
oojahI've a package that's not quite in Debian (reviewed a few times and should just need to be uploaded, alas). If I get it into Ubuntu via revu for Natty and for Debian for Natty+1 then am I right that the Debian package will effectively override the existing Ubuntu one?00:09
micahgoojah: it can, you still have 2 months to get the package in Debian before feature freeze though00:10
oojahmicahg: I thought the important one was debian import freeze, which was 12 minutes by my reckoning.00:12
micahgoojah: no, that's jsut the automatic import of packages, manual syncs of new packages can be requested until Feature Freeze00:13
oojahmicahg: Ah, my misunderstanding then.00:13
oojahAre there any docs on the criteria needed for manual syncs?00:14
micahgoojah: before Feature Freeze there aren't any00:18
oojahmicahg: Okey dokey.00:18
micahgoojah: you can use requestsync from ubuntu-dev-tolls00:18
oojahThat's a great relief all round!00:18
* oojah nods00:19
bdrungmicahg: ubuntu-dev-trolls :D00:25
micahgbdrung: I was thinking that too00:25
oojahGood job I didn't install that one by mistake...00:26
=== ogra is now known as Guest58620
mase_wkI managed to get around my ant problem by setting the build tool to autoconf in debian/rules01:12
mase_wkhowever now when i run dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot i get this error01:14
mase_wkdh_auto_configure: ./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/timber --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking failed to to execute: No such file or directory01:14
mase_wki really don't want the build system to actually build anything01:15
mase_wkbut it seems you can't use buildsystem=none01:15
mase_wkif i use pbuilder i get "make: dh: Command not found"01:34
mase_wkhowever dh is installed and i can call it01:34
mase_wkok well i am quite happy with myself. I am sure it's far from perfect, (but lintian doesn't complain ). I now have  a branch in my git repo which has only the debian dir in it. So if anyone wants to make an ubuntu / debian package they can ( from the master branch ) do a git branch package; git merge debian; debuild -S -uc -us; cd ../; sudo pbuilder build timber_0.70.dsc04:27
mase_wkand come out with a package04:27
cdbsbdrung: oops, sorry, typed that by mistake, was giong to do a whois instead06:40
cdbsbdrung: :o When did you become DD?10:13
sebnercdbs: yesterday ^_^10:14
cdbsbdrung: Congrats!10:14
bdrungcdbs: thanks10:15
sagaciis there a tool to use that will foster real-time collaboration on code10:16
sagacialmost like teamviewer, I guess10:16
hakermaniaHey, anybody knows the use of debian/compat ?10:19
hakermaniaIt contains debhelper's version?10:20
geserit tells which debhelper version all the dh_* should "use"10:20
dapalhakermania: man debhelper, search for "Debhelper compatibility levels"10:34
hakermaniadabal, geser: Thx10:35
dapalcongrats bdrung :)10:36
dapalwelcome aboard :)10:36
bdrungdapal: thanks10:36
hakermaniaCan anybody check if this debian/copyright is correct (using DEP-5): http://paste.ubuntu.com/548773/  Thx :)10:53
bdrunghakermania: it's not up-to-date: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file&rev=15211:04
bdrunghakermania: and "Files:" is missing11:05
bdrunghakermania: you should have two sections. one "Files: *" and one "Files: debian/*"11:06
hakermaniabdrung: Thank you.11:09
hakermaniabdrung: How about now?11:14
cdbsbdrung: I am packaging a package which uses AGPL-3. Should I paste the whole license text to the thing?11:14
cdbsbdrung: I mean, in the License: para11:14
tumbleweedbdrung: if it isn't in common-licences, you have to11:16
bdrungcdbs: only the agpl-3 header.11:16
tumbleweederr cdbs11:16
cdbstumbleweed: the whole license? :o11:16
cdbsbdrung: it ain't in common-licenses11:16
tumbleweedcdbs: the code has to be shipped with the whole licence available11:16
bdrungnot good.11:16
cdbstumbleweed: Can we write: Refer to the COPYING file in the source root directory11:17
tumbleweedcdbs: COPYING isn't distributed in th edeb11:17
cdbsof course not11:17
tumbleweedso you can't11:17
cdbstumbleweed: adding the dots (.) in place of empty lines would be a headache for such a large license11:17
tumbleweedcdbs: that's why you use an editor with automation ability11:18
tumbleweed:%s/^ *$/ ./ would do the job in vim11:18
bdrunghow long does the apport retracer take to retrace a core dump?11:21
cdbstumbleweed: and I use vim11:21
hakermaniabdrung: Is it OK now? :S http://paste.ubuntu.com/548784/11:30
tumbleweedhakermania: I'd suggest simply https://sourceforge.net/projects/wall-changer/ for source, or you'll have to change it on every new upsstream version11:31
tumbleweedhakermania: you can drop the "You should have received a copy..." paragraphs11:31
bdrunghakermania: i forgot that you are both. so you can drop the second paragraph (Files: debian/*)11:32
hakermanianow it must be OK :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/548796/11:35
bdrungi fail to configure my ~/.mailrc. can someone help me? i want to set the from mail address11:44
tumbleweedbdrung: set from=foo? (can't say I send much mail with mailx...)11:48
tumbleweedyou may of course need to tweak your MTA to allow from address spoofing11:49
bdrungtumbleweed: i tried: set from="bdrung@debian.org"11:49
bdrungbut it didn't work11:49
bdrungtumbleweed: do you know how to tweak the MTA?11:53
tumbleweedbdrung: start by seeing if that's the issue, by using sendmail -fbdrung@debian.org11:55
ari-tczewhow long is Debian frozen?12:02
tumbleweedbdrung: on my system I need to use set smtp=localhost (i.e. use localhost instead of sendmail) to get the from address to be set. It looks like mail doesn't pass -f to sendmail12:02
tumbleweedari-tczew: until it's ready12:02
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I mean when it's started12:03
tumbleweedari-tczew: it was announced during debconf, early august12:03
bdrungtumbleweed: set smtp=localhost doesn't work, too12:05
tumbleweedbdrung: presumably your mta then, which one?12:06
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ok thanks12:06
bdrungtumbleweed: postfix12:07
tumbleweedhmm, postfix should respect from address coming from mynetworks12:07
bdrungand i didn't changed anything in postfix12:09
hakermaniaNew upload for package wallch: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch13:17
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
xteejxHi all, quick question: What is the chances that vim will be updated to at least 7.3.075 before Natty release? Re bug 13785413:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 137854 in vim (Ubuntu) "vim-gnome window does not resize correctly when opening the 1st tab" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13785413:54
bdrungxteejx: it depends. ask the debian maintainer to update the package (in unstable or experimental) and then let's merge it.14:00
xteejxbdrung: File an update request report?14:01
bdrungxteejx: yes. "Please update vim to version XY"14:02
xteejxbdrung: Cool thank you :)14:02
bdrungand you could say: it will fix LP xxxxxx and yyyyyy14:03
xteejxNo probs :)14:03
ari-tczewdo you know any good software for editing patches?14:21
bdrungari-tczew: apply the patch, edit the patched files, refresh the patch14:23
ari-tczewI use geany for reviewing patches, but there is no option to remove changes14:24
ari-tczewbdrung: you didn't get me. MoM adds a lot of .pc files and I have to delete them for patch14:24
ari-tczewmanually work taking a lot of time14:24
bdrungari-tczew: maybe use debdiff to regenerate the patch?14:25
* hakermania uploaded another wallch package because his description was quite loud, like an advertisement. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch14:27
ari-tczewhakermania: you don't need to comment on revu that you've uploaded new source...14:28
ari-tczewwe can guess that you've followed with our advices14:28
ari-tczewand you pushed fixed version14:28
hakermaniaari-tczew: Confirmation :D14:28
hakermaniaari-tczew: Reminding :D14:29
ari-tczewbdrung: good point.14:29
ari-tczewnow looks better14:29
ari-tczewbdrung: there is a MoM bug. package includes patches, but MoM diff shows changes to files directly also :/14:30
bdrungari-tczew: MoM should be fixed.14:31
ari-tczewbdrung: should :P14:31
ari-tczewbdrung: or would be nice to have a plugin for software like gedit - remove lines from xxx to yyy14:44
bdrungari-tczew: i dunno if gedit is the right place for it.14:44
lfaraonebdrung: congrats, re @d.o. Welcome to the madhouse. :)15:49
hakermaniaHow does everybody know that bdrung become a DD ?15:57
bdrunglfaraone: thanks.16:01
bdrunghakermania: today i wrote a blog post.16:02
ari-tczewbdrung: really? congrats then!16:05
* ari-tczew is pleased when core-dev is also DD. cheers to bdrung and quadrispros16:06
bdrungari-tczew: yes, really. ;) look: http://packages.qa.debian.org/v/vlc/news/20101229T221850Z.html16:11
ari-tczewcan I use another way like debian/rules instead adding 99 patch?16:15
bdrungari-tczew: for what?16:15
ari-tczewbdrung: lxpanel16:16
ari-tczew99 patch causing add patch debian-changes-*16:16
ari-tczewbdrung: does this case mean that you're going to do more for Debian than Ubuntu? :>16:17
bdrungari-tczew: i will go on with my "debian first" approach.16:18
bdrungari-tczew: instead of 99-autotools.patch you could use dh-autoreconf16:19
ari-tczewbdrung: what do you think, is it better way than 99 patch?16:20
ari-tczew99 patch always has to be updated16:20
bdrungari-tczew: if the packages uses dh, using dh-autoreconf may be simpler16:20
ari-tczewbdrung: lxpanel uses dg16:21
ari-tczewdh *16:21
bdrungari-tczew: then try dh-autoreconf16:21
ari-tczewbdrung: should it be first or after override_dh_auto_configure: ?16:22
ari-tczewI guess that 1st16:22
bdrungari-tczew: something like dh $@ --with dh_autoreconf should work16:23
ari-tczewbdrung: does this change add also changes in files like 99 patch?16:24
bdrungari-tczew: it runs autoreconf and cleans up in the clean target16:24
bdrungari-tczew: you should drop the 99 patch16:24
ari-tczewyep I know16:24
ari-tczewbdrung: guess that should also B-D on dh-autoreconf right?16:30
bdrungari-tczew: yes16:31
ari-tczewbdrung: fail. http://paste.ubuntu.com/548869/16:32
bdrungari-tczew: man dh-autoreconf16:32
ari-tczewbdrung: yeah, fixed ;)16:35
sebnerbdrung: does that mean it won't work with dh8?16:53
lfaraonebdrung: yay for debian first! :)16:53
bdrungari-tczew: no, it'll work with dh 8.16:54
ari-tczewbdrung: hm?16:55
sebnerbdrung: man dh-autoreconf says dh --with autoreconf $@ where debhelper8 uses dh $@ --foo16:55
bdrungwas for sebner:16:55
bdrungari-tczew, sebner: use "dh $@ --with autoreconf"16:56
ari-tczewbdrung: but lxpanel suses dh716:56
sebnerbdrung: the manpage should have a note about that imho16:57
bdrungari-tczew: dh 7 allows both orders, but dh 8 will be more strict16:57
ari-tczewCan't exec "autopoint": No such file or directory at /usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te/FileUtils.pm line 345.16:57
ari-tczewautoreconf: failed to run autopoint: No such file or directory16:58
bdrungari-tczew: autopoint installed?16:58
ari-tczewbdrung: in pbuilder?16:58
ari-tczewB-D autopoint you mean?16:58
bdrungari-tczew: b-d?16:58
sebnerbdrung: dh-autoreconf recommends autopoint though17:01
fat0sshello, I am new to ubuntu17:37
fat0ssand try to follow the instruction given on Motu page17:37
fat0ssI Installed the all development tools. and installing the ubuntu development release17:39
fat0ssam I on right track ?17:39
ari-tczewfat0ss: why not?17:41
fat0ssari-tczew, I am asking because ..it was so easy like a "piece of cake"17:43
ari-tczewfat0ss: now you can go ahead with development17:43
fat0ssari-tczew, my connection speed is not so good.. I think it will take few hours to download the development release17:44
ari-tczewfat0ss: perhaps17:45
tumbleweedhmm, postfix should respect from address coming from mynetworks17:46
tumbleweedgrr, exceuse that17:46
fat0ssari-tczew, after installing developer release..I can go directly to bug fixing ?17:47
ari-tczewfat0ss: yes. already you can go with bug fixing.17:47
ari-tczew!SRU | fat0ss17:47
ubottufat0ss: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:47
ari-tczewbdrung: is it possible that --with autoreconf creates debian-changes-* ?17:53
ari-tczewor is it my fault?17:53
ari-tczewwhat is wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/548881/17:58
tumbleweedbdrung: syncpackage-681693 is ready for some review18:15
ari-tczewtumbleweed: can you help me?18:30
tumbleweedari-tczew: looks like you left out the part where the failure happened18:37
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I added dh $@ --with autoreconf18:37
ari-tczewnow configure couldn't go ahead18:37
hakermania /ping18:50
tumbleweedari-tczew: I mean the error happened before the lines you posted, it starts with "exit 1"18:55
tumbleweedari-tczew: as usual with configure, look in config.log18:55
ari-tczewtumbleweed: config.log in pbuildeR?19:01
bdrungtumbleweed: i want online unittest for this branch.19:02
tumbleweedbdrung: I'll bet. I can probably do some offline testing too19:03
ari-tczewtumbleweed: where is config.log in pbuilder?19:10
tumbleweedari-tczew: in th edirectory it's building in. Set up a hook to open a shell if the build fails (there's an example hook that does that)19:11
ari-tczewtumbleweed: is it on wiki?19:11
tumbleweedin the package19:11
tumbleweedari-tczew: enjoy (I'm going out)19:14
ari-tczewheh, thanks19:14
ari-tczewfu** it, I'm not going finish it until new year19:29
c_kornhow can I allow a package to overwrite a file from anotherpackage so I do not get the error: <package> tries to overwrite <file> which has already been installed by package <package>20:48
Bachstelzec_korn: ad a diversion on the ol package's version of the file with dpkg-divert20:49
Bachstelzeadd* old*20:49
c_kornah, this seems to be what I want20:51
c_kornnow I have to execute this at packaging time somehow20:51
c_korndoes it go to postinst ?20:51
Bachstelzec_korn: actually, you have to be careful that the old package still works after that file is renamed20:53
Bachstelzeotherwise, just make your package conflict with it20:53
c_kornhm, I will describe my problem more clearly:20:54
c_kornit is the game urbanterror. is has a data package urbanterror-data which has its own tarball. and now there is the package urbanterror which contains the game's executable. but now there is a version of urbanterror which has an improved exe and I want to package it as urbanterror-optimized. this also includes some optimized game files which are in the urbanterror-data package. now I add a conflict to the urbanterror  package and I also want20:57
c_kornthe package to allow to update some of the game content which has been installed by urbanterror-data20:57
BachstelzeI would make urbanterror-optimized replace urbanterror, and add a diverison for the files in urbanterror-data that create a conflict21:02
Bachstelzepresumably, urbanterror-optimized doesn't need the old files anymore21:02
c_kornyes, do I have to do this in postinst?21:11
c_kornor is there a special config file21:11
c_kornlike package.links21:11

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