
rwwwhat did he want :\00:00
CarlFKi was hoping to become less undecided ;/00:00
elkyrww, to mock.00:00
elkyhe indignantly informed me he didn't harass jordan for asking him to change his nick. then got all grins when i mentioned to tm_t here.00:01
elkyso yes, mocking.00:01
elkythe amount of his understanding and level of reform from his reprimand is hence about, oh, zero.00:03
CarlFKyeah, but other than the administrative noise the damage to #u is also about 0.00:04
elkyCarlFK, so? you seriously think that someone can abuse ops just because the users of #u don't notice? uh nuh00:05
* rww ponders keeping an up to date note on the status of native 64-bit Flash in !flash00:06
rwwooo, !flash64. never mind.00:07
CarlFKelky: i am really not sure.  I would like to think if it is ignored it goes away.00:07
elkyCarlFK, it didn't. he repeatedly came here to antagonise.00:08
CarlFKthe few times I saw him in here it was to dispute his ban. which he did with the skill of a stereotypical IRC users.00:09
CarlFKcan someone be banned from here but not #u?00:12
CarlFKseems whacky.  kinda wondering if it makes any sense.00:12
elkyyes, but that's pretty counterproductive.00:13
IdleOnePici: did you ever get that email I sent to you?00:34
IdleOnenot sure if it got sent or not00:34
IdleOneguess threatening,harassing,abusing in PM has no bearing00:44
rwwjussi: ubottu broke: 16:51:18 <ubottu> Please comment on the removal of ArtistAbbot in #ubuntu-offtopic, use: @comment None <comment>00:51
rwwFor anyone interested, ArtistAbbot 1) is Hoober/Prosper_/that dude who got kicked out of -ot, -women, and #ubuntu for linking obscene pictures, 2) is being rather problematic in PM.00:53
rwwjussi: (also, it appears to have not put the removal and ban in BT)00:53
r00t4rd3delky, I wasnt "reverting to any pattern". I was just letting you know you have been misinformed.01:25
CarlFKhttp://xkcd.com/386/  title="What do you want me to do?  LEAVE?  Then they'll keep being wrong!" alt="Duty Calls"01:30
ArtistAbbotjust got banned. would like to be unbanned in the future01:38
rwwArtistAbbot: Telling people to reformat their computer when they're asking how to fix a permissions problem is not acceptable. You are well aware of this and our other channel guidelines from several previous encounters, including a ban in #ubuntu.01:41
rwwBased on your persistant behavior in #ubuntu and other channels, I am not at all confident in your ability to exist peacefully in them. As a result, I do not plan to remove your ban at this time.01:42
ArtistAbbotwe were in a #ubuntu-support01:47
IdleOnewhat does that have to do with telling someone to format?01:47
IdleOneif you don't know the answer to a question you are better off not saying anything.01:47
ArtistAbboti have conflicting sources of information about the subject of his question01:48
ArtistAbboti just read wikipedia and i am sure of it now. at the time i had no reason to doubt my answer as not a response to his question01:49
IdleOneArtistAbbot: The ban is not going to be lifted tonight. Please part the channel.01:49
ArtistAbbotinto how many?01:49
IdleOner00t4rd3d: Unless you have a ban that needs to be resolved please do not idle in here01:50
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Rawr0192 said: !smw where is that?03:04
Tm_Trww: mute?04:26
rwwapparently he's scared of it, figured it works ;P04:27
Tm_Tno, not really,but letting him to read the channel isn't an issue yet04:27
rwwsomeone said we should use +q more. *shrugs*04:28
Tm_Tye, he's asking a ban in PM, so let's keep the +q (:04:28
rwwbut yeah, technically, I guess +q is interchangeable with +b, unless they start PMing random people or join/part flooding04:32
elkyI see alabd hasn't changed04:33
rwwat least he isn't asking us to ponder US export law this time04:33
rwwI think next time he wanders by, I'll call him "indie bundle" and see what happens.06:19
elkyrww, erm, do i remember a troublesome user with a nick resembling "full metal alchemist" correctly?10:11
rwwelky: not that I remember, for what it's worth10:13
elkywho else just about choked on "cross platform" there?10:17
rwwIt's probably a bad sign that the current #ubuntu-offtopic topic is above-average sane.10:21
elkythings that should be illegal: stone fruit with cling stones :(10:45
elkyhmm, that was meant for -ot10:46
* elky looks at rww and tries to hold a straight face...11:33
jussielky: everylabel.com.au if you need/want - printable in pretty much every printer, or he can print them for you :)11:36
elkyrww i think he thinks the first hit for facebook at that google link is mine...11:43
rwwah. lol.11:43
elkyok, this is a tough one...11:45
elkyofftopic /isn't/ the place for him. he's constantly toyed with for others amusement without any inkling of awareness of this...11:46
MichealHHi Ubuntu Ops, I noticed there was a Mass Inviter that had visited your channel and invited almost everyone to a new channel called #InteractiveArt. The founder, Agu10 was behind this. I am now mentoring him to the freenode rules by being an op of his channel and gave permissions to the staff too. I am officially apologising on behalf of Agu10 and I hope this will never happen again while I am mentoring him. Thanks!12:53
MichealHI hope you all understand12:54
MichealHSee ya12:55
PiciIdleOne: No, I never recieved your email.13:04
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))13:21
ubottuIn ubottu, MuzerAway said: MuzerAway is currently away, try again later16:11
Myrttithat kernel doesn't look like ubuntu17:20
IdleOneWhy is ubottu asking me to review a ban that was lifted?18:13
nhandlerMy guess is that it might not have been around or failed to notice the ban removal for one reason or another.18:45
nhandlerIdleOne: ^18:45
IdleOnenhandler: yup18:45
ubottusoreau called the ops in #ubuntu (dagni)20:20

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