
linusasus6someone please I just want to open pulse audio because sound coming out of speaker and headphone in same time00:00
Hatno, it's all terminal.  Just scroll down with the down arrow or page down button00:00
trojanjose__, sudo update-grub '' soz00:00
jose__trojan, okay, but I'm not sure because one of the partitions is encrypted. I don't think that'll pick it up or will it?00:01
IsonyxAnother side question, can you just exit to save?00:01
toastedmilkfollowed instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD to restore Grub 2 to MBR, now not able to select windows when booting, boots straight to ubuntu.  What command(s) do I need to add Windows 7 to the boot options?00:01
needlezred2kic: no joy00:02
bluezoneliminal, im trying it now00:02
HatWhen you press exit, Isonyx, it will prompt you to save the file00:02
Hatbut you can press ctrl O to save anyway00:02
bluezoneliminal, are you getting some display on both screens?00:03
trojanjose__, possibly not.. run 'sudo apt-get install grub2' ..00:03
HatThat's an O as in the letter, not zero00:03
red2kicWhere can I get latest amd64 flash plugin? I'd like to be sure I'm running latest one. md5sum your libflashplayer.so, plz.00:03
linusasus6why is so complicated to open pulse audio00:03
jose__trojan, what will that do exactly?00:03
jose__trojan, backtrack comes with grub 0.97, so when I installed Ubuntu and ran update manager it upgraded version00:04
trojanit will reinstall grub,, then we will update grub again00:04
needlezred2kic: not sure cuz I have 32 bit system... but why not just check the adobe page00:04
nit-wittoastedmilk, run this script and paste bin the generated text file.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/00:04
red2kicneedlez: Check screesaver + gnome-power-manager -- Maybe toggling them off/on will do a trick. Could be one of those weird bugs.00:04
IsonyxPressing the Esc key dosen't seem to do anything for me.00:04
red2kicneedlez: Adobe does not do amd64 anymore, me think.00:04
rwwred2kic: yes it does00:05
nit-wittoastedmilk, actually did you run sudo update-grub back in Ubuntu00:05
needlezred2kic: tried as first thing also tried creating a script to put it into sleep and tried python too00:05
Dr_Willisthere are 64bit versions of flash being worked on for linux. but its still lags behind the windows versions00:05
red2kicrww: Can you find it for me? I looked all over the labs.adobe.com00:05
toastedmilknit-wit, yes i did run grub-update after restarting00:05
trojanmmm,, ubuntu running a usb internet dongle.. what do i need to install??00:05
rwwred2kic: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html00:05
okapihi to all, my package kit is broken after I updated a list of repositories. How can I get it back?00:05
jose__trojan, okay I think I'll have to log off be right back00:05
rwwred2kic: grab the .tar.gz, unzil into ~/.mozilla/plugins/00:05
nit-wittoastedmilk, run the script then t will let us know a lot more of what is where.00:06
Dr_Willistrojan:  you mean wifi? or 3g? or what exactly?00:06
red2kicrww: Thanks. I'll check md5sum to see if I have that.00:06
rwwunzip **00:06
toastedmilknit-wit, thanks, on it00:07
trojanlol,, u gettin ubottu to tell?00:07
IsonyxAnyone know what key is equivalent to ^X00:07
red2kicrww: Yup. I have the latest file. You see this? https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ (Update Now). So that's wh.00:08
Dr_WillisIsonyx:  ctrl-x is a key combo.. theres no single key equilib.00:08
steinerwhat do i do if my windows 7 computer does not reconize my ubuntu shared folder?00:08
IsonyxThank you Willis. Is there a library where I can find the list for these?00:08
karlo94I have some portable apps for USB but they have not permission to execute.. when I give them permission, in a moment they have not permission.. but just on USB.. any solution ?00:08
Dr_Willissteiner:  you could always use winscp and ssh to transfer files around.00:09
rwwred2kic: I'm running Konqueror, not Firefox, but that page says "Up to Date".00:09
red2kicsteiner: Install Ubuntu on your Win7 computer? :)00:09
rwwred2kic: and version
red2kicsteiner: Simple Google took me to http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue00:09
Dr_WillisIsonyx:  a libray of what?  ^x means 'ctrl X'  thats been common notation for that key combo for.. err.. 30+ yrs perhaps.. :)00:09
toastedmilknit-wit, http://pastebin.com/FYsyr8L300:09
rwwred2kic: is it possible you have more than one version of Flash installed?00:10
steinerred2kic: it was, but unfortunatley i dont make the final decision00:10
IsonyxI read somewhere ^ Y is = Page Up not CTRL + Y or do both apply.00:10
steinerill check the link out thanks00:10
ekat90on ubuntu does anyone have any idea what this mean on wine i get it on every game wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\gearsec.exe"00:10
red2kicrww: You're right. My head is in wrong place. I was checking /usr/local/share/chromium/plugins/ (I decided to switch back to Firefox so I'm syncing extensions, etc).00:11
langvannekat90: Yeah, i cant find gearsec.exe00:11
juniourDr_willis i am getting error00:12
red2kicrww: Btw, do you happen to know if there are chromium plugin folder where I can place it as long as it's in $HOME?00:12
nit-wittoastedmilk, thanks hold on00:12
toastedmilknit-wit, sure thing, thanks for taking a look00:12
rwwred2kic: no idea. Chromium+Flash confuses me.00:12
steinerred2kic: i dont think that really applys to my situation00:12
needlezred2kic: any other ideas?00:12
ekat90langvann: what does it mean?00:12
rwwred2kic: if it's like Konqueror (which it probably isn't), ~/.mozilla/plugins/ would still work :\00:12
IsonyxWhile I'm here. My sound applet on my panel dissapeared. Anyone know how to bring it back?00:12
red2kicrww: Terrible. Users would get wrong idea and remove that folder if they stopped using Firefox.00:12
red2kicsteiner: Did you try it though? (In Win7).00:13
rwwred2kic: not really. There's probably a specific Konqueror folder, but Konqueror also looks in other mozilla-y places too. I'm just too lazy to find the right place ;)00:13
red2kicneedlez: I have no idea why the screensaver isn't kicking in for you.00:13
IsonyxAh, nevermind on that last thing.00:13
macolinusasus6: if sound is coming from both speakers and headphones at the same time, and those are on *one* device (not a usb headset), then that's jacksense brokenness and is a bug in your driver. pulseaudio has nothing to do with it00:13
juniourDr_willis  error: this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU.but only detected an i686 CPU. unable to boot - please use a appropriate for  your cpu00:14
needlezscreensaver kicks in, but computer wont sleep mode00:14
needlezand its enabled00:14
toastedmilkjuniour, you need to install 32 bit ubuntu on your system00:14
needlezred2kic: screensaver kicks in but computers sleep mode wont kick in00:14
=== bryan is now known as DedicatedDrill
juniourtoastedmilk my system is 64 bit00:14
red2kicrww: Perfect. That link announced that my plugin is up to date. Thanks for shaking things up.00:15
toastedmilkjuniour, whats the specs of your mobo00:15
DedicatedDrillwhich ubuntu software will listen to what i say and suggest a better version so that me and it may learn myself into betterment00:15
juniourtoastedmilk wt?00:15
red2kicneedlez: Try this -- "sleep 1 && xset dpms force off"00:15
rwwjuniour: Your system may be 64-bit. Virtualbox is apparently configured for 32-bit.00:16
juniourrww i am runnig win xp in virual box00:16
red2kicneedlez: If that work, you can slap it in a script and invoke it anytime you are going places. I do that all times. "xsleep.sh"00:16
rwwjuniour: And?00:16
nit-wittoastedmilk, so W7 sda2 is showing in grub have you scrolled all the way to the bottom of the grub menu paer chance00:17
juniouri wanna run ubuntu in virtual box00:17
needlezred2kic: nothing screen goes black and fans kick in full blast noise, moved mouse and screen came back00:17
rwwjuniour: I'm not sure how either of these sentences contradict what I said.00:17
red2kicneedlez: That turn off the monitor (force it to go standby). Is that what you want?00:17
captainhowdy howdy all00:18
red2kicneedlez: Or you're talking about suspend/hibernation?00:18
needlezred2kic: I don't want monitor off , i need suspend /hib...00:18
jose__trojan still there?00:18
juniouris any one hre who know abt virtual box00:18
toastedmilknit-wit, i haven't gone through the grub menu, should I load up a livecd and go through grub from there, or can I do this from normal boot?00:18
red2kicneedlez: Okay. How many RAM do you have? How about SWAP?00:18
=== captain is now known as captain_
halvors1I ahve some problems using the rc.local file00:19
needlez4gigs memory00:19
captain_howdy all00:19
drawmeatHi, how do I install fonts on xubuntu00:19
halvors1Here is my file: http://pastebin.com/Esi3AskF00:19
halvors1Only the first command does start00:19
needlezred2kic: 3.9 GB RAM Swap 11.7GB00:20
halvors1Someone knows why?00:20
=== captain_ is now known as captainh
red2kicneedlez: You can try suspend/hibernate and see if they both work correctly.00:20
nit-wittoastedmilk, at the grub menu use the down key to see if W7 is at the bottom of the grub menu00:20
red2kicneedlez: pm-hibernate ; pm-suspend ; pm-powersave00:21
captainhhowdy all00:21
red2kicneedlez: Run one of the command. Test it. Take notes. You have to research that.00:21
red2kicneedlez: Later (You're going to go off when that happen).00:21
drawmeatdoes anyone know how to install fonts on xubuntu00:21
red2kic!font | drawmeat00:22
ubottudrawmeat: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/00:22
red2kicdrawmeat: ~/.fonts00:22
steinerred2kic: didnt work00:22
drawmeatred2kic, and this will work in xubuntu too?00:23
sarthorHI, if i am connected to some lan, via cable, on the other end some hotspot server of mikrotik is asking for login and password,  how to enter login and passwords in text mode, My linux do not have gui mode00:23
red2kicdrawmeat: xfce? I'm not sure -- However, your personal files always reside in /home/$USER/ -- So your personal fonts are likely to go under that folder.00:23
toastedmilknit-wit, do you know where the grub2 menu is located?  I can't find anything at /boot/grub/menu.lst00:23
needlezred2kic: got this issue when running pm-powersave  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548691/00:23
drawmeatthank you i'll give it a try00:24
toastedmilknit-wit, /boot/grub/grub.cfg?00:24
needlezred2kic: from what I'm seeing it looks like none of those commands have permission to run, maybe thats why it wont hib /suspend after movie stops playin00:24
nit-wittoastedmilk, your misunderstanding me00:25
red2kicsteiner: I don't have Win7. At least, make sure both are in same sharing nmae -- WORKGROUP/WORKGROUPS (don't remember). -- Otherwise, you might want to try searching if nobody know the answer.00:25
toastedmilknit-wit, I'm not getting a grub menu at boot, it's going straight into linux00:25
red2kicneedlez: sudo?00:26
needlezred2kic: gonna try that and see if any issues00:26
red2kicneedlez: You can try "sudo -i" then type that command again.00:26
toastedmilknit-wit, this is what grub.cfg had to say about the windows partition:  http://pastebin.com/nvHmF1Q8  (8 lines)00:26
doug9Hello, stuck newbie here00:28
Dr_Willissteiner:  with ubuntu accessing windows 7 shares. thers some known bugs. You may also want to try entering the share path manually, and dont forget to add a samba password for the linux user. 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'00:28
jmad980!ask | doug900:28
ubottudoug9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:28
nit-wittoastedmilk, when you boot your computer and get the grub menu you have like 6 kernels, have you used the down arrow key to get past them and the 2 memory lines to see if W7 is there00:29
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toastedmilknit-wit, I don't get the grub menu at boot, it boots straight into linux00:29
toastedmilknit-wit, hold shift at boot?00:30
needlezred2kic: ok, so good news and bad, pm-suspend works fine, pm-hibernate doesn't work at all shows black screen blinking line forced to reboot, and pm-powersave showed nothing... anything??00:30
captainhMy speakers were working with the Live CD but now they do not I can still plug in headphones and get sound what could it be00:30
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red2kicneedlez: So you can use pm-suspend then.00:30
nit-wittoastedmilk, okay poawer it on immediatly hold down the shift key and if the grub menu shows scroll down and see if W7 is there I have to go I have a movie to catch sorry.00:30
steinerDr_Willis: what is the sharepath? could you give me an example? i already added a samba password00:30
red2kicneedlez: Use that. I prefer suspend over hibernate anyway. Quick wake-up time.00:31
doug9I have a LED tv/monitor that only goes to 800x600.  I installed 10.04 and have lost all screen display.  I think the resolution in 10.04 is set too high, but since I cant see the screen I cant make the change!00:31
needlezred2kic: yes I can, but my thing is that it won't auto suspend after a movie stops playing in totem/VLC/ or Mplayer...00:31
needlezred2kic: i have suspend set to suspend after 10 min of idle time and it doesn't00:32
dlpI have ntpd running, polling about 7 servers.00:32
red2kicneedlez: Sounds like permission issues.00:33
red2kicneedlez: You upgraded or something?00:33
dlpThe local clock is running way too fast.#00:33
halvors1I have troulbe with command sin rc.local file00:33
dlpHas gained about 400ms in a few minutes.00:33
needlezred2kic: wondering if its an issue with gnome-power-manager... no... running 10.10  with kernel 2.6.35-23 gen pae... cant use -24 breaks everything00:33
halvors1Only the first one getsstarted00:33
halvors1Here is my file: http://pastebin.com/Esi3AskF00:33
halvors1Can comone please help me? :D00:34
dlpAnd ntpd is not adjusting the system clock.00:34
dlpAny ideas?00:34
red2kicneedlez: You did a clean install with 10.10?  Not coming from 10.04 or earlier?00:34
needlezred2kic: yes fresh install00:34
red2kicneedlez: uname -r00:34
needlezred2kic: cant run anything else other then 10.10 on this computer, all other has acpi issues with my computer00:35
needlezred2kic: what will that do??00:35
red2kicneedlez: It'll tell if you're running 32/64bit. Not sure why you said PAE? You installed that for more RAM?00:35
halvors1Does onyone know's what my problem is, anfd howto svolve it?00:36
halvors1Here is my file: http://pastebin.com/Esi3AskF00:36
needlezred2kic: thats what it shows is 2.6.35-23-generic-pae00:36
halvors1It's not starting the secound command00:36
needlezred2kic: pretty sure its the 32 bit version00:37
UnholyTerrorhalvors1, I think you have to put a & at the end of each one... check in #bash00:37
doug9I have a LED tv/monitor that only goes to 800x600.  I installed 10.04 and have lost all screen display.  I think the resolution in 10.04 is set too high, but since I cant see the screen I cant make the change!00:37
red2kicneedlez: http://tinyurl.com/29vle5t00:38
halvors1Is rc.local the best way to run startup commands?00:38
red2kicneedlez: I can't be certain if that's the main source of the problem.00:38
red2kichalvors1: What is the command? If you're on GNOME, you can add startup commands in System --> Pref --> Startup Apps00:39
itaylor57halvors1: no not with upstart00:39
Dr_Willishalvors1:  depends on what the command is doing...00:39
needlezred2kic: thats for showing me this, however i cant go to any kernel pervious to 2.6.35 because they all have acpi issues with my laptop... its a toshiba a505s6033... it has an i7 720QM and a nvidia 310M graphics card00:39
halvors1It's a server00:39
halvors1Who should run a process00:39
halvors1Command is starting a java .jar file00:39
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Dr_Willishalvors1:  rc.local runs stuff as root00:40
red2kichalvors1: Put it in ~/.xinitrc, maybe.00:40
Dr_Willishalvors1:  you want it ran as root, at boot time. rc.local.  ran as user when they login.. thats a differnt matter00:40
halvors1It's a server00:40
halvors1so users do not login00:41
halvors1would it be possible to make some files in init.d00:41
halvors1But how?00:41
red2kicneedlez: I understand. I'm thinking. I kept pondering if pae-kernel have anything to do with it.00:41
halvors1Does any file there automaticly called on startup/boottime?00:41
red2kic!kernel | needlez00:41
ubottuneedlez: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:41
oogaReally quick ... got kubuntu CD in the drive of a computer with a totally blank HD ... How do I start the install?00:41
halvors1You need to boot from the CD00:42
dlpNo NTP gurus here, then?00:42
red2kichalvors1: Do what you want. If that does not work, then you can take it afterward, I suppose.00:42
halvors1Try see in BIOS00:42
red2kictake it off*00:42
halvors1or boot menu00:42
itaylor57halvors1: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html00:42
UnholyTerrorhalvors1, http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/00:42
needlezubottu: I don't believe I have to recompile the kernel I believe that the kernel 2.6.35-XX has an issue with hibernating, also with goin to sleep mode/ suspend00:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:43
red2kicneedlez: I don't mean compiling. I'm talking about enabling PAE kernel to support RAM.00:43
UnholyTerrorubottu !error00:43
ubottuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)00:43
oogahalvors1: booted ... keeps dumping me to a command prompt complaining about not being able to find a medium with an live file system ... ?00:44
halvors1ooga: Then i don't know, sorry :(00:44
dhanijeremyanyone knows a very good video converter???00:45
red2kicneedlez: I'm being ridiculous right now. Literally holding a hammer and see everything as nails. Check your manufacturer website. See if there are new BIOS version update for your hardware. Avoid PAE. Use native i386 or amd64. That's it (for the future).00:45
needlezred2kic: I don't know but what I'm thinking is that gnome-power-manager instead of seeing a movie playing, i think it shows active even if idle for movie players like totem/Mplayer/VLC/ etc...00:45
bastidrazordhanijeremy: devede00:46
Klaus_Dieterdhanijeremy: mencoder is great00:46
needlezred2kic: also no bios update, and I've always used pae with no issues before,00:46
dhanijeremywhat about avidemux??00:46
red2kicneedlez: Why don't you go for amd64 (if your laptop are capable of it)?00:46
Dr_Willisdhanijeremy:  depends on what you are doing .00:47
dhanijeremyi wanted to convert video for my htc aria00:47
ZykoticK9dhanijeremy, if you want to make mp4 files, i'd highly recommend Handbrake (not in default repo i'm affraid)00:47
Klaus_Dieterdhanijeremy: avidemux does not convert00:47
red2kicneedlez: It need root permission to invoke pm-suspend -- So permissions may be an issue.  I mean you ran pm-suspend, right?00:47
Dr_Willisdhanijeremy:  winff is a front end to ffmpeg.  ffmpeg, and mencoder are the 2 main tools used to convert video from one format/codec to others - in most cases00:47
needlezred2kic: because the amd64 bit was buggy and was worse then this... plus don't feel like killing the system again for the 10th or so time..lol00:47
Dr_Willisdhanijeremy:  handbreak can do some conversion also. but winff has presets for a great many devices00:47
captainhhowdy all00:48
needlezred2kic: I have an idea im gonna open totem and then run the command with sudo and see if it will sleep00:48
dhanijeremyok then, i'll try handbrake, btw is it good for android phone? i want to change the video resolution but in the same time preserve the quality00:48
iflemahalvors1 check out /etc/init.d/skeleton and they need a    chmod +x    and a   update-rc.local <scriptname> defaults   to ensure run on boot00:49
Akuma_sI have an issue with a program00:49
Akuma_sCould someone give me some guidance?00:50
needlezred2kic: ok strange I can run sudo pm-suspend and it will suspend if totem is open, but will not do it automatically00:50
dhanijeremyDr_Willis, how do i install handbreak for maverick00:50
Akuma_sThe error message is this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548700/00:50
iflemahalvors1 i mean update-rc.d <scriptname> defaults ,sorry00:50
rgb247hi to everyone00:50
rgb247I have a question, is anyone here?00:50
needlezred2kic: seems it will run manually fine if somethings open but won't automatically if a movie is playin00:50
wafflesausagergb: it seems that someone's always here00:50
red2kicneedlez: "ls -al /usr/sbin/pm-suspend"00:51
rgb247thanks :D00:51
a7i3npull up a chair rgb00:51
wafflesausagergb: is that all? lol00:51
rgb247If I install openVZ on a desktop-ubuntu machine, is there any problem with this?00:51
dhanijeremyhow do i get software that is not in the repository?00:51
rgb247:) no isn't that all00:51
Dr_Willisdhanijeremy:   go to its homepage and download it.00:51
red2kic!ppa | dhanijeremy00:51
ubottudhanijeremy: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.00:51
needlezred2kic: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 2010-11-28 12:14 /usr/sbin/pm-suspend -> ../lib/pm-utils/bin/pm-action00:51
Dr_Willisdhanijeremy:  or find it in a ppa00:51
wafflesausagedhani: you can download a binary package in .tgz, bgz ,etc. Same applies for source code00:52
dhanijeremyok, thanks Doc00:52
hiexpohey Dr_Willis00:52
Dr_Willishiexpo:  Moo!00:52
UnholyTerrordhanijeremy, did you get your previous problems sorted?00:52
wafflesausagergb: what do you need help with?00:52
dhanijeremyyeah UnhollyTerror00:52
dhanijeremyit works fine now... thanks to you man.00:52
rgb247if I install openVZ on my ubuntu-machine, it will broke any job from my machine?00:53
rgb247I remember openVZ will virtualize the kernel, if I'll install this platform, others applications/jobs will work fine?00:53
hiexpo.me Dr_Willis how are you and what ya up yo00:53
ArtistAbbotrww i will give you a chance to redeem yourself00:53
wafflesausagergb: i can't help you on that one00:53
Morbusi've got a cron entry that ends in &> /dev/null. it runs "nohup [command] > bot.log &"... but i keep getting mail about the process that nohup has started. how do i make it stop?00:53
needlezred2kic: any ideas??00:54
red2kicneedlez: I have no idea what the issues are. Permissions. Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-power-manager" -- Otherwise, I'm leaving now. Gotta feed and walk my dog.00:54
* hiexpo oops 00:54
rgb247thanks you anymore00:54
needlezred2kic: thx laterz hope it works00:54
rgb247anyway* :D00:54
rgb247ok, someone else who know about OpenVZ and virtualization ?00:55
Morbusadding &>/dev/null00:55
Morbus to the end didnt' help00:55
wafflesausagergb: are you going to run OpenVZ on a professional server?00:56
Dr_Willishiexpo:  vacation time.. ready to go back to work. :)00:56
opalfrootanyone got any ideas why installing ubuntu on my laptop - the display goes totally nuts and the thing crashes ?00:56
Dr_Willisopalfroot:  and yur video chipset is?00:58
opalfrootnvidia 610000:58
Dr_Willisopalfroot:  try the 'nomodeset' option00:58
opalfrootduring install ?00:58
Dr_Willisduring bootup.. yes.00:58
hiexpoDr_Willis, wow and kool     > well i am making the switch finally going over to gentoo00:58
Dr_WillisI need that for my 3 nvidia machines.. or else plymouth/X go stupid.00:59
ArtistAbbotIs it possible to reproduce the brute forcing of my password by interrupting ubuntu updates?00:59
ArtistAbboti am wondering if that was just a freak occurence00:59
Dr_Willishiexpo:  i gave up on gentoo ages ago when i had to enable 'unsafe' flags. to install  the 'linux gazette' magazines in html format.. :()00:59
rwwArtistAbbot: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not nonsense, thanks.00:59
ArtistAbbotrww, copy that rww. will pursue.01:00
opalfroottried vga=791 nomodeset01:00
hiexpohehe that was a bummer01:00
hiexpoDr_Willis, ^01:00
ZykoticK9opalfroot, "vga=" lines are not supported on modern kernels01:00
wafflesausageDr_Willis: Seriously? ROFL01:00
opalfrootah ok01:00
opalfrootlooks like its working01:01
Dr_Williswafflesausage:  yes. gentoo has a lot of 'quirks' - ive not used it in 2+ yrs however.01:01
doug9I have a LED tv/monitor that only goes to 800x600.  I installed 10.04 and have lost all screen display.  I think the resolution in 10.04 is set too high, but since I cant see the screen I cant see to make the change!01:01
Dr_Willisdoug9:  how is it connected to the tv?01:02
wafflesausageDr_Willis: I've considered gentoo multiple times, but i think i'll just stick with BSD's and Ubuntu. I like tinkering, but i want some basic things to Just Work(TM)01:02
doug9with a vga cable01:02
dante__doug9, try connecting an external monitor and changing the res from there01:03
hiexpowafflesausage, i have considered bsd also01:04
doug9yes, I've thought of that.   Guess I'll have to look for one then01:04
doug9thank you DrW01:04
wafflesausagehiexpo: I'd only recommend it if you have relatively old, run of the mill hardware01:04
wyclifinstalling curl01:05
wafflesausageSo, pypanel doesn't seem to be in the ubuntu repos. Can anyone suggest any alternatives?01:05
aeon-ltdwafflesausage: search for a ppa01:05
hiexpowafflesausage, thats why i have not my stuff is fairly newish01:05
Dr_Williswafflesausage:  i imagine few of us know what PyPanel even does..01:06
wyclifwafflesausage: why not download it directly from Sourceforge?01:06
hiexpoPyPanel is a lightweight panel/taskbar written in Python and C for X11 window managers01:06
doug9Does anyone know what resolution the 10.04 live cd displays at?01:07
wafflesausagewyclif: that i probably could do01:07
Dr_Willistheres several alternative panels in the repos i recall.01:07
aeon-ltddoug9: depends on your monitor01:07
rgb247is there anyone who knows about OpenVZ and virtualisation?01:07
doug9when I boot from m01:07
Dr_Willisdoug9:  it tries to auto-detect the monitor i belive01:07
doug9y cd which I made, the monitor works OK01:07
Datzubuntu determins when fsck needs to be run, or do I have to run it myself periodically?01:08
hiexpowafflesausage,  http://sourceforge.net/projects/pypanel/01:08
a7i3nI know virtualbox01:08
Dr_WillisDatz:  ubuntu /filesystem settings determine it.01:08
ZykoticK9Datz, automatically on 25-30 boots on ext2/3/4 i believe01:08
Dr_WillisDatz:  by default its lke every 30 mounts. Tune able via the tune2fs command.01:08
rgb247no.. I'm not interested about virtualbox01:08
rwwDatz: it does it automatically on startup when the filesystem hasn't been checked in X mounts or Y days, whichever comes first.01:08
a7i3n<using virtualbox VM for this irc session01:08
rgb247I want to know if I'll install OpenVZ it will be consequences...01:09
Datzok, so I should'nt have to worry about it then, thanks01:09
a7i3noh well01:09
rgb247about running well the others proccess from my PC01:09
Datzrww: what about if errors are detected?01:10
UnholyTerrorrgb247, what was the question?01:10
micahI need help with wolfenstein enemy territory01:10
micahcan someone help with getting wolfenstein enemy territory to work?01:11
Dr_Willismicah:  let me guess? no sound?01:11
micahno i know how to fix that01:11
rwwDatz: I'm not sure how that works with recent versions of Ubuntu (since they switched to Plymouth), sorry.01:11
UnholyTerrormicah, get out of enemy territory... FAST!01:11
micahthe game isnt loading it is just zooming in the screen and not loading01:11
Datzrww: ok, no problem01:11
doug9thank you all.  doug out01:11
UnholyTerrorrgb247, what was the question?01:11
micahdoes anyone know why it wouldnt load and just zoom my screen in?01:12
Dr_Willismicah:  given how old that game is.. im suprised it even works.. But on the plus side. I DO think it got opensourced a few weeks back. (2 mo?) so with any luck we will see some updated versions soon.01:12
micahwell it worked fine before i updated my version of ubuntu01:12
rgb247unholy, sorry for delay01:12
micahhow to re install it and now for some reason it wont work01:12
micahhad to re install it*01:12
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rgb247I want to know if I'll install openVZ on a desktop-ubuntu machine ...01:12
rgb247others proccess and jobs from it, will continue de run fine?01:13
UnholyTerrorrgb247, they will be separate.01:13
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rgb247I know..01:13
Dr_Willis!info openvz01:13
ubottuPackage openvz does not exist in maverick01:13
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UnholyTerrorrgb247, what are you trying to accomplish?01:13
ArtistAbbotIs GBrainy a true way to maximize my perceived intelligence? i don't read books in real life. so i am wondering if there is an ADHD friendly way to get smart. GBrainy is cool so far01:14
rgb247openVZ will don't affect the rest of processes ?01:14
micahUsing XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.201:14
micahXF86DGA Mouse (Version 2.0) initialized01:14
micahXFree86-VidModeExtension Activated at 800x60001:14
micahReceived signal 11, exiting...01:14
FloodBot3micah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:14
micahis the output when i try to stat it in terminal01:14
rgb247I want to install openVZ to make some virtual machines, but I want to be sure this job doesn't affect the rest of apps which running on my PC01:14
UnholyTerrorrgb247, did you read what openVZ (and virtualization in general) is about?01:15
Dr_WillisArtistAbbot:  it may help if you dident use terms like 'maximize my perceived intelligence' :)  That just sends up a red flag to me. :)01:15
rgb247I think yes.01:15
rgb247I know the openVZ will virtualize the kernel01:15
ArtistAbbotwell to be honest i can fake the actual part where i have to do intelligent things01:15
UnholyTerrorrgb247, http://wiki.openvz.org/Introduction_to_virtualization01:15
ArtistAbbotbut having to appear intelligent i seem to fail at. is GBrainy my ticket to fool even experts01:16
Dr_WillisArtistAbbot:  shall we now ask - 'what does this have to do with ubuntu support?'01:16
ArtistAbbotperhaps this is not edubuntu relateD?01:16
Dr_WillisArtistAbbot:  i would have to say its not 'ubuntu support' related.01:16
micahi need help with wolfenstein enemy territory it wont load01:17
ArtistAbboti will have to double check the code of conduct. i am positive something we value comes with you helping me (support) on this topic01:17
micahi need help with wolfenstein enemy territory it wont load01:17
micahi need help with wolfenstein enemy territory it wont load01:18
Dr_WillisArtistAbbot:  err. if you had issues Installing gbrainy, or running it. yes. that would be a support issue..01:18
KM0201!repeat | micah01:18
ubottumicah: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:18
evilminion42Hi, I'm a complete noob here, I just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my 4 year old Hp pavillion dv5000 laptop. I had to install it twice as the first time it stopped half way and the cd popped out. So far it looks fantastic... except for the loverly little warning icon that says "disk failure is imminent". I take it thats bad right? Er... how do I un'imminent" it?01:18
Dr_Willismicah:  you ahve checked the forums? ive not seen many people asking aobut that game in here in ages.01:18
micahyeah i checked the forum and it dosent seem anyone is getting the same problems as me01:19
ArtistAbbotDr_Willis, forum posts are forever. i rather not have to post01:19
Dr_Willismicah:  try making a new user. see if it works for them.01:19
UnholyTerrorevilminion42, you replace it...01:19
rwwArtistAbbot: This channel is publicly logged, so IRC messages are also forever.01:19
micahno i cant even get into the game01:19
micahi downloaded it just now and when i try to load and play it just makes my screen big and exits01:19
ArtistAbbotrww, and who is taking that fact seriously when i didn't bother to mention that01:19
evilminion42unholyterror, weaksauce! Thanks =)01:19
rooksfo eva? fo eva eva01:20
ArtistAbbotproves my point01:20
Dr_Willismicah:   try editing the default configs perhaps to try fullscreen or windowwed. or differnt modes.01:20
emHey I have this HP Pavilion dv6 laptop and I'm running Maverick. When I close the lid and keep it closed a while, the screen goes blank (that's good) but then I can't get the screen to come back on. (that's bad)01:20
ArtistAbbotfo eva :(01:20
emwhat can be done?01:20
UnholyTerrorevilminion42, seriously.... it's getting ready to die.01:20
micahdr_willis i have no idea how to do that haha01:20
opalfrootdr_willis - I have installed using nomodeset01:20
opalfroothow do I set this in the bootloader ?01:20
Dr_Willismicah:  last i checked it was some .et/somthing dir/files01:21
Dr_Willisopalfroot:  I only needed it to install.. after i isntalled. i then insatlled the nviddia drivers. and no longer needed nomodeset.01:21
ArtistAbbotok i have a better question01:21
Dr_Willisopalfroot:  i DO recall that when io used nomodeset to install. it automatically added the nomodeset option in /etc/default/grub01:21
twitch!disk utility | evilnhandler01:22
ArtistAbbotwhat is "SABDFL" and how does it relate to ubuntu? it is in ubuntu code of conduct? is this some sort of codename for a software in my ubuntu01:22
micahahh i cant find where the enemy territory files are01:22
rwwArtistAbbot: It's a nickname of Mark Shuttleworth. Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator For Life01:22
rww!sabdfl | ArtistAbbot01:22
ubottuArtistAbbot: Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com01:22
xxiaowhy is virtualbox's ubuntu only provide 800x600? anyway to make it bigger?01:22
Dr_Willismicah:  normally each user has some sub dir in their home with their settings01:22
emArtistAbbot: sabdfl is Mark Shuttleworth01:22
enavhppy xmas ppl.....   i want to know how to install ubuntu on my USB pendrive and use it as a portable OS01:22
xxiaoscreen resolution only has 800x600 option01:22
ArtistAbbotwasn't he the first ubuntu developer in space01:22
emsabdfl means self appointed benign dictator for lifee01:23
Dr_Willisxxiao:  install the guest addations perhaps.01:23
rwwem: benevolent, actually :)01:23
xxiaoDr_Willis: ok. thanks.01:23
Dr_WillisI like Benign better.. :)01:23
=== bunuq is now known as robotarmy
enavany help?01:23
rwwso do I, actually. I might start using that ;P01:23
KM0201i wish shuttleworth was here more often actually01:23
emis shuttleworth capable of providing support in this channel?01:24
KM0201or even one of his representatives01:24
Dr_Willisenav:  use some tool like unetbootin, or lili, or the usb-disk cerator tool and add a persstant save file.. or just do a normal install to the flash drive.01:24
emdoes he know very much about technical things?01:24
TuleHelo, I need litle help01:24
LapcrowCan someone help me change default file manager from Thunar to Nautilus?01:24
xxiaoThe following packages will be REMOVED: libsdl-ttf2.0-0{u} virtualbox-4.0{a}01:24
ArtistAbbotok thanks guys. i just need to find a way to make ubuntu download dragonbook but legit e copy? surely such a touchy subject has a secure ubuntu way of obtaining legally?01:24
micahI downloaded it straight through my terminal but dont know where the files went01:24
ArtistAbbotmicah how? is it legal01:24
xxiaovirtualbox-guest-additions removed virtual-box-4.0?01:24
KM0201xxiao: you have to install it in the guest OS, not the host01:25
xxiaoDr_Willis: why is guest-addtions removing my virtualbox-4.0?01:25
Dr_Willisxxiao:  you install the guest adations IN the guest os. not the host os.01:25
micahidk if its legal but its all on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnemyTerritory01:25
xxiaook. let me see if i can save it01:25
ArtistAbbotcool i will check01:25
KM0201xxiao: you also don't use synaptic to install it(assuming ubuntu is your guest)01:25
nit-witxxiao, you ran the guest additions from a terminal host correct01:25
enavDr_Willis: i did the persistant data on the USB device but every time i restart the pc it show me the Live or install menu.... i whis to use my usb as a portable Disck and go to any computer i desire01:26
Dr_Willismicah:  last i checked rtcw:et was 'free' but not GPL. However.. i was thinkign it was recently released under the GPL. (like in oct>?)01:26
ArtistAbbotmicah, that was close but not dragonbook01:26
xxiaoDr_Willis: i'm running it in my host with aptitude from a terminal01:26
Dr_Willisenav:  so. if you seelct live.. it should have the changes you did saved..01:26
xxiaoso  I should install it within the virtual ubuntu instead?01:26
Dr_Willisxxiao:  GUEST addations get installed in the GUEST OS... yes...01:26
micahhaha that is a foreign language to me dr_willis i dont know much about ubuntu01:27
Dr_Willisxxiao:  vbox has a menu to do that.01:27
KM0201xxiao: start the virtual machine, and one of hte menu options is "install guest additions" it will handle it for you.01:27
ArtistAbbotyou install the guest editions through the host into the VM containing your GuEST01:27
ArtistAbbotusing vbox01:27
Dr_Willisxxiao:  you may want to check the VBOX docs/manual at its homepage.01:27
xxiaoi had to kill -9 aptitude, now aptitude can not open lock file01:27
enavDr_Willis:  changes like plugins  email paswords an all that stuff????01:27
KM0201ArtistAbbot: that made very little sense01:27
nit-witxxiao, you need to reinstall 4.0 and add the guest additions from the drop down at the top of its menu then run them from the side bar in home if tey don't pop up. Remove the guest stuff you installed in the host01:27
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:27
xxiaothe database must be corrupt01:27
ArtistAbbotKM0201, i would be careful. i understand context free grammars. exactly as i read it from wikipedia.01:28
ArtistAbbotbut i admit you may be right01:28
Dr_Willisenav:  yes. it has a persstant 'home' and 'system' file it keeps changes to.01:28
Dr_Willisenav:  but a 'full' install to a flash drive may be more flexiable and faster01:28
nit-witxxiao, you understand the guest host is installed inn the virtual not the host01:29
nit-witxxiao, guest additions I meant01:29
xxiaonit-wit: yes01:29
enavDr_Willis: that sounds nice but im worry about the system compatibility... i want to plug the same usb device in 4 diferent computers01:30
xxiaonit-wit: sadly i only did similar things at vmware, virtualbox is new to me01:30
xxiaoand i did it too fast, now dpkg/lock etc are all messed up after i killed aptitude01:30
nit-witxxiao, your hd images should still be there you may have to just add them back in01:30
xxiaois there way to return to sane?01:30
xxiaomy virtualbox4.0 is here after i killed the guest-addtion installation forcefully01:30
xxiaonow need make aptitude work again01:30
nit-witxxiao, two commands sudo dpkg --configure -a01:31
nit-witsudo apt-get install -f01:31
KM0201lol.. some people just make stuff to hard on themselves, tryng to be fancy01:31
rwwpackage management works best when not forced, killed, or otherwise abused :(01:31
KM0201xxiao: you'd have been better off letting it finish uninstall it, then reinstall it.01:31
xxiaoagree. did it too fast right before dinner01:31
wolf23cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority01:31
wolf23There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)]01:31
xxiaoi will try a reboot now.01:31
wolf23can anyone help please01:31
judgepgI found that Virtualbox 4.0 64-bit LTS (headless server) would have corrupt dependencies.  Not sure why - had to install the 32-bit01:32
ArtistAbbot[pog] what is wrong01:33
wolf23noone has a request for me?01:33
[pog]I need to chcon a file so I can upload via FTP or disable SELinux and I can't figure out how01:33
Dr_Willisenav:  then stick with a persistant save. and dont install any extra drivers.. but hope the default drivers work for nvidia/ati ssytems01:33
Dr_Willis[pog]:  chcon a file?01:34
[pog]I can't sudo echo 0 > /....01:34
ArtistAbbot[pog] did you try reformatting01:34
Dr_Willis[pog]:   you must use 'sudo' wth tee for that.. or do it from a root shell via 'sudo -s'01:34
ArtistAbbotwhen in doubt erase all data and start over01:34
Dr_WillisArtistAbbot:  dont give flakey advice like that please.01:35
[pog]abbot, dont troll plz01:35
wolf23cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority <-- can anyone help01:35
[pog]I tried sudo01:35
[pog]tiny@tiny-laptop:~$ sudo echo 0 > /selinux/enforce01:35
[pog]bash: /selinux/enforce: Permission denied01:35
Dr_Williswolf23:  try just logging out/deleteing the .ICE* file?  check its permissions also.01:35
Dr_Willis[pog]:   you DONT use sudo and > that way.01:36
p3rrorwhen i run mplayer01:36
Dr_Willis[pog]:  do a 'sudo -s' then try the echo command.  or use sudo + tee like  the various sudo guides suggest01:36
p3rrori get Audio:  no sound01:36
p3rrorand Video: no video01:36
[pog]ok hold on01:36
judgepgwolf23: why are you deleting/updating this file?01:37
emwhy is it that when I close the lid on my laptop and leave it closed for a while, then I cannot see the screen any more ever again in tty7 ?01:37
Dr_Willisecho "foo" | sudo tee /root/somefile01:37
[pog]Willis, looks like that worked01:37
jon8is there a piece of software that i can use on ubuntu to stream mpeg and mkv files from ubuntu and watch them on another pc running windows?01:37
UnholyTerrorwolf23, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13610201:37
Dr_Willisem:  many laptops/makers/bios's/video chipsets have issues with the various powersaveing/modes. :(01:37
Dr_Willisjon8:  several.. vlc can do it.  for one...01:38
skraitohi all01:38
Dr_Willis[pog]:  see   echo "foo" | sudo tee /root/somefile   also01:38
jon8Dr_Willis ok any others off the top of your head?01:38
BrixSathello i have gcc4.4 but i need to compile something in gcc4.2 how can i do it?01:40
BrixSatcan i have 2 gcc's?01:40
[pog]Dr_Willis, even with SELinix disabled I can't upload via FTP I keep getting a 553 Could Not Create File Error01:40
[pog]do I need to reboot before the SELinux change takes place?01:41
judgepg[pog]: remind me the problem again01:43
=== legion is now known as Guest43253
[pog]I get a 553 error on FTP upload. Google says I need to disable SELinux01:43
emim just going to download and install Lucid. I see no reason to use Maverick.01:43
[pog]I disabled SELinux, still get a 553 error.01:44
wolf23judgepg no just when every time update manager appears automatically i hit update01:44
Guest43253does anybody know where i can download songbird01:44
UnholyTerrorwolf23, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13610201:44
wolf23judgepg after done updating i got this problem and cannot appear desktop nothing01:44
judgepg[pog]: what's the permission set on the folder you're uploading to?01:44
UnholyTerrorGuest43253, from the songbird website?01:45
Guest43253im there but i guess they dont support linux anymore01:45
[pog]judgeepg, it's a zip file. I set permissions to read/write for all01:45
wolf23UnholyTerror thanx, is this the solution?01:46
opalfrootis there a way to bring up the bootloader menu during or just before boot ?01:46
rwwopalfroot: hold down shift01:46
opalfrootok thanks01:46
[pog]in the permissions window it says "SELinux context: unknown"01:46
judgepgwolf23: try: sudo chown <yourusername> /home/<yourusername/.ICEauthority01:47
nownothow do i get something after my name so my ip and what not doesn't show up?01:47
rww!cloak | nownot01:48
ubottunownot: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode01:48
rwwnownot: ... you have one already.01:48
judgepg[pog]: I think the issue might be on where you're trying to upload to.01:48
rww17:48:05 -!- nownot [~nownot@unaffiliated/nownot] has joined #ubuntu01:48
emif Maverick is doing bad things with power management on my laptop, is it likely that Lucid will not do those bad things?01:48
wolf23judgepg i cant see anything , the screen looks blank just the ubuntu background01:48
nownot..... really?01:48
red2kicrww: you got trolled. >_>01:48
judgepgwolf23: CTRL+ALT+F101:48
wolf23judgepg ok01:48
nownothm maybe is a different server that someone got my ip off of01:48
rwwnownot: or your client identified after joining a channel you share.01:49
judgepg[pog]: check the permission on the FTP folder you're uploading to01:49
wolf23judgepg i am using now winxp os, if i do restart and boot to ubuntu,so let me fix it01:49
EarthShakerguys i changed my ubuntu 10.10 to xubuntu 10.10 doing sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop... after rebooting, the loading screen is still ubuntu (the purple and orange one)... anyone knows a fix?01:49
nownotrww: this is for freenode only, is there a way to set this up so it happens on every server?01:49
UnholyTerrorGuest43253, http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2010/04/songbird-for-linux-dropped-nightingale-picks-up/01:49
rwwnownot: No, it's a network-specific thing. For other networks, you'll need to talk to their support staff.01:49
nownotk thnks01:49
judgepg[pog]: I take that back.  What is the name of your zip file?01:50
Nexxuswhat is the best way to connect to a vnc server from a windows computer?01:50
UnholyTerrorwolf23, I don't know... is that your problem?01:50
langvannNexxus: vncviewer01:51
dip333ubuntu os for fonctionaire !01:51
Nexxuslangvann: doesnt that cost money?01:51
dip333money is wolrd01:52
wolf23UnholyTerror yes cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority,There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)],nautilus couldnot creat reqired the following folders01:52
EarthShakerany help?01:52
judgepg[pog]: Try this: setsebool -P ftp_home_dir 101:52
Guest43253whats the best media player that ishould get then01:53
dip333why this os don't start in 30 sec  ?01:53
langvannNexxus: http://tinyurl.com/28cg8u301:53
judgepg[pog]: Generally, when you disable SELinux, you should reboot the machine.01:53
dip333but the first start is 30 sec but after ?01:53
UnholyTerrorwolf23, is that the same problem as the post I linked you to? Make a copy before you delete anything.01:53
[pog]ok I'll reboot!01:53
dip333very very long01:53
judgepg[pog]: you disabled SELinux?01:53
UnholyTerrorGuest43253, http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2010/04/songbird-for-linux-dropped-nightingale-picks-up/01:53
rwwlangvann: lmgtfy is nto appropriate for this channel.01:54
rwwnot **01:54
UnholyTerrorGuest43253, Rhythmbox, Banshee, Amarok...01:54
judgepgbest site ever01:54
wolf23UnholyTerror no i never delete files or anything,i dont know maybe any of my family play with my ubuntu os01:54
wolf23UnholyTerror but is there any solution?01:55
dip333i don't wNT LERN j01:55
dip333i want only use01:55
UnholyTerrordip333, ;)01:55
xxiaothank god. i rebooted and run 'dpkg-reconfig -a' and it's sane now01:55
UnholyTerrorwolf23, try following the directions in that post.01:56
dip333not good for01:56
xxiaobooted up virtualbox 4.0 again, click on the "install guest additions", nothing happened01:56
xxiaodo I need download it somewhere first?01:56
piercedwaterCan someone help me figure out how to keep Ubuntu from changing the screen resolution each time it reboots? I'm using a Dell Optiplex SX270 with Dell 15" LCD 1024x76801:56
dip333free is not good ...... welive in $$$$$01:57
judgepgxxiao: Yes you do01:57
xxiaolet me google01:57
xxiaoit seems just like what vmware-tools01:57
UnholyTerrorxxiao, you have to install from within the running guest OS01:57
judgepgxxiao: Go to the virtualbox website.  It's now an extension pack01:57
UnholyTerrorxxiao, what guest are trying to install?01:58
xxiaoi'm running ubuntu 10.04 64bit01:58
xxiaojust installed  VB4.001:58
UnholyTerrorxxiao, I know VMWare has the guest additions auto install for supported OSes, Ubuntu being one of them.01:59
judgepgxxiao: sorry. I think the extension pack is for USB 2.0 devices, RDP and PXE boot01:59
judgepgUnholyTerror: VMWare is bloat :)01:59
xxiaoright. this time i'm not acting too fast01:59
xxiaoi actually read it :) it's for USB etc01:59
KM0201xxiao: do you have vbox open now?01:59
xxiaoyes i do02:00
KM0201xxiao: click "Devices" install Guest Additions02:00
xxiaodid that, nothing happened02:00
KM0201xxiao: ok.. hang on02:00
UnholyTerrorjudgepg, but it works... ;)02:00
aeon-ltdxxiao: open a file manager, something should be mounted02:01
dip333imagine a ubuntu a mechanic who has to learn to use a screwdriver02:01
UnholyTerrorKM0201, doesn't he need to mount the cd first?02:01
xxiaodid it both at host and the VB , nothing observed02:01
icarus-cVisualBasic ?..02:01
KM0201UnholyTerror: yeah, i actually forgot that.. thats what i was looking for02:01
UnholyTerrorKM0201, doesn't he need to mount the cd first? or iso02:01
xxiaoi saw it when i used vmware02:01
xxiaosomething mounted, then you click through02:01
xxiaobut it's silient with VB4 here02:02
xxiaoicarus-c: VB--virtualbox, sorry i'm lazy02:02
icarus-coh vbox02:02
xxiaoyes vbox that is02:02
dip333ubuntu a mechanic who has to learn to use a screwdriver02:02
xxiaoi need a 32bit build env in parallel with 64-bit, tried chroot but it does not work, the thing i need build recognizes 64-bit by reading 'uname -r' i believe02:03
KM0201xxiao: go here... and download "VBoxGuestAdditions_4.0.0.iso"... it's near the top  http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.0.0/02:03
xxiaoas chroot is still running a 64bit kernel i think02:03
icarus-cxxiao,  eh you could cross compile x86 on x86_6402:03
KM0201xxiao: do that as  the HOST.. not the guest02:03
UnholyTerrorxxiao, can't you specify that with environment variables... to set the compile options?02:04
judgepgKM0201: Good find my man02:04
xxiaoUnholyTerror: not really, it's binary, i executed it, and it won't move forward under chroot02:04
KM0201judgepg: cuz i'm awesome.. :)02:04
judgepgKM0201: tip off my hat02:05
KM0201judgepg: lol, actually.. that should be a lot easier to find on Vbox's website...02:05
FaiLicanhey, how do give my ettercap program rights to write files?02:05
UnholyTerrorKM0201, and cute too! ;)02:05
KM0201UnholyTerror: lol02:05
judgepgKM0201: you would think so... I tried to install VirtualBox 4.0 64-bit LTS (headless server), and couldn't install due to missing dependencies02:05
judgepgKM0201: had to use the 32-bit (not sure if 64-bit non LTS works)02:06
xxiaoKM0201: how did you get to that link, i found nowhere to click there from the site02:06
KM0201judgepg: i'm far from a vbox expert.. i just use it to sync my zune.02:06
KM0201xxiao: i have awesome google-foo02:06
UnholyTerrorVbox needs updating on every kernel update...02:06
DysteRwhy dont  I have the Gedit on the Applications - Accessories tab ??? I am using Ubuntu 10.1002:06
UnholyTerrorDysteR, Editor02:06
xxiaoKM0201: but they really should put it somewhere to click on, anyway02:06
KM0201xxiao: now, just shut down guest, and set up the "vbox iso" to be your CD device.. boot the guest, and I believe it's a matter of ./vboxguestadditions  can't remember02:07
IdleOneDysteR: it's labeled Text editor02:07
ScottzorDo you guys like pop tarts? >_>02:07
vossHas anyone gotten civ 5 working with ubuntu?02:07
vossscott, poptarts are for camping emergencies ;-)02:07
vossboy scouts carry them in their backpacks02:08
ScottzorI have an issue, my pspgo won't charge on my computer02:08
ScottzorI'm running the latest version of the ubuntu distro02:08
judgepgvoss: Any support from codeweaver?02:09
Dr_WillisScottzor:  You are saying that Ubuntu is some how not suppling power to the USB port?02:09
FaiLicanhey, how do give my ettercap program rights to write files?02:09
xxiaothe host I/O cache is disabled...what's this warning for on vbox4?02:09
xxiaoKM0201: vbox4 auto attached that iso, good02:09
Dr_Willisxxiao:  vbox settings have settings for that..02:09
KM0201xxiao: ok..02:09
KM0201xxiao: so mount the cd from the places menu... then navigate to the cd w/ a terminal02:10
vossjudge, its supposed to be  gold on winehq, im thinking ive missed some step02:10
ScottzorBut it will charge my ipod touch02:10
KM0201and type sh ./nameoffile.run02:10
KM0201xxiao: as for the pass through, we can deal w/ that in a sec, get vbox guest additions installed first02:10
xxiaoKM0201: doing that. meanwhile vbox is warning some ext4 data corruption02:10
Dr_WillisScottzor:  sounds more like a cable/plug issue then an OS issue.02:10
KM0201xxiao: install guest additions, then shut down, i'll tell you how to fix that02:10
vossscott, does it see your psp as a drive02:10
ScottzorLet me check02:11
Dr_WillisPSP does have a data mode? perhaps it cant charge when in some modes.02:11
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ScottzorIt does nothing02:12
wolf23UnholyTerror back :(02:12
jose__Hey, does anyone know what files are changed with an upgrade from GRUB Legacy to GRUB2 on the distro itself?02:12
vossScott did you try another cable?02:12
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mendelevHow do I run the disc that i put in the CD tray in ubuntu?02:13
ScottzorI tryed another cable02:13
ScottzorStill the same02:13
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have deleted some video files on ext3 partition and i know some knowledge of recovering deleted files using photorec but the file names are lost using that method; i also know something about 'ntfsundelete' and i'm able to recover the files with the original name using this app but it only works for ntfs file systems, is there any way i can recover the files from ext3 with the original file names?02:13
jose__mendelev what CD?02:13
vossscott, have you tried it with another computer02:13
jose__mendelev is it a DVD?02:13
mendelevit's a cd that came with the mouse i bought02:13
wolf23UnholyTerror are u there?02:13
Dr_Willismendelev:  whats on it you even need to run?02:13
ScottzorIt works with windows/macs but I don't own one02:14
mendelevum well it's a wireless mouse i think it has to install so it works02:14
UnholyTerrorwolf23, yes02:14
vossscott, did you try it with a usb wall charger02:14
Dr_Willismendelev:  very unlikely that it has any special Linux drivers on the cd..02:14
TaymonHi. I'm using a Dell Studio 1458 and it's not outputting audio on HDMI. Can anyone help me?02:14
jose__mendelev, plug it in and see if it works02:14
wolf23UnholyTerror there is no solution02:14
mendelevit doesn't seem to work right now02:14
ScottzorIt works with the wall charger, it's just easier from a computer02:14
mendelevdoes this mean i will only be able to use my mouse in windows?02:14
UnholyTerrorwolf23, :(02:15
mendelevthis makes me sad02:15
jose__mendelev, check the manufacturer's website to see if they have linux drivers.02:15
vossscott, does the wall charger use usb?=02:15
induz_sound on goldenDictionary02:15
Dr_Willismendelev:  ive yet to see a usb mouse that dident work in linux...02:15
jose__Same here.02:16
jose__Which is why I said plug it in and try it.02:16
shawn146hey everyone02:16
KM0201Dr_Willis: maybe a few buttons on a multibutton mouse... but usually at least the 2 main buttons and the scroll wheel work.02:16
TaymonIs this the right place to ask my question?02:16
induz_how can I get the pronunciations work on GoldenDictioray02:16
UnholyTerrormendelev, without drivers...02:16
mendelevoh wow the left click on the mouse is working already02:16
shawn146i need a littel help with partitioning a cf card on ubuntu02:16
mendelevthe left click works but not movement :(02:16
shawn146ic an view the card 512 MB filesystem02:16
judgepgshawn146: use gparted02:16
jose__mendelev, is the laser on?02:17
shawn146is it built in?02:17
shawn146i am using the ubuntu live cd02:17
UnholyTerrormendelev, may need to restart X...02:17
jose__on the mouse I mean?02:17
vossscott, is your psp in usb connect mode02:17
judgepgshawn146: hrm... cn't recall. System -> Administration.  Check what's there02:17
mendelevwell red liight is coming out of the bottom of the mouse02:17
mendelevso i think the laser is on02:17
ganjabusany one able to assist me with an issue running mw2>wine i get a system.IO.filenotfoundexception02:17
shawn146ah found it02:17
wolf23judgepg i do the same code u gave me and nothing work :( it still the same02:18
mendelevUnholyTerror, what's restart x mean02:18
vossare you sure02:18
shawn146Gparted partition editor02:18
xxiaoKM0201: done02:18
vosslook at it02:18
judgepgshawn146: yep, that's it02:18
xxiaoalso i shut the guest done02:18
KM0201xxiao: ok, shut down guest again02:18
jose__mendelev, X is the windowing system02:18
rtdosi want to install edubuntu on a flash drive; what's the smallest drive i can use? do i just copy the iso to the flash drive?02:18
UnholyTerrormendelev, it's a quick reboot without really rebooting.... it restarts the desktop/graphics system.02:18
shawn146i hope id on't paperweight it when i make the partition changed02:18
shawn146*changes to the card02:18
jose__rtdos, if you don't mind having it like a live cd02:19
judgepgwolf23: ok, remind me the problem again.  You wanted to for some reason delete the .ICEauthority file?02:19
mendelevhow do you do it02:19
jose__It allows you to save personal files too, don't know what's the smallest probably 2GB just like Ubuntu02:19
xxiaoyou mean i need reboot it then re-shutdown02:19
judgepgshawn146: just set the appropriate file system02:19
xxiaoor just one shutdown is enough02:19
Fibrosisdoes anyone here have a "mentor" ?02:19
UnholyTerrormendelev, if enabled CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE02:19
KM0201xxiao: once the guest is shut down, highlight the virtual machine, and click settings02:19
wolf23judgepg  yes02:19
TaymonI'll come back later.02:19
wolf23judgepg can i paste you what messages appear for me02:19
Dr_Willisrtdos:  2gb i think. and you dont just 'copy' the iso. you use special tools like unetbootin, lili, or others mentioned at the pendrivelinux web site. or the ubuntu usb-disk creator tools02:19
judgepgwolf23: why did you want to delete this file again?02:19
UnholyTerrormendelev, you'lle end up back at the login screen.02:19
judgepgwolf23: please do02:19
rtdosjose_ how do i set it up so that i can save personal files to it?02:19
KM0201xxiao: then click on "Storage"... and on the "IDE Controller"(or SATA, whichever it is).. highlight it, and choose "Use Host I/O Cache"02:20
shawn146trying to install JLime linux on the cf card for my HP Jornada 720 :D02:20
rtdosthank you dr. willis02:20
KM0201xxiao: then click OK, and restart the virtualmachine02:20
rtdoschecking them out now.02:20
Dr_Willisrtdos:  look for tools that have a 'persistant save file' option.02:20
mendelevUnholyTerror, ctrl alt backspace didn't do anything02:20
rtdoswhat do you mean, dr. willis?02:20
shawn146need to partition 10 meg fat16 partition02:20
UnholyTerrormendelev, do you have a mouse to use?02:20
mendelevsoz maybe i should full reboot02:20
shawn146and a ext2 partition02:20
wafflesausagemendelev: type "ps -A|grep xin"02:20
shawn146of 300 megs02:20
wolf23judgepg no i dont want to delete just i want to appear the desktop and nautilus on ubuntu 10.10, thats all02:20
sync3timesI really really really hate it when they turn off ctrl-alt-backspace02:20
rwwsync3times: then re-enable it?02:21
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap02:21
xxiaostrangely the IO cache is enabled already02:21
KM0201xxiao: check the other controller02:21
xxiaoSATA's IO cache is off, enable it now02:21
mendelevmmkay thanks02:21
judgepgwolf23: try CTRL+ALT+F1.  Login as yourself.  At the prompt, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:21
KM0201xxiao: thats probably the one causing the error.02:21
sync3timesrww,   maybe I did it wrong, but that procedure did not seem to work02:21
judgepgwolf23: any errors?02:21
wafflesausagemendelev: then look on the left of xinit and type kill and the number you see02:21
shawn146i hope i can make a 300 meg ext202:21
UnholyTerrormendelev, System->Preferences->Keyboard->Layout->Options->Key sequence to restart X02:22
jose__rtdos use Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator, it has an option for it.02:22
wolf23judgepg i have to restart coz i am using now winxp os02:22
jose__or what Dr Willis said02:22
wolf23judgepg if i restart and boot to ubuntu 10.1002:22
judgepgwolf23: let me know what the problem is - I'm still not clear02:22
judgepgwolf23: post any errors02:22
UnholyTerrormendelev, all the open programs will be closed so you'll have to come back here after...02:23
rtdosthank you jose.02:23
shawn146how much space does ubuntu 10.10 need?02:23
wolf23judgepg ok wait02:23
xxiaoKM0201: you are right the warning is gone, and the screen size is way bigger. thanks so much!!!02:23
rwwubottu: requirements | shawn14602:23
ubottushawn146: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu02:23
KM0201xxiao: np02:23
jose__shawn146 plan full install or bootable usb?02:23
xxiaoi will write it down and put it under google02:23
shawn146like 30 GB's?02:23
shawn146big enough02:24
turneralexHey guys, new to ubuntu. What is the package management app called?02:24
wafflesausageshawn: 30gb is more than enough02:24
rwwshawn146: 30GB is plenty02:24
jose__rtdos you're welcome man02:24
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judgepgyes, you can likely install 30 distros with 30gb02:24
wafflesausageturner: Synaptic02:24
piercedwaterCan someone help me figure out how to keep Ubuntu from changing the screen resolution each time it reboots? I'm using a Dell Optiplex SX270 with Dell 15" LCD 1024x76802:24
mendelevthat soft reset thing was real cool but it didn't fix my mouse02:24
wolf23judgepg i got: cannot update /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority , There is a problem with thte configuration servers (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with estatus 256)],nautilus couldnot creat reqired the following folders02:24
mendelevso i guess i will hunt wild drivers02:24
shawn146i need to figure out whats taking all of my 500GB's02:24
jose__turneralex apt02:24
turneralexthanks mate :)02:24
wafflesausageno problem02:25
jose__turneralex or are you thinking of synaptic?02:25
vossshawn its pron ;-)02:25
KM0201xxiao: is your PC hooked up to a router?02:25
shawn146will it create any problems with windows 7 -64bit02:25
wafflesausagemendelev: you could try an actually reboot02:25
xxiaoKM0201: yes02:25
Emmanuel_ChanelIs the log of this channel shown on the web? I don't find where.02:25
Dr_Willisshawn146:  will what careate any problems?02:25
Dr_Willis!log  | Emmanuel_Chanel02:25
ubottuEmmanuel_Chanel: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:25
xxiaoKM0201: i'm using bridging instead of NAT for the guest02:25
shawn146installing it02:25
iandeesI've got a server with 32GB of RAM running on 32-bit processors (so I'm using the PAE kernel). I seem to be running out of lowmem. Is there a way to increase the LowTotal as a boot param or something?02:25
KM0201xxiao: ok.. i was gonna sugget that.02:25
sync3timesrww, thx02:25
Emmanuel_ChanelDr_Willis: Thx.02:25
Dr_Willisshawn146:  you need to be a bit more clear in what you mean.. Installing ubuntu will put a grub loader on the HD. that lets you pick what OS you want to boot to.02:26
xxiaoi had trouble with NAT when i was using vmware,so02:26
shawn146i am just worried about my MBR02:26
KM0201xxiao: that will at least let the guest call for it's own IP... handy for file sharing stuff if you do that.02:26
vosswhy would you run a 32gb machine using 32 bit software???02:26
shawn146before i partition my harddrive02:26
shawn146its a 64-bit system02:26
Dr_Willisshawn146:  why - you can reinstall the windows mbr laer with a windows cd, or other ways..02:26
iandeesvoss, the processors are 32-bit -- it's all i've got.02:26
xxiaoyes never used the sharing dir before, it's great02:26
shawn146i have a lot of stuff and programs i need on i02:27
Dr_Willisshawn146:  its always a good idea to have backups..02:27
shawn146i can't edit the partition of the cf card02:27
vossiandees, what processor?02:27
Dr_Willisshawn146:  a hard drive  can DIE at any time.02:27
jose__shawn146 the installer takes care of dividing partitions so you can dual boot02:27
shawn146what do i do02:27
shawn146oh i see02:27
judgepgwolf23: try this.  CTRL+ALT+F1.  Login as yourself.  Then do: sudo chmod 600 /home/youruser/.ICEauthority02:27
iandeesvoss: model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(TM) MP CPU 2.80GHz02:27
judgepgwolf23: then do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:28
Dr_Willisshawn146:  be sure its unmounted.. and if you are going it by hand install gparted and do 'gksudo gparted' perhaps.02:28
Dr_Williswolf23:  i think its more proper to use 'sudo service gdm restart' these days02:28
wafflesausageDr_Willis: The end result's the same, right?02:28
judgepgwolf23: actually before you run the chmod command, run: sudo chown user:group /home/youruser/.ICEauthority02:29
modhi, i'm using ubuntu 10.10, i've isntalled the getdeb pkg, and when i'm trying to install songbird, the pkg manager does start but it says it cannot find the songbird pkg, most likely because it doesn't exist in a known place on my system yet.  I'm not sure what's missing from this process.  Any ideas?02:29
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bluezonehumpff, these gnome panels are deplorable xD02:29
mendelevthis ticks me off02:29
Dr_Williswafflesausage:  not the same if  init.d/gdm no longer exists. :)02:29
mendelevif i was using windows the mouse would work fine i bet02:29
mendelevbut since i'm using linux it's hard02:29
Dr_Willismendelev:   Ive yet to find a usb mouse that dident work in every linux disrto ive ever tried..02:29
jose__mendelev, that's why I go wired02:29
bluezonemendelev, yep, are you sure its plugged in ? :(02:29
KM0201mendelev: what are you tryign to get working?02:30
jose__lol, he said he had a light so I assume so02:30
Dr_WillisI have had wireless mice require me to hit theur little sync/connect buttons a few times.02:30
mendelevDr_Willis, i'm not saying there's not a way to make this work, i'm saying it's harder02:30
wafflesausagemendelev: did you try rebooting it? Do you have hald and dbus enabled?02:30
judgepgwolf23: Here is your problem, and I think the solution: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/ubuntu-9-10-cannot-log-in-777406/02:30
wolf23judgepg user:group <-- is there anything to change?02:30
Dr_Willismendelev:  and im saying ive never had to do more then hit a little button, or unplyg/plug the mouse in.02:30
mendelevit's a wireless optical mouse km02:30
Dr_Willismendelev:  and whats the exat brand/make?02:30
KM0201oh wireless mice.. to heck w/ that... i hate them w/ windows... but i know they can be problematic w/ Linux.. good luck finding drivers for it.. because there's about a 99.99% chance you won't02:30
shawn146hmm, 2 partitions on 1 cf card,w onder if windows ce can catch that02:30
judgepgwolf23: user is your username.  Group is the groupname your belong to (likely just your username)02:30
mendelevhewlett packard02:30
jose__Dr_Willis, that's precisely why I don't get those, they make me mad.02:30
wafflesausageOhhh... i see now02:31
letmeinhi i made a new user but i cant use sudo with it. how can i fix that?02:31
Dr_Williscant say ive ever had many issues with wireless mice either.02:31
shawn146wow that was fast02:31
rtdosis there a way to disable a laptops touch pad in lubuntu/xubuntu (or anyother flavor of ubuntu) when a usb or ps/2 mouse is present?02:31
vossiandees, the 2.8 xeon mp I believe is 64 bit em64t02:31
Dr_Willisexcept for Bluetooth.. thats a whome nother disaster under many OS's02:31
linusasus6where is the volume control of pulseaudio02:31
bluezonertdos, i'm looking for one too, it seems to screw up my gnome panels02:31
KM0201rtdos: not sure on those to.. i know w/ Gnome.. it's under the Mouse settings, and there's a "touchpad" tab... that you can disable it02:31
shawn146Format the partitions. (e.g mkdosfs /dev/sda1 and mke2fs /dev/sda2)02:32
shawn146how do i do that02:32
mendelevDr_Willis, 2.4 GHz Wirless optical mobile mouse02:32
wolf23judgepg my username: hendaus02:32
jose__shawn146 some filesystems won't be picked up by windows02:32
mendelevadmittedly left click is working02:32
JesusChristToday and yesterday the wireless has out of the blue been asking us for the encryption key to connect. Today it's concked out and doesn't see any wireless networks to connect to.02:32
iandeesvoss, hmm -- the guy installing the OS said it was installed that way. I'll have to ask again.02:32
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mendelevso i'm probably just not smart enough to fix this02:32
Dr_Willismendelev:  a interesting test would be to try it out in other disrto/live cd's and see if any prolems are common to them all.02:32
judgepgwolf23: sudo chown hendaus:hendaus /home/hendaus/.ICEauthority02:32
jose__shawn146 why do you want to format?02:32
mendelevDr_Willis, this is my only distro..02:32
Dr_Willismendelev:  tiny core linux = a 10mb download..  good to test things in.02:33
vossiandees you can always try a 64 bit live cd, if it doesnt boot you havent lost anything!02:33
induz_do u know sound dictionary for GoldenDictionary?02:33
jose__Dr_Willis I'm gonna look that up02:33
Dr_Willisjose__:  its handy. :)02:33
iandeesvoss the machine is on the other side of the planet and inaccessible until Jan 4 :) I'll ask them to try with a 64-bit live cd if they go visit again02:34
shawn146who has tried JLime?02:34
judgepgshawn146: sounds like a rapper distro02:34
Emmanuel_ChanelI cannot make an ISO image by brasero without retrials. How can I help that? To install gnome-baker?02:34
shawn146i hate rapper stuff02:35
shawn146its a linux distro made for The Jornada 7xx02:35
Dr_WillisEmmanuel_Chanel:  brasero has some issues ive seen.. i use k3b or some other burning apps02:35
judgepgshawn146: so you won't like this distro :)02:35
jose__Dr_Willis what's the sys reqs on this?02:35
dannyLopezhello, I can't mount te SD driver02:35
linusasus6<maco> linusasus6: if sound is coming from both speakers and headphones at the same time, and those are on *one* device (not a usb headset), then that's jacksense brokenness and is a bug in your driver. pulseaudio has nothing to do with it! So I do what remove alsa and reinstall it?02:35
Dr_Willisjose__:  rather minimal.02:35
shawn146i have seen the distro on youtube02:35
mendelevthe directions are pictures02:35
Emmanuel_ChanelDr_Willis: ok...02:35
shawn146but no toutorial02:35
mendelevwith no words02:35
shawn146besides this text file02:35
jose__Dr_Willis Haha, great. I think I found a way to bring an old pc back to life02:35
dannyLopezhello, I can't mount te SD driver02:36
Dr_Willisjose__:  yea. its a little weird compared to some disrtos. but handy02:36
vossI like big distros and I cannot lie another brother cant deny when a round disc gets in your face you get... ;-)02:36
shawn146how do i format to those filesystems02:36
jose__Dr_Willis would you recommend it over puppy linux or DSL?02:37
Dr_Willisjose__:  its totally differnt design goal.02:37
judgepgvoss: .. cause you noticed that distro was stuck...02:37
shawn146it says sdd instead sda02:37
jose__Dr_Willis meaning?02:37
piercedwaterCan someone help me figure out how to keep Ubuntu from changing the screen resolution each time it reboots? I'm using a Dell Optiplex SX270 with Dell 15" LCD 1024x76802:37
dannyLopezrww: U can help me?02:37
JesusChristToday the wireless has just went away for it's holidays. It doesn't see any wireless connections02:37
Dr_Willisjose__:  check its docs.. you install what you want to it .. as needed..   its not a 'general desktop' disrto from the start..02:37
jose__Dr_Willis okay, I see. I have no problems with that.02:38
KM0201piercedwater: is it an nvidia?.. if so, did you set the resoution in nvidia-settings?02:38
Dr_Willisjose__:  even things like sound drivers and wireless are not included by default02:39
vossIm running ubuntu 10.10 on my tower and mint debian on my netbook02:39
piercedwaterKM0201: How do I find out what kind of Graphics chip it is? nvidia-settings won't open from the terminal02:39
judgepgwolf23: did you get it working?02:39
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, what gfx hardware, do you know?02:39
KM0201piercedwater: lspci in a terminal should show it... it's probably intel02:39
piercedwaterKM0201: Yeah, I know its intel Extreme Graphics 202:39
brett__there's also a webpage where you can put your lspci -n and it'll tell you what modules it uses.02:40
jose__Dr_Willis well, the no wireless is a bit of a bummer, but the computer doesn't have a wireless card anyway so..02:40
vossintel video generally sucks02:40
mutebuntui put 10.10 desktop on an sd card via usb-creator, and it freezes before install begins. gets to gui and everything.02:40
brett__it's associated withd ebian.02:40
brett__debian even02:40
mutebuntuany help with that?02:40
snxshello, what would be the newest drivers for an nvidia gtx 460 ? for 10.10 ubuntu02:40
KM0201piercedwater: yeah, i have an intel graphics device, but no problems w/ it mysteriously resetting though.. not sure on that one02:40
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, open a terminal...02:41
vossmute, bad sd card it happens02:42
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: ok02:42
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, i'm assuming this is the same computer you are on right now, correct?02:42
iandeesvoss, do you know of a way to get the exact processor information? the name isn't quite exact enough for google searching02:42
mutebuntuvoss, not? works fine02:42
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: not the one im chatting on, but it is right next to me02:42
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, better.02:42
KelocenaMmm, this is some good cake.02:43
KelocenaUh, hi.02:43
linusasus6<maco> linusasus6: if sound is coming from both speakers and headphones at the same time, and those are on *one* device (not a usb headset), then that's jacksense brokenness and is a bug in your driver. pulseaudio has nothing to do with it! So I do what remove alsa and reinstall it?02:43
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, type: ls -l /etc/X11/x*      and tell me if there is an xorg.conf file.02:43
vossiandees, the 64bit live cd is the easiest way to go, it will tell you if you dont have a 64 bit cpu02:43
Dr_Willisjose__:  you can install the wireless drivers.. but then the disrto size doubles from 10mb to like 20 mb :)02:43
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, note the case X11 not x1102:44
jose__Dr_Willis, so what software does it have on regular install?02:44
KelocenaLinus, that may be a solution. But if it doesn't work... then a bug is a bug, it needs to be fixed.02:44
LuLHi, why i get this error: http://pastebin.com/x7w0ik2Q after install php5-intl? (Ubuntu 10.10, PHP 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.1)02:44
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: invalid option '/'02:44
judgepgvoss: what if you cat the output of /proc/cpuinfo02:44
bsmith0931this is probably a "more info" kind of question but will an old ubuntu 6.10 game run on lucid02:45
Dr_Willisjose__:  window manager, editor, terminal...02:45
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, type: ls /etc/X11/x*02:45
Dr_Willisjose__:  package manager tools..02:45
vossjudge system monitor also works02:45
bsmith0931specifically darwinia. bc i cant find a linux demo02:45
judgepgvoss: yep02:45
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, type: ls /etc/X11/x*         lower case LS02:45
Dr_Willisbsmith0931:  there should be some desmos out of that02:45
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: I see 3 files - xinitrc xinput.d xserverrc02:46
judgepgvoss: I'm more of a terminal kind of guy02:46
Dr_Willisbsmith0931:  i was thinking i ran the comercial version  last year on ubuntu..02:46
UnholyTerrorok - no 'xorg.conf' file then.02:46
jose__Dr_Willis will be giving it a shot for sure.02:46
KelocenaAnyone kind enough to help me with my sound. PulseAudio is being cranky. When I get sound running out of two applications at once, it gets all wonky instead of simply outputing both audio simultaneously.02:47
judgepgpiercedwater: just type in: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:47
craigbass1976Will cmus play an mp3 stream like sky.fm?02:47
judgepgpiercedwater: that should regenarate the xorg.conf file02:47
KelocenaFor example, I have a video streaming on firefox, then I open something in mplayer, the sound goes bad. But when I pause one it goes back to normal.02:47
vossthe terminal has its place, imho unless youre updating software you shouldnt have to deal with it02:48
piercedwaterjudgepg: the file still isnt there02:48
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, ok, you are going to need to reboot it into recovery mode...02:48
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: Ok, hang on02:49
judgepgpiercedwater: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then after the reconfiguration do a reboot as unholyterror said02:49
judgepgpiercedwater: or you can restart the gdm: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:49
judgepgUnholyTerror: cool nickname btw02:49
UnholyTerrorjudgepg, thx02:50
jose__Can someone tell me how I can see which driver a piece of hardware's using?02:50
UnholyTerrorjose__, sudo lshw02:51
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: I'm restarting gdm now02:51
lpuljichey guys02:51
jose__alright thanks man02:51
lpuljiccan someone help me02:51
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: Ok, I have rebooted02:52
* Kelocena sobs in a corner.02:52
lpuljici am trying to install ubunut under LVM02:52
jose__Kelocena, sorry I don't know.02:52
lpuljicis that possible with the desktop version02:52
judgepglpuljic: yes02:52
lpuljiccould you please let me know now02:53
lpuljicsorry not now HOW02:53
lpuljicthis is my setups02:53
lpuljici got dual boot02:53
vectoryim searching for a site with nice grub2 themes, can i install tjem easily?02:53
FloodBot1lpuljic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
lpuljicwin xp and ubuntu02:53
judgepgI thought you were going to saw 'COW'02:53
rwwlpuljic: the Desktop CD can't do it. The Alternate CD can.02:53
jose__Make a partition and encrypt it, then make that encrypted partition / during install02:53
rww!enter | lpuljic02:53
ubottulpuljic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:53
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, ???02:54
lpuljicjose__: will that put all the fs under one volume group02:54
KelocenaWell, for starters, I've tried following http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup . And it's all edit /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc. And uh, I don't have either of those, namely because didn't Ubuntu stop using it after 9.10?02:54
wwriveHi. I have a toshiba with Lucid Lynx. How can I make the speakers mute when plugin in the headphones?02:54
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: Should I try restarting now to see if the resolution stays the same?02:54
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE02:54
jose__lpuljic fs?02:54
KelocenaSo, uh. What do?02:55
jose__I don't know.02:55
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: that didnt do anything02:55
lpuljicfile systems02:55
Sean93i have nothing in my /media/ except ".hal-mtab-lock"02:55
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, System->Preferences->Keyboard->Layout->Options->Key swq to restart X02:55
jose__lpuljic, nope. You can have multiple partitions, just encrypt the swap area too02:56
craigbass1976There's an app called pianobar.  Is it only available in the natty repos?  I'm on lucid and not changing until the next lts02:56
jose__everytime you boot you'll have to put in the password though02:56
ubuntumy name is syam02:56
ubuntufrom indonesia02:56
ubuntui'm using ubuntu02:57
erfolgok great!02:57
victorhugo289Hello everyone02:57
lpuljicjose__: what i mean by under LVM, is that all the partitions will be under once volume group so that i can easily add more space when its needed02:57
victorhugo289This is great.02:57
microc0smany1 know if i can use my android tablet as midi device on ubuntu????02:57
victorhugo289Hi Jose, Hi Ubuntu02:57
ubuntui have one quetion02:57
ubuntuabout virtualbox02:57
smw!enter | ubottu02:58
ubottusmw: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:58
jose__lpuljic, oh I thought something else. I've never tried that.02:58
smw!enter | ubuntu02:58
ubottuubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:58
piercedwaterUnholyTerror: It works, at least for now. Thanks.02:58
microc0smmy usb doesnt recognize my android tablet for sd hd but will recognize my android phone02:58
ubuntuhow i connect usb printer in virtualbx?02:58
UnholyTerrorpiercedwater, cool02:58
lpuljicaha i see, so how do u mange ur partitions02:58
lpuljicif you need to increas more space u use gparted02:58
Sean93i have nothing in my /media/ except ".hal-mtab-lock" how do i fix it?02:58
lpuljicor ?02:58
Rawr0192i need help with ubuntu i was told to come here02:59
erfolgwhat's your problem rawr?02:59
smwRawr0192, you came to the right place02:59
jose__lpuljic, I don't have partitions on my main system but if I had to yes that's what I'd use.02:59
Rawr0192its about the 360 controller02:59
UnholyTerrorRawr0192, we need help in know what the problem is...02:59
jose__I run Ubuntu off a flash drive so it's portable02:59
lpuljicso what do u have if u dont mind me asking02:59
judgepgXBOX 360 ubuntu edition02:59
Rawr0192how can i use my 360 controller to play oblivion on my ubuntu OS03:00
jose__lpuljic, I have XP on my system for gaming, the usb has Ubuntu and GRUB. I can mount the hard drives if needed and save data there03:00
racinesdoes anyone know how to install ubuntu onto an 8GIG USB? (NOT LIVE)03:01
Rawr0192https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller did not help me03:01
Rawr0192mostly becus i did not understand it at all03:01
lpuljicaha i see03:01
jose__racines you mean full install03:01
racinesI've been told all I have to do is simply install it as usual but instead select the USB drive as the destination. However I'm still a bit worried =/03:01
lpuljicmuch appreciate for the reposnds03:01
racinesyes full install03:01
modracines, that's how to do it... why are you worried03:01
jose__lpuljic you're welcome sorry I can't help more.03:01
smwRawr0192, I suggest http://pingus.seul.org/~grumbel/xboxdrv/03:01
racineswell I've read some places that I need to make a partition or something, or something to do with /home and a swap partition03:02
KM0201mod: where does Grub end up when you do that?... that would be my concern03:02
racinesI have no idea what that all means =/03:02
smwRawr0192, it is a userspace driver. It is much better than xpad03:02
jose__racines, yes that's correct. Make sure before clicking install you click the advanced tab and change the destination of the bootloader03:02
xper 03:02
racineswhere would I put the boot loader?03:02
racineson the USB drive right?03:02
Rawr0192how to PM?03:02
smwRawr0192, yes?03:02
smwRawr0192, don't03:02
Sean93i have nothing in my /media/ except ".hal-mtab-lock" how do i fix it?03:02
wafflesausage I remember when i tried installing FreeBSD to a bootable usb drive. I picked the right disk, but it changed the configuration files on my system, lol03:03
Rawr0192ok nvm anyways ive been to that site before and i dont get it either03:03
jose__racines yes on the USB.03:03
barfbarfwhat can i use to recover .jpg's that were deleted on a fat32 parition on an sd card?03:03
Rawr0192im semi-new to ubuntu03:03
racinesand also, the reason I want to do this is because the live CD is INCREDIBLY slow to boot up so I thought if I did a full install it would be faster, is this true?03:03
smwRawr0192, I have no problem with PMs, but you should speak here if it is ubuntu related.03:03
microc0smanyone know how i can mount my android tablet to ubuntu.  google keeps bringing up ubuntu tablets in china that were leaked03:03
jose__racines, well depends on your flash drive. I'm running Ubuntu off a flash drive right now and it works well.03:04
wafflesausagemicroc0sm: are you trying to mount the tablet as a storage device?03:04
fabiobikHow to enable local users delete files with vsftpd  ?03:04
bezaowhich is the default charset in ubuntu?03:04
racinesyes but jose are you running live or full install?03:04
smw!who | Rawr019203:04
Rawr0192but smw do you think you could explain how to install that driver?03:04
ubottuRawr0192: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:04
microc0smwaffle yes03:04
soreauI have 'Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880B [AudioPCI] (rev 02)' but when trying to run any app with padsp, I get 'Sorry but your soundcard can't do this' though it's worked fine before with apps using /dev/dsp03:04
jose__racines full install03:04
microc0smthen if possible as a midi device too03:04
soreauIs there anything I can do to make it work with pa?03:04
smwRawr0192, sure. First download the source code03:04
fabiobikHow to enable local users delete files with  FTP vsftpd  ?03:04
Rawr0192!smw where is that?03:04
fabiobikim using ubuntu server03:04
jimi_Where is the grub menu located? I need to add an entry03:05
smwRawr0192, http://pingus.seul.org/~grumbel/xboxdrv/xboxdrv-linux-0.6.1.tar.bz203:05
wafflesausagemicroc0sm: you might be able to mount it as a storage device. Check under /dev for any new devices. It shouldbe prefixed with "hda" i believe03:05
jose__jimi_ /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:05
Rawr0192!smw and where do i export it/03:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:05
ubuntuhow i connect printer in virtualbox03:05
jimi_jose__, can i edit it, or do i have to update it some other means03:05
smwRawr0192, export?03:05
smwRawr0192, please stop using !03:06
microc0smim using black market app for all usb mounting progs and so far nothing is good. I am a noob so everything i do has to be gui sorry but i checked and no new devices.03:06
rwwRawr0192: it's just swm, not !smw ;)03:06
Rawr0192lol sorry03:06
smwRawr0192, you are confusing the bot :-P03:06
racinesOkay so my USB device is: /dev/sdc, but it also has another thing: /dev/sdc1, when I install UBUNTU, what do I choose for the boot loader? sdc or sdc1?03:06
racinesalso I don't have to make any other partitions? I can just install it like this?03:06
jose__jimi_ if you want to update it run sudo grub-update. If you want to manually add an entry go to the file03:06
tucemiuxubuntu, you need to pass the USB device in settings03:06
Rawr0192ok i ment extract sorry ive been working in GIMP all day03:06
smwRawr0192, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo .03:07
jose__racines, install the bootloader to sdc, make sure you have a swap03:07
tucemiuxubuntu, im not sure if you can use USB passthrough  to use a printer on virtualbox but you can try it03:07
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: sorry, i can only help you on the command line. Unplug the tablet and type "ls /dev |grep hda"03:07
microc0smi use system profiler and benchmark as gui to see all hardware and also check the  places-computer03:07
jon_athonknow any good games for ubuntu?03:07
smwRawr0192, read and follow the directions to compile it. You may ask questions if something confuses you03:07
craigbass1976Anyone had any luck installing pianobar in lucid?  What's the best way to go about it?03:07
Rawr0192ok thanks so much smw honestly this really helps03:07
soreauracines: The c in sdc1 is the third detected drive medium and 1 is the first partition on the drive.03:07
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: then reinsert it and do the same thing. tell me if you see anything new show up03:08
tucemiuxjon_athon, you need to try urban terror, you have to download it from the net03:08
bezaowhich is the default charset in ubuntu?03:08
racinesSo......would I choose sc1 then?03:08
microc0smok 1 sec03:08
jon_athontucemiux, is it resource intensive? I'm on an old machine03:08
racinesbecause it gives me the option to choose sdc or sdc103:08
victorhugo289give it03:08
racines(for boot loader)03:08
jose__choose sdc03:08
Spirits-SightIs there a way to get a remote server to show-up in Nautilus or in the diagol when trying to open files or save them?03:08
racinesdo I need to make any other partitions?03:08
jose__how did you configure it?03:08
tucemiuxjon_athon, yes, you need to have a fast video card, just go to go the ubuntu software center and search for games03:08
racinesI remember someone said I need to make a swap partition, but Im not sure what that even is03:09
Sean93i have nothing in my /media/ except ".hal-mtab-lock" how do i fix it?03:09
jose__manual or did you let it set it for you?03:09
soreauracines: I would try sdc1 to be as specific as possible03:09
jon_athontucemiux, Ya, I don't think my 7 year old laptop will support that.03:09
racinesoh man someone told me to do sdc =/03:09
racinesnow im confused03:09
soreauracines: You should have a swap partition.. have you used usb creator before?03:09
microc0smwaffle nothing . the spacing is bad?03:09
jose__racines, I used sdc without specifying partition and it works03:09
erfolgah. try lincity ng03:09
erfolgthat one's pretty cool03:09
racinesdid you make any other partitions jose__?03:09
tucemiuxjon_athon, -->ubuntusoftwarecenter->"Games",  there's plenty of games that your laptop can handle03:10
racinesbecause I was told to make a swap partition alongside it but im not sure what it will do03:10
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: it shouldn't be. try it  with the space anyway. Also, if nothing shows up with "hda" try "sda"03:10
racinesif I didnt have a swap partition, would the install not work?03:10
jose__racines when you got to the part of the installer where you choose where to install did you let it do it for you or go with the manual option?03:10
racinesi chose the advanced option03:10
jon_athonCool... what's that 2.d game where you have the two "tanks" lob artillery across a single frame terrain map?03:10
soreau! who | racines03:10
ubotturacines: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:10
tucemiuxracines, most likely you can have an install without a swap partition if you have plenty of memory, I wouldnt recommend it though03:10
jose__Yes, then make a swap. It doesn't work without a swap racines03:10
racineswhere it lists all the devices and gives me the option to make new partitions03:10
microc0smok i got  it with sda03:11
racineshow big should I make the swap?03:11
Spirits-SightIs there a way to get a remote server to show-up in Nautilus or in the diagol when trying to open files or save them?03:11
jose__How big's the drive?03:11
jose__512MB to 1GB is good03:11
racinesAny other partitions I need?03:11
smwracines, I make it twice ram03:11
wafflesausagemicrocosm: did you see another device show up when you ran "ls /dev | grep sda" after plugging it in?03:11
jose__And once made go to edit partition and set it as swap03:11
Dr_WillisSpirits-Sight:  nautilus has a connect to server.. feature.. or you could use the 'sshfs' tool03:11
jimi_jose__, what happened to the simple grub files? where you had a LABEL, etc ? this is crazy looking03:11
erfolgracines how much ram do you have?03:12
jose__jimi_ that's the new version of it03:12
tucemiuxracines, typically I have "/swp", "/home", and "/"03:12
Spirits-SightDr_Willis: do u know how to use the connect to server feature in nautilus?03:12
jose__remember guys he's installing to a usb drive03:12
jimi_jose__, damn, i wanted to add etherboot to grub03:12
smwracines, if you are going for easy, swap and root are all you absolutely need.03:12
microc0smok nothing different when i plug in the tablet03:12
smwracines, I also add /home03:12
racineswait what the......it wont let me add any partitions on my /dev/sdc device03:12
racinesthe "Add" button is greyed out03:12
microc0smalso the tablet says to connect my phone to usb  before it will mount03:12
fabiobikHow to enable local users delete files with  FTP vsftpd  ?03:12
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: and you tried it with hda with proper spacing?03:12
smwracines, you can only have 4 primary partitions03:13
jose__If you're running on live cd give it sudo fdisk and make your partitions before hand03:13
Dr_WillisSpirits-Sight:  theres not much to know.. select it.. enter the info.. connect...03:13
Braber01How do I add /usr/games to my $PATH ?03:13
fabiobik550 Permission denied.03:13
fabiobikHow to enable local users delete files with  FTP vsftpd  ?03:13
fabiobikim using ubuntu server03:13
Dr_WillisSpirits-Sight:  you do need ssh installed ont he remote.. or ftp or somthint  for it to connect to.03:13
tucemiuxfabiobik, what does that have to do with ubuntu???03:13
fabiobiktucemiux its a part of ubuntu server...03:14
linusasus6I have tried to reinstall alsa and pulseaudio is not working my sound come out of speaker and headphone03:14
Braber01never mind I was logged in as root logging out fixed the problem...03:14
Dr_WillisBraber01:  export the new PATH.    in .bashrc or .profile normally.. -> export PATH=$PATH:new/path/path03:14
microc0smyes, i originally copied it from here and pasted then typed it manually then just goes to next line without anything03:14
CollinHello, I have a question about graphics card support...03:14
=== Collin is now known as Guest18673
jose__jimi_ well look for the grub.cfg file. That's what you want to edit03:14
tucemiuxfabiobik, it's an application in ubuntu server, in either case, you can try #ubuntu-server03:14
microc0smwith sda it has sda sda 1 sda 2 sda503:14
Drew151This is going to seem noobish, but im new. where do you guys learn all this jargon?03:14
smwBraber01, add export PATH="$PATH:/usr/games" to ~/.bashrc03:14
Dr_WillisDrew151:  lots of reading.03:15
sharkoderHi ubipeople03:15
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: but it's the same with the tablet plugged in right?03:15
racinesIve never used sudo fdisk before, how would I add a "swap" partition to my "/dev/sdc/" device?03:15
Braber01Dr_Willis, smw: never mind I was logged in as root logging out fixed the problem03:15
Drew151books or online articles?03:15
smwDrew151, obsession...03:15
jose__racines, you can only have 4 primary partitions03:15
smwDrew151, online articles03:15
racinesyeah you said to use sudo fdisk03:15
jose__you might have to partition the drive differently03:15
microc0smyes same with it plugged in as before it was plugged in03:15
jose__okay, press p03:15
Drew151I can understand obsession.03:15
racinesI quit the installation and went into sudo fdisk03:15
jose__how many partitions?03:15
Sean93i have nothing in my /media/ except ".hal-mtab-lock" how do i fix it?03:15
tucemiux!ot | Drew15103:15
ubottuDrew151: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:15
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: and nothing shows up with hda?03:15
Dr_WillisDrew151:  read everything you find...03:15
racines"Unable to open p"03:15
smwDrew151, we don't see it as jargon. IT is common to us :-P03:16
racinessudo fdisk p03:16
sharkoderDoes smbd know how to restore /boot if it was on another partition and was formated?03:16
jose__no sudo fdisk /dev/sdc03:16
jose__that's your drive03:16
microc0smnothing it all except the line where i type stuff like i just hit enter03:16
jose__then when inside type p and enter03:16
Dr_Willissharkoder:  smbd is for samba.. nothing to do with the boot partitions...03:16
Spirits-SightDr_Willis: I have openssh installed and I also don't see a option in nat... to enter my info03:16
smwRawr0192, please say something when you use my name :-)03:16
racinesI typed p03:16
sharkoderi meant somebody . sorry03:16
Dr_WillisSpirits-Sight:   places -> connect to server..03:16
wafflesausagemicr0cosm: well, i'm not sure what to tell you. I'd do a google search for it03:16
jose__racines how many partitions?03:16
smwRawr0192, do not use my name in vain03:16
Rawr0192sorry, im confused about the build and install portion03:16
Dr_WillisSpirits-Sight:  then the pull down.. select ssh. and enter info.03:16
racinesonly looks like theres one03:16
smwRawr0192, what part?03:17
Spirits-SightI found it thanks :-) Dr_Willis03:17
jose__okay, type as follows03:17
jose__n and enter03:17
Rawr0192smw it said to use command "make" and i type in make wondering what will happen and it does nothing03:17
Drew151Oh trust me, I am here for ubuntu. moslty im just lurking to get as much info as possible. i just ask occasional questions. btw, is this a good thread for finding reading material? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80140403:17
racinessays: "primary partition (1-4)"03:17
microc0smi tried google for android tablet and ubuntu and it is all about some new ubuntu tablet that someone in china leaked using ubuntu netbook?03:17
sharkoderso if I had my /boot on a separate partition, and I formatted it, any chance to restore it?03:17
jose__then primary, enter, enter, and however big you want the swap03:17
smwRawr0192, are you in the directory with the software?03:17
jose__okay, racines choose 203:17
smwRawr0192, is there a Makefile there?03:18
racineswait, I typed primary and pressed enter03:18
Rawr0192how do i enter my directory?03:18
racinesits asking for a partition number03:18
racinestype 2?03:18
Rawr0192its just extracted in my home folder03:18
racines.....No free sectors available it says03:18
smwRawr0192, cd == change directory ----- cd [yourdir]03:18
racines(the usb is formatted btw)03:18
jose__okay, then d and 103:18
jose__to delete the partition you have03:18
Rawr0192i dont get it03:18
linusasus6is special I got ubuntu and debian and both got the same issue for the sound in speaker and headphone in sametime03:18
Rawr0192i feel like a noob03:19
jose__racines you have one partition for the whole drive03:19
racinestyped d and it sais "selected partition 1"03:19
smwRawr0192, you are a noob. But we were all noobs once ;-)03:19
jose__okay, now n, primary, 1, enter, and choose how big you want swap03:19
racines"/dev/sdc/" is my USB drive, I formatted it03:19
racinesI typed d and it sais "Selected partition 1"03:19
Rawr0192lol okay so can you please explain to me how to build my driver?03:19
jose__for example if you want it to be 1GB, then type 1G03:20
racinesso just type 1G?03:20
carbon-87Hello, i was wondering if anyone could recommend a setup i could use.    I Have 10 thinClients and i would like to run a Server, for easy mangening. How can i set this up with ubuntu ?03:20
jose__how far are you?03:20
sharkoderwhere can i ask for help restoring formatted /boot partition ?03:20
Rawr0192the folder is in my Home dir and il go check if it has a make file in it03:20
racinesI don't know I've never used fdisk before, I'm also a linux noob03:20
trojan_spikesmw, apart from Dr_Willis   he was born from Linux  ;)03:20
smwRawr0192, continue at Step 303:20
racinesI typed "d" and now it says: "selected partition 1"03:20
microc0smwow just realized my phone is android 1.6 and tablet is running 2.1. ubuntu will mount my phone running 1.6 but not tablet with 2.103:20
jose__okay, press p03:20
jose__what do you have on screen?03:20
smwtrojan_spike, I started using it when I was 8... does that count?03:20
racinesjust says "Device Boot, Start, End, Blocks, Id, System"03:21
racinesnothing under it03:21
jose__okay, good03:21
jose__that's what you should have03:21
Spirits-SightDr_Willis: thanks again, it worked as I wanted it to, now I can open files on remote server using gedit03:21
jose__now press n03:21
trojan_spike:)  depends on ur age smw   :)03:21
Spirits-Sightor other editor program03:21
smwtrojan_spike, I remember back in the day when linux wasn't user friendly :-P03:21
jose__and primary03:21
smwtrojan_spike, 17 now03:21
racinestype 2?03:21
racinessays First cylinder (1-2944, default 1):03:21
sharkoderhow can i get any information on how to restore formatted /boot partition plz :(03:22
jose__once you preseed enter once, how big do you want your swap?03:22
trojan_spikesmw, thats really knowing ur OS .. u musta been mostly in terminal :)03:22
smwtrojan_spike, wait, 18 in two weeks. So I have been using it for about a decade.03:22
racinesI pressed enter and it sais03:22
racines"using deafult value 1"03:22
FloodBot1racines: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
jose__racines, that's all it says?03:22
racines"First cylinder (1-2944) default 1):"03:22
racinespressed enter now it sais: "Using default value 1"03:22
holden448mexHello everyone, what's up03:23
smwtrojan_spike, yep, I have used an ungodly number of distros. Ubuntu was the one that stuck ;-)03:23
racinesnow it sais "Last cylinder"03:23
trojan_spikesmw,  :) and whats the best thing u can do on linux?? make software or anything?? jus to be nosey03:23
holden448mex: )03:23
trojan_spikesmw, :)03:23
jose__okay, uh it doesn't say something like this Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-1044, default 1044):03:23
racinesyeah it does03:23
smwtrojan_spike, hack stuff together in a day and the shell is nice too :-)03:23
racines"Last cylinder.............."03:24
linusasus6server under linux are fluid and stable03:24
jose__okay, how big do you want swap?03:24
wafflesausagetrojan: i'd say the biggest advantage of linux is it's sheer flexibility03:24
racineswait was it supposed to say: "Using deafult value 1" ?03:24
smwjose__, the common rule is twice ram03:24
racinesim not sure what swap is but I guess 512MB?03:24
jose__racines how much RAM you got?03:24
smwracines, twice ram is suggested03:24
jose__smw I know but he's trying to install to USB, might end up too small for his taste03:24
microc0smim gonna twitter her yahoo till i goooogle all over her face...book03:24
trojan_spikesmw, u really know ur stuff.. u wana give me some advice?? How to be a power user in terminal..?03:25
smwjose__, ah, I would not use it at all then03:25
microc0smsorry dumb radio thing i heard03:25
smwtrojan_spike, use it :-P03:25
mutebuntui need help putting 10.10 desktop on a netbook03:25
racines(my usb is 8GIG)03:25
jose__if you want03:25
trojan_spikesmw,  :) i do03:25
smwtrojan_spike, reading a tutorial on bash scripting would be good too03:25
racinesi dont even know what swap is though03:25
erfolgracines how much ram do you have?03:25
jose__just put +1G if you want it to be one gig03:25
wafflesausagetrojan: i'd pick up the JumpStart Unix book, and. like smw said, just use it03:25
linusasus6I have tried to reinstall alsa and pulseaudio is not working my sound come out of speaker and headphone03:26
jose__erfolg, he's installing to usb03:26
wafflesausageOr was it QuickStart...03:26
trojan_spikesmw, yea,, i thyink i will have to go outa my way sometime and learn bash03:26
erfolgif you have like 2 gigs of ram and don't need to hibernate just don't use any swap03:26
linusasus6is special I got ubuntu and debian and both got the same issue for the sound in speaker and headphone in sametime03:26
Milos|NetbookThis isn't exactly ubuntu-related, but it scares me enough to need to ask it here. Does anyone understand what happened? http://pastebin.com/s4DKRt3D03:26
smwtrojan_spike, http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ . Don't be afraid to skip over stuff in it ;-)03:26
Emmanuel_ChanelDr_Willis: I installed Gnome Baker. It looks working fine. Thx answering me.03:26
pavanaictrl+alt+d not working03:26
racinesI typed enter nothing happened, just went back to: "Command (m for help)"03:27
jose__racines good so far?03:27
wafflesausagetrojan_spike: also, run a virtual machine or a test machine that you don't care about to try some of the more daring things03:27
racinesI typed: "+1G" btw03:27
craigbass1976Dumb question maybe...  I'm ssh-ed into a box, and I want to fire up an application, but I don't want to fire up another terminal to do more stuff.  How can I just say GO and be dumped back to a cursor?03:27
Drew151is it even a good idea to try and load ubuntu onto a compaq presario with 2 gb of ram and 250 Gb of hd space? (im putting it on an external 500gb HDD)03:27
Shaba1Hello guys03:27
jose__oh, well the other guys say you might not need a swap03:27
smwcraigbass1976, append & at the end03:27
racinesstill don't know what swap is =/03:27
trojan_spikewafflesausage, im pretty decent in all that.. just bash mainly i think.. Buh u make a good point,,03:28
steinerhow to i get ubuntu to work with a radeon x1300 xge graphics card? right now i have to run in failsafe low graphics mode03:28
linusasus6lol compaq presario 1501?03:28
jose__it's a random storage area like RAM for your comp racines03:28
jose__it's stores junk there as needed03:28
pavanaismw:ctrl+alt+d not working03:28
racineswhen I type +1G nothing happens03:28
racinesit just leaves a blank line and type outputs: "Command (m for help):03:28
wafflesausagetrojan_spike: also, i'd try running a "meta distribution". You'll be forced to learn if you want to use your comp03:28
jose__well, if you pressed enter twice nothing will happen03:28
erfolgswap is pretty much useless now.03:28
Shaba1My install of wubi has something calle totem media player as the default video viewer. For some reason it does not play vids from the windows side with audio, but VLC does. How do I make VLC the default video player?03:28
jose__you have to delete the partition03:28
erfolgjust slows you down.03:28
smwpavanai, what does ctrl+alt+d do? did you highlight the wrong person?03:29
craigbass1976smw, vlc http://u10.sky.fm:80/sky_pianojazz_aacplus &  ?  This gives me a cursor again, but when I start typing, the app shuts down03:29
racinesokay so now what?03:29
racinessomeone said something about a "/" and "/home" partition03:29
trojan_spike:)  ..03:29
pavanaismw:no i jst want sombody to gimme a solution03:29
racinesor should I just install now?03:29
jose__meh, I've never used a /home partition03:29
smwcraigbass1976, put '' around the url03:29
jose__just use "/"03:29
wafflesausagecraigbass: have you tried typing ctrl+z?03:29
Drew151linusasus6: its a presario cq6203:29
maynardwvDoes anyone know where gwibber themes are stored?03:29
jose__that's where Ubuntu will be saved during install03:29
Sean93i have nothing in my /media/ except ".hal-mtab-lock" how do i fix it?03:29
pavanaismw:ctrl+alt+d for show desktop03:29
smwcraigbass1976, the : is messing things up03:29
racinesno idea how to do that =/03:29
smwpavanai, I know nothing about that topic03:30
Milos|Netbook1337 people!03:30
smw!patience | pavanai03:30
ubottupavanai: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:30
racinesthe only partition I have on my USB is: "/dev/sdc1" after typing: "p" on fdisk03:30
jose__Okay, on the installer, at the part where you choose the partition click on manual03:30
jose__If you don't want to have a swap just press q and enter03:30
ilpaI'm still plugging away at this ;) Does anyone have 10.04 working with an Airport Extreme?03:30
jose__actually wait03:30
racinesthen if I press "d" it selects partition 1 "/dev/sdc1"03:30
jose__press w first03:30
racinesand now I pressed p and nothing is there03:31
jose__yes, that'll delete it03:31
racinespress w?03:31
smwcraigbass1976, did it work?03:31
lostkenwhat's the android channel?03:31
pavanaiubottu:but yesterday i waited 4 half an hour03:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:31
jose__you deleted the partition now03:31
jose__make a new partition03:31
racinesno I didnt press w03:31
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:31
jose__use n03:31
smwpavanai, ubottu is a bot ;-)03:31
jose__and then p, choose 103:31
brett__What are your commands ubuttu?03:31
lostkenwhat's the andriod channel03:31
brett__Ubottu I mean03:31
pavanaismw:bot means some automated pgm?03:31
brett__ubuttu cmd03:31
smw!bot > brett__03:32
ubottubrett__, please see my private message03:32
brett__ubottu cmd03:32
maynardwvWhere are gwibber themes stored?03:32
craigbass1976smw, putting single quotes in, no love.  escaping the :, no love.  Then I just typed vlc listen.pls (the file sky.fm gives me when I save), and still it stops when I start typing.03:32
jose__and make it the whole drive by pressing enter twice. Other's say swap won't be needed.03:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:32
racinesokay did that03:32
wolfjbhow do you reconfigure the netbook interface for ubuntu 10.1003:32
racinesoutputs this: "/dev/sdc1"  "1"  "391" "1050997+" "83" "Linux"03:32
smwcraigbass1976, remove the &, does it work?03:32
jose__on what?03:33
smwcraigbass1976, my guess is that the command is returning because something is wrong. I am pretty sure the lack of quotes was to blame03:33
trojan_spikewolfjb, reconfigure to what?03:33
jose__okay, that's correct I see what you're saying03:33
smwcraigbass1976, run the command without &03:34
jose__then press w03:34
jose__and enter03:34
pavanaishow desktop shortcut not working in ubuntu03:34
craigbass1976smw, no, that's the behavior I had in the first place (with no &)  The command works fine.  Music plays, ladeeda, but I want access to the command line in that same terminal.03:34
smwpavanai, are you sure that is the correct shortcut03:34
pavanaianybody help03:34
wolfjbtrojan_spike: I would like to change the icons on the initial screen, for example, I want the one labeled web to show all the internet apps not just start firefox03:34
pavanaidamn sure03:34
racinessais: "Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table."03:35
magicjoecan anyone help me find the computer.png icon from the theme ubuntu-mono-dark? i have searched my computer everywhere and can't find it. BUT in usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark there is an icon index file that looks like a stack of silicon wafers03:35
racines"Syncing disks."03:35
smwcraigbass1976, what is the cmd again?03:35
jose__okay, now q and enter03:35
=== chris_osx is now known as chris_openbsd
KM0201pavanai: i'm assuming you're talking about the one you add to the panel?03:35
pavanaismw:i got it in ubuntu 10.04 and it worked in 10.10 also03:35
yggdrasilhello, can somone help me ive got ubuntu 10.4 on a workstation and it doesnt seem to have any ability to controll thefans ?03:35
wolfjbtrojan_spike: I would also like to see all the educational apps in a folder, but that doesn't seem to exist03:35
jose__okay, run the installer03:35
sharkoderhi guys. what steps whould i follow to restore/reinstall grub on a formatted /boot partition?03:35
smwpavanai, does not work for me...03:35
jose__at the part where you choose the partitions click on manual03:35
smwcraigbass1976, what cmd is failing?03:35
craigbass1976smw, vlc listen.pls  This I believe is exactly the same as double clicking on that listen.pls file03:35
pavanaismw:r u usin 10.1003:36
wolfjbtrojan_spike: when I select 'All Applications' none of the apps after those which start with the letter 'S' show up on the screen03:36
trojan_spikewolfjb, are u using unity?03:36
smwpavanai, yes03:36
jose__and choose sdc1 and edit it, file format ext3, check format, and choose "/" from the list03:36
craigbass1976smw, the command isn't failing, what I want is to be able to use that terminal with the vlc app running in the background somehow.03:36
magicjoewolfjb: i thinkg you want to play with System>Preferences> Main Menu03:36
wolfjbtrojan_spike: I believe so, I installed the defaults from 10.1003:36
linusasus6well I think theres no answer to my problem headphone must be no good for ear is for that theres no solution to my problem03:36
pavanaismw but jst after installation it worked 4 me03:36
jose__let me know if you have any trouble racines03:37
racinesone sec03:37
trojan_spikewolfjb, i think u might be looking the older version of netbook remix03:37
trojan_spikewolfjb, 9.10 maybe?03:37
smwcraigbass1976, ok, try starting it, press ctrl + z, then bg %1 ------------ in a new terminal03:37
racinesis it normal for my "/dev/sdc" to contain a "Free space" partition?03:37
smwcraigbass1976, the new terminal ensures %1 is the right job03:37
jose__how much "free space" do you have?03:38
wolfjbtrojan_spike: i dont think so, I just downloaded the 10.10 netbook edition straight from the ubuntu site03:38
linusasus6I have this bug since 6 or 7 month I fixe it for 1 week 4 month ago then it came back and now no solution03:38
ai-qsh-veima li ludi03:38
ai-qsh-vetuk na kupona03:38
Ig0re otdek03:38
racinesUhh...7027 MB o_o03:38
trojan_spikeyea,, buh if u look at youtube,, at the 9.10 one.. you'll see what i mean03:38
racines"/sdc1/"  contains 1076MB03:38
jose__okay, can you extend the size of sdc1?03:39
racinesmy entire usb is 8GIG03:39
racinesto what03:39
pavanaiis ther anyway to make desktop shortkey work?03:39
jose__yeah, you made it 1GB for swap03:39
trojan_spikewolfjb, or u could install the netbook remix from synaptic,, then uninstall unity?03:39
jose__if you're not gonna have a swap like others recommended to the whole disk03:39
linusasus6sound work perfectly on windows 7 is weird that on debian and ubuntu that are suppose to be better it doesnt work and no one got a solution03:39
smw!hr | ai-qsh-ve03:39
ubottuai-qsh-ve: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr03:39
racinesomg I cant changfe the size03:39
brett__Is it freespace or actually a partition?03:39
racinesactual partition03:40
smwpavanai, why do you need it so badly?03:40
wolfjbtrojan_spike: I changed the settings as you suggested, however nothing changed on the main screen03:40
racinesjust under it is free space, and the free space is 7026MB03:40
jose__brett__ nah, it's free space. He only has one partition03:40
smwcraigbass1976, did you try my other idea?03:40
brett__Just checking.03:40
racinesNo theres too03:40
racinestheres two*03:40
=== Know1edge_ is now known as Know1edge
KM0201linusasus6: linux might be better, but its not for everyone, and since devices don't typically have linux drivers(like windows) if a device is not working out of the box, it may be to new to really have linux support.03:40
racines"dev/sdc1" and "free space"03:40
jose__racines, free space means the partition didn't take that much03:40
racinesOh man I don't know what to do =/03:40
wolfjbtrojan_spike: also the menu across the top of the screen hasn't changed03:40
trojan_spikewolfjb, i dont think unity will do as u want it to do.. i.e,, have the apps at the side bar03:41
jose__relax racines, go back to fdisk03:41
racinesI don't want a 1GIG ubuntu =/03:41
lordbahIs there an OpenOffice channel? Trying to find out how to make the highlighting of search terms more visible. Right now I have to carefully examine the whole window to try to find the search term, the highlighting is so darn subtle.03:41
pavanaismw:lots of windows and terminals r 2 be handled03:41
trojan_spikewolfjb, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2btNhy4Kr7c03:41
jose__and delete that partition by giving it the command d03:41
smwlinusasus6, OEMs don't make drivers for linux :-\03:41
cameron_anyone ever use a digidesign mbox2 with ubuntu 10.10 ?  i can't get mine to work...03:41
[thor]pavanai: did you check System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts to be sure that the "Show Desktop" is still mapped properly?03:41
jose__racines, let me know when you get Command (m for help)03:41
smwpavanai, why not click the button in the bottom left corner?03:42
cameron_when i have it hooked up, is there a command i can use to see if my computer actually recognizes it?03:42
linusasus6smw what do you mean oem03:42
racinesso I did "fdisk /dev/sdc" and then I typed "p" and it shows "/dev/sdc1"03:42
cameron_its through usb03:42
racinesso then I typed "d"03:42
cheni can't open youtubue03:42
racinesand now it says: "Selected partition 1"03:42
jose__racines good.03:42
jose__racines, now type as follows in this order:03:42
AurigaAnyone using Moblock?03:43
smwlinusasus6, original equipment manufacturers.03:43
pavanaithor:thnx for info let me chk it03:43
FezzlerAnything graphical on my system hangs for a few seconds.  I did have to re-install my desktop recently03:43
FezzlerSomething is wrong03:43
jose__n, p, 1, <enter>, <enter>, w, q03:43
smwlinusasus6, the companies that actually make the hardware03:43
linusasus6so theres no solution for hda intel conexan03:43
jose__n, and enter03:43
jose__then choose primary03:43
AurigaTrying to whitelist a port in moblock... How is it possible?03:43
[thor]pavanai: look for "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop"03:43
jose__racines good?03:43
racinestyped q03:43
racinesafter it said "Syncing disks" it quit by itself03:44
wolfjbtrojan_spike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmFb5N5G008 this is what I have03:44
jose__well, you should be good, go back to installer03:44
chattanWhere is the sourceslist menu in Ubuntu 10.10?03:44
jose__and let me know if you have any trouble03:44
chattanI cant find it in mianmenu03:44
racinesnow its just free space03:44
pavanaismw:bottom left?03:44
racineswait no03:44
racinesits the same03:44
KM0201chattan: right click the menu, edit menu, go to admin, and put a checkbox next to it.03:44
smwpavanai, yep03:44
racines"/dev/sdc1" and "free space"03:44
smwpavanai, there is a purple button03:45
chattanKM0201: thanks03:45
jose__you didn't put any values in right?03:45
[thor]smw: assuming that the panel is still there :D03:45
trojan_spikewolfjb, the 1 that i showed you.. is that the sort of interface u want?03:45
linusasus6Well Asus was very stupid to put an hda intel conexant soundcard on is laptop then if theres no solution03:45
racinesI just typed enter and enter again03:45
wolfjbtrojan_spike: something like that, yes, but with the current unity look - if that is possible03:46
pavanaismw:is that switch desktop03:46
craigbass1976smw, I just tried it.  When I typed bg %1 it just echoed out the command that was running.  I wanted to avoid the second terminal part.  What I'm setting up is an ubuntu server, and the guy using it will be accessing it via windows.  I'd like him to be able to putty in, fire up the player, and be able to close the terminal while the app continues to run.03:46
smwpavanai, that is your right03:46
chattanwhy is software sources menu hide?03:46
jose__racines http://pastebin.com/KwWLeEGk03:47
rwwchattan: because Ubuntu thinks it's a good idea to do all repository and package management through Software Centre03:47
linusasus6all this is because Microsoft want to be on every machine every developper, every company and dont want to give chance to Linux03:47
smwcraigbass1976, you did not tell me that!03:47
pavanaismw:then which one u mean?03:47
trojan_spikewolfjb, well its the unity thats holding u back from getting what u want.. >> terminal 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook'03:47
smwcraigbass1976, nohup vlc somthing.mp3 &> /dev/null &03:47
racinesnow on the insaller03:47
jose__racines, when you've done that press p03:47
craigbass1976smw, Sorry, you probably missed the first part03:47
wolfjbtrojan_spike: ok, I'll try that03:47
racinesinstaller*, it says: "/dev/sdc1" 8102MB03:48
trojan_spikewolfjb, tell me when its done03:48
racinesand theres no free space this time03:48
linusasus6Ubuntu and Debian = freedom Microsoft and apple = jail03:48
smwcraigbass1976, you never said that. You wanted to see the terminal again... not run after the terminal closes03:48
Sean93none of my drive auto mount, in /media/ i just have ".hal-mtab-lock". help me03:48
KM0201does anyone know wher echrome keeps its browser cache?03:48
chattanrww: thank , I C03:49
magicjoedow anyone know how to extract icons from an theme.index file or an icons.cache file?03:49
racinesis it supposed to be one partition? theres only one: "/dev/sdc1" 8102MB03:49
jose__racines okay good03:49
pavanaismw:do u know which one is mod4 key on keyboard?03:49
magicjoecorrection index.theme03:49
jose__yes, let's go with what other's said and not make swap03:49
racinesI cannot use the "Add" button but I can use the "Change" button03:49
smwpavanai, you are asking the wrong person03:49
racinesokay so03:49
jose__that's correct racines. Choose sdc103:49
racinesnow what, I just set the boot loader to sdc1?03:49
pavanai[thor]:thnx i got it03:49
craigbass1976smw, sorry, I thought being able to use the same terminal after running a command would amount to the same thing.  I also want to be able to fire up a browser remotely and then use the same terminal to get into mysql.  This should work for that as well.03:50
Sean93none of my drives auto mount, in /media/ i just have ".hal-mtab-lock". help me03:50
jose__choose sdc1, and click edit. Set the settings as follows03:50
pavanai[thor]:1 more doubt which 1 is the mod 4 key?03:50
jose__taken from someone else's guide by the way but it shows well03:51
[thor]pavanai: i think Mod4 is SUPER ( Windows logo key )03:51
jose__racines good?03:51
wolfjbtrojan_spike: that doesn't seem to have done anything03:51
craigbass1976smw, and it does!  Thanks03:51
smwcraigbass1976, np. :-)03:51
linusasus6I dunno why they kill John F Kennedy they should just destroy Microsoft  and Linux will be perfect with everything he need all the ressource he need03:51
magicjoeoh my god. i just want to use the icon for "computer" from the theme ubuntu-mono-dark but use a different icon theme. it looks like a computer with a purple desktop screen on it. kind of like the initial setup on OS X. anyone have this icon?03:51
racinesnow what about the boot loader03:51
racinesdo I set it to: "sdc1" or "sdc" ?03:51
Sean93doesn anyone know what .hal-mtab-lock is?03:51
pavanai[thor]:then wt abt SUPER_L03:51
pavanai[thor]:is that windows key?03:52
smwpavanai, super is windows key03:52
racinesgives me two options: "/dev/sdc PNY USB 2.0 FD (8.1GB" or "/dev/sdc1" for boot loader03:52
trojan_spikewolfjb, log out ,, then when at log in screen before password,, look at bottom at 'desktop environment' or something like that.. Choose netbook 2D ,, i think it is03:52
FloodBot1jose__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:52
pavanaiwt is this mod403:52
Sean93doesn anyone know what .hal-mtab-lock is?03:52
jose__racines, click install and you should be good03:53
racinesso sdc?03:53
linusasus6well thank have a good night long life to Ubuntu and Debian03:53
jose__yes, sdc03:53
FezzlerHow can I solve or trouble shoot this newly sluggish GUI03:54
Sean93none of my drives auto mount, in /media/ i just have ".hal-mtab-lock". help me03:54
jose__You should be good after the install is done03:54
wolfjbtrojan_spike: 'ubuntu netbook edition'  was selected already03:54
racinesSo does a full install run faster than a live usb?03:54
pavanaismw:i changd the key combo03:54
mitzedanyone can help me03:54
jose__just make sure to boot into the USB and not your hard drive when you turn the computer on03:54
racinesBecause the live takes literally like 4-5 minutes just to startup03:54
holoseenSean93, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/media-hal-mtab-and-media-hal-mtab-lock-617298/03:54
jose__racines, I don't know. Ive never used a live usb03:54
mitzed i need a  video converter for ubuntu03:54
smwpavanai, sweet, want to tech me?03:54
pavanai[thor]:i changed key combo its working now;)03:55
racineshow long does your USB full isntall take to startup on average?03:55
wolfjbtrojan_spike: ok, so I chose 'desktop' which at least puts the apps in the menus where I can find them03:55
smwpavanai, I need to learn this new "gui" thing :-)03:55
jose__I suppose it depends on the flash drive03:55
magicjoewolfjb: i sort of read what you want to do earlier.....just throwing it out there. but have you TRIED System>Preferences>MAIN MENU?03:55
jose__I'd say maybe 2 minutes03:55
[thor]pavanai: good to know!03:55
wolfjbmagicjoe: yes03:55
smwpavanai, teach03:55
trojan_spikewolfjb, take out unity then.. open synaptic ,, search 'unity' and uninstall03:55
jose__It works well enough for my purposes lol03:55
wolfjbmagicjoe: I enabled several menus which weren't enabled, but didn't see a change03:55
Shaba1Hello I am going to repeat my question. someone might have answered but I was afk03:55
microc0smi installed a .deb package called easy tether to use my phone for internet connection. i cant get it to work so i want to uninstall but dont know how...03:55
racinesAh well thanks for all the help :)03:55
Sean93holoseen, that didn't help at all03:55
pavanaismw:click system-->preferences-->keyboard shortcuts03:56
smwpavanai, thanks03:56
MrAnthropeIs there a hardware channel?03:56
jose__racines sure thing. Hope it all works good03:56
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:56
rwwMrAnthrope: ##hardware03:56
jose__if not guess I'll see you tomorrow on here :)03:56
Shaba1My install of wubi has something calle totem media player as the default video viewer. For some reason it does not play vids from the windows side with audio, but VLC does. How do I make VLC the default video player?03:56
microc0smubuntu software center doesnt show it as installed but when i ran the .deb file it seems to have installed through there03:56
magicjoewolfjb: some of the menus will stay hidden until you manually add programs into them. its not just going to sort out education programs for you once you enable the menu section.03:56
mitzedanyone knows a good video converter for ubuntu03:56
Sean93none of my drives auto mount, in /media/ i just have ".hal-mtab-lock". help me03:56
pavanaismw:do down u will find an entry hide all windows03:56
smwpavanai, thanks, I am good03:57
pavanaismw:change that shortcut key thats all:)03:57
wolfjbmagicjoe: I already installed educational apps, they show up in the desktop view, but not in the netbook view03:57
ubuntui will try debian03:57
microc0smi ran the file again and the only option throught the software center is to reinstall no remove options03:57
pavanaihow much time it will take to install ffmpeg?03:58
pavanaiam on it since 30 mins03:58
jose__pavanai not very long03:58
jose__I'm sure that's not normal03:58
Sean93none of my drives auto mount, in /media/ i just have ".hal-mtab-lock". help me03:58
pavanaijose_:nw its ok03:58
mitzedf*ck u03:58
Sean93I cant access any of my drives03:59
jose__Okay, gonna roll people03:59
jose__Kinda late here03:59
mitzedthis chanel sucks03:59
rwwmitzed: Watch the language, please.03:59
jose__mitzed, why's that?03:59
AurigaAnyone know anything about Moblock?03:59
smw!anyone | Auriga03:59
ubottuAuriga: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:59
mitzedi was asking  for something and03:59
mitzed none04:00
AurigaDoes that mean you know something about Moblock?04:00
Sean93mitzed, i have been here asking for an hour04:00
Fezzlermitzed Well, it is not like it used to be that is for sure04:00
smwAuriga, it means you should ask the question. I have never heard of it04:00
dio525ii'm trying to create a softlink directory from an external drive into a user directory that needs to be accessed from ftp when vsftpd is set to lock users into their homedir...is this possible?04:01
jose__Well, see ya peeps around. Good luck racines, hope I helped.04:01
AurigaTHen if you haven't heard of it... How can you help?04:01
Sean93none of my drives auto mount, in /media/ i just have ".hal-mtab-lock". help me04:01
holoseenSean93, maybe your automount is turned off. try this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB04:01
wyclifI use Pidgin for IM. Unfortunatly I've found it's impossible to delete saved "Away" messages. I had thought you could just hover over an Away mssg and press Delete to permanently delete them, but after quitting and starting again the mssgs are still there. What am I missing?04:01
smwAuriga, I am not sure I can, but someone else might. Ask the real question04:01
mitzed i need a video converter for  ubuntu04:02
mitzedi cant install avidemuxç04:02
twiztidsup gang... i needed help setting up a static ip address in mavrick... could anyone help?04:02
mitzedffmpg doesnt work04:02
emFolks this is a desperate issue -- I have Maverick here and I have an HP Pavilion dv6. Every time I close the lid for a little while I never get the display back. The only way is to turn it off and back on again.04:02
AurigaMitzed I was told that kdenlive has that capability, don't know if it's true though.04:02
mitzed arista trancoder doesnt work04:02
mitzed anything work04:02
FezzlerMy GUI seems to be sluggish.  Buttons don't respond immediately.  Happens in file browser, web browser, app switching - all things that worked well before04:03
KM0201Fezzler: do you have like 40 instances of gnome running again?04:03
smwFezzler, when was the last time you restarted?04:03
wyclifre: Pidgin. When I use the drop-down menu to open the "Saved statuses" panel I find it empty--even though the saved statuses are still in the away messages selection04:03
twiztidive gone through a few tutorials on setting up a static ip but afterwards... my connections icon is missing! and i have to retort the /etc/network/interfaces file back to default04:03
Sean93holoseen, my automount is on04:04
FezzlerKM0201> Never really figured out how to see if inappropriate apps of functions are running.  smw> recently04:04
wyclifAnyway, in Pidgin it seems quite impossible to delete saved Away messages permanently. Once you use one, you're stuck with it forever.04:04
KM0201Fezzler: wasn't it you that was getting a ton of something opening, and as stuttering your system the other day04:05
Fezzlersmw> only thing I know happened recently is my entire desktop got trashed and I had to reinstall it.  And I update my nvidia driver04:05
holoseenSean93, its odd because when I disabled my automount, usb devices would not mount. Enabling it meant they would mount.04:06
smwFezzler, that could cause it04:06
Fezzlersmw> ideas for remediation?04:06
smwFezzler, a problem with the nvidia driver could cause that.04:06
smwFezzler, downgrade?04:06
wyclifNobody here uses Pidgin?04:06
holoseenSean93, are you running maverick?04:07
twiztidi justwant to set up a static ip so when i tell windows WINS what ip will be connection to its shares... but each time i try to do it, after i restart, my connectios icon is gone and im forced to reload the default /etc/network/interfaces file and change back to dchp04:07
Sean93holoseen, yes04:07
KM0201wyclif: not for IRC...04:07
Fezzlersmw> nope, was having trouble getting compiz to work so I tried nvidia-common; then went back to nvidia-173 (recommended)04:07
holoseenSean93, just for grins, how long has it been installed?04:07
wyclifKM0201: no, for IM04:07
emi have that same problem ^04:08
twiztidwhat the easiest way of goin about setting up ubuntu 10.10 on a static ip address?04:08
KM0201wyclif: well it's a pretty straightforward program.. whats the problem?04:08
smwFezzler, maybe you have too much compiz stuff running04:08
KM0201twiztid: you need to do that through your router, has nothng to do w/ ubuntu...04:08
Sean93holoseen, im not sure, a few months?04:08
wyclifKM0201: I cannot delete any saved "Away" messages04:08
Fezzlersmw> you think uninstall and reinstall nvidia drivers04:08
twiztidKM0201: but wont that affect other users who have their pcs set to dhcp04:08
jasonoHey all.04:09
wyclifKM0201: I had thought you could hover over a particular saved Away message and press Delete, but when I restart Pidgin the old mssgs are still saved. Why?04:09
jasonoWho needed a converter for Ubuntu?04:09
jasonoDeVeDe is a really good one.04:09
mitzedthks auriga04:09
KM0201twiztid: no it doesn't.. you keep dhcp assigned.. then assign an IP to your router.. 99% of routers do this quite easily, i know netgear does04:09
AurigaThat program will help you, or you are checking it?04:09
AurigaWould be good to know if it really can...04:09
wyclifKM0201: Also, opening "Saved Statuses" shows an empty panel...even though the saved messages still appear in the app.04:10
KM0201wyclif: dunno... what version of pidgin are you using?04:10
wyclifKM0201: Pidgin 2.7.304:10
mitzedim  checking04:10
KM0201wyclif: dunno man04:10
MrKeunerhello, in Gnome, how is it possible to run a script upon: 1-screen lock?, 2-session logout?04:10
sync3timestwiztid, why not just go into network settings and set it for a static address?   Just make sure the ip address you choose is outside the dhcp range04:11
twiztidKM0201: assign an ip to my router? ive set up countless static ip addresses with windows but never had so much trouble before with ubuntu...04:11
holoseenSean93, heres a long shot, read this: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/fix-usb-devices-automount-not-working.html04:11
KM0201twiztid: i have no idea what you're trying to do... i static'd all my PC's in 2min from my router.. i'm not sure why you'd want to use the OS to do this.04:12
smwMrKeuner, youo may want to check #gnome04:12
twiztidsync3times: oh the static ip has to be OUT of dchps range?  i though all this time that a static ip was a stationary ip that resided within dchp's list?04:12
KM0201twiztid: what kind of router do you have?04:12
Fezzlersmw> are you saying I should downgrade the driver or try a new one?04:12
twiztidKM0201: linksys wrt54g04:12
Sean93holoseen, My automount only stopped working a few hours ago, it sounds like his never worked04:12
KM0201i'm sure there's a way to assign IP addresses.04:12
sync3timestwiztid, no, you can just -set- your ip address statically, but the router may assign another machine to that address unless you put your machine outside its range04:13
sync3timesKM0201, some people do not have admin access to their routers04:13
smwFezzler, truthfully, I have no idea. I would first disable compiz affects04:13
Sean93holoseen, just re-read it, i was wrong04:13
FezzlerOT: anyone know where I can go to get some basic tips on mIRC?  Switched from XChat and need some help04:13
smwFezzler, then try to switch to the driver I was using when it worked04:13
KM0201sync3times: i dunno, seem sstrnage to me.. a router assigns IP addresses... a PC doesn't tell the router what it wants... at least in my experience04:13
Fezzlersmw> Well, that was easy because I never got them going  :)04:13
holoseenSean93, were you messing with wireless drivers lately?04:14
icarus-cFezzler, isn't mirc a Windows only software04:14
Sean93holoseen, no, the only thing i did defferntly today was burn a disc using Imgburn in wine04:14
Fezzlericarus-c> Oh, is it?  I was looking for XChat options04:14
twiztidsync3times: gotcha... ok that makes some sense... ill look into it a little bit more... but ya, basiclly i would like to set up my ubuntu laptop to a static ip so when i tell windows netbios over tcp/ip what ip address will be connectiong to its shares.. hopefully solves my, "unable to mount location. failed to mount Windows share" error with samba... :(04:15
holoseenSean93, interesting. Have you tried logging on as another user?04:15
Sean93i don't have another user04:15
chris_osxFezzler: why do you come to #ubuntu to ask questions about windows software?04:15
Sean93holoseen,  i don't have another user04:15
chris_osxor do you run mirc on wine?04:16
sync3timesKM0201,  the router dhcp server is a service and is optional.   You can turn it off.    The router just passes packets.   Thats it.   I will admit that letting the router do it can be better in the case where the router does not provide dns forwarding.   and laptops almost always want to stay dhcp04:16
holoseenSean93, you can create another user easily. I am thinking that some permissions or other config got screwed up. Try another user.04:16
sync3timestwiztid, will your laptop be leaving the house?04:17
ShapeShifter499anyone know a good firewall for ubuntu?04:17
twiztidsync3times: maybe... and thats a big maybe in the event that i would like to teamview it04:17
twiztidsync3times: teamview to my pc that is04:17
Sean93holoseen, how do i add a user?04:17
sync3timestwiztid, dunno what teamview is.   Are you setting the wireless fixed or the wired or both04:18
twiztidsync3times: but otherwise no, all i want is to ba able to access my shared external harddrive that is connected to my XP machine from ubuntu by auto mounting it in fstab04:18
knoppiesI have a question about XBMC, when I play movies on it, the coloring is all wrong. A bit like one of the RGB colors is missing, and sometimes it comes back, but then another color drops out. I have fiddled with the settings, but cannot seem to fix it. I have a radeon HD5470 in a laptop. any ideas?04:18
smwShapeShifter499, for what purpose?04:18
holoseenSean93, goto System (at the top), then administration, then users and groups.04:19
ShapeShifter499smw, keeping my computer safe when running a irc server like ircd04:19
twiztidsync3times: teamview is a free remote desktop assistance viewer that works extreamly well for bing free04:19
smwShapeShifter499, a firewall will not keep your computer safe.04:19
mitzedin ubuntu is possible add the sources   of edubuntu  ? are the same or not? and how can i do it?04:19
=== bombshelter13b_ is now known as bombshelter13
ShapeShifter499smw, someone on ##linux suggested that04:20
sync3timestwiztid,   that should work without fixing the IP address by using netbios name resolution to find the machine.04:20
knoppiesmitzed, yes it is possible, I think they are in the default repository.04:20
=== bombshelter13 is now known as bombshelter13b
smwShapeShifter499, a firewall is not what you are looking for04:20
Fezzlerchris_osx> I didn't know it was just Windows platform.  Relax.  Why do you have osx in your handle in a ubuntu channel?04:20
ShapeShifter499smw  ok what ?>04:20
knoppiesmitzed, do you know how to use synaptic (in Gnome, Im not sure what the KDE version is called)04:20
smwShapeShifter499, a firewall really does not do much.04:20
steinerhow do i get my radeon x1300 xge card to work? i have to run in low resolution, it said no device detected. i replaced an nividia card but did not uninstall the prop drivers04:20
mitzedmm  yes04:20
smwShapeShifter499, you just don't need a firewall04:21
ShapeShifter499smw  ya but I don't want a hacker attack04:21
smwShapeShifter499, a firewall is for controlling access based on ports. That is not useful for much04:22
twiztidsync3times: so i should make sure netbios over tcp/ip is enabled but what do i put in WINS for ipadresses?  or is there a simpler way of automounting windows shares when ubuntu starts up? ive tried for days to mount this windows share but always get, "unable to mount location. failed to mount windows share"04:22
shawn146why don't i see "[[118640.111000]] sd 1:0:0:0: [[sda]] Attached SCSI removable disk" on the line of dmesg | tail04:22
knoppiesmitzed, if you search edubuntu in synaptic, I get a list of edubuntu packages. If you want all the packages that come from a standard edubuntu disk, then you can either use the disk as a repository, or you will have to find the packages.04:22
ShapeShifter499smw  what do you suggest than?04:22
[thor]ShapeShifter499: ufw comes stock ( use the command 'man ufw' on the CLI )04:22
ShapeShifter499[thor], is there a gui for that?04:23
mitzed i hve a cd of edubuntu 7.1004:23
mitzedi can use it04:23
smwShapeShifter499, secure your ircd right. That is the only way to stop a "hacker attack"04:23
sync3timestwiztid,  have you tried just using smbclient by the command line?   Does that work by name, or just by IP address?   Are you sure you are using the right name?04:23
[thor]ShapeShifter499: search the software center for "Firewall Configuration"04:23
chris_osxFezzler: i am totally relaxed. i was just curious why you come up with that question in #ubuntu. I have my nickname chris_osx for a long time now and some people know me. that's why i keep it04:23
smwShapeShifter499, make sure normal users can't do something stupid (or smart)04:23
[thor]ShapeShifter499: icon is a blue and silver shield04:23
FloodBot1Darkstarc4: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
knoppiesmitzed, yes.04:24
twiztidsync3times: eh, not sure.. but it works both name and ip as far as i know... what do you suggest?04:24
Darkstarc4oh god im scared of being muted04:24
sync3timestwiztid, if it works by name from the command line, then what are you putting in fstab?04:25
ShapeShifter499smw ok I'll have to google more on this04:25
twiztidsync3times: to automount on startup...04:25
twiztidsync3times: thats wat countless tutorials say to do04:25
sync3timestwiztid, ok,  if you type mount /your/path  does it mount?04:25
Darkstarc4Fuck you Tm_T04:25
OldBluechris_osx> we're cool.  tired of XChat and saw some good things about mIRC and thought it was multi-platform like XChat.  Just wanted to see if ubuntu crowd is using it04:26
judgepgOldBlue: check out irssi04:26
ShapeShifter499[thor], ok then thanks04:26
OldBluelove irssi - sings - just don't have time to tweak04:26
shawn146was that a ban?04:27
steinerhow do i get open source drivers for radeon x1300 graphics card?04:27
OldBluefind my self tweaking irssi all the time to see what it can do04:27
judgepgOldBlue: do you have something specific in mind?04:27
rww!modes > shawn14604:28
ubottushawn146, please see my private message04:28
OldBluei like irssi04:28
chris_osx!modes > chris_osx04:28
ubottuchris_osx, please see my private message04:28
Sean93(gedit:3964): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking IsSupported() failed for remote volume monitor with dbus name org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildSignaled: Process /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor received signal 604:29
twiztidsync3times: mount: can't find //xptwiztid/slave in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:29
sync3timestwiztid, no //   do you have an entry in fstab for the filesystem?04:29
deeeedI am trying to mount an hfsplus hd as rw but it doesn't work04:29
deeeedit's always mounted as read-only04:29
deeeedmount -t hfsplus -o rw,force /dev/sdb1 SAMSUNG/04:29
deeeedany idea why ?04:29
knoppiesdeeeed, try using sudo??04:30
twiztidsync3times: not anymore... i clean installed... to many changes04:30
shawn146do i ahve to use CFDisk for partitioning my 512 MB compact flash disk for jlime?04:30
deeeedknoppies, I do this as root...04:30
knoppiesdeeeed, Im not sure, let me man mount.04:31
sync3timestwiztid,  ok.   Frankly,  I would not do the fstab for a laptop.    I would concentrate on writing a little script that will reliably mount the drive.   And then make a button to run the script04:32
sync3timestwiztid, you dont want to get in a situation where you take the laptop on the road and have it hang trying to mount stuff that isnt there04:32
knoppiesdeeeed, if you try using the switch -w?04:32
twiztidsync3times: ya! true that... even on shutdown.... so how would i go about that? i cant even mount it in nautilus04:33
knoppiesdeeeed, Im not sure. Maybe it has something to do with permissions, like the directory tree structure has someone else set as its owner and you only have read-only permissions??04:33
shawn146how big should a swap partition be?04:33
shawn146for linux04:34
shawn146small linux04:34
deeeedI tried to changed the permissions etc... and mI am running as root04:34
deeeedroot@seyan:/media# mount -t hfsplus -o rw,user,auto,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,force /dev/sdb1 SAMSUNG/04:34
deeeedroot@seyan:/media# chmod +w SAMSUNG/04:34
deeeedchmod: changing permissions of `SAMSUNG/': Read-only file system04:34
rwwshawn146: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq goes over it04:34
deeeedit just doesn't take the rw04:34
intokWill Aquaria run on a GMA900? Running it, I get the loading screen, but it crashes out once fully loaded04:35
spartan7can the login screen for ubuntu NR 10.04 be changed?04:35
shawn146what about for JLime04:36
sync3timestwiztid,    can you   mount   -t   smbfs    //pcname/sharename    /mountpoint     and it work?04:36
shawn146adifferent distro04:36
knoppiesdeeeed, is it maybe a flash card with a 'read only' switch on it?04:36
deeeedknoppies, it's not04:36
krannx2spartan7 i have actually been trying to figure that out forever, which part are you trying to change?04:36
shawn146this distro is about 256 MEGS04:36
knoppiessparkie, Im not sure about the NR, but I downgraded gdm to 2.20 on 10.04, it gave me the old login screen.04:36
knoppiessorry sparkie, that was for spartan704:37
rwwshawn146: no idea, go ask them. This channel's for Ubuntu ;P04:37
knoppiesspartan7, read up.04:37
Shaba1My install of wubi has something calle totem media player as the default video viewer. For some reason it does not play vids from the windows side with audio, but VLC does. How do I make VLC the default video player?04:37
twiztidsync3times: mount error: could not resolve address for xptwiztid: No address associated with hostname04:37
intokWill Aquaria run on a GMA900? Running it, I get the loading screen, but it crashes out once fully loaded04:38
sync3timestwiztid,   does it work substituting ip address for the pcname?04:38
icarus-cShaba1, you may need to install certain gstreamer plugins for totem to play some video/audio format.  anyway, to make vlc as default play, you could  go System -> Preferences -> Preferred application -> Multimedia04:39
shawn146oh sorry04:39
shawn146found the channel04:39
mutebuntuwhat does /bin/sh: sudo: not found mean?04:39
twiztidsync3times: Unable to find suitable address.  ???04:39
sync3timestwiztid,    can you ping your xp machine?04:39
knoppiesShaba1, you could also change the default player of each audio/video format individually.04:40
knoppiesmutebuntu, if you just type in sudo echo "hello"?04:40
jjmwoodCan someone help me with a problem?04:41
Random832jjmwood: maybe. ask your question04:41
mitzedjjmwood , problem?04:41
mutebuntusame knoppies04:42
spartan7krannx2, the part where you choose user and enter password04:42
twiztidsync3times: host unreachable...   makes sense04:42
jjmwoodwell i used ubuntu before with Vista and didnt have a problem but now i have it with XP installed and it always freezes and the screene goes in a zig zag kinda way04:42
jjmwoodit happens randomly04:43
spartan7krannx2, have not found many articles on 10.04 or 10.10. I have on older version04:43
krannx2spartan7, http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-change-the-login-screen-of-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-2/04:43
knoppiesmutebuntu, it seems as though your sudo is either not where it should be, or not installed. Im not sure how to install it without sudo (unless you login with root, can you do that??) Are you running ubuntu?04:43
mitzedjjmwood yre using  dual boot04:43
mutebuntuknoppies, im stuck in initramfs04:43
mitzed or virtual machines04:43
ubuntunick omega04:43
krannx2spartan7: but if you want more custimazation then that i cant help you, as that is actually what im trying to figure out04:43
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mutebuntuand for some reason my usb drive installers wont work04:44
needlezmutebuntu: whats your issue??04:44
knoppiesmutebuntu, I dont know anything about that. Im sorry.04:44
jjmwoodmitzed: What?04:44
omegafdwhere can i get help with dmraid04:44
spartan7krannx2, im starting with this. thank you for the link04:44
needlezjjmwood: are you using VMware or virtualbox or is it a dual boot thats what he wants to kno04:44
=== AntiHope is now known as RedXIII
jjmwoodits dual booted with XP right now.04:45
knoppieskrannx2, spartan7. I downgraded gdm to version 2.20 using an old 9.10 repository with 10.04, I assume you can do the same with 10.10. I haven't tried yet. It seemed to work without any problems.04:45
steinerwhat do i do if the opensource radeon drivers do not work?04:45
mutebuntuthanks, knoppies. needlez, i cant boot into gui and im stuck in initranmfs console. ive tried a variety of methods to reinstall from a flash drive, but the computer freezes04:45
mitzedif you have windows xp installed on yre hd  or you are using a program like virtual vox to run xp04:45
krannx2thanks knoppies, ill try that04:45
jjmwoodits on my local Hard drive04:46
jjmwoodno Its dual booted with XP04:46
knoppieskrannx2, I hope it works and that it doesn't screw up your GDM, I do know that it tried to start gdm twice, so you have to remove one.04:47
spartan7knoppies, good idea thanks04:47
krannx2oh well that could be an issue haha04:47
knoppiesspartan7, my pleasure. It does try start GDM twice, so you have to remove one of the starting methods. I found out how to do that in a tutorial somewhere. If all else fails, try the ubuntu forums.04:47
jjmwoodit used to freeze on vista but i fixed it by putting the power Saver to Max04:48
mitzedjjmwodd maybe u hve  a damaged disk04:48
spartan7knoppies, will do. thanks04:48
jjmwoodno the Disk isnt dammaged04:48
majornikkuis there anyone available? i need some help with dmraid04:48
twiztidsync3times: so what should i do about host unreachable?04:49
glitfchdcan someone help me?04:50
jjmwoodin vista the GPU kept powering down or something and i fixed that but i dont know how to on ubuntu04:50
soreau! ask | glitfchd04:51
ubottuglitfchd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:51
glitfchdis there anyways to reinstall a kernel? i removed the wrong one and cant boot my system now..04:51
soreauglitfchd: If you can chroot into the file system from a live cd, it's possible04:52
glitfchdsoreau can u give me some instructions on how to do so?04:52
soreau! chroot | glitfchd04:52
ubottuglitfchd: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot04:52
mitzedjjmwood your freezes are in ubuntu?04:52
majornikkui need to edit partions on a raid (raid 0) in gparted but it only sees the disks, any ideas?04:53
glitfchdsoreau is there any instructions04:53
soreauglitfchd: Read what ubottu gave you04:54
needlezglitfchd?? is this glitchd:???04:54
intokWill Aquaria run on a GMA900? Running it, I get the loading screen, but it crashes out once fully loaded04:54
glitfchdneedlez yes it is me04:55
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glitfchdneedlez...lol i accidentially removed my active kernel and now cant boot my system04:55
Sunsp0tHey all, just installed Ubunty and am LOVING it.04:56
glitfchdouch, yes04:56
Sunsp0tWas an avid user of Sabayon, but I must say the cohesiveness of this distro is fantastic.04:56
glitfchdneedlez any clue how to reinstall a kernel to get a working system again?04:56
needlezglitfchd: yes i have an idea04:56
glitfchdneedlez i really dont want to reinstall the whole system and lose everything that ive done in there already04:57
soreauglitfchd: I told you. boot a live session and chroot into the file system04:57
sync3timestwiztid,  is your xp firewall on?04:57
needlezglitfchd: what you need to do is to hold shift when you restart your machine, then if you have any kernels startup in anyone of them and then reload up the kernel that you accidently deleted... then reboot and load into the new kernel04:57
TariQMowafyi need to format a hard disk running windows using ubuntu usb disk,,,any ideas???04:58
GneaTariQMowafy: just do it.04:58
TariQMowafyhow to?04:58
needlezglitfchd: however if you have no images when you restart and hold shift... im sorry to say it but you'll have to prolly do a fresh install04:58
Gnea!usb | TariQMowafy04:58
ubottuTariQMowafy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:58
glitfchdneedlez when grub comes up, i have burg ontop of it, i click the kernel thats listed and it does nothing at all04:59
TariQMowafyi need to format the hard disk it has a windows that wont work04:59
Gneaglitfchd: even if you have to reinstall, you can use the livecd to back /home up04:59
glitfchdneedlez so essentially i cant boot anything but windoes04:59
TariQMowafygive me ( no operating system failure04:59
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=== CripperZ-away is now known as CripperZ
needlezglitfchd: aww not good04:59
glitfchdneedlez no sir04:59
needlezglitfchd: let me check a few more things before i tell ya the bad news04:59
isaacxhello all04:59
twiztidsync3times: ya but i thought i gave it proper exceptions... guess not lol any way i can leave it on and still access the share?05:00
glitfchdneedlez...lol ok05:00
mutebuntuanyone know how to install ubuntu from grub05:00
isaacxis there a way to add shortcuts to URLS onto a plasma desktop with the icon from the website?05:00
EladI am trying to install a SSL cert and it is telling me that it is a self signed cert (when it is not) how do I go about troubleshooting where the problem is?05:00
sync3timestwiztid, I would try to get things working with it down, and then bring it back up.   that way you at least know what you are doing is not being affected by the firewall05:00
Gneamutebuntu: invalid operation.05:00
glitfchdmutebuntu, get unetbooting05:00
sync3timestwiztid, its behind the router firewall correct?05:01
Gneamutebuntu: grub is a bootloader, not an installer05:01
mutebuntuunetboot doesnt work for me.05:01
mutebuntui install it to a flash drive and it freezes05:01
mutebuntuduring boot05:02
glitfchdmutebuntu with unetbooting?05:02
Gneamutebuntu: can you see at what point it's freezing?05:02
jjmwoodcan anyone help me, Ubuntu keeps freezing05:02
mutebuntuso im trying to install from the original ubuntu install, which sticks at initramfs05:02
Gneajjmwood: you'll need to be more specific than just 'keeps freezing'05:02
isaacxany ideas about the icons? i looked all over google and found nothing05:02
mutebuntubut i cant seem to do anything in initramfs either...05:03
artgeneraGNea: true05:03
twiztidsync3times: um i dont believe so... is that enabled by default? i have a windows firewall...05:03
Gneamutebuntu: that, also, does not make any sense. initramfs is standard.05:03
jjmwoodthe screen goes in a zig zag kinda way and you have to restart it to use it. it happens randomly05:03
needlezglitfchd: from what i understand since you removed the image you have no way to get to linux or a linux terminal so you'll have to do a fresh install im so sorry man05:03
hblounthi. what is the string to make time display only hour and minutes? i cant get the seconds to go away05:04
Gneajjmwood: what method do you use to restart?05:04
twiztidsync3times: so i guess, both firewalls?05:04
mutebuntuGnea, standard? is there any way to reinstall ubuntu from a console?05:04
sync3timestwiztid, no, not both05:04
jjmwoodi hold the power button untill it turns off05:04
glitfchdneedlez theres no way to install a kernel from the install disc?05:04
Gneamutebuntu: you can't reinstall from within itself, if that's what you mean05:05
mutebuntuit is05:05
sync3timestwiztid,   I was just thinking if you have the router providing firewall on a small network, then you might be able to take down the windows one to get things going.05:05
TariQMowafyGnea, do i use gParted?05:05
jkochdoes anyone have a laptop with the intel 82845G intergrated graphics?05:05
GneaTariQMowafy: you could05:05
needlezglitfchd: you could essentially try that, but not sure how that would work, you'd prolly have to boot into livecd and then install the kernel and add it to the grub.conf file05:05
TariQMowafyGnea, ok05:05
twiztidsync3times: ok leave the router firewall alone and turn off windows's? ya ill try that... and report back shortly... thx bro05:05
needlezglitfchd: not sure how to do that tho05:05
venilsuryaDoes anyone here know how to add a page turning transition to an openoffice impress slideshow?05:06
twiztidsync3times: seems so minor to be able to access a shared network drive... idea: should i map it in windows?05:06
mutebuntuGnea,  since i cant seem to get it to boot from unetbooting, i figured id apt-get the install from within one of the consoles, but neither supports that it seems.05:06
Gneamutebuntu: I guess it depends on what's broken05:06
glitfchdneedlez....dam i dont want to reinstall..againnnnnn05:06
mutebuntuGnea, im making another boot disk for the fifth time :I05:06
hblounthi. what is the string to make time display only hour and minutes? i cant get the seconds to go away05:07
enplaswanNot directly ubuntu related, but is there anyway I can replace windows with linux on a tablet pc and have it work?05:07
sync3timestwiztid,  you should share the drive you want to share05:07
needlezglitfchd: i know what you mean, i may be doin a reinstall myself to possibly fix gnome-power-manager, ..lol don't think itll make difference for me....05:07
Gneamutebuntu: well, your vagueness tends to lend credibility to the possibility that you've either done this before with another distribution of linux, or you're just trying to pull at straws05:07
mutebuntuGnea, im being vague because i dont know what im looking for05:08
twiztidya i have it shared (simple file sharing off) and gave read/write permissions...05:08
jkochdoes anyone have intel intergrated graphics and have problems watching youtube videos in general and have video lag with any sort of normal process?05:08
twiztidsync3times: ya i have it shared (simple file sharing off) and gave read/write permissions...05:08
Gneamutebuntu: okay, that's helpful.  how long have you been using ubuntu?05:08
knoppiesenplaswan, I think so, but dont ask me. I remember seeing that touchscreen mutli touch is now stock with ubuntu. I can't remember where I saw it though.05:08
JoAnneThraxHi, everyone...how do I tell ubuntu to use ALSA instead of Pulse Audio?05:09
chris_osxjkoch: i don't have any problems with that05:09
needlezmutebuntu: if when your trying to install ubuntu if it hangs at initramfs then there is an issue with either the disk image you have or there is an issue with the image and the system specs you have... for instance my machine would load initramfs and hang there on 10.04 LTS and still does... had to get 10.1005:09
Error404NotFoundhow do i completely remove mysql server along with all its conf and data dir and reinstall?05:09
Gnea!pulseaudio | JoAnneThrax05:09
ubottuJoAnneThrax: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:09
indrajeethow to use crackair-ng?05:09
sync3timestwiztid, simple file shareing off....is that right?05:09
jkochchris_osx: did you have to do anything when you first installed?05:09
JoAnneThraxGnea: Thank you05:09
mutebuntuGnea, not long. a month on the desktop and a week on the netbook with problems05:09
GneaJoAnneThrax: should be something in /etc/default/pulseaudio05:09
chris_osxjkoch: no05:09
mutebuntuneedlez, ive tried both05:09
jkochchris_osx: laptop or desktop?05:10
twiztidsync3times: yup yup05:10
Gneamutebuntu: I see. on the netbook, are you using standard ubuntu or ubuntu remix?05:10
indrajeetplz help me how to use crackair-ng05:10
chris_osxjkoch: eeepc netbook05:10
oogaOk, having some dificulties here ... trying to boot kubuntu install and getting "Unable to find a meduum contaning a live file system" ... any help?05:10
enplaswanindrajeet, well I know there are tablet computers that come with linux already instlled, but I can get my hands on a decent one hardware wise with windows on it, and I don't want the windows part.05:10
jkochchris_osx: hmmm, do you think it could be that i have a celeron processor or only 1gb of ram?05:10
mutebuntuGnea, i was using standard after switching from remix. it worked for a week.05:10
chris_osxjkoch: which is a pineview n450 atom05:10
chris_osxjkoch: no05:11
needlezmutebuntu: what kind of computer specs and all, maybe something like with mine, acpi had issues and couldnt load up, you might try turning of acpi when loading up the disc or turning of modeset... not too sure05:11
Eladanyone have any advice on troubleshooting a SSL cert that is saying it is self signed, when I have an intermediate cert from Verisign?05:11
indrajeetenplaswan:i am not using windows i am ubuntu user05:11
Gneamutebuntu: I recommend going back to remix and using 10.0405:11
Gneamutebuntu: that's what I use on my eeepc and it's rock solid05:11
jkochchris_osx: well if you did have some video lag, what would you try doing to fix it? i tried installing the drivers but they are already installed and i've reinstalled and rebooted 30 times05:11
glitfchdneedlez any clue where i can look for some information on this?05:12
mutebuntuneedlez, theres no option for that in eeepc bios. Gnea, i would if unetboot didnt hang on boot each time.05:12
chris_osxjkoch: what kind of celeron is that? is it a newer model or very old?05:12
needlezmutebuntu: its not in the bios05:12
Gneamutebuntu: tried usb-creator?05:13
needlezmutebuntu: its on the disk when you choose to boot from the disk, press F6 i think and it should be in there05:13
aviscomcast and fedora are in bed with each other.  the moment selinux permissions moved to permissive, 4 patched rpms came rushing down my system update.  i'm back for good now after that, with at&t and ubuntu05:13
glitfchdneedlez, screw it, im just gonna wipe it and reinstall05:13
glitfchdneedlez, dammit.05:13
glitfchdneedlez i hate reinstalling05:13
needlezglitfchd: sorry man05:13
Gneamutebuntu: unetbootin can be hokey at times, usb-creator can work in some cases05:13
karma_policehow do i set folder permissions on an external ntfs hdd?05:14
avisthat would not happen under at&t05:14
glitfchdneedlez not your fault but thx05:14
Gneaglitfchd: do you have a usb pendrive or something?05:14
jkochchris_osx: i'm not sure exactly how old it is, but it's one of those silver and blue dell inspiron 1100's. i just got it for $40 from someone of craigslist. the display was great on xp but i need ubuntu :)05:14
glitfchdGnea yes i have a 8 gig, y?05:14
mutebuntugnea yes :( same result. needlez, i didnt know that, but it says it cant find root during boot and reverts to an initramfs console05:14
Gneaglitfchd: you ought to be able to back stuff in your /home up on there before reinstalling05:14
chris_osxjkoch: have you got flash plugin installed?05:14
soreauglitfchd: Why don't you just chroot into the filesystem?05:15
jkochchris_osx:  doesn't it come preinstalled with chrome?05:15
glitfchdsoreau how is that going to allow me to reinstall a kernel?05:15
chris_osxjkoch: if not, then that flash replacement is probably the problem05:15
Gneamutebuntu: who makes your usb stick?05:15
chris_osxjkoch: no05:15
glitfchdsoreau and i dont know how to use chroot05:15
glitfchdsoreau i dont understand the guide05:15
chris_osxjkoch: install flash plugin05:15
chris_osxjkoch: then it should work smoothly05:15
needlezmutebuntu: that sounds like the image you got is bad, where did you get the image?? is the 32bit or 64 bit and is it orginal or alternative image??05:15
soreauglitfchd: You will be running the kernel from the live cd and you can chroot into the filesystem on disk to reinstall the kernel05:16
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jkochchris_osx: but either way, even this irc is laggy and opening up a window. its obvious video lag at all times05:16
intokWill Aquaria run on a GMA900? Running it, I get the loading screen, but it crashes out once fully loaded05:16
soreauglitfchd: I will give you a simple example of how to use it05:16
glitfchdsoreau pm me05:16
=== Lint01 is now known as feanor2
mutebuntuGnea, its a few. the first was a pny, the second a sd card adapter. ive downloaded varying versions today and put them on both to verify it wasnt an image problem.05:16
chris_osxjkoch: strange05:16
feanor2is there a keyboard editor for Linux in ubntu?05:16
mutebuntuneedlez, above05:16
Gneamutebuntu: ah, pny tends to give me various issues, always had good luck with sandisk05:17
jkochchris_osx: yeah :/ my old laptop had no problem with ubuntu05:17
jkochchris_osx: "Your Google Chrome browser already includes Adobe® Flash® Player built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available."05:17
mutebuntuGnea, indeed, the second is a sandisk05:17
Gneamutebuntu: I'd stick with that one then if you can05:18
racinesAnyone know why my Ubuntu installation will not boot? It has been stuck on: "_" and its just blinking05:18
racinesThen after a while the screen will go black05:18
needlezmutebuntu: is this a netbook or laptop???  cuz what im thinking you should put it to cd and check it ... or go into bios and check the usb default setup... is it on legacy or what??05:18
racinesI just installed it onto a USB, did not use a swap partition though. Not sure why it won't boot05:18
jkochracines: check your bios and make sure it has boot from usb as the first option?05:18
racinesWell it listed all of the Linux options05:19
racinesUbuntu Linux options*05:19
racinesie: recovery mode and stuff05:19
mutebuntuneedlez, eeepc is a netbook, so no cd drive.  also, f6 at boot puts me back in initramfs console05:19
chris_osxjkoch: which resolution do you have? 1024*768?05:19
MrGoodkati'm on 10.10 and just installed my hp photosmart plus 210b via wifi, i used hplip 3.10.9, scanner works fine and all printer settings are reported correctly, but printing ONE test page prints 4 pages full with garbled numbers05:19
MrGoodkatthe header of the first page says: This file was created by pdftopdf05:20
Gneamutebuntu: just an FYI, this is what I use: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820171466&cm_re=sandisk_flash_drive-_-20-171-466-_-Product05:20
racinesIt is running the USB because my HDD has Kubuntu05:20
racinesMy USB has Ubuntu05:20
jkochchris_osx: yes, it won't let me change anything05:20
racinesHowever when I boot into Ubuntu........the screen just goes black05:20
mitzedracines this hapened me  i solved it disconecting   my pci devices05:20
racineshow do I do that?05:20
karma_policei'm trying to share my usb hdd over a windows network.. i am using samba.. windows can see the shares but cannot access them..05:20
racinesis it done through the BIOS?05:21
mitzeddisconnect your pci devices from your case05:21
racinesUh its a netbook05:21
racinesyou used a USB installer?05:21
racinesI mean05:21
Gneakarma_police: then you need to tell samba to allow it to be accessed05:21
racinesyou installed Ubuntu onto your USB? full install?05:21
mitzedi use a full installation of ubuntu 10.1005:22
karma_policewhat command does that? i tried to change folder access permissions and it won't let me05:22
=== AntiHope is now known as RedXIII
Gneakarma_police: what did you use to try to change folder access?05:22
hdonhi all :) what's a good way to rotate/flip a PDF?05:23
hdon(or perhaps rotate/flip a window?!)05:23
karma_policeright clicked.. properties.. permissions.. folder access05:23
Gneakarma_police: in windows or ubuntu?05:24
karma_policewould this line work? sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remount,uid=$UID /media/Guts1.505:24
karma_policei am trying to share across network to windows clients05:24
Gneakarma_police: that should work as long as $UID is set correctly05:24
Gneakarma_police: well, you need to configure samba, that can be done by using swat05:24
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:24
Gneakarma_police: simply right-clicking on a folder in ubuntu doesn't afford the same level of ease that doing so in windows does05:25
karma_policei see that.. i'm a noob still.. loving linux tho05:26
Error404NotFoundany ideas on whats going wrong here: http://pastebin.com/DmsMrwFQ05:26
Gneakarma_police: awesome, everyone's a noob at some point05:26
franciscosome software to reppair dead pixels????05:29
mitzedanyone could run  cs on ubuntu05:29
smwmitzed, what is cs?05:29
icarus-cfrancisco, dead pixel as in monitor?05:29
franciscomitzed use wine05:29
JoAnneThraxGnea: I removed pulse audio, but none of my sound is working.  Do you know what file I need to edit to get ALSA running as the default again?05:30
franciscodead pixel in monitor05:30
icarus-cfrancisco, isn't dead pixel are damaged hardware05:30
racinesAnyone know why my Ubuntu full install on my USB fails to load?05:30
architech_So I'm dual booting with Windows 7 and Ubuntu and decided I wanted to remove the Ubuntu partition so I booted up in Windows and then used the partition tool to delete ubuntu's partition, and so on and so forth. now when I boot up it loads into grub rescue mode.. saying it cannot find the partition, how do I fix this?05:30
racinesIt gives me a list of methods for load ubuntu ie: normal, recovery, how ever when I load it the screen just goes black05:30
franciscobut i read that software must help05:30
racinesgives me a blinking "_" for a minute or so and then it goes blank05:30
racinesnothing happens after that05:30
mitzedwith  wine  runs too slow05:31
icarus-carchitech_, use your Windows rescue disk and fixboot or whatever. that's windows matter05:31
GneaJoAnneThrax: you should be able to access the sound settings from the system menu05:31
architech_Any other ways.. I kinda don't have the DVD.05:31
karma_policei'm lost.. i'm trying to change folder permissions on a usb hdd with ntfs in order to share with windows clients over network.. i can see the shares on the windows computers however cannot access them...05:31
icarus-carchitech_, the reason for this is simple. your computer has been using Ubuntu Linux's boot loader called grub. and grub needs files that are stored on Ubuntu's partition to work, and you have deleted them05:32
JoAnneThraxGnea: I don't have a system menu; I'm using WIndowMaker as my window manager.05:32
architech_icarus-c: yeah I understand that, but even when I try and reinstall ubuntu it says BOOTMGR missing..05:32
JoAnneThraxGnea: It was booting into the Gnome version that, apparently, put pulse-audio in charge...05:32
icarus-carchitech_, i'm afraid you have to consult Windows users in order to recover WIndows boot loader05:32
icarus-carchitech_, alternatively you could make a partition for grub and make grub work again. your choice05:33
architech_I will go for that option, how to do that?05:33
feanor2is there a keyboard editor for Linux?05:33
franciscoarchitect save ur data in a external hd05:33
franciscoand format05:33
franciscoit's easier05:33
architech_francisco: i cba taking the drive out and plugging it into another computer =x05:34
steinerhow do i get 3d acceleration?05:34
architech_steiner: by installing your graphic drivers.05:34
franciscosteiner u must install restricetd drivers05:34
icarus-carchitech_, that won't be easy but.05:34
francisconvidia or whatever05:34
racineswhy does my ubuntu isntallation fail to load? I installed it onto a USB full install. gives me the boot options ie: normal, recovery but after I boot normally it gives me a blinking "_" for a minute or so and then the screen just goes black and nothing happens.05:34
steinerarchitech_i cant their legacy and not supported05:35
franciscosteiner click on apps>system05:35
franciscoracines usbs aren't for install os05:35
franciscoit may broken05:35
steinerits a radeo x1300 if that helps05:35
icarus-csteiner, what hardware you got.  often the more legacy the hardware, the more it is supported on linux05:35
glassresistoranyone know how to upgrade an ipod touches firmware from 10.10?05:36
nit-witarchitech_, would you like a recovery cd link and the command to reinstall the windows bootloader, Vista or W705:36
icarus-csteiner, do you have ubuntu installed already?05:36
steinerradeon x1300*05:36
icarus-csteiner, and running?05:36
glassresistori only want to upgrade to the version that is hackable though05:36
architech_nit-wit: recovery usb if possible and windows 705:36
icarus-csteiner, issue the command "glxinfo|grep render" and what are the outputs05:36
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JoAnneThraxGnea: no ideas then?05:37
archihi..my laptop screen brightness cant adujustable using given fuction keys????05:37
franciscoglassresistor don't u need itunes or something like that?05:37
archihi..my laptop screen brightness cant adujustable using given fuction keys???? plz help.....05:37
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glassresistorfrancisco: maybe i don't know05:37
franciscoyes it can05:37
franciscothen searcha t google05:37
franciscoif u need itunes 2 options05:38
steinerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:38
steinerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:38
steinerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:38
steinerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:38
steinerXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:38
FloodBot1steiner: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:38
franciscointall it with wine05:38
franciscoor install it ina orachle virtual box05:38
glassresistorfrancisco: i was hoping some diligent hacker wrote a script to image the drive or something for all of us05:38
mitzedglassresistor ipod touch firmware 10.1005:38
glassresistormitzed: yes05:38
nit-witarchitech_ if you have Ubuntu on a thimb there is a bootloader that will work but the stock MS needs a cd05:38
glassresistorfrancisco: i don't think the usb will work though wine05:39
oogaOk, I'm having no luck here ... trying to boot kubuntu install and getting "Unable to find a meduum contaning a live file system" ... any help?05:39
mitzed1g 2g 3g or 4g05:39
glassresistormitzed: 32g05:39
architech_nit-wit: see i just wanted to reinstall ubuntu you see, so I've put on ubuntu 10.10 to a USB with UNETBOOT but everytime i boot into it, it gives me a BOOTMGR error, let me try again because I removed 2 drives.05:39
glassresistormitzed: oh opps 4g i think its the one b4 retina05:39
ArseneReiDoes anyone know what aum is? Someone mentioned it as an alternative to ivman for hal event handling, but I can't find any information about it.05:39
mitzedwhat generation?05:40
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lpuljicguys does anyone know here how toinstall ubuntu under a LVM ie all pratitions in one volume group05:40
franciscoi remember a video when an user in youtube erases ubuntu05:40
franciscoand boot05:40
karma_policehow do i share files and folders on an ntfs usb hard drive.. i am wanting to share with windoze clients05:40
knoppies_feanor2, xmodmap? what do you mean by keyboard editor?05:40
shawn146help i have a program using the wine program loader that won't close05:40
glassresistormitzed: the firmware virsion that came with it is 3.1.305:40
shawn146how do i kill it in ubuntu05:40
mitzedglasoglassressitor   you need do it in windows05:40
feanor2knoppies_, xmodmap is too primitive05:41
Jordan_Uarchitech_: If you're getting BOOTMGR errors then your BIOS is *not* booting from the USB unetbootin installed to.05:41
glassresistormitzed: model mc008ll05:41
racineswell it finally loaded on my USB full install of ubuntu05:41
racineshow ever it took a LONG time to load.05:41
franciscoclick on apps>system>sysmonitor05:41
franciscothne kill app05:41
steiner2icarus-c: i got kicked off for pasting that05:41
knoppies_feanor2, system->preferences->keyboard not what you are looking for? what do you mean by keyboard editor?05:42
shawn146just shows the processes05:42
shawn146not tasks like in windows05:42
jessica_So, I am having an issue with my cursor ocasionally skipping around as I type... any suggestions?05:42
lpuljicguys does anyone know here how toinstall ubuntu under a LVM ie all pratitions in one volume group05:42
feanor2knoppies_, tool for creating or modifying keyboard layouts05:42
nit-witarchitech_, you need the per session boot to boot the thumb maybe, mne is f12 yours could be any f key or esc05:42
glassresistori also want to control the version of the update so that i can jailbreak it again05:42
Jordan_Ulpuljic: You would need to use the alternate install CD to accomplish that.05:43
glassresistorill try itunes in wine05:43
knoppies_feanor2, I know you can change them using the default preferences->keyboard. Creating them i think you might need to edit a few files yourself (or find a program)05:43
Jordan_U!alternate | lpuljic05:43
ubottulpuljic: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal05:43
lpuljicJordan_U: can u plz explain05:43
lpuljicubottu:  thanks going there now05:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:43
archihi..my laptop screen brightness cant adujustable using given fuction keys???? plz help.....05:43
archihi..my laptop screen brightness cant adujustable using given fuction keys???? plz help.....05:43
archihi..my laptop screen brightness cant adujustable using given fuction keys???? plz help.....05:43
feanor2and wtf I'm trying to do now?05:43
FloodBot1archi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
mitzeditunes  whit wine doesnt work  fine05:43
lpuljicJordan_U:  thanks for ur reply05:44
Jordan_Ulpuljic: You're welcome.05:44
franciscothen use bright applet05:44
karma_policehow do i open me /etc/samba/smb.conf to rdit?05:44
franciscoright click on panel05:44
franciscothen search bright appelt05:44
steiner2how do i enable 3d acceleration with radeon x1300 graphcis card?05:45
Gnea!caps | archi05:45
ubottuarchi: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:45
nit-witarchi, are you using a monitor or is it a laptop05:45
r00t4rd3dAnyone ever use a ide only motherboard with a ide to sata hard drive adapter ? Fun.05:45
Jordan_Uarchi: Repeating your question, using all caps, or other annoying tactics will not get you helped sooner.05:45
marcelinsalut a tous05:46
Gnea!in | archi05:46
ubottuarchi: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India05:46
archiTHANX UBOTTU05:46
rwwarchi: I recommend you disengage your capslock key.05:47
lpuljicJordan_U: just to make sure do i need to downlaod the ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent or can i get any of those fromt he list05:47
Gneaarchi: yelling will only result in your removal.05:47
francisco<steiner2> c lick on apps>system>drivers05:48
franciscoit must show u privative drivers05:48
franciscojust install it ur dirvers05:48
steiner2francisco: im using the open source ones, the propreietery dont work05:49
lpuljicJordan_U: just to make sure do i need to downlaod the ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent or can i get any of those fromt he list05:49
feanor2is there a keyboard layout editor utility for Linux?05:49
franciscosteiner2 if ur drivers aren't available then u must think on switch to windows05:50
Jordan_Ulpuljic: Any of the links containing the word "alternate".05:50
steiner2francisco: id rather not do that. i can use it but not compiz or any desktop effects05:51
Gnea!keyboard | feanor205:51
ubottufeanor2: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html | See also !Shortcuts05:51
lpuljicthanks lucky i asked weird server is not there05:51
franciscosteiner have u installed compiz-core05:52
franciscocompiz settings manager?05:52
feanor2EDITOR you clown05:52
steiner2francisco: yes, the last one05:52
* Gnea looks sternly at feanor2 05:52
steiner2also, docky doesnt work right05:52
steiner2it says i need compostiting05:53
franciscocan u give a screencap on ur desktop?05:53
franciscoand ur dirvers05:53
soreausteiner2: Your card should have been working already.. can you show the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?05:53
Jordan_U!attitude | feanor205:53
ubottufeanor2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:53
Gneafeanor2: feel free to utilize google.com05:53
* feanor2 thinks some people here need improve reading comprehension05:53
Gneafeanor2: ubuntuforums.org too05:53
archi_INDim very sorry for my behavior05:54
franciscosteiner2 are u usign ubuntu 10.10?05:54
Gneafeanor2: you're entitled to your own opinion, even if it's wrong05:54
treyk41I need to use my CD drive with WINE. To do this I have to specify the mount point of CD's05:54
steiner2soreau: it says Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"05:55
treyk41however ubuntu doesn't have a standard mount point05:55
steiner2and also Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig05:55
treyk41is there any way that I could set up a single mount point?05:55
soreausteiner2: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to ubuntu.pastebin.com?05:55
krannx2on ubuntu 10.10 if you try to downgrade to gdm2.20 how do you prevent 2 gdms from opening on reboot?05:56
lpuljicJordan_U: is there a guid on how to set it up unver volume group i am googling but cant seem to find much05:56
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Gneakrannx2: there should only be one05:56
franciscothats why i preffer to wait till 10.10 becomes lts05:56
francisco10.04 works prety fine05:57
Gneafrancisco: it never will, 10.04 is LTS for the next few years05:57
steiner2soreau: i think i did what you asked...05:57
soreausteiner2: Post the link it gives you back here05:57
lpuljicJordan_U: is there a guid on how to set it up unver volume group i am googling but cant seem to find much05:58
steiner2soreau: this? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/vi2mHbvi05:58
Jordan_Ulpuljic: I saw your question the first time, no need to repeat.05:59
franciscowich distro is the optimal for this laptop? amd semprom 3600* 1 gb ram?05:59
krannx2Gnea: the how to guides i found seem to suggest two would open up, if they do would my computer just freak out? be in commandline only? how doomed would i be?05:59
jennahey guys, im havng some trouble downloading and burnng the ubuntu iso.  i download it and the iso i get is only 24MB and the md5 doesnt match05:59
lpuljicsorry Jordan_U i just saw so much stuff go pass05:59
soreausteiner2: Looks like you have installed the proprietary nvidia glx module.05:59
lpuljicso i though u might of not seen it05:59
jennawhen i burn it, the resulting dics doesnt boot05:59
soreausteiner2: Get rid of any nvidia or flgrx packages, remove xorg.conf and reboot05:59
Jordan_Ulpuljic: I don't know of one. Last time I tried I didn't have too much difficulty though. Will you be able to be on IRC while you're installing?06:00
steiner2soreau: yea i upgraded from a nvidia card to a better ati card06:00
steiner2i thought i removed everything06:00
mitzedjenna use  a download manager06:00
Gneakrannx2: if two open up, it won't be the end of the world - one will likely sit on tty7 while the other on tty8. From there, it's simply a matter of disabling the service that you don't want running permanently06:00
jkochhow do i change to the vesa video driver?06:00
lpuljicyeah i think i can use my laptop while i do that, do u mind if i pm u when i am ready to install it06:00
soreausteiner2: Well you still have the nvidia glx module installed. Double check and reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx if necessary06:00
steiner2soreau: whats the best way to remove those packages?06:01
Gneajenna: it should be much larger than 24MB. what url did you download from?06:01
soreausteiner2: Check the output of 'dpkg -l|egrep "nvidia|fglrx"'06:01
jennathe big orange donwload button on the ubuntu homepage is where i got it from06:01
jennaive tried Dlng it 2 times and get the same file both times06:02
jennaim trying the torrent now06:02
glitchdsoreau, hey im on the live cd now06:02
jkochhow do i switch to the vesa driver for video?06:02
soreauglitchd: Cool06:02
krannx2Gnea: thank you so much! With that vote of confidence I'm off to try it!06:02
Gneajenna: okay, the torrents usually download faster so you should have better luck with it06:02
mitzedjenna  use a download manager like internet download manager06:02
Gneakrannx2: good luck06:02
steiner2soreau: what am i looking for? last time i psated something i got kicked off06:02
jessica_Hey all, I am having an issue. Ubuntu 10.10 thinks that my trackpad is a mouse... which would not be so bad, but it interprets any slight touch of the trackpad as a click. This is unbearable when trying to type. Any suggestions?06:03
soreausteiner2: Don't post here, that's what ubuntu.pastebin.com is for06:03
jkochhow do i switch to the vesa driver for video?06:03
Jordan_U!pastebin | steiner206:03
ubottusteiner2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:03
soreausteiner2: Just try removing any installed packages and reinstalling libgl1-mesa-glx and -dri06:03
Gneajessica_: well, the trackpad *is* a mouse, and it's possible that the synaptics driver isn't configured properly06:04
nit-witjessica_, mne gets turned on and off with fn+f706:04
EladI made some headway on the SSL issue but now I am stuck on another part - if I have 2 intermediate certs, how do I setup the apache config for that? I am only use to having one06:04
Gnea!synaptics | jessica_06:04
ubottujessica_: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad06:04
jessica_Right, I know that the drivers are not working... and I can't seem to get them working.06:04
Gneajessica_: check that guide out06:05
steiner2soreau: should i remove them with the software center or something else?06:05
soreausteiner2: If any proprietary driver is installed, remove it06:05
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steiner2soreau: hardware drivers says that none are in use on this system06:06
soreausteiner2: That doesn't mean anything06:06
soreausteiner2: They can be installed and not in use06:06
BenwackiTrying to boot a fresh install of ubuntu 10.10 off the second partition of an external hard drive. When I load the device it says "error: unknown filesystem." the puts me at grub rescue> Is there a way I can tell it to boot to that partition from this menu?06:07
jessica_So, I am getting my trackpad as PS/2 Generic Mouse06:07
brett__Its a synaptics touchpad for sure?06:07
steiner2soreau: so what the best way to get rid of it?06:07
jessica_No, I am not sure that it is a synaptics touch pad.06:07
brett__I have a sentelic pad, why i asked, synaptics drivers don't work.06:08
Jordan_UBenwacki: Likely yes, but it depends on why you recieved that error.06:08
BenwackiI know the error is because the first partition is in WBFS, I have it that way to play backed up wii games.06:08
jessica_Right, well, I am running an acer MS229806:08
Gneajessica_: did you try following the mouse settings to disable mouse clicks on that page?06:08
brett__Have you looked in your /var/log/dmesg to find out what its detecting as?06:08
brett__in terminal you might try cat var/log/dmesg | grep input06:09
Jordan_UBenwacki: Did you try to install grub's boot sector to the partition rather than the mbr?06:09
BenwackiUgh...I think I did.06:09
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
jessica_Yeah... I've got no dmesg file06:10
jef91My hard drive space on my root+home partition suddenly went from 10gb free to full without installing anything. Any idea how I can track down what caused my space to all vanish?06:10
brett__I meant "/var/log/dmesg" not "var/log/dmesg"06:10
* Gnea throws his hands up into the air06:10
brett__My mistake :)06:10
Jordan_UBenwacki: You should always install grub to the mbr.06:10
brett__Var from root dir, not from home dri.06:10
jessica_oh... duh... no.. I should know better...06:10
franciscojenna it must be ur conecction06:10
secretary_linuxjef91: you can narrow it down with du -sh /path06:11
BenwackiI didnt see any options for installing grub during the install of it06:11
BenwackiIt wouldve happened while choosing where it installed to, eh?06:11
Jordan_UBenwacki: The shell you're getting is from a previous grub install which is still in the mbr (and embedded area) since it wasn't replaced by the newer grub install.06:11
steiner2soreau: i think i found how to in synaptic06:11
Gneabrett__: the url I provided details a very simple method to fix the problem that she's having06:11
brett__Great.  I hope it works.06:11
jessica_Yeah... I get PS/2 Generic mouse as /devices/platform/i8042 etc...06:11
soreausteiner2: After you fix it, you can install mesa experimental and xorg-edgers to get the latest open drivers with better 3D support with gallium06:12
Gneajessica_: I'll just say it once, since you obviously didn't even bother reading it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#Disabling Touchpad while Typing06:12
Jordan_UBenwacki: If you didn't change any options related to grub then Ubuntu's installer would have installed to the mbr, so that's probably not the problem you're having.06:12
brett__My sentelic touchpad has flags in /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/flags06:12
brett__That can be used to alter its behavior.06:12
Jordan_UBenwacki: Can you boot from a LiveCD?06:13
jessica_Gnea... you are not listening... that is not the problem... I can disable the trackpad while typing all I want, but that is not going to fix the driver issue.06:13
brett__I'm guessing that since it sregistering for you as an i8042 device that it might be a sentelic touchpad too.06:13
BenwackiJordan_U: Yes06:13
jessica_Thanks, brett.06:13
=== Know1edge is now known as Know1edge_
brett__Well, don't thank me.  That's not good news!  :)06:14
brett__your welcome though.06:14
brett__It's alright to thank me anyway.06:14
Jordan_UBenwacki: Please do, then run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt.06:14
jessica_Yeah... no drivers available for ubuntu?06:14
brett__Uhh, here's a bug report URL about sentelic touchpad specifically:06:14
Gneajessica_: I'm not? Funny, you mentioned that it's annoying that when you tap the touchpad, it acts like a mouse click.06:14
brett__Well, drivers available.06:14
brett__actaully drivers available in the kernel.06:14
brett__Here's the URL:06:14
brett__there's a lot of stuff in that one, and it's messy!06:15
Gneajessica_: and if you did try setting that and nothing happened, you didn't mention it.06:15
Flavius_Julius_JMy touch pad is like that in compaq presario 2100 I just avoid tapping or bumping it I maintain contact until its time to not make contact.06:15
brett__I turn mine off and use a mouse.06:16
brett__That's my solution Jessica_  -- But that bug report might help you find another one for you.06:16
Flavius_Julius_Jwas like that under debian etch and ubuntu lucid.06:16
jessica_Okay, brett, I am installing the package as we speak.06:17
brett__Well I dunno about that -- You might try this in your terminal without a package.06:17
brett__Because I never quite got the FSPC thing working right.06:17
brett__I just added echo -n kbxyac > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/flags06:17
brett__That turns it off.06:18
brett__I just added echo -n kbxyaC > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/flags06:18
brett__turns it on.06:18
franciscohe guys, in ur opinion what is the best extension to package data?06:18
franciscorara, .tar.bz2; .tar.gz?06:18
brett__you can probably get by easier with a script set to a hot-key that uses those flags rather than the FSPC06:19
brett__when i tried working the FSPC package I was on 9.10 which was . . karmic koala I think?  Didn't have kernel drivers then.06:19
jessica_Okay... well, I will reboot and see what we've got.06:19
brett__Either way, check the entire bug out for all the info.06:19
Flavius_Julius_Jyou get the best compression with tar.7z or tar. lzma06:20
francisco<Flavius_Julius_J> better than rar?06:21
franciscoi will try it06:22
Flavius_Julius_Jnot sure about rar compression although it will let you break up files.06:22
BenwackiJordan_U: It's saying No such file or directory when I type  bash ~/Downloads/boot_info_script*.sh06:23
Jordan_UBenwacki: If it's an old Ubuntu CD it may be ~/Desktop/boot_info_script*.sh.06:23
Billgates425i also cant unrar files  with .part1, ... extension06:23
BenwackiNah, its 10.1006:24
BenwackiI tried it anyway, same thing06:24
Jordan_UBenwacki: Can you check where the file downloaded to?06:25
francisco<Billgates425> u need a package06:25
BenwackiOh, whoops haha. Didnt see that I had to download it :/06:25
steinersoreau: its still not working right06:25
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest42343
Flavius_Julius_Jtime to get some updates. It sux to be on dialup.06:25
soreausteiner: Pastebin your current X log06:25
Billgates425what i need to do06:25
BenwackiIt doesnt have internet connection right now though.06:26
BenwackiSeeing as how I now have access to that partition though, can I just change something to make it boot from that install?06:27
steinersoreau: where do i find that?06:27
daxtanybody who works for Canonical here ?06:27
steineris it in x11?06:27
franciscosudo apt-get install rar unrar06:27
franciscothat should work06:27
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
franciscoBillgates425 sudo apt-get install rar unrar06:28
franciscoopen terminal and paste it06:28
daxtBillgates425 that is not a nice nick if u r into free software06:28
MrGoodkati'm on 10.10 and just installed my hp photosmart plus 210b via wifi, i used hplip 3.10.9, scanner works fine and all printer settings are reported correctly, but printing ONE test page prints 4 pages full with garbled numbers06:28
MrGoodkatthe header of the first page says: This file was created by pdftopdf06:28
jkochhow can i fix a lag on streaming flash videos?06:28
brett__Well, gneas, if she has a sentelic touchpad, then doing a "echo -n c > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio{0,1}/flags"  would work to turn off the touch-to-click on a sentelic touchpad.06:29
MrGoodkathow can i get the printer to print correctly?06:29
brett__as root.06:29
Billgates425francisco   thanks06:29
BenwackiIs it possible to swap the order of partitions using GParted?06:30
blb01is there a way to list all the parameters a kernel module will take?06:31
blb01nevermind just found modinfo06:31
wafflesausagehey billy06:32
Billgates425what happen06:32
steinersoreau: i think thats what you wanted06:32
wafflesausagesomeone set up us the bomb06:32
Jordan_U!ot | wafflesausage06:33
ubottuwafflesausage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:33
brett__for greaaat jusssttiiiiiiice!06:33
wafflesausagetake off every zig06:34
soreausteiner: /var/log/Xorg.0.log file06:34
rwwMove the memes to #ubuntu-offtopic, please :)06:34
steinersoreau: i posted that, i guessed thats what you wanted06:34
soreausteiner: You have to post the link here, I can;t just guess what it is06:35
hiluxanyone have experience with realtek rtl8187l wireless nic ? the nic can see networks and can connect and transmit data, but only breifly/sporadically, while also at the same time being able to reach 90 KBps for 30 to 60 second burts , heh06:35
hiluxfrom what I have been able to find this chipset has been known at least in the past to have flaky drivers, I have already obtained the latest driver from realtek06:37
BenwackiIve got /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 currently on the hard drive Im working with. My sdb1 install is in WBFS, so ubuntu isnt recognizing it. I need to find a way to either change sdb1 to sdb2 and sdb2 to sdb1 or change something to make it automatically load to sdb2 and forget sdb1 exists.06:37
Benwacki(sdb2 is my ubuntu install)06:38
Billgates425hey guys  check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jkrn6ecxthM06:38
Billgates425its so funny06:39
nirazioGetting this error on update "W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com maverick Release: Unknown error executing gpgv" How to fix it??06:39
Jordan_U!ot | Billgates42506:39
ubottuBillgates425: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:39
knoppies_Benwacki, something in the GRUB menu?06:40
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knoppies_nirazio, GPG normally has to do something about keys and making sure the file is not tampered with (from what I understand).06:40
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Benwackiknoppies_: How would I get to the GRUB menu?06:41
nirazioknoppies_: What should i do now?06:41
hiluxoi, got dc , any bites on realtek 8187 ?06:41
coz_Benwacki,  when your system is booting  hold down the  left shift key I believe06:41
MrGoodkathow come my xsane resolution is so low?06:44
MrGoodkati can scan the page but it's hardly readable06:44
MrGoodkatespecially around the text/letters is the resolution very low06:45
feanor2is there a keyboard layout editor utility for Linux?06:45
coz_MrGoodkat,  you should be able to set the resolution in the gui06:45
coz_MrGoodkat,   set it to 300dpi  which is about all the eye can make out06:46
MrGoodkatthat just made xsane crash06:46
nirazioHow do I count the clicks of the mouse buttons since the start of Ubuntu?  I would like to do mouse button clicks stats so I need it...06:47
LanoJordan_U: i am at the partition screen now i have 40gb where my win xp is and i have 32 gb where i wasnt my linux to be06:48
jennaok, so i managed to burn the ubuntu installer.  and install it.  but when i restart my computer, i get a grub error "no such device...." :(06:48
royale1223_i cant insatll subdownloader06:48
MrGoodkatthanks coz_ , works now :D06:48
jennai only have 2 dicsc, a SSD and a HDD.  there is no other OS installed06:49
Jordan_Ujenna: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?06:49
royale1223_i cant insatll subdownloader06:50
coz_MrGoodkat,  cool06:50
Jordan_ULano: There should be an option to make a "physical volume". Create a physical volume in the free space.06:50
jennaJordan_U, how do i download the script and run it if i cant turn on the pc into a OS?06:50
Jordan_Ujenna: Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB?06:50
Jordan_Ujenna: That script is made to be able to be run from a LiveCD.06:51
jennaok.  ill give it a shot06:51
nigh92can someone help me with networking?06:52
Jordan_U!anyone | nigh9206:52
ubottunigh92: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:52
AshuHow to install mono develop 2.4.1 in Ubuntu06:52
knoppies_nirazio, Im not sure. Sorry, was watching something.06:52
knoppies_!grup | Benwacki06:52
AshuHOw to install MOno develop 2.4.1 in Ubuntu?06:52
royale1223_i cant insatll subdownloader06:53
LanoJordan_U: the only think i can see Guided partitioning06:53
Lanoconfigure software RAID06:53
Lanoconfigugre lvm Manager06:53
Lanoconfigure encrypted06:53
FloodBot1Lano: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:53
royale1223_cant resolve dependencies06:53
AshuAnyone help me out06:53
nigh92im trying get the music off my sisters ipod on the windows network06:53
turneralexroyale1223: apt-get -f install06:53
turneralexroyale1223: returns?06:53
secretary_linuxAshu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install monodevelop06:53
knoppies_nigh92, what model iPod is it?06:53
knoppies_nigh92, is it plugged into a windows machine?06:54
Jordan_ULano: Configure LVM manager.06:54
steinersoreau: did you find anything?06:54
nit-witBenwacki, do you have a booting problem?06:54
soreausteiner: I never saw the link06:54
knoppies_nigh92, is it shared on the windows PC?06:54
LanoJordan_U: i am in it now  and i have created a voluem group06:54
knoppies_nigh92, can you access the windows machine easily? what version of windows is it?06:54
steinersoreau: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/80DxqcDr06:55
nigh92is on the net work06:55
Lanoi am ssuming i have to create logical volumes now06:55
Benwackinit-wit: Yes, i'm trying to get ubuntu to load from an external hard drive's second partition06:55
soreausteiner: Ok looks good. What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?06:55
nigh92but when i click on the ipod  i cant access it06:55
Jordan_UBenwacki: This guide may allow you to boot, though it's hard to know without knowing the root cause: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#GRUB-only-offers-a-rescue-shell06:55
royale1223_turneralex, i'l paste results06:55
nigh92i know i need to share it06:55
nigh92but cant get into here room\06:56
nit-witBenwacki, can your run this script and pastebin the generated text file.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/06:56
steinersoreau: penGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RV515 7146) 20090101 AGP 4x x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE TCL06:56
BenwackiJordan_U: I've been working on getting it online, finally about to paste that stuff you wanted earlier :P06:56
knoppies_nigh92, now is the time I wish things like ssh (or even telnet) where stock on windows.06:56
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soreausteiner: Great, now you have 3D working but not gallium yet.06:56
royale1223_turneralex, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548737/06:56
turneralexroyale1223_: awesome ubuntu.pastebin.com06:56
turneralexyeah thatone06:56
Jordan_ULano: Ok, where are you stuck?06:56
nigh92ha ha06:56
nigh92yes sir06:57
royale1223_turneralex, what do you think?06:57
Lanowell i am not sure how to install the ubuntu with lvm but i would like to learn coz i want to have a freedom of been able to extend when i run out of space etc06:57
turneralexroyale1223_: still loading, girlfriends little brother is xboxing over a 3g link06:57
Lanoso i am kind of stuck at point 106:57
jennaJordan_U, pastie.org/141666006:58
steinersoreau: whats the best way to do that?06:58
soreausteiner: To get the latest and greatest performance, install xorg-edgers and mesa experimental packages: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:58
cipherwho do i run a command in the background so i can pick it back up later?06:58
Jordan_ULano: Now that you've created a volume group there should be an option for specifying how it should be used (as the root filesystem).06:58
knoppies_nigh92, I suppose it will be a home version? so it wont have remote desktop?06:59
nigh92yeah you rite06:59
cryptodirafolks, this channel is an Excellent resource.... I have learned a great deal here while lurking.... what I have NOT found tho, is the solution to keeping the backlit keyboard functional beyond the boot screen.... toshiba satellite, amd chipset, ubuntu 10.04.... pointers anyone??07:00
hihihi100using git, if i cannot initializate it sudo -H -u gitosis gitosis-init < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, do I have to create a folder named ssh myslef?07:00
Lanothe options i have is Display configuration details, create volume group, create logical volume, delete volume group extend volume grou finsih07:00
nigh92im trying to install w7 on it but she wont let me07:00
cipherno one?07:00
turneralexmember:royale1223_: hey mate just try "apt-get -f install"07:00
cipheri can't remember the syntax07:00
rigvedcipher: you can run the command in tty2 while working in tty1. you can go to tty1 with Ctrl+Alt+F1. tty2 using Ctrl+Alt+F2 and so on for the other tty.07:01
turneralexroyale1223_: hey mate just try "apt-get -f install" with no package name07:01
cipheri want the command line07:01
cipherlike gf command -f command_name07:02
nigh92theres no application huh?07:02
cipherthen something like fg command command_name07:02
royale1223_turneralex, oops sorry, here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/548738/07:02
ciphercan't remember how to run commands in the background as whatever user07:03
turneralexroyale1223_: "apt-get install python-qt4"07:03
denile_cipher: command &07:03
turneralexroyale1223_: And if that doesnt work "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade"07:03
steinersoreau: it said package wasnt found for the first one07:03
Jordan_Ujenna: After getting the error, are you brought to a prompt? If so is it a "rescue> " prompt or a "grub> " prompt?07:03
krannxSorry for this probably stupid question, and thank you in advance for the help..... so I tried downgrading gdm to 2.20...and I continuously get a "repository is unresolved" type error when I try to install it. It finds the download and even asks me [y or n] but then it gives me the error....I have tried 3 different mirrors for the karmic repositories....what am I doing wrong?07:03
SyriaHi, please help me to install this program! http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/07:03
jennagrub prompt07:03
AshuDude anyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.107:04
cipheras in you can give the command a name, then pick it back uplater07:04
rigvedcipher: type a & at the end of the command07:04
SyriaI don't know where to start from.07:04
turneralexSyria: apt-get install pdfcreator ??07:04
cipherhow do you pick it back up?07:04
denile_cipher, try jobs07:04
AshuDude anyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.107:04
denile_and fg07:04
soreausteiner: Ok maybe you have to install the ppa first, then install experimental mesa after07:04
DarkAngel123or use sinaptics of ubuntu07:04
texas319anyone using Ubuntu as a thin client to RDP into Windows enviroment07:04
cipheri'm sshing in07:04
turneralextexas319: google n-computing07:04
royale1223_turneralex, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548739/07:04
Jordan_Ujenna: Do you see any other errors, like "out of disk"?07:05
cipheri used to do it all the time but forgot the syntax..07:05
cipheri know someone here has to know..07:05
texas319turneralex: thanks07:05
cipherit's a crazy simple command07:05
steinersoreau: still didnt work07:05
turneralexroyale1223_: Try update all your repositories by "apt-get update" then try that command again07:05
Syriaturneralex: E: Invalid operation pdfcreator, I got ths message.07:05
jenna2Jordan_U, it says error: device not found < then some UUID looking thing>  then the next line is grub>07:05
rigvedcipher: try screen07:05
soreau! work | steiner07:06
ubottusteiner: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:06
cipherthats it!07:06
turneralex"apt-get install pdfcreator" you must of typed "apt-get pdfcreator"07:06
royale1223_turneralex, updating07:06
ciphercouldn't remember the screen command07:06
Billgates425syria you can create  a pdf with open office07:06
knoppies_nigh92, Im not sure what you could do without actually touching the PC.07:06
turneralexcipher: Screen is awesoem!07:06
AshuDude anyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.107:06
rigvedcipher: you are welcome07:06
SyriaBillgates425 I know but this one will create pdf files from any window.07:06
royale1223_turneralex, still getting the same error07:07
cipheryea screen rox07:07
turneralexroyale1223_: That's weird07:07
steinersoreau: sorry, it said package wasnt found again07:07
AshuDude anyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.107:07
royale1223_turneralex, :(07:07
SyriaBillgates425 Also I want to learn how to install that programs available in sourceforge.07:08
turneralexroyale1223_: Hmm, now try "apt-get upgrade" that will upgrade all the software on your system07:08
AshuDude anyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.107:08
turneralexroyale1223_: Then try "apt-get -f install python-qt4"07:08
cowslammeranyone recommend an ubuntu book for experienced users who want to learn more?07:08
soreausteiner: You are on 10.10 Maverick, right? Try it this way: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo apt-get upgrade07:08
AshuDude anyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.107:08
royale1223_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:08
steinersoreau: i guess i never said, im on 10.0407:09
Jordan_Ujenna2: If it's not too difficult could you try to get the first 3 characters of the UUID in the error?07:09
Billgates425syria  i think pdf creator is only for windows07:09
cipherwith screen i can disconnect via ssh correct?07:09
AshuAnyone tell me the command for installing Mono Develop 2.4.1?07:09
rigvedcipher: http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/10/23/job-control-in-ubuntu-how-to-run-multiple-commands-simultaneously-in-a-single-terminal-window/ <------- this might also help with the & command07:09
SyriaBillgates425 Aha!07:09
SyriaBillgates425 thnx for telling me this.07:09
soreausteiner: Ah, well in that case try: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo apt-get upgrade07:09
neizAshu: synaptic it07:09
jenna2_Jordan_U,  is there anything else i should do from this livecd first before i restart to get that uuid?07:09
AshuHOw neiz?07:10
Jordan_Ujenna2_: Not that I can think of.07:10
neizAshu: system->administration->synaptic package manager07:10
Billgates425syria why dont you try with wine07:10
turneralexroyale1223_: did you try "apt-get -f install python-qt4" ?07:10
soreausteiner: But you will want the latest version of ubuntu you can get for the best drivers for your card (newer kernels = newer radeon driver code)07:10
turneralexSyria: "apt-get install wine"07:10
royale1223_turneralex, same error07:10
Syriaturneralex i have wine installed.07:11
Ashuneiz:after that?07:11
royale1223_broken packages07:11
Syriaturneralex But still don't understand what to do with all of this files!07:11
jenna_Jordan_U, it starts with adc38fe-07:11
cody_okay, so i've been trying to install IE7 to get Mabinogi to run as per http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=21006 but upon opening the installer, it crashes, both with a manual download and through  Winetricks, is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?07:11
neizAshu: put 'Mono Dev' in the search box and get the one you need07:11
steinersoreau: yea, i undersatnd that07:12
Jordan_Ujenna_: That doesn't match any of your filesystems according to the boot info script output, so that must be an old grub install for a filesystem that no longer exists.07:12
PleXuSanyone in here into multiroom audio system on linux?07:12
cody_i'm trying the install again, I can past it into pastebin if it would help.07:13
steinersoreau: does apt-get upgrade chnage me to 10.10?07:13
alifAll, how to speed internet connection in ubuntu??07:13
soreausteiner: no07:13
jenna_Jordan_U, cool, so how do i get rid of it?07:13
krannxdowngrading gdm to 2.20...and I continuously get a "repository is unresolved" type error when I try to install it. It finds the download and even asks me [y or n] but then it gives me the error....I have tried 3 different mirrors for the karmic repositories...all with the same results...anyone here have any luck downgrading gdm?07:14
cody_would pastebin help when IE7 Installer crashes right after extracting?07:14
soreausteiner: With the repo, you're actually installing latest code compatible with the latest components of 10.04 (which could mean missing and/or broken functionality)07:14
royale1223_Ashu, in termenal : git clone git@github.com:mono/monodevelop.git07:14
cody_i'm installing it as per instruction for getting Mabinogi to work on Winedb07:14
nit-witBenwacki, so whats the symptoms of your boot problem, I missed the actual description, i have looked at the script.07:15
steinersoreau: ok07:15
cody_says it's required.07:15
steinersoreau: and thanks a ton for all your help07:15
tuxhackhi all.. I am getting the jitters.. on one of my servers, mails fired by a web application gets routed back to our multidrop mailbox...07:15
jenna_and how do i make this grub thing use dvorak keyset?  its reallt slow typing inot it when i have to try to find each key by trial and error07:15
soreausteiner: Is the repo installing now?07:15
tuxhackI have identified those mails are that which dont have an mx record or even a valid authoritative ns07:15
Jordan_Ujenna_: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide07:16
Jordan_Ujenna_: It's likely that one of your two drives actually does have a working grub installation, so you could try just changing the boot order. Either way, following this guide and installing grub to both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb should get you booting again: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide07:16
Benwackinit-wit:When I load the device it says "error: unknown filesystem." the puts me at grub rescue>07:16
DarkAngel123wich  ones , tuxhack?07:16
tuxhackie if a mail is going for george@gmail.c .. this gets internally rewritten to george@ourdomain.com07:16
steinersoreau: yea, reboot afterward?07:17
cody_did anyone see my problem? (not to sound pushy or anything, I know you're volunteers and community members)07:17
DarkAngel123umm interesting07:17
soreausteiner: If it installs a kernel, yes. Otherwise, restarting X might be enough07:17
tuxhack@DarkAngel123, would this be the setting that all unqualified address to be attached with domain07:18
Jordan_UBenwacki: Is it the wubi install or the normal install that's failing?07:18
nit-witBenwacki, you have the sdb first to read in the bios correct?07:18
BenwackiNormal install thats failing07:18
royale1223_turneralex, are you there?07:19
cody_I'm using Wine 1.2.207:19
Benwackinit-wit: I cant seem to get the right setting for USB in the bios, however I've just been going to boot options and choosing it each time07:20
nit-witBenwacki, what is the dell utility in sdb107:21
Jordan_UBenwacki: Do you see any other error messages, like "out of disk"?07:21
SyriaCan I create a virtual cd rom from an iso file? what program should I install please?07:21
Jordan_U!iso | Syria07:22
ubottuSyria: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:22
Benwackinit-wit: To be honest I have no idea, I assume a second recovery partition.07:22
BenwackiJordan_U: No, just the one07:22
SyriaJordan_U thnx.07:22
Jordan_USyria: You're welcome.07:22
nit-witBenwacki, Dell has a dell data safe program that messes with the mbr does this sound familiar07:22
tuxhack@DarkAngel123 dump at setting up the sendmail.. I am gonna remove that and try exim407:23
Benwackinit-wit: Nah, i've never heard of it.07:23
Billgates425hey jordan how you can do it07:23
nit-witBenwacki, can you boot sda and get to W7 or the wubi,07:24
Benwackinit-with: Yeah, everything else works fine07:24
nit-witBenwacki, did the external ever boot correctly with this install07:25
Benwackinit-wit: Nope, its been doing that since the install a few hours ago07:25
SyriaJordan_U what is the mount point?07:26
carsondoes anyone know of a good channel to ask help about partitioning and deleting partitions in windows 7?07:26
SyriaJordan_U sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>07:27
Kunalagon is there any Microsoft Exchange client for Linux ?07:27
Benwackicarson: win7 has a nice partition tool built in07:27
nit-witBenwacki, boot into windows admin and go to the control panel add-remove and look for dell data safe. It is strange that a external HD would have a fat 16 dell utility partion=sdb107:27
Billgates425carson google can help you07:27
Jordan_USyria: A mount point is a directory through which you can access what you have mounted. For instance if you run "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mnt/" then the contents of the iso will be available through the /mnt/ directory.07:28
message144Hi, I am using Ubuntu Desktop 10.04LTS 64 bit and I cannot see this package in apt: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mit-scheme . I have universe repo enabled. Any ideas?07:28
carsonyes i know but when i deleted linux on my family computer using that tool, it deleted grub along with it and i just rebooted 7 on it because everything went wrong and now i have 2 windows 7's on it, and i need to delete new one, except im afraid if i delete it like google told me to with the linux partition, it will delete grub once again07:28
carson*reinstalled, no rebooted07:29
treyk4How can I specify, from the command line, what desktop an application should open on?07:30
cousin_mariotell me, if I uninstall grub2 will the original MBR be restored?07:30
nit-witBenwacki, I miss read the script the dell utility is sda1. I think that having Ubuntu half way onto a teraabyte usb drive is probably not fgong to work07:30
mgolischcousin_mario: no07:31
Billgates425carson but   if youfix  the mrb of win ¡¡¡07:31
nit-witBenwacki, you could move the wubi to a partion on the sda if you wanted and dual boot easily.07:32
cousin_mariomgolisch: uh oh07:32
tuxhack@DarkAngel123 three cheers for FOSS.. just got it right with the exim407:32
jenna_Jordan_U, no luck.  i did every step exactly like it said, and got no errors.  but i still cant start up07:32
cody_hey, i'm trying to install IE7 on Wine 1.2.2 through Winetricks, and right after the extraction finishes (just as the installer actually starts) I get a "The program has encountered a serious error" message, I have a pastebin with the contents of Terminal at the time of the error, i've been trying this for a couple hours now.07:32
tuxhackbye guyz.. will drop in later07:33
mgolischcody_: did you have a look at the appdb entry for that ie version? it might have some tips07:33
cipherdoes rsync take up more than one ps?07:33
gobbecody_: should IE7 work with wine?07:33
Billgates425cody yre crazy ie on  wine  gime one reason07:33
Jordan_Ujenna_: Did you run both "grub-install /dev/sda" and "grub-install /dev/sdb"?07:33
Benwackinit-wit: I'm not looking to dual boot. The wubi install is seeming kind of buggy anyway. Instead I'll just brute force change the partitions around I guess.07:33
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cody_yeah, nothing about this problem.07:33
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mgolischcody_: why do you want that anyways?07:34
Billgates425hes crazy07:34
mgolischthat must be it07:34
cody_it's required for another windows game to work07:34
carsonBillgates425 i didnt know how to fix the mrb, the advice i could find off google was get a xp install disk/floppy and boot using it, then use the command fixmrb, so i got my xp disk and it wouldnt let me, the disk would say 'this is not an asus computer' and shut down, so then after trying to get it to work i couldnt figure it out, so i reinstalled windows 7 on it <I already had a version of windows 7 on it before hand> because i kne07:34
carsonw that doing that would fix grub, it worked and now i have 2 windows 7's on the computer, and i dont know how to delete the new unneeded one07:34
BenwackiWell, thanks for all the help guys. This place is always great.07:34
cousin_mariocody_: last time I checked you could use ies4linux07:34
nit-witBenwacki,  would just do a full install of Ubuntu on a 8 gig or larger thumb, it would run faster07:34
cousin_mariocody_: but perhaps I'm not privy to the latest developments07:35
cody_we all know Firefox is better07:35
Jordan_Ujenna_: Benwacki: Both of you have very odd problems.07:35
cody_what's that?07:35
cousin_mariocody_: although it hasn't been developed for a while, it seems07:35
Jordan_Ujenna_: Is the error you're getting the same?07:36
Benwackinit-wit:  Hmm, that would make it alot easier. As I could  just keep that second partition in the same format and use it as extra space I guess.07:36
cousin_mariocody_: google it07:36
SyriaJordan_U:  Sorry, lost my connection. I was telling you that i want to install lucid on a virtual machine from an iso file.07:36
Billgates425carson  in  win7 delete  the one you want to delete partition using magic partition07:36
Billgates425and then rezize thr other partition07:37
nit-witBenwacki, yeah just a suggestion.:)07:37
cody_looks like Winetricks might not be the best opion for some of it's content, huh?07:37
carsonBillgates425 does it come with magic partition? and would that delete grub also, like how deleting linux deleted grub?07:37
nit-witBenwacki, use the cutom install though so you have grub pointed correctly=mbr of thumb. Sounds like you may know this though.07:38
Jordan_USyria: Then that's something you configure in whatever virtual machine software you're using.07:38
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gobbecody_: you should know that most of the windows-games are not working under linux07:38
gobbecody_: i mean with wine etc07:38
cody_yeah, but I looked this one up prior.07:39
cody_said it ran with some apps installed07:39
Benwackinit-wit: Thanks, I'm a bit new to actually messing with grub outside of one experience dual booting a few years back07:40
SyriaJordan_U I am using virtual box, i will try installing a new virtual machine.07:40
cousin_mariocody_: according to winedb it's IE8 you should be using07:40
cody_for Mabinogi?07:40
cody_says iexplorer7.....07:41
IIIhello all.. anyone tried hooking up a picoLCD-20x2 (http://www.mini-box.com/picoLCD-20x2-OEM) to 10.04? --> It seems I am missing the picolcd.so07:41
cousin_mariocody_: in general07:41
carsonBillgates425 okay i downloaded partitionmagic 8.0, wich is what cameup on google, and when i clicked run setup it said there is known compatibility issues with it on windows 7, is it safe to partition with a un compatible program? couldnt that screw the computer up alot?07:41
greenIThi, i have a problem with my mouse (mad catz cyborg r.a.t. 7), does anyone know this mouse and has a fix for the malfunction?07:42
cody_ah, kk, i've also tried that with the same results.07:42
Billgates425yes its safe07:43
carsonBillgates425 okay, then il do it07:45
royale1223carson, why dont you try gparted?07:45
carsonroyale1223 never herd of it, is that another thing like partitionmagic?07:46
royale1223carson, yep07:46
royale1223carson, actually parted magic uses gparted07:46
Jordan_Ujenna_: Is the error you're getting the same after having run grub-install?07:47
jitithey, i'm an ubuntu newbie. im looking for a good resource to get an intuitive understanding of ubuntu/terminal. any recommendations?07:47
jenna_Jordan_U, yes, its dentical07:47
ItsMeCDhas anyone had success with an hp mini 110 and the un2400 wwan card?07:47
carsonroyale1223 okay well im just gonna try partitionmagic thingy, but i have one question. when i deleted linux's partition using windows 7 built in partition thing, it deleted grub along with it, why is that?07:48
Us3r_Unfriendlyjitit: www.linuxcommand.org is a great place to start...and there's youtube07:48
jititah yes- thats the one ive been using. thanks07:49
royale1223carson, because grub is installed in linux's partition07:49
Jordan_Ujenna_: Try asking in #grub. Also I may be of more help tomorrow when I'm not so tired.07:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyjitit: I hated the first time I needed to use a terminal, now i use it all the time.  gui is just for show07:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyjenna_: what's your question?07:50
carsonit is? now that i dont have linux on the computer, just two windows 7's, is grub in one of the windows 's or does it have its own partition or where is it now?07:50
jititim confused as to why the command "aptitude" is not found07:50
jenna_Jordan_U, ok.  thanks anyways07:50
ItsMeCDapt-get jitit07:50
muneebhow to contact staff? i have forgotten my password.07:50
rwwjitit: because it's not installed by default any more07:50
jititaptitude is outdated ?07:50
jititah i see07:50
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: I believe it caches itself to the harddrive07:50
rwwmuneeb: nickserv password? #freenode07:50
muneebyes @rww07:50
jitityeah i switched to a linux-based os because i was tired of dealing with GUIs07:51
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly so if i deleted one of my windows 7's would grub be deleted again?07:51
ItsMeCDtired of dealing with windows07:51
ItsMeCDbut can't get my 3g card working so i may have to dual boot07:51
smwjitit, that is why I never gave up linux. Windows had no cli alternative for the gui07:52
smwjitit, (not joking)07:52
Crash1hdcan anyone tell me of a channel where they discuss movies?07:52
muneebi've forgotten my nickserv password, how do i get it back?07:52
smwmuneeb, no idea. Type /join #freenode and ask them07:52
rwwmuneeb: I already said, ask in #freenode.07:53
Us3r_Unfriendlywindows uses the "mbr" not grub...I guess you'd have to redo the windows mbr to replace grub...and I have 0 experience on that 'cuz I could never uninstall my Linux distro over windows07:53
ItsMeCDjust insert your windblows repair disc and repair the mbr07:53
Us3r_Unfriendlygood call ItsMeCD07:53
Billgates425carson if yo deleted linux and one win7 now the grub will not work  you will get an error  now  you must to do this http://www.ehow.com/how_4836283_repair-mbr-windows.html07:53
royale1223carson, let me get this straigt. You initially had win 7 + linux. You wnted to remove linux, so you deleted your linux partition. Now your computer is not booting up. Right?07:53
carsonCrash1hd #mp-tvseries i think, not sure though07:54
HandyGandyHey I installed the wizardpen driver to use my Genius MousePad. It seems to work with gnome but not kde. Any ideas why?07:54
Crash1hdcarson, thanks :)07:54
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: can I ask you why you didn't just uninstall windows?07:54
carsonroyale1223 yes, so then i reinstalled windows 7 because i knew it would fix the grub, but now it dualboots 2 windows 7's, and i am back to square one, deleting the extra operating system, but now im scared deleting the 2nd windows 7 will delete grub like it did to linux07:55
carsonBillgates425 il check it out, thanks :)07:55
lahwranare there any screensavers I can use that are separate for each of my screens? sometimes I go for a while without using a screen and I'd like for a screensaver to come on on just that screen when I don't move the mouse there.07:55
carsonCrash1hd no problem07:56
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: well hope you give linux another chance some time...07:56
royale1223carson, can you boot to 2nd win7?07:56
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly because windows is stupid and i dont know how, deleting the partitions just seemed so much easier!07:56
habananyanybody know the sprint phone chat room07:56
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: but you deleted the linux partition though?  Guess I'm a bit confused at this point07:57
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Billgates425carson hey jojojo07:57
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly oh i love linux WAY more then windows, im on linux on my laptop right now. but i installed 32 bit ubuntu on our family computer by mistake when its a 64 bit system, so the drivers and stuff wernt working, thats why im getting rid of it07:57
=== CaIianGirl is now known as Shaded
carsonroyale1223 yes i can, but when i do its an installation thing and it wants the registration key wich i lost so that windows 7 is no good to me :P07:58
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: and everyone else: but to me the 32 bit seems like it works pretty smoothly compared to using a 64 bit and for example with 64 flash07:58
Billgates425jojojo  windows 7 for all ¡¡07:59
Jordan_Ulahwran: I don't think that's a standard configuration, but anything is possible if you're willing to put enough work into it.07:59
feanor2is there a keyboard layout editor utility for Linux?07:59
royale1223carson, there are ways to fix that too07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyi could be extremely wrong but that's what it feels like07:59
royale1223carson, illegal ways07:59
lahwranJordan_U: darn.07:59
lahwrannot worth it07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi TariQMowafy, have a question?08:00
Billgates425royale1223 im watching u08:00
smwfeanor2, system -> preferences -> keyboard08:00
TariQMowafyon startup i get a black screen with (operating system not found )on it08:00
royale1223Billgates425, fair enough08:00
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly yah, personaly i dont really see the difference, and for all the hassle of now i cant have windows xp <the windows i do like> or vista on the new 64 bit computer, so i cant dualboot it, and the audio editing software i love <cool edit pro 2.0, before it was bought out by adobe> isnt windows 7 compatible08:01
TariQMowafyUs3r_Unfriendly, i need to format the hard disk08:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: what exactly happened?08:01
TariQMowafyUs3r_Unfriendly,  no clue its a friends laptop08:01
fz_I don't konwn]08:01
adityawhenever I try to install any package in ubuntu 11.04 natty ..i get an programming error in aptdaemon08:01
carsonroyale1223 yes yes i know, but i dont want the 2nd windows 7, i just have it because i knew installing it would fix the grub issue so i could atleast use the computer, and now i just have a dualboot screen that has 2 windows 7's, one that doesent really work and the other that has my files08:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: stupid question, but was the laptop dropped?08:02
TariQMowafyi guess no08:02
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: was it working previously before the black screen?08:02
aditya whenever I try to install any package in ubuntu 11.04 natty ..i get an programming error in aptdaemon?bcoz of this i am unable to install my wireless package08:02
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: starting with step one, what is your bios set to boot to?08:03
TariQMowafyUs3r_Unfriendly, i just need to format the hard disk and install ubuntu08:03
royale1223carson, why didnt u select the drive which you installed 1st win7 while reinstalling?08:03
mgolischaditya: maybe try #ubuntu+108:03
fz_my ubuntu could not open08:03
royale1223join #ubuntu+108:03
carsonroyale1223 i did the first time, then it said "Compatibility Issue" and told me it wouldnt work, so i had to create a new windows...08:04
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: sounds like the way to go...save alot of time trying to repair it.  Just installing Ubuntu will be alot easier08:04
TariQMowafyi used the usb startup disk08:04
TariQMowafybut it hangs at preparing to install08:04
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: nice08:04
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: have you tried unetbootin?08:05
Us3r_Unfriendly!info unetbootin | TariQMowafy08:05
ubottuTariQMowafy: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 274 kB, installed size 808 kB08:05
thenoobcant u jus use the win7 cd to wipe the ubuntu partition then install ubuntu again08:05
royale1223carson, y dont you just format the win7 partitions and reinstall ubuntu?08:05
carsonroyale1223 okay, im just gonna ask one question and it will solve the issue...08:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: I use unetbootin over the startup disk creator...just might be me...but it seems like some times the start up disk creator sometimes doesn't work08:06
TariQMowafymaybe i should try it08:06
royale1223carson, okie08:06
TariQMowafyUs3r_Unfriendly, thanks anyways08:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyTariQMowafy: sure?08:06
feanor2is there a keyboard layout GUI *EDITOR* utility for Linux?08:06
TariQMowafyUs3r_Unfriendly, yea08:07
carsonEveryone, where does grub save if u dont have a linux on ur computer? i want to delete my windows 7 partition, would grub be deleted if i delete the windows 7 partition?08:07
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: the cache of the hard drive08:07
fz_ how to delete windows 7?please08:08
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly i feel really stupid for saying this, but what is the cashe? what does it mean08:08
royale1223carson, if u have a separate boot partition grub installs there08:08
smwfeanor2, I told you already08:08
smwfeanor2, system -> preferences -> keyboard08:08
carsonroyale1223 then why did it get deleted instead of switch to my windows 7 partition when i first deleted linux?08:09
feanor2smw, do you see any editor there? I do not08:09
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: I might be wrong about the cache part08:10
Us3r_Unfriendlybut that's my first guess08:10
royale1223because ubuntu have modified mbr for enabling boot08:10
Us3r_UnfriendlyWhat is cache?08:10
Us3r_UnfriendlyThe cache (pronounced "cash") is a space in your computer's hard drive and in RAM memory where your browser saves copies of previously visited Web pages. Your browser uses the cache like a short-term memory. Instead of downloading an image from a recently viewed website, it will load the image from your cache folder, thereby making the browsing process a little quicker.08:10
royale1223it isnt as simple as deleying ubuntu partiton08:10
smwfeanor2, nm, you can only choose between premade ones08:11
Us3r_Unfriendlythat's why I think I might be wrong08:11
feanor2i need to change it, either temporary or create a new one, but I cannot do it with xmodmap because it08:12
feanor2s primitive crap08:12
carsonroyale1223 okay, if i were to delete the new windows 7, would i just delete its partition or is there other stuff id need to do to safely get rid of it?08:12
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKCodes
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly and okay, well atleast i know what cashe is now :P08:12
royale1223carson, what os do you need in your computer?08:13
carsonthe original windows 708:13
carsonnot the new one08:13
carsonbecause right now its dualbooted with both08:13
Us3r_Unfriendlythey say it installs to the mbr of the drive08:13
royale1223carson, u dont have to delete the partition, just format it08:14
aditya whenever I try to install any package in ubuntu 11.04 natty ..i get an programming error in aptdaemon whenever ?08:15
chandrageethahi, i cannot access folders through menu Places, when clicked it says, Could not create the archive08:15
chandrageethaArchive type not supported. pls. help me08:15
adityawhich channel to go for cananyine repeat08:15
SyriaHi, I have installed ftp server vsftpd  and started it but i don't know how to create an account!08:15
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: here ya go:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record08:16
carsonroyale1223 but can i getrid of it by formating it? i dont want it there,  in the dualboot screen its the deault one, when the good one is 2nd, and it will confused my 8 year old brother cause this is our family computer that he uses, so id rather getrid of it08:16
andyccchandrageetha, install the "unrar" package?08:16
Us3r_UnfriendlyNow I too learned something new...I just thought grub was inside the cache the whole time...08:16
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly beat ya too it, already had that page on wikipedia up before u sent the link :P and yah, im learning today08:17
Us3r_Unfriendlyaditya: what version of ubuntu are you using?08:17
Us3r_Unfriendlythat might be that it's still in beta stage08:17
ka1serbrave enough08:18
adityakaiser what lol ?08:18
TheThingHey. Have a question. Two PCs with default ubuntu audio systems. Work PC have "ALSA plugin [Chromium Browser]" in mixer and I can manipulate on sound volume by multimedia keys on my keyboard. At home sound is not adjustable in browser because of "none applications playing" in mixer08:18
royale1223carson, this might help you http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=108:18
TheThingQuestion - where i can get this ALSA plugin? )08:18
sivanghi all08:19
sivanghow can I make the window control go back to the right side of the window?08:19
carsonkk thanks il check it out :P08:19
sivangthe fact them being on the left is not usable for me, and I've tried using it that way for long now.08:19
royale1223carson, its called easy bcd and it can modify win7 bootloader08:19
sivanghelp appreciated :)08:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyTheThing: i don't offer a solution but more of a starting point,   sudo apt-cache search alsa08:19
sivangI want to keep the Ambiance theme, that is.08:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyTheThing: wish i could be more helpful08:19
ka1serwell I believe 11.04 is still alpha08:19
sivang(using clearlooks makes them go back to where they should be )08:20
SyriaGuys can help me with vsftpd please?08:20
Doinklesivang, the setting is in the gnome manager but i only know how to move it in ubuntu tweak :/08:20
ka1seror beta at most08:20
carsonoh that would help alot actually :P08:20
sivangDoinkle: what is the gnome manager?08:20
Us3r_Unfriendlysivang: you can change them to the right in "gconf-editor"08:20
TheThingUs3r_Unfriendly: mean i need search it in work PC and compare witk home? i will have no access to work PC during two weeks )08:21
sivangUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks, that's all I need.08:21
Doinklesivang, http://lifehacker.com/5500577/move-ubuntus-window-buttons-back-to-the-right08:21
mcfeehow to start?08:21
Doinkleguess mcfee found the start button08:23
Us3r_Unfriendlysivang: / - apps - metacity - general   and it's called "button_layout"08:23
sivangUs3r_Unfriendly: yes, someone helped me on #desktop08:24
sivangUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks!08:24
Us3r_Unfriendlysivang: I have mine set at:    menu:minimize,maximize,close08:24
sivangUs3r_Unfriendly: yes, like nature intended :-D08:25
Us3r_Unfriendlywho's using natty?08:25
rwwpeople in #ubuntu+108:25
rigvedUs3r_Unfriendly: having problems with natty?08:26
Us3r_Unfriendlynope...I was curious of what ppl think of it so far08:26
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'm still in 10.10, but I might go to 10.04 or another distro08:26
DoinkleUs3r_Unfriendly, i have natty in a vm08:27
Us3r_UnfriendlyDoinkle: how do you like it?08:27
rigvedUs3r_Unfriendly: it's cool...you should give the new unity a try08:27
Us3r_Unfriendlyrigved: i'm thinking of going wayland instead of X...but I think that'll be a project for later08:28
Doinkleits ideal for a lappy/netbook but not for me... u wana try it?  I can setup a remote session in a minute :)08:28
chandrageethahi andycc, i didn´t insta unrar package, how to?08:28
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: you should already have the unrar package i believe by default...08:29
DoinkleUs3r_Unfriendly, its also not finished, you can see that oonce you use it08:29
chandrageethayes, i have08:29
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: sudo apt-get install unrar08:29
chandrageethain my installed software list it shows as installed08:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyDoinkle: thanks but i'm not sure on it08:31
notk0hello, how can I select and change/add languages to the language layout08:31
Doinkleno prob. if u wanna remote in to check it out, i dont care08:31
notk0I can't eve find one08:31
chandrageethaits already installed08:31
carsonroyal1223 Man that bcd thing helped alot! thanks! im still afraid to delete it :P but i renamed it "Bad Windows 7" and made it at the bottom of the list for now so my little brother and dad wont get confused, but man, this is a good tool :P08:31
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: what's the problem with it then?08:31
Us3r_Unfriendlyhow to use it?08:32
chandrageethai cannot open folders through menu Places08:32
Us3r_Unfriendlyunrar shouldn't be needed for that08:32
chandrageethathen it shows error  cannot archive it, archive type not found08:32
chandrageethasorry, archive type not supported, this is the error message08:33
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: so if you try to open, lets say the Music folder under "Places", it gives you that error message?08:33
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, i used the unetbootin , created the disk08:33
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, but the same thing happened08:33
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: how'd it turn out?08:33
tariq__hangs in the preparing to install phase08:34
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: did you get the iso from the Ubuntu site?08:34
tariq__does it take time08:34
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: which version of ubuntu did you dl?08:34
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: on what machine?08:34
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, ???08:35
Us3r_Unfriendlywhat kind is it?08:35
tariq__hp 55008:35
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: and does it boot into the live environment at all?08:35
tariq__do you mean the machine that i want to fix??08:36
tariq__its sony vaio08:36
chandrageethahow can i fix the error?, there was power supply while working at the system, would it do harm?08:36
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: i mean the machine your installing ubuntu with a flash drive...can you boot into the "Live Environment"?08:37
chandrageethahow can i manage the archive manager error while opening a folder08:37
geeknikGood morning.08:37
chandrageethabut through computer, i can browse it08:37
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: open a terminal and type:    nautilus ~/Music08:37
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: does that open your Music folder?08:37
Us3r_Unfriendlygood morning geeknik08:37
chandrageethayes, it Opens!!!!08:38
chandrageethathrough the command you have provided, what does it show08:38
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, yes i can open the environment08:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyso chandrageetha, the problem lies in gnome-panel08:38
chandrageethathat means?08:38
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: i wonder what happens when from the "Live Environment" if you open the terminal and type in:    sudo fdisk -l08:39
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: does that show your hard drive?08:39
chandrageethaUs3r_Unfriendly, tell me how to correct it?08:39
rigvedchandrageetha: it means that the links in the gnome panel are incorrect. is that right Us3r_Unfriendly?08:40
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, yes08:40
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: the "gnome-panel" is the panel on the top where you access your nautilus and the directories on your machine08:40
chandrageethaso, how can i mend it?08:40
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: so the hard drive is there...can you install from the "Live Environment"?08:41
rigved!resetpanel | chandrageetha08:41
ubottuchandrageetha: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyrigved: chandrageetha: that command should fix the problem, good lookin out rigved08:42
rigvedUs3r_Unfriendly: :)08:42
Doinklesince ubottu is a bot, is there a !trigger that tells us the list of advice the bot has?  I didn't know about gnome reset myself..08:43
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, this time it hangs in the first page :S08:43
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, in the welcome page08:43
rwwubottu: tell Doinkle about bot08:43
ubottuDoinkle, please see my private message08:43
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: hmm...how long has it been stuck?08:43
rwwfirst link08:43
ugmg  o08:43
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, and gparted is not opening ( keeps scanning alldevices)08:43
Doinklerww, exactly what i was lookin for08:44
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: gksudo gparted08:44
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: use that in the terminal08:44
chandrageethayes friends, ubottu´s command i given, but alas! still probs continues08:44
chandrageetharigved, give me the commandline for it08:44
tariq__the installation window just responded08:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyplease dude, please...rigved is a helpful guy, not a bot08:45
chandrageethagconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel did not give any change08:45
Billgates425hey guys bye08:45
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: run the command under "sudo"08:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyBillgates425: later08:46
carsonBillgates425 bye and thanks for your help08:46
OrmieHow do i uninstall the installed .deb package file?08:46
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly you two, thanks for the help08:46
shubbari installed zentyal on lucid server, but its giving me the blank apache screen08:47
DoinkleOrmie, synaptic can do it08:47
Us3r_Unfriendlycarson: no problem...I forgot the question already lol...too many problems08:47
OrmieDonikle: synapitic? i don't have one on ubuntu 10.10 or do i have it?08:47
ralliasI have a question. I have a webcam that I know works with cheesy. How do I get it to work with flash?08:47
Us3r_Unfriendly!info dpkg | Ormie08:48
ubottuOrmie: dpkg (source: dpkg): Debian package management system. In component main, is required. Version (maverick), package size 2024 kB, installed size 6008 kB08:48
DoinkleOrmie, Click System, Administration, Synaptic08:48
chandrageethasorry, the command with sudo option given, i am sending the error on pastebin http://pastebin.com/Tq3kiScF08:48
carsonUs3r_Unfriendly haha :P well im gonna go, cya08:48
Us3r_Unfriendlylater cafaro08:48
DoinkleOrmie, type the name of the app the .deb was and remove08:48
rigvedchandrageetha: yes, what Us3r_Unfriendly said - sudo gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel08:48
chandrageethahere its clearly pastebin http://pastebin.com/GTBN0Gqb08:49
OrmieDoinkle: I saw it thanks08:49
davirrirriHello! ¿What media player plugin works on kde?08:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyrigved: sometime it seems like some ppl demand the answers rather than asking...that's what I meant by that08:49
OrmieBut the next thing is how do i install tar ball files?08:49
DoinkleOrmie, take some time and explore synaptic.  it is well worth knowing how it does what it does :)08:49
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: more like how do you compile08:50
rigvedUs3r_Unfriendly: i know :)08:50
chandrageethaso, the result i got after it is, pastebin http://pastebin.com/VGDUrn9L08:50
DoinkleOrmie, do you need to do install by tarball?  if you don't have a grasp of .deb, tarballs are harder IMHO08:50
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: stay away from .tar when givin a choice of using .deb08:50
rigvedchandrageetha: so after typing this command, you are still not able to open Music folder?08:50
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: unless your great at compiling08:50
chandrageethayes, what you said is correct08:51
NeoKipling[CN]god, i am dying. a friend asked me to reinstall his old hp laptop. so i  installed xp sp3, and found out their official drivers don't support the ethernet controller. I worked a lot, at last i tried to  updated bios, of course they also list in the official driver. so the nightmare began. I wasted a lot of time , made the bootable cd  to recover bios,  even asked irc help, Herr_Kriss, a good fellow ,help me made the dos image file. but now, the screen d08:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: but .tar is also used as a compressed file too08:51
tariq__Us3r_Unfriendly, same thing happens when opening gparted from terminal , and still hangs in the pereparing to install phase08:51
Us3r_UnfriendlyNeoKipling[CN]: your in the wrong place i think08:51
Doinkledying people belong in a hospital, not #ubuntu :)08:52
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: what happens if you use a live cd instead of the flashdrive?08:52
NeoKipling[CN]Us3r_Unfriendly: don't worry, i always use ubuntu08:52
addsHello All, wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop and have created a USB bootable, however just discovered my bios does not support USB booting. Figured Id make a CD but the CD drive is not being detected, powers up and ejects etc just isnt shown on the PC08:52
tariq__didn't try it08:52
OrmieUs3r_Unfriendly: I want to install firefox 4 beta http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/beta/ but it only have tar ball08:53
Doinkleadds, do you have floppy?08:53
NeoKipling[CN]Oh, god, they kill me.  I hat hp, i hat compaq, and their stupid bios update.  I swear never use their computer, and install any windows system, never!08:53
ugmgneokipling[cn], wat the problem08:53
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Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: could be your flash device.  could be the iso is corrupted.08:53
addsDoinkle, nope08:53
mymrhelpdeski did a boo boo i deleted the panel on the bottom of my desktop and i can't find out how to put it back08:53
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: and they don't have a ppa at all?08:53
tariq__i'll try another flash disk and a live cd08:53
tariq__thanks Us3r_Unfriendly08:53
Doinkleadds, you have a few options...08:53
knoppies_mymrhelpdesk, you want to restore gnome-panel to defaults.08:54
Us3r_Unfriendlya ppa would be easier to explain than compiling with make - make install08:54
Us3r_Unfriendlytariq__: i hope it works for you08:54
Doinkleadds, 1. enter bios and 100% confirm the boot order is there for cd and usb.  also confirm the BIOS sees the CDrom08:54
Guest69799To the girl at the checkout who noted that i was buying lotin, rosemary bubble bath salts, champagne, mochi balls and 20 dollar cheese cake. Yes i was going to go masterbate and cry while watcing the rain. haha08:54
tangI don,t know08:54
NeoKipling[CN]ugmg: bios crash, hp compaq nx6130 laptop08:54
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omgbullet56what package do i download to give window elastic and flexible look when grabbed?08:54
Us3r_Unfriendlycute Guest6979908:55
DJonesGuest69799: Thats not appropriate here08:55
ugmgu wont to restore the bios ?08:55
Us3r_UnfriendlyGuest69799: i don't understand how that's a ubuntu question?08:55
rigvedchandrageetha: create a new user and check in that account is this problem persists08:55
NeoKipling[CN]ugmg: yes , but can't find a way08:55
Us3r_Unfriendlyugmg: flashing the bios resets it08:55
Doinkleadds,  if you don't have any luck at all, you can install ubuntu to that hdd by removing it.. and either use another laptop with that hdd or a usb > 2.5" adapter08:55
Us3r_UnfriendlyNeoKipling[CN]: are you using a desktop?08:55
Doinkleadds, yet another way is if you can boot over ethernet.08:56
chandrageethaYes rigved, may i try on that08:56
rigvedchandrageetha: if that doesn't work then type this - sudo rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity08:56
OrmieUs3r_Unfriendly: I don't know but i just click download and it just let me download a .tar.bz2 file08:56
NeoKipling[CN]Us3r_Unfriendly:  i use laptop too08:56
rigvedchandrageetha: then try the other command also which i gave you earlier.08:56
addsDoinkle, it allows boot over LAN08:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyNeoKipling[CN]: you want to flash the bios for a laptop...that's a bit trickier than a desktop...alot harder08:57
rigvedchandrageetha: actually sudo is not required for the rm command08:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: I'll take a look08:57
Us3r_Unfriendlyhold on08:57
Doinkleadds, if you have another computer available up and running you can install over ethernet08:57
OrmieWhat does ppa means?08:57
Doinkleadds, google for install ubuntu over ethernet08:57
addsyeh ive got a windows netbook08:58
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: personal package archive08:58
chandrageethasee, rm command will remove it, no? then how to restore08:58
NeoKipling[CN]Us3r_Unfriendly: yeah, i never do that before. and think they a offical driver08:58
ugmgneokipling[cn], http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Other-Notebook-PC-questions/HP-Compaq-NX6130-is-dead/td-p/7401508:58
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: it's like connecting straight to download it from apt08:58
Doinkleadds, ive never done this install method in ubuntu before myself. just years ago with redhat or something08:58
addsok so if I ethernet up the two Laptops and choose to boot some LAN on the one I want Ubuntu on how will the PC boot?08:59
Lehelhi, Gparted says that my whole drive is unallocated, even though there are 3 partitions and WinXP boots fine, and it doesn't recognize any of my enthernet devices08:59
sgo11hi, some questions related to ecryptfs, (1) every time, I mount the encrypted directory, prompts come out and ask which cipher to use etc... how to disable prompt? (2) about keysize keybytes=16, what does it mean? 16 characters max for the passphrase? thanks a lot.08:59
Doinkleadds, hang on. ill dig around for ya08:59
addscan you go to a private room?09:00
Doinkleadds, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation    <-- scroll 1/2 way down09:00
ugmgneokipling[cn], any luck09:01
addsInstallation netboot?09:01
OrmieUs3r_Unfriendly: What does it means?09:01
Doinkleadds, you got some reading ahead of you09:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: this will help you install firefox beta:  http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Installing%20Firefox%20on%20Linux?s=linux+install&as=s09:02
Us3r_Unfriendly!cn | wxp09:02
ubottuwxp: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:02
Us3r_Unfriendlywo tang09:02
Us3r_Unfriendly!cn | tang09:03
ubottutang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:03
lotharI have a mdadm 4 disk raid5 array that crashed during rebuild of the 4th disk. This array is member of a larger LVM. Prior to the crash i moved all data from two old raid arrays using pvmove. My question now is, can I somehow connect the old drives, which I still have, and get back my data after I have used pvmove?09:03
lotharWill I need to know the correct order for the disks in the mdadm raid array to get it to work?09:03
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Us3r_Unfriendlylothar: sorry no experience with your question09:04
NeoKipling[CN]ugmg: Remove the battery can reset bios? you want me try this09:04
Jordan_U!cn | tang09:05
ubottutang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:05
rwwtang: type /join #ubuntu-cn09:05
FloodBot1boujedi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
User_hi, am chandrageetha, hi rigved, as you said i have created a user in the name User and found no probs with the Archive Manager, i can open folder through the menu Places09:05
Us3r_Unfriendlythe battery on the motherboard...i don't think it works by just removing a 3 to 9 cell battery09:05
NeoKipling[CN]ugmg: ok, wait a moment09:05
User_so what i have to do with the account chandrageetha09:05
ubuntusoreau, dude, guess what.09:06
boujedii am singing bot09:06
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ugmgsome times work09:06
boujedii am looking for a song right noz09:06
boujedireally can t find one09:07
User_hi User_Unfriendly, take me as chandrageetha, i created a new account User to check the problem with my Archive manager09:07
rww!ot | boujedi09:07
ubottuboujedi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyi've seen ppl use a paperclip to short the battery,  it did reset the bios, but if done wrong it would be dangerouse so i don't recommend this method09:07
User_here in this account, no probs with archive manager, and how can i mend changrageetha account´s archive manager09:07
boujediubottu nice nick ,-09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
rwwUs3r_Unfriendly: Most motherboards have a removable battery you can use...09:08
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OrmieUs3r_Unfriendly: Check this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548752/09:08
Us3r_Unfriendlybut some are soldered on too09:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyOrmie: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Installing%20Firefox%20on%20Linux?s=linux+install&as=s09:09
ugmgthen he have on option nothing else, is to take the laptop to near maintenance center09:09
chandrageethahi, i created new account and found no probs with archive manager, as i could open folder through menu Places09:10
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperZ-away
chandrageethanow what to do with this account09:10
builtrshow can I got the source code of Ubuntu?09:10
chandrageethacan i remove the archive manager and reinstall it?09:10
Doinklebuiltrs, http://kerneltrap.org/09:10
chandrageethathrough software centre09:10
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: make sure to include your new user to the "Admin" group...that way you can use "sudo" in the new account09:11
chandrageethayes, will try on that.09:11
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: do you know how to?09:11
chandrageethathrough System Administration->User and Group?09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: that works09:12
chandrageethanow which is another method?09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: then reboot and then if you need to run "sudo", then you can09:13
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: to add yourself to the admin group?09:13
Us3r_Unfriendlycould do: sudo nano /ect/group09:13
ralliasI have a webcam that works with cheese but no matter what I try it won't work with flash. how do I make it work with flash?09:13
chandrageethatell me please09:13
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: or you could use the combination of cli commands for "group"09:14
Us3r_Unfriendlythat's 3 ways of doing that task09:14
chandrageethahow, tell me pls09:14
builtrsDoinkle, what next?09:14
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: i just did09:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyhow may i help you rallias...hope it's a easy problem :)09:15
chandrageethacouldn´t get you09:15
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: ?09:15
Doinklebuiltrs, read, and read some more.09:15
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: My webcam works with cheese but not flash. How do I make it work with flash?09:15
chandrageethai couldn´t understand the commandline for groups09:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: do you have the flash plugin?09:16
ralliasYes. I installed the one adobe installer a few minnutes ago.09:16
NeoKipling[CN]ugmg: same thing, it can't reset bios09:16
ralliasor rather... reinstalled.09:17
Us3r_Unfriendlychandrageetha: well my way won't work for you because you need to use sudo in order to use the command...you could use       su -c "nano /etc/group"       but you would have to know your root password (not your user password)09:17
builtrsDoinkle, I can read some, but you could help me if I didn't see; then I ask you.09:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: reboot and see if flash is working09:18
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: Allready tried.09:18
Doinklebuiltrs, this chan is for ubuntu specific help not kernel09:19
knoppies_how do I resolve bios names?09:19
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: still doesn't work huh?  have you checked the settings for cheese if any?  Sorry I haven't ever used cheese09:19
tripelbhi youall. Anyone care to recommend an audio equalizer (to balance out the errors in my speakers)  -- google gives me old posts, 2006 or so.09:20
ralliasI just installed it and it worked09:20
ralliasalbiet rotated 180 degrees09:20
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: pulse audio volume control is nice09:20
builtrsDoinkle, pardon me09:20
huzeПривет всем! Тут есть русские каналы?09:20
rallias!ru | huze09:21
ubottuhuze: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyrussian looks like a cool language to write09:21
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: I just installed it and it worked.09:21
adityait's a cool language to write.09:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: it still works or it doesn't?09:22
ralliasworks in cheese, not in flash09:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: so exactly what is the problem?  Adobe not working in youtube?09:22
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, does this mean I have to compile it?  (I went to the page and was not clear on how to get it.) "Get pavucontrol's development sources from the GIT repository (gitweb):"09:22
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: I'm trying to use tinychat.09:23
ralliaswhich uses flash.09:23
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: nope type in a terminal:   sudo apt-get install pavucontrol09:23
Us3r_Unfriendlyrallias: sorry again, i haven't used tiny chat.  I won't be much help to you...sorry09:24
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: no problem09:24
Doinkle!rules | builtrs09:24
ubottubuiltrs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:24
ralliasUs3r_Unfriendly: It doesn't work for any flash site.09:24
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, tripleb just loves installing from terminal.09:25
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: you hate the terminal or you actually like it...?09:26
sgo11what does aes key bytes mean? thanks.09:26
NeoKipling[CN]hello, somebody ever update bios? please give me some suggestion09:26
DoinkleNeoKipling[CN], this isnt the place for that topic09:26
NeoKipling[CN]Doinkle: ok, i try other channel, thanks09:27
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, I really like it.09:27
Us3r_Unfriendlyneo usually the manufacturer of your machine has it in their website (where you would download the drivers for windows for your machine)09:27
SashaNekoso hmm i need a little help09:28
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, now I have it but there are no frequency equalizations controls. Need I add them?09:28
fa_effekttrying to do chmod 777 a folder with su but receiving an error Operation not permitted. what's happening?09:28
SashaNekoi had messed up my install so I installed ubuntu again splitting the partition09:28
fa_effekt*on a folder09:29
r3jsfa_effekt, : are you logged in as root?09:29
SashaNekoso now I have moved all my files and such over to my new install and I went to remove the old install via a gparted live cd09:29
SashaNekoonly downnside is now grub won't boot09:29
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: use "sudo" when executing that command09:29
SashaNekoI am currently booted into an ubuntu live cd09:29
r3jsand be sure you are in the sudoers list09:29
SashaNekoso how can I fix grub?09:29
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Us3r_Unfriendlyadd yourself in the "admin group"...ubuntu's sudoers file executes root permission this way09:30
SashaNekoany help?09:31
r3jsfa_effekt, Maybe you should use chmod 755 instead of 777...09:31
SashaNekocan anyone hear me?09:32
SashaNekodo I need voice?09:32
knoppies_SashaNeko, we can read you, yes.09:32
SashaNekooh okay09:33
soreau! grub2 | SashaNeko09:33
ubottuSashaNeko: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:33
SashaNekoso yeah is there a awy I can fix my grub file09:33
mhlwjkhey. could anybody help me. my internet stopped working. hp mini 110-3010nr and it uses proprietary driver  Broadcom corp device 14e4:4727 ref 01. what should i do?09:33
ralliasso can anyone help me with my webcam?09:33
Us3r_UnfriendlySashaNeko: you lost grub right?09:33
ralliasSashaNeko: sudo update-grub09:33
sgo11can anyone explain to me what does key bytes mean in AES cipher? Is that related to passphrase? thanks.09:34
SashaNekohmm its not mounting my hard drive09:34
SashaNekothats kind of worrysome09:34
Doinklesgo11, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard09:34
ralliassgo11: key bytes means the actually key, the password is the thing you hash to get the key09:34
ralliasSashaNeko: pull up gparted09:34
Doinklesgo11, the answer is in that page somewhere09:34
SashaNekookay rallias done09:35
Us3r_UnfriendlySashaNeko: sudo fdisk -l ...and then    sudo mount -l09:35
Doinklesgo11, in context to wireless passwords, its a varied question09:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyto list09:35
fa_effektr3jsit: continues to tell me "Operation not permitted"09:35
kdashow do i mount /proc /dev and /sys onto different directories ?09:35
ralliasSashaNeko: Or go ty system -> disk utility09:35
ralliaskdas: as in...09:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: sudo chmod -R 755 "file"09:35
sgo11Doinkle, thanks a lot for the reply. Is longer keybytes safer? I am using ecryptfs. AES supports 16, 32 key bytes. should I choose 32 to gain better security? thanks.09:36
SashaNekomount: can't find /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:36
kdasrallias: like what if i want /proc to be mounted to /meow and /dev to /devices and /sys to /system09:36
Doinklesgo11, usually, yes..09:36
ralliaskdas: symlink09:36
ralliasi don't know the exact command.09:36
sgo11Doinkle, ok. thanks a lot.09:36
Doinklesgo11, is this in context to encrypting volumes?09:36
Us3r_UnfriendlySashaNeko:   sudo fdisk -l        look for your partition then         sudo mount /dev/sd(whateveritis) /mnt09:37
fa_effektUs3r_Unfriendly: same eror09:37
tyronehey people. I am having trouble executing a .jar file and have tried chmod -x myFile.jar already, any ideas what might be wrong? I previously had .jar files working with custom command java -jar and now today for some reason (I assume an update) I can't run the file anymore09:37
ralliasSashaNeko: reboot to livecd, mount the boot drive as /mnt/boot and the root part as /mnt, and run sudo grub-update --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX09:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: check and see if it's mounted....           sudo mount -l09:38
kdasrallias: i dont want system link i want to actualy mount them09:38
SashaNekowrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so09:38
ralliaskdas: impossible.09:38
SashaNekodid i corrupt the file ystem?09:38
ralliasor do you have them on diff partitions?09:38
ralliasSashaNeko: Nah, its recoverable.09:38
SashaNekookay cool09:38
ralliasIf it fails to mount, use gparted to copy them to an external disk09:39
kdasI changed my /etc/fstab to mount /proc  to /status instead and it does but something else is still mounting /proc so what is that? and what is mounting /dev and  /sys09:39
kdasrallias: thats BS i can do it all via fstab in arch09:39
ralliaskdas: Doing that will cause postfix to be violated and alot of programs to break.09:39
SashaNekohmm what I would like to do if possible would be to get it working enough to back up my important files to my server09:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyalright i need to go to work09:39
ralliaserr... not postfix...09:39
SashaNekoand then do a clean install09:39
Us3r_Unfriendlysee you guys later09:39
fa_effektUs3r_Unfriendly: please have  a look here http://pastebin.com/6qJSidPQ09:39
SashaNekorallias: one issue09:39
SashaNekoi don't have an external disk09:39
ralliasSashaNeko: I'm going to pretend i didn't hear that. Do you have multiple disks?09:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: what "ls -la" am I looking at?09:40
SashaNekorallias: my external hard drive has recently died09:40
Doinklecya Us3r_Unfriendly09:41
SashaNekoi have yet to get a chance to replace it09:41
ralliasSashaNeko: Do you have multiple disks internally?09:41
SashaNekoits a laptop09:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: the permission part?09:41
DoinkleSashaNeko, you do value your data, no??09:41
SashaNekoif I can get to the files I can back them up to my server09:41
SashaNekowell the laptop is rather new09:41
ralliasSashaNeko: Boot to livecd, mount root partition09:41
SashaNekoso most of my important data is on a different comptuer09:41
SashaNekobut it could be a bit of a pain09:42
SashaNekoI am currently booted into a live cd09:42
ralliassudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt09:42
ralliasor whatever your disk is.09:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: try         sudo chmod -R 777"(file here"09:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: try         sudo chmod -R 777 "file here"09:42
giantpunehey, i have accidentally removed the clock/calender daadod from the upper right of the screen.  how would i get it back?09:42
kdas_yea so /status i can mount /proc via /etc/fstab but /proc is still being mounted so what gives?09:43
SashaNekorallias: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so09:43
Us3r_Unfriendlyfa_effekt: or try "gksudo nautilus" and look for it in there and right click it and change the permissions from there09:43
ralliasSashaNeko: dmesg | tail09:43
Us3r_Unfriendlybut i got to go to work now...i'll talk to you guys later09:44
SashaNekookay what am I looking for09:44
rs0832giantpune, right click on the panel>add to panel> clock09:44
ralliasi dunno get out of there i just got a diff idea09:44
ralliassudo chmod 777 /dev/sda109:44
giantpunethans rs0832 .  its back :D09:44
mhlwjkif intrernet stopped working should i reinstall drivers?09:45
SashaNekookay and then?09:45
ralliasSashaNeko: Try sudo mount /dev/sda109:45
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ralliasor whatever the root partition is.09:46
rs0832mhlwjk, what kind of a connection do you have?09:46
=== Guest70826 is now known as richardr
SashaNekomount: can't find /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:46
mhlwjkwifi. proprietary driver  Broadcom corp device 14e4:4727 ref 01.09:46
kdas_yea so /status i can mount /proc via /etc/fstab but /proc is still being mounted so what gives?/09:46
ralliasSashaNeko: Open system -> admin -> disk utility09:47
mhlwjkrs0832: run OK but after updates it doeasn't work or works veryyy slowly.09:47
ralliaskdas_: if it isn't alot of stuff will break09:47
rs0832mhlwjk, well, if you remember installing/uninstalling software just before your connection went you can install them then09:47
ralliasSashaNeko: Do you see your hard drive on the left hand panel?09:47
kdas_So no one knows how to mount /proc /sys /dev under different names?09:48
ralliasclick it09:48
ralliaskdas_ not without breaking alot of stuff09:48
kdas_rallias: umm i can syslink /mydir to /proc09:48
rs0832mhlwjk, also make sure it is a not a problem with your connection first09:48
ralliaskdas_ yes09:48
rs0832kdas_, i think i can help you09:48
SashaNekoi have a sinking suspision i corrupted the partition09:48
kdas_rallias: com'on "its impossible" "things will break" stop with the bs09:48
rs0832kdas_, but what are you trying to do ?09:48
fa_effektUs3r_Unfriendly: please have  a look here http://pastebin.com/SFSPGxw209:49
ralliaskdas_: Symlinks are no harm. Renaming the devices... thats a different cow alltogether.09:49
kdas_rs0832: cool. I am trying to mount /proc to /status which i have via /etc/fstab but /proc is still being mounted so whats up with that09:49
mhlwjkrs0832: connection OK. I've installed ubuntu month ago, and everything went automatically. so not really sure. should i uninstall the driver first?09:49
SashaNekothe truth is there are only a few things on my drive and not a lot that isn't replacable09:49
SashaNekomy music is on ubuntu one09:49
rs0832fa_effekt, he is not online :)09:49
the_germanhi @ all. My Panflute-applet is not working with MPD. It always displays "no playback" ...but mpd is working and pidgin is also able to change its status with songs played with mpd! any idea?09:49
=== vimes656 is now known as jdnavarro
ralliasSashaNeko: Click the drive, then click the different partitions09:49
kdas_rs0832: i also would like to know how to mount /sys and /dev under different directories09:49
SashaNekoso unless you have a bright idea that would fix this I am going to bite the bullet and reinstall09:49
ralliasI'm trying to help you recover what you can09:49
rs0832kdas_, hmm hold on09:49
ralliasSashaNeko: I have a sneaky suspicion that your hard drive was improperly named.09:50
fa_effektrso832: could you have a look at this? http://pastebin.com/SFSPGxw209:50
rs0832mhlwjk, if you have the driver, then yes09:50
fa_effektstill can't get filder permissions to change09:50
kdas_rs0832: on arch things are a lil easier because we don't use sysV/upstart09:51
mhlwjkrs0832: after removing the driver from proprietary drivers can i load it from the pendrive?09:51
SashaNekookay so rallias how should I fix it?09:51
ralliasSasha: When you click the partition that is supposed to be /dev/sda5, what does it say under device?09:52
vixhi everyone, after the installation of another distribution when I reboot on ubuntu my wifi card results soft blocked (from rfkill list) so everytime I turn on ubuntu even when i reboot from ubuntu i have to do rfkill unblock all. How can I have the wifi soft unblocked by default ?09:52
amitwhen i starts my computer the login sound of ubuntu is not coming,how to get back the sound?09:52
rs0832mhlwjk, sorry load what from the pen drive? the drivers? or ubuntu?09:52
ralliasvix: anacrontab with a delay of 009:52
mhlwjkrs0832: drivers09:52
amitwhen i starts my computer the login sound of ubuntu is not coming,how to get back the sound?09:53
vixrallias, sorry what do you mean, i'm quei newbie09:53
ralliasSashaNeko: sudo give_me_a_sec09:53
rs0832mhlwjk, yes i think so.. have you installed them before?09:53
ralliasvix: google anacrontab.09:53
SashaNekorallias: thats funny09:53
rs0832kdas_, you can have a look here.. if you have questions, feel free to ask - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:54
ralliasSashaNeko: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid09:54
rs0832fa_effekt, hold on ill check your link :)09:54
jelgthats odd, my Sound volume control  panel disappeared09:55
mhlwjkamit: rs0832: no there's a newer driver available and i think this is the problem. i thoought that if i reinstall the driver it should run smoothly. Don't know if I 'm correct about it.09:55
kdas_rs0832: I am trying to change where /proc /sys and /dev is mounted. I know how to mount shit09:55
SashaNeko25f1ccf8-ffc8-44a5-a2f8-b8101e3edb39  7b1302db-c7fe-4ec2-915d-6dd52484766709:55
rs0832kdas_, look under the --bind part... however, unless you know what youre doing, i dont advise doing it09:55
mhlwjkamit: sorry this was not for you09:55
ralliasSashaNeko: sudo mount09:55
ralliasinsert the second one09:56
vixrallias, so i have to change the delay interval in /etc/anacrontab to 0 ?09:56
SashaNekomount: can't find 7b1302db-c7fe-4ec2-915d-6dd524847667 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:56
kdas_rs0832: i know what --bind does i want to mount them completely different like i want to be able to do a rmdir /proc and have proc mounted somewhere else09:56
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm unless you uninstalled the driver or some of it;s dependancies, i dont think that it could be the issue or that reinstalling it would fix the problem...  did you change any configs?09:57
ralliasSashaNeko: Go into gparted09:57
ralliasright click /dev/sda5 click check09:57
greenIThey, is it possible to add the bot an article about a solution to a problem?09:57
jelgwhat sound control panel do you recommend?09:57
SashaNekookay rallias i have an error09:58
rs0832fa_effekt, did you send me the link about gksudo nautilus?09:58
ralliasSashaNeko: What type? Libparted or what?09:58
mhlwjkrs0832: nope. how can i check if all the correct packages are installed or dependencies?09:58
SashaNekohmm i think i have had a stupid moment09:58
rs0832kdas_, so you want /proc to be in a completely different location?09:58
SashaNekodoes non destructive partitioning not work with ext409:58
fa_effektno matter what happens it won't let me change ownership of the folder nor chmod09:58
chandrageethahi ChanServ, could you pls help me, i hve some probs with my Archive Manager, it says, Couldnot create archive, archive type not supported, while opening a folder through menu Places09:58
ralliasSashaNeko: Resize it.09:58
ralliasSashaNeko: Yes it does.09:59
rs0832fa_effekt, as for the error, i get it too, i think it is normal09:59
SashaNekoso resize it down09:59
ralliasSashaNeko: But it checks, so if it gives error... your screwed.09:59
ralliasI'd try it.09:59
rs0832mhlwjk, where did you install the driver from?09:59
SashaNekoi am unsure what size i had it at before so maybe size it substanially down?09:59
ralliasput space afterwards 1mb space before 1mb09:59
mhlwjkrs0832: it installed itself automatically from proprietary drivers.10:00
rs0832fa_effekt, but what exactly are you trying to do? sorry i missed the whole conversation10:00
rs0832mhlwjk, so from the repos?10:00
KoketsoMabuseNeed help Guys with setting up a Zentyal Firewall10:00
SashaNekodarn rallias it is giving me an error10:00
ralliasSashaNeko: Pastebin it.10:00
SashaNekowhat size did you want it to be?10:01
SashaNekobecause currently i have 1mb before and one after10:01
rallias1mb free before 1mb free after.10:01
SashaNekoyeah thats how it already i10:01
rs0832kdas_, if you are trying to change the mountpoint of /proc, i m with whoever told you that it could damage your system earlier :)10:01
DoinkleKoketsoMabuse, this isnt the channel for that topic10:01
mhlwjkrs0832: after installing ubuntu i plugged cable in, because wifi was not working and a window appeared asking to install proprietary driver. didn't do it myself.10:01
ralliasTry growing it into that size10:01
KoketsoMabuseI have setup the entire system and can access services with Firewall off but as soon as I tuyrn it on nothing works LDAP the works tried all things and got nowhere10:01
rs0832kdas_, that is usually better done during install... if you are trying to do something else and i have misunderstood, please correct me10:01
fa_effekttrying to change permissions on a folder with contents10:02
SashaNekoshould i try turning off "round to cylinders"10:02
KoketsoMabuseDoinkie?? what is the right channels10:02
fa_effektsudo chmod 755 won't work10:02
fa_effektsudo chmod -R 755 does not work either10:02
nirazioLast time I installed ubuntu there was a "-pea" (or "-pae") at the end of kernel version in boot screen.Now that I reinstalled ubuntu from the same disk instead of "pea" there is a "-generic" at the end of kernel version.  What's meaning of them?why that's different between two installations?10:02
DoinkleKoketsoMabuse, visit their website forums10:02
ralliasSashaNeko: You should always uncheck that when partitioning with gparted.10:02
KoketsoMabuseTried not getting anythere10:02
rs0832fa_effekt, k..10:02
Doinklenirazio, thats PAE...if you have over 4Gb RAM with 32 bit linux10:02
KoketsoMabuseAny specific10:02
SashaNekogrr i can't pastebin10:03
SashaNekobecause it won't let me select teh text10:03
ralliaspm it to me10:03
Doinkle!pae | nirazio10:03
ubottunirazio: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info10:03
ralliastype it out.10:03
SashaNekoits suggesting that the partition table is correct or something about superblock10:03
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm do you have a .deb of the drivers? if you do then copy it to ~/Documents, cd to ~/Documents in a terminal and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename.deb>10:03
ralliasSashaNeko: If you want to recover your data, go get an external hard drive of the same size or larger of your largest partition. If not click devices new partition table.10:04
rs0832fa_effekt, where is the folder located?10:04
SashaNekoThe filesystem isze according to the superblock is 122095360 blocks.  The physical size of the device is 119165148 blocks.  EIther the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!  Abort? Yes10:04
nirazioDoinkle: What is generic then???10:04
ralliasSashaNeko: You click no.10:05
Doinklenirazio, a generic kernel.10:05
SashaNekoit doesn't give me an option10:05
ralliasSashaNeko: Try sudo fdisk /dev/sda10:05
nirazioDoinkle: What is the difference between both??10:05
ralliasnirazio: if you don't use PAE, you don't get to use more then ~3.2 gb ram10:06
SashaNekookay and the command?10:06
SashaNekoit's asking for a command10:06
anon-devrHi, I have successfully installed wlan driver but am having to make each time I boot10:06
rs0832fa_effekt, have you tried with the gui? rightclick>properties>permissions?10:06
Doinklenirazio, generic kernels come with a distro, custom kernels are built by the people who own the computer.10:06
ralliastype w10:06
mhlwjkrs0832: where can i get theses .deb? i downloaded some .zip file with drivers.10:07
SashaNekorallias: http://pastebin.ca/203406910:07
ralliaswait... go to gparted, turn swap off10:07
rs0832mhlwjk, ok, what does the zip file contain?10:08
ralliaswoops... Then go fdisk again10:08
fa_effektrs0832: tried that from the beginning, maybe was the reason for the problem10:08
mhlwjkrs0832: folders: lib, source, and file 'make file"10:08
SashaNekookay rallias http://pastebin.ca/203407110:09
rs0832fa_effekt, are you logged in as the user who owns those files?10:09
ralliasSashaNeko: sudo gparted10:09
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm can you give me the link to where you downloaded them from? that is the source code and has to be compiled10:09
ralliasnow try resizing with round cylanders turned off10:09
fa_effektsudo doesn't do anything10:10
the_germanhi @ all. My Panflute-applet is not working with MPD. It always displays "no playback" ...but mpd is working and pidgin is also able to change its status with songs played with mpd! any idea?10:10
SashaNekorallias: same error as before10:10
mhlwjkrs0832: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php10:10
rs0832fa_effekt, did yo utry without sudo? if you are logged in as the user you shouldnt need10:10
ralliasSashaNeko: Whats the last command run?10:10
rs0832fa_effekt, sudo10:10
SashaNeko** (gpartedbin:5838): CRITICAL **: murrine_style_draw_box: assertion `height >= -1' failed10:10
ralliasNo the command not the terminal output.10:11
RaymondHi everyone, I have 3 computers on Ubuntu and every time there i10:11
nirazioDoinkle: But last time i have installed ubuntu with the same disk,it showd PAE that time and now it shows generic..How??10:11
fa_effektsame result10:11
SashaNekohmm sudo gparted?10:11
fa_effektrs0832: same result10:11
Raymonds an update it has to be done 3 times, can I download the updates to a central location on my NAS and update the 3 from there/10:11
ralliasSashaNeko: No in the error window it should say something like mkfs.ext4 ... what is that command?10:11
twitchgksudo ?10:11
Doinklenirazio, i dont know your pc and how you installed ubuntu.  no idea.10:11
ralliastwitch: gksudo on livecd is broken.10:11
rs0832nirazio, pae kernels give you the feature of 64 bit systems (the ability to use >3.2gb of RAM)10:12
twitchahh ok10:12
rs0832nirazio, the generic kernel, if 32 bit, doesnt10:12
SashaNekoe2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda510:12
rs0832fa_effekt, hmm what was the output when you ran the command?10:12
ralliasSashaNeko: Tack on sudo, run it in a new terminal tab10:12
fa_effektOperation not Permitted10:12
rs0832fa_effekt, and with the sudo?10:13
fa_effektOperation not Permitted10:13
twitchsorry you doing this off a live cd?10:13
rs0832mhlwjk, check in synaptic if the 'wpasupplicant' package is installed10:13
ralliasfa_effekt try sudo chmod 777 /file/to/chmod.tok10:13
fa_effektrs0832: Operation not Permitted10:13
rs0832fa_effekt, hmm10:13
ralliasSashaNeko: Don't type yes.10:14
SashaNekohmm i didnt10:14
SashaNekoit did that auto10:14
SashaNekooh remove the -y flag10:14
SashaNekoone sec10:14
RaymondIs there a way to download the Ubuntu updates to a NAS so that multiple PC's can update from there instead of downloading the update every time?10:14
anon-devrHi @ All: I have to make and install wlan driver after each boot?10:15
SashaNekoError reading block 119537664 (Invalid argument) while reading inode and block bitmaps.  Ignore error<y>?10:15
ralliasor y10:15
ralliaspress y10:15
denilefa_effekt, ls -ld ~/nameofdir10:15
SashaNekoforce rewrite?10:15
ajuHai all how  can i access the current time from web server to our site10:16
ralliasSashaNeko: Pastebin for me10:16
mhlwjkrs0832: yeah, it's there installed.10:16
rs0832fa_effekt, hold on i will give you another command instead10:16
niraziors0832: My question is last time,i used the same disk for installation but last time it shows PAE but now it is showing generic...How??10:16
anon-devr@all, can anyone see my messages, just need to confirm?10:16
ralliasanon-devr: We hear ya loud and clear10:16
ralliasSashaNeko: press y10:17
SashaNekoand continue to ignore the errors?10:17
ralliaswhat is +j?10:17
fa_effektdenile: rwxrwxrwx10:17
rwwubottu: tell rallias about modes10:17
ubotturallias, please see my private message10:17
ralliasSashaNeko: the quitter never fails, but never succedes10:17
denilefa_effekt, what perms do you want? 755?10:17
psycho_oreosanon-devr, I don't see why you want to do that, why not have it installed so that it will load the wireless driver everytime?10:18
fa_effektdenile: yes10:18
rigvednirazio: i think you need to remove the generic kernel after installing the PAE kernel, otherwise the generic kernel will also get updated (and i your case has been set as the default)10:18
rs0832mhlwjk, k what about bcmwl-modaliases, bcmwl-kernel-source and broadcom-sta-common?10:18
SashaNekoalright its done10:18
SashaNekonow what?10:18
anon-devr@psycho_oreos, I don't want it that way, but for some reason the device fails to work10:18
ralliasMount it.10:18
SashaNekomount: can't find /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:19
psycho_oreosanon-devr, what sort of wireless chipset is it? like which brand and model number?10:19
ralliasSashaNeko: Did you use sudo?10:19
ralliasSashaNeko: Try gparted again.10:20
anon-devrpsycho_oreos, RealTek chipset, 8712u, LM Technology brand10:20
rs0832fa_effekt, hmm have you recently changed any configs?10:20
SashaNekosame errors as before10:20
SashaNekohmm did I completly destroy things?10:21
ralliasSashaNeko: Are you on this computer's irc or are you using a diff computer for irc?10:21
ajuhow can i disply site visitor's location on our site10:21
rs0832SashaNeko, did you try the gui for mounting?10:21
SashaNekono[e this computer10:21
psycho_oreosanon-devr, hmm I suppose you're wanting to try the developmental/staging driver?10:21
fa_effektrs0832: initiall the privelages were changed under nautilus10:21
fa_effekttried to change it back so that all users had rights to the file10:21
ralliasSashaNeko: Log into a different computer for irc and reboot your livecd10:21
fa_effektbut then the problem occurred10:21
rs0832SashaNeko, try sudo blkid in a terminal and paste the output on a pastebin10:22
bidreamhello all10:22
fa_effekttried using the terminal to change it back but got the 'Operation not Permitted error'10:22
rigvedaju: this channel is only for ubuntu related questions. not for web designing or related topics10:22
rs0832fa_effekt, hmm what about from gksudo nautilus?10:22
fa_effektrs0832: tried using the terminal to change it back but got the 'Operation not Permitted error'10:22
fa_effektsame thing10:22
SashaNekomy other computer is not really available at the moment10:22
fa_effektrs0832: same thing10:23
ralliasSashaneko: sudo mount 7b1302db-c7fe-4ec2-915d-6dd52484766710:23
rs0832SashaNeko, just a thought, try mount /dev/sda5 /mnt10:23
anon-devrpsycho_oreos, it seems to be the only working driver10:23
bidreami would like to know where are stored the datas from gnome-schedule , it has a config file somewhere in /etc  or something else ?10:23
ralliasthat would be embarrasing if that was the problem rs083210:24
rs0832rallias, sorry?10:24
SashaNekomount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so10:24
ralliasrs0832: I said if that was the issue that would be embarrasing.10:24
mhlwjkrs0832: i don't have  broadcom-sta-common, when i click to install it asks to installl some other files10:24
rs0832rallias, yes.. understood now :)10:25
psycho_oreosanon-devr, well yes I suppose so as for now. I'm assuming the driver is already installed as it would probably come via linux-wireless testing git?10:25
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm ok,10:25
tyroneanyone know how to run .jar files?10:25
ralliasSashaNeku: hello?10:25
SashaNekoim here10:25
rs0832mhlwjk, how many boot entries do you have?10:25
ralliaswhat is the result of sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt10:25
SashaNekoi posted it10:25
completeGood Morning Ubuntu World! When i type ./ and then tab, bash also suggests files that are not executable. Only in directories mounted via sshf. Any ideas, why?10:26
ralliasSashaNeko: I guess you'll have to be like my dad, playing in the livecd until you get an external drive.10:26
SashaNekorallias: the truth is there really isn't a lot on the laptop i may just bite the bullet10:27
SashaNekoand reinstall10:27
rs0832fa_effekt, can you chroot?10:27
fa_effekt@all what irc client is used by most here?10:27
anon-devrpsycho_oreos, well I had to download and compile the driver to get it to work with the kernel in ubuntu 1010:27
mhlwjkrs0832: what are boot entries? it says that it will affect other packages like: g++, broadcom-sta-source, build-essential, etc....10:27
SashaNekothis is what i get for not using my ubuntu one account that I am paying for10:27
fa_effektwant to get a notification whenever a new message is posted10:27
rs0832SashaNeko, you cant boot or something?10:27
erkan^I have installed add-ons in OpenOffice.org: sun-weblog-publisher.oxt. My OS is Ubuntu 10.10 64-bits. that doesn't work :( . can someone help me?10:27
geeknikfa_effekt: i use x-chat on my pc. andirc on my phone.10:27
ralliasSashaNeko: Go into gparted10:27
ralliasSashaNeko: Devices -> New partition table10:27
psycho_oreosanon-devr, yeah I thought so, but if you have done that before, there's no need to repeat that process every time you reboot the computer into ubuntu for instance. You just need to tell ubuntu to load the driver10:28
fa_effekton x-chat is there a way to get a tone when a message pops up?10:28
rs0832mhlwjk, no i mean the grub menu at boot time10:28
geeknikfa_effekt: yeah.10:28
twitchcomplete: sshf or encryptfs ?10:28
fa_effektrs0832: example pls10:28
ralliasSashaNeko: But before doing this its a point of no return10:28
SashaNekorallias: WARNING this will erase all data10:28
fa_effektgeeknik: how?10:28
SashaNekoi may just go through the normal install10:28
ajahcan any body help me with this game urban terror i run and i just hold i even try kill it like with SIGCONT nothing happen this is the output from terminal http://pastebin.ca/203408710:28
ralliasSashaNeko: You can't10:28
SashaNekoand why?10:28
mhlwjkrs0832: how do i check this? the computer turned itself off yesterday for some reason as well.10:28
ralliasthat problem will persist until you make a new partition table.10:29
geeknikfa_effekt: settings -> preferences -> chatting -> alerts10:29
geeknikyou can make it beep on channel message, private message or highlighted message.10:29
rs0832fa_effekt, chown -R user:group file/dir10:29
SashaNekohere we go10:29
ralliasclose your eyes10:29
geeknikfa_effekt: there is also a Sound area under Chatting that lets you define a sound for just about anything. =)10:29
ralliasSashaNeko: Make sure you select ms-dos10:29
SashaNekohmm maybe this would be a great time to switch to a LVM10:30
ralliasSashaNeko: Do you have a cd burner?10:30
rs0832mhlwjk, it did?10:30
SashaNekobut blank cd's not so much10:30
ralliasSashaNeko: You need the alternate installer for that one.10:30
SashaNekoI have an ubuntu live cd though10:30
ralliasSashaNeko That just won't do10:30
mhlwjkrs0832: yeah and frozed.10:31
rs0832mhlwjk, what was it doing at the time?10:31
ralliasSashaNeko: Your only option is encrypted home directory.10:31
SashaNekomeh I'll just go with the regular setup10:31
anon-devrwindow size 710:32
completetwitch: sshfs10:32
mhlwjkrs0832: it was left, not working on it. and then i come back and i see the startup screen when all the boot entries are and it was just hanging there.10:32
SashaNekowould you suggest the encrypted home directory?10:32
ralliasSashaNeko: Now's where we part ways. I think if you need help rs0832 can help. Me on the other hand, I'm hitting hte sack.10:32
jlebrechhot do i make my ubuntu server save ssh passwords?10:32
ralliasSashaNeko: It makes recovery a pain in the ***10:32
SashaNekoyeah I bet10:32
gobbejlebrech: what do you with saving passwords?10:32
SashaNekowell I don't need help installing10:32
SashaNekothanks for your help rallias10:32
ralliasSashaNeko: If you get an error, my good friend rs0832 can help. I think10:33
fa_effektrs0832: chown -R username /home/username/Videos10:33
fa_effektsame message10:33
jlebrechgobbe: github connection10:33
fa_effektOperation not Permitted10:33
twitchfa_effekt: with sudo ?10:33
gobbejlebrech: use ssh-keys10:33
rs0832fa_effekt, you are trying to change ownership of the generated Videos folder?10:33
gschweppfa_effekt: sudo10:33
rigvedSashaNeko: encrypted home directory is good for storing sensitive stuff like passwords in seahorse10:34
jlebrechgobbe: i just install ssh-key from apt right?10:34
rs0832fa_effekt, it could probably be the reason you cant10:34
fa_effektrs0832: same message10:34
gschweppfa_effekt: sudo chown -R username:group /your dir/10:34
fa_effektgscwepp: same message10:34
rs0832fa_effekt, try creating a new folder and chmodding that10:34
gobbejlebrech: no10:34
gobbejlebrech: you create a key, copy that to server and then use it10:34
gobbejlebrech: http://www.debuntu.org/ssh-key-based-authentication10:35
jlebrechi have the key and it's on the server but i have to put the password along with it everytime10:35
rs0832mhlwjk, you said that the last time a message popped up asking you to install drivers?10:35
twitchfa_effekt: yeah usr chown username.username(usualy the same grp) /home/dir/Videos10:35
bidreamno one can help me about the config file of gnome scheduler ?10:35
gobbejlebrech: key must be at .ssh-folder at server10:35
jlebrechwhat on github?10:36
twitchfa_effekt: eg # sudo chown -R twitch.twitch /home/tiwtch/Videos10:36
gobbejlebrech: http://help.github.com/linux-key-setup/10:36
fa_effektrs0832: http://pastebin.com/MFFUXs2W10:37
gschwepptwitch: istnt it twitch:twitch ?10:37
fa_effektgscwepp: http://pastebin.com/MFFUXs2W10:37
twitchgschwepp: same thing10:37
rs0832gschwepp, yes it is :10:37
twitchgschwepp: "." is old school i guess :P10:37
twitch. still works did it the other day changing a grp10:37
rs0832gschwepp, twitch, according to the 10.10 manpage, its :  but . may work too10:38
gschwepptwitch: i never saw10:38
mhlwjkrs0832: the drivers were installed when i installed ubuntu. this was the last time. then since a week the internet is not working, and working on and off. the internet is there it's just this laptop has some problems. i can see that i do not have installed broadcom-sta-common, broadcom-sta-source but have bcmwl-kernel-source and bcmwl-modalities .10:38
fa_effekttwitch: 'Operation not Permitted'10:38
gschweppfa_effekt: sudo chown -R [yourusername]:[yourusrname] /home/[yourusername]/Videos10:38
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm can you define 'not working'?10:38
rs0832fa_effekt, did you try?10:39
gschweppgroup is by default equal to your username10:39
fa_effektgscwepp: 'Operation not Permitted'10:39
rs0832fa_effekt, create a new folder in ~ and try chmodding it10:39
mhlwjkrs0832: working 5 minutes and then no websites are opening, in the same time doing the same on a different laptop and running fine10:39
fa_effekthang on10:39
denilefa_effekt, lsattr -d dirname10:39
gschweppfa_effekt: pastebin ls -l /home/[yourusername]10:39
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm then i dont think reinstalling any drivers is going to work... seems like either a server problem, or a configuration problem... are you using the same connection on the laptop? and is it running win?10:40
mhlwjkrs0832: made no changes, running on ubuntu10:41
rs0832gschwepp, he is trying to chmod ~/Videos.. is this possible to do? i have never tried it so i am not sure10:41
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm same version also?10:42
twitchyeah it is .. it's like su vs su- root10:42
rs0832twitch, were you telling me?10:42
gschwepprs0832: sure you chan chown and chmod everything as root10:42
twitchnah mt'in10:42
mhlwjkrs0832: nope. one has linux driver and the other that works on/ff has proprietary driver.10:43
gschweppbtw he wanna chmod or chown it?10:43
fa_effektdenile: http://pastebin.com/dezzBjzc10:43
rs0832gschwepp, yes but i mean, ~/Videos is like a user dependant file10:43
fa_effektgscwepp: http://pastebin.com/dezzBjzc10:43
rs0832gschwepp, he wants to allow all users to use it10:43
denilefa_effekt, lol10:43
fa_effekttwitch: http://pastebin.com/dezzBjzc10:43
denileits immutable10:43
rs0832gschwepp, so chmod...10:43
denilefa_effekt, sudo chattr -i dirname10:44
fa_effektwhat would one user to hide the contents of a file?10:44
rs0832gschwepp, yes.. thats what i mean... i dont think you can chmod a folder that is *directly* associated with a users account, if you know what i mean10:44
fa_effektsomeone tries to look at the contents of a file but it appears empty10:45
twitchfa_effekt: you running off a live cd or full install?10:45
denilefa_effekt, after you remove the i you shouldbe good to go'10:45
fa_effekttwitch: full install10:45
mhlwjkrs0832: is there any difference between braodcom-sta-sourse and  bcmwl-kernel-source?10:45
rs0832mhlwjk, then install the linux driver :)10:45
rs0832mhlwjk, yes i think there is10:45
twitchohh yeah it is +i nice pick up denile :( didnt even look at tthat was just looking at the tree :P\10:46
mhlwjkrs0832: how to check if there's any available?10:46
rs0832fa_effekt, i m with denile on this10:46
denileman chattr will give you an idea if ya want to read it fa_effekt10:46
denilefa_effekt, once you chattr -i dirname you should be able to change perms10:47
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm i think you can install bcmwl-kernel-source10:47
gschweppfa_effekt: what is your ls -l output for Videos?10:47
fa_effektok, it's changed but how does an admin change the contents of a folder to appear hidden and inaccessible?10:47
rs0832mhlwjk, do you have access to the computer where the internet works?10:48
gschwepprs0832: i tried ... it works i can chown folders that are directly in my folder10:48
mhlwjkrs0832: yeah10:48
anon-devrpsycho_oreas, that's what's strange. Unless I make (and maybe even sudo ./clean), sudo insmod fails10:48
gschweppfa_effekt: and the username and group ?10:48
denilefa_effekt, hidden from who10:48
fa_effektgschwepp: *correction drwxr-xr-x10:49
gschweppfa_effekt: is your username after that?10:50
gschweppfa_effekt: a number then your username twice ?10:50
fa_effektif a project is stored in the contents of a folder and the user want't it to be secure from others, what would they change to the folder to keep it hidden/inaccessible?10:50
rs0832gschwepp, yes, but his files were +i :)10:51
wolf23please help me10:51
fa_effektgscwepp: username and group10:51
fa_effektdenile: username and group10:51
fa_effektthe folder was +i to keep the contents from accidental modification10:52
rs0832mhlwjk, ok then open synaptic, and in the quick search type '802'.. then in the search results, tell me if which of the above packages were installed (my post above)10:52
fa_effektnot even admin can do anything to the folder10:52
gschweppfa_effekt: give read and write rights to just your files10:52
cathrin-tuxmorning. my local starbucks has an "evil twin" wireless access point. can somebody help me setup a VPN so that I can be secure on this rogue access point?10:52
twitch!chown | fa_effekt10:52
ubottufa_effekt: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:53
gschweppcathrin-tux: did you google ?10:53
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN10:53
exxtremetotem youtube plugin not working.  how to fix?10:53
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sgo11hi, why the package name is called gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly? it's very weird. should I install them? thanks.10:54
cathrin-tuxhmm but it doesnt tell me how i make my server into a vpn endpoint. it only tells me how to connect to an endpoint10:54
fa_effektsgoll: install good as well10:54
fa_effektsgoll: they are needed for .mp4 and windows videos10:54
rs0832sgo11, because some are developed well or according to standards10:54
rs0832sgo11, you should find more info at http://gstreamer.org/10:55
twitchlol nice way to put it10:55
gschweppcathrin-tux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNServer there is a search function!10:55
sgo11fa_effekt, rs0832 thanks for the explanation. But I still don't understand why they name it bad, ugly?10:55
cathrin-tuxright. i just googled "ubuntu vpn endpoint" and got no satisfactory results10:56
fa_effektsgoll: the good, the bad and the ugly -10:56
rs0832sgo11, well, bad because the code is probably not efficient... it is written in a way that is considered bad10:56
rs0832sgo11, and ugly, because the code is hard to understand10:56
fa_effektthe good probably because it was easy and straightforward10:57
cathrin-tuxgschwepp: thanks.10:57
rs0832sgo11, source code is a very important part of open source software10:57
fa_effektthe bad because it was proprietary code10:57
sgo11rs0832, ok. so is that good to install bad and ugly?...10:57
mhlwjkrs0832: wpsuapplicant, bcmwl-kernel-source, bcmwl-modaliteis are here only.10:57
aidrocsidmy wubi install is being dumb. namely, it won't let me boot in10:58
rs0832sgo11, fa_effekt, here : http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/releases/gstreamer/0.10.31.html10:58
rs0832sgo11, fa_effekt, see the last few lines of the first section10:59
sgo11fa_effekt, I don't care of whether they are proprietary code or not. as long as it's useful and can play all video/audio formats... :)10:59
sgo11rs0832, saw it. thanks a lot.10:59
rs0832mhlwjk, ok ,then just install the same ones in the system that is not working, and everything should work fine :) if not then we will try to find a solution10:59
rs0832sgo11, :)10:59
rs0832mhlwjk, dont worry about reinstalling.. you shouldnt need to11:00
mhlwjkrs0832: but those are different computers with different modems etc...11:00
rs0832mhlwjk, ??11:01
fa_effektsgoll: the interface is bad but dragon can play any format, even better than vlc11:01
rs0832mhlwjk, k, so your point is?11:01
aidrocsidwow this sucks'11:01
aidrocsidNo WUBILDR11:01
aidrocsidhow do i fix that11:01
rs0832mhlwjk, you told me that you tried the same modem/connection on 2 different computers and one worked right?11:01
anon-devrpsycho_oreas, many thanks for your time; I must head off to the office now but I will investigate further for the next few days and report back, hopefully I should be able to idenfity what has gone wrong ... many thanks11:01
exxtremetotem youtube plugin not working. any ideas?   ubuntu-mini 10.04 with xubuntu suite of packages.11:02
rs0832mhlwjk, if thats right, it shouldnt matter11:02
OglopI know its not a new issue, but I cant find any documentation on fixing Ubuntu 10.10 installation issues11:02
mhlwjkrs0832:sorry don't understand. same router connection, but 2 different computers with 2 different hardware in it...11:02
sgo11fa_effekt, I never heard of dragon. actually, I used to using  mplayer on opensuse. it's very fast and can play all formats. I tried vlc before. very slow and have some problems with interface.  I will look at dragon later. thanks a lot for introducing it.11:03
rs0832mhlwjk, ah ok.. but the same type of hardware?11:03
rs0832mhlwjk, like same company/model?11:03
Psycho_Marioi have a dual screen configuration, when i use virtualbox in fullscreen, and then click on the other screen, the panels appear over virtualbox. Is it possible to disable this behaviour?11:03
mhlwjkrs0832: same company but modem is different11:03
rs0832mhlwjk, but meant for the same connection right?11:04
rs0832mhlwjk, and both wifi modems?11:04
mhlwjkhp mini 110-3030nr is ok but hp mini 110-3130nr nope.11:04
OglopAnyone familiar with the Ubuntu 10.10 installation issues?11:04
mhlwjkconnection/using the same network11:04
rs0832mhlwjk, ah :)11:05
KM0201Psycho_Mario: there's a option to use "full screen" in Vbox.. that should remove the borders i do believe11:05
rs0832mhlwjk, then that shouldnt be a problem :)11:05
aidrocsidStupid wubi11:05
sacarlsonOglop: there are many issues in installation, each has a different solution,  set focus on the issue at hand.11:05
twitchPsycho_Mario: interesting i dont get that problem .. can u screen shot it?11:05
rs0832aidrocsid, did you delete it by mistake or something?11:05
Psycho_Mario@KM0201, thats the option im using11:05
jack87__anyone know how to uninstall android sdk on ubuntu11:05
aidrocsidI don't see how I could have.11:05
Psycho_Mario@twitch, yeah sure, where shall i upload it to?11:05
rew_can someone run:  dig A prq.se @    and tell me if they get a valid response back. i think verizon is blacklisting hosts on the dns side of things now11:05
rs0832aidrocsid, hold on11:06
Oglopsacarksib, ok well said issue is...Trying to format my Acer Aspire One to ubuntu 10.10 but running into crashes at installation11:06
aidrocsidlast remotely invasive thing I did was move my WINE folder out of the virtual drive11:06
tyronehi people. I have used command chmod -x myfile and now I can't read or write to the folder. does anyone know how to "undo this?11:06
twitchohh if u dont have a flr or phb account it's ok dw11:06
rs0832jack87__, how did you install it?11:06
mhlwjkrs0832: OK, so have them run the same packages and it should help?11:06
aidrocsidtyrone sudo chmod +x11:06
rwwrew_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548781/11:06
cryptodirahi folks,11:06
LuciusMareHello, I am on Maverick, and when I pause and resume something in VLC, there is no sound11:06
mhlwjkrs0832: should help with the disabled one ?11:06
jack87__rs0832, i wish i can remember it was long ago11:06
tyroneaidrocsid thanks. sigh... me = noob11:06
rs0832mhlwjk, if the propreitory driver is whats causing it, then yes... if it doesnt help, reinstall the propreitory driver11:07
rs0832jack87__, hmm how do you run it? command in terminal?11:07
jack87__rs0832, adb11:07
cryptodirawhat is the solution for keeping the backlit keyboard lit...past the boot screen.... toshiba satellite with amd chipset, ubuntu 10.0411:07
sacarlsonOglop: crashes at install,  any error mesages?  how far into grub or beyound did it get before crash?11:07
geekniktime for bed. =)11:07
mhlwjkrs0832: if i'm out of network, because something will not work where can i find that driver on the computer after?11:08
KM0201!screenshot | Psycho_Mario11:08
ubottuPsycho_Mario: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.11:08
wikersombody  can  give me  a  chinese  chathouse?11:08
rwwwiker: /join #ubuntu-cn11:08
rs0832mhlwjk, where did you install the propreitory one from the first time?11:08
jack87__rs0832, any ideas?11:09
Oglopsaying CD/DVD is either bad or unclean, not even hardly into the install.  Im using a USB I flashed using the unben program11:09
rs0832jack87__, hmm did you install it from source?11:09
Psycho_Mariotwitch,KM0201; http://imagebin.org/13020911:09
mhlwjkrs0832: the system suggested it, beacuse wifi was not working so when i plugged cable in it did the updates and proprietary driver window opened and asked to install. so i did and it was working fine for some time. :)11:10
nkhHi , What should i do if i want to change my kernel without rebooting ? does ksplice do this !? or it's just do that with updating kernel ... ?11:10
KM0201Psycho_Mario: i thinkt he reslution is out of range for that service.11:10
jack87__rs0832, i just might have.. it was gz tar11:10
rs0832mhlwjk, do you remember the name?11:10
sacarlsonOglop: much better detail very good,  so this usb was created from windows?11:10
KM0201Psycho_Mario: nevermind, it works11:10
Oglopfrom windows correct11:10
KM0201Psycho_Mario: so before you open vbox, are your panels on the other display?11:11
mhlwjkbroadcom (14e4:4727) rev111:11
rs0832jack87__, yes tar.gz are source archives... did you leave the diretory after compiling? if you did, cd to it in a terminal and run sudo make uninstall or sudo make remove11:11
Psycho_MarioKM0201; there is only a bottom panel on the left screen, on the right screen there is the standard ubuntu panels (top & bottom)11:11
jack87__rs0832, thanks11:11
nkhcan any body help me with this ? :-/11:11
rs0832jack87__, no problem11:11
sacarlsonOglop: I can't find any such usb flash boot loader called unben  are you sure you have this correct?11:12
rs0832mhlwjk, ok 1 sec11:12
Oglopscarlson: "The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk"  "[Errno 5] input/output error"11:12
KM0201Psycho_Mario: well, it looks like the issue is that top panel on the right screen... move it to the right.11:12
mhlwjkrs0832: cheers. thanks for your help so far............11:12
rs0832mhlwjk, :)11:12
jack87__rs0832, says no rules for either :(11:13
Psycho_MarioKM0201, you mean permanently? i dont want to reallly. the problem is bearable, just inconvinent, the main problem is the bottom panel becusae it covers the windows panel (the vbox)11:13
OglopScarlson: UNetbootin11:13
nkhcan any body help me with changing my kernel whithout reboot ?11:13
Psycho_Marionkh, why not just reboot?11:13
NineTeen67CometIs there a fix for the rulers in Inkscape leaving marks from the pointers? I upgraded to .48 and it's still there .. I'll go Beta if it means there aren't any marks .. help?11:13
rs0832jack87__, did you reextract the archive?11:14
KM0201Psycho_Mario: just want to make sure i understand... do the panels "switch" from the left monitor to the right monitor, when you go full screen?11:14
nkhPsycho_Mario: I need to do that anyway Dear friend :|11:14
raluxgazaHi guys, which would you recommend for running ubuntu along with android and rails programming11:14
NineTeen67Comethttps://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/627134 is the bug report11:14
jack87__negative. shhould i? rs083211:14
OglopScarlson: The program is UNetbootin used to format the USB to a bootable flash drive11:14
sacarlsonOglop: ok I widened my search and found that unetbootin and assumed,  did you do a md5sum check of the iso file you used?  what iso did you use in unetbootin?11:14
raluxgazaCore i3 2.26GHz  with 6GB RAM or Core i5 2.5GHz with 3GB Ram11:14
raluxgazawhich is better11:15
raluxgazais more ram better than powerful processor11:15
aidrocsidrs0832: highlight me when you're free ;)11:15
Psycho_MarioKM0201, the panels dont move, when vbox is focused, then it looks like a standard windows desktop, with ubuntu on my left screen, but when i click anything on the left screen, the panels appear above vbox on the right screen. vbox isnt doing fullscreen properly11:15
Frenk_Hey, I have an error using psad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548783/ Although I set IPTABLES_PREREQ_CHECK to 1; Can I add the chain manually? And how do I ensure that they exist after restart? iptables-save didnt work for me the last time.11:15
rs0832aidrocsid, k11:15
OglopScarlson: I used the latest Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 from the official site11:15
nkhPsycho_Mario: actually it's on a Linux power show to one of my friends !:-" :D ;)11:15
rs0832jack87__, no it should be as it was when you compiled11:15
OglopScarlson: Im not sure how to perform a md5sum11:15
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jack87__hum... ill try to find the make file11:16
KM0201Psycho_Mario: i see.. is the "right" monitor set as default display?... (i use nvidia-settings.. don't know how to do it w/ ATI)11:16
rs0832mhlwjk, on the computer with the propr. driver, open /var/cache/apt11:16
Psycho_Marionkh, there is no proper way to change kernel without a reboot. that i know of11:16
LuciusMareHello, I am on Maverick, and when I pause and resume something in VLC, there is no sound11:16
Psycho_MarioKM0201; i have ATI ;) but yes, the right monitor is default (its the bigger and its DVI over VGA)11:17
sacarlsonOglop: you might try this on your iso to test valid http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/11:17
nkhPsycho_Mario: Aw , Thanks , But i found a tool named Ksplice which updates kernel and its security patches without rebooting... and i also heard about it before .. Thank you anyway11:18
mhlwjkrs0832: doing it....11:18
OglopScarlson: I have no clue how to use this11:18
KM0201Psycho_Mario: i dunno.. it works fine for me(but i only run one panel)... http://imagebin.org/13021111:18
Psycho_Marionkh, i read about that (a long time ago), when i looked it wasn't very good... i suppose youd just have to try ;) Backup first though!11:19
rs0832mhlwjk, k.. there should be a folder called archives there.. open that and see if you can locate a file with the name of the propreit. driver... ill see if i can get you the exact name11:19
Psycho_MarioKM0201; what happens if you click the left desktop?11:19
nkhPsycho_Mario: :D Okk i will do it :) ;)11:19
feanor2how to change my keymap?? or create new??it's so damned difficult11:19
_ProGrammerHey all11:19
KM0201Psycho_Mario: looks the same... hang on, i'll show you11:20
_ProGrammeri got a d-link DWA 510 and i have ubuntu 10.0411:20
iuripssomebody use Ubuntu with HBA SAS to comunicate with STORAGE ????11:20
_ProGrammerit seems its detected but its disable and not ready11:20
KM0201Psycho_Mario: if you look, my trashcan is clicked on that shot.11:20
_ProGrammerwhen i try to ifconfig wlan0 up11:20
Psycho_MarioKM0201; ah yes... what vbox version are you using?11:20
_ProGrammersaid its busy ....11:21
psycho_oreos_ProGrammer, you'll need to use networkmanager or wicd to interface with it11:21
KM0201Psycho_Mario: um, 3.2 i think11:21
rs0832jack87__, are you there?11:21
rs0832jack87__, did you find the makefile?11:21
jack87__rs0832, yes... sorry not having any luck11:21
Psycho_MarioKM0201; maybe its ATI... or something to do with the way i set up my fullscreen...11:21
rs0832jack87__, hmm try remaking11:21
jack87__rs0832, no make file in sight11:21
_ProGrammerpsycho_oreos: where is exactly network manager or wicd ?!!!!!11:22
KM0201Psycho_Mario: yeah, i really don't know.. it works fine for me.11:22
OglopScarlson: How do you go about using this md5sums11:22
psycho_oreos_ProGrammer, usually on the desktop interface, in this case it'll be on gnome desktop11:22
Psycho_MarioKM0201; you're using debian?11:22
rs0832jack87__, i highly doubt it, but if you redo the make file generation, you might be able to uninstall11:23
KM0201Psycho_Mario: yes,11:23
vincent_I removed a DVD and entered a normal CD, why doesn't it show in Nautilus?11:23
_ProGrammer<psycho_oreos>let me check and come back11:23
jack87__rs0832, thanks.. i will try.11:23
KM0201Psycho_Mario: i flashed it out a little, but yes.11:23
sacarlsonOglop: I might suggest testing your usb flash to verify it's function,  there are counterfit usb flash that do not store the data they should,  you can test it with http://www.ghacks.net/2009/08/28/test-usb-flash-drive-and-hard-drive-integrity-and-size/11:23
* jack87__ hates android sdk11:23
Psycho_MarioKM0201; that could be it... maybe. some difference in the panels or something...11:23
rs0832jack87__, good luck11:23
rs0832mhlwjk, any luck?11:23
* twitch thinks there is nothing too hate11:23
OglopScarlson: I assure it's working11:24
KM0201Psycho_Mario: i dunno... i've used this system on Ubuntu as well, and i don't see the issue you're having11:24
gremmachookHow do you increase Ubuntu's size if you have done a install inside windows?11:24
gremmachookusing Wubi?11:24
vincent_I removed a DVD and entered a normal CD, why doesn't it show in Nautilus?11:24
mhlwjkrs0832: nope. nothjing there. i can't find anything with broadcom11:24
vincent_inserted *11:24
Psycho_MarioKM0201; looks like ill just have to cope, im thinking about changing OS soon anyway, so maybe debian is an option to look into11:24
rs0832mhlwjk, ok, i got something that you might find interesting - http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1028316411:24
KM0201gremmachook: you probably have to reinstall, because its a virtual drive.11:24
gremmachookKM0201, I have installed a lot of stuff and I don't want to remove it now11:25
KM0201Psycho_Mario: it's not bad. but it's not nearly as user friendly as Ubuntu..11:25
Oglopscarlson: I will try a different USB however11:25
KM0201gremmachook: then you shouldn't have used wubi11:25
Psycho_MarioKM0201; thats kind of the exact reason im moving away from ubuntu :)11:25
KM0201Psycho_Mario: lol, well just be forewarned, they are  bit on the "pricK" side in #debian11:26
Psycho_MarioKM0201; i want to learn, and ubuntu is moving towards ease of use over hackiing to make it work.11:26
gremmachookKM0201, Well, I thought I'd give it a try and now I'm in love with it. Isn't there any other way?11:26
vincent_Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:11:26
vincent_mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only11:26
vincent_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,11:26
vincent_       missing codepage or helper program, or other error11:26
vincent_       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try11:26
FloodBot3vincent_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
vincent_       dmesg | tail  or so11:26
mhlwjkrs0832: will try that now:)11:26
vincent_when the flood is up?11:26
rs0832mhlwjk, also see if 'bcm4313-source' or something similar is there in the /var/cache/apt/archives11:26
KM0201gremmachook: if there was another way, it would have been the first thing i told you.. you have a virtual drive, not an actual hard drive... wubi is a train wreck for many reasons.11:27
vincent_can anyone out there hear me?11:27
rs0832vincent_, sure11:27
* KM0201 wonders why someone would paste so many lines in such a busy channel.. 11:27
gremmachookKM0201, thanks11:27
twitchvincent_: no :P11:27
Psycho_MarioKM0201; how long is the update cycle for debian?11:27
vincent_sorry KM020111:27
rs0832vincent_, if you need to post long messages/outputs, use a pastebin11:27
vincent_ok I forgot11:28
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KM0201vincent_: you forgot common sense?...  guess i'm just not as forgiving..11:28
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rs0832vincent_, :)11:28
twitchKM0201: lol *tickle*11:28
gremmachookKM0201, Have you tried this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20resize%20the%20virtual%20disks?11:28
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KM0201Psycho_Mario: it's not written in stone like Ubuntu... but usually close to 8-12mo11:28
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KM0201gremmachook: if someone ever tried to install wubi in my house, i'd throw them out11:29
mhlwjkrs0832: got bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom--0ubuntu3_i386.deb11:29
gremmachookKM0201, THat's not the point11:29
rs0832mhlwjk, any others?11:29
KM0201gremmachook: but it answers your question11:29
Psycho_MarioKM0201, sounds good, im downloading it now to try out in vbox, if it does everything i need, ill probably install it before i go back to school.11:29
gremmachookKM0201, No, I asked if it is possible to resize it. Pointless answer.11:29
BISMAYnewbie here11:29
vincent_The server at www.pastebin.org is taking too long to respond.11:30
sacarlsonOglop: I found more info on how to do md5sum on windows at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM  search this page for MD5SUM on Windows11:30
KM0201gremmachook: then have at it... you seem to have had a link to the answer before you asked.. so i'd say "pointless question"11:30
LuciusMareHello, I am on Maverick, and when I pause and resume something in VLC, there is no sound11:30
KM0201vincent_: there's ike a gazillion pastebins... google it..11:30
gremmachookKM0201, Again, I wanted to know if anyone has done it? Do you even read?11:31
mhlwjkrs0832: no. f*** :)11:31
BISMAYcan i install Ubuntu ultimate edition 64 bit with windoes 7 32 bit?11:31
rs0832mhlwjk, i think it should be bcm5700-source.. can you check if that is installed in synaptic?11:31
mhlwjkrs0832: will do11:31
KM0201guess he didn't want to hear i read in 2 languages.11:31
BISMAYany suggestions11:31
KM0201BISMAY: ubuntu ultimate isn't supported here11:31
rs0832!pastebin | vincent_11:32
ubottuvincent_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:32
BISMAYi can't understand11:32
mhlwjkrs0832: not installed11:32
vincent_really gazillion? that's an aweful lot11:32
rs0832mhlwjk, k..11:33
rs0832mhlwjk,  no problem11:33
KM0201vincent_: there's a lot, google "pastebin"... you'll get plenty of results11:33
KM0201BISMAY: what do you mean you can't understand?11:33
rs0832mhlwjk, you can try the method mentioned on the link i sent you11:33
rs0832mhlwjk, i am pretty sure it will not remove the propreit. one11:33
vincent_Unable to mount UDF Volume http://pastebin.com/sd0PmtP511:33
KM0201BISMAY: ?11:33
BISMAYKM0210:what does ultimate edition isn't suported here means?11:34
rs0832mhlwjk, and if it does, ubuntu should pop up again asking you to install them :)11:34
KM0201BISMAY: it means its not supported in #ubuntu11:34
BISMAYThen is there any other channel11:34
mhlwjkrs0832: coll, will do that. olso when i start the system i usually have a password to connect to wifi but it doesn't appear and i can so NO wirelaee networks:)11:34
^AndreA^Hi everybody, I'm setting up a new laptop with Ubuntu but, unfortunately, the audio is not working out of the box. On the HP site they say my sound system is: "Altec Lansing speakers". Anyone has dealt with it before and can give me a clue on what needs to be done? thanks in advance11:34
icarus-cBISMAY, no official ubuntu derivative called "ubuntu ultimate edition"11:34
KM0201BISMAY: i think so.. but i'd think you need to search the ubuntu ultimate site for that info... i don't keep track of that project11:34
rwwBISMAY: No idea. Go look on the website you got your derivative from.11:34
rs0832mhlwjk, k:)11:35
vincent_so I do it right with the pastebin and nobody responds :(11:35
mhlwjkrs0832: forget about the last line, i had wifi off:)11:35
BISMAYkm0210:here discusssed topic are mainlyon??11:35
rs0832mhlwjk, :D11:35
Psycho_MarioIs it possible to mount my users home on a seperate drive in a folder from install time? at the moment, my fstab mounts my Terabyte drive and then mount-binds it in place, is it possible to do this during install?11:35
KM0201BISMAY: #ubuntu?11:35
rwwBISMAY: #ubuntu is for discussion of Ubuntu and officially-supported derivatives. Ubuntu Ultimate Edition is neither of these things.11:36
Oglopscarlson: Attempting to use a different USB while I try md5sums11:36
BISMAYKM0210:ok then on ubuntu 10.04 maverick meerkat and its updated versions11:36
KM0201BISMAY: nice try11:36
BISMAYKM0210: also on xubuntu kubuntu and edibuntu11:37
mhlwjkrs0832: :) it says i have to revert  to any version prior to kernel 2.6.35.-24 gen. you know how to do it?..11:37
KM0201BISMAY: quit spamming and seek out ubuntu-ultimate support11:37
mhlwjkrs0832: i know that recently i did some updates and i know kernel was updated11:38
BISMAYKM0210:i apologize fort hat11:38
rs0832mhlwjk, then a backport should do it.. hold on11:38
Psycho_Mariocan you get a shell and edit the fstab thats going to be written, before first boot(when installing)?11:38
gianlucain #ubuntu-it11:38
BISMAYKM0210:i was just willing to know if i can install ubuntu 64 bit along with windows 7 32 bit11:39
KM0201BISMAY: you aren't even willing to type my name correctly...11:39
Oglopscarlson: New USB having better luck so far then other11:39
Oglopscarlson: To think I doubted your wisdom11:40
KM0201BISMAY: and regardless, like i said, seek out support docs of ubuntu ultimate11:40
rs0832mhlwjk, you should be able to install the older kernel from synaptic... then you will have an extra boot option for the older kernel.. select that to boot11:40
BISMAYKM0201:sry for that also11:40
^AndreA^mmm... noone about my "Altec Lansing" speakers? :-|11:40
BISMAYKM0201:now can you suggest that will there be any problem if i installed a ubuntu 64 bit operating system along with windows 7?forget about ubuntu ultimate edition11:41
^AndreA^on the net I haven't found much...11:41
rs0832mhlwjk, the package you are looking for is linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic or something similar... go it? :)11:42
KM0201BISMAY: i'm sorry, i can't forget it...11:42
BISMAYKM0201:you angry11:42
KM0201BISMAY: no, just wondering why you want me to help you, yet you can't follow a simple instruction.11:42
rs0832BISMAY, do you have a 64 bit processor?11:42
icarus-cBISMAY, normally no11:42
rs0832BISMAY, if you do, then there should be no problem11:43
rs0832BISMAY, and next time, please read the #ubuntu guidelines11:43
BISMAYicarus-c:yes my procesor is capable of 64 bit version11:43
rs0832BISMAY, then it wont be a problem11:44
rs0832BISMAY, :)11:44
rs0832BISMAY, no problem11:45
OglopYou can browse the web on ubuntu 10.10?!11:45
rs0832Oglop, yes :) why?11:45
Oglop:) just watching banners during installation11:46
OglopTelling you all the features of Ubuntu as u install11:46
OglopScarlson: I think it'll work this time "Installing system"11:46
rs0832Oglop, you had a problem installing?11:47
Ogloprs0832: Yes, "Bad/unclean CD/DVD" Error11:47
mhlwjk_rs0832: kicked me out. sorry for this11:47
rs0832Oglop, ah ok11:47
rs0832mhlwjk_, sorry?11:48
rs0832mhlwjk_, who kicked you out?11:48
Ogloprs0832: Even tho i flashed a USB and not burned a CD/DVD11:48
feanor2how to change my keymap?? or create new??it's so damned difficult :(11:48
rs0832Oglop, hmm k..11:48
^AndreA^sorry guys, I don't mean hustling you. I'm just trying to find out what I can do about my audio not working... can someone, at least, tell me if anything can be done and where to look for a solution? pleeeeezzzz :-)11:48
feanor2and xmodmap isa cfrap11:48
rs0832mhlwjk_, did you get my message?11:49
rs0832mhlwjk, the package you are looking for is linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic or something similar...11:49
feanor2i dont even know where present keymaps are11:49
mr_bluehello all11:50
rs0832^AndreA^, did you do a fresh install?11:50
rs0832^AndreA^, or was it working before?11:50
OglopDoes Ubuntu 10.10 still use "Key ring" for passwords?11:50
^AndreA^no, it's a new computer...11:51
mr_blueis that possible to tell to apt-get to install packages the /usr/local hierarchy ? (not enough disk space on my /)11:51
^AndreA^that's the specs of the laptop...11:51
turneralexmr_blue: I dont think so man11:52
rs0832^AndreA^, you might have a look at this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound11:52
KM0201Oglop: affirmative (on the keyrings)11:52
mr_blueturneralex: thx to answer but it's a bad news11:53
BrianLHMFirst time on IRC, Hello World11:53
turneralexHaha what's your problem11:53
turneralexBrianLHM: G'day11:53
^AndreA^hey rs0832, thanks for that! I'm gonna have a read... cheers11:53
rs0832^AndreA^, good luck :)11:53
turneralexmr_blue: How come no more space? Im not 100% on this, but apt-get would install to /etc and the distro would then look for all programs in /etc automatically11:54
silv3r_m00nwhere is the trash directory ?11:54
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash11:54
turneralexmr_blue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105057011:55
icarus-cturneralex, eh.... normally  /etc  is used to store system config11:55
turneralexicarus-c: I was wrong and corrected.11:55
silv3r_m00ncan I remove everything from trash directory I mean ~/.local/share/Trash11:55
silv3r_m00nI can see files and info directories11:55
DiverdudeHow do i make it so that when i launch a terminal, the terminal window is maximized from start?11:55
rwwsilv3r_m00n: sure11:55
turneralexicarus-c: /bin11:56
icarus-csilv3r_m00n, that would do the similar effect as clicking empty trash button11:56
feanor2how to change my keymap?? or create new?? beyound weenie caps of xmodmap11:56
feanor2/bin is not for user junk11:56
silv3r_m00nthere are some files in my trash which I cannot delete because of permission issues11:57
silv3r_m00nI just need to clear it out11:57
silv3r_m00nhow ?11:57
feanor2Linux has no file permissions, just rm them or entire folder11:57
rs0832silv3r_m00n, gksudo nautilus and then try11:58
silv3r_m00nme on kde11:58
turneralexfeanor2: 3rd time lucky... /usr/bin ?11:58
mr_blueturneralex: thx. Also i founded a --instdir in dpkg's options11:58
turneralexmr_blue: awesome man :)11:58
KM0201isn't dolphin the kde manager?11:58
feanor2yes; kdesu dolphin /home/<yourname>11:58
rs0832silv3r_m00n, then kdesudo <filbrowsercommand>, i think11:58
silv3r_m00nfine , I switched to root and did it11:58
fzlamnhi all11:59
feanor2I like that you need to be a root to change things in /etc/ or /usr/share, it's an idiocy12:00
rs0832Diverdude, add the --fullscreen switch to the shortcut;s command12:00
feanor2how to change my keymap?? or create new?? beyound weenie caps of xmodmap12:01
rs0832Diverdude, or --maximize or --geometry=GEOMETRY(eg, 80x24)12:01
rs0832BISMAY, hi12:03
fzlamnmy laptop cannot connet to wifi.... i'm using acer 4738 intel core i312:03
rs0832mmhhllwwjjkk, is that you ?12:04
BISMAYrs0832:can i include updates of ubuntu and make an iso so that the next time i install it i wont need an internet connection12:04
rs0832BISMAY, yes12:05
BISMAYrs0832:it is that i install ubuntu and then i install a lot of features like gaming and studie packages and environmetns12:06
BISMAYrs0832:and suddenly if anything goes wrong i have to install all the thing s from the beginnig12:06
rs0832BISMAY, yes you can.. install the uck package.. it gives you  step by step customisation ability12:07
rs0832BISMAY, install all your packages into the iso, so that you dont need the net to reinstall them12:07
fzlamnmay i know what is uck pakage bismay?12:07
rs0832fzlamn, uck is ubuntu customisation kit... used for customising your ubuntu live cd12:08
rs0832BISMAY, to your last question, yes12:08
BISMAYfzlman:i dont know rs0832 just told me12:08
rs0832BISMAY, however, you can use a backup tool... there are a few of them in the repos that allow you to backup your system automatically and regularly12:09
fzlamn:-D where i can get the uck pakage? in ubuntu software centre?12:09
Diverduders0832, hmmm when i do gnome-terminal --fullscreen it says: Failed to parse arguments: Unknown option --fullscreen12:09
rs0832fzlamn, yes12:09
BISMAYrs0832:but if i have iso of all updates with ubuntu os then i can install it on any other pc12:09
BISMAYrs0832:like in my frinds computer12:10
rs0832BISMAY, yes.. you can also use aptoncd, i think... but i dont have experience with that12:10
LuciusMareHello, I am on Maverick, and when I pause and resume something in VLC, there is no sound12:10
BISMAYrs0832:is uck a gui based interface12:10
rs0832Diverdude, sorry, its --full-screen12:11
paolinohello , when I doubleclick on an icon of an executable which should be run in terminal nothing happens, how do I tell 10.10 to run that in a terminal ?12:11
rs0832Diverdude, type gnome-terminal --help-window-options for the full list :)12:11
rs0832BISMAY, yes12:11
rs0832BISMAY, it gives you a gui for customising, and reports its progress to a terminal window console12:12
tintumonwhat r wikis?12:12
BISMAYrs0832:md5sum is required for those distro that we download from internet12:13
SyriaGuys is there anyway to syncronize my Nokia e72 with ubuntu??12:13
rs0832tintumon, they are websites that allow you to use indicators like __text put here will be italicized__to make text bold, colored,  formatted, etc12:13
BISMAYrs0832:if i make my own os by including packages md5sum wont be an issue.Is it?12:13
rs0832BISMAY, yes, because while downloading, sometimes the iso can get damaged12:14
rs0832BISMAY, no, it shouldnt..12:14
Diverduders0832, okay it works...but i have assigned a keyboard shortcut in preferences->keyboard shortcut. Here the entry is just called "run a terminal". How do i then alter the actual command to add the gnome-terminal --geometry=120x65 param?12:14
meeroanyone from russia?12:14
tintumonrs0832:i got 6 entries of boot options after upgrading to 10.1012:14
tintumonrs0832:hw to remove d unwanted ones?12:15
pzr11hdik56cairo-dock appears transparent and no functioning, why?12:15
SergeyITmeero, join #ubuntu-ru12:15
rs0832Diverdude, in the command box, just put gnome-terminal --geometry=120x65 instead of just gnome-terminal12:15
Diverduders0832, but there is no command box12:16
meeroSergeyIT: privet,i would like to ask just off-topic about  hockey...12:16
rs0832Diverdude, click the 'add' button.. there should be one there, i think12:16
SergeyITmeero, не интересуюсь (12:17
rs0832tintumon, sorry? unwanted what?12:17
deschlipzickHello, anyone online that uses WoW on Ubuntu 10.10?12:17
rs0832tintumon, ah ok.. did you run sudo update-grub in a terminal?12:17
paolinowhich is the syntax to insert the name of the file after gnome-terminal in the open with tab ?12:17
tintumonrs0832:wts dat 4?12:18
rs0832tintumon, run it then.. it will update the boot menu by detecting all installed operating systems12:18
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tintumonrs0832:means the older kernel entries will b removed right?12:18
rs0832tintumon, if you have many boot entries for the same os, it is because you have more than one kernel installed12:19
rs0832tintumon, you have to delete those kernels and then run sudo update-grub to remove the extra entries12:19
BISMAYrs0832:does uck is avilable fro ubuntu 10.10 64 bit?12:19
rs0832BISMAY, i am not sure..12:19
tintumonrs0832:ya u right.......but anythin 2 do with grub.cfg?12:20
rs0832tintumon, nope.. no need12:20
wyclifrs0832: good answer12:20
BISMAYrs0832:i actulay want to include packages of 10.10 so is there any other way12:20
rs0832tintumon, you just have to delete the kernels you dont want and then update-grub will automatically do whats necessary in grub.cfg12:21
tintumonrs0832:then the only thing 2 do is to update d grub......right?12:21
rs0832wyclif, sorry, which 1 ? :)?12:21
wyclifrs0832: the "many boot entries" grub one =)12:22
rs0832BISMAY, you can try other remaster tools, but they may be tougher to use.. check uck.sf.net if they have a 64 bit uck binary... otherwise install the one in the repos and see if it works...12:22
rs0832wyclif, ah :)thanks12:22
cantabilehow does one turn the install iso into a bootable usb stick, using a distro other than ubuntu? the download page seems to have instructions only for doing from ubuntu...12:22
sacarlsonBISMAY: are you making a custom mirror site or are you going to remastersys?12:23
rs0832tintumon, first you have to remove the extra kernels... but i suggest getting someone from the channel to help you with it12:23
icarus-ccantabile, you could use unetbootin i suppose12:23
feanor2is there a keymap editor, preferably gui one?12:23
cantabileicarus-c: hmm12:24
tintumonrs0832:ok thnx:)12:24
rs0832tintumon, :) no problem12:24
podman99hey all ... on ubuntu-server (maverick) how can i stop my display going black (CONSOLE) ??12:25
BISMAYrs0832:no none of that i was going to install ubuntu 10.10 64 bit ansd then install all of its feature ,eyecandys games and then make an iso so that i wont have to do that again and again12:25
podman99^^ after a few minutes it goes in to saver mode which i do not want12:25
BISMAYrs0832:and i can use it on my desktop also12:26
BISMAYrs0832:internet connection is a problem here thats why12:26
rs0832BISMAY, yes12:26
cantabilepodman99: tried setterm?12:26
rs0832BISMAY, use aptoncd12:26
podman99cantabile, no, have not seen any docs through google to do it12:26
talntidany way to see if fsck is still doing anything? it's been going for about 12 hours...... loads are at exactly 1.0.....12:26
cantabilepodman99: it has a manual12:26
talntidand shows it's running in top, too...12:27
tintumonokey bye12:27
rs0832podman99, try man setterm in a terminal12:27
feanor2KDE Fonon komponent tells me my soundcard was removed and is going to forget about it... what the hell is happening?12:27
LuciusMareHello, I am on Maverick, and when I pause and resume something in VLC, there is no sound12:27
pzr11hdik56what ever is i in Home Folder also come  in Desktop. Why???12:27
feanor2pzr11hdik56, because you have you desktop set to it?12:28
pzr11hdik56feanor2, how to remove that?12:28
rs0832pzr11hdik56, that is because your desktop is just like a portal into the ~/Desktop folder12:28
feanor2pzr11hdik56, have no idea which tool you've used to achive that, but use it again12:29
BISMAYrs0832:its great thank you very much.I was looking for it for so long :)12:29
rs0832BISMAY, :) no problem12:29
rs0832mhlwjk, are you here?12:30
feanor2why damned KDE stopped to detect my sound card?? it works ok elsewhere12:30
rs0832pzr11hdik56, you generally can't remove it12:31
royale1223_turneralex, heyyy12:31
pzr11hdik56rs0832, then, solution??12:31
rs0832pzr11hdik56, ubuntu is made that way... there is no solution :)12:31
BISMAYrs0832:why swap partition is necessary?12:32
feanor2BISMAY, it's not12:32
rs0832BISMAY, have you heard of pagefile on win?12:32
BISMAYrs0832:virtual pagefile12:32
feanor2BISMAY, but linux will kill random processes if it runs oom12:32
rs0832BISMAY, well its similar... if you run out of RAM, your os and other programs use your swap (pagefile on win) as virtual RAM12:33
sacarlsonBISMAY: I'm told it also swap is also used in hybernate12:33
BISMAYrs0832:so it wont be a problem if a didn't create a swap partition12:33
rs0832BISMAY, yes what sacarlson said.. probably dumps your ram there or something like that12:33
red2kicBISMAY: You can turn the swap off -- but it does not hurt anybody. Just their ego and their illusion of minimalism.12:34
rs0832BISMAY, depends on what you mean by 'problem':) normally tou will12:34
pzr11hdik56rs0832, u must be a rookie..12:34
rs0832o.0 what was that about?12:34
BISMAYrs0832:becoz i have been told to give swap partitin as much size as ram12:34
rs0832BISMAY, yes12:35
red2kicBISMAY: Only if you plan to use suspend/hibernate.12:35
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red2kicBISMAY: Okay. If you used Ubuntu LiveCD installation, then the swap is likely to be set up correctly. You don't have to do anything.12:37
BISMAYrs0832:but i am manually configuring the partitions12:37
BISMAYrs0832:can include div packages in aptoncd12:37
nrikhttp://yfrog.com/h4yw1ap - after playing with localepurge - I lost some locales in mysql and web-browsing, how to restore them?12:37
rs0832BISMAY, ??12:38
mhlwjkrs0832: hey i think i got kicked out. still here?12:38
rs0832BISMAY, if you manually configure them, you can create a swap partition12:38
rs0832mhlwjk, yes, im here12:38
BISMAYrs0832:can i include div packages in aptoncd12:38
red2kicBISMAY: Okay. As long as swap is twice the size of your current ram size.12:38
rs0832BISMAY, div??12:38
mhlwjkrs0832: i tried that from the site but i didn't revert back to old kernel so it didn't work12:39
BISMAYrs0832:sory its .deb12:39
rs0832mhlwjk, didnt revert ?? how come?12:39
rs0832BISMAY, yes you can12:39
mhlwjkrs0832: don't know how to do it12:39
rs0832BISMAY, atleast i think you can... i have never used aptoncd:)12:39
Dlzmp3Pc Wizard use able in  Unbuntu 10.10, or can I find an equal program for Ubuntu 10.10??12:40
rs0832BISMAY, and most of what i can help you with is only from experience :)12:40
BISMAYrs0832:i try12:40
rs0832BISMAY, ok good luck12:40
red2kicmhlwjk: Reboot. Hold SHIFT. Grub2 will display with an array of kernel versions. Select your poison.12:40
mhlwjkrs8032: you said something about backports12:40
rs0832mhlwjk, ah ok :)12:40
rs0832mhlwjk, what is your current kernel version?12:40
mhlwjkrs8032: how to check it12:41
rs0832mhlwjk, check in synaptic or in /boot12:41
red2kicmhlwjk: uname -r12:41
sacarlsonmhlwjk: to check kernel version  try uname -a12:42
PhonicUKhey all, I'm having a problem where my system theme doesn't apply on startup12:42
rs0832mhlwjk, or do what red2kic said ^^12:42
PhonicUKbut as soon as I open the "Appearance" panel, they are all applied again12:42
sacarlsonmhlwjk: oh maybe it's not booted?12:42
rs0832sacarlson, he is trying to install an older version12:42
rs0832sacarlson, wifi problem12:42
sacarlsonrs0832: ok12:43
PrajwalPhonicUK: google how to change the login screen of ubuntu12:43
PhonicUKwhy would I want to do that?12:43
Prajwali am not having the solution handy but you will find it on google quick enough12:43
Prajwaltheme will be applied right from the start up12:43
PhonicUKi mean when I log in, everything is the default theme12:44
PhonicUKthe login screen is fine12:44
rs0832PhonicUK, and just opening the appearances box sets them?12:44
PhonicUKrs0832, yup - don't even have to change anything12:44
PhonicUKjust opening it and closing it does it12:44
kibibyteis there any console based tool to test internet connection speed?/12:45
mockillowget? =P12:46
mhlwjkrs8032: 2.6.32-27-generic12:46
sacarlsonkibibyte: iptop12:47
PhonicUKrs0832, logging out and back in again also sorts it12:48
sacarlsonkibibyte: sorry mistaken  iftop12:48
PhonicUKbut its a pain to do every startup xD12:48
rs0832PhonicUK, :) yes12:48
sacarlsonkibibyte: see http://www.ex-parrot.com/pdw/iftop/12:49
rs0832PhonicUK, i dont know much about the themes but ill see if i can find or think of anything12:49
red2kicPhonicUK: Slightly irritating, I'll say, yes. But you fire up IRC and browser every time too. ;)12:49
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kibibytethx sacarlson12:49
PhonicUKred2kic, indeed12:49
red2kicPhonicUK: Opening up a "Appearance" and close does it, right?12:50
rs0832mhlwjk, try backporting your wireless modules first12:50
aidynvkoздравствуйте. подскажите как поставить kde4 на ubuntu 1012:50
PhonicUKdon't have to change anything, just open and close it12:50
PhonicUKor login, then log out and back in again12:50
rs0832mhlwjk, search synaptic for linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic12:51
rs0832mhlwjk, that might work and still allow you to keep your updated kernel :)12:51
rs0832mhlwjk, find that package and install it12:51
rs0832PhonicUK, have you tried a different theme?12:52
feanor2why damned KDE stopped to detect my sound card?? it works ok elsewhere!12:53
rs0832mhlwjk, if it doesnt work, we will backport your kernel12:53
FloodBot3TheLongerMan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
berkeshaha :)12:54
sacarlsonPhonicUK: if your looking to try another theme try Azeins  some geek showed me and I had to have it.12:54
feanor2kde is lolstock of linux community12:55
red2kicPhonicUK: This is a hack. Temporary solution. It should work -- but I don't know why that occurs to you.  Put something like "gnome-appearance-properties & ; killall gnome-appearance-properties"12:55
tintumonhow to use youtube-dl?12:55
red2kicPhonicUK: In the startup or such.12:56
red2kictintumon: "youtube-dl --help"12:56
ewethi, where can I get some information about the indicator-applet api? I plan to program a little indicator-applet applet. launchpad page doesn't really have a lot of documentation12:56
feanor2is there some commpetent people or should I go to #kde dolts?12:56
tintumonactually  i get an error format not available12:57
rww!attitude | feanor212:57
ubottufeanor2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:57
Samihello all, I wonder, how it called, when I want to create a hidden user, so I'm not shown on login screen near the other users, but I can login, whan I click to: "Other..." and I have to give the name & password. So how it called? Hidden user?12:58
pzr11hdik56again crashed.......12:58
rs0832tintumon, what did you add for -f?12:58
mhlwjkrs0832:  linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic doeasn't exist12:59
Stormx2Sami: It's possible to just hide the users list at login12:59
sacarlsonPhonicUK: sorry typo in my last entry theme is Azenis as seen here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis+Theme+Pack?content=10888212:59
rs0832mhlwjk, can you see any similar packages?12:59
SamiStormx2 yeah, thanks, but how? :D12:59
Random832!cn | drazet12:59
ubottudrazet: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:59
Stormx2Sami, www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-remove-hide-users-list-at-login-screen-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html12:59
mhlwjkyeah but i tried that and it didn't work, but i'll try agai12:59
=== pzr11hdik56 is now known as ub0ttu
feanor2Sami hidden users usually have uid < 1000 or uid > 1000013:00
drazeto,god,it's #ubuntu13:00
Stormx2Sami, have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150677913:00
ub0ttuok really13:00
Samioh thanks a lot Stormx2 feanor2  :)13:00
rs0832mhlwjk, hmm there should be a similar package, except that the name should have a different version number13:00
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ub0ttui bet there is checj it out13:01
tintumonrs0832:wts the syntax?can u provide me with an example?13:01
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.13:01
obiwan_hi people, i'm having trouble watching youtube page. it looks kinda mobile version or something, even if i set it to desktop mode. (im on a desktop). Is anyone having this problem?13:01
Stormx2feanor2: stop trolling.13:01
red2kic!puregnome | feanor213:02
ubottufeanor2: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome13:02
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
feanor2red2kic, thanks, that what I wanted :)13:02
red2kicfeanor2: No problem.13:02
rs0832tintumon, youtube-dl [options] [url]...13:02
red2kictintumon: "man youtube-dl" --or--- "youtube-dl --help" usually explain everything13:03
rs0832tintumon, youtube-dl -max-quality=FORMAT -c -t [url]...13:04
rs0832tintumon, youtube-dl -f=FORMAT -max-quality=FORMAT -c -t [url]...13:04
tintumonrs0832:lemme try it13:04
rs0832tintumon, the second one13:04
rs0832mhlwjk, any luck yet?13:05
rejinarudoguys, my ip address is banned in the ubuntuforums.org. i haven't logged in there for months, didn't know why I am banned. can someone help me?13:05
LjLrejinarudo: try asking in #ubuntuforums13:05
rejinarudothanks LjL. :D13:05
rs0832rejinarudo, do you have a dynamic ip?13:06
rs0832rejinarudo, if you do, maybe it got banned when it was allocated to someone else13:06
rejinarudoallocated to someone else? how can that happen?13:06
rs0832rejinarudo, if you have a dynamic ip, you are allocated whichever ip in your isp;s range is free at logon..13:07
red2kicDynamic. Magic.13:07
rs0832rejinarudo, when you logoff the internet, it is freed and can be allocated to someone else when they connect13:08
red2kicrejinarudo: Think of your ISP as a gigantic mega router.13:08
rs0832rejinarudo, right ^^13:08
rejinarudo@rs0832: now i understand, but what can i do to prevent that?13:08
rs0832rejinarudo, nothing actually,.. if your isp is willing to supply you a static ip on request, you can get one... most isp's charge extra for this though, like mine13:09
shn^I'm completely new at this, but.. I just installed ubuntu server, and a teamspeak server at that. Everything works like a charm; the problem is, and this is probably the most newbie-ish question ever.. How do I return to the commandline without shutting down the server? CTRL+C completely quits teamspeak.13:09
shn^In other words, where's the alt+tab for ubuntu server? :D13:09
SN4K3anyone know the terminal command for run (that is alt+F2)13:09
red2kicshn^: command &13:09
annecyhi: i cannot access root's trash when I run gksudo nautilus. Is that a feature?13:10
tintumonanybody help!!!!13:10
icarus-cshn^, you may want to use a terminal multiplexer  like tmux, GNU screen13:10
rs0832rejinarudo, but dont worry :) when ipv6 effects fully, i doubt there will be need for dynamic ips for a long time :)13:10
rs0832tintumon, yes?13:10
tintumonhw to download vdo using utube dl?13:10
red2kicshn^: $ teamspeak &13:10
rs0832tintumon, didtn the command i gave you work?13:10
BeBoPtAn information13:10
tintumoni tried it but batch file could not be read13:10
icarus-ctintumon, i used to do that with firefox/flashgot plugin13:10
rejinarudo@rs0832: thanks a lot. i'll just contact my internet provider tomorrow. :D13:11
rejinarudoproblem [SOLVED]13:11
rs0832rejinarudo, :) no problem13:11
anonim :@13:11
sacarlsonSN4K3:  maybe <ctl><alt>+f213:11
rs0832rejinarudo, confirm with #ubuntuforums though, they should release the ip if you explain to them :)13:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:11
=== Cariyla is now known as Gerwin
rejinarudo@rs0832: i've asked in their channel, but no one replies. dunno why.13:12
rs0832rejinarudo, :) oh well, good luck anyway13:12
shn^icarus-c: Would you recommend tmux over screen?13:12
BeBoPti try to use proxy network preference and in particolar the exception, but i don't understain the syntax that i can use.13:13
rs0832tintumon, did you add -a ?13:13
BeBoPtfor ex: i want the all ip insiede the don't use the proxy13:13
BeBoPtwhat is the correct syntax?13:13
rs0832tintumon, youtube-dl -a - -f=FORMAT -max-quality=FORMAT -c -t [url]...13:13
rs0832tintumon, copy and paste the Command  ^^13:14
tintumoni tried it but the error was:batch file could not be read13:15
Stormx2rs0832: Why are you using -a and - as input?13:15
lukasprofitsomeone knows how to connect to wifi throught terminal?13:16
rs0832Stormx2, -a = reads urls from a file for batch processing and '-' = url from stdin13:16
Stormx2rs0832, yes, but you're not specifying the URL from stdin, you're giving it as an argument13:16
red2kic!wireless | lukasprofit13:16
ubottulukasprofit: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:16
rs0832Stormx2, my bad :D13:17
Stormx2tintumon, try youtube-dl -ct urlhere13:17
Stormx2tintumon, try youtube-dl -ct urlhere13:17
rs0832Stormx2, i told him that, he said about the batch error13:17
BeBoPtany idea?13:18
SN4K3sacarlson, no i mean the terminal command13:18
sacarlsonSN4K3: terminal command that does what?13:18
sacarlsonSN4K3: the program that is run in gnome to run a terminal by default is gnome-terminal13:19
anonim :'(13:20
red2kic :')13:20
anonimBeBoPtAn information13:20
anonimicarus-ctintumon, i used to do that with firefox/flashgot plugin13:20
anonimtintumoni tried it but batch file could not be read13:20
anonim<- julie âûøåë èç ubuntu13:20
anonim16:11rejinarudo@rs0832: thanks a lot. i'll just contact my internet provider tomorrow.13:20
anonimrejinarudoproblem [SOLVED]13:20
FloodBot3anonim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:20
anonimrs0832rejinarudo,  oh well, good luck anyway13:21
anonimshn^icarus-c: Would you recommend tmux over screen?13:21
anonim16:13-> Siton âîø¸ë â ubuntu13:21
anonim-> Guest82635 âîø¸ë â ubuntu13:21
FloodBot3anonim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:21
anonimBeBoPti try to use proxy network preference and in particolar the exception, but i don't understain the syntax that i can use.13:21
LjLanonim: stop13:21
PostEpochalypticCan someone explain to me what ubuntu is13:21
xD!ubuntu | PostEpochalyptic13:21
PostEpochalypticand why it's so amazing as to warrant a 1,400+ person chatroom13:22
dsfewrsr_how can i disable devices such as the keyboard13:22
rs0832PostEpochalyptic, it is an operating system13:22
xDPostEpochalyptic: It's an operative system13:22
sacarlsonSN4K3: the default hotkey setting to run gnome-terminal is <ctl><alt>+t13:22
xDPostEpochalyptic: Based on Debian, but very easy13:22
root__morning alll13:22
rs0832!ubuntu > PostEpochalyptic13:23
ubottuPostEpochalyptic, please see my private message13:23
red2kicPostEpochalyptic: What do you want us to say? I'm sure you heard about it many times. You should start off with telling us what you know about it.13:23
red2kicAnd we'll just confirm it.13:23
mhlwjkrs8032: kicked out again13:24
rs0832mhlwjk, k13:24
rs0832mhlwjk, high ping?13:24
xDPici: ubottu won't send more messages to channel? Is it going to send only private messages?13:24
Stormx2rs0832: the batch error occurs if you pass it -a13:24
xDah okay13:25
PicixD: It was confused for some reason.  /me shrugs13:25
rs0832Stormx2, i didnt tell him to do it the first 3 times.. he still said it happens so i just tried this13:25
Stormx2rs0832:, ah i see.13:25
mhlwjkrs8032: theonly highest there is is linux-backports-modules-wireless 2 6 32 24 or there are compat wireless13:26
rs0832Stormx2, also i just do this as a hobby ... so no one has ever taught me.. so if i sound like a newbie about certain things please excuse me :)13:26
Stormx2rs0832, probably because you were giving long-format arguments using only a single dash (-max-quality rather than --max-quality)13:26
rs0832Stormx2, hmm possibly :)13:27
Stormx2rs0832, haha it's cool, i'm just trying to figure out what's going on too :)13:27
rs0832Stormx2, :)13:27
Dr_Willis- - LONG format. :)13:27
Dr_Willis- Short format13:27
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:27
Dr_WillisThats Posix standard? or what. i cant recall.13:27
Stormx2Dr_Willis: it varies from command to command iirc13:28
Dr_WillisSo many apps dont follow the --LongFormat Standard.13:28
tintumonrs0832:format may not be available13:28
rs0832Stormx2, dunno what's wrong with me today, though... second time i did it.. i m usually not careless with commands13:28
Dr_WillisStormx2:  right. ones that are not following the standard.13:28
red2kicrs0832: Indulge more sleep.13:28
rs0832red2kic, :) yes i need to13:28
annecyhey: i can't get the grub2 menu up when i hold shift. maybe it's because i have a wireless keyboard?13:29
Dr_WillisStormx2:  one major one is java, and X.13:29
Dr_Willisannecy:  i alwyas set up grub where it never hides.13:29
CarlFKannecy: can you get into bios setup with your wireless kb?13:29
annecyCarlFK: yes I can. doh13:30
BluesKajhi all13:30
CarlFKannecy: huh.  was wondering if it needed the OS to initialize it.  guess not.  so it 'should' work.13:30
annecyCarlFK: i hold shift from the moment it boots13:31
sacarlsonannecy: I would still try a real wire keyboard13:31
annecysacarlson: i will try a real wire one13:32
rs0832mhlwjk, are you there?13:33
=== dmesg is now known as ziroday
feanor2is there a keymap editor, preferably gui one?13:33
=== ziroday is now known as nickhs
sacarlsonfeanor2: System>preference>keyboard?13:34
rs0832bye everyone13:34
feanor2i want to add a couple of keys to keyboard but that s..t xmodmap dowsn't allow me13:35
feanor2i need altgr+layout2+<key> combinations13:36
giuseppe_everyone help me in #xubuntu13:37
feanor2giuseppe_, ask here, #xununtu is dead channel13:38
giuseppe_i just installed xubuntu and the boot splash doesnt show, not even text shows up13:38
ProfNoelhow could i remove rdm frome a movie bought in itunes with my ubuntu ?13:40
Me_cryinghi ppl13:41
Dr_WillisProfNoel:  id have to suggest google for that. It may not be easy.13:41
smtxhi, i just installed freeradius-dialupadmin on ubuntu 10.04 x86 lts. It is a set of php-scripts. it automaticially isntalled apache and php but now i when i calle the apache there is no such script. also there is nothing in /var/www13:42
smtxso i am a littlebit confused where to find the scripts13:43
BluesKajProfNoel, install libdvdcss2 from medibuntu13:43
ProfNoelDr_Willis, i tried google, but all the good answer appear to be removed from forum13:43
Dr_Willisfeanor2:  ive seen some guides on adding extra keys. when i had a old ibm keyboard with some extra keys. hit the funny keys a few times, check 'dmesg' output. I Think that gave some commands to get the kernel to see the keys. you then had to use a second command to remap them13:43
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:43
smtxalso tried "dpkg -I freeradius-dialupadmin" since i thought it would list me the contents of the package13:43
smtxanyboddy an idea on how i can find the scripts?13:43
Dr_WillisProfNoel:  you may have to use some windows tools..  Ive never seen anyone do that befor. (never tried myself)13:43
smtxalso a "find / -type f -name *.php" did not reveal something13:43
arunkumar413hi, i'm trying to install a package form soruce code. when i try to configure by typing ./configure command, it is displaying this error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/548826/13:44
ProfNoelBluesKaj, i had alredy install libdvdcss2, should i do something special?13:44
mhlwjkrs8032: god. don't know what is wrong with this13:44
=== MengXingHun is now known as Oooo
smtxahh k found it via *.php*13:45
smtxthey where named php3 ...13:45
=== Oooo is now known as Guest71108
feanor2Dr_Willis, which second command? i want add symbol to exiting alphabet key13:46
BluesKajone can copy a dvd with dvdrip orany of the dvd copy apps and the drm will be removed , ProfNoel13:46
mhlwjkrs8032: anyway there are many backports, just not sure which one to choose. some of them are called compat-wireless13:46
sacarlsonsmtx: some applications added to appache are in /usr/share/?  you might find what they have it set to by looking at /etc/apache2/conf.d/?13:46
ProfNoelBluesKaj, but i do not have a dvd, only a .mv4 file frome tunes13:47
cptbloodwhat cmd do i burn an xbox360 image with in terminal?13:48
smtxsacarlson: solved. it was "ln -s /usr/share/freeradius-dialupadmin/htdocs/ /var/www/dialup" then it was avail via http://myip/dialup13:48
smtxthx :)13:48
BluesKajProfNoel, dunno about itunes copying , sorry13:49
smtxsluty install... i thought if it automaticially installs apache and mysql it would also automaticially set em up :-/13:49
smtxwell its linux... you never get what you expect ^^13:49
Igoru2where can i place custom gwibber themes, when using default "ubuntu messaging"?13:49
Dr_Willisdcss2 wont be for Apple 'DRM' video files. that would be for DVD videos.13:49
Dr_WillisUnless apple is useing very lame DRM.13:49
arunkumar413i'm trying to install a package from source and got struck with this bug: checking for KDE... configure: error:in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.So, check this please and use another prefix!13:49
Dr_Willis_arunkumar413:  you may want to ask in #kde  i recall there being some command to get what the 'prefix' is when compiling kde stuff. but i domnt recall what it was.13:51
sam-_-arunkumar413, which package and why?13:51
Dr_Willis_arunkumar413:  is the package in the repos? (in an older version?)13:51
sacarlsonarunkumar413: I guess you need to add some ?-dev packages13:52
sam-_-arunkumar413, kdelibs5-dev or/and kdelibs4-dev are they installed13:52
smtxwell seems i got a "bug" ?13:53
Dr_Willis_ somthing like this would pull in all needed 'dev' packages for a specific kde app ---> sudo apt-get build-dep k3b13:53
smtxif you install the freeradius-dialupadmin it installs the files as .php3 but on ubuntu 10.4 server its php513:53
smtxso if you open the page the default action is that he wants to download the .php3 files :-/13:53
smtxthats ugly13:53
arunkumar413sam-_-: i'm using gnome13:54
sam-_-arunkumar413, doesn't matter13:54
SN4K3how to setup run application in openbox?13:54
arunkumar413sam-_-: the package name is screenkast-0.113:54
Dr_Willis_SN4K3:  You may want to check the openbox homepage/faq see what they reccomend. you want somthing like a alt-f2 -> run dialog?13:55
ComradeHaz`Hi all, I am trying to accessa mysql server running an an ubuntu machine but I believe there is something I need to add to the hosts.allow file. Can anyone assist with this?13:55
arothi'm trying to get a NTFS disk mounted on maverick, but some filename (with german umlaute; special chars) are not displayed correctly. How can i fix this?13:56
sam-_-arunkumar413, this is software from 200613:56
sam-_-arunkumar413, why do you want to use it?13:56
arunkumar413sam-_-: to create screencasts13:57
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.13:57
sam-_-arunkumar413, use one of these13:57
SN4K3Dr_Willis_, yeah13:57
arunkumar413sam-_-: sam-_-i tried recordmydesktop but it creates ogg theora format and youtube not playing ogg theora13:58
giuseppe_#xubuntu is not dead13:58
sam-_-arunkumar413, youtube will convert ogg theora imho13:59
Igoru2where can i place custom gwibber themes, when using default "ubuntu messaging"?13:59
arunkumar413sam-_-: no its not converting. i tried by uploading a test video13:59
tintumonsukamano ellavarkum13:59
Dr_Willis_SN4K3:  i recall some 'run dialog' tools for variouys minimal window managers in the repos.  proerly need to just install ne and set openbox to run it on a key binding.13:59
royale1223Tintumon: sugamanallo14:00
sam-_-arunkumar413, :-( then u need to use a different screencaster or convert the video yourself14:00
zhouhuais there anybody14:00
lotharzhouhua, yes. a lot14:01
arunkumar413sam-_-: converting will take time. i want a flash screencast creator14:01
zhouhuathis is the first time i use this14:01
juniourhey how to make exe file execuatable14:01
tintumoni tooooooo14:01
popeyarunkumar413: / sam-_- kazam - http://launchpad.net/kazam14:01
zhouhuaare you all chinese ?14:01
sam-_-arunkumar413, how about pyvnc2swf?14:01
popeykazam records to lossless h26414:02
juniourhey how to make exe file execuatable14:02
tintumonno mongolians14:02
sam-_-popey, nice14:02
Picizhouhua: No.  The is is the official Ubuntu support channel.  #ubuntu-cn for chinese.14:02
arunkumar413sam-_-: i'll try it14:02
tintumonjuniour:install wine14:03
junioursam-_  how to make exe file execuatable14:03
phetipsI have set up a working LAMP stack. Now I want to be able to send mail via PHP. What is the best way to go about this? Any recommendations on send only MTAs or particular setups?14:03
sam-_-juniour, to run it with wine?14:03
tintumonjuniour:sudo apt-get install wine14:03
juniourtintumon i have installed wine14:03
cptbloodjuniour: chmod +x path.to.exe14:04
juniourwhen i am runnig exe file with i go t error14:04
tintumonjuniour:then wts d problem?14:04
phetipsI have set up a working LAMP stack. Now I want to be able to send mail via PHP. What is the best way to go about this? Any recommendations on send only MTAs or particular setups?14:04
cptbloodtintumon: .exe files arent flagged as executable14:04
cptbloodhe must do that first14:04
juniourtintumon The file '/home/juniour/Desktop/linux/Setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.14:04
zhouhuaso where are you guys from14:04
phetipschmod +x14:04
phetips= set executable bit14:05
zhouhuaanyone us ?14:05
phetipsI have set up a working LAMP stack. Now I want to be able to send mail via PHP. What is the best way to go about this? Any recommendations on send only MTAs or particular setups?14:05
tintumoncheruthu mathiyeda14:05
BluesKajProfNoel, this won't solve you problem but make anotr of this article about itunes , http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09%2F01%2F13%2F03621114:06
tintumonevide poyi ente malayaleeeeeeee14:06
juniourtintumon ?14:06
juniourgot the error14:06
Dr_Willis_joakim:  right click, properties -> make it executable. or via command line 'chmod +x /path/to/foo.exe' or just do a 'wine /path/to/foo.exe' and not worry about making it exetutable at all14:07
Dr_Willis_juniour: :  right click, properties -> make it executable. or via command line 'chmod +x /path/to/foo.exe' or just do a 'wine /path/to/foo.exe' and not worry about making it exetutable at all14:07
Igoru2where can i place custom gwibber themes, when using default "ubuntu messaging"?14:07
omaniis tehre any gui for lame?14:07
arunkumar413popey: cant find the debian package14:08
popeyarunkumar413: its in a ppa linked from the url i gave14:08
=== neo_ is now known as neo_13
genupulasi need help ....when i am doing the update i am getting  a message like "u r not connected to Internet "14:11
nicofs_is there a channel for hardware discussion... i am looking for an external usb monitor, about 4-5" diameter that works in linux...14:12
cptbloodugh, installing maverick on an amd 3400+ with 256mb and a 14" screen is a pain! :p14:12
Dr_Willis_genupulas:  it actually says 'u r' ? must be Leetbuntu :)14:13
genupulasDr_Willis_: ?14:14
Picinicofs_: ##hardware or ##linux perhaps.14:14
Dr_Willis_nicofs_:  i recall there being one brand of them that work that ive seen reviews of. ThinkGeek sold them i recall. but thats about all i rember.14:14
Dr_Willis_genupulas:  give more details..  does 'sudo apt-get update' give any errors? 'sudo apt-get upgrade' ?  be concise14:14
nicofs_Dr_Willis_, yes... that's Lilliput or Mimo... but their smallest models are 7"... i'll try hardware...14:16
tintumonis any one free14:16
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Dr_Willis_tintumon:  ask your question to the channel.. see who answers14:17
cptbloodhas "growisofs" any verbose output while burning?14:18
Anoriaso, I'm a complete newbie ubuntu user and am liable to ask stupid questions. my first one is, is there any way to change the default size of all new program windows to something that fits on my 600-pixel-tall screen?14:18
red2kicI'm free. Question answered. NEXT!14:18
phetipsI have set up a working LAMP stack. Now I want to be able to send mail via PHP. What is the best way to go about this? Any recommendations on send only MTAs or particular setups?14:19
Dr_Willis_Anoria:  some apps are badly written and hate 'short' screens.  a trick is to hold down  the 'alt key' and click in the window then drag it up/down so you can get to controlls past the bottom of the screen14:19
red2kicAnoria: Go for terminal world? GUI is GUI -- based on how they're designed. You could do everything in the terminal just the same.14:19
red2kicAnoria: irssi for irc. finch for aim/msn/yahoo. lynx for web browser. It'll be a hard curse but everything can find in 600px tall.14:20
Dr_Willis_I recll that 'wesnoth' was very bad at working with short displays. :(14:20
linuxuser92is there a triangle plugin for compiz?14:20
phetipslynx for web browser is cool in theory, not so much in practise ;p14:20
red2kic(well, it can be a curse for many)14:20
AnoriaDr_Willis_: and red2kic:  thank you both :) I'm not skilled enough to do most things in terminal yet, but it's a goal for me.14:20
induzhello I want to use Golden Dictionary...how can i add sound on it?14:21
phetipsany server pros? sysadmins?14:21
iandees_Can anyone suggest a way to boost LowTotal memory? I've got a server running Ubuntu 10.04, 32GB ram and 32-bit CPUs. I constantly run out of lowmem and oom-killer zaps random processes.14:21
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Dr_Willis_I perer weechat to irssi these days.14:23
BluesKajred2kic, , there's nothing wrong with using a desktop environment vs the cli , a lot of ppl trained on the job with desktops so we naturally migrated to them even in Linux :)14:23
Piciphetips: You can try #ubuntu-server for support questions or #ubuntu-offtopic for general discussion, there are a few server admins hanging out there.14:23
phetipsPici: thanks :)14:23
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red2kicBluesKaj: We were talking about 600px height. Some GUI are too big to fail.14:24
shishirdwivedi20hey when i play any song on website  ubuntu first downlod it then play i want to play song on website without downloading it which software i will need14:24
Dr_Willis_shishirdwivedi20:  could depend on how the site is sending the song/file.14:26
shishirdwivedi20dr_willis when i was using window then when i click on song then quick time player play on new tab of browser i want same thing14:27
induzwhat is forvo??14:28
Dr_Willis_shishirdwivedi20:  tell the download dialog to open it with some media player then perhaps14:28
induzHow can I search on Transmission??14:30
shishirdwivedi20dr_willis when i click on song new tab appear with quick time symbol but it doesnot play song when i click on save target as no such option of play with comes14:30
induzis there a better Torrent application for Karmic?14:30
Dr_Willis_induz:  theres dozens of torrent clients out.14:30
wyclifinduz: Better than what? Transmission?14:31
induzrecommond a simple and powerful and easy to use14:31
Dr_Willis_induz:  it depedns on your needs. ktorrent, qbittorrent, even utorrent has a linux port now14:31
wyclifinduz: Transmission14:31
Dr_Willis_induz:  your needs are rather vague and buzzwordish :)14:31
induzTransmission is a torrent client on my comp14:31
Dr_Willis_genupulas:  why are youmsging me  error messages?14:31
induzi want to download few dictionaries14:31
Alan502Can somebody help me installing a java library on ubuntu 10.04?14:32
Dr_Willis_induz:  most any torrent client can do the basics..14:32
induzi used to have aMule earlier14:32
genupulasDr_Willis_: u had asked me the error messages14:32
wyclifinduz: Transmission has a decent UI for those not comfy with a bittorrent CLI14:32
Ryu_KurisuDr_Willis_: uTorrent finally made it's linux port?14:32
induzcli is hard for me14:32
Dr_Willis_genupulas:  that was like an hr ago? i dont even recall the problem . and the messges say '404 - not found' so the server is down or being updated.14:33
induzaMule used to do the work but it doesnt work now14:33
Dr_Willis_Ryu_Kurisu:  32bit port - web inteface only14:33
wyclifinduz: That why you probably want a GUI bittorrent. Like Transmission, uTorrent, qBittorrent, &c.14:33
Thomas_Andersonhi there14:33
shishirdwivedi20dr_willis plz reply14:33
Ryu_Kurisuinduz: I recommend Deluge, very nice interface, easy to work :)14:33
induzwyclif: I have Transmission14:33
wyclifThomas_Anderson: Missster Anderrrssson.14:33
genupulasDr_Willis_: i am getting the message every time when i am doing the update14:33
Piciinduz: So whats the problem?14:34
wyclifinduz: If you have that then you're already good to go14:34
Thomas_Andersonis there anyone who has got an ATI x600?14:34
induzPici: no problem but I can search files on transmission14:34
Piciinduz: you can't. Thats not how torrent clients work.14:34
Thomas_Andersonbecause i've got one and every time i play some game using 3d, the system crashes14:35
induzPici, Ok. I didnot know that14:35
ugmgany have an info about demonoid14:35
Pici!piracy | ugmg14:35
ubottuugmg: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:35
induzPici, I was more used to aMule14:35
wyclifThomas_Anderson: I have an ATI card in my ThinkPad, but it is a newer model. Really it seems most ppl have moved on to NVidia in newer boxen14:36
juniourhey when i give lsusb command my usb is noot ssen14:36
juniourwt to do?14:36
bibic682hello, bought a new optical mouse. it acts buggy in 9.04 left click doubles sometimes and other probs...any fix?14:36
induzDeluge Core or other version??14:37
juniourhey when i give lsusb command my usb is not seen14:37
juniourwt to do?14:37
Dcitebibic682: Are sure the mouse isn't defective?14:37
GravI have a problem when trying to watch full screen videos in browers. Full screen never loads, can I fix it somehow?14:37
^AndreA^Hello again everybody!14:38
Thomas_Andersonyes, it seems nVidia driver is best suppported14:38
^AndreA^I've been reading and debugging my sound/speakers problem for a while now but no luck... :-|14:38
juniourhey when i give lsusb command my usb is not seen14:38
^AndreA^new HP laptop, ubuntu 10.04 fresh install...14:38
juniourhelp me14:38
Pici!patience | juniour14:38
ubottujuniour: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:38
^AndreA^headphones working fine, but not speakers...14:39
gobbe juniour, what usb is not seen?14:39
SergeyITjuniour, usb interface does not work14:39
gobbejuniour: you meen your usb-stick, usb-device or what?14:39
Thomas_Andersonthe pc is old and and is not a good idea to change the video card14:39
bibic682Dcite:  I bought 3 and they all do the same in ubuntu and work fine in Winxp14:39
^AndreA^the speakers work fine on Win7...14:40
Dcitebibic682: Odd.. I've only had happen on one of my very old logitech mice.. (double and triple clicks on single click randomly)14:40
chibihogoshinowhy does it take so long for pidgins ppa to get updated ?14:40
juniourgobbe usb modem14:40
Dcitebibic682: Uness you mean it double clicks almost every time?14:41
gobbejuniour: pass output of sudo lsusb to pastebin14:41
bibic682Dcite: That is exactly what happens14:41
subz3r0chibihogoshino, i addet another source. now im gettin all new updates14:41
^AndreA^why is it that headphones work but no speaker?14:41
^AndreA^any idea?14:41
Dcitebibic682: How can you tell it's double clicking?14:41
arunkumar413popey: having problem adding the kazam screen caster repository14:41
chibihogoshinosubz3r0: ah  what would that be ?14:41
subz3r0chibihogoshino, dont remember sorry, just google for it14:42
bibic682one click will do what a double does14:42
subz3r0but i've 2.7.7 now14:42
Dcitebibic682: So for example it'll highlight a word if you click on it once?14:42
bibic682double click to open a program opens 214:43
^AndreA^I checked already the Sound Troubleshooting section on the Ubuntu website... but I haven't found anything...14:43
chibihogoshinosubz3r0: 2.7.9 has been out for at least 2 weeks14:43
juniourgobbe http://paste.ubuntu.com/548848/14:43
juniourgobbe got it14:43
juniourgobbe u got it14:44
gobbejuniour: take it easy14:44
gobbejuniour: i'm not gettin paid for this14:45
gobbejuniour: what is model and make of your usb modem?14:45
bibic682sometimes highlite won't stay highlited when you let off the click....various annoying probs14:45
juniourno  am just askin ugot tht or not14:45
juniourgobbe zte ac272614:46
gbjkHi. I'm trying to use a pam service to allow one user to check if they know the correct password for another user.14:46
Dcitebibic682: (Ubuntu wise, programs open in ONE click so do files.. the hightlight...)14:46
gbjkIt works fine for root, but not for any user who isn't privileged. The password storage is shadow.14:46
gbjkI was trying to find a pam channel, but failed, so I'm hoping to find someone fairly security guruish here?14:47
bibic682Dcite: not from my icon on desktop14:47
subz3r0chibihogoshino, found it. still here ? you need this pidgin-ppa_0.0.4_all.deb14:47
gbjkWhat I want to know is: Is this even possible? It seems to be what pam is about, so long as the process runs a suid process, which it seems to14:47
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chibihogoshinosubz3r0: yeah, thats what i have14:48
gbjkNotably: This works fine if my backend is ldap14:48
subz3r0chibihogoshino, just install it and you can upgrade to the newest version =)14:48
obscurant1stsomeone has tried the "read out loud" option in adobe reader? mine is not working, just want to make sure, this option will work in linux.14:49
gobbejuniour: http://techsk.blogspot.com/2009/09/installing-usb-modem-zte-ac2726-in.html14:49
induzany one used Golden Dictionary??14:49
juniourgobbe ya14:49
paddy__I just got kernel panic on my new computer, saying something about mounting errors.14:49
juniourgobbe tell14:50
bibic682Dcite:another annoyance....I click on bookmarks in Firefox and when I move pointer away it sometimes closes14:50
bibic682kida hard to explain....just I know it isn't right14:50
ugmg"gobbe" say   :http://techsk.blogspot.com/2009/09/installing-usb-modem-zte-ac2726-in.html14:50
chibihogoshinosubz3r0: nope... not working here14:50
Dcitebibic682: Unfortunately I have no idea what the cause can be =/14:51
gobbejuniour: tell what14:51
gobbejuniour: i just gave you link to site with instructions for your modem14:51
Dcitebibic682: Even if you say it works fine in XP, to me it sounds more on the fauty side.. sorry you'll have to try someone else.14:51
prologhi i just bought crossover linux pro and u said there is a free copy of crossover games in it. the problem i just have the demo in my download section.14:51
juniourgobbe i got the link14:51
bibic682Thats ok ... I purchased another brand of mouse online and I'm waiting for it to arrive14:51
gobbejuniour: and?14:51
subz3r0chibihogoshino, you can update it from the software center then14:52
Dcitebibic682: What is your current one? (only used logitech mice personally)14:52
subz3r0hi gobbe, givin a helping hand again today? :)14:52
ugmggobbe : follow the site instruction for the installation after14:52
juniourgobbe this for 9.04 i am using ubuntu 10.0414:52
chibihogoshinosubz3r0: no14:52
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ugmgno differents just follow the step14:53
bibic682some cheap off brand ps/2 opical from GEEKS14:53
subz3r0chibihogoshino, thats they way how it worked for me14:53
gobbejuniour: have you tried it?14:53
juniourgobbe i am trying14:53
gobbejuniour: just change usb_switch link to correct14:53
bibic682using a standard ps/2 mouse now everything ok14:54
chibihogoshinosubz3r0: hmmm... all i get is 2.7.714:54
^AndreA^guys, any "expert" on audio here?14:54
juniourgobbe wt r u tellin?14:54
juniouri dident get u?14:55
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subz3r0chibihogoshino, and what u want more ? 2.7.7 is the newest!14:56
maze_j  #27c3-saal-114:56
gobbejuniour: there's a link for usb_switch download, change that to 10.04 one14:56
chibihogoshinosubz3r0: 2.7.9 is the latest version14:56
subz3r0chibihogoshino, http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/14:57
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chibihogoshinosubz3r0: uh huh. i know.14:57
juniourgobbe uniour@ubuntu:~$ $ sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.deb14:58
juniour$: command not found14:58
rs0832juniour, you dont need to put the '$'14:58
rs0832juniour, start from the sudo14:58
induzwhat is the best certificate for Ubuntu??14:58
linxehinduz: in what context?14:59
induzand what r the Qs asked during interview for helpDesk14:59
pilliis there any software for  relates to format factor in windows14:59
induzto get a job Linxeh14:59
juniourgobbe juniour@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.deb15:00
juniour[sudo] password for juniour:15:00
juniourdpkg: error processing usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory15:00
sapphzinduz: your going to be working on a helpdesk, the only question you need to be able to ask is, "have you tried turning it off and on again?"15:00
juniourErrors were encountered while processing: usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.deb15:00
Dr_Willis_pilli:  clarify what you are asking.15:00
FloodBot3juniour: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
Sammi16hi, when i launch ubuntu, xorg crashes, is there anyway to boot to just the shell?15:00
Dr_Willis_juniour:  you are not in the same dir as that .deb or you spelt it wrong.15:00
padronanyone have experience with realtek rtl8187l wireless nics ? it can always see networks and can connect and transmit data, but only very breifly/sporadically, while infrequently being able to reach 90 KBps for 30 to 60 second burts , running maverik15:00
Sammi16i mean terminal15:00
padronfrom what I have been able to find this chipset has been known at least in the past to have flaky drivers, I have already obtained the latest driver from realtek15:00
linxehinduz: ok, I don't know. Personally I wouldn't hire anyone with experience of just one linux distribution though (or even only experience with Linux)15:00
padronwhen I say obtained, I as well do mean that I have installed it, that made a difference15:00
Dr_Willis_Sammi16:  you can use the 'text' option to grub. and have it not start GDM, or plymouth = console only system.15:00
Dr_Willis_Sammi16:  or you could disable the GDM service15:01
padronbut it still does'nt perform as should15:01
induzso u r saying in a way Certification is not required??15:01
xuedo you play dota?15:01
induzI am trying to get into IT as a helpDesk15:01
H4KWHo's Italian??15:01
Dr_Willis_induz:  its all about padding your resume, and luck :)15:01
trojankinghello everyonw i nwws help i am new to ubuntu15:02
pilliin windows xp there is a software called format factor which is used  to convert video files to 3gp format ......now my question is like that any package is there in ubuntu?15:02
induzI can not pad much at this moment as the cost for the certifications are high15:02
pilliDr_Willis_, in windows xp there is a software called format factor which is used  to convert video files to 3gp format ......now my question is like that any package is there in ubuntu?15:02
sapphzinduz: on a help desk prob not if you aspire to go further or even just prove your pbasic skills look into LPI http://www.lpi.org/eng/certification/the_lpic_program im sitting their LPI01 in Feb at FOSDEM15:02
Sammi16Dr Willis: how do you disable the gdm service?15:02
H4KThis IS A LAmer CHat??15:02
jessecpilli: try mplayer and ffmpeg15:02
xuedo you play dota?15:02
xuedo you play dota?15:02
xuedo you play dota?15:02
FloodBot3xue: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:02
juniourgobbe giving error15:03
rs0832xue, this is not a gaming channel..15:03
H4KON LInux??15:03
jessecpilli: http://www.web-max.ca/PHP/3gp.php15:03
bibic682Padron: I have similar card....I needed to use ndiswrapper and the windows driver for mine....now works great15:03
trojankingi am new to ubuntu i got installing it today and i am stuck pls some1 help me15:03
xueH4K, ok,sorry15:03
xangua!wine | H4K15:03
ubottuH4K: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:03
rs0832H4K, no.. use xchat15:03
ugmgJUNIOR :     http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/usb-modeswitch/download15:03
deepak_hi jessec15:03
induzhow much for LP101?15:03
H4KOK tANKs15:03
Dr_Willis_H4K:  thers other irc clients out there then mIRC.15:04
induzsapphz, How much total with books15:04
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sapphzinduz: 75 euros at FOSDEM with that being about half price15:04
pillijessec,is it allows what i asked.converter of video files to one format to another15:04
Wolfsherzwhere can i ask questions about ubuntu server?15:04
PiciWolfsherz: #ubuntu-server15:05
sapphzwith books i dont know, im revising by doing, checking man pages and generally abusing google, there are a few mock exams on their site and they do also suggest reference site, though not all are in english15:05
juniourrs0832 my modem is not detecting when i give lsusb command15:05
jessecpilli:  mencoder and ffmpeg are made to convert these file formats15:05
induzsapphz, I will look into it15:05
padronbibic682, interesting , which version of a win driver did you use, as in for which version of windows, and im not sure if i have ndiswrapper installed , i presume I can pick it up by the package manager ?15:05
pillijessec, ok thanks15:05
gobbejuniour: well...you might believe that i cannot guess your error so tell it15:05
induzsapphz, I am in the usa15:05
trojankingpadron, can u help me with  ubuntu... i started using it 24hours ago its like i cant get anything done15:06
sapphzinduz: if you can get to FOSDEM you can sit your exam there at discount  and attend a great free open source conference -> fosdem.org15:06
induzsapphz, i have get local something15:06
sapphzoh :S15:06
Pici!ask | trojanking15:06
ubottutrojanking: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:06
trojankingok sorry15:06
trojankingi am lamer here15:06
rs0832juniour, what kind of a modem?15:07
sapphztrojanking: dont worry, what kinda issues you having?15:07
induztravel to UK will cost me atleast $500 plus stay15:07
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sapphzFOSDEM is in belgium :P15:07
juniourgobbe http://paste.ubuntu.com/548853/15:07
trojankingi just installed ubuntu yesterday evening and i want to connect my ubuntu to internet with my usb internet15:07
bibic682Padron: You should be able to install from add.remove list....just search in there..install and have the cd ready to use the driver inf file...try the winxp driver inf...you will have to restart after install15:07
juniourrs0832 same reliance net connect15:07
induzsapphz, almost the same for me for europe15:08
Sammi16trojanking: how did you install ubuntu? live cd?15:08
rs0832juniour, ah ok15:08
gobbejuniour: hmmh. that's not error? how did you get that15:08
sapphzok trojanking do you have any internet at all?15:08
juniourrs0832 i have installed it15:08
induzanyone knows what r the Qs asked during interview for a helpdesk position15:08
sapphzinduz: im jelous for me to visit US would be 2/3 times more expensive15:08
xanguatrojanking: did you first check if the usb wireles is supporter¿ or googled: ubuntu 'usb wireless model' ¿15:08
rs0832juniour, ok..15:09
trojankingsapphz, yes i managed to connect my ubuntu to my wireless by mistake sharing with my mac laptop internet15:09
ugmginduz: yes15:09
induzI guess Euro is stronger to US $15:09
juniourgobbe  by installing usb modeswitch manually15:09
zulaxi installed ruby 1.9.1 from apt-get but ruby -v still shows the old one15:09
induzcan U provide/send me a link for those Qs ugmg15:09
juniourrs0832 ya tell15:09
induzugmg, where can i find those Qs?15:09
trojankingxangua, no i didn't have any idea15:10
rs0832juniour, what did you do so far?15:10
gobbejuniour: manually?15:10
ugmgi can tell what question they ask me15:10
gobbejuniour: did you do what website told?15:10
gobbejuniour: after what part of that howto did you get that text?15:10
juniourgobbe ya15:10
induzugmg, please tell me15:10
induzugmg, this coming Monday i am suppose to be interviewed15:11
C_R_Cgood morning. I am looking for some help with a keyboard problem in Ubuntu 10.1015:11
rs0832juniour, did you try just double clicking it? gdebi should install it15:11
padronbibic682, good deal, i cant locate the original driver disk but I have a copy of the driver stored on hdd, with ndiswrapper , does it require a command line syntax, is it a file that I need to edit to include a particular entry , or a gui ? sorry for my not being familliar15:11
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sammy42video question I have no xorg.conf file to edit15:11
juniourrs0832 where double click15:12
rs0832juniour, on the file you downloaded15:12
xanguasammy42: there is no xorg.file ; you can manually create it15:12
rs0832juniour, you are trying to open that right?15:12
sapphzinduz: the other one to look into is red hat qualifications, your more likly to find a test center in US for them too15:12
juniourgetting error15:12
rs0832juniour, what error? can you pastebin please?15:12
trojankingplease i am using ubuntu for the first time today, i have no idea what to do to connect my epivalley usb modem to internet, but i mistakenly connected my ubuntu to my shared wirless from MAC... pls help15:12
juniourgobbe gdebi package installer15:13
oogaok ... STILL having problems installing kubuntu ... It seems that once I boot from the cdrom, the installer can't find and/or mount the the cdrom device. Any ideas on a fix or work around?15:13
sammy42I've seen examples for ati and nvdia but not savage15:13
bibic682padron : after install of ndis wrapper....start it and it will ask you to locate the driver .inf file.. its all in a gui15:13
juniourrs0832 http://paste.ubuntu.com/548853/15:13
juniourrs0832 got it15:13
sapphztrojanking: your usb stick prob isnt working becasue ubuntu doesnt have the drivers, if you can connect to wifi, try googling for ubuntu drivers for your decive15:13
shn^I got everything working with tmux and put up several "windows". If I quit putty, and then start it again - ssh into my server. How do i restore the tmux windows? It just started with the default bash one now.15:14
trojankingsapphz i tried google15:14
padronbibic682, awesome, much appreciated, we'll see how it goes15:14
brianlI am running fedora right now, but i would like to switch to Ubuntu. I was wondering if there was a way i can check if my wireless card in my laptop is compatible with ubuntu, before i install it. I have had problems getting it to work in the past...15:14
bibic682install the .inf file and reboot...it will now use the window driver15:14
sapphztrojanking: no drivers?15:14
rs0832juniour, that is not an error :) i think it installed fine.15:14
induzsapphz, I talked to my friend[local] about it and he suggested to stick to Microsoft  i dont know why?15:14
xangua!hardware | brianl15:14
ubottubrianl: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:14
gobbejuniour: that's not error, it's just information of package15:15
gobbejuniour: continue following howto15:15
trojankingsapphz, i tried google and i kept getting commands to do in terminal in thousands of forums i dont know which to follow and i did follow some and still dont know if i am getting anything done15:15
rs0832juniour, and it says that you will not see the modem with lsusb.. that is normal. :)15:15
ugmginduz : http://www.job-interview-site.com/help-desk-interview-questions-answers-it-computer-analyst.html15:15
sapphztrojanking: you could potentially install wine (windows emulator) and run the stick in there, not sure if you can bridge teh internet from wine to linux though :S15:15
juniourtrojanking administartion->hardwar edrivers15:15
rs0832juniour, carry on with the howto that gobbe is talking about15:15
juniourrs0832 ya15:15
xanguasapphz: no, you could not.....15:16
sapphzta xangua15:16
brianlxangua, okay, thanks.15:16
KaiForceis there a package for testdisk for Lucid?15:16
juniourtrojankin install the driver15:17
xangua!info testdisk lucid | KaiForce15:17
ubottuKaiForce: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (lucid), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB15:17
trojankingjunior, no proprietry drivers are in use on this system is what i got15:17
KaiForcerebooted my laptop (win7/lucid dual boot using grub) and all my partitions have disappeared!15:18
C_R_CCananyone help with a keyboard issue ob a R51 IBM Lenovo laptop running Ubuntu 10.10?15:18
KaiForcexangua thanks - if i'm booted into live cd i would need to enable another repository to access that?15:18
induzugmg, Thanks...going to read it now15:18
ugmginduz: for me they about ask printer installation (local/server) , how to add pc to domain , netowrk card configuration , norton Ghost software for multiple pc installation , pc assembling , printer maintenance,15:18
rs0832trojanking, what usb device do you have?15:18
KaiForceC_R_C:  what is happening?15:18
padronbibic682, one more thing, im running 32 bit maverik, and intend to use a 32bit winxp driver, did you do this with 32bit as well, or ?15:18
xanguaKaiForce: enable universe¿¿...15:18
trojankingi have epivalley (evdo)15:18
rs0832trojanking, the drivers werent provided with it?15:19
sapphzinduz: unfortunatly linux is still emerging into the buisness world and alot of employers havent even heard of it, qualifications in linux are sometimes laughed at or employers just go WTF?!? open-source degrees are only just coming out, linux and open source are spreading but microshite and apple still lead the market15:19
trojankingonly for windows and mac15:19
Benkinoobyhi, my laptops display is spoiled, so want to use an addidtional display to rescue my data. i trained the commands i have to use on a different laptop to be able to enter them "blindly". my problem: i need the correct labes for the displays in order to use xrandr. where can i look up the display labels via model/serial number?15:19
rs0832trojanking, hmm yes, typical15:20
trojankingrso832, the drivers are for windows and mac the usb works fine on both15:20
trojankingbut cant do anything in ubuntu15:20
vectoryhow opera with ubuntu?15:20
juniourtrojenking u have tried the option wt i gave15:20
vectoryfeels slow to me...15:20
rs0832vectory, deb.opera.com15:20
vectoryrs0832: ive got it installed, but sites load very slowly15:21
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bibic682Padron: Yes, I am using the 8185 driver and it works great.....after install on .inf clear the first screen that comes up to see if it is recognized in ndiswrapper...you will see what I mean when you go through it15:21
danielxxhey, iam trying to copy data from hdds using the disc utily in ubuntu live cdj15:21
rs0832vectory, hmm not for me15:21
vectorydis it as good as ff in general?15:21
danielxxwhen mounting, i cannot write to the discs15:21
rs0832vectory, for me, yes.. which ubuntu are you on?15:21
danielxxboth hdds are ext315:21
oogaGood morning ... I'm STILL having problems installing kubuntu ... It seems that once I boot from the cdrom, the installer can't find and/or mount the the cdrom device. Any ideas on a fix or work around?15:22
rs0832vectory, hmm was slow for me on 10.04 too... do you hav turbo enabled?15:22
stjohnmedranodanielxx: how about its permission?15:22
induzugmg,  The website gives a general tips on answering these questions...I have to practice Norton backups, what I gather/15:22
=== g117 is now known as g17
rs0832trojanking, this is of virginmedia?15:22
KaiForcexangua: thank you very much!15:22
rs0832trojanking, http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:8NiXqrUA3xQJ:www.virginmobile.in/pdf/user-guide-linux.pdf+epivalley+(evdo)+usb+wifi+ubuntu&hl=en&gl=in&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgk5jJlNHP-A-h3V5207QYc6uIkzqsYy3nhW3c9q8qz6narT9D1Km4OhzSSEl8WM1vpQaNBJx9Wxe911I-J_k81sbggyy6-CoXejzr85DGHKBwPMn6UBtR8vcgVMJSf0t_6bibj&sig=AHIEtbSBOGenQIU8tbv5V8uZbFzNJEYhrA15:23
vectoryrs0832: now i do :D15:23
Lenin_Cathow do I using multuibable cores when compiling15:23
Dr_Willis_ooga:  You did check the md5sums of the cd and iso files? you could try a usb-flash installer.15:23
rs0832vectory, hmm it shouldnt be slow though.. does it worked with turbo enabled?15:23
sammy42how do I create the xorg.conf file and what do i need to put in it15:23
danielxxive almost no knowledge bout console, but /proc/mount shows it with rw15:23
vectoryLenin_Cat: depends on the compiler and cpu i guess15:23
induzsapphz, very true what u said,,,One guy refused to even let Ubuntu live CD to get to his comp?15:23
Dr_Willis_danielxx:  you need to set the ownership/permissions on the FS. to be owned by the user you want to access it.15:23
vectoryrs0832: seems better now15:23
vectorywill test more15:23
Dr_Willis_!permissions | danielxx15:23
ubottudanielxx: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:23
rs0832vectory, if you are using opera 10, update to 1115:23
vectoryjust downloaded15:24
stjohnmedranodanielxx: it should be rwx15:24
g17hi all! Can you advise me a program for multiple image resizing? thx.15:24
danielxxyesterday when i formatted the 2TB harddrive i had permissions15:24
danielxxafter 1 reboot into the live cd its gone15:24
induzugmg, how can I practice Norton Ghost as i dont have the s/w15:24
ugmginduz : the job interview for windows or  linux helpdesk15:24
stjohnmedranodanielxx: chmod 70015:24
pilliis ubuntu,debian,fedora all are same15:24
Lenin_Catusing make and make install15:24
Lenin_CatI know theres a command15:24
danielxxstjohnmedrano: i tried even chmodding it 777 recursively15:24
Lenin_CatI used it before15:24
Lenin_Cat something like -q415:25
induz ugmg i really dont know  much about...i guess it would be on Windows15:25
stjohnmedranodanielxx: who owns it?15:25
danielxxstjohnmedrano: how to check?15:25
rs0832trojanking, did you get my link?15:25
ugmginduz : ok,15:25
induzugmg, but I am more on linux at home15:25
stjohnmedranodanielxx: go to the media file15:25
ugmginduz: for linux i don't know but  i sit for windows interview15:26
padronbibic682, alright, thanks15:26
stjohnmedranodanielxx: in my case its one : /media15:26
stjohnmedranodanielxx: try in terminal and goto media directory15:26
danielxxstjohnmedrano: i am, theres i directory of the hdd(mountpoint) i mounted through disk utility15:27
danielxxstjohnmedrano: it belongs to root user :/15:27
danielxxlive user is ubuntu15:27
Dr_Willis_danielxx:  for ext2/3/4/ to let a user access the files/dirs/stuff you MUST set up proper permissions.. root can access them all. a user can access what they are allowed to access15:27
shn^I got everything working with tmux and put up several "windows". If I quit putty, and then start it again - ssh into my server. How do i restore the tmux windows? It just started with the default bash one now.15:27
Dr_Willis_its a 'security' thing. :)15:27
YouArePwnedHello everyone15:27
induzugmg, it is for windows i guess as most of the offices use MicroSoft's Windowds15:27
oogaHello. Can anyone help me mount the cdrom during instal?15:28
ugmginduz : but i can tell u it isn't difficult it more  about skills , such as i say before computer assembling and printer maintenace and Ms offi ce support , before that u need to search  for the company profile15:28
danielxxDr_Willis_: So on the live cd i could chown it to user ubuntu?15:28
YouArePwnedI have a problem with AMD graphics card15:28
Dr_Willis_danielxx:  that would be one way - yes.15:28
YouArePwnedMore info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10296329&postcount=4915:28
stjohnmedranodanielxx: in the terminal try to chown it15:28
induzugmg, Thanks a lot for tips... i am nervous15:28
danielxxand that chown, logicaly gets stored on the disk tho, the hdd iam trying to access is meant to work in a dreambox afterwards15:28
stjohnmedranodanielxx: chown username /media/disk15:28
ugmgdon't it is very easy15:29
danielxx= root afterwards always can acces filesystems15:29
danielxxwhat i mean is: chown to ubuntu user, doesnt mean root cannot access right?15:29
Dr_Willis_danielxx:  root can always access15:29
andyhow to use "sudo" in non admin account in ubuntu?15:30
bibic682Padron: r u goin to try it now?  I can stick around a while to see if it works for ya15:30
danielxxDr_Willis_: so i wont have permission problems as dreambox always acts as root15:30
sammy42video issue, how do I create the xorg.conf file and what do i need to put in it15:30
trojankingjunior i tried everything it didn't work15:30
Dr_Willis_danielxx:  if dreambox runs as root.. it should be able to access everything anyway..15:31
Dr_Willis_whatever dreambox is....15:31
trojankingrs0832, i did not get d link15:31
danielxxDr_Willis_: Dream Multimedia DM8000, ah hdtv settop box15:31
padronbibic682, yea I will be15:31
padronbibic682, just redownloading the xp driver , thought I had a copy of it, but didnt15:32
danielxxDr_Willis_: http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de/dm-8000-hd-pvr15:32
Xintruderhi guys15:32
compdocwhat about us gals?!!15:32
danielxxDr_Willis_: that chown things helped, can write the hdd now :)15:32
stjohnmedranodanielxx: try to look at this http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/help/faq/permissions.html15:32
oogaGood morning ... is there anyone that can help me mount the cdrom during a kubuntu install?15:32
danielxxstjohnmedrano: thank you15:32
rs0832trojanking, http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:8NiXqrUA3xQJ:www.virginmobile.in/pdf/user-guide-linux.pdf+epivalley+(evdo)+usb+wifi+ubuntu&hl=en&gl=in&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgk5jJlNHP-A-h3V5207QYc6uIkzqsYy3nhW3c9q8qz6narT9D1Km4OhzSSEl8WM1vpQaNBJx9Wxe911I-J_k81sbggyy6-CoXejzr85DGHKBwPMn6UBtR8vcgVMJSf0t_6bibj&sig=AHIEtbSBOGenQIU8tbv5V8uZbFzNJEYhrA15:33
stjohnmedranodanielxx: no probs15:33
trojankingrs0832, i got it15:33
exxtremeis shoutcast radio working in exaile, banshee and other media players?  I read shoutcast upgraded their plugin which caused it to stop working in media players.15:33
danielxxanother thing, the hdd i formatted is a Western Digital WD20EARS, with 4k blocks15:33
danielxxdo i need special formatting for that?15:33
moosf.k u15:33
moosf.k u15:33
trojankingrs0832, i got it15:34
trojankingthanks very much i will study it15:34
rs0832trojanking, k.. hope its helpful :)15:34
padrondanielbw, just to jump in, if you are using the drive solely for a pvr you would want to set the block size much larger, even 64k15:34
danielxxiam asking cuz i copied data from a 1 tb WD10EADS to that new WD20EARS, got like 40mb/s, hdparm gives 90mb/s on the WD10EADS, 127MB/s on the WD20EARS15:34
bibic682Padron: Make sure you locate the .inf file of the driver and have that ready for install15:34
danielxxjust wondering15:34
woshishuii am new15:34
trojankingrs0832, please is there a forum where i can pay someone to just work me through?15:35
trojankingjust incase i don't get it fixed15:35
rs0832trojanking, well if you give someone here the link and ask, you can for free :)... about the forum though, sorry, i have no idea15:35
padronbibic682, aye, will do15:35
YouArePwnedI have a problem with AMD graphics card15:36
YouArePwnedMore info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10296329&postcount=4915:36
Mouldyhey everyone. I'm in the process of setting up openbox but am having a bit of difficulty with creating a menu entry for the software-center. The launcher works, but software-center doesn't ask for my password when I try to install so consequently does nothing. This bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptdaemon/+bug/499937) seems related, and I think that the policykit agent isn't running in the openbox session (it works fine in gnome). How do I ge15:36
Mouldyt it started? I found a number of bins in /usr/lib/policykit-1 and have no idea which one i should use15:36
YouArePwnedCan someone please help me?15:36
trojankingrs0832, ok no problem i will see what i can do myself15:36
rs0832trojanking, k good luck :) if you need help, you can always try here15:36
trojankingbut its like linux will take months for me to understand innit? because command command is a problem lol... i try to install one stuff yesterday and today i have to go to google to even install again15:37
danielxxthanks for helping guys15:37
ben_kjuwhy does my Thinkpad T400 not go above 70% CPU when my battery is unplugged?15:38
oogaHello. I am not new to Linux. First started with Redhat 5.0. But I am new to the problem I am having. Trying to install kubuntu to a naked machine and it is failing because once I boot from the CD, I can't re-mount the CD to continue the install. Any ideas?15:39
rs0832trojanking, :)15:39
ben_kjupurely AC powered.. I only get 800MHz and 1.6GHz15:39
ben_kjuwith AC+battery  or on battery power I get up to 2.26 GHz15:39
trojankingrs0832, the first instruction on the manual u gave me saids vflash will appear on my desktop when i insert the usb to my pc but it didn't show up15:39
padronbibic682, Netrtuw.inf sound correct to you ?15:40
TupladA while ago there was an update that killed my settings for themes, whatever I did, the GTK themes wouldn't change. I manually added lines to ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and it worked fine, if I remove the file now and change the theme through desktop > right mouse button > change desktop theme it doesn't change except for the windows15:40
induzugmg, I am reading a lot about A+ books15:40
i_is_brokeben_kju, do you think that when it needs extra power it might draw it from the battery and then recharge afterwards?15:40
induzhow to get a printer going on15:40
Alan502Can somebody help me installing a java library on ubuntu 10.04?15:41
ben_kjui_is_broke, I don't know, the AC thing gives 65VA that should be more than enough, even with 100% cpu15:41
gobbe!java | Alan50215:41
ubottuAlan502: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:41
bibic682Padron: it should be in the driver itself and possibly be something like rtl8185 .inf15:41
rs0832trojanking, are you using virginmedia?15:42
Alan502gobbe, I have alredy got openjdk and jre15:42
Alan502gobbe, however, i'm trying to install jinput15:42
trojankingwhat is virginmedia?15:42
AegNuddelDo you think a school district could gain significant savings by switching to Ubuntu?15:42
rs0832trojanking, big UK telecom company15:42
Alan502gobbe, it's on the maverick reposotories but i'm trying to install it for karmic15:42
Dr_Willis_AegNuddel:  yes they could.15:42
XintruderHi all15:42
gobbeAlan502: what kind of problem do you have?15:42
trojankingi am using Starcomms Nigeria Evdo Izap15:42
XintruderI love you all and I love Ubuntu thanks everything15:42
induzvirgin airlines too15:42
rs0832trojanking, k.. then substitute vflash with whatever you are using..15:43
induzhey rs083215:43
trojankingyes but nothing shows on desktop15:43
rs0832induz, hi15:43
Alan502gobbe, I cannot even run the plugin's test...15:43
* AegNuddel is considering writing a letter to her state's/parish's ailing education system15:43
trojankingrs0832, nothing shows on desktop15:43
rs0832trojanking, then i guess you can skip to the next step15:43
trojankinglet me disconnect15:44
padronbibic682, found it in the winxp2k folder, there is an rtl8187.sys in the same folder, as well as netrtuw.cat , im almost certain im in the right place ?15:44
trojankingi will be back bcos i shared my internet with this pc15:44
induzrs0832, I am happy with Golden-dictionary but I want to add sound/pronunciations15:44
Dr_Willis_AegNuddel:  http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=1&categ_id=3&article_id=123067#axzz19YrYAGho15:44
=== Honthertanshye is now known as sciguy16
rs0832trojanking, k15:44
bibic682Padron: looks like you are. Doe you see the .inf file there?15:45
padronbibic682, aye15:45
bibic682Padron: thats the file ndiswrapper will need from you15:45
bibic682install it rebbot and you should be good to go15:46
skorvi have internet on the server and not on the clients... what is to blame dhcpd our bind9?15:46
rs0832induz, does goldendict support them?15:46
padronbibic682, sweet, ill reboot and see, thanks again, bbiab15:46
oogaI can't remount the cdrom during a kubuntu install ... has no one ever run into this problem?15:46
TupladMy GTK theme doesn't change when I change it in setting, it only fully changes when I edit .gtkrc-2.0. How can I make it change the bar and the windows ?15:46
BluesKajooga, more detail pls ,had the install already started ?15:47
AegNuddelooh good points there15:47
sammy42video issue, how do I create the xorg.conf file and what do i need to put in it15:47
oogaBluesKaj: yes ... install starts, but then fails with "can't find valid filesystem" or somesuch ...15:48
BluesKaj!xorg | sammy4215:48
ubottusammy42: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:48
oogaBluesKaj: as far as I can tell, it is loosing the cd mount once it boots ...15:49
BluesKaj!xconf | sammy4215:49
sammy42ubottu, thanks15:49
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:49
jose__do you know where i can download windows 7?15:50
rs0832jose__, wrong place for that question15:50
tuxdI'm looking for a way to record streaming audio thru sound card only and nothing at all from a microphone, so no ambient sounds are picked up in the recording15:50
oogaBluesKaj: I've tried mounting several of the device I find in /dev, but keep getting invalid block device ...15:50
tuxdany ideas on program?15:50
trojan_spikejose__, #windows    >> for questions on windows ty15:50
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bibic682jose:::Why would you want too :)15:50
ubuntu_someone able to help me ? i crushed my bootmanager15:51
induzit supports sound but I really dont know which webservice15:51
ZykoticK9sammy42, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file15:51
rs0832jose__, no problem :)15:51
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
Dr_Willis_!fixgrub | ubuntu_15:51
ubottuubuntu_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:51
induzrs0832, it supports sound but I really dont know which webservice15:51
rs0832induz, hmm15:51
BluesKajooga, did you use a partitoner to format the drive partition ,or are you installing on a windows pc?15:51
ubuntu_could someone kick the bot ^^... i need some help rescuing grub15:51
trojan_spikeubuntu_, can u load into ur OS ,, or are u on a live cd?15:51
rs0832induz, do you have a link to it?15:52
aidrocsidMy wubildr doesn't seem to be showing up! :(15:52
Dr_Willis_ubuntu_:  you have read the docs the bot posted?15:52
tuxdsuggestions on program to record streaming audio ( on ubuntu 10.10)15:52
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:52
oogaBluesKaj: naked iron ... blank HD ... it just won't re-mount the CD once it boots ...15:52
AegNuddelWow...this I had no idea about15:52
ubuntu_im on a live cd... i tried to rescue grub 2 times but now nothing happens anymore, one time i installed on wrong partition i think, or whatever i need help ^^15:52
AegNuddelThe Republic of Macedonia is using Edubuntu in all primary and secondary schools.15:53
Dr_Willis_ubuntu_:  -> command similer to --> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint  /dev/sda --recheck15:53
BluesKaj!gparted | ooga15:53
ubottuooga: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:53
induzrs0832, Support for looking up and listening to pronunciations from forvo.com15:53
trojan_spikeubuntu_, i'll help you,,  see my PM15:53
ubuntu_y i had 6 partitions on my system sda2 waqs an extended partition i installed grub on sd615:53
induzrs0832, I checked forvo, but did not understand it much15:54
Dr_Willis_ubuntu_:  grub installs to the MBR of the hard drive normally. not a partition on the hd.15:54
BluesKajok ooga , is your pc real new or over 5yrs old?15:54
rs0832induz, is it supposed to be a plugin or something?15:54
induzgo to that website15:54
tuxdsuggestions on program to record streaming audio ( on ubuntu 10.10)15:54
aidrocsidThere are 3 files in winboot, wubildr, wubildr.cfg, wubildr.mbr, but when i try to boot into wubi it says it can't see wubildr and restarts15:54
rs0832ubuntu_, do you know where ubuntu is installed?15:54
oogaBluesKaj: Won't the install program do partitioning once it is started?15:54
induzrs0832, I really dont know15:54
rs0832ubuntu_, eg: sda115:54
Kevin147My brothers laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545, and it seems that the wireless is messed up. He can connect on ethernet, and the internet works. But when he connects with wireless, it connects, but theres no internet...how can I fix this/15:55
aidrocsidlol still busy rs0832?15:56
oogaBluesKaj: just bought it yesterday ... brand spanking new ...15:56
rs0832aidrocsid, tell me:)15:56
Dr_Willis_ooga:  i tend to let windows 7 resize the windows partitions. leving part unallocated15:56
BluesKajooga, yes but if your hardware is real new or too old the live cd won't boot ...I had that prob in the past and had to use the 'alternate install' cd which worked15:56
rs0832induz, hmm i dont know if it supports using goldendict15:56
rs0832aidrocsid, what did you need help with?15:57
oogaBluesKaj: I tried the alt CD ... same problem ... alt CD can't detect/mount the CD once the install starts ...15:57
rs0832induz, if you can tell me where or who told you that it could, i can help better15:58
Kevin147My brothers laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545, and it seems that the wireless is messed up. He can connect on ethernet, and the internet works. But when he connects with wireless, it connects, but theres no internet...how can I fix this?15:58
oogaDr_Willis_: no windows on the drive ... Blank HD ...15:58
aidrocsidWell, rs0832, I can't boot into my wubi install. It complains about wubildr but all the files are in C:\ubuntu\winboot15:58
Dr_Willis_ooga:  You could partition the HD befor you evne stat the installer if you wanted. via gparted or fdisk.15:58
rs0832aidrocsid, all the files are there, including wubildr.cfg?15:59
rs0832aidrocsid, can you tell me the error?15:59
BluesKajooga, well the only alternatve I can think of is to format the HDD first, any other suggestions ?15:59
Dr_Willis_ooga:  but You said it was having issues seeing the cdrom. - You could even set up the ISO file on a little hard drive partition and set grub2 up and boot fromt he HD to install to the rest of the HD.15:59
aidrocsidwubildr + .cfg and .mbr15:59
bibic682Kevin147: Have you tried ndiswrapper with the windows driver for the wireless card?15:59
aidrocsidya brb16:00
rs0832aidrocsid, k16:00
Kevin147No, its a broadcom wireless driver. It works on some wireless modems, but ours, it won't work.16:00
opal_frootdoes ubuntu have anything like superfetch ?16:00
Dr_Willis_opal_froot:  and whats superfeatch do?16:00
Kevin147bibic682: ^^16:00
oogaBluesKaj: no way to mount the CD after the fact?16:00
rs0832Kevin147, you have a broadcom modem?16:00
opal_frootits aggressive prefetch16:00
Kevin147rs0832: no, my brother has a broadcom driver for his wireless, I do also, but mine works, his doesn't.16:01
opal_frootie loads a lot of stuff into memory before its neded16:01
oogaDr_Willis_: maybe I'll try a usb stick ...16:01
rs0832Kevin147, same wireless modem?16:01
* ooga sighs16:01
Kevin147rs0832: yup16:01
rs0832Kevin147, are you sure that the drivers are installed properly? did it work before?16:02
bibic682Kevin147: Try ndiswrapper...I've had similar probs with a different wireless card....but never the less, you should try it . If it doesn't work you are no farther out16:02
BluesKajooga, make sure have your boot sequence boots the cdrom first16:02
nijaboHi *buntu16:02
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Braber01Hi I have a server set up and I can't get talk to work.16:03
rob|anyone running a eeepc 1015pem with working bluetooth?16:03
oogaBluesKaj: already done ... install starts on alt CD and I can't get past the CD detect/mount part ...16:03
Kevin147rs0832: when I installed Ubuntu on my laptop, it did it automatically being connected to ethernet, I did the same thing to his, and it shows wireless networks and everything, its just when you connect to the wireless the internet won't work.16:03
Kevin147We went on vacation and just got back yesterday, and he connected to some guys wireless and it worked.16:03
=== Guest3899 is now known as hilux
hiluxbibic682, score, that did the trick16:04
rs0832Kevin147, hmm then i can only think of a configuration problem.. did you install any updates?16:04
oogaI'm going to go try the usb memory stick ...16:04
Mouldyhey guys. What command is it that runs the menu that comes up when you press the power button in gnome? It asks whether you want to shutdown, restart, suspend etc I would like to get that command to run when the power button is pressed in openbox, but don't know how. Any ideas?16:04
hiluxbibic682, never been so happy to see a progress bar in my life ;)16:04
Kevin147rs0832: yeah I installed updates on both.16:05
Kevin147rs0832: I think I did anyway. let me check.16:05
=== hilux is now known as padron
rs0832Kevin147, ok.. check if both have the same kernel versions16:05
sapphzMouldy: you after the command to just shoutdown ot to bring up the options?16:05
bibic682hilux: Same thing here when I use the windows driver....glad to see that16:05
coz_Mouldy,   did you try  ctrl+alt+delete?16:05
Mouldysapphz, to bring up the options16:05
sapphzsorry no idea16:06
Mouldycoz_, ctrl alt del didn't seem to do anything16:06
Kevin147rs0832: Forgot to update his. I'll be back later if it doesn't work.16:06
BluesKajsorry ooga , I'm out of ideas altho the usb stick install might work , but I'm not familiar with procedure.16:06
rs0832Kevin147, wait16:06
Kevin147rs0832: yes?16:06
coz_Mouldy,  ok hold on16:06
rs0832Kevin147, so yours works right? or was that his? the wireless, i mean16:06
coz_Mouldy,     dbus-send --dest=org.gnome.SessionManager /org/gnome/SessionManager org.gnome.SessionManager.Shutdown16:07
Kevin147Mine works. I have a Lenovo G550, he has a Dell Inspiron 1545, but same wireless card. His won't work, but mine does.16:07
Kevin147rs0832: ^^16:07
rs0832Kevin147, ah ok.. good luck then :)16:07
Kevin147rs0832: thanks16:07
coz_Mouldy,   that should bring up the shut down dialog ui16:08
padronbibic682, im curious as to why the linux driver was such crap ?16:08
induzrs0832, its on Goldendict website16:08
Mouldycoz_, thanks - but it didn't seem to do anything. Does it rely on daemons that I might not have running?16:08
rs0832induz, you have the link?16:09
realubotHow do I get the information about what driver a USB mobile modem uses? Is there any way to check what driver a device uses so that I know whatever I need to blacklist it or not?16:09
coz_Mouldy,  well dbus has to be running16:09
Rockjhm, anyone could assist me in installing acerhk-source package for getting my wireless to work? I'd want to make sure that the acerhk packages always gets recompiled and installed after new kernel updates since im giving away my laptop to my sister..16:09
coz_Mouldy,    see if  gnome-session-save --kill    <<  that is the logout dialot UI16:09
YouArePwnedI have a problem with AMD graphics card16:09
YouArePwnedMore info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10296329&postcount=4916:09
YouArePwnedCan someone please help me?16:09
bibic682Padron: Don't have any idea, but at one time installing 9.04 i had to put another wireless card in and it was a linksys and the ubuntu driver worked great, but the realtek drivers for ubuntu suck16:09
FloodBot3YouArePwned: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
induzrs0832, http://goldendict.org/16:09
gobbeRockj: there's no way to make some package compiled and installed after kernel-packages updates16:10
coz_Mouldy,  and did you copy paste that dbus command I gave?16:10
induzrs0832, do u use Goldendict?16:10
rs0832induz, no, i mean about the plugin16:10
gobbeRockj: you could backlist kernel-updates and do it manually every now and then16:10
rs0832induz, nope16:10
Rockjgobbe: yes there is, graphicsdrivers uses it. dont know the name of it, some posthook function16:10
Mouldycoz_, dbud does seem to be running. gnome-session-save --kill gave an warning: Failed to call logout: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files16:10
induzrs0832, forvo.com16:10
Mouldycoz_, yes, copy and pasted the dbugs command16:10
coz_Mouldy, ooo   something is up for sure on that end then16:11
padronbibic682, yea that is what I had read as well, i was just glad i was able to get a tiny ammount of function from the linux driver because I had to d/l ndiswrapper , heh16:11
edsonAlguém a fim de tc/16:11
coz_Mouldy,   you want to shut down you can also try  in terminal    sudo  init 016:11
induzrs0832, i dont know how to asseble goldendict with forvo.com16:11
coz_Mouldy,  that is a zero not the letter "o:16:11
padronbibic682, once I did that I fired it up and pointed it to the driver and rebooted, bingo16:11
Mouldycoz_, yeah. I know how to shutdown via cli - but I was hoping to re-assign that gui dialog to my power button - like it is in gnome16:12
coz_Mouldy,   that dbus command should definitly bring up the shutdown dialog for you16:12
edsonbye bye16:12
Alan502Would somebody be so kind to help me get Jinput on ubuntu 10.04?16:13
StrangeCharmhow do i override a changed key in ssh?16:13
Koopa516Anybody know any good Python guides? (ubuntu compatible)16:13
coz_Alan502,  are you on maverick ?16:13
Mouldycoz_, I'm assuming that dbus command is what gnome-session-save calls?16:13
coz_Alan502,   so  did you try   sudo apt-get install jinput16:13
coz_Mouldy,  well it is going through dbus to run the session manager  and it should quick and precise16:14
bibic682Padron: Had same prob after install, very little connection and had to download ndiswrapper...all in a days install i guess:)16:14
Benkinoobyhi, i need to enable a second monitor "blindly". i use 'xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto' but i think mabye VGA-1 is not the correct one. what other combinations are possible? i am on a laptop16:14
rs0832induz, sorry , i cant seem to figure it out either.. i have never used it16:15
coz_Alan502,  that package should be in the  Universe  repository16:15
Mouldycoz_, hmm, can you think of any reason why that dbus command silently does nothing and the gnome-session-manager command does nothing with that warning? It works absolutely fine when I hit the power button in gnome :s16:15
induzrs0832, I will figure later as I use Goldendict16:15
rumpe1Benkinooby, check output of "xrandr"16:15
rs0832induz, good luck :)16:16
Alan502coz_, I know, sorry, I'm on karmic16:16
coz_Mouldy,  off hand no... my routine would be to first run  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    then reboot   with   init 6  and start again to see if any of those commands  run....16:16
Rockjbut does source-packages in debian have any guidelines on how to install em?16:16
Rockjaptitude/apt-get install package etc for normal packages, but what about source packages?16:17
Benkinoobyrumpe1, i said i have to do it blindly. so i can not see any output on the screen:(16:17
coz_Rockj,   generally in a source package,,,once extracted... there should be a  README  or   INSTALL   file16:17
rumpe1Benkinooby, how about remote-login via ssh?16:17
YouArePwnedcan someone please help me with 6850 card?16:17
YouArePwnedMore info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10296329&postcount=4916:18
Rockjcoz_: ok,  but Im keen on using it somehow "ubuntu" way, so id make sure it works after every kernel update etc.16:18
Mouldycoz_, hmm, ok thanks for all your help. I'm pretty sure I'm as up to date as 10.04 can be, but I'll double check and reboot anyway just in case (:16:18
Benkinoobyrumpe1, i allready tried VGA-1,VGA1, DVI-1, DVI1 LSVD116:18
Rockjcoz_: if not, I would just aswell download it from a normal webpage like sourceforge16:18
rs0832Rockj, use the -b option in apt-get16:18
vlt_Hello. I installed Ubuntu 10.10. How can I set the kezboard settings for all users_16:18
coz_Mouldy,   I would do that just as habit especially if you have any issue....a dist-upgrade could ..in theory...fix some issues16:19
rumpe1Benkinooby, here i have LVDS1 ... but guessing blindly sounds not so smart16:19
coz_Rockj,   let me check online hold on16:19
rumpe1Benkinooby, install if necessary openssh-server and login remotely16:19
tasWhy are flash games so slow in full screen??? why they don't make flash plugin faster?? or its just me??16:19
aidrocsidok rs0832 i'm back, the error message is as follows: Try (hd0,0) FAT16: No WUBILDR Try (hd0,1) NTFS5: no wubildr Try (hd0,3) NTFS5: _16:19
coz_Rockj,    http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/maverick/jinput16:19
Benkinoobyrumpe1, maybe i should try with knoppix, because this is what i used on this laptop until now. it's not my lapotp and it only has win-xp and vista.  the only reason i asked in this channel was, because xrandr is not specific to any distro. i will swith to the knoppix channel16:19
rs0832Rockj, or also --compile or  --build16:19
aidrocsidthat _ at the end is the cursor16:19
ZykoticK9tas, flash on linux is rather poor unfortunately16:19
Rockjtrying the -b option now to see if it does it wonders16:20
Benkinoobyrumpe1, thank you for your time and efforts!16:20
=== Koopa516 is now known as Koopython
Rockjits just downloading acerhk-source and "setting up" acerhk-source. Don't see it run m-a or anything16:20
rs0832aidrocsid, hmm where is your windows/ubuntu install ?16:20
tasZykoticK9, Why they don't fix it?? there are a lot of good games that can be played via flash, but its poor. >.>16:20
coz_Rockj,   use the  git clone command for the git  download on that page16:21
aidrocsidNot sure. hd0,1 i thought16:21
coz_Rockj,   there is indeed  a  README  text file in there with instructions16:21
padronbibic682, yea man, the original driver out of the box could see all the networks, and connect to them, but was worthless, the only thing I ever managed to do with it was get 1/2 of the google main page to load, one time, and never again, so i looked around and located the newest linux driver from realtek and made it etc and that made a difference, if only enough to barely click a few pages and download packages in the kb size , heh16:21
rs0832aidrocsid, hmm are you on a livecd?16:21
ZykoticK9tas, talk to adobe.16:21
aidrocsidbut i may be mistaken16:21
tasZykoticK9, xD16:21
rs0832aidrocsid, win?16:21
coz_Rockj,     here is the command to download it      git clone git://git.debian.org/pkg-java/jinput.git16:21
aidrocsid10.04 in wubi16:22
Rockjcoz_: why would I have jinput? what I want is acerhk..16:22
rs0832aidrocsid, you are booted into win vista now?16:22
coz_Rockj,   sorry  wrong person16:22
aidrocsidno right now I'm sitting at the windows boot loader16:22
coz_Alan502,   did you get  jinput?16:22
Alan502coz_, no :(16:22
teddymillsteddy  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash   <--Not correct.  I want to add a line in sudoers so I do not have to type my password everytime I sudo bash to root.16:22
Rockjcoz_: hehe, no worries.16:22
Alan502coz_, should i look at that git?16:22
aidrocsidi had  to restart a million times to catch the error because it disappears right away16:23
Rockjrs0832: ok, but apt-get install acerhk-source -b  is supposed to run m-a and various other tools which installs the module aye?16:23
coz_Alan502,  yeah   make sure  git-core is installed and then  open a terminal   type    cd  Desktop   then run   git clone git://git.debian.org/pkg-java/jinput.git16:23
Rockjrs0832: because nothing happens here basically after installing it. I atleast can't modprobe acerhk16:23
coz_Alan502,   in that  file will be a README  text    the build directions are there16:23
rs0832Rockj, hmm if you got it with apt-get, the -b option is supposed to build/compile the source16:24
rs0832Rockj, maybe it compiled from the kernel.. in that case, when you reboot, you should have an extra boot menu entry for that kernel.. boot into that and then modprobe16:24
aidrocsidrs0832: maybe it's corrupt?16:25
rs0832aidrocsid, so on windows, where is ubuntu?16:25
aidrocsidwubildr is in C:\ubuntu\winboot16:25
rs0832aidrocsid, that would mean sda1 or hd0,116:25
danielshI installed some packages and apt-get complained that /etc/pam.d/common-auth was locally modified (which is correct),16:25
Mouldycoz_, rebooted and no luck ): Thanks for everything anyway (:16:25
Rockjrs0832: hm, it mentions something about make-kpkg in README.Debian16:25
danielshbut let me two choices: use my version or overwrite it16:25
aidrocsidi'll have to look in windows16:25
Rockjthat's the debian/ubuntu way of doing it16:25
danielshhow can I have it let me view/merge the local and incoming(being installed) changes?16:26
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rs0832Rockj, yes16:26
coz_Mouldy,   not sure what the issue is then... I know that dbus command should run  actually on any ubuntu version that has dbus16:26
coz_Mouldy,   someone here may be able to hunt down the issue16:26
AegNuddelSo Macedonia's educational system uses Ubuntu?16:26
coz_AegNuddel,  probably Edubuntu16:26
induzok I am using MS 2007 using Wine on ubuntu karmic How can i type in Hindi??16:27
rs0832Rockj, you could try whats mentioned there.. the build option will only do as much as is specified to be build by the software authors configs after all16:27
AegNuddelcoz_, yes16:27
Rockjrs0832: I got no idea on how that works. but there is also a line about "module-assistant auto-install acerhk" should do the trick (installs only for the current running kernel) ... but it does basically nothing... just sits there hanging on 0% (building starting)16:27
rs0832aidrocsid, hold on16:27
Mouldycoz_, it's strange how it just does nothing. I would have expected it to throw some sort of error up if anything had gone wrong16:27
coz_AegNuddel,  oh boy ...I must be having a bad day ... saying the right things to the wrong person :)16:27
AegNuddelcoz_, but just the fact of the matter is our local school district is suffering so many budget cuts.  I think it would be a good alternative16:27
=== kampf_frettchen_ is now known as kampf_frettchen
Mouldyare there any resident dbus experts online at the moment?16:28
coz_Mouldy,   yes for sure... a dialog should come up ... you probably have seen it if not I can screenshot it but that doesnt help16:28
rs0832Rockj, hmm i guess you could reboot and see if the extra kernel has been added then.. or check in /boot16:28
bibic682Padron: I think ndiswrapper will solve most peoples wireless connection problems16:28
rs0832aidrocsid, windows boots fine right?16:29
AegNuddelcoz_, what?  That is what I meant :) Just saying you're right16:29
aidrocsidluckily it seems i finally cleared up its virus/malware problems or i'd be in a real pinch16:29
coz_Mouldy,  the one person I know of ...one of the devs in compiz is not online right now16:29
System_Default_0Hi all. I'm exporting my openoffice presentation as a SWF movie. But the default movie player, doesn't recognize it. What can I do?16:29
coz_AegNuddel,  yeah i figured that out  after you you said "yes"   apparenlty you were speaking to someone else ,, i apologize16:30
kasunhi, What's your preference on the "fast" loading pdf reader for ubuntu? Document viewer surely does not qualify, neither okular nor foxit!! I have a pdf with lot of images. It's frustrating to view using those viewers!16:30
rs0832aidrocsid, hmm can you edit the wubildr.cfg and pastebin it?16:30
Mouldycoz_, have you got a name so I can keep an eye out for them?16:30
AegNuddelcoz_, no.  just a general statement16:30
coz_Mouldy,   that would be  maniac16:30
xanguaSystem_Default_0: installed restricted extras¿16:30
coz_AegNuddel,  ah ok :)16:30
Mouldycoz_, thanks16:30
xanguakasun: epdf i believe is called16:31
xanguathere is also xpdf16:31
rs0832aidrocsid, hmm seems like it is a common thing..16:31
coz_Mouldy,  but if it is not a compiz specific issue I am not sure he would  do anything although cant hurt to ask.... let me check if there are channels for this16:31
System_Default_0xangua: No. Using Ubuntu 10.1016:31
xanguaSystem_Default_0: well, then what are you waiting¿16:31
kasunok, going to try. thanks xangua16:31
AegNuddelcoz_, I just think it's te type of thing Louisiana could benefit from!16:31
rs0832aidrocsid, you might dislike this post but the guy does have commendable reputation - http://askubuntu.com/questions/4163/wubildr-mbr-missing-or-corrupt16:32
AegNuddelcoz_, I just think it's te type of thing Louisiana could benefit from!16:32
coz_Mouldy,   I dont see any dbus specific channels however, you could also try the ##linux channel16:32
Dr_Willis_System_Default_0:  try a differnt movie player perhaps. vlc, or mplayer16:32
rs0832aidrocsid, but i have an idea16:32
rs0832aidrocsid, open up C:/boot.ini16:32
Mouldycoz_, I just tried #dbus on a limb and found something :D I'll  ask around there16:32
rs0832aidrocsid, and pastebin that too16:32
System_Default_0xangua: I can't install any updates, is not safe for Ubuntu 10.10, I mean is not stable as other Distros.16:33
coz_AegNuddel,  i agree,,,   and should be considered.... I know that the city of Largo florida has completely switched to linux  for then entire  city government16:33
bibic682System_default_0: try viewing under VLC16:33
coz_AegNuddel,   an educational  switch to linux would benefit the entire city there as well16:33
KM0201System_Default_0: why can you not install updates?16:33
System_Default_0bibic682: Thanks.16:33
System_Default_0Because the last time, I installed these updates, my system screwed up.16:34
aidrocsidodd it's not in16:34
System_Default_0I had to install it again.16:34
rs0832aidrocsid,  it has to be16:34
KM0201System_Default_0: well just "not updating" is not the answer...16:34
induzWords2007 on wine help please??16:34
aidrocsidthai have bootmgr.efi16:34
rs0832aidrocsid, type C:\boot.ini in the file browser16:34
KM0201rs0832: is this another wubi problem?...16:34
coz_induz,   you may want to go to the #winehq   channel :)16:35
rs0832KM0201, :) yes16:35
AegNuddelcoz_, I'll go to the news site...see about the Hot Button issues on our local news16:35
aidrocsidnope lol16:35
KM0201rs0832: lol, i'm sure glad its so easy16:35
coz_AegNuddel,   cool16:35
System_Default_0Well, Im' gonna try VLC.16:35
aidrocsidits easy? :o16:35
rs0832KM0201, o.0 id love to hear it :)16:35
aidrocsidweird its not there rs083216:35
bibic682System_default_0: If that doesn't work try install moremultimedia codecs16:35
System_Default_0Ok, thanks.16:36
rs0832KM0201, o.o16:36
aidrocsidmaybe its hidden16:36
Crixtianoi want to be free...16:36
Crixtianoi want to be free to buy a refriiii...16:36
coz_AegNuddel,  not to get too offtopic here ...but the switch to linux for any endeavor is going to need planning... find out who has already switched  and how  ,, you can look up   daveLargo blog... he is the fellow responsible for switching largo florida to linux  + compiz  <, by the way16:36
rs0832aidrocsid, it is.. go to the cp, then folder options16:36
CrixtianoI offer a refrii to Ubuntu people16:37
System_Default_0Also, when I'm running the slide show, those animations are too slow.16:37
rs0832aidrocsid, then on the tab with all the checkboxes (i forget the name) uncheck any that dont display system files and hidden files16:37
aidrocsidyeah just did that16:37
coz_System_Default_0,  slide show with which  application?16:37
rs0832aidrocsid, k, did it work?16:37
aidrocsidmuch better16:38
coz_System_Default_0, mmm I have never used that for a slide show16:38
AegNuddeldavelargo ok16:38
rs0832KM0201, you were saying?..16:38
geektribeHi, does anyone know how to connect Nokia S60 5th Edition phones with Ubuntu, so that I can use both tethering and file management at the same time??16:38
aidrocsidstill no boot.ini16:39
rs0832aidrocsid, there is some other tool that lets you view it too i think16:39
KM0201rs0832: huH?.. i must have missed something16:40
BluesKajSystem_Default_0, maybe picasa will work for you16:40
rs0832KM0201, were you telling us something earlier?.. you trailed of into nothing :)16:40
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rs0832KM0201, about wubi16:40
KM0201rs0832: just making a wise comment about how easy WUbi is..lol... did you get his problem fixed?16:40
System_Default_0BluesKaj: Picasa? Ok, thanks I'm gonna check.16:40
geektribe Hi, does anyone know how to connect Nokia S60 5th Edition phones with Ubuntu, so that I can use both tethering and file management at the same time??16:40
coz_System_Default_0,   the default imageviewer is capable of slideslows i believe as is shotwell  and quite a few other applications available16:41
rs0832KM0201, ah ok :).. working on it.16:41
aidrocsidi didn't use wubi for easiness KM0201 lol16:41
aidrocsidpartitioning is easy too16:41
KM0201rs0832: well good luck16:41
Dr_Willis_geektribe:  you checked the forums yet? that may be doable.. or impossible.. :) the odds of 1 out of the 1000 people here having done that. are rather low.16:41
KM0201aidrocsid: well then why on earth would you use it?...16:41
rs0832KM0201, thanks :)16:41
aidrocsidto avoid repartitioning16:42
KM0201aidrocsid: you don't consider that "ease of use"...?16:42
aidrocsidwell i guess16:42
geektribeDr_Willis, Ya I checked forums, also tried S60 Remote, didn't worked, I use for any one task at a time, either Tethering or as mass storage, can't get both.16:42
Dr_Willis_'ease of installing'16:42
aidrocsidbut it's not like repartitioning is hard16:42
KM0201Dr_Willis_: i'll concede tht16:42
Dr_Willis_geektribe:  it may not be doable...16:42
aidrocsidIt's easier than this broken wubi stuff lol16:43
master_has anyone had trouble getting eduke to work with hrp16:43
KM0201aidrocsid: so why didn't you just partition the drive and install?16:43
Dr_Willis_wubi = pain.16:43
aidrocsidwell that's what i'm gonna do now16:43
geektribeDr_Willis_, ok :-(16:43
aidrocsidgotta find a cd though16:43
KM0201i just can't imagine anyone who's partitioned a drive before, even fathoming using Wubi... baffles the mind.16:43
kmckI am trying to play an online game on pogo.com and I'm not quite sure if the games on the site use flash or java but I've tried to open/play the games okn both the chromium web browser and the firefox browser but for some reason neither of them are working nor will they open the games... i tested my flash player and it seems to be up-to-date, however I believe my Java is outdated, but i don't know how to update it... i think i'm using icedtea? could a16:43
aidrocsidI might have been out of cds16:43
geektribeDr_Willis_, do I need any runtime dependencies if I try running Nokia PC Suite under Wine.16:44
rs0832aidrocsid, hmm seems boot options are messed up in vista..16:44
rs0832kmck, it uses java (pogo)16:44
aidrocsidrs0832: I don't understand why boot.ini isn't there16:44
KM0201rs0832: what isn't messed up in Vista?16:44
trojankingrs0832, i am back16:44
xanguakmck: then use java instead of the openjdk16:44
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:44
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rs0832KM0201, i agree completely :)16:44
trojankingi couldn't fix the problem with installing that stuff16:44
rs0832trojanking, hmm16:44
kmckxangua: i don't know how... i know this sounds ridiculous but i don't know how to switch from icedtea to java?16:45
trojankingi got to a stage and got a different message not in manual16:45
Alan502coz_, sorry i was afk, thanks but, it says that it depends on jutils being on the libraries?16:45
rs0832aidrocsid, ok.. you are going to have to use msconfig16:45
rs0832aidrocsid, they replaced boot.ini with bce.exe or something like that... can you find something like bce.cfg or something?16:46
trojankingrs0832, i stoped at gedit etc/wvdial.conf16:46
rs0832trojanking, what error?16:46
Picikmck, xangua: Use   sudo update-java-alternatives  to switch which version of java you are using.16:46
aidrocsidcan i do it through msconfig?16:46
denilers0832, Are you a robot? You were on here helping people all night?16:46
aidrocsidyeah i'll look for that16:46
bullgard4[Lucid] sound-juicer crashes when I press the »Extract« button. If I start Sound Juicer in a terminal I obtain the warning »(sound-juicer:4151): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()« (See http://pastebin.com/WKfQhdvf .) How to proceed?16:46
trojankingso such file or directory16:46
rs0832denile, :)16:46
sacarlsongeektribe: did you ever look at this: http://gagravarr.org/series-60/16:46
coz_Alan502,  hold on let me check something16:47
rs0832denile, it is nearly bed time now... it was day for me16:47
Alan502coz_, ok16:47
denilers0832, ah ok :)16:47
kmckPici: ok so here is my next question... when you say to use sudo update-java.. ect, is that suppose to be done in the 'terminal' and do i just type it in like if i were using the command prompt in windows?16:47
rs0832trojanking, ah.. whats your isp?16:47
System_Default_0I'm trying to connect to MSN protocol through Empathy, but this is not working.16:47
Picikmck: Open a terminal, then type that.16:47
geektribesacarlson: Ok, looking it.16:47
System_Default_0I'm using Ubuntu 10.1016:48
bibic682kmck: Try installing jre for ubuntu16:48
NooPishIs it possible to install ubuntu on uefi PC?16:48
aidrocsidnothing like that :(16:48
rs0832aidrocsid, in C:\boot on vista16:48
kmckbibic682: i don't know what that is or how to do that? :(16:49
trojankingrs0832, i any help pls?16:49
coreGrlI've a wifi connection, with windows I can connect normally and it works, on ubuntu, the signal power seems less, and sometimes I can't connect, rebooting on windows it work perfectly, any hint?16:49
rs0832kmck, applications menu>accesories>terminal16:49
kmcki hate that i don't know anything about Ubuntu or how to run the system but i'm seriously very confused16:49
coz_Alan502,  look here    https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jinput/20100502+dfsg-3/+build/179369416:49
rs0832trojanking, yes.. can you tell me your isp?16:49
rs0832aidrocsid, just the exe?16:49
kmckrs0832: ok so i did that and it asked for a password and i hit enter and then a list of things came up, but i'm stuck and don't know what to do now?16:49
Alan502coz_, thanks :) let's see16:49
rs0832trojanking, website?16:50
coz_Alan502,   there are 3  deb packages listed there ... I have no idea if this is going to help but one of the issues on ubuntu apparenlty is the libjutils package not being in the repositories16:50
bibic682kmck: give me a moment and I will give you the text to put in your terminal16:50
rs0832kmck, thats good then.. its done and now you have the prompt to enter more commands :)16:50
kmckbibic682: you are a miracle! you have no idea16:50
coz_Alan502,  also read this to see what I mean    https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/jinput/20100502+dfsg-316:50
rs0832kmck, is the last thing you see on your screen a '$' ?16:50
Alan502coz_, all this is for maverick though?16:50
kmckrs0832: yes!! :)16:51
rs0832Alan502, do you want to install jinput?16:51
aidrocsidi don't know its the one file that isn't showing an extension so probably. i hate vista for that, i even turned extensions back on16:51
xanguaSystem_Default_0: latest emesene and pidgin work with no problems; you could also trying install msn-pecan and change your MSN accout in empathy to WLM (works with pidgin too)16:51
Alan502rs0832, yes, for karmic16:51
rs0832kmck, then whatever you entered has finished16:51
aidrocsidthere's a boot.sdi16:51
coz_Alan502,   you are on lulcid?16:51
bibic682kmck :  put this in your terminal and it will install java....    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts16:51
Alan502coz_, sorry lucid16:52
Alan502yes i'm on lucid16:52
rs0832aidrocsid, sounds promising ... can you open it in a text editor?16:52
kmckrs0832: well the last thing on my terminal is this 'keith@Keiths-Laptop:~$' is that what your talking about?16:52
trojankingstarcomms nigeria is my isp16:52
bibic682The whole line starting with sudo16:52
rs0832kmck, yes16:52
trojankingrs0832, starcomms nigeria is my isp16:52
coz_Alan502,  mm  ok I am puzzled  however... you could google   ubuntu lucid  jinput   or  ubuntu lucid jinput  libjutils16:52
rs0832trojanking, do you have their website?16:52
aidrocsidi dunno its pretty big16:52
rs0832trojanking, maybe it has some info on this16:53
Alan502coz_, ok i'll check :D16:53
kmckbibic682: thank you, thank you, thank you! you have no idea how long i've been trying to figure this java thing out and reading articles about what to type into the terminal but i always get stuck and never understand where it's going16:53
aidrocsidnotepad crashed lol16:53
rs0832Alan502, try installing libjinput-java... its in maverick's repos but it should work on lucid16:53
trojankingno info16:53
Alan502rs0832, really?16:53
dr3afhello,i used openoffice database to make some changes to my database.how do i apply them to the db now??16:53
rs0832Alan502, you can download it from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libjinput&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all16:53
aidrocsidi think i'll just repartition in a live cd then put in an actual installation16:53
bibic682kmck: try it16:53
aidrocsidi have to leave for work soon anyway16:53
rs0832aidrocsid, ok then.. sorry i couldnt help you16:54
aidrocsidits ok i appreciate the effort :)16:54
tintumonwt is webkit16:54
rs0832aidrocsid, i think the problem is because of the bcd replacing the boot.ini though16:54
rs0832aidrocsid, :)16:54
aidrocsidi don't get why it'd do that after months of use though16:54
kmckbibic682: ok tried it and this is what came up.. 'Reading package lists... Done16:54
kmckBuilding dependency tree16:54
kmckReading state information... Done16:54
kmckPackage sun-java6-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:54
kmckThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or16:54
FloodBot3kmck: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
kmckis only available from another source16:54
kmckPackage sun-java6-fonts is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:54
rs0832aidrocsid, any updates?16:55
aidrocsidto windows? no.16:55
kmckoh i'm sorry! i didn't know that was going to flood16:55
rs0832aidrocsid, and ubuntu ?16:55
Dantixhi all, with lvm I could backup folder shared via NFS without need to stop NFS server?16:55
aidrocsidNot yesterday, I don't think16:55
rs0832trojanking, does the usb device have any mass storage?16:55
aidrocsidthe last thing I did was move my wine folder out of the virtual drive16:55
tintumonwt is webkit ?a browser?16:56
rs0832aidrocsid, k16:56
rs0832tintumon, webkit is a browser engine16:56
rs0832aidrocsid, how big was the bcd.sdi?16:56
tintumonrs0832:wts d merit?16:56
aidrocsid3,000k or so i think16:56
tintumonrs0832:iam goin to buy a fon16:56
rs0832tintumon, sorry? buy what?16:57
airtonixhow does one check if a package is installed progamatically using python ?16:57
xanguatintumon: chomium and safari uses webkit; also others light browsers for linux16:57
rs0832aidrocsid, ah ok..16:57
aidrocsidnot config-file size lol16:57
bibic682kmck: What version r u running?16:57
rs0832aidrocsid, well, you can try a reinstall of wubi16:57
rs0832aidrocsid, yes :) exactly16:57
kmckbibic682: of ubuntu? 10.1016:57
rs0832tintumon, webkit is like the heart of the browser16:58
tintumonrs0832:micromax hav html5 and webkit16:58
rs0832tintumon, many browsers use webkit as their engine16:58
aidrocsidit's cool, i will give ubuntu more breathing room this time too16:58
rs0832aidrocsid, yes thats better16:58
milamberkmck: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/how-to-install-java-jre-and-java-plugin.html16:58
tintumonrs0832:but it hav no java16:58
rs0832aidrocsid, even for fixing boot problems:)16:58
rs0832tintumon, the phone?16:58
rs0832bismay, hi:)16:59
bismayi installed aptoncd16:59
cptbloodgrowisofs -use-the-force-luke=dao use-the-force-luke=break:1913760 -dvd-compat -speed=2 -Z /dev/sr0=mvl-ksks.iso16:59
cptbloodgrowisofs: no genisoimage options are permitted with =, aborting...16:59
DencoHi all. I uninstalled Xfce from my Ubuntu 10.10 with command on this site: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome .... Now I can't run my ubuntu, just black screen. Is there any way how can I retrieve ubuntu before installing Xfce or to working ubuntu? Thx16:59
cptbloodhow to fix?16:59
rs0832bismay, and how did it work out?16:59
bibic682kmck: you might have to try  it again, I am using 9.04....Don't know if it makes a difference/ I have installed this many times and always works16:59
bismayrs0832:but it cant find all the packages16:59
tintumonrs0832:micromax andro16:59
aidrocsidit's nice to know that windows works ok now16:59
tintumonrs0832:i hav 2 choice when considerin my budget16:59
abehello everyone, i have a technical question regarding partioning my hard drives.16:59
rs0832aidrocsid, :) yes16:59
aidrocsidlol it was a horrid mess for a while16:59
tintumonrs0832:lg galaxy 5&micromax andro17:00
bismayrs0832:it only finds thode packages which are installed by apt package manager17:00
rs0832aidrocsid, :) good luck with the rest of it17:00
milamberbibic682: the correct repository has to be enabled17:00
aidrocsid:) thanks17:00
rs0832bismay, and which other one s do you want to install?17:00
bismayrs0832:and i have a very few packages which are installed by apt package manger17:00
abeI have 2 partions on my hardrive.  the first is empty and the second is what i am using . How can I bring the empty partion to the bootable partion?17:00
rs0832trojanking, does the usb have any mass storage? can you mount it?17:00
aidrocsidSomeone should give you a medal you've been doing support for like 12 hours at least17:00
bismayrs0832:all others have been installed by dpkg package manager17:01
oogaupdate: well, I got the install started ... I made a usb flash drive, but that didn't boot ... so I booted with the CD and left the flash drive in and it started ... go figure ... :)17:01
rs0832aidrocsid, ah thanks:)17:01
rs0832tintumon, hmm k17:01
grigoriadesguys do you know any program like google earth that works on ubuntu?17:01
sacarlsonbismay: so how did you install the ones without packages?  you could create your own deb files17:01
rs0832grigoriades, google earth works on ubuntu17:01
annecygrigoriades: Google earth17:01
hidnshadowsI need to make a freshly DBANned hard drive usable as an external HDD, how would I do this?17:01
xanguagrigoriades: ...17:01
KM0201rs0832: thats' the second time i've saw you on a marathon support chat w/ wubi... lol.17:01
bibic682kmck:First you need to check multiverse repository enabled17:01
milambergrigoriades: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth17:01
tintumonok bye thnx 4 hlp nd gud nyt17:02
rs0832KM0201, hmm you mean since this morning?17:02
bismaysacarlson: no dpkg package mangement17:02
rs0832tintumon, :) bye17:02
dr3af hello,i used openoffice database to make some changes to my database.how do i apply them to the db now??17:02
KM0201no... the other was a fwe days ago.17:02
kmckmilamber: ok so i did that, and the guide says that it should be showing me this > '"http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner"' however when i pull it up its showing this > '"http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner"'17:02
bibic682Thanks, milamber17:02
smwdr3af, aren17:02
rs0832KM0201, hmm k.. i tend to forget because of my bp17:02
smwdr3af, aren't they applied automatically?17:02
annecygrigoriades: webupd8 have a tutorial on how to install the latest version17:02
sacarlsonbismay: no dpkg?  you don't use it?17:02
cptbloodcan anyone help me with growisofs?17:02
rs0832KM0201, :) it gets annoying at times17:03
dr3afsmw: no :(17:03
KM0201rs0832: i can only imagine.17:03
rs0832KM0201, :)17:03
grigoriadesannecy> thanks17:03
bismay<sacarlson>what are you trying to say??17:03
cptbloodhow do i specify an iso file in growisofs? /dev/sr0=iso.name.iso wont work, but is described accordingly17:03
grigoriades<milamber> thanks17:03
grigoriades<annecy> thanks17:03
milamberkmck: then your system is saying that it is running 10.04, go to sysem >> about ubuntu17:03
milamberkmck: and the first line will tell you which version of ubuntu you are running17:04
bibic682kmck: once that repository is checked you should be good to go. Try    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts17:04
zesozedoes openJDK has a java console for firefox?17:04
bismayrs0832:can you suggest any other options??17:04
zesozeI can't find where initialize it17:04
sacarlsonbismay: I'm trying to under stand how you install the software.  I guess you mean you use dpkg that is what apt-get uses it's just a frunt end to it17:04
rs0832bismay, sorry i missed part of your question now.. what do you want to install?17:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:05
kmckmilamber: this is what the first line says "You are using Ubuntu 11.04- the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012."17:05
smw!es | aspire17:05
ubottuaspire: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:05
rs0832kmck, but you are on 10?17:05
kmckbibic682: i so appreciate all of your help! i'm just confused because it is telling me that i'm running an older version then i think i actually am17:05
=== drcooper is now known as letloose
kmckrs0832: yes, every time i restart my computer it says right in the middle of the screen "UBUNTU 10.10"17:06
bismayrs0832:aptoncd can't include all the packages17:06
milamberrs0832: isn't that a known issue?17:06
rs0832milamber, yes it is17:06
rs0832bismay, which others do you want to install?17:06
bismayrs0832:i have 2000 packages installed and aptoncd only shows 243 packages17:06
milamberkmck: the difference you are talking about in the guide versus what you have shouldn't matter.17:06
kmckrs0832: how can i be using something that was released in april of 2011?? am i seeing this right?17:07
bibic682kmck: I don't know the rest of the prob...good luck17:07
kmckmilamber: how can i be using something that was released in april of 2011?? am i seeing this right?17:07
rs0832kmck, dont worry about it... its just a mistake.. you are running 10:)17:07
rs0832bismay, yes,17:07
bismayrs0832:eyecandy packages like compz17:07
kmckrs0832: ok just wondering hahaha17:07
bismaygoogle earth17:07
rs0832kmck, :D17:07
milamberkmck: you are. it is a bug. you are new to ubuntu right? let's get your java running and then i'll point you in the direction of getting to know how we did it.17:07
bismayrs0832:all the packages of kde desktop environment17:08
abeHow can i apply my unallocated hard drive space to my ubuntu partion?17:08
kmckmilamber: yes, actually brand new, and very confused... and very scared because i don't want to mess anything up haha17:08
bismayrs0832:but it only shows only 243 packages17:08
rs0832bismay, hmm17:08
kmckmilamber: so should i click on the lucid line in my software sources it is under 'unsupported update' is that ok?17:09
Ryu_Kurisu;controls | Ryu_Kurisu17:09
bismayrs0832:which has only jdk some linux header files17:09
sacarlsonbismay: when I installed my new system and wanted all the apps from the first I used this method,  might this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26136617:09
rs0832bismay, ok.. 1 sec17:10
emDo any of you have any answers for how you keep Maverick from permanently losing the display any time you keep the lid closed on the HP Pavilion dv6 for more than 5 minutes?17:10
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zxdwhat's the kernel argument to disable loading framebuffer17:10
milamberkmck: yes, that is what you want17:11
xanguasystem>preferences>screensaver em ; or try energy17:11
sidpcan someone please sugggest a firewall for 10.10? i have firestarter as of now. is that good enough to do the job/17:11
sacarlsonbismay: it just creates a list of all applications loaded on the first and instructs dselect on the new system to install all of them17:11
KM0201sidp: i believe all of htem are jus a GUI front for ufw.. ..17:11
emxangua: yep. I did all that. i have it all on the least agressive settings Even on just "blank screen" as opposed to "suspend or hibernate' it loses display and never comes back.17:12
arooni-mobile___so i dragged a bunch of mp3s to my iphone 3g at the top level in my iphone file system but i dont see any music when i open my ipod thing.  i CANT transfer with itunes cuz i have linux.  should i move my music somewhere else?17:12
denilezxd, you mean like nofb?17:12
asdas-bash: nano: command not found17:12
xanguasidp: firestarter is just a GUI17:12
oogaProgress: I can now get to "Disk Setup" in the kubuntu installer, but none of the buttons do anything ... add, change or New Partition Table ... any ideas?17:12
kmckmilamber: ok so i selected the two lines and closed out of it and clicked reload and it looked like it was downloading something and then everything went away... so, so far so good i believe, now the next step says to search for sun java in the software center but 36 things came up, am i suppose to download and install them all?17:12
asdas-bash: nano: command not found , -bash: gedit: command not found  .... what should i try ???17:12
bismaysacarlson:but if i dont have any intenet connection then i cant install these packages17:12
zxddenile: nofb does it?17:12
sidpKM0201,  xangua so that will do the job right? i don't want to use the cui to configure ufw. not too comfortable with it17:12
rs0832bismay, actually,17:12
sacarlsonbismay: true but you will have a list of all the deb files that they have scripts to download17:13
kmckmilamber: ok, i see that i can type it in the terminal to download17:13
milamberkmck: use the terminal command: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin17:13
KM0201sidp: i've never heard of xangua....17:13
sidpKM0201,  xangua is the other member who replied to my question and not a firewall :p17:13
bismaysacarlson:that is helpful17:13
asdas-bash: nano: command not found , -bash: gedit: command not found  .... what should i try ?????17:13
rs0832bismay, there is one really simple way... it is not a very posh/professional way, but it might work in a very simple way17:13
KM0201sidp: oh...lol..17:13
bibic682kmck:  try     sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts       you should be good to go now17:14
bismayrs0832:may i know please17:14
KM0201sidp: the whole point is.. .Firestarter is just a GUI for a firewall that Ubuntu already has built in.. it's not an actual firewall program...17:14
bibic682it won't hurt to try17:14
denilezxd, try nofb. if it doesnt work try nomodeset17:14
KM0201sidp: i use a router, frankly because i hate software firewalls.17:14
sidpKM0201, that means i don't need to worry about the firewall then right? ubuntu takes care of it on its own?17:15
rs0832bismay, you can use the -d opption of apt-get17:15
milambersidp: as a sysadmin you *always* have to worry about the firewall17:15
KM0201sidp: well, by default, all ports are open, if you have a concern and need to close some ports, or whatever...17:15
bismayrs0832:what it does?17:15
rs0832bismay, just run 2 commands for each package you want to install... sudo apt-get install -d <package> and sudo apt-get build-dep -d <package>17:15
KM0201milamber: he never mentioned he was a sysadmin17:15
sidpKM0201,  i thought they were closed by default. milamber so unless i'm sudo'ing, theres no need to worry?17:16
KM0201sidp: i'm sorry, cloed by default...17:16
kmckmilamber: yay!!! i think it's working, i am now at a blueish screen that says "configuring sun-java6-jre" what do i do here?17:16
milamberKM0201: if he is worrying about the firewall he is administering at least one system :)17:16
kmckmilamber: i've tried hitting enter but nothing is happening?17:16
KM0201sidp: are you running some huge network, or is this a home system?17:16
rs0832bismay, this will download all the debs that you need to /var/cache/apt/archives... just copy them all to a dvd and then on the new system, cd to the dvd and run sudo dpkg -i *.deb17:16
milamberkmck: follow the prompts. most of the defaults should work17:16
sidpKM0201,  ahhh sounds good. one less thing to worry about. hhaha nope it's only one laptop connected to a wifi router at home. nothing else. it doesn't even have any sensitive data on it yet and probably never will but you just got to take the precautions17:17
kmckmilamber: hahahaha well i'm trying to hit enter or click on "OK" but nothing is happening17:17
KM0201milamber: just easier to deal w/ a router i guess... given the fact linux is fairly safe from malware/viruses.. i don't worry about what is going out to much17:17
rs0832bismay, that will install everything from the dvd :)17:17
something3l53sidp: ubuntu doesnt handle firewalls on its own17:17
KM0201sidp: for crying out loud, then don't worry about it...17:17
rs0832bismay, but i suggest listening to what sacarlson was telling you.. i have to sleep now :)17:18
sidpsomething3l53,  we'll i have firestarter with the play button on haha i hope that's enough17:18
sidpKM0201,  i guess i shouldn't17:18
rs0832bismay, i will be online tomorrow, i can help you with aptoncd then if you still need it :)17:18
rs0832bismay, so good luck :)17:18
bismayrs0832:gudnight and thank you17:18
sidpKM0201, something3l53 , milamber thanks for the inputs :)17:18
milamber!screenshot | kmck17:18
ubottukmck: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.17:18
rs0832bismay, :)17:18
rs0832bye everyone17:19
asdas-bash: nano: command not found , -bash: gedit: command not found  .... what should i try ??   or how i install gedit???   2.6.18-164.15.1.el5.028stab068.9 #1 SMP Tue Mar 30 18:07:38 MSD 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux17:19
bibic682kmck: arrow over or down until OK highlites then enter on it17:19
milamberasdas: nano and gedit are there by default17:19
milamberasdas: if you deleted them you can try: sudo apt-get install nano17:20
sacarlsonasdas: gedit is default installed on ubuntu, what state are you in that you don't already have them?17:20
kmckbibic682: that was exactly what i needed! hahaha thank you very much17:20
kmckmilamber: i just needed to arrow down to 'OK' wow... hahaha17:21
bibic682kmck: You need to do that for    YES     also17:21
milamberkmck: we all have those moments where palm spontaneously meets forehead17:21
kmckmilamber: ok so i'm at the '$' and it did a lot of stuff so i think it's done? how do i tell?17:22
kmckmilamber: hahahahahahah isn't that right! :D17:23
milamberkmck: it should be working. what were you doing that required java in the first place?17:23
kmckmilamber:  i was trying to play a game on pogo.com17:23
tasHow to pause and resume playback in Rhythmbox?17:23
abradleyhow would one setup a usb wifi dongle via cli?17:23
kmckmilamber: can i close out of the terminal?17:23
milamberkmck: i would say restart the browser and try that again.17:23
tasvia keyboard17:23
coz_tas,   just hit the PLAY  button once for pause  I blieve17:24
milamberkmck: yes, type: exit17:24
coz_tas,   maybe even the "space"  bar might do it17:24
kmckmilamber:  ok i'm going to restart my computer and i'll try it and come back in a minute and let you know how it goes! i'm excited!! :D17:24
sacarlsonabradley: try iwconfig17:24
abradleysacarlson, thanks a lot17:24
milamberkmck: you don't have to restart whole computer17:24
kmckmilamber:  oh ok let me try17:24
milamberkmck: just restart the browser17:25
tasok new question! how to change the ctrl+space combination of pausing and resuming? cuz my synapse has same thingy.17:25
kmckmilamber:  by just closing and reopening i'm assuming, correct17:25
tascoz_, I found its ctrl+space17:25
coz_tas,  ah ok   chaning that I am not real sure unless it is under the  system/preferences/keyboard shortcuts  which it probably is17:26
milamberkmck: yes (just be sure to close all instances (if you have more than one browser open they all have to be closed))17:26
tascoz_, theres no such thing as keyboard shortcuts in it xD17:26
coz_tas,  no on the system itself under  the System meny in gnome17:27
coz_tas,   rather   System/Preferences/Keyboard shortcuts17:27
=== g364542 is now known as rs0832
coz_tas,  not in rythimbox17:27
sacarlsontas: I think it's the one just bellow keyboard,   System>preferences>keyboard shortcuts17:27
KM0201rs0832: culdn't stay away?17:27
rs0832KM0201: :D17:28
coz_ok I have to break here...be back later17:28
tascoz_ thanks got it17:28
rs0832bismay: remembered about this just as i was leaving and thought id tell you (i think this is what you are looking for) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal17:28
rs0832bismay: you create an offline repository and add it to your sources.list.. then you can install software from there using the predownloaded .deb's17:29
nirazioWhat is waiting channel in system monitor ??17:30
bismayrs0832:thats a good idea17:30
rs0832bismay, k so you can try it.. if you cant do it, ill run you through it tomorrow...17:30
kmckmilamber: ok so it's still doing the same thing, it is saying that my applet encountered an error, however now at the top it is saying a plugin crashed and it's saying something about icedtea17:30
gstigerhi jemand da bin neu hier17:31
rs0832kmck: before you can use java browser plugin, you have to remove iced tea17:31
kmckrs0832: how17:31
rs0832kmck: just remove it from synaptic and sun java should replace it in ff if you have installed it17:31
kmckrs0832: i want to make sure that it's completely uninstalled17:32
rs0832kmck, yes.. remove it from synaptic and it;s done17:32
rs0832kmck, gotta go now.. bye17:32
kmckrs0832: bye! thanks again17:32
rs0832kmck: and good luck17:32
rs0832k bye everyone.. for sure this time :)17:32
Definitywhy the fuck isnt my GUI working17:32
gstigerhi jemand deutsch17:32
milamber!language !details | Definity17:33
Myrtti!language | Definity17:34
ubottuDefinity: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:34
Pici!language | Definity17:34
rrreimerI forgot all the passwords of my user logins on an old ubuntu box, had a look in /mounted_device/etc/passwd but that looks different than the file of another linux, how do I change my root password? that line looks like root:x:0:0:root:....17:34
gstigerhallo keiner der deutsch kann17:34
kmckmilamber: are you still here?17:34
milamberkmck: yes17:34
rrreimerI'm running a live cd (if you didn't notice the /mounted_device/17:34
Myrtti!de | gstiger17:34
ubottugstiger: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:34
vectorygstiger: ich kann17:35
kmckmilamber:  how do i completely un-install icedtea from my system... i'm in the synaptic package manager but i'm confused and don't know what i'm really looking at in here17:35
milamberis there any way for me to have the bot deliver multiple messages at once?17:35
gstigerne was für ein wunder17:35
duryhi there channel :)17:35
nightknightguys im beginner in programming i wana learn how17:35
nirazioWhat is waiting channel in system monitor ??And what it mean "poll_schedule_timeout"17:35
rrreimercan somebody tell me where the passwords of a three/four years old ubuntu are stored?17:36
AbhiJitnightknight, ##programming17:36
duryI got an error in grub when I try to boot win17:36
cdubyadoes the PUEL version of virtualbox end up being nagware? I don't really want to be bothered every other minute with purchase offers or that junk just to get USB support.17:36
rpickett2002I installed ubuntu 10.04 on my XP system. Now when I choose Windows, it does not boot. It just sits there with a blinking cursor. But ubuntu boots fine. Can anyone help?17:36
katycorpCan anyone tell me if there is any way to play drm'ed wma files in ubuntu? I found some forum posts that said there wasn't, but I couldn't find any from the last year so I was wondering if there was any progress on this17:36
milamberkmck: in the quicksearch type iced and all of the packages that match it will show up. all you have to do to uninstall them is deselect them. when you close synaptic it will confirm that you want them removed and then do it17:37
duryError 13: Invalid  or unsupported executable format17:37
milamber!grub2 | rpickett200217:37
ubotturpickett2002: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:37
rpickett2002Thanks for the response, ubottu. I think GRUB is working fine. I can choose ubuntu or Windows. It's just that when I choose Windows, nothing happens.17:38
kmckmilamber: thank you very much again17:38
duryubottu: Error 1317:38
milamberkmck: no worries17:38
swoopHi everyone & happy New Year :-) Hope someone can help me with some remote login.17:39
milamber!error | dury17:39
ubottudury: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:39
sacarlsonbismay: that last responce looked good to me bismay,  what's up?17:39
bismaysacarlson:i now have the text file of all the installed applications17:40
nightknightguys im beginner in programming i wanna help i wanna learn17:40
sacarlsonbismay: ok]17:40
smwnightknight, first things first. Speak (or type) right. :-)17:40
bismaysacarlson:now how to create off line repository using that list?17:40
smwnightknight, anything in particular you are looking to learn?17:41
nightknighti smw i speaking very well17:41
bismaysacarlson;and can i add extra packages and updates to that repository17:41
tcopelandhow would i change a desktop user to an administrative user (install/remove, sudo/su, etc) via the command line?17:41
nightknightsmw i wanna books17:41
sacarlsonbismay: if they were all installed wouldn't you already have the deb files in your /var/apt/cache?17:41
Picinightknight: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  ##programming or #ubuntu-offtopic might be better for your topic.17:41
smwnightknight, wanna is not a word ;-)17:41
durymilamber: I got error 13 when I try to boot the windows vista OS through GRUB ubuntu 10.0417:42
llutztcopeland: "sudo adduser <youruser> admin"17:42
tcopelandllutz: thank you. editing passwd and such would be annoying..17:42
nightknightsmw you programmer or what17:42
smwnightknight, yep17:42
sacarlsonbismay: I think when a deb is installed it is added to the cache and kept unless you have your system setup to auto clean17:43
chris_osxnightknight: http://www.dummies.com/store/product/Beginning-Programming-All-In-One-Desk-Reference-For-Dummies.productCd-0470108541,navId-322467.html17:43
milamberdury: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28254517:43
Pici!ot | nightknight17:43
ubottunightknight: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:43
sacarlsonbismay: just take the cache you now have and use that method https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal to capture and use them17:44
durymilamber: win it's in /dev/sda1 -> ATA and ubuntu in /dev/sdb1 ->IDE17:45
nightknightguys dummies means17:45
sacarlsonbismay: verify it works with a virtualbox setup of a new virgin blank system to verify it will install all the apps without any missing or conficts17:46
chris_osxnightknight: just buy the book and read it17:46
chris_osxnightknight: or do you want to become a linux kernel hacker?17:46
vint_how install linux/unix on netgear ps121 ? cpu rdc r288617:47
Picichris_osx, nightknight: Can we please stay on-topic in this channel? #ubuntu-offtopic exists for non support discussion.17:47
replicasexFinally fixed that plymouth res with nvidia drivers ... oh man, it feels like xmas agani ^__^17:47
KM0201!printer | vint_17:47
ubottuvint_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:47
gsfaiCan a bad (super)block make linux think that it is mounted or used by a program?17:48
rpickett2002ubottu: have you seen that before -- when selecting Windows to boot, there's just a blinking cursor on a black screen, but nothing else happens? I'm not getting an error.17:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:48
sacarlsongsfai: I don't think so17:48
smwrpickett2002, ubottu really is a bot ;-)17:49
chris_osxrpickett2002: ubottu is a computer program. you can't have a real conversation with it17:49
sacarlsongsfai: you getting error can't mount it's busy?17:49
rpickett2002Sorry -- I'm new to chat. What's "a bot"?17:49
gsfaisacarlson, the disk has bad sectors, but i cant fsck it17:49
rpickett2002OH! :)17:49
gsfairpickett2002, automated talking machine17:49
smw!bot > rpickett200217:49
ubotturpickett2002, please see my private message17:49
tcopelandhow would i make a script/binary run at boot (or at an admin user's keyring unlock) as a system process (run as root)? is there a designated folder or config file containing/specifying programs to be run at such times?17:49
dobryi'm have an incredible problem with my touchpad sensitivity. I have installed 10.10 on a 4,1 macbook. The touchpad works, but i must push VERY hard on the pad for it to work. Anyone have experience with this?17:49
gsfaitcopeland, init.d17:50
KM0201rpickett2002: are you sure grub is trying to boot your windows partition?.. are you giving it enough time to boot?17:50
sacarlsongsfai: oh you can't fsck it if it's mounted  it must be your root?  you need to boot from a cd17:50
milamberdury: what did you do just before the error 13 started showing up? are you now trying to do a dual boot?17:50
gsfaisacarlson, the OS doesnt want to boot, i booted from a USB, but i cant fsck it17:50
swoopAny idea why I get connection refused using NXFree when trying to connect to my server?17:50
tcopelandgsfai: thanks. actually, i forgot about that.. :)17:50
gsfaiits not mounted, and fuser/lsof only display errors17:50
swoopI get SSH to the server but somehow not NXFree17:50
rpickett2002KM0201: I let it sit for at least 30 minutes....(you know, Windoze is slow! :) )17:51
bismaysacarlson:can i save the conversation that i had today with you and rs083217:51
gsfaibismay, no laws against that17:51
sacarlsongsfai: ok you booted from usb and what are you trying to fsck?  show me sudo mount17:51
chris_osxbismay: this channel is logged anyway17:51
milamberswoop: double check to make sure the port is open and the firewall is allowing traffic through17:51
gsfaisacarlson, fsck /dev/sda117:51
vint_ubottu , i want install in box17:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:52
bismaychris_osx:but how to save this using xchat17:52
sacarlsongsfai: ok good,  and what about mount?17:52
mib_mibhi, how do i update just a single package? for instance, glib? do i have to apt-get remove glib then apt-get install glib?17:52
durymilamber: I'm trying to recover the win boot from grub.. would you assist me, please?17:52
swoopmilamber: thanks ... the server is fresh installed, and could connect to it when I was on my local network and could also do it remotely before re-install17:52
KM0201rpickett2002: are you on a live cd now, or are you able to boot ubuntu?17:52
gsfaisacarlson, i tried mount, and nothing happened, it just hange17:52
VCooliomib_mib: just apt-get install17:52
chris_osxbismay: just select "enable logging of conversations to disk"17:52
gsfaimib_mib, sudo apt-get --reinstall install glib17:53
milamber!grub2 | dury17:53
rpickett2002KM0201: I'm able to boot ubuntu and everything works fine on it. I'm on the same machine right now, just booted under ubuntu.17:53
ubottudury: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:53
sacarlsonbismay: yes sure, I think it is also saved in the ubuntu arcives17:53
milamberdury: have you tried that guide?17:53
gsfaichris_osx, this depends on the IRC client he is using17:53
KM0201rpickett2002: well, first.. have you tried running sudo update-grub  ?17:53
dobryanyone have experience with configuring appletouch?17:53
chris_osxgsfai: he said he is using xchat17:53
bismaysacarlson:how can i found ubuntu archives?17:54
gsfaibismay, to enable logging use /set irc_logging 117:54
milamberswoop: sounds like a firewall problem.17:54
gsfaichris_osx, sorry i didnt see it :P17:54
chris_osxgsfai: no problem :)17:54
gsfaisacarlson, do you have any ideas? :/17:54
sacarlsongsfai: hung?  like crashed?17:55
Pici!logs | bismay17:55
ubottubismay: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:55
brianmunkjoin #videolan17:55
rpickett2002KM0201: no, I've not tried running that. What will it do? This is my 2nd dual boot machine. I installed ubuntu just like the first one (a laptop with Vista) and had no problems with booting windows (it just ran a chkdsk afterwards).17:55
gsfainot crashed, it just took forever17:55
swoopmilamber: I'll work more on that track even it's a bit funny because can SSH to it and they are using the same port17:55
gsfaibrianmunk, its advised to use those commands at the server tab17:55
sacarlsongsfai: just mount with no options?17:55
KM0201rpickett2002: it regenerates grub as it searches for OS/entries.. it probably won't do anything if you've not changed anything, but it's the first thing i'd try17:56
gsfaidoesnt mention anything about /dev/sda17:56
brianmunkgsfai, again sorry didnt mean to spam the channel17:56
milamberswoop: try moving ssh to a different port (good idea anyways)17:56
sacarlsongsfai: ok so there is nothing mounted on /dev/sdaX17:56
sacarlsongsfai: yet when fsck /dev/sda1  it says it's buys17:57
swoopmilamber: on it - thanks for that17:57
gsfaisacarlson, it says that someone is using it17:57
bismay!logs | bismay17:57
ubottubismay, please see my private message17:57
rpickett2002KM0201: OK. I'll try it. I'll be in and out of chat as  I try to reboot and see if it works. Thanks for the help! Wish me luck!17:57
KM0201rpickett2002: yup, good luck17:58
sacarlsongsfai: I don't know of anything that could use it if its not mounted17:58
sacarlsongsfai: i guess iotop isn't installed by default?17:59
gsfaisacarlson, its not used by anything, its an error, due to a bad superblock, or smthg17:59
gsfainope :/17:59
Senixhow do i switch my button from the left to the right on 10.10?17:59
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:59
AbhiJit!controls | Senix18:00
ubottuSenix: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side18:00
sacarlsongsfai: it's a mistery to me18:00
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:00
gobbeSenix: system -> preferences -> mouse18:00
smw!msgthebot > dios_mio18:00
ubottudios_mio, please see my private message18:00
gsfaisacarlson, to me as well, but i'd rather mysteries get solved :P18:00
sacarlsongsfai: any other method of boot?18:00
sacarlsongsfai:  pastebin me  both sudo mount and fdisk -l18:01
gsfaiBut it wouldnt change anything, there is a bad block somewhere, that screws up everything18:01
gsfaiokay wait a second18:01
sacarlsongsfai: sudo fdisk -l18:01
trojankinghello rs803218:01
chris_osxwhat tool is available to upgrade to maverick from lynx?18:01
=== nullvariable1 is now known as nullvariable
milamber!upgade | chris_osx18:02
gsfaichris_osx, update-manager18:02
milamber!upgrade | chris_osx18:02
ubottuchris_osx: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:02
=== Look is now known as Guest6536
darthdeusdoes 10.04 work well with dual monitors?18:02
SpecI use 9.04 with four monitors, I don't  see why 10.04 wouldn't work well with two ;)18:03
shomonhi, I'm trying to connect to a cygwin ssh server from my ubuntu box. do I need to include the hostname? I think it wants HOSTNAME\user rather than just the username18:03
bastidrazordarthdeus: my nvidia 7600 GT does great dual monitors18:03
shomonor is that just with samba?18:03
durymilamber: gesssss did my best18:03
milamberdarthdeus: works for me with my laptop + 118:04
darthdeuscool, got 9800 GTX+ so i guess there wont be any problem :)18:04
michaelgamblehey i got a question how would i go about scheduling the launch of a script in ubuntu xwindows at a specified time18:04
durymilamber: to recover win boot18:04
sacarlsonmichaelgamble: man cron18:04
milambermichaelgamble: man cron18:04
durymilamber: I've red all that guide without success18:05
gsfai[blap]sacarlson: http://gsfai.pastebin.com/AxLS2rCw18:05
KM0201darthdeus: i've got a 7900 dual head.. that also does dual screens well.. no experience w/ the 8 or 9 series though18:05
michaelgambleok so cron would be the command18:05
=== mib_mib_ is now known as mib_mib
michaelgambleis thier any gui's for cron18:05
shomonyeah I'm sure there are loads michaelgamble - try searching for "gnome cron" or something18:06
gsfaisacarlson, mount and fdisk are at the bottom18:06
milamberdury: we will need to know at what point you got to and what the problem is18:06
bittincomputer porn: http://shuffling.se/forum/index.php?topic=497.msg24190#msg2419018:06
michaelgamblethanks shomon :)18:06
gsfaisacarlson, i have lsof, fuser and fsck at top,18:06
sacarlsongsfai: cool reading18:06
michaelgamblewill do18:06
jihedamineHi, gnome-keyring asks me for the password to unlock an app every time I login. Is there a way to make it remember the password ?18:06
darthdeusshould i go with dual S-IPS, or just buy TN for the second one?18:06
shomonis there a  better place to ask about connecting between ubuntu and windows via scp?18:07
bastidrazorshomon: use winscp from windows and have openssh-server on the ubuntu box.18:08
shomonah it's the other way around... I have a server on the windows box via cygwin18:08
durymilamber: the problem is that can't boot win harddisk18:08
shomonbut although it can see it, I keep getting user not found or something...18:08
durymilamber: from grub18:08
mobodoanyone familiar with mdraid and could give me a hand? I have a failed drive and I'm not sure how to proceed...18:08
milambershomon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55998318:08
shomoncheers milamber !18:09
durymilamber: which is the url to paste18:09
Sub_ZeroHas anyone found a fix for the new kernel wireless issues?18:09
KM0201Sub_Zero: what issues are those?18:10
durymilamber: right thanks18:11
sacarlsongsfai: I can't see anything from that to tell me why it can't fsck /dev/sda118:11
baggar11jihedamine: delete your ~/.gnome2/keyrings directory and don't enter a password when it asks you to create one the next time18:11
Sub_ZeroKM0201 The issue that when your using that kernel it buggers up Broadcom and Realtek wireless cards18:11
sacarlsongsfai: I'm not used to seeing fat file systems in use but I don't know if that could have anything to do with it18:11
KM0201Sub_Zero: iv'e heard no such issue.. have a USB realtek, and it works flawlessly18:11
KM0201Sub_Zero: is this an issue because you're having it, or have you read it elsewhere18:12
Sub_ZeroKM0201 It's an issue I and i suspect others are having it too. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165560218:12
baggar11mobodo: you mean mdadm?18:13
gsfaisacarlson, its ext418:13
Sub_Zero** I and others too are having (Doh!)18:13
screen-xHow do I set the root password for slapd when using cn=config? I've just updated an ldap server from 8.04 to 10.04 and its completely changed how config works..18:14
mobodobaggar11: yes :)18:14
mobodobaggar11: but I think I got it sorted, I just realized that ubuntu had a gui for mdadm now18:14
baggar11mobodo: you need to fail the drive from the array and then remove it18:14
sacarlsongsfai: yes but what you run from is fat /dev/sdb1   *           1        1022     8015515    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)18:14
mobodobaggar11: yeah, I removed the drive before failing it :(18:14
durymilamber: I have pasted /boot/grub/menu.lst http://pastebin.com/Ervj3yC318:14
baggar11mobodo: physically?18:15
mobodobaggar11:  yes18:15
gsfaisacarlson, that my USB stick :)18:15
sacarlsongsfai: but I guess that's normal for usb flash?18:15
gsfaiim trying to fsck sdA118:15
gsfaiwhich is ext418:15
gsfaior 3... i dont really remember18:15
baggar11mobodo: ah... yeah, you should still be able to fail the missing drive and remove with mdadm18:15
baggar11mobodo: what's the name of the gui for mdadm? hadn't heard of one...18:16
mobodobaggar11: Disk Utility18:16
gobbeSub_Zero: i'm running 2.6.35-24 and broadcom-wireless, works perfectly18:16
sacarlsongsfai: what if you try fsck /dev/sda2?18:16
Sub_ZeroKM0201 I've tried booting into 2.6.35-23 kernel which is the one prior to the newest that caused this issue. To no avail however18:16
sacarlsongsfai: what version of ubuntu is this usb flash boot?18:17
baggar11mobodo: is that in the repo?18:17
KM0201Sub_Zero: dunno.. i have an atheros on my laptop, and a spare ralink usb.. and it works fine.18:17
neriukasbetter 10.0418:17
nit-witSub_Zero, I just logged on whats up18:17
mobodobaggar11:  it's in the default ubuntu install, in the admin tools18:17
gsfaisacarlson, sais its a zero-lenght partition18:17
hidnshadowsI need to make a freshly DBANned hard drive usable as an external, how would I do this on linux?18:18
sacarlsongsfai: opps fsck /dev/sda318:18
baggar11mobodo: oh, hehe. that does mdadm stuff?18:18
baggar11mobodo: cool18:18
gsfaisacarlson, i dont have fsck.swap installed18:18
sacarlsongsfai: opps fsck /dev/sda518:18
nit-withidnshadows, does the HD have a partition table and how big is the HD18:18
gsfaiyes i understood that18:18
sacarlsongsfai: swap shouldn't be needed18:18
mobodobaggar11: yeah, I was surprised too :)18:19
hidnshadowsnit-wit no, DBAN completely erases everything on the HDD, and 456 GB18:19
gsfaii did keep backups, but i really want NOT to destroy this computer18:19
nit-withidnshadows, just make a partion table with gparted it is in the top drop down18:19
drlabanQuestion: Is it at all possible for me, remotely (I have no physical access to the box), to change the password of root, if I have the password for su? I'm on a Lenny/Sid-box. "A friend of mine" changed the root-password and now can't remember it...18:20
gobbeSub_Zero: so definetly that doesn't affect all broadcom-wireless18:20
hidnshadows!root | drlaban18:20
ubottudrlaban: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:20
nit-withidnshadows, your computer boots from the external as well  assume18:20
KM0201drlaban: you're better off seeking help in #debian18:20
trojankingplease i need help, i just installed ubuntu, when i reboot it takes me to ubuntu how do i get options to choose the os i will like to load?18:21
hidnshadowsnit-wit no, it boots from local internal. I'm just using the external for storage18:21
istidrlaban: actually the password for 'su' is the root password if u know it its just right :)18:21
trojankingplease i need help, i just installed ubuntu, when i reboot it takes me to ubuntu how do i get options to choose the os i will like to load?18:21
TopGearSomeone who knows how to upload files to newsgroups?18:21
hidnshadowsnit-wit well, I want to use the external for storage18:21
KM0201trojanking: did you set up a dual boot system?18:22
ActionParsniptrojanking: grub should show if you have a dual boot, if you run:  sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub     do you see windows mentioned?18:22
neriukastrojan king install startupmanager18:22
nit-withidnshadows, I see you just want a data external, if you want to share with windows you just need a ntfs18:22
Picidrlaban: Please use #debian for Debian questions.  #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.18:22
TopGearPress SHIFT trojanking18:22
sacarlsongsfai: I wonder if you can try dd do dump the first 512 bytes of /dev/sda118:22
drlabanKM0201, Pici: Off to #debian I will go. Thank you.18:22
neriukasi think you formated wour disk so you can't see any another os trojanking18:23
trojankingActionParsnip, no i dont know anything about it i started  ubuntu today18:23
hidnshadowsnit-wit any way to format it to that in linux? my windows machine doesn't mount it or whatever it's called18:23
sacarlsongsfai: or just dd 512 bytes of /dev/sda18:23
ActionParsniptrojanking: run it in a terminal18:23
KM0201neriukas: if he wasn't paying attention, quite possible.. hope he likes Linux..lol18:23
gsfaisacarlson, i am not skilled in the use of dd18:23
sacarlsongsfai: i've used it a bit but will require some google18:23
hidnshadowsWhile i'm here, anyone need any general troubleshooting?18:24
trojankingi have run it18:24
nit-withidnshadows, yes the gparted partitioner on the live cd will make a partition table and partitions. If you use a installed Ubuntu you just have to install gparted18:24
trojankingActionParsnip, i have do it18:24
TopGearwell, i want to upload files to newsgroups. but no idea how to do that.18:24
hidnshadowsnit-wit and then lemme guess, partition>new?18:24
KM0201trojanking: if you ran all those commands he gave you.. reboot and see if it picked up your other OS install18:25
denilegsfai, what happens if you try to mount sda1?18:25
neriukaswhat is in da1? :D18:25
nit-withidnshadows, yes, have you used gparted it is similar to most other partitioner's18:25
hidnshadowsnit-wit I've already done that, make a new partition, but is ext2 the wrong thing to format it to?18:26
sacarlsongsfai: I think it's  dd if=/dev/sda of=./test.dat  count=118:26
nit-withidnshadows, why would you want ext2 just asking18:26
sacarlsongsfai: might need a sudo18:26
hidnshadowsnit-wit it was the default, what should I have formatted it to?18:26
hidnshadowsnit-wit the closest thing was FAT3218:27
tcopelandhow do i convert bash script file into a binary executable (so the contents of the script are not viewable/output)?18:27
smwtcopeland, there is no way to convert it to binary18:27
gobbetcopeland: it's not possible. If you need binary, then program it with program language, bash scripts are just scripts18:28
Picitcopeland: #bash might have some suggestions on how to do that.18:28
sacarlsondenile: that's an idea gsfai,  will it mount?18:28
nit-withidnshadows, you just need to use that drop down where you see the partition types to get the one you want. ext2 can be read by windows but it is not a easy raod where as a ntfs is the standard route for sharing. All my externals are in ntfs and I'm a 99% open source user  just happen to have MS licences and installs18:28
lapionanyone have any idea what tool I can use to convert a multi-address vcf file into smaller single address files ?18:28
denilesacarlson, I am also interested in the error if it won't mount :)18:29
gsfaisacarlson, second18:29
hidnshadowsnit-wit I didn't see ntfs, I'll look again18:29
nit-withidnshadows, are you using gparted18:29
tcopelandit doesn't have to be binary per se, but can i make an executable out of an sh? a programming language seems unnecessary seing as the script just executes a few terminal commands18:30
gsfaidenile, i tried to mount, the program took like one hour trying to mount it, and then i quit it manualy18:30
hidnshadowsnit-wit I was, yeah18:30
hidnshadowsnit-wit freshly installed from the repos18:30
nit-withidnshadows, I am making a picture for you18:30
sacarlsongsfai: quit manualy with no error?  like time out?18:30
denilegsfai, since you killed the mount  have you rebooted?18:30
gsfaidenile, nope18:31
hidnshadowsnit-wit I've made the partition, I just didn't see ntfs in the drop-down of what to format it to18:31
gsfaisacarlson, it just hanged18:31
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gsfaisacarlson, ok got your results18:31
nit-withidnshadows, have you found it18:31
sacarlsongsfai: how about view some /var/log/system files18:31
Sub_ZeroCan anyone help me with my wireless issue?18:31
gobbeSub_Zero: what kind of issue?18:31
=== George_ is now known as GeorgiePie
gsfaiit has a few non-ascii characters, then says "GRUB GeomHard DiskRead Error"18:32
tcopelandSub_Zero: does this have to do with a broadcom wireless card?18:32
hidnshadowsnit-wit I feel stupid now, it's "create partiton table" that I want?18:32
KM0201Sub_Zero: if this is really a wide-spread problem as you suspect, there's probably not much of a "fix" for it... you'll have to wait till there's an update18:32
sacarlsongsfai: what's that from the dd?18:32
GeorgiePieI installed ubuntu through wubi. but it says my disk space free is 7 gigs. that is a little too slim . should i just delete ubuntu and wubi it all over?18:32
Sub_Zerogobbe tcopeland I made a thread and apparently it's to do with the new kernel http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1655602&page=118:32
Sub_ZeroAny help would be appreciated18:33
gobbeSub_Zero: well, like I told. I am running same kernel and broadcom wireless atm18:33
gsfai[blap]sacarlson, denile: Dec 30 13:33:36 ubuntu kernel: [    9.118994] EXT4-fs warning (device sda1): ext4_clear_journal_err: Marking fs in need of filesystem check.18:33
gsfaifrom syslog18:33
KM0201tcopeland: is there a link detailing this broadcom problem w/ the new kernel18:33
hidnshadowsgeorgiepie may I PM you?18:34
nit-withidnshadows, click on devices in the top panel, you have to remove the partitions first, it is empty correct18:34
tcopelandKM0201: i do not have the issue, i was just wondering if it had to do with the broadcom cards because of the recent known issue.18:34
d-1337Heard recently about an email client called mailsteward for macs that uses an sql database to allow for quick searches of large archives of emails18:34
sacarlsongsfai: I just did the dd on mine and just get random data,  I need a hex view but I forget the name18:34
d-1337any ideas of a linux equicalent?18:35
KM0201tcopeland: is there anywhere to read about this "known issue".. is my pont.18:35
hidnshadowsnit-wit probably, as far as I know it is even though the fact that it looks empty, yet is only 456 GB instead of the advertised 500 is a bit troubling18:35
denilegsfai, check mtab?18:35
gsfaimtab says nothing about /dev/sda18:36
nit-withidnshadows, that is just the mathematics of how a gig is measured18:36
d-1337It is already that way...18:36
denilegsfai, check /proc/mounts18:36
haddimanI downloaded the HP drivers from their website. What's the difference between HPIJS and HPCUPS ppd files?18:36
gsfaidenile, nothing about /dev/sda there either18:37
denilegsfai, hrrm18:37
hidnshadowsnit-wit alright. So hit device>create partition table, then what type do I want, msdos?18:37
nit-withidnshadows, yes18:37
hidnshadowsnit-wit alright sweet thanks man18:37
abhijeethi guys18:37
nit-withidnshadows, here is a screen shot of the partition choice section. http://imagebin.org/13027018:38
abhijeetmy splash screen got messed up after installing the Ati graphics drivers18:38
abhijeetis there any soln for it to get it back18:38
abhijeetwithout removing the drivers18:38
nit-witabhijeet, do you get the grub menu18:38
abhijeetnit-wit, yeah.. now the progress buttons looks like small squares18:40
tcopelandKM0201: (sorry for the delay in response) it's strange because i have a ~3 year old broadcom chipset and mine works fine18:40
michaelgamblehmm how do i set my timzone in gnome18:40
michaelgamblei think its set wrong, showing the wrong time18:41
nit-witabhijeet, if you get the grub menu you can hit e and add nomodeset righ before the quiet splash in the kernel line, this gives you a low graphics mode18:41
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
sacarlsongsfai: I just got my ghex working they changed the name to ghex2 and seems I see the same thing in dd /dev/sda  so the disk must be working18:41
tcopelandKM0201: it needs proprietary drivers (don't all broadcom cards?) and takes a while to wakeup when waking from suspend, but otherwise fine18:41
abhijeetnit-wit, will that resolve the issue18:41
nit-witabhijeet, you just ctrl+x to boot from the edit18:41
gsfaisacarlson, the disk was OK, until a power failure18:41
nit-witabhijeet, it may get you in in a low graphics to fix the problem18:42
gsfaiwhen i booted next time i got a BusyBox shell18:42
sacarlsongsfai: oh busybox means the grub works then18:42
abhijeetnit-wit, if it got resolved then how can i make it permanent18:42
gsfaisacarlson, but everything else doesnt :)18:42
ActionParsnipabhijeet: use this: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/    makes the boot use the fb driver18:42
nit-witabhijeet, you added a graphics driver that messed up your splash, correct18:43
abhijeetnit-wit, yes18:43
abhijeetActionParsnip, i will also check that18:44
tcopelandabhijeet: are you using xorg-edgers18:44
sacarlsongsfai: ok what seen if we do a dd on /dev/sda1  since I assume this is were you have grub set to find root and /boot18:44
nit-witabhijeet, all this does is get you into a session in low graphics, was the generic driver working?18:44
nirazioDuring installation of Ubuntu 10.04 I was not allowed to use capitals in my Username. Is there any way I could change this?18:44
abhijeettcopeland, i have no idea. what is that18:44
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
gsfaisacarlson, grub is not the problem18:44
sacarlsongsfai: I'm not sure we will be able to interprit what we see18:44
gsfaithe machine boots, until it gets a nice and sexy Busybox18:44
abhijeetnit-wit, generic driver is working but my system is getting hot and fans are running fast...18:44
ZykoticK9nirazio, to my knowledge capitals aren't allowed in "user names"18:44
gsfaiand i cant fsck it18:44
LeonwHi all! :)18:45
bluezonenirazio, and i wouldn't suggest using capitals in a case sensitive os18:45
sacarlsongsfai: no the problem is when grub tries to install linux and I guess can't find it and that's in /dev/sda118:45
douglhello Leonw18:45
tcopelandabhijeet: edgers is a *very* unstable open source graphics drivers, that can be very powerful with the right hardware. the instability is caused by its being updated straight from upstream.18:45
nit-witabhijeet, not sure how a graphics driver would change that18:45
LeonwAny one solved the bug on Empathy "Network Error" for msn accounts on ubuntu 10.04?18:45
gsfaisacarlson, the problem i had yesterday is 100% solved18:45
sacarlsongsfai: you can't fsck it but you can dd it18:45
gsfaisacarlson, that problem is on a laptop18:45
abhijeettcopeland, then in that case no.. I am using close source Ati drivers.. it has lot better power management than open source drivers.18:46
sacarlsongsfai: if you can dd it then you could really recreate it on anouther working partition18:46
Leonwgsfai, you can dd it piping to another computer :P18:46
nit-witabhijeet, you added a ppa18:46
ActionParsnipLeonw: check the bug logs to see if it's solved18:46
abhijeetnit-wit, ppa of what??18:47
LeonwEmpathy + MSN... any one was able to make it work??18:47
gsfaisacarlson, what if i can dd it? It will still have the same errors18:47
nit-witabhijeet, did you?18:47
allganduhi need help18:47
ActionParsniptcopeland: the issue is, is that the proprietary driver takes a while to load, giving no plymouth18:47
abhijeetnit-wit, there are lot of pps repos are there in my sources.list file18:47
ActionParsnipallgandu: askaway18:47
sacarlsongsfai:  if you can dd it you can move it to where it's not buys18:47
nit-witabhijeet, did you add one like the xcrack drivers one18:47
abhijeetActionParsnip, is there any work around for that18:47
abhijeetnit-wit, i d't think so..18:48
allganduactionparsnip how do i show u a screenshot of my terminal ?18:48
ActionParsniptcopeland: if you tell the OS to use the fb driver for the boot, it shows. The proprietary driver has now had time to load and will be used in the desktop :)18:48
sacarlsongsfai: I might be way off here18:48
gsfaisacarlson, the disk is NOT busy, linux just thinks it is, because of an error18:48
LeonwActionParsnip, Why put a bugged software as standard?? :(18:48
ActionParsnipallgandu: press printscreen, or use imagemaick18:49
gsfaieven lsof and fuser return errors18:49
LeonwActionParsnip, this harms ubuntu reputation...18:49
tcopelandActionParsnip: i'm going to kick myself but what do you mean by "fb driver"?18:49
sacarlsongsfai: you must be correct,  there must be some busy bit it reads and things it is18:49
abhijeettcopeland,  as ActionParsnip told that drivers are taking time to load .. can we make it load during initial stages of boot18:49
ActionParsniptcopeland: instead of the frglrx driver, you can use the fb driver18:49
allganduwats imagemaick?18:49
ActionParsnipallgandu: a brilliant swissarmy knife of image manipulation tools and commands18:49
abhijeetActionParsnip, i think earlier i was using frglrx drivers.. so is there another driver type18:50
allganduactionparsnip where do i upload?18:50
ZykoticK9allgandu, just add "command line" to ActionParsnip's comment above ;)18:50
ActionParsnipabhijeet: use the guide up until the embedded video and it will force the boot to use the driver18:50
sacarlsongsfai: maybe I can google the map for busy or mounted indicator  bit map in a partition18:50
carsonRunning games under Wine VS V tualbox, wich is better, pros and cons of each, and is there a better solution to run Windows games in linux?18:51
abhijeetActionParsnip, the link which u provided at top right??18:51
ActionParsnipLeonw: default doesnt mean an app is any worse or better18:51
gsfaisacarlson, there should be a way to override this, like -f18:51
LeonwActionParsnip, it should at least work :-/18:51
gsfaibut fsck has no -f18:51
ActionParsnipabhijeet: yes18:51
abhijeetActionParsnip, ok18:51
allgandusum1 plz help18:51
allganduits serious kernel issue18:52
ActionParsnipLeonw: i always use pidgin, and not msn stuff18:52
Pici!screenshot | allgandu18:52
ubottuallgandu: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.18:52
denilegsfai, run sync18:52
allgandujust tell me how n where to upload18:52
tcopelandallgandu: what is the issue exactly?18:52
wafflesausagecarson: A game's pretty much guaranteed to run under VirtualBox, which isn't the case with Whine. Of course, with VirtualBox you're going to have quite a bit more overhead18:52
LeonwMe too... pidgin with 3 msn, 1 ICQ, 1 gtalk, facebook and IRC :P18:52
allgandutcopeland wait ill screenshot it n upload it18:52
Leonwalso Adium on my mac18:52
gsfaidenile, it printed 2 newlines, then it hanged18:53
denilewhat did it print?18:53
carsonwafflesausage  but aparently virtualbox isnt compatible with usb and all these things, but when i read that it was at version 2 so im not sure how much better its gotten18:53
paddy_My computer apparently is filing18:53
ActionParsnipcarson: the closed source one is18:53
wafflesausagecarson: I'm not sure what you mean by that. It should work with your hardware.18:53
nostro_hey guys, I managed to get myself locked out of my netbook by creating a bulletproof KIOSKMODE using this:http://www.instructables.com/id/Setting-Up-Ubuntu-as-a-Kiosk-Web-Appliance/    i forgot to set the loginscreen time to change the user. any suggestions?18:54
denilegsfai, you mean newlines as in /n  ?18:54
gsfaidenile, yes18:54
denilegsfai, did sync zombie?18:54
carsonwafflesausage apparently usb ports dont work with virtualbox and a few other things, it hasnt been programmed into it yet <so ive read>18:54
ActionParsnipcarson: the closed source virtualbox has usb support18:55
gsfaidenile, im gonna check right now18:55
wafflesausagecarson: Your best bet would be to actually try it18:55
carsonActionParsnip really? okay il check that out18:55
ActionParsnipcarson: if you install virtualbox-ose it won't access usb ports as you say18:55
allgandupici tcopeland anyone help here is screenshot http://imagebin.org/13027418:55
carsonwafflesausage i am going to try it, but i just wanted to know if its worth the hassle first, and see if its better then wine is18:56
carsonActionParsnip okay il check it out, thanks18:56
gsfaidenile, ps says "root 14997 0.0 0.0 3880 248 pts/2 D+ 18:52 0:00 sync"18:56
Piciallgandu: Are you configuring another package in some other terminal right now?18:56
wafflesausagecarson: I'd try both. Some games might work great with Whine, though others may not.18:56
Pici!appdb | carson you may want to check this out too18:56
ubottucarson you may want to check this out too: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:56
paddy_My computer is failing to mount it's filesystem on boot. It says: mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uid> on /root     Failed: invalid argument.    What's wrong?18:57
allgandupici 1st tell me how do i send messages to a particular person here in chat room like u sent to me rite now?18:57
Piciallgandu: You just did.18:57
allgandu@pici no im not18:57
carsonubottu thanks il look into that, that might actually help alot! :P18:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
Piciallgandu: Yes, you did. Just prefix your response with my nick.18:57
=== nick is now known as Guest15971
allgandupici im typin ur entire name is there a shortcut18:57
Teemu_K/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext18:57
paddy_allgandu: //msg name message18:57
JonbeSHello, i have problem with Nokia CS-15 USB 3G modem and Ubuntu (tested 10.10, 10.04 64bit and 32bit versions) ... It works with another computer (xubuntu 9.10 64bit) and with this computer when i use windows xp (32bit) or windows 7 (64bit). Wvdial gives error: Cannot open /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nokia_Nokia_Datacard_0.0.1-if03: Input/output error18:57
Teemu_Kwhat I have missing?18:58
Piciallgandu: you can use your tab key to auto-complate nicks.18:58
ActionParsnip!tab | allgandu18:58
ubottuallgandu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:58
paddy_allgandu: With one slash18:58
allganduif i wanna type pici with tab den how 2 do it?18:58
ActionParsnipallgandu: type allg   then pres tab, it will type YOUR name ;)18:58
allganduActionParsnip, thanks got it18:59
xennoHey guys my keyboard plus mouse is disabled on the log in screen every time i boot up.How do you I fix that problem?18:59
denilegsfai, grab the dmesg for me?18:59
LSEactuaryhow do i register?18:59
Pici!register | LSEactuary18:59
ubottuLSEactuary: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:59
LSEactuaryi cant seem to access the windows page18:59
gsfaidenile, and grep for what?18:59
abhijeetActionParsnip, I follow the guide but update-grub2 is failing with following18:59
abhijeetecho FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash18:59
bismaysacarlson:u there??18:59
allganduPici, ActionParsnip help with screenshot plz http://imagebin.org/13027418:59
LSEactuarybut im accessing this online18:59
sacarlsonbismay: yup18:59
LSEactuaryvia the internet18:59
abhijeetActionParsnip, /etc/default/grub: 10: 4.: not found18:59
LSEactuaryand the instructions make no sense18:59
Piciallgandu: I asked you whether you were using dpkg-reconfigure or similar in another tab.19:00
allganduPici, no im not19:00
PiciLSEactuary: You should ask in #freenode if you have any further questions about registering.19:00
denilegsfai, just give me like the last 15 lines or so   dmesg | tail -1519:00
bismaysacarlson:i followed what was in that document to create personal repository19:00
sacarlsonbismay: cool19:01
LSEactuaryits not workingh19:01
ActionParsnipabhijeet: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a    thanks?19:01
exxtremeflashplayer 10 is crashing in firefox ..how to fix?19:01
Piciallgandu: What does the output of  sudo fuser -vi /var/cache/debconf/config.dat   say?19:01
gsfaidenile, wireless stuff19:01
gsfaidenile, and some drivers loading19:01
abhijeetActionParsnip, release 10.1019:01
denilegsfai, k19:02
LSEactuaryi need urgent help disinfecting my USB's - why do i need to registyer... iv ebeen using this for a month now without it an ive been fine19:02
bismayand now i have a directory usr/local/mydebs which has all the current repository which are currently in var/cache/apt/archives19:02
exxtremewhat's the recommended way to install flash player in ubuntu?19:02
PiciLSEactuary: I don't know why you need to register, you asked, I answered.19:02
gobbeexxtreme: apt-get19:02
allganduPici, what should i type in shell? sudo fuser -vi /var/cache/debconf/config.dat  ?19:03
sacarlsongsfai: how about umount -f /dev/sda1 ?19:03
abhijeetActionParsnip,  earlier i tried to find the resolution for it but i can't find any19:03
Piciallgandu: yes19:03
sacarlsongsfai: -f for force19:03
ActionParsnipabhijeet: then you should have the file as maverick uses grub219:03
Piciallgandu: You can use a pastebin instead of imagebin to send your response. See http://paste.ubuntu.com19:03
denilegsfai, are there a lot of procs in D stat?19:03
ActionParsnipabhijeet: the hwinfo command gives how to see what res it can do using the driver19:03
tcopelandthis might be related to xenno's problem- sometimes my keyboard and mouse support will just crash, sometimes one, sometimes both. if it's the keyboard that crashes, then it only crahses in the X11 environment; i can still perform kernel keypresses (i.e. ctrl+alt+F__, REISUB, etc). if the mouse support crashes, it will either stop working completely or, for example, if i click on a menu such as the gnome "system" menu, the text will ch19:03
ActionParsnipexxtreme: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:03
tcopelandsorry for the long messsage by the way...19:04
abhijeetActionParsnip, i have checked it according the doc.. min max is 1024*768-2419:04
abhijeetActionParsnip, i set it ...19:04
sacarlsonbismay: yes what is your question?19:04
allganduPici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548889/19:04
bismaysacarlson:but i have to update it regularly19:04
ActionParsnipabhijeet: sounds fine, you should have /etc/default/grub19:04
abhijeetActionParsnip, yes19:05
sacarlsonbismay: do like ubuntu does make a new update cd every 6 months19:05
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tcopelandfor the record, i managed to get the keyboard working again, but my mouse is crashed right now19:05
ActionParsnipabhijeet: ok then you can start editting as per the guide19:05
nostro_how do i start gnome desktop from a shell?19:05
bismaysacarlson:as my var/cache/apt/archieves doesn't contain all the repository that i have installed19:05
ActionParsnipnostro_: nautilus19:05
tcopelandnostro_: gnome-session19:05
allganduPici, ActionParsnip tcopeland http://paste.ubuntu.com/548889/19:05
C_R_CI am looking fo some help insatllinghte proper diver for my R51 Thinkpad keyboard under Ubuntu10.10. Is there anyone out there who can offer some advice?19:05
abhijeetActionParsnip, ok.. i have done all the steps ..lemme boot the machine .. i will let u know19:05
nit-witnostro_, startx19:05
ActionParsnipallgandu: sudo kill -9 5041; sudo apt-get -f install19:06
bismaysacarlson:as i update it ades new packages to that directory19:06
nostro_it says it can't find the screen. and startx sais sever error19:06
sacarlsonbismay: it doen't?  it might be missing the ones that were on the install cd but you have that covered don't you?19:06
allganduPici, are you there?19:06
Piciallgandu: Now check: ps aux | grep frontend19:07
denilegsfai, strace -p <pid of sync>19:07
allganduPici, should i do what ActionParsnip said above?19:07
LSEactuaryhi - i just fully regsitered and its saying i havent registered! wtf19:07
bismaysacarlson:no i haven't19:07
Piciallgandu: No, we should figure out what the process is first.19:07
tcopelandLSEactuary: are youu sure this issue belongs in this channel?19:08
gsfaiattached, interrupt to quit19:08
denilegsfai, I hate to say this, but I would have probably rebooted by now lol.19:08
xennothe weird thing is that both my mouse and keyboard is completely locked down when I enter the login screen but after few minutes I'm able to use it??19:08
LSEactuaryno its a windows problem but i just fully regsitered and cannot seem to access any other forum19:08
bismaysacarlson:compiz is not in the installation cd19:08
allgandupici http://paste.ubuntu.com/548891/19:08
bismaysacarlson:i have downloaded it from net19:08
bismaysacarlson:may be it cleans it self as you told19:09
denilegsfai, strace sync19:09
tcopelandLSEactuary: access to freenode channels is not related to registered nicks, at least not on the scale in which you can only access this channel19:09
sacarlsonbismay: if compiz isn't on the cd then it must have been in /var/apt/cache,  no?19:09
bismaysacarlson:and i can make an iso of that file and use it19:09
LSEactuaryokay np thanks19:10
allganduPici, now what?19:10
This_GuyIn Banshee, is there a way to disable the "Delete from drive" option?19:10
Piciallgandu: One moment.19:10
xennois there a a way to refresh the drivers in ubuntu?19:10
ActionParsnipxenno: define "refresh" please19:11
Piciallgandu: Lets try ActionParsnip's suggestions now: sudo kill -9 5041; sudo apt-get -f install19:11
njerohey all, I am trying to get skype working, everything runs but the audio from my mic is horrible static. I can use sound recorder and get great audio. In Skype the prefs only give me PulseAudio server (local)... any advice?19:11
tcopelandxenno: when your mouse and/or keyboard support stops, can you still perform kernel-level commands? (try ctrl+alt+F2, and ctrl+alt+F7 to get out of the fullscreen tty)19:12
bismaysacarlson:/var/apt/cache or /var/cache/apt19:12
ActionParsnipnjero: how did you install it?19:12
sacarlsongsfai: I might have missed something,  did  umount -f /dev/sda1  do anything or are we past that problem already?19:12
bismaysacarlson:cant find /var/apt/cache19:13
tcopelandare you currently chatting on the box with the issue?19:13
ActionParsnipbismay: /var/cache/apt ;)19:13
sacarlsonbismay: I don't remember off hand the cahe dir19:13
vipulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/548897/  can any one check and tell me whats wrong with my Ubuntu19:13
gsfai[blap]sacarlson: umount: /dev/sda1: not mounted19:13
njeroActionParsnip, I downloaded the latest from the skype site (as a deb 32) and then ran it19:13
exxtremeinstalled flashplugin-nonfree.  still crashes on express.paltalk. com19:13
ZykoticK9Trying to get Bluetooth audio working in a 10.04 minimal install - seems to be crashing Pulse Audio when the BT Audio is started.  Any suggestions?19:13
sacarlsonActionParsnip: thanks bismay: did you get that /var/cache/apt19:14
tcopelandxenno: sorry that last message was supposed to be directed at you- are you chatting on the faulty box?19:14
xennotcopeland, I'm not really sure where the problem relies but it's working fine after I login19:14
bismaysacarlson:but i can't find compiz there19:14
bismaysacarlson:so few of the installed packages are availabe here19:15
ActionParsnipvipul: can you give a pastebin of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list and /etc/apt/sources.list     thanks19:15
jfehi all.19:15
xennoit's annoying that I have to wait for the keyboard and mouse to be enabled19:15
bismaysacarlson:may be from recent previous update19:15
ActionParsnip!info compiz | bismay19:15
tcopelandxenno: my question is: are you currently using the pc with the crash/delay?19:15
ubottubismay: compiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9.1 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 64 kB19:15
allganduPici, now what?qqqqqqqqq1223444519:15
vipulActionParsnip,  sure19:15
vipulwait a sec19:15
tcopelandxenno: and chatting on it?19:15
Piciallgandu: Now it should be fixed.19:15
jfeis there any way i might be able to sync up my home directory in mac os x with my home directory in ubuntu?19:15
Piciallgandu: Stop it with the random letters please.19:15
tcopelandallgandu: no one likes that19:16
bismay<ActionParsnip>what this command will do?19:16
sacarlsonbismay: did you ever apt-get clean?  I thought everything installed stays until then19:16
vipul /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.lis <--- The folder is Empty19:16
tcopelandThank you Pici. ugh...19:16
ActionParsnipbismay: it's not a command, I told ubottu to tell you about compiz19:16
ActionParsnipbismay: compiz is in a default install19:17
bismay<sacarlson>i dont remember actually19:17
ActionParsnipbismay: if its not running then you havent enabled 3d accelleration19:17
tcopelandxenno: you say that you only have to wait before support kicks in? is the wait roughly the same length every time?19:17
vipul /etc/apt/sources.lis <-- here also Folder is Empty19:17
ActionParsnipbismay: if you drop the , and > from your text, it will make your text higlight, like ours does to you. Those extra characters make the highlight not happen19:18
ActionParsnipvipul: /etc/apt/sources.list  is a file19:18
vipulActionParsnip,  There is nuthing in those command i mean when i used gedit and then two commands which you gave me19:18
vipuli found nuthng19:18
bismay<ActionParsnip>ya it is running but i have installed compiz configure settings manger after installing the os19:18
sacarlsonbismay: well since it's missing try reinstall compiz,  is that the only thing missing?19:18
ActionParsnipvipul: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list &; /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list19:18
bastidrazorvipul: you're misspelling.. .list not .lis19:18
ActionParsnipbismay: oh you mean compizconfig-settings-manager19:19
xennoyep but it just  happened recently,it used to work fine when I did a fresh install19:19
tcopelandxenno: did it happen right after a system upgrade19:19
bismaysacarlson:no a lot of other packages are also missing19:19
denilegsfai, Are you willing to reboot the live usb and see if you can get rid of the I/O issue?19:19
vipulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/548898/           <---- gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:19
gsfaidenile, ofc, just a second19:20
l7what is the best way to configure an external usb backup drive?  should i configure the drive to journaled instead of ordered and use ext3?19:20
ActionParsnipvipul: you have a jaunty ppa defined in your lucid sources19:20
tcopelandxenno: i forget how to access them, but apitude keeps logs of system upgrades. you'll probably find the package that is faulty/broken/other.19:20
sacarlsonbismay: well then this method is a failure,  back to using the other method19:20
vipulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/548899/   gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list19:21
bismaysacarlson:but know as i have the list of all the installed packages cant i download them again and copy them  to that directory19:21
vipulso its wrong to defined jaunty in lucid19:21
sacarlsonbismay: yes19:21
vipuli was trying to update my gyachi client so i have edited it to jaunty as it was mention for jaunty19:22
sacarlsonbismay: what is the format of the list?19:22
bismayscarlson:so how to only download them again?19:22
VCooliol7: if you want it to be accessible from windows, you'll need ntfs; else ext3 or ext4 is ok; you could consider jfs or others, depending on your needs19:23
sacarlsonbismay: I guess you need to create a bash script19:23
bismaysacarlson:it has no format just installed-software19:23
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ActionParsnipvipul: hmmm, do you use a proxy?19:24
vipulbefore i have used Tor but now i have removed it19:24
l7VCoolio: yeah it is exclusively for ubuntu and i figured ext3 would keep my data safer.  will using journaled instead of ordered also help protect the data?19:25
bastidrazorbismay: apt-get has a --download-only option19:25
l7i read about that but am not sure what's the right way to tweak it19:25
bismaybut how to downlooad all the files19:25
LunixExpertWhat is the command for listing the direcory?19:25
bismaysacarlson, but how to download alla the files?19:25
ActionParsnipLunixExpert: ls19:25
LunixExpertActionParsnip: thanks :D19:26
shcherbakLunixExpert: ls -l19:26
jfewhat is the most popular gui ftp client for ubuntu?19:26
sacarlsonbismay: no format?  is it packagname <cr>  one colum per line?19:26
LunixExpertshcherbak: thanks19:26
RobbyRob_Question, I am trying to get Ubuntu 10.10 on my machine and I get it installed but when it trys to boot up I just get a black screen with a blinking underscore. Any ideas on how to fix this?19:26
ActionParsnipRobbyRob_: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html19:27
VCooliol7: I'm not too sure either; there's some explanation here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners%27_Guide#Filesystem_Types you can specify with mount options (man mount) in /etc/fstab19:27
bismaysacarlson, it is packgaename one column it is installed or not another columne and again it is installed or not another column19:27
vipulActionParsnip,  ? so what shud i do now ?19:27
ActionParsnipPici: may I PM please?19:27
sacarlsonbishmay: it would not be hard to create a bash script if one is not already around to wget each deb file in the list19:27
l7VCoolio: alright thanks, the arch wiki looks interesting...19:28
sacarlsonbismay: oh that's 2 colums19:28
shcherbakjfe: ftp have gui? search ftp in synaptic (for gnome get gtk version)19:28
sacarlsonbismay: is the secound colum always install?19:29
ActionParsnipvipul: check you have no remnents of proxy settings in apt19:29
michaelgambleanyone here know of a good video screen capture utility for gnome19:29
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Dr_Willis_!info recordmydesktop19:30
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB19:30
ActionParsnipmichaelgamble: recordmydesktop19:30
sacarlsonbismay: first I would see if a script didn't already exist if not I would write a bash with sed and wget19:30
vipulActionParsnip,  how ? shud i check19:30
bismaysacarlson, no many case it is blank19:30
Fr4gg0rcurrently I have ubuntu 10.10, I also want to have win xp for gaming.. how can I achieve that?19:30
VCooliol7: here is more, scroll a little down to 'Journaling options' http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-fs8.html19:30
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shcherbakbismay: can you paste past of list?19:31
ActionParsnipvipul: not sure, try looking in /etc/apt/apt.conf19:31
ZykoticK9Fr4gg0r, dual boot?  What is your question?19:31
abhijeetActionParsnip, now the shutdown screen is working fine but the booting screen is coming at the center19:31
bismayshcherbak, all of the list here19:31
shcherbakbismay: where?19:32
pawel__JEST TU JAKIS POLAK ?19:32
Fr4gg0ryeah dual boot, somebody told me that win only kills the ubuntu bootloader, so that my current data could be saved19:32
shcherbak!pl > pawel__19:32
ubottupawel__, please see my private message19:32
shcherbakpawel__: mow po angielsku19:32
bismayshcherbak, what are you trying to say??19:32
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:32
abhijeetActionParsnip, my max res was 1024*768 but it didnot worked then i made it to 800*600.. now some what screen is working but booting dot are not centrely aligned19:33
bismayshcherbak, past of list means?19:33
shcherbakbismay: paste, want to see that list, to know format19:33
KM0201Fr4gg0r: what do you mean?.. you need to reinstall windows..?19:33
bismaysacarlson:are you writing that script now??19:34
sacarlsonbismay: how much are you paying me?19:34
Fr4gg0rcurrently I only have ubuntu installed19:34
abhijeetActionParsnip, that tutorial is for ATI cards with FGLRX .. but my system has AMD drivers19:34
FloodBot4bismay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
denilesacarlson, grep installed < file | awk '{ print $1}'19:34
Dr_Willis_Fr4gg0r:  you may want to track down a 2nd hd. and have xp on one. and linux on the other.19:35
carsonI have previously installed Ubuntu 10.10 32bit on my 64bit computer by mistake, it couldnot connect to the internet and so when i realised i had a 64 bit computer i got rid of it from the computer and reinstalled the 64 bit version of it thinking that would solve the problems. i am testing it on the new computer and it still wont connect to the internet, if i click the wireless icon at the top right Wired Network and Wireless Network19:35
carson are both disconnected and grayed out so i cannot connect them, how can i fix this?19:35
Ryeinwhats the easiest way to setup a mail server and manage it?19:35
ActionParsnipabhijeet: same difference19:35
bismaysacarlson, i was just asking19:35
bismaysacarlson, do it when you want19:36
abhijeetActionParsnip, no.. it is better than previous seeting.. shutdown screen is working fine only the booting screen is not working19:36
denilegsfai, doing ok still? lol19:36
sacarlsonbismay: no but I did think of a solution maybe,  start a new virtualbox virgin and take your list and do the install with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26136619:36
Dr_Willis_carson:  does the system -> admin -> addational drivers  tool suggest installing anything?19:36
DDAZZAI have done somthing which has stopped me from being able to watch DVDs in all my media players and on virtual machines. What should I do?19:37
ActionParsnipRyein: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer19:37
sacarlsonbismay: then you will have your none cleaned cache with all the packages19:37
Dr_Willis_DDAZZA:  run a player from a terminal. try to play a dvd.. look for error messages for starters..19:37
gsfaidenile, usb boots slow lol19:37
denilegsfai, k, just checking :)19:37
gsfaidenile, ok it booted, what to do now?19:37
carsonDr_Willis_ yes, ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver, when i installed it it said "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ya di ya di ya, wich it failed because it cannot connect to the internet19:38
ZykoticK9DDAZZA, "mplayer dvd://1" in a terminal might give you the output you need (if you have mplayer installed)19:38
denilegsfai, i would try to fsck /dev/sda119:38
Dr_Willis_carson:  ati drivers are for video cards. Not wireless.. you may need to determine your exact wireless chipset and check the forums for any potential issues.19:38
gsfaidevice or resource busy19:38
bismaysacarlson, thats a good idea thanks.now let me do that and let me know you tomorrow19:39
Dr_Willis_carson:  you may alwo want to try to run a wired connection, and do a update/upgrade of the system. It might fix any known bugs with your chipset19:39
DDAZZADr_Willis_, This is the error: http://pastebin.com/TsMkaPmp19:40
denilegsfai, grep /proc/mounts for sda19:40
carsonalright... how would i determine the chipset? and i would but the wire doesent reach that far and my dad wont let me move the computer closer to fix it for somereason <i tried that when the 32bit version had this problem>19:40
gsfaino results19:40
denilegsfai, does it give the same errors as before on lsoffuser?19:40
denilelsof fuser*(19:40
ZykoticK9DDAZZA, looks like you have a region issue.  sorry i have no idea how to fix that - FYI you can only change the region of a dvd player a certain number of times before it's locked - so be careful19:41
R3dyMy damn header files are in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-24-generic/include/linux19:41
R3dyso why the hell does vmware workstaion say they can't be foudn when I point to thatdir19:41
gsfaifuser has a new error19:41
gsfaiCannot stat file /proc/13836/fd/21: Stale NFS file handle19:41
Led_ZeppelinI have an Amazon Kindle. I did an 'eject' from Nautulus but now I can't seem to mount it back online. Is there anything I can do to get it working again?19:42
ZykoticK9R3dy, if you're trying VMWare 7.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 i found a patch online (no i won't provide link, as it was very questionable - but it worked) http://paste.ubuntu.com/548905/19:43
campbellgolfhow do i check to see if a service is running?19:43
R3dyI don't think I'm using 7.119:43
Dr_Willis_DDAZZA:  i would double check that the decess stuff is isntalld. -> libdvdcss19:43
sacarlsongsfai: I thought we had that Cannot stat file /proc/13989/fd/36: Stale NFS file handle  ok a little diff19:43
RyeinActionParsnip i said the easiest way :D19:43
R3dybut thanks i'll check it out19:43
gsfaisacarlson, yes, but now it has 3 errors, it used to have 2 :P19:43
sacarlsongsfai: oh ok19:44
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sacarlsongsfai: well that's progress for ya19:44
denilesacarlson, not much lol I am starting to feel useless19:44
ActionParsnipRyein: its not easy, its very involved19:45
sacarlsongsfai: and I failed to find anything about bit that marks buys19:45
DDAZZADr_Willis_, Thanks yea that was it I didn't have libdvdcss2 so I must have removed it by mistake thanks again.19:45
hidnshadowsAre there any simple utilities that would give me local network filesharing capabilities from ubuntu? I'm looking for something like you type in the local network address:port, and it opens or soemthingliek that19:45
Harakenwhat version of mysql comes with ubuntu 10.10?19:46
Harakenand 10.0419:47
denilegsfai, e2fsck /dev/sda119:47
isaacxhey guys19:47
soreauhidnshadows: Nautilus>Go>Location...19:47
gsfaidevice / resource busy19:47
denilegsfai, k ty for your patience19:47
isaacxi'd like to edit the session options in kde login in ubuntu Maverick, could someone please advise me on how to do this?19:47
hidnshadowssoreau but what utility can I use to host files, so that someone else does that19:47
KaiForcewhat is OFTC?19:48
denilegsfai, you have gparted on the live boot?19:48
soreauhidnshadows: You put them on a server19:48
hidnshadowssoreau so no "easy" way to do it, even just for local network?19:48
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PiciKaiForce: Its another IRC network, separate from freenode.  There are a lot of similar channels on it though.19:48
gsfaidenile, i do19:49
isaacxdoes anyone know where the init files are for kde login?19:49
dotblankdoes ubuntu 10.10 no longer read fdi files with HAL?19:49
denilegsfai, try and check partition from gparted and see what happens19:49
isaacxi've searched everywhere . . .19:50
soreauhidnshadows: Im sure there is a way to have one of your machines behave as server19:50
hidnshadowssoreau alright, I was hoping for something but I'll just try server edition on a virtual edition19:51
shcherbakHaraken: 14.14 d 5.1.4919:51
gsfaidenile, device or resource busy19:51
soreauhidnshadows: You dont need server edition to do what you want19:51
Harakenschatan, 10.04?19:52
soreauhidnshadows: Any linux will work, you would just have to set it up to act that way19:52
Harakenerr shcherbak errr 10.04?19:52
dschuettanyone know what applet.jar would be located in /var/www/ ???19:52
zoitehow can install winzip on ubuntu19:52
shcherbakHaraken: sql is 14.1419:52
hidnshadowszoite it's called 7zip19:52
soreauhidnshadows: What are you ultimately trying to do or what does your setup look like?19:52
denilegsfai, you dont happen to have a gparted live cd/usb do you?19:52
ActionParsniphidnshadows: you can use samba to share folders in ubuntu, if you install openssh-server you can access files using sftp19:52
hidnshadowssoreau all I want is a way to share files across a local network, accessible to another OS LIKE WINxp19:53
soreau! samba | hidnshadows19:53
ubottuhidnshadows: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:53
ActionParsnipzoite: install unp and you can extract nearly anything19:53
zoitecan 7zip undo a tar.jayz19:53
gsfaidenile, nope19:53
hidnshadowszoite get 7zip, and try renaming the file to [filename].tar.gz, if it can open it it will19:54
zoiteok thx19:54
Picizoite: The built in file-roller application can do that. Just right click and select extract here.  Alternatively, via  a terminal: tar xzvf file.tar.gz19:54
ActionParsnipzoite: do you mean tar.bzip219:54
denilesacarlson, any ideas at all about gsfai's issues?19:54
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zoiteyes sorry19:54
gsfaigive up? lol19:54
abhijeetActionParsnip, i made a mistake in the grub.. after correcting it splash screen worked fine.. thanks for the link19:55
ActionParsnipzoite: you can extract bzip2 already, just run: tar -jxvf filename   and it will extract19:55
metalfan_my ubuntu 10.10 feels sluggish while moving 1gb+ files around, totem cant play my music without stuttering?19:55
ActionParsnipabhijeet: np bro, its a great link. I use it on all my systems regardless of video chip these days19:55
ActionParsnipzoite: or if you install unp, you can simply use that and it will see what type of file it is and extract it appropriately19:56
highclasshole¿Cómo puedo instalar WinZip en Ubunto?19:56
zoitewhat is unp19:56
abhijeetActionParsnip, that guy is a good hacker :) made our life easier19:56
soreau! es | highclasshole19:56
ubottuhighclasshole: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:56
ActionParsnipzoite: you should also installp7zip-rar p7zip-rar rar unrar    as well19:56
highclassholeI don't speak spanish19:56
shcherbakmetalfan_: htop, free, iotop to monitor whats wrong.19:56
ActionParsnipabhijeet: i like hacks :)19:56
leilathere is some problem in channel now? in italian channel of ubuntu redirection is used only in that situation19:57
zoitewhich one is better unp p7zip-rar or p7zip-rar-rar19:57
Picileila: Yes.19:57
ActionParsnipzoite: grab them all, they are very small. They will also be used by file roller in nautilus so you can extract more types of archive19:57
metalfan_shentino, top says that load is about 4.  besides mv which eats 25% percent nothing else takes more than that19:57
b0nghitterwhy doesnt maverick desktop have minicom?19:57
zoitewhat is nautilus? do i need that too19:58
ActionParsnipzoite: its the default file manager in ubuntu19:58
zoiteoh k19:58
extremei'm looking for some ati channel19:58
asdasuseradd: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. ?????????????????19:58
Picib0nghitter: Its in the repositories.19:58
fortellerHi. I'd like to make a file that executes a command ("python [name of python file]"). Could anyone point me in the direction of a guide for newbs for doing this?19:58
ActionParsnipb0nghitter: it does, its in the universe repo19:59
shcherbakmetalfan_: iotop? do you have any other io activity apart of mv?19:59
soreaub0nghitter: Its in universe repo19:59
soreau!info minicom19:59
ubottuminicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 305 kB, installed size 1164 kB19:59
KM0201!info minicom19:59
b0nghitterok cool thanks19:59
ActionParsnipforteller: if you add:   #!/bin/python   as the top line, and mark it as executable, you can then make a lancher to run the file as it will be seen as a binary19:59
metalfan_shcherbak, no...theres firefox, totem with a mp3, pidgin, nautilus   but they all idle, besides totem20:00
nostro_hey guys can someone tell me if 10.10 is suitable for touchsreen devices, such as tablet pcs?20:00
zoiteok i undid my file but i can't run it20:00
zoiteit says ubuntu can run .NET what does this mean20:00
fortellerActionParsnip: I just add that line to the top of the .pyw file?20:00
ActionParsnipnostro_: sure, depends on the hardware20:00
shcherbakmetalfan_: do you move between devices/partitions?20:00
metalfan_shcherbak, between devices20:01
nostro_ActionParsnip: have you seen it work, I can't seem to find any videos/records of someone actualy doing it20:01
bismayis there any channel for linux gaming20:01
ActionParsnipforteller: if it's python then add that top line and the interpretter will know its a python script20:02
fortellerActionParsnip: Ah, yes, it worked. Thanks a lot! :)20:02
bismayActionParsnip, Can you suddest any vcahnel on linux gaming?20:02
shcherbakmetalfan_: that may be problem, either usb, or device itself. It may be also too many mount of same device.20:02
metalfan_shcherbak, between two sata drives20:03
bismayActionParsnip, Can you sugggest any channel on linux gaming?20:03
ActionParsnipnostro_: it depends on the hardware so 'a video' isnt really precise is it. touchpad on one make/model of system may work wereas it may not work on another make/model20:03
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ActionParsnipbismay: why ask me?20:04
nostro_ActionParsnip: i understand that. but i still haven't seen anyone actually done it. I've seen chromeOS on an iPad, why not ubuntu on a cheap apad?20:04
stenoknightHi. I've got a laptop (Lenovo SL400, if it matters), but I want to plug in a USB keyboard and put it on top of the laptop's built-in keyboard, for easy typing. Do you know if there's any way to disable the built-in keyboard so it doesn't register errant keystrokes while I'm typing on the USB laptop?20:04
stenoknighter, on the USB keyboard,20:04
bismayActionParsnip, i thought you might know20:04
stenoknightnot on the USB laptop, obviously.20:04
shcherbakmetalfan_: check mv "inside" both sata, also if both have more that one partiton, you would check if one of them is much slower, or is it connection.20:04
smoothifyi've upgraded to 10.10 and trying to upgrade netbeans - it says missing /usr/share/netbeans/6.9/etc/netbeans.import20:05
ActionParsnipnostro_: check http://ubuntuhcl.org to see if youor particular device is known to work well20:05
soreaustenoknight: Check the bios?20:05
ZykoticK9bismay, doubt there is a linux-gaming channel, not really an area where linux excels I'm affraid.  Best of luck - for instructions on games i have installed see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming20:05
ActionParsnipbismay: list the server channels, and it may show something obvious20:05
nostro_ActionParsnip: thx for the tip20:05
metalfan_shcherbak, "check my "inside" both sata ?20:05
pp03gModemso I am trying to get ip6 working over my 3g modem, obviously not working, I have no idea on how to attack this problem. Idea anyone?20:05
metalfan_ah now it get it20:05
b0nghitteri checked universe in synaptic repos, and reloaded.. but minicom is still not there20:06
metalfan_shcherbak, will disconnect the second drive later...20:06
soreaupp03gModem: What isnt working about it?20:06
shcherbakmetalfan_: move file between partition of same hard drive.20:06
Dr_Willis_!find minicom20:06
ubottuFound: minicom20:06
KM0201b0nghitter: did you reload your source list after checking universe?20:06
Dr_Willis_!info minicom20:06
ubottuminicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 305 kB, installed size 1164 kB20:06
bismayActionParsnip, thanks20:06
pp03gModemsoreau: Well, when I do ping6 ipv6.google.com it just times out.20:06
b0nghitterKM0201: yes i said i reloaded20:06
bismayActionParsnip, what is the command to list all the channels?20:06
shcherbakmetalfan_: or use usb-drive and compare times of copy to sata1 and sata220:06
wizardslovakhello people20:07
KM0201b0nghitter: then you did something else wrong.. cuz its there20:07
soreaupp03gModem: Maybe try #networking20:07
wizardslovakany script i can setup cpu fan rpms20:07
sacarlsongsfai: I read this article that sounded like yours that seems they worked on for a year,  the fix was install a different operating system http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=5tsip3umr7q02aq700ij1rm531&topic=65388.30,  so maybe try an older ubuntu and see if it persists20:07
ActionParsnipbismay: not sure, your client should have a list channels ability20:07
b0nghitteri had to restart synaptic20:07
pp03gModemsoreau: kk, thnx.20:07
VCooliowizardslovak: no settings in bios for what you need?20:07
wizardslovakVCoolio, not for fan speed20:08
shcherbakbismay: you do not want to list +5k channels, do you? check freenode web site20:08
wizardslovaki did disables cool and quiet20:08
Incarushey. glxgears shows me a refresh rate of ~60 with NVIDIAs proprietary drivers, while i have a framerate of ~400 with the nouveau driver. is a framerate of ~60 normal?20:09
Dr_Willis_wizardslovak:  it can depend on the exact make/model/motherboard of your system.20:09
b0nghitteris there a way i can VNC into my current desktop without having to create a new "display" ?20:09
soreauIncarus: glxgears is not a benchmark of any kind20:09
gsfaisacarlson, ill try this :) thanks20:09
rooisto47hi everyone, is there any dwm user, I wanna know where one have to put dwm scripts (like the monitors' script to display the battery state on the dwm bar for example) ?20:09
Dr_Willis_Incarus:  could be vsync is enabled. (or whatever that sync to refresh rate is called)20:09
wizardslovakDr_Willis_, if ill post it here can u helkp me?20:10
sacarlsonIncarus: wow 400,  I should dump my propraitary nvidia then?20:10
Dr_Willis_wizardslovak:  all i can say is check the forums.20:10
wizardslovakwhen i check it runs at 1300 rpm but is able of 4k20:10
wizardslovaki checked20:10
IncarusDr_Willis_: correct20:10
ActionParsnipIncarus: what video chip?20:10
wizardslovakthey got for windows so i am sure there is one for ubuntu20:10
sacarlsongsfai: seem we looked at everything,  maybe it's a kernel bug?20:10
Dr_Willis_Incarus:  so with sync enabled. that would limit the fps.20:10
IncarusActionParsnip, Nvidia GT22020:10
ActionParsnipIncarus: and what version of the driver did you install?20:11
VCooliowizardslovak: see if this helps https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fan_speed_control20:11
IncarusDr_Willis_, without any effects on me?20:11
IncarusActionPArsnip, latest.  260.19.2920:12
Dr_Willis_Incarus:  the point of vsyncing is to reduce video tearing/artifcats  i belive20:12
zs1otbhi there, I seem to have lost my sound icon on the task bar, any help how to get it back?20:13
wizardslovakVCoolio, yea i tried that one20:13
sacarlsonincarus: if it means anything standard NTSC video is 60 fps, so I guess it's fast enuf20:13
Dr_Willis_Incarus:  'sync to vblank' is the setting in the nvida settings tool i am thinking of.20:14
wizardslovakin /usr/sbin/fancontrol u cant actually settup rpms tho20:14
soreauIncarus: Basically it looks like vsync is enabled with the proprietary driver which means the framerate should e roughly that of the refresh rate. Without vsync, the fps is unlimited but you could see more tearing20:14
zs1otbhi there, I seem to have lost my sound icon on the task bar, any help how to get it back?20:14
KaiForcedoes ubuntu have tools to determine the health of an SSD?20:14
VCooliowizardslovak: read on, it says to use pwmconfig to edit /etc/fancontrol, never did that myself though20:15
SpreadsheetDoes Ubuntu have Ruby preinstalled?20:15
soreauIncarus: Instead of looking at glxgears, try a real world test like a 3D game20:15
SpreadsheetOr has this been proposed?20:15
SpreadsheetIf this proposal has been raised before, why has it been turned down?20:15
sacarlsonKaiForce: if it was a smart drive I guess it could20:15
soreauzs1otb: Add notification area to gnome-panel20:15
Dr_Willis_Spreadsheet:  seems installed here.. i dont recall installing it.. but it may have gotten pulled in by somthing else.20:15
Dr_Willis_Spreadsheet:  buiggest reason stuff not isntaled by default = Limited size of a cdrom.20:16
Incarussoreau, thats all i wanted to know, was just uncertain about the high framerate with nouveau. Nouveu use partially software rendering, so that frame rate wouldnt be so high.20:16
SpreadsheetOh come on Ruby can't be that much space :P20:16
SpreadsheetYou have Perl and Python already20:16
zs1otbsoreau: I've done it but still no little speaker icon?20:17
KaiForcesacarlson: i tried smart but it didn't seem to understand the output from the drive20:17
Dr_Willis_Spreadsheet:  dosent matter.. the cd's are packed full as it is..20:17
soreauIncarus: nouveau has some paths that are not accelerated but I doubt glxgears hits any of them. glxgears is more of a sanity test like mesa-demo apps20:17
SpreadsheetI see20:17
nicofsI've got two sound cards... where to i tell my pc to which the audio signal shall go? (xubuntu)20:17
sacarlsonKaiForce: not all drives have smart support20:17
Dr_Willis_Spreadsheet:  and many system tools use perl and python.  ive not seen any that use ruby20:17
SpreadsheetDr_Willis_: because it's not as widespread because it's not installed by default20:17
Dr_Willis_Spreadsheet:  doubtfull..  its trivial to install later also.20:18
Incarussoreau. yep, thank you.20:18
zs1otbsoreau: It was there just before I restarted my machine and now it is gone....20:18
soreauzs1otb: Try restarting your panel?20:19
zs1otbok now i am stupid how do I restart the panel?20:19
denilegsfai, what's in ~/.gvfs/ ?20:19
dagnidenile: fuck you ;)20:19
soreau! resetpanel | zs1otb20:19
ubottuzs1otb: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:19
tiygthanks for asking; u beat me to asking about starting the panel.  Seriously20:19
soreau! language | dagni20:19
ubottudagni: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:19
KaiForcesacarlson: understood but would smart say "no smart support" or something like that or would it output something anyway?20:20
ZykoticK9zs1otb, did you remove Pulse Audio from your system?  That's one way to get rid of that icon.20:20
denilesorry dagni have we had a conversation or something?20:20
dagnisoreau: fuck20:20
dagniyou ;D20:20
soreau! ops | dagni20:20
ubottudagni: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!20:20
* Dr_Willis_ shutters every time someone suggests removeing pulse audio.20:20
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dagniwow i have support chan20:21
zs1otbno not at all, I actually upgraded to 10.04 and it was fine until I restarted the machine a few moment ago20:21
dagniso what do i do when i think ubuntu sux20:21
dagnii'm banned ?20:21
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis_, i wasn't "suggesting" it!  Only enquiring if the poster had.20:21
Dr_Willis_dagni:  go somewhere else.. its not a support question.20:21
Dr_Willis_ZykoticK9:  :)20:21
Guest541so is Anybody: it imosible to get ubuntu music store to work in 9.1020:21
gsfaidenile, i also have a new bug20:21
gsfaicalled dangi20:21
gsfaihow can i send it in /dev/null?20:22
soreauJordan_U: thanks20:22
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gsfaidenile, anyway, nothing in .gvfs20:22
Dr_Willis_Guest541:  the people in #ubuntuone may know.   The music store copies the music to your ubuntu one account i thought. You can then access/download it from any os i think.20:22
piyushmishracan anyone explain me a regular expression placeholder in gedit snippet?20:22
gsfaiactually, there is no such folder,20:22
rooisto47no one knows where I have to put DWM scripts (for example monitors' script to show my battery state, or time/date...)20:23
soreauzs1otb: Please keep it in here20:24
Dr_Willis_rooisto47:  you checked the dwm docs/homepage?20:24
Dr_Willis_!info dwm20:25
ubottudwm (source: dwm): dynamic window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.8.2-1 (maverick), package size 41 kB, installed size 180 kB20:25
stenoknightHeya. I was in here a few minutes ago, asking how to disable my laptop's keyboard so I could put a USB keyboard on top of it without accidentally registering keystrokes from the built-in keyboard. Someone suggested trying to disable it in BIOS, but unfortunately the only keyboard options there have to do with Numlock and Function lock; nothing about disabling the built-in keyboard.20:25
peter22222I need to test quickly webpages, Is any way to run Apache+php and run sites by or I must configure virtualhost to every webpage?20:25
stenoknightJust checking back here one more time in case anyone has any other ideas.20:25
exxtremewhich folder is meant to have libflashplayer.so   so that firefox runs flash??20:26
rooisto47Dr_Willis_, yes I checked them you they don't tell where one have to put those scripts !20:26
Dr_Willis_stenoknight:  one complex way would be to set teh xorg.conf to read from only one /dev/input/XXX device.. and not both.. but im not even sure how that would be doable. or changeable back very easialy20:26
nicofsI just plugged in an external USB sound card. How to I tell my PC to use that as standard output?20:26
stenoknightDr_Willis_: Yeah, that might be a bit over my head. I'm an Ubuntu n00b.20:26
GartralI can't get ubuntu-one to syncronize with the cloud server, it says i have no internet connection20:26
stenoknightOh well. Thanks for the thought, though!20:27
Dr_Willis_stenoknight:  get a bit of plywood. glue some spacers under it.. so it dont touch your keys. :)20:27
tiygpeter, can't you just setup a virtualhost and mount it?20:27
Dr_Willis_stenoknight:  or i made a 'shelf' that sat right above the  keybord on a brokenlaptop. i couls set a keyboard on.20:27
tiygjust a basic suggestion I know.20:27
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stenoknightDr_Willis_: Hahaha! Unfortunately this needs to be reversible; I want to use a steno-compatible keyboard on the subway, but I need to be able to break it down and put it all away in my backpack afterwards.20:27
Dr_Willis_stenoknight:  i dont even know what a setno compat keyboard is. :)20:28
soreaustenoknight: You could still engineer a clever clip shelf20:28
stenoknightIf there were a laptop that offered n-key rollover, I would pay big, big bucks for it, but such a thing apparently doesn't exist.20:28
grigoriadeshow to open .bin files???20:28
christenThe folder under "Places" won't open when clicked.20:28
Dr_Willis_grigoriades:  you can 'run' one by 'sh whatever.bin'  - or chmod +x whatever.bin   then ./whage4er.bin20:28
stenoknightA steno compatible keyboard is any keyboard with true n-key rollover. I use a Microsoft SideWinder X4, because it only costs $45. http://plover.stenoknight.com/20:28
Dr_Willis_grigoriades:  what is this bin supposed to be anyway?20:29
bluezonenicofs, humm, i think you must use aplay 1 sec20:29
peter22222tiyg: I do it now but settings up virtualhost every time for quick tests is non comfortable20:29
* Dr_Willis_ sticks with his 10lb OLD OLD OLD clicky IBM keyboard.20:29
peter22222I prefer to run directory by
nicofsbluezone, that means what exactly?20:29
tiygok. been a while since I did site work.20:29
stenoknightClicky is good. ('820:30
soapcontainerI am having problems installing Steam on Wine (on ubuntu 10.10), it is saying that the MSI file I download is not an executable.20:30
stenoknightAnyway, thanks, all. I guess I'd better get back to this transcription job.20:30
bluezonenicofs, hmmm20:30
Dr_Willis_soapcontainer:  check the wine app datbase. you have to give wine some option to run the msi i recall.20:30
denileAnyone with more experience than me have any ideas about gsfai's issue?20:30
Dr_Willis_soapcontainer:  dont just double click on the msi. I dont think that works20:30
soapcontainerDr_Willis: will do, thank you20:30
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nostro_hey guys, did anyone catch some news on canonical developing a TABLET ubuntu?20:30
Dr_Willis_soapcontainer:  i always have to go look it up every time i reinstall steam20:31
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Dr_Willis_nostro_:  seen some postings on it.. i will wait for things to get released befor i get excited.20:31
tiyg.. released and tested a gazillion times.20:32
rooisto47Dr_Willis_, any idea plz !20:32
sacarlsondenile: I wonder how big the disk is?  if he dd the entire disk to a file he could send it to us to look at, but at this point I'm out of ideas20:32
bluezonenostro_, sorry waht exactly was your problem with the usb soundcard20:32
christenThe folders ("home folder," "computer" etc.) under "Places" on the custom menu panel doesn't seem to open. Help?20:33
denilesacarlson, Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB lol20:33
soreauchristen: Do you have nautilus installed?20:33
nostro_bluezone: wasn't me asking about he soundcard20:33
shcherbaksacarlson: ssh party in gsfai?20:33
christenhmm.let me check20:34
nostro_i'm asking about tabletpc support. any news?20:34
sacarlsondenile: well I do come up with some stupid idea's and that was one of many of them20:34
michaelgambleanyone know if thier is anything like tortoise svn for Gnome?20:34
Jordan_UFor some reason gnome-terminal has become a defunct process, even though its parent is init. How can I determine what has happened and preferably get rid of the defunct process without rebooting?20:34
sacarlsonshcherbak: ya I guess that a posibility20:35
soreauJordan_U: What have you done to your poor terminal? ;)20:35
bluezonenicofs, oh20:35
christennautilus scripts manager?20:35
christeninstall that?20:35
bluezonenicofs, first of all is your soundcard detected with aplay -l20:35
sacarlsondenile: I missed the part when he tried to mound /dev/sda5  did that work?20:36
soreauchristen: Open a terminal and type nautilus then press enter and see what happens20:36
michaelgambleif not whats your favorite gnome svn client20:36
bluezonenicofs, your usb soundcard that is20:36
denilesacarlson, no. he restarted the usb live and still same issues also20:36
bluezonenicofs, are you there?20:37
christenokay, it opened the "home folder"?20:37
christenwhat next?20:37
sacarlsondenile: the issue I know he had was with /dev/sda1   is it also imposible to mount /dev/sda5?20:37
soreauchristen: That means nautilus is installed so the Places entries should work20:37
ActionParsnipmichaelgamble: why not use svn in terminal?20:37
soreauchristen: If not try running killall gnome-panel to restart the panel20:38
bluezonenicofs, i am having a similar issue but ill find the solution, sec20:38
denilesacarlson, from his fdisk sda is swap20:38
christenI tried to open my folders under the places menu but it still won't open. I'll try running killall gnome panel20:39
aeon-ltdchristen: thats more likely to be nautilus related20:39
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:39
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cheleonhay algun español?20:41
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soreau! es | cheleon20:41
ubottucheleon: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:41
bluezonenicofs brought up a good point, how to do you aplay to set a usb sound card as the default audio output20:41
christenOkay, I have no idea what I'm doing.20:41
christenhint me?20:41
christengo into terminal? to download something?20:41
rrreimerhow and where do I append the ntpasswd image in the line ".linux rescuecd initrd=initram.igz" exactly running a live cd? everything I tried didn't work20:41
denilegsfai, swapon -s20:41
Gartralchristen, yes, with apt-get20:42
soreauchristen: I dont know why it isnt working.. what did you do that broke it?20:42
christenI have no idea. It worked for a while20:42
Dr_Willis_when in doubt  'reboot' :)20:42
gsfaidenile, done!20:42
christenand then one day i went to open my files from the places tab and it just took forever and then never opened.20:42
denilegsfai, command done? or you fixed it?20:42
gsfaidenile, command20:42
rrreimerDr_Willis_ that wasn't for me, was it?20:42
gsfaisadly :P20:42
denilegsfai, list nothing?20:42
Dr_Willis_christen:  you could alwyas try running nautilus from a terminal.20:42
thefinn931I have a 1TB (external) hard drive, but it's only reporting 870GB available. I remember reading somewhere some command to make ext not take up a bunch of extra space... anyone know what it is?20:43
Dr_Willis_rrreimer:  general advice. :) from the windows world.20:43
gsfaisays "/dev/sda5 partition 2981988 0 -1"20:43
soreauDr_Willis_: I had him run nautilus and it works20:43
Dr_Willis_soreau:  could be the default file assouication for nautilus got changed.20:43
rrreimerDr_Willis I'm running a _linux_ live cd20:43
smwthefinn931, 1 TB does not always mean 1 TB. That sounds about the right size20:43
soreauDr_Willis_: He says Places entries do not work20:43
Stefanos90hello, i have a computer 133Hz and 16MB ram wich linux destribution should i use?20:44
soreauchristen: Try this: Drag a Places entry to your panel, then right click on it and select properties to see what the Command is20:44
smwStefanos90, what do you plan to do with it?20:44
soreauchristen: And run that command in your terminal to make sure it works20:44
thefinn931smw: oh ok. thx20:44
bluezonehow do you use "aplay" to detect a usb soundcard and set it as a default output source?20:44
tiygstefano, do some research on xubuntu20:44
smwStefanos90, it certainly will not work as a desktop20:44
Dr_Willis_soreau:  double clicking on a folder works?20:44
Stefanos90<smw>just open the system.. it has windows 95 inside20:45
soreauDr_Willis_: You would have to ask him20:45
rrreimerit says I should type in ntpasswd and push enter, but then I come back to the default boot page20:45
smwStefanos90, I think DSL and the smaller ones need at least 64MB.20:45
denilegsfai, swapoff -a20:45
tiygit's for older machines(xubuntu)20:45
gsfaidenile, done!20:45
denilegsfai, then try e2fsck just for giggles on /dev/sda120:45
Stefanos90<smw>i can use live cd.. won't puppy run?20:46
gsfaifilesystem exclusively opened by another program20:46
smwStefanos90, I do not know about puppy. DSL-N should work20:46
hariykeyboardis ubuntu's usb startup disk creator able to work with any disk image, or just those based on ubuntu?  I'm trying to write a fedora disk image but the program won't recognize the iso, but will recognize kubuntu or the netbook remix of ubuntu20:46
campbellgolfcan I run Openvpn-as (openvpn active server) from Ubuntu 10.10 desktop?20:46
denilegsfai, go ahead and swapon -a so you back where you where20:46
ZykoticK9hariykeyboard, just ubuntu i believe20:46
Jordan_Uhariykeyboard: Try unetbootin.20:47
ActionParsniphariykeyboard: should work with any linux ISO20:47
Stefanos90<smw> will try20:47
ohirStefanos90: for small ram machines you may use either tinycore (should run on 32M with X) or OpenWRT (console works from 4M)20:47
ActionParsniphariykeyboard: unetbootin can also use different disto ISOs20:47
smwStefanos90, I guess DSL would work. You just can't use X20:48
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Dr_Willis_Stefanos90:  theres tiny-core-linux also20:48
ohirStefanos90: puppy needs some 256M to run smoothly20:48
christeni dont think this works...20:48
bluezonehow do you use "aplay" to detect a usb soundcard and set it as a default output source?20:48
smwStefanos90, all cmd line. You would have more options if you doubled your ram (32MB).20:49
sacarlsongsfai: I just went back in history here on this irc page to 01:41:28 AM and didn't see if you could mount /dev/sda5, can you?20:49
gsfaihow would you mount a swap?20:49
ohirStefanos90: with 16M your best bet is tinycore.20:49
Dr_Willis_gsfai:  you use the swapon command..  not mounting it..20:50
sacarlsongsfai: ok maybe that's why I didn't see it20:50
gsfaiDr_Willis_, i know, but thanks :)20:50
Mo___I need some help with my ubuntu installation.20:50
Stefanos90<ohir><smw><Dr_Willis_>will try  tiny-core-linux if i found some more ram will use dsl20:50
gsfaiMo___, describe your problem/question20:50
Dr_Willis_Stefanos90:  you can always make a swap partition.20:51
gsfai1 second late20:51
chipgerii am trying to upgarade from 10.04 to 10.10 but getting this error "W:Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.qualitynet.net/ubuntu/dists/maverick/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code (2)"20:51
Stefanos90<Dr_Willis_> yes.. i have 1 GB hdd20:51
denilegsfai, what does file -sL /dev/sda1 show20:52
dob_hello guys, i want to create a energy saving system. I want to create a raid5 for my videopartition. But i am not sure which raid level i should use for my system partiotions. I think i should not have a raid for the logs to let the hdd's sleep as long as possible....20:52
Dr_Willis_Stefanos90:  so make a 256mb swap perhaps.20:52
Stefanos90<Dr_Willis_>yes now downloading. thank you for help20:52
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christenIs there anything else I should install/update for other than nautilus for the problem with not being able to open my folders from the places tab?20:54
Sawerpower99I need help with my installation of ubuntu. Any help?20:54
christenI installed nautilus in terminal.20:54
Sawerpower99This is so confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:54
soreau! help | Sawerpower9920:54
ubottuSawerpower99: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
Dr_Willis_Sawerpower99:  you couel state the problem you are haveing.. using less then 2 !'s20:55
Sawerpower99My Dell inspriron 1100 is not installing ubuntu for some reason. It won't do anything once I press forward!20:55
ActionParsnipSawerpower99: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?20:55
smoke_hello man20:56
soreauSawerpower99: When you booted that disk, did you do an image check?20:56
Sawerpower99I really don't know, I just downloaded it from ubuntu.com20:56
soreauSawerpower99: When you first boot it, press Esc then select Verify Disk Integrity20:56
Sawerpower99How do I do those tests?20:56
soreauor whatever its called20:56
Stefanos90<Dr_Willis_>dsl-n is booting from floopy?20:56
newserthis might be  a silly question but Im stuck right now :( I made a script in python and run it but it went into an infinite loop because i made a mistake in a variable but I do not know how to stop the execution from terminal. I pressed ctrl+c but nothing. Any suggestions?20:56
ActionParsnip!md5 | Sawerpower9920:57
ubottuSawerpower99: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:57
soreaunewser: Get to another terminal and killall python20:57
ActionParsnipSawerpower99: currently you have no idea if the image or CD you are using is good as you have failed to test them...20:57
soreaunewser: or ps ax|grep <script name> and kill $PID20:57
censoredbiscuit_Anyone here use ubuntu one?20:57
tiygnewser, try ctl+z?20:57
Dr_Willis_Stefanos90:  no idea. i dont use it.20:58
ActionParsnip!anyone | censoredbiscuit20:58
ubottucensoredbiscuit: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:58
burntburitoNope no help on #ubuntuone20:58
smoke_alguien que hable español ?20:58
newsersoreau, I stopped from another terminal thanks20:58
newsersmoke_, yo20:58
smoke_de donde eres man20:58
ActionParsnip!es  | smoke_20:59
ubottusmoke_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:59
newsersmoke_puedes solicitar ayuda en ubuntu-es, ese es el canal de ayuda oficial en espanol20:59
smoke_ok men20:59
smoke_this is a great shitt xD20:59
burntburitoI cant upgrade to 10.04 because of my vid card so i guess im out in the cold20:59
ramonAny experiences about good virtualization under 10.04 LTS?20:59
omarcensoredbiscuit i use it whats up20:59
ActionParsnipburntburito: what video chip?20:59
Dr_Willis_burntburito:  what video card?20:59
ramonMy experience with qemu/kvm has been so far quote bad.20:59
tf87Hi, what package do I install to have the program /usr/bin/freeze ? ( compression utility for .F files )20:59
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Dr_Willis_!find freeze21:00
ubottuFound: libfreezethaw-perl, cx-freeze, ice33-services, ice33-translators, libfreeze3321:00
Dr_Willis_tf87:  try just 'freeze' in a terminal. it may tell you21:00
ActionParsniptf87: try:  dpkg -S freeze21:00
burntburitoati but thts not the problem the problem is the psu my card sucks to muc juice21:00
MrKotter<ubottu> is quick on the draw..21:00
burntburitoi cant aford to buy a new psu21:01
burntburitonot yet21:01
MrKotterburtburito...pull it apart and re-arange it21:01
Dr_Willis_I dotn see how differnt os versions would draw more power....21:01
wyclifburntburito: PSUs are much cheaper than video cards.21:01
ActionParsnipburntburito: then remove the proprietary driver and upgrade, then install the proprietary driver21:02
ssyHello and sorry but can you say me the name of the german ubuntu support channel ? thanks in advance21:02
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:02
BernardVMrKotter: burntburito Rearanging only works if you have more then one 12V rail in the PSU, some only offer one big rail, then it has no use.21:02
wyclifssy: #ubuntu-de21:02
burntburitoi like the card lots of horse power but belive me its the psu, i know psus re cheaper but im straped for cash21:03
Pwegit wouldn't make sense for it to work now and be an issue after an os upgrade21:03
christenShould i reboot my computer with ubuntu, if the places folder still doesnt open?21:03
burntburitomy card has to be pluged into the psu21:03
ActionParsnipchristen: does nautilus work if you press ALT+F2 and run: nautilus21:04
Pwegindeed, as with most cards21:04
racinesI've got a file called: "VMware-Player-3.1.3-324285.i386.bundle" and it has a lock symbol on it so I can't do anything to it. How do I get rid of the lock icon?21:04
BernardVburntburito: Yeah, but like MrKotter said. If you have more then 1 12V rail in the PSU, you could use one rail for the GPU and the rest for harddisk, dvd etc21:04
ActionParsnipchristen: check what is discussed here: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163196121:04
christenby does it work, do you mean does it open up my home folder?21:04
ActionParsnip!vmware | racines21:04
ubotturacines: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware21:04
BernardVburntburito: And if you are lucky there is a sticker on the PSU telling you how many rails you have and how many power the rails can give, can differ per rail21:05
denilegsfai, try this for me.   dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | grep –i superblock21:05
goddardwhats the right way to add a user to the apache home directory?21:05
racinesWhy does it give me instructions for installing VMWare if it sais it can't be installed on Ubuntu?21:05
sawerpower99I am back. The software says there is no driver for unity. What should I do?21:05
burntburitoi never had anyproblems untill after i installed this new card21:05
Dr_Willis_racines:  it doswent say it Cant be installed.. its not in the repos...21:05
ActionParsnipracines: its just not in the repos, it is installable but takes more effort21:05
ActionParsnipracines: if you read what it actually says, it says it "is not available in the Ubuntu repositories", thats all21:06
tosseis there a way to set pulseaudio to output on both analogue and hdmi?21:06
ActionParsnipracines: read wat it says, rather than what you think it says21:06
gsfaidenile, want a pastebin?21:06
denilegsfai, yes please,21:07
racinesOkay but that's not what I'm asking. There is a "lock" icon on the file I wish to do things with. How do I take the lock icon off?21:07
goddardwhats the right way to add a user to the apache home directory?21:07
ZykoticK9!paste | gsfai21:07
ubottugsfai: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:07
racinesIt is a ".bundle" file btw21:07
Gnearacines: it says it's not available in the respositories, it doesn't say it's not possible to install it.21:07
burntburitolots of hp though21:07
racinesyes yes okay but how do I get the lock icon off of the file?21:07
Gnearacines: change the permissions of the file21:08
nirazioSome Ubuntu-versions ago, there was a Popup that showed up while changing the brightness on my Asus V6V with FN+Key. It has been gone since (I guess) 9.04. When changing the Audio-Volume, I still have such a thing...Any idea??21:08
christenActionParsnip: Thanks a lot for the thread/forum. I think it works now!21:08
gsfaidamn, http://gsfai.pastebin.com/SAewKbGBn21:08
Gnea!permissions | racines21:08
ubotturacines: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:08
gsfaii dont know how that control character got there21:08
ActionParsnipracines: file extensions dont mean much in linux21:08
ActionParsnipchristen: np bro21:08
gsfaidenile, http://gsfai.pastebin.com/SAewKbGB21:09
ActionParsnipracines: the lock on the file means its probably owned by root21:09
racinesI'm still unclear on how to get it off. I've tried using sudo but that didn't work.21:10
racinesI can't chmod it21:10
racinesthe terminal can't even find the file, even though it's right there on the desktop. I guess that's because it has a lock symbol on it21:10
denilegsfai, fsck -b 32768 /dev/sda1     or any of the other backup superblocks21:10
ActionParsnipracines: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player21:11
gsfaidevice or resource busy :(21:11
denilegsfai, I'm not sure man. I am out of my limited league i think :(21:11
gsfaidenile, me too :(21:12
ActionParsnipracines: that link was on the page ubottu gave21:12
ActionParsnipracines: I suggest you use virtualbox, it has a pretty gui and you can configure stuff with mouse21:12
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presleyHEY! is it some console tool that makes list of passwords from charset and charnumber parameters?21:13
Dr_Willis_presley:  i recall seeing password generator programs befor. (never needed to use them)21:13
presley<Dr_Willis_> i don't understand you21:15
ubuntuI don't know how I managed to get into an  IRC chat room21:15
ubuntuBut I'm here :S21:15
KM0201presley: there's programs that do it.. but there's alsoa lot of websites that do password generating.21:15
sacarlsongsfai: I found another article that looks like your problem is in the kernel http://us.generation-nt.com/bug-523761-linux-image-2-6-29-1-amd64-boot-partition-not-mountable-help-168821561.html21:15
ubuntubloody hard!21:15
ActionParsnipubuntu: most default to this channel on this server, making it very simple21:15
Dr_Willis_ubuntu:  most of the irc clients are set to auto join here...21:15
burntburitoyou goto love ubuntu "bunt"21:16
BernardVpresley: Maybe take a look at "makepasswd" it's in de repos21:16
goddardi gave write permissions to the group of the www directory which i made www-data and then added my user to the group that it says already exists btw and it still wont let me write file to directory using SFTP21:16
ubuntuRight so. say I would want to connect to a channel called 'TWiT' how do I go about doing that. THe program I'm using is called Xchat21:17
sacarlsongsfai: you need to install one of your older iso files on that usb flash live boot disk21:17
Dr_Willis_ubuntu:  /join #channelname21:17
Dr_Willis_ubuntu:  you may want to check out the irc clients docs/help menu items also..21:17
Dr_Willis_!irc | ubuntu21:17
ubottuubuntu: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:17
gsfaisacarlson, i found a copy of gparted iso in my old backup21:17
gsfaiill use that21:17
presleyBernardV, i tried this, i need program to do a uniq list of passwords21:17
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BernardVpresley: for example: makepasswd --char=10 --string=abcd will create a 10 char long passwd with only a,b,c or d as char21:18
ubuntuohh thank you! :)21:18
ubuntuNice helpful people :D21:18
sacarlsongsfai: cool21:18
presleyBernardV but it could be same passwords21:19
burntburitowhen ubunto works it works solid ,but the fact that its alwase getting better causes problems sometimes but i cant rea21:19
goddardis ubuntu server still using php5.2?21:19
Dr_Willis_!info php521:19
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.1 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB21:19
presleywith repeats21:19
burntburitoally complain21:19
Dr_Willis_goddard:  looks like 10.10 uses 5.3.321:19
Dr_Willis_goddard:  if im reading that correctly.21:20
BernardVpresley: Ah ok.. create a script that generates a few random numbers, sha1 that, take random chars out of the hash (passwd length), insert them in a db and do a SELECT DISTINCT :)21:20
goddardDr_Willis_ i think thats right i just have a server but it must be a custom installation21:21
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presley<BernardV> thanks for idea, but i could be difficult for me i think21:23
KM0201presley: there's lots of websites that create random passwords.21:23
KM0201youre making this more difficult than need be21:23
Dr_Willis_place cat on keyboard.. give cat catnip....21:23
Dr_Willis_random passwords.. :)21:23
KM0201Dr_Willis_: yeah, that would work to.. or take a cat, and run a red laser over your keyboard.. that i'll give you some random passwords21:24
Dr_Willis_cat /dev/random | some code to convert #'s to ascii.. :)21:24
presleyKM0201, Dr_Willis_, point is that i need a list for bruteforce, and this is not that i'm looking for21:25
KM0201presley: well, good luck w/ it.21:25
guntbertpresley: you won't get such a list here21:25
Dr_Willis_presley:  you wouldent want a random list for bruteforce anyway id imagine..21:25
Dr_Willis_http://paulbradley.tv/30/   perl random password generator.21:26
presleyDr_Willis_, m?21:26
Dr_Willis_would someone offhand know if a 'arm' based linux disrto would be able to run 'wine' ?21:27
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:28
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XiaolinDraconisDr_Willis_, sounds doubtable21:28
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis_, re: arm - highly doubt it.21:29
M8R0why you want to run win e on arm linux, when you have windoze mobile21:29
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  just seeing these new netbook/tablets. and was wondering thast.21:29
ActionParsnipDr_Willis_: if you can compile it, sure why not :)21:29
Dr_Willis_M8R0:  because the wife has ONE little windows game she likes..  and last i cheecked windows cd/mobil couldent run  normal windows apps.21:29
hypmedhi there - i'm having trouble afer 10.04 network upgrade - following re-boot, networking is broken with no gnome network manager - and wired network not working either - any advice?21:29
Dr_Willis_ActionParsnip:  thats what i was wondering.21:29
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis_, it's being ported see http://wiki.winehq.org/ARM21:30
ActionParsnipDr_Willis_: i'd ask the wine guys to see if it will make21:30
XiaolinDraconisi have a 512MB usb stick was wondering if anyone had any suggestions what i should boot on it21:30
Dr_Willis_ZykoticK9:  thats good then. :)21:30
ActionParsnipooo, exciting21:30
XiaolinDraconiswanna make a bootable rescue stick21:30
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  tiny core linux. :)21:30
M8R0you can try to see if if there is some sort of port started21:30
=== MrKotter is now known as GWBoosh
ActionParsniphypmed: connect the wired connection and run:  sudo dhclient3 eth021:30
geeknikDr_Willis_: http://wiki.winehq.org/ARM21:30
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  there was a ubuntu rescue variant i saw.. it was text based.21:30
XiaolinDraconisDr_Willis_, ill look it up21:30
geekniknot sure how close they are to getting it finished/working/whatever.21:30
ActionParsniphypmed: you should now get a wired connection21:30
Dr_Willis_geeknik:  Nifty. Now perhaps i can get $$ saved up to get a arm based tablet for next xmas.21:31
=== ``````` is now known as `Nisstyre
XiaolinDraconisDr_Willis_, text based isnt my flavor21:31
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: tinycore isnt text based21:31
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  depends on your rescue needs.. 512mb is rather small21:31
hypmedActionParsnip - correction - wired is working now but i dont know why - didn't work days ago so i've only got broken wireless networking21:31
guntbert`Nisstyre: stop those changes please21:31
ActionParsniphypmed: could reinstall network manager, or install wicd as an alternative21:31
geeknikDr_Willis_: there are already some decently priced tablets. I think Sears or Toys R Us had/has one for ~$150USD.21:32
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  i just use the litlte flash drives like that as a 'rescue' grub boot  loader. I install grub to the mbr of the sda and to the flash drive. for a 'backup' in case i need to get back in.21:32
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: http://www.tinycorelinux.com/screenshots.html21:32
XiaolinDraconisim already on it21:32
XiaolinDraconislooks good21:32
hypmedActionParsnip - i'll try and use Synaptics to get wicd installed and let you know - thanks21:32
XiaolinDraconiswas wondering if gparted would install on it21:32
Dr_Willis_geeknik:  yea. saw those. the one i saw was runnign that windows mobil/ce/whatever and was a VERY low res screen. I dont think the wifes game would work on it.21:32
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you could install minimal ubuntu then install LXDE for a light desktop OS21:33
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  tiny core linux  yes.21:33
M8R0here is the wiki for wine on arm arhitecture21:33
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  gparted  hjas its own live cd.21:33
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  theres also proberly a dozen other 'rescue/recovery' type live cds out there.21:33
M8R0i consider to be a good lecture if you have time21:33
XiaolinDraconisDr_Willis_, im on that too was gonna make a live usb of gparted but then i thought why not get some more tools on it21:33
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  gparted live cd, and one called 'system rescue' are 2 good ones.21:34
sipp11Hi there, I have a question about firewall/proxy thing in my office. Usually it's always asking for my user/password when I get into browser. And it just works after that. The question is how can I do that in CLI? so far I get only 401 unauthorized error.21:34
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip, lxde sounds like it might be a winner21:34
BernardVpresley: http://pastebin.com/ZgsTKdz721:34
Dr_Willis_sipp11:  try a text based browser? :)21:34
BernardVOh he's gone :P21:34
AisteruI am having trouble configuring xorg to use the nvidia drivers. I installed the nvidia 96 package, & ran the automatic configuration tool, but the xorg.conf it generated does not work. It seems that there is no "nvidia" module installed.21:35
Dr_Willis_Aisteru:  installed the drivers how?21:35
AisteruI used software center.21:35
skullboyok im trying to update libjpeg but when i do i get this Breaks existing package 'libjpeg62-dev' dependency libjpeg62 (= 6b-16.1)21:35
Dr_Willis_Aisteru:   You rebooted afterwards?21:35
sipp11Dr_Willis_: yes it works in Lynx. but can I make this easier?21:35
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Dr_Willis_sipp11:  no idea.21:36
AisteruI did.21:36
Dr_Willis_Aisteru:  Hmm.. what chipset?21:36
skullboyok im trying to update libjpeg but when i do i get this Breaks existing package 'libjpeg62-dev' dependency libjpeg62 (= 6b-16.1)21:36
sipp11Dr_Willis: Thanks anyway21:36
mdpatrickHow ddo I search aptitude packages?21:36
edbianskullboy: Do you need that dev package?21:36
Dr_Willis_mdpatrick:  apt-cache search pattern21:36
mdpatrickDr_Willis_: thank you21:37
Dr_Willis_mdpatrick:  aptitude proberly has a search option also. :)  i never use aptotide21:37
edbianmdpatrick: or aptitude search "keyword"21:37
skullboyedbian: yea but the dev package that i need depends on the version im trying to upgrade to21:37
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edbianskullboy: Yeah IDK.  That's wierd21:38
hateborneAnyone with specific knowledge of ATI and/or fglrx with Ubuntu 10.10?21:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:39
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hateborneIt's past that ubottu. fglrx is nonfunction (or so it seems), ati package shows installed, but nothing is found on the hard drive.  :-\21:41
r00t4rd3dmdpatrick, Snynaptic Package Manage is apt gui.21:42
XiaolinDraconisand tiny core takes the win21:42
XiaolinDraconisassuming it can install gparted21:42
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  its right there in the pacakge manager it has.21:43
XiaolinDraconisthanks a lot Dr_Willis_21:44
XiaolinDraconishow can i reset my application defaults?21:45
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  for what app?21:45
XiaolinDraconisi installed the kde package and now all my apps open with kde variants21:45
jeckhysY a des français ?21:45
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  ubuntu-tweak has some 'reset gnome' settings feature.21:45
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  odd.. ive not noticed that issue here.21:45
XiaolinDraconisi started with plain ubuntu gnome21:46
XiaolinDraconisthen wanted to test the other desktops21:46
XiaolinDraconisso i got xfce and kde21:46
Dr_Willis_Hmm. I instelled kubuntu-desktop here, over ubuntu-desktop. and had no issue.. also got Lubuntu on here.21:46
BernardV!fr | jeckhys21:46
ubottujeckhys: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:46
XiaolinDraconisi switched sessions and then switched back now when i click a file it opens with amarok or ark or some other kde app21:47
Dr_Willis_XiaolinDraconis:  try the ubuntu tweak tool perhaps. it can reset gnome back to initial defaults i recall.21:47
XiaolinDraconisim on it21:47
wilhartis there any nice repo for adding skins ?21:47
wilhartart-manager sucks21:47
XiaolinDraconisgo str8 to the source21:47
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:48
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  theres some altenative 'theme' tools out there. but i tend to just find theme ppa's these days21:48
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  gnome-art, and gnome-artng, epidermis, and proberly a dozen others i cant rember21:48
teddybim having a problem, im trying to install filezilla but its asking me for the password but all i have is a .pub key21:48
hypmedActionParsnip: Thanks for your help earlier, i'm all set21:48
wilhartDr_Willis_: they are programs?21:48
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  err.. yes.21:48
ActionParsniphypmed: no worries broseph :)21:48
v0id_is possible to SOCKS in xchat-gnome?21:48
Dr_Willis_what else could they be?21:48
=== GWBoosh is now known as BushCheneyRumsfe
wilhartDr_Willis_: can find gnome-artng21:48
BernardVteddyb: When installing filezilla it asks you for a password?21:49
GeekSquidI've just installed 10.10 on a Compaq Presario F700, everything works except the keymap... Some keys do not work, Like Left and Right arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down... Any ideas as to getting these keys working?21:49
wilhartDr_Willis_: cant find epidermis21:49
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  they are not all in the default repos. use google.21:50
teddybyeah well im trying to add a repo (following a guide online) can i do it without adding a repo?21:50
wilhartDr_Willis_: ok but is this 32bit or 64bit :  epidermis_0.5.2-1_all.deb (md5, sig)21:50
=== neriukas is now known as _fedors
x-2000securety disaster21:52
ActionParsnipteddyb: so you want to add a repo without adding a repo....?21:52
GeekSquid!details | x-200021:52
ubottux-2000: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:52
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  'all' = botjh21:52
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  its proberly wrote in python. :) so its both21:53
wilhartDr_Willis_: cant' get it working epidermis21:53
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  and ive not used those in ages. so thats about all the support i can give.21:53
ActionParsnipteddyb: only users in the admin group can add repos and install apps21:53
Dr_Willis_wilhart:  installit, run it from term. look for error messages21:53
x-2000and then you.. send it to the terminator... yes ude your immagination...21:53
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teddybcan i check what group im in?21:54
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ActionParsnipteddyb: run:  groups   in a terminal21:55
=== Mark_ is now known as grid_
x-2000you terminator.. you...21:55
wilhartDr_Willis_: ok getting there python-nemphy was not installed21:56
skullboyhow come when im schrooling throuh pics on google my comp freezes for a sec21:56
Dr_Willis_!info python-nemphy21:56
ubottuPackage python-nemphy does not exist in maverick21:56
teddybovh@mc-188-165-53-xx:~$ groups21:56
teddybovh fuse x2gousers21:56
GeekSquid!info python-empathy21:56
ubottuPackage python-empathy does not exist in maverick21:56
ActionParsnipskullboy: which browser?21:57
gsfaiwhats the easiest way to redirect your sound output to your mic input?21:57
x-2000yeah.. if it wasnt 2012, and i was on line anyways... then i would terminate you.. or something like that...21:57
neriukas!info empathy21:57
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 834 kB, installed size 2400 kB21:57
ActionParsnipskullboy: unlucky, this may help: http://www.forevergeek.com/2004/12/make_firefox_faster/21:58
BernardVgsfai: Does your soundcard accept output on the mic in?21:58
x-2000ok i get it...21:58
skullboyactionparsnip, firefox21:58
ActionParsnipskullboy: also try: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-251509.html21:58
guntbertx-2000: with whom are you talking?21:58
GeekSquidgsfai: alsamixer from the terminal will give you full control of all aspects of the soundcard21:58
x-2000pythonise your sorry....?21:58
gsfaiBernardV, i think thats alittle hardcore lol21:58
gsfaiGeekSquid, ok let me try that21:59
Jordan_Ugsfai: Easiest way is with a double male mini phone cable, if I understand correctly what you're trying to accomplish.21:59
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x-2000ok.. bye.. (;21:59
BernardVgsfai: Well could be, there are 7.1 cards that use the mic in as output if you use all 7.1 channels21:59
wilhartDr_Willis_: gnome-artng soo i cant find download link22:00
gsfaiBernardV, Jordan_U, i am actually trying to play some music in the input, so it gets caught by skype22:00
BernardVgsfai: Ah but then you could better change the input device for skype (don't know how to, but I'm sure it can be done..)22:01
Jordan_Ugsfai: Then the easiest way is with a double male mini phone cable. You can also use pulseaudio to achieve the same thing in software.22:01
skullboyactionparsnip, not speed probs it freezes my computer when im looking through images on google22:01
GeekSquidskullboy: images.google.com22:01
ActionParsnipskullboy: could set a lower nice value for firefox. its all I can suggest as I dont use firefox22:02
GeekSquidskullboy: is a little laggy in firefox ... seems better in Chrome22:02
BernardVJordan_U: gsfai Be aware that a mic input can't have the input voltage a normal input can have (about 1Vpp), so use a resistor or something to drop the voltage22:02
ActionParsnipGeekSquid: the web is laggy in firefox ;)22:02
gsfaii dont have a double male22:02
XiaolinDraconiswhat do i gotta do to install grub on my usb stick?22:02
gsfaiactually... i lost it :P22:02
neriukasyou can speed up FF :) it rlly helps :)22:02
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
GeekSquidActionParsnip: Web 2.0 is laggy in firefox... Web 1.0 works great22:02
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you can boot to live CD, chroot to the usb and install grub22:03
BernardVgsfai: That wasn't something you could do in software, that's more like a hardware add-on22:03
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX22:03
ActionParsnipGeekSquid: arora and chromium daily run great here22:03
wilhartgnomeartng-0.7.0-all.deb cant' find this file!!22:03
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: What is your end goal though?22:03
gsfaiBernardV, i was thinking of something like `cat /dev/audio > /dev/input0` or something22:04
XiaolinDraconisim making a bootable usb stick22:04
XiaolinDraconiswith tiny core linux on it22:04
ActionParsnipwilhart: if you downloaded the deb manually, you will need to change directory in terminal to the location of the file22:04
skullboyactionparsnip, is chrome any good or is it just fast22:04
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: there is a how to on making a bootable tinycore usb device22:04
ActionParsnipskullboy: its great imho22:04
ActionParsnipskullboy: fast too ;)22:05
BernardVgsfai: I've never tried something like that.. I wouldn't know if that could work22:05
XiaolinDraconisyes but the step just says to install grub22:05
XiaolinDraconisdoesnt say how22:05
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: What guide are you following?22:05
XiaolinDraconistiny core's guide to usb22:05
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Link?22:06
XiaolinDraconisactually i just notice they have a whole nother section for installing grub22:06
GeekSquidgsfai: If you are trying what I think... using a usb soundcard (as a second soundcard) would allow you to input the output of the other soundcard into skype, ... I don't see you being able to play music into skype with only one soundcard22:06
hidnshadowsI just discovered the "personal file sharing" item in the menu, but it says that it's missing something. What do I need to get from the repos,, in order for personal file sharing to work?22:06
wilhartActionParsnip: installed gnomeart-ng can't find executable file22:07
gsfaiGeekSquid, ill try to find a non-hardware way to do this22:07
Zirghey gang. how can i check to see if this is a 32 or 64 bit install??22:07
BernardVGeekSquid: gsfai Then a simple external mixer would also work....22:08
KM0201Zirg: uname -a or uname -r should tell you22:08
ActionParsnipwilhart: where from, there is gnome-art in the repo, but not gnomeart-ng22:08
wilhartActionParsnip: can't find mono-common22:08
wilhartActionParsnip: trying to dpkg -i gnomeart-ng22:08
GeekSquidBernardV: exactly what I was thinking, then connect Ipod or CD player to external mixer on mic input and plug a mic into the mixer so you could also talk gsfai22:09
hidnshadowsif anyone can help me set up "personal file sharing" please PM me, I need to go get food22:09
gsfaiwell yes, a second microphone input is required22:09
ActionParsnipwilhart: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/how-to-install-gnomeartng-0-7-0-all-deb-in-ubuntu-10-10-a-840683/22:09
gsfaiand ill try mixing with alsamixer22:10
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Since Ubuntu uses grub2, rather than adding a menu.lst with the contents they mentioned you should create a grub.cfg with this as the contents: http://pastebin.com/F2JqQDAb22:10
ActionParsnipwilhart: if you use the one in the repo, does it do what you expect?22:10
BernardVGeekSquid: Indeed22:10
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
BernardVgsfai: Maybe http://www.voiceemotion.com/22:11
wilhartActionParsnip: can yo ugive repo then ?22:11
ActionParsnip!info gnome-art | wilhart22:11
ubottuwilhart: gnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (maverick), package size 26 kB, installed size 204 kB22:11
ActionParsnipwilhart: it's in the official repo.....22:11
ActionParsnipwilhart: did you not think to search that first?22:11
BernardVgsfai: Or https://extras.skype.com/65/view22:11
wilhartActionParsnip: no gnomeart-ng in repo22:12
infoturtlehow would I sort this error?: The file /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic-pae/build/include/linux/autoconf.h does not exist.22:12
ActionParsnipwilhart: yes, but gnome-art  is, what does gnomeart-ng do?22:12
wilhartubottu: i know22:13
wilhartActionParsnip: dunno22:13
wilhartActionParsnip: more themes?22:13
skullboyhow do i update libjpeg6222:13
ActionParsnipwilhart: I suggest you install gnome-art   and see if it does what you need. How can it install MORE  themes when they both appear to access the same source for themes etc22:13
wilhartActionParsnip: i have used that but they are so OLD themes22:14
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, thanks i almost totally missed ur message22:14
skullboyhow do i update libjpeg6222:14
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: You're welcome.22:14
GeekSquidwilhart: I am not sure why you would need that package, gnome-art does the same thing, whereas gnomeartng is "the successor" but has not been incorporated downstream and is less likely to work22:14
ActionParsnipskullboy: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:14
ActionParsnipwilhart: i just installed https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/testing/+build/1941090/+files/gnomeartng_0.7.0-1~lffl~lucid~ppa_all.deb    with no issue22:16
wilhartActionParsnip: it does the same thing as gnome-art ?22:16
GeekSquidwilhart: check out www.gnomelook.org, tons of themes, art and other stuff for gnome, which can be installed with gnome-art22:16
ActionParsnipwilhart: no idea, ive never used it22:16
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, im trying to get startx and VBoxClient-all commands to run as soon as i log into a machine. anyone know how to make a srcipt that will run these commands when i log in?22:18
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i still dont know how to go about installing grub. i have a terminal open and cd into /media/71D1-CD89   which is where the usb stick is mounted22:18
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: What is the device name (/dev/foo) for the USB stick?22:19
skullboyactionparsnip, i know but it says Breaks existing package 'libjpeg62-dev' dependency libjpeg62 (= 6b-16.1)22:19
ActionParsnipT3CHKOMMIE: the desktop install runs this automatically, is that not what you installed?22:19
ActionParsnipskullboy: sounds like you need a PPA22:19
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, pretty sure its /dev/sdb22:20
skullboyactionparsnip, PPA22:20
T3CHKOMMIEActionParsnip, im runing a different build but the backend is ubuntu.22:20
ActionParsnip!ppa | skullboy22:20
ubottuskullboy: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.22:20
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, so i sudo install-grub /dev/sdb     ?22:21
* T3CHKOMMIE is an Ubern00b at scripting :(22:21
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: You want to be more than pretty sure so that you don't make your internal drive unbootable.22:21
GeekSquidT3CHKOMMIE: check out System>Preferences>Startup Applications, you will need something to login and launch startx, and there are a number of ways to do this22:21
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/71D1-CD89/ /dev/sdb22:21
ActionParsnipT3CHKOMMIE: what OS and type did you initially install??22:21
T3CHKOMMIEActionParsnip, its BT4 and i believe its ubuntu 9.10 on the backend. and the gui is KDE (I hate KDE) but havent got to changed that yet.22:22
ActionParsnipT3CHKOMMIE: backtrack isnt supported herte22:22
ActionParsnip!backtrack | T3CHKOMMIE22:23
ubottuT3CHKOMMIE: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:23
luxurymodeHey all. I installed eclipse by extracting the folder. How do I get it to integrate fully into Ubuntu? (so i can run from terminal, etc)22:23
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ActionParsnip!away > npoBaJl22:23
ubottunpoBaJl, please see my private message22:23
GartralI can't get ubuntu-one to syncronize with the cloud server, it says i have no internet connection22:23
GeekSquidluxurymode: sudo apt-get install eclipse .... don't use the extracted folder22:24
ActionParsnip!info eclipse22:24
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2-6ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 35 kB, installed size 120 kB22:24
XiaolinDraconisgot a folder named grub there now must have worked22:24
aeon-ltdGartral: but, you do? check your firewall (ufw) settings22:24
npoBaJlI'm very sorry about that ActionParsnip... I only use it because of the paging system inside. I will look into the code and remove the advertising thing22:24
luxurymodeGeekSquid: wil that install the eclipse i downloaded? bc i specifically want classic 3.622:24
luxurymodei dont want the eclipse in the repo22:24
IsmAvatarHey guys, i'm using the ambience theme and I'm having trouble seeing where the scrollbar ends because of the shades of white... Is there any way that I can modify that to make it more obvious?22:24
aeon-ltdIsmAvatar: look in /usr/share/themes for its resources22:25
wilhartsoo anything new in ubuntu branch?22:25
IsmAvatarluxurymode: what's your question? I'm a heavy eclipse user.22:25
GeekSquidluxurymode: reccomend using a PPA from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+PPAS ... search for eclipse22:25
IsmAvatarah, nvm, GeekSquid's helping you22:25
ActionParsnipluxurymode: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eclipse-team/debian-package; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install eclipse22:25
luxurymodeIsmAvatar: basically i uninstalled eclipse and now installed 3.6 classic. had problems with some android perspective stuff showing up on previous install22:26
bearblackAttention ubuntu support representatives. .ace files apparently are some sort of zip/compressed thingy. I installed an ace uncompressor from the ubuntu software panel. it has opened my file redviewer.ace. when i choose to extract I get An Error has occurred. There is absolutely no command line output .22:26
philip_Could anyone please help me with a small problem with my PDF files. My Samsung ML-1640 printer will not print PDFs but will print any other texted files. I would be most greatfull. Thank you22:26
ActionParsnipbearblack: there is an ace handler in the repo22:26
luxurymodeActionParsnip: that'll gimme classic 3.6?22:26
GeekSquidluxurymode: sorry ... loose the caps ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas22:26
avisin defense of comcast and the SELinux packages that slipped through that didn't check out, that is entirely fedora's fault.22:27
ActionParsnip!info unace | bearblack22:27
ubottubearblack: unace (source: unace): extract, test and view .ace archives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2b-7 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 84 kB22:27
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, that wouldnt by chance have just made my ubuntu installations grub refer to the usb for booting now?22:27
ActionParsnipbearblack: ace is not a new filetype22:27
luxurymodeGeekSquid: noob here. no idea what im supposed to do with that. :-)22:27
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: If your Ubuntu installation is on /dev/sdb it would.22:27
guntbertbearblack: there are no "ubuntu support representatives" in this channel, only vonlunteers, you can get paid support from canonical though22:27
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i ask because in the usb directory all i see is the grub folder but no other folders than the locale folder22:28
ActionParsnipluxurymode: not sure about classic, but it'll give you 3.622:28
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Look at the output of "mount" to see what partitions are mounted where.22:28
ActionParsnipbearblack: is the file consistent?22:29
GeekSquidluxurymode: what version of ubuntu?22:29
GartralI can't get ubuntu-one to syncronize with the cloud server, it says i have no internet connection22:29
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i know the only two drives i have besides sr0 are sda and sdb22:29
Gartralim on 10.1022:29
luxurymodeGeekSquid: 10.1022:29
Dr_Willis_Gartral:  #ubuntuone may have some better help.22:29
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Can you pastebin the output of "mount"?22:29
IsmAvatarluxurymode: thanks, but I'm not seeing the scrollbar images. Do different themes share images such that I might find it in another theme's folder?22:30
luxurymodeIsmAvatar: got the wrong guy22:30
mikeobedaI need help tracing the pathway from my ubuntu machine to a windows xp machine, since I am only getting 100 megabit file transfer between the two, and I think I should be getting 1 gigabit22:30
maxflaxI'm having the really annoying watermark "AMD Unsupported hardware" in my lower right on my screen.. is there a way to remove it?22:30
IsmAvatarluxurymode: sry >_>22:30
luxurymodeIsmAvatar: i'll let it slide....this time22:30
aeon-ltdIsmAvatar: it may be generated and render just by the gtkrc config file22:30
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/TutXU0EP22:31
mike123i realise this is a stupid question in a channel for just ubuntu, but the #linux channel needs authorization: what is a good live cd that i can use to make an image of my windows default install for this computer? it is 10.8gb and i would like to copy it onto an 11 gb partition so that when my mom breaks it i can just revert without having to use the disk22:31
aimioanyone know a good window/tile manger for ubuntu ?22:31
IsmAvataraeon-ltd: ok thanks, I'll take a look22:31
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: Good, you installed grub to the USB correctly then.22:32
rumpe1mike123, any live cd will do i guess... just use dd, which is nearly everywhere a standard22:32
aeon-ltdaimio: dwm, awesome, xmonad, wmii, its all down to your taste really - i personally like wmii and dwm - nice 'n' light :)22:32
rusivimike123: Force her to use a VM, and save a restore point22:32
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i dont see any grub.cfg file22:32
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: You need to create that yourself.22:32
mike123rumpe1: i tried dd, the volume ran out of space, i think it was trying to copy the whole 60 gb partition, even though i'm sure 49.2 gb is empty22:32
aimiothx aeon-ltd22:33
mike123rusivi: i wish22:33
Dr_Willis_mike123:  dd will do all the volume.. including empty space.22:33
mike123dr_willis_: thus my problem with why it didn't work :)22:33
GeekSquidluxurymode: I am not finding that version in any repository.... pretty far upstream to be included into 10.10... still in source and untested... I cannot help you with that there ... IsmAvatar: would you like to field this one22:33
Dr_Willis_mike123:  i seem to recall some other tools that can skip the empty stuff. but  cant recall the names.  fsarchiver perhaps?22:33
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, i should put that in the grub folder or /boot22:33
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: In the grub folder.22:34
XiaolinDraconisJordan_U, thanks for the help bud22:34
aeon-ltdaimio: you're welcome22:34
Jordan_UXiaolinDraconis: You're welcome.22:34
sodasneed some help installing ubuntu (well, Pinguy OS actually) - running the live version atm22:34
luxurymodeGeekSquid: im just trying ActionParsnip's method22:34
sechristI am authoring a deb, and upon purge I get warnings like this "conffile '/etc/init.d' is not a plain file or symlink"22:34
rusivimike123: Your next best bet is to clone a fresh install + desired software of her OS, and save the cloned image to external media.  When she goofs up the OS, push out the clone (~10-20 minutes tops) brings she's back in business.22:35
luxurymodeGeekSquid: thanks a lot for your help though22:35
sechristHow do I suppress these?22:35
=== ubuntu is now known as shawn146
nirazioWhat are some good GUI binary viewers/editors?22:35
bearblackActionParsnip, I cannot determine if it is persistent. i download it and it very much has a file size and the files listed when i open it indicate it is i guess NORMAL22:35
Dr_Willis_sodas:  techincally we dont support pinguy os. but you could state teh issue and see if its a common problem.22:35
IsmAvatarGeekSquid, luxurymode: I've always just installed in manually, without the repo. Might not be the best/recommended method, but it gave me full control over it.22:35
Dr_Willis_Aisteru:  im in and out all day long... whats the issue?22:35
maxflaxIs there a channel for graphic drivers questions?22:35
sodashi Dr_Willis, the issue is with gparted (and installer) not recognizing my previous partitions22:36
rusivimaxflax: binary or open source?22:36
GeekSquidsechrist: that question might be better answered in #ubuntu-packaging ... channel is specific to deb authoring22:36
bearblackActionParsnip, it appears by using the UI at the top I can view an actual logged output. "File compressed with unknown method. Decompression not possible."22:36
mike123dr_willis_: that seems like it will do the job22:36
XiaolinDraconistime to give it a go22:36
maxflaxrusivi - binary22:36
Dr_Willis_sodas:  id try a ubuntu live cd. and see if gparted sees them22:36
rusivimaxflax: If nvidia or ati?22:36
mike123dr_willis_ :thank you i'll try it out :)22:37
sodasDr_Willis: I am running a Live CD22:37
maxflaxrusivi - ATI , have annoying watermark i want to remove22:37
luxurymodeIsmAvatar: i dont see the help > install new software in install i just did... wtf?22:37
rusivimaxflax: IDK about an IRC (checking) your only support option for binary support is ATI Linux forum (checking)22:37
mike123rusivi: i'll try cloning it to a partition on her hd, and when i get around to backing it up i'll back that up to some external media also. thanks!22:37
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sodasDr_Willis: fdisk shows all my partitions, gparted doesn't (shows the whole drive as unallocated space)22:38
IsmAvatarluxurymode: might be under a different name. That button has changed 3 times over the last 3 eclipse versions22:38
GeekSquid!hi | C_Okie22:38
C_Okiewas that a bitwise or insult22:38
luxurymodeIsmAvatar: i guess its help ? software updates?22:39
ionwindsome one how are good with testdisk??22:39
IsmAvatarluxurymode: yes22:39
Jordan_U!anyone | ionwind22:39
ubottuionwind: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:39
C_Okieor was that a nor gate22:39
sodasis there a channel specific to "installation help"?22:39
mikeobedais anyone able to help me with networking on my ubuntu server22:39
guntbertC_Okie:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:39
aeon-ltdsodas: ubuntu? then thats here22:39
GeekSquidC_Okie: sorry, that was me trying to use ubottu to say hi ... but apparently that one has been removed from the database... not an insult ... Welcome to Ubuntu22:39
ZirgHey Team, running 10.04.1 LTS here and I'm trying to get google-talkplugin to work on it. I pulled down and installed the package from Google's site, but as yet, the settings still state I have no video. How should I go about troubleshooting this??22:39
IsmAvatarluxurymode: check out eclipse help files. The whole method has changed.22:39
ionwindsorry sorry22:40
sodasaeon-ltd: yes22:40
luxurymodehaha ok thanks22:40
C_OkieOh I thought you were saying not high as in the logical not operator in C++ :)22:40
C_Okie*not hi22:40
hidnshadowsdoes anyone have any experience with "personal file sharing" that could help me set it up?22:41
sodasaeon-ltd: should I "pm" someone or just type away here?22:41
Jordan_Usodas: As this is a problem with parted (or rather, more likely that your partition table is invalid) try asking in #parted22:41
sodasJordan_U: thanks, on my way there22:41
C_OkieGeekSquid:  you speak #define *(uint*) 0x000000FF? :D22:41
mikeobedahidnshadows I just set up a file server last week, I could probably help22:41
Jordan_Usodas: You're welcome.22:41
GeekSquidC_Okie: I am not a programmer, so I don't get your humor... But regardless enjoy your stay in Ubuntu Support Channel22:41
ionwindis anyone expert o know good testdisk??22:41
luxurymodeIsmAvatar: help tells me to do help > install new SW, but it aint there..22:41
C_Okieoh ok thanks22:42
ionwindhi dys22:42
hidnshadowsmikeobeda I basically want an easy-medium toughness solution, for local network file sharing across OSes, like samba apparently22:42
Jordan_Uionwind: If there is, they won't be able to help you untill you actually ask a question.22:42
Mahjongghello, how can I create an encrypted folder in my home directory, that I'd like to mount from time to time22:42
Dr_Willis_!info encfs22:42
ubottuencfs (source: encfs): encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-1 (maverick), package size 396 kB, installed size 1920 kB22:42
dysfunctionis wifi ad-hoc mode supposed to be shitty? (around 50kB/s)22:42
C_OkieI have an interesting question, does anyone know of any  model analysis programs like FIA for engineers on ubunut?22:43
ZirgMahjongg, TrueCrypt?22:43
hidnshadowsdysfunction language please, and ad-hoc is computer-computer than computer-modem22:43
Zirganyone? google-talkplugin ???22:43
MahjonggZirg, which is FLOSS?22:43
guntbert!language | dysfunction22:43
mikeobedahidnshadows, alright, the computer you want to use to share files, is it ubuntu server you're using or is it ubuntu desktop?22:43
ubottudysfunction: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:43
C_Okielike something that will analyze the wind resistants of a model22:43
ionwindi need to recover my information on my disk ( i format it) can nayone help me please??22:43
rusivimaxflax: IRC = #ati22:43
hidnshadowsmikeobeda, desktop22:43
Jordan_Uionwind: How did you format it?22:43
embiopterid_hidnshadows: you can use either samba or apache22:43
dysfunctionad-hoc is a mode for wifi22:43
maxflaxrusivi - thanks22:43
GeekSquidI've just installed 10.10 on a Compaq Presario F700, everything works except the keymap... Some keys do not work, Like Left and Right arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down... Any ideas as to getting these keys working?22:43
dysfunctionmy 2 pc's are 5 feet apart22:44
hidnshadowsdysfunction it's computer to computer.22:44
ionwindby mistake i reinstal ubuntu in the wrong HD22:44
embiopterid_hidnshadows: apache for webdav, samba for windows-like file sharing22:44
aeon-ltdsodas: just type away here, if someone knows the answer and is watching they should reply22:44
ionwindall my live is in there :(22:44
embiopterid_samba is probably easier.22:44
GeekSquiddysfunction: perhaps there is interference on the channel.. try a different channel22:44
ionwindim not and expert in linux22:44
hidnshadowsdysfunction if it's slow, try a computer to wifi connection?22:45
ionwindyes mitzed22:45
Jordan_Uionwind: Not all your data will be possible to recover.22:45
IsmAvatarluxurymode: oh, sorry... darn outdated help files. Well yes, it's Software Updates. Then you type the update site URL in the URL area, and it should pop up. It's fairly straightforward from there. I have to eat right now, tho.22:45
mitzedu need  help22:45
philip_Hello could someone tell me how to get Samsung ML-1640 to print PDF files Please. Thank you22:45
ionwindok undertand22:45
hidnshadowsdysfunction wait, you want a device to device connection right? my bad22:45
mikeobedahidnshadows okay.  you'll want to install the samba-server package, and then you'll want to make user accounts for the other machines to connect to.  After creating the user accounts, you need to convert them from UNIX users to samba users.  Then you edit the /etc/smb.conf file to make sure that your ubuntu machine is in the same workgroup as the computers you want to access the server from.  you'll also need to set the samba pa22:46
kchkchkchna, ihr sexfreaks?!22:46
mikeobedassword for the samba users on your ubuntu machine with the sudo smbpasswd username command22:46
ionwindbut its a possibility to recover some?22:46
murmursI'm messing around with virtualhosts for Apache2 and I think I've messed things up a bit. I wish to completely remove Apache2, Php, MySQL and phpmyadmin, so that I can do a clean reinstall (and maybe put Django in there), anyone suggest what the best way to do this? I'm guessing merely 'apt-get remove '-ing won't cut it for the configurations, passwords etc?22:46
sodasaeon-ltd: Thanks. Moved over to //parted channel22:46
aeon-ltdphilip_: does it print anything?22:46
dysfunctionyea, you are right about channel interference22:46
aeon-ltdphilip_: like a strip of code or similar?22:46
hidnshadowsmikeobeda, mind if I pm? I'm really a low-level user22:46
GeekSquidmurmurs: sudo apt-get remove --purge package removes the configs as well22:46
ionwindJordan_u do u know how to di that?22:46
dysfunctioneveryone around here seems to be using the same chan for some reason22:46
mikeobedahidnshadows change the username in that command with the username of the samba user of course.  i'm not entirely sure how to go about doing everything from the command line, since I used the webmin application a lot.  everything I know came from the site http://havetheknowhow.com, I suggest you check out what is to offer there22:47
bastidrazormurmurs: apt-get purge will clear out the configuration files22:47
philip_Dysfunction yes it will print txt files ok22:47
bastidrazorGeekSquid: i'm a bit slow, it seems. :)22:47
murmursGeekSquid, really? seems a suspiciously simple solution, you know?22:47
embiopterid_murmers: you may want to make sure mysql databases are deleted as well22:47
ActionParsnipmurmurs: linux keeps things simple22:47
GeekSquidmurmurs: yep, I like to make things easy22:47
Jordan_Uionwind: First try following this guide to see if you can recover the filesystem just by restoring the partition in the partition table: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step22:48
mitzedionwind what you kept in ur hd?22:48
murmursindeed, it's a LOT simpler than my first experience with Linux (RedHat 7.4)22:48
z0mbieHas anyone successfully joined a Microsoft SBS 2008 domain with ubuntu 10.10 with likewise-open?22:48
Jordan_Uionwind: It's not likely to work in your case as you actually overwrote the partition rather than deleting it, but if it does work then most of your data should be accessable relatively easily.22:48
ionwindi try all ready jordan22:48
C_OkieAnyone know of a strucutual analysis program for ubuntu for mech engineers22:49
ionwindbut im cant fixes22:49
murmursembiopterid_,  won't mysql db be removed as part of the purge?22:49
hidnshadowsalright, so samba is going to be the easiest local filesharing system?22:49
Jordan_Uionwind: The you'll need to move on to photorec: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step22:50
rusivimaxflax: Support forums = AMD Open Source -> http://forums.amd.com/forum/categories.cfm?catid=310&entercat=y and/or Ubuntu Desktop Support -> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?s=d5918add09cab155aefea36ecab97de3&f=32922:50
zacktui've installed ubuntu as dual boot with windows xp several times -- used gparted to make an extended partition and then created several logical partitions -- i think i've read that dual booting with windows 7 is different -- is that so?22:50
rusivimaxflax: I'd try the AMD Open Source one first b/c your gonna get railed with suggestions to use the open source version of the graphics card if you post to Ubuntu Forums22:51
mikeobedaby far.  and by changing file permissions using the chmod command, you'll be able to grant some folders access to specific users.  samba is the most flexible for sharing folders across several oses.  it takes a little while to get a full understanding of it, but once you know what you're doing, I find it's the greatest22:51
sodaszacku: apparently it is. I'm struggling to do that (dual-boot with Win7) atm22:51
sasquatch1Anyone know if it is possible to get airpwn to work on a WPA/2 network? If not is there similar software to accomplish this?22:51
luxurymodehow can i install eclipse 3.6 classic in ubuntu?22:52
Jordan_Uzacktu: Not really. Vista/7 both use a separate "system" partition for the bootloader but as long as you don't delet that thinking it's useless (which a surprising amount of people do) you should be fine.22:53
Jordan_Uzacktu: Also, the Ubuntu installer will walk you through partitiong for dual boot automatically (and is known to work correctly with all versions of windows).22:53
Dr_Willis_zacktu:  its about the same from what ive seen. Win7 installs often have a 'boot' type partition. so One Win7 machine i have was  using 4 primary partitions.  I  put in a 2nd hd. to put linux on.22:54
Dr_Willis_zacktu:  so examine the win7 setup closely befor rying to install22:54
embiopterid_With some of the old framebuffer splash utilities it was possible to set console image backgrounds. Does plymouth fill do this or is this some other application now?22:54
rusivimurmurs: My first experience w/ Linux was also Red Hat (~ 2004) I found a glitch in gnumeric within a few minutes and told (naively) the person who introduced me to it at the time, "Have you heard of Windows? It doesn't have this problem." Not understanding how much money he saved per year on licensing cost avoidance. He just giggled at me as he was Ph.D. grad from Berkeley.22:54
itaylor57luxurymode: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE22:54
Dr_Willis_embiopterid_:  plymouth dosent use the framebuffer i thought it was using X.22:54
Dr_Willis_embiopterid_:  theres the fbset tools that may be able ot set the console wallpapers. (i hated that feature)22:54
itaylor57luxurymode: it shows how to install your own version22:54
sodasAny idea why installer doesn't recognize any partitions? (Windows is still working perfectly)22:54
zacktui'm going to buy a laptop, so a 2nd disk isn't likely -- are all 4 partitions primary?22:55
Dr_Willis_sodas:  pastebin the 'sudo fdisk -l' output perhaps.22:55
philip_aeon-ltd yes I can print txt but not PDF Thank you. I am new to XChat22:55
embiopterid_Dr_Willis: plymouth is using X? For sure?22:55
Dr_Willis_zacktu:  my new laptop - has 2 hard drives. :)22:55
Dr_Willis_embiopterid_:  theres Some reason Plymouht has issues with the Nvidia/ati drivers.. if its not using X. i cant imagine why it would be having the issues.22:55
luxurymodeitaylor57: thank you. new to linux. how do i install the package?22:55
mike123sudo apt-get install fsarchiver does not work?22:56
aeon-ltdphilip_: no i meant when you try to print the pdf22:56
sodasDr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/R4rXFvEa22:56
luxurymodeitaylor57: in package manager?22:56
Dr_Willis_zacktu:  on a low end Win7 desktop i bought on black friday. it was alrleady setup woth 4 primary partitions.. (very annoying)22:56
maxflaxrusivi - I would have used the open source alternative if it could handle 3D good22:56
itaylor57luxurymode: scroll down to User Install in the link I sent you22:56
embiopterid_Dr_Willis: actually, the framebuffers for those didn't work and you always had to generic drivers like uvesafb. I will look it up.22:57
philip_aeon-ltd no it just wont print I just get an error.22:57
luxurymodeitaylor57: awesome thanks22:57
itaylor57luxurymode: np22:57
Dr_Willis_sodas:  looks like you have 3 primary partitions.  You could use windows to resize one of them and leave part of the HD unallocated.22:57
zacktudr_willis: is 4 primary partitions all that are allowed?  so you can't just shrink them and create another?22:57
balbinotjenakillar vet ni hur man programerar in en bajs korv i datorn ?22:57
balbinoeller en snopp nått av dom spelar ingen roll22:58
Dr_Willis_zacktu:  4 PRIMARY max.. one can be an extended. that holds logicals..22:58
balbinoeller en snopp nått av dom spelar ingen roll22:58
balbinohahah jag skojade bara har nån en bajs korv till salu eller ?22:58
balbinohahah jag skojade bara har nån en bajs korv till salu eller ?22:58
Dr_Willis_zacktu:  so the Max would be like 3 primaries, one extended + lots of logicals in it.22:58
rusivimaxflax: I hear ya on that one, have you consulted -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver for info on 3D FOSS driver support for your chipset?22:58
mohamedhi evrybody22:58
mohamedsalut ts lmonde22:58
sodasDr_Willis: That's what I originally did. The 3rd partition is actually the "unallocated" one. I only formatted it under the Live CD while trying to get it to recognize the partitions22:58
=== Koopython is now known as Koopaway
Dr_Willis_sodas:  interesting message at the top of that paste -->  WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.22:58
mohamedjss nouveau ici22:59
mohamedla premiere fois ke jss sur ubuntu22:59
ZykoticK9!fr | mohamed22:59
ubottumohamed: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:59
Dr_Willis_sodas:  im not sure how GPT is differnt from  the other ways.. is this a mac? or normal pc?22:59
luxurymodeitaylor57: if i uninstall my current install should i also remove all the other technical items?22:59
luxurymodeitaylor57: or just eclipse itself?22:59
sodasDr_Willis: normal PC, a Sony VAIO laptop22:59
r00t4rd3dHow can I take 4 packages needed for my wireless card and turn them into 1 package for a 1 click install ?23:00
Dr_Willis_sodas:  perhaps they have it partitoned.. oddly..23:00
Dr_Willis_sodas:  you may need to do like it says. use gparted to resize them.23:00
itaylor57luxurymode: i would just do eclipse23:00
GeekSquidluxurymode: Did you know that freenode has an #eclipse channel?   /join #eclipse23:00
sodasDr_Willis: I'm guessing that would involve wiping out my old partitions/data?23:01
Dr_Willis_sodas:  no idea. Ive not used gpt.. reading that wiki page now its like the 'new' way to partition things. :) so that might be causing confusion.23:01
Dr_Willis_sodas:  try gparted - use it to resize, and make a / and swap partition. then retry the installer I g uess.23:02
Dr_Willis_sodas:  other then that. ive not ever had a similer proglem23:02
aimiomy small laptop ideapad s10-2 the headphone jack wont work and i have tried the fix for it you have to add a line to the alsa config something something.. but it ain't working, inbuilt speakers work fine just no headphone jack. any ideas=?..23:02
GeekSquidaimio: try alsamixer to have more control on sound card23:03
sodasDr_Willis: the resizing - would it mess up my current partitions/data? If not, anyway you could guide me through the process?23:03
Dr_Willis_sodas:  when in doubt.. back things up..  you could use windows to do the resizeing.23:03
Dr_Willis_sodas:  defrag,scandisk, backup... see if windows can resize.. if not try gparted.23:03
sodasDr_Willis: I already resized with Windows. The 3rd partition was unallocated space that I created in Windows23:04
Dr_Willis_sodas:  these days. i often just buy a 2nd hd for my new laptops to put linux on. I leave the windows HD in a secure place. :) and dont touch it.23:04
Dr_Willis_sodas:  ahh.. so you can use gparted. and just delete the 3rd and make  an 3rd and 4th partition. one of type ext4 for / and one for swap.23:05
Dr_Willis_sodas:  do that in gparted. then see if the installer sees them.23:05
sodasDr_Willis: hehe yeah that might be the way to go, unfortunately i don't have space in my laptop to insert a 2nd HDD23:05
sodasDr_Willis: how would I do that?23:05
Dr_Willis_sodas:  boot gparted live cd. or ubuntu live cd. and intall gparted.23:05
luxurymodeitaylor57: confused about the creating executable step. i opened nano, now what? how do i add the content?23:06
sodasDr_Willis: gparted doesn't show ANY partitions. Only 1 huge unallocated space23:06
Dr_Willis_sodas:  that is weird.  You could try a new gparted live cd. could be a bug in gparted.23:06
Dr_Willis_sodas:  or like that message said use that other tool.23:06
Dr_Willis_sodas:  interesting message at the top of that paste -->  WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.23:07
Dr_Willis_sodas:  gparted is a front end to 'parted' i thought.23:07
Dr_Willis_sodas:  so ive no idea why its not seeing them23:07
bastidrazorestornino: /join #leakspin   will connect you to that channel23:07
The_Rufusfor the love of <insert deity here> someone please help23:08
GeekSquidDr_Willis_: gparted is a frontend to parted ... fdisk is not compatible with ext4, or GUID23:08
itaylor57luxurymode: yes cut and paste the info into the file named eclipse23:08
The_RufusI'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 server 64 on my new server with a RAID5 array and for some reason only 4 drives are in the array23:08
aimioGeekSquid, still no luck :(23:08
The_Rufusafter 3 re-installs23:08
The_Rufusi've rebuilt the array 3 times23:08
The_Rufusdifferent drives every thime23:08
The_Rufuser -h23:08
GeekSquid!enter | The_Rufus23:09
The_Rufusmy head is going to explode23:09
ubottuThe_Rufus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:09
bearblacki am sorry but i can't locate the reply to my last message. but i thought i heard a beep23:09
Dr_Willis_I rember why i dont bother with raid any more.23:09
The_Rufusshow me an 8Tib HDD and I won't bother either23:10
bearblackMy problem now is that the ACE software from the software center can open my .ace I downloaded but the output says it can't determine the decompression23:10
adstatUbuntu 10.10 not communicating with Win 7 Share23:11
Dr_Willis_The_Rufus:  by xmas   i imagien they will be here. :)23:11
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: 3tib is not uncommon ... with 4 of those you'd have close to 12tib23:11
The_Rufusnot helping me right now though Dr_Willis_ ;)23:11
yshavitHi all, I'm trying to launch bpython-gtk, and I can from a terminal -- but I can't launch it from the "run application" dialogue unless I check "run in terminal" -- and then it throws up two windows, the bpython-gtk window and a blank terminal. Would there be anywhere that I can see log messages of what fails when I try without "run in terminal", so I can solve it?23:11
The_Rufushow can I pipe output to a pastebin in 10.10?23:12
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: install pastebinit23:12
luxurymodeitaylor57: thanks so much for your help. got it. though i didnt see an option for selecting icon when creating launcher23:12
Dr_Willis_The_Rufus:  err.. fom the wiki pedia page.. it says raid 5 = 3 disks max...23:13
Dr_Willis_The_Rufus:  Ive no idea if thats right or not...23:13
The_Rufusit's not. I have 4 disks in the 5 disk array23:13
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: is one a parity drive?23:13
adstatAny ideas why Ubuntu 10.10 wont connect to Win 7 shared computer?23:14
The_Rufusyea, RAID523:14
The_Rufusbut the array is "clean, degraded"23:14
adstatWindows computer can connect, and upload to ubuntu computer as guest23:14
The_Rufusso it's booting, but not recording parity since there are only 4/5 drives in the RAID5 array23:14
adstatSamba is installed too23:15
The_Rufusi have /boot on a usb flash drive and / is on the RAID array23:15
Dr_Willis_adstat:  theres a 'issue' with connecting to windows 7 - if win7 has that 'windows live sign in assistant' installed..23:15
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: Hardware Raid? or software raid? as in LVM23:17
The_Rufususing mdadm23:17
* Dr_Willis_ reads up on raid5 at -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_RAID_levels#RAID_523:17
Dr_Willis_Performance problems can be so severe that some database experts have formed a group called BAARF — the Battle Against Any Raid Five.[12]23:18
The_Rufuswell, time-critical isn't an issue here, this is a home server23:18
aimiomy small laptop ideapad s10-2 the headphone jack wont work and i have tried the fix for it you have to add a line to the alsa config something something.. but it ain't working, inbuilt speakers work fine just no headphone jack. any ideas=?..23:18
Dr_Willis_The_Rufus:  somthing is conruseing here.. You said you had a parity disk.. but   (quoteing) -->  RAID 5 distributes the parity data across the disks, while RAID 4 centralizes it on one disk,23:19
The_Rufuseither way, you lose one drives worth of space due to parity23:19
* Dr_Willis_ dont know a lot.. Im just reading..23:19
The_Rufusit's a 10Tb array, but only 8tb will be useable23:20
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: look at that section below where Dr_Willis_ posted the link.... Number of disks theoretically unlimited!23:20
zinadorkDoes anyone know how to get a synaptics clickpad  working?  I can't right click without a mouse.23:20
mike123dan louden23:20
Dr_Willis_GeekSquid:  we can raid the world!23:21
cody_hey, I accidentally remove the Volume icon from the toolbar, how do I go about getting it back?23:21
shcherbakGeekSquid: limited by number of blocks ;)23:21
zinadorkNot being able to right click is kind of a deal breaker23:21
bastidrazorcody_: the indicator_applet should be it23:21
GeekSquidDr_Willis_: Now if we could just raid google, microsoft, apple and oracle... then we would have all the toys23:21
The_Rufusi've d/l pastebinit, how to use?23:21
Dr_Willis_Raid, then pillage! then Plunder the Booty!23:22
bastidrazorThe_Rufus: pastebinit filename   or read the manpage.. man pastebinit23:22
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: cat something | pastebinit23:22
KM0201The_Rufus: command | pastebinit23:22
adstati should just put windows on this computer >.<23:22
cody_indicator_applet? what's that, i'll admit that i'm still fairly new to this.23:22
bastidrazorcody_: right click the panel > Add to Panel > Indicator Applet23:22
Dr_Willis_adstat:  i had 3 win7 machines causing issues. I removed that windows live sign in  thang from them. and they started playing nicely23:22
brokendatapointhow do i find out what version Ubuntu I am on?23:23
KM0201GeekSquid: i don't think you necessarily need cat for all commands, like lspci | pastebinit  will work fine23:23
cody_ah, thanks23:23
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: lsb_release -a23:23
GeekSquidbrokendatapoint: lsb_release -a23:23
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: in a terminal23:23
cody_that restored the other thing I wanted fixed.23:23
brokendatapointbastidrazor: thanks23:23
GeekSquidKM0201: just different options of doing the same thing23:23
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: you're welcome23:23
brokendatapointbastidrazor: cmd not found23:24
Dr_Willis_brokendatapoint:  check your spelling.. ?23:24
brokendatapointDr_Willis_: haha, copy & paste23:24
Dr_Willis_brokendatapoint:  or use tab key to complete commands/names.23:24
The_Rufusdamnit, how do you install it into the OS? i've un tar'ed it23:24
sodasDr_Willis: you might want to know that I solved the problem with gdisk (upon Jordan_U 's suggestion) and saw that i had both MBR and GPT. Remove GPT and all good23:24
SupertankerEvery so often Ubuntu decides that my huge home partition needs to be scanned at boot time, which takes about an hour and is extremely aggrevationg. I know how to disable, but I'd like to know--is it a *good* idea to disable it?23:25
Dr_Willis_sodas:   thats.. weird..23:25
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: pastebinit.... untar... uh .. i said "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"23:25
Dr_Willis_Supertanker:  its supposed to auto check the filesystem every 30 mounts or so many days.23:25
SupertankerMy CentOS EXT3 partitions do fine without boot scanning, or without such a long one, at any rate.23:25
Dr_Willis_Supertanker:   if its scanning mroe then that... you may be having some deeper issues.23:25
sodasDr_Willis: old laptop, about 3 years. I have installed hackingtosh, Vista, Win7 and a few Ubuntu versions over time. Guess experimenting has it's costs23:25
Dr_Willis_Supertanker:  i wouldent disable it.23:25
The_RufusGeekSquid: "Unable to locate package pastebinit23:26
rumpe1Supertanker, nope... better idea: don't mount every partition available at boot (just the ones you regularly need)23:26
SupertankerDr_Willis_, no, it's about every 30 days--but I have several partitions, and all of them are large.23:26
Supertankerrumpe1, like my home partition? =P23:26
SupertankerThat's the only one that could possibly be taking so long.23:26
rumpe1Supertanker, 10GB should be enough for home...23:26
Dr_Willis_Supertanker:  tune2fs can set the #'s of days and remounts.. I would set different FS's to be different # of days/remounts. so they all dont get scanned at the same time.23:26
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: it is in the universe repository23:27
Dr_Willis_!info pastebinit23:27
The_Rufussounds kinky23:27
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-2 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB23:27
ActionParsnipSupertanker: it is scheduled to scan very 30 mounts (I think it's 30), you can use hdparm (I believe) to set a higher value23:27
p_res10GB for home? Not for intensive data use it wouldn't be.23:27
Dr_Willis_my /home/ is like 2TB :)23:27
ActionParsnipSupertanker: how large is your "huge home" partition?23:27
ActionParsnipDr_Willis_: this could be a giggle...23:27
The_Rufusok, how do you enable universe then?23:27
brokendatapointbastidrazor: er my apologies ... was typing that into a Debian terminal not my Ubuntu, sorted thanks23:27
rumpe1p_res, you can always mount other partitions into /home ...23:27
ActionParsnipThe_Rufus: in software centre23:28
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: :) cat /etc/release would work in debian23:28
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: System>Administration>Software Sources23:28
The_RufusO.o, that sounds awfully GUI ActionParsnip23:28
=== sean is now known as Guest49695
brokendatapointbastidrazor: indeed23:28
ActionParsnipThe_Rufus: its for a user, so yeah (are they running server?)23:28
p_resrumpe1: Yeah, but why not just make things easier.23:28
chrisA1'lo all.23:28
The_Rufusdid I mention I'm running Server ed with CMD line only?23:28
brokendatapointtoo many terminal with too many SSH logins ...23:28
SupertankerActionParsnip, . Dr_Willis_ . , rumpe1, I know how to disable/change the scanning frequency values, it's just insanely annoying to have to do it at all. Why is ext4 so radically different as to require this? My other distros, with ext3, do not seem to do more than a cursory check at boot to make sure the filesystem was unounted cleanly23:28
SupertankerActionParsnip, about 200GB if I remember for this machine23:29
SupertankerI can't check because it is *STILL SCANNING*23:29
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: no you didn't .... sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list23:29
SupertankerMight be bigger23:29
SupertankerIt's been a long time since I set this machine up.23:29
ActionParsnipThe_Rufus: i see, then run:  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list    uncomment the lines with universe in them, press CTRL+X, Press Y, Press ENTER   then run: sudo apt-get update23:29
rumpe1p_res, depends how you define "easier" ... if you don't need your 2TB data daily, you don't need to mount the most of it daily...23:29
=== petr is now known as _bro
ActionParsnipSupertanker: i thought you were gonna say 10Tb or more, 200Gb isnt much dude23:29
SupertankerActionParsnip, well, it sure takes its time scanning :)23:30
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: maybe you could set PS1 prompts for different colors.. i have each box with a different username color.23:30
Dr_Willis_Hmm. id think 200gb sould scan in just a few min. tops.23:30
sinusoid i am trying to write a one liner to extract out of "HASH=(24F80B942FAECAF8546634CEFA6DF68B)"   what is between the ()23:30
SupertankerThe hard drive light is not on for most of the scan.23:30
The_Rufus./etc/apt/sources.list only has one line in it an nothing says universe23:30
sinusoidanyone know how to do it with grep?23:30
SupertankerIt also gets incrementall slower as it approaches 90%, ActionParsnip23:30
ActionParsnipSupertanker: if its that big it sounds like its tiring, you can use hdparm to set a higher mount number before autoscan kicks in23:30
SupertankerWhich makes me think that most of this scan is just bullturds.23:30
Dr_Willis_sinusoid:  perhaps sed/awk would be better.. i dont think grep does that.23:30
ActionParsnipsinusoid: I suggest you ask in #bash too23:31
brokendatapointbastidrazor: not a bad idea, am using MRXVT and have been out of Ubuntu/Debian for a while ...23:31
The_Rufusthink i might find a gun and sudo apt-get install bullets-in-skull23:32
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Color_Bash_Prompt23:32
p_resrumpe1: Yeah but I'd be giving a little more than 10GB. This is 2010 (almost 2011 lol), data takes up a lot more space than it did 10 years ago.23:32
wizardslovakhello people23:32
wizardslovakhow do i find chipset ?23:32
chrisA1I'm a noob setting up a file server with 10.10 Server as a learning exercise, trying to get wireless working. I'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo . However, 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' dies and requires a soft reboot, while iwconfig reports that wlan0 exists.23:33
shaggy2Hello I have an issue installing Wedalizer, it requires libz however I can not install in via aptiude or aot-get23:33
The_Rufuswizardslovak: lspci23:33
ActionParsnipTherstrium: /etc/apt/sources.list    should look something like this: http://pastebin.com/z7C6qU9M23:33
coolproHello, any possibilies to disable built-in speakers on my laptop?23:33
shaggy2*Hello I have an issue installing Wedalizer, it requires libz however I can not install in via aptitude or apt-get23:33
Dr_Willis_!find libz23:33
ubottuFound: libruby, libruby1.8, libzeitgeist-1.0-0, libzeitgeist-1.0-0-dbg, libzeitgeist-dev, libzeitgeist-doc, libzeitgeist-gio, libzephyr-dev, libzephyr4, libzip-dev (and 72 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libz&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all23:33
Dr_Willis_libz seems a rather... minimal name....23:34
brokendatapointActionParsnip: thanks23:34
shaggy2witch one would I be installing dr_willis23:34
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: ur, um .... that isn't right... apt won't work if there are no repos .... something strange going on here23:34
p_rescoolpro: Mute perhaps!23:34
ActionParsnipchrisA1: run:   sudo iwlist scan | less     do you find access points?23:34
GeekSquidshaggy2: zlib1g is what you neede23:35
shaggy2thank you geeksquid23:35
GeekSquidshaggy2: if I said paonia would you know what I meant23:35
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\[\e[0;32m\]\h\[\e[00;00;00m\]:\W\$ '    is mine for this laptop.. i mis-stated i change the host color23:35
The_Rufusi f%$king give up23:36
p_resThe_Rufus: What's up dude?23:36
coolprop_res: I can't mute separately or don't find it how to do it. when I plug in my headset I don't want build-in speakers to sound anymore23:36
chrisA1ActionParsnip: lo and eth0 don't support scanning, and the wlan0 entry is, verbatim, "Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down".23:36
shaggy2GeekSquid: apt-get command returned that zlib1g is already installed. yet I still cannot install webalizer23:37
ActionParsnipchrisA1: ok then run:   sudo lshw -C network    websearch the product line to find guides23:37
p_rescoolpro: When you plugin headphones, it should automatically disable the built-in sound anyway. Does it not?23:37
GeekSquidshaggy2: sudo apt-get update then try try again23:38
brokendatapointbastidrazor: using MRXVT it does not change the upper tab colour, they are red for inactive and blue for active23:38
shaggy2I done the update and upgrade last night23:38
shaggy2GeekSquid: I done the update and upgrade last night23:38
coolprop_res: none of Linux distributions that i've tried did it. The older versions of Ubuntu had this option, and i was able to mute it seperately, the newest one is kinda different.23:38
GeekSquidThe_Rufus: what happens when you sudo apt-get update23:38
brokendatapointbastidrazor: thanks anyway will get it sorted, might even go to a WM instead of a full DM like KDE23:38
GeekSquidshaggy2: what version of ubuntu?23:39
p_rescoolpro: Very odd. Have not heard of that/23:39
ActionParsnipcoolpro: is the system a laptop or branded pc, if so, what is the make and model please?23:39
marionis there a way to automaticaly dos xset -dpms whenever i log in23:39
Dr_Willis_marion:  .bashrc or .profile is one way23:39
ActionParsnipmarion: add it in your startup items23:39
ActionParsnip!startup | marion23:39
ubottumarion: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:39
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: that doesn't affect the tab color it changes the prompt color23:39
coolproActionParship: HP Compaq NC823023:39
shaggy2GeekSquid: Ubuntu 10.10 Server23:39
The_RufusI have built a server with 5 2Tb HDD's in RAID5. I have /boot on a usb flash drive and it boots fine. / is on my md0, but my RAID is degraded and a drive is missing. I've re-partitioned, re-formatted and rebuilt the array 3 times and therefore re-installed the OS 3 times. I'm about ready to blow my head off23:40
brokendatapointbastidrazor: yes i know, i thought you were talking about tab colours, my bad23:40
GeekSquidshaggy2: no trouble here... um, you got any extra repositories? you may need to add universe and multiverse repos to get everything needed23:40
bastidrazorbrokendatapoint: not a problem.  :)23:41
brokendatapointmessing with Cherokee on remote Debian Servers23:42
ActionParsnipcoolpro: try:   options snd-hda-intel model=auto position_fix=1 enable=yes    in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf    may work23:42
shawn146|ubuntuis anybody using Maverick Meerkat?23:42
GeekSquidshaggy2: personally I use Google Analytics for webalalysis, little more powerful, and easyer to use23:42
p_resActionParsnip: What if he's using Pulse.23:42
coolprowhat is pulse?23:43
ActionParsnipp_res: it will still be used23:43
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Yes, why?23:43
shaggy2GeekSquid: this is the ./configure message http://www.pastie.org/141852623:43
p_resActionParsnip: Fair enough.23:43
shawn146|ubuntuhow do i access CLI?23:43
GeekSquidshawn146|ubuntu: yep ... and a good portion of us are... please ask your next question23:43
shawn146|ubuntudid :P23:43
chris_osxthose Openbsd guys are crazy! http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxraschke/1095958534/23:43
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Alt+T23:43
aimiois there anyone that has any other ideas, trying alsa mixer, putting the line of text into the alsa config etc, (The problem is no sound from the headphone jack)..23:44
coolproThere is PulseAudio Preferences, but I never changed it.23:44
ActionParsnipshawn146|ubuntu: press CTRL+ALT+T23:44
shawn146|ubuntu"Log into the CLI in Application – Accessories – Terminal and select: / Windows/System32/config following manner:"23:44
brokendatapointchris_osx: i like the one in black ...23:44
shawn146|ubuntuoh CLI is terminal23:44
chris_osxbrokendatapoint: lol23:44
GeekSquidshaggy2: why are you trying to compile webalizer .... it is available in the universe repository .... sudo apt-get install webalizer23:44
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: CLI is terminal, yes.23:44
ActionParsnipshawn146|ubuntu: yes, CLI == (C)ommand (L)ine (I)nterface23:44
brokendatapointchris_osx: he is my kinda geek 8-)23:45
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Or you mean CTRL+ALT+F223:45
shaggy2GeekSquid: oh sorry was following a online help doc. thank you sorry for the noob moment23:45
mecoAre there any somewhat fancy games in existence, graphically speaking, for Linux? Not that needs a lot of CPU/GPU power, but with nice, bright colors and details. Everything I've seen is kinda dull....23:45
chris_osxmeco: tuxracer is legend23:45
p_resmeco: In comparison to Windows native games, I've found Linux gaming is exactly that, dull!23:46
adstatAny ideas why Ubuntu 10.10 wont connect to Win 7 shared computer?23:46
ActionParsnipmeco: try urban terror  or penumbra 9pid for but the demo is killer)23:46
coolproActionParsnip: should I run the command above in the terminal?23:46
GeekSquidI've just installed 10.10 on a Compaq Presario F700, everything works except the keymap... Some keys do not work, Like Left and Right arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down... Any ideas as to getting these keys working?23:46
brokendatapointadstat: cos it hates them?23:46
ActionParsnipadstat: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/23:46
ActionParsnipcoolpro: not sure23:47
shaggy2GeekSquid: I was wanting to installing it for multible domains, for eg. www.dom1.net/admin/webalizer and www.dom2.com/admin/webalizer23:47
ActionParsnipadstat: it is caused by Windows live messenger23:47
coolproActionParsnip: it says: options: command not found.23:47
ActionParsnipcoolpro: what are you trying to achieve??23:47
jdimatteowhere is it documented what kernel(s) are used by Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition?23:47
shawn146ok that was not funny23:47
shawn146i had run run abck up stairs cause of crtl+alt+f223:48
p_resjdimatteo: uname -a23:48
shawn146how do i get out of ctrl+alt+f2?23:48
jdimatteop_res: I don't have it installed yet -- I'm evaluating whether or not I will install it23:48
mecoI'm trying out tuxracer first then23:48
ActionParsnipshawn146: CTRL+ALT+F723:48
bastidrazorshawn146: more than likely ctrl alt F723:48
shawn146are you sure/23:48
ActionParsnipshawn146: yes23:48
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: CTRL+ALT+F823:48
shawn146whats f8?23:49
ActionParsnipmeco: urban terror is like counterstrike but with wall jumping and is completely free23:49
p_resjdimatteo: Ok.23:49
GeekSquidshaggy2: webalizer is run against apache log files... so if you have a log file in /var/log/apache2/access.log for one domain then the virtual host on the second domain needs to have a place where the log file exists like /var/log/apache2/seconddomain/access.log ... which is configured in your virtual hosts file23:49
ActionParsnipshawn146: the key next to f723:49
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: F8 is exactly that, F823:49
ActionParsnipshawn146: think F2   ....F823:49
p_resYou know your F8 key on the keyboard.23:49
shawn146|ubuntuf7 did it23:49
shaggy2okies thank you23:49
KM0201ActionParsnip: are you sure its f8?.. that doesn't work for me, its f723:49
mecoActionParsnip: Haha.. I have no idea what counterstrike is, but I'll check that one out also!23:49
jdimatteoI am evaluating whether or not to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - please helpL: where is it documented what kernel(s) are used by Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition?23:49
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Strange, it's F8 on my system.23:50
shawn146|ubuntui am using Maverick Meerkat23:50
ActionParsnipmeco: i suggest you do if you like games, its massive (although was much better in beta days )23:50
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: So am I.23:50
ActionParsnipKM0201: F8 seems to fly, Ive seen F7 work too. I always use guake personally ;)23:50
Jordan_Ushawn146: ctrl+alt+F7 (or sometimes F8).23:50
shawn146|ubuntuhow do i do this? "Log into the CLI in Application – Accessories – Terminal and select: / Windows/System32/config following manner:"23:50
mecoActionParsnip: I'm a very late bloomer to computer gaming.23:50
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: What do you want to do? What you say doesn't make sense.23:51
ActionParsnipmeco: grab urban terror: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65535523:51
shawn146|ubuntuwhats the folder for the drive?23:52
ActionParsnipmeco: http://afderrick.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/screenshot-urban-terror-1.jpg23:52
GeekSquidshawn146|ubuntu: /media/something23:52
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: What drive?23:52
mecoActionParsnip: urban terror, is that in any repository?23:52
shawn146|ubuntumy main os drive23:52
shawn146|ubuntuOS which is c23:52
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Your main system files are in /23:52
ActionParsnipmeco: i believe its in playonlinux repo23:52
shawn146|ubuntui am using a livecd23:52
ActionParsnipmeco: penumbra is damn scary and has an innovative gameplay style23:53
shawn146|ubuntuhow would i type it?23:53
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Well then what are you trying to do?!?23:53
ActionParsnip!info urbanterror23:53
ubottuPackage urbanterror does not exist in maverick23:53
p_res Help me!!23:53
shawn146|ubuntuhttp://twitteling.com/2010/06/reset-windows-7-passwords-with-linux-ubuntu/ #223:53
mecoActionParsnip: Fine, I'll add that too. Can any of these be played with others online?23:53
CromagActionParsnip: what is that game ?23:53
ActionParsnipmeco: urban terror is 100% online23:54
shawn146|ubuntuoh i liek that game23:54
KM0201Cromag: pretty cool shooter game   urbanterror.com23:54
ActionParsnipCromag: urban terror23:54
ActionParsnipor add this repo: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/getdeb_games?dist=lucid23:54
shawn146|ubuntubut i was banned from many servers23:54
ActionParsnipand you can install as normal23:54
mecoActionParsnip: You don't mean an online game? Like browser?23:54
ActionParsnipmeco: 3d online shooting, check some youtube vids out23:54
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Main system files are located in /23:55
shawn146|ubuntuso i would type in "cd/media/os/Windows/System32/config"23:55
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: sudo cd /media/os/Windows/System32/config23:56
ActionParsnipshawn146|ubuntu: sure, use tab to complete the folder names, makes things easier and accurate23:56
shawn146|ubuntuno such file or directory, and tab didn't doa thing there23:56
Cromagso it's like counter strike, duke, quake ?23:56
The_RufusOK interesting point. I have sda1, sdb1, (sdc1 is /boot on usb flash drive), sdd1, sde1 all partitioned according to fdisk as 2Tb each, and that makes up 4 of the 5 drives in the array. sdf has GUID partition table. Is this the reason my RAID isn't working?23:57
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: If you're running from livecd you'd have to use sudo command before the actual command, I think.23:57
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: Is the drive mounted?23:57
GeekSquidshawn146|ubuntu: do cd /media  .... then ls to see what the mountpoint is23:57
shawn146|ubuntui can access the drive with nautilus23:57
ActionParsnipCromag: yes, its built on the unreal engibe, so has wall jumping23:57
p_resshawn146|ubuntu: cd to /media and then tab complete and ls from there to find where you're going.23:57
michaelgamblehey what do you call the task of creating automated script that tests the functionality of a beta app23:57
michaelgambleim having a crazy brain fart i know thier is a word for it23:58
ActionParsnipmichaelgamble: case testing23:58
uberusercan anybody tell me how I can figure out what display driver I need to use, aside from the generic one ubuntu comes with?23:58
C_Okieare there good logic gate programs out there for ubuntu? I check logicsim and I can't end the wires23:58
mecoActionParsnip: When I added that repo, shouldn't I be able to install the game via Synaptic? I can't find it there.23:58
p_resOtherwise, ALT+F2 and type gksu nautilus and use Nautilus to do what you want to do.23:58
ActionParsnipmeco: yes it will be available, are you running lucid?23:58
mecoI don't know what lucid is23:59
ActionParsnipmeco: what does: lsb_release -a    output?23:59
ActionParsnipmeco: ok its hardy23:59

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