
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1210224 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/MuonStrings.cpp SVN_SILENT: I rewrote this class completely, so relicense it02:18
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1210230 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (2 files in 2 dirs) While the Categorized view technically wasn't asking QApt to search for searches < 2 chars, it was showing the results view. For consistency, don't do that.02:32
mika__hi, is there anyone who has installed kdepim 4.6? the migration tool seem not working :(12:49
Riddellyes but I havn't tried or looked at the migration tool12:54
RiddellI don't even know if it's packaged12:55
Riddellalthough it should be if it gets compiled by default12:55
mika__Riddell: it's packaged (installed prom aptitude), it seems working (it migrate the mails), but it keep asking the pwd telling that what i write is wrong... and i'm sure that it's correct... this for all the accounts, not just one12:57
mika__both pop3 and imap12:57
Riddellmika__: I'm afraid I don't know then, it's probably an upstream issue, I would try setting up new accounts and seeing if it works with new users etc then asking in #kontact13:03
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
EagleScreenhi friends16:38
EagleScreenI plan to package the KDE4 version of KDE Debugger for natty (I think I still have time)16:39
EagleScreenthe current version in Kubuntu is KDE3, so the build way changes a lot16:39
EagleScreenI dont know if package it from scratch and keep the old changelog, or just try the procedure of updating the upstream tarball and make a completely new debian/rules16:41
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
EagleScreendo you think any of this patch is still necessary? http://patches.ubuntu.com/k/kdbg/16:56
RiddellEagleScreen: I would be tempted to package from scratch17:01
EagleScreenI will do it and will keep the Ubuntu changelog of previous versions17:01
JontheEchidnabah, if I had a usb camera I could complete the Qt3support removal from kamera17:34
EagleScreendoes KDE4 apps build-dep in autotools-dev?17:40
JontheEchidnaFor build-depends I would personally start out with these and add more as needed:17:41
JontheEchidnadebhelper (>= 7.3.16), pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.5.0), cmake,17:41
JontheEchidna kdelibs5-dev17:41
EagleScreenbuild-dep on quilt is only reuqired when quilt patches exist, true?17:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am sure there would be people to test ;)17:42
apacheloggermhhh, qtcreator with snippets <317:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: at least kamera doesn't link against kde3support anymore :)17:44
JontheEchidnawhich decreases its RAM usage by 0.2 MB (3%)17:46
yofelEagleScreen: you don't need to build-dep on quilt if you use dpkg source format '3.0 (quilt)'17:48
EagleScreeni have cameras17:49
EagleScreenyofel: how do I be sure i am in 3.0 format?17:49
yofelEagleScreen: put '3.0 (quilt)' into debian/source/format17:50
EagleScreenit already is there17:50
yofelEagleScreen: good, see http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0 too17:51
EagleScreenmaintainer for kddbg should be Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> ??17:51
yofelshouldn't it be Kubuntu Developers JontheEchidna?17:52
EagleScreenis there some packages which have Kubuntu developpers or is it my imagination?17:52
JontheEchidnayofel: that's generally used for KDE packages in main17:52
EagleScreenis kdbg in main?17:52
JontheEchidnanope, it is in universe17:52
EagleScreenso i keep Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>17:52
JontheEchidnayeah. Before it probably would have said "Ubuntu MOTU Developers" but it got changed to "Ubuntu Developers" when the new archive permissions scheme was introduced17:53
EagleScreenand wjat aboutXSBC-Original-Maintainer ?17:54
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: that would be you, since you're making the new packaging17:54
EagleScreenkeep the Debian one? (ana guerrero)?17:54
EagleScreenoh then, me?17:55
JontheEchidnawell, it probably doesn't matter too much either way.17:55
JontheEchidnathere are two maintainer fields so that the debian maintainers don't get bugged about packages with changes made by Ubuntu17:56
JontheEchidnaso whenever we change a package that comes from Debian we add the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field and set that to the original author of the packaging17:56
EagleScreenyes, I think, it should be me17:57
EagleScreenAna wont care about this package done by me17:57
ari-tczewJontheEchidna, EagleScreen: use script 'update-maintainer'18:01
EagleScreenari-tczew: in which package it is?18:01
ari-tczewEagleScreen: ubuntu-dev-tools18:01
EagleScreenari-tczew: I havent it now since I ma doing this work in a Debian box18:02
EagleScreenoh yes, it is packages in Debian!18:02
sheytanapachelogger Hey Harald :D18:22
sheytanno one ever were so happy to see me :D18:23
* apachelogger is always18:24
sheytanglad :D18:24
sheytanwhat's the deal?18:24
apacheloggersheytan: so, we started work on VLC for phones and whatnot (n900, e8, s60...) and I was wondering if you could come up with a UI for those sort of devices18:24
sheytanapachelogger: well, never saw thier UIs. If you could provide some screenshots that would be nice :)18:25
apacheloggersheytan: there no UI yet ;)18:25
apacheloggersheytan: you mean of the phones?18:25
sheytanyou know, we need integration :)18:26
apacheloggerthat is a theme aspect IMHO ;)18:26
sheytanyes, but lots of ppl will use default :P18:27
apacheloggerjolly hard to find a ui these days18:27
sheytanI'll come out with some cool fancy stuff :D18:27
apacheloggersheytan: I mean the default Qt styles on the devices can do a lot of integration already18:27
sheytandidn't gimp for lots of time, so my batteries are fully loaded :D18:27
sheytanapachelogger and stuff like icons will be yours or phone default?18:28
apacheloggersheytan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRVpYdorpi818:28
apacheloggericons at least on maemo can come from the system18:29
apacheloggerhowever they do not need to18:29
apacheloggernot sure about the other thingies since they run symbian18:29
sheytanwell, let me start some base drawings :)18:29
sheytanwhat's the default display res for n900?18:31
sheytanok, let me do some shapes :D18:31
apacheloggern8 is 360x640 if I am not mistaken18:31
apachelogger(note that there could be different UIs for n900 and n8, since they run different operating systems, so we can easily completely or slightly different uis)18:32
sheytansure, first n90018:33
* apachelogger only got that to work with for now anyway ^^18:33
apacheloggersheytan: also, about the video player... we found one approach that should make transparency working, however blur would be a bit tricky (possibly we could use KWin for that, like Plasma)18:34
apacheloggerat any rate QML will be difficult because of major performance drawbacks18:34
apacheloggeranother option that might be possible is only have the controls in QML...18:34
apacheloggerI'll do some testing with that stuff and see how it goes18:35
sheytankwin <3!18:35
mgraesslinplease don't blur behind videos - you'll kill kwin18:35
sheytancan you mix qml with kwin and plasma, right?18:35
apacheloggermgraesslin: any other suggestions?18:35
apacheloggersheytan: no plasma in the mix18:35
apacheloggergenerally you can mix anything18:36
mgraesslinwe first need strong optimizations in kwin for that18:36
sheytanwell, the blur behind controllers container isn't needed that much 18:36
apacheloggermgraesslin: sheytan insists on a blur for a player control widget, which makes sense really18:36
mgraesslinin general translucency and often changing content is a *bad* idea18:36
apacheloggersheytan: last time you went like "omgz we need this totally" :P18:36
mgraesslinkwin is completely optimized for opaque windows18:36
apacheloggermgraesslin: ack, but apple can do it ;)18:37
mgraesslingive me more developers and we can have it in 4.718:37
* apachelogger orders an opengl book18:37
mgraesslinyou don't need opengl to improve that18:37
apacheloggermgraesslin: what does one need?18:38
mgraesslinwe need to cache the background on blur, so that repaints don't require reblur18:39
mgraesslinwe need to don't blur behind blurred areas18:39
mgraesslinwe need to split windows in translucent and opaque parts and use different rendering strategies for it18:40
apacheloggerthis sounds all incredibly scary TBH :)18:47
EagleScreenplease take a look at this kdbg build failure http://pastebin.ca/203442618:49
EagleScreenI might forgot pkg-kde-tools in build-dep?18:50
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: is pkg-kde-tools installed?18:50
EagleScreenneeds it to be in build-dep?18:51
EagleScreenthe build was tried in Launchpad PPA for natty18:51
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: yes18:52
EagleScreenthen it is the problem18:52
mgraesslinit is not as scary as it might sound18:54
mgraesslinmultimedia is also very scary18:55
apacheloggersheytan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey5Z8PX1LbI about mid way through you can see the builtin n900 media player18:55
* apachelogger broke his plasma :S18:56
Quintasanapachelogger: well ubuntu kernel team broke my kernel18:58
Quintasan25 hangs today18:58
apacheloggernothing new there18:59
* apachelogger wonders when he will get a n900 kernel actually ^^18:59
apacheloggerNightrose: pingy pingy18:59
Nightroseapachelogger: pong19:00
apacheloggerNightrose: is there any page stuff about fosdem? accomodation and whatnot...19:00
Nightroseyes on community.kde.org19:00
Quintasanmgraesslin: IMO the most scary thing is kdebindings19:00
Nightroseapachelogger: will you be there? 19:01
apacheloggerthere it is19:01
apacheloggerNightrose: yus19:01
QuintasanThey NEVER build when I try.19:01
Nightroseapachelogger: you need to give a fluffy talk!19:01
Nightroseapachelogger: talk to bcoppens asap19:01
Nightroselike you _really_ need to19:01
* apachelogger absolutely forgot about the xdesktop submission thing19:01
apacheloggerNightrose: why is that?19:02
Nightrosebecause :P19:02
apacheloggerI see19:02
apacheloggerwell then I shall do so19:02
apacheloggeronce I have found bcoppens19:02
Nightroseor email to the list19:02
apacheloggerNightrose: what list?19:02
Nightrosecrossdesktop at something fosdem19:02
Nightrosecheck fosdem main page19:02
apacheloggergmail will know too19:02
QuintasanI read that as "crossdress at something at fosedm"19:03
QuintasanNightrose: ^19:03
* Nightrose goes back to thesis writing19:03
apacheloggeroh dear19:03
apacheloggerthat sounds like fun19:03
apacheloggerare we crossdressing at fosdem?19:03
Quintasanapachelogger: want some python bugs for dessert?19:04
apacheloggerNightrose: if I take a mac user with me, will he have to demo KDE on mac?19:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: I had a lot of phonons19:06
apacheloggercant eat another bite19:06
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Y U DO DIS TO ME MINDZ?19:07
apacheloggerNightrose: updated19:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that is an interesting pix19:09
Nightroseapachelogger: i think claudia is done with booking accomodation and on vacation until 3rd19:09
Nightrosebest ping her on 3rd19:09
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: philosoraptor ftw19:09
apachelogger:D :D :D19:09
Quintasan>VLC mediaplayer19:12
QuintasanOH GOD PLEASE NO19:12
apacheloggermuahahahahaha :D :D:D :D19:13
EagleScreenshould I upload new kdbg package to REVU?19:25
EagleScreenor only to PPA?19:25
ari-tczewEagleScreen: if you want your package reviewed, REVU19:32
EagleScreenlintia reports somehting, so I'd like some review19:33
EagleScreenis it a problem is a package has an uubntu revision greather than 1? 2.5ubuntu3 for isntance19:44
sheytanapachelogger almost done :)19:45
apacheloggerEagleScreen: depends on the situation19:46
apacheloggergenerally no, the point of a revision is that it can be incremented ;)19:46
EagleScreenI mean apackage in REVU19:46
apacheloggerone can also review packages that are only updates ;)19:47
apacheloggerticket for to brussels secured19:52
EagleScreensomeone can review my kdbg (KDE4) package in REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kdbg19:54
apacheloggerEagleScreen: there is *a lot* more difference than the changelog suggest20:10
apacheloggeris that a completely new version?20:10
apacheloggeroh 20:11
apacheloggeror maybe mind20:12
apacheloggeror maybe do20:12
apacheloggerEagleScreen: ubuntu2 and ubuntu1 need to be merged20:12
EagleScreenthere a kde3 version in the archive20:12
apacheloggerthere was no ubuntu1 in natty20:12
apacheloggerso from an ubuntu POV your changes are still ubuntu120:13
apachelogger(also, are you sure we want a git snapshot in natty?)20:13
EagleScreenyes apachelogger it is at the end of the development cycle, it is very usable yet20:13
EagleScreenapachelogger: I think we will have a final 2.5 release before natty is released20:18
apacheloggerEagleScreen: please mail upstream and make sure that is actually the case :)20:18
EagleScreenokay, I will do it20:18
sheytanapachelogger http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/78/basez.jpg20:18
apacheloggeryou could also sort of urge them to release in timely manner for natty ;)20:18
sheytanlets say it's ok, but not perffect20:18
apacheloggersheytan: can you join #videolan20:19
EagleScreencan be a package removed from REVU?20:25
EagleScreenhow will now upload an ubuntu1 revision if already there is an ubuntu2 ?20:26
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: you can reupload the same version to revu20:27
JontheEchidnaas many times as you want20:27
EagleScreenbut an older version?20:28
JontheEchidnahmm, I've never tried that20:28
JontheEchidnait might work though20:28
EagleScreenok, the most important failure in my package now, is that it does not install kdbg binary properly, as you can see, it is not installing the binaries in /usr/bin, for instance: http://img259.imageshack.us/i/plasmadesktopmt2091.jpg/20:31
EagleScreenupstream make install install it well20:31
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: since you have two binary packages you need a kdbg.install file in the debian directory with a list of all files that should be in the package20:32
JontheEchidnaoh, also kdbg-dbg should be arch: any not arch: all20:32
EagleScreenJontheEchidna: it is not necessary a kdbg-dbg.install?20:33
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: nope, the dbg package stuff in debian/rules takes care of that20:33
JontheEchidnayou can do usr/* and that will get all of the files most likely20:34
JontheEchidnaI'll be writing up a full review of the current package and putting it on revu20:35
EagleScreento know the packages to be installed, I think in to look at "make install" output20:56
EagleScreenfor it, i am doing a new compilation of the upstream code20:57
EagleScreenand now, cmake, does not run: http://pastebin.ca/203453120:58
EagleScreenanyone know somehting aobut this arror?20:58
EagleScreenwill it be buildable in KDE 4.4?20:59
JontheEchidnayou should probably ask upstream about that21:00
JontheEchidnaOnce virtuosoconverter dies we're free to remove the kdelibs5 transitional package from kde4libs21:09
Quintasanoh yeah21:26
Quintasanproject-neon-amarok GO GO GO21:26
=== seele-mobile_ is now known as seele-mobile
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1210352 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (16 files in 7 dirs) Use a proper shared, private library for libmuon instead of a static library22:06
sheytananyone with a ati card here?22:09
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ping22:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: how does the bzr version of the release_script figure out what .po's to grab?22:33
* apachelogger needs to catch his breath after reading the most sentence of his life22:33
JontheEchidnaI think you accidentally a word there^22:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it eats the Messages.sh files22:34
apachelogger*the most awesome sentence22:34
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it doesn't seem to be picking up two of my .po's22:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so your software is the broken :P22:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are they in the messages.sh?22:34
apachelogger*any* messages.sh actually22:35
JontheEchidnamuon-updater muon-notifier and muon-installer aren't included in the tarball22:35
JontheEchidnaonly libmuon.po and muon.po22:35
apacheloggermaybe the regex falls over22:36
apachelogger                line.match(/[^\/]*\.pot/).to_a.each do |match|22:37
apachelogger                    pos << match.sub(".pot",".po")22:37
apachelogger                end22:37
* apachelogger does not see how that would fail22:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should be switching to releaseme though22:37
apacheloggerI pushed some fixy fix for the regex some time ago22:38
apacheloggershould be more robust22:38
JontheEchidnaulysses: that solves your missing l10n with muon-installer22:39
ulyssesJontheEchidna: \o/22:39
JontheEchidnaI plan on doing an RC release this weekend22:40
smarterhey JontheEchidna!22:43
JontheEchidnasmarter: hi22:43
smarterRC release of what version? Haven't followed muon for quiet a bit now :p22:44
JontheEchidnasmarter: 1.122:45
smarterdo you plan to break the API after the release?22:45
JontheEchidnaI've not decided yet22:46
JontheEchidnahave any suggestions on what should change? (I've marked some changes I want to make in the header files with //TODO: QApt2)22:47
smarternop, I just remember there was one signal I wanted to change the name of but couldn't due to the freeze :p22:48
smarterby the way, I tried using DpkgPM and the various stuff in the deb/ subdirectory of libapt-pkg to make a dpkg interface, but either I'm dumb or that stuff is completely useless22:48
JontheEchidnathat stuff is really hard to use22:48
smarteryou tried too? :p22:49
JontheEchidnanope, I'm using some apt abstraction that libapt-pkg gives us22:49
smarterto install a package you need to pass both a file path and a PkgIterator, except there's no way to create a PkgIterator from scratch22:49
JontheEchidnaI think Adept uses DpkgPM though22:49
smarteryou can install deb files with Adept?22:50
JontheEchidnahmm, I don't think so22:50
ulyssesAdept still exists?:o22:50
JontheEchidnayeah, I don't think adept can install .deb files, but that didn't stop mornfall from subclassing DpkgPM anyways :P22:51
smarterno wonder he got frustrated and stopped working on it :p22:51
JontheEchidnamy plan for .deb installation support is to reverse-engineer how gdebi does it22:51
JontheEchidnasort've translate the python-apt stuff back to c++22:52
smarterI guess they use python-apt that just os.system(dpkg) ?22:52
smarterah, exec("dpkg") then :p22:52
JontheEchidnadunno. I never got past looking up how to extract metainfo from the package22:52
JontheEchidnasynaptic has a way to add .debs to the apt package system as a candidate that can be installed though22:53
smarterah interesting, didn't look into that22:53
JontheEchidnathen presumably you can mark it for install/removal with the .deb being the candidate22:54
JontheEchidnait's the second half of the "generate a script to download packages from another computer" and "install the downloaded packages with synaptic" feature22:55
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: releaseme did the trick, thx22:56
apacheloggerreleaseme is already better than the old plunder22:56
apacheloggeryet it is the old plunder22:57
apacheloggerthis is very strange22:57
apacheloggerit is magic of some sort I am sure :D22:57
ulysses24 our 2 and a half second to new year!22:57
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Hogmanay! Even more friendly next year | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Please test KDE in lucid-proposed LP: #691068
smarterulysses: fix your clock :p23:00
ulyssessmarter: oh, it's only 223 hour 58 minutes and 45 seconds!23:01
smarterstill 3 seconds early :p23:03
ulysseswell, Earth doesn't care the 24 hour, there are some extra seconds:P23:03
ulyssesanyway, good night23:10
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1210359 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (3 files in 3 dirs) Clean up link targets now that we aren't statically linking libraries23:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: my dear friend23:16
apacheloggeryou need an icon23:16
apacheloggeryour application now looks like a mimetype23:16
apachelogger...faulty software... :P23:16
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: sorta fixed in trunk. (it's using the old icon)23:16
apacheloggeryou remember my mantra on workarounds, right? :P23:17
* apachelogger tries to unbrick his maemo chroot -.-23:17
JontheEchidnaoh, but I did miss replacing once instance of "application-x-deb" with "muon"23:17
* apachelogger notes that we need to do similar junk for apturl23:18
JontheEchidnaprobably gdebi-kde too23:18
apacheloggerthat thing is still not dead?!?!?23:19
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1210360 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/main.cpp Remove this now that we are using an icon with our name23:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I thought you set out to kill it dead?23:19
apacheloggeror was it kpk?23:19
* apachelogger fails to see our longterm plan here23:19
JontheEchidnainstall-package was what I killed23:19
apacheloggerlongterm plan -> get rid of pyth0rn and replace it with java23:20
apachelogger<3 java23:20
apacheloggerany objections?23:20
apacheloggerok, then it is settled23:20
* apachelogger writes blog post to announce that23:20
JontheEchidnawe could call it JDE23:21
JontheEchidna!info jde23:21
ubottujde (source: jde): JDEE, Java Development Environment for Emacs(en). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 1540 kB, installed size 3804 kB23:21
JontheEchidnaalready taken23:21
JontheEchidna<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">23:22
JontheEchidna<body><div dir="ltr">On 2010-12-10 20:03z (20 days 2 hours 53 minutes ago), you uploaded a</div><div dir="ltr">translation template for kdecalendarsystems in Ubuntu Natty package</div><div dir="ltr">"kde4libs" in Launchpad.</div></body>23:22
JontheEchidnasilly kmail23:22
JontheEchidnathat is obnoxious23:22
apacheloggerany objections to tier 2 target: remove emacs from archives?23:22
apacheloggerno? perfect, then that I will announce too23:22
apachelogger2011 is going to rox23:22
apacheloggerno pyth0rn and no emacs23:22
apacheloggerit shall be heaven23:23
* apachelogger is aroused now23:23
JontheEchidnawe will rewrite OSX in java with no pyth0rn nor emacs?23:23
apacheloggerno no no23:23
apacheloggerthat is tier 1 target23:23
apacheloggerwith darwin as base23:23
apacheloggerand CoreAudio 23:24
apacheloggerto pwn all them silly linux distributions and their broken multimedia stack23:24
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Even more friendly next year - soon also on your coffee machine | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Please test KDE in lucid-proposed LP: #691068
apacheloggerimagine that23:25
apacheloggerKubuntu coffee23:25
apacheloggeryou could go to the facebook while making coffee23:26
apacheloggerwith android you could even wath pr0n, as steve explained to us earlier this year23:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you in next year already?23:26
Riddellapachelogger: he's only 5.5 hours ahead, he's not a time machine :)23:35
apacheloggerRiddell: you just destroyed a perfect scheme of annoying shadeslayer with assumptions about india23:36
apacheloggerRiddell: for that I shall uberhug you at fosdem23:37
apacheloggerthey have articles on just about everything it would seem23:38
Riddellcome to conf.KDE.in then we can be in the future!23:38
apacheloggerif someone pays23:38
apacheloggerNightrose: no linuxtag organisation page thingy yet?23:39
apacheloggeractually, if I attended conf.kde.in I could just as well not do anything next semester as I would be travelling every month ^^23:40
Riddellmy 2011 wallchart is getting scarily full already23:42
* apachelogger is so poor from all the travelling he does not even have a wallchart... :/23:44

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