
penguin42yeuch, bug 693880 is nasty00:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 693880 in bzr (Ubuntu) "_ReportingFileSocket.readline lacks size argument" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69388000:56
alex_mayorgawhat does this mean? update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/acpi-support missing LSB information01:37
VolkodavThese evil flash people have no 64 bit version again in beta 1 huh ?01:46
alex_mayorgahow to turn bug 675035 into a natty one?02:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 675035 in hedgewars (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] Hedgewars 0.9.15 has been released. Request packaging for Maverick." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67503502:24
rwwjust change the bug title, I guess. I don't see anything else version-specific in there.02:26
alex_mayorgarww: done, is there a natty tag?02:29
rwwalex_mayorga: Yes. I don't know the use case, though.02:32
alex_mayorgarww: thanks anyway02:37
alex_mayorgacan I get some extra eyes into http://launchpadlibrarian.net/61400206/29122010066.jpg02:43
alex_mayorgathis happens every time I disconnect the AC adapter from my laptop02:47
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aditya whenever I try to install any package in ubuntu 11.04 natty ..i get an programming error in aptdaemon?bcoz of this i am unable to install my wireless package?08:11
adityaand broadcoam wireless driver is not working properly08:11
adityaany help08:11
aditya_ whenever I try to install any package in ubuntu 11.04 natty ..i get an programming error in aptdaemon? Alo broadcoam package is not working08:17
aditya_wiil any help provide on this page08:18
royale1223try #ubuntu08:22
rwwroyale1223: 11.04 isn't supported in #ubuntu.08:25
royale1223aditya_, there are guys who could help08:25
royale1223rww,  there are guys who could help08:25
rwwroyale1223: Doesn't matter. #ubuntu is for released versions of Ubuntu only. If people want to help with natty, they come in here.08:26
aditya_they told me to join this channel08:26
aditya_my wirelles driver are not working08:26
royale1223rww, okie08:27
aditya_can I get away with Broadcoam Wireless Driver installation(Properiteray drivers) in alpha phase ..Alphase is not allowing me to install any package ?????08:32
yofeladitya_: can you pastebin the exact error apt gives you?08:46
yofelI know someone else had broadcom problems already though08:46
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sagacishouldn't broadcom be lots better in 11.04 and later due to the open sourcing10:50
* penguin42 tries a day on that machine ----> in KDE12:37
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penguin42yofel: Prod15:10
penguin42yofel: You're a KDE user aren't you? In konsole can you use alt-E or Alt-F to get to the menus?15:10
yofelno o.O15:11
penguin42I guess it's passing the alt through to the terminal; I've not seen any other terminal do that15:12
yofelcan't remember now if that was always the case since I usually use yakuake, would have to check a VM15:13
penguin42yofel: KDE4 is growing on me; it's taken a few years :-)15:13
penguin42yofel: Few things still annoy me, that menu one, and kde bug 181847 - luks partitions for local disks don't snow up15:14
yofelby the way, make sure you're using gtk2-engines-oxygen - firefox in KDE look :D15:14
ubottuKDE bug 181847 in kfileplacesview "Dolphin doesn't show crypt_LUKS partition (on built-in harddrive) in"Places"" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18184715:14
penguin42yeh I might try gtk2-engines-oxygen, although alternate engines have always tended to upset Gnome apps in my experience15:15
penguin42yofel: I tell you the one that surprises me; in the desktop switcher you don't get previews of the desktop15:16
yofelwhich one? I usually set kwin to use compiz style ctrl+alt+arrowkey or use ctrl+f815:19
penguin42yeh I'm using ctrl-alt-arrowkeys to pan around15:20
yofela bit annoying that they broke the blug effect (blur background behind semi-transparent windows/window borders)15:23
* penguin42 wonders why ddebs packages get disabled on upgrade17:00
* charlie-tca thinks it is because it is so much fun enabling them again, especially when you forget?17:05
penguin42charlie-tca: yeh, in kde the crash reporter gives you a button to install the ddebs when generating the backtrace which is all very nice if they're configured17:08
bittincomputer porn: http://shuffling.se/forum/index.php?topic=497.msg24190#msg2419018:06
anon33_hey yofel, you there?18:59
zleaphi anyone had an issue creating a usb start up disk, using the 11.04 iso and the start up disk creator in 10.04 ?20:18
zleapit seemed to make a lubuntu one fine eariler but failed when doing the same with 11.04 iso20:18
nit-witzleap, did you make sure the thumb was empty and what format20:20
zleapi think its the default fat3220:20
zleapand yeah it was empty,20:21
zleapit found the disk ok,20:21
nit-witzleap, what are the symptoms of not working20:22
penguin42zleap: is your 10.04 fully upto date with all updates?20:23
zleapthink so20:23
zleapok it seems to be working now20:23
zleapbut it just said installation failed after clicking make start up disk earlier in the start up disk creator20:24
zleapmaybe i just hit a glitch somewhere earlier20:26
dereksis there a channel for unity?20:33
zleapah start up disk creator allowed me to select another iso, but didn't make that one default to copy to the disc20:35
zleapyay now booting natty20:38
nit-witzleap, are you planning to install natty20:39
zleapjust having a look20:41
zleapi got to the try / install ubuntu bit, clicked try and its not doing very much20:41
zleapthe mouse cursor however is a circley thing so its doing something20:41
zleapohhh i am in :)20:43
nit-witzleap, if you have problems here restart it then hold down the shift key immediately after powering on for the early choice menu.20:44
nit-witzleap, yipeee20:44
zleapok i am at the desktop20:44
zleapok need to click each menu heading to make menu come up, rather than drag mouse across menu bar20:45
nit-witzleap, if you decide to install at some point say next to another Ubuntu with Grub2, you may want to make sure the other then Natty has the grub boot under its install, you just reload grub to the mbr in the install.20:46
zleapas this is alpha where are the applications ?20:46
nit-witzleap, top left corner gnome icon20:47
nit-witzleap, a actual final menu is still in the works I believe20:47
zleapthe side bar seems to work in a similar way to win 720:49
zleapas in open app and it appears on the side bar20:49
zleapok application menus seems to work the same as the old Mac OS20:53
nit-witzleap, do you have the thumb set with persistence or is it a cd20:58
zleapi am booting from a usb memory stick21:00
zleapits submitting a bug report atm,21:00
zleapclosed mahjongg and the menu stayed on the task bar, tried to click and it crashed,21:00
zleapso its submitting a report21:00
nit-witzleap, did you set it to have persistence= save changes21:01
zleapnot sure21:01
nit-witzleap, did you load it with the disc creartor or unetbootin21:01
zleapdisc creatir21:02
nit-witzleap how big is the thumb21:02
zleapits all working now,  i had not chosen the right iso21:02
nit-witzleap, there is a persistence check box and a slider so that the stick will remember stuff, I wouldn't do any updates, but if you want to save the setup for your next use, that is what you do, I believe you would have to reload it to get that at this point. Not sure if you want theis just sharing:)21:04
zleapok thanks21:05
zleapohh firefox 421:05
zleapso will natty have open or libre office in the final version21:06
nit-witzleap, I didn't like the Unity desktop but have goten used to it21:06
zleapit will take some21:06
zleapit may also be in consistant if some apps alter the menu bar and others don't21:06
nit-witzleap, probably OO not sure about the situation though21:07
zleape,.g firefox has its own menu bar and keeps it,  however the bar at the top of the screen loses all menus when it de-focuses21:07
zleapcould cause a problem if user is asked to click a menu and it isn't there21:08
nit-witzleap, it's still a bit buggy thats why I suggested the grub stuff I have 4 OS on one HD Maverick controls grub21:09
zleapwell i am fine just booting a beta to have a look at21:09
zleapchat laterm, thanks for your help everyone21:30
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charlie-tcaIs there a list of shortcuts for use with unity/Ubuntu Desktop?23:05
penguin42I don't think I've seen any documentation at all23:09
charlie-tcaIs there any way to navigate without the mouse?23:09
crimsunthat should be an option available for the X Window System23:11
penguin42crimsun: Well X will allow you mouse emulation with the keypad, but as for say tabbing around or using function keys or soemthing, that's up to the app23:12
charlie-tcaDoesn't seem to even be a way to move to the top panel, the dock, or any desktop icon without the mouse23:13
guntbertcharlie-tca: <alt> F123:13
charlie-tcadoes what?23:13
charlie-tcaI still did not get it to go anywhere23:14
guntbertcharlie-tca: opens the menu (applications)23:14
charlie-tcaMaybe it is supposed to, but it is not doing so on todays live cd23:15
crimsuncharlie-tca: sorry, I missed part of your question regarding Unity23:16
guntbertcharlie-tca: and for the rest in the help: # Desktop User Guide -- # Basic Skills  --# Keyboard Skills23:16
crimsunright, mousekeys isn't what you want (I don't think)23:16
charlie-tcano, I don't want mousekeys, I want shortcuts to use the desktop without a mouse23:16
crimsunI do find alt+shift+numlk useful, however23:16
penguin42crimsun: Yeh, but you've got to be pretty desperate!23:16
guntbertaouw - I missed "unity" too, sorry23:16
crimsunpenguin42: I don't have access to that sort of pointing device on most of the hardware I use23:17
penguin42crimsun: Oh now you're making me curious - what type of hardware?23:17
crimsunpenguin42: simple displays23:18
charlie-tcahm, Ctrl+F10 gives the desktop right-click menu23:18
nit-witcharlie-tca, which menu in the right click23:24
charlie-tcaIf you right-click the desktop, you get a menu23:24
charlie-tcacreate folder, create launcher, create document...23:25
nit-witcharlie-tca, I get it the keys make that menu Doh23:25
kklimondahmm, any idea how to make virtualbox running on newer kernels?23:34
kklimondait's broken with every kernel past 2.6.37-7-generic23:35
kklimondavirtualbox-ose from repository23:36
yofelyou don't, you install virtualbox 4 instead23:36
penguin42yofel: the ose in the repo should be made to work, I mean that's why it's there23:37
kklimondayofel: that's not really a solution23:37
yofelpenguin42: shouldn't 4 be ready before natty release?23:37
penguin42yofel: I dunno23:38
charlie-tcaI am using VBox 4.0 here in natty, and it is using 2.6.37-11-generic23:40
charlie-tcaworks great23:40
charlie-tcadid not read the second sentence on that. sorry23:40
kklimondagreat, I can't unload vboxdrv..23:43
kklimondaapparently it gets loaded at the boot time and oopses immediately23:44

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