
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
fujiokaI'm having problems with my Kubuntu install so I booted to the Kubuntu Live CD to make sure packages are updated and such, but how do I do that? I tried to chroot to /media/disk (my HDD) and run 'sudo apt-get update' but it won't let me.00:21
well_laid_lawnfujioka: you didn't do the chroot right00:29
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot00:29
fujiokawell_laid_lawn: I was just chrooting so I could use the terminal and get internet access, but my chroot isn't using the name internet access that the live cd has.00:32
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well_laid_lawnfujioka: if you do the chroot right it should use the net like the install you're chrooting into does afaik00:33
well_laid_lawncheck the wiki link00:33
fujiokaThe Live CD is set up to use the wifi, but the chroot (my actual install) is not.00:34
Erika_Meierfujioka: copy your /Etc/resolv.conf to your chroot and you should be good to go00:35
ivan_why shoutcast don't work anymore,anyone?00:35
fujiokaErika_Meier: thank you so much.00:36
fujiokawell_laid_lawn: thank you as well, learned some more about chroot from that wiki link00:36
well_laid_lawnnp :)00:36
fujiokaI haven't had to do this in a while, and the last times I did it was on a hard-wired, so no issues, haha.00:37
Erika_Meierfujioka: still you would have to copy the resolv.conf00:37
fujiokaApparently I just forgot then, haha.00:37
fujiokaHopefully this fixes it. I think it was just some missing KDE packages.00:38
fujiokaIf not, re-install, here I come.00:38
dutch-islanderg'day mates00:39
Erika_Meiera reinstall hardly ever fixes anything in the linux world00:39
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dutch-islanderanybody cares?00:40
fujiokaKlaus_Dieter: a re-install would fix my problem because some packages have been removed.00:50
fujiokaAnd it looks like that's what I have to do because it did more damage than I had hoped..00:50
Klaus_Dieterfujioka: ldd would find the missing dependencies which you could then reinstall manually and a lot quicker than a complete reinstall00:51
fujiokaAPT is having a lot of problems now as well :(00:51
Klaus_Dieterwell so that is your chance to learn something about your system :-D00:52
Klaus_Dieteranyway I have to get up in 5 hours so I will crash now00:52
fujiokaI'd rather get rid of it and get a new one, haha.00:52
fujiokaG'night, thanks again for the help!00:52
Klaus_Dieterno problem00:52
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mythluvahCan someone help with a startup issue?01:25
rork!ask | mythluvah01:27
ubottumythluvah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:27
mythluvahHeh. Ok.01:27
mythluvahWhen I startup the system, I get this terminal window in the upper left corner and I have to run plasma-desktop manually.  What is the best way to fix this?  Thanks.01:28
James147mythluvah: are you launching fail-safe session (should be an option in kdm, the login screen)?01:30
mythluvahNot that I know of.  I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and then switched to kde and it started happening.  So from a clean reboot, it goes to the login screen (X) and then to the terminal window.01:31
James147mythluvah: logout and make sure you select the kde session from kdm to make sure01:32
mythluvahHow do you do that?01:32
James147logout, there should be a button that lets you change your session (think its in the lower left of the dialog)01:33
mythluvahGotcha.. So will that stick?01:34
James147mythluvah: but note that 11.04 is still in alpha, and so could just be broken :)01:34
James147mythluvah: should do, as far as I know kdm selects the previous one by default01:35
mythluvahOk.  BTW, I'm switching from gnome to hopefully get a better desktop experience.  More like a MAC.  For example, when you browse your picture folder, you can't get good thumbnails in GDM. (Or at least I can't)01:36
mythluvahSo I selected the KDE option and it shows the logo of the harddrive and now it's on the config logo.. Seems stuck.01:37
* James147 notes that nether kdm nor gdm handle browsing of pictures :)01:37
James147mythluvah: give it a min01:37
mythluvahOk.  Is there a better option for the desktop that would be more Mac like? Or for that matter, more like Windows 7?01:38
* James147 points out again that 11.04 is still alpha... and that mythluvah might want to install 10.10 instead01:38
James147mythluvah: kde4 is quite like win7 in many respects,01:38
mythluvahIs there a secret ninja trick to rollback to 10.10 from the command line01:39
James147and completely different in others :D01:39
James147mythluvah: reinstall01:39
James147mythluvah: is the only `easy` way as far as I know01:39
mythluvahThat's from the terminal?01:39
kyubutsui disagree.. kde, and for that matter kubuntu, is NOT anything like windows701:39
mythluvahOr literally from a DVD?01:39
James147kyubutsu: it shares some similar features/appearences (the location of the panel/items in the panel for one...)01:40
James147mythluvah: I mean from a livecd again... downgrading is not supported and would be very hard to do01:41
mythluvahSo go 10.10 with KDE4? Is that an option from the install CD?01:41
James147mythluvah: also, its best to get the cd, the dvd only contains stuff that most people dont need/can install from the internet after01:42
mythluvahOk. CD then.. 64Bit?01:42
kyubutsuthe only similar thing is that the menu is on the lower left corner..01:42
mythluvahCan I see how much memory is on the machine from the terminal?01:43
James147kyubutsu: and the position of the taskmanager, system tray... also the maximising the windows when dragging to the top of the screen...01:43
James147mythluvah: free -h01:43
James147sorry, -m not h01:44
kyubutsusure.. James147 , and thats where the similarities stop01:44
James147kyubutsu: apart form the general usage of windows :)01:44
mythluvahThanks.  So if I only have 2G of ram, should I stick with 32 bit?01:44
James147kyubutsu: note saying its the same or trying to be... just that its probally the most "windows" like ...01:45
kyubutsuthis is how it goes.. mythluvah, do you see any sticker on your puter that indicates a 64bit processor?01:45
mythluvahIt's a dual core AMD that is a 64bit processor. (Thunderbird core I think)01:45
kyubutsuJames147: alright, i'll go with that :-P01:46
kyubutsuthen use the 64bit version, mythluvah01:46
James147uname -m will tell you if it supports 32 (x86) or 64bit (x86_64)01:46
mythluvahOk.  As for the desktop, KDE4 FTW? :)01:46
mythluvahOutput -01:47
mythluvahuname -m01:47
James147mythluvah: depends on your prefence... I would recomend trying out various ones and see which you like more01:47
mythluvahIs there any that supports thumbnails properly?01:47
James147mythluvah: ^^ thats a 64bit processor then so you can install 64 or 32bit os... not sure you will notice the difference though01:47
James147mythluvah: dolphin does (part of kde)01:48
mythluvahI thought if I went with 32, I would be better off from a driver perspective.01:48
kyubutsugwenview is the default viewer .. it works quite well01:48
James147mythluvah: not really anymore... only really really old computers would suffer from drivers only being 32bit01:48
mythluvahTo be specific, when I browse files for upload to shutterfly for example, I don't see thumbnails as an option to browse the files.  That's what I'm looking for.01:48
kyubutsuone can even use it as file manager [if dolphin isnt working, for example]  , real good software01:49
mythluvahJames: ok01:49
James147mythluvah: dolphin will show file previews, although you might need to tell it to do so01:49
James147(which isent hard, just look at its settings menu)01:49
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mythluvahSo there isn't an option when uploading?01:54
James147mythluvah: the kde file dialog should also do previews as far as I know01:55
kyubutsupreview the file in the viewer before uploading, done01:55
kyubutsulazy you01:55
mythluvahkyub: Then you have to write down all the file names.. I.e., DSCn9383, 84747, etc..01:56
kyubutsusure, hm.. nah, i wouldnt01:56
James147^^ assuming its the kde file dialog that you would be useing to select the files then yes it will support previewing01:56
mythluvahJames: So KDE4 will do this and be an option on the 10.10 CD?01:57
James147(but that would be dependnt on what your uploading them from)01:57
James147mythluvah: KDE4 wont be an option... it will be default on the kubuntu 10.10 cd, and wont be on the ubuntu 10.10 cd01:57
mythluvahSo I should download kubuntu not ubuntu 10.10??01:58
kyubutsuyou trolling?01:58
James147mythluvah: assuming you want kde and not gnome then yes01:58
mythluvahFound it01:58
mythluvahWell KDE can't be any worse than Gnome.. :)01:59
kyubutsuwe dont care if kde is better than gnome around here02:00
Albertohi to all I've a question02:00
AlbertoI try to install kubuntu 10.10 and I also have windows 702:01
Albertothe partition step in installation program, I don't understand, that step asks for "boot device" and the list of partitions02:01
James147Alberto: the grub installation part?02:02
AlbertoI've a free space in my hdd, when I click that free space, the default settings is for a logical partition, instead of a primary partition, this partition would have the kubuntu installation and computer start mechanism02:03
AlbertoJames, Idon't know if it is the installation part, I think son because on the left, there are several labels02:04
mythluvahJames: Thanks for all the help!02:04
Albertoand this is the only one section that is about partitioning the disk02:04
mythluvahKyubutso: Thanks for the help!02:04
James147Alberto: ahh :) did you pick "maunal partitions" option?02:04
Albertomanual partitions02:04
James147Alberto: click the free space and create a partition, best to pick ext3 or 4 as the file system type and type "/" (without quotes) for the mount point02:05
Albertoand it must be primary or logical?02:07
James147Alberto: it is generally recomeneded to create a serperate partition for your user files as well, if you want to do that make the first partition about 15-20 gig, then create a partition in the reset of the space with the type of ext 3 or 4 and mount point /home02:07
James147Alberto: dosent matter,02:07
James147Alberto: well, that is, it dosent matter if you have under 4 partitions (you can only have 4 pramary partitions) if you want more then make them locigal02:08
AlbertoI only have 2 partitions, one primary with ntfs and the second free02:09
kuadrosxhi, someone know "how to resize a partition in kubuntu's installer?" http://ubuntu.shapado.com/questions/how-to-resize-a-partition-in-kubuntu-s-installer02:10
rtdosisn't there a curses based im client available?02:11
Albertosecond question, the next installation question, is the "boot device" or something like that, the options are all the disk (sdb) or each partition (sdb1,sdb2), taking into account that I want to conserve win7, what is the best option?02:11
kuadrosx:O have I the same question than Alberto ? :P (caching up)02:12
James147Alberto: thats the grub installation part right?02:12
AlbertoJames, I'm not sure, is the same question in the same window on the bottom02:12
James147kuadrosx: cant quite remember the installation options :) but I know if you boot the livecd properly you can do it using either "partitionmanager" or "gparted" (you may need to install them)02:13
AlbertoI mean, the latest question of that window02:13
James147kuadrosx: Alberto: give me 5 mins to set up a virtual mecheine and I can better guide you :)02:14
kuadrosxJames147: :O thanks02:14
AlbertoJames, I found this image: http://laffers.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/snapshot7.png02:14
AlbertoI ask for the "Boot loader"02:14
Alberto"Device for boot loader installation"02:15
James147Alberto: ahh yes :) pick one of the drives (/dev/sda or /dev/sdb) should really matter which, (not one of the partitions ie /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2...)  if you only have one disk it should be /dev/sda02:16
AlbertoI have one external disk but it was disconnected when Installing kubuntu, so, when Installing kubuntu, the computer only had one disk, and it was recognized as sdb02:17
Albertothat was normal?02:18
James147Alberto: you booted with it pluged in?02:18
James147(the external that is)02:18
Albertobut there is in use one usb port02:19
James147Alberto: with a flash drive?02:19
AlbertoI think the first time I run kubuntu, the disk was connected, but later, I disconnected it02:20
James147Alberto: its very very unusual for a disk to get /dev/sdb (b indicated the second disk) without another harddisk or flash drive :S02:20
Albertook James, thank yo so much for the help :-) I'm going to install kubuntu02:20
James147Alberto: ahh :) then it might have assigned /dev/sda to the external and /dev/sdb to the internal (alittle strange), it wont change it once booted02:20
James147Alberto: select /dev/sdb if thats your internal disk02:21
James147(normaly it should select the right drive though)02:21
kyubutsuyou better backup your data before attempting this dual boot deal02:22
James147^^ yes, always do a backup beforehand :)02:22
AlbertoJames, I almost forget it, I've another question02:23
AlbertoI tried to connect to my pppoe internet02:24
Albertobut couldn't :-(02:24
AlbertoI opened the configuration window and I added the account configuration (pppoe username and pass)02:24
James147Alberto: afraid I dont know much about ppp connections :(02:24
AlbertoJames, are you using kubuntu 10.10?02:25
James147Alberto: try installing the "pppoe" package :)02:25
James147Alberto: yes02:25
Albertowhat's your type of internet connection?02:25
James147Alberto: connected through a router...02:25
Albertosame situation, router and adsl02:26
AlbertoI think the problem is I could create the connection but I couldn't use it02:27
Albertohow to use one?02:28
James147kuadrosx: still there?02:30
kuadrosxJames147: yes02:30
kuadrosxJames147: I know that gparted could do the work but I like know if the installer can02:32
James147kuadrosx: if you ahve the "install alongside other OS" option then the install will resize the selected disk (you can pick by how much by dragging the seperator on the after bar) Otherwise if you pick manual the select the ntfs partition and enter the new size you want it to be... that should resize it without formatting it02:32
AlbertoJames, do you have dsl?02:32
James147kuadrosx: although I cannot say you wont lose data this way ;) but I dont see why you would02:33
James147Alberto: adsl02:33
AlbertoJames, me too, how do you use your connection?02:33
AlbertoI can create it but not use it :-(02:33
James147Alberto: our connection to the internet is handled by our router, so to conect to the net all I have to do it connected to the router...02:33
James147(which is done by plugin it in to the router... no spical config is needed)02:34
Albertook, James thank you again for your help, I'm leaving now :-)02:35
kuadrosxJames147: "install alongside other OS" option?02:39
James147kuadrosx: on the partitioning page... note that it might not be an option if you have an unusual disk layout (dosnt take much for the installer to not offer that option)02:40
kuadrosxhmm ok, I have 3 partitions sda1,sda2, and sda3 so I don't have that option02:41
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kuadrosxin the manual option when I select sda3(ntfs) the ui show me a dialog with Used as: (do notuse the partition | a list of fs )02:43
kuadrosxnothing special...02:43
James147kuadrosx: select "do not use" if you dont wish to mount it... select "ntfs" and type a mount point if you want it mounted at boot02:50
kyubutsuyou shouldnt be touching that ntfs partition if you want to preserve windows02:53
kuadrosxJames147: there is not an option to enter the size...02:59
James147kuadrosx: under the manual partition option when you clcik on the partition you want to resize it should give you a option to "Enter the new size"03:02
kuadrosxJames147: link?03:03
kuadrosxJames147: hmm I don't get that field here :(03:06
James147kuadrosx: can you post a screen shot of what you get?03:07
kuadrosxthe column "Used" say "unknow"03:07
kuadrosxso, maybe that is why I don't get it :P03:08
James147kuadrosx: ahh... then I dont think linux can safly resize it... reboot to windows and use its utils to resize the partition first03:08
kuadrosxJames147: hmm ok, thanks03:09
kuadrosxand thanks to use ubuntu.shapado :D03:09
* kuadrosx is a shapado's developer :)03:09
kuadrosxJames147: :) I just config the windows and now the "install alongside other OS" option is displayed03:33
James147:) I tend to do manual anyway as I like to create a seperate /home partition03:34
kuadrosxyes :P03:37
wrendpotentially a very lame question, but does this release: 'kubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso' support x64 intel chips too?03:41
James147wrend: yes03:42
James147wrend: amd64 is compatable with the intel 64bit chips03:43
wrendthanks james03:46
wrendis it just an indicator of which chip it was compiled on?03:46
James147wrend: and generally, amd64, x64 and x86_64 are used interchagablly03:47
wrendrighto, thanks for the pointer. finally, finally i'm going for a home linux install. its been far too long.03:48
James147:D if you need any help jsut give us a shout03:49
wrendmany thanks03:49
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rtdoswhat is the kde equivalent of gedit?05:49
kuadrosxrtdos: kate05:49
rtdosthanx kuadrosx06:09
ruihey people07:23
ruianyone knows how to put back the notification on the panel?07:24
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Guest65705um, hello?07:34
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yuvankumarhi, i'm running kubuntu 10.10, my screen intermittently freezes every 5 - 10 minutes, for abt 5 secs. How do i find out what is causing the problem?10:25
yuvankumarstill a newbie with kubuntu, so I don't have much a clue where to start from10:25
valorieyuvankumar: you could run top from the console, and watch to see what's using up all your graphics memory10:39
valoriesounds like some sort of indexing, or something10:39
valoriecaution: watching top can become a pasttime10:40
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mika__hi, is there anyone who has upgraded to kdepim 4.6 using the experimental ppa?12:15
rork!ask | mika__12:17
ubottumika__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:17
mika__rork: i haven't asked to ask, just asked if there is anyone who upgraded :)12:18
rorkmika__: noticed, but usually there's a reason why you'd like to know which wasn't clear in your question, adding the reason might lead to a faster and more adequate response :)12:20
marek_hi all12:22
mika__and..............freezed.......... -.-12:23
mika__btw, i need someone with kdepim 4.6 to know how he solved the migration as here it's not working, telling that the pwd are wrong, when they're correct12:24
vmtHello all, I have ntop running and need a report for a month how much traffic it was used for a special host. Im not able to find such summary. It version 3.3. MAybe the actuell version 4.03 solves the problem. Can I do such measurement with that version? Can someone help?12:30
Kenjirogood morning12:32
Kenjirocan anyone tell me which is the KDE version on latest kubuntu?12:32
volodya_Kenjiro: 4.5112:33
volodya_4.5.1, that is12:33
Kenjirohmmm ok, thanks12:34
mika__anyone with kdepim 4.6? :(12:49
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lieuwehey, right now i have my keyboar \d set up to US, but i want to be able to do accents with the alt key, e.g. [alt]+["] [E] would make a e with dots on it.13:28
lieuweany idea what setting i need to change?13:28
BluesKajhi all13:30
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marek__hi all14:47
samuelhey guys, im having some problems with my kubuntu14:49
James147_!ask | samuel14:50
ubottusamuel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:50
rethuswho ask me?14:50
rethushi james147 - you remember, i upgrade yesterday - with many problems - to maverick14:51
rethusnow maverick seems to work well... but i have no sound anymore14:51
James147_hey rethus,14:51
James147_rethus: check "alsamixer" and make sure all the chanels have volume and arent muted14:52
samueli seem to be having an issue with the compositing effects, each time i boot my laptop ,it is alsways temp disabled, and i must alt shit f12 a few times before it will start again (this is on a fresh install), also , my desktop effect where you go over the task bar and a preview of the window is sposed to pop-up .. it will pop up, but only show an empty box, with just the name of the program .. and an area where to preview was sposed to be.14:53
James147_rethus: also, try running "speaker-test" and see if you get sound from that (ctrl+c to stop it)14:53
rethusjames147: all on14:54
rethusno sound at all14:54
marek__do you have headset nokia bh-204 (bluetooth one)14:54
rethusno sound with speaker-test14:54
James147_samuel: could you create a new user and see if it works on them14:54
rethusif i start kde, i got 3 noises... than nothing14:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:55
rethusquestion: on maverick... there are apt-get the default-tool? i heard, aptitude should become the defualt-tool for package-mangement?14:56
James147rethus: afraid not... debian are pushing aptitude as the new default tool, however, on maverick ubuntu have removed it from the default installed applications14:57
James147rethus: however, you can reinstall it with "sudo apt-get install aptitude" :)14:57
rethusrealy strange - isn't it?14:57
James147rethus: yeah, not sure why they chose to do that... I for one much prefure aptitude14:58
rethusme too14:58
yofelnot really, they need space on the CD - we already have apt-get, so there's not much point in installing 2 package managers by default14:58
yofelI prefer aptitude too though14:58
yofeland it's still shipped on server installs14:58
rethuswhy didn't use it instead of apt-get on CD ?14:58
James147yofel: but why not get rid of apt-get? espically if debian are also pushing for aptitude as default?14:59
yofeldon't ask me, ask colin or whoever.. (or file a bug against ubuntu-meta to find out)14:59
rethusmaybe some packages left on my system?14:59
rethusi have only alsa-base, alsa-oss and alsa-utols15:00
yofelrethus: you should have pulseaudio now as maverick uses that by default15:00
yofelwhich is a mess usually :S15:00
yofelrethus: install pavucontrol (gtk) and see if anything's muted there15:01
rethusk, alsamixer say nothing is mutet, but there was... now i have my sond back15:01
rethusbut don't fell such stable like the soundsystem before15:02
rethusif i change the sound-voume with mouse-wheel, i hear at each step some noise in my speakers15:02
rethusKmix also looks realy strange... all my audio-lines are gone15:04
rethusand the sound is realy scratchy15:04
BluesKajyofel, I have to admit that pulseaudio is lessy buggy on maverick , never been a fan but I need it for mencoder audio capture from my pvr along with the video15:04
rethushelp, what happend wwith my good old sound on my system :)15:04
yofelBluesKaj: yeah, it works somewhat, but phonon using alsa directly felt less buggy15:05
James147rethus: if you can hear static on the speakers, turn down or mute the mic/capture chanels15:05
rethusjames147: problem is kmix don't have any other lines than "internal audio analog stereo"15:06
James147rethus: use alsamixer15:06
rethusand somebody always talk some stupid things repeatly (maybe jieve sound syntesizer)?15:06
rethusits the time15:07
rethusevery minute a vouice tell me the time15:07
James147rethus: they clock widget can be configured to speak the time every so often...15:07
BluesKajrethus, try: speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav15:07
James147rethus: not normaly set by default, but you can disable it form the clock widgets settings15:08
rethusthe lovly girl sound out of my speaker :) but scratchy15:08
rethushave found an disable it15:08
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rethuskmixer seems to me still out of lucid package15:12
rethusyes, in alsamixer was choosed mic1 i switch to mic2 and now the sound is clear15:13
James147rethus: what version is it (in kmix: help > about kmix)15:14
rethuswhich is the best backend for phonon? i have now xine15:14
BluesKajxine is the default rethus , it should be fine15:15
rethuskmix 3.715:15
rethusi wonder where are all my lines in kmix... in alsamixer i see the lines15:15
rethusin kmix not15:16
James147rethus: have the same version here :)15:16
rethusin chanels i have no other channels15:16
James147rethus: thats the pulseaudio channels :S as far as I know15:16
James147kmix nolonger sees the raw chanels directly but rather oges through pulseaudio (at leasts thats that I can gather goes on)15:17
rethusthats a real big step backward15:17
rethusare there other colume-applets for try which show the lines?15:18
rethuscould not be the plan, that i always should open alsamixer on console, if i like to adjust one of my lines15:18
BluesKajalsamixer is your best bet for ctrl of line in /out volumes, rethus15:20
rethusBut is there a version for systemtray15:20
rethusor only for commandline15:20
BluesKajdunno , I just use the cli15:20
rethusok, pavucontrol is the only alternate programm to adjust volume on gui in maverick15:22
BluesKajthe cli alsamixeris very flexible with alot of options witht F keys if you read the options atr the top15:22
rethusi'Äm not glad with this solution15:24
rethuswonder why kde is killing all the small well working apps which makes kde such compfortable15:25
James147rethus: not sure if its kde or kubuntu...15:25
rethuswho ever... its not a good idea.15:26
rethusthats only my personal feedback15:27
rethuswhat alternate program to puseaudio can i use?15:47
James147rethus: technelly you dont need to use a alternitive program... its a middle man between the applications and the sound system (probally alsa) although I dont know what will break if you try to remove it15:51
rethusrealy creepy15:54
rethuswonder why all this things have to be such complicated... even such a easy thing like a vomume mixer... but anyway... hope i find a soultion in the future. thanks for your help15:55
ubuntu_i killed grub2 i think, who can help me rescuing it? i failed 2 times and now nothing happens anymore windows wont boot nor linux15:58
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:58
ubuntu_!grub2 does mena?16:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:01
rethushave now installed gnome alsamixer, that do the job16:01
rethusa pitty that i have to install gnome-applikations to do kde-jobs16:01
[GuS]Hi Guys, i've upgraded to KDE4.6rc1 and i have few problems: kmail password for pop/smtp is not being reminded. Knote tray icon not showing, etc. Are know bugs?16:07
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
well_laid_lawn!away > MuzerAway16:11
ubottuMuzerAway, please see my private message16:11
BluesKaj[GuS], it's an RC , ask in #kde16:12
[GuS]I've always asked here about Kubuntu-ppa... but well. Thanks.16:13
lieuweurk, which tard made ark? seriously16:14
lieuweany suggestions for alternatives to ark?16:14
lieuwei need to be able to drag and drop files between two opened archives, without extracting them to a temp folder16:14
well_laid_lawnyou could try xarchiver16:15
Tm_Tlieuwe: watch your attitude16:23
lieuweTm_T: yeah, sorry, immabit tired and whatnot, i'll try to be nice :-316:24
BluesKajlieuwe, try unp , it uncompresses mostly anything16:27
lieuweBluesKaj: i dont want to uncompress, i need to replace some files in a jar file16:27
BluesKajlieuwe, I guess you need java/jdk16:32
MasterOfIntegralI have laptop battery isuue with all latest kernels (2.6.31-2.6.35). Too many wakeups from [kernel scheduler] Load balancing tick. It's also present in on my machine - it halfes battery life. Do you encounter similar problem? Is there a workaround?16:34
MasterOfIntegralIt was already filed as a bug in Maverick, someone said there tj16:35
MasterOfIntegralthat newest kernel doesnt have this, but it is still present16:36
MasterOfIntegralBTW: I'm using powertop to check CPU-intensive programs.16:37
=== oogabooga is now known as abcdef
abcdefI'm trying to install kubuntu and having some dificulties ...17:22
jesupues si que sois en el kubuntu este17:22
abcdefno habla ... is this a spanish speaking channel?17:23
abcdefer ...17:23
abcdefno hablo ...17:23
lieuweit's engrish17:24
abcdefwhew ...17:24
lieuweabcdef: where did you get the impression that this was spanish?17:24
abcdefengrish ... cute17:24
abcdeffrom jesu ...17:24
abcdefanywho ...17:24
abcdefI finally got the install CD to boot by also having an image on a flash drive, but now I can't seem to partition the HD ...17:25
abcdefI'm in the live CD right now .... so I know it works ... it doesn't seem to want to see the hard drives in the system ... any ideas?17:27
sresuabcdef: You will have to mount it? Kubuntu live CD, right?17:28
abcdefsresu: well, the CD won't boot by itself ... I get "mo medium with a valid filesystem" error ... I tried mounting several of the devices in /dev with no luck ...17:29
sresuabcdef: You can use KDE Partition editor17:29
abcdefI got to the live cd by having a flash drive with a second image on it in a usb port ...17:30
abcdefSo I'm making progress ...17:30
abcdefthe HD is empty ... no OS on it at all ...17:31
abcdefMB is a Gigabyte P55A-UD317:31
abcdefI can get to the partitioner but none of the buttons do anything ...17:32
sresuWhat exactly is the problem? It doesn't detects it?17:32
abcdefI think not ...17:32
lieuweabcdef: you are booted into the livecd?17:32
abcdeflieuwe: yes, with the help of having a second image on a usb  flash drive ... otherwise it won't boot17:33
lieuweabcdef: go burn a working cd first then17:34
DarthFrogabcdef:  The statement ""mo medium with a valid filesystem" is the bingo, here.17:34
DarthFrogYou need to partition the disk.17:34
lieuweor actually boot from cd, and not hd17:34
abcdefDarthFrog: I saw that ... I don't think it's detecting the drives in the box at all ...17:34
abcdeflemme bring up a console and check /dev ...17:35
lieuweabcdef: boot from the cd then17:35
DarthFrogabcdef: Run gparted.  Or kparted.17:35
DarthFrogNo, not kparted, it's called partitionmanager now. :-)17:35
sresuyes that's what i suggested17:36
sresuKDE Partition Manager17:36
DarthFrogDo as sresu says. :-)17:36
DarthFrogabcdef: what happens when you try to boot the LiveCD?17:37
pedahzurI have a strange one here. I recently updated to Kubuntu 10.10, and then upgraded to KDE 4.5.4.  My session can login fine, but another account on the computer cannot login (KDM boxes go grey).  I've reset the password. /var/log/auth.log does *not* show an authentication failure (but does if I intentionally put in the wrong password).  Ideas?17:38
abcdefDarthFrog: I get the splash screen, I select start kubuntu, I get the splash screen with the moving dots, then I get dumped to the console with the aformentiioned "no valid file system" ...17:39
abcdefDarthFrog: also tried the alt cd ...17:39
DarthFrogabcdef: Hmm, that's odd.17:39
abcdefgot as far as re-mounting the CD and the installer coulldn't find it ...17:39
DarthFrogabcdef: Did you download the CD image?  Did you validate the checksum?17:40
=== Snowhog_ is now known as Snowhog
abcdefwhere's the cli here?17:40
abcdefDarthFrog: yes ... it's fine ...17:40
DarthFrogabcdef: ALT-F1, konsole or yakuake.17:40
DarthFrogOops, ALT-F2, not F117:41
DarthFrogI use yakuake.17:41
sresupedahzur: System Settings>Login Screen>Convenience... Check here17:41
abcdefDarthFrog: isn't  there a console app I can use on the live cd?17:41
sresuKonsole is preferabe in KDE though17:42
pedahzursresu: No auto-logins enabled, no password-less logins enabled.17:42
DarthFrogsresu: Press ALT-F2, type "konsole".17:43
sresuDarthFrog: Yeah, same17:43
DarthFrogOops, that was intended for abcdef, not sresu. :-)17:43
sresuabcdef: ^^17:43
sresupedahzur: You will have to go through Login screen settings and check if there is something wrong for you17:43
abcdefok ... konsole running ...17:44
sresupedahzur: You can also try to reset passwords17:44
abcdefchecking /dev ...17:44
drewciferGood afternoon folks, is there anybody who may be interested in helping me figure out how to get the proper display resolution to show up in nvidia-settings... or just force it to my monitor for that matter?17:44
pedahzursresu: My session logs in just fine, it's the other session that has issues.  I've tried resetting passwords. The crazy thing is, when I enter the correct password, /var/log/auth.log does not show any errors...it does show errors when I enter a *wrong* password, so PAM is processing the password correctly.17:45
DarthFrogabcdef: In the terminal, "sudo -i" will give you root privileges.  "cfdisk /dev/sda" - what does that show you?17:45
sresupedahzur: Strange17:46
sresuHold on17:46
pedahzursresu: Yeah, that's what I said. :)17:46
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sresupedahzur: Do as DarthFrog says. :-)17:46
DarthFrogsresu: ??17:47
pedahzursresu: This is showing up in auth.log as well. I don't know if it's fatal...nor do I know if it shows up when I log in: kcheckpass[7002]: pam_env(kdm:setcred): Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory17:47
sresuDarthFrog: I was about to ask for cfdisk /dev/sda17:47
DarthFrogsresu: Yeah, but not to pedahzur. :-)17:47
abcdefok ... wierd ... sda1 came up and it's the flash drive ...17:48
sresuAh.. sorry17:48
DarthFrogabcdef: Howabout  "cfdisk /dev/sdb"?17:48
James147pedahzur: when happens if you create a new user?17:48
DarthFrogabcdef: Or "fdisk -l"?17:48
abcdefFATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive17:49
pedahzurJames147: Haven't tried that yet, since I have one (existing) user that's working.17:49
DarthFrogabcdef: OK, is the drive seen by the BIOS at system startup?17:49
DarthFrogabcdef: Time to check the cables.17:49
abcdefDarthFrog: yes ... on channel 6 master ...17:50
DarthFrogabcdef: It sounds like you have a duff drive.17:50
sresupedahzur: I've seen a similar bug to the problem you are facing. Hold on. I'm searching17:50
abcdefDarthFrog: duff drive?17:50
abcdefI' a geek, but I've never heard that one before ...17:51
DarthFrogabcdef: Swap out that drive for a known good one.  "Duff" = "She's buggered, mate!"17:51
abcdefDarthFrog: well, I can't see the cdrom drive in /dev either ...17:51
abcdefit seems like the entire disk bus can't be seen or something ...17:52
sresuabcdef: Have you tried checking your HD on other system?17:52
DarthFrogabcdef:  Do you see anything other than /dev/sda from "fdisk -l"?17:52
abcdefI'm existing on the flash drive alone right now ....17:52
sresudrive I mean17:53
DarthFrogabcdef: Are these IDE or SATA drives?  Could it be a bad IDE cable?17:53
abcdefDarthFrog: /dev has sda & sda1 ... that's it ...17:53
DarthFrogabcdef: Methinks you have a hardware issue.17:53
abcdefDarthFrog: brand spanking new computer ... hot tested with M$7 ...17:53
abcdefall I had them do was wipe the drive ...17:54
DarthFrogabcdef: If it were me, I'd try booting a Fedora 14 LiveCD and see if the problem persists.17:55
James147abcdef: woudl be worth checling for a loose cable... best to reseat the ide and power cables17:55
James147checking ^^17:55
abcdefOk ... lemme try fedora core 14 ... I really want to get away from fedora, though ....17:56
pedahzurJames147, sresu: FYI: I created a new user, and it can log in fine.  Also, no errors shown in /var/log/kdm.log either.17:56
DarthFrogabcdef: It's only for diagnostic purposes.17:56
James147pedahzur: might be a config error then :S17:57
sresupedahzur: You find any problems with new user created with respect o APM?17:57
abcdefchanges to fast and requires a fresh install each time ... linux is my main os ...17:57
James147pedahzur: first check to see if the users own all their own files in their home directory17:57
* abcdef slinks over to his FC5 box and downloads FC14 ...17:57
DarthFrogabcdef: Use SuSE if you prefer. :-)17:58
abcdefOk ... downloading FC14 ... While that's happining, time for some lunch and fuck the wife ... :)17:59
sresuJames147: THat will have to be done manually. New user or changed user name have some problems wrt to files association i believe17:59
IdleOne!language | abcdef18:00
ubottuabcdef: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:00
DarthFrog!language | abcdef18:00
pedahzurJames147: Yup, user owns all files in their home directory, and all files in ~/.kde.18:01
sresupedahzur: What about PAM?18:02
James147pedahzur: try removing the .Xauthority file18:02
pedahzursresu: auth.log shows "pam_env(kdm:setcred): Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory" immediately follows by "pam_unix(kdm:session): session opened for user newuser by (uid=0)" so apparently it's not a fatal error.18:02
pedahzurJames147: Will try that next.18:02
sresupedahzur: For the new user account I mean...18:02
sresupedahzur: Ah-ok18:03
bittincomputer porn: http://shuffling.se/forum/index.php?topic=497.msg24190#msg2419018:06
pedahzurJames147: Deleted the .Xauthority file. Still no login.  No errors in auth.log. No errors in kdm.log.18:06
sresuJames147: I was wondering how does that helps? deleting xauthority ...18:07
James147sresu: have had errors in the past where i was unable to login due to that file being wrong... deleteing it fixed the issues18:08
James147(htat is normally caused by useing sudo kate rather then kdesudo kate though)18:08
sresuJames147: or at times x-window-system-core helps18:10
sresuReinstallation I mean18:10
pedahzursresu:  "Reinstallation of x-window-system-core is not possible, it cannot be downloaded." OK...18:13
pedahzursresu: Says it's a "transitional package for Debian etch" :)18:14
MrUnagii am having trouble setting up file sharing.....when i click it in the settings all i get is a username and password entry...18:15
pedahzursresu, James147: BRB...going to try something, but it requires shutting down X.18:15
James147MrUnagi: instll samba and kdenetwork-filesharing18:18
MrUnagidoes there need to be a reset after?18:18
sresuped : I didn't suggest installiing that18:19
James147MrUnagi: only a kernel upgrade requires a reboot18:19
sresuJames147: On Debian I meant it used to like that18:19
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MrUnagiah there it is thank you18:20
MrUnagihow do i enter admin mode in the system settings?18:20
James147MrUnagi: kdesudo kcmshell4 kcmsambaconf18:25
MrUnagiomg kubuntu doesn't do sharing easily18:27
pedahzurJames147, sresu: I'm back. So, shutting down kdm, logging in as the "problem" user, and issuing "startx" from the console works just great...seems it's KDM that's having an issue with the account.18:28
James147pedahzur: you could then try to reconfigure kdm "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm18:29
pedahzurJames147: Nope.  Heh...mental note: 'kdm restart' kills one's X session. :)18:31
James147pedahzur: yes, yes it would :)18:31
pedahzurJames147: I knew that...but had forgotten it.18:32
DarthFrogpedahzur: KDM is configured by the stuff in /etc/kde4/kdm.  You might poke around there and see if there is anything that is limiting your login users.18:34
rtdoswhat is gcompris and should i be scared of it?18:35
sresupedahzur: sudo chown `whoami`:`whoami` ~/.Xauthority18:37
pedahzursresu: .Xauthority is already owned by the user...startx from the console works...it's KDM that is having issues.18:37
pedahzurDarthFrog: nothing referencing any users I can see in /etc/kde4/kdm...anything in particular I should look for (beside user names)?18:38
DarthFrogpedahzur: Don't know, it was a straw grasp. :-)  Do you have gdm installed?  Does it show the same behaviour?18:38
pedahzurDarthFrog: No, I don't...haven't tried that yet.18:41
sresupedahzur: I think you need to configure Xauthority that other users  can acces the display.18:42
pedahzurDarthFrog: OK, XDM is installed...BRB.18:42
pedahzursresu: ?18:42
sresuIt actually between Xauthority and kdm18:43
pedahzur sresu: Not following. My user, and a new user I created, both work.18:43
sresuI get that18:44
sresuits KDM you said is faulty wrt to new user right?18:44
sresureconfigured is done18:44
sresuand also restart18:45
pedahzurKDM is faulty to existing user...new user worked fine.18:45
sresuWhy you tend to have strange problems?18:45
sresuwith your system18:46
pedahzursresu: I wasn't having problems until I upgraded to KDE4. :)18:46
sresupedahzur: Ok :) Was it right initially?18:47
sresuDarthFrog: Why you thought XDM was required?18:47
pedahzursresu: KDM in KDE3 could log everyone in just fine. :018:47
pedahzursresu: I'm going to see if XDM will allow the user to log in.  BRB.18:47
DarthFrogsresu: Not XDM, GDM.  Only to see if the problem was with KDM specifically or with a display manager generally.18:48
DarthFrogPersonally, I'd back up the home directory, delete and recreate the user. :-)18:48
homehow can i see videos at youtube xD ?18:48
sresuDarthFrog: Yeah, that would be my last suggestion to him :)18:50
sresuhome: It would ask for extra plugins to be installed in firefox. Else intall adobe flash plugin from synaptic18:50
DarthFroghome:  "apt-cache search flashplugin".18:50
DarthFroghome:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer18:51
sresuhome:  <sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer>18:51
sresuhome: It usually asks for it on your first use of any browser. Which KDE version?18:53
pedahzursresu, James147: I'm back. :)  XDM logs the user in just fine...sigh.18:53
homeI must install firefox? ?18:53
James147pedahzur: have you reconfigued kdm?18:53
sresuDarthFrog: ^^18:53
pedahzurJames147: dpkg-reconfigure? yes.18:54
sresuhome: Konquerer is default. If you need, you can18:54
homemy version of kubuntu is the 6.0618:54
sresupedahzur: sudo restart kdm?18:54
pedahzursresu: Many times...remember "restarting kdm kills your X session"? :)18:55
DarthFroghome: Why so ancient a version?18:55
pedahzurDarthFrog: Because it's still supported. :)18:55
sresupedahzur: Yes, usually reconfiguring and after its first use demands resatart as well18:56
sresuJames147: Its KDM specific18:56
pedahzursresu:  Yeah, it's been restarted a few times since the reconfigure.18:56
DarthFrogpedahzur: 6.06 is still supported?  I would have thought that support would have ended in 2009.  LTS is only 3 years on the desktop.18:56
pedahzurDarthFrog: Well, for the desktop, yeah.18:57
homethank you sresu :D18:57
homei don't have other version18:57
pedahzurhome: You can download an updated. :)  It's all free. :)18:57
sresupedahzur: Have you tried <ssh -X localhost>19:00
pedahzursresu: Yes, that works fine, so does kill *DM, logging in on the console, and issuing startx. It's only when trying to login with KDM that it fails.19:01
sresupedahzur: pastebin /var/log/kdm.log19:02
pedahzursresu: http://pastebin.ca/203444519:05
sresupedahzur: Also /var/log/syslog19:05
sresusince it occured after update19:05
sresuAh.. NVIDIA GLX errors.. (EE) are all errors19:06
home must I go down kubuntu or an update?19:06
sresuFresh install of latest Kubuntu if you have /home separate or backed up19:07
sresuI need not highlight you:)19:08
pedahzursresu: Those might be old errors (occurred during updates)...I haven't seen any of those recently.19:08
sresupedahzur: Yes, its all due to update that certain old things are lingering around and causing trouble19:09
pedahzursresu: Possibly.19:09
sresupedahzur: pastebin /var/log/syslog please19:09
pedahzursresu: How much of it?  There's 18,000 lines. :019:11
sresurecent or day you updated... I'll take a glance19:11
pedahzursresu: I think only the X server 1.9.0 sections in kdm.log should be pertinent.  The Nvidia errors were from my old install where I wasn't running the Nvidia driver.19:11
sresupedahzur: Actually finding and removing all the remainders kdm-kde4 can solve it19:13
pedahzur$ dpkg -l|grep kdm19:13
pedahzurii  kdm                                        4:4.5.4-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1                            KDE Display Manager for X1119:13
pedahzursresu: That's all that's installed.19:14
sresuAh-ok :)19:14
homeif i download kubuntu will be my version updated ?19:16
pedahzurhome: You'll want to download an ISO and install it that way, or use do-release-upgrade (google for ubuntu upgrade 6.06 8.04)19:16
pedahzursresu: Uploading my syslog19:17
sresuNo hold on19:17
sresupedahzur: I don't know why you need a resintallation. Though I shouldn't suggest that19:18
pedahzursresu: Yeah, I'd rather avoid that. :)19:19
sresupedahzur:  /home kept aside and quick reinstallation would be my last sugestion. But still I remember having this error before.. Searching through some of my records .. hold on please19:20
sresupedahzur:  startx, start/stop kdm works fine right?19:21
pedahzursresu: Yup. And logging into the console as the "problem user" and issuing startx works fine too.19:22
sresupedahzur: Its only the initial start which creating trouble for KDM19:22
pedahzursresu: Using KDM to try to login as the problem user is the issue.19:22
sresuKDM is failing19:23
pedahzursresu: Yes, but only for that one user.19:23
sresuall the users in same group?19:24
pedahzursresu: no, each in their own group.19:24
pedahzursresu: But there are secondary groups of which they are members.19:25
sresuThough I was clarifying about multi-users and groups with James147but still what does cat /etc/group give?19:25
pedahzursresu: The working user and the problem user are members of all the same groups except for the admin group (but the newuser, which worked, wasn't part of the admin group either).19:26
rtdoswhat other screen savers are available for kde/kubuntu?19:28
James147pedahzur: somce nothing else seems to be working... i wonder what happens if you move all the users config files to another location (ie ~/backup) to make sure there isent a problem with one o0f them19:29
pedahzurJames147: Yeah, I might have to try that...I was hoping to avoid that too. :)19:30
James147pedahzur: yeah, i know its not idle... but i am not sure whel else to suggest appart form recreating teh users :)19:30
pedahzurJames147, sresu: Thank you for all your help.  I really appreciate it.  I think I'm going to give it up for now, I'll come back to this later...I have other things to do at the moment. :)19:30
sresuYesh, likewise as James14719:31
mr-richsresu: ok ... just tried the FC14 CD ... "No root device found ... Boot has failed, sleeping forever." ... :(19:38
sresuIs that the exact error you saw? O_o?19:39
sresuabcdef/mr-rich: Seems hardware issue19:40
mr-richsresu: exact ...19:41
mr-richsresu: I think it has something to do with SATA/IDE but I'm not sure what ...19:41
mr-richsresu: it's just not seeing any of the HDs ...19:41
sresuin BIOS as well?19:42
sresumr-rich: ^^19:42
mr-richsresu: BIOS is fine ... I'll look in BIOS now to tell you what I see ...19:43
mr-richsresu: I have 8 (0-7) ide channels ... the HD is on channel 6 master and the DVDROM is on channel 7 master ...19:45
mr-richsresu: Might the installer have trouble seeing past 4?19:46
DarthFrogmr-rich: Well, try plugging your HD into a lower numbered channel?19:48
DarthFrogmr-rich: Mind you, that's odd.  If the BIOS can see it, Linux should be able to install and boot from it. <head scratching>19:49
drewciferhey folks, sorry about the repeat question, but I had to close my client and am unaware of any replies. Can anybody help  me with configuring xorg with xinerama and nvidia drivers19:54
drewciferwhen starting x I get "unable to validate any modes..." I've scoured google to no avail, any help is greatly appreciated19:56
James147drewcifer: you should note that kde dosent support seperate screen with xinearama... it is best to use twinview19:56
drewciferthanks for the heads up, I'll mess with that for a while19:58
drewciferJames147: that shouldn't have any effect on xorg loading the second monitor, no?19:59
drewciferJames147: I was able to force my primary monitor's resolution by using Option "UseEDID" "0" in xorg, but the same solution does not work for the other monitor20:00
James147drewcifer: probally not...20:01
James147drewcifer: what about defing the resalutuion manually?20:01
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:01
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mr-richDarthFrog: UREKA!20:08
mr-richsresu: UREKA!20:09
mr-richchanging them to 0 & 1 seems to be working ...20:11
mr-richGo figgure ... :)20:11
DarthFrogmr-rich: Congratulations!20:13
mr-richDarthFrog: I think it needs to be on channel 0-5 ... 6 & 7 may be extrainous ...20:15
DarthFrogmr-rich: Glad I was able to help.20:15
mr-richnow goiing to partitioning ... wish me luck ...20:17
mr-richWOOHOO! found the HD ...20:18
mr-rich1TB drive ... how to partition?20:19
mr-richwhat's a good size for /?20:19
DarthFrogmr-rich: 15 gigs for /, 1 gig for swap, rest for /home.20:20
DarthFrogor use a swapfile instead of a partition.20:20
DarthFrogMind you, that's not how I'd partition a server. :-)20:20
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mr-richDarthFrog: no /boot?20:23
James147^^ swap size depends on ammount of ram, it isent really needed if you ahve above 2gig of ram unless you want to hybernate then it needs to equal the size of your ram at least20:23
DarthFrogA /boot partition is good when / is on a RAID partition.20:24
DarthFrogJames147: It's been a while.  Does the installer still complain if you don't set a swap partition?20:24
James147DarthFrog: it moans alittle, but its easy to ignore :)20:25
DarthFrogJames147: :-)20:25
DarthFrogmr-rich: Other than that, I can see little reason for a separate /boot partition in a desktop system.20:25
James147DarthFrog: think thats because swap is important if you have less then 1gig of ram... and dosent really hurt if you dont20:25
James147DarthFrog: encrypted / is another reason for a seperate /boot :)20:26
DarthFrogJames147: My attitude has always been (mind you, this is from admin'ing servers), if you're using any swap, you need more RAM.20:26
James147DarthFrog: yeah, I would agree with that... espically nowa days20:26
DarthFrogJames147: Yes, if you have an encrypted / partition.  But why would a desktop system have / encrypted?  /home, yes.  but /?20:26
James147^^ that is unless you need to hybernate :) then you need swap20:27
James147but either way I would use a swapfile instead of a partition, its much more flexable20:27
mr-richcan swap be logical?20:29
James147mr-rich: locigal and primary dosent matter for less then 4 partitions... you only need locical if you want more then 420:33
James147and as far as I know they make no difference for what you want to use them with20:34
DarthFrogJames147: True for Linux.  Not true for ... lesser OS's. :-)20:34
James147:) dont tend to deal with them much20:34
DarthFrogI'm with you.  We're both fortunate that way. :-)20:35
James147DarthFrog: currently running on 100% linux (even my phone is :D  ) since my windows box decided to `expire`20:35
rtdoswhat other screensavers are available for kde?20:44
James147rtdos: try installing (if they arnt already) kscreensaver kscreensaver-xsaver and kscreensaver-xsaver-extra20:46
rtdosthanks you.20:51
rtdosdoes this mean they are installed already - Package kscreensaver-xsaver is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:52
rtdosThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:52
rtdosis only available from another source20:52
rtdosE: Package 'kscreensaver-xsaver' has no installation candidate20:52
rtdosE: Unable to locate package kscreensaver-xsaver-extra20:52
FloodBotK1rtdos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
James147rtdos: try tunning "sudo apt-get update" first then install them again20:52
RidikuelHello, how can i make kubuntu ignore my iPhone completely, so i can pass it to virtualbox?20:53
mr-richOT q: Can M$7 run on a 200mb drive ?20:54
mr-richit will be running in a VM ...20:54
James147Ridikuel: if you did then virtualbox wontbeable to see it... since it con only see what kubuntu can... You might, hoever, want to note that the version of virtualbox in the repos is missing the required bits to be able to connect to usb devices if i remember correctly... install the one from oracle to be able to do that20:55
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James147mr-rich: 200mb? I highly doupt it20:55
DarthFrogJames147: Oracle recently released a new version of VirtualBox, v. 4.020:56
James147even kubuntu needs a couple gigs (although linux in general can go much smaller then that :D  )20:56
yofelrtdos: the packages are kscreensaver-xsavers             kscreensaver-xsavers-extra20:56
* James147 dreads to this what they did to it20:56
rtdosi keep getting a no installation candidate error.20:57
James147yofel: ahh yes :) missed the s20:57
rtdosah! :)20:58
rtdosworked, thanks.21:00
RidikuelJames147: VirtualBox 4 sees the Device and Win7 in it tries to install the driver. But KDE still shows me an Apple Cam in the USB Section. And Win7 won't run the device correctly.21:05
rtdosis there a keyboard shortcut list that can be printed out somewhere?21:05
James147rtdos: global shorcuts can be exported to a file... then you could print that file :)21:09
mr-richwhat's beter ACPI or IDE?21:09
mr-richin the BIOS?21:10
* James147 would sa acpi.... but dosent know for sure21:11
rjwiiiBOO! hi ... it's mr-rich/abcdef/ooga ... live kubuntu install ...21:24
* rjwiii does a fist pump ...21:24
rjwiiier ... while I'm thinking about it ... the install never had me set the root password ... ???21:30
James147rjwiii: kuubntu dosent enable the root account at all by deafult and is recommened not to give it a password... use sudo or kdesudo (for gui apps) instead21:33
rtdosthanks james.21:33
James147rjwiii: the user created during the isntall has full root access via sudo21:33
rjwiiiJames147: prolly safer that way ... especially form me ... :)21:33
rtdoscan the start up disk creator be used with any version of linux or just ubuntu?21:38
rtdosi mean, can i use it to create a bootable usb drive using damn small linux?21:38
James147rtdos: not sure, but i dont think so... unetbootin, however, can create them for any distro21:41
James147also... quite a few will work by simply using dd to copy the iso to the flash disk :)21:42
stuqanyone know how to change the style of notifier pop-ups in 4.6 RC1?  My nice transparent ones that popped out of the notification icon in the system tray (on the left side on my screen) has been replaced with these clunky solid yellow things in the bottom right...21:45
rtdosthat's all, just 'dd' ? you mean it doesn't, like extract the files to the flash disk?21:46
James147rtdos: dd wont extract the files, but rather just copy the image directly to the device21:50
James147(^^ that dosnt mean you end up with a .iso on the flash drive though :)   )21:51
James147rtdos: ie "sudo dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sdc"   will copy the iso to /dev/sdc  (note that you shoudnt use partitions when doing it this way the the device its self)21:53
James147^^ also that method will distroy anything on the disk :)21:55
rtdosoh, ok. thanks, james.21:58
James147rtdos: just so you know, all dd does is copy the input file (if=) to the output file (of=)22:01
James147rtdos: ^^ and wont work if you want to make a presistant disk :)22:01
rjwiiiI made / waaaaaaay to big ... I think I'll install again and adjust some partition sizes ...22:06
rjwiiibye-bye ...22:06
James147rjwiii: how big ?22:07
James147rjwiii: and you dont need to reinstall22:07
rjwiiilike 400GB ... I'll knock it down to 100GB ...22:07
James147rjwiii: you should be able to resize the partitons use partitionmanager or gparted22:07
James147rjwiii: with a seperate /home?22:07
rjwiiiyes ... 4 parts /boot swap / & /home ...22:08
James147rjwiii: / only needs to be about 15-20gigs /home needs to be as big as you wnat22:08
rjwiiiJames147: that seems small ... I want to run M$7 in a vm ...22:09
NismineHi guys. I just switched to Kubuntu and so far I like it much better than Ubuntu. However, I miss the Ubuntu font, especially when browsing with Opera. Is there a way to make it look like Ubuntu?22:09
James147(note that my current install is only 8.7 gigs for / (excluding /home) and thats with loads of development headers/ the kde-full and texlive-full :)22:09
rjwiiiJames147: this is a fresh install anyway ...22:10
James147rjwiii: virtualbox will create the virtual disks in /home, so only that needs to be big22:10
James147Nismine: system settings > application appearence > fonts22:11
sithlord48is JontheEchidna around?22:11
rjwiiiJames147: how 'bout 50GB for /?22:11
JontheEchidnasithlord48: yup22:11
sithlord48very good..22:11
sithlord48mr. Echindna... there seams to be an issue w/ your Qapt ppa for lucid22:11
James147rjwiii: you really only need 15-20 gig, any more is largly a waste :) just put the virtual mechecnes disks in /home and you will be fine :)  (they should be in there anyway)22:11
JontheEchidnaoh? I've not actually tried it out myself since I'm not running lucid22:11
sithlord48the bad kind JontheEchidna22:12
JontheEchidnawhat seems to be the problem?22:12
sithlord48JontheEchidna: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3115095.022:12
sithlord48i was hoping you would be on22:12
rjwiiiand where the farook is sound management in KDE?22:13
NismineJames147: Which one is the dafault in Ubuntu? I'm using the one called Ubuntu apparently, but it doesn't really look the same.22:13
James147Nismine: dont know, as far as I know it uses the new "ubuntu" font.... but #ubuntu will know more22:13
NismineJames147: Ubuntu looked "cleaner".22:13
JontheEchidnasithlord48: oh, looks like the apt package is too new for all of those packages :(22:13
sithlord48JontheEchidna:  i figured somethinng like that..22:13
JontheEchidnawell, that kinda makes it impossible for packages for lucid :(22:14
James147Nismine: you might need to enable ant-aliasing on the fonts22:14
sithlord48JontheEchidna:  my brother is pissed cause he broke the servers networking  (ass didn't look at the items to be done)22:14
JontheEchidnaI'll remove the packages from the PPA22:14
sithlord48JontheEchidna:  plz fix i know what im doing but im sure ppl out there using muon dont  they will break stuff..22:14
sithlord48maybe i should ask you about ppa's also22:15
NismineJames147: Still not quite like Ubuntu but I think it's an improvement :)22:16
rtdosjames what do you mean by presistant disk?22:22
James147rtdos: one advantage live usbs have over live cds is that they can read/write to the usb (if configured to do so) if you simply copy the iso to the disk (by using dd) then the usb wont be configured to do this (it will forget everything when you power it down).... however, usb-creator and unetbootin (if i remember correcly) let you create a "presistant" disk, in that, any settings you configure when running the disk will be saved to a spical part22:25
James147 of the disk so that they are preserved when shutting down the system22:25
* James147 takes a deep breath22:25
rtdosoh, wow. thanks james. makes perfect sense.22:32
sheytanwhy tehre's no ati drivers in jockey?22:34
sheytani can't install them22:34
sheytan10.10 here22:34
sheytanor maybe is there other way i can do this?22:34
James147sheytan: you should be able to installed them directly in apt-get (or kpackagekit)22:36
sheytanJames147 how to? :D22:36
James147sheytan: find and install the package for the driver :) dont know which one exactly as I dont use ati22:37
sheytanJames147 it's my first time, too :/22:37
James147sheytan: otherwise try running "sudo apt-get update" and checking jockey again22:37
ZirgHey Gang. Trying to get the google-talkplugin to work here and although it installed without any issues, the SETTINGS page in GMail still states I don't have it installed. Does anyone here know how to correct this?22:49
rjwiiiman, kubuntu boots FAST ...23:03
Knoxx3can somebody tell me how to fix my Kubuntu 1023:05
rjwiiiKnoxx3: you can start by tell us what's broken ... :)\23:06
Knoxx3Evertime i activate the nvidia drivers, i keep getting an ugly bootscreen resolution.23:06
rtdosknoxx3 which nvidia drivers are you trying to install?23:07
James147Knoxx3: see this: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml23:08
Knoxx3okay, i'm gonna give it a try n let u know, thanks in advance!23:10
jepongany updates on ubuntu one for kubuntu?23:13
rjwiiiDamn ... can't play any more .... Wife wants to go shopping ...23:23
rjwiii900+GB on /home ... WEEEEEEE!23:23
James147rjwiii: how much did you end up with on / ?23:24
rjwiiiJames147: 50gb ... just in case ...23:24
* James147 still thinks that too much... he has never used above 10gig :)23:25
rjwiii10GB on /boot & 10GB on swap ...23:25
James147rjwiii: O-o how much ram do you have?23:25
rjwiiiJames147: 8GB ...23:25
James147and boot really dosent need much :)23:25
Knoxx3james147, the link provided has the exact description of my problem... but i keep getting an error at step 2. It says No protocol specified and (gksu:10046): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 0:0.  Any suggestions? Thanks!23:26
James147rjwiii: do you ever hybernate?23:26
rjwiiiJames147: I might ... and I'm going to be running M$7 in Virtial Box ///23:26
rjwiiigotta go ... wife calling ... she who must be obeyed ... :)23:26
rjwiiibbiab ...23:27
James147Knoxx3: the guide is for ubuntu... (most guides are) just replace all the gnome stuff with kde stuff (ie replace gtksu gedit with kdesudo kate)23:27
Knoxx3Okay... I'm givin' it a go and c how things work. Ta!23:28
marionis there anybody out there23:37
James147marion: yup23:37
marionJust wondering23:38
marionusualy if i come in a room i see a flood of conversation23:38
marionis there a way to automaticaly dos xset -dpms whenever i log in23:39
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James147marion: add it to the autostart in system settings23:40
marionso i just add it as a shell script?23:42
James147marion: yup23:42
marionI really need to find out what other cool stuff i can do with this23:43
marioni figured out wine finally now i just need to figure out how to transcode files23:43
James147marion: soundkonverter  should be able to... although its quite old now... also the latest version of amarok can I beleve (although not to devices yet I dont think.... either way they are working on it)23:44
marioni need to turn an asf video into avi or mpeg23:44
James147marion: o, video :S not sure about that... well, kdenlive `can` to it, although its abit heavy for jsut transcoding (its a video editor)23:45
bahy_Hi every one23:46
James147Hello bahy_23:46
bahy_hi james23:47
marionI will try it23:47
marionHello bahy_23:47
bahy_i just installed  kubuntu right now and i cant get a screen resolution higher than 800X60023:47
James147bahy_: what graphics card?23:47
bahy_on virtual box23:48
James147bahy_: you might need to install the guest addons23:48
bahy_i tryied but its says that i need admin rights for that23:49
James147bahy_: and do you?23:49
bahy_i dont know23:49
bahy_i guss23:49
bahy_i installed it right now and i am using it23:50
bahy_any one can help me ?23:51
marionJames147: when i render it does not save right23:55

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