
personno, I didn't00:01
personso, does that mean my laptop is doomed?00:06
JackyAlcineYeah, person. I was looking for solutions.00:14
holsteinnot the laptop00:17
holsteinjust the optical drive :)00:17
JackyAlcineyeah, you could leave it and buy an external one or replace the internal drive.00:20
=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine
Cheri703I can't remember how to submit a bug, can someone point me to the guide or give me the quick version?02:19
jledbetterCheri703, You mean via launchpad?02:19
Cheri703probably? I have a program that is having buggy issues02:20
* Cheri703 probably should have paid more attention in our class ;D02:20
jledbetterCould tr--lol02:20
jledbetterCould try searching on launchpad for it to see if it's been reported already. Specially since you know the app02:20
Cheri703looked, not seeing it :(02:20
Cheri703awesome thanks~02:21
jledbetterAh. Lucky (or maybe not). Each bug I found I found it already submitted. And I fought the urge to "me too" like a good person :D02:21
jledbetterWelcome :)02:21
Cheri703if it's not an official ubuntu version? newer version, do I go punch it in on sourceforge or?02:25
jledbetterGreat question. Not sure then. If it's a nightly build or such, maybe.02:25
JackyAlcinePunch it in, Cheri703, as a development bug..02:26
JackyAlcineSpeaking of which, Cheri703 and IAmNotThatGuy, you guys should install Mumble; we'll be using it in ##speechcontrol for more voice accessible meetings.02:31
IAmNotThatGuyJackyAlcine, you should have told me yesterday before I went to sleep :P . Okies I ll install by tonight =]02:32
JackyAlcinelol, no problem; it's a quick install, practically voice IRC.02:32
IAmNotThatGuyah okies02:32
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest42343
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Red_anyone here?06:53
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:54
Cheri703what can we help with?06:54
Red_will my compaq presario cq62 work with Linux?06:55
JackyAlcineDo you know the specs?06:55
Red_http://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c02207161&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&prodSeriesId=4149939&prodTypeId=321957 heres the spcs06:55
JackyAlcineYes, Red_06:56
JackyAlcineAnd it'll run smoothly as well.06:56
Red_YAY! thanks!06:56
JackyAlcineIs your computer a factory model or is there anything you've tweaked?06:56
Cheri703Red_: you can always do the "try before installing" and play with it06:56
Red_wait, even with just two GB of RAM?06:56
Red_no its factory.06:56
holsteinit'll love 2gb of ram :)06:57
aveilleuxRed_: Ubuntu will run fine on 315 MB. I do so on one of my ancient Compaq laptops.06:57
JoeMaverickSettRed_: well, my Dell runs on 2GB of RAM. :)06:57
Red_and i'm putting ubuntu on a huge external hdd btw.06:57
aveilleuxRed_: Ubuntu is much less memory-hungry than The Redmond System.06:57
JackyAlcineI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on a 320 GB external HDD06:57
holsteinRed_: try it live06:57
holsteinread about GRUB06:58
Cheri703I have 10.10 running on a dell notebook with a 1.7ghz processor and 512 ram06:58
JackyAlcineand BURG!06:58
holsteinAH, i just heard about burg06:58
Red_i dont have access to a live disk.06:58
Red_sorry. you can tell im new.06:58
Cheri703Red_: what are you using to install?06:59
Red_um........ i thought you just DLd it to an external drive an then installed it?06:59
JackyAlcineA live disk is practically a frozen copy of Ubuntu or any casper-capable CD.06:59
JackyAlcineNo, Red_.06:59
JackyAlcineYou'll need either a CD or USB key to install Ubuntu.07:00
Red_oh crap...... im in deeper than i thought............'07:00
Red_oh i think i know of one....07:00
JackyAlcineTake a look at the Ubuntu download page.07:00
Cheri703Red_: it's as easy as burning any other cd, and still pretty darn easy to make the usb07:01
Red_ok i found it.07:01
Red_i guess ill just use the universal installer the DL page has.07:03
Red_this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/07:05
JackyAlcineThat works.07:05
Red_so should i go with the external HD or a CD?07:06
JackyAlcineNot necessarily, you won't be able to install Ubuntu to the HDD if it's loaded OFF OF the HDD.07:07
JackyAlcineWhere are you trying to install the system itself to? Not the download. The computer or the external drive?07:07
Red_I guess if rather put it on the external because it hads more memory, but the internal has plenty, so it would work.07:08
JackyAlcineLol, well, regardless, you should install the Installation Media to a disc, for easy storage.07:09
JackyAlcineand just in case something happens to go astray.07:09
Red_ok so download it to the disk then, and then pick what i want to install it to. acually, i think I'll go with internal. i dont want to be dangling a spining HD on a cable while im in school.07:11
Red_oh, and 32 or 64 bit?07:12
Red_i haven't upgraded RAM or anything.07:12
JackyAlcineHold on.07:12
aveilleuxRed_: 64-bit would work on your system.07:12
JackyAlcineYeah, aveilleux got to it before me.07:13
* JackyAlcine throws a fit.07:13
hobgoblinthrow a spanner - more fun that way07:13
* aveilleux calms JackyAlcine down D:07:13
Red_i know but is one still better than the other? ive seen a lot of conflicting threads.07:13
aveilleuxRed_: FAPP, no. 64-bit is the way to go if you plan on upgrading your RAM past 4GB, though. It can't really hurt, unless you do some royal hacking.07:14
JackyAlcineIt's not a matter of one being better; it's just that running 10.10 x86 (32-bit) on a 64-bit doesn't work, or at least, that happened to me.07:14
aveilleuxFor All Practical Purposes07:14
aveilleuxJackyAlcine: That shouldn't happen; x86_64 and AMD64 have 32-bit compatibility modes.07:15
M0hiHola hobgoblin o/07:15
Red_well i dont plan on upgrading anytime soon. but ill still go with 64 bit.07:15
hobgoblin32 on a 64 bit worked/works fine for me here07:15
hobgoblinhi M0hi07:15
JackyAlcinePerhaps it's because I installed it on a 32-bit system onto an external drive and then plugged it into a 64-bit system?07:16
* JackyAlcine 'that's what i did'07:16
hobgoblinRed_: not sure if it's been mentioned - but you 'might' have issues getting flash to work on 64 bit - I gave up and went back to 32bit07:16
aveilleuxJackyAlcine: That still shouldn't break it, unless /proc didn't update properly07:16
M0hihobgoblin, I am not well today :"{ cold and fever. cant even talk =[07:16
hobgoblinM0hi: then cya later ...07:16
aveilleuxhobgoblin, Red_: I didn't, actually. Running it on a Macbook 3,1, Ubuntu 10.10 x6407:16
yofelhobgoblin, Red_: flash works fine here on 64bit, it's much better now than it was in the past07:17
M0hihobgoblin, o/ cya soon07:17
Red_sweet. i think i know what ive got to do then. thanks!07:17
hobgoblinaveilleux: yofel - not saying it doesn't work - not working for me though :) - always best to let people know there could be issues - we all know nothing is perfect07:18
JackyAlcineexcept for ubuntu, hobgoblin!07:18
yofelJackyAlcine: not really07:18
yofelhobgoblin: agreed07:18
hobgoblinJackyAlcine: oh dear a zealot :(  ... :)07:18
JackyAlcinelol :D07:19
Red_well ill try it tommoeoq and let you know how it goes.07:19
hobgoblingood luck then Red_07:19
JackyAlcineGood luck, Red_07:20
Red_thanks. need to get some sleep. what time is it where you are?07:20
hobgoblinJackyAlcine: so on your perfect ubuntu does alsamixer work all the way down to 0 - mine cuts all sound at approximately 28%07:20
JackyAlcineNot sure; haven't ever dropped it below 45%07:21
JackyAlcineBut I use pulseaudio..07:21
hobgoblinthere is a bug somewhere and like all good ubuntu lp bug's I suspect it's being ignored lol - but my /auncghpad search fu is poor07:21
hobgoblinso do I - try and drop volume low and see if it cuts out - please - I am serious07:22
* JackyAlcine shakes his head in disgust.07:23
JackyAlcineI never noticed that..07:23
hobgoblinyou too then07:23
JackyAlcineYou think it might be a range misconfiguration?07:23
hobgoblinand now for the laugh - it works in windows ...07:24
hobgoblinhe he he he07:24
hobgoblinno idea - but it gets annoying when I'm trying not to wake the little one up07:24
Red_cya latter. if i see you guys again ill let you know how it goes, but as im not online at 2 A.M like....ever, that probably wont be soon.07:25
JackyAlcineKkay, Red_07:25
JackyAlcineGood luck :D07:25
JackyAlcineC++ is fun.07:29
hobgoblinI'm not learning that to fix sound ...07:31
hobgoblinIf I ever find the bug again I'll let you know :) of course I might just report it as a bug and let someone else find the duplicate :D07:33
JackyAlcinelol right?07:41
JackyAlcinebut I think there's an easy patch; I know people who work in the community staff; I'll mention this to them.07:41
hobgoblinget them to make launchpad searching easier ;)07:43
JackyAlcineThe update to launchpad should have brought that about?07:44
JackyAlcineLaunchpad's incredibly huge...07:44
hobgoblinI know - perhaps they should just delete all the bugs they are ignoring forever07:46
hobgoblinanyway - I'm just going to report it I think07:46
hobgoblinJackyAlcine: if you want to 'me too' the bug it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/69560507:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 695605 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "No sound when volume reduced to about 20% (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]07:54
hobgoblinonly thing I found was a thread on the mint forum - I'll be adding the bug there once I have an account there07:55
JackyAlcinethanks ubot207:57
* hobgoblin annoys linux mint forum with the bug too 08:01
* hobgoblin pokes nit-wit to see if he's a bear 08:28
nit-withobgoblin, i'm hibernating08:29
hobgoblinnit-wit: so would I ... I got your PM and ping on here as I was shutting down for the day :(08:31
hobgoblinthe other day that was08:31
nit-withobgoblin, sorry to bother you with that I'm sure they got it together08:32
hobgoblinnot a bother - if I Was here I'd have had a head start :)08:32
nit-withobgoblin, i think its time to crash here.:)08:34
hobgoblinI suspect so ... night time over the pond - I know because the cafe is quiet :D08:34
nit-withobgoblin, is the cafe infested with the UK users .;)08:35
hobgoblinusually it goes failry quiet during my day :)08:35
nit-withobgoblin, not that there is anything wrong with that. I click on stuff if the header is appealing but mainly just lurk the main board.08:37
hobgoblinI tend to put in a bit of a shift in there then leave it well alone08:37
nit-withobgoblin, it seems to be running smooth altogether really, with the staff and all, large user base and faster response and fixes in many areas then you can get from vendors. Lots of stuff the computer vendors wouldn't touch .08:40
hobgoblinI find that it cycles - we are midway between releases - it all slows down then speeds up again twice a year08:41
Lehelcould someone help me i'm new to ubuntu and i made some mistake08:42
nit-withobgoblin, that makes sense,08:42
nit-witsee you all soon :)08:43
hobgoblin!ask | Lehel08:44
ubot2Lehel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:44
Leheliduall booted ubuntu 10.10 alongside with, xp, and it worked fine08:45
Leheli wanted to partition in xp ith partition magic and found some error  "Init failed:  i clicked to fix it, and now when i en ter in ubuntu the gpartition says that the whole disk is unallocated08:47
Lehelso now under ubuntu cannot access any of my net devices (wireless or wired)08:48
Lehelthe problem is that the gpartition or device manager sees that the whole disk is unallocated and cannot acces the net08:49
Lehelcurrently i'm on my xp08:49
hobgoblinI suspect that you fixed the partition table in XP, not something I've looked at - try using testdisk http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Testdisk09:02
Lehelthanks hobgoblin, will try it09:04
hobgoblinbe very careful whatever you do09:05
Leheland yes i messed up with partition magic under xp09:05
Lehelunder xp everything is there, the problem is under ubuntu cause it doesn't recognize correctly the disk09:06
yofelLehel: that's your primary HDD?09:13
Lehel1 HDD with 3 partitions09:14
Leheland xp boots just fines, every data is there, only ubuntu recognize it as the whole hard is unallocated09:15
hobgoblinis this a reall dual boot or wubi09:15
Lehelreal boot09:15
yofelLehel: can you pastebint what 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' gives you?09:16
Lehelthe problem started when i tried to re partition under xp with partition magic09:16
Lehelok will need to log off and enter the ubuntu, currently i'm on xp09:17
lehelDisk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes09:26
lehel255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders09:26
lehelUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes09:27
lehelSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes09:27
lehelI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes09:27
lehelDisk identifier: 0xf554482609:27
lehel   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:27
lehel/dev/sda1   *           1        3823    30708216    7  HPFS/NTFS09:27
lehel/dev/sda2            5098       19457   115346669+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)09:27
lehel/dev/sda3            3823        5097    10234964+   7  HPFS/NTFS09:27
lehel/dev/sda5            5098       17037    95908018+   7  HPFS/NTFS09:27
lehel/dev/sda6           17037       19351    18587648   83  Linux09:27
lehel/dev/sda7           19351       19458      855040   82  Linux swap / Solaris09:27
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:27
yofellehel: then it's a problem on the gparted side though, since the system recognizes the disk fine as you see09:28
lehelyofel: ok will try to make a screenshot09:29
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
lehelyofel: after i entered the ubuntu safe mode, and clicked on recover now my enternet devices are working, the wireless as well09:36
lehelthe only problem is that it recognize as unallocated and  cannot merge the 10 GB partition into the 90GB09:37
yofelI fear I'm out of ideas here..09:39
lehelyofel also the disk utility shows me that is unallocated09:40
leheli left the 10 GB partition before installing Ubuntu, I hoped it will put there, but it didn't so now i dunno what to do with that 10GB, also under xp with Partition magic cannot merge it, it just hang out without doing anything09:42
yofelhm, I wonder if it's confused by the weird partition sequence: sda1 | sda3 | sda2 | sda5 | sda6 | sda7, I wonder if partition magic caused that09:43
lehelmost likely partition magic caused that, cause before  recognized it09:44
hobgoblinI'd say sda2 and sda7 - sda2 is the extended - ends on 19457 - sda7 is swap - starts inside extended - ends outide it09:45
yofelhobgoblin: yeah, but why did it reorder sda2 and sda3? (look at the cylinder values)09:46
hobgoblinmines like that09:48
lehelon sda1 is the xp, on sda2 is nothing i hoped it will be the linux, and the sd3 is the extended, sd5 my data, sd6 ubunt and sd7 swap09:48
leheli have no idea about the values09:48
lehelthanks for your time, i appreciate it09:54
lehelwhat would you recommend me?09:54
hobgoblinnot looking like there's anyone here that can help you fix the partition table at the moment - hang about, try #ubuntu - though I suspect as soon as you mention partition magic you'll get moaned at or post on the forums09:59
hobgoblinlehel: ^^09:59
lehelpartition magic cannot handle the ext4 type, and with linux i'm just getting used too10:00
lehelwill try later, thanx again10:01
sogeppsomebody here?13:34
M0hisogepp, yes13:45
sogeppsigh, i thought i'm the only one here13:45
M0hiWe all are here =]13:46
kristian-aalborghi ppl14:24
^AndreA^Hi everybody14:50
^AndreA^I'm setting up a new laptop with Ubuntu but, unfortunately, the audio is not working out of the box.14:51
^AndreA^On the HP site they say my sound/audio system is: "Altec Lansing speakers".14:51
^AndreA^Anyone has dealt with it before and can give me a clue on what needs to be done?14:51
^AndreA^The funny thing (for me) is that from the headphones I can hear the sound properly but from the speakers there is no sound at all...14:51
JoeMaverickSett^AndreA^: did you check on the Panel (click it) > Sound Preferences > Output tab > and check if your Connector is choosen as Analog Microphone or Speaker?14:54
^AndreA^there are two possibilities for the output  audio tab:14:57
^AndreA^1) internal audio analog stereo14:57
^AndreA^2) manhattan HDMI Audio14:58
M0hiyou sure that the sound is not muted?14:58
^AndreA^I am14:58
^AndreA^unfortunately I am...14:58
JoeMaverickSett^AndreA^: choose Internal?14:58
^AndreA^that's the selected one... no luck14:58
JoeMaverickSetthow about the connector option?14:58
JoeMaverickSettif there is one, in output tab.14:59
^AndreA^oh, ok... I was looking for it... there isn't...15:00
JoeMaverickSett^AndreA^: could you also check the Hardware tab?15:01
JoeMaverickSetttry altering the hardware and profile, under hardware tab.15:02
^AndreA^in the hardware tab there are two options:15:02
^AndreA^1) internal audio15:03
^AndreA^2) Manhattan HDMI etc....15:03
^AndreA^internal is selected...15:03
^AndreA^also, the profile can be:15:03
IAmNotThatGuy^AndreA^, you updated your machine once?15:03
^AndreA^off, analog stereo input, analog stereo output, analog stereo duplex... (duplex is selected)15:04
IAmNotThatGuysystem-> Administration -> update manager15:04
^AndreA^it's all up to date...15:04
^AndreA^it's all quite frustrating!15:10
^AndreA^btw guys, thanks for your help...15:10
JoeMaverickSett^AndreA^: hold on, i'll give you a link.15:10
JoeMaverickSettfor sound troubleshooting.15:10
^AndreA^i was already trouble shooting the sound on the ubuntu site...15:10
JoeMaverickSett^AndreA^: is it this one? --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting15:11
JoeMaverickSettah, okie.15:11
^AndreA^I run the ALSA information script and got 2k lines of info...15:12
^AndreA^if anyone is able to read it properly would be very helpful...15:13
^AndreA^the only thing strange for me is that the driver version is: 1.0.21 while the library/utilities version is 1.0.22...15:14
^AndreA^not sure if that matters though...15:15
Red___Hello. can you download Ubuntu to a DVD+R disk?16:25
hobgoblinyou can burn it that indeed16:25
Red___oh hey you're still  on! thanks.16:26
Red___I'm hoping to get it at least downloaded today. maybe even get my HD partitioned.16:26
Red___why am i on a London, England sever? I'm in Florida!16:29
hobgoblingoodluck then Red___16:37
shahanHello ALL :)16:48
JackyAlcineMorning, shahan16:49
shahanJackyAlcine: night there :)16:49
Red___is there a good aritcle on how to partition the HD for a dual boot of windowss7 and Unbuntu?16:49
JackyAlcineYup; on the Ubuntu help site; let me get that link for you.16:49
JackyAlcineDid you already install Windows or is Ubuntu your first operating system?16:50
Red___thanks. that site is awesome but its freakin huge16:50
shahanI am facing a serius problem there for getting connecion on my MAVERICK http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10296952#post1029695216:50
Red___yes, windows came on it.16:50
JackyAlcineSo, you installed Ubuntu second, I understand, Red___16:51
Red___i haven't even started installin git though. im hoping to at least create the disk today.16:52
JackyAlcineOh, okay, well, when you do, you'll need to download a few more packages that will allow you to multiboot with Windows and Ubuntu with ease.16:53
JackyAlcineAnd shahan, from your post, your DNS servers look irregular..16:53
Red___hey i gtg. ill be back on in in maybe an hour though.16:54
shahanJackyAlcine: I dont know... but my internet is doing good on Windows XP16:54
hobgoblinshahan - start another new thread on the forum - even if it is yours I'm closing it now.16:54
shahanhobgoblin: why?16:54
JackyAlcineYeah, hobgoblin'll get it noticed that way, shahan.16:54
JackyAlcineLike people notice the more recent threads.16:54
shahanhobgoblin: ok16:54
shahanI am opening a new thread16:55
JackyAlcineHave you tried running a LiveCD/LiveUSB, shahan?16:55
* JackyAlcine shakes his head and says, "Instead of doing homework, he's helping Ubuntueers"16:55
shahanJackyAlcine: ya16:57
JackyAlcineWere you able to connect in the live system?16:57
shahanhobgoblin: are you going to open a new thread?17:01
Red___so how many disks do i need to put ubuntu on? im usig dvd+r disks.17:34
Red___oh and what are the extra packages i need to put on the disk to allow dual boot?17:41
ShootEmUpthere are none17:42
Red___i hate conflicting arguments...17:42
JackyAlcineLol, Red___ you could have used a CD for it, the normal desktop install is 693 MB.17:42
ShootEmUpI'm dual booting, and I did not need extra packages17:42
Red___oh ok i thought you said i would need some others.17:43
JackyAlcineGRUB doesn't come standard with Ubuntu, ShootEmUp.17:43
ShootEmUpnope, just the install CD17:43
ShootEmUpgrub2 comes with it17:43
Red___ok im going to go grab a blank disk now.17:43
ShootEmUpJackyAlcine, grub comes with it, without grub ubuntu can't boot17:44
JackyAlcineShootEmUp: it installs GRUB onto your system, but not the configuration packages. If Ubuntu is installed AFTER Windows, a bit more reconfiguration will be required.17:45
ShootEmUpInstalling Ubuntu AFTER windows is the easyist way to do it17:45
ShootEmUpgrub will automaticly find windows17:46
Red___and grub is what allows it to dual boot?17:47
ShootEmUpif using 9.10 or sooner, its grub2 witch will find windows automaticly17:47
ShootEmUpRed___ yes17:47
Red___ok awesome. brb.17:47
ShootEmUpthat was qwick17:48
nit-witShootEmUp, end of life for 9.10 is in april 201117:48
Red___i opened the log in screen in a nother window and entered the log in info before i closed the last one.17:49
ShootEmUpI know, I was saying if using anything newer than 9.10 the bootloader is grub217:49
Red___ok so if i follow this to the letter, will i be ok? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download17:50
ShootEmUplet me look17:50
ShootEmUpyes you will be17:50
Red___ok thanks. starting it now.17:51
ShootEmUpjust do the side by side install, ubuntu already knows how to work with windows17:51
ShootEmUpDO NOT clear your entire disk17:51
nit-witShootEmUp, I don't think there is a side by side that is trustworthy in 10.1017:52
ShootEmUpyes there is17:52
Red___ok. how come the "show me how" thing doesn't mention windows 7?17:53
ShootEmUpdo not question me, I dual boot Ubuntu 10.10 and Vista. I know what I'm doing17:53
nit-witShootEmUp, I think it is but new users are overwriting their windows17:53
ShootEmUpRed___, just follow the steps for vista17:54
Red___ok got it.17:54
yofelRed___: will still work, I dual boot maverick and win7 here, works fine17:54
ShootEmUpthank you17:54
ShootEmUpI needed someone to back me up17:54
nit-witShootEmUp, I fix the mistakes everyday that are caused by borked side by sides. A person needs to resize the Windows first make sure it is working then install17:55
JackyAlcineI actually am running Windows 7 and Maverick as well.17:55
Red___this is the burn software i need? http://infrarecorder.org/?page_id=517:56
ShootEmUpnit-wit, shut up please, It's fine, I've done it17:56
ShootEmUpRed___ any burner will do, ever windows 7 built in one17:56
nit-witShootEmUp, first that is improper etiquette to say that, you are the only person in the world who dual boots17:57
Red___sorry for all the questions. this is my first foray into more advanced stuff and i dont want to brick my pc.17:57
ShootEmUpIt's not your fault17:57
Red___oh so i dont need it, i can just use the winows 7 one?17:57
yofelnit-wit: as a matter of fact, 2 other persons (including me) have said they dual boot...17:57
nit-witRed___, be very careful this is some advice that is haphazard17:57
ShootEmUpRed___, iginore nit-wit17:57
Red___ok. i figured i probably should.17:58
ShootEmUpRed___, do you have a windows 7 install or recovery disk?17:58
nit-wityofel, yes I have W7 maverick linux mint 10 and Natty on one HD17:58
Red___its backed up to an external hd.17:58
ShootEmUpI would recomend one of thouse17:58
ShootEmUpokay, everything or just pesonal data?17:59
Red___whole computer.17:59
ShootEmUpokay, that will work17:59
Red___but creating the disk doesn't have any risk does it?17:59
ShootEmUpInstalling has some risk like if you lose power during install18:00
Red___ok ill make sure that wont happen.18:01
hobgoblinShootEmUp: STOP telling people to be quiet, YOU are not the only person in the world to have dual booted - or are you going to stay here 24/7 waiting for Red___  to return justy in case they have issues18:03
nit-withobgoblin, thank you this is some haphazard advice at best18:03
ShootEmUphobgoblin, I understand, BUT he was talking over the top of me wile I was trying to help someone18:04
Red___why is my name red___? does red raven not fit or something?18:04
ShootEmUphobgoblin, I'm sorry for telling him to shut up18:04
ShootEmUpnit-wit, I'm sorry18:05
hobgoblinRed___: red raven might be a nick already - or it's the space18:05
nit-witShootEmUp, not a problem, if you notice we all work together here18:05
ShootEmUpnit-wit, okay, but you have to understand that I know what I'm talking about18:06
Red___ok. do im downloading the x64 bit version of Infa Recorder. figured it would be better to just follow the instructions.18:06
ShootEmUpinsted of destroying my credibility18:06
nit-witShootEmUp, you are not sorry,18:07
ShootEmUpnit-wit, yes I am18:08
hobgoblinRed___: hang on a moment - I'm going to read the backlog18:08
hobgoblinShootEmUp nit-wit - both pack it in please18:08
ShootEmUpokay, I'm sorry and It wan't happen again18:09
Red___whats he looking for in the back log?18:09
ShootEmUpour little argument18:10
Red___oh ok lol.18:10
ShootEmUpdon't worry, It doesn't involve you18:10
Red___an error came up that said infa recorder wasn't a valid installer.18:11
Red___should i have hit save and not run?18:12
Red___ok hiting save worked.18:14
hobgoblinRed___: you need to be aware that people watch other people and if someone shouts then it is useful and good to look at what has been said. Especially if you are new to linux - you would not know good info from bad.18:14
Red___thanks. ive looked at the back log once already, so im glad i know how to use it. infa recorder is almost done btw.18:15
hobgoblinthat was quick - did you burn slow or as fast as you could?18:15
hobgoblinalso have you checked the md5sum for the  download yet or did you get it from a torrent?18:16
Red___i meant its almost done installing infa recorder.18:16
Red___k its done now.18:16
hobgoblinaah k - before you burn did you check the download?18:16
hobgoblinRed___: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20on%20Windows18:17
Red___wait, wtf? i deleted the installer and now infa is gone.18:17
ShootEmUpRed___, right click on the ISO and select "Burn Disk Image", once you done checking the MD5 hash18:19
ShootEmUpit will burn the disk using win7 built in iso burner18:19
nUboon2Agei just want to give props to hobgoblin who's helped me out several times with difficult issues.  Rock on hobgoblin!18:19
nUboon2AgeMerry (day 6 of 12) Christmas everyone!18:20
ShootEmUp!cookie | hobgoblin18:21
ubot2hobgoblin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:21
ShootEmUpthanks for helping hobgoblin18:21
Red___...ok im sorrry but what is MD5SUM?18:23
hobgoblinit's a way to check that the download you have is good - no point in burning it without making sure :)18:23
Red___ok so do i have to DL MD5SUM?18:24
hobgoblinRed___: to be frank - if I'm helping someone with an install issue I stop if they've not checked :D18:25
ShootEmUpthis might help18:25
hobgoblinRed___: gave you a link to the win section of that page a few lines up18:25
Red___ok thx.18:25
ShootEmUpwrong link, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM on Windows18:25
hobgoblinwhich is the same link lol18:26
ShootEmUpcrap, it screwed up on me18:26
hobgoblinRed___: there's a link to the md5 hashes above as well18:26
hobgoblinmine works :)18:26
ShootEmUpjust scroll down to the windows part18:26
ShootEmUpto the part that says "MD5SUM on Windows"18:27
Red___im at that now. i read the opening so i semi-know what it is and why its important.18:28
JackyAlcineGuys, I need clarification; what's the different between a shared library and a static library?18:28
ShootEmUpRed___, it checks to see if it is curropt or not18:30
Red___ok i read it. i went to the download site. its winMD5SUM right?18:30
hobgoblinJackyAlcine: might help http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LibraryArchives-StaticAndDynamic.html18:31
Red___k im running the .exe file now.18:31
JackyAlcinethanks in advance hobgoblin18:31
hobgoblinas well JackyAlcine18:31
Red___k the DL is done.18:32
Red___it said it might not have installed correclty.18:32
ShootEmUpWindows does that, you can try to install again with recomended settings18:33
Red___ok ill choose that one then.18:34
ShootEmUpIt can't hurt18:34
Red___oh i clicked "add desktop icon". could that have been the default setting it didn't like?18:34
ShootEmUpno, everything wants desktop icon18:35
ShootEmUpit doesn't effect program perfomnce18:36
Red___it is unchecked though. i had to check it on my own, so i think that might have been the "non-default" setting.18:36
Red___ oh i know it doesn't affect it. its probably windows just being finicky again.18:36
ShootEmUpmabye, 9 times out of 10 that diolog is wrong anyway18:36
Red___ok thx.18:37
ShootEmUpand my spelling is off today18:37
ShootEmUpI need a spell checker18:37
Red___ok i opened md5sum. now what?18:37
ShootEmUpgo to the place where you downloaded the ubuntu ISO18:38
Red___this? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download18:38
sogeppis it true that, after we burn the iso file into cd/dvd the md5 won't be the same as iso one?18:38
ShootEmUpRed___, go to the folder you downloaded the ISO to18:39
ShootEmUpif you have not downloaded the ISO yet, download it18:39
Red___yah, and this is the ISO, right? http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download18:39
Red___ok. im going to follow the instructions there and DL the ISO now.18:40
Red___ok so it says to use infra and clikc write image, and then pick the ubuntu image i want. but i dont understand, its letting me pick from files on my pc. i dont have any cd image to use! or does it want me to pick the black CD in the F (CD) drive?18:43
ShootEmUpRed___, right click and select "Burn disc image"18:45
sogeppis it true that, after we burn the iso file into cd/dvd the md5 won't be the same as iso one?18:45
ShootEmUpit should be18:45
ShootEmUpIt should be the same18:45
Red___on the F drive?18:45
deejoeit's a bit tricky to check it, though18:46
ShootEmUpRed___, yes18:46
deejoethe md5 sum from the optical media, that is18:47
Red___thx. sorry for all the stupid questions. it's just so much to take in.18:47
ShootEmUpRed___, there is no such thing as a stupid question18:47
Red___"no files to burn"18:48
ShootEmUpdid you finsh downloading the ISO18:48
Red___thas? http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm18:49
ShootEmUpno you should use win7 built in ISO burner18:49
ShootEmUpgo to the folder that the ISO is in18:50
ShootEmUptell me when your there18:50
Red___well i haven't DLd it.18:50
ShootEmUpwell download the ISO18:51
Red___ok but where is it? it wasn't in the instructions.18:52
ShootEmUpI'll find you a direct link18:53
ShootEmUpyou want 32bit or 64bit?18:53
ShootEmUpdownload that file18:53
ShootEmUpclick "Save" when it asks18:54
Red___ok its going to my desktop now. thanks for answering all my newbie questions.i dont think ive done anything that i haven't asked three questions about first.18:55
ShootEmUpno problem18:55
Red___loooks like ive got some down time. ETA: 15 minutes for the DL.18:55
ShootEmUpyup, that happens18:55
Red___k ill let you know when its done. do you just typ someone's name to make it beep?18:56
ShootEmUpyeah, but I'm gonna be going soon18:57
Red___alreight then. i might have to soon as well.18:58
ShootEmUpI'll stay on for a little wile longer, but I will still have to go soon18:58
Red___ok. im sure i can  make some progress from the back logs.18:59
hobgoblinthere are lots of people here who have installed and dual/triple/quad booted18:59
ShootEmUphttp://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download, just follow the steps here19:00
Red___awesome. yah my eventual goal is to have a tripple boot with Win7, OSx, and Ubuntu.19:00
Red___i have had that in my other tab this whole time.19:00
hobgoblinRed___: I have 4 OSs on here atm19:02
Red___.....wow. all linux distros?19:03
hobgoblinand of you need a hand ping - I'm kicking about for another few hours19:03
hobgoblinactually I forgot there's an XP on here as well19:03
hobgoblinso 519:03
Red___kk cool.19:03
Red___jeez. only three days ago i thought i knew a lot about computers. then i got interested in linux.19:04
ShootEmUplinux is very good19:04
hobgoblinfor most things19:04
ShootEmUpIt can be anything you want it to be19:04
ShootEmUpmost of the time19:04
Red___yah but you need to know the language. as of now i know som HTML and an etreamly minimal amount of C++, neither of which will help my in Linux.19:06
hobgoblinI have no knwoledge whatsoever of any voodoo - never needed it19:06
Red___is that what linux uses?19:07
hobgoblinno idea - all voodoo to me Red___19:07
Red___then how do you edit linux without knowing the code?19:07
hobgoblinwhy do you think you need to edit it? you might need to edit configuration files - text editor does that fine19:09
hobgoblinI think you are misunderstanding what you are installing :)19:09
Red___i know that its an open source OS with the idea that you can change it to your need. but i dont understand how you edit or create your own applications then if you dont use a language.19:11
ShootEmUpC++ can be used to make ubuntu apps19:11
Red___i mean isn't that what the source code is? a language?19:12
ShootEmUpI don't use it, but I know it can19:12
Red___ok, hold this discusion. the ISO is done.19:12
Red___do i need to run it through MD5SUM now?19:12
UndiFineDit is recommended19:13
webjockynot a complete n00b, but I haven't advanced enough to not be called a n00b either. I've done my fair share of google query's for help on this and after spending more than 5 hours, I'm still where I started. Like many, I come from a Micro$hit background. My Server 2008 R2 went down yesterday. I'm moving to Ubuntu Desktop 10.04. Installed just fine, upon taking the install disc out &19:13
webjockyrebooting, I get nothing but a black screen with blinking cursor in the upper-left. I'll be more than happy to go over the troubleshooting steps I've already taken with anyone interested in helping me adopt a new OS - I'm determined!19:13
Red___ok so i opened the ubuntu file in MD5SUM, but what do i put in the compare section?19:15
Red___or do i just hit "calculate"?19:16
UndiFineDthe same md5sum found alongside where you downloaded the cd from19:16
JackyAlcinewebjocky: Try running the LiveCD from the install disc of Ubuntu19:16
Red___I haven't downloaded anything to the blank cd yet.19:17
UndiFineDRed___: where did you download from ?19:17
ShootEmUpthats the 64bit MD5HASH19:17
UndiFineDthanks ShootEmUp19:17
ShootEmUpif its the same your download is vaild19:18
Red___ok it came up automatically. its the same. so thats it the?19:18
UndiFineDready to burn19:18
webjockyJackyAlcine: If you're interested in helping, as I stated, I'll be glad to go over the troubleshooting steps i've already partaken in. I've already booted to a Live CD & it works great. Making me think Grub2 is the issue. I've removed the "quiet splash" from the grub file as per serveral tutorials, but when attempting to "sudo update-grub" it fails.19:19
ShootEmUpRed___, just right click on the ISO and select "Burn Disk Image"19:19
Red___YAY! finally, i might actually get some progress done today.19:19
JackyAlcineThat'll happen in the LiveCD, webjocky. I haven't figured how to get that working myself, a LiveCD-update.19:20
webjockygrats Red___19:20
Red___um, there is no burn to disk option. and i do have Infra.19:20
webjockyJackyAlcine: I figured that was the case..19:20
ShootEmUpRed___, okay19:20
ubot2grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:20
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:21
ubot2Factoid 'burg' not found19:21
JackyAlcinenooo, wtf? lol19:21
webjocky!burg = .sdrawno cimraK rof 2burg! eeS - otwoHburG/ytinummoc/moc.utnubu.pleh//:sptth :sot-woh BURG - burGerotseR/ytinummoc/moc.utnubu.pleh//:sptth eeS ?swodniW gnillatsni retfa BURG tsoL .(cimraK) 01.9 erofeb sesaeler utnubU rof reganam toob tluafed eht si burg19:22
ubot2webjocky: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:22
webjockyoh well.19:22
Red___so, what do i do then?19:22
JackyAlcinelol, is that in reverse?19:22
webjockyyup ;)19:22
ShootEmUpRed___, follow steps here http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download19:22
JackyAlcineBut yeah; have you tried installing a second copy of Ubuntu onto your system?19:22
webjockyI first tried 10.04 Server - same problem. Then I moved to 10.04 Desktop - no dice.19:23
Red___ok so i need ISO recorder?19:23
webjockyAfter much reading, I've decided to go with Desktop in the end.19:23
webjockyyes, ISO Recorder is a MUST have for any Micro$hit install. :)19:24
Red___ok ill get that then.19:24
JackyAlcineMhm, what's your computer make and model?19:24
ShootEmUpRed___, you can do it that way19:24
JackyAlcineAnd I think that the Windows bootloader is STILL installed on your system, webjocky. Although I don't know how.19:25
webjockyCustom build. Intel board: DP55KG, i7 Cpu, 8GB Ram, etc. . . need anything specific?19:25
webjockyhmm.. I hadn't thought of that even though I've completely re-partition & formatted (twice)?19:26
webjockyIt might help to also note that I'm using the on-board hardware RAID 1 for the boot drive.19:27
ShootEmUpRed___, you can use any tool that burns CD ISOs19:27
JackyAlcinewebjocky: x86 or x64?19:27
Red___is there one built into windows?19:28
JackyAlcineOkay, then I'm a bit confuzzled. Do you have a 4GB+ external drive that you can test install a copy of Ubuntu to?19:28
ShootEmUpRed___, in windwos 7 there is19:29
Red___ok so i dont need ISO recorder then?19:29
webjockyyes - I have a 16GB USB stick.. let me dump the contents somewhere.19:29
ShootEmUpRed___, if you right click on the ISO, and click "Burn disk image" it should burn19:29
webjockyn/m - i have a 2nd new one (in case the other craps out on me) still in the package, lemme rip 'er open.19:30
Red___there is no "burn disk image" buttton.19:30
Red___would open with>windows disk image burner work?19:31
ShootEmUpwhen right clicking? try double clicking19:31
ShootEmUpdouble left click and see what happens19:31
JackyAlcineIf you can get that working; you should be able to reinstall GRUB onto the internal hard drive and get that up and running.19:31
JackyAlcineIf you haven't tried that already.19:31
* JackyAlcine remembers the horrible experiments he did to his hard drives..19:31
Red___i double right clicked and it opened my DVD movie software. can't i just use windows disk image burner?19:32
ShootEmUpyou can19:33
Red___ok thx.19:33
ShootEmUpsorry, didn't know you had that installed19:33
JackyAlcineShootEmUp: it comes standard with Windows 719:34
ShootEmUpohh ok, I have vista19:34
ShootEmUpI knew some ISO burner was in there19:35
Red___it came with it. but when my dvd movie software opened, it asek me if it wanted to burn to the DVD. so should i go with Winows 7 or cyberlink power2go?19:35
ShootEmUpeither will do19:35
Red___ok ill just go with windows then.19:35
ShootEmUpI like cyberlink19:35
ShootEmUpbut windows is good to19:35
Red___verify disk after burning?19:36
hobgoblindoesn't really matter what you use - as long as you burn as an image19:36
ShootEmUpyou can, but it will take awile19:36
ShootEmUpyou might as well not19:36
webjockymight help prevent future troubleshooting - better to take an extra 3-5 min now than 3-5 hours later :)19:36
hobgoblineither verify then or you can check the disk from the cd boot menu19:37
Red___ok. i didnt check it then. the burning has begun.19:37
hobgoblinwebjocky: absolutely19:37
webjockyhobgoblin's check from cd boot menu is the way to go then19:37
Red___this is probably the hottest my pc has ever run!19:37
hobgoblinRed___: when you boot with the cd and see a pic of a keyboard at the bottom - hit any key, should get a menu - verify cd is on there19:38
* webjocky hates finding out he missed something so retarded 5 hours after troubleshooting...19:38
Red___ok well i got a while before that happens.19:38
hobgoblinwebjocky: I get all funny about heloing people with install issues until I know they've checked the md5sum and the disk - they can waste their time if they want - not mine :D19:38
Red___oh wait its almost done.19:39
ShootEmUpIt should burn fast19:39
webjockyhehe - you've done this before...19:39
Red___yah it does.19:39
Red___webjocky, if that was @me i hope it was sarcasm.19:40
webjockyRed__: nope was @hobgoblin - I'm not an @ss ;)19:40
ShootEmUpokay, reboot with the disk in. also you might want to get on the IRC from another computer19:41
webjockyI know how frustrating troubleshooting can get - no time for making enemies.19:41
Red___ok i odnt have one open but if i need it i can. Firefox ocome with it so i can just use that once i get it up right?19:42
webjockyJackyAlcine: so "Install side by side" ?19:42
ShootEmUpRed___, good luck19:43
Red___thats the one where i can try it without installing it right?19:43
JackyAlcineWell. not to the hard drive, but to your flashdrive, webjocky..19:43
ShootEmUpRed___, just hit try without installing, and then come back to the IRC19:44
ShootEmUpvia Firefox or Xchat19:44
Red___ok. last thing. when i get to the boot menu, i need to do the verify thing right? jsut to double check that its perfect?19:44
hobgoblinany key when there's a keyboard pic on the screen19:45
Red___ok then. ill try and get onto the chat again when i get into the side by side mode. if not ill come back on Win7.19:45
Red___see you on the other side.19:46
hobgoblinmmm - do they know they can get online during the install?19:47
JackyAlcinehobgoblin: is that what that was for? lol.19:47
JackyAlcinethe keyboard and person symbol.19:47
webjockyyup - I figured that out by mistake after trying to get this to work lol19:48
hobgoblinJackyAlcine: yea - lets you see the menu19:48
webjocky^^keyboard & person symbol thingy19:48
hobgoblinShootEmUp: do you know if anyone has checked out the current partitions on red's system?19:49
ShootEmUpno I don't know19:49
ShootEmUpI gotta go19:49
* hobgoblin waits for it to have 4 primaries and it all go wrong then 19:49
ShootEmUpcan someone tell red___ bye for me19:50
webjockysure thing19:50
ShootEmUpbye everyone19:50
* webjocky is usually late.19:50
* webjocky hides19:53
grizzlyattackIs there any software available dealing with power management for 10.10?19:53
JackyAlcineNot that I know of off the top of my Tomboy list, no..19:56
* webjocky thinks someone should update the "update-grub" script to accept a parameter for specifying the grub to update - so it would work from a Live CD...19:56
webjockyhe left already - too impatient I guess.19:57
webjockywelcome back Red__19:57
webjockyShootEmUp had to go, said bye.19:57
JackyAlcineHey, Red__19:57
JackyAlcineAnd webjocky, I was looking into that, any issue I had with Ubuntu, I've scratched on a Tomboy notebook called bugs and worked on it..19:57
Red_hey... so mixed results. my PC isn't fried, but when i chose to boot off the disk from the boot menu, it bought up a blank screen.19:58
* webjocky cringes @ the blank screen of doom!19:58
JackyAlcineTry booting from USB.19:59
JackyAlcineHold on...19:59
Red_its on a disk though.19:59
JackyAlcineare you using nVidia as a graphics card?19:59
JackyAlcineMy bad, Red__ i was speaking to webjocky.19:59
JackyAlcinePower down your system and boot from disc, Red__20:00
Red_oh ok i was freaking out there for a minute,20:00
JackyAlcinelol, no problem.20:00
Red_thats what i just did.20:00
JackyAlcineSo you've already installed Ubuntu?20:00
Red_its on a disk. i was trying side by side before the install.20:01
holsteinhey kristian-aalborg20:01
kristian-aalborghi holstein20:01
holsteini saw your ping the other day20:01
webjockyJackyAlcine: you know, I forgot all about that nVidia/Linux driver problem thing.... as a matter of fact, I am.20:01
holsteinbut ive been mostly away20:01
kristian-aalborgit's no problem20:02
holsteinkristian-aalborg: did you get sorted?20:02
JackyAlcineLol!!! webjocky, that MIGHT be the issue; try the rescue version of Ubuntu.20:02
JackyAlcineAnd Red__, did you INSTALL it yet or have you burned a disc?20:02
webjockytheres a rescue version?20:02
kristian-aalborgthe video and the sound card get the same irq on default boot... but fixing it with a boot flag changes nothing20:02
JackyAlcineYes, well, a fail-safe.20:02
nit-witboot the cd hold down the shift hit f6 click nomodeset ctrl+x to boot20:03
kristian-aalborgI think I'll try to switch sockets for those cards20:03
JackyAlcineUnless you removed it upon configured GRUB..20:03
webjockynit-wit: @ me?20:03
holsteinkristian-aalborg: i usually try to get my audio devices off by themselves20:03
holsteinbut the IRQ shouldnt cause issues20:04
holsteinIRQ sharing20:04
holsteinunless you have a slow-ish box and a lot of things all on one20:04
kristian-aalborgwhat do you mean by "off by themselves"?20:04
holsteinrunning JACK20:04
holsteinfor audio20:04
holsteinive had issues before iwth xruns20:04
nit-witwebjocky, I thought red was trying to boot the cd with a graphic problem20:04
holsteinwith USB devices sharing the same IRQ as audio devices20:05
webjockynit-wit, nope - me.20:05
holsteinor something like that20:05
holsteinnit-wit: o/20:05
JackyAlcineLOL, Red__'s trying to dualboot Windows.20:05
JackyAlcineand webjocky's having an issue with booting Ubuntu.20:05
kristian-aalborgI have a desktop with a few years on it... you'd probably call it "slow-ish" by todays standards, but really no reason it should not do sound and video properly20:05
* webjocky has issue with blank screen & blinky cursor - just remembered running an nVidia card.20:05
holsteinkristian-aalborg: do you have another machine to test the sound card in?20:06
holsteinwithout that HDMI out on the video card20:06
kristian-aalborgbut, it worked before I reinstalled linux20:06
holsteinkristian-aalborg: you said 9.10?20:06
holsteinwas the last time it worked?20:06
holsteinmaybe you could get a live CD of the last verion it worked with20:07
holsteinmake a note of what is being used20:07
kristian-aalborgerm... mint helena, I think20:07
holsteinand search for a backport20:07
nit-witJackyAlcine, I am aware of the dual boot with red_20:08
holsteini forget what buntu helena would have been based on20:08
holsteinlunch :)20:08
nit-witwebjocky, are you having a problem or just helping20:08
kristian-aalborgsee ya, hobgoblin20:08
* JackyAlcine puts MonoDevelop and Quickly to fullscreen..20:08
kristian-aalborgholstein, sorry20:08
webjockynit-wit: a 'lil of both where I can.20:08
webjockybut I'm currently working on my problem20:09
nit-witwebjocky, whats the problem20:09
nit-witwebjocky, cool if it is a boot thing I can probably help20:09
webjockywaiting for this USB install to finish so I can attempt your Shift, F6, nomodeset, ctrl+x20:09
webjockysweet - that's exactly my problem20:10
Red_hey i g2g brb later.20:10
webjockyLive CD works fine, installed to a RAID1 & all I get is a blank screen w/blinking cursor in the top-left - no response except three finger salute.20:11
nit-witwebjocky, the shift key gets you the choice menu right away, and the f6 options20:12
JackyAlcineFreaking hate segmentation faults...20:15
webjockywell, I did the F6 thing & I'm booting (so far). Once it's finished booting, how do I go about figuring out if it booted to my USB drive or my RAID1?20:16
webjockyalso note, it's still reading from the CD-ROM an aweful lot.20:17
nit-witwebjocky, you have booted from the thumb by having it first in the bios?20:18
webjockyBIOS boot order is as follows: Optical Drive, RAID1, Others.20:18
nit-witwebjocky, I think you booting off the cd20:19
webjockyI think so too.20:19
webjocky*you're, but who's counting :)20:19
nit-witwebjocky, and thats okay nothing wrong with that:)20:19
webjockyI'm thinking it's using the CD to boot to the USB or something as the USB drive's activity light is almost as active as the Optical drive light.20:20
nit-witwebjocky, the cd if it is a standard install wont boot to the usb, itself a standard ISO correct, both are right20:21
webjockyhmm... now all activity seems to have stopped & I have the ubuntu logo in the center of the screen with five non-animated red 'loading' dots under it.20:21
* webjocky thinks we should start over.20:23
nit-witwebjocky, did you use the check disc at the menu screen20:23
webjockyyes. Passed.20:23
kristian-aalborghow do I build a kernel on one machine and then move it to another? And does it matter if I'm running different distros?20:23
nit-witkristian-aalborg, you can chroot in a kernel to the second machine I believe, don't know the process though20:24
webjockyimho, that sounds like it's a bit out of range for a 'beginners' channel.20:25
nit-witwebjocky, do you know the per-session boot menu key prompt20:25
nit-witwebjocky, whats the computer model20:26
webjockycustom build.20:26
nit-witwebjocky, it may be f12 at power on20:26
webjockyoh, you referring to the ... yeah.. I know what you mean now.20:26
webjockywhat about it?20:26
nit-witwebjocky, it is a reliable way of choosing the boot from without going to the bios to change the order20:27
webjockyobviously - still searching for your point?20:27
nit-witwebjocky, USB20:27
nit-witwebjocky, thumb20:28
webjockyok. So we're still trying to boot to USB to further troubleshoot the RAID1?20:28
nit-witwebjocky, you booted the cd lets try the thumb the easy way is what  was thinking.20:28
nit-witwebjocky, I haven't gotten a picture of the raid problem, and really I'm not familiar with raid.20:29
webjockyI don't think there's a problem with the RAID1, the installation seems to find everything OK.. it's most likely the nVidia card messing with things at this point.20:30
webjockyBut I'm referring to my RAID1 as thats the install I need working in the end.20:30
nit-witwebjocky, so a nVidia graphic has left you in some sort of stae which I logged in to late to get.20:32
webjockylol no.20:33
webjockylet me re-paste my inital statement upon joining this chatroom20:33
nit-witwebjocky, I give up to be honest no fair description good luck:)20:33
webjockyJackyAlcine: I've got a Grub menu via USB!20:35
JackyAlcinethen it's exactly what I thought; the Windows bootloader is still installed on your internal drive.20:35
JackyAlcineGo to Ubuntu on the USB..20:36
webjockywell crap. I guess I need to "re-"install Grub2?20:36
JackyAlcineYup. :D20:36
JackyAlcineyou know how to or should I mention it?20:36
webjockynice call btw.. still don't understand how, but neat.20:36
webjockyyes, mention it please :)20:36
JackyAlcinelol, well you might need to download a few packages.20:36
JackyAlcinesudo apt-get grub grub-pc20:36
webjockyk, whatever it takes. And we're talking Grub 2 or just Grub?20:36
JackyAlcinesudo apt-get install grub grub-pc20:36
webjockyall this from the USB?20:37
JackyAlcinethen run sudo update-grub /dev/sda120:37
JackyAlcine/dev/sda1 should be the path to your internal hard drive.20:37
JackyAlcineit'll scan for installed systems and then exit.20:37
JackyAlcinematter of fact, i'll walk you through it.20:38
JackyAlcinewhat's on your screen right now?20:38
webjockyty so much!20:39
webjockyI opened terminal & typed "sudo apt-get grub grub-pc" - it returned "E: Invalid operation grub"20:39
JackyAlcinelol, i forgot.20:41
JackyAlcineits "sudo apt-get install grub grub-pc"20:41
* JackyAlcine had the same exact issue webjocky had and had to figure this process out himself =/20:41
webjockyhmm... now I got: "Some Packages could not be installed.. blah blah" "grub: Conflicts: grub-pc but 1.98-lubuntu9 is to be installed" "grub-pc: Conflits: grub (< 0.97-29ubuntu60 is to be installed" "E: Broken packages"20:43
JackyAlcine>_< sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install grub-pc20:43
JackyAlcineI forgot that GRUB's grub1 and GRUB-PC's grub220:44
webjockyw00t - doin' its thang.20:44
JackyAlcineAlright, now run..20:46
JackyAlcinesudo update-grub /dev/sda120:46
JackyAlcineAlright, now reboot, but do NOT remove the USB.20:49
webjockyhehe, k20:49
JackyAlcineshow me the output of the console.20:49
webjockyanything specific you're looking for? There's an aweful lot here..20:51
JackyAlcineyeah, use pastebin.com20:52
JackyAlcineI'm curious to see if it picked up the ubuntu install on the internal drive.20:53
* webjocky wasn't thinking - cut/paste dummy....20:53
JackyAlcineDid you give the USB a name?20:57
webjockyas in a Hostname?20:58
JackyAlcineno, a drive label.21:00
webjockyI chose the defaults on install - so most likely not.21:00
JackyAlcinehm. well, this output is not normal at all; did the internal hard drive showed signs of failure?21:00
webjockynope. never has.21:01
webjockyIt's listed under Places too21:01
JackyAlcineThat's awkward output; but I don't think it'll stop it from booting.21:04
JackyAlcineOkay, now run..21:05
JackyAlcinesudo grub-install /dev/sda121:05
JackyAlcinethat should confirm the GRUB2 installation to the bootloader of your hard drive.21:05
webjockyI found what my internal RAID1 is showing as...21:05
webjockyits:  /dev/mapper/isw_beidhbgedg_ITOS121:06
JackyAlcineThat's really odd..21:08
webjockyerror: unable to identify a filesystem in hd0,1; safety check can't be performed.21:08
JackyAlcinetry ..21:08
JackyAlcinesudo grub-install /dev/mapper/isw_beidhbgedg_IT0S121:08
JackyAlcinehey Cheri70321:10
kristian-aalborgSystem:    Host mint-lugosi Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Fluxbox CE21:11
kristian-aalborgSystem:    Host mint-lugosi Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Fluxbox CE21:11
kristian-aalborgsorry about that... was just checking out those new xchat buttons21:11
AisteruI am having trouble configuring xorg to use the nvidia drivers. I installed the nvidia 96 package, & ran the automatic configuration tool, but the xorg.conf it generated does not work.21:11
webjockyJackyAlcine: pastebin updated21:12
JackyAlcinewhere's the link, webjocky? pastebin usually sends you to another, new page when you update it.21:14
webjockyoh - didn't notice: http://pastebin.com/2A24eV7221:16
JackyAlcinethis is weird; your RAID setup might not be supported by GRUB..21:17
JackyAlcinewhat does sudo grub-install /dev/mapper give you?21:18
webjockysays: /dev/mapper is not a block device21:19
JackyAlcineYeah; your hard drive's configured in a peculiar manner..21:19
JackyAlcineI'm GUESSING it may work on restart, but don't be surprised if you get the screen again..21:20
webjockyJackyAlcine: no dice. same result as when I started. But now that you seem to have pinpointd the issue at hand, I'm trying this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Overwriting%20the%20Master%20Boot%20Record21:41
JackyAlcineAlright, I did what I can, webjocky.21:42
JackyAlcineGood luck.21:42
webjockymuch appreciated21:42
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
ShootEmUphey is Red___ here?22:24
ShootEmUpdoesn't look like he's here22:25
ShootEmUpyou are Red___, right?22:25
ShootEmUpdid everything work out for you>22:26
Red_so i finished the install disk, but when i tried to boot from it i got a blank screen.22:27
ShootEmUpouch, what video card do you have?22:27
nit-witRed_, run this script and pastebin the generated text file  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/22:28
Red_They said it would work: http://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c02207161&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&prodSeriesId=4149939&prodTypeId=32195722:28
Red_the instructions say to boot into Linux and then DL the scrpit. I can even boot into Linux.22:30
ShootEmUpeither its your video card, or your boot setup. do what nit-wit said22:30
Red_so if its the video card im screwed?22:30
ShootEmUpI don't think its the video card22:31
nit-witRed_, could be either the script will knock off a lot of doubt22:31
Red_because when i do boot into linux i get a blank screen.22:31
ShootEmUprun it from live CD22:31
ShootEmUpworks that way to22:31
Red_um, thats what i do. i hit esc. to enter the boot menu on start up, hit F9 to see boot devices, I select the DVD/CD drive, hit enter, and get the black screen.22:32
ShootEmUpohh ok22:32
Red_yahhhhhh...... so i can't even use linux.22:33
ShootEmUphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582, this might help22:33
ShootEmUpno you could install via the Alternate Install CD22:33
Red_Warning: Although I have made an effort to make this guide as accessible as possible, if you are a beginner to Ubuntu then you are not recommended to follow this guide at all. Even if you stick to the safest method outlined, your system may experience difficulties due to the installation of unofficial drivers. Consider yourselves warned .22:33
sogeppis it true that, after we burn the iso file into cd/dvd the md5 won't be the same as iso one?22:34
ShootEmUpdid you ever verify the CD?22:34
Red_never saw the keyboard, so no.22:34
ShootEmUpcould be the CD, looking up ways to verify without booting22:35
Red_do i have to access a different menu in the boot menu?22:35
Red_ok, so i need to verify then..... how do i do that without seeing the keyboard?22:35
ShootEmUpone way would be to make an ISO out of the CD you burned, and then MD5 check that22:37
nit-witRed_, you have a HP they usually have 4 partitions the max allowed on a single HD, can you boot Windows and take a screen shot of the disk manager22:37
ShootEmUpbut it might be your video card, those give ubuntu problems22:37
Red_and if its that, there's nothing i can do?22:37
ShootEmUpyou can do other things, but they are not easy22:38
nit-witI think we are putting the cart before the horse here partitions can be removed and shrunk and graphics drivers can be installed22:38
nit-witsogepp, whats up22:38
ShootEmUpnit-wit, he can't even boot the live CD22:38
sogeppthis : is it true that, after we burn the iso file into cd/dvd the md5 won't be the same as iso one?22:39
Red_ok so how do i go about varifying the CD?22:39
ShootEmUpRed_, I'm not sure22:40
ShootEmUplooking it up22:40
nit-witShootEmUp, okay Red__  power on the computer hit the shift and hold it down to get the menu, hit f6 click the nomodeset then crtl+x to boot this is a low graphics mode22:40
Red_wont it look super crappy?22:40
Red_in the mean time ill make a thread, see if it gets anything.22:41
ShootEmUpyes, but it will tell us if its the video card22:41
nit-witsogepp, here is a link that should help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM22:41
nit-witRed_, the resolution will just be set but this is what has to be done probably. If you get in we should see a look at the partition setup before you do any installing, for protecting the Vista22:42
Red_ok. so are you sure those keys will be the same on my laptop?22:43
ShootEmUpwrite his steps down, you don;t want to forget them22:45
ShootEmUpOkay, It seams that your video card has driver support in ubuntu, but it still could be that22:48
Red_but i would have to DL the driver?22:48
ShootEmUpno that I know of22:48
ShootEmUpdrivers should be built in22:49
ShootEmUpbut you still want to try what nit-wit suggested22:49
Red_ok so its probably varifying then. so if i do get in on low graphics mode, then im good, and all i need is varifying?22:49
Red_yah but nit-wit said use shift to get into the menu. i use esc. (thats what it says on start up). so could other keys be wrong too?22:50
ShootEmUpnope, It's not trying to get to your BIOS22:51
ShootEmUpIt's pulling up ubuntu boot options22:51
Red_so i should use shift then?22:52
Red_ooooooooook then..... ill try it out. be back in a few.22:52
ShootEmUpsee ya then22:52
Red_the menu didn't come up.22:59
ShootEmUpI guess its the CD22:59
Red_whe exactly am i supposed to press it?22:59
ShootEmUphold shift at startup22:59
ShootEmUpafter the BIOS23:00
Red_wait, what do you mean?23:00
ShootEmUpokay, set your CD to boot, then at startup hold shift23:01
Red_ok so go into boot menu, change the boot order so that cd drive is above internal hd, save it, reboot, then press shift?23:02
Red_ok before i go what is the hostname and port on this irc?23:02
ShootEmUp#ubuntu-beginners, on the freenode server23:03
Red_thought the port was a #?23:03
ShootEmUpI don't know the port23:04
ShootEmUpI'm just using Xchat23:04
Red_thats it^23:04
ShootEmUpok thanks pleia223:04
Red_oh ok. im trying to set up an iOS app that lets you use irc on ipod touch.23:04
Red_its asking for hostname:port so would that be #Ubuntu-Beginners:8001 ?23:05
pleia2probably irc.freenode.net:800123:06
pleia2#ubuntu-beginners is the channel23:06
ShootEmUpyeah I think thats it23:06
Red_whats the channel key?23:08
pleia2there isn't one23:08
pleia2(a key is like a password)23:08
ShootEmUpno password23:08
blackIm in!23:09
blackI'll use this while I'm working on the boot settings.23:09
Red_kk brb.23:10
blackK I'm changing the boot order.23:12
blackWTF! I think it's working! I didn't even hit f6 and all that! Just changed boot order!23:14
ShootEmUpman, computers hate you man23:14
blackShould it take a while to start? It's got those changing orange and white dots.23:15
ShootEmUpit will take a little time23:15
ShootEmUpgotta load the system into RAM23:15
blackIt's up! No status bar yet though.23:16
blackIt's up!!!!!23:16
ShootEmUpgood, now you want to check if your patitions23:17
blackOk I just hit try Linux.23:17
ShootEmUplook in system - admin - gparted once its up23:17
blackUm, is that unfer places?23:20
ShootEmUpnope, look in system - admin - gparted I think, if not there just look in your menus for it23:20
blackOk systems just came up.23:21
nit-witmenu system admin  gparted23:21
blackI don't see admin in the systems folder.23:21
blackNvm I see it now23:22
blackOk I have it. What do you need?23:23
ShootEmUptell me how many partitions are listed23:23
black4 and then one unallocated.23:23
ShootEmUpokay, that presents a problem23:24
blackUm, why?23:24
blackDon't most have 423:24
ShootEmUpyou can only have 4 primary partitions23:24
ShootEmUpubuntu can be installed on a logical one23:24
ShootEmUpbut it takes more steps23:25
blackOk. So where do I start?23:25
ShootEmUpokay, gparted still up?23:25
ShootEmUpokay, look for your bigest partition23:26
ShootEmUpthat is your windows 7 partition23:26
nit-witShootEmUp, just for a suggestion here with that many partitions the boot files may be anywhere so confirming this with the bootscript may be pertinant before making any changes23:27
blackIt's dev/sda3 at 218 gb, 53 used and no label.23:27
ShootEmUpyou want to shink it, but it is best to do it from inside windows23:27
ShootEmUpso boot back up in windows23:28
blackK so should I boot into windows now?23:28
ShootEmUphold on23:28
ShootEmUprun the boot info script23:28
ShootEmUplet me see if I can find it...23:28
blackGive me a minute. I need to connect to the web.23:29
nit-withttp://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/  you guys are doing great just precautions will make life easier23:29
blackFudge. The code is in my inbox.23:29
ShootEmUpwhat wrong? can't connect to internet?23:31
blackJust got into it.23:33
ShootEmUpgood, download Boot Info Script here http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/23:33
blackHold on23:33
Red_can you repost that link?23:36
Red_ok im getting it now. since th HDD isn't partitioned, where will the DL go?23:36
nit-witRed_, the script will guide you all for the DL means download correct23:38
Red_ik im just curios (SP). the download work of cousre, but where was the fil put?23:40
nit-witRed_, in downloads drag it to the desktop and copy paste the sudo desktop command in the link into a terminal it generates a text file to be copied and pasted to a pastebin23:41
ShootEmUpI'm back now23:41
ShootEmUpsorry, had to take a dump23:41
nit-witlol thanks for sharing23:42
Red_My copy of Linux's inosence has been tainted!23:42
ShootEmUp:) well you would have asked where i was at23:42
ShootEmUpRed_, you doing the Boot Info Script now?23:43
nit-witRed_, here is a pastebin if you need it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23:43
Red_ sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script*.sh23:44
Red_that it?23:44
ShootEmUpyup, except for the *23:44
nit-witShootEmUp, you can read the script and recognize the boot files I suspect would you like a coparitve script posted23:44
ShootEmUpit should be the version number23:44
ShootEmUpnit-wit, what do you mean?23:45
Red_so just take out the *?23:45
nit-witShootEmUp, the MS set up has 2 sets of files that are separated in these situations, or included in the main OS, I just was offering a script that is showing how they should be23:46
ShootEmUpsudo bash ~/desktop/boot_info_script055.sh23:47
ShootEmUpthats what you type23:47
ShootEmUpnit-wit, I still don't understand, but it sounds like you are going to post your boot info script...23:47
ShootEmUpI know windows 7 has a boot and system partition23:48
Red_buntu@ubuntu:~$ sude bash ~/destop/boot_info_script055.sh No command 'sude' found, did you mean:  Command 'sudo' from package 'sudo' (main)  Command 'sudo' from package 'sudo-ldap' (universe) sude: command not found ubuntu@ubuntu:~$23:48
Red_not found, wtf?23:48
Red_maybe i typed it wrong.23:49
ShootEmUpsudo not sude23:49
nit-witthe asterix is supposed to be there copy and paste the command from the page and make sure the downloaded script is on the desktop23:49
nit-witsude lol the asterisk is supposed to be there though it is the command from the page23:50
Red_k posting the results.23:50
Red_ok that doesn't look like it will copy and past very well.... should i put it in the tread i made so you can see it?23:52
ShootEmUpgood idea23:52
nit-witRed_, you can't put that in the thread23:52
nit-witRed_, open the text file click edit select all right click copy it open the pastebin paste it there submit and give us the link23:54
nit-witShootEmUp, if you haven't seen the script before you will see what  mean a lot of text23:54
ShootEmUpI've seen it before23:55
ShootEmUpon the forums all the time23:55
nit-witShootEmUp, I figured you had:)23:55
Red_here you go: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10298484#post10298484 i just recycled my thread from earlier.23:56
nit-witRed can I talk with you through the thread?23:57
ShootEmUpokay, seems like you have 3 bootable partitions23:57
Red_um, if you want to i guess, but this is faster.23:57
nit-witRed_, it may seeem faster but first off you didn't post the whole script23:58
Red_shootemup, is that good?23:58
ShootEmUpI'm not sure...23:58
Red_... yes i did.23:58
ShootEmUpyou wouldn't happen to have multiple windows installs?23:59
Red_no. only win7.23:59

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