
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
hblounthi. how do i change the time format so the seconds arent displayed?05:04
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest42343
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
bioterrorstalane: create yourself a user07:56
stalanebioterror, how do i do that?07:56
bioterrorI dunno, but you're ircing as a root07:57
stalanebioterror, i am root07:57
stalanebioterror, running lupu51007:57
bioterrorI cant understand why this network allows people to connect with root username07:58
stalanebioterror, does this channel get busy?07:58
bioterror09:57 -!- Irssi: Connection to irc.elisa.fi established07:58
bioterror09:57 -!- Please wait while we process your connection.07:58
bioterror09:58 -!- You (~root@*) are banned from this server: You may not enter as root on this server07:58
bioterror09:58 -!- ERROR Closing Link: root__[unknown@e212-54-27-170.elisa-laajakaista.fi] (K-lined: You may not enter as root on this server)07:58
bioterrorthat's how it should be done08:02
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
=== bioterror is now known as PUKEMON
jussiPUKEMON: ++10:01
PUKEMONjussi, you mean that freenode should have *!*root@* k-lined?-)10:01
PUKEMONabso ... lutely10:01
jussibut its way too much work for staff thouhg...10:02
=== PUKEMON is now known as IAmThatGuy
=== IAmThatGuy is now known as bioterror
hblounthi. how do i make a shortcut/link?16:23
Yorvykhblount,  hi16:23
Yorvykhblount, what exactly are you try to do?16:24
hblounti want to make a shortcut for a game i got16:25
hblountput in taskbar or desktop16:25
Yorvykhblount, you have to make a .desktop file in the desktop folder16:26
hblountok. then what?16:29
Yorvykhblount, It needs to look something like http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/k6wL45id16:33
bittincomputer porn: http://shuffling.se/forum/index.php?topic=497.msg24190#msg2419018:06
haddimanHow can I search a directory? I need to find files that have a certain phrase anywhere in there name. PCmanFM doesn't seem to have built in search functions. Sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm a newb.18:29
phillwhaddiman: I use the terminal to do that sort of thing.18:39
haddimanI just downloaded a program called searchmonkey which did the job. I should probably buff up my command line skills and learn how to properly use "find" and all that.18:40
phillwif you start lxterminal and cd to the directory then issue 'grep word *' (without the ''s)18:40
phillwwhere word is what you want18:41
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC

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