
bradmhead_victim: it shouldn't be too hard, you need to log a ticket on http://rt.ubuntu.com for that, hopefully wouldn't take too long05:12
wgrantIs it based on an existing deployed theme?05:13
wgrantIt can take a long time to get a new one audited.05:13
bradmwgrant: thats a point05:14
wgrantBack when I created the current one 5ish years ago, that wasn't a problem, but it is now.05:14
bradmmostly because the team that audits it is very busy :-/05:15
head_victimbradm & wgrant I'm not overly familiar with website themes, how they work etc, but thanks for the info I'll pass it on to nisshh, blahdeblah and elky and we'll see how it goes08:04
head_victimI would have thought if we were using one that already existed there shouldn't be too much drama dpends on how customised it gets I guess.08:05
nisshhbradm, wgrant, head_victim, thanks :)09:38
head_victimnisshh: hope it works out :)10:42
nisshhhead_victim, heh, ive sent mail to the rt groups @ubuntu.com address before, still havent got a reply, so im not exactly hopeful :)10:44
head_victimMIght have to ping elky as it may require the waving of the magical team contact wand10:45
head_victimI'm never quite sure of these things10:45
nisshhwell, you mentioned her nick already, im sure she will see it eventually10:45
head_victimThere's method to my madness :D10:45
head_victimOh and we're linked on the lca page http://conf.linux.org.au/wiki/Lca2011RelatedEvents10:47
head_victimStill hoping against hope someone decides to give us SOME CDs to hand out though. No word yet and starting to run out of shipping itme.10:49
sagaciyou know the ubuntu stand at lca..10:49
sagaciisn't is like having a windows stand at a microsoft convention10:49
nisshhsagaci, no, because Ubuntu == Linux :)10:50
nisshhsagaci, i wouldnt be surprised if there were stalls for other distro's as well10:51
nisshhits a Linux conference after all, not an Ubuntu conference10:51
elkynisshh, contact to rt@ can take many weeks10:51
nisshhelky, yeah10:51
wgranthead_victim: Hm, you don't have CDs yet?11:07
wgrantI heard that someone was talking to Canonical about it...11:07
head_victimwgrant: that was me11:14
wgrantThat's not what I heard.11:14
wgrantI don't think.11:14
* wgrant finds.11:14
head_victimOh fair enough11:14
elkywgrant, hugh is afaik11:19
wgrantOh, I missed a followup.11:19
wgrantIndeed, Hugh said he would continue poking around.11:19
head_victimAh sorry, yeah Hugh is organising the Canonical side of the effort I believe.11:29
bradmnisshh: did you get a ticket number when you emailed rt@ubuntu.com ?12:11
nisshhbradm, no, it was about a seperate thing, nothing to do with the loco12:11
bradmnisshh: yeah, but did it give you a ticket number for it?  we've recently tried to catch up with all the ubuntu rt tickets12:14
nisshhbradm, i emailed rt@ubuntu.com back in about august, havent heard anything since12:14
nisshhi never got a ticket number at all12:14
nisshhjust checked my inbox to be sure12:14
nisshhbradm, do you have access to the rt inbox or whatever do you?12:15
bradmnisshh: yeah.12:17
nisshhah ok12:18
bradmnisshh: any idea of what the subject was?12:19
nisshhbradm, it was to do with getting the "Ubuntu Member" title on the Ubuntu Forums12:21
nisshhthe instructions said to email rt about it12:22
bradmnisshh: odd, I don't see anything like that12:22
nisshhbradm, are you able to search by email address?12:22
bradmnisshh: sure12:23
nisshhbradm, ill pm you my email then, one sec12:23

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