
marcosrorizhi guys,00:15
marcosrorizI created a job here, how can I activate it?00:16
ionstart jobname00:16
marcosrorizbut its not working00:17
marcosrorizroot@Onix:/etc/init# start tomcat00:17
marcosrorizstart: Unknown job: tomcat00:17
ionYou should find the error message in syslog.00:17
ionUpstart probably failed to parse /etc/init/tomcat.conf00:17
marcosroriznone error in syslog00:18
marcosrorizhere is my conf00:19
ionpre-start stop doesn’t mean anything. You might want pre-stop script. Also, you’ll probably want ‘exec "$TOMCAT_HOME"/bin/startup.sh’ and ditto for shutdown.00:20
marcosrorizhow do I make a stop/shutdown section?00:24
marcosrorizion, :300:39
ionpre-stop exec "$TOMCAT_HOME"/bin/shutdown.sh00:45
ionpre-stop script00:45
ion  exec "$TOMCAT_HOME"/bin/shutdown.sh00:45
ionend script00:45
marcosrorizI tried that, but I keep getting stop: Unknown instance: 00:45
ionThat probably means 0) starting it failed, or 1) startup.sh daemonized and exited, causing Upstart to think it stopped.00:46
marcosrorizit's running ok (since I can browse tomcat page)00:47
marcosrorizprobably option 100:47
ionUpstart’s current fork-following code is still preliminary and a bit tricky to use. It should be easiest just to make it stay in the foreground.00:48
marcosroriz:) cool00:48
marcosrorizI hope I can help the project too00:48
marcosrorizis it on c?00:49
marcosrorizI'm not very good on C01:04
Jordan_UI am currently having a problem where many processes are becoming defunct even though they are owned by init. Does this suggest a bug in init (upstart in this case)?20:42
Jordan_UI'd like to keep this machine running to be able to provide more debug information but it's getting more and more unuseable, and it's my main machine.21:24

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