
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
YoBoYgood morning06:56
Ddorda‎YoBoY: hey09:32
YoBoYhi Ddorda 09:33
Ddorda‎YoBoY: how are you?09:33
Ddorda‎hear that: we're going to release an Ubuntu guide book in Hebrew :)09:33
Ddorda‎the first one in Israel09:33
YoBoYfine thanks and you ?09:33
YoBoYcool a book or  a smaller guide ?09:34
Ddorda‎YoBoY: a small book which will be a guide09:35
mhall119Ronnie: just posted a traceback to your merge proposal from running import-live-data12:53
=== daker_ is now known as daker
Ronniemhall119: i think its fixed now.13:20
mhall119testing again14:49
czajkowskimhall119: loud and clear 14:50
mhall119huh what?14:51
czajkowskitesting testing - loud and clear :) 14:51
czajkowskiit makes sense if you use laura logic 14:51
mhall119also if you're on British time14:51
mhall119it's too early in the coffe for that kind of humor14:51
czajkowskitis nearly 3pm 14:53
mhall119nearly 10am here14:56
czajkowskiah but here is where it's all at :)14:57
czajkowskimhall119:  so did the tooth fairy come?14:58
mhall119she did15:32
mhall119he was all excited15:33
TrickyJGood moning all :)15:33
TrickyJBack to work..15:33
TrickyJ!sarch Ronnie15:33
ubot4`Factoid 'sarch Ronnie' not found15:33
nigelbmhall119: poke?15:37
nigelbmhall119: wanna take a user days session? :)15:37
mhall119nigelb: when?15:40
nigelbmhall119: end of jan15:40
nigelblet me get the exact dates15:40
nigelbJan 29, 3015:40
mhall119hmmm, maybe, let me see what I've got going on15:41
nigelbmhall119: just poke me or lyz when you can say for definite :)15:44
mhall119lyz == pleia2 ?15:48
nigelbyeah :)15:50
nigelbmhall119: dammit I didn't want to ping her.15:50
mhall119you  should have warned me then15:54
nigelbforget it :)16:00
nigelbmhall119: now that we've pinged pleia2,16:01
nigelbmhall119: lets just use pleia2 here on :p16:01
mhall119you gonna ping her a few more times?16:01
nigelbmhall119: who? pleia2? maybe :p16:04
czajkowskinigelb: you dont beleieve in letting folks have a holiday do you 16:04
nigelbczajkowski: um, she's working today ftr16:04
nigelbshe's off tomorrow.16:05
czajkowskinigelb: ftr most are doing semi work considering the time of year ftr and not on irc 16:05
czajkowskiif it's urgent or important why not email them 16:05
nigelbczajkowski: I prefer pining my friends on IRC.16:06
czajkowskinot a very useful way to communicate imo. ftr16:06
mhall119wth does ftr mean?16:10
nigelbFor the record.16:10
mhall119oh, ok16:10
pleia2I have lyz on highlight anyway ;P16:12
mhall119fail nigelb 16:13
nigelbok, that was fail.  Total fail :p16:13
YoBoYnext year resolution : don't use acronyms on international chans16:17
nigelbaddonds.mozilla.org is on django.16:43
nigelbI tried it out last night --> tis awesome :)16:43
dakernigelb, yes it's on django they calle it AMO ツ16:47
nigelb^^ exact name16:47
mhall119czajkowski: famous last words17:29
dakermhall119, should we close this one bug 61009217:30
ubot4`Launchpad bug 610092 in loco-directory "Issues with LD and Maverick's jquery (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61009217:30
mhall119has it been resolved?17:31
mhall119ah, seems dholbach fixed it with init-ld17:31
dakeri didn't see this bug on maverick ツ17:31
mhall119I think init-ld is making the requisite symlinks17:32
mhall119so yeah, I think we can close it17:32
dakerwhat should i put on the status ? 17:33
dakerFix commited and link it to the milestone ?17:33
dakermhall119, ^17:34
mhall119that'll work17:40
dakermhall119, Assigned to ?17:43
mhall119no need to assign it17:44
dakermhall119, new rev https://code.launchpad.net/~adnane002/loco-directory/fix.617920/+merge/4480517:51
mhall119daker: I'll look at it later17:55
TrickyJ!search Ronnie19:47
ubot4`None found19:47
mhall119daker: you shouldn't name css styles by their attributes19:49
dakerhmm ?19:50
dakerah you mean the padd-top ?19:50
mhall119commented https://code.launchpad.net/~adnane002/loco-directory/fix.617920/+merge/4480519:50
mhall119that way we can change it to do something like show a border, or different color, and remove top padding, without having to rename the style and change every place it's used19:52
mhall119if you name a style based on it's attributes, you lose the real benefit from moving them into a .css file instead of inline styles19:52
dakerok i'll fix it19:54
mhall119because there's not much difference between style="padding-top: 10px" and class="padding-top"19:54
mhall119do you understand though?19:54
dakeri understand19:55
mhall119how was diving?22:52
cjohnstonvery good22:52
cjohnston4 dives, three different wreck sites22:53
cjohnstondrive back will suck mhall119 23:02
cjohnstondue home at 221823:02
Ronniewow, import live data is merged :D23:03

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