
=== binBASH is now known as bdayBASH
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pmatulischrowe: perhaps check logs for anything suspicious (or turn off "psyco" like a bug commenter suggested)00:04
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talntidon hour 7 of fsck checking my hard drive... anyone think that's too long?00:53
talntidit's a 600gb raid6 array00:53
maswantalntid: not nevcessarily, depends on the filesystem and what you have stored00:57
talntidhmm, ok :(00:58
talntidgfs. lots of documents, mp3s of call recordings...00:59
donvitohow to save a bin bash script01:22
donvitoits ok ipv6update.sh ?01:22
donvitoor #!/bin/bash01:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #392968 in beautifulsoup "beautifulsoup 3.1 is buggy, provide 3.0 by default" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39296801:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #695557 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69555701:46
Psi-JackAnyone here know if FC-connected storage to two physical servers could share the same software raid?02:16
Patrickdkhmm, you can't share drives that way, unless your using special firmware on the drives, like how gfs was origionally designed to work :)02:24
Psi-JackI'm trying to help this guy who's trying to provide redundancy of a single shelf of FC-attached storage to 2 physical servers, those 2 physical servers are what he wants to provide network filesystems from, and NFS we all know sucks at that for fault tolerance. ;)02:27
Patrickdkbasically, you still need a lock manager, so two drives don't cache/write to the same place at the same time02:27
Patrickdkorigional gfs put the lock managers on the drives themselfs in the firmware02:28
Psi-JackI'm pretty much at the point of thinking, no matter what, 50% of the shelf is going to be dedicated to each physical server. Correct?02:28
Patrickdkdepends on how you set it up, but I believe so02:28
Patrickdkthen if one server dies, the other one can steal those drives02:28
erfolghi. i've got a shorewall routing question if somebody can possibly help.02:52
c0nv1cterfolg, ask it and see03:02
erfolgok. well i've got my firewall/router server. then i've got another server behind it i'm running 2 game servers on. i need to forward 27015 and 27016 to it. in my config i've got DNAT to it tcp and udp but it they never show up on steam or anything.03:04
erfolgsome of that might confuse you. i can paste my rules into pastebin or something if you need.03:06
fabiobikhi there03:15
fabiobikive installed vsftp03:15
fabiobikand i want to acess to ftp with local username03:16
fabiobiki can acess03:16
fabiobikbut i cant do nothing03:16
fabiobik500 premission denied03:16
Delerium_Probably don't have the good permission03:21
erfolgbe sure the directory you're in is set to the correct permissions.03:21
erfolgsudo chown -R user:group /srv/directory03:22
Delerium_if you log with your own ID, you will have access to your home directory, that's about it03:22
fabiobiki want to delete a folder inside var/www/03:26
fabiobikwhat i need to do?03:27
erfolgcd /var/www03:27
Delerium_If you want to work on a remote host to delete / create / manage ... I would suggest SSH instead of ftp03:27
erfolgsudo rm -r folder03:27
Delerium_erfolf: sudo is supported with ftp!?03:28
erfolgoh ftp?03:29
Delerium_yeah. that's what fabiobik said earlier on03:29
erfolgbe sure you have permissions set in it and then you should just be able to login and hit delete.03:29
erfolgsrry i'm tired. lol.03:29
Delerium_no problem, I was wondering if I missed something too.. Little wine tonight so.... ;)03:30
erfolglol. yeah.03:30
fabiobikerfolg and how to be shure i have all premissions03:31
Delerium_ls -al  ;)03:31
erfolgdo you have access to the server it's hosted on?03:31
erfolgor just ftp access?03:31
fabiobikall acess03:31
fabiobikits mine server lol03:31
erfolgyeah. or locally.03:32
erfolgthen type this03:32
erfolgcd /var03:32
erfolgsudo chown -R username:username www03:32
erfolgreplace username with your username03:32
erfolgthen ftp to it and you should be able to have full access to it03:33
erfolgbe sure to use your username for the ftp03:33
Delerium_also, if /var/www is your apache DocRoot, be sure that the user running the apache process have access ;)03:33
fabiobik250 Directory successfully changed.03:34
fabiobikComando:RMD projeto03:34
fabiobikResposta:550 Remove directory operation failed.03:34
erfolgwait. try chown -R username:www-data www instead03:35
c0nv1cterfolg, not sure i get your shorewall problem... have you checked to see if traffic arriving on those ports reach the server? and why dnat?03:35
erfolgi think that should work.03:35
fabiobikchown: missing operand after `fabiomig:www-data'03:36
erfolgc0nvlct, everything i read said to use dnat for it. i tried dnat and just accept and neither one let it work.03:36
erfolgsudo chown -R fabiomig:www-data /var/www03:36
c0nv1cterfolg, ah, might be something specific for steam then... you'd think -j FORWARD would work just fine03:37
erfolgyeah. well it works on my firewall box with just accept. but then when i try to put it on the other server and port forward it doesn't.03:37
fabiobikComando:RMD projeto03:38
fabiobikResposta:550 Remove directory operation failed.03:38
fabiobikEstado:A obter a lista de pastas ...03:38
erfolghmm. 1 more try.03:38
erfolgsudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www03:39
erfolgthen try to ftp in as root03:39
erfolgidk if it'll let you do that. if not i've got a way that'll def let you do it after that.03:39
fabiobikhow to remove a pakage03:41
erfolgc0nvict, yeah i think i'm probably gonna stop using shorewall and just use iptables. so many things that screw it up.03:41
erfolgit wouldn't let you delete it then fabio?03:41
c0nv1cterfolg, check to make sure the ports are working first using netcat03:42
fabiobiksudo apt-get install vsftp03:42
fabiobiknow i want to remove03:43
erfolgsudo apt-get purge vsftp03:43
erfolghmm you're right c0nvict. i can't connect from 1 to the other. i can connect from a windows computer on the lan but not from my firewall server to the app server. weird.03:48
erfolgi can connect to my mumble server from it but not the steam servers. maybe something in the steam settings.03:49
erfolgbut from external i can't connect to mumble server. :(03:51
talntidHi all. I know #xen is the recommended chat room for Xen, but the are idle... does anyone here have experience installing Xen on 10.04?05:09
talntidMainly, I am looking for how to do it. I have tried a handfull of times, all unsuccessfully.05:09
SpamapStalntid: typically there is better support for kvm than xen in ubuntu06:19
SyriaHi, is there a way to list users on my ubuntu lucid server?08:53
gobbecat /etc/passwd08:54
andolSyria: getent passwd08:54
SyriaThank you guys, how can i change the password for a specific user?08:55
andolsudo passwd specific_user08:55
Syriaandol thnx again.08:57
SyriaI have installed vsftpd and created a new user but the ftp server does not seem to be working.08:58
SyriaI am trying to update wordpress which installed on my ubuntu lucid vps server should this be the hostname for example? ?09:00
SyriaI have created a new user but when i ssh using it all i get is the $  sign!09:08
nigelbthat's because you don't have the bash shell I think.09:08
nigelbThe user is probably havng /bin//sh09:08
nigelberr /bin/sh09:08
Syrianigelb How can I fix this please?09:08
nigelb"sudo chsh -s /bin/bash username" perhaps?09:10
nigelbI'm not sure.09:10
Syrianigelb it works!! thank you.09:12
Syriaam I a super user now?09:13
Syriaopps what does this mean! There is 1 zombie process.09:13
Syrianigelb Do you have an idea about what 1 zombie process. is?09:14
nigelbI think zombie process would already be dead.09:15
Syrianigelb I get this zombie thing only when i ssh using the new user name that i have created! and I am not getting an output using the # top command.09:18
nigelbcheckout ps ax and see if you have any process with Z in stat column09:18
Syrianigelb all I get is a new line.09:19
nigelbIn that case, I don't know.09:19
Syriaits okay thnx. :)09:19
SyriaHello, is this the right way to make a copy of a folder via ssh? ibrahim@server:/$ cp /var/www/site /var/www/site-backup11:15
Frenk_Hey, I have an error using psad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548783/ Although I set IPTABLES_PREREQ_CHECK to 1; Can I add the chain manually? And how do I ensure that they exist after restart? iptables-save didnt work for me the last time.11:15
Jeeves_Syria: add -r11:16
SyriaJeeves_ where should I add it please?11:16
Jeeves_Syria: Oh wait11:16
Jeeves_you want scp -r /var/www/site $user@$remote_host:/var/www/site-backup11:16
Jeeves_That copies /var/www/site to the remote hosts directory /var/www/site-backup11:17
Jeeves_If you want it to stay on the same server11:17
Jeeves_cp -r /var/www/site /var/www/site-backup11:17
SyriaJeeves_ It is not a remote host, i want to copy the folder on the same server.11:17
SyriaYes thank you.11:17
SyriaI understand it now.11:17
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SyriaI want to add my username to the sudoers file is this the right way? sudo nano /etc/group11:27
Jeeves_Syria: No11:27
Jeeves_If you want sudo, just add yourselve to the group admin11:28
Jeeves_adduser $username admin11:28
SyriaJeeves_ I Thanks again. :)11:28
gobbeusermod is correct tool to add users to groups11:44
talntidany way to see if fsck is still doing anything? it's been going for about 12 hours...... loads are at exactly 1.0.....12:28
talntidand shows it's running in top, too...12:28
gobbeare u running it manually?12:38
Jeeves_gobbe: adduser is just a wrapper around usermod12:43
podman99hey all ... i know this will be something simple... using ubuntu-vm-builder on maverick 10.10 built and installed from ISO a VE, i used virsh to define /etc/libvir....... start bt01 and it waits and tells me : http://pastebin.com/xCDCX5a4 ?? any ideas have followed docs perfectly @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/CreateGuests13:07
gobbeJeeves_: oh yeah, my bad.Too used to use usermod ;)13:15
pmatulispodman99: looks like you used root to build the vm13:21
talntid/sbin/mount.gfs2: error mounting /dev/drbd0 on /home: No such file or directory13:23
talntidwhich one does it think doesn't exist?13:23
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phetipsI have set up a working LAMP stack. Now I want to be able to send mail via PHP. What is the best way to go about this? Any recommendations on send only MTAs or particular setups?14:24
Jeeves_'apt-get install postfix' ?14:25
phetipsJeeves_: i've been told that is overkill for what i'm trying to do14:26
phetipsand apparantly send only MTA's are the way to go14:26
phetipsi've had trouble setting up postfix in the past, perhaps i just need to look into it a bit more14:26
patdk-wksend only mta's can get you into lots of issues though14:29
patdk-wkif you care about your email14:29
patdk-wkthey don't cache/spool, so if the mta they are sending to is down, or something, your emails are lost14:30
patdk-wkso I go with postfix instead :)14:30
phetipsallright, i'll give that another go, any tips on how to set it up in my php.ini?14:31
qman__I agree, it may be "overkill" but postfix won't let you down14:31
qman__I've run into all sorts of trouble with supposedly simple lightweight MTAs14:31
patdk-wkyou don't "set it up in php.ini"14:31
phetips; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").14:32
qman__when you install postfix it becomes the local "sendmail" daemon14:32
phetips; http://php.net/sendmail-path14:32
phetips;sendmail_path =14:32
qman__you don't need to configure any of that14:32
qman__just use mail()14:32
qman__it knows what to do14:32
phetipsso, "sudo apt-get install postfix; sudo apache2ctl restart;" should allow me to use mail() ?14:33
qman__you only need to configure that if you have a botched up install where your system doesn't know where its mail daemon is, or you're using an external mail system directly from PHP14:33
patdk-wkapache restart shouldn't be needed14:33
qman__just install and configure postfix, it will "just work"14:33
qman__be aware though, that your mails will probably get caught by spam filters unless you do it properly14:34
phetipsallright then, i'm guessing i should pick "Internet site" for the postfix conf?14:34
phetipssystem mail name of any particular importance?14:34
phetipsby default it is set to my hostname14:35
qman__that's the local mail domain14:35
qman__e.g. if your website is mysite.com14:35
qman__that would be mysite.com14:35
Jeeves_phetips: ssmtp works, i think14:35
phetipsit's a development setup, it runs on my localhost14:35
qman__that name is where mail sent by the system comes from, and where reply mail should be sent to14:36
phetipsso if it's just a local server, what should i set it to?14:37
qman__probably the default if it's not going on the internet at all14:37
phetipswell, i would like to have it send e-mail to my gmail or exchange server14:37
qman__if you have a working exchange mail system, you should use the satellite configuration instead14:38
qman__and have it forward mail to exchange14:38
phetipsi'm guessing i should not set the system mail name to the exchange domain then?14:39
phetipsor should i14:39
phetipssorry for being so newbish :)14:39
phetipsand thanks for being so helpful14:39
qman__no, in that case set it to the local host name14:39
qman__the way spam filters work, any mail that isn't sent from an apparently legitimate server gets junked14:40
qman__so if you want your mail to work on the internet, you can't just set up a simple, unconfigured smtp14:40
phetipsSMTP relay host should be the exchange server then?14:41
qman__it has to go through a properly configured system14:41
qman__and the exchange server needs to accept relays from your host14:41
podman99pmatulis, correct ... i didnt use --dest to move it out of /root as qemu wont load from /root ... resolved not sorry14:47
pmatulispodman99: 'resolved not sorry' ?14:48
phetipsqman__: do you happen to know if i can run that configuration tool again?14:49
phetipsit aborted14:49
pmatulisphetips: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix' ?14:50
phetipspmatulis: awesome, thanks14:51
phetipsqman__: just setting it up as Internet server and setting mail name to "localhost"14:54
phetipswas actually sufficient to ahve it send mail to my exchange server14:54
phetipswithout it getting marked as spam or anything :)14:54
phetipsanyways, thanks for the help!14:54
Wolfsherzhey, can someone help me with my virtual hosts? i seem to be doing it wrong somehow...15:06
pmatulis!ask | Wolfsherz15:06
ubottuWolfsherz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:06
Wolfsherzwell ok, i get the following error when starting apache: [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts15:07
pmatulisWolfsherz: but does your setup work?15:08
Wolfsherznot as it should. beside the default i defined a second virtual host under /etc/apache2/sites/available and enabled it with a2ensite. the default-site i open with the servers ip. the second one is a domain inquirere.de wich works only when i open www.inquirere.de not without www. it then defaults to the default-page15:10
Wolfsherzi guess there must be an error with the default or second virtual-host definition15:11
Wolfsherzwould it help to post the config-files default and inquirere.de?15:13
pmatulisWolfsherz: did you follow any documentation?15:15
Wolfsherzyes, i followed a book called ubuntu-server by michael kofler15:16
Wolfsherzdo I need NameVirtualHost *  at the default-configuration?15:24
Wolfsherzit has not been in there, but the book had it in, so i included it.15:25
_rubenthe warning means that you have a "NameVirtualHost *:80" config directive but no matching "<VirtualHost *:80>" entry or entries15:25
Wolfsherzbut i can not see any *:80 directive15:27
_rubenaccording the warning, it is *somewhere* :)15:28
_rubenmight wanna grep for *:80 recursively through /etc/apache2/ :)15:29
Wolfsherzwhat the... its in ports.conf15:30
Wolfsherzso i'm going to remove the NameVirtualHost * in the default site configuration15:31
Wolfsherzmessage gone, thanks!15:32
Wolfsherzthe other problem persists though: when opening inquirere.de it does show the default-site not the configured vhost15:33
Wolfsherzi defined ServerName inquirere.de and ServerAlias www.inquirere.de15:34
_rubeni've been running into similar issues recently, hadn't had time time to dive in though :/15:36
_rubenthough in my case, one vhost config seems to trample another, as browsing to the servername of the other, it ends up at the first anyways15:37
Wolfsherzthis is my vhost:15:38
Wolfsherz<VirtualHost *:80 >15:38
WolfsherzCustomLog/home/inquirere/www-log/access.log combined15:38
WolfsherzErrorDocument404 /not-found.html15:38
Wolfsherz<Directory "/home/inquirere/www/" >15:38
WolfsherzAllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo15:38
pmatulis!paste | Wolfsherz15:39
ubottuWolfsherz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:39
Wolfsherzok, this is my vhost: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548860/15:40
Wolfsherzi can't make out any errors in there, i wonder why www.domain.de does work, but domain.de goes to the default-site...15:41
pmatulisWolfsherz: maybe try #httpd, no apache experts here right now i guess15:43
Wolfsherzwill do, thank you15:45
gobbeWolfsherz: have you tried to create it with servername inquirere.de and with alias www15:45
skorvi have internet on the server and not on the clients... what is to blame dhcpd our bind9?15:47
skorvi'm without ideas15:47
gobbewell dhcp if your client doesn't get ip15:47
skorvthe clients get ip15:47
gobbe...and what does mean that client doesn't have internet?15:47
skorvno problems with that15:47
gobbecan they ping gateway?15:48
gobbedo they have nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf15:48
skorvyes... besides the local.... the opendns onew15:49
gobbeso what is the problem?15:50
skorvthatz my problem.... everything looks ok15:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #695718 in squid (main) "squid SIGABRT on bad url_rewriter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69571815:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #695719 in samba (main) "package samba-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69571915:52
gobbeskorv: so what is not working?15:52
_rubendoes ping work from a client? does host www.google.com work from a client?15:52
gobbeand how does your client and server relate each other?15:52
gobbeis client connected thru server15:53
gobbeor what?15:53
pmatulishmm, after booting a degraded raid1 array from busybox every subsequent reboot (still degraded) proceeds without intervention.  normal?15:57
pmatulismd1 (swap) however remains non-active15:58
skorvclient gets ip... nothing else16:03
teddymillsI updated my kernel using  wget a new kernel and installed it using dpkg -i.  If I wget the original kernel. can I revert back to the original kernel?16:03
gobbeskorv: and how client is connectred to internet?16:04
gobbeearlier you answered that it can ping gateway?16:04
gobbeand now it cannot?16:04
skorvserver serves as gateway16:04
gobbedo you have ip forwarding there?16:04
pmatulisteddymills: that's not the way to update your kernel16:04
skorvserver has dns and dhcp16:04
gobbeskorv: well you need that16:05
gobbeof course it cannot connect without able to forward traffic16:05
skorvi'll figure it out16:05
pmatulisteddymills: anyway, just remove the newer kernel and you should be good16:05
teddymillswhat is the proper way to update a ubuntu server kernel?16:05
gobbeteddymills: apt-get16:06
pmatulisteddymills: perform a system-wide package update16:06
pmatulisteddymills: 'sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade' (or use apt-get)16:07
teddymillsif i build a ubuntu box, i do apt-get update;apt-get upgrade  on it..what does 'apt-get full-upgrade'  do? (i never saw that before ) I did see 'apt-get upgrade-dist'16:09
pmatulisteddymills: 'apt-get dist-upgrade' = 'aptitude full-upgrade'16:10
teddymillssorry 'apt-get dist-upgrade'16:10
pmatulisWolfsherz: any luck in #httpd?16:17
skorvso far figured out that ping from server works and gets replied... ping from client gets resolved but no reply16:26
skorvtarget was google.com16:26
pmatulisskorv: summarise your problem?16:33
gobbeskorv: did you setup ipforwarding?16:44
gobbeskorv: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router16:46
donvitohello guys18:32
donvitoRTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted18:33
donvitoRTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted18:33
donvitoRTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted18:33
donvitothere are 3 ip6 addresses18:33
donvitowhy does i need to be sudo or root to add them?18:33
giovanidonvito: I don't know what "ipv6.sh" does18:33
giovanicould you paste the script into a pastebin?18:34
donvitoip addr add 2001:470:d:448::100/64 dev wlan018:34
donvitothis what ipv6.sh does18:34
giovanioh, you definitely need to be root to change IP addresses of interfaces18:34
donvitobut i setup this script so i can run it from rc.local18:34
donvitoit will run everytime alone18:34
donvitoi did chown root:root ipv6.sh18:35
giovaniyou don't need to do it in rc.local, this is what /etc/network/interfaces is for18:35
donvitowhat to do than please18:35
giovaniman interfaces18:36
donvitolooks like script works with chown root:root18:36
giovaniit's the standard debian/ubuntu way to set up network interfaces18:36
giovanidonvito: it's the improper method for doing this18:37
donvitowell the scripts works.18:40
giovanidonvito: that's not the point18:56
* pennyless is away: Gone away for now19:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #695825 in qemu-kvm (main) "Ubuntu KVM error with guest memory >4gb ram" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69582521:59
mikeobedaI need some help with improving file transfer speed to my server.  For some reason I am only getting 100 megabit connection when I have a gigabit card, a gigabit switch, and a gigabit windows machine involved in the transfer.  the transfer seems to be going through my 100 megabit router for some reason22:20
guntbertmikeobeda: did you enable jumbo frames on all devices?22:22
mikeobedadoes anyone know how to see the path that a file takes to get from my xp machine to my ubuntu server?22:26
leniosinteresting, mikeobeda is asking questions and isn't waiting for answer22:29
guntbertmikeobeda: did you enable jumbo frames on all devices?22:30
Karti_Hi all, stuck here. I have created a group and added myself to it on a file server. It now seems that I cannot sudo as I am not in the sudors file. I believe that I should delete etc/group- and etc/gshadow- but I can't as I have lost my su ability. Any ideas would be helpful22:31
Karti_By teh way I am using putty on a headless server22:32
AlexMaxWhat happened to the staff group?22:35
examancerwait... you WERE a sudoer, but after adding yourself to another group your no longer a member of sudoers?22:35
guntbertKarti: sounds a little strange, how did you create a group without using sudo?22:35
AlexMaxIt's a feature in debian and it at least used to be in ubuntu22:35
AlexMaxBut I just got a new 10.10 server and /usr/local doesn't have any staff permissions, only root:root22:35
Kartiguntbert, I created teh group with sudo and added myself and another test account. From here I can't do anything (this was after a reboot on my server and client22:36
Kartithe username jim is teh original one I used when I created the server22:36
Karti_sorry....logged in twice22:37
examancerKarti_: i'm not sure how adding 'jim' to a group would result in 'jim' being removed from sudoers22:37
examanceryou sure you didn't do anything else?22:37
Karti_examancer, don't believe so :)22:37
examancerdo you have the root account enabled?22:37
examancerany other account in sudoers you can log into?22:38
Karti_I am getting "cannot lock /etc/group" please trty later22:38
Karti_examancer, fraid I am the only admin on teh box. It is a vm that I can reclone but I would rather try to find teh fault first22:39
Karti_when I try to delete the original group that I created22:39
Karti_examancer, don't believe the root is active (I've not given a password)22:39
examancerso you can't do: sudo cat /etc/sudoers ?22:40
Karti_examancer, and its a standard install22:40
examancerthe account your logged into... when you run `groups` you don't see "admin" as one of your groups?22:40
Karti_examancer, just says I'm not in sudoers and will be reported22:41
* examancer points finger condescendingly ... *you've been reported*22:41
examancerwhat are your current groups for 'jim'?22:42
examancerjust run 'groups' or 'groups jim'22:43
Karti_examancer, when I groups jim  - I am only in jim and netshare22:43
examancerthat's the problem22:44
examancersudo priviledge is given to those in the 'admin' group on a standard install22:44
examanceryou must have done something to remove jim from that group22:44
examancerthank goodness for VMs22:44
Karti_lol so I actually moved myself to only one group :)22:45
guntbertKarti_: pastebin /etc/groups (for learning..)22:45
examanceri'm sure there is some way to escalate priviledges and get root access... but the fantastic linux/ubuntu community has made that really hard (for me)22:46
examancerits not like resetting the admin pass in windows22:46
Karti_guntbert, any way to copy text from putty?22:47
examancerif it were a real machine you might be able to boot into another OS and overwrite a passwd file or something to give root a password22:47
examancerKarti_: yes, just highlight22:47
examanceranything you highlight is copied22:47
examancerkind of annoying sometimes, actually22:47
Karti_not working on teh old highlighting side I'm afraid22:48
examancerwith PuTTY? if you highlight and then while its still highlighted try to paste you don't see what you highlighted?22:49
examanceri use it all day at work. maybe i played with the config22:49
The_Tickhighlight then right click22:49
examanceroh. that config sounds better. whatever i did i should undo it :-P22:50
examanceroh. the copy action DOES happen just from highlighting. pasting is the right-click22:51
Karti_guntbert, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548944/22:52
Karti_examancer, I just ssh'd from a terminal and copied22:53
guntbertKarti_: so you deleted the admin group and removed jim from almost all groups -- not good :_)22:53
* pennyless is back.22:54
Karti_guntbert, I didnt delete the groups only add myself to netshare (was practicing with nfs22:55
Karti_sudo usermod -G netshare jim22:56
examancerwhy'd you use that command22:57
guntbertKarti_: you must have -- the quickest way back would be to reinstall - and in the future create a snapshot before experimenting :-)22:57
Karti_lol its all from the net - I blame my reading and searching skills :)22:58
Karti_I initially wanted a group that had two users inside that I could then give permissions to on nfs share22:58
examanceradduser jim netshare22:58
Karti_examancer, I will definitely use that next time!!22:59
examancer-G: If the user is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group. This behaviour can be changed via the -a option, which appends the user to the current supplementary group list.23:00
examancerusermod -aG is what you wanted23:00
examancer-G is what caused your problems23:00
Karti_By the way the I have found the assistance from the ubuntu-server channel brilliant - always helpful23:00
Karti_I think your adduser will be the easiest in future :)23:01
examanceryes, you'd have to be a lot more than one character off to screw things up with adduser23:01
Karti_as you said ....not an issue with VMs23:02
guntbertKarti_: if you want to experiment with that borked machine further: connect the image of a live CD, boot it, and with chroot change the files in /etc (especially groups...)23:04
guntbertwould work even without chroot23:04
examanceri sure do love VMs... makes driver issues mostly a thing of the past and gives me a valid excuse to have 8GB of RAM in my desktop23:05
Karti_guntbert, I will give that a go23:09
Karti_examancer, your not wrong.....same excuse i gave to teh wife :)23:09
Karti_examancer, just to say I tried guntbert's idea and I managed to use the recovery mode (not the live disk) to give root a password. Once this was done I added jim to admin and all is well.23:40
Karti_examancer, thanks for the assistance before23:40
examancerno problem :-)23:42
jdimatteogood afternoon all23:52
jdimatteoplease help me find where it is documented what kernel(s) Ubuntu 10.04LTS Server Edition uses.  I'm evaluating whether or not I should install it at my business23:53
RoyKjdimatteo: uname -r23:54
jdimatteoRoyK, thanks, but that really isn't what I asked for.  I haven't installed it yet, so that really doesn't help much23:54
jdimatteoRoyK: do you happen to know *if* this is documented on ubuntu.com at all?23:55
RoyKthis is 10.0423:55
RoyKLinux lamia 2.6.32-27-server #49-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 02:05:21 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:55
jdimatteoRoyK: thanks very much!  this answers my question sufficiently23:56
RoyKthis is 10.1023:56
RoyKLinux irctos 2.6.35-24-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:58:11 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:56

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