
MuscovyInteresting idea.00:03
MuscovyHello MadnessRed.00:51
MadnessRedI have started on the dialects, so tutorials only need to be made in the main language, de, en, fr ect and dialects will be applied automatically00:54
MadnessRedits in the new_lang_test branch00:54
MuscovyOh great, I'll check that out.00:58
UndiFineDMadnessRed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWelcomeCentre01:01
UndiFineDyou missed it01:01
MadnessRedneed to work on the regex a bit more as it needs to pay more attention to the context, I am still worried about the html being translated, and I don't like using @ as the character to stop it being translated, I a character that would otherwise never be used.01:01
UndiFineDthis is actual work from 2006 :P01:01
MadnessRedI think I have seen that before actually, but ages ago01:02
UndiFineDwe could also choose to do use the .po files and merge translations into the package ourselves, ensuring html is not translated01:03
UndiFineDjust make sure, that .po files are not packaged01:04
MadnessRed.po files?01:05
UndiFineDtranslation files01:05
MuscovyDo you think we could stop newlines from being tuned into <br />s?01:05
MuscovyI'm having to clean up a lot of formatting because of that.01:05
UndiFineDMuscovy: sed01:05
UndiFineDs/"<br />"/"\n"/01:06
MuscovyWhat would that do?01:06
UndiFineDreplace such strings01:06
MuscovyReplace them?01:06
MadnessRedMuscovy, newlines are only changed to <br /> in files the script thinks are plain text01:07
UndiFineDswitch "<br />" for "\n"01:07
MadnessRedso if you simply add .html to the end of the tour file it won't do it01:07
MuscovyIs html plain text in this context?01:07
MadnessRedno, the idea was the files called something like 1_intro would be plain text files, which would have some simple tags added in and line breaks done autmatically01:08
MadnessRedwhereas 1_intro.html would be a html file, and would be parsed as is, without any changes01:08
MadnessRedso basically, if you don't want line breaks adding, just rename the file and add .html on the end01:09
MuscovyI din't know about that.01:09
MuscovyWell, problem solved. :D01:09
MadnessReddo you have anything that needs doing on the programming side?01:15
MadnessRedother than the language01:16
MuscovyNot sure if I've mentioned it before, but I have an idea for making derivatives easier to translate.01:16
MuscovyBasically making a list of words like color/colour, and tell the page to replace these accordingly.01:17
MuscovyWhenever I look through en_GB, for example, it's 1-2 months out of date.01:17
MuscovyDespite the fact that 5 words on 15 pages (or something like that) are the only differences.01:18
MuscovyBy only differences I mean if they were both up to date.01:18
MadnessRedif you look at new_langage_test01:19
MadnessRedthat is what I have been doing there01:19
MadnessRedso in the folder dialogues, there is a file en_US which provides translations from english to american english01:20
MuscovyWhere is the branch? I can't find it.01:21
MadnessRed1 sec01:21
MuscovyI'm not sure if we can fix it, but is there a way to make webkit anti-alias images better?01:27
MuscovyThe screenshot looks way better if you scale it to the same size in Gimp.01:28
MadnessRedI think they will need scaling in gimp first, I don't think the image renderer can be changed02:00
MuscovyBest way I could think of was have a thubnail tag for screenshot.02:03
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