere, cc123.  If it is at Rackspace and was a disk error, it probably won't recur.05:22
Addisoniancc123, I'd look at just about all the logs that had updates about that time.05:23
OrangePeelI just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my desktop and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner . How the heck do I stop this?05:26
vectoryjust connected a second monitor, whats better on nvidia, twinview or seperate x screens?05:26
Know1edgehow could I execute a .sh thats in a different directory? ./home/thebrent/public_html/admin/httpdocs/cake/console/cake europa ProcessEmail - but it says no such file or directory?05:28
MrUnagianyone know why i can upload files to the directory via sftp, but when mounted as sshfs i cannot due to permission problems?05:28
rwwKnow1edge: take the . off the front.05:29
AddisonianIf the filename is cake.sh, you need to add the .sh.05:29
AddisonianLinx does not add the extensions for you, Know1edge05:30
Addisonianlinx -> Linux, or should I say Gnu-Linux?05:30
Buddha-Dharmahow do i upgrade versions using terminal?05:31
bullgardBuddha-Dharma: sudo uapt-get upgrade05:31
bullgardBuddha-Dharma: sudo apt-get upgrade05:31
Buddha-Dharmai tried and it came back all zeros05:31
cc123Addisonian, thanks for your help05:31
OrangePeelok wtf05:32
OrangePeelAlll my downloads are gone05:32
OrangePeelNEED HELP05:32
FloodBot3OrangePeel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
OrangePeelWill pay $$$05:32
OrangePeel1 sec05:33
bullgard!prefix | Buddha-Dharma05:33
ubottuBuddha-Dharma: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:33
AddisonianBuddha-Dharma, From Terminal, type startx, then run update manager. .  How's that?05:33
Buddha-Dharmaok will try05:33
sacarlsonOrangePeel: what might you have done to loose your downloads?  maybe you just changed the dir it used before05:33
AddisonianBuddha-Dharma, I think  sudo aptitude dist-upgrade    is what you really want.05:34
OrangePeelI'm putting it together05:34
Buddha-Dharma!addisonian thanks it did something now i am going to reboot05:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:36
OrangePeelFirst. I just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my Downloads and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner. THAN I clicked on Properties > Permissions > Folder Access(Was on Create and Delete Files, Clicked on....List Files Only.) ...It than said Error(I STILL HAVE THE FILES AS MY GB MEMORY HAS NOT CHANGED) NOW they're gone from Downloads.05:36
AddisonianBuddha-Dharma, A dist-upgrade take quite a while.  I05:36
AddisonianOh, well he is gone.05:37
OrangePeelWTH happened!!05:38
OrangePeelThis is seriously like everything I'm on the internet about05:38
AddisonianOrangePeel, Please watch your language.05:38
OrangePeelhell ?05:39
OrangePeelok sorry05:39
sacarlsonOrangePeel: you might tell us what application you were playing with in this operation05:39
jonthuehello i cant seem to change my desktop background, it stays on white05:39
OrangePeelNothing sacarlson05:39
OrangePeelApplication? like VLC ?05:39
sacarlsonOrangePeel: the application that you ran to go Properties > Permissions > Folder Acces05:40
OrangePeelNothing, just right click on the backround of th folder Downloads05:40
Addisonianjonthue, if you right click on the background, do you see an option to change the background?05:40
OrangePeelNothing, just right click on the backround of th folder Downloads sacarlson05:41
jonthuei tried but it all failed05:41
sacarlsonOrangePeel: nautilus?05:41
jon8is there such a command that allows me to 'watch' a file, as it is being changed, like a log file.. so whenever something writes to a log file, i can see it on my screen05:41
OrangePeelsacarlson, not sur what you're talking about05:41
jonthueand now their is a mass opening of windows05:41
Addisonianjonthue, what do you mean by failed?  what happened?05:41
Buddha-DharmaAddisonisn: I did the sudo aptitude dist-upgrade and rebooted what do I need to do now?05:41
rwwjonthue: tail -F /path/to/file.log05:41
rwwjon8: ^^^05:41
OrangePeelBut that's like everything05:42
rwwjonthue: sorry, mistab05:42
jon8i just read that ;)05:42
jon8i was reading 'man tail' thinking that was it05:42
jonthuethe background turned grew and their is mass window opening05:42
sacarlsonOrangePeel: maybe you were in your browser?05:42
jon8rww thank you :)05:42
AddisonianBuddha-Dharma, a dist-upgrade takes a while to run.  It can be a couple of hours.  What version are you running now?05:42
AmtraskHello, I am having problems with my wireless card. After I installed a proprietary driver, and after I type "sudo modprobe r8192ce_pci", the card works perfectly. Until I reboot, and then I have to do the whole process over again. Thoughts?05:42
OrangePeelPossiblyonline firefox youtube maybe05:42
OrangePeelI don't think so though05:42
Buddha-Dharmai think its 8.10?05:42
Buddha-Dharmahow do i check?05:43
OrangePeelan error came up and I force quit it. It said a place wher the files'may' be at sacarlson05:43
sacarlsonOrangePeel: after you booted your ubuntu what did you do?05:43
rwwBuddha-Dharma: lsb_release -a05:43
jonthuethis thing all started when i tried to turn my window screen transparent05:43
AddisonianBuddha-Dharma, You are stuck.  There is no upgrade from 8.10 anymore.05:43
OrangePeelbooted? I go to Transmission, Pidgeon, x Chat, Firefox05:43
OrangePeellik I always do05:43
OrangePeelDon't think that's relavant05:43
Buddha-Dharmaok.. suggestion?05:43
rwwAddisonian: sure there is, we have instructions for it. It just isn't supported.05:43
rww!eol | Buddha-Dharma05:43
ubottuBuddha-Dharma: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:43
sacarlsonOrangePeel: ok so since you say downloads maybe you were in transmission?05:44
Addisonianrww, good.  I'll see if I can find him a pointer.05:44
AmtraskBuddha-Dharma I think you will want to install a newer version of Ubuntu05:44
OrangePeelI wasn't using it but it was on ys05:44
rww!dist-upgrade | Addisonian05:44
ubottuAddisonian: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.05:44
rwwAddisonian: See the EOLUpgrades page ubottu mentioned ;)05:44
co2So I have a question. I have a comaq nc8430 which has 3 mouse buttons built in with the touchpad. The middle one does not work (it registers as a left click). Can I use lenovo "solutions" to try and fix this, or is this something that needs specialization. I've tried adding specific lines to my xorg file, but nothing works.05:45
AmtraskHello, I am having problems with my wireless card. After I installed a proprietary driver, and after I type "sudo modprobe r8192ce_pci", the card works perfectly. Until I reboot, and then I have to do the whole process over again. Thoughts?05:45
OrangePeelI don't want to but am probably going to have to pay someone to get my stuff back05:45
xrdodrxWhat do you mean, orange peel?05:46
OrangePeelsacarlson, something about Ubuntu One went on where it startd acting funny after I right click and clicked on Syncronize05:46
lwizardlIn 10.10 how do I tell it to use the windows key as the shortcut for opening the menu ? when i go into shortcuts select the option and press the windows key nothing happens on my other computers they switch to super_L but on this laptop its not registering the command05:46
sacarlsonOrangePeel: I looked in transmision I still don't see Properties > Permissions > Folder Acces,  so I'm clueless05:47
AddisonianBuddha-Dharma, See the page at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Intrepid05:47
OrangePeelno sacarlson05:47
jonthuewow my terminal refuse to excute05:47
icarus-clwizardl, for Windows key, you have to edit the keyboard shortcut config directly05:47
OrangePeelIn Downloads, the folder downloads, next to Music/Pictures ..... I right clicked the background05:47
icarus-clwizardl, like with gconf-editor or gconftool05:47
OrangePeeland than went to properties permissions05:47
AddisonianI'll try to answer any questions you have, but that seems to give you the information, Buddha-Dharma05:48
sacarlsonOrangePeel: ok I found it,  you were in nautilus05:48
OrangePeelNot sure what that is but ok05:48
OrangePeelif I hae to I will literally pay somone to get my files back05:48
OrangePeelTHeyre still on the omputer05:48
treeshoedoes rsync require something to be running on the remote system other than SSH ?05:48
sacarlsonOrangePeel: that's the filemanager you might have used in Places on top of your screen05:48
glitchdneedlez, you are the man my frjend. the f'n man.05:49
icarus-clwizardl, eh wait. for "menu" you mean the main menu in the panel? which default to Alt-F1 ?05:49
glitchdneedlez, it works05:49
glitchdneedlez, i have wobbly windows n such now05:49
sacarlsonOrangePeel: so did you try look in trash?05:49
OrangePeelIt's not in trash05:49
lwizardlicarus-c, yes05:49
OrangePeelIt dissapeared literally05:49
needlezglitchd: glad to hear its workin05:49
glitchdneedlez, thank you very much05:50
sacarlsonOrangePeel: maybe it's just not visable try turn hiden files on in nautilus05:50
glitchdneedlez, would u believe ive been trying to get some help with this for a couple hours already? i just kept getting ignored in the channel=(05:50
piercedwaterDoes anyone have any suggestions as to why my monitor won't display Ubuntu? It is a 15" Dell LCD. Debian Lenny displays fine05:50
needlezglitchd: np and if it happens again just remember what you did to fix it...if not just look for me in here...05:50
sacarlsonOrangePeel:  View>hiden files05:51
vectoryimagine the files just disapeared, disregard it could be a user mistake and u have some serious bg there05:51
co2OrangePeel: ctrl+h05:51
AddisonianOrangePeel, Do you know the name of any of the files?  If so, try using find to see where they are(assuming they are to be found)05:51
OrangePeelther's 0 files in my folder now05:51
needlezglitchd: thats sad... well if I'm ever in this channel look for me or just type my nick in and see if im on if i am ill try to help anyway i can05:51
glitchdneedlez, well truth be told, i have a memory of a goldfish, so i will for sure be looking for u again if it happes05:51
OrangePeelLet me try that Addisonian05:51
OrangePeel1 sec sacarlson Addisonian05:51
sacarlsonOrangePeel:  do you know any file names in the directory you lost?05:51
icarus-clwizardl, issue this command :  gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu --type string "Super_L"05:51
glitchdneedlez, that is very much appreciated, thank you very much05:52
needlezglitchd: kk05:52
lwizardlicarus-c, command not found05:52
needlezglitchd: np your welcome05:52
lwizardlalready did that same google search before joining05:52
AddisonianOrangePeel, for the widest search, do it as a sudo command and start in the root directory.05:52
glitchdneedlez, okie dokie, im outta here then take it easy bud05:52
icarus-clwizardl, are you using GNOME?05:52
lwizardlOrangePeel, are you a painter for cars?05:52
needlezglitchd: you too peace05:52
lwizardlicarus-c, yes05:52
OrangePeelNo lwizardl why05:52
OrangePeelWhat's the command in sudo Addisonian05:53
OrangePeelI mean Terminal05:53
sacarlsonlwizardl: good one05:53
lwizardlOrangePeel, the name you are using is a term for a issue with paint oversprays on automobiles05:53
icarus-clwizardl, do you have gconf-editor ?05:53
AddisonianOrangePeel,    sudo find / -name exactfilename05:53
OrangePeelbut opn trminal in root right Addisonian ?05:53
lwizardlicarus-c, yes05:53
co2lwizardl: it's also the name of a can of wall texture...05:53
Spirits-Sighthow do u save change in vim ?05:54
co2Spirits-Sight:  :wq05:54
icarus-clwizardl, well you could use gconf-editor, navigate to /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu   and change its value to Super_L05:54
co2Spirits-Sight: well, that saves and quits...05:54
jonthuemy background refuse to chnage heeelllpppp!!!!05:54
AddisonianOrangePeel, Or put what you know in quotes    sudo find / -name "fastcar*.jpg"     There is no need to run this in a root terminal.  That is why I used sudo.05:55
lwizardlicarus-c, that worked thanks05:55
needlezjonthue: ok whats the issue??05:55
Addisonianjonthue, Are you running the ntbook remix?05:55
jonthueall i get is white screen and when i try to change the desktop background it turns black05:56
Addisonianjonthue, netbook remix, that is05:56
jonthueits desktop05:56
sacarlsonAddisonian: OrangePeel: I assume he wan't sudo when he was in nuatilus,  you could have him just try start search at ~/05:56
lwizardlwhats the name of the old scanner package that was included with ubuntu from like 9.10 and past. this new simple scan application sucks i tell it to crop from x+y and it just crops to x so i have to manually edit each page in gimp.05:57
OrangePeelit's searching now d05:57
OrangePeelnow ddis05:57
Addisonianjonthue, a white background is not the default for Ubuntu.  That sounds like some maximized program.05:57
lwizardlI thought it was sane but after installing it thats not it05:57
icarus-clwizardl, xsane?05:57
OrangePeelSearching now Addisonian but nothing is happening, just blinking box in trminal05:57
OrangePeelafter i typed in password05:58
lwizardli'll try that05:58
needlezjonthue: is it 10.10 that your running?? and what way are you trying to change the background?? thru the desktop change or thru someother way??05:58
jonthueliterally its stuck on white screen and i only see my pic after i click yes to log off05:58
Addisoniansacarlson, He could start there.  I would.  But, if it fails, he should go on to search the drive.  If that fails, the files are gone.05:58
Spirits-Sightalso how can I get add-apt-repository to work?  its saying "sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found"05:58
needlezjonthue: have you checked to make sure your drivers for your graphics card are installed??05:58
lwizardlicarus-c, yes that was it thanks again05:59
rwwSpirits-Sight: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?05:59
sacarlsonOrangePeel: Addisonian: agreeed if fails to find in ~/ then widen the search05:59
saliakI've always wondered, how do you go about "uninstalling" something from linux, if you've forgotten what all has been installed?  for example, i think i installed asterisk-gui at some point, but have since lost the makefile i used to install (so i can't do a "make clean").  don't remember which version, etc.05:59
jonthueit all began to act up after installng sudo apt-get install murrine-themes05:59
Spirits-Sightrww: its 10.04 server05:59
Spirits-Sightwith out x05:59
icarus-c"locate" is handy for searching too05:59
AddisonianSpirits-Sight, just edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list with an editor.  Be careful, though.  Backup before editing is prudent.05:59
OrangePeelsudo find / -name How to go out of your mind - Th LSD crisis.avi05:59
OrangePeelI typd in05:59
rwwSpirits-Sight: install the python-software-properties package, that should get you it.05:59
jonthuethey say it has some bugs but i didnt know it would be this nasty06:00
gartralOrangePeel: OWWW06:00
AddisonianOrangePeel, That has spaces in the name You need to put quotes around it.06:00
OrangePeelok what about06:00
OrangePeelSpaces are ok though ?06:00
needlezjonthue: hmm they say what has some bugs?? ubuntu 10.10 or your graphics driver??06:00
gartralyes\ spaces\ are\ just\ fine06:01
sacarlsonOrangePeel:  maybe try cd ; find . -name "*.avi"06:01
AddisonianOrangePeel, I don't like spaces in the name.  So, it depends on what you mean by OK.06:01
AddisonianTo search for a filename with spaces in it with find, you need to put quotes, OrangePeel06:02
Spirits-SightAddisonian: how do I install a key then, I already edited the sources.list file but not it yells because there is no key installed I guess06:02
AddisonianSpirits-Sight, There is a way.  I do it rarely enough that I need to look it p.06:02
OrangePeellinksy@linksy-laptop:~$ cd ; find . -name "*How to go out of your mind - The LSD crisis.avi"06:03
OrangePeelfind: `./Downloads': Permission denied06:03
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »06:03
jemchello guys06:03
DouglasKlwizardl: xsane?06:03
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
jemcI'm having a very weird problem06:03
Jezekhttrack work for anyone?06:03
sanjoyi can't open rar file06:04
sanjoywhat should i do?06:04
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:04
OrangePeelPETER KINGSLEY Finding Our Ancient Wisdom.avi06:04
sacarlsonOrangePeel: oh is this ./Downloads dir in some mounted ntfs disk?06:04
AddisonianSpirits-Sight, See http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/05/apt-get-update-how-to-solve-no-public-key-available/06:04
OrangePeelmounted ntfs disk?06:04
jemcUbuntu 10,04 Live it's not seeing my HDDs, I'm sure they are not damaged or something like that 'cause I have installed Windows 7 in one of them06:05
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sacarlsonOrangePeel: try your search with sudo since you have the permision problem06:05
Jezekwhen i try to open website copier i get a 40406:05
sacarlsonOrangePeel: cd; sudo find . -name "*.avi"06:06
jemcwhy does it happens?06:06
sanjoyi can't open rar file in ubuntu what should i do?06:07
jemcinstall rar support06:07
bluezonejemc, be more specific?06:07
OrangePeel./Downloads/PETER KINGSLEY Finding Our Ancient Wisdom.avi06:07
OrangePeelback to the same thing06:07
sacarlsonOrangePeel: so you found it?06:08
Addisonianjemc, I had a system at an installfest earlier this month like that.  The driivers for the chipset on that system were not on the Live CD.  We installed using the Alternate CD with no problems.  That may be uyour problem, too.06:08
OrangePeelIt says it's there06:08
OrangePeelbut I don't see it06:08
rww!cn | goto_sky06:08
ubottugoto_sky: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:08
OrangePeeland I now see a bunch of stuff in my Home Folder06:08
sacarlsonOrangePeel: but only seen as sudo?06:08
rwwubottu: tell sanjoy about rar06:08
ubottusanjoy, please see my private message06:08
jemcAddisonian, damn, how do I check those drivers?06:08
OrangePeelNot sure sudo seemed to work06:08
AddisonianI don't answer questions with cursing.06:09
jemcoh, sorry I was damming @ the void, :S Addisonian06:09
OrangePeelBut still, it is not seen06:09
piercedwaterDoes anyone have any suggestions on how to change my monitors resolution? I cant boot to Ubuntu06:09
goto_skyoh no06:10
nharmataI currently have a desktop running Windows 7.  I want to install Ubuntu on a separate hdd and be able to boot either 7 or Ubuntu.  Installation-wise, are there any important differences between doing this and installing 7 + Ubuntu on the same hdd?06:10
OrangePeelAm I going to have to take my computer in ?06:10
goto_skyi can06:11
OrangePeelLike I said, I have money, I will send it if you can find the solution06:11
Addisonianpiercedwater, There are several strategies available.  You can ssh to the machine and edit the xorg.conf file.06:11
sacarlsonOrangePeel: so lets look at what is returned from ls -l -d ./Downloads06:11
piercedwaterAddisonian: good call. what part do I need to edit?06:11
rwwgoto_sky: only speak English here. #ubuntu-cn for Chinese.06:11
OrangePeelAbsolutely nothing in Downloads sacarlson06:12
OrangePeelit's like a fresh new folder...06:12
sacarlsonOrangePeel: try sudo ls -l -d ./Downloads06:12
gobbenharmata: you could do it either way, if you have enough big HDD you can install them on same disk but separate partitions06:12
Addisonianpiercedwater, It depends on your system.  That is not where I would start.  I'd probably edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg(or menu.lst) first.  That may get you to the login screen.06:12
OrangePeellinksy@linksy-laptop:~$ sudo ls -l -d ./Downloads06:13
OrangePeeldr--r-xr-x 66 linksy linksy 61440 2010-12-28 16:51 ./Downloads06:13
OrangePeelnothing changd06:13
sacarlsonOrangePeel: try chmod 777 ./Downloads06:13
bullgardWhat Ubuntu program will read the title list of an audio CD and display it to the user?06:14
Addisonianpiercedwater, What video chip and what monitor do you have?06:14
OrangePeelno sudo ?06:14
sacarlsonOrangePeel: yes sudo06:14
Addisonianbullgard, A standard CD has no title list.06:14
OrangePeelsudo chmod 777 ./Downloads06:14
OrangePeelturned up nothing06:14
sacarlsonOrangePeel: is that your user name linksy?06:14
piercedwaterAddisonian: I dont know the video chip and its a Dell e151fp06:15
sacarlsonOrangePeel: ok look in the dir again with nautilus06:15
OrangePeelnothing sacarlson06:15
piercedwaterAddisonian: its not letting me ssh in06:15
OrangePeelhold on06:16
OrangePeellet me try something sacarlson06:16
sacarlsonOrangePeel: try  sudo ls -l -d ./Downloads  again06:16
OrangePeelLet me try to synchronize again, an error comes up06:16
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OrangePeellinksy@linksy-laptop:~$ sudo ls -l -d ./Downloads06:16
OrangePeeldrwxrwxrwx 66 linksy linksy 61440 2010-12-28 16:51 ./Downloads06:16
Addisonianpiercedwater, You need to find out to really solve this.  I have had to use Knoppix to boot a system to make changes sometimes.  I have to step away for a moment.06:16
sacarlsonOrangePeel: ok ?06:17
OrangePeelsacarlson, I clickdon properties in desktop and it says I still have 1,511 files in here06:17
OrangePeelbut there's 0 files being shown06:18
bullgardAddisonian: Well, if so, why does Sound Juicer complain: "Sound Juicer could not read in the title list of this CD. Reason: Could not access this CD. Error while getting peer-to-peer dbus connection. The name :1.245 was not provided by any .service files."06:18
sacarlsonOrangePeel: try cd ./Downloads ; sudo ls06:18
piercedwaterintegrated intel extreme 2 Addisonian06:18
codyHey, I try to update Ubuntu and get a "Failed to download Repository Information" with this in the details: W:Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'extras.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)06:19
cody, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'security.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)06:19
cody, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:19
FloodBot3cody: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
sacarlsonOrangePeel: add sudo ls -l06:19
OrangePeelThe entire list of files cam up sacarlson06:19
codyanyone know how I can fix that?06:19
codythe update problem?06:20
bullgardcody: Probably your repository is at a temporary fault. Try again in a few hours. Do nothing in between.06:20
sanjoyi can't open rar file in ubuntu what should i do?06:20
codyhuh, I've been trying all day..... and yesterday.06:21
rwwsanjoy: you should read the instructions ubottu has told you twice now.06:21
icarus-c!rar | sanjoy06:21
ubottusanjoy: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:21
sanjoyyea i read it06:21
gartralsanjoy: apt-get install p7zip06:21
sanjoythnx dude06:21
codysanjoy: or you could use Peazip06:21
bullgardsanjoy: What is the exact wording of your error message?06:21
icarus-csanjoy, so you have been told to use "unrar"  and you don't want to?..06:21
mneptokOrangePeel: may i PM?06:22
sanjoyi cant install "unrar"06:22
PhiloThis might seem stupid, but how can I move a panel in Gnome?06:22
OrangePeelyes mneptok06:22
=== harshn is now known as Harsh
PhiloI can't find an option to unlock it.06:22
codyand I can't not do anything in between network-wise, as it's my family's shared network..... they're always using it.06:23
icarus-cgartral, eh... as far as i know, unrar is the only program/library that could extract rar files06:23
sanjoyit says archive type is not supported06:23
=== Harsh is now known as Harsh_Kumar_Naru
sanjoycant install p7zip too06:23
needlezicarus-c: p7zip-rar06:23
=== Harsh_Kumar_Naru is now known as Harsh_Kumar
icarus-cdoesn't that just contain unrar06:24
cody@sanjoy: Peazip is available online free of charge.06:24
Addisonianbullgard, You are assuming that Sound Juicer reads the title list from the CD.  I don't use Sound Juicer, but most rippers work by getting the length of all the songs and looking up in the freedb database.  Your error seems to indicate a more basic problem, in that the CD cannot be read.06:24
icarus-csanjoy, how did you attempt to install stuff?06:24
drawmeatHi I am using xubuntu and I have a question about sound06:24
sacarlsonOrangePeel: I assume your fixed, you found your files,  what did the ls -l show you?06:24
sanjoywhat is the code to install rar software ?06:24
OrangePeelTh list of my files on terminal06:25
OrangePeelbut they're not shown in Desktop06:25
Addisonianpiercedwater, Am I correct in that you don't even see the login prompt?  Did you set it to automatically login?06:25
sacarlsonOrangePeel: the ls -l will tell us why show one file line06:25
piercedwaterAddisonian: no login prompt, just a black screen. i didnt check anything to auto login06:25
Harsh_Kumar@Orange, are you on KDE?06:25
OrangePeelNot sure what that is Haraken06:26
bluezoneOvz, HI06:26
drawmeatDoes anyone know how to know if you have a soundcard instualled on xubuntu06:26
Addisonianpiercedwater, Just a moment.  I have to look up something.06:26
icarus-csanjoy, apt-get install unrar ?06:26
bluezonedrawmeat, humm try lspci?06:26
Ovzu can use ark too06:26
icarus-csanjoy, or do it in software center or synaptic06:26
OrangePeelno it showed all th torrents that 'are' 'were' in thre sacarlson06:26
OrangePeelnot torrents06:27
bullgardAddisonian:  What I wrote was the output of an error message. Not my personal guess. --  Is the "freedb database" a website, or where is it to be found?06:27
FloodBot3OrangePeel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
drawmeatbluezone, do I type that in terminal?06:27
sanjoywhat is the name?06:27
sanjoyunrar ??06:27
bluezonedrawmeat, yeah06:27
bullgardAddisonian:  This very audio CD can be played on another Ubuntu computer using VLC.06:28
Addisonianbullgard, Yes freedb is a database available over the internet.06:28
Harsh_Kumar@sanjoy: sudo apt-get install unrar06:28
Addisonianbullgard, OK.  That demonstrates less than you think.06:28
icarus-csanjoy, please read the instructions given carefully.06:28
sacarlsonOrangePeel: so the sudo ls -l doen't show the files you were looking for?06:29
sanjoythank you all ^_^06:29
drawmeatbluezone, i typed it in..  i'm pretty noob at xumbuntu i got the results, is there one in particular i should be looking for?06:29
bluezonedrawmeat, if your sound card is detected it should be there, i must go now though :)06:29
sanjoymy rar file is open now06:29
piercedwaterAddisonian: Im trying to get to a shell right now so I can edit the conf file06:29
OrangePeelIt does, but thy're still not in Downloads06:29
OrangePeelI don't know where thy are.06:29
sacarlsonOrangePeel: I just need to see one line from the sudo ls -l06:30
Addisonianpiercedwater, Good.  I know what I want you to add.06:30
sacarlsonOrangePeel: like this: -rw-r--r--  1 sacarlson sacarlson     1032 2010-11-30 07:32 to_nils.txt06:30
Harsh_Kumar@Orange; just try sudo killall nautilus, if u havent tried it so far06:31
OrangePeeli'm sorry, give m the command again sacarlson06:31
Ovzi am getting that sound card issue too in bactrack06:31
sacarlsonOrangePeel: sudo ls -l06:31
OrangePeeltotal 20406:32
OrangePeel-rw-r--r--  1 linksy linksy 31611 2010-12-26 12:50 Books that nobody want you to have.abw06:32
OrangePeeldrwxr-xr-x 11 linksy linksy  4096 2010-12-28 20:59 Desktop06:32
OrangePeeldrwxr-xr-x 10 linksy linksy  4096 2010-12-28 17:34 Documents06:32
OrangePeeldrwxrwxrwx 66 linksy linksy 61440 2010-12-28 16:51 Downloads06:32
FloodBot3OrangePeel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:32
OrangePeel-rw-r--r--  1 linksy linksy   179 2010-11-13 23:16 examples.desktop06:32
sacarlsonOrangePeel: seems you didn't  cd ./Downloads yes06:32
Addisonianpiercedwater, You will tell me when you are ready, I hope.06:33
OrangePeelI did but I xed out for anothr terminal command06:33
OrangePeelone sec06:33
sacarlsonOrangePeel:  cd ./Downloads ; sudo ls -l06:33
piercedwaterAddisonian: how do i get to a command prompt?06:34
gartralI need too rebind right click.. how would i do that?06:34
AddisonianTry  Ctrl+Alt+F206:34
psycho_oreos!terminal| piercedwater06:34
ubottupiercedwater: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:34
OrangePeel-rw-r--r-- 1 linksy linksy     290749 2010-11-23 16:56 Video-0002.3gp06:34
piercedwaterIm botting off the install disc and I need to get to a prompt06:34
drawmeatHi all, is there a simple way for a n00b to know if he has a sound card installed on xubuntu and if he does, to get it working06:35
bullgardAddisonian: Your message: "bullgard, OK. That demonstrates less than you think." conveys little information to me. You did not even outline the subject of your statement well enough.06:35
sacarlsonOrangePeel: then it should be seen from Places>home folder  click on Downloads you should see it06:35
Addisonianpiercedwater, So, you are getting this blank screen from the install disk, right?06:35
OrangePeelnothing sacarlson06:35
Harsh_Kumar@pierce...: press ctrl+alt+F206:36
piercedwaterAddisonian: no, from the hdd install. but im booting from the install cd to try and get to a command prompt06:36
Addisonianbullgard, I was working on something else at the time.  The fact that a CD plays on one machine does not guarantee it will play on another.06:36
psycho_oreosHarsh_Kumar, I wouldn't recommend that, not without telling the user how to get back to GUI after that which is Ctrl+Alt+F706:36
sacarlsonOrangePeel: well try in that dir you cd'ed into chmod 777 *06:36
piercedwaterAddisonian: ok i got to a shell06:37
Addisonianbullgard, Is this a pressed CD(A commercially bought normal CD)  Or is it one that was burned by someone?06:37
OrangePeelWhat's that command of chmod 777 again sacarlson06:38
OrangePeelWill save it now06:38
bullgardAddisonian: I am speaking about a pressed CD. It is a commercially bought normal CD.06:38
saliaki've got an old linux server running as my main router/firewall.  just got a new machine in to migrate it to.  any suggestions how to mirror the system?  old hardware is about 10 years old.  new one is modern.  the old one is running ubuntu server 8.04.02.  my plan is to install 8.04.04 onto the new one, then tar everything from the old one, and untar on the new one.  good/bad idea?  any better way?06:38
Addisonianpiercedwater,  I need an aswer to that last question first.  Is this a boot of the Ubuntu install CD where you are getting this blank screen?06:38
sacarlsonOrangePeel: chmod 777 *  changes permisions so all users can see and exec files in that dir06:38
piercedwaterAddisonian: When I try to boot from a hdd that has ubuntu 10.04 installed I get a blank screen. I just booted from the install cd and got to a command prompt06:39
sacarlsonOrangePeel: if you need more details see man chmod06:39
OrangePeelsacarlson, can I PM?06:39
sacarlsonOrangePeel: yes06:39
piercedwaterty Harsh_Kumar06:40
Addisonianbullgard, Then the odds are much better that any CD drive can read it.  First, try another CD in the system that is giving you the problem.  Another music CD that is.  Not another drive.06:40
mekosHi all; is there a fix for "error probing smb1" while booting up? Ubuntu 10.0406:40
Addisonianpiercedwater, OK. what do you remember about the hard drive layout on your computer?  We need to mount the partition containing /boot.06:41
stealthcthat is error with nforce smbus mekos06:42
piercedwaterAddisonian: Ill get to it. hang on06:42
stealthcyou have an nforce chipset?06:42
mekosstealthc: nVidia06:43
bullgardAddisonian: I have tried in the past several times to play other commercially pressed audio CDs on this CD/DVD drive using Sound Juicer under Maverick . The results were similar. The error messages varied sometimes slightly.06:44
mekosstealthc: everything seems to work - just get the error on boot.  Am I missing something?06:44
chdwhats the best program to use for ftp?06:44
rwwchd: Places -> Connect to Server...06:44
chdlol nice06:44
piercedwaterAddisonian: I found it. Now what06:45
mekosstealthc: thanks06:45
chdcan I use that for sftp rww?06:45
stealthclook for acpi_enforce_resources=lax06:46
stealthcI believe adding that to your init files fixes it06:46
twiztidhey all, quick noob question.... how do i satisfy smb4k into making a directory once i try to mount it?06:46
Addisonianbullgard, I would try another program.  The one I liked best is no longer in the repositories.  So, install RipperX and see how it does.  Even if you don't want to use it long term, it will help diagnose.  It uses the paranoia ripper library, which is pretty good.06:46
rwwchd: yes, choose SSH in the dropdown box06:47
twiztidim basically tryin to setup for ubuntu to auto mount my smb:// (nework drive)06:47
Addisonianpiercedwater, "I found it" has no relation to my question.06:47
bullgardchd: I a sense:  Enter in Nautilus' input line: 'sftp://<username>@/path/to/computername'.06:47
piercedwaterAddisonian: I have located the mount "/boot"06:47
twiztidive been all through fstab... for some reason, i can navigate all through the network but once i get to the drive im trying to access it just says, "unable to mount location failed to mount windows share"06:49
Addisonianpiercedwater, There is a /boot on the live CD.  From your statement, I presume you are looking at it.  I am asking about the hard drive.06:49
codyokay, on looking at my resolv.conf for trying to figure out why Ubuntu can't load update info, it looks like it's looking up my wireless router, it says "# Generated by NetworkManager06:49
codydomain Belkin;search Belkin;nameserver" where ":" is a line break.06:49
piercedwaterAddisonian: I am in a shell that has the file system from my hdd with the mount /boot on it06:50
codyis that possibly a problem? or does that look right?06:50
AddisonianWhat partitions are on the hard drive, piercedwater ?  Try  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda06:50
codyanyone know?06:50
piercedwaterAddisonian: sda1 - the one with "/boot" on it sda2 - "Extended" and sda5 - "swap"06:51
codythe ISP my family uses is Comcast.06:51
youlundoes anyone know how to get Chrome to open ed2k:// links in amule?06:51
bullgardAddisonian: Thank you for your advice.06:52
krishanudoes anyine know of a soft phone dialer for empathy06:53
codyfrom what i've gathered, may be wrong though, is my laptop is looking up my family's Router, gathered that from /etc/resolv.conf.06:53
Addisonianpiercedwater, OK, lets try it.  Be very careful..  We're hunting rabbits.    sudo mkdir /media/sda2; sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda206:53
twiztidhey all, im needing a little help with mounting windows shares...06:53
piercedwaterAddisonian: It said I need to specify a filesystem06:54
Addisonianpiercedwater, you may need to specify the filesystem type.  Try it the way I gave it to you first.06:54
piercedwaterAddisonian: It said I need to specify a filesystem06:55
AddisonianDid you use the default of ext4?06:55
codyanyone know? and should I copy over the contents of resolv.conf? before I was getting a "Failed to download repository information" and hence am unable to update, i've been trying all day.06:55
piercedwaterAddisonian: no, i will try it with that06:55
Addisonianpiercedwater, I mean when you installed the system.  If so, you need to add   -t ext406:56
Addisonianpiercedwater, sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /media/sda206:56
OrangePeelFirst. I just right clicked and clicked "Synchronize" in my Downloads and all the folders/files have red circles with white X bottom left of every corner. How do I get rid of this, this is what it looks like. http://img844.imageshack.us/i/screenshotbi.png/How do I remove a folder from UbuntuOne Cload. An entire folder is synced to Ubuntu one.06:57
piercedwaterAddisonian: when i type "mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /media/sda2" I get a "Wrong fs type rror"06:57
OrangePeelHow do I remove a folder from UbuntuOne Cload. An entire folder is synced to Ubuntu one.06:57
codyanyone know?06:58
rs0832cody, usually, when apt-get cannot update, it is because of the sources.list file07:00
CripperZcody ... are u able to ping out to internet ip addresses ?07:00
rs0832cody, what is the error you are getting?07:00
codygimme a sec07:00
Addisonianpiercedwater, It may be another filesystem type.  I am hesitant to proceed by IRC.  Can we talk by phone?  I am not going to do anything to charge you.07:00
gimixHi, I am looking for simple editor can support compare and multi languages on Ubuntu. Any advice?07:01
piercedwaterAddisonian: sure07:01
rs0832gimix, multi programming languages? or natural languages?07:01
Addisonianpiercedwater, Can I pm you?07:02
gimixand support java language07:02
codyW:Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'extras.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)07:02
cody, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.07:02
piercedwaterAddisonian: yes07:02
codythat's the error07:02
rs0832gimix, gedit works well for me07:02
rs0832cody, does your internet work normally?07:02
CripperZcody thats due to network cannot resolve hostname07:02
gimixrs0832: let me see07:03
rs0832gimix, and you can add plugins for more languages, i think07:03
codyother than updates and caches, yes, it works, but without a cache update, I can't install some updates.07:03
linx_hackshow to upgrade a  package to a latest version ?07:03
rs0832gimix, if you dont mind a 'heavy' ide , you can use the netbeans ide (netbeans.org)07:03
linx_hackshow to upgrade a  package to a latest version focibly?07:03
soreaulinx_hacks: Why do you think you need the latest version?07:03
cody*install some packages07:04
vasigimix: i like geany07:04
vasiit's lightweight but more featureful  than gedit07:04
vasione of my friends is a big fan of kate, if you like KDE07:04
soreauI too find geany intuitive07:04
soreau! pm | linx_hacks07:05
ubottulinx_hacks: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:05
rs0832cody, can you access http://extras.ubuntu.com07:05
vasilinx_hacks, is there a package that you're having trouble updating?07:05
vasispecifics help :)07:05
rs0832cody, in your browser07:05
codygot it, it's accessable.07:05
soreau<linx_hacks> I need to install skype.. to which it has a dependency with libc6-1.12 which in turn has a dependency of libnh > 1.007:06
soreau<linx_hacks> so I want to upgrade  libnh07:06
linx_hacks I need to install skype.. to which it has a dependency with libc6-1.12 which in turn has a dependency of libnh > 1.0. so I want to upgrade  libnh07:06
rs0832cody, then it is probably your sources.list file07:06
gimixthanks so much07:06
codylet me have a look at it07:06
rs0832linx_hacks, which version of ubuntu are you using?07:06
OrangePeelHow do I remove a folder from UbuntuOne Cload. An entire folder is synced to Ubuntu one.07:06
soreaulinx_hacks: skype is already in ubuntu repos though07:06
rs0832cody, can you paste if while you're at it? (paste.ubuntu.com07:06
soreau!info skype07:06
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in maverick07:06
linx_hacksit's not ubuntu.. its Trisequel which build on top of ubuntu 10.0407:06
rwwlinx_hacks: unofficial derivatives, like Trisequel, aren't supported here.07:07
linx_hacksbut is it possible to know the general procedure?07:07
codypaste what? the file?07:07
rs0832cody, the text from the file07:07
codyah, kk07:08
rs0832linx_hacks, you may find skype .deb at packages.ubuntu.com07:08
rs0832linx_hacks, but i m afraid we can't provide support beyond that07:08
rwwskype is not in Ubuntu's repositories, and never has been.07:09
codywhere is the sources.list file?07:09
soreaucody: /etc/apt/07:09
rs0832cody, /etc/apt/souces.list07:09
rs0832rww, hmm07:09
rs0832rww, it isn;t?07:09
linx_hacksHey.. some how.. Package Installer able to access the library and install its dependencies.07:09
rwwrs0832: nope07:10
soreauYea I guess its not07:10
linx_hacksnow..skype installed.07:10
rs0832rww, oh.. i wonder how i got it installed from synaptic on 10.10..07:10
codyyou want the link to the paste?07:10
rwwrs0832: It was in Canonical's Partner repository at some point.07:10
rs0832rww, ah maybe cause i enabled all the repos :)07:10
gartralI need too rebind right click.. how would i do that?07:10
rs0832cody, yes07:10
rwwmaybe still is, I haven't checked07:11
rs0832rww, i think so (got it installed :)07:11
linx_hacksany folder name which starts with (dot)(filename) considered as hidden folder in linux?07:11
rwwlinx_hacks: yes07:12
linx_hackshow to create a hidden folder from terminal?07:13
rs0832cody, you might try changing your server to the main server from software sources07:13
ChristianAdamskiHey, I have a problem with the gnome menu Ubuntu 10.10 - despite changing some entries (unchecking there visibility) and installing new packages, the menu doesn't change at all.07:13
gartrallinx_hacks: mkdir /path/to/.folder07:13
rystraum@linkx_hacks: just start the folder name with a dot (.)07:13
codyi'll do that.07:13
rs0832cody, and uncomment this line # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner and save the file07:13
linx_hacksgartral: Is that conventions are standard as part of GNOME or linux specifications?07:14
gartrallinx_hacks: no, that's unix conventions07:14
gartrallinx_hacks: deeper than genome07:14
gartrallinx_hacks: and genome adheres to them, as well07:14
linx_hacksokie doke.07:14
rs0832gartral, genome?07:14
rystraumrs0832: He meant GNOME.07:15
rs0832rystraum, :)07:15
vasiChristianAdamski, this might sound stupid, but does it still stay the same after logout/login?07:15
gartralrs0832 rystraum i have a typo correction >.<07:15
ChristianAdamskicould the menu be cached somewhere?07:15
rs0832gartral, no problem :)07:15
linx_hacksI have a .bin file, how can I make sure the bin file copies executables in /bin folder and libraries under /usr/lib folder?07:16
gartralI need too rebind right click.. how would i do that?07:16
vasiChristianAdamski, hmm i dunno07:17
rs0832ChristianAdamski, hmm07:17
gartralI also need too resetup my mouse07:17
vasiyou could try deleting the settings file in ~/.config/menus/applications.menu07:17
vasiand see if that makes a difference07:17
vasi(or maybe move it instead of deleting :) )07:17
rs0832ChristianAdamski, you can also try creating another panel, right click on it, select add to panel and select 'gnome menu' and see if it happens there too07:18
linx_hacksI have a .bin file, how can I make sure the bin file copies executables in /bin folder and libraries under /usr/lib folder?07:18
codyhow do i edit the sources.lst?07:18
rs0832cody, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in a terminal07:19
vasicody, i'd recommend using the Software Sources properties app if you're not comfy with text editors07:19
twiztidsoreau: long time no see friend... would you happen to know how i can permantly mount a windows share??? im soooo stumped!  :X07:20
geirhaChristianAdamski: Make sure all the files (at least the ones in .config and .local) are owned by your user.   ''find ~ ! -user "$USER" -ls''  will print any files in your homedir not owned by you.07:20
OrangePeelHow do I remove a folder from UbuntuOne Cload. An entire folder is synced to Ubuntu one.07:20
vasigeirha, good thinking07:20
zushello everyone.  can i have the link for compatibilities and ubuntu? i just got a lenovo thinkpad t61 series with NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M except it has win vista...07:21
rwwOrangePeel: if you haven't already, #ubuntuone might be more helpful.07:21
codynah, i got text editors down, just needed control of the file....07:21
rystraum@linx_hacks: you want the .bin file to contain the same binaries as in /bin and /usr/lib?07:21
rystraum.bin folder*07:21
rs0832zus, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/07:21
OrangePeelthanks rww07:21
linx_hacksrystram: If I execute like ./<bin filename> its extracting all the jars and executables in the same directory07:22
twiztidwould ANYONE know how to go about accessing/mounting/automounting at boot,,,   a windows share?07:22
linx_hacksrather I want executables to be in /bin folder and jars/libraries under /usr/lib folder07:22
zusrs0832,  thank you,....07:22
rs0832zus, :)07:22
geirhazus: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Lenovo/laptops/   looks promising.07:22
Acidburn1986Всем ку! а что только на английском разговор идет?07:23
zusgeirha,  i seen that the other night...but i just got this machine07:23
soreautwiztid: Try smbfs07:23
reddywebwhat is the best pdf viewer on ubuntu 9.10?07:23
rystraum@linx_hacks: If I understood your problem correctly, then it has to be a shell script which extracts the jar file, gets all the binaries and moves/copies them to /bin, and copies/moves the jars/libraries to /usr/lib07:23
bullgard!ru | Acidburn198607:24
ubottuAcidburn1986: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:24
linx_hacksrystraum: exactly07:24
vasitwiztid, maybe you can do it in an upstart task?07:24
rystraum@linx_hacks: So.. a shell script would do what you need.07:24
zusgeirha,  its less than a year old and  a hand me down,..the prices look nice too. thanks as well.07:24
vasireddyweb, i like evince07:24
soreautwiztid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently07:24
linx_hacksso after I extract .bin file, I need to write a shell script myself to do that?07:25
geirhazus: Well, it says it works with Ubuntu 8.04 at least. Why it doesn't list 10.04 and 10.10 I don't know, but it may meen you need to do some tweaking to get it working fully.07:25
twiztidsoreau: thats what ive been working with and if i navigate through the network and try to access the shared drive, i get, "unable to mount location. failed to mount Windows share"07:25
twiztidsoreau: and ive been working off the same link you posted...07:26
chiquesI have a usb device which I am capturing data in minicom just fine. I would like to see a graphical representation of the data in real time. Any suggestions???07:26
rystraum@linx_hacks: Well, it's one of the possible solutions. But I can't really provide the proper solution without any more ideas what the .bin file is supposed to contain, what's it's structure, how often would you need to do this kind of operations and so on.07:26
twiztidsoreau: i ran the grep $USERNAME /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3 command but im lost... would you be able to help with watever im doin wrong?07:27
bullgardchiques: 3 questionmarks in a row are 2 too much in this channel.07:27
linx_hacksits a jdk_1.6.21 it contains bin,lib,ext,endorsed like folders.. where as bin contains executables and all other should go to libraries07:27
chiquesbullgard, sorry07:27
twiztidsoreau: i b a r e l y got it this morning but it screwed up mu sudoers07:28
chiquesbullgard, I'm just a bit stumped right now07:28
zusgeirha,  i see,  hmm so if the live disc works then should a full install work then?07:28
NeoKiplingHello, everyone, I have a problem.07:28
rystraumAhhh. Then why not just change the $PATH and $LIBS to point to the bin and lib respectively?07:28
NeoKiplingI can't use wine make a boot diskette. I made a floppy image file, mount it. Then set floppy driver to wine, it can browse, copy file. But when I use Exe file, they said: Aborted or can't find any floppy disk.07:28
soreautwiztid: I am not too familiar with using samba07:28
longgege错误 http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources07:29
longgege  404  Not Found07:29
longgege错误 http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main i386 Packages07:29
longgege  404  Not Found07:29
longgege错误 http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources07:29
FloodBot3longgege: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:29
longgege  404  Not Found07:29
geirhazus: Yes, that's a good test, boot the live CD and test everything you can, like audio and video playback etc. I think there's even a test-utility in the System menu.07:29
longgegewhat's the problem?07:29
ubuntu`what is a good telnet program for ubuntu other than putty07:29
rystraum@ubuntu` : telnet in the terminal?07:30
vasiubuntu`: umm....telnet?07:30
ubuntu`ryanakca, good meaning good gui07:30
codydoesn't look like it changed the outcome. uncommenting the line and switching servers.07:30
rs0832cody, hmm did you add any repositories lately?07:31
twiztidsoreau: damn, well maybe the fact that i have two folders in the same spot, one called "shareddocs" and the other called "slave"... i can access the shareddocs folder perfectly!!! but once i click on slave, "unable to mount location. failed to mount Windows share"07:31
codyi just installed today.07:31
codythe OS07:31
NeoKiplinghai, longgege. I need a dos boot diskette to recover bios, A old hp laptop bios. But I can't use wine make a boot diskette.07:31
geirhaubuntu`: gnome-terminal + telnet ?07:31
rs0832cody, k07:31
twiztidvasi: upstart task? like a startup.bat?07:31
vasitwiztid, kinda....upstart manages the init sequence in ubuntu07:32
geirhaNeoKipling: Do you have a floppy image file?07:32
rs0832cody, ok 1 sec07:32
NeoKiplingYes , I have07:32
vasiso you can arrange for things like "as soon as the network is up, mount a network share"07:32
soreautwiztid: Maybe you can read more or ask in #samba07:32
vasithough it's quite technical07:32
geirhaNeoKipling: Then   dd if=/path/to/floppy.img of=/dev/fd0    should do it.07:32
twiztidvasi: ok, ill google upstart... and thx soreau: im on it07:32
vasitwiztid, the manpages are actually quite good07:33
longgegemy net is works well,but I just can not update my system,why?07:33
NeoKiplingI already mount it, but wine can't use it07:33
rs0832cody, comment out two lines07:33
rs0832cody, deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main07:33
rs0832cody, and deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main07:33
geirhaNeoKipling: Don't mount it, just write it to the floppy.07:34
ubuntu`geirha, I want to connect to an eggdrop via with the telnet... and most dont allow back space or arrow up thats why I am asking if there is a telnet program with a decent gui for ubuntu... windows has a lot of good ones for free so I supposed ubuntu would too (putty is awful)07:34
rystraumNeoKipling: be extra careful with dd though. It's a very low-level command and could really mess up your system / files.07:34
Acid1986Как перейти в русскую комнату?07:35
twiztidvasi: ya i tried to do a little self troubleshooting but i screwed up mu sudoers in the process... now that i got that resorted, im reluctant to do anything on my own right now... lol07:35
geirhaubuntu`: *shrug* I've never used anything but the telnet command, so I don't know then.07:35
NeoKiplingoh,sorry. I don't have that file. I need to exe make that07:35
ubuntu`geirha, thanks anyway07:35
rs0832cody, when you do that, let me know if you get the error again07:35
rwwAcid1986: type /join #ubuntu-ru07:35
codylooks like it went through ok, and no error, no updates to install either.07:35
vasitwiztid, heh, ok maybe i shouldn't have suggested something that complex07:35
rs0832cody, yep07:35
codylooks like it was those 2 lines, right?07:36
rs0832cody, yes07:36
rs0832cody, are you on 10.1007:36
geirhaNeoKipling: That exe is probably just a self-extracting zip.  Try extracting it as a zip file.  unzip file.exe07:36
codykk, thanks!07:36
codyyeah, 10.1007:36
rs0832cody, hmm07:36
codyMaverick, as I believe.07:36
rs0832cody, they work fine for me07:36
rs0832cody, yes07:36
codywow, i'll try those on my home network when I get there.07:36
rs0832cody, you can uncomment them again after a few hours and try07:36
rs0832cody, :)07:37
twiztidvasi: its not so much the complexity, as it is the simplistic nature of my attempts undermining my patience07:37
NeoKiplinggeirah: I tried, it not self-extracting07:38
Name141Is there a 64bit specific channel?07:38
rwwName141: no07:38
twiztidvasi: its so simple... access my crap, over there! lol07:38
Name141OK.  Is 64 bit finally good to use now?  I heard Flash used to not work.07:38
vasitwiztid, if you just make it a Favorite, and then you can access it from GNOME with one click....is that not good enough?07:39
rwwName141: It works fine for me. Other people say Flash is problematic. ymmv.07:39
vasiName141, works for me!07:39
rs0832Name141, that is not really a problem with ubuntu, i think07:39
twiztidvasi: how would i go about making a windows share a favorite??? =)07:39
Name141OK.  I'm assuming the 32bit will be just like windows and not use all 4GBs of RAM ?07:39
vasitwiztid, how are you mounting it now?07:39
twiztidim not! its a pain in the neck!07:39
rww!pae | Name14107:39
ubottuName141: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info07:39
vasitwiztid, does the Network stuff in nautilus not work?07:40
vasiyou should be able to browse windows shares and mount the one you want07:40
twiztidvasi: it wont mount... keeps saying unable to mount location, failed to mount Windows share07:40
vasioh, you can't even mount it in the first place07:40
vasii'm not really the person to talk to then :(07:40
Name141rww: So I could, use the 32bit disk without having to download the 64bit ISO ?07:40
twiztidvasi: nope, i navigate to it, it finds all my shared crap, even lets me access the folder right next to the one i actuall want to acess!!!07:41
rwwName141: if you want to install 32-bit with PAE, the 32-bit disk will work for that, yes...07:41
Name141OK.  Is there 3D acceloration for a Radeon 4670 ?07:42
twiztidvasi: well thx anyway... its such a hassle! i have it shared on my xp in EXACTLY the same way as the folder next to it is... so stumped...07:42
geirhaNeoKipling: Hm. I don't know then. You might be able to run it with dosemu, but I'm not sure. Have only briefly tried dosemu.07:42
zusthanks again. it my first laptop, and was a bit curious. is using wubi and in stalling ubuntu as an app ok as a test as well?07:44
NeoKiplingThanks geirha, but I only have  windows exe07:45
rwwzus: Wubi is rather finicky. Using it as a test would be fine, but I wouldn't recommend staying on it long-term.07:45
geirhaNeoKipling: Are you sure? What does the file command say about it?   file file.exe07:46
NeoKiplinggeirha: please look at this page: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=500865&prodTypeId=321957&prodSeriesId=500883&swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=109307:47
zusrww  it has windows vista right now and i didnt want to wipe it and find out not all the features work,..live disc aside.  like the finger pint reader thats nifty, though never had it work on any machine or os,..07:48
Name141Did they ever release an official linux version of Unreal 3?07:49
brophatwhat is the best way for me to get the driver for my lexmark printer?07:49
RypervencheI would like to update my ath9k driver, but I don't quite understand how to enable the driver once I compile it... What does this mean?http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k#Get_the_latest_ath9k_driver07:49
NeoKiplingI first use windows based driver flash bios, so the computer crash. now, I need a dos boot deskette recove that.07:51
White-HorseHow do I get my Evga Nidia GT 430 PCI-E 2.0 with HDMI to work ? OS: Ubuntu 10.04.1 32-Bit07:52
geirhaNeoKipling: Hm. Seems you can't make that floppy without windows, at least not with the tools provided by HP :/07:52
NeoKiplingBut i don't have a floppy driver. So i must make out this floppy image, to make a cd boot disk07:53
NeoKiplingyes, geirha, I can't find this dos image file from internet07:54
linx_hacksrystraum: I found a program called Alien to do that07:55
NeoKiplingI tried win7, but virtual floppy driver not work07:55
rs0832Rypervenche,  i;m not experienced with wireless networking , but you might try this http://wiki.debian.org/ath9k07:56
rs0832Rypervenche,  if it compiled to the kernel, modprobe should show it up... then booting from that kernel should enable it, i think07:57
kaushalis there a wiki which says about supported Ubuntu releases ?07:57
rwwkaushal: which are supported, you mean?07:58
kaushalrww: yes07:58
Rypervenchers0832: I can compile it, but how do I enable it? Where am I supposed to do these alterations? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k#Enabling_ath9k07:58
rwwkaushal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:58
NeoKiplingwine can do a lot of work, why can't execute this program07:58
rwwkaushal: everything in "Stable"07:58
a1234567890wiki note237 support ubuntu23153~14419 237 1414 222 circle007:58
White-HorseHow do I get my Evga Nvidia GT 430 PCI-E 2.0 with HDMI to work ? OS: Ubuntu 10.04.1 32-Bit07:59
curiousxRypervenche: this alterations are made when you compiling a Kernel07:59
rs0832Rypervenche, i went through that an d i think you need to do that in either some configuration file or in a program.. they are unspecific, though... check if you have any aditional boot options for other kernels07:59
kaushalrww: Thanks07:59
curiousxexcuseme my inglish is not to good07:59
RypervencheHmmm, maybe I shouldn't mess with that then...08:00
dannyLopezi can install kde in ubuntu?08:00
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, I believe you need to install proprietary drivers08:00
rwwdannyLopez: install the 'kubuntu-desktop' package08:00
hrhrhrg'morning chaps08:00
rs0832Rypervenche, you may get an additional boot option at startup.. boot into this and it should work08:00
a123456789023768 1419 1414 237allied spatial23463 1414results_worm_peck~|||sys-allied08:00
rwwa1234567890: something we can help you with?08:01
a1234567890none i gone08:01
White-Horsepsycho_oreos I installed the Nvidia Driver from Nvidia.com but no hdmi and start up sreen is a mess any ideas ?08:01
rwwa1234567890: then I'd appreciate it if you didn't output nonsense to the channel :\08:01
dannyLopezrwrd: how i find this packet?08:01
rwwdannyLopez: run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" in the terminal08:01
rwwor search kubuntu-desktop in your favorite package manager08:02
dannyLopezrww: TKS08:02
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, not sure if you installed using the drivers from nvidia but I do believe there should be nvidia control panel which should allow you to output to which ports, then again, nvidia card should be able to sense hdmi connection if its connected rather than dvi unless you have both plugged in08:02
dannyLopezother question are compatibles kubuntu-desktop & gnome?08:03
rwwdannyLopez: yes08:03
meerois it possible to find out which process used the pid in the past? if i have the PID and the time...08:04
dannyLopezagain TKS08:04
White-Horsepsycho_oreos Yes I went to Nvidia.com and d/l'ed the Linux Driver for my card and installed it after of course I uninstalled all the ubuntu build it drivers and stoped X from running08:05
DiverdudeHow do i start rtorrent from a php (or python-web) script so that it keeps running even after the script has terminated?08:05
NeoKiplingplease, anybody help me out, I already waste so much time08:06
White-Horsepsyco_oreos everything seems fine but when i first boot up the sreen is a mess untill after I log in08:06
adrian__hi folks08:06
adrian__can anybody tell me how to run two concurrent desktops for two different users on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?08:06
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, yeah I'm not too sure about screen being in a mess, never messed with hdmi output08:06
NeoKiplingdd bs=512 count=2880 if=/dev/zero of=imagefile.img08:07
NeoKiplingmkfs.msdos imagefile.img08:07
NeoKiplingsudo mount -t vfat imagefile.img /media/floppy -o loop,iocharset=utf8, rw,uid=neo,gid=neo,umask=000,dmask=02208:07
adrian__before there was a way with Alt-Ctrl-F9 but doesnt seem to work anymore. I do startx -- :1 as the other user but it goes blank after i change users08:07
Goddardin the karmic repositories what is the php-curl module called?08:08
White-Horsepsycho_oreos this the driver i got from Nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run" right now I am using the DVI port not the HDMI one08:08
NeoKiplingI use this command, is there something wrong?08:08
White-Horsepsycho_oreos but the sreen only goes to 1920x1080 after login08:08
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, so even with DVI the screen is still messed up?08:09
White-Horseonly at boot up08:09
rs0832NeoKipling, what are you trying to use it for?08:09
NeoKiplingmake a virtual floppy driver08:09
White-Horsethings are all over the place and i can not see the login at all its like there is no driver at all08:10
rs0832NeoKipling, you mean floppy drive?08:10
psycho_oreosNeoKipling, looks like there is a space between `iocharset=utf8,rw'08:10
NeoKiplingno, just peast problem08:10
kaushalwhat does intuitive mean in Super-fast and great-looking, Ubuntu is a secure, intuitive operating system that powers desktops, servers, netbooks and laptops. Ubuntu is, and always will be, absolutely free.08:10
dannyLopezhi curiousx08:11
curiousxhi frien dannyLopez =)08:11
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, you might want to check xorg log files to see if there was errors using nvidia driver or did it revert back to nv driver or even vesa08:11
meerois it possible to find out which process used the pid in the past? if i have the PID and the time?08:11
dl551Can anyone here help me figure out why I get a permission denied error with ./configure ?08:12
White-Horsepsycho_oreos ok i will do that and paste to pastebin08:12
psycho_oreosdl551, either its ownership issue or file mode issue08:12
dl551It worked fine before, I sent in the laptop for repair (Screen went out on me) and now it's not working08:13
adrian__can anybody tell me how to run two concurrent desktops for two different users on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?08:14
psycho_oreosdl551, for some reason I don't think they are related unless you're suspecting the technicians who serviced your laptop messed with your setup08:14
adrian__before there was a way with Alt-Ctrl-F9 but doesnt seem to work anymore. I do startx -- :1 as the other user but it goes blank after i change users08:14
Moriartystarted using ubuntu and I have extensive following of directions, but xchat will not give me  list of people in a given channel08:14
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dl551Well whatever happened, I need to fix it08:14
Guest23433it lists my servers on the right, but there is nothing that shows hwo is in the room?08:14
danieldoes anyone know how to play divx movies? i have xubuntu08:15
rystraumadrian__: You mean two users using the same CPU with different monitors / keyboard / mouse?08:15
rystraumdaniel: Try getting VLC.08:15
psycho_oreosdl551, maybe I set user read write execute permissions first on the file08:15
adrian__rystraum: same monitor. Log in as two diff users on same system with two different x sessions each using a different wm08:16
rystraumdl551: what does `ls -al ./configure` return? And what's your user?08:16
dl551I have like, no knowledge of how to do that, or what file would need it08:16
White-Horsepsycho_oreos Can you please have a look thank-you http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/548463/08:16
dl551rystraum: -rw-r--r-- 1 dl551 dl551 7455 2010-11-18 19:56 ./configure08:17
rystraumdl551: chmod +x ./configure08:17
rystraumIt should work after that.08:17
dl551ok, that worked :) but now ./configure: line 57: ./cmake/get-git-version.sh: Permission denied08:18
kilian76hey all. i gotta question about the server edition?08:19
Myrttikilian76: just ask away08:19
rwwGuest23433: try #xchat, if you didn't figure it out yet :)08:19
rystraumdl551: Oh, what are you compiling?08:19
dl551KMess MSN messenger08:19
dl551Latest git version08:19
kilian76thanks, I am thinking of using an old PC to convert into a personal server08:19
rystraumDo you still have the tar file?08:20
kilian76is the server edition a graphic user interface, or a shell type interface?08:20
Myrttikilian76: shell, unless you install gui08:20
rwwkilian76: shell. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI08:20
dl551I never had a tar, it came from the .sh file they had08:20
rystraumHmmm. Okay.08:21
kilian76thanks ... its not recommended?08:21
Myrttikilian76: if you're using an old personal computer for the server, the benefits of the server version are somewhat questionable and you could probably get what you want with the mini install as well, or if the computer already has a supported version of Ubuntu, then just install the stuff you want on it08:21
Guest23433is there any way to get a permananent side bar with names?08:21
rystraum@dl551: Do you have a cmake folder beside the configure file?08:22
kilian76the old PC should be good enough to act as a web server.08:22
dl551rystraum: yes08:23
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, hmm seems like its using nvidia driver, I'd say its gdm that is not using the right resolution08:23
kilian76but, what i find difficult about linux is the 'compiling' or 'installing' of any programs likey MySQL and PHP08:23
kilian76even though they most likely come with the package, but updating, etc.08:23
White-Horsepsycho_oreos any idea on how to fix that ?08:23
kaushalchecking in again for the query ?08:23
kilian76a friend uses Slackware.  its a bit intimidating08:23
psycho_oreoskilian76, you should look into something like XAMPP08:23
Myrttikilian76: yes, but the server version is mainly a version with specialized kernels and modules for server hardware. It doesn't come with php or mysql on it by default, you need to install them with the package manager08:23
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, not off my head I'm afraid08:23
kilian76what is XAMPP?08:24
nooniankilian76, you dont have to compile anything and installation is etremely easy once you understand the package management podel08:24
rystraumdl551: assuming you're in the folder where configure is, chown dl551 . -R08:24
Myrttikilian76: xampp isn't supported here, btw, so if you choose that you're pretty much on your own08:24
White-Horsepsycho_oreos ok np thank you so much for your time have a great hight/day guys08:24
psycho_oreoskilian76, XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start.08:24
noonianbasically you just check mysql and php and hit the install button08:24
psycho_oreosWhite-Horse, good luck :)08:24
kilian76Myrtti: i don't know what XAMPP is .08:24
rwwkilian76: I'd recommend ignoring the people telling you to use it, then.08:25
kilian76okay thanks psycho_oreos08:25
noonianmysql, apache, and php are all available and easy to install from the repos08:25
kilian76so, when i use the existing PC, and once i have imaged a CD version of the package, Do i just insert into the CD drive and turn on the computer??08:26
Guest23433I am getting to like linux at last08:26
dl551rystraum: Still get the error.08:26
nooniankilian76, yes, you may have to hit f2 or something to make sure the computer tries to boot from cd before the harddrive08:26
Guest23433soon I will not longer need my windows crutch08:26
kilian76noonian: right, thats what i thought.08:26
rystraum@dl551: I assume you're a sudoer: sudo ./configure?08:27
nooniankilian76, once you are running checkout the ubuntu software center app for help installing thing08:27
dl551no I just use ./configure08:27
kilian76do I have to do anything regarding a DHCP connection?08:27
dl551I didn't think sudo was needed08:27
rs0832dl551, mind me asking the program you are compiling?08:27
dl551rs0832: KMess08:28
nooniankilian76,  just plug in an ethernet cable if it doesnt have a wireless card08:28
kilian76okay cool.08:28
rs0832dl551, the msn one?08:28
rystraumdl551: Normally, no. But whenever I encounter that kind of permission errors and chmod / chown doesn't cut it, I just go for sudo. Of course, It has its risks.08:28
kilian76i will try this out.  :) and i know its a dumb question, but i have to ask, Can the desktop version do server functions?08:29
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rystraumkilian76: Yes, it can.08:29
rs0832dl551, if it is the msn one, you dont need sudo.. can you pastebin the out put you get?08:29
dl551rs0832: Yes08:29
nooniankilian76, yea it is almost exactly the same but has more programs installed by default08:29
kilian76and a GUI?08:29
noonianyou can install a gui on the server version too though08:30
dl551sudo ./configure works08:30
rs0832dl551, hmm did you try the one from the repos?08:30
rs0832dl551, synaptic08:30
kilian76maybe that maybe the root, to go with the desktop version, then i can easily use it to act as a media server.  a friend was telling me about that08:30
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dl551It's working now so I don't need to use the synaptic one08:31
dl551Thanks guys :)08:31
rs0832dl551, k.. but to delete the source folder you have to sudo08:31
rystraumNo probs. :)08:31
Jack87-Homehey do others experince video ripping when using linux? i always see lines across my videos08:31
hrhrhrguys... it's been a long time since i've run linux on the desktop. any of you gamers? what issues am i likely to encounter?08:31
nooniankilian76, i dont think root is what you mean, but there are media serving programs08:31
rystraumhrhrhr: Depends on what kind of games you play.08:32
kilian76oh ok08:32
hrhrhrquakelive mainly08:32
pillowi had downloaded sudo apt-get source calmav  from terminal ..but the problem is i cant find where it is store in my com...can any one help me08:32
noonianhrhrhr, i was able to get wow working fine with an nvidia card with wine08:32
dl551Now if only I could get my network printer to work :P08:32
soreaudl551: What is wrong with it?08:33
hrhrhrdoes steam work under linux these days?08:33
rystraum@dl551: Ahhh. Yes. Cups. DX08:33
hrhrhrnot sure i cbf with wine08:33
hrhrhrunless it's massively better than it used to be 10 years ago :P08:33
CruX|after last update from medibuntu when I start mplayer, mplayer window is not centered and is on left top corner - how can I set this window into center ?08:33
dl551Just doesn't work, I dunno08:33
dl551I can't get it to work with a non-windows machine08:33
kilian76does Ubuntu come with Apache ?08:33
Myrttikilian76: not by default08:34
rystraum@kilian76: You can get it from the repos though.08:34
kilian76oh okay.08:34
nooniandl551, can you find the printer with the printing tool?08:34
kilian76what is repos?08:34
Jack87-Homei always get lines across video when watching videos in ubuntu... why is that?08:34
dl551It's on a Windows Vista x64 machine in the other room08:34
Myrttikilian76: it doesn't come with any server software by default because not everyone wants it, especially on the desktop version. Repos are the servers that you can easily with one command install software from08:34
dl551The XP laptop can use it, but not the macs or Linuxs08:34
R1ckany people here that manage > 100 Ubuntu servers? How do you manage updating all those servers?08:35
soreaudl551: Sounds like a general misconfiguration issue08:35
hrhrhrnoonian: would you say nvidia is better supported than ati?08:35
hrhrhrcan i expect a working gtx280 out of the box? :P08:35
nooniankilian76, basically they store tested versions of free software built for ubuntu and using package management programs like ubuntu software center and apt you can download and install stuff painlessly without having to search using a browser at all08:36
Myrttikilian76: or compile08:36
soreauhrhrhr: ATI/Radeon is better supported by open drivers08:36
dl551soreau: I have no idea.08:36
kilian76noonian: on the ubuntu web site?08:36
nooniankilian76, no, think of it like the app store on an iphone08:37
kilian76oh ok08:37
nooniankilian76, but with way more stuff and its all free08:37
rystraum@dl551: So, the printer is connected to your Ubuntu machine and sharing it with the Vista laptop and the Vista laptop can't print?08:37
hrhrhrnvidia write their own linux drivers or not?08:37
soreaudl551: Did you try adding a printer in sys>admin>printers?08:38
dl551rystraum: No. The printer is connected to the vista machine and the mac and linux machines can't print to it.08:38
dl551soreau: I can add it there, but printing does nothing.08:38
rystraum@hrhrhr: They do. They just give out a binary-only version to distributions though.08:38
soreauhrhrhr: nvidia pays devs to write their drivers but they keep the source code and hardware specs private.08:38
hrhrhrubuntu included?08:38
nooniankilian76, heres an article about how to install stuff http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware08:39
hrhrhri don't necessarily care if that is the case. an underperforming card would be a nightmare08:39
soreauhrhrhr: Radeon is owned by AMD now and releases hardware specs as well as pays devs to work on the open radeon driver which means much better integration and support08:39
danieli wanna watch divx movies..i have xubuntu...anyone help?08:40
rystraum@daniel: Did VLC not work?08:40
kilian76During the Server Edition installation you have the option of installing additional packages from the CD. The packages are grouped by the type of service they provide.      *        DNS server: Selects the BIND DNS server and its documentation.     *        LAMP server: Selects a ready-made Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP server.08:40
soreaudaniel: Try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras08:40
blinkhow can i "video-record" my screen?08:40
rww!screencast | blink08:41
ubottublink: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.08:41
soreaublind: recordmydesktop08:41
kilian76so during the install, you can install all that without going to the repository?08:41
blinkrww: thx08:41
rwwkilian76: it installs it from the repository for you.08:41
nooniankilian76, its the same it just has a subset of the repos on the install disc08:41
kilian76rww: oh nice, thats so convenient!08:41
rwwmight have it on the CD itself; I don't know08:42
kilian76well folks, thanks for your assistance.  I will start this tomorrow :) talk to you soon!!08:43
kilian76night o!08:43
nooniangood luck08:43
nit-witdaniel, besides the restricted extras the dvd codecs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu08:43
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dl551Guess it's not a widely known problem :P08:45
leandroblz gente08:46
leandrooi gente08:47
leandroalguem on08:47
rww!br | leandro08:48
ubottuleandro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.08:48
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NeoKiplingHello, anyone help me!  This is my problem:  I must use a window program to make a dos boot diskette to recover bios. I already made a blank floppy image file, mounted it.  But wine execute the windows program error: The process was either aborted or no diskette was found.08:51
rs0832Bonez305, hello08:57
Bonez305I have a rather simple yet complicated question atleast to me :/08:57
rs0832Bonez305, go ahead08:57
leellocan anyone tell me how to add aliases to .bashrc i've already08:58
Bonez305i have an old hp a6700y the hard drive went on it i swapped it with a 320gb and was interested in putting ubuntu on there08:58
sabat-laptopI am working on making a virtualbox server, using virtualbox and ubuntu server+gnome desktop environment. I got it working, for the most part. But when I attempt to login via vncviewer, it asks on the host machine for the keyring password, which it a problem.08:58
Bonez305now its a 64 bit proc. do i need a 64bit OS ?08:58
leellotried with nano08:58
rs0832Bonez305, no you dont.. 32 bit will run fine08:58
rwwBonez305: you can use either 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu.08:59
Bonez305i tried to install the 32bit but it was acting up, so i figured maybe i may need a 64bit OS :/08:59
sabat-laptopThis system is meant to be a virtualbox host, and to run vnc for controlling it, I don't know why it's popping up asking for the keyring tho08:59
rs0832Bonez305, acting up how?08:59
simain #ubuntu-ru09:00
Bonez305during the install, when it asked for the user name and pass, i entered everything but i can't click the forward button09:00
rs0832Bonez305, hmm..09:00
rs0832Bonez305, did you try entering root as your user?09:00
Bonez305weird right09:00
Bonez305no didnt try root09:01
sabat-laptopdoes nobody have a clue as to why this is happening?09:01
rs0832Bonez305, that doesnt happen because of the 32 bit os09:01
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rs0832Bonez305, you can try using a different combo of u/n and pass... did yo utry that?09:01
Bonez305rs0832, yes09:01
rs0832Bonez305, or you may not have entered some other details09:01
Bonez305I entered everything correctly09:02
Bonez305it was also a good burnt copy idk what it may be09:02
rs0832Bonez305, you ran an md5?09:02
sabat-laptopI have 4 different internet access methods, and this VM server is going to be directly connected to one of them, but with how it's asking for the keyring, it's not really useful. So does nobody have a clue? I can go back into looking into it myself... just figured someone might have some knowledge of it and a quickfix09:03
Bonez305rs0832, no09:03
rs0832Bonez305, hmm 10.10 right?09:03
Bonez305rs0832, yep09:03
Obvioustrollhow do i prevent a service from running at startup?09:03
rs0832Bonez305, did you do the partitioning properly?09:04
Bonez305Im guessing I did09:04
rs0832Bonez305, do you see any other buttons? other than the forward?09:05
bonjoyeei tried to recover lost data from sony handycam after accidental format..now an hour later i have recovered almost all data using photorec...but the ouput is 27GB mpg file..is this normal?09:05
rs0832Bonez305, like maybe finish or something?09:05
obscurant1stis there anyay i can use ettercapp to check how much data is being transfered in a particluar compuetr in my lan?09:05
Bonez305rs0832, it said back, ready when you are, and the input sections09:05
rs0832Bonez305, because i m guessing this is the last step of the install right?09:06
obscurant1stis there anyay i can use ettercapp to check how much data is being transfered in a particluar compuetr in my lan?09:06
Bonez305rs0832, yep09:06
sabat-laptopI find it surprising that I am the first person to run into this...09:06
dannyLopezhi when i try to install the wireless send this message Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)]/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom-0ubuntu5_i386.deb File not found09:06
rs0832Bonez305, 'ready when you are' is  as a button?09:06
NeoKiplingthanks fellows, i think i  should try the windows way to solve that problem.09:06
Bonez305rs0832, it looked to be, when i click it it just gave me a bunch of error messages like drivers it wasnt able to find is what im guessing09:07
alokitois there a natty narwhal torrent with good seeds?09:07
rs0832Bonez305, hmm09:07
dannyLopezhi when i try to install the wireless send this message Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)]/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom-0ubuntu5_i386.deb File not found09:07
rs0832Bonez305, try the back button09:08
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rs0832Bonez305, then the forward button again.. it may get activated09:08
alokitois there a natty torrent with good seeds?09:08
sabat-laptopI am working on making a virtualbox server, using virtualbox and ubuntu server+gnome desktop environment. I got it working, for the most part. But when I attempt to login via vncviewer, it asks on the host machine for the keyring password, which it a problem. I just want to login remotely, not be prompted by the host machine.09:08
alokitocan't find any :(09:08
Bonez305rs0832, well im not at it now, but i tried that as well several times09:08
rs0832Bonez305, ah ok09:09
sabat-laptopI specifically chose the option to not be asked by the local machine, yet it's asking me anyways09:09
rs0832Bonez305, are you using an uppercase character in your username?09:09
Bonez305rs0832 yes09:09
bonjoyeei tried to recover lost data from sony handycam after accidental format..now an hour later i have recovered almost all data using photorec...but the ouput is 27GB mpg file..is this normal?09:10
rs0832Bonez305, try without that09:10
rs0832Bonez305, i think it should work then09:10
Bonez305rs0832 its weird though it seems as it installed ubuntu last i was there but it runs into lots of errors09:10
rs0832Bonez305, you can always attempt to change the username to your desired one once ubuntu is installed via system>administration>users and groups09:11
sabat-laptopI am working on making a virtualbox server, using virtualbox and ubuntu server+gnome desktop environment. I got it working, for the most part. But when I attempt to login via vncviewer, it asks on the host machine for the keyring password, which is a problem. I just want to login remotely, not be prompted by the host machine.09:11
rs0832Bonez305, yes probably due to the account not being created09:11
Bonez305rs0832, when it says "ready when you are" im guessing it means the OS was installed ?09:11
rs0832Bonez305, well not completely... user accounts , permissions are very important for linux to function09:12
dannyLopezhi when i try to install the wireless send this message Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)]/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom-0ubuntu5_i386.deb File not found09:12
rwwdannyLopez: #comment out the cdrom line in /etc/apt/sources.list09:13
dannyLopezwhat can i do?09:13
rs0832Bonez305, so even if it did install, the lack of a user account could probably be it09:13
=== Jaevn is now known as e_ja
rwwdannyLopez: or insert your 10.10 CD. either works.09:13
rwwoh, and run sudo apt-get update if you comment out the line.09:13
Bonez305rs0832, interesting, well I appreciate the help, thanks a bunch09:13
rs0832Bonez305, so you can try installing, this time using all lowercase username09:13
rs0832Bonez305, if it persists, give the alternate installer a shot09:14
Bonez305rs0832, will do09:14
rs0832Bonez305, good luck :)09:14
Bonez305rs0832 alternate ?09:14
XiaolinDraconisisnt it just a beautiful thing to install kde and xfce on ubuntu...09:14
rs0832Bonez305, yes... it has a text based gui09:14
linx_hacksHow to install flash player on ubuntu?09:14
XiaolinDraconisof course its not!09:14
rwwrs0832, Bonez305: it won't persist. There being upper-case characters in the username is the issue.09:15
rwwsuch an annoying bug >.>09:15
XiaolinDraconisnow all my applications have defaulted to kde stuff... in my gnome session!09:15
rs0832rww, k that settles it then09:15
Bonez305rs0832, awesome, sucky issue i guess :/09:15
rs0832Bonez305, just fyi, this is what the alternate looks like http://www.google.co.in/images?hl=en&source=imghp&q=ubuntu+alternate+install&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=09:15
dannyLopezrww: the cd solution in not working  i try whit  /etc/apt/sources.list09:16
Bonez305rs0832, yes i was just looking at it09:16
rs0832dannyLopez, you may not have disabled it properly09:16
Bonez305rww, rs0832, thanks a bunch i will retry install with lowers09:16
rs0832Bonez305, :) y/w09:17
paq7512how do you remove a program install through sh on the console?09:17
rs0832dannyLopez, try the gui.. system>administration>software sources09:17
dannyLopezrs0832: i have in software sources & now?09:18
rs0832dannyLopez, there should be a section 'installable from cdrom/dvd'09:19
rs0832dannyLopez, below that, an option with a check box... clear the check if it there09:19
linx_hacksHow to get 64bit Adobe Flash Player for firefox?09:20
rs0832linx_hacks, http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/square/09:21
bonjoyeei tried to recover lost data from sony handycam after accidental format..now an hour later i have recovered almost all data using photorec...but the ouput is 27GB mpg file..is this normal?09:22
linx_hacksrs0832: its redirecting me to the same  old 32 bit downloading location09:22
rs0832linx_hacks, o.009:22
rs0832linx_hacks, http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz09:23
linx_hacksbut it gives me a tar file which has .so file right?09:23
rs0832linx_hacks, yes09:23
rwwlinx_hacks: yes. make ~/.mozilla/plugins/, put the .so in there.09:23
linx_hacksoh.. thanks09:24
linx_hacksrs0832:cool.. it works.. thanks09:24
rs0832linx_hacks, :)09:24
dannyLopezfinally i have again wireless TKS rs0832 y TKS again rww09:27
ObvioustrollHello i would like how to customize my /etc/init.d I want to be able to pass orders to services but control wich of them load on startup09:27
rs0832dannyLopez, :)09:27
Obvioustroll/etc/init.d/service start/stop etc.. working but services not loading at begining09:27
XiaolinDraconisdoes the "remember applications" thing work?09:28
rs0832bonjoyee, no sure if it is normal, but does this help? http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/After_Using_PhotoRec09:28
rs0832!cn | adminroot09:29
ubottuadminroot: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:29
woot_woothey all. I am trying to forward my desktop thru ssh. anyone ever used putty on a windows system to forward their linux desktop thru ssh?09:30
bonjoyeers0832: actually i searched only for mpg files..and all i got was a huge mpg file!09:30
rs0832bonjoyee, hmm.. did yo u have that much data recorded on it?09:30
bonjoyeers0832: yes... the handycam has a 30gb hdd!09:31
bonjoyeers0832: the mpg plays in mplayer..but not in vlc or totem..09:31
rs0832bonjoyee, with video09:31
dannyLopezLoL (?)09:32
bonjoyeers0832: yes..audio video in perfect sync!09:32
hrhrhrlooks like trim support has been in kernel for a while so should be fully fledged in 10.10?09:32
sabat-laptopit's amazing how pitifully useless some people are when you ask a simple question that has a simple answer, in an appropriate channel, yet they want to just say "that's unsupported" and be a jovial proverbial know-it-all moron who can't answer a question without saying it's unsupported.09:32
rs0832bonjoyee, then maybe it is not playing because vlc and totem dont support file sizes that big09:32
linx_hackshow to install RPM  files in ubuntu?09:32
adminrootSomeone says Chinese?09:33
gartral`I need too rebind alot of keys, can someone give me instructions on how to acomplish this?09:33
woot_wootlinx_hacks: alien i think09:33
woot_wootdpk might be able to handle it also09:33
bonjoyeers0832: hmmm..actually i have recovered all the data..just that i need a way to split the clips somehow09:33
rs0832linx_hacks, use alien... install from synaptic09:33
rs0832adminroot, yes on #ubuntu-cn09:33
linx_hacksrs0832: I was able to convert to .deb package..09:33
rs0832linx_hacks, yeas09:34
rs0832bonjoyee, i think there are tools for that;... or you can use an nle09:34
adminrootyes ubuntu.cn09:34
woot_wootthen just use dpk to install09:34
woot_wootdpk -i deb_file.deb09:34
gartral`I need too rebind alot of keys, can someone give me instructions on how to acomplish this?09:34
linx_hacksrs0832: sorry.. it works.09:34
sgo11Hi, how to create encrypted partition in ubuntu? any packages I need to install? any GUI tools available? thanks,09:35
rs0832linx_hacks, :)09:35
NeoKipling[CN]Hello, everyone.  This is my problem:  I must use a window program to make a dos boot diskette to recover bios. I already made a blank floppy image file, mounted it.  But wine execute the windows program error: The process was either aborted or no diskette was found.09:35
sabat-laptopThanks _ruben for being a un-useful member of the ubuntu support community.09:35
woot_wootsgo11: you can look into truecrypt if thats what your looking for09:35
XiaolinDraconispreferences> keyboard shortcuts?09:35
gartralXiaolinDraconis: that seems limited too about 12.. i need like 4509:36
sabat-laptopand ty people who are willing to answer questions via privmsg. you all rock.09:36
rs0832bonjoyee, you might try http://linux.die.net/man/1/mpgsplit09:36
=== adminroot is now known as adminroot[CN3]
dannyLopezi can update mi ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 from cd?09:36
sgo11woot_woot, sorry, where to look at it? I did aptitude search truecrypt, nothing comes out.09:36
=== adminroot[CN3] is now known as adminroot[CN]
XiaolinDraconisgartral, you can add as many as you want09:36
woot_wootgimme asec09:36
gartralXiaolinDraconis: does it handle mouse rebinds?09:36
woot_wootoh damn. nevermind i'm in windows at the moment09:37
rwwdannyLopez: only using an alternate CD, not desktop. and if you've installed additional packages, you'll probably need a network repository anyway.09:37
marek_proszę po polsku09:37
rww!pl | marek_09:37
ubottumarek_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:37
woot_wootdo 'sudo apt-cache search true|grep crypt'09:37
gartralXiaolinDraconis: also, i need to "make" keys that arent on normal keyboards09:37
XiaolinDraconisgartral, spose you could try i dont really know09:37
woot_wootthere is also a easycrypt which is a frontend to it if i remember correctly09:37
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume09:37
woot_wootthere you go09:37
XiaolinDraconisgartral, i know theres an app that interprets keys and tells you how the system identifies them... dont know if thatd be of use to your sitiation09:38
sgo11woodzy, thanks a lot. let me see.09:38
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gartralXiaolinDraconis: sounds like it would, what's the name?09:39
XiaolinDraconissry i dont know it offhand09:39
NeoKipling[CN]Hello, other chinese guy. If you have xp and virtual floppy driver, please, do me a favor09:39
=== maze_ is now known as mazeX86
lahwranhow do I install mono/.net 4 on ubuntu? I've been installing different mono packages for 10 minutes and none of them have it!09:43
NeoKipling[CN]adminroot[CN], hai, sorry bother you, do you have xp system? I really need help.09:44
woot_wootNeoKipling[CN]: what is your issue?09:44
zengeevIs anybody using OpenQRM on Ubuntu?09:45
alifI have a little problem. whether among you anyone knows how to run the program not as root??09:45
NeoKipling[CN]thanks woot_woot, I need made a boot diskette09:45
woot_wootalif: dont be logged in as root and dont sudo09:45
NeoKipling[CN]This is my problem:  I must use a window program to make a dos boot diskette to recover bios. I already made a blank floppy image file, mounted it.  But wine execute the windows program error: The process was either aborted or no diskette was found.09:45
woot_wootalif: then the application you start wont run as root09:45
NeoKipling[CN]now i try windows way, but win7 can't use virtual floppy09:47
sgo11woot_woot, hi, it seems truecrypt is very complicated for me. I just switched to ubuntu from opensuse. Basically, my problem is my opensuse has an encrypted partition which is created easily by opensuse partitioner GUI. Now, i want to mount it in ubuntu. any way to do it? thanks.09:47
woot_wootNeoKipling[CN]: http://www.ehow.com/how_4910631_download-windows-xp-recovery-disk.html09:47
alifwoot_woot but this program ask me use my root, for run it09:47
woot_wootsgo11: gimme a sec and ill get back to you :)09:47
woot_wootalif: if the application tells you to run as root, it means it needs permissions your user doesn't have09:48
claudiu_scan anyone help with a problem of sound in Xubuntu 10.04?09:48
woot_wootalif: so you have to run it with sudo or as root09:48
woot_wootsgo11: so you just want to make a drive (entire drive) encrypted?09:49
XiaolinDraconishow do i keep my gnome session separate from a kde session?09:49
glitchdin ubuntu 10.04 how do i modify the grub list to put in my windows recovery partition?09:49
sgo11woot_woot, thank you very much. just give you some more input. in opensuse, everything is done in GUI and the partition is automount at startup with my password. I just found out if I want to mount it manually in opensuse, it gave "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdaX cr_sdaX". then "mount /dev/mapper/cr_sdaX <dir>". that is the case in opensuse.09:50
glitchdrs0832, could u help me to modify my grub menu?09:50
NeoKipling[CN]woot_woot: thanks, this if not i need09:50
tasWhat could be wrong with ubuntu software center? it always stops when it comes to applying changes..09:50
sgo11woot_woot, I want to mount some partition.09:50
rs0832glitchd, sure09:50
glitchdrs0832, i would greatly appreciate it09:51
rs0832glitchd, so tell me ... what would you like to modify?09:51
a1234567890there the truetype of terminal about scroll division program of type_structure as mapping that uses the curnal gde as terminal pad-software about linux_ubuntu..09:51
glitchdrs0832, i installed burg, then realized that i didnt have my windows recovery partition configured in grub before hand09:51
alifwoot_woot yeah,  everything i want run this program always ask me to run it as root. this program aircrack-ng.  what should i do??09:51
rs0832alif, sudo aircrack-ng in terminal09:52
glitchdrs0832, so i uninstalled burg, then went to look for the grub.lst and could not find it09:52
sgo11woot_woot, sorry, typo. I would like to encrypt some partitions.09:52
woot_wootsgo11: ok, i know what your saying. I use truecrypt so that's the only firsthand info i can give you. You should be able to just install it (google 'truecrypt'), download the .deb package. install it. then when you run it, you will get a gui09:52
rs0832glitchd, hmm is there a grub.cfg?09:52
alifwoot_woot yeah09:52
glitchdrs0832, i have no clue, i could search for it09:52
lahwranhow do I install mono/.net 4 on ubuntu without building from source? surely it's in the repo somewhere and I'm just missing it?09:52
rs0832glitchd, yea do that09:52
woot_wootglitchd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16923409:53
sgo11woot_woot, the problem is I don't know if truecrypt will be able to mount my opensuse encrypted partition or not. I have the encrypted partition in my harddrive. and would like to mount it in ubuntu. thanks.09:53
woot_wootgotcha, whole different thing we were thinking about09:54
rs0832glitchd, it should be in /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:54
glitchdrs0832, ok im still looking09:54
rs0832glitchd, k09:54
glitchdrs0832, im sorry i have to reboot, ill brb09:55
a12345678902011yr happy new year09:55
rs0832glitchd, k09:55
alifwoot_woot why everything i want this program always ask me run it as root??do u have solustion. but when i run this program in backtrack never need it..09:55
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
woot_wootalif: backtrack user has permissions your ubuntu user account doesn't have09:56
tasanyone? whats wrong with ubuntu software center, it won't install anything, just downloads..09:56
woot_wootbacktrack is designed for pentesting., ubuntu isn't designed in the same way so the user permissions are setup differently09:56
Weazelhey guys, trying to find Mac addresses for devices in my LAN, but can i see the name of each IP i recieve ?  (i remember doing so with nmap -sP -v x.x.x.x/24 - but i get an error with nmap for smt related to nmap)09:56
woot_wootsgo11: its going to take some googling to find out09:56
woot_wootlooks like suse uses twofishaes 256 bit encryption. I *beleive* truecrypt will load that09:57
claudiu_sso... nobody can help me09:57
sgo11woot_woot, I found out ubuntu had the package cryptsetup as well. maybe that is the same to opensuse one.09:57
rs0832tas, try software-center in a terminal09:57
woot_wootyeah i was looking at that also but hadn't gotten to far into the documentation yet09:57
alifwoot_woot: I have user account but i'm tired must write my password everything run this program...09:58
glitchd_rs0832, ok im back09:58
rs0832glitchd, k09:58
tassigh, I was trying to install skype, but it was stuck in aplying changes, so I cancelled it, and trying to install it again, and it says its already installed but Its not there in installed software :(09:58
glitchd_rs0832, just had to make sure that grub actually came up since i removed burg09:58
woot_wootalif: add yourself to the sudoers file09:58
rs0832glitchdah ok09:58
rs0832tas, why dont you use synaptic?09:58
woot_wootand change the sudoers file to allow you to sudo without putting in a password all the time09:59
XiaolinDraconiswhy would you want to remove burg?09:59
woot_wootor run as root09:59
tasrs0832, well, lets try that now.09:59
alifwoot_woot: how do it??09:59
glitchd_tas, maybe u could try removing it?09:59
woot_wootneither of which i will give you instruction on because doing so gives you the ability to screw up your system and im not gonna get reamed for that. you will have to google it. sorry09:59
glitchd_tas, dont listen to me..lol09:59
tasrs0832, lame, I have nothing on, no software center, no terminal, and it says something else is using the packager thingy, when I open synaptic package manager..10:00
tasglitchd_, I can only remove if it was THERE, which it isnt.. in software center.10:00
woot_woottas: open a terminal10:00
rs0832tas, hmm.. if you said software center got stuck, it is probably that10:00
woot_woottype 'sudo apt-get remove skype'10:00
tasthe "applying changes" got stuck10:00
rs0832tas, try to kill it10:01
tasrs0832, how?10:01
XiaolinDraconisthat happened to me a few days ago10:01
XiaolinDraconistas, i just logged out and logged back in10:01
glitchd_tas, but its not letting u install it?10:01
tasXiaolinDraconis, theres an application killer duh -.-10:01
woot_wootglitchd_: he is saying he tried to install, the install hung, he closed it, now he can't install/remove it10:01
rs0832tas, killall software-center in a terminal... otherwise restart10:02
tasglitchd_, yea. its downloaded not installed.10:02
sgo11woot_woot, no worries. thanks a lot for the help. I will try ubuntu cryptsetup soon I get home. That computer is my homePC. thanks.10:02
glitchd_woot_woot, i would think that he needs to purge what did get installed then?10:02
woot_wootsgo11: sorry i could help more. good luck with it.10:02
task brb10:02
sgo11woot_woot, no worries. thanks. :)10:02
woot_wootglitchd_: depends on where it hung.10:03
XiaolinDraconistas, logging out and in took 5 seconds. opening a terminal and typing woulda took me longer lol10:03
Weazelcan someone please help me find Mac Addresses along with the device's name in the LAN ?10:03
alifwoot_woot : How i must do, so i can add myself in sudoers??10:03
woot_wootWeazel: depends what you mean. you can get your mac address by 'ifconfig' in a terminal10:03
glitchd_woot_woot, well i dont think u can pick back up in the middle of a installation, can u?10:04
alifbecause in backtrack run program as root very stupid..!!help me..10:04
woot_wootalif: yes10:04
woot_wootglitchd_: yes10:04
woot_wootalif: no10:04
woot_wootlol im getting confused10:04
glitchd_woot_woot, did not know that10:04
woot_wootalif:  you will have to google how to add yourself to sudoers file. you clearly don't know enough about linux for me to feel comfortable telling you how to do it10:05
rs0832glitchd_, i think it will overwrite the partly finished installation... but im not sure10:05
alifwoot_woot : how i can run this program not as root??10:05
XiaolinDraconisWeazel, http://tinyurl.com/348lnb910:05
woot_wootalif: YOU CANT10:05
woot_wootyour probably running a program that is sniffing wireless traffic10:05
rs0832alif, you mean run it using sudo10:06
glitchd_rs0832, well your guess is as good as mine i suppose10:06
woot_wootor trying to access root files10:06
rs0832glitchd_, yep :)10:06
woot_wootboth of which need ROOT PERMISSIONS10:06
woot_wootrs0832: yeah, but he doesn't wanna have to type his password all the time10:06
rs0832tas, so it it back to normal?10:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:06
tasrs0832, yae10:06
XiaolinDraconisalif, the program will NOT work as normal user10:07
tasrs0832, done :D10:07
rs0832woot_woot, hmm the only way you can do that is as root i think10:07
rs0832tas, did it install?10:07
XiaolinDraconisalif, if your tired of inputting password then by all means make a root account10:07
tasthanks everyone who helped me ^^10:07
woot_wootrs0832: no, you can make it so sudo doesn't ask for a password10:07
rs0832woot_woot, oh?10:07
XiaolinDraconisalif, even though like i did, you will soon find out how easy it is to destroy your desktop10:07
WeazelXiaolinDraconis:  need ip+max+name of devices   from 200 ip phones somewhere in my lan, thats not helping10:07
glitchd_rs0832, do u think the uuid of my recovery partition would be different than the one of the os partition?10:08
XiaolinDraconisWeazel, sry bud was just being funny10:08
rs0832glitchd_, i think it would10:08
XiaolinDraconisi enjoy using the lmgtfy site10:08
glitchd_is there a way to find out what it would be?10:08
woot_wootWeazel: then you need to nmap your network10:08
glitchd_i swear this was easier before10:08
glitchd_rs0832, i swear i had to edit a different file when i did this before10:09
rs0832glitchd_, try sudo blkid10:09
Weazeltied nmap -v -sP -- it returns : "No space for further MAC prefixes from nmap-mac-prefixes.  Increase MacTable.table_capacity10:09
FloodBot2Weazel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:09
SubstreamAII'm new to Linux, and very not used to it.  I understand old DOS pretty well, so I'm hoping this won't be too difficult.  I'm trying to make install and I get the following error: Renaming old 'eggdrop' executable to 'oeggdrop'.10:09
SubstreamAICopying new 'eggdrop' executable and creating symlink.10:09
SubstreamAI/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `eggdrop': No such file or directory10:09
SubstreamAImake: *** [install-bin] Error 110:09
FloodBot2SubstreamAI: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:09
rwwXiaolinDraconis: it's not a good idea in here, for future reference :(10:09
rs0832glitchd_, what exactly are you trying to do now? restore grub?10:09
SubstreamAIoh, ok10:09
woot_wootWeazel: either use google for info on nmap, or maybe try #nmap10:10
rwwa1234567890: I believe I've asked you already to be sensical in here. #ubuntu-offtopic is available for all your randomness needs.10:10
Weazelwoot_woot: holy crap there's a nmap channel ! THANKS10:10
glitchd_rs0832, no im trying to bring back the listing for my windows recovery partition, and when i had to modify grub before because it had the wrong partition code for windows, i swear it was more straight forward simple than this.10:10
rs0832glitchd_, ok10:11
=== quickstart_ is now known as RoSk0
woot_wootglitchd_: did you look at the link i gave you eariler?10:11
glitchd_rs0832, also when i run the command u gave me, it list a recovery partition10:11
woot_woothi RoSk010:11
rs0832glitchd_, yes10:11
glitchd_woot_woot, i started to, then i had to restart, and i lost it10:11
rs0832have you tried update-grub? to auto detect?10:12
XiaolinDraconisyeah he did10:12
glitchd_no i have not10:12
alifXiaolinDraconis, how??10:12
XiaolinDraconisi swear you said u did10:12
woot_wootthere you go glitchd_10:12
rs0832glitched_, you could try and see if it auto updates the entry in your grub config10:12
XiaolinDraconisalif,  are you absolutly positive you want to do this?10:12
glitchd_woot_woot, thank you10:12
XiaolinDraconisalif it will break things10:13
glitchd_rs0832, ok ill try that then10:13
RoSk0could anyone please tell me how to manage system services in ubuntu? i am old school centos user and there is greate chkconfig command...10:13
woot_wootXiaolinDraconis: what will break things?10:13
rs0832glitched_, k10:13
XiaolinDraconisalif, trust me if you run as root, one wrong click of a button, one bad choice on app install, anything simple, and you can lose all your settings10:14
red2kic!bum | RoSk010:14
ubottuRoSk0: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:14
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, making a root account10:14
red2kicRoSk0: bum (GUI), update-rc.d (CLI).10:14
llutz_RoSk0: sysv-rc-conf10:14
glitchd_rs0832, i jus did update-grub and it still only found 1 windows partition10:15
XiaolinDraconisalif, oh and not to mention possible loss of data10:15
rs0832glitched_, ok..then you will have to manually add it10:15
woot_wootwhat recovery partition glitchd_ ?10:15
woot_wooti dont remember a recovery partition for windows...10:15
glitchd_woot_woot, my windows recovery partition, this is a dual boot system10:16
rwwwoot_woot: some computer makers put one on their computers. it's not a built-in Windows feature.10:16
woot_wootglitchd_: so is my netbook, but i dont recall a recovery partition in my grub10:16
woot_wootlike a dell10:16
FloodBot2woot_woot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
glitchd_woot_woot, well it was in mine10:16
woot_wootyou will have to find it and add it manually like rs0832 said10:17
alifXiaolinDraconis, so what should i do??so i never run it not as root..give me a solution10:18
livingdaylightwoot_woot, i look for laptop; you know good one?10:18
woot_wootalif: sudo10:18
Teemu_KIs there someone who knows how to enable wlan?, when I do rfkill all it says it is hard block = yes10:18
woot_wootlivingdaylight: depends what your looking for10:18
livingdaylightwoot_woot, top-end notebook same as low-end laptop? I want 10" to 13" screen10:19
RoSk0thks. update-rc.d is part of ubuntu? how can I list all services?10:19
XiaolinDraconisalif, what application is it?10:19
glitchd_rs0832, woot_woot ok im gonna reboot to see if i did it right, brb hopefully with a happy face.10:20
woot_wootdepends on what you want to do with it livingdaylight, i dont need a cd-rom, or a good graphics card cuz im not playing games on this10:20
woot_wootalif: yeah, you have to sudo10:20
rs0832glitched_, good luck:)10:20
glitchd_rs0832, thxthx10:20
woot_wootits sniffing network traffic and your probably trying to crack wireless networks around you10:20
XiaolinDraconisalif, you just have to type in your password when it asks10:21
woot_wootwhich means you need to be able to inject packets and capture the network traffic which REQUIRES root permissions to the device10:21
NeoKipling[CN]Hai, fellows, if you have xp, please look in this page: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=500865&prodTypeId=321957&prodSeriesId=500883&swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=109310:21
NeoKipling[CN]i need the second driver ROMPaq thing to make a bootable diskette. Wine  doesn't work, win7 seems like doesn't support virtrual floppy disk. I have no  disk free to install xp. please , do me a great favor, use this tool : http://sourceforge.net/projects/vfd/  , help me made this floppy image file.10:21
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, of course he is10:21
livingdaylightwoot_woot, heavy-gaming NO, but general use, yes. light, long battery, nice screen; keyboard most impotant10:21
alifxiaolinDraconis, then what i do again??10:21
rwwNeoKipling[CN]: I suspect ##windows would be more amenable to this.10:22
livingdaylightwoot_woot, nasty keyboard no.10:22
XiaolinDraconisalif, what do you mean?10:22
woot_wootlivingdaylight: i have the acer aspire with the 6 cell battery10:22
XiaolinDraconisalif,  i dont see what the problem is10:22
livingdaylightwoot_woot, nice modern ports, hdmi, sdcard etc10:22
=== albech_ is now known as albech
woot_wootlivingdaylight: i get 6 solid hours of work done on a full battery and can do everything besides play cd's and gaming10:22
woot_wootno hdmi port, 9-1 sdcard reader, 3 usb ports10:23
NeoKipling[CN] rww: yes, but win7 seems not work10:23
livingdaylightwoot_woot, link?10:23
linx_hackswhat is the command to reload font-cache?10:23
woot_wootNeoKipling[CN]: xp != win 7, totally different bootloader10:23
livingdaylightwoot_woot, ubuntu on it?10:23
livingdaylightdell have the nice keyboard10:24
XiaolinDraconisalif, it only asks your password once when you start it right?10:24
woot_wootthats what it looks like and some of the specs livingdaylight10:24
woot_wooti like the keyboard on it because it doesn't have the funky keyboard spacing the other laptops have10:25
linx_hackswhat is the command to reload font cache10:25
livingdaylightwoot_woot, you like atom processor?10:25
RoSk0thks one more time sysv-rc-conf is greate!10:25
livingdaylightwoot_woot, latest is n455?10:25
dragonkeeperwhats the biggest inch, of a full hdtv i can run on full res (1920*1080) with a 1gb graphics card (hd5770)10:26
ivanzHi. Could anybody help me with closing active program for no activity10:26
woot_wootlivingdaylight: no idea. i like the atom in this. i can run whatever i need to so yeah10:26
XiaolinDraconisivanz, does it have a gui?10:26
woot_wootivanz: what do you mean? killing a program?10:26
livingdaylightwoot_woot, some notebook come with dual-core processor now. Too many options on market10:27
XiaolinDraconisits frozen i assume10:27
NeoKipling[CN]woot_woot: yes, I mean my win7 doesn't support that virtual floppy tool10:27
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ivanzI want to have free public access to computer, but I want if nobody is on computer that computer is beck on first desktop10:27
woot_wootNeoKipling[CN]: your kind of in the wrong room. windows questions/help are in ##windows. we cant really make a win7 floppy disk for you. sorry10:27
livingdaylightwoot_woot, some bad reviews i read... freezing and useless after one year; many share experience on forums10:28
ivanzif somebody use firefox and leave computer, that after few minute that firefox is closed - maybe related with screensaver10:28
Klaus_Dieterhello world10:29
woot_wootlivingdaylight: never had a problem with mine and i have had it 2 years. I did screw up the bios, but i reflashed it with a flash drive (took 2 minutes to restore). no other issues10:29
XiaolinDraconisivanz, that requires writing your own script, i suggest going to #bash10:29
ivanzIt is something like Killall but killall kill user too10:29
rs0832ivanz, killall <programname>10:29
woot_wootivanz: you just want to log a user out after x number of minutes?10:29
XiaolinDraconisits "killall firefox"10:30
XiaolinDraconishe want firefox to close when no1 is using it10:30
woot_wootivanz i think wants a auto logout if you have been inactive for x amount of minutes10:30
woot_wootXiaolinDraconis: its not just firefox, he was using that as an example10:30
ivanzyes. But I put firefox as example. Could be anything. I don't want logout10:30
XiaolinDraconisoooh any application10:31
XiaolinDraconisyes then you need a script10:31
rs0832ivanz, it shouldnt log out if you specify the program name10:31
woot_wootivanz: oh you dont want to log out. yeah, you need to write a script to kill it10:31
NeoKipling[CN]woot_woot: oh, i understand, sorry, at first i think use wine. ok, i try #windows channel. thanks, and thanks rww10:31
woot_woot2 #10:31
ivanzXiaolinDraconis you are right. I need script, but I am beginner and I don't know where to start.10:31
XiaolinDraconischannel #bash10:32
XiaolinDraconisthey are the script professionals10:32
woot_wootivanz: bash/csh/perl will work for that10:32
ivanzI expect that it is related with Screensaver, but I need to close program10:32
XiaolinDraconisscreensaver thing wont close programs10:32
woot_wootivanz, what it sounds like is you want to basically watch the top output and if it has been inactive for a certain amount of time, kill it10:32
XiaolinDraconisivanz,  you are asking for a really hard thing to do without logging out10:33
woot_wootin which case, you need to learn some scripting/programming to write it yourself. sorry10:33
woot_wooti need coffee10:34
ivanzOk. I think that it is easy - I realy didn't know. I though that it is just one command in existing code of screensavers. sorry10:34
woot_wootsomeone bring me some java!10:34
rs0832ivanz, i tink i missed your problem o.o10:34
rs0832ivanz, what exactly are you trying to do ?10:34
XiaolinDraconisivanz, i can help you write a script that will be very simple but it will only handle a few programs10:34
woot_wootivanz, nope. there isn't a program or few lines that will do what your looking for10:34
bsod1hello, I created a ssh server on my ubuntu 10.04 laptop and trying to connect with my android phone, but it says "connection lost, connection reset by peer". How can I know what happened, and where the problem is?10:34
woot_wootrs0832: he wants to close inactive programs10:35
rs0832woot_woot, ah ok.. to free up ram or something ?10:35
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, say he has firefox and music player open.. now say he walks away... he want idle programs to close themselves10:35
ivanzrs0832, I want to close active program/windows after few minutes of no activity10:35
woot_wootbsod1: make sure you can actually ssh to it before trying with your phone10:35
bsod1woot_woot: I have no devices except my phone right no10:35
rs0832ivanz, k10:36
ivanzwoot_woot, I want to close active programs but if nobady work on computer for few minutes10:36
woot_wootbsod1: then your s.o.l. you need to be at the computer. then open a terminal and type 'ssh localhost' and see if it lets you in10:36
woot_wootivanz: yeah i know what your looking to do, but the solution is a program/script10:36
bsod1woot_woot: Permission denied (publickey).10:36
XiaolinDraconisivanz, how bout if they dont close, but minimize?10:36
dragonkeeperwhats the biggest inch, of a full hdtv i can run on full res (1920*1080) with a 1gb graphics card (hd5770)10:36
XiaolinDraconisivanz, thatd be a little easier for me to do10:37
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, hmm using bash?10:37
woot_wootbsod1: your authentication mechanism is wrong. your sshd config is looking for keys10:37
bsod1woot_woot: how can I set it for password?10:37
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, i think it can be done... and ill bug the bash guys about it.10:37
woot_wootim not super familiar with ssh though so i will have to let someone more knowledgeable then i in ssh and the sshd take over10:37
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, i think so too10:38
woot_wootbsod, the config is /etc/ssh/sshd_config10:38
woot_wootif i remember correctly. there are options in there10:38
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, i like making scripts and this sound useful to me as well10:38
ivanzXiaolinDraconis, this could be mess after few user who open few programs, but if you can recognize program and can minimize that program solution is to kill that program10:38
piercedw_easy question: how do I start the GUI from command line?10:39
woot_wootivanz: you want to write a script that will revovle around 'top' output10:39
XiaolinDraconisivanz, i wasnt planning on recognizing a program i was gonna activate show desktop command after user is idle10:39
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, :)10:39
woot_wootpiercedw_: what gui10:39
woot_wootthe x server?10:39
piercedw_woot_woot: the default desktop manager in 10.1010:39
gartralXiaolinDraconis: it seems i have a newer touchpad than anything supports10:39
woot_wootgdm start or kdm start i believe10:39
glitchdrs0832, should the command u gave me to get that id or whatever, should i be the same as my actual windows partition?10:40
ivanzI understand. Is it posible to recognise active program and to kill/close them10:40
woot_wootit might just be 'gdm' (gnome) or 'kdm' (KDE) if i remember correctly10:40
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, if you know java you can have a look at this for ideas http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5336869&postcount=510:40
XiaolinDraconisivanz, yes but if i make it recognize aall idle program, then system vitals will also get killed10:41
rs0832glitchd, sorry?10:41
* FlyingPigs are among us.10:41
woot_wootivanz: open a terminal and type 'top -d 1' and look at that10:41
woot_wootthat will be showing you process times and the like10:41
rs0832glitchd, if you are asking if the windows part and recovery part will have the same uuid then no, they wont10:41
XiaolinDraconisivanz, now if i make it kill programs it will have to be only firefox and a few other pre-determined apps10:41
woot_wootyou can make a script to watch the output, checking applications for the last time they used a couple minutes of processor time10:42
woot_wootif they haven't, kill it10:42
rocket16What's the command to know the name of the current shell? (Like bash, sh, zsh etc)10:42
* FlyingPigs will avenge their forseen destiny!10:42
woot_wootrocket16: $ = csh, # = bash10:42
woot_wootlook at the symbol your terminal ends in10:42
FlyingPigsjoin #linux10:43
rocket16woot_woot: Even when I switch to bash, '$' keeps on remaining10:43
rocket16FlyingPigs: Ok, thanks10:43
glitchdrs0832, ok, yes thats what i was asking10:43
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, yeah that sounds easy but i would have to be specific with process id's or else it may kill things like bash or compiz or something really important10:43
=== mark_forstor_and is now known as mark_in_sweden
ivanzXiaolinDraconis, I think it could be solution of problem10:43
woot_wootXiaolinDraconis: yank the pid from the output10:43
mark_in_swedenHI guys10:43
rs0832glitchd, k then, every partition/drive has to have a unique uuid10:43
glitchdrs0832, dammit i dont know why its so hard to do this now, i just had to do it the other day and it was not this hard, i swear10:44
rs0832glitchd, :) did you use a guide or something?10:44
mark_in_swedenIt seems like mynotebook has lost its hard drive.... Can'n even start from an external disk. Hints?10:44
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, right thats why i would need specific programs to kill and not just any ole idle process10:44
rs0832mark_in_sweden, did you try a live cd?10:44
XiaolinDraconisivanz, pm me and we will talk about this more10:45
woot_wootXiaolinDraconis: check for ones started by the user and not from root10:45
rs0832mark_in_sweden, if that doesnt start either, i'd say check your bios10:45
woot_wootor started by the system/cron10:45
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, sounds reasonable10:45
glitchdrs0832, not at all, i just went into the file, the name of which i cant seem to remember, and changed the partition code that it was booting to10:45
mark_in_swedenI did. It seems like the boot sector is totally gone10:45
CyLwell folks, I'm trying to mount something and I'm getting a permission denied error, even when trying to mount it as root, I'm a bit puzzled here, any help would be appreciated. Using Kubuntu 10.1010:45
woot_wootmark_in_sweden: if a boot disk wont load, its not the disk10:45
rocket16woot_woot: Got it, it's 'echo $0'10:45
mark_in_swedenwhat should I check for in BIOS?10:45
woot_wootbootdisk = livecd10:46
rs0832mark_in_sweden, the boot sector? then atleast a live cd would load10:46
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, but are all process (like docky) that start on system start-up run as root?10:46
ivanzXiaolinDraconis, where can I find your pm10:46
woot_wootrocket16: ahh, never knew that10:46
XiaolinDraconisright click my name10:46
rs0832glitchd, partition code == uuid?10:46
mark_in_swedenthe live CD loads. But can't install Ubuntu. Just runs on the CD10:46
woot_wootXiaolinDraconis: the only things that will run as the user are what started when the user logged in10:46
woot_wootmark_in_sweden: then you probably have a bad drive10:47
glitchdrs0832, no like this, (0,3)10:47
mark_in_swedenHow am I able to see the if there is a wokring hard drive?10:47
rs0832mark_in_sweden, hmm check if gparted can detect your hd10:47
woot_wootuse gparted to see if it can see the disk10:47
rs0832mark_in_sweden, from the live cd10:47
woot_wootyeah what rs0832 said10:47
mark_in_swedenwill try - will come badk10:47
rs0832glitchd, hmm then it should be easy if it worked that time10:47
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, so anything i personally add to the start-up list is ran as root when i log in?10:47
rs0832woot_woot, :)10:47
glitchdrs0832, thats what im saying, so either im looking in the wrong file, or the files has chanted10:48
rs0832glitchd, did you modify it with burg installed the last time?10:48
glitchdno i hadnt installed burg yet10:49
woot_wootXiaolinDraconis: when you start a system, everything that is started up before you log in (minus the stuff you cron from cron) is all started as system/init.d stuff. if you have a config for that app that tells it what user to run as, that wcould be a problem10:49
rs0832glitchd, cause i think the file being changed is a nearly impossible possiblity ;)10:49
woot_wootbut like right now, if i reboot into linux, anything before i log in will not be running as my user.10:49
rs0832glitchd, what have you edited so far ?10:49
glitchdrs0832, well u would know better than me10:49
woot_wootbecause i dont have anything in cron and no applications run as my user10:49
glitchdrs0832, nothing yet10:49
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, so i dont want to go killing any old app cause he may have added entries himself10:49
rs0832glitchd, can you pastebin your grub.cfg?10:50
glitchdrs0832, trying to gather all the info i can before i do anything that could potentially break my system10:50
glitchdrs0832, sure10:50
woot_wootyou can also check the parent pids and see what parent kicked it off10:50
XiaolinDraconiswoot_woot, genius!10:51
glitchdrs0832, http://pastebin.com/gQnYi1wT10:51
rs0832glitchd, and make a copy of your grub.cfg file... if anything goes wrong, boot into a livecd and replace it with the backup10:51
XiaolinDraconissounds like i know what i need to do so ill go ask bash channel how to get started10:51
woot_wootgood luck10:51
woot_wootim getting coffee before i fall asleep at my desk10:51
glitchdrs0832, i made a copy, good idea10:52
rs0832glitchd, k10:52
woot_wootactually, im going home and going to bed. its 5am. later everyone10:52
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glitchdrs0832, im gonna open a private pm so i dont get tagged for long posts10:52
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rs0832glitchd, k10:53
rs0832glitchd, :D10:53
DiverdudeWhere can i find libapache-mod-scgi module? its not in the repo it seems10:56
llutz_!info libapache2-mod-scgi10:56
ubottulibapache2-mod-scgi (source: scgi): Apache module implementing the SCGI protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-1 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 96 kB10:56
llutz_Diverdude: it is10:57
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CyLOkay guys, I've been tring to mount this LVM volume for a while, and I'm getting this permission denied error that is relly puzzling me. Mounting it manually works okay, but adding a corresponding entry in fstab, so that a normal user can mount it makes it umountable even for root. Any advice on what to do here?10:58
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=== smnt is now known as SmartyBartFast
=== marcos is now known as Guest58514
Diverdudellutz, yes ok i found it...where does it then put the .so file?11:00
llutz_Diverdude: dpkg -L libapache2-mod-scgi11:00
=== Guest58514 is now known as marcao
wolf23help me please11:02
wolf23cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority11:02
wolf23There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)]11:02
merdehi i am complete beginer so please answer me in simple english.i wanted to know how to add an alias with nano to .bashrc and where to type in my alias(top, bottom of document)11:04
=== KERK is now known as ndo
llutz_merde: somewhere11:04
wolf23There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)]11:04
wolf23cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority11:04
wolf23can anyone help me?11:05
=== ndo is now known as Nikolai_D
llutz_merde: nano ~/.bashrc     and then add your alias somewhere in the file. it doesn't matter11:05
=== claudio is now known as Guest20607
merdethanks. and can i put spaces when adding an alias11:06
Nikolai_Danyone any suggestion whats wrong with NX here please? :) http://pastebin.com/YQ3tCbhd11:06
llutz_merde: put it in quotes if it contains spaces11:07
Guest20607ciao a tutti, ho una domanda: come faccio a sapere che versione di ubuntu ho installato?11:07
wolf23llutz i have a problem11:08
merdecan i just write : rm='rm -i'   (i just don't want to mess up)11:08
llutz_merde: like this predefined          alias ls='ls --color=auto'11:08
XiaolinDraconisivanz, u there11:08
wolf23llutz_ do u have any idea about my problem?11:10
Guest20607toc toc c'è qualcuno che mi può rispondere?11:10
llutz_wolf23: ls -l ~/.ICEauthority11:10
rww!it | Guest2060711:10
ubottuGuest20607: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:10
Guest23433is there a more intimate ubuntu support channel?11:11
wolf23llutz_ i am on winxp os, now if i restart and boot to ubuntu, it appears11:12
wolf23There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)]11:12
wolf23cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority11:12
llutz_Guest23433: with red-lights and some soft-drinks?11:12
wolf23llutz_ also nautilus didnot work11:12
llutz_wolf23: boot ubuntu, login at console, "sudo service gdm stop" "rm ~/.ICEauthority" "sudo service gdm start" and try again to login11:13
ArachonIs there a graphic way of accessing a windows share from Ubuntu, or do I have to use smbclient from the terminal window?11:14
wolf23llutz_ login at console , u mean change to recovery mode?11:15
llutz_wolf23: no, i meant a simple console, alt-ctrl-F1  to activate11:15
wolf23llutz_ ok i try11:16
piercedw_When I try to start gone in 10.10, I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/XtkUH9AL11:17
piercedw_gone = gnome11:18
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red2kicWhat is the plugins path that Chrome/Chromium check for plugins? I know it is /usr/lib/chromium/plugins -- But I'm looking for /home/$USER approach11:19
gartralI have a Gobi2000 3/4g/GPS radio.. how do i use it?11:20
ArachonIs there a graphic way of accessing a windows share from Ubuntu, or do I have to use smbclient from the terminal window?11:20
Nikolai_DArachon, yes11:22
llutz_Arachon: i'm not sure if nautilus can do that. ctrl-l  and then "smb://your-server"11:22
Nikolai_Dlocation -> connect -> windows share11:22
Nikolai_Dif ur on gnome11:22
wolf23llutz_ :(11:24
ArachonRight, thing is, I'm running UNE, so Nautilus is not the default file manager, but I guess I have to pin Nautilus to the "taskbar" then11:24
wolf23llutz_ it says cannot remove ICEauthority no such directory or file11:25
sten26is their someone   who can help me with my wireless driver11:25
llutz_wolf23: then create it. "touch   ~/.ICEauthority"11:25
CyLOkay guys, I've been tring to mount this LVM volume for a while, and I'm getting this permission denied error that is relly puzzling me. Mounting it manually works okay, but adding a corresponding entry in fstab, so that a normal user can mount it makes it umountable even for root. Any advice on what to do here?11:26
llutz_wolf23: sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.ICEauthority11:26
gzkMouse wheel failure ,Is there any way to solve11:26
llutz_wolf23:  chmod 755 ~/.ICEauthority11:26
llutz_wolf23:  chmod 644 ~/.ICEauthority          sorry11:26
wolf23llutz_ type the two things ?11:27
llutz_wolf23: yes11:27
dave|otoolehey ubuntuers. I'm running 10.10 on my hp tablet pc and it's awesome :)11:27
dave|otoolethanks again for another great ubuntu :)11:28
wolf23llutz_ and what about nautilus also cannot open?11:28
gobbeCyL: what kind of error message do you get when you try to mount it from fstab with root?11:29
gobbeCyL: normal user cannot mount volumes11:29
anonimha ha11:31
CyLgobbe: I get permission denied errors (even when trying to mount it as root)... it should be possible to mount it as root, since I had specified user as mount options11:34
anonimçù êãûûëø11:34
GreenM0nkI added to my path in root and in my current user. but when it says that the command isnt available in sudo. (but which cmd works fine in both the root and current user accounts)11:34
gobbeCyL: put /etc/fstab to pastebin11:35
gobbeCyL: and give url, i'll check11:35
CyLgobbe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548501/ the line in question is number 811:37
gobbeCyL: sudo fdisk -l /dev/dm-611:37
gobbeCyL: are you using HP raid?11:38
CyLgobbe: this is an lvm volume, not a blockdevice itself11:39
sten26How can i resolve this error rt73.ko failed to build11:39
maurizio_hi all i have a eeepc 1201ha with the latest version of ubuntu, and i discovered that the microphone doesn't work... is there something to do in order to be able to use it (eg driver?)11:40
gobbeCyL: oh sorry. So if you manually say sudo mount /dev/dm-6 /mnt/vault it will mount?11:40
Weedoyou shouldnt need one11:40
LuciusMareHello, I made a launcher for JDownloader in the main menu, but it doesn't work - it simply doesn't run. When I type the command ("java -jar ~/.jdownloader/JDownloader.jar") into the terminal, it works correctly.11:41
sten26How can i activate my wireles broadcom 802.11g card11:42
cmesselLuciusMare: try to cd into tat directoy first11:42
cmesselsth like cd ~/.jdownloader/; java -jar JDownloader.jar11:43
gobbesten26: by installing drivers from additional drivers11:43
sten26can you help me beacause iam new with it and have looked every where on  forums but all the things ido won't work11:44
LuciusMarecmessel: "Can't run "JDownloader": Can't launch process of the child "cd" (No such file or directory)"11:44
CyLgobbe: very weirdely it is now being mounted by root as expected... but still not able to mount it as normal user11:45
cmesselLuciusMare: did you put ; after the cd command?11:45
LuciusMarecmessel: yes, I did, and I tested it in the shell again - it works11:45
sten26can you help me beacause iam new with it and have looked every where on  forums but all the things ido won't work11:46
cmesselLuciusMare: try to save those commands in a script. and then try to run the script witb sh command11:46
cmesselLuciusMare: for instance you save the stuff in jdownloader.sh11:46
cmesselLuciusMare: and you type the command sh jdownloader.sh11:46
cmesselLuciusMare: first try that from command line, then from the panel11:47
LuciusMarecmessel: yes, that works, thanks11:47
cmesselLuciusMare: cool. bye bye11:48
kad__heys!! i need help!! i have 8G RAM and have installed ubuntu 10.10 64-bit!! now 4G are reduced from my RAM and went to "shared memory", how i can disable shared memory or reduce the "size " of shared memory ? is there any way :(11:50
philinuxkad__: What does free -m show. Use paste bin11:52
linxehkad__: what computer is it ?11:52
gobbeCyL: does it say that you need to be root to mount or what?11:52
gobbesten26: from System->Administration->Additional Drivers11:53
kad__philinux,  http://pastebin.com/HuVLwkmQ11:53
kad__linxeh,  HP Pavilin dv611:53
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gsfaiHow can i reinstall libc without ruining everything?11:58
CyLgobbe: yep, it says operation reserved to root..12:00
philinuxkad__:  It's showing 4 gig as you said. but none shared. The other figures look normal.  What does the bios see when you boot.12:02
kad__philinux, 8G12:02
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gsfaiHow can i reinstall libc without removing all of the packages that depend on it?12:03
oskar-apt-get --reinstall install libc612:03
philinuxkad__: Have you run the memtest from grub.12:04
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gobbeCyL: what is actual command that you used to mount it as user?12:05
gsfaioskar-, thanks :)12:05
kad__philinux, no ,if i did and kept 4G , how to fix it ?12:05
philinuxkad__: no need to run it for long just to see how much ram it sees. Also what does uname -a show12:06
kad__philinux, Linux kad 2.6.35-24-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:58:11 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:06
netbao                                 112:07
CyLgobbe: mount /mnt/vault12:07
philinuxkad__: I assume if you boot into windows it sees 812:07
kad__philinux, at Windows it says: 8.00G (3.9G used)12:07
gobbeCyL: change user to users12:08
gobbeCyL: in fstab12:08
NET||abusehey guys. i'm looking for a better flowchart tool.12:08
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NET||abusei've used dia over the years,12:08
CyLgobbe: I give it a try12:08
NET||abusebut need a better option,12:08
CyLgobbe: but I also believe this might related to something else, according to ntfs-3g homepage12:09
oskar-NET||abuse:  visio12:09
NET||abuseoskar-, arrg,12:10
oskar-i know.... :\12:10
NET||abuseoskar-, on ubuntu :)12:10
NET||abuse still no option in this space then eh?12:10
gobbeCyL: well....writing to ntfs is still quite unstable, at least i don't recommend it :)12:11
rwwno it isn't :\12:11
c0mradehappy new year12:11
oskar-NET||abuse:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagramming_program12:12
SubstreamAII'm having a problem with make install12:12
SubstreamAIRenaming old 'eggdrop' executable to 'oeggdrop'.12:12
SubstreamAICopying new 'eggdrop' executable and creating symlink.12:12
SubstreamAI/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `eggdrop': No such file or directory12:12
SubstreamAImake: *** [install-bin] Error 112:12
gobbeSubstreamAI: what kind of problem12:12
FloodBot2SubstreamAI: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
c0mrademe too12:12
SubstreamAIthat dir does exist12:12
egertonm20I recently installed Kwalletmanager on Lynx. Worked fine on Hardy but now will only start by command line under root. I've changed the kwalletmanager and kwalletd permissions to allow user account to execute. I cn't find a log file anywhere to see what error may be generated. Anyone any ideas?12:14
gobbeSubstreamAI: that's not really ubuntu-issue, more eggdrop-issue12:14
nightcrowi was looking to install infinidb: http://www.infinidb.org/resources/getting-started12:15
nightcrowin the article it gives me a few options for OS's - but i would like to use ubuntu - however, it states that i can only use Ubuntu when: "- Ubuntu when built from source code" - why does it make a difference and how can i go about doing this?12:16
gobbenightcrow: well. it means taht you need to compile it by yourself, so there's no compatible binary available12:17
nightcrowcan some one please advise12:17
nightcrowgobbe: compile Ubuntu or Infinidb?12:17
gobbenightcrow: infinidb12:18
nightcrowah, i misunderstood it12:18
nightcrowgobbe: do you know if this would be hard to do?12:19
jimi_Anyone here ever have virtualbox crash when PXE booting?12:19
egertonm20I recently installed Kwalletmanager on Lynx. Worked fine on Hardy but now will only start by command line under root. I've changed the kwalletmanager and kwalletd permissions to allow user account to execute but no success. I can't find a log file anywhere to see what error may be generated. Anyone any ideas?12:20
gobbenightcrow: it depends how well infinidb is made, usually it's just configure and then make, make install12:20
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nightcrowok - ill look into it12:20
nightcrowthank you for your help?12:20
gsfaiits pretty sad that nobody can think of what happened at my system :/12:24
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rs0832gsfai, what?12:26
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rs0832gsfai, if you mean the lib c thing i think sudo dpkh --reconfigure should do it12:27
rs0832gsfai, *dpkg12:27
gsfairs0832, look, i was trying to `make` a programm, and as i was satisfiing the depedencies, everything broke down12:28
kad__philinux, back12:28
rs0832gsfai, ok,12:28
rs0832gsfai, which program?12:28
kad__philinux, when i reboot :P it see the 8G , is there any place for log to display what cause that ?12:28
gsfairs0832, amsn12:28
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rs0832gsfai, it's not in the repos?12:28
gsfaithe repo contains a very old snapshot of it12:29
philinuxkad__: have a look in /var/log/messages and dmesg. It maybe a hardware problem try taking the sticks out and reseating them.12:29
rs0832gsfai, hmm.. ok12:29
rs0832gsfai, so do you remember what you tried to install? and what is wrong with your system now?12:30
gsfairs0832, libpng, libjpeg, and... wait a second12:30
kad__philinux, do u think "Intel Virtualization Technology" play a role in consuming the RAM ?12:30
rs0832gsfai, thats it?12:30
gsfaiyes, i think the problem started while i was making zlib12:31
quietoneanyone able to help me samba share a directory on a USB drive to XP?12:31
philinuxkad__: not a clue on that.12:31
chombeeHey, I'm having trouble recreating a grub menu.lst file. I resized an Ubuntu partition and now it won't boot, drops to a grub shell. I've booted form a Live USB...12:31
rs0832gsfai, ok.. what is the problem then?12:31
chombeeI ran sudo update-grub and it seemed to work, but still doesn't boot12:31
gsfairs0832, i first lost visual effects, i rebooted, and i lost the themes, and almost every gnome-panel applet12:31
gsfairs0832, also synaptic and firefox refuse to open12:32
rs0832gsfai, hmm12:32
gsfaifirefox crashes immediatelly after spawn (even in --safe-mode) and synaptic gets segmentation fault12:32
rs0832gsfai, try opening firefox in the terminal and paste any output you get12:32
gobbegsfai: sounds like you removed something.12:32
gobbegsfai: or you overwrited some libraries with broken ones12:32
rs0832gsfai, then, reinstall glib, libjpeg and libpng using apt-get12:33
rs0832gsfai, cause synaptic wont start12:33
gsfairs0832, none of those three are in the repositories, i had to download them12:33
chombeeHmm, in fact I can't find a menu.lst file anywhere. Maybe it was on a partition that got deleted?12:34
rs0832gsfai, ok open a terminal12:34
gobbegsfai: glib is in repos12:34
gsfaiE: Αδύνατη η εύρεση του πακέτου libpng --- aka --- couldnt find package libpng12:34
rs0832chombee, if you are running grub 2 it is grub.cfg12:34
gsfaigobbe, its zlib12:34
rs0832gsfai, sudo apt-get install zlib1g12:34
chombeers0832: Thanks, seems to be, I have a copy of that12:35
gsfaiτο zlib1g είναι ήδη η τελευταία έκδοση. --- zlib1g is already in the last version12:35
rs0832chombee, k12:35
rs0832gsfai, ok then run sudo dpkg --reconfigure zlib1g12:35
rs0832gsfai, ok.. now,12:36
gsfairs0832, you mean dpkg-reconfigure?12:36
rs0832gsfai, are you running ubuntu 10.10?12:36
rs0832gsfai, yes12:36
rs0832gsfai, sorry about that12:36
gsfai10.04.1 LTS12:36
rs0832gsfai, ok then now install12:36
rs0832gsfai, sudo apt-get install libpng12-012:37
rs0832gsfai, if it is installed, use the dpkg-reconfigure12:37
gsfaiit also touched a libc-bin trigger12:37
rs0832gsfai, thats fine12:37
rs0832gsfai, done?12:38
gsfaialso done with libjpeg12:38
rs0832gsfai, which did you install of jpeg?12:39
rs0832gsfai, no.. install libjpeg6212:40
gsfaisynaptic still gets SIGSEGV from libc.so.612:40
rs0832gsfai, not the -dev12:40
gsfaialready installed12:40
rs0832gsfai, reinstalled?12:40
rs0832gsfai, fi you didnt then dpkg-reconfigure12:41
gsfaistill no change12:41
rs0832gsfai, did you install anything else?12:41
gsfaino sir12:41
rs0832gsfai, k12:41
remoteCTRLsomehow i have configured my ubuntu to save .torrent files instead of opeining them with vuze, how do i reverse that?12:41
rs0832gsfai, try restarting and let me know what happens12:42
gsfaiafter installing zlib, i tried to open synaptic to install gstreamer but i realised it could start12:42
gsfaiok rebooting12:42
rs0832remoteCTRL, if i understand you right, that is set in your browsers configuration12:42
remoteCTRLrs0832: that explains why i coundt find it...12:43
rs0832remoteCTRL, :)12:43
gsfainothing changed12:44
rs0832gsfai, after restart?12:44
gsfaiyep i just restarted12:44
rs0832gsfai, did you uninstall anything?12:44
gsfaino, nothing at all12:45
rs0832gsfai, hmm12:45
Linux_Geek_85bahh I suck at IRC LOL12:45
rs0832gsfai, you know, the version is not much different in the repos:)12:46
rs0832gsfai, of amsn12:46
gsfairs0832, it has alot of bugs12:46
rs0832gsfai, how do you know?12:46
gsfaiand currently, i dont care about making amsn work, i care about fixing the system12:46
gsfaibecause i encounter them :P12:46
rs0832gsfai, yes.. im working on that12:46
gsfaiamsn is acting weird anywa12:47
RawChidHey, I have mounted 2 partitions from my external HD in /srv/ and every time I open a nautilus-ish app my external HD is going to spin (and I need to wait a while). How can I prevent that the HD is going to spin while I'm NOT reading from it?12:47
RawChidMaybe mount with gvfs?12:47
rs0832gsfai, open a terminal12:47
gsfaiit wants to have tcl-dev installed, if i install tcl-dev, it doesnt recognize tcl8.5. and quits saying that it needs 8.5, if i install 8.5 it doesnt recognize the -dev12:47
remoteCTRLrs0832: once you know where to look its easy to find, thanks dude! :)12:48
rs0832remoteCTRL, :) no prob12:48
rs0832gsfai, now type firefox and press return12:48
gsfaisoula@shop:/boot/grub$ firefox (newline) soula@shop:/boot/grub$12:49
gsfaino error message :)12:49
muszekhi... I'm looking for an utility that would backup an entire ntfs partition to a server (local network, running ubuntu)12:49
muszekany suggestions?12:49
rs0832gsfai, is ff running?12:50
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:50
gsfairs0832, it crashes right after i launch it12:50
RawChidmuszek ^^12:50
rs0832gsfai, reinstall ff12:50
gsfaibut the crash is recognized, and it pops a window asking to tell mozzila about it12:50
muszekRawChid: thank you12:50
minus_how can I skip the installation menu on the live usb persitent ?12:51
chombeeCan anyone help me with this? I'm getting 'error: no such partition' from grub at boot. I have run sudo update grub, but no change12:51
rs0832minus_, you mean boot as live?12:51
gsfairs0832, crashes again12:51
gsfaii will be back in 10 minutes12:51
chombeeI suspect that grub is looking for the grub.cfg file on a partition that no longer exists (that I deleted) and that I need to tell if what partition to found the file on12:51
rs0832gsfai, after reinstall?12:51
rs0832gsfai, k12:51
minus_yes. I just want a persistent key without this welcome message12:52
minus_where I must choose between try or install*12:52
rs0832minus_, when the usb boots, you should see a black screen with a small icon on the bottom of the screen12:52
rs0832minus_, press any key there and it will show you the option12:53
rwwrs0832: They don't want to see the option, they want it to not come up once the LiveUSB boots into Xorg.12:53
rs0832minus_, then you can select boot option and stuff like in the previous version12:53
iguannaI've installed the virtual box for ubuntu on my windows, but now I need to access the windows partition from ubuntu but how?12:54
rs0832rww o.o12:54
iguannafstab -l doesn't display any windows partition12:54
minus_ok I try, but is it possible to bypass the keypress operation ?12:54
rs0832rww, k12:54
glickshey can someone help me to get the empathy notification icon back to the panel? i accidently clicked remove from panel'12:55
glitchdrs0832, guess what?12:55
rs0832minus_, sorry, i am not sure about that12:55
rwwrs0832: specifically, this is what comes up: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installingmaverick01.png12:55
rs0832glitchd, o.012:55
glitchdit was a dam memory test thing.12:55
rs0832rww, yes i know .. i have 10.10 on a usb :)12:56
glitchdrs0832, i swear it was a recovery partition when i booted it before12:56
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rs0832glitchd, o.o memory test? for win?12:56
minus_ok. thank.12:56
glitchdrs0832, and 10.10 is crap.12:56
glitchdrs0832, yea a mem test for win12:56
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glitchdrs0832, maybe thats what it was before and i jus remember it wrong12:57
glitchdrs0832, idk..12:57
rs0832glitchd, :D12:57
rs0832glitchd, dont worry .. it happens12:57
glitchdrs0832, thank you again for all your explicit help tho12:57
rs0832glitchd, :) you;re welcome12:57
glitchdrs0832, let me ask u another question12:57
rs0832glitchd, sure12:58
glitchdrs0832, in 10.1012:58
glitchdrs0832, do u get the lag problem?12:58
glickshow can i add the message notification icon back to the panel?12:58
rs0832glitchd, sometimes:)12:58
glicksi.e. empathy?12:58
glitchdrs0832, i have installed 10.10 3 different times already and each time, its running like it has no ram, or like windows when u catch some spyware12:58
rs0832glitchd, some sessions, actually12:58
glitchdrs0832, it takes forever to do anything12:58
rs0832glitchd, yes12:59
glitchdrs0832, even chrome was taking up to 2 minutes to load google12:59
glitchdbut here in 10.04 its all lightning quick12:59
rs0832glitchd, hmm i dont think i have a problem with web pages12:59
sacarlsonglicks: I think you mean the indicator applet http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165007512:59
glitchdrs0832, as it should be seeing how i have 8 gigs of friggin ram12:59
rs0832glitchd, is it 64 bit?13:00
glitchdrs0832, nope13:00
rs0832glitchd, pae then?13:00
glitchdrs0832, i always go with 32 bit installs13:00
glitchdrs0832, yes pae13:00
rs0832glitchd, k13:00
mopfliteI installed 10.10 but couldn't live with the known issue whereby shutdown -P (and its known equivalent) doesn't actually power the system off, it hangs and the power button then has to be pressed for 5 seconds to power it down13:00
rs0832glitchd, mine works fine on 1g of ram most times13:00
mopflites/known equivalent/gnome equivalent13:00
glicksthanks sacarlson13:01
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rs0832glitchd, it;s only occasional.. have you tried updating?13:01
glitchdrs0832,  i think im jus gonna stay with 10.04 for a long while13:01
glitchdyes i updated as much as possible13:01
glitchdrs0832, but still the lag persisted13:01
rs0832glitchd, k..13:01
ManDaywhat program do i need to connect to an ubuntu remote desktop?13:01
LuciusMareHello, I've got a jpeg image on the net, and when I load it with firefox, it loads correctly, but when I try to download it with wget, it always downloads a 1px*1px blank gif image13:01
rs0832glitchd, dunno what's up with 10.10.. had a lot of probs with it too13:02
rs0832glitchd, fixed them now though :)13:02
rs0832glitchd, you could try using lxde or something.. not sure but it may help the lag if that is the problem13:02
glitchdrs0832, well im not even interested in fixing them, im just gonna stick with 10.04 for  a long while i think13:02
sacarlsonManDay: you would run vino-server on the remote side and vinagre  on the client side as default installed items13:03
rs0832glitchd, yep.. that what 10.04's meant for anyway :)13:03
glitchdrs0832, yupyup13:03
ManDaysacarlson: the remote machine is ubuntu - my machine is gentoo13:03
glitchdrs0832, alright well im outta here again13:03
rs0832glitchd, k... good luck to ya :)13:03
glitchdthx u213:04
sacarlsonManDay: you can run almost any vnc on gentoo and run the vino-server on the ubuntu side13:04
glitchdrs0832, thx u213:04
rs0832glitchd, :) thanks13:04
glitchdrs0832, np13:04
rs0832rww, maybe you can tell me something...13:04
gsfairs0832, yes after reinstalling firefox13:05
rs0832rww, when i right click on a file and select the custom command command to open it with, using gksudo/sudo, doesnt ask for authentication13:05
muszekI'm planning on going with btrfs on my new lappy... is it a bad idea?13:05
rs0832gsfai, ff works now?13:05
rs0832gsfai, o.o13:06
gsfaiyes, im stuck too13:06
rwwrs0832: I don't use GNOME, am not the best person to ask about Nautilus ;P13:06
rs0832rww, k.. what about sudo though?13:06
gsfairs0832, the screensaver makes gdm hang13:07
gsfaii had to go to tty1 and kill everything here so i could login again13:07
rwwrs0832: have you used sudo recently? it only prompts for a password if it hasn't prompted you in the last N minutes13:07
rs0832rww, nope13:07
rs0832rww, even fresh after restart13:07
* rww shrugs13:08
gsfairs0832, it takes root priviliges by itself?13:08
rs0832gsfai, seems to13:08
gsfaimaybe you ARE root?13:09
ManDaysacarlson: so ubuntus "remote desktop" is actualy just plain ordinary vnc over RFB ?13:09
rs0832gsfai, nope13:09
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lucielHello, I'm having issues with the metacity theme not displaying correctly13:12
lucielWindow borders are fine, but window contents are not themed.13:12
gsfairs0832, after reconfiguring libc6, nothing is changed13:13
rs0832gsfai, :(13:14
rs0832gsfai, hmm..13:14
gsfaiProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.13:14
gsfai0x00f76e21 in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.613:14
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cutoutHi, I have a machine with ubuntu on it, I installed apache and some other services, my problem is when the machine is rebooted the services will not start unless I login, is there anyway to start these service?13:15
cutoutI mean start them when ubuntu boots up13:15
gsfaicutout, those are the gnome startup services13:16
gsfaiyou have to place your startup applications (or link) to init.d13:16
cutoutapache is already in init.d13:16
cutoutbut it is not started!13:17
StaRetjiFolks, I'm having problem were I can't select resolution lower than 1280x1024 because the driver read edid information from monitor. Is there a way to lie edid and set lower resolution? Please help. Thx13:17
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rs0832rww, hmm it's been sometime since the sudo thing has happened to me and i was having some problems with gnome at the time,  so it;s probably nothing.. thanks for your time though13:18
gsfaicutout, it probably encounters some kind of error, try making it dump its output to a file13:18
rs0832gsfai, any progress ?13:19
cutoutgsfai, when I login it starts just fine!13:19
dee01hi there. i am having this problem on my thinkpad x201 with 10.04: "waiting for sound system to respond". any hint?13:20
rs0832dee01, i think you don;'t have drivers installed properly13:22
pmjphello people13:22
dee01rs0832: this is possible... i need some drivers for this intel card, i suppose. but i didnt find any suitable information where to download and/or how to install...13:23
rs0832dee01, you can try these - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:25
wildc4rdgot ubuntu 10.10 downloaded, how do I now make it into a bootable USB stick?13:25
dragonkeeperwill ubuntu allow 1080p display ?13:25
rs0832wildc4rd, system>administration>create startup disk13:26
Ryu_Kurisuwildc4rd: Download unetbootin if you are on windows...and use that to "burn" it to your usb13:26
dee01rs0832, thanks a lot. i will try.13:26
rs0832dee01, :) good luck13:26
iwantoknowhi I am first time here and I want to connect to chanel c++ and it doesn't allow me, it says ##c++ :Cannot send to channel13:26
wildc4rdrs0832 has it, easy when you know how, lol (cheers)13:27
pmjpwhats the best dvd ripper I can get for ubuntu13:27
rs0832wildc4rd, :)13:27
CyLiwantoknow: /join ##c++13:27
rs0832iwantoknow, you need to register and login first13:27
sacarlsonManDay: yes remote desktop is vnc  I'm not sure what you mean by rfb13:28
rs0832sacarlson, hmm i think rfb is the remote desktop protocol13:28
rooksrdp maybe13:28
rs0832sacarlson, if i am not mistaken :)13:28
sacarlsonrs0832: I think vnc has it's own protocol13:29
Ryu_KurisuAnjer: Hai :)13:29
Anjerhow do i run an application in another language?13:29
oskar-vnc uses rfb according to a well-known online encyclopedia13:29
Anjeri tried LANGUAGE=en <app name> but it didnt work13:30
rs0832sacarlson, actually all remote desktop software use rfb :)13:30
Ryu_KurisuAnjer: Just a single application?13:30
rs0832sacarlson, its a specification like the irc rfs's13:30
sacarlsonrs0832: ok13:30
Anjeri want to make a tutorial but my ubuntu is dutch..13:30
oskar-Anjer:  also set LANG13:30
tristan3199usi need help. my login keyring password doesnt match my user login password.. how do i change the keyring password??13:30
oskar-Anjer:  also set LANG and LC_ALL. i don't know where LANGUAGE is used13:31
Anjeroskar-: so what would that be like on the command line?13:31
ManDaythanks sacarlson13:31
quietonecutout, i recall having to get the wireless started at boot (not login) by changing  /etc/network/interfaces.13:31
alkisgI want to "limit rate of outgoing traffic to 100Mbps per *destination*, not source IP". What qdisc should I be looking at?13:31
tristan3199usanyone know how to change the keyring password, whatever that is.. i think its used to store passwords for websites..13:33
sacarlsonrs0832: you were correct RFB[1] (Remote FrameBuffer) is the protocol used by VNC13:33
zatanhow can I split MKV file ?13:33
oskar-Anjer:  LANG=en LC_ALL=en programm13:33
wildc4rdwhat would be the recommended desktop environment for use on a netbook? (anything but remix)13:33
rs0832sacarlson, :) i like to keep in touch with protocols .. making a db of them13:34
Anjeroskar-: thanks ill try13:34
tristan3199usi also need to change my startup programs.. where do i do that at..13:35
tristan3199usanyone know what the keyring is?? and where to change the password for it?13:36
joshgtristan3199us, system>preferences13:36
quietonetristan3199us, system->pref->startup application13:36
tristan3199usthanks guys.. anyone know what the keyring is??13:37
DooDahok first of all hello everyone.13:37
DooDahi have problem with installation of ubuntu 10.10 (i was trying amd64 version and 32bit polish remix)13:37
DooDah1. i boot from usb13:37
DooDah2. choose install, or run, nevermind it freeze after 3-4sek.13:37
DooDah3. so i add acpi=off and it freezes at ubuntu splash screen.13:37
FloodBot2DooDah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:37
DooDah4. third try was with acpi=off and nomodeset. freeze when copying files.13:37
DooDah5. when try to configure it, it freeze at 20%, when i dont touch anything, freeze 70%13:37
icarus-ctristan3199us, as in keyring - store your password/credentials13:37
DooDahok first of all hello everyone.13:38
DooDahi have problem with installation of ubuntu 10.10 (i was trying amd64 version and 32bit polish remix)13:38
tristan3199usicarus-c: yes, how do i change the "master password" for it13:38
=== ColloquyUser is now known as kemsiro
DooDah1. i boot from usb13:38
pavanaihw  2 remove unwanted boot options after release upgrade13:38
DooDah2. choose install, or run, nevermind it freeze after 3-4sek.13:38
oskar-DooDah:  you are repeating.13:38
rs0832DooDah, i fixed this by remastering the disc :)13:39
DooDahwhat does mean?13:39
DooDahflood system told me that i was muted13:39
rs0832DooDah, just a temporary measure to stop flooding :)13:39
DooDahok, i prepare msg earlier:)13:40
oskar-DooDah:  and you started again to flood ;-) please keep your questions on one (long) line...13:40
tristan3199usdoes anyone know how to change the password for my keyring???13:40
pavanaihw 2 remove unwanted entries from boot loader after release upgrADE13:40
binoyis there a terminal clent for google chat?13:40
DooDahok:) so everybody read my whole msg:) im glad:P13:40
Anjeroskar-: thanks it works now :)13:40
rs0832DooDah, :)13:40
icarus-ctristan3199us, check out seahorse13:40
DooDahrs0832: could you tell me what that remstering mean?13:41
rs0832DooDah, ok so, remaster your iso using uck13:41
tristan3199usicarus-c: google, apt-get, or alt-f213:41
rs0832DooDah, you can modify the live cd or customise it with your own selection of programs and stuff13:42
DooDahok ok i get it to this point:)13:42
icarus-ctristan3199us, Alt F2  -> apt-get -> google13:42
DooDahwhat shuold i remove?13:42
pavanaialexander:hw 2 remove unwanted entries from boot loader after release upgrADE13:42
DooDahi suppose remove:)13:42
rs0832DooDah, no.. update13:42
pavanaipetercoulton:hw 2 remove unwanted entries from boot loader after release upgrADE13:42
tristan3199uslol.. ok man.. thanks.. seahorse.. on it..13:42
rs0832DooDah, update casper and plymouth13:43
quietonetristan3199us, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146954113:43
DooDahrs0832: i use polish remixed edition with update to 16.1213:43
salilIs there any service that will allow me to do a normal HTTP/FTP download through torrnet?13:43
pavanaihlp !!!hw 2 remove unwanted entries from boot loader after release upgrADE13:43
rs0832DooDah, save the remastered iso, put it on the usb stick and then try booting.. it was the only thing that worked for me.13:43
DooDahrs0832: how can i add those update and what is uck? google shows me nothing:P13:44
DooDahok ive got uck13:45
DooDahpolish google:P13:45
rs0832DooDah, uck gives you a step by step guide while remastering your disc13:45
DooDahok rs0832: faild:P i'm on win7 now:)13:46
gsfairs0832, yes, 50 frags in 5 minutes13:46
gsfaithats my progress :P13:46
rs0832DooDah, it will provide you with a synaptic package manager clone during the remaster process13:46
gsfaioh you didnt mean that?13:46
rs0832gsfai, o.013:46
rs0832gsfai, ??13:46
Koteletesomoene could hl me? pleaz13:46
gsfaiat least the games work lol13:46
icarus-csalil, torrent is torrent, http is http, ftp is ftp. you can't mess with the protocols13:46
gsfaiKotelete, describe your problem13:46
rs0832hmm best i can think of is reinstalling or doing a reconfigure of gnome desktop13:47
gsfaiicarus-c, those are actually sub-protocols, since they are all based on TCP/IP13:47
gsfairs0832, how can i reconfigure gnome-desktop?:)13:47
rs0832gsfai, you still dont have access to synaptic?13:48
Koteletegsfai: i use irssi and i test a notify scrip but doesn'nt work at all13:48
gsfairs0832, nope13:48
gsfaiKotelete, did you make the notify script on your own?13:48
djdarkmanhi, can I share an internet connection with network manager if I have two network cards?13:50
om26erdjdarkman, yes you can13:51
icarus-cgsfai, you meant to say http/ftp/bt are application layer protocol why TCP, IP are protocols of lower layers13:51
phuzionWhat would be the best place to go to get help on running the encyclopedia supybot plugin that ubottu runs?13:51
djdarkmanom26er: is there a good tutorial for that?13:51
tristan3199usthanks guys..13:52
tristan3199usyour always helpful13:52
muszekI can't find a package 'partimage' via apt-get, but packages.ubuntu.com says there is one in universe (which I enabled)... any idea why?13:52
om26erdjdarkman, i did it a few days ago, it was quite simple but my memories are a little fuzzy, wait a sec13:52
gobbemuszek: did you run apt-get update after adding it?13:54
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKCodes
vendettaanyone in here who can give me an advice concerning the choice between nvidia/ati?13:55
muszekgobbe: yes, I'll do it again...13:55
gobbemuszek: which version you are running?13:56
muszekgobbe: 10.10 livecd13:56
muszeknow apt-get update is hanging at 87%...13:56
ArachonHow do I open .bin files?13:56
kzwixDepends, Arachon13:57
kzwixUsually, those are binary files13:57
kzwixbut are they programs ? data ?13:57
rs0832Arachon, normally you set permissions as executable, or with sh13:57
ArachonWell, it's supposedly the installer for Braid, got it of the humble bundle13:57
vendettaNo one any advice concerning nvidia/ati? i need to buy a new graphics card and want to run two monitors.13:57
Arachonpossibly .run.bin13:57
kzwixThen chmod +x myfile.bin13:58
kzwixthen ./myfile.bin13:58
icarus-cArachon, and make sure you could try the program before you run it13:58
* icarus-c goes to bed13:58
michaelgambleanyone here hear of a package that will let you write scripts to automate xwindow interactions for creating a testing environment of an app13:58
kzwixYes, what icarus-c says.13:58
ArachonAs in: "I know where it comes from"?13:58
icarus-cArachon, and you know what it does13:59
ArachonFair enough13:59
kzwixArachon : No. As in, you trust the people having written it to be nice guys, and not evil hackers aiming to make your PC a zombie13:59
michaelgambleim a macosx person, and it comes with a software called automator, was hoping for something similar in ubuntu13:59
smecahello, i'm having webcam/driver issues, any help?13:59
icarus-cArachon, if you are trying to install a software from a .bin  you should look a package or make a package instead13:59
icarus-c*look for14:00
Arachonicarus-c: Thing is, I bought it from the Humble Indie Bundle deal, and this seems to be the only way the distribute the games14:00
Good^Luckñäàðîâà âñåì14:00
kzwixicarus-c : Most of the time, bin installers are for proprietary software, where the vendor does NOT give source files, and proper installation procedures14:00
michaelgambleanyone? automate mouse clicks and key strokes in xwindows14:01
vendettai am running two monitors with my onboard graphics card. but it wont show any movie. all that appears is a black screen and the sound from the movie. does anyone know how to solve this problem?14:01
icarus-ckzwix, that doesn't void the advantages of using a package right? i mean you could build one14:01
rs0832Arachon, a friend of mine installed a bin from the same deal i think, it seemed to have worked fine for him14:01
icarus-crather then letter their proprietary installer to mess with your system14:01
Good^Luckvendetta, íàõóé èäè14:02
=== _dv_ is now known as dv_
ArachonI just found what seems to be a decent guide on the ubuntu forums, I'll mess around a bit and see what happens14:02
icarus-cdamn i can't type at the moment14:02
PhonicUKhey all, does anyone know a tool I can use to calibrate my touchscreen?14:03
mosdefHi there was wondering if somone could help14:03
StaRetjiFolks, is there a way to lie monitor edid?14:03
PhonicUKits way off when I use my finger instead of a pen14:03
mosdefdoes anyone know im stuck have just upgraded to 10.10 from ubuntu 10.04 and cannot get a run command14:03
mosdefcan anyone help?14:04
rs0832mosdef, a run command?14:04
icarus-cStaRetji, i think you could ignore or override edid provided by the monitor14:04
icarus-cStaRetji, not so sure how but14:04
mosdefwell not as such14:04
mosdefi used to be abble to click over a setup file and there would be the option to open14:04
mosdefi would open and it would say run14:04
mosdefthe program would load and all would be fine14:05
rs0832mosdef, a .sh file?14:05
mosdefbut in 10.10 there is no plain open option???14:05
PhonicUKmosdef, what type of file is it?14:05
mosdefshell script file?14:05
PhonicUKhave you turned on its executable flag?14:05
rs0832mosdef, yes14:05
rs0832mosdef, chmod +x14:05
rs0832mosdef, then try14:06
mosdefwhat doies that mean sorry?14:06
PhonicUKmosdef, do this14:06
PhonicUKright click the file14:06
PhonicUKand click properties14:06
gsfaiicarus-c, exactly :)14:06
PhonicUKgo to the permissions tab14:06
Good^Luckà ãåè åñòü ? èëè øëþõè14:06
PhonicUKand near the bottom is a checkbox called "execute"14:06
PhonicUKis it ticked?14:06
mosdefi see!14:06
mosdefyes is now!14:06
PhonicUKnow you should be able to open it14:07
mosdefoh you legend!!!!!14:07
mosdefcheers !!14:07
mosdefnice one!14:07
PhonicUKno worries14:07
mosdefthanks a lot!!!14:07
PhonicUKno worries14:07
XiaolinDraconisim trying to make a script that kills a process when its idle14:07
rs0832PhonicUK, :)14:07
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, so how's it coming?14:07
PhonicUKalways take people through the GUI option instead of doing it through the CLI14:07
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, horrible14:08
PhonicUKwhen possible that is14:08
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, :) no luck with the guys over at #bash?14:08
XiaolinDraconisthey dont believe a process ever goes idle14:08
PhonicUKis that bash as in the shell, or the quote database?14:09
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, true in a way.. false in another14:09
rs0832PhonicUK, shell14:09
XiaolinDraconisyeah i dont know the difference14:09
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, before you went earlier,14:09
XiaolinDraconisooh nevermind yeah i kinda do14:09
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, i dont know if you got the link i sent you14:10
XiaolinDraconisi seen the app that gets quotes from bash14:10
XiaolinDraconisi didnt14:10
PhonicUKhave any of you guys tried the netbook edition on an old Eee?14:10
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, it was implemented in java14:10
PhonicUKit works supprisingly well14:10
XiaolinDraconiswhat was it?14:11
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, but should give you an idea of how to implement it in bash14:11
AnggaDj98Hey could someone help me enabling Bamboo tablet pad touch and pen in ubuntu?14:11
AnggaDj98The CD only contains setup for Windows and Mac14:11
AnggaDj98I tried to do it on wine but i failed.14:11
muszekgobbe: partimage only has a 32-bit version, that's why I couldn't get it14:11
gobbemuszek: yea :)14:12
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, lets have a look see what i can learn14:12
gobbeAnggaDj98: http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/14:12
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, hold on let me see if i can find the link :)14:12
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, you know what i did learn over at #bash... some life lessons14:12
AnggaDj98gobbe: thanks i will try it14:13
Kotelete_could you help me ? :'(14:14
gobbeKotelete_: ask the question14:14
Kotelete_gobbe: i have no notify in irssi14:15
michaelgambleanyone know what the minimum allocated hard drive space is required to run ubuntu?14:15
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5336869&postcount=514:15
michaelgambleim doing a fresh 32bit install off the iso14:15
gobbemichaelgamble: few gigs14:15
michaelgambleinto a vmware environment that i gotta duplicate 500 some odd times14:16
rs0832michaelgamble, i'd say around 3-4 gib's14:16
PiciKotelete_: Thats a statement, not a question.  Also, it looks like you were getting help in #irssi14:17
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, says it does what i want. im investigatin14:17
Pink^FloYd_TRANE_, ðø14:17
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, good luck with it :)14:18
Pici!ru | Pink^FloYd14:18
ubottuPink^FloYd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:18
XiaolinDraconisrs0832, yes lots and lots of luck14:18
rs0832XiaolinDraconis, :)14:18
muszekmichaelgamble: you can do an "expandable" partition (at least in virtualbox).  You create say a 10GB partition and if you actually use only 3GB, then the file on the host system will have 3GB.  They say it's a bit slower, though.14:18
Pink^FloYdîí ñóêàçàë)14:18
_TRANE_׸ ñóêà Àìåðèêîñû åáàíûå,ãåè ñóêà åäðþ÷èå!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:18
PiciPink^FloYd: Please stop, this channel is English only. #ubuntu-ru for russian14:18
michaelgambleyeah thats true, i forgot about that14:19
Pici!ru > _TRANE_14:19
ubottu_TRANE_, please see my private message14:19
michaelgamblevmware fusion does that by default14:19
_TRANE_<[ ubottu ]> --> wat?14:19
Pink^FloYdPici, íå áóäó îñòàíàâëèâàòñÿ14:19
michaelgambleonly uses as much file space is actually used14:19
_TRANE_<[ Pink^FloYd ]> --> Îíè åáàíàøêè òóïûå))))14:20
Pink^FloYdÿ òóò ñ êåì òî çíàêîìëþñü))14:20
smecadoes anyone have a packard bell easynote?14:21
michaelgambleanyone ever mess with this stuff14:21
Picimichaelgamble: I never got it to work properly.  They have a ppa with more up-to-date packages though, I don't have the url handy though.14:22
michaelgambleyeah huh14:22
michaelgamblebasicly im in a position where i need to simulate a server load of 1000 simulataneous users of a beta Saas product my team has developed in flex.. so i figure writting a script that is triggered at a specific time would do the trick14:23
_TRANE_Øëþõà âû åáàíûå!14:23
michaelgamblei just dont know whats the best automation tool for the job14:23
_TRANE_÷¸ ãîâîðèøü,ñàñàòü õî÷åøü?14:24
gsfaiis there any way to fully reinstall ubuntu, without touching ~ ?14:25
gsfai(without the use of backups)14:25
rs0832gsfai, well, if you have /home on a separate partition, it would be easy14:25
AnggaDj98anyone knows where i can find xorg.conf14:26
AnggaDj98i tried /etc/X1114:26
rs0832AnggaDj98, as of 9.x you have to create it yourself14:26
AnggaDj98rs0832: thanks14:26
rs0832AnggaDj98, :)14:26
icarus-cAnggaDj98, you could use "X -configure" to get a default (auto detected) config to start with14:27
DaraelLooking for a way of typing \ on a keyboard that doesn't have the relevant key, without resorting to compose (which doesn't work in a TTY, for me at least).14:27
NorthwoodsIs there skype available for ubunut ?14:27
AnggaDj98icarus-c i found out about it a minute ago, thanks14:27
AnggaDj98Northwoods: yes14:27
PhonicUKNorthwoods, yes14:28
Northwoodshow can i download it ?14:28
icarus-c!skype | Northwoods14:28
ubottuNorthwoods: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:28
PhonicUKicarus-c, can anyone do that with ubottu?14:28
gsfairs0832, no /home partitio14:28
rs0832PhonicUK, pretty much :)14:28
icarus-cPhonicUK, do what14:29
gsfaiPhonicUK, yes14:29
PhonicUK!skype | PhonicUK14:29
ubottuPhonicUK, please see my private message14:29
PhonicUKah i see14:29
rs0832PhonicUK, www.ubottu.org/factoids.cgi14:29
AnggaDj98icarus-c: though, when i tried to run sudo X -configure its already running14:29
PhonicUKrs0832, no such domain14:29
=== ElNota is now known as xD
Darael!bot > PhonicUK14:29
ubottuPhonicUK, please see my private message14:29
rs0832PhonicUK, sorry its .com14:30
Northwoodsicarus-c: thanks14:30
PhonicUKis there a way to contribute to ubottu's fact database?14:30
DaraelPhonicUK: Pretty sure there's info on that somewhere on http://ubottu.com/14:31
rs0832PhonicUK, i think you have to send it as a pm or something and it is considered14:31
rs0832PhonicUK, for addition14:31
PiciPhonicUK: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Adding_a_factoid14:32
michaelgamblehey is chromium the same thing as google chrome?14:32
Daraelmichaelgamble: Besides the branding, pretty much.14:32
PhonicUKno its not14:32
PhonicUKChrome has some closed source components in it14:32
michaelgambleso if im to choose one?14:32
PhonicUKChromium is entirely open source14:32
PhonicUKPici, ty14:33
smwmichaelgamble, use chromium14:33
PhonicUKmichaelgamble, for most people - I'd use chrome instead of chromium14:33
AnggaDj98michaelgamble: Chromium is web browser, Google Chrome is web browser, both controlled by Google.14:33
smwmichaelgamble, chrome has some closed source stuff like a update mechanism14:33
PhonicUKthe closed source one has flash built in IIRC14:33
smwmichaelgamble, of course, that is disabled on ubuntu because of apt14:34
PhonicUKand updates flash as part of its own updates14:34
smwPhonicUK, But it is easy to install flash on ubuntu14:34
smwPhonicUK, system wide14:34
PhonicUKsmw, indeed14:34
Daraelsmw: What?  Chrome adds a google repo, chromium is in the Ubuntu repos, neither of them builds in an update mechanism IIRC...14:34
smwPhonicUK, it makes more sense to use chromium on ubuntu14:34
PhonicUKI dispute that14:34
PhonicUKbut I suppose its largely a pretty moot point14:35
DaraelNo, it does, not least because chromium is in the repositories.14:35
smwPhonicUK, yep14:35
michaelgamblelol well i went google chrome14:35
ePirathello, one litle question, how can i run a script at startup? (i made one to start my irc server and the services)14:35
smwmichaelgamble, truthfully, it does not matter14:35
AnggaDj98ePirat: put the script in startup apps14:35
hardcampauhm chrome is in the repositories14:35
Darael!cron | ePirat14:35
ubottuePirat: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:35
michaelgamblemy end goal is to get this sikuli script thing working, or something like it14:36
Daraelhardcampa: No, it's not, but chromium is.  If it shows up in synaptic for you you must have added the google repository.14:36
hardcampais it's name14:36
smwmichaelgamble, I use install chrome on windows computers and chromium on linux because I want less closed source stuff on my computer :-)14:36
Pink^FloYdWho in Russian speaks?14:36
knome!ru | Pink^FloYd14:36
ubottuPink^FloYd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:36
smwmichaelgamble, and I lik the chromium icon more...14:36
Daraelhardcampa: You must have added the google repo, then.  I don't get that when I aptitude search chrome14:37
AnggaDj98wow a question that few could end up like this14:37
icarus-cwell but chrome offers some features that are not available for chromium. such as the built in pdf viewer (well, actually you could just grab the libpdf.so from chrome and give chromium14:37
hardcampaDarael hmm alright.14:37
AnggaDj98what is the difference between chrome and chromium14:37
rs0832Pici, mind a pm? a general non ubuntu related question14:37
icarus-cAnggaDj98, closed source vs open source :P14:37
Picirs0832: go ahead.14:37
AnggaDj98icarus-c haha yeah i get it14:37
smwAnggaDj98, on ubuntu... closed vs open14:38
DaraelAnggaDj98: Also chrom. is google-branded and chromium is not.14:38
hardcampaDarael well only thing I see added is my Linux client for Spotify. So I don't know where google-chrome comes from then. In my repo.14:38
smwAnggaDj98, on windows/mac it has a few features that are worth it14:38
russellb #ubuntu-dev14:38
AnggaDj98well chromium is pretty much google chrome14:38
AnggaDj98but with closed source14:39
smwAnggaDj98,  yes it is.14:39
AnggaDj98google chrome is fully open source?14:39
Daraelhardcampa: Not a clue.  Checked sources.list.d as well as sources.list?  Which release are you running?  I certainly don't remember google-chrome being in the Ubuntu repos.14:39
smwAnggaDj98, as I said, most of the closed source stuff is disabled on ubuntu14:39
country0129I'm HomeNetworking Ubuntu with Windows 7 Pro.  Can see and manipulate files on the Ubuntu machine from Windoze.  I can see the Windoze machine from Ubuntu, but when I try to access the network, it displays a login screen, and when I enter the proper credentials, it flashes it again and won't give me access.  Any ideas of what the problem may be?14:39
StaRetjiicarus-c: thx for reply dude, that gives some hope14:39
XiaolinDraconisi installed kde from the repos and when i changed session and then switched back to gnome i now have a bunch of kde processes running and some things default to open with kde14:39
hardcampaDarael well I'm running 10.1014:39
AnggaDj98except you enable it via restricted14:39
XiaolinDraconishow can i get these two to play nicely14:39
AnggaDj98well chromium is available and free though closed-source14:40
icarus-cStaRetji, guess what, i forgot what you asked :P14:40
rami_can i use dd comand with img file?14:40
smwAnggaDj98, what?14:40
icarus-cAnggaDj98, huh?14:40
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: well disable one14:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:40
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, what you mean?14:40
NorthwoodsAny good software ( for idle time )  that i can download ?14:40
Daraelhardcampa: Hmm, me to.  Oh, well, not a clue.14:40
Northwoodsfor fun i mean !14:40
icarus-crami_, if that img file is meant to be a disk image file, yes14:40
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: disable either gnome or kde14:40
DaraelNorthwoods: Nethack is the ultimate timewaster.14:40
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, uhhh how?14:41
gsfairs0832, i had 10 CD's in front of me, the first one i grabbed was ubuntu 10.10 (im lucky), so im going to reinstall all of it14:41
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: well choose which one you are using most14:41
icarus-cNorthwoods, games?14:41
AnggaDj98guys go to o14:41
Northwoodsyes may be14:41
rs0832gsfai, k :)14:41
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, you mean delete?14:41
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: pick one which you think you will use most14:41
Pink^FloYdGirls respond14:41
smwAnggaDj98, bottom line is they are just about exactly the same. Google compiles chrome, ubuntu compiles chromium. Chrome auto updates, but it is turned off because apt does it better. Chrome sends bug reports to google, chrome does not.14:42
AnggaDj98smw, icarus-c go to offtopic14:42
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, i know what i use the most but i would like to play with them both14:42
Daraelsmw: Chrome sends bugs to google but chrome does not?! OK, OK, I'll be sensible.14:42
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548280/14:42
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, wondering if i can make kde apps stay on kde desktop and vice versa14:42
Northwoodsicarus-c: yes14:42
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: reinstall both, install kde first then gnome14:42
ManDayHello, what program do you use in Ubuntu to open a reverse VNC connection?14:42
smwDarael, chromium* :-P14:42
Northwoodssorry i missed it14:42
Northwoodswhich game ?14:43
ManDayDo I first have to install x11vnc?14:43
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, what would that fix?14:43
ManDayor is something already installed?14:43
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AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: idk maybe well it depends on what you use most14:43
Daraeljerryb: You don't need the nvidia restricted drivers on Maverick, usually.  Nouveau, the open-source nvidia driver that's enabled by default, will do all your desktop effects, etc.14:43
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: if its kde you use most then install gnome first, vice versa14:43
NorthwoodsGAMES ?14:43
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, that doesnt sound like them playing nicely14:44
DaraelNorthwoods: NETHACK! Sure, the learning curve is horrible, but it's great.14:44
NorthwoodsIs there AGE OF EMPIRES available on ubuntu ?14:44
XiaolinDraconiswould making separate profiles for kde and gnome keep them away from each other?14:44
induzHello, I have VirtualBox installed on My 1Gb Ram comp..I want to run XP as a guest OS...what memory should i allocate to VBoax and does  Vbox take that allocated memory as 'using' even if the VBox is not running??'14:44
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: so you want to keep gnome apps for gnome and kde apps for kde only? then make 2 partitions each filled with ubuntu. done14:44
rs0832Northwoods, thats an MS game so i doubt it :)14:44
erUSUL!appdb | Northwoods14:44
ubottuNorthwoods: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:44
icarus-cNorthwoods, i think it works with wine14:44
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: sorry i cant help14:45
country0129Any help with networking Ubuntu with Window7 pro?14:45
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, np14:45
jerrybDarael, understood.  I thought someone else may have my problem though and found a fix for it.  Weird thing is that the error is a gcc error.14:45
Northwoodscha cha14:45
franz-maulwurfhi at all14:45
ManDayHello, what program do you use in Ubuntu to open a reverse VNC connection?14:45
smwXiaolinDraconis, why do you want to "separate" them14:45
Daraeljerryb: Looks like it can't find a crash file.  Try touching it (sudo touch var/crash/nvidia-current.0.crash) and see if it makes a difference.14:45
AnggaDj98smw: idk14:45
icarus-ccountry0129, what's the problem14:45
XiaolinDraconisNorthwoods, it installs with WINE i seen it in PlayOnLinux app14:45
smwManDay, I do not understand the question14:46
country0129icarus-c:  I'm HomeNetworking Ubuntu with Windows 7 Pro.  Can see and manipulate files on the Ubuntu machine from Windoze.  I can see the Windoze machine from Ubuntu, but when I try to access the network, it displays a login screen, and when I enter the proper credentials, it flashes it again and won't give me access.  Any ideas of what the problem may be?14:46
Daraeljerryb: I'm quite prepared to help, just felt I should get the "you don't need the restricted drivers" bit out of the way.14:46
nirazioI am new to ubuntu,i want to  choose 10.04 LTS or 10.10?14:46
XiaolinDraconissmw, cause i dont all the extra kde processes running when i run gnome14:46
ManDaysmw: I want to start a reverse VNC connection (invite someone to control my desktop) what will I use for that? x11vnc? Or is there already something installed with ubuntu that can do that?14:46
AnggaDj9810.04 LTS for support and 10.10 for performance14:46
icarus-ccountry0129, is the windows share password protected ? (login required)14:46
AnggaDj98nirazio: 10.04 LTS for support and 10.10 for performance14:46
Daraelnirazio: Depends.  Do you want long-term support or the latest and greatest.14:46
NorthwoodsIf i install number of applications , will that make ubuntu performance slower ?14:47
AnggaDj98Darael: i said that :)14:47
country0129Yes, but I'm entering the p;roper credentials.14:47
icarus-ccountry0129, iirc there is a bug with gvfs that is used to mount windows share14:47
AnggaDj98Northwoods: duh14:47
DaraelAnggaDj98: dammit, sniped.14:47
icarus-ccountry0129, so you may have to use the command line instead14:47
AnggaDj98Darael: lol14:47
NorthwoodsAnggaDj98: killed !14:47
nirazioDarael: What is long term support??14:47
tom866hello there, just asking, i want to put ubuntu 10.10 on my mother's netbook, does she HAVE to have the netbook edition or can we just put the desktop edition on there if we want to?14:48
smwManDay, you can not "invite" someone14:48
Daraelnirazio: Basically, it'll be maintained for longer.14:48
icarus-ccountry0129, OR don't require password to access the share14:48
smwManDay, you need to start a vnc server and let them connect14:48
country0129I'm not the best with command line intuitively.  Can use it, but I'm not really familiar.14:48
XiaolinDraconisNorthwoods, they wont slow it down unless they are all running14:48
AnggaDj98nirazio: you could post to this IRC for until 2012 right?14:48
gobbetom866: you can put desktop if you want14:48
AnggaDj98and ppl will still respond14:48
country0129I'd disabled the password required before, but that didn't work, either.14:48
gobbetom866: only difference is that in netbook there's unity in default14:48
Daraelsmw: Actually, yes you can - that's what reverse-VNC is.  A pretty good implementation is Gitso.14:48
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: it can slow down the memory speed.14:48
icarus-ccountry0129, for your reference https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Samba#Manual_share_mounting14:49
smwDarael, I stand corrected14:49
AnggaDj98i meant decrease memory14:49
tom866yeah it is just she finds it kind of choked up and confusing, the netbook edition that is14:49
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, so will downloading music and movies lol14:49
tom866like very closed in14:49
induzanyone about VBox and XP14:49
nirazioDarael: Why should I choose the 10.04 LTS version over the newest 10.10 version?any advantage??14:49
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: thats for internet speed14:49
country0129I'll go look at that.  Thanks, Icarus.14:49
m_Everton are you online yet14:49
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, im referring to disk access14:50
Daraelnirazio: It'll be maintained for longer, and so it'll be longer before you'll have to upgrade or be unable to get support.14:50
ePiratmust i use sudo in crontab or isnt it needed?14:50
induznow my right click works but right popups dont come on on Mouse14:50
Piciinduz: Virtualbox support is in #vbox14:50
induzits right handedmouse14:50
ajahhow do i start system monitor from the terminal14:50
DaraelePirat: Depends whose crontab you're using and whether the script will need root privs.14:50
PiciePirat: Modify root's crontab if you want the commands run by root: sudo crontab -e14:50
induzhow can i join #vbox?/14:50
PhonicUKhmm, I have no sound input :\14:50
AnggaDj98ePirat: why dont you run the sh in startup apps14:51
PhonicUKinduz, you probably need to be registered with nickserv first14:51
AnggaDj98induz: sign up in launchpad14:51
AnggaDj98induz: sorry wrong advice14:51
ePiratAnggaDj98, how?14:51
induzi have signed up?14:51
XiaolinDraconisajah, gnome-system-monitor14:51
icarus-cinduz, /join #vbox14:51
PhonicUKI have no sound input devices :\14:51
induzjoin #Vbox14:51
icarus-c/join #vbox14:52
XiaolinDraconisput a / before that induz14:52
PhonicUKtype /join #vbox14:52
PhonicUKincluding the /14:52
AnggaDj98make a new startup entry and type the terminal command there to run it14:52
StaRetjiicarus-c: the question was: is there a way to lie monitor edid? :)14:52
m_There is a package called sshfs that mounts a remote file system on your machine14:52
ePiratAnggaDj98, but i cant use sudo there, or?14:52
AnggaDj98use gksu14:53
DaraelAnggaDj98: if it's root's crontab, you don't need sudo.14:53
MayankHello i am trying to connect my two computers via ssh, till morning they were working fine, but suddenly whenever i try connecting them, from say machine A to machine B , after two minutes the terminal of machine A hangs and i am not able to type anything14:53
AnggaDj98but its much simpler14:53
DaraelAnggaDj98: Whoops, that should have been directed at ePirat.14:53
Mayankboth of them run Ubuntu Desktop 10.1014:53
AnggaDj98oh lol its ok14:53
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:54
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AnggaDj98why is #C redirect to ##C?14:54
PiciePirat: Perhaps you should explain *exactly* what you're trying to do.14:54
DaraelAnggaDj98: Freenode channel naming policy.14:54
ePirati want to run my irc server, services and webchat at startup14:54
PiciePirat: As what account? Are any of those graphical applications?14:55
DaraelePirat: How did you get the irc server installed?  It's much easier to use the packages from the repositories, as they should be set up to do stuff like that.14:55
BlinkizHi. I would like to spy on users to see how well they know the bash command line. We have a bunch of ubuntu servers here. Does it exist something that I can use to see what the user sees? Something like stout redirector. Just watching .bash_history is not that great.14:55
ePiratPici, no graphical applications, and the webchat needs to be started as root14:56
ePiratDarael, i dont want to reinstall the whole irc server now...14:56
PiciePirat: If you'd like to use crontab, use sudo crontab -e, and set them to run at '@reboot' for the time. Then they will run as root at startup.14:56
XiaolinDraconisdoesnt sudo work on startup applications menu?14:56
jerrybDarael, Thanks!  Should I pursue this with the gcc team or the ppa maintainers?14:57
XiaolinDraconisit should just ask you your password when it starts14:57
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: no only gksu works14:57
Daraeljerryb: The gcc team are more likely to point you at the PPA maintainers than vice-versa.  Go for the PPA maintainers and if it's better to talk to the GCC team they'll tell you.14:57
ePiratPici, how can i specify the path where they should be run? (i need to cd in the webchat directory or it wont start)14:57
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: after it starts you are asked to unlock a keyring14:58
PiciePirat: Write a script that does just that and run that in the crontabl.14:58
jerrybDarael, ok -- I already opened a bug report on the package14:58
XiaolinDraconisAnggaDj98, and that doesnt work why?14:58
DaraelXiaolinDraconis: sudo will prompt for a password on the command line, which you can't see when it's run from the graphical startup apps box.  gksu does a graphical prompt.14:58
ePiratPici, thx14:58
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: just try go alt-f2 and then type sudo something then you will get nothing14:59
PiciXiaolinDraconis: Lots of people run ubuntu on servers where there is no graphical environment.14:59
AnggaDj98XiaolinDraconis: idk why either14:59
r3duxI run ubuntu from ssh for my site. It works very well.14:59
DaraelXiaolinDraconis: Of course, if you set sudo to run without a password prompt then it would work, but you shouldn't do that.14:59
XiaolinDraconisi assumed the keyring would show up for him15:00
Shay128Hello, I need help please , i've erased by mistake some important folder using "sudo rm foldername" is there a way to recover to lost files ?15:00
XiaolinDraconisDarael, yeah ive done that before15:00
r3duxI can't play minesweeper on it, but that's okay because it was never the plan :)15:00
AnggaDj98Shay128: no15:00
FoxHelowhat dictionary are used in your ubuntu?15:00
DaraelShay128: Not really, sorry.15:00
AnggaDj98Shay128: sorry for yout lost15:00
Pici!undelete | Shay12815:00
ubottuShay128: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:00
thamHello, I carelessly deleted my BURG folder in /boot. Now the computer gives grub rescue> prompt and I have no rescue CD. Help?15:00
XiaolinDraconisDarael, made some irreversible decisions like that15:00
DaraelFoxHelo: Depends which languages you have installed.15:00
sgo11Hi, I created an encrypted partition on a usb stick with opensuse partitoner. It's using lucks. Now, when I plug in the usb stick to ubuntu, a popup comes out to ask a password for the encrypted volume, then mount the partition. everything works perfectly. I just would like to know which ubuntu packages handle this job? thanks.15:01
Daraeltham: Do you have a seperate /boot partition?15:01
FoxHeloDarael: i am chinese, but my default is language for ubuntu?15:01
thamDarael: No, it's in the root15:01
AnggaDj98!cn | FoxHelo15:02
ubottuFoxHelo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:02
Daraeltham: Good.  Then you can do a series of commands that I'll just go and pastebin for you.15:02
r3duxroot partition is partioned in root format... now we know15:02
AnggaDj98nin ke yi something ke chong wen something something15:02
thamDarael: Cool, thanks a lot!15:02
ePirathow i make the ~ on german keyboard?15:03
NeoKipling[CN]oh, we have chinese channel15:03
AnggaDj98ePirat: use character map15:03
Daraeltham: Hopefully http://paste.ubuntu.com/548541/ will work.15:03
ox3ars0832,  you there?15:04
thamDarael: Thanks, I'll try that15:04
DaraelMayank: ITYM wireshark15:05
thamDarael: Tried that. It says "Unknown command 'linux'" The rest of the commands give the same error :/15:05
country0129Mr. Icarus-c?  You still here?15:05
icarus-ccountry0129, yea15:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:06
country0129I couldn't get anything to work over there.15:06
Daraeltham: Ah.  Not sure, then.  Sounds like grub has lost itself.  You'll need a rescue CD or bootable USB stick.15:06
country0129Kept getting the "Usage" thingy when I tried the commands given.15:06
MayankDarael: any idea why i stop getting response from a remote machine running Ubuntu 10.10 in ssh? the terminal just seems to hang. and i cannot pass any commands15:06
icarus-ctham, they are meant to be grub config content rather than commands to execute15:07
thamDarael: Hmm, will I be able to do it with a bootable USB of a previous Ubuntu version?15:07
AnggaDj98what are the advantages using locate in terminal rather then search it out?15:07
tham icarus-c: Do you know any solution for this?15:07
XiaolinDraconistham, that was meant to be typed in the grub menu i believe15:08
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royale1223do you guys know how to install msynctool?15:08
Daraeltham: Wouldn't advise it, but what you /could/ do, if it uses grub, is run an update-grub, which should add options for your main install to the USB-stick's grub menu.15:08
Daraeltham: You'll need sudo for the update-grub, of course.15:08
royale1223do you guys know how to install msynctool?15:08
induzmy right popup click is not working on right handed mouse15:08
icarus-cAnggaDj98, "locate" uses a index database.  find  search file recursively15:09
induzalso, I can not open tools on FireFox15:09
royale1223do you guys know how to install msynctool?15:09
AnggaDj98icarus-c thanks15:09
Dr_Willis!info mysynctool15:09
ubottuPackage mysynctool does not exist in maverick15:09
thamXiaolinDraconis, Hmm, do you know what I should type in the grub rescue> prompt?15:09
Dr_Willis!find mysynctool15:09
ubottuPackage/file mysynctool does not exist in maverick15:09
bergqvistjlSkaperen: Hi, Its me again I was talking to you about that problem i had where my PC would randomly lock-up during boot up every now and then. Well im running memtest now.15:09
XiaolinDraconistham, i believe that pastebin post was meant to be typed there15:09
thamDarael: Thanks, I'll try to grab a bootable usb15:09
Dr_Willisroyale1223:  never heard of it. its not in the repios.. where is this name comming from?15:09
induzright click works and popup works on other applications but not on Firefox15:09
Daraeltham: You'll need one that's got an install to it, rather than a live-usb.  The latter doesn't use GRUB, you see.15:10
thamXiaolinDraconis, Yeah but it gives Unknown command error :(15:10
XiaolinDraconisill google for ya see what i come up with15:10
royale1223Dr_Willis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NokiaEvolutionSyncing/Opensync15:10
ePirathow i specifyn that a file is executable15:11
thamDarael: Will I be able to make such an installed USB if I have an ISO?15:11
royale1223Dr_Willis, i need it for syncing evolution with nokia15:11
Daraeltham: Not unless you can boot the ISO from a CD or something.15:11
Dr_Willisroyale1223:  that guide seems rather clear.. whats the exact issue you are having?15:11
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thamDarael, okay I'll see to that15:12
royale1223Dr_Willis, i cant find it in repostaries15:12
Dr_Willisroyale1223:  that guide is also 2 yrs old.. so it may be its been removed.15:12
Daraeltham: ...at which point it becomes a better bet to grab the alternate CD of the version you're trying to recover, burn that, and use the "rescue a broken system" option.15:12
VanZxHeaDhey i have a question15:12
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install multisync-tools15:12
Dr_Willisseems to work here.. lets see15:12
royale1223Dr_Willis, i've searched all possible package pools15:13
Dr_WillisNope it dont work. :)15:13
thamDarael, Aah right, got the point15:13
country0129I'm HomeNetworking Ubuntu with Windows 7 Pro.  Can see and manipulate files on the Ubuntu machine from Windoze.  I can see the Windoze machine from Ubuntu, but when I try to access the network, it displays a login screen, and when I enter the proper credentials, it flashes it again and won't give me access.  I'd googled the problem, and other users had a problem with Windows Live Sign In Assistant.  I had removed all the Windows Live Ess15:13
royale1223Dr_Willis, still cant find it15:13
Daraeltham: Sorry I couldn't be much more help.15:13
Dr_Willis!info multisync-tools15:13
ubottuPackage multisync-tools does not exist in maverick15:13
michaelgambleok this is probably a silly question but should i download and install java runtime off of javas website or should i just install openjdk 6 runtime package in the ubuntu package manager15:13
Dr_Willisroyale1223:  checjk the forums. could be its been removed from maverick for various reasons.. odd the package manager is still finding some info on it.15:13
thamDarael, Hey you were quite a help! Thanks a lot!15:13
smecahello, could someone tell me what to do with a driver once it's downloaded into my downloads folder?15:13
royale1223Dr_Willis, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/69473515:14
rs0832michaelgamble, install the sun-java6-* packages in synaptic15:14
VanZxHeaDhow can i get a version of ununtu for my laptop becasue its not managing my power correctly15:14
Daraelmichaelgamble: It's almost always a better idea to use the packages from the repositories.15:14
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lele_ciao a tutti15:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:15
royale1223Dr_Willis, i've got its source in c15:15
IdleOne!it | lele_15:15
ubottulele_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:15
VanZxHeaDhow can i get a version of ununtu for my laptop becasue its not managing my power correctly15:15
royale1223Dr_Willis, but i dont know how to use it15:16
IdleOne!une | VanZxHeaD15:16
ubottuVanZxHeaD: Ubuntu Netbook Edition is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu15:16
JesperX2VanZxHeaD: Version?15:16
rs0832ox3a, yes15:16
XiaolinDraconistham, 15:16
XiaolinDraconisset root=(hdX,Y)15:16
XiaolinDraconislinux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXY ro15:16
FloodBot2XiaolinDraconis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:16
XiaolinDraconisinitrd /initrd.img15:16
VanZxHeaDok i have ubuntu 10.10 but its bad on my battery 2hrs only it gives me15:16
michaelgamblei dont see a sun-java6- package in synaptic15:17
DaraelVanZxHeaD: How do you know it's an Ubuntu problem?  That's a genuine question, by the way - I don't get more than two hours on /my/ laptop with /any/ OS.15:17
VanZxHeaDi did with windows 7 i was on like four hours15:18
michaelgambleall i see is this openJDK runtime15:18
bergqvistjlI'll explain my problem again if anyone else wants to chip in: ever since Ubuntu 10.04 I think, the PC completely locks up every now and then (usually every 2 or 3 bootups) while booting, before X starts up and not always in the same place. sometimes its after the fsck, sometimes before.15:18
icarus-c!java | michaelgamble15:18
ubottumichaelgamble: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:18
bergqvistjlWhen I say locked up i mean completely locked up, the screen freezes, no leds on the keyboard light up, i have to hard reboot the PC.15:18
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bergqvistjlI dont have any other usb devices plugged in apart from a keyboard and mouse. can anyone else shed any light on it?15:19
Daraelmichaelgamble: Sun java doesn't seem to be in the Maverick repositories.  OpenJDK should do what you need, though.15:19
rs0832!partner | michaelgamble15:20
ubottumichaelgamble: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:20
thamXiaolinDraconis, The first set command works without a hitch, but for the second one it gives Unknown command 'linux' error15:20
IdleOneDarael: sun is in the !partner repo15:20
DaraelIdleOne: Ah.  Thanks.  I had forgotten.15:20
VanZxHeaDis there i can switch from ununtu 10.10 to the netbook edition straight from online without transfering to a micro sd card15:21
jerrybHi -- what is the cli command to list any ppa's I have subscribed to?15:21
DaraelVanZxHeaD: You could install the ubuntu-netbook package, remove the ubuntu-desktop package, and then run "sudo apt-get autoremove"?15:21
XiaolinDraconistham, maybe your vmlinuz file has the kernel id in it. ie: vmlinuz-kernel-yaydadad12115:22
XiaolinDraconistham, boot your iso and take a look'15:22
egertonm20I recently installed Kwalletmanager on Lynx. Worked fine on Hardy but now will only start by command line under root. I've changed the kwalletmanager and kwalletd permissions to allow user account to execute but no success. I can't find a log file anywhere to see what error may be generated. Anyone any ideas?15:22
VanZxHeaD@Darael when i remove it how will i get netbook version cuz i dont have it15:22
DaraelVanZxHeaD: The ubuntu-netbook package will install the netbook edition.15:23
thamXiaolinDraconis, erm.. the problem is I only have a 10.04 ISO, would that be okay?15:23
XiaolinDraconistham, yeah all your doing is verifying that /vmlinuz is there and labeled as such15:23
VanZxHeaD@Darael automatically ?? cuz i dont have it at all im running on ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition15:24
ox3a_rs0832, ?15:24
rs0832ox3a_, yes15:24
=== T0wn3r is now known as ______xD
DaraelVanZxHeaD: ubuntu-netbook is a "metapackage" - it installs everything in the Netbook Edition.  Then you remove the ubuntu-desktop package, which removes dependencies for the desktop edition.15:24
thamXiaolinDraconis, Okay, I'm making a bootable usb now. After I boot from that what am I to do?15:24
DaraelVanZxHeaD: Then "sudo apt-get autoremove" removes the things that are no longer required.15:25
XiaolinDraconistham, do what he said15:25
XiaolinDraconistham, sudo update-grub15:25
thamXiaolinDraconis, ah okay, thanks15:25
VanZxHeaD@Darael oooooohhhh ... ok cool thank you im gonna give it a try15:25
XiaolinDraconistham, then reboot and choose the new entry15:25
SN4K3how do u know wat format a file is?15:25
thamXiaolinDraconis, okay15:25
XiaolinDraconisSN4K3, right click it and select properties15:26
SN4K3through terminal?15:26
DaraelVanZxHeaD: No problem.  If you want one command-line to do it all, that would be "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook ubuntu-desktop- && sudo apt-get autoremove"15:26
country0129I'm HomeNetworking Ubuntu with Windows 7 Pro.  Can see and manipulate files on the Ubuntu machine from Windoze.  I can see the Windoze machine from Ubuntu, but when I try to access the network, it displays a login screen, and when I enter the proper credentials, it flashes it again and won't give me access.  I'd googled the problem, and other users had a problem with Windows Live Sign In Assistant.  I had removed all the Windows Live Ess15:27
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SN4K3XiaolinDraconis, through terminal?15:28
smecahi i have a webcam driver downloaded from a website, what do i do with the files to install it?15:28
Daraelcountry0129: There's a limit on the length of message you can post.  You're getting cut off after "Windows Live Ess".15:28
VanZxHeaD@Darael i just did it it did all this crazy stuff but all i gotta do is restart and im good ?15:28
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XiaolinDraconisSN4K3, no with your mouse right click it and select properties15:28
DaraelVanZxHeaD: Yup, pretty much.  If it didn't give you any errors.15:28
country0129I had removed all the Windows Live Essentials, and it worked then.  My wife thinks this is HER computer, and she made me put them back on.  Any ideas of what the problem may be?15:28
Patrunjelhi guys, i run ubuntu in dual-boot with windows...i have uninstalled some things in windows and now it seems that i screwed ubuntu up....when i try to enter Ubuntu it enters grub.....can somewone please help me fix it?15:28
=== Guest90592 is now known as ovidio
DaraelVanZxHeaD: You may need to choose "ubuntu netbook edition" at the login prompt.15:29
DaraelPatrunjel: Did you install Ubuntu with Wubi?15:29
VanZxHeaD@Darael ok15:29
r3duxThe windows live essentials are...15:29
PatrunjelDarael, yes i did...it's bad, i know, but i just wanna get some data, then i install it properly...15:30
juniourpatrunjel install again with wubi15:30
rs0832juniour, hi15:30
leellocan anyone please tell me how to compile .cpp with the terminal15:30
Patrunjeljuniour, i cant...i had stuff on ubuntu, i don't wanna loose them15:30
juniourrs0832 hi15:30
country0129Windows Live Essentials are a suite of applications fairly new to Windoze 7.  Includes Windows Messenger, mail, etc.15:31
DaraelPatrunjel: Just checking.  You may have trouble getting back in, but it should be doable.15:31
DaraelPatrunjel: Which release of Ubuntu did you install?15:31
r3duxDo any of you use DirectX?15:31
sgo11Hi, in opensuse, I can create encrypted LUKS partition with GUI tool opensuse partitioner. Are there any GUI partition tool to create LUKS encrypted partition instead of using command line cryptsetup? thanks.15:31
rs0832r3dux, isn;t directx only for win?15:31
michaelgamblewhat does ubuntu use to handle .bin file extraction15:32
juniourratrunjel wt the error u getting15:32
PatrunjelDarael, 10.04.I have acces to the Windows command-line, and a Backtrack live CD (to use as a command line)15:32
thamXiaolinDraconis, Sorry to bother again, but I started the machine now with a USB and typed sudo update-grub in the terminal, but it gives an error. :S15:32
Daraelleello: "sudo apt-get install build-essential && g++ /path/to/source.cpp".  The first bit you need only the first time.15:32
XiaolinDraconistham, error is?15:32
juniourrs0832 wt r u doing?15:32
r3duxrs - yes it is, I've spent the last few MONTHS reading OpenGL,   but it's hurting me, so I wanted to catch anyone in the same boat15:32
rs0832michaelgamble, you dont extract bin files.. you have to set permissions to execute and then  ./filename.bin in a terminal15:32
rs0832juniour, nothing much,, just helping someone with an iso remaster15:33
DaraelPatrunjel: Right.  Go to the grub prompt for me, and type what you see at http://paste.ubuntu.com/548541/ - see if that works.15:33
leellothank you15:33
thamXiaolinDraconis, /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)15:33
r3duxI've been reading the math15:33
machetehey there, any python guys here?15:33
r3duxGod it hurts.15:33
rs0832machete, #python channel15:33
rs0832r3dux, :)15:33
ovidioI am using Xubuntu and have sound issues. All volume controls are upped to the maximum level but I barely hear anything. What are my options?15:33
macheters0832, I cannot get there15:33
XiaolinDraconistham, are you sure you installed to usb and didnt make a live usb15:33
macheters0832, that's why I came here15:33
rs0832machete, did you register with freenode?15:34
Daraelovidio: Check your speakers, first.  Always worth doing!  No other ideas from me, sorry.15:34
thamXiaolinDraconis, Yes it's a live usb. How can I install ubuntu to it?15:34
SN4K3XiaolinDraconis, yea i want to do it with the terminal....15:34
BluesKajHi folks15:34
XiaolinDraconisguys does the Install RELEASE do what he wants? installing his live usb to the usb drive15:35
smecahi i have a webcam driver downloaded from a website, what do i do with the files to install it?15:35
r3duxrs - AS YOU KNOW a dot product produces a vector of combined orientation, but the dot product is a scalar value and only works on 2D vectors15:35
rmastersHi there, I'm trying to find the gnome applet that adds the current app's file/view/etc. menu to the panel, does anyone know the name of it?15:35
rs0832r3dux, yep.. high school math15:35
r3duxWhereas a vector cross-product is a vector perpendiculat to a give15:36
VanZxHeaD@Darael hey it works nice !! is there another way i can manage my battery because the default power manager doesnt even work15:36
ovidioDarael: I don't hear a thing into the speakers (I am using a laptop), but I hear something when using earphones ..  If I could somehow increase the db-gain ..15:36
ArachonHow can I extract a tar file with sudo privileges using the archive manager?15:36
r3dux(set of vectors)15:36
Daraelovidio: Hmm, not sure.  Sorry.15:36
VanZxHeaD is there another way i can manage my battery because the default power manager doesnt even work15:36
FoxHelosmeca: what kind package do you have/15:36
r3duxrs - I did A-Level (UK) Pure & mechanics - and this is still hard.15:36
DaraelVanZxHeaD: Don't know, sorry.15:37
IdleOnermasters: right click on the panel and add "Window List"15:37
XiaolinDraconisSN4K3, sry no help there15:37
rs0832r3dux, :) thats cool15:37
smecafoxhelo- i downloaded a zip folder called stk11xx, i've extracted it but it's just a bunch of text files15:37
VanZxHeaD@Darael ok thanks though15:37
r3duxYou have to prove a lot of it before you feel good enough to use it.15:37
DaraelArachon: gksu file-roller /path/to/archive.tar15:37
rs0832r3dux, yes15:37
SN4K3XiaolinDraconis, k thnx anyways15:37
VanZxHeaDdoes anyone know how to power manage battery life on the laptop using ubuntu 10.1015:38
rmastersIdleOne, sorry, that's not the one I meant. I'm probably not explaining it well as it seems impossible to google as well :)15:38
SN4K3anyone know how to find the format of a file using terminal?15:38
FoxHelosmeca: all text files? do you download the right package?15:38
Braber01Hi, I have a server set up in my home and I'm wondering what file do I need to edit to show a user the basic Linux commands each time he Logs in?15:38
AnggaDj98SN4K3: right click > properties15:38
r3duxrs -> I'm re-learning things I learnt 10 years ago15:38
rmastersIdleOne, it essentially adds (for example, if XChat is the focussed app) IRC, Edit, Network etc. menus like the Application, Places, System menus15:38
DaraelI'm looking for a way to type \ when my keyboard is lacking that key.  Currently I'm relying on the compose key, but that's ugly.15:38
ArachonDarael: That did it, cheers15:38
r3duxIFS functions of functions of funtions...15:39
IdleOnermasters: the new Unity desktop does that.15:39
DaraelArachon: gksu lets you run graphical applications as root, you see.15:39
VanZxHeaD does anyone know how to power manage battery life on the laptop using ubuntu 10.10 ??15:39
rs0832r3dux, you trying to port directx or something?15:39
r3duxLimits of functions15:39
rmastersIdleOne, mm have been thinking of trying that out. might give it a go15:39
thamXiaolinDraconis, Will booting from a 10.10 usb and trying the option "rescue a broken system" help?15:39
Daraeltham: Should do, yes.15:40
IdleOnermasters: besides Unity I am not sure what else it could be.15:40
r3duxNo, but I'm going to know the math behind all combinations of dot products and cross products15:40
XiaolinDraconistham, genius tham absolutely GENIUS15:40
thamDarael, Okay, thanks, should download 10.10 iso then15:40
VanZxHeaD does anyone know how to power manage battery life on the laptop using ubuntu 10.10 ??15:40
Daraeltham: It won't get you BURG back, but it'll give you back grub, which you can use to boot and reinstall burg.15:40
thamXiaolinDraconis, thanks, actually Darael first proposed it :)15:40
NotAnonymousUmm my menu disappeared on xchat. How do I get it back?15:41
rs0832r3dux, sounds like a lot of work15:41
thamDarael, yes that will do15:41
r3duxI am on my own - and I am reading math books.15:41
XiaolinDraconisGOD SAVE YOUR SOUL15:41
r3duxIt's really hard.15:41
smecafoxhelo- ok actually it's scripts and some text files, doh. i got it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/syntekdriver/files/syntekdriver/  i'm afraid i don't know what to do with it though15:41
r3duxI don't need saving - I have the patience to perseverse and understand15:41
nadninteresting.... i thought ubuntu was at 10.10...  i upgraded from 10.04 and it put me at 11.04 -- natty narwhal.  err... is this right?15:42
Daraelnadn: That's a known bug in the help file.  You're on Maverick really.15:42
country0129Where do you go to find the version you have?15:42
XiaolinDraconis11.04 latest n greatest as it were15:42
Daraelnadn: Run "lsb_release -a" to be sure.15:42
r3duxrs0832 - Did you know that I'm about 4 months into my Ph.D?15:42
XiaolinDraconis11.04 is out15:43
Darael!natty | XiaolinDraconis, nadn15:43
ubottuXiaolinDraconis, nadn: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.15:43
DaraelXiaolinDraconis: No, it isn't.  It's a development release.15:43
r3dux4 or 5, depending on how you feel15:43
XiaolinDraconisi swore there was testing currently available15:43
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DaraelXiaolinDraconis: Like I said, development release.15:43
ehndeanyone use freenx? I'm trying to figure out why it is saying "authentication failed" on the client side when i try to log in15:44
nadnDarael, your right thank you very much, didn't seem right ya know?  says 10.10 under lsb_release.  with a multitouch tx2z i don't wanna play with unstable nemore, i hear there is good support in maverick15:44
technikfreakis there an prgoram whcih i am able to chech the speed of my usb stick?15:44
rs0832r3dux, see my pm (so we're not off topic :)15:44
VanZxHeaDis there a way to power manage my battery for my laptop15:44
XiaolinDraconistechnikfreak, i think the drive test option works on usb sticks15:44
XiaolinDraconisor not15:45
rs0832r3dux, o.015:45
country0129Oh...I'm still on 9.04.  Can I upgrade from command line (apt) ?15:45
r3duxIt's not vector math!15:45
technikfreakwhere i could find it XiaolinDraconis15:45
jerrybHi -- what is the cli command to list any ppa's I have subscribed to?15:45
r3duxIt's optical flow!15:45
FoxHelosmeca: it's source code,what you need is just compile it. please see the readme file.15:45
r3duxIt's you. And me. And the movement you make15:45
rs0832r3dux, k..  you;ll have to excuse me ..i am still at the general vector math level :)15:45
XiaolinDraconistechnikfreak, if someone screams no like that u should pause for concern15:45
XiaolinDraconisk guess he wasnt talking to us15:46
PolitikerNEUHi, does anybody know how to synchronize my windows mobile (I'd only need contacts for now although tasks and calendar entries would be nice too) using ubuntu 10.10?15:46
r3duxOnce you start working with hidden-markov-models, it still hurts - but it's a very good place to start15:46
XiaolinDraconistechnikfreak, its in administration/ disk utility15:46
technikfreakperfect you saved the day XiaolinDraconis15:47
rs0832r3dux, k..15:47
country0129How do I upgrade from the command line from 9.04 to the last stable release?15:47
ehndetechnikfreak: you can check the speed of your usb drive using hdparm -tT /dev/sdx (x being whatever the drive letter is under /dev15:47
ehndetechnikfreak: have to use sudo15:47
rs0832r3dux, sounds interesting15:47
technikfreakehnde, you saved the week faboulos!15:47
FoxHelosmeca: maybe you can try these command in terminal: make && make install15:47
nadnso i now have a working multitouch screen in ubuntu -- yipee now... any apps i can test this out in?  lol15:48
XiaolinDraconisso i dont have to buy from radio shack to be a hero?15:48
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r3duxrs08032 - You've never seen by site, have you?15:48
benccthe items in the top menu moved somehow to the right. how can I bring them left again?15:48
rs0832r3dux, o,015:48
ehndeanyone use freenx on 10.10? having trouble getting it working.15:49
MayankHello, i am trying to ssh to Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 from Ubuntu Desktop 10.10, whenever i connect i can type commands for a few minutes like 3 - 4 minutes, but after that i dont get any response. any idea why this is happening?15:49
DrEdD^^hi is there any j2ee channel?15:49
PiciDrEdD^^: ##java15:49
DrEdD^^thnx mate15:49
SergeyITcountry0129? the way is 904 -> 910 -> 1004 -> 101015:49
smecayes it tells me to type    $ make -f Makefile.standalone doc    but the terminal says there is no rule to make the target15:49
DrEdD^^it's invite only thoug15:49
skorvcan bind9 work with 2 subnets (3 ethernet adapters(1wan;2lan)... trying to serve 2 lans with the same machine/dns/dhcp/etc15:50
Pici!register | DrEdD^^ (you'll need to register and identify to join)15:50
ubottuDrEdD^^ (you'll need to register and identify to join): Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:50
DrEdD^^ok :)15:50
r3duxWho's going to give you their undivided attention next?15:51
DrEdD^^thanks =)15:51
r3duxCould me me =D15:51
skorvgoing on a new adventure.... bind9+dhcpd+squid+ldap....15:51
skorvwill be a great adventure15:52
FoxHelosmeca: just "make -f Makefile.standalone" or "make"15:53
bergqvistjlWoo! someones actually posted a thread about it in the forums. Glad to know i'm not alone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1029229015:53
ProNihilistI'm having problems with my second monitor. It's a 19" with a native res of 1280*1024 but the monitor setup tool is setting it at 1360*768 (highest 4:3 res is 1024*768)15:53
bencchow can I align the top menu to the right?15:53
r3duxI. Am. A. Robot.15:53
yaaarhi everybody. i have a 10.04 amd64 server that's been hanging occasionally. I just looked through the logs and found this: http://pastebin.com/Ui7wM3Xj ...apparently some problem with my clocksource. googling it turns up a few people seeing the error, but it's not precipitating a crash like mine apparently is. anybody know what's going on?15:53
smecahmm still no rule or command not found with both of those15:54
langvannHey.. I'm using the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto15:54
langvannEverything works as a charm, until i get to the point "cp -ax /. /mnt/."15:54
r3duxHow can you alight the top menu with the right? How about you read the documentation which tells you how to do it?15:54
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langvannCannot preserve ownership of file 'blabla' :Invalid Argument15:55
macor3dux: please dont just say "go read the docs" without showing how to find them15:55
icarus-cgoogle.com ?...15:55
nadnbergqvistjl, i remember having a very huge problem with this in 10.04 particularily when booting through a persistant live cd.  forget how i resolved issue cause it was very important at the time (couldn't have non live version)15:56
FoxHelosmeca: sorry, i don't know what's wrong  !15:56
r3duxDid I do that? What are wew looking at, maco?15:56
bergqvistjlwell this problem happened on a live CD (which wasnt using proprietory drivers, unlike my proper desktop) with me last week as well. its exceedingly annoying.15:56
r3duxThis is like 5 mins ago... please chip in15:56
macor3dux: "How about you read the documentation which tells you how to do it?"15:56
bergqvistjlI assumed it was because my usb webcam was plugged in on bootup, but it wasnt15:57
nadnbergqvistjl, i am almost sure tho what would happen is i would be still able to boot to into recovery before the never ending black screen, and i thought fixed video card....  but as i said it was usb.15:57
r3duxmaco - how about I say that was a good idea, and you fight me.15:57
rs0832ePirat, hi15:57
smecai'll post on a forum or find a friend who know slinux, thanks anyway!15:57
ePirati need another time help15:57
bergqvistjlWell its possible it could be my usb keyboard and mouse. but I kinda need those lol15:57
rs0832ePirat, go ahead, ask :)15:58
nadnand the problem was on rare occasion still existing when moved to hard drive just rare.  actually before i installed 10.10 i had to go to recovery and apt something before i got past black screen.15:58
r3duxWhat a shame maco has chosen the world of silence....15:58
bergqvistjlwell mine is a complete freeze before i even get to a console.15:58
FoxHelosmeca: i just note that the driver is for kernel 2.6.29,so are you sure it can work on your system!15:58
ePirati set in the autostart my script but i cant use sudo...15:59
macor3dux: how about we drop this and you be a good helpful tech supporter?15:59
langvannHello. I am trying to get a DiskLess Ubuntu up and running, (using the official guide). Everything works as a charm, until i get to the point "cp -ax /. /mnt/." - Then I get the error "Cannot preserve ownership of file: 'blablabla': Invalid argument, on every single file i try to copy. anyone know how I can fix this? no_root_squash in /etc/exports, and i am logged in as root on the client side of the nfsshare i'm trying to copy to.15:59
XiaolinDraconissudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm16:00
ePiratXiaolinDraconis, what?16:00
XiaolinDraconisnow all i should have to do is log out to see new display manager right?16:00
macoXiaolinDraconis: you have to stop the old one16:01
smecai have 2.6.35 i think, i'll ask around, thanks!16:01
XiaolinDraconismaco, got the command?16:01
the_germanhi @ all. how can i configure gnome-terminal title to whatever path I am in OR what would be even better what program/command is running right now16:02
macoXiaolinDraconis: sudo service stop gdm   (this will kill your logged in session)16:02
r3duxMaco - I just DO everything, so you feel happy, and I work on problems, and you just try to get head from GF's16:02
geemeeOK guys. I have an old IBM laptop. The CD drive doesnt work and the bios doesnt support boot from USB. What are my options? Can I take the hard drive out, connect to my PC and copy across an image / installer so it will boot and install from the internal hd?16:02
ePiratcan someone help me?16:02
ox3ars0832, pm me please16:02
macoXiaolinDraconis: ugh i did that wrong16:02
macoXiaolinDraconis: "sudo stop gdm" or "sudo service gdm stop"16:02
XiaolinDraconismaco, so save settings n be rdy for a log out right16:02
macoXiaolinDraconis: you'd need to manually start the other one (kdm i assume?)  as well16:02
FrenkHello. I have an Apache Server and 3 domains pointing at those. I have a web-frontend listening to port 3000. I want it to be just available by using domain.com and not for anotherdomain.com16:03
maco!ohmy | r3dux16:03
ubottur3dux: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:03
XiaolinDraconissudo start kdm16:03
macoXiaolinDraconis: right16:03
XiaolinDraconisk thnx16:03
kradlegnaBoa tarde16:04
macor3dux: under no circumstances is the last thing you just said or anything like it ever to be said in an ubuntu channel16:04
juan_buenas tardes16:04
ePiratola krachny16:04
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:04
kradlegnaAlguem me lê por aqui?16:04
mrForg345Hey everyone. I have an hp laptop with wireless giving me troubles (Ubuntu 10.10). It's been working fine for months but today, no matter what I do, the little hardware light stays orange. I just can't get a wireless network. Ideas on how diagnose this?16:04
Ryu_Kurisu!pt | kradlegna16:04
ubottukradlegna: please see above16:04
kradlegnaBom, sou do Rio de Janeiro, novato no Linux16:05
macokradlegna: #ubuntu-br16:05
ePiratcan someone help me?16:05
FrenkMy virtual config is like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/548560/16:05
kradlegnaEstou testando desde ontem a versão 10.10 do Ubuntu16:05
maco!ask | ePirat16:05
ubottuePirat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:05
kradlegnaAlguem por aqui usa essa versão tbm?16:05
macokradlegna: ingles por favor16:05
Daekdroom!br | kradlegna16:05
ubottukradlegna: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:05
m_ /msg everton Are you there16:05
kradlegnaBom, gente vou sair por aqui, caso alguem queria conversar pode me add no msn16:06
kradlegnaboa tarde a todos16:06
macokradlegna: no portuges aqui. solo ingles.  /join #ubuntu-br16:07
NorthwoodsI Installed ACLOCK , what is that for ?16:07
Northwoodsand i cannot even remove it from my desktop16:07
Northwoodsany idea how to get rid of it ?16:08
Northwoodsguys /16:08
ePiratI have set on System > Autostart my irc start script but it seems that i cant use sudo, how can i run the script as root?16:08
Ryu_Kurisu!enter | Northwoods16:09
ubottuNorthwoods: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:09
langvannHello. I am trying to get a DiskLess Ubuntu up and running, (using the official guide). Everything works as a charm, until i get to the point "cp -ax /. /mnt/." - Then I get the error "Cannot preserve ownership of file: 'blablabla': Invalid argument, on every single file i try to copy. anyone know how I can fix this? no_root_squash in /etc/exports, and i am logged in as root on the client side of the nfsshare i'm trying to copy to.16:09
soreau!info aclock.app16:09
ubottuaclock.app (source: aclock.app): Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3-3build2 (maverick), package size 27 kB, installed size 224 kB16:09
Northwoodsryu_kurisu  what is use of ACLOCK ?16:09
Ryu_KurisuNorthwoods: I don't know, I don't think I've got it installed...16:10
rs0832Northwoods, it just displays a clock on the desktop16:10
rs0832Northwoods, http://www.linuks.mine.nu/aclock/16:10
Northwoodsunforunately it doens't display clock , instead a stair is displayed16:10
CarlFKlangvann: url of guide you used?16:11
rookslangvann, sudo cp...16:11
macoePirat: best you can do is use gksudo and have to type in the password when you login16:11
langvannrooks: I am logged in as root. Dont need sudo16:11
rookslangvann, hmm.. i used the same routine for my own diskless setup that im running rihgt now16:11
Ryu_Kurisulangvann: you should create a user and put it in the sudo'ers list16:12
langvannRyu_Kurisu: I have.16:12
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:12
rookslangvann, http://pleasanthacking.com/2010/09/29/gaia-system/ this btw i deployed around my school :)16:13
langvannI hade to make a password for root account by practical reasons.16:13
Ryu_KurisuAlright, I was just saying because it's not save to do everything as root16:13
rookslangvann a multi host diskless sytem from one image :)16:13
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langvannNice rooks16:13
langvannBut i just need this one computer to boot up from the network with the install i have on my laptop :P16:14
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feanor2I have 2 questions: how to ebnable sound in KDE apps and how to filter lines from 1. text file out from 2.?16:15
rookslangvann i think i just hooked server hdd directly to my lappy when i was setting it up, for my uni setup i just used vm's on virtualbox16:16
surfzoidHi folk16:17
ePiratmaco: so i can't autostart something when it needs root acc?16:17
langvannCould it be possible to just create an iso of /. and unpack it on the server?16:17
surfzoidis there an "paper toss" game for linux ?16:17
macoePirat: not inside your session16:17
r3duxDo any of you know OpenGL?16:17
langvannwould that preserve the ownership ?16:17
r3duxOr should I just wish?16:17
macoePirat: you could make it an upstart script if its not related to you logging in, just to the computer coming up16:18
r3duxSLAPS maco416:18
ePiratmaco, sounds good! how can i make it an upstart script?16:18
wildc4rdcan someone remind me of the line that changes the minimise/close buttons back to the right hand side please16:18
rookslangvann AH, i remembered, i think i booted my machine that went as guest for booting, with a pendrive, and tar.gz the whole /16:18
erUSUL!controls > wildc4rd16:18
ubottuwildc4rd, please see my private message16:18
Picir3dux: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Please stay on topic.16:19
Ryu_Kurisuwildc4rd: I don't know the line, but manually :)16:19
langvannrooks: but if i compress it, will the tar.gz still contain the original permissions?16:19
Ryu_Kurisu!controls | wildc4rd16:19
ubottuwildc4rd: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side16:19
r3duxPiciL RLY?16:19
rookslangvann yes, tar stores them16:19
feanor2how to substract one text file from another16:20
langvannI will try this.16:20
langvanntar -czvf OS.tar.gz /16:20
rookslangvann just look at man to be sure, and use it on dead / which dont have anything mounted on it16:20
r3duxPici - Done & done. Sorry.16:20
|AbsyntH|i've a problem with ubuntu 10.10 and nvidia driver...after reboot i'll have only a shell login and in /var/log/ i've this error (EE) No devices detected16:20
|AbsyntH|any solution?16:20
feanor2langvann, don't forget --numeric-owner option16:21
macoePirat: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html16:21
CarlFKlangvann: does /mnt exist on the client?  I don't see a md step before this command:  mount -t nfs -onolock /mnt16:21
macoePirat: ignore the bit about compiling. ubuntu uses upstart by default16:21
macoePirat: skip to the part about jobs16:21
langvannCarlFK: Yes, otherwise i'd get a error telling me that the moint point doesnt exist.16:21
CarlFKlangvann: yeah, I am thinking the instructions wern't too well tested.16:22
langvanni think /mnt/ folder is a system default in linux16:23
ePiratmaco, does the script started with upstart has root privilegs?16:23
macoePirat: yeah im pretty sure upstart runs as root16:23
r3duxI am a simple Ph.D software engineer, you pick the rest.16:26
langvannrooks: How what did you do about /dev/ ?16:26
CarlFKlangvann: im gonna tell you what you already know: it's and nfs rights problem.  a few years ago I thought I understood it, but a month ago i tried to build a pretty simple nfs setup and floundered around.  seems I don't.  that's all I got for ya ;/16:27
grendal_primewholy cow is there such a thing as a simple radius server??16:28
Muerto7hi all16:28
langvannHm. That could be a problem16:28
langvannsince the I need rw on the client for everything to work.16:28
Muerto7as I can make a mail server16:28
Muerto7need info16:29
ePiratmaco, what is a runlevel?16:29
langvannMuerto7: what?16:29
macoePirat: ubuntu runs at runlevel 216:29
r3duxGrendeal - You're interested in a radious server why?16:29
macoePirat: 0 is shutdown, 6 is reboot, 1 is single-user-mode (the recovery option when you boot)16:29
Muerto7I want to do  a mail server langvann16:30
pshrwhere are videos stored when recorded with VLC in this UBUNTU ?16:30
macoePirat: other distros have 2-5 doing different things. ubuntu and debian have 2-5 all being the same and 2 is the default16:30
pshrwhere are videos stored when recorded with VLC in this UBUNTU ?16:30
vectorypshr: had a look in ~ or ~/-vlc?16:30
rs0832maco, 2 is with gui?16:30
ePiratmaco, so which runlevel i should use for my upstart script?16:31
macors0832: on ubuntu yes16:31
macoePirat: 216:31
Muerto7need inform16:31
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pshrno ~/-vlc16:31
pshror ~/.vlc16:31
rs0832maco, hmm k..16:31
OerHekspshr in ~/Video ?16:32
ePiratmaco: and what is "stop on runlevel"?16:32
macors0832: check out the wikipedia page on runlevels. all the major distros do it differently16:32
pshrYAY!!! OerHeks my hero16:32
pshrha ha16:32
FloodBot2pshr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
pshrstupid floodbot I am just thanking :P16:32
macoePirat: if it was something like cupsd, a long running process, you might want it to stop at a certain time, like if dropping into single user mode16:32
rs0832maco, yes i have seen that .. thanks anyway :)16:32
OerHekspshr have fun :-)16:32
ePiratmaco, it is for a irc server16:33
pshrtq :)16:33
macoePirat: then have it stop on shutdown and reboot (0 & 6) at least16:33
feanor2how to substract one text file from another?16:33
vectorywith a diff tool16:34
vectoryman diff16:34
ytt3rI'm a bit of a noob, how do I create a file from terminal instead of a directory?16:35
Ryu_Kurisuytt3r: mk ~/Documents/file.txt ?16:35
Piciytt3r: touch16:35
Danielc1234setting up my interfaces ip, for our address we are using our public up which is, what should the network and broadcast be?16:35
OerHeksytt3r, touch ~/path/to/file16:36
yaaarhey guys...how can i check what clocksource my system is using?16:36
yaaarbah, nevermind...dmesg | grep -i clock found it....still using crummy tsc16:37
Kartagiswhat are the odds of ubuntu to crash if I change CPU and motherboard?16:37
yaaarso...i've got this in my logs: "[    0.349737] HPET not enabled in BIOS. You might try hpet=force boot option" ....but i have no HPET option in my BIOS at all. what's the deal?16:37
feanor2well diff outputs some symbols and extra lines appended, how to make it raw?16:37
tkcientistahelo everybody16:38
vectoryfeanor2: i read u can merge the files using patch16:39
ePiratmaco: doesnt worked :/ btw, when i can set autostart scripts for my acc why i cant set them for the root acc?16:39
FloodBot2Guest87439: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:41
IConrad01Hello -- I'm trying to do the distro upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 ... I ran into an error during the update.16:41
IConrad01"W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deb-thumbnailer-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found" <-- during software source reset.16:42
coffeethis is weird16:42
IConrad01All of my repos are now set to Maverick but I can't actually get to the upgrade process.16:42
IConrad01I tried removing the repo in question from my software sources and doing the upgrade again, but it came back with the same error.16:42
codyshould there be updates since last night, or are there none? I've had to comment out deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main and deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main as they still don't work16:43
rs0832cody, hi16:44
rs0832cody, you can try uncommenting them now and see if they work16:44
Ryu_Kurisucody: With the default repos you don't have update every single day...but most days...16:44
codydid that already, still got the error.16:44
codyi'm just wondering if they're important.16:45
Northwoodsevery time , i install something , ubuntu desktop version asks me for password , is there a way to set it as default so that when i'm logged in , i dont have to fill password for everytjhing ?16:45
compdocNorthwoods, yeah, its a pain16:45
theMallocCan anybody tell me what it means if i get "Ign http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/main Translation-de " on apt-get update?16:45
KM0201cody: did you update your source list after uncommenting them?16:45
Kartagiswhat are the odds of ubuntu to crash if I change CPU and motherboard?16:46
codylet me see if I did. sec16:46
rs0832KM0201, he's getting the error while updating16:46
KM0201rs0832: sorry, i came in late.. whats the error again?16:46
rs0832KM0201, but the repo seems to be online16:46
rs0832KM0201, oh no you didn't miss anythin.. he was here earlier16:46
neriukasnorthwoods you can chane time of sudo prompt or maybe remove prompts password i think16:46
Northwoodsguys any way i can get rid of filling password agian and again ?16:46
KM0201rs0832: but i wasn't16:46
rs0832KM0201, i was there so i know :)16:46
YouArePwnedhey guys16:47
Northwoodsneriukas: how ?16:47
rs0832KM0201, k ill tell you16:47
YouArePwnedi have the same problem that this man has: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10283585&postcount=4816:47
YouArePwnedthat Unsupported hardware watermark16:47
IConrad01Anyone have any advice as to how I can save my system short of a total reinstall?16:47
YouArePwnedanyone knows how to remove it?16:47
YouArePwnedos[Linux 2.6.35-23-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "maverick" 10.10] cpu[2 x Pentium(R) Dual-Core  CPU      E6500  @ 2.93GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.60GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 77.8% free] disk[Total: 82.6GB, 62.9% free] video[1002:6739] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel1: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic]16:47
neriukasnorthwoods use google i found some texts about taht16:47
rs0832KM0201, he installed ubuntu 10.04, but when he runs the sources update, he gets an error that extras.ubuntu.com cannot be resolved16:47
iratikEverywhere i look the resources say you should use "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" to configure the system time zone. I execute the command and follow the instructions, the output states the time zone is succesfully changed. I execute "date" and the same old timezone is still showing. http://pastebin.com/cf9agYkp16:48
KM0201rs0832: has he pastbinned his sourcelist?16:48
rs0832KM0201, yep16:48
YouArePwnedso, H16:48
rs0832KM0201, but this was like over 6-8 hours ago16:48
YouArePwnedso, how to remove "AMD Unsupported hardware" displaying while running X16:48
codyby update the source lists, what do you mean?16:49
Northwoodsone more question , how can increase the height of bottom bar ( where windows are minimized )16:49
vectoryNorthwoods: i havent seen any option to do so16:49
KM0201cody: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update16:50
vectoryu can add a second pannel to double the h16:50
rs0832KM0201, i think it was this one though - http://paste.ubuntu.com/548450/16:50
rs0832KM0201, found it in my history16:50
Northwoodsvectory: ok thanks16:50
Northwoodsvectory: do you klnow how to get rid of prompting password again and again ?16:50
tieinvNorthwoods, right click the bar select properties16:51
vectorydepends on the action it asks u the password for16:51
KM0201rs0832: ok.. so looking at that, if he's not changed anything, he doesn't have multiverse enabled...16:51
compdocNorthwoods, there is a way - but its not 'safe'16:51
vectoryu can make sth like a trusted user for any application16:51
KM0201and doesn't have src-partner enabled.. not that thats a big deal16:51
Northwoodsvectory: how ?16:51
YouArePwnedanyone know how to remove "AMD Unsupported hardware" displaying while running X? i will be thankful if you help me16:51
rs0832KM0201, i tried getting him to uncomment that but it didnt work16:51
codyit looks like the extras.ubuntu,.com is still not working.16:51
rs0832cody, but you can access it through your browser right?16:52
vectoryNorthwoods: involves editing /etc/sudoers16:52
vectorywhen i tried first with gksudo i couldnt sudo anyhow anymore16:52
KM0201cody: pastebin what happens when you apt-get update16:52
Kartagiswhat are the odds of ubuntu to crash if I change CPU and motherboard?16:52
vectoryNorthwoods: visudo*16:53
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neriukashttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19236.html here are good forum discution about sudo asking toot pasword if you want you can just remove it16:53
compdocKartagis, some OSes do fine, some dont. guess it depends on how different the hardware is16:53
KM0201Kartagis: well, it depends on if the new motherboard/cpu are supported.. much like windows16:53
bluezonekartagis: while the computer is one? xD (that would definitely be fun :))16:53
codyI can acccess the repo from Firefox, yes, I'll pastebin it not16:53
YouArePwnedlook like i found this: http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showpost.php?p=97585&postcount=216:53
YouArePwnedwill try out after reboot16:53
bluezoneKartagis, yes it depends if ubuntu has drivers for them, i suggest backing up your stuff first16:54
Kartagiscompdoc KM0201 bluezone Intel -> AMD16:54
KM0201Kartagis: again.. the actual CPU isn't likely an issue.16:54
ox3ars0832, here?16:55
rs0832ox3a, yes16:55
Kartagisokay, if it crashes, what are the odds I can re-install it without formatting the drive?16:55
compdocKartagis, sometimes, even going from amd to amd, (nvidia chipset to amd chipset) can stop an OS from booting. just have to try it. although, it might be a good idea to clone your drive and use the clone to try it16:55
bluezoneKartagis, IMO theres probably a very low chance that you encounter problem, but back up your stuff incase your too lazy to redo everything16:55
IsmAvatarHey guys, I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop and after a few windows are open, it performs very sluggishly, usually taking at least 1 second to perform a request like switching focus. The computer only has 512 MB of RAM, but even Windows doesn't perform this sluggishly.16:56
IsmAvatarand I know, forgive me for using the W word so generously16:56
bluezoneKartagis, if it crashed you just gotta put everything that was originally there back, i'm assuming your not changing the HDD16:56
compdoc512 megs isnt much16:56
IsmAvatari'm aware16:56
soreauIsmAvatar: Which graphics card do you have?16:56
KM0201cody: that suggests that either the target is down, or you've entered it wrong in your source list.. where did you get that repo?.. i'll try it16:57
Kartagisbluezone I'm not changing the HDD16:57
bluezoneIsmAvatar, you are running the os right, not off the live cd?16:57
compdocI see many ppl come in here with problems with 10.10, but I think its mainly when they upgrade from an older version16:57
bluezoneKartagis, then if it screws up you just have to put everything back (but i sincerly doubt that it will, ubuntu is probably the most stable linux i've been on)16:58
rs0832KM0201, i dont think so..16:58
IsmAvatarbluezone: indeed. Actually I had to install from USB, because the liveCD only got me to a initramfs terminal. I'm holding the USB flash drive in my hand right now, so I know it's not running off of it16:58
rs0832KM0201, i have the same 2 repos and it updates fine.. i get a hit on both16:58
KM0201rmdyeah, i just noticed so do i.16:58
IsmAvatarsoreau: nVidia GeForce FX 5200, with proprietary drivers turned on.16:58
codythe repo was with ubuntu when installed16:59
soreauIsmAvatar: Have you tried disabling desktop effects?16:59
tashow to close an application with keyboard shortcut?? alt+f4 doesn't work here..16:59
IsmAvatarsoreau: yes, already did that. Still sluggish16:59
bluezoneIsmAvatar, is your mouse also preforming badly?16:59
IsmAvatartas: usually Ctrl+W or Ctrl+Q16:59
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codyI had to use a text editor to see the question.....17:00
tasIsmAvatar, k thanks17:00
DysteRIm using Ubuntu 10.10 , what is the effect or package that allows you to move WINDOWS from one DESKTOP to another with the MOUSE ????17:00
soreauIsmAvatar: Have you looked at running processes in system monitor to see if any are using too many system resources?17:00
IsmAvatarbluezone: not usually. Most of the time it performs fine unless I'm trying to load up an application or an application gets gray.17:00
xDtas: CLI applications can be closed/stopped with Control+C17:00
soreauDysteR: synergy?17:00
vectorynot always sadly :(17:00
IsmAvatarsoreau: terminal `top` only reports xOrg seems to be using up 10% ram as the most demanding process.17:00
bluezoneIsmAvatar, can you do lspci and pastebin please?17:01
KM0201cody: i have no logical explanation for your problem its working fine here17:01
sacarlsonDysteR: for me I just drag a window from one to another, maybe compiz?17:01
IsmAvatarbluezone: certainly17:01
DysteRno no  I mean when you use17:01
DysteRand you have that big wall and you can move them around with your mouse17:01
bluezoneDysteR, are you talking about windows off edge in one workspace appearing on the next?17:01
KM0201cody: try removing it.. update your source list and make sure you get no errors... then add it back.17:01
DysteRjust type in KDE with COMPIZ its the first video on youtube17:02
rs0832KM0201, thats what i told him to do..:)17:02
IsmAvatarbluezone: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/DK5GaMaM17:02
rs0832KM0201, apparently though, it didnt seem to have worked17:02
DysteRI have compiz installed but many things are missing17:02
KM0201cody: i don't see any typos in your source listing...which is usually the cause for that sort of thing17:02
Yizianyone can help with iptables?17:02
sacarlsonDysteR: wow that's cool didn't even know I had that <ctl>alt down  again maybe compiz17:02
vectoryDysteR: u mean like in 9.4 ..?17:02
codyshould i pastebin thesources?17:02
DysteRI just began using Ubuntu 10.10  for around 2 weeks17:03
DysteRSacarlson theres all kinds of shorcuts17:03
rs0832cody, i still have the one of this morning :) yesterday for you17:03
DysteRto change desktops17:03
Yizican someone help me with iptables i have couple of questions17:03
KM0201cody: yeah, go ahead, but he posted the link you gave to your sources earlier17:03
bluezoneIsmAvatar, for now, do you know how to change desktop effects to none?17:03
IsmAvatarbluezone: as I said, I already did.17:03
soreauDysteR: http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1201217:03
DysteRI wanna have that one ...  Youtube there , KDE with Compiz , and you will see that the guy has kindy eye candy effects17:03
KM0201cody: unless you've changed something since then17:03
mikeblhey.. anyone knows about remote uploads?17:04
codywell, it hasn't changed, so i won't, it'd be redundant to do so.17:04
KM0201cody: ok thats fine17:04
DysteRtry to see if you can  identify with compiz hes using http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWLA5Fw5gAY17:04
DysteRim sorro WICH17:04
FloodBot2DysteR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:04
ePiratdoes the rc.local file not work with ubuntu 10.10 ?17:04
rs0832cody, i think i have a solution17:05
ozzy_i have some troubles using sendmail , anyone could help me?17:05
bluezoneIsmAvatar, well17:05
KM0201rs0832: i think i just saw the problem a swell17:06
rs0832KM0201, :)17:06
bluezoneIsmAvatar, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements17:06
RypervencheIs doing "checkinstall" the same thing as doing "make install" ? Will anything be different in the installation process? I'm compiling a program, but I'm not sure which to do. Will any of the instructions in the installation file be overlooked if I use checkinstall?17:06
rs0832cody, you can try changing your nameservers17:06
macoePirat: because those autostart scripts you set are for when you login graphically. root never does17:06
rs0832cody, i didnt realise i had this problem too, before17:06
bluezoneIsmAvatar, ubuntu reccomends 1GB, and more compouter is constant going over 550 MB so i would assume that's the problem17:06
StaRetjiFolks, really need help here. Is there a way to fake EDID sent from monitor. I have Ubuntu on ARM and it seems that it can display only max res sent by edid.17:06
codyas in changing the server from the main server?17:06
KM0201rs0832: that isn't gonna change that repository i don't think.. since it's technically a vendor repo... it stays hsted w/ ubuntu17:06
rs0832KM0201, not the repo17:07
ePiratmaco: oh... autostart isnt very easy on ubuntu17:07
KM0201it was workign for me on main... but i switched to some other one, and reloaded, and checked that repo, and its still the same (but all the others changed)17:07
IsmAvatarbluezone: d'oh, thanks for pointing that out. But it does seem like a little overkill that Linux would be so sluggish when Windows XP seems to perform fine.17:07
rs0832KM0201, maybe the dns server hasnt got a proper entry for that particular domain name.. it is just  a longshot, i know, but it might work17:07
mikeblhey.. anyone knows about remote uploads?17:07
macoePirat: any idea whats not working onthe upstart script?17:07
KM0201rs0832: its certainly worth a try17:08
rs0832cody, in a terminal, gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf17:08
rs0832KM0201, yep17:08
ePiratmaco: dont know... maybe you can write me a upstart script? (i am not so good a this things...)17:08
bluezoneIsmAvatar, yeah, i'm still looking for why, because i was able to run this on my celeron with 512 mB of ram, perhaps it was an earlier version though17:08
macoePirat: ive never done it before either17:08
feanor2how to substract one text file from another?17:08
RypervencheIs doing "checkinstall" the same thing as doing "make install" ? Will anything be different in the installation process? I'm compiling a program, but I'm not sure which to do. Will any of the instructions in the installation file be overlooked if I use checkinstall?17:09
ePiratSomeone here wrote a working upstart script and can help me with it?17:09
sacarlsonePirat:  I think it might still work but you can also use cron @reboot to start things at boot time17:09
KM0201!checkinstall | Rypervenche17:09
ubottuRypervenche: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:09
bluezoneIsmAvatar,  if you don't want to add any ram i would say use Xubuntu lol17:09
macoePirat: http://upstart.at/2010/12/08/events-are-like-signals/ maybe help?17:09
bluezoneKM0201, haha i never knew you could do that, interesting :)17:10
StaRetjiIs there a way to fake EDID sent from monitor. I have Ubuntu on ARM and it seems that it can display only max res sent by edid.17:10
sacarlsonePirat: upstart is another solution I've just never used it17:10
RypervencheKM0201: WHen it says wrapper, does that mean that it uses make install and does the extra things?17:10
KM0201rs0832: still not convinced that will fix it though, because like i said, i updated mine to another server, but my source list still shows the same as his.17:10
feanor2StaRetji, via xorg.conf17:10
ePiratsacarlson: cron doesnt worked for me either...17:10
rs0832KM0201, o.0 another server?17:10
KM0201Rypervenche: did you read the link?17:10
sacarlsonePirat: why is that?17:10
KM0201rs0832: yes, thats wha ti was saying17:10
rs0832KM0201, you mean the local oneS?17:10
DooDahhi, all, I need serious help! i can't install ubuntu, fedoro or even boot live backtrack, now i've downoloaded alternative ubu, boot it from usb, and i see somoething like boot\ vesamenu.c32 is not kernel image...17:10
gsfaiWhats the fastest way to install grub?17:10
bluezoneIsmAvatar, or the netbook edition, i guess anything listed there that you like the most xD17:10
KM0201no, i changed to a completely differnt server.. starts w/ rtc17:10
rs0832KM0201, oh no.. im talking about his dns server17:11
ePiratsacarlson: dont know... can I pm you?17:11
KM0201oh.. sorry.. i thought you were talking about his source server17:11
IsmAvatarbluezone: thanks for the advice. I'll look into it. But I think I'll add more ram, because I am a programmer, so I do tend to be resource-demanding.17:11
sacarlsonePirat: sure17:11
rs0832KM0201, you are right, there are no local servers for the ubuntu extras17:11
bluezoneIsmAvatar, C ?17:11
codyso if the resolv.conf says what it says as pasted in http://paste.ubuntu.com/548575/ would it be a problem?17:11
MayankHello, i am planning to install Ubuntu server edition on a server, i just want to know if i can run vmware or any other virtualization software? or do i need desktop edition only for that?17:11
rs0832KM0201, it's ok :)17:11
gsfairs0832: i finished reinstalling, but forgot to install grub, now i get an ERROR 15 on boot17:11
rs0832gsfai, you can do it from a live cd , i guess17:11
RypervencheKM0201: Touché. Thank you very much :)17:11
gsfairs0832: which is kinda weird, it means that grub is there, but not configured17:11
IsmAvatarbluezone: primarily Java and Swing right now. Wish I could work with C all the time.17:11
gsfairs0832: i am from a live cd ;P17:11
rs0832gsfai, try a grub-install from there17:12
bluezoneIsmAvatar, aww, i always need people to answer my C question lmao17:12
rs0832cody, now in that file,17:12
StrangeWindhow can you not install grub doing the setup?17:12
DysteRDoes someone know with package you have to have or what is the effect that the guy is using in this video ???17:12
gsfairs0832: yes but what device should i choose?17:12
FloodBot2DysteR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:12
StrangeWindI would start from scratch and try again17:12
IsmAvatarbluezone: I'm pretty good at C as well. You should check out ##c17:12
macoePirat: since its an irc server you might want it to start on networking rather than just at the right runlevel17:12
gsfairs0832: i have 4 partitions, XP, ubuntu, data (mostly backups) and swap17:12
rs0832cody, change nameserver to nameserver
rs0832gsfai, hmm.. your boot would normally be the first one , i think17:13
StrangeWindI unhook all my drives but the one I plan on installing ubuntu or whatever distro on17:13
gsfaiok so sda1?17:13
rs0832cody, if this doesnt work, feel free to change it back :)17:13
piercedw_when you get a minute, will u see if this make sense to you: http://pastebin.com/XtkUH9AL I get that when trying to run gnome on ubuntu 10.1017:13
KM0201StrangeWind: why would you do that?17:13
rs0832cody, now save the file and try to update17:13
gsfaigsfai: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).17:13
gsfaidid i just nickalert myself?17:14
bluezoneIsmAvatar, yeah they always make fun of me there :)17:14
StrangeWindbecause its easier17:14
KM0201gsfai: irc while tired.. done it myself17:14
rs0832gsfai, :)17:14
StrangeWindafter the install I then hook up all the drives17:14
IsmAvatarbluezone: I know, C developers tend to get a little caustic17:14
KM0201StrangeCharm: then why are you here?.. it's not easier, because you're gonna have to go back throug, edit out grub2, manually add windows xp.. i'm not sure where you got its easier17:14
gsfairs0832: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).17:14
heikoi'm wondering how to run a gnome applet in ubuntu netbook remix?17:14
gsfairs0832: any ideas on this?17:14
StrangeWinduse ubuntu tweaku and then redo my grub17:15
StrangeWindit sees all my drives and I dont loose any of my other OSes17:15
KM0201StrangeCharm: if it was 'easier' it would be the recommended way to dual boot on Ubuntu.com17:15
codyhmmm, no error with apt-get, now to try update for errors17:15
Rypervenchewhere do compiled debs go on Ubuntu after you do checkinstall? What folder exactly?17:15
KM0201Rypervenche: its probably in /home17:15
rs0832gsfai, hmm17:15
rs0832gsfai, do you know which is your boot partition?17:16
bluezoneRypervenche, probably in home but wait ill try it with my program17:16
xxiaodeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty multiverse ; if i add this to sources.list, will that overlap with my 10.04 packages?17:16
xxiaoi need that line to get java5 to 10.0417:16
gsfairs0832: sda117:17
xxiaojaunty and lucid may have the same packages in multiverse, will that addition cause any trouble17:17
vychuneHi everyone. My computer refuses to act right with Cube games. they keep going out of frequency17:17
rs0832gsfai, ok 1 sec ill tell you what to do17:17
codylooks like it worked, thanks!17:17
gsfaithanks :)17:17
rs0832cody, great:)17:17
ActionParsnipxxiao: they will be built differently, I don't advise mixing packages between releases17:18
rs0832KM0201, :) experience with a cruddy isp17:18
KM0201rs0832: lol.. apparently.. never been there unfortunately17:18
rs0832KM0201, yes and you dont want to.. trust me ;)17:18
xxiaoActionParsnip: thanks. maybe it's safer to just grab those java5 packages to dpkg -i in this case?17:18
KM0201rs0832: man, he didn't waste no time getting out of here after it was fixed17:18
rs0832KM0201, haha yea..17:19
DysteR how can I move the windows from one desktop to another from the WALL with the mouse ??? Ubuntu 10.1017:19
gsfairs0832: its kinda weird though, because the installation said that it actively failed to install grub17:19
gsfairs0832: and asked me to try and do it myself if i think it suck17:20
rs0832gsfai, o.0 yes really weird17:20
soreauDysteR: If you have wall enabled, you should be able to drag windows between viewports by moving them to the edge of the screen17:21
gsfaialso, none on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)17:21
StrangeCharmKM0201, your autocomplete needs some work17:21
KM0201StrangeCharm: huh?17:21
piercedw_When I try to start gone in 10.10, I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/XtkUH9AL17:21
=== vorian is now known as bzip
piercedw_gone = gnome17:21
StrangeCharmKM0201, you were naming me when you meant someone else17:21
feanor2lol it was fgrep17:21
DysteRno no , I want to be able to do it after you press CTRL ALT DOWN just clicking on the window and dragging it to different desktops17:21
Rypervenchebluezone , KM0201: Well I just wanted to make sure it's not in the source code folder, because I want to delete that. I don't think I would be able to remove it with dpkg if I didn't have the deb package...17:21
KM0201StrangeCharm: well, then you two need unique names..lol17:21
soreauDysteR: You can do it with Expo and rotate or wall but not with unfold cube (ctrl+alt+down)17:22
KM0201Rypervenche: well, did you find it?17:22
StrangeCharmKM0201, yes, it's definitely my fault that someone else has a name that shares the first few characters with mine17:22
KM0201StrangeCharm: agreed17:22
DysteRjust saw a guy doing it on youtube but I think he is using KDE17:22
RypervencheKM0201: I have seen a folder with a ton of debs that have been installed using dpkg, but I can't find it. And I know when I installed qq from a deb package it wasn't moved to that folder.17:23
DysteREXPO ??? lemme try17:23
AmtraskHello, I installed a proprietary wireless driver since Ubuntu didn't have it by default. Now, the wireless card works when I type in "sudo depmod <driver name>", but when I restart the computer that driver is not loaded by default. How can I change this?17:24
rs0832gsfai, ok17:24
DysteRAllright thanX soreau17:24
rs0832gsfai, shall we install?17:24
gsfairs0832: yep?!17:24
rs0832gsfai, k.. first do fdisk -l in a terminal17:25
gsfaiLOL i didnt know you could do it this way17:25
gsfaii did `fdisk` and then 'l'17:25
rs0832gsfai, :)17:25
gsfaiok so /dev/sda1 is the bootable17:25
rs0832gsfai, and ubuntu right?17:25
gsfaiwhich is XP17:25
rs0832gsfai, and ubuntu?17:26
gsfai /dev/sda6           54818       60288    43945776   83  Linux17:26
gsfaiubuntu isnt bootable17:26
rs0832gsfai, ah ok17:26
adv_anyone know of an app that can read .epub files?17:26
macoadv_: calibre17:26
macoadv_: it can sync with kindles, nooks, etc. too17:26
adv_maco, other than that?17:26
adv_or a converter to pdf?17:27
macoadv_: okular can. its the usual pdf reader in kde. id be surprised if evince couldnt too17:27
gsfairs0832: you should note that i actually get a  grub error message, which means that grub is somewhere out there17:27
rs0832gsfai, yes.17:28
rs0832gsfai, can you pastebin the output of sudo blkid?17:28
adv_maco, evince cant17:28
skorvinstalled bind9 now i have no internet17:28
skorvnot here obviously17:28
macoadv_: try okular then17:28
StaRetjifeanor2: thx for reply man, can you be more specific please. I tried googling for the solution, but could find any. Thx17:29
gsfairs0832: http://gsfai.pastebin.com/4R4CnaFx17:29
adv_maco ok thanks17:29
langvannrooks: if i cant alter the attributes on the nfs now, the OS would be unusable17:30
rs0832gsfai, so we install it to sda617:31
rs0832gsfai, so mount sda6 to /mnt17:31
rs0832gsfai, sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt17:31
=== coaboa||away is now known as coaboa
Praxican anyone tell me on ubuntu server how to use wget to download a file off of sourceforge? everytime I try I just get the mirror link, not the actual file.17:32
rs0832gsfai, k17:32
rs0832gsfai, now sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda17:32
rs0832gsfai, that will install grub and install the mbr on sda, which is your first hd17:33
gsfaiInstallation finished. No error reported.17:33
rs0832gsfai, great so now boot :)17:33
anon33_why do some people use nouveau as a video card driver? what are the benefits?17:33
ActionParsnipPraxi: just rename the file you download, it will be fine17:34
rs0832anon33_, maybe their cards have problems with the other drivers17:34
anon33_rs0832: well, it's made for nvidia video cards so...17:34
gsfairs0832: before i go, offtopic too, but take a look at this http://gsfai.pastebin.com/0rfRqi9V -- is this a common linux ''feuture'' ?17:34
cptbloodyea, and total crap compared to nvidias own driver17:34
ActionParsnipanon33_: some older chips like it, the proprietary driver may cause issues with hibernate / suspend17:35
ActionParsnipanon33_: if 3D accelleration is not needed, but suspend is desired, the open driver is obviously the better choice17:35
rs0832gsfai, remember you have mounted the drive to /mnt17:35
hblounthi. r updates very important or should i only get them if i have a problem?17:35
ActionParsnipcptblood: not in all cases17:35
cptbloodwhen you need vdpau, it is17:35
rs0832gsfai, you can use umount to unmount it17:35
gsfairs0832: yeah but its kinda weird, ls showed nothing, until i cd'ed out and back in17:35
AmtraskHello, I installed a proprietary wireless driver since Ubuntu didn't have it by default. Now, the wireless card works when I type in "sudo depmod <driver name>", but when I restart the computer that driver is not loaded by default. How can I change this?17:35
ActionParsnipcptblood: if the only use of the PC is word processing (like in an office) its not needed is it....17:36
celthunderAmtrask, add it to modprobe.d17:36
fleischwolfhi, i want to extract all the figures of a pdf file to single PDF(!)s each figure in one file. how can i do that ? pdfimages doesn't do the trick17:36
hblounthi. what is the most popular mmorpg on for linux?17:36
cptbloodofc not, but why cant the nvidia driver be integrated instead?17:36
gsfaianyway reboot time!17:36
rs0832gsfai, yes.. no idea about that though.. but if it doesnt give you trouble, dont worry bout it17:36
ActionParsnipcptblood: its proprietary, so cannot be included17:36
Amtraskceltthunder thank you!17:36
rs0832gsfai, good luck17:36
ActionParsnip!ot | hblount17:36
ubottuhblount: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:36
cptbloodActionParsnip: but nouveau is making it harder to install nvidia's own now17:37
ntsrtrsHi.  I am trying to use the live CD (v10.10) but it just hangs.  No error msg, can just see a purple background and the cursor.  Anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong?17:37
ActionParsnipcptblood: never had an issue myself, you can always remove it and you will use the nv driver, you can then install the proprietary as you wish17:37
rookslangvann, there might be some uid-login issues that prohibit you from properly transferring stuff, your nfs might not know about all of your gid/uid and user names, which will make  all things break17:38
bluezonentsrtrs, just wait, it is slow17:38
anon33_is there a way to specify which distro you want to use when using 'apt-get install'?17:38
ActionParsnipntsrtrs: use the boot option, nomodeset   in the F6 menu17:38
cptbloodActionParsnip: then i need a smart way of removing it, always puzzles me17:38
fleischwolfanon33_ you have to edit your sources17:38
ActionParsnipanon33_: I'm guessing you mean desktop. not distro. Ubuntu will always be the distro17:38
langvannrooks: I'm not sure how to fix it. Quite annoying really.17:38
langvannI hate this.17:38
ntsrtrsI have been waiting about 20 minutes now.  I haven't been presented with any any menu at all...17:38
ActionParsnipcptblood: use software centre or apt-get etc17:39
anon33_ActionParsnip: i apologize. i mean saying 'natty' when i'm really using 'maverick'17:39
Praxithank you ActionParsnip that worked (renaming the file)17:39
cptbloodonly on cli, can u gimme the apt-get cmd?17:39
ActionParsnipntsrtrs: when you see the stick man screen, press space bar17:39
rookslangvann, just tar whole root, ftp it to server, and untar it there, it will work, it did so for me17:39
ActionParsnipanon33_: then ask in #ubuntu+1   natty isn't supported or discussed here. If you want natty, you will need to download it and instal it17:40
langvannrooks: I dont doutb it will work. But If i cant change permissions on the nfs, i wont be able to boot the OS.17:40
ntsrtrsActionParsnip: What stick man screen?  This is the first screen I have seen since being presented with 'boot from cd'.  thanks17:40
langvannNo creating files, no adding users, no nothing17:40
rookslangvann, lemme check on what perimissions i have on nfs17:40
ActionParsnipPraxi: np bro, you can use the -o switch (I think) to auto-rename the file ;)17:40
AraneidaeI have a network attached scanner, but unfortunately xsane doesn't know where to find it (17:41
ActionParsnipntsrtrs: when you see a screen with a man and a keyboard at the bottom of the screen17:41
rs0832ntsrtrs, press escape.. does any error show up?17:41
fleischwolf*bump* i want to extract all the figures of a pdf file to single PDF(!)s each figure in one file. how can i do that ? pdfimages doesn't do the trick17:41
AraneidaeThe scanner is a Samsung integrated printer; how do I get xsane (or ssomething similar) to use it17:41
ActionParsnipAraneidae: can you ping the printer?17:41
pep`Hellow :)17:42
nadnhey guys, quick q.  i think i missed something on apt.  i have desktop edition -- multitouch laptop -- i want to try out unity with touch screen.  apt'd ubuntu-netbook and unity.  it loads to the wall paper and only alt control delete works (and alt ctrl f1  sudo gdm restart)17:42
rookslangvann, i have this entry in /etc/exports → /srv/nfs,async,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash) lappy.lan(rw,async,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)17:42
AraneidaeActionParsnip, sure, it works perfectly well17:42
AraneidaeI can print too ;)17:42
ntsrtrsHave pressend Esc but it does nothing.  The cursor still keeps alternating between a pointer and the loading icon17:42
ActionParsnipAraneidae: what model?17:42
AraneidaeI tried `xsane http://printer` but that didn't work17:42
rs0832ntsrtrs, press ctrl - alt - f117:42
pep`how can I see the sample size of an mp3 file on linux? I know dbpoweramp does that nicely on windows, but on Linux I only seem to be able to see sample rate...17:42
pep`any ideas?17:43
langvannrooks: I will try changing17:43
source\j #brasil17:43
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[[cg]alloc]init]hey there... Any Enterprise Cloud gurus out there?17:43
ActionParsnipAraneidae: did you get the linux driver from the samsung site?17:44
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AraneidaeActionParsnip, I've got the samsungmfp-scanner package installed17:44
ActionParsnippep`: mencoder can tell you17:44
AraneidaeNo, I installed from ... let me find out ...17:44
pep`Thank you ActionParsnip, I will try that out!17:44
rs0832ntsrtrs, does any error show up with ctrl alt f1?17:44
ntsrtrsrs0832: It is now writing error codes to the screen.  'SQUASHFS' then some codes.  Do you know what this means?  thanks17:44
AraneidaeActionParsnip, http://www-personal.umich.edu/~tjwatt/suldr17:44
elyoshow do i disable the middle-click emulation when i push both mouse buttons?17:45
rs0832ntsrtrs, can you give me a bit more of the error?17:45
ricoshadyis there a good place to paste images, like pastebin?17:45
AraneidaeOh, that doesn't look right anymore17:45
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.17:45
mpguttahi how to install postgresql9.0 on ubuntu 8.0417:45
rs0832!screenshot > ricoshady17:45
ubotturicoshady, please see my private message17:45
AraneidaeHowever, I have upgrade Ubuntu since then, and the printer's been working just fine17:45
AraneidaeHmm.  The samsungmfp-scanner drivers seem orphaned now :(17:46
ActionParsnipAraneidae: may help: http://www.sane-project.org/man/sane-xerox_mfp.5.html17:46
ricoshadyanyone with an idea of what these console errors may mean? http://imagebin.org/13008217:47
ntsrtrsrs0832: Yes - "SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block e3c847f, size 1c917".  The next line then says "unable to read fragment cache entry [e3c847f]"17:47
ntsrtrsthe 2 lines just keep repeating...17:47
rs0832ntsrtrs, hmm id say your disc is damaged17:47
piercedw_When I try to start gnome in 10.10, I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/XtkUH9AL anyone? :(17:47
rs0832ntsrtrs, did you md5 check it?17:47
AraneidaeActionParsnip, that's a back end; do I somehow tell xsane to use it?17:47
AraneidaeOr do you think I need to try and find more up to date versions of my drivers and update them?17:48
ActionParsnipAraneidae: once you get the backend going, xsane should be ok17:48
ntsrtrsrs0832: No.  Should I check the iso file or the CD?  How do I go about this in Win7? thanks17:48
RyeinI am trying to setup a newsletter server and I was hoping some one could point me to a ubuntu centered tutorial17:49
rs0832ntsrtrs, you can download an md5 checker (md5summer.org) and check the iso.. and burn the disc at slower speed17:49
AraneidaeActionParsnip, sorry to be dim, but I can't see which package carries sane-xerox_mfp, and I don't seem to have it installed yet17:49
ActionParsnipAraneidae: sounds like you have a direction to run with :)17:49
rs0832ntsrtrs, check the iso and the cd once you reach the boot screen (the test disc for defects option)17:50
ActionParsnipAraneidae: seems to be libsane17:50
rs0832ntsrtrs, i have to go now, so good luck... if you still have a problem, feel free to come back to the channel and ask :)17:50
Araneidaeor probably libsane-extras; don't have that one17:50
ActionParsnipAraneidae: dpkg -S sane-xerox_mfp    shows you what package a file is in17:51
AraneidaeOnly if I have the package installed ...17:51
ntsrtrsrs0832: thanks for your help17:51
rs0832ntsrtrs, :) y/w17:51
benccwhere should I save a package temp date like images cache?17:51
ricoshadyanyone have ideas on those console errors, what they might mean? http://imagebin.org/13008217:51
AraneidaeDrat.  Wasn't in libsane extras either17:51
pep`ActionParsnip, you don't happen to know how mencoder can show the sample size of an mp3 file? I can't find an entry in the manual... http://tivo-mplayer.sourceforge.net/docs/mplayer-man.html17:51
pep`Also I don't see many analysis options to be honest.17:52
jNovicehi, I want to add VPN connection in gnome-network-manager but button "Add" is inactive. Could anbyody help?17:53
Mannyuelhow can i get my network sensors to work? im trying to get my conky to work17:54
Mannyuelim on a laptop17:54
langvannrooks: Hey, it works17:54
Fr4gg0ris there a channel for gaming in vmware?17:54
Fr4gg0rwith 3d acceleration enabled, screen is flickering, withoug game does not start :(17:55
langvannFr4gg0r: I Think you should just use wine17:56
langvannLinux isnt really an os to game in17:56
mpguttahi. could anyone please tell me how to install postgresql9.0 on ubuntu 8.04, i could not find apt- package for the same.17:56
ActionParsnippep`: mencoder -list-properties  filename17:56
langvannalle games are made for windows, and will always - no matter what - work better in windows17:56
jay_try play on linux17:56
ActionParsniplangvann: disagree, Doom3 runs bautifully. Penumbra and UrbanTerror are native and great17:56
ActionParsnip!ppa | mpgutta17:57
ubottumpgutta: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:57
pep`oh thanks you! that was not in the man it seems...17:57
ActionParsnipmpgutta: someone may have packaged it for Hardy17:57
bastidrazorMannyuel: there is an #conky channel, there quite good at getting things to work17:57
langvannActionParsnip: if a game can run natively on linux. This is true.17:57
ActionParsnippep`: http://linux.die.net/man/1/mencoder    and read17:57
rookslangvann, sweet :)17:57
bastidrazortheir too17:57
ActionParsniplangvann: postal2 runs great too :)17:57
bastidrazorthey're rather :|17:58
langvannBut if a game is made natively for windows. You will always have to change hw adresses, this will make you loose performance.17:58
langvannActionParsnip: But it runs BETTER on windows.17:58
rookslangvann, be careful on whom you give that share, since its totally unsecure17:58
ActionParsniplangvann: in some cases games can run better17:58
FREMAPESUAHello everyone17:58
langvannActionParsnip: How?17:58
ActionParsniplangvann: but sure, hardcore gamers are better dualbooting17:58
langvannrooks: I know, i have a nazi firewall up17:58
pep`ActionParsnip, it's under "PLAYER OPTIONS (MPLAYER ONLY)", I guess that was why I didn't find it, since you talked about mencoder...17:59
YamaIRChi ppls17:59
langvannand the internal network is the only one able to access the share17:59
ActionParsniplangvann: if some games use 100% proper opengl stuffs and such they generally run better, counterstrike runs better under linux than windows17:59
micI AM NEW HERE17:59
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:59
ActionParsnippep`: (17:44:14) ActionParsnip: pep`: mencoder can tell you   ...Thought it was quite clear18:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:00
Pawmaniacanyway to turn off bot messages?18:00
ActionParsnipmic: kill the caps please18:00
livingdaylightinstalled ubuntu on laptop but wireless is not working out of the box. Do I need to install something?18:00
pep`no it wasn't, sorry :) you specifically said mencoder, and it's not, it's mplayer. I installed mencoder, and now I'm installing mplayer.18:00
ActionParsnipPawmaniac: the bot is triggered by users18:00
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   you will be shown your wireless chip. You can use the product line to find guides18:01
ActionParsnipmic: thanks18:01
* NotAnonymous test18:01
Pawmaniacjust tired of all the ... has joined ubuntu messages...18:01
pep`Pawmaniac, you can turn that off in your client.18:01
ActionParsnippep`: the command you need is an option in mencoder, I then found the option for you in the man page of mencoder. Mplayer may be a dep of the install but its not hugely needed for what you want18:02
pep`-list-properties is not an MEncoder option18:02
RyeinI am trying to setup a newsletter server and I was hoping some one could point me to a ubuntu centered tutorial18:02
pep`I tried it :)18:02
vectoryRyein: try a linux centered one if u cant find one for U18:03
Pawmaniaci looked again and did not see an option for that18:03
spencermorning-erm, afternoon guys. Anyone need any general troubleshooting?18:04
ActionParsnippep`: try:   mencoder -msglevel identify=6  filename18:04
ActionParsnipPawmaniac: what client are you using?18:04
Pawmaniacxchat for gnome18:05
PiciRyein: I'm not sure we know what a newsletter server is, perhaps if you explained better we could provide better help.18:05
Pawmaniacim lazy and wanted a gui18:05
DysteRdoes anyone in here uses NQuake  ???18:05
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ActionParsnipPawmaniac: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41713118:05
KM0201Pawmaniac: but xchat-gnome?   go w/ the full xchat client..lol18:05
Pawmaniacbut I want to learn bash18:06
RyeinPici i want to be able to send out newsletters i hope to have a lot of subscribers18:06
Pawmaniacand thanks, i will get the full version18:06
mpguttaActionParsnip: i found this ppa for Lucid and Maverick at https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/postgresql but couldnt get one for Hardy18:06
ActionParsnipPawmaniac: if you are happy with what you have, keep it18:06
pep`no, that's not right at all, it's expecting a video file, and returns a video file too...18:06
AraneidaeActionParsnip, I've been digging around, and it seems I do have sane-xerox_mfp installed ... but it's a library, which is why I couldn't run it.  Unfortunately I haven't got a clue *how* to use it; can you give me any pointers, please?18:06
pep`nevermind, I will figure this out.18:06
ActionParsnipAraneidae: no idea, I only buy HP which work flawlessly18:07
pep`now to remove mplayer and mencoder...18:07
cutoutI have a remote ubuntu server, I did restart it but now I can not login to it using ssh or telnet even both are installed, I can ping it. is there another way to login to it remoty?18:07
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  well some work flawlessy :)  It always pays to research.18:07
ActionParsnipmpgutta: no other ppa has it?18:07
AraneidaeAh.  And the /etc/sane.d/xerox_mfp.conf file only lists usb devices, which is unpromising18:07
langvannrooks: Holy CRAP. how much is there to copy  ?:P This should take a while.18:08
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: always, its all I buy though. Good support gets my moneys18:08
Dr_Williscutout:  not that ive seen. Unless you got some sort of web interface to admin it.18:08
rookslangvann, du -H on your from machine will give you some idea :)18:08
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  i am impressed with this $99 wireless laser 'brother' i got a few mo back.18:08
mpguttaActionParsnip: it seems Martin Pitt is the guy who maintains postgresql packages for ubuntu18:08
cutoutDr_Willis: even apache is installed but it won'y start unless I login to it!!18:09
mpguttaActionParsnip: from his link i cant find for Hardy18:09
Dr_Williscutout:  you got some bigger issues going on then im guessing.18:09
macompgutta: ubuntu doesnt have per-package maintainers18:09
ActionParsnipmpgutta: then i'd hit him up to see whats what.18:09
cutoutDr_Willis: the problem seems scripts in init.d start on login not on boot!!18:09
PhonicUKhas anyone else had an issue under chrome where closing a tab causes all instances of flash in other times to die?18:10
cutoutDr_Willis: if I login to it all these services will start18:10
mpguttaActionParsnip: so what are the otherways i can install postgres 9.0 on ubuntu 8.04?18:10
cutoutDr_Willis: do you have any idea how to fix this?18:10
AraneidaeAnybody know how to connect to a network scanner?18:11
AraneidaeSorry, network image scanner?18:11
langvannHow do you do it in windows?18:11
slideDoes anyone know how to get a key to be continually pressed down? I have a game that I need to "sneak" around which normally i have to hold the button but thats getting old lol. I want to be able to toggle it18:11
langvannYou've had it connected in windows right?18:11
macoslide: put something heavy on it18:11
langvannOh. Then google: model number + linux18:12
slidei thought about that but figured it too ghetto18:12
ricoshadyanyone have ideas on those console errors, what they might mean? http://imagebin.org/13008218:12
langvannricoshady: thats a debug18:12
sam-_-is there sth. "like" timemachine  http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/time-machine.html for ubuntu?18:12
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Pawmaniacalso is there a way to move a window from monitor to monitor(dual monitors) from  your panel?18:13
ActionParsnipmpgutta: not sure dude, Hardy dies in April so an upgrade may be in order18:13
livingdaylightActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548588/18:13
Pawmaniacor force programs to open on your default monitor?18:14
macoActionParsnip: only on desktop....18:14
AraneidaeLooks like sane-net(5) might be closer to the mark...18:14
langvannPawmaniac: Install the drivers for your video card.18:14
livingdaylightLooks like intel 3945 wifi but don't know where to go from here ActionParsnip18:14
mpguttaActionParsnip: ok sure.  i will try that.18:14
Pawmaniacdid so along time ago.18:14
ActionParsnipPawmaniac: i think devilspie can do that, you can confiure it easier with gdevilspie on googlecode18:14
Pawmaniacthats not the problem18:14
mpguttaActionParsnip: so you mean no support for 8.04 from april?18:14
nowisnhello is there a channel for ubuntu server??18:14
macompgutta: on desktop, yes18:15
Pawmaniacits that i cannot always use that second monitor18:15
maconowisn: #ubuntu-server18:15
DasEinowisn: #ubuntu-server18:15
ActionParsnipmpgutta: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Ubuntu_8.04_LTS_.28Hardy_Heron.2918:15
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server18:15
mpguttamaco: what about ubuntu server?18:15
mrFrog123Hey all. I've had dual booting w/ Ubuntu & WIndows 7 working for a while. Recently I installed Ubuntu again in addition to these. How do I remove my newest installation? (I don't need two ubuntu installations)18:15
langvannPawmaniac: The tool for you grapichs card will allow you to set up twinview, allowing you to move windows between your monitors seamlessly18:15
macompgutta: 201318:15
ActionParsnipmpgutta: unless you installed hardy erver18:15
nowisnwould like to know how i can save all my data from a windows home server thats causing great grief over to ubuntu server?18:15
Dr_WillismrFrog123:  if you delete the old isntalls partitions and rerun update-grub - it should just show the 118:16
Pawmaniaci can already do so if i can actually see whats on that monitor, which i cannot always use.18:16
ActionParsnipmrFrog123: you can simply remove the old kernel package18:16
mrFrog123Dr_Willis: ok how do I do that?18:16
maconowisn: use putty on windows to sftp it to ubuntu?18:16
vectoryslide: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4545532/how-to-simulating-keystroke-inputs-in-shell-to-an-app-running-in-an-embedded-tar/4545594#4545594  the second answer18:16
DasEinowisn: fastest via usb18:16
slidethanks vectory18:16
langvannPawmaniac: Oh. Then use the tool to set up your primary monitor, or disconnect the monitor you cant use.18:17
DasEinowisn: local or remote ?18:17
ActionParsnipmpgutta: i'd contact martin, see what he says18:17
ricoshadylangvann, its a rackspace cloud server18:17
vectoryPawmaniac: do u have an nvidia card?18:17
mpguttaActionParsnip: thank you so much!18:17
Pawmaniacthe problem is that sometimes a window will open on my second monitor, which is off, then i can use that window18:18
Pawmaniacno ATI18:18
Pawmaniaci have CCC18:18
vectoryati's support on linux sux i heard18:18
subz3r0it does!18:18
mrFrog123Dr_Willis: I see System->Administration->Disk Utility, but how do I know which partition to remove?18:18
aeon-ltdvectory: yes, but its evolving18:18
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: ok if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you find access points?   If you run:   rfkill list   is the wireless blocked in any way?18:18
leellocan anyone please tell me how to compress files with the terminal18:19
PawmaniacCCC isn't too bad works about as good as it does on windows18:19
vectorytar czvf FILE18:19
vectoryleello: ^18:19
Pawmaniacactually crashes less18:19
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mrFrog123Anyone know how I can tell which partitions have windows or ubuntu on it (I have two ubuntu installs and need to delete the correct one)18:19
ActionParsnipleello: http://www.thedumbterminal.co.uk/php/knowledgebase/?action=view&id=318:19
tripelbI wish the gchat window had a smaller "minimum" size. I want to make it thinner as 2 windows share my screen.18:19
nowisndata is on a pc in the base running whs, would like to leave the hardware config as is as there is about 3 terabytes on data on the spanned drives, do i need to ftp all that data somewhere else, cause if i install ubuntu it'll just wipe off the drive18:20
DasEimrFrog123: sudo fdisk -l18:20
ActionParsnipmrFrog123: sudo parted -l     will tell you18:20
leellothanks a lot18:20
DasEimrFrog123: shows type of18:20
tripelbmrFrog boot from one and then you will know. oh ActionParsnip I'm going to try that.18:20
Pawmaniacmrfrog123: or use gparted to label them18:20
abehello everyone.  I have a problem with my sound.  I can't hear anything. any help18:21
mrFrog123Ok I ran some of those - how do I know which linux partition is which?18:21
DasEi!sound | abe18:21
ubottuabe: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:21
vectoryabe: check soundlevels with alsamixer18:21
mpguttaActionParsnip: i have run "uname -a" to know whether i am running server or desktop. here is the output "Linux ialeia 2.6.18-xen #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 06:40:50 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux" so is this server or desktop?18:21
DasEiabe: install alsamixergui, check if unmuted first18:22
tripelbmrFrog123, I see that just shows what kind of partition it is. You can boot from one. How else?  Look for a file you know is on one.18:22
abe@vectory and DasEi I don't have alsa install in 10.04, I will install now18:22
nowisnmaybe I should just go buy two 2 terabyte drives and move all the data over to them internally as i have extra satas18:22
vectoryDasEi, abe: u dont need fui for that18:22
sam___anyone have any issues with 3G (3) dongles.  I can only get it to work if i run vbox and then select usb. then in ubuntu it shows up.18:22
tripelbnowisn, nice to get the eq you want.18:22
sam___is there a way down/up the usb ports18:23
mrFrog123Ok I think I know which partition to delete - but I need to do it from my other ubuntu installation.18:23
Dr_Willissam___:  thats weird.. You installed what os/drivers in vbox? perhaps the thing needs some firmware uploaded to it befor it works.18:23
mrFrog123Then how do I update grub or whatever?18:23
Dr_WillismrFrog123:  boot the OS you want to keep.   use update-grub18:23
sam___have not installed the 3g in vbox, just use it to access port18:23
mic/whois sam___18:24
sam___am in 10.4 - basic18:24
ActionParsnipsam___: use usb-modeswitch18:24
mrFrog123Dr_Willis: So I just run "sudo update-grub"?18:24
ActionParsnipmpgutta: not sure about the xen kernel.If you have a desktop with a mouse pointer and an X server and desktop icons, you are running the desktop OS18:24
sam___ActionParsnip: am noob.  what will this do for me?18:25
sam___vbox os is xp18:25
livingdaylightActisudo iwlist scan shows wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is downonParsnip,18:25
mictry the comand18:25
livingdaylightActionParsnip, sudo iwlist scan shows wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down18:26
ntsrtrsCan anyone suggest the best way of recovering some files from my previous XP installation?  I installed Ubuntu on the wrong partition accidentally (but it is a bad install and won't boot).  I am now running the live CD and realised I have lost all my music and pics etc!18:26
micand you name is shorter18:26
ActionParsnipsam___: makes it appear as a modem, manufacturers have made windows users lives easier by having a storage of the driver on the stick which auto installs then the device flips to being a modem. Linux doesn't have this as it's not windows but a tool has been made to make the switch18:26
Dr_WillismrFrog123:  yes. I would boot to the OS you want to keep.. run sudo update-grub, or 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' be sure THAT os installs grub to the mbr . then reboot.  make sure it works.. then  you can delete the pattitons for the other OS.18:26
craigbass1976Activex in ubuntu...  Am I out of luck?18:26
CoolDudeI need some help related to Ubuntu ...?18:26
mpguttaActionParsnip: we have hosting with slicehost. so probably it should be server.18:26
nowisnis there any way to install ubuntu server while keeping data on those drives?18:26
craigbass1976CoolDude, what's the problem?18:26
Dr_Williscraigbass1976:  wine supports some activex/directx stuff i thought.18:26
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: ok, reboot and login, then run:   dmesg | less     and read the boot, see if you get any errors or warnings with the wireless chip etc18:26
mrFrog123Ok thanks everyone I'll give it a try18:27
sam___ActionParsnip: cool, i have downloaded. how do i use or is it auto?18:27
craigbass1976Dr_Willis, I've read mixed reviews; didn't know if there were some secret "sure fire" way18:27
CoolDudei have Ubuntu 10.4 and want to upgrade it to  10.10 64-Bit...?   is it possible ?18:27
Dr_Williscraigbass1976:  tjeres Nothing surefire about windows.18:27
Dr_WillisCoolDude:  32bit to 64bit -> you reinstall.18:27
craigbass1976CoolDude, No; reinstall.  Two different animals18:27
lwizardlso I messed up a part in my install of ubuntu 10.10. my task bar at the bottom of the screen that displays all the open windows. How can I restore that function to a working status?18:27
ActionParsnipsam___: I'd read some guides. You can get started by running: lsusb   then websearch for the 8 character hex iD generated for the modem to find guides18:27
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:28
CoolDudeNo other way through  upgrade...?18:28
ActionParsniplwizardl: ^18:28
ActionParsnipCoolDude: you will need to reinstall to change arch (32bit to 64bit)18:28
Dr_WillisCoolDude:  you dont upgrade from 32bit to 64bit.. plain and simple.18:28
langvannbrb. testing Diskless ubuntu.18:28
CoolDudeok  :(18:29
ntsrtrsHi.  Can anyone recommend a way to recover files deleted during a Ubuntu install please?18:29
ActionParsnipntsrtrs: use your backups18:29
CoolDudeThen i better continue with  32 Bit alone , I've  6 GB Ram and all of it , i am not able to use .....18:29
ActionParsnipCoolDude: install the PAE kernel and you can use up to 64Gb RAM in 32bit18:30
ntsrtrsActionParsnip: unfortunately my back is incomplete - any other suggestions?!  I accept I may lose some data...18:30
Halikcan i boot natty narwhal from USB?18:30
PhonicUKI thought that a PAE kernel was installed by default under 32-bit installs?18:30
ActionParsnipntsrtrs: could try foremost18:30
Dr_WillisCoolDude:  i always use 64bit - even on machines with less then 4gb of ram18:30
PhonicUK^ same here18:30
Pawmaniacoh wow, the full xchat is a lot better18:30
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: it is in Lubuntu, the normal ubuntu desktop uses generic only18:30
PhonicUKthe netbook remix seems to as well18:31
CoolDudeLet me try that and tell you18:31
macoPhonicUK: only if you have 4gb of ram18:31
PhonicUKI installed it on my Eee (512MB) and it installed a PAE kernel18:31
macoPhonicUK: if you try to run a PAE kernel on a system thats over 5-6 years old, itll just kernel panic18:31
macoPhonicUK: so thatd be an icky thing to use as the default everywhere18:31
PhonicUKI suspect its just used on all systems that support it then18:31
PhonicUKthis is the original Eee 701 I installed it on18:32
nirazioI have installed Virtual Box: Host OS Ubuntu 10.10 - Guest OS Windows XP. No problem so far.How can I access USB devices (scaners, printer, and others) from the guest os, windows XP.If this is not possible in the open source version maybe there is another virtualisation software program.18:32
ntsrtrsActionParsnip: thanks - will give it a try18:32
PhonicUKnirazio, none of them allow it as far as I know18:32
Dr_Willisnirazio:  the OSE version cant.. the version you download from their web site can.18:32
ActionParsnipnirazio: you need the closed source vbox for USB support18:32
PhonicUKonly the closed source version of VBox18:32
gsfaii have 190 files in /boot/grub, but no menu.lst18:33
gsfaiwhats wrong?18:33
macogsfai: how about grub.cfg?18:33
PhonicUKgsfai, do you have a grub.conf?18:33
macogsfai: menu.lst was only in grub1. if youve got that many files, sounds like grub 218:34
gsfainope, none of those three18:34
gsfaiyes its grub218:34
gsfai:O no menu.lst? so where are the configurations?18:34
HalikWill universal usb installer work properly with 11.04 alpha?18:34
macogsfai: those 190 files....18:34
livingdaylightActionParsnip, remind me please? dmsg grep?18:34
ActionParsnipgsfai: grub2 doesnt use menu.lst18:34
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: dmesg | less18:35
macogsfai: /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/* are where you set stuff18:35
macogsfai: then you run "sudo update-grub" and a new /boot/grub/grub.cfg is generated18:35
ActionParsnipHalik: all natty talk is in #ubuntu+118:35
Haliksorry, thx18:35
langvannrooks: It booted okey, until i got a kernel panic. "Not syncing"18:35
gsfaimaco: i just installed grub, but it gets me into a single grub> shell18:35
ActionParsnipgsfai: to add boot options, you add them in /etc/default/grub  then run: sudo update-grub as maco stated18:36
gsfaii tried booting from there, but since i've never used it before, it dropped to a busybox18:36
livingdaylightActionParsnip, what am I looking for?18:36
Dr_Willis!grub2 | gsfai18:36
ubottugsfai: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:36
abehi all, sound still not working18:36
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:36
Zazz_Is there any way I can set Mutter as the default window manager?18:37
Zazz_I have it installed and I could run mutter --replace at startup, but that doesn't seem like the best way to do it.18:37
lwizardlActionParsnip, thank you that worked18:38
Pawmaniacback to what i meant to ask... do emulators run generally faster on linux?18:39
rookslangvann, do you have your initrd and kernel images in ur tftp server range?18:39
Dr_WillisPawmaniac:   depends on the emulator.18:40
langvannrooks: I forgot, dhcp changes my IP, its not static18:40
rooksPawmaniac, generally depends :P18:40
langvannI need to open up for my entire internal network18:40
supercom32_Does anyone know of a good video editing software for Ubuntu which allows you to add mosaics?18:40
Dr_WillisPawmaniac:  when my C64 emulator can run at 10,000x normal C64 speed... its hard to really worry about if windows can do 10,002x speed :)18:40
Pawmaniacdolphin mainly18:40
Dr_WillisPawmaniac:  you would have to just try it and see. Thats a very new and work in progress emulator.18:41
AnubisssHow can I install a package from maverick to hardy?18:41
Dr_WillisAnubisss:  you dont want to mix release versions18:41
Pawmaniacyes... your right about that18:41
Dr_WillisAnubisss:  it can break things BADLY18:41
ActionParsnipAnubisss: its not advised nor supported18:41
Anubisssso I should install it from source18:41
Dr_WillisAnubisss:  or find a PPA18:42
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.18:42
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Pawmaniacmy own opinion is up in the air about coding vs graphics support.18:42
supercom32_Does anyone know of a good video editor for Ubuntu which can add mosaics to a region of video? Like if I guy has a shirt and you don't want to advertise for that company.18:43
leellois it possible to network ubuntu 10.04 with win 7(ubuntu as the connection provider)18:43
Pawmaniacleello: ubuntu as a gateway you mean18:44
DasEileello: yes18:44
leellocan you please tell me how?18:45
Phylockleello: shareing internet connection og share files over the network?18:45
langvannrooks: I do have it in /tftboot or what its called.18:45
langvannI must have missed something18:45
leellocan i get both18:46
rookslangvann, walk slowly through that tutorial, im sure youll find whats missing18:46
Pawmaniacleello: yes you can get both18:46
hariykeyboardis there a command like sfdisk -l that I can use in a livecd to view what disks I have under /dev?18:46
Dr_Willishariykeyboard:  sudo fdisk -l18:46
Dr_Willishariykeyboard:  or install sfdisk if you like it.18:46
rookslangvann, also turn on debugging at whatever and see if your machine pulls files from tftp, hooks up to nfs, etc18:47
Rebellenhi. when i run "ifconfig eth0 up" i get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" anyone knows whats the problem?18:47
DasEileello: take a look at dnsmasq18:47
leelloi have already tried the ip and gateway thing and win 7 refused to recognize it18:47
DasEileello: who are you talking too (put nick)?   both ?18:48
hariykeyboardDr_Willis, ah yes, but liveuser is not in the sudoers file and the incident will be reported.  Is sfdisk another program I have to ferry to a computer running a live cd in order to list my drive in bash?18:48
leelloi am new to irc...sorry18:48
Dr_Willishariykeyboard:  i can sudo from the live cd18:48
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:48
KM0201hariykeyboard: you can use sudo on the live d18:49
Dr_Willishariykeyboard:  what release are you using? im sure ive been able to 'sudo -s' or use gksudo.sudo on the live cd with no problems18:49
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ActionParsnipleello: check the ip addressing on both PCs to ensure they are in the same subnet, try pinging by IP and not just by name18:49
completestrange.. for some time now, flash movies stutter in my firefox. its Firefox 4. in Chrome they look normal. when i fullscreen the movie, it runs smoothly. any ideas`18:49
gsfaiim starting to get tired of this -.-18:50
ActionParsnipcomplete: chrome rocks is my guess :)18:50
* KM0201 agrees with ActionParsnip 18:50
Dr_WillisFF4 is a work in progress18:50
gsfaiwhy the hell do they make stuff as hard as possible in new versions?18:50
Dr_WillisDosent Chrome have its own built in Flash these days? or was that optional?18:50
ActionParsnipwell, chromium daily ;)18:50
smwcomplete, my guess is you should use chrome ;-)18:51
zztrI have an older imac (first intel model) that i'm happy with but I'm thinking about getting a new desktop for work. anyone have any suggestions for ubuntu friendly, imac form factor alternatives? I haven't been looking at hardware for a long time. i'm considering the dell all-in-one...18:51
Dr_Willisgsfai:  grub2 has been used for some time now....18:51
DasEigsfai: your issue ?18:51
gsfaimenu.lst was the world's best invention ever18:51
smwDr_Willis, chrome has it, chromium does not (I think)18:51
gsfaiyet they threw it away18:51
PawmaniacKM0201: thats was cool what you did.. i bet there a list of irc commands.18:51
Dr_Willisgsfai:  no it was not.. it was a hack and nasty in many ways.18:51
KM0201Pawmaniac: what did i do?18:51
Dr_Willisgsfai:  time to learn grub2.18:51
gsfaiyou could even edit it under windows18:52
gsfainow -- no18:52
Dr_Willisgsfai:  get over it?18:52
DasEigsfai: ..18:52
gsfaiyou need to run update-grub, mkconfig, mkshit and a few other programs18:52
gsfaiand end up on a grub> shell18:52
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PawmaniacKM0201: "* KM0201 agrees with ActionParsnip "18:52
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KM0201Pawmaniac: oh... i know what you're talking about... type this   "/me  your message" w/o quotes18:52
* Dr_Willis happily boots his ISO files from grub2..18:52
KM0201Dr_Willis: i can never get that to work right.. i need to work on that, cuz i'm sick of burning cd's18:53
* gsfai happily boots his Live CD, since his PC is now bricked18:53
ellcan anyone help me18:53
KM0201gsfai: why is your pc bricked?18:53
KM0201ell: ask your question, if we can help, we will18:53
abehi all, after install 10.04 my sound is not working. I tried to do the troubleshooting on '!sound' and nothing18:53
gsfaibecause it boots into a grub> shell18:53
elli;l be backl in a bit18:53
oogaell: Patience ... patience ...18:54
codyhey, I've run into a problem related to semi-outdated Intel GMA drivers, how do I update them? i know they are x.org.18:54
KM0201gsfai: well what did you do to cause that?18:54
Sub_ZeroHow can I make a boot able dvd on Ubuntu? By which I mean when booting from the disc I want the OS to startup not the installer for such. Like UBCD4Win18:54
DasEigsfai: grub2 can be tricky, but if you need spport,describe your problem and get help18:54
gsfai... install 10.1018:54
lwizardlok how do I stop this from working. while I am using the mouse if you touch anywhere else on the touchpad with a second finger the mouse jumps all the way to the edge of the screen.18:54
KM0201gsfai: over wubi?18:54
codythe thing that is going wrong is Starcraft 2 through Wine.18:54
oogaOk, anyone have experience installing 10.10 on a Gigabyte P55A-UD3?18:55
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jesseccody: does SC2 run in wine?18:55
abe@Sub_Zero get do you want dual booting? Do you want to install it in Windows? VMware is great to put ubuntu inside windows18:55
gsfaiDasEi: i am trying to fix this damn box since yesterday, and all i come across are more and more problems, now i have completely bricked it, i think i cant ruin anything in a read-only CD-rom, so i think that i have broken everything that i could18:55
codyit runs, but isn't playable past the menu, in the actual game, it's all black18:55
codyother than the menu icons and map18:56
sacarlsongsfai: if you liked grub legacy you can do it manualy the same just a different file /etc/grub.d/40_custom18:56
Sub_Zeroabe I don't actually want it to install Windows anywhere, Just boot the Windows OS from the CD.18:56
KM0201gsfai: well, the problem runnng from the cd all the time, eventually you'll brick your cd drive to.18:56
Sub_ZeroSo it's nice and portable18:56
gsfaiDasEi: and i used to run a nice and clean grub, with one file called menu.lst, which was easy as hell to edit and stuff. Now i have to edit like a few thousand files. And come across an error.18:56
neizcody: could be a hardware issue.. I have a very old laptop which has the same problem with SC2 through Wine.  However, with mirrored settings on my desktop with much better hardware, game runs perfectly through wine18:57
codySub_Zero: you should be able to do that through the BIOS, if i'm reading that correctly18:57
leello how can i get my video card info with terminal18:57
DasEigsfai: you can chrrot into hd and get old grub back, though I'd rather repair18:57
abe@Sub_Zero my limited knowledge would say only a bootable CD or FlashDrive18:57
KM0201leello: lspci will show it18:57
codythis laptop is a Compaq Presario CQ60-420US, with a Intel GMA 4500MHD18:58
DasEigsfai: one hd, no encryption ?18:58
gsfaione HD, 4 partitions, no encryption18:58
BluesKajleello, lspci | grep VGA18:58
nit-witgsfai, so whats the actual problem besides it seems you don't understand grub2, the computer is bricked you say. Is it just not booting to anything now.18:58
livingdaylightcan someone help me with wirless on lenovo R60e ? running with network cable but wireless seems switched off18:58
codySC2 ran perfectly on low settings in Window.18:58
DasEigsfai: boot into live, open terminal ..18:58
oogaOk, next question: is there any difference in functionality between the versions of Ubuntu (kubuntu, xubuntu, gununtu, etc)?18:58
Sub_Zerocody If I was to burn the iso image to a disc and boot from it, The installer would pop up asking where to install Windows too? Which I don't want. Ubuntu has a live CD where you can try Ubuntu without actually installing it. That's what I want just with XP18:58
gsfainit-wit: it drops to a grub shell.18:58
KM0201cody: thats because t was written to run in windows18:58
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Pawmaniaccody: id blame it on that intel gpu18:59
abe@Sub_Zero would you be interested in a Virtual OS?18:59
dev001I have a few PowerBook G4's in excellent condition running Ubuntu 10.10 that I'd like to donate to charity (in the San Francsico Bay Area).  I'm bumping into countless 'meatheads' that will only accept MacOSX/Windows boxes -- arguing that 'Linux is not a real computer' (that's a quote!).18:59
KM0201Sub_Zero: it'll be a long time before we see Windows Live CD's..lol18:59
jessecooga:  pretty much just the default window manager18:59
dev001I can't seem to give the silly things away!  Fine; not gonna try to fix the ignorance ... that said, anyone know of a community resource that lists Ubuntu-aware charities that won't shoot themselves in the foot, and might actually benefit from donations?18:59
nit-witgsfai, run this script and pastebin the generated file.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/18:59
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codySub-Zero Windows does NOT have a Live CD option, blame Bill Gates for that.18:59
oogajessec: thank you.18:59
Pawmaniacwine runs almost anything beautifully18:59
neizcody: my core duo, 1gig laptop runs on low in windows but refuses to run in wine.  i7 920, 10gig ram, radeon 5770 will run SC2 through wine though... seems to need a surplus of resources to run it through wine18:59
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KM0201Pawmaniac: i think saying "almost anything" is an extreme stretch.... i've found it fails more often than not.19:00
jessecooga: Ubuntu uses gnome, Kubuntu - KDE, Xubuntu - Xfce19:00
slipp3dSub_Zero, as far as i know the only way that is possible is on something like on the http://www.ubcd4win.com/19:00
DasEicody: I got something kinda-like from ms,though ot here19:00
codyIf I had a way to change my GPU, I would have LONG beforre now, but there's no room for a new one as it's integrated with my CPU.19:00
oogajessec: are there any advantages of one over the others?19:00
PawmaniacKM0201: not for me19:00
* KM0201 wonders whatever happened to Fluxbuntu19:00
nirazioIs there an FTP client (GUI) that will let me search for text inside files?19:01
KM0201!worksforme | Pawmaniac :)19:01
ubottuPawmaniac :): Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/19:01
DasEicody: live-cd /win19:01
jessecXfce can be used on slower/older PCs better, though its pretty much a preference choice19:01
gsfaijust a second nit-wit19:01
codyhmmm, guess i'd better put those plans to build a Desktop into action for this.19:01
Phylockwindows PE is for running off the cd if i remeber correctly19:01
nit-witgsfai, cool it will give us a better view of the whole thang19:01
nowisnguess i have to remove all that data off those shared drives, thats going to suck balls19:01
Nepheriushey , where does gnomenu save its themes ?19:02
codyDasEi Windows never had a Live session, just an installer.19:02
KM0201jessec: i think Xubuntu has gotten extremely bloated, especially since 10.04.  If you got a low spec pc youre better off w/ Lubuntu19:02
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DasEicody: pm me, ubuntu here19:02
c4rt0gr4ph0rhow difficult is it to install ubuntu on an xbox 360 hardware?19:02
leelloBluesKaj: how can i get more detail?19:02
gsfaithere it is19:02
Pawmaniaci have just ran a lot of things on wine and i was saying that it seem to work really well on a lot of programs19:02
gobbec4rt0gr4ph0r: try google for that19:02
ubuntu-usrthere isn't any recording plugin like in vlc?19:02
gobbec4rt0gr4ph0r: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=595543 first hit19:03
Phylockwindows live - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Preinstallation_Environment19:03
c4rt0gr4ph0rgobbe: my dumb19:03
gsfainit-wit: by the way this script is much more agile in finding OS'es than grub2 installation19:04
xxiaoanyone tried to set up a full 32-bit chroot under 64bit lucid?19:04
abe@DasEi Can you help me with my sound?19:04
xxiaoneed 32-bit env to build some DSP stuff from TI19:04
abe@all HAHAHAHAH!, the line was not plugeed in!!!!!!!!!!!19:05
BluesKajleello, sudo lshw -C video19:05
abe@all thanks all19:05
matt1234hello all, can someone suggest a GUI for the front end of vsftpd?19:05
DasEiabe: can try, alsamixer installed ?19:05
nit-witgsfai, grub2 if the os-prober is installed and everything in order will find most other OS's. Are you using other then the Ubuntu desktop19:05
matt1234im not fond of reading the log anymore19:06
codydoes anyone know of a way to check if Starcraft Brood War will work with my Intel GMA?19:06
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DasEiabe: burn the speakers19:06
gsfaiWell i have XP in the 1st partition, Backups in the second, linux in the third, and swap in the fourth19:07
slipp3dcody, did it work in windows before you made the switch to ubunut?19:07
codyBrood War? I don't own it yet19:07
leellohow can i install *.tar.bz2 files19:07
slipp3dcody, what about starcraft19:07
codyStarcraft 2 did, but not in Ubuntu19:07
abe@DasEi my sound was not working because the plug was not in :) it is working now19:07
gobbeleello: tar and bz and compression19:07
gobbeleello: so uncompress it19:07
gobbeleello: bzip2 and tar19:08
DasEileello: I guess you ask about compiling,not just unpacking.. no other source ?19:08
abe@DasEi thanks for your help19:08
codyI don't own ANY of the original Starcraft games, i'd like to know before I waste $2019:08
gsfailegacy grub was clever enough to make a list and let me choose which one i want, even listed in 'microsoft' and 'linux' Os'es. And grub2 dropped to a grub> shell, telling me to hit TAB if i needed help, and ESC if i was in a pre-rage state.19:08
Pici!appdb | cody19:08
ubottucody: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:08
codykk, i'll look at that.19:08
slipp3dcody, ... if your computer was enough to run starcaft2 then it would be enough to run StarCarft one19:08
sacarlsongsfai: it apears you are like installing an install iso on /dev/sda6  is that where you had planed to install from?19:09
gsfaithere is an ubuntu 10.10 installation in /dev/sda619:09
leelloDasEi:Yes, i am trying to install blender from a CD and it is in tar.bz2 format19:09
gsfaiexactly as i was planning19:09
DasEi!compression > leello19:09
ubottuleello, please see my private message19:09
slipp3dPici, he was asking about his video card enough to run starcaft  not if it would run in wine... but i'm sure that link will help him alot19:09
DasEileello: use the repos19:10
Phylockleello: blender is in the reposotory19:10
leelloubottu:how can i do that with irssi19:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:10
slipp3dI thought that was in the repos19:10
DasEileello: it was me,triggering bot19:10
DasEi!brain > leello19:10
ubottuleello, please see my private message19:10
sacarlsongsfai: it also apears that is where grub2 is set as it's root to /boot  so the first kernel is loaded from there I think19:11
DasEileello: you can try in that window yourself without "!" in front, here in channel it triggers factoids19:11
leelloPhylock: i know but i have a very slow connection19:11
gsfaiyes /boot should contain the kernels19:11
nit-witgsfai, without the script being posted we are flailing about I suspect you have mixed grub-legacy and grub2 together this can be fixed.19:11
codyis WoW Wrath of The Lich king a good indicator that Starcraft Brood War will run? cause WotlK runs without shaders perfectly. with shaders, not so much19:12
DasEileello: you could compile it,put in view of consistency, use repos (updates, stable sys)19:12
sacarlsongsfai: well I tried that with a single disk and failed,  it seem I couldn't install ubuntu from the same disk even with multi partitions,  I think it's a bug19:12
DasEileello: it's not just unpacking,but also compiling, which can bork your apt in worse cases19:12
langvannrooks: How do i turn on debugging ?19:12
gsfainit-wit: i... formatted it, grub legacy could ninja-dodge a format?19:13
slipp3dcody, it will run ... if it will run on my old system (6 year old computer) i'm sure that it would run on that computer19:13
slipp3dcody, but you might want to read the winedb to make sure how to get it running19:13
rookslangvann, some swithces in /etc/default or somehwere around, you have to goggle o n that , i dont rememer19:13
langvannDec 29 19:53:53 server in.tftpd[13292]: tftp: client does not accept options19:14
sacarlsongsfai: I was also unable to get the loop mount to work in grub2 even though I saw example that they said worked,  it didn't work for me,  I ended up extracting the conents of iso and copy to a partition19:15
abeCan we get Ubuntu to run on iPad?19:16
DasEi!ipod | abe19:16
ubottuabe: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:16
DasEiabe: errrm, table-pc ?19:16
nit-witgsfai, post the script if you want my help19:17
Pawmaniacabe: nice question, i would consul hack a day19:17
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dev001guess not ...19:17
Pawmaniacabe: http://hackaday.com/19:18
sacarlsonnit_wit: you need the script gsfai posted?  he sent it already http://gsfai.pastebin.com/PT1sVH6E19:18
nirazioIs there an FTP client (GUI) that will let me search for text inside files?19:18
abe@Pawmaniac it upsets me that the amount of tech inside iPad and u can't run flash.  I will check hackaday thanks.19:18
KM0201nirazio: filezilla?19:18
nirazioI already use Filezilla, but while it allows you to search for file names, I haven't found any function in it for searching for text within files...19:19
Pawmaniacabe: i got ubuntu on my PS3 through them19:19
sam-_-nirazio, it would have to download all the files19:19
abe@Pawmaniac yes i have heard ubuntu on PS3. You can actual convert your PS3 to be a supercomputer to run very complex modules by installing Federo.  There was this nice articles on Digg.19:20
IConrad01Need help here!  I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 -- and now my compiz settings are all gone.  Can't even enable desktop effects.  And yet, amdcccle claims to be working normally and fglrx is installed properly... ???19:20
shcherbakabe: do you know how to open ipad? i mean phisically?19:20
Pawmaniacabe: they love hacking apple products19:20
sacarlsonnirazio: can't you just ssh in and try grep "the text you want" *19:20
Blueeyezneed help to install ubuntu on my laptop, ubuntu can't see my harddrive under installation but under live mode it can (Running live mode ATM)19:20
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ActionParsnipnirazio: mount the FTP and you can search it like any other filesystem you can access19:21
abe@shcherbak i don't19:21
nirazioActionParsnip: How to mount the FTP??19:21
StaRetjiIs there a way to fake EDID sent from monitor. I have Ubuntu on ARM and it seems that it can display only max res sent by edid.19:21
Pawmaniacabe: funny me and my cousin are considering making a PS3 supercomputer... flippantly19:21
ActionParsnip!mount | nirazio19:21
ubottunirazio: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:21
sacarlsonnirazio: I think nautilus supports ftp19:22
IConrad01Blueeyez: At terminal, execute: " ls /dev/ | grep sda  " -- what's the result?19:22
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ActionParsnipsacarlson: nice one, nirazio use nautilus to connect to the server19:22
IConrad01Anybody?  No desktop effects upon upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 ... fglrx claims it's working properly?19:22
Entelinis there instructions somewhere on how to upgrade a package to one in Natty?  theres a fix there for hylafax which apparently fixes an issue I am seeing19:23
sacarlsonnirazio: Places>Connect to server>ftp19:23
Pawmaniacabe: we where going to parallel sequence 4 PS3's together19:23
ActionParsnipIConrad01: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install     the driver package name (or remove the driver package then reinstall it)19:23
IConrad01ActionParsnip: fglrx.  It's working.19:23
ActionParsnipIConrad01: i'd ask in #compiz then19:23
IConrad01Well, that's just it -- I can't get compiz to even start up.19:24
IConrad01No desktop effects at all.19:24
ActionParsnipIConrad01: yes, compiz gives the effects. If the 3d accelleration is available (as the driver is running as you say) then compiz is going weird19:24
sacarlsonIConrad01: you need a video driver that support it19:24
IConrad01sacarlson: Like fglrx.  I know.  I had Compiz running on 10.04.19:25
IConrad01I lost it on 10.10 but fglrx claims to be running.19:25
sacarlsonIConrad01: maybe take a peak in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file and see why it didn't start19:26
nit-witgsfai, can you read the script yourself, do you see menu.list and grub.cfg in the boot section of the Ubuntu partition?19:27
BluesKajIConrad01, have you done sudo apt-get update since upgrading19:27
oogaBack to my original question: anyone have experience installing 10.10 on a Gigabyte P55A-UD3?19:27
IConrad01BluesKaj: Yes.  Repeatedly.19:27
ActionParsnipooga: the board is fairly obscure, which particular component of it are you having issue with19:27
ActionParsnipooga: also check www.ubuntuhcl.org19:28
sacarlsonnit-wit: I thougt gsfai: was using grub2?19:28
shcherbakIConrad01: compiz --replace, install ccsm and fusion icom19:28
IConrad01I have ccsm19:28
shcherbakIConrad01: and you open ati center?19:29
IConrad01shcherbak: Yes.19:29
ActionParsnipIConrad01: if you run:   compiz --replace   in a terminal, it will give clues19:29
oogaActionParsnip: none yet ... it the board that a local computer shop is using and I'm trying to find out if there are any issues ... I have found no cons searching it on google ...19:29
shcherbakIConrad01: so what does compiz --replace?19:29
IConrad01Nothing that looks like errors show up.19:29
sacarlsonnit-wit: sorry brain fart19:29
IConrad01I just lose window-dressings.  (I was using Emerald)19:29
oogaActionParsnip: so, I thought I'd ask here ...19:30
ActionParsnipooga: find out what chips it uses, then find guides and the like based on that19:30
ricoshadyanyone have ideas on those console errors, what they might mean? http://imagebin.org/13008219:30
shcherbakIConrad01: emerald --replace, as far as i know metacity do not do emerald19:30
eriksamchisenquestion about upgrading from 10.10 to 11.0419:31
IConrad01Yeah, that doesn't do anything.  *SHOULD* -- doesn't.19:31
oogaActionParsnip: Intel P55 ... replacment for the P45 ... again, no cons as far as I can tell ...19:31
DasEieriksamchisen: ask ..19:31
eriksamchisenwhenever I've tried it finishes, but when I restart nothing comes up19:32
IConrad01Fuggit, try another reboot with reinstall of fglrx.  If this doesn't work... fresh reinstall it is.19:32
IConrad01God dammit.19:32
PawmaniacIConrad01: i wan't paying attention to this coversation but do you have CCSM?19:32
trippshello. update manager is asking me if I want to remove obsolete package laptop-mode-tools. Since when did this become obsolete?19:32
nit-witsacarlson, we wont know that until we see the script, with thier loving attachment to grub-legacy and a bricked computer the bootscript is the genies lamp here it will tell all.:)19:32
shcherbakIConrad01: so you have compiz with effects, but none of decorations?19:32
nottlerik nothing comes up or screen is black ?19:32
eriksamchisenscreen is black and nothing happens19:32
nottlrestart and hold shift19:32
nottlhit e when boot options comes up19:33
Tetsuo55hello, does anyone know how i can force the panels to resort themselves? they are continually messing up because im switching between high and low resolution displays19:33
gsfainit-wit: excuse me but i dont understand anything19:33
eriksamchisenwhat will that do?19:33
aeon-ltd!panels | Tetsuo5519:33
ubottuTetsuo55: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:33
nottlenter nomodeset and see if the video works19:33
gsfaiim not used in this grub219:33
sacarlsonnit-wit: the data given in what he sent already looks like it's imposibe,  seems he is attempting to boot an install from hd from an iso file19:33
DasEieriksamchisen: put nick in when replying to someone; reconfigure graphics19:33
eriksamchisennottl   what will that do?19:34
shcherbakTetsuo55: make sure to lock applets to panel (or unlock some to see how it works)19:34
sacarlsongsfai: was the option to install a real ubuntu instead of a install on /dev/sda6 not posible?19:34
Tetsuo55ok it worked19:34
nit-witsacarlson, I really don't care to be honest, I can only suggest a look at the whole set up with a script that takes less then a minute to run and pastebin19:34
Tetsuo55can i make a desktop shortcut for that?19:35
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ActionParsnipTetsuo55: sure, make a bash script19:35
gsfaia real ubuntu?19:35
EntelinNatty is the testing release correct?19:35
KM0201Entelin: yes19:35
ActionParsnipEntelin: yes, its not released and not stable19:35
shcherbakEntelin: all mouning on #ubuntu+119:36
Tetsuo55ok ill google how to make a bash script19:36
sacarlsongsfai:  nit-wit would like the /boot/grub/menu.lst pastebin19:36
MangledBodyHi everybody! Can anyone tell me how I can find if there is DMA turned on on my computer??19:36
ActionParsnipTetsuo55: I can make it if you like19:36
unknown__How can i restore my wifidrivers to the original ones?19:36
gsfaisacarlson: if i had a menu.lst, i wouldn't be here19:37
DasEiMangledBody: can try via hdparm, and ,not sure if I remeber right, smartctl19:37
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* KM0201 misses menu.lst :(19:37
MangledBodyDasEi: Hi! In Terminal, or it's a downloadable prgram?19:38
gsfaiKM0201: you have NO idea :(19:38
DasEiMangledBody: both, apt-get install hdparm19:38
sacarlsongsfai: I see the file on my system and I run grub2 is that just a remnent of what I used to run?19:38
DasEiMangledBody: read the manpage carefully, some options are harmfull19:38
MangledBodyDasEi: OK, I have hdparm, uder what can I see it?19:38
ActionParsnipTetsuo55: http://pastebin.com/7sKpyYX019:39
gsfaisacarlson: yes19:39
DasEiMangledBody: man hdparm19:39
ActionParsnipKM0201: grub legacy has a lot of shortcomings19:39
MangledBodyDasEi: I don't want to change anything yet... OK man19:39
gsfaiok, lets change plans19:39
nit-witgsfai, so what is keeping you from booting a cd and running the script and posting it. here is what mine looks like.  http://www.codepad.eu/view/9560810319:39
sacarlsongsfai: what method did you use to install the ubuntu on /dev/sda6?19:39
gsfaihow do i wipe out grub219:39
sergiuszjoin #linux.pl19:39
gsfaiand install grub legacy?19:39
DasEiMangledBody:  hdparm -d /dev/sdXX19:39
KM0201ActionParsnip: i know... but it was kinda like my first car, i knew how to fix it easily, and generally it wasn't to painful.. and much like grub-legacy and my car.. it hurt when it left19:39
gsfainit-wit: im from a bootable pc, and i posted the pastebin a few thousand lines ago19:40
DasEiMangledBody: ^ shall tell current status19:40
langvannrooks: it doesnt seem like it tries to load nfs at all19:40
Tetsuo55ActionParsnip: thanks19:40
MangledBodyDasEi: That simply view if it's PIO, or DMA, yes?19:40
sacarlsongsfai: after it's installed you can apt-get install grub-legacy19:40
MangledBodyDasEi:  Thanks19:40
AmtraskHello, is there a way to join Ubuntu to a windows domain, so that the username/passwords can be used on an Ubuntu machine?19:40
DasEiMangledBody: dma19:40
ActionParsnipTerminator: scripts like that make life VERY easy in linux19:40
langvannit just tries to boot, but it cant do /scripts/init-premount/, it just panics.19:40
langvannisnt it supposed to be running scripts/nfs-premount ?19:41
gsfainit-wit: http://gsfai.pastebin.com/PT1sVH6E <-- thats the output from the script you gave me, i pasted the output a few minutes ago but you missed it19:41
nit-witgsfai, It may be here but tab my nick and the pastebin again I don't see it I'm helping several people.19:41
rookslangvann, did you put nfs modules into initrd?19:41
langvanni've been putting "net" as a module19:41
MangledBodyDasEi: Thank you, I'll leave now19:42
langvannits supposed to be "netboot"19:42
rookslangvann, 'this is why you fail' :P19:42
langvannThis is why we cant have nice things19:42
langvannbrb, mkinitramfs19:42
AmtraskHello, is there a way to join Ubuntu to a windows domain, so that the username/passwords can be used on an Ubuntu machine?19:42
gsfainit-wit: so is there a way to remove every single trace of grub2 from my HDD, and install the old and good grub 1?19:43
nit-witgsfai, first your missing this in the sda6 /boot/grub/grub.cfg boot line look at mine19:43
sacarlsongsfai: I'm sorry it's 2:43am here I made a mistake the loop mount I saw what the cdrom the you had booted from to run the script,  I see no errors19:43
gsfainit-wit: i dont have any grub.cfg, i only have a grubenv, which looks like a result of what happens if you let a 3 year old child touch the keyboard... ######################19:44
gusgInside of Nautilus, is there anyway I can access the string path of my current location?19:45
sacarlsongsfai: is there a diretory /boot/grub ?19:45
ActionParsnipgusg: press CTRL+L19:45
gsfaisacarlson: yes containing 190 files19:45
gusgActionParsnip: awesome! thank you19:46
Drew151Hello. I'm new to Linux. Can i download it to an external HDD?19:46
gsfaifirst of all, it would be really convinient if i managed to boot from the actual installation...19:46
aeon-ltdDrew151: yes, but do you mean install not download19:46
gsfaiso, what do i have to type in grub shell to get in it?19:46
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ActionParsnipDrew151: you can use usb-creator or unetbootin to install to a USB storage19:48
annecyanybody know why my nice new ubuntu font isn't fully hinted in Firefox and Qt apps?19:48
Drew151um, yah. you'll have to forgive me. I'm pretty good with computers, but this is the first time I've really gotten into more advanced stuff. I don't know any of the jargon and stufff/19:48
rookslangvann, i might be off, so if you wanna somehting pm me19:48
ActionParsnipannecy: you havent got fully updated yet maybe19:48
nit-witgsfai, here is a link to chroot in to remove grub2 and reinstall it or grub-legacy. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109919:48
ActionParsnipannecy: what does 'hinted' mean?19:49
gusgDrew151: he just named some programs. I think you should search for those names19:49
StaRetjiIs there a way to fake EDID sent from monitor. I have Ubuntu on ARM and it seems that it can display only max res sent by edid.19:50
annecyActionParsnip: in gnome-appearance-properties under fonts->details there  are the hinting options19:50
ActionParsnipannecy: ahh, i see. Not sure. Never played with that stuff19:51
ActionParsnipStaRetji: use an xorg.conf file and it will be obeyed19:51
sacarlsongsfai: did you try something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/547404/19:52
annecyActionParsnip: have a go! certain fonts look way better fully hinted ie the free ones19:52
Drew151Thanks. I'll probably be droping in more often. if this isn't the place for asking for newbie advice I'll leave.19:52
StaRetjiActionParsnip: Thx for reply. I'm using it, but it wont listen19:53
sacarlsongsfai: change the mount in that to sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt19:53
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ka1serStaRetji: you should be able to configure it through kernel boot parameters... something like omapdss.hdmicode=x omapdss.hdmimode=x19:53
trendhow can I install either dpkg or apt-get if they aren't already :/19:53
aeon-ltdtrend: build it?19:53
StaRetjika1ser: thx, it sounds like it could help19:53
guntbertDrew151: this IS the ubuntu support channel, feel free to stay, listen, ask.... (just be patient please :-))19:54
bergqvistjlgod why do i kill forum threads why I reply to them.19:54
gsfaisacarlson: i am on my way for something different :)19:54
gsfainit-wit: thanks for that forum topic, i think im going to get a solution at last!19:54
trendaeon-ltd ehh, was hoping that wasn't the easiest way.. but prob is19:54
trendthanks :019:54
ActionParsnipannecy: all looks fine to me dude. Do you have 3D accelleration running?19:54
Drew151I will. I've learned my lessons from other IRCs that....didn't go so well.19:54
ActionParsnipStaRetji: then check /var/log/Xorg.0.log   to see whats going on19:55
bergqvistjlSkaperen are you there per chance?19:55
emmy touchpad keeps scrolling when i rest my hand on it.19:55
emit's too sensitive19:55
emis there a way to adjust the sensitivity of the touchpad?19:55
guntbertDrew151: we try to stay friendly ... :-)19:55
langvannrooks: I've gotten a little further. But now I get "ifconfig; IOCBLABLA No such device"19:55
langvannSeems like it wont load the network driver19:55
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nit-witgsfai, look in the signature of the author for all things grub2 it is actually easier but there is a learning curve.19:55
ActionParsnipem: is the system a Sony Vaio?19:55
StaRetjiActionParsnip: I know exactly what is going on, gpu takes max edid sent from monitor, it is by design (pandaboard) so I have to trick it somehow)19:55
Drew151thanks. well, I got to go. I might be around tommorow.19:56
emno it's an hp pavillion19:56
ActionParsnipem: what model?19:56
BookieCan anyone help with an install problem?19:56
emHP Pavilion dv619:56
ka1serhmm so it is pandaboard... omapdss should be there =)19:56
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StaRetjika1ser: Do you have some links for it, thx dude19:56
ActionParsnipStaRetji: xorg.conf will override EDID, sounds like your file is lacking19:56
guntbert!ask | Bookie19:57
ubottuBookie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:57
Wally______Hi can some one take a look at this and see if they can point me in the right direction19:57
StaRetjiActionParsnip: same file force that on intel gpu, but on arm cortex it wont. Can you show me example of the xorg,.conf Thank you so much19:57
ka1serStaRetji: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Bootargs_for_enabling_display19:57
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LunganHow do i reinstall my wifi driver in ubuntu?19:58
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crimsunLungan: the driver itself is in the kernel19:58
Tetsuo55i have not had any updates come in since christmas, no updates? or problem?19:58
BookieThanks. I'm attempting to install10.10. I get as far as time zone and it stops19:58
Lungancrimsun, How do I reeinstall it then?19:58
crimsunLungan: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r)19:58
ka1serI don't think it will override it on ubuntu pandaboard releases by now =)19:59
Lungancrimsun, I tried to patch the driver end then ending up with a driver which disconnects me all the time19:59
ActionParsnipem: echo "options psmouse proto=exps" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf; sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse         should sort it19:59
aeon-ltdWally______: this is unrealted to pointing you in that direction, but isn't there anoother kernel that works if you don't have X set up? or even a virtual treminal?20:00
bergqvistjlI have come to the conclusion that Mythbuntu 10.10 is sadly a POS. A shadow of its former self in terms of quality and stability20:00
ActionParsnipem: source; http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160022120:00
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aeon-ltdbergqvistjl: too many flavours of linux, not enough devs to maintain :(20:01
Alestan1hey, i've got a toshiba laptop running ubuntu 10.10 with network trouble:  i can connect to a visible wireless network with no encryption or security, but i can't connect to a visible one with wpa2 security20:01
guntbertWally______: did you see http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/   for how to set up a chroot environment?20:01
gsfai_nit-wit, thanks a TON, i managed to boot into my new good installation, via grub legacy20:01
eyecreateis it possible to install ubuntu 10.10 in a loopback parition on another linux partition? (like lubi was) how would you do this?20:01
Alestan1is this a known issue with network-manager?20:01
Lungancrimsun, after writing that in terminal, will the wifidriver be as the one I had when i installed 10.10?20:01
Wally______aeon-ltd,  No.  No kernels will boot. :(20:01
viceRoy_28which flavor of linux is most impressive? i'm new20:01
aeon-ltdWally______: then isn't that a bigger problem that nvidia and X?20:02
Wally______guntbert, I will look at that.  Thank you20:02
ActionParsnipviceRoy_28: depends what impresses you, the question is too vague20:02
vectoryviceRoy_28: ubuntu with uts 20000+ packages is quite impressive20:02
Wally______When ever x tries to load it just freezes up.20:02
aeon-ltdviceRoy_28: thats too subjective, they all offer a lot of freedom (well those that supply server/minimal/raw installs anyway20:02
Wally______it could be bigger20:02
sacarlsonbergqvistjl: I tried mythbuntu or myth the package around 8.04 but only got about 10% to work then,  I thought it was my tuner card20:02
nirazioIs there a way to find out which package was responsible for a Dependecy PackageInstallation?20:02
Wally______I may just reinstall20:02
guntbertWally______: look at the mount --bind    lines20:02
Wally______ok guntbert Ill will give that a try brb20:03
geogeeki have a question open source in generale , where could i ask this kind of questions ??20:03
nit-witgsfai_, cool I don't like legacy but to each their own eh.:)20:03
vectorynirazio: good question20:03
guntbertgeogeek: you could start in #ubuntu-offtopic20:04
StaRetjika1ser: tgabk you so much :)20:04
StaRetjika1ser: thank you* hehe20:04
geogeekguntbert: thanks too much :)20:04
ActionParsnipviceRoy_28: i suggest you grab Ubuntu and learn the OS some, then branch out from there20:05
ka1serStaRetji: np... but you should give it a try first... I remember a friend trying same and he was not able to change 1080p20:05
SweetumsI seem to be having an issue where ndbd is not strating using 'start nbbd' but does start when running the exact same command in the upstart script manually. How do I go about troubleshooting something like that?20:06
pjdelporti'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 from a flash drive (created using usb-creator)20:06
pjdelportand running into some problems20:06
pjdelporti can get my computer to boot it, but after booting into the installer, it reports failure to mount the installation CD-ROM / media20:07
ActionParsnippjdelport: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred?20:07
nit-witpjdelport, are you booting the cd or trying to install inside of Windows20:08
pjdelportthe flash drive works; i've installed newer machines with it; my home machine is a bit older, so i suspect it might not support booting from USB in the same way as newer machines20:08
StaRetjika1ser: no problem, will try. I'm having problem with mac resolutions on monitors, I want to force it to 1024x76820:08
pjdelportnit-wit: booting from the USB drive20:08
pjdelportActionParsnip: and yeah, i did20:08
pjdelportnit-wit: the machine currently has FreeBSD installed, but that shouldn't really matter20:09
ActionParsnippjdelport: you can test it before the desktop loads, you can also test test the RAM there too20:09
nit-witpjdelport, open gparted and take a screen shot ans post the image link20:09
SpreadsheetWhenever I wget a URL with a ? it tries to match the ?20:09
ka1serI see20:09
pjdelportnit-wit: gparted of what?20:09
SpreadsheetBecause ? is a matching character in zsh (bash too, likely)20:09
PiciSpreadsheet: Surround the URL with double quotes.20:09
CoJaBoHow do I disable the "automatically boot the default OS before the monitor warms up" option in GRUB2?20:09
rmrfslashIs vga_switcheroo supposed to be in 10.10 (as suggested by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics)20:09
SpreadsheetPicl: thans20:09
nit-witpjdelport, gparted is the partitioner on the live cd20:10
oogaOk ... off to get the new box ... downloading kubuntu now ...20:10
nit-witpjdelport, menu-system-admin-gparted20:10
oogawish me luci20:10
pjdelportnit-wit: i only have the desktop installation CD on the USB stick, not the live CD20:10
vectorySpreadsheet: lol, we aint no sed interpreters20:10
pjdelport(i wrote it at work; i'm at home now)20:10
nit-witpjdelport, same thing20:10
vectory- spreadsheet, soz wrong hl20:11
nit-witpjdelport, you have or have not used the usb to boot to a live Ubuntu enviroment20:11
pjdelportnit-wit: i can't get further than the initial installation menu when booted from the USB drive; that's the problem20:11
ijustamso, gdm, X and nvidia drivers all walk into a bar20:12
ijustamand the nvidia drivers punch X and gdm in the face20:12
ijustamand run out, without paying its tab20:12
pjdelportthe computer must recognize the USB drive to boot from it, but once booted, Ubuntu doesn't seem to find it again20:12
jasonoHey everyone. Letting you know that Jono Bacon has a Live stream now. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/severed-fifth-live-in-the-studio20:12
Mooseeeeeyis anyone available to help me with a problem20:13
ActionParsnip!ot | jasono20:13
ubottujasono: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:13
ActionParsnipMooseeeeey: ask away20:13
Mooseeeeeyok, so I have a(very) old Nvidia geforce mx400 gfx card20:13
jasonoSorry, more people here.20:13
MooseeeeeyI went to the site and dl'd the driver for linux-32bit20:14
nit-witpjdelport, you mean the try or install menu? power on the computer immediately hold down the shift key to get to the first try or install menu hit f6 tick nomodeset the crtl+x to boot20:14
ActionParsnip!nvidia | Mooseeeeey20:14
ubottuMooseeeeey: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:14
ActionParsnipMooseeeeey: you dont need the file from nvidia20:14
Mooseeeeeyok going now20:14
pjdelportnit-wit: aha; what does the nomodeset do?20:15
nit-witpjdelport, low graphics mode20:15
pjdelportnit-wit: hmm, i don't think that's the problem20:15
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nit-witpjdelport, your description is hard to decipher open a dialogue if you like and we can talk easier20:16
trendI need to get a dozen or so x11 lib files (ones mentioned here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2273534/how-to-install-wkhtmltopdf-on-a-linux-based-web-server/2882679#2882679) how can I get them with out installing x11?20:16
pjdelportnit-wit: the graphics work fine; the problem is just that Ubuntu doesn't find the USB drive (installation media) once booted20:17
LunganMy internet keeps disconnects me every 5 seconds, how can I reinstall my wifi with drivers and everything? In the tray it says that i'm connected, but internet doesn't work20:17
guntbertnit-wit: please keep support conversations in the channel (if possible)20:17
pjdelportin other words, when you try to install, check the media, or boot into rescue mode, the "Detect installation CD-ROM" step fails20:18
nit-witguntbert, thats not a problem but the description is confusing20:18
Nexxusi downloaded firestarter and it overcomplicated my iptables config file how do i start over on ipatables so i can just have a few rules in it?20:18
oogaone last question: Does the 64 bit version of kubuntu only work on AMD pocessors?20:20
pjdelportnit-wit: i suspect the problem may be that this computer's BIOS exposes the USB drive differently than what Ubuntu expects20:20
ActionParsnipNexxus: you can use iptables -F   to flush the rules, or you can restore your backup if you made one20:20
popeyooga: no20:20
pjdelporte.g. as an emulated hard drive instead of an emulated CD-ROM drive20:21
ActionParsnipooga: it runs on intel 64bit too20:21
popeyooga: its just called AMD64 because AMD created the architecture first so they named it20:21
pjdelporti'm not fully familiar with the details of USB booting20:21
karlo94anybody know how I can see more information about some file ?20:21
popeykarlo94: what kind of file?20:21
oogapopey: Thank you! Scared me for a sec ...20:21
karlo94popey, every :D20:21
CoJaBonvm, found it20:22
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guntbertKardos_: try: file <thatfile>20:22
sacarlsonpjdelport: does this system have more than one hard disk?20:22
popeykarlo94: the file command can be used to figure out what a file is - type file <filename> in a terminal20:22
oogaok ... now Re-re-starting the download of kubuntu 64 bit ... going out for new box ... wish me luck ...20:22
ActionParsnipooga: remember to md5 test the iso ;)20:22
pjdelportsacarlson: at the moment, yes; would that make any difference?20:22
LunganMy internet keeps disconnects me every 5 seconds, how can I reinstall my wifi with drivers and everything? In the tray it says that i'm connected, but internet doesn't work20:23
richthegeekhi - my Xorg is suddenly using lots of CPU when the screen changes quickly (Sudoku completion anim, for example) - any idea why?20:23
pjdelportsacarlson: i think this failure is happening before any hard disk access happens20:23
sacarlsonpjdelport: and the other linux is still working,  then yes you could install with this method https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux20:23
X2864guntbert, is there a commandline app to see all the metadata of a file ?20:23
sacarlsonpjdelport: it will move the installer onto one of the hard disk partitions,  you will need two free partitions,  one for the installed on a different drive and another patition to install to20:24
guntbertX2864: meta-data? try stat <filename> or as suggested above use file20:24
pjdelportsacarlson: the current installation (that i'm booted into now) is actually FreeBSD20:24
grkbloodim trying to install divfix and the download link is some .ymp file, what do i do with that file?20:25
sacarlsonpjdelport: that should be fine20:25
MrUnagianyone want to help me figure out why i can upload via sftp but sshfs gives file permission errors?20:25
sacarlsonpjdelport: I could be wrong but it can mount iso files in freebsd can't it?20:25
pjdelportmy plan was actually to boot into the USB drive and move the last of my data off of the main drive (onto one of the others) before i nuke and dedicate it to Ubuntu20:25
karlopopey, but I wanna know files informatons like: when it was made, who made it, maybe ip of computer on it is made, OS of that computer, and else.........20:26
X2864meta data as in file properties20:26
richthegeekkarlo: most of that stuff isn't stored in any way20:26
sacarlsonpjdelport: well the option of usb seems to be out,  or is it?20:26
popeykarlo: depends if that data is in the file and the file type - hence me asing what kind of file20:26
PiciX2864: Which properties are you exactly trying to find?20:26
LunganMy internet keeps disconnects me every 5 seconds, how can I reinstall my wifi with drivers and everything? In the tray it says that i'm connected, but internet doesn't work20:26
sacarlsonpjdelport: onother option that I have never used is plop boot loader20:26
richthegeekLungan: do you have the option to try a different Wireless dongle/card?20:27
karlopopey, I'm just looking for a program that reads extra info about file..20:27
sacarlsonpjdelport: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html20:27
pjdelportsacarlson: well, i haven't discounted the USB option yet20:27
popeykarlo: yeah, you'll get more help if you're more specific about the kinds of files20:27
richthegeekhi - my Xorg is suddenly using lots of CPU when the screen changes quickly (Sudoku completion anim, for example) - any idea why?20:27
Lunganrichthegeek, Nope. I didn't have anyproblem before i tried to patch the driver, and now i keeps disconnect me. so I just whanna reset to originial20:27
pjdelporti'd like to get it working partly for the convenience, and partly to understand what's actually going wrong20:28
richthegeekLungan: link to the tutorial you used to patch the driver?20:28
pjdelportsince it's definitely working some of the way, enough to boot from the USB drive20:28
the_eye_in nautilus I cant open smb://servername only open smb://192.168.x.x , why ?20:28
SuNotisimai reinstalled grub2 some time ago, now i can change everything as usual, only the countdown doesnt work at all. here is my grub.cfg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548620/ and my /etc/default/grub: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548622/20:28
sacarlsonpjdelport: the plop boot manager can be installed I think with your freebsd to the mbr of one of the disks,  then boot and from plop you can select to boot from usb20:28
grkbloodhow do you isntall a ymp file?20:28
richthegeekSuNotisima: try using grub-manager?20:28
pjdelportsacarlson: would that make a difference compared to booting into USB straight from the BIOS?20:29
karlopopey, tnx for trying to help :D ..I gonna try to found myself..20:29
sacarlsonpjdelport: the first I have used and I know that works,  the second plop I tried in virtualbox and it didn't work there but it might work in a real computer20:29
nmvictorI am trying to compile vive but i get the error configure: error: libvte development files are not installed but are required to compile.20:30
SuNotisimarichthegeek: you mean "StartUp-Manager"? tried that, no success20:30
ilpaIs there a service startup file? Where I could add a daemon on startup?20:30
gobbeilpa: rc-files20:30
nmvictorI am trying to compile vive but i get the error[ configure: error: libvte development files are not installed but are required to compile. ] yet i have libvte-dev installed.20:30
mtbearcould someone help me with an install problem ... it bombs out after trying to install base system.  I get the following error message .. the install cannot figure out how to install the base system.  No installable CD was found and no valid mirror was found20:30
ilpathanks gobbe ;)20:30
richthegeekSuNotisima: no, a package literally called "grub-manager" ... might only be available via PPA so check omgubuntu.co.uk for the related article20:30
sacarlsonpjdelport: I thought the problem was that the bios was not booting it?  you think it is something else like maybe the method you programed the usb flash?  does it boot on any other systems?20:30
juliaSers. Ich versuch gerade ein HD Film (Matroska Video) auf meinem Laptop anzusehen. Leider stottert es beim mplayer. Gibts da nen Trick?20:31
ilpagobbe: in /etc20:31
SuNotisimarichthegeek: for grub2?20:31
nmvictormtbear: trying to install via a network?20:31
juliaAh, crap. wrong chan20:31
richthegeeksorry, I mean "grub-customizer"20:31
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LunganMy internet keeps disconnects me every 5 seconds, how can I reinstall my wifi with drivers and everything? In the tray it says that i'm connected, but internet doesn't work20:31
richthegeekSuNotisima: yes, although I use it for BURG (on top of Grub2)20:31
richthegeekLungan: we can't answer that without further information - what tutorial/method did you use to patch yoru driver20:31
pjdelportsacarlson: it boots fine on other systems, yes; i used this same USB drive to install on my workstation at work20:31
gobbeilpa: checkout https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto20:32
Lunganrichthegeek, I posted the tuorial in private, but i probably got disconnected so it didn't reach u20:32
sacarlsonpjdelport: ok then the plop might be worth a try then20:32
administrator_administrator@ubuntu:~$ lspci | grep VGA20:32
administrator_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)20:32
administrator_administrator@ubuntu:~$ glxinfo | grep render20:32
administrator_direct rendering: Yes20:32
administrator_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 915GM GEM 20091221 2009Q4 x86/MMX/SSE220:32
administrator_administrator@ubuntu:~$ grep driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:32
FloodBot2administrator_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:32
bergqvistjloh god now Mythweb just gives a blank page. KILL ME.20:32
tripelbcan I tell if my video card is directx 8 compatible, from ubuntu..20:32
pjdelportsacarlson: the BIOS boots into the USB drive fine20:32
mtbearno using the DVD20:32
pjdelportsacarlson: but once booted, Ubuntu can't seem to find / mount it20:32
Lunganrichthegeek, did you se now in pm?20:32
pjdelportthat's the puzzling bit20:32
administrator_(II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)20:32
administrator_ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 7.020:32
administrator_(II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 1.2.220:33
sacarlsonpjdelport: install it on sdb  and change your bios to boot starting from sdb so you can still go back and boot the way you started20:33
FloodBot2administrator_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:33
administrator_(II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)20:33
nit-witpjdelport, are you a member of the ubunru forums?20:33
sacarlsonpjdelport: or if your brave just install it on sda?20:33
grkbloodso noone has ever used a ymp file?20:33
trendwhere can I find the source to install apt from?20:34
Picitrend: Why do you need to install apt?20:34
richthegeektrend: I assume this is for some other OS? Cos Ubuntu already has apt and apt-source in it's repo20:34
trend:/ I don't have apt installed20:34
trendI don't have dkpg either20:34
pjdelportnit-wit: not a member of the forums, no20:34
Picitrend: What version of Ubuntu are you using and how did you install it?20:35
trendI think the old sys-admin removed it20:35
pjdelportsacarlson: does plop work fine without any other state on the drive?20:35
xubuntuкак скомпилировать игру из инструкции я понял только что её надо типа скомпилировать20:35
Pici!ru | xubuntu20:35
ubottuxubuntu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:35
pjdelportin other words, just dump it to the MBR and there you go?20:35
sacarlsonpjdelport: state on the drive?20:35
trendLinux version (root@build.linode.com) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #1 SMP Tue Nov 10 16:29:17 UTC 200920:35
Diverdudei have inserted the following into ~/.rtorrent.rc : system.method.insert = load.custom, simple, "execute=wget,-P,/home/mythtv/media/torrents/torrentfiles,$argument.0="       .Restarted rtorrent, and then i press ^X and write load.custom=http://somdomain/torrents/name.torrent and press enter, but nothing happens. What am I missing?20:35
nit-witpjdelport, your problem is hard to understand that is all since I'm multi tasking here, thats all. The IRC is good but has limitations20:35
sacarlsonpjdelport: it's just a mbr  it's loaded in the first 512 bytes on a disk20:36
pjdelportsacarlson: yes; some boot managers depend on data in the actual partitions, IINM20:36
pjdelportinstead of being completely self-contained in the MBR20:36
sacarlsonpjdelport: I'm not sure20:36
ijustamman i have never had so much trouble with nvidia drivers before20:36
sacarlsonpjdelport: seems to do alot for a program that fits in only 512 bytes20:37
pjdelportsacarlson: yeah20:37
Picitrend: What does lsb_release -r  say?20:37
ijustamdid nvidia drivers become garbage in the last 6 months or so?20:37
pjdelportsacarlson: the plop description sounds like it stores extra data in the first few blocks before the first partition20:38
sacarlsonpjdelport: the test I ran I got to the boot screen but I couldn't get it to read the usb in virtualbox,  but that sytem was empty20:38
yaaarijustam: working fine for me...what's the trouble?20:38
pjdelportsounds like it may require repartitioning?20:38
gianlucajoin ubuntu-it20:38
Picitrend: Thats not an ubuntu version, What does lsb_release -a say?20:38
ijustami install any nvidia driver and gdm decides to die20:38
sacarlsonpjdelport: ok that make sence, would that be a problem on both drives?20:39
ijustami get this problem: http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=996586520:39
trendPici, oh wow it's centos.. I don't understand why dmesg said ubuntu20:39
trendstrange.. thanks :)20:39
ijustamive about exhausted my options20:39
pjdelportsacarlson: possibly; the other two drives are full of my data20:39
mtbearnmvictor: installing from a DVD and all goes fine untill it reaches the install base system and then I get the error message20:39
Picitrend: Probably the kernel was built on an Ubuntu system.20:39
trendPici, thanks soooo much. I'm on the right path now :)20:40
sacarlsonpjdelport: ok I would think the installer would detect the that space needed was used and do something else like use unused space on the disk?20:40
pjdelportsacarlson: hmm, all i can find so far seems to say that it can back up the sectors that it replaces20:41
sacarlsonpjdelport: you think it made to be used on only blank to start systems?20:41
sacarlsonpjdelport: ok20:41
pjdelportso it does overwrite sectors; i'm not sure what happens if those sectors happen to be important20:42
Maaheswowza, redshift's name is proof in advertising. It makes the screen really really red20:42
sacarlsonpjdelport: cool glad you testing and not me then20:42
richthegeekMaahes: only late at night20:42
mtbearinstall problem from DVD, install stops trying to install the base system20:43
richthegeekMaahes: it rotates from cool blue to warm red throughotu the day20:43
Maahesrichthegeek: I just enabled it20:43
MaahesI am red as hell20:43
Nexxusif i configured my iptables to aloow traffic on a certain port and i run nmap localhost and that returns that they are not open is something wrong?20:43
pjdelportsacarlson: well, it was a pretty good suggestion, thanks20:43
Maahesand why do I have to start this app from the command line?20:43
sacarlsonpjdelport: if it worked it would make old computers that can't boot usb's alive again20:43
Diverdudei have inserted the following into ~/.rtorrent.rc : system.method.insert = load.custom, simple, "execute=wget,-P,/home/mythtv/media/torrents/torrentfiles,$argument.0="       .Restarted rtorrent, and then i press ^X and write load.custom=http://somdomain/torrents/name.torrent and press enter, but nothing happens. What am I missing?20:43
pjdelportis there a way to override or change Ubuntu's idea of where the installation CD-ROM device is once you've booted into the installer?20:44
pjdelportthis problem might just be something silly like the USB drive ending up at a different /dev node than the installer expects20:45
deschlipzickHi, can someone link me a website with an Install tutorial for ventrilo 3.0.520:45
Noianohello guys20:46
Noianocan anyone tell me why the openssh-server has no installation candidate?20:46
Noianops: ubuntu 10.1020:46
DasEiNoiano: just try to install ssh ?20:46
NoianoDasEi, yes20:46
juniourhey how to login as other20:47
ZykoticK9deschlipzick, unless something has change since i last heard, Push-To-Talk on Vent won't work (making it non-useful mostly)20:47
DasEiNoiano: sudo apt-get install ssh20:47
DasEiNoiano: not sh-server, get the dependencies20:47
NoianoDasEi, same thing20:47
juniouri want to loginas other user in ubuntu how can i?20:47
Gallop32Why is this the biggest channel on IRC?20:47
Noianojuniour, use the su command20:47
deschlipzickZykoticK9, aah okay.. thank you20:47
DasEiNoiano: system up to date, no conflicts ?20:47
NoianoDasEi, yes, ugraded from ubuntu 10.0420:48
juniourNaiano it asking for password20:48
pjdelportdoes anyone know where i can find out more about how the installer detects the installation media?20:48
juniouri dont know that20:48
pjdelportthere must be some way to change it20:48
DasEiNoiano: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get install ssh20:49
juniourNoiano which password i have to give there20:49
DasEiNoiano: pastebin the error message, if any20:49
Noianojuniour, you should know it ...otherwise change it using the passswd command20:49
sacarlsonpjdelport: the 4 step procedure to install from linux is fast,  install from hard disk to hard disk makes install faster https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux20:49
Nexxusmy iptables do not seem to save my configuration upon reboot how o i fix this20:49
NoianoDasEi, http://pastebin.com/82v6y1UF20:50
sacarlsonpjdelport: I now keep the entry in my grub so when I ever need to install I just use this method20:50
Gallop32Me not understand why there are 1487 people in here.20:51
Gallop32And 0 speak.20:51
juniourwt the su for20:51
DasEiNoiano: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list20:51
pjdelporti don't have an extra drive/partition for that, though20:51
juniournoiano wt the su for20:51
airman00right now I'm sending UDP packets, and I see in wireshark that 29 bytes are being used for Ethernet layer ( says its between my router and my server). If I remove my router and just connect my server directly to the modem, will that remove the ethernet layer ( aka I'll save 29 bytes)20:51
juniourit asking me passwd20:51
juniour dont know ti20:51
xerxes_supybot xerxes.conf20:52
baggar11airman00: not if you're still using ethernet ;)20:52
NoianoDasEi, http://pastebin.com/aA9b8Ub820:52
airman00isn't ethernet only between the router and the other computers? Is there anyway to remove the ethernet layer but still connect to the internet?20:52
juniourafter typing su which passwd i have to enter20:53
juniourmy loggin passwd or wt?20:53
juniourhelp me20:53
FireSnakemy dwww is broken despite trying to reinstall with sudo apt-get install dwww -- can't access localhost.  What could be wrong?20:53
guntbertjuniour: use sudo, not su20:53
guntbert!sudo | juniour20:54
ubottujuniour: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:54
pjdelportsacarlson: aha! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media#Mounting%20the%20USB%20stick%20as%20/cdrom20:54
pjdelportthat's what i was looking for, i think20:54
baggar11airman00: not if you're connection is using ethernet. ethernet is a form of layer 220:54
bogoshow do i make ubuntu start the X server after booting when there is no display attached at that time?20:54
sacarlsonpjdelport: I'm reading it20:55
airman00baggar11: but a direct connection to the modem ( no router or hub ) even that uses the ethernet layer?20:55
baggar11airman00: other options include frame relay, token ring, etc.20:55
baggar11airman00: of which you aren't using20:55
pjdelporti'll just need to poke around and see where the USB drive actually is20:55
juniourguntberth i am typing su it asking me passwd20:55
pjdelportit must be there somewhere, since it's booted20:55
juniourwhich passwd i have to type20:56
juniourmy logging or wt?20:56
Diverdudei have inserted the following into ~/.rtorrent.rc : system.method.insert = load.custom, simple, "execute=wget,-P,/home/mythtv/media/torrents/torrentfiles,$argument.0="       .Restarted rtorrent, and then i press ^X and write load.custom=http://somdomain/torrents/name.torrent and press enter, but nothing happens. What am I missing?20:56
baggar11airman00: besides the actual physical cable, there is no other layer below ethernet20:56
juniourubottu i am asking abt su command20:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:56
baggar11airman00: you can google OSI Model to find out more, basics of networking...20:56
guntbertjuniour: press <ctrl>c, then start with sudo20:57
Flanneljuniour: su asks for the root password.  The root account is locked, that's why it's recommended you use sudo instead, by default su won't work.20:57
juniourubottu when i type su it asking me passwd which passwd i have to enter my loggin or wt?20:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
sacarlsonpjdelport: what is it saying you needed to intall the alternate cd on the usb for this to work?20:57
DasEiNoiano: seems like the standard-universe repo is missing20:57
airman00baggar11: thanks! I'm reading into it now. Its strange, when i reduce my data from 9 bytes to 3 bytes, the ethernet bytes increases!20:57
NoianoDasEi, can you give it to me?20:57
MooseeeeeyCan anyone help me with installing something?20:57
PablilloIm having problems with the evolution email client20:57
baggar11airman00: your mtu?20:57
magicjoeis there a specific channel to ask about samba questions or do I just ask here?20:58
DasEiNoiano: from what I see onlygotupdate in there20:58
juniourflannel how to unlock it20:58
pjdelportsacarlson: i think that's orthogonal; i just forgot about the extra terminal20:58
DasEiNoiano: yes,second20:58
Flanneljuniour: You don't need to or want to unlock it.  Use sudo instead.20:58
goltoof!ask | Mooseeeeey20:58
ubottuMooseeeeey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:58
pjdelportthe article talks about changing the mount point to solve a different problem than mine, but i should be able to do the same20:58
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:59
intokanyone else have issue getting Braid to run?20:59
MooseeeeeyI have a .bin file for Savage XR (http://www.newerth.com/smf/index.php/topic,259.0.html) and don't know how to install it because I didn't understand the instructions given there.20:59
juniourflannel how to login as other user20:59
magicjoelooking at 'network' in nautilus i see an xp machine on my home network, but when i try to access it, it says it cannot retrieve the list of shares from the server. what am i doing wrong?20:59
Flanneljuniour: Use sudo.  sudo -u username20:59
juniouri wanna to make more user on my system21:00
intokI've got it installed, but trying to run it does nothing, not even an error21:00
vincent_how do you know if you are a linux user with openjdk?21:00
sacarlsonpjdelport: ok alt clt f2  then you can do that?21:00
airman00baggar11: I'm unsure. Is that something I would have set in the code for the socket server? Or a router property?21:00
sacarlsonpjdelport: oh here they say just alt f2,  sounds posible21:00
juniourflannel not work juniour@ubuntu:~$ sudo -u shubham21:00
junioursudo: unknown user: shubham21:00
DasEiNoiano: also there are -commented-mixes with partner-repos, open sources.list as root and save it under a different name,new one coming21:01
baggar11airman00: for total frame size21:01
deschlipzickWorks Teamspeak with Ubuntu 10.10??21:01
=== PePPeRoNi is now known as Guest71715
airman00oh total frame is 60 bytes21:01
=== Guest30949 is now known as share
airman00according to wireshark21:01
=== share is now known as Guest41332
magicjoejuniour: you can create a new user using the GUI and it is very easy. just click system> Administration> Users and Groups21:02
DasEiNoiano: got it so far ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/548638/21:03
airman00baggar11: but im unsure how to find out my mtu21:03
pjdelportsacarlson: i just found this, which seems to describe my problem better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99902221:03
ellafter setting up dual monitors21:03
pjdelportnot sure why it's still happening with 10.10, but it might just be that this BIOS is weird21:03
magicjoejuniour: pretty self explanitory from there, but if you want to include files in the new users home directory, and any other new user to have the same, without having to add the files manually, add them into /etc/skel21:03
elli wanted each screen to have its own workspace21:04
baggar11airman00: ifconfig21:04
ralliasI'm getting an error when attempting to boot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548639/ How do I fix it?21:04
ellso i created the xorg.conf file21:04
elland now21:04
DasEiNoiano: use this as whole sources list, keep old one, case you miss anything special, cann add it later, safe as new sources.list and..21:04
ijustami was having all these problems21:04
baggar11airman00: listed as MTU:1500 or something similar21:04
magicjoejuniour: then every new user will have the specified files/directories in their home directory21:04
ijustami thought god forgot about me21:04
ellit doesn't get back to the login screen21:04
pjdelportgoing to reboot and try that21:04
ijustambut in the end, the problem is that my monitor wasn't fit properly21:04
guntbert!ot | ijustam21:04
ubottuijustam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:04
ijustamthanks for the update, im just closing up my ubuntu-related issues21:05
vincent_where can I find the 'regular java 6 from sun/oracle'? it's not in my synaptic packet manager :(21:05
ralliasvincent_ search sun java21:05
juniourmagicjoe thanks21:05
airman00baggar11: yea its 1500. Why?21:05
DasEiNoiano: you're fine ?21:05
ZykoticK9vincent_, add the partner repo!21:05
ZykoticK9!partner > vincent_21:05
ubottuvincent_, please see my private message21:05
juniourmagicjoe can u tell same via terminal how to do it21:05
NoianoDasEi, I am :)21:05
govielMooseeeeey: http://naiux.wordpress.com/2009/03/29/savage-2-ubuntu-linux-installation-guide/21:05
DasEiNoiano: not ready yet21:06
ell"saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned"21:06
Flanneljuniour: You need to create the user first.  Use adduser, or the Users and Groups GUI21:06
DasEiNoiano: open a new file on desktop, named keys.sh : http://paste.ubuntu.com/548640/21:06
intokso nobody with Braid on Intel GMA900?21:06
DasEiNoiano: save new sources.list, save keys.sh21:07
magicjoejunior: i don't know about doing it from a command line. you can cp /anydir/anyfile /etc/skel/anyfile to set up the files, but just use the GUI to create a new user21:07
ShadowolfJust updated. Can't login and it won't give me a GUI.21:07
NoianoDasEi, thanks I'll take from here :), I can do it ;)21:07
magicjoejuniour: why would you want to do it from the command line if you don't have to?21:07
DasEiNoiano: just tell, if probs (make file executable, run, update..)21:07
NoianoDasEi, ook thanks again, so kind :)21:08
magicjoeShadowolf: have you tried logging in as root, and then startx?21:08
juniourmagicjoe just for learning purpose21:08
mattgyverDoes anyone have any suggested methods of how to image my 9.10 server with a software RAID 1 configuration?21:08
magicjoejuniour: i think someone said it earlier21:08
DasEiNoiano: sudo chmod +x ~/Desktop/keys.sh21:08
juniourmagicjoe i got it21:09
DasEiNoiano:cd  ~/Desktop/21:09
DasEiNoiano: ./keys.sh21:09
Shadowolfmagicjoe I got it to tty, and have finally logged in.21:09
ShadowolfBut do not have gui.21:09
DasEiNoiano: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:09
willebHi! I wounder, I have 10,04 installed and if I install 10.10 does the files in home/username/ disaper?21:09
evilfrogNo, not if you upgrade21:10
nmvictorHow do i install vte? I have found a binary vte-<VERSION>.ubuntu.debian.tar.gz in packages,ubuntu.com but I dont know how to install this package21:10
ZykoticK9willeb, if you fresh install - yes21:10
guntbertjuniour: for learning: look at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ please21:10
DasEinmvictor: what's vte ?21:11
vincent_rallias I don't get anything useful from the search21:11
ellcan anyone help me? I get this message during startup "saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned"21:11
intokTrying to run Braid on a GMA900, crashes with this error: Game Startup Error: Unable to set up graphics. Reason: Failed to initialize OpenGL display. Weird since Osmos plays fine...21:11
vincent_rallias, there's no sun-java6 or anything in it..21:11
magicjoeShadowolf: just type startx21:11
Danielc1234hi all..trying to run this command and get Permission denied still       sudo echo "console output" >> /etc/init.d/nginx21:12
nmvictorDasEi: Gnome Virtual Terminal emulator, apt-cache show libvtee21:12
nmvictorDasEi: Gnome Virtual Terminal emulator, apt-cache show libvte21:12
willebhow do i upgrade insted of installing a fresh copy?21:12
Shadowolfmagicjoe "Fatal server error: no screens found"21:12
ZykoticK9Danielc1234, sudo can not pass through the ">>" thus your PD error, you need to use "tee" instead (sorry I'm not sure how)21:12
vincent_ZykoticK9, I added the partner repo21:13
vincent_but there's no sun java 6 in the list21:13
ZykoticK9vincent_, "sudo apt-get update"21:13
guntbertDanielc1234: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for an explanation21:13
DasEinmvictor: sec, looking for it21:14
magicjoeShadowolf: ok, then you have something bigger than I know how to fix. you need to reinstall the driver for your monitor. the new kernel disabled it. so you need to look at the contents of /etc/modules and add a line in there that declares your monitor type21:14
Jordan_UDanielc1234: Redirection to a file is done by the shell, which is running as your user. So what you're doing is running /bin/echo as root, having and /bin/bash (running as your user) capture the output and try to redirect it to the file.21:14
intokTrying to run Braid on a GMA900, crashes with this error: Game Startup Error: Unable to set up graphics. Reason: Failed to initialize OpenGL display. Weird since Osmos plays fine...21:14
vincent_E=error, what is W?21:14
vincent_W: You may want to run apt-get update...21:14
guntbertvincent_: warning21:14
vincent_there's a warning about duplicate sources.list21:15
magicjoeShadowolf: it could also be in your bootloader though. to help, i need more knowledge maybe someone else in here can help. but we need to know your architecture21:15
JeffJasskyHey, guys. I have an 10.10 LTS server running and I'm getting some errors in regards to disk quotas...21:15
nmvictorDasEi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/maverick/vte , that might help21:15
Danielc1234Jordan_U: I am following a setup article http://library.linode.com/web-servers/nginx/php-fastcgi/ubuntu-10.10-maverick and getting stuck21:15
JeffJassky552-1048575 Kbytes used (99%) - authorized: 1048576 Kb21:15
=== brian is now known as Guest89555
Danielc1234cant I just sign in as root or give my user 'root' priviledges? This is a pain typing in sudo, etc.21:16
=== richard is now known as richardr
magicjoeShadowolf: one thing you may try, is X could be the problem, so try sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak21:16
vincent_ZykoticK9, the warning about duplicate sources.list entry is that important?21:16
guntbert!noroot | Danielc123421:16
ubottuDanielc1234: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:16
magicjoeShadowolf: then try to startx, if it doesn't work, put it all back the way it was by sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:17
ZykoticK9vincent_, not really, it will work with them being there.  You probably added partner twice (or something else)?  It's not critical at all.21:17
PerSeLHello I would like to understand 1 thing... as far as I always hear linux>windows. It's better working with CPU and so... but my laptop on batteries works in linux 1/2 h, in Windows 2-3 (with full contrast)21:17
vincent_ZykoticK9, what about the suggestion to run apt-get update?21:17
Danielc1234ubottu: little confused on that statement. This is my server not fort knox. I would think that was a fair question.21:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:18
abeI want a program to partion my drive21:18
Shadowolfmagicjoe will try that in a second.21:18
ZykoticK9vincent_, it's not going to fix the problem unfortunately, kinda a misleading message.  "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove the duplicate if you wish.21:18
DasEinmvictor: libvte-common shall deliver it21:18
rodarima:O, 1473 personas en ubuntu!! increible jaj21:18
Shadowolfmagicjoe I think you are right. For some reason it is confused about my driver, a version conflict.21:19
DasEinmvictor: what was the initial question ? there are some more providing the lib21:19
Jordan_UDanielc1234: Instead run this: echo "console output" | sudo tee -a /etc/init.d/nginx21:19
Danielc1234Jordan_U: Thanks!21:19
Jordan_UDanielc1234: You're welcome.21:19
magicjoeDanielc1234: hey whats that on the left?21:19
Danielc1234magicjoe: what do you mean?21:20
vincent_ZykoticK9, thx21:20
ZykoticK9vincent_, glad to help.21:20
BernardV!++ ZykoticK9 :)21:21
fenrizdeutsche hier?21:21
vincent_you guys are no longer angry? (you banned me a couple of days ago)21:21
nmvictorDasEi: actually my problem is here [http://pastebin.com/kaetB5eH]21:21
guntbert!de | fenriz21:21
ubottufenriz: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:21
DasEinmvictor: reading21:21
fenrizalles klar21:21
DasEinmvictor: empty paste21:21
nmvictorDasEi: i have libvte-dev installed, have that in mind, fixing...21:22
vincent_ZykoticK9, anyway, there still is no sun java 6 in the list after runnign the apt-get update command21:22
Shadowolfmagicjoe it sas there is no such file or directory.21:22
ericperssonjust installed 10.10 on a laptop, sound, video, wlan all just worked..21:23
ZykoticK9vincent_, from a terminal try "apt-cache search sun-java" to show all Sun Java packages21:23
ericperssonmajor sweetness.. :)21:23
vincent_ZykoticK9, why are those packages not in the synaptic list?21:23
nmvictorDasEi: try that http://pastebin.com/i2Vu1ErH21:24
ZykoticK9vincent_, are you looking for the web plugin?  or the jre / jdk?21:24
derpIt is true that Ubuntu will be on a tablet?21:24
emwhen i switched it to 'make the screen blank' when i close the lid on my laptop. I then closed the lid and when i came back i couldn't get the screen to come back. I had to turn it off.21:24
ericperssonhow can i determine what video driver is used for the x display in 10.10? I want to make sure it doesnt use the slow vesa...21:24
ZykoticK9vincent_, don't know about the synaptic issue... sorry.21:24
vincent_well, I removed the openjdk before21:24
Sergey_ITericpersson, u will see tomorow21:24
vincent_so then it'd be jre, right?21:24
ericperssonSergey_IT: tomorrow?21:25
ZykoticK9vincent_, jre = runtime environment, while jdk = development files21:25
Sergey_ITericpersson? or after*21:25
ericperssonSergey_IT: trying to make a joke? ;)21:25
vincent_I was told to uninstall the openjdk21:25
Sergey_ITericpersson, yes21:26
VCoolioericpersson: try this: grep driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:26
ZykoticK9vincent_, what are you trying to do?21:26
ericperssonSergey_IT: subtle.. :)21:26
vincent_get a client of a server going21:26
vincent_it had weird bugs21:26
magicjoeShadowolf: did you capitalize the X in X11?21:26
shcherbakericpersson: Additional Hardware in menu>preferencies21:27
vincent_weird errors21:27
Danielc1234Jordan_U: you busy?21:27
ZykoticK9vincent_, "client of a server" i don't understand?  is this for a web browser (if so install the plugin)?  is this to run java (if so install the jre)?  is this to develop using java (install the jdk)?21:27
nmvictormaverick came with many input devices issue, first it was the nonsensitive touchpad which i fixed, then the screen whose brightness you wouldnt adjust which im still fixing, my Home,End and PageUp&Dwn keys are still pending. Looks like dumping xorg,conf isnt going down so well, hope Natty will be different.21:27
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ericperssonSergey_IT: seems like its using the inteldriver.. :)21:28
bibic682_hi all21:28
ericperssonshcherbak: thanks.. feeling lost in this point-and-click-stuff..21:28
DasEinmvictor: seems you're not alone : http://tinyurl.com/383v3dz21:28
magicjoeShadowolf: im not sure if disabling X is going to help if you found a driver conflict. you need to add a line in the file /etc/modules that says your videocard type21:28
vincent_ZykoticK9, what is the "regular" java 6?21:28
Sergey_ITericpersson, with ATI video&21:28
ericperssonSergey_IT: no, its an intelcard..21:28
ZykoticK9vincent_, sorry you'd need to be more specific.  they are all "regular"21:29
lvhI'm trying to get a dump of all the contacts on my Nokia phone (symbian based). I do *not* want to sync with evolution since it's not my phone, I'm just trying to backup stuff. What tool should I use?21:29
magicjoeShadowolf: for me its an ati radeon 9200, so i had to put in the line radeon.apg.modeset=1 or something like that21:29
vincent_If so, we recommend you to uninstall the openjdk which is installed by default for ubuntu users for instance, then to install the regular java 6 from sun/oracle.21:29
shcherbakericpersson: not sure, that you have much choice with intel cards21:29
vincent_which was so21:30
ZykoticK9vincent_, ? that doesn't help - i'm not sure if you need jre or jdk - you could try both i guess.21:30
ericperssonshcherbak: it says no proprietary drivers.. but according to the xorg.log its using the intel driver, so it should be fine for normal desktop/browsing use i guess..21:30
nmvictorDasEi: thanks, any known fixes though?21:30
emwhy is it that when i close the lid on my laptop the wifi is disconnected. I dont want that.21:30
vincent_I don't want to develop anything, I just want to use it21:30
Shadowolfmagicjoe "Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module  has version 173.14.28, but this NVIDIA driver componenet has version 260.19.21. Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver ocmponents have the same version.21:30
DasEinmvictor: can't really help there, a sudo apt-get -f install doesn't do either ?21:30
magicjoeShadowolf: that line i just mentioned was in my bootloader, and in modules it was ati-7784 something or other. but at any rate, you need to override the kernel with lines in those two files that are specific for YOUR videocard21:30
BernardVvincent_: ZykoticK9 if your not sure, take the JDK, it's the JRE + some dev tools. But if you only want to execute and don't want to compile, the JRE should be sufficient.21:31
ZykoticK9vincent_, then start with the sun-java6-jre (or if you need it in a web browser, also install sun-java6-plugin)21:31
shcherbakericpersson: intel drivers are quite good (compiz and some gaming - depense how stong is card)21:31
DasEinmvictor: more a try and error, try to install geany, might bring the dev21:31
magicjoeShadowolf: are you on powerpc?21:31
nmvictorDasEi: geany is installed on my system'21:31
Shadowolfmagicjoe no, P421:32
ShadowolfLooks like I get ot have the fun of reinstalling since i have no clue how to do these other things.21:32
nmvictorDasEi: reinstalling21:32
ZykoticK9em, if you have the computer set to go to sleep/hibernate on lid close - then it's going to disable your wireless...21:32
vincent_do you want the UK to be a kingdom or a republic?21:33
magicjoeShadowolf: just checking. don't use the exact line i used, i was just telling you the file you need to change. i don't know the line to add. you need to find the one that is for your video card21:33
richthegeekhi, I've got noise from my speakers whenever the CPU is being used heavily - anyone experienced this before?21:33
emZykoticK9: but i put it on 'blank screen'21:33
vincent_sorry that question doens't really make sense21:33
ZykoticK9em, that's a screen saver setting isn't it?21:33
emZykoticK9: and furthermore, after i closed the lid, and it went blank screen, I came back to it several minutes later and I could not even get the screen to turn back on. I had to turn it off.21:33
nmvictorDasEi: Meanwhile, all this is about an encoder that could output .3gp, know of any? If so, I'd save my self this stress21:33
richthegeekhi, I've got noise from my speakers whenever the CPU is being used heavily - anyone experienced this before?21:34
ZykoticK9em, check your setting in System / Preferences / Power Management.  Best of luck man.21:34
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BernardVnmvictor: ffmpeg can convert to 3gp21:34
bibic682_ This will install java for ubuntu ......   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts21:34
ZykoticK9em, i think you want "do nothing" for lid close21:34
Guest89555@richthegeek  --  you using onboard sound?21:34
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ZykoticK9bibic682, your statement is only true if you've added the partner repository21:35
richthegeekGuest89555: it happens both with the onboard sound and a sound card21:35
emZykoticK9: do nothing is not a choice. the least agressive thing you can set it for is "blank screen'. Otherwise your choices are suspend, hibernate, or shutdown.21:35
bibic682_after installing 9.04 and updates... it works fine21:35
nmvictorBernardV: well this Vive thing I was going to install was supposed to provide a better frontend to do that, or do you know the command?21:35
richthegeekGuest89555: I'll try with a different set of speakers in a bit, but it doesn't occur when the speakers are disconnected from the machine (even when powered on)21:36
bibic682_found it in a forum21:36
Guest89555@richthegeek  --  hmm, strange.  i have only seen this with onboard devices...21:36
vincent_ZykoticK9 thanks I think I got it really well fixed now21:36
magicjoeShadowolf: you might try using what i have mentioned in a google search with your video card in there. chances are, someone else had the same problem when they updated, and have solved it. so search for "add this line to /etc/modules +your videocard"21:36
richthegeekGuest89555: it is a *very* cheap soundcard21:36
nit-witvincent_, how about a socialized UK. :)21:36
Guest89555@richthegeek:  what sound card are you using when not using onboard?21:36
DasEinmvictor: http://tinyurl.com/39264my21:36
richthegeekGuest89555: I'm not sure, all I know is it cost me about £5 on Amazon21:37
ZykoticK9em, what version of ubuntu are you using?21:37
ZykoticK9em, oh you are correct - sorry man, i have no idea21:37
DasEinmvictor: not developed since two years,so bad chance21:37
ShadowolfI don't even remember how to get to an editor from command line.21:37
BernardVnmvictor: Don't know the command.. well not sure, but you could try this: ffmpeg -i inputfile.ext -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec aac -ar 8000 -r 25 -ab32 -y output.3gp21:37
vincent_nit-wit, is being born on the same day as your future king enough reason to be in favor of your kingdom? I'd say yes!21:37
Guest89555ahh gotcha.  it could be that it is not properly shielded from interference21:37
BernardVnmvictor: If I'm correct 3gp has 8kHz sampling for audio...21:37
magicjoeShadowolf: sudo gedit filename21:37
magicjoeShadowolf: wait, no you have no gui!21:38
Dr_Willisgksudo gedit filename   :)21:38
Dr_Willissudo nano filename21:38
vincent_but is it enough reason for the king to have a lot of power?21:38
richthegeekGuest89555: it only started happening recently (related to another issue; high XORG cpu usage during heavy screen change all of a sudden, nvidia drivers) but it's annoying as heck21:38
BernardVnmvictor: Oh maybe add -ac 121:38
nit-witvincent_, well I do miss the colonial empire.21:38
magicjoeShadowolf: sudo pico filename. or sudo vi filename21:38
DasEinmvictor: you need the gp3 on ubuntu or want to generate them fromother formats ?21:38
pjdelportpartial progress21:39
Dr_WillisBernardV:  using the latest winff to convert some stuff to .3gp right now21:39
pjdelportokay, once booted, i can see the USB drive fine as /dev/sdd / /dev/sdd121:39
BernardVDr_Willis: Are the commands I gave a bit like you use?21:39
Guest89555@richthegeek:  i have seen this on an older machine, i believe a northwood based intel box but with ati drivers.  i cant remember the solution however21:39
pjdelporti can mount it, and see the installation files, etc.21:39
deschlipzickDoes it exist a program for Ubuntu, which I can check my download status on Torrent remotely??21:39
BernardVDr_Willis: It's been a while since I used it, so I'm not sure...21:40
Guest89555@richthegeek:  good luck21:40
Dr_WillisBernardV:  winff is generating them.. i can see what command winff uses.. but its like a 5 line command. :) it has all sorts of extra options.21:40
pjdelporthowever, i cannot seem to get the installer's CD-ROM detection to find it21:40
BernardVDr_Willis: ok :P21:40
pjdelporti tried mounting it as /cdrom, /media21:40
Dr_WillisBernardV:  one could check the winff and its pre-sets  I had issues with the latest winff on ubuntu, using the windows version right now since it came with a ffmpeg with all the right options21:40
pjdelportand tried symlinking /dev/cdrom to it (instead of the default sr0)21:40
pjdelportbut no luck21:40
Dr_Willispjdelport:  a cdrom is normally mounted to /media/SOMTHING21:41
nmvictorDasEi: what was the url please, it srolled out of my irssi window and like I said, maverick brought issues like PgDwn and PgUp not working, so please paste the timyurl again, as for your latest query, i want to convert inputfile.otherformat to output,3gp21:41
DasEinmvictor: http://da.vidr.cc/2009/02/28/converting-videos-to-3gp-in-ubuntu-intrepid-810-with-ffmpeg/21:41
pjdelportDr_Willis: this is only for being booted into the Ubuntu install image itself21:41
BernardVDr_Willis: I mostly use the commandline, but lately I only convert to mp4/mkv.. so handbrake.fr is enough21:42
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  you have tried winff yet? I cant install winff due to me using a custom ffmpeg i made.. winff package dont like that.. silly thing.21:42
Dr_Willisanyone off hand recall how to 'force' a pacakge to install? winff : Depends: ffmpeg but it is not going to be installed21:42
pjdelportdoes anyone know more about how the cdrom-detect program works?21:42
DasEinmvictor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375286       , both my ffmpeg, and also mind Dr_willi's hint of winff21:42
Dr_Willisbut i am using my OWN ffmpeg.. so i dont care about what winff wants21:42
Know1edgeHey guys, im trying to pipe some email to php - which works, but i keep getting "The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:" but its blank after it, then includes the original message...Any idea how to fix? im running php -q to supress headers and there is no output in the script21:43
pjdelporthow does it actually detect/mount the installation media?21:43
pjdelportwhere should i mount it so that cdrom-detect will look at and find it?21:43
magicjoeanyone know what is wrong if i can see an XP machine under "network" in nautilus, but cannot connect to it? where do i start?21:43
VCoolioDr_Willis: use checkinstall for your custom ffmpeg so apt knows about it, or install winff manually too, but you're making a mess that way in the end21:44
jingalingHey Joe - does it just time out when u try to connect or do u get a message?21:44
DasEimagicjoe: which protocol ? no fw in win ? share done ? samba, ssh, .. ?21:44
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magicjoeDasEi: i don't get what you mean. i believe its samba21:45
nmvictorDasEi: sorry for the bother again, i missed the link with intrepid while pasting to ubuntu forums one to google chrome, my PgUp PgDwn keys are dead, mind pasting it again? really sorry21:45
DasEimagicjoe: how do you want to connect to the xp box ?21:45
DasEinmvictor: http://da.vidr.cc/2009/02/28/converting-videos-to-3gp-in-ubuntu-intrepid-810-with-ffmpeg/21:45
magicjoeDasEi: with samba21:45
Guest22915hey guys21:46
Guest22915can any1 help with using gpg in the command line21:46
magicjoeDasEi: I see it there, but can't connect. I think its because i set it up initially at my house, now im at my girlfriends house trying to connect to her computer.21:46
nmvictorDasEi: thanks21:47
DasEimagicjoe: you would set up a share(d folder) , and then connect to it : https://www.ccs.uky.edu/docs/samba.htm21:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:47
magicjoeDasEi: so i can see her computer, but it won't connect, and i believe i should be asking about how to let samba work on different networks?21:47
magicjoeDasEi: there are shared folders on the XP machine. i can connect to them from OS X21:47
DasEimagicjoe: that's ubuntu here21:48
Antonishello folks. could someone please help me remove the gnome-panel? I am not able to delete the upper panel and I don't know how to stop it from starting after killing it or upon boot21:48
ShadowolfUgh, i hat vi.21:48
pjdelportdoes cdrom-detect have a project page or something?21:49
pjdelportwhere can i actually find some documentation or source code?21:49
magicjoeDasEi: i understand. im saying the shares work when i am booted into osx, right now, i want to connect to the shares, while booted into ubuntu. which is what i am in right now.21:49
hellboy2783who are you?21:50
DasEimagicjoe: ah, so windows neither has a firewall nor a router ?21:50
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magicjoeDasEi: when i am at my house, i can connect with samba to my xp machines shares. but now at my girlfriends house, i cannot use samba to connect to her xp machine.21:50
hellboy2783i need help installing gnome 321:50
DasEi!support | hellboy278321:50
ubottuhellboy2783: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org21:50
KM0201hellboy2783: not supported yet.... try #gnome21:51
magicjoeDasEi: windows has both a firewall and a router! but its no different of a setup than mine at home.21:51
KM0201hellboy2783: not to mention, it's still beta.. why would you want to install it?21:51
hellboy2783i like to try it21:51
DasEimagicjoe: it is21:51
magicjoeDasEi: so you are saying, i should allow samba somehow through the firewall on the XP machine?21:52
Dr_Willishellboy2783:  may be best to find some demo/live cd.. Im not even sure if its in a testable state yet.21:52
DasEimagicjoe: at your home, it's the same private subnet, for your approach would need portwarding, and I'd rather tell you to use another protocol then21:52
DasEiportforwarding*, magicjoe21:53
hellboy2783i am noob on ubuntu21:54
magicjoeDasEi: ok, as long as i can access the shares from ubuntu, ill be happy. i can get to them from the Mac side of things, but i want to get to them from ubuntu. i don't care how. not messing with samba is better, because then my home stuff will still network fine.21:54
DasEimagicjoe: and your description goes round and round, last said want to use ubu to connect to your home-side xp, latest telling xp to xp, ..21:54
steff12321i need help, pm me anyone please21:54
magicjoeDasEi: where do you get XP to XP from? i never said that!21:55
KM0201steff12321: just ask your question, if someone can help, they will21:55
intokTrying to run Braid on a GMA900, crashes with this error: Game Startup Error: Unable to set up graphics. Reason: Failed to initialize OpenGL display. Weird since Osmos plays fine...21:55
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steff12321this may make me sound like a moron, but how do you install things on ubuntu?21:55
steff12321like external programs21:55
Dr_Willissteff12321:  software center is the normal way21:55
DasEimagicjoe: your home, gf' home : (22:50:37) magicjoe: DasEi: when i am at my house, i can connect with samba to my xp machines shares. but now at my girlfriends house, i cannot use samba to connect to her xp machine.21:55
Dr_Willissteff12321:  external? vs internal? what do you mean. :)21:55
MrKeunerhello, is it possible to run a script upon: 1-screen lock, 2-session logout21:56
racinesI want to be able to put ubuntu linux on my 8GIG USB and be able to plug it into any USB-bootable computer and continue my work. I want to know if a live USB with persistance is better than just installing ubuntu onto a USB?21:56
MrKeunerin gnome?21:56
steff12321like when you download something as a tar.gz21:56
Dr_Willissteff12321:  you compile source code.  a tar.gz is just an 'archive format'21:56
Dr_Willissteff12321:  it could be most anything in there.21:56
steff12321DR_Willis can you do me a favor?21:56
Dr_Willisracines:  I do a 'full' ormal install to my flash drive. BUT if you are going to a varity of differnt machines a persistance setup may be better.21:57
magicjoeDasEi: NO! i said..... at my house i have an XP machine. my girlfriend has another XP machine. I have a laptop that dual boots osx and ubuntu. at MY HOUSE, my laptop connects to MY XP MACHINE. At my GFs house, I can connect to her shares on OSX, but when i use UBUNTU i cannot connect to HER XP MACHINE.21:57
Pablillohow could i troubleshoot my evolution email client21:57
PablilloI'm having problems accessing my contacts21:57
gusgwhere should I install a different python distribution (EPD) ?21:57
KM0201steff12321: if you're new, you're better off sticking w/ whats in the repositories(software center) if at all possible.21:57
Dr_Willisracines:  you can have issues if you set up specific drivers. but that may not be an issue with the machines you use.21:57
Pablilloafter reading many forums, it seems that this is a common problem21:57
racinesOh hm21:57
Pablillodoes anybody know about this problems?21:57
intok steff12321 system>administration>synaptic21:57
racinesWhich is faster? Persistance or the actual install?21:57
VCooliosteff12321: that should be a last resort; first find it in software center; it uses repositories, sort of databases; you can add repositories, e.g on launchpad.net there's a lot of stuff; find the homepage for what you need, see if there is a repo or a .deb file, you can click and install those easily21:57
eryiohow to check last reboot done by whoom ?21:57
Dr_Willisgusg:  you could put it in /opt/ or /usr/local21:57
eryioby cli21:57
DasEimagicjoe: ah, so inhouse and not over inet just, I see. same subnet, your ubuntu and her xp ?21:57
magicjoeDasEi: does that make sense now? i just want to know how to connect to my girlfriends XP machine FROM MY UBUNTU on my laptop.21:58
steff12321can someone download teamviewer and help me please?21:58
Dr_Willisracines:  never really notuiced.  proberl the actual install would be faster.  and have less hassles.21:58
racinesWhich is faster? Persistance or the actual install?21:58
racines(on a USB)21:58
magicjoeDasEi: YES!21:58
KM0201steff12321: help you with what?21:58
intok steff12321 if you want an external repo, I'd stick with the Getdeb and playdeb.net repos aswell as the official WINE repo, just follow the instructions on their sites21:59
mkanyicyhow do i double dereference a shell variable?21:59
racinesI've noticed a difference in speed between using linux on an HDD then using linux on a USB. The USB seems much slower and takes longer to startup to get to live mode. Is this nornmal?21:59
DasEimagicjoe: so do a shared folder in xp and acces it via samba, or setup an ssh server on that xpmachine : http://pigtail.net/LRP/printsrv/cygwin-sshd.html and connect via ssh21:59
magicjoeDasEi: and I can SEE her computer under "network" in Nautilus. but when i try to connect, it times out and then fails.21:59
Dr_Willisracines:  a usb is slower of course..21:59
Jordan_Umkanyicy: What are you trying to accomplish?21:59
Dr_Willisracines:  a usb is faster then a cd/live cd ive found.21:59
intok steff12321 otherwise, you can install almost any .deb file as if it where a windows .exe21:59
Dr_Willisracines:  some day we will have usb3 :)21:59
DasEimagicjoe: you need a folder with acces on her box22:00
racinesif I install linux on a USB rather than using live mode, will it be faster?22:00
mkanyicyJordan_U, like: a='abcde' and d='a'22:00
pjdelportdoes anyone know where the Ubuntu installer looks for its installation media?22:00
racinesthats the only reason Id want to do an install because it might be faster. Or would it be relatively the ame speed?22:00
DasEiracines: a lot22:00
Dr_Willisracines:  try it and see. it may be a bit faster.. but ive neer noticed any differance.. as i said earlier.22:00
digitalfizracines, it depends on your cd drive and the usb drive speed. sata cdroms are pretty fast22:00
Dr_Willisracines:  it all depends on what you are doing i imagine..22:00
DasEiracines: much fasterr22:00
magicjoeDasEi: THERE ARE folders on her box that are shared.........or else i wouldn't be able to access the SHARES on MY OXS from HER BOX. SO the shares are THERE but SAMBA won't connect to them!22:00
mkanyicyJordan_U, then echo *magic* on $d should give 'abcde'22:01
steff12321Dr_Willis: can you download teamviewer and help me for like 2 mins please?22:01
digitalfizracines, and some usb drives can be really slow22:01
Dr_Willissteff12321:  got a url? i can try i guess.22:01
MrKeunerhello, in Gnome, how is it possible to run a script upon: 1-screen lock?, 2-session logout?22:01
Dr_Willisracines:  ive noticed VERY differnt speeds in usb flash drives.. newer ones are a lot better these days22:01
Jordan_Umkanyicy: a='abcde'; d="$a"22:01
steff12321Dr_Willis: you can find it on the software center, or at www.teamviewer.com for windows22:01
DasEiconnect to server..22:02
Jordan_Umkanyicy: I wouldn't call that "double dereferencing", I would call that two assignments, where the second is dereferencing a variable.22:02
Dr_WillisI dont see any teamviewer in the repos..22:02
Dr_WillisI see a teamspeak..22:02
steff12321Dr_Willis what OS do you have22:02
Dr_Willissteff12321:  Win7 next to me.. 10.10 here.22:03
mkanyicyJordan_U, i have a scenario like: for i in t a A ; do echo $i "=>" *magic* on $i ; done22:03
Dr_Willissteff12321:  Timex Sinclare 1000 on the wall.. :P22:03
steff12321download it from teamviewer.com on the windows 722:03
Jordan_Umkanyicy: Please explain what you are actually trying to accomplish. I have no idea what you mean by "*magic*".22:04
steff12321ill send the link22:04
DasEiDr_Willis: its a nice third party app, vnc over nat and fw, even, free for non commercial,else unpayable22:04
steff12321run that on windows, and make sure to run it not install it22:04
vincent_nit-wit, so socialistic is anarchistic?22:04
vincent_no, that's going too far22:04
YankeesFanis it worth to upgrade to quad core?22:05
Dr_Willissteff12321:  and the point of all this is what exactly?22:05
Dr_WillisYankeesFan:  depends on the $$ differance.22:05
steff12321to install an IRC bot22:05
DasEiask in #hardware, YankeesFan22:05
intoksteff12321 install wine and give it a whirl, else there are several similar apps in the repos22:05
Dr_Willissteff12321:  and how is this supposed to be helpng do that?22:05
Jordan_U!ot | vincent_ nit-wit22:05
ubottuvincent_ nit-wit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:05
nit-witvincent_, I don't follow you, could you elaborate.22:05
chris_osxsteff12321: irc bots are evil unless they serve  an accepted purpose like ubottu22:06
steff12321intok : PM me because im new to this and am therefore a moron22:06
YankeesFanDr_Willis, all i do is basic stuff like email office photos youtube music and occasinally some games but not heavy gaming22:06
mkanyicyJordan_U, ok, refer to http://paste.ubuntu.com/548656/ line 108 to line 11622:06
Dr_WillisYankeesFan:  if its just a few $$ difrerance - id upgrade..22:06
Dr_WillisYankeesFan:  more then $100. perhaps not.22:06
=== jid_ is now known as jid
Dr_WillisIts easier to upgrade the HD and viideo cards.. harder to upgrade a cpu later.22:07
YankeesFanDr_Willis, x2 250 is 60$ with x4 i think 100$??22:07
Dr_Willis$40 diff. id go for it.22:07
mkanyicyJordan_U, Im trying to set audio file metadata tags a tag at a time22:07
YankeesFani currently have a sempron22:07
neriukasmy amd sempron(tm) 3000+ lol old processor :D22:07
YankeesFanDr_Willis, the x2 is 3Ghz while the x4 is 2.8Ghz should i go dual core if i am not doing any heavy stuff?22:08
PiciYankeesFan: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  If you have hardware questions please use ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic22:08
YankeesFanPici, k22:08
Dr_WillisYankeesFan:  for the trivial amount of $$ differange.. i would go 4x22:08
neriukaspici, :P22:08
VCoolioYankeesFan: I just assembled a new pc, didn't go for it; invest in faster dual core I'd say, the software is the bottleneck, only some games and a few stuff more can make use of quad22:09
Dr_WillisVCoolio:  untill next year, or month, or whatever.. :)22:09
YankeesFanok i am guessing i will go with dual core but get 6GB ram22:09
VCoolioDr_Willis: this is ubuntu remember, I guess new stuff won't be implemented that fast here :)22:10
Dr_WillisYankeesFan:  its easier to upgrade ram later, then upgrade the cpu.. but do what you want.22:10
chris_osxYankeesFan: i have got an athlon ii 245 and it performs great22:10
Antoniscould someone please help me remove the gnome-panel? I am not able to delete the upper panel and I don't know how to stop it from starting after killing it or upon boot22:10
n0sferatuhi there22:10
Dr_WillisVCoolio:  i do lots of video reencoding.. the 4core seems  to help a lot  more then the slightly faster  2core would.22:10
Dr_WillisAntonis:  you want ALL panels gone?22:11
ZykoticK9I was wondering if it's possible to disable compiz effects (shadow in this case) for one application, it's gkrellm.  Screenshot at http://imagebin.org/130121 in CCSM/Windows Decorator I tried adding "any & !(class=gkrellm)" to the Shadow Windows box but no change.22:11
YankeesFanDr_Willis, yeah i guess i will do with quad core, since i do plan to do video editing once college starts up again =)22:11
turgonhello, how can i track my keyboard usage? ie the number of key i press?22:11
VCoolioDr_Willis: video encoding, yes, I guess; but with email and office and stuff you'll soon be stuck on disk speed instead of cpu22:11
AntonisDr_Willis, I did remove/delete the bottom one by right-clicking and then Delete panel but that option is disabled on the upper one22:11
AntonisI want to get rid of them all tyes, but I also want to be able to restore them if I want so in the feature22:12
Dr_WillisAntonis:  correct.. by defailt you cant get rid of them all.22:12
Dr_WillisAntonis:  i'd just set one to auto hide. and leave it alone.22:12
SidPhi! i have just installed lucid on my xps 16. i can't get the wireless to work. it's got an intel 6200. any inputs?22:12
mkanyicyJordan_U, oh, the easier way: I want to do this but for variables with any characters values: first='3'; second='first'; echo "$[second]"22:12
Jordan_Umkanyicy: That code desperately needs comments, I'm still not completely sure what you're trying to do but I think this page will be usefull to you: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/006 . Please read an carefully consider the "Obligitory Note" section.22:13
AntonisDr_Willis, well that way it will show everytime I move the mouse at the top.. won't it?22:13
Dr_WillisAntonis:  or tot he side or whever you drag it..  so what?22:13
=== Caio is now known as Guest27282
Dr_WillisAntonis:  i recall some forum threads on totally removeing the panles, and some chat about it at some ubuntu blog sites. like omgubuntu,  and webupd822:13
=== mantas is now known as Apocal
AntonisDr_Willis, I did disable the expand option and enabled autohide and move the panel to the bottom and since I am using awn it wont bother me there :) thanks!22:14
SidPhi! i have just installed lucid on my xps 16. i can't get the wireless to work. it's got an intel 6200. any inputs? any help would be appreciated22:15
personHi, ubuntu 11.04 does not recognize my cd-rom22:15
Tetsuo55my ayatwm ia reporting 100% cpu usage, but in the system monitor i can only account for 25% of it22:15
personhelp please22:15
Tetsuo55my system*22:15
ZykoticK9person, reask in #ubuntu+122:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:16
Tetsuo55how can i found out what is causing the 100% cpu usage?22:17
mkanyicyJordan_U, thank you very much for that link. It gave me a second opinion!! cheers22:17
ZykoticK9Tetsuo55, in a terminal type "top"22:17
DasEiTetsuo55: install htop and look22:17
oskar-Tetsuo55:  "top" will list it at the top22:17
Jordan_Umkanyicy: You're welcome.22:17
penthiefHi, I am trying to dualboot Ubuntu on a HP Mini 110. I shrunk the windows partition and am left with an unusable, unallocated partition. If I try to install a FS on it I get an error about there being a maximum 4 primary partitions.22:18
penthiefs/unallocated partition/unallocated space22:18
RuudjahI am writing a game using HTML5 (GWT/Java). Are html5 apps "allowed" in the Ubuntu software center?22:18
DasEipenthief: so goto work with logical drives22:18
Tetsuo55ok found it22:19
penthiefDasEi: Surely i22:19
intokTrying to run Braid on a GMA900, crashes with this error: Game Startup Error: Unable to set up graphics. Reason: Failed to initialize OpenGL display. Weird since Osmos plays fine...22:19
penthief.. need a fresh partition to do that?22:19
DasEipenthief: a common hd may have 4 primary partitons, but can use extended ones with almost countless logicaql drives in it, ubuntu against win doesn't require a primary to work (xp)22:20
personok, nobody helps me on ubuntu plus 1...22:20
personstill waiting22:20
bluezone_intok, make sure you have the best drivers available installed for your video card, can do you lspci please? ill show you which one22:20
KM0201SidP: i the machine wired to a router right now?22:21
penthiefDasEi: What can I do from GParted right now?22:21
DasEipenthief: idk, open aterminal ..22:21
DasEipenthief: apt-get install pastebinit22:21
DasEipenthief: sudo*22:22
intokbluezone_ And what driver would that be seeing as there is only the foss intel driver22:22
KM0201person: thenw hy did you download a release that is very early in development? surely you expected problems.22:22
DasEipenthief: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit22:22
bluezone_intok, type lspci in a terminal and send it to me using pastebin22:22
xev_histo, my desktop pc have 2 nic eth0 and eth1. eth0 connected to router (internet). I want to my laptop connect to internet via my desktop (eth1) using same subnet on my router ( I tried using "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE" and enable ip_forward and it work. but different subnet. (eth1= I'm trying to do is using same subnet router.22:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:23
penthiefDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548662/22:24
DasEipenthief: so what you got there are 4 primary win-partis, 3xntfs, one fat32.. need to kill and/or resize one22:25
=== nappyjewhear is now known as miniuser
bluezone_intok, ?22:25
RussiaHi all22:26
Russia2 days ago, I installed ubuntu onto my hard drive22:26
RussiaI upgraded to 10.10 yesterday, and I also run Windows 722:26
DasEipenthief: wierd, looks like a ubu install on ntfs with htat seperate /boot22:27
chiquesI have a file which is constantly being updated but would like to plot the data. Any recommendations?22:27
MrKeunerhello, in Gnome, how is it possible to run a script upon: 1-screen lock?, 2-session logout?22:27
bluezone_Russia, what is your question?22:27
penthiefDasEi: Probably a live USB stick.22:27
RussiaI was just on Win7, and went to boot onto ubuntu. However, now I cannot, since my computer can't find either operating system22:28
DasEipenthief: no, talking about /dev/sda122:28
skulltipwhat do you mean chiques22:28
bluezone_Russia, humm, when you start your computer you don't get a boot menu?22:28
st4ckyHi. I have a little problem: ifconfig wlan0 up --> true but startig wpa_supplicant like this: wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -Dwext -c/etc/wpa.conf -B22:28
st4ckysays that the option ioctl is not supported :S22:28
penthiefDasEi: That might be HP's cut down Linux distro. It's called QuickWeb or something.22:28
chiquesskulltip, I have a file which minicom is constantly updating, how can I keep a realtime plot of the data in that file?22:28
delinquentmeis there a chat program that will accept file transfers over AIm for ubuntu?22:28
DasEipenthief: ic22:29
Sergey_ITRussia, join #ubuntu-ru22:29
Russiabluezone_: My boot menu goes as far as to let me choose which device to boot from22:29
intokbluezone_  http://pastebin.com/BwfCzhEe22:29
RussiaSergey_IT: I'm not russia22:29
chiquesskulltip, I checked out gnuplot but it seems a bit complicated. I'm just wondering if there is an easier way22:29
oskar-chiques:  perhaps you want to run: tail -f file22:29
bluezone_Russia, you mean which operation system correct?22:29
Sergey_ITRussia, sorry )22:29
chiquesoskar-, I'll give that a shot22:30
DasEipenthief: so next is current win, then there are two more, one recovery maybe and a tine fat3222:30
penthiefDasEi: In fact maybe I should delete that. Still, I'm confused as to why shrinking my Windows partition caused me to have a 100GB unallocated, unusable block. fdisk -l doesn't seem to show you that22:30
Russiabluezone_: No, which device22:30
oskar-chiques:  ah, ok, graphic plots. tail -f will not help much then22:30
penthiefDasEi: The tiny fat32 is recovery22:30
Ph03b3for some reason my root has been mounted as read only. how can I remount it?22:31
omanii cant see my facebook buddys in pidgin anymore. any reason for this?22:31
chiquesoskar-, Oh, OK22:31
penthiefDasEi: No, HP Tools22:31
omanifacebookchat is installed.22:31
bluezone_Russia, i don't understand what you mean, it doesnt say something like ubuntu (number) and then under windows 7 (loader) ?22:31
DasEipenthief: usual approch is install ubu, install win, boot live , save mbr and then reinstall grub22:31
Russiabluezone_: It did, now that screen doesn't appear.22:31
skulltipwhat type of data is this, never heard of minicom. what do you want to plot22:31
bluezone_Russia, so what happens instead22:31
oskar-Ph03b3:  you should check for the reason why that happened. to mount it writable again, run: mount -o remount,rw /22:32
DasEipenthief: hp is evil to ms, If I wouldn't no better, hehe22:32
xev_any one can help me with ipforwarding?22:32
ubuntuwhere am i ?22:32
SidPKM0201, yes i am!22:32
penthiefDasEi: Right. I don't have any Windows install media however so I suppose that process cannot apply.22:32
Russiabluezone_: First, it says "Error: no module found", then "Aborted, Press any key to exit"22:32
DasEipenthief: hm, problem then22:33
bluezone_Russia, and your sure you hard drive is correctly plugged in? i would unplung both the cable and the power and replug it22:33
DasEipenthief: you will loose something, and a install aunder 10 gig.. won't give much fun, though fits22:33
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bluezone_intok, wait a sec i'm looking into it22:33
Russiabluezone_: I beleive it is, It was working right before the reboot.22:34
SidPhi! i have just installed lucid on my xps 16. i can't get the wireless to work. it's got an intel 6200. any inputs? any help would be appreciated22:34
penthiefDasEi: I'm hoping I can start using that 100GB unallocated block with it!22:34
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
bluezone_Russia, hummm22:34
DasEipenthief: i don't see that22:34
red2kicSidP: Check Additional Hardware Drivers in System --> Pref/Admin22:34
Russiabluezone_: It acknoweldges the hard drive is there too, if I interpreted my BIOS' information correctly22:35
penthiefNo, you don't. GParted does show it -- as unallocated. The install USB declared it unusable.22:35
bluezone_Russia, unplug any usb drives you have connected22:36
SidPred2kic, it doesn't show anything there22:36
DasEipenthief: fromfdisk all cylinders are in use22:36
bluezone_Russia, or anything that the computer may be booting off22:36
bluezone_Russia, including cd's22:36
Russiabluezone_: No CDs in the drive, and no USB drive either22:36
MrKeunerhello, in Gnome, how is it possible to run a script upon: 1-screen lock?, 2-session logout?22:36
n_i_x|ZzZzZzhey all.. i was wondering if anyone could recommend a web based bittorrent client22:37
bluezone_Russia, hmmm22:37
penthiefDasEi: Sectors 232060928 - 453244927 apparently.22:37
Russiabluezone_: And A correction, it says "no module name found" instead of "Error: No module found" as I had previously said22:37
red2kicSidP: Ah. Dunno. "lspci" would list everything (including your wireless)22:37
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  most of them have web interfaces..  there is also  some command line ones that have a web interface/options.. and utorrent now has a 32bit port to linux. that is web interface only22:37
DasEiMrKeuner: look for their initscripts under /etc/init, but I'm off soon22:37
ZykoticK9n_i_x|ZzZzZz, if you run apache then torrentflux is in the ubuntu repo - pretty good.22:38
SidPred2kic,  it's got an intel 6200. it shows that there22:38
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: cool... thanks.. I don't have X installed as this is a headless NAS box..22:38
SidPKM0201, any idea on how to fix this?22:38
bluezone_Russia, humm... this is profoundly wierd, what did you change before rebooting?22:38
KM0201SidP: what version of ubuntu are you using?22:38
MrKeunerDasEi, which one belongs to lock screen, how can I find22:39
SidPKM0201,  lucid22:39
n_i_x|ZzZzZzZykoticK9: torrentflux looked outdated based on torrentflux.com22:39
KM0201SidP: did you just install it?22:39
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  i think rtorrent may be worth looking into22:39
SidPKM0201,  yes22:39
MrKeunerDasEi, cat initscript | grep -i lock?22:39
ZykoticK9n_i_x|ZzZzZz, ya - that's kinda true22:39
DasEipenthief: fdisk shows that different, if so, should be able to use windows to format it22:39
KM0201SidP: google suggests it's fully supported in 10.10.. maybe consider installing the current version22:39
penthiefDasEi: Well I have a couple of things to try then. Thanks for your help!22:40
SidPahhh ok! do i just upgrade or consider a reformat and then install?22:40
Russiabluezone_: besides application preferences, nothing of importance, and even those applications weren't important22:40
xMOLATZEN_DUxhi, what is the channel for scoritsh people using linux? thanks22:40
bluezone_intok, first of all i would suggest reinstalling that ubuntu driver, if that doesn't work then get one from here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?ProductID=2301&DwnldID=13815&lang=eng&iid=dc_rss22:40
KM0201SidP: either one i guess.. i always clean install.. .boot a live CD(or USB) of 10.10, and see if your wifi works.22:40
red2kicSidP: Upgrade is easier -- but I always advise to go for full clean install. Heh.22:40
MrKeunerxMOLATZEN_DUx, try #scotlug22:41
bluezone_Russia, hummm22:41
matematikaaditi have problem with netbeans, it gave me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/548670/22:41
SidPKM0201, red2kic i haven't done anything to the system yet so if i go for the upgrade, is there anything that could go wrong or anything i need to worry about?22:41
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: rtorrent looks like it's ncurses based... I rarely download torrents tho so I guess it's fine22:41
bluezone_Russia, it is wierd because i also did 10.10/ win v7 mind you i havent went back to windows yet22:42
matematikaaditthat warning shows after i install ruby and ruby on rails in netbeans22:42
KM0201SidP: well, your wireless isn't working now, so ig uess there's the risk of it not working in the upgrade, but like i said, i don't upgrade, ever22:42
red2kicSidP: Something always go wrong. It's the fact of life. Look at you. Brand new Lucid install and you got no wireless.22:42
SidPKM0201,  ok then i shall usb it. that is an option right?22:42
SidPred2kic, yeah i just got this laptop but on the previous one, it worked out of the box22:42
Russiabluezone_: Would I be able to access all my files by booting from a LiveCD, possibly?22:42
needlezSidP: do a fresh install, its much cleaner... second when you do the install don't let your kernel update to kernel 2.6.35-24 there are bugs in it... its posted and noted in the forum22:42
KM0201SidP: i would think... download the ISO, and boot it.. and see what happens.. also, are you download 32 or 64bit?22:42
bluezone_Russia, yeah you will22:42
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  i thinkit has a web interface plugin.22:42
red2kicSidP: Any chance you have hard switch off? (external wifi swtich0.22:43
KelocenaPeople are talking!22:43
bluezone_Russia, make backups for now i guess22:43
SidPKM0201, i was just about to ask that. my laptop has 6gb of ram, what should i go for?22:43
=== bluezone_ is now known as bluezone
Dr_WillisSidP:  i always use 64bit if the hardware supports it22:44
needlezSidP: I'd go with the 64 bit if you have 6GB of RAM22:44
SidPred2kic, it's got one of those touch buttons so i can't really make out... i think it is on becuase it says device not ready in the menu. when i press it again, it goes to wireless disables22:44
DemoneoО_о есть кто?22:44
needlezSidP: if you get the system up and running and have wifi issue pm me22:44
red2kicSidP: Meh. Go for the clean Maverick installation. Report back. If not, then you probably need one of the drivers. Nothing wrong with having fully updated system. :)22:45
SidPDr_Willis,  needlez thanks have started the download. will get back to you if it persists22:45
needlezSidP: kk keep me posted22:45
SidPred2kic,  oh i've been at it for so long now. just got the machine a week back. all was going well but just couldn't resist UBUNTU any longer. hahah i guess i'm addicted to it22:45
SidPneedlez,  sir yes sir22:45
needlezSidP: thx22:46
Russiabluezone: So, no Idea what's wrong?22:46
RussiaWell, I guess I'll start backing up my comp now...22:46
SidPneedlez,  red2kic  another question. do i keep a seperate partition for root and data?22:46
c00kiemon5terhi people22:46
c00kiemon5terwhat's the name of the git package ?22:46
skulltipahhh a cookie monster  j/k22:46
bluezoneRussia, if you already unplugged and replugged you harddrive no,  i would have to be there to see whats wrong xD22:47
* c00kiemon5ter secretely steals a cookie from skulltip 22:47
racinesIF I install ubuntu on a USB (not live mode, actually install), would anything mess up if I booted it onto multiple machines?22:47
Russiabluezone: I could try doing that, if you think I should22:47
red2kicSidP: Well, if you wish to preserve your data, you should create a separate partition for /home.  I do keep backup of /etc/ for system-wide configuration.22:47
Ph03b3racines, yes22:47
em!info pngcrush22:47
ubottupngcrush (source: pngcrush): optimizes PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.9-1 (maverick), package size 57 kB, installed size 156 kB22:47
Ph03b3racines, you will not be able to boot this on a machine of different arch22:48
SidPred2kic,  could you guide me on how to do it?22:48
racinesso I'm better off using persistance mode?22:48
c00kiemon5terskulltip: I have no idea, I just want to explain some things to some people, and they have to install git first ... :/22:48
red2kicSidP: I'm more comfortable syncing all my data to my computer than creating partitions.22:48
red2kic!home | SidP22:48
ubottuSidP: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:48
c00kiemon5terthanks :)22:48
Ph03b3racines, other than that there should be no problem22:48
Russiabluezone: You think it's something I should do?22:48
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: I just found transmission.. looks pretty good.. not sure if it performs as well as rtorrent.. but with my limited use it may be okay22:48
racineswell what would you personally do? persistance mode or an install on a USB?22:48
skulltipi was being smart allec22:48
red2kicSidP: I'm not sure but if you install Ubuntu,  there should be separate home partition options (I don't use Desktop CD)22:49
bluezoneRussia,  sure just make sure your computer is off while you do it, and un plugged (and while its unplugged press the on button 3 times to make sure/)22:49
bluezoneand don't bend any pins22:49
SidPred2kic,  i remember having it done before but i don't quite know how to do it anymore. i'll google it. anyway the version i'm getting reads amd 64. i have intel processor. that ok?22:50
Russiabluezone: It's a lappy, I just need to remove my batt.22:50
skulltipis remote desktop access unsafe/unsecure to use? it seems to be the true concept of what I would call a private cloud22:50
red2kicSidP: amd64 is just a name for x86_64 (because amd came up with it first). Having intel or amd processors.... either are fine as long as your machine are capable of 64bit.22:50
bluezoneRussia, right :)22:50
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  that one is python based. its the default on normal ubuntu installs.22:50
Jordan_Ured2kic: I would do a normal install. About the only hardware configuration not done automatically durin boot is if you've installed proprietary drivers.22:51
bluezoneRussia, wat22:51
=== David is now known as Guest623
red2kicSidP: i386 stands for 32bit. amd64 stands for 64bit.22:51
jgke08http://blog.feenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ - FREENODE STAFF WANTS YOU TO BE SAFE WHILE USING FREENODE. PLEASE READ THIS AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE OUT THERE! jgke08 langvann Guest623 _luke zanni LunaVorax_ kuvu anon33_ darkwurm j_ack_ Chunjee Snake Kelocena johzephine_ manio matematikaadit PurplePeter Prodego b__ stealthc nogagplz_ Russia nippoo skip edward_ dreamer000_ johny_mnemonic mal10c n_i_x|ZzZzZz BentFranklin cch338 benju 22:51
jgke08http://blog.feenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ - FREENODE STAFF WANTS YOU TO BE SAFE WHILE USING FREENODE. PLEASE READ THIS AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE OUT THERE! d1g1ta11 ChiefB SidP rgoytacaz enmand Lapcrow kanaly scooter2 WinstonSmith ezraw jid GangsTinha elnur pure_hate andy28 Nisstyre65 StrangeCharm pricespin_craig hoody ivanM42Orion garri forceflow lwizardl jrocha MrKeuner racines chris_osx halvors1 neriukas Rzz_Brzotrzz seiflotf22:51
jgke08http://blog.feenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ - FREENODE STAFF WANTS YOU TO BE SAFE WHILE USING FREENODE. PLEASE READ THIS AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE OUT THERE! faith_ brishu NEXUS-6 dorbin ______xD [diablo] veovis_muaddib tux KM0201 lvh thoeger nosaj le0 QPrime Callum__ Lattyware nit-wit ericpersson pradeep Defense|Twin rodarima sechrist w_wilkins richardr biella sebikul dotblank cypha Murdox whiteda chd Islington IvaN`_ Jordan_U Da22:51
jgke08http://blog.feenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ - FREENODE STAFF WANTS YOU TO BE SAFE WHILE USING FREENODE. PLEASE READ THIS AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE OUT THERE! amazin spartan07 mongy rjune Darwin4Ever olskolirc jfroebe grkblood MengXingHun claw AaronMT-1 newlund nijabo ooga pothos KindOne mguy Tetsuo55 glupen edoceo extor PleXuS ZykoticK9 gsal KD7SPO-rod theAdib aerolite dzup2 coz_ Frozenball Ahadiel MohammadAG bsmith093 rifter pino22:51
jgke08http://blog.feenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ - FREENODE STAFF WANTS YOU TO BE SAFE WHILE USING FREENODE. PLEASE READ THIS AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE OUT THERE! smw andeh` githogori Gerwin rizzuh m00se miniuser sk0rv dl0c litlebuda rhett n0sq wrektjet Auv5 Smaug JesusFreak316 Nepherius jon8 lapion disturbed opengeard ShakeyJake Amoz gaz00 troyen fgump jessec Chewtoy misnix ghostlines naiad N2Deep_ Vampire0 danopia geekbri ethernet ge22:51
FloodBot2jgke08: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:51
SidPred2kic,  thought so. besides that was the only one it showed so it had to be compatible i guess. been at it for way too long haha. sorry if i continue with the n00by questions22:51
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!22:51
GangsTinhajgke08: s22:51
KM0201are those idiots still trying to post that malware link?22:51
SidPred2kic, it might amaze you. i'm an electronics engineer :p22:51
bluezoneRussia, nvm, if it is your laptop then you probably didn't unplug it accidentely22:51
LoRezaddregex ^http://blog.feenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ - FREENODE22:51
nippoofeenode? ;P22:52
KelocenaOh dear.22:52
Prodegodon't click that22:52
Russiabluezone: Is it still work a try?22:52
KelocenaNo kidding...22:52
skulltipSidP - it amazes me, have you moved to mexico or china?22:52
red2kicSidP: It is best not to assume anything. I don't think you're noob (and we hate that word here). You're here to learn. :)22:52
Callum__who would have thought the total opposite of freenode is just one letter away22:52
ArachonIs there a proper channel for discussion regarding Ubuntu One, or would this be the right place?22:52
olskolircwhat could possibly be an emergency in a chat room geeze22:52
bluezoneRussia, yeah, but reask your question here first though, someone else may have an answer22:52
Smaugsupercom32_: oh my22:52
Dr_WillisArachon:  theres #ubuntuone22:52
olskolircsomeone need an ambulance? QQ22:52
SidPskulltip - you say that because?22:52
MrKeunerArachon, I think #ubuntuone exists22:52
ilpaAnyone else have Airport Extreme issues with 10.04? I've found this workaround [ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=314036 ] but it's for ppc.22:52
elricsfateguys nautilus suddenly doesnt theme itself anymore. whats the problem?22:53
* Arachon heads over to #ubuntuone22:53
skulltipthat's where all the work is now, and maybe india22:53
Dr_Williselricsfate:  clarify what you mean.22:53
olskolircDr_Willis, do you have a pic i can hold?22:53
SidPskulltip,  yes i'm indian :)22:53
SidPred2kic, indeed22:53
elricsfateDr_Willis: When I pick theme while other window's will remain themed (for example if I pick a theme with black window bars the windows bars are black in all windows but nautilus)22:54
niadhcan someone point me to documentation on how to set up an email server under ubuntu, one that starts at a pretty basic level22:54
VCoolioelricsfate: you're not running nautilus as root?22:55
elricsfateVCoolio: Normal user. Unless it started itself as root for some reason.22:55
red2kicelricsfate: Try killing nautilus.  "nautilus -q"22:55
geekbriniadh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix22:55
rampageoberonhi, i'm having some trouble with notify-send - it doesn't show the notification on screen for some reason. Please help22:55
RussiaI just installed ubuntu 10.4 on my hard drive using a LiveCD 2 days ago, and I upgraded to 10.10 yesterday. I daul-boot win7 on the computer ubuntu is on. I was just on windows 7, and rebooted to go on ubuntu. However, upon turning the computer back on, I get the messages "no module name found" and "aborted. press any key to exit", and I can't boot onto win7 nor ubuntu. any idea what's wrong?22:56
matematikaadithello, i have this warning in netbeans http://paste.ubuntu.com/548670/, how can i fix it?22:56
VCooliorampageoberon: any error output?22:56
neriukasjgke08 are you still here? :D22:56
niadhgeekbri: Does that include setting up email addresses for a domain too?22:56
elricsfatethat seesmt o have worked22:56
elricsfatethanks guys22:57
elricsfateweird bug :/22:57
geekbriniadh: there are links to more guides at the bottom.  i believe it might have it in that one though22:57
rampageoberonVCoolio: no error, returns me to the command prompt again promptly22:57
niadhgeekbri: Thanks, will look into that22:57
KelocenaRussia, sorry for the useless reply, but do you know if things work on a fresh install of 10.10?22:58
RussiaKelocena: Hm?22:58
VCooliorampageoberon: that's normal, but it should show the popup of couse22:58
KelocenaAll I know is I've had trouble with using the "upgrade" button in Update Manager before, but reformating and freshly installing fixed the issue.22:59
rampageoberonVCoolio: just noticed it wasn't working, last time i tried using it was with hardy where it worked fine. Unfortunately no popup shown22:59
KelocenaI've heard other people say that too. But I'm no expert. Sadly.22:59
MadPierrotMy sound isn't working on 10.10.  Model is Realtek ALC889A23:00
wersI'm getting the MacBook Air 11" with 1.4ghz C2D. I love its size, but am concerned about futureproofing. the most CPU hungry thing I do is to occasionally compile GNOME Shell. it won't be underpowered, right?23:00
Kelocenaohei. Join the broken sound club :D23:00
KelocenaWhat's wrong with your sound?23:01
macowers: i think itd be fine. a core 2 duo is pretty hefty23:01
bluezoneMadPierrot, it doesn't work at all?23:02
MadPierrotKelocena, bluezone No it doesn't work at all23:02
macowers: i have a 2ghz c2d and it runs at 800mhz most of the time23:02
KelocenaI'm pretty sure my issue is a bug. And I posted on the forums and no one has replied. Huzzah. Should I report it? >_>23:02
bluezoneMadPierrot, now for the devastating question, are you sure it is not on mute?23:02
Kelocenahurr hurr23:02
macoKelocena: yes. ubuntu-bug -s audio23:03
MadPierrotbluezone, I am pretty sure it isn't, but I'll double check :-)23:03
Sergey_ITRussia, may be you need to reinstall grub from liveCD23:03
RussiaSergey_IT: Can  you tell me how to do that?23:03
wersmaco, sounds good23:03
bluezoneMadPierrot, yeah... it might be one of those "wheres the eras..." ow crap it is in my hand things :)23:03
hihihi100how can I uninstall a file I installed via sudo apt-get install fgfs-atlas ?23:04
MadPierrotbluezone, Yeah it's not muted23:04
erUSULhihihi100: sudo apt-get purge fgfs-atlas23:04
trojan_spikehihihi100, sudo apt-get remove'name'23:04
bluezoneMadPierrot, how are you trying to test your sound though23:04
MadPierrotbluezone, I'm playing an mp3 I know works, and I have also done the aplay stuff23:05
RussiaSergey_IT: If I have 10.10 on my HDD, would it matter if it was a 10.04 LTS liveCD?23:05
bluezoneMadPierrot, can you do lspci please? that is wierd23:05
KelocenaMaco: I have no idea what that is. It looks like shell. Why are you throwing shell at me? D:23:05
bluezoneyou sure you have the mp3 codecs right23:05
MadPierrotPretty sure, lemme double check the aplay thing again23:06
macoKelocena: thats the command to report an audio bug and automatically include a whole bunch of audio debugging info to make it easier for developers to fix your bug23:06
bluezoneMadPierrot, i guess you can try : ubuntu-bug -s audio, not my idea though, it is maco's xD23:07
wafflesausageHey, my sound occasionally stops working. Is there a daemon that i should reset to get it to work again? Note: restarting always solves the issue23:07
MadPierrotbluezone, the output for the lspci is long23:07
Sergey_ITRussia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:07
MadPierrotYou want the whole thing, or just the sound?23:07
KelocenaSee... the thing is... about debugging. I don't even know what to do. No, I know how to get the info. It's just, I don't even know where to begin.23:07
bluezoneMadPierrot copy and paste to pastebin23:08
macowafflesausage: possibly some program's not releasing the sound device when its done? you can kill them all and reset the sound drivers with:   sudo alsa force-reload23:08
RussiaSergey_IT: Thank you23:08
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: transmission documentation sucks terribly... I got the web interface setup but have no idea what the username and password are.. and there are no settings in settings.json for it23:08
MadPierrotbluezone, http://pastebin.com/BJ6RCV0R23:08
Sergey_ITRussia, be carefull23:08
jose__Can anyone give me a command to find the UUID of a drive?23:08
wafflesausagemaco: thanks23:08
RussiaSergey_IT: Big risks involved, I'm assuming?23:08
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)23:08
macoKelocena: thankfully there is a team of people working to ask the right questions on the bug reports :) that command's auto-magic stuff keeps them from having to ask for the same set of log files and hardware info from everyone though so you get fewer questions in your email to answer about the bug23:09
quesoIn xterm, I can no longer access options using ctrl-click.  Any idea why?23:09
macojose__:  ubottu's last thing was at you23:09
MrKeunerhello, in Gnome, how is it possible to run a script upon: 1-screen lock?, 2-session logout?23:09
bluezoneMadPierrot, in the meanwhile try ubuntu-bug -s audio23:10
RussiaSergey_IT: Would it be ok if the liveCD i have is ubuntu 10.04?23:10
KelocenaMaco: So they'll tell me what I need to get the debug info from?23:10
Sergey_ITRussia, better to use 10.10 CD, but i'm not shure23:10
macoKelocena: yep23:10
MadPierrotbluezone, Yeah that's what I am doing right now23:10
jose__Alright thanks, man that's precisely what I was looking for.23:10
wafflesausageMrKeuner: You want to run a script that runs a command after you logout?23:10
RussiaSergey_IT: If I'm not mistaken, 10.10 and 10.04 LTS bot use grub223:11
lucas_how can I make a big empty file (say 200GB...) without preallocating the space for it?23:11
jose__Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that too.23:11
MrKeunerwafflesausage, before logging out23:11
macoRussia: if new installs. upgrades dont change it though -- too dangerous23:11
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  i never use it. so no idea.   there may be a .transmission dir/file or somthing.23:11
MrKeunerwafflesausage, I'd like to run a unison command23:11
Russiamaco: Does that mean a 10.04 liveCD would work?23:11
Sergey_ITRussia, yes, fnd there is special recovery disks for repaire grub23:12
macoRussia: to modify grub2? sue23:12
werswould compiling huge software like GNOME Shell be significantly faster on an SSD?23:12
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  with the gui here. I just 'enable web inteface' and connect to -> http://localhost:9091/transmission/web/  dident even need a username/pass by default23:12
wafflesausageMrKeuner: Oh yeah, you'd kind of have to. I think there might be something that you can put in cron to do that, but i'm not sure23:12
trojanRussell``, google 'super grub loader' .. a live iso to boot windows and linux OS's23:13
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  theres a 'use authencation' option where i can set a name/pass.   but its greyd out by default23:13
Russiamaco: So, I could use a 10.04 livecd to repair my grub.cfg so I can boot into my comp again?23:13
macoRussia: yeah23:13
lucas_how can I make a big empty file (say 200GB...) without preallocating the space for it?23:13
rookswers, get ram-ssd for ultra fast compile times, firend of mine has ram-ssd and flash-ssd, and project that took 2 min to compile , he said it compiles in 5-7 sec23:13
Russiamaco: Wonderful! thanks for the help, I was afraid I'd have to format my hard drive23:13
Dr_Willislucas_:  ext4 has some 'extents' feature that does that i thought.. but ive no idea how you would manually force it to do that.23:14
trojanlucas_, how do u mean?? it kinda sounds impossible,, have u got 200 to spare?23:14
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: hrmm.. it prompts me for a username and password here... I've got no GUI and there are no username/password params in the settings.. k.. I'll keep digging23:14
wersrooks, cool23:14
red2kicn_i_x|ZzZzZz: Use ssh -Y to forward the GUI?23:14
wafflesausageMrKeuner: Try creating a file called .bash_logoutand see if it works. anyway, i gtg23:15
trojanRussell``, ur best to use the 'super grub loader' to get into ur OS,, then from there to re-install the grub..23:15
wafflesausage.bash_logout **23:15
red2kicn_i_x|ZzZzZz: Furthmore, install transmission-qt (forward the X). Configure your setup. Then uninstall it afterward.23:15
lucas_well, was just thinking about dynamic disks, like vhd on windows, where you begin with some Kbytes, and the file grows as things are written on it...23:16
trojanRussia, google 'super grub loader',, live iso to boot windows and linux,, ur best to use that and then reinstall grub when in ur OS23:16
KelocenaI noticed something about my sound setup ahahaha23:16
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  i just set  a password/username and the config file then had --> "rpc-username": "bubba",   "rpc-password": "{9060cdd3b163a0e93d35795149852df900a1d  , and   "rpc-enabled": true,23:16
bluezoneMadPierrot, seems a lot of people are having problem with that card23:16
KelocenaI'm such a ditz sometimes.23:16
macoKelocena: it was muted?23:17
SidPred2kic, if i run the update manager, it will install the 2.65 kernal right?23:17
MadPierrotbluezone, Yeah I guess so.  It is very frustrating23:17
n_i_x|ZzZzZzyea.. I tried that password in the config but no-go.. is that a hash maybe?23:17
KelocenaIn the audio group it was all ":pulse,user"23:17
KelocenaI don't even.23:17
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  its some sort of hash. yes.23:17
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  theres also --> "rpc-authentication-required": true,23:17
macoKelocena: are you not using pulse?23:18
KelocenaSo yeah. Fixed that >_>23:18
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  set that to false and it may not need a name/pass23:18
KelocenaI am.23:18
Russiatrojan: Could you just give me the link to it? I can't exactly get on google currently23:18
KelocenaWell, let me reboot (or is relogging in good enough?) and we'll see if what I did fixed anything.23:18
lucas_trojan: I have all my personal data on a truecrypt volume of that size, and I am afraid it becomes corrupted. I just don't want to go through the hassle of recreating a new one, as it takes forever....23:18
red2kic!info linux-image | SidP23:18
ubottuSidP: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)23:18
Dr_Willisn_i_x|ZzZzZz:  transmission i thought was written in Python. it may have docs/comments in its code. :)23:19
bruenigDr_Willis is Dr_Willis23:19
richthegeekhi all - does compiz currently work with Nouveau and dual-monitor setups?23:19
brosI have an Intel Core i3. I plugged the HDMI cable into my TV. aplay -L does NOT list the hdmi output. What can I do?23:19
bluezoneMadPierrot, do you know the exact model number of your sound card23:20
vsilverlordim not able to install glew on ubuntu!!!23:21
vsilverlordplz, i have problems with installing glew on ubuntu23:21
richthegeekhi all - does compiz currently work with Nouveau and dual-monitor setups?23:21
Dr_Willis!info glew23:21
ubottuPackage glew does not exist in maverick23:21
Random75I am running Terminal in full screen on its own workspace. Is there a way to hide the bottom automatically when I switch over to the full screened terminal?23:21
IdleOne!info glew-utils23:21
ubottuglew-utils (source: glew): The OpenGL Extension Wrangler - utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.2-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 89 kB, installed size 304 kB23:21
Dr_Willisrichthegeek:  ive not heard anyone mention any problems with it.. but  personally i dont use Nouveau. so cant prove it one way or another23:21
Dr_WillisRandom75:  you mean hide the bottom panel?23:22
richthegeekDr_Willis: ok, thanks - have had the same install for about a year now so wasn't sure if it had advanced23:22
trojanRussia, http://download.berlios.de/rescatux/rescatux_cdrom_usb_hybrid_i386_486-amd64_2010_12_06.iso23:22
pupuser7d17b9error 5 on install anyone?23:22
red2kicRandom75: Press F11 in that gnome-terminal?23:22
trojanlucas_, have u got 200 free??23:23
lucas_trojan: jes23:23
Random75red2kic: Its already full screened. When I switch to my first workspace and then back over to the terminal, the bottom panel stays there and covers the last line of the terminal23:23
vsilverlordGL/glew.h: No such file or directorytestcpp.cpp/testcpp/srcline 2C/C++ Problem23:23
pupuser7d17b9Puppy Linux FTWrn23:23
VCoolion_i_x|ZzZzZz: did you edit /etc/conf.d/transmissiond ?23:23
vsilverlordim not able to install glew. Please help me23:24
KelocenaNothing accomplished!23:24
trojanlucas_, use gnome commander to move..23:24
bluezonevsilverlord, hmm... what are trying to do?>23:24
red2kicRandom75: Ah. You could enable the panel to hide.23:24
vsilverlordbluezone: im trying opengl23:24
macoKelocena: yeah...cuz if you're using pulse, everything goes through it. your user doesnt need to be in the audio group (and by default isnt)23:24
macoKelocena: so its probably a driver bug23:24
n_i_x|ZzZzZzVCoolio: no.. /etc/transmission/daemon/settings.json23:25
=== BeN_ is now known as arec
KelocenaWell, there are two issues. Either separate or related I have no idea.23:25
jose__search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [UUID] in grub.cfg. Anyone know what this actually does?23:25
n_i_x|ZzZzZzVCoolio: I don't have an /etc/conf.d dir23:25
bluezonevsilverlord, and how did that error happen, what were you doing?23:25
vsilverlordbluezone its eclipse23:25
trojanRussia, soz,, think that link is for grub1.. >> grub2 :: http://download.berlios.de/supergrub/super_grub_disk_hybrid-1.98s1.iso23:26
vsilverlordim trying opengl with c++ with eclipse. glut is running23:26
KelocenaThe first is that the sound comes out from my built-in laptop speakers all weird and staticy. (I have one of those HDA Intel cards. Fun stuff.) But for some reason, it'll come out fine from head phones or plugged in speakers.23:26
vsilverlordbut i need glew ...23:26
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: setting rpc auth to false got it... I figured the web interface used auth to talk to the backend and didn't use the same auth params to access the web interface which is why I left that setting alone.. thanks23:27
KelocenaI noticed something REALLY interesting.23:27
`sHey, everyone. I need to repair old ubuntu server. I think it's breezy badger, it has very old kernel, and apt-get ins't working, what should I do?23:27
fennecfoxHello!  I believe I am where I ask questions... so hold on a minute thanks =)23:27
red2kic!eol | `s23:27
ubottu`s: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:27
=== arec is now known as BeNek
red2kic`s: Back up everything. You're pretty way behind for a server.23:28
brosHow can I get over-HDMI audio working?23:28
kay_hey guys, ive just installed Ubuntu netbook on my netbook (asus 1015pem) but i have some problems with speed nad display...can anybody help on that?23:29
KelocenaAccording to alsamixer, ALSA is using the wrong codec. So I'm like "trollolol, silly ALSA" and added options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo-sky to my alsa-base.conf23:29
fennecfoxI have problems installing ubuntu 10.10 64bit.  In the live CD the included Gparted crashes whenever I attempt to start it.  Also I have problems making partitions when I try to install.  I have downloaded multiple times, and used 2 different computers to burn my cd.  Any ideas?  Thankss23:29
=== randy is now known as Guest10330
`sred2kic, Oh, I see. So no way to upgrade while it's working, right?23:29
coz_fennecfox,  did you check the md5sum of the iso image and did you burn it at 1x ?23:29
KelocenaAaaand. No luck. It didn't fix my sound issue. Which is weird. Because this fix worked in both 9.10 and 10.04.23:29
=== michael is now known as Guest25451
n_i_x|ZzZzZzDr_Willis: ahhh.. yes it was a hash... The ssha1 encrypted password (starts with a '{') needed for remote access.23:30
n_i_x|ZzZzZzA new password can be entered via command line utilities or directly in plain text and will replaced with the encrypted version when the configuration file is next saved.23:30
fennecfoxcoz__ I burned it at minimum speed I believe at least once, last time was at 10x,  I did not check the md5sum23:30
fennecfoxcoz_ how would I go about checking md5sum23:30
n_i_x|ZzZzZzfennecfox: md5 filename23:30
macoKelocena: lspci -vv | grep -A1 040323:30
BrixSathello, my kaffeine is showing my dvb card as digital tv is it normal?23:31
coz_fennecfox,  when the live cd begins to boot you should an accessibility icon and and keyboard logo  ...if you  hit enter at that time you will see options   check cd for erros and memory test...did you run either of those?23:31
macoKelocena: what's the SSID?23:31
coz_fennecfox,  are you burning this on  a linux machine or a windows machine?23:31
macoKelocena: adding things to alsa-base.conf usually takes a reboot to go into effect, btw23:31
n_i_x|ZzZzZzfennecfox: sorry md5sum filename23:31
KelocenaYes, I know.23:31
KelocenaI did that.23:31
tapoutanyone know how to prevent vlc from resizing after it's done playing a video?   It keeps maximizing to the full screen size when it's done playing a video.23:31
red2kic`s: You can't upgrade because they moved old releases to different places. You have to change /etc/apt/sources.list if you want to upgrade. It might be easier to backup everything important and go for lts/latest server installation.23:31
burzhey all quick question i want to make an iso image of opensuse on a cd what program should i use i am running ubuntu 10.04 atm and winxp23:31
coz_tapout,   open vlc with no video ...resize the window ...ti should remember that23:32
KelocenaMaco: The command you gave me did nothing as far as I can tell.23:32
liminalhello.. i have a problem with dual screen support in ubuntu23:32
liminalcan anyone help?23:32
coz_burz,   there is something callme  suse studio I believe let me check23:32
fennecfoxcoz_ I burned on windows machine using InfraRecorder on the xp machine, I think I used the same app on windows 7 machine.  I did not check cd for errors or memory test but why would that happen multiple times23:32
macoKelocena: didnt print anything?23:32
* Kelocena blinks23:32
bluezoneliminal, you're trying to hook-up your computer to another screen and use both?23:33
razieliyoI'm having problems with playing original dvd23:33
liminalbluezone im try23:33
KelocenaNo? Unless you mean like, with a printer... and ours is out of ink....23:33
liminalim trying to use both screens at the same time23:33
bluezoneliminal, what appears on the other screen?23:33
HatI need to get files off my computer and onto another.  Would a SSH connection over crossover cable be the correct method?23:33
coz_fennecfox,  ok  on windows I believe there may be some freeware  md5sum but instead    reload the live cd... hit enter when you see the keyboard and accessibility icons at the bottom and run the   "check cd for errors"23:33
razieliyoI've installed libdvdread4, but doesn't work23:33
razieliyohas anyone played originals dvds on ubuntu?23:34
KelocenaAh well. It's dinner time.23:34
liminalbluezone its truely werid.. but when I turn the other screen on, the output on the first screen changes.23:34
coz_burz,    http://susestudio.com/login    join that and you can create your own iso of suse as well as test it online   http://susestudio.com/login23:34
fennecfoxcoz_ will do, don't expect results immediatly or anything, I'm not planning on doing it now =/23:34
HatHoly god this is a busy channel.23:34
coz_fennecfox,  ok23:34
jose__razieliyo, you can get plugins for the video player that comes with Ubuntu.23:34
liminalbasicly I just get the background desktop, but nothing else.23:34
razieliyojose__, what plugins?23:34
razieliyojose__, I've installed lots of plugins23:35
coz_liminal,   nvidia card?23:35
bluezoneliminal, hmm? on the other screen, when you have ti plugged in, does it show your desktop background with no shortcuts on it?23:35
razieliyobut it still says error msg23:35
fennecfoxn_i_x|ZzZzZz coz_  Thanks guys hopefully I can get this working and wont have to come back for help from this great community =D23:35
kay_need help with ubuntu netbook edition!23:35
coz_fennecfox,   run that check cd  and then reboot and run the memory test as well23:35
jose__razyeliyo not sure I didn't make the change. Give me a sec, I'll go ask him.23:35
brosHow can I get over-HDMI audio working?23:35
fennecfoxnow if youll excuse me im going to find a irc channel for complaining about wireless problems (not linux haven't installed that yet lol)23:36
bluezonebros, over hdmi audio is annoying to use, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't what exactly is happening in your case?23:36
liminalbluezone, I haven't yet configured the other screen23:36
liminalbecause the first screen gets messed up23:37
liminaland i need to configure it from that screen23:37
bluezoneliminal, define messed up23:37
brosbluezone: it isn't showing up in aplay -L/aplay -l, I think23:37
linusasus6Hi I would like to know if is possible to delete alsa and keep just pulseaudio, because I really dont know how to open pulseaudio in sound is always alsa open23:37
brosI configured Ubuntu to use digital audio out, it doesn't work23:37
liminalmessed up is the best defintion.23:37
macolinusasus6: i dont know how you'd use pulseaudio with no sound drives23:37
macolinusasus6: drivers*23:37
liminalbut i see my background desktop23:38
liminalbut nothing else23:38
liminalno panel, no mouse23:38
liminalno icons23:38
linusasus6maco so then how to open pulseaudio ?23:38
macolinusasus6: what do you mean "open" it?23:38
macolinusasus6: start-pulseaudio-x11 is the command to start it, though it should automatically do that on login23:39
bluezonebros, are you getting video output from your hdmi cable?23:39
Migi32does a journaled filesystem (like ext3) keep a history of file copies/deletes etc?23:39
brosbluezone: yes, i am speaking to you from it right now23:39
linusasus6maco I want to configure the sound with pulse audio and the command doesnt work23:40
bluezonebros, have you tried unplugging and replugging it?23:40
macolinusasus6: which command? id use pavucontrol23:40
trojanbros, be sure that ur g-card doesnt need a wire put in somewhere23:40
bluezonebros, let me think i remember there was a way to choose default device23:40
chdanyone speak or write arabic?23:40
brosbluezone: yes23:40
SidPred2kic,  im back! it worked but i have the kernel by defualt23:41
maco!arabic | chd23:41
ubottuchd: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية23:41
SidPred2kic,  im back! it worked but i have the kernel by defualt. the one you asked me to stay away from23:41
red2kic!info linux-image | SidP (but you already left)23:41
ubottuSidP: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)23:41
SidPred2kic,  what was that?23:42
red2kicSidP: I didn't tell you to stay away from anything?23:42
bluezonebros, wait let me try it myself23:42
red2kicSidP: Latest Maverick Kernel (
personwhat is the channel's name from begginers?23:42
needlezSidP:  go into synaptic and install another image, like -22 or -23 and then load into it23:42
rwwperson: #ubuntu-beginners?23:42
red2kicperson: #ubuntu-beginners23:42
SidPred2kic,  i think you asked me to stay away from the 2.6.35 kernel23:42
tamarosjust installed the java openjdk and I'm getting an error that googling tells me is because i didn't 'javac' it first which I did.  Is there some environment variable I'm missing? http://paste.ubuntu.com/548682/23:42
SidPor maybe it was needlez23:42
liminalbluezone correction I do see a mouse23:43
needlezred2kic: I think I was the one who advised this... it is because most computers have issues with it. There is a bug with how the usb system handles things23:43
bluezoneliminal, drag the window you want projected to the right23:43
red2kicneedlez: Ahh.23:43
juniourhey here any one help me with virtual box23:43
liminalbut if i try xrandr -q in the tty I get an error message back off 'can't open display'23:43
red2kicSidP: All is well then? :)23:43
liminalbluezone ... what window?23:43
SidPred2kic,  so far so good. the wireless seems to be ok :P23:44
bluezoneliminal, what do you want to see on your second screen23:44
needlezred2kic and SidP: here is the link for that info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165356823:44
red2kicSidP: Awesome.23:44
bluezoneliminal, just drag any window to the right youll see what i mean23:44
juniouri wnna to install ubuntu 10.04 in window7 via virtual box please  help me23:44
bluezoneliminal, off the screen23:44
liminalbluezone I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING23:44
liminalapart from my desktop background23:44
needlezSidP: well its good that your computer is running with that kernel. Thats one outta 10 that doesn't have issues23:45
bluezoneliminal, on your secondary screen?23:45
=== nogagplz__ is now known as nogagplz
HatSo, if two computers have ssh installed, and I simply connect them, will I be able to simply type $ssh otheruser@othercomputer, and expect it to work?23:45
Migi32does a journaled filesystem (like ext3) keep a history of file copies/deletes etc?23:45
HatConnect them with crossover table, I mean?23:45
SidPneedlez,  i haven't done much yet. is there any kind of a checklist that i could go through?23:45
juniourhelp me please23:45
bluezoneliminal, can you see anything on your initial computer23:45
jose__razyeliyo you still online?23:45
liminalyes and no23:45
needlezyes give me a min23:45
liminalonly the desktop background and the mouse pointer23:45
liminalno icons, no panel23:46
bluezoneliminal,  this is on your computer right?23:46
liminaland xrandr can't open the screen23:46
needlez$ uname -a > uname-a.log23:46
needlez$ cat /proc/version_signature > version.log23:46
needlez$ dmesg > dmesg.log23:46
needlez$ sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log23:46
liminalyes my computer#23:46
FloodBot3needlez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
juniourhey help me23:46
needlezit was under 5 lines23:46
jose__juniour, what's your problem?23:46
jose__I'll try to help.23:46
juniourjose i am getting error23:46
jose__what error?23:47
HatWhat sort of error juniour?23:47
linusasus6maco the other command still just open alsa23:47
bluezoneliminal, i suggest unplugging and restarting your system, that shouldn't occur23:47
needlezhey SidP: look at the post by PatchesTheCaveman at this link... if you have any issues also just to be safe Id recommend downgrading to different image other then -24 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1653568&page=223:47
SidPneedlez,  it says here23:47
juniourjose i hve to first mount the iso or not23:48
liminalbluezone.. thanks for that23:48
needlezSidP: your only running -22 then your ok no issues ther just dont upload to -2423:48
red2kicSidP: I see, I'm already on 2.6.36.  No sweat. :)23:48
bluezoneliminal, you should see your usual computer on your computer and a desktop background with nothing on it on your secondary screen23:48
jose__I just saw your post. What are you trying to do?23:48
liminalyes.. i know.23:48
liminalim not.23:48
SidPneedlez, red2kic so when i run the update manger, it's going to update the kernel too right?23:48
jose__mount the .iso for what?23:48
red2kicSidP: Are you on 10.10 now?23:49
Isonyxhello I need some help..23:49
juniourfor installing23:49
SidPred2kic,  yup23:49
red2kicSidP: Run "uname -r"23:49
juniourin win 723:49
jose__juniour you burn the iso23:49
IsonyxCould anyone tell me how to edit files you can only access through root?23:49
jose__to a disk or put it on a usb flash drive23:49
juniourusing software like demmon tools23:49
SidPyes its .22 red2kic  needlez23:49
needlezyes it prolly will just make sure you unmark the -24 kernel update and you should be good to go23:49
juniourno in my hard disk23:49
HatLike what file?23:49
macolinusasus6: *what* other command?23:49
liminali almost got it working by refering to my graphics card busid within one of two devices within my xorg_conf23:49
lucas_anyone using archive mounter? Why doesn't it show all files when I mount an ISO?23:49
liminalI kept the screens but lost my mouse pointer.23:50
red2kicSidP: If the kernel didn't work, you always can hold SHIFT at boot up and roll back to older kernel.23:50
jose__To install it you have to boot from it, this can only be achieved by first burning the .iso23:50
SidPgreat! needlez  red2kic  thanks for the help. how do i get that dried leaf background from 10.04 hahaaha23:50
IsonyxI edited the bashrc root file in my home folder with root access using echo to make an alias..I want to remove that alias. Could anyone explain how?23:50
SidPred2kic,  i shall keep that in mind23:50
needlezyour welcome... np23:50
juniourjose_ i have the iso in my hard disk23:51
IsonyxI edited the bashrc root file in my home folder with root access using echo to make an alias..I want to remove that alias. Could anyone explain how?23:51
red2kicSidP: Download a package. I think it's gnome-background (or something of a sort)23:51
juniour i wanna to install ubuntu in virtual dox23:51
jose__I understand, go here http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download and choose the proper options on step 223:51
junioursr box23:51
jose__it'll explain what you have to do23:51
red2kicSidP: gnome-backgrounds*23:51
IsonyxI edited the bashrc root file in my home folder with root access using echo to make an alias..I want to remove that alias. Could anyone explain how?23:51
jose__oh, okay that's a different story23:51
juniourjose_tell me23:52
HatIsonyx, $ nano ~/bashrc23:52
SidPred2kic, yuuup! gonna go do that and off to bed i am. thanks23:52
Hatthen, Isonyx, just edit it and delete the information you entered.23:52
SidPthanks again needlez23:52
jose__I don't think I can help there sorry. I've never used virtual box23:52
red2kicSidP: No problem. Goodnight.23:52
needlezSidP: np23:52
HatI mean $ sudo nano ~/.bashrc23:52
juniourhat r u there to help me23:52
juniourwith virtual box23:52
jose__But I suppose you'd mount the drive on the virtual machine23:53
Isonyxonce I do nano how do I edit the file?23:53
Hilikuswhen i plug my phone ubuntu recognizes the drive but there's no partition in dev/  i see /dev/sdc but no /dev/sdc1. when i try to mount sdc it obviously fails, but after this, there is now a /dev/sdc123:53
Hilikusdoes anyone know why this happens?23:53
HatYes.  Unless I am mistaken, typing at a terminal $ sudo nano ~/.bashrc should do it23:53
HatIsonyx, did you enter the command?  And if so, what is happening on your computer?23:53
needlezhey red2kic: got a question for you if you think you can help... When I run totem after a movie has stopped playing gnome-power-manager wont kick in, so my computer won't sleep any ideas??23:53
juniourhelp me23:53
jose__search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [UUID] does anyone know what this does?23:54
juniourany one knows abt virtual box23:54
needlezjuniour: whats your problem??23:54
jose__It's in grub.cfg23:54
red2kicneedlez: I use vlc23:54
eraggoIsonyx: why did you use sudo in your home folder?23:54
IsonyxYes, I entered the command. I'm getting basically a blank screen with options at the bottom IE ^G Get Help ^O WriteOut23:54
Isonyxand so on23:54
red2kicneedlez: Perhaps because totem is still running.23:54
Dr_Willisjuniour:  i now the vbox homepage has a rather large manual on it.. and theres wiki and forum threads on using it..23:54
needlezred2kic: I get this issue in VLC and Mplayer as well23:54
juniourneedlez i wanna install ubuntu 10.04 in win 7 through virtual box23:54
IsonyxAt the top it says GNU nano 2.2.2 File: root/bashrc Modified23:55
red2kicneedlez: Any chance you have "inhibit applet" toggled on?23:55
HatOkay, you shouldn't be getting a black screen.23:55
needlezjuniour: ok?23:55
Dr_Willisjuniour:  ubuntu worked very well for me in vbox last i tried it..23:55
IsonyxI used su in my home folder23:55
needlezred2kic: idk ill check23:55
juniourDr_Wills can u tell me the procedure23:55
HatWhen I type it in, I see the bashrc file.23:55
RussiaAnyone here able to help me fix my grub.cfg?23:55
IsonyxI dont.23:56
needlezred2kic: yes it is on23:56
eraggoIsonyx: that's same as using sudo... i think when you saved the file you made that writable only via sudo access... :<23:56
HatAre you certain you're typing it in correctly?  Including the tilde and the period?23:56
juniourDr_Willis can u tell me the procedure23:56
Dr_Willisjuniour:  run vbox.. follow the wizards.. point it to the ubuntu.iso boot it.. follow installer directons...23:56
needlezred2kic: so I'm assumin it shouldnt be ??23:56
Dr_Willisjuniour:  theres not a lot to tell.23:56
red2kicneedlez: So the problem is solved, me think. It should be turned off. You only need it if you don't want screensaver to kick in.23:56
juniourDr_willis first i have to mount the iso or not23:56
HatDoes anyone here know how to transfer files directly between two computers using SSH?23:57
IsonyxEven when I do sudo nano ~/bashrc I get the same result23:57
jose__Anyone here that's well versed in GRUB, I need some help.23:57
trojanjose__, whats the prob bud?23:57
Dr_Willisjuniour:  no.. vbox handles that.. you really should go read through the vbox docs...23:57
HatI see your problem, Isonyx!23:57
needlezred2kic: ill test real quick ill be back in a few min if it doesnt work23:57
red2kicneedlez: Okay-dokey.23:57
HatYou need to type a period before typing "bashrc" because it is a hidden file.23:57
IsonyxAh, great. What is it?23:57
jose__trojan I have two distros installed on a USB stick, but only one boots23:57
HatSo, "$sudo nano ~/.bashrc" should do it.23:58
Dr_Williswhy do you need sudo to edit .bashrc ? that makes no sence23:58
trojanjose__, what distros? are u booted into 1 now?23:58
linusasus6maco I just want to open pulse audio because sound coming out of speaker and headphone in same time23:58
IsonyxAh there we are. Thanks Hat.23:58
jose__trojan so I checked the grub.cfg file and I found a line I don't understand. Do you know what "search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [UUID]" actually does?23:59
Migi32does a journaled filesystem (like ext3) keep a history of file copies/deletes etc?23:59
toastedmilkfollowed instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD to restore Grub 2 to MBR, now not able to select windows when booting, boots straight to ubuntu23:59
Hathe told me he needed root access.  I'm assuming someone changed the permissions, or it's not the one from the account he's on/23:59
IsonyxSorry, another question. How would you scroll down in a mode like that?23:59
jose__trojan yes, I'm booted into one. I have Ubuntu and Backtrack23:59
smoke_alguien que hable español23:59
Dr_WillisMigi32:  not that ive ever seen23:59
IsonyxWould you just need to you use key controls or is there an easier way?23:59
trojanjose__, terminal 'sudo update grub' ,, whats in that?23:59
red2kicDr_Willis: Perhaps he meant "sudo nano /root/.bashrc" :-P23:59
Migi32Dr_Willis, ok thanks. Otherwise I'd ask how to delete it :P23:59

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