
mr_pouitochosi: I think jeromeg is on it06:33
mr_pouitand yeah, we can discuss the panel more, just ping me06:33
mr_pouitand yeah², the first start is very slow (because of gvfs iirc); maybe jannis knows what we can "preload" to improve that.06:34
ochosimr_pouit: good morning :)08:28
ochosimr_pouit: the main thing i'm uncertain of is the bottom panel. i mean whether we really need/want it (by default)08:29
mr_pouitochosi: maybe only a dock-like bottom panel ?09:09
mr_pouithmpf, that's already present in the first iteration ;-)09:10
ochosiwell, the problem with the "dock-like" is that in the xfce-panel we can't combine open windows and starters09:11
mr_pouityou mean, like windows 7?09:12
ochosiyeah, or like macos for that matter09:12
ochosidocky basically does that too09:12
ochosiso, you're in favor of the bottom panel?09:16
mr_pouitI think people are used to launcher icons, and if we put them on the top panel it will be a bit 'overcrowded'09:26
ochosiyes, i think so too09:31
ochosii mean i don't use launchers, therefore i wasn't sure whether "the general public" needs that09:32
mr_pouitneither do I, but I think they use it ;>09:32
ochosiso we can keep it this way09:46
ochosiauto-hidden by default09:46
ochosiso it's not too much in the way09:46
mr_pouitis there a meeting today?16:20
ochosigood question16:22
ochosithis would probably be the first time i could make it :)16:22
charlie-tcaDo you have updates?16:25
charlie-tcaI am willing to have one16:25
ochosiwell, i'm working on a new default panel layout16:26
ochosiyou can see iteration1 here: http://wiki.knome.fi/shimmer:xfce-panel16:26
ochosifeedback appreciated16:26
ochosithe only thing that's incorrect in that screenshot is that the windowlist would have the titles enabled16:27
ochosialso: we've settled on elementary as default icon theme for natty16:28
ochosii'll fix it together with upstream16:28
ochosii'm still working on the gtk and xfwm themes, both are not final yet16:28
ochosii guess that's pretty much all the news from my side :)16:28
charlie-tcaI am using that layout, with the addition of a third panel for workspaces. I added it to the bottom, as a "grow as needed" panel, with a space between it and the launcher panel16:29
charlie-tcaMy eight workspaces took too much room on the top panel16:30
ochosiwell, not sure whether eight workspaces is the typical use-case :)16:31
charlie-tcaheh, no?16:31
ochosibut yes, the desktop-switcher is maybe one thing that's missing in my layout16:31
ochosido you think it should be there?16:31
charlie-tcaYeah, I need it16:31
charlie-tcaI think many of our users do use more than one workspace, but that is an advanced thing16:31
ochosik, i'll try to make iteration2 soon and integrate it16:32
ochosiwould you mind posting a screenshot of how your panels look right now?16:32
charlie-tcaYou do know the default for ubuntu 10.10 was 2, right?16:32
charlie-tcamost users that are not experienced will not use workspaces at all16:32
ochosiyeah, i know16:33
ochosithat's why i didn't put the switcher there until now16:33
ochosibut we can try and see how it looks in the top-panel16:33
ochosiunless you think we don't need it16:33
charlie-tcaI don't know if we need to add it, or just release note that the user is welcome to add it16:34
ochosiabout the bottom launcher panel:16:34
ochosii briefly discussed this with mr_pouit recently, he said he thinks people need launchers16:35
charlie-tcaIf the user doesn't use workspaces, they won't even know it is gone16:35
charlie-tcaI like the launcher panel16:35
ochosiok, then we should focus on what we'd like to have there by default16:35
ochosiwhat do you think about having it on autohide by default?16:35
charlie-tcahate it16:36
ochosii thought that would be a good idea not to lose too much vertical space16:36
charlie-tcahere's the screenshot - http://imagebin.org/13025816:36
ochosiof course we can also put the second panel on the left side (like ubuntu does with unity)16:36
charlie-tcaWe have two panels in all the releases, how would changing the bottom panel to a launcher panel change that?16:37
charlie-tcaI tried the panel on the side. It is ugly and screws up text if used16:37
ochosii never really liked the two-panel layout16:38
charlie-tcaI would really like to see orage clock replace that clock we use, too16:38
ochosisure, that's already there16:38
ochosii don't see a definite reason for having two panels. up to now the top panel was a complete waste if you ask me16:38
charlie-tcaI also use the orage world time clock, as you see16:38
ochosii mean a waste of space16:38
ochosiyeah, i like that16:38
charlie-tcaThat is clicking on orage with the middle button16:39
charlie-tcaand then adding the timezones. I find it convenient16:39
ochosiyour resolution is definitely high enough so that the second panel won't matter much, but people who have netbooks or <=13'' laptops...16:39
ochosiyeah, orage worldclock is a nice thing16:39
ochosidon't really get why it wasn't there by default in previous releases16:40
charlie-tcaI wonder if we can't make the top panel shrink too, and let it grow as windows are opened and closed?16:40
ochosihm, not sure, it's not something i would like :)16:41
charlie-tcaIf we used a no text launcher panel, it would work on the side16:41
charlie-tcaThat is the reason unity is icons only, I think16:41
ochosiyeah, i think the text-launcher panel is out of the question16:41
ochosithe texts are mostly too long16:41
ochosiok, anyways, g2g now16:42
charlie-tcaThe way I use it, with workspaces on a separate panel, the side panel screws me up16:43
charlie-tcaworth thinking about, though16:43
ochosiin case i don't make it to the meeting you at least now the status quo now :)16:43
ochosiif there even will be a meeting16:43
charlie-tcamr_pouit: do we want a meeting today?16:44
ochosino problem16:44
charlie-tcaI forgot to send the reminder out16:44
ochosihm. so maybe we would be the only attendees anyways16:44
ochosiguess in that case i'll find other things to do )16:45
charlie-tcaOh, yeah, I add launchers to the launchers, too. like under firefox, I have email, terminal, newsreader16:45
ochosimhm, maybe we can work on a list of launchers we'd like to have in the launcher panel16:45
ochosinow that we've decided to have one16:45
charlie-tcathat would be good16:46
ochosiand i'll try to put the launcher panel on the side and on the bottom so that we can see the difference16:46
ochosi(even though maybe you have to use it to see whether you like it)16:46
charlie-tcaI think at least put in firefox, mail, thunar16:46
ochosiyeah, and maybe the xfce-settings16:46
charlie-tcaI been using this launcher thing since 4.7 came to natty16:46
ochosiwe also should think about default dimensions16:47
ochosicurrently it's 24px top panel16:47
charlie-tcahm, maybe abiword too?16:47
ochosiyeah, maybe16:47
ochosiand software center16:47
charlie-tcaI couldn't use the small panel, so I gave it up for "big"16:48
charlie-tcaI think mine are at 40 now16:48
ochosisure, your screen-resolution is high enough16:48
ochosibut on a small laptop-screen this would steal too much space imo16:48
charlie-tcaeven on small screens, I have to make it big to see the things16:48
charlie-tcayeah, I am not good when it comes to deciding sizes, since my eyes are not doing good again16:48
ochosisorry to hear that16:49
* charlie-tca shrugs16:49
charlie-tcajust something to live with16:49
ochosii'll try to discuss it with mr_pouit and maybe a few others16:49
charlie-tcagood idea. 16:49
ochosik, rly g2g now16:49
ochosisee you around16:49
* ochosi waves16:50
ochosioh, and in case i don't manage to stop by before that: happy new year16:50
charlie-tcaSame to you16:50
ochosithx, bye16:50
charlie-tcaEnjoy it16:50
charlie-tcamr_pouit: are we going to activate the "software-sources" menu item for Natty?16:56
charlie-tcaUbuntu is no longer using it since 10.10, but we could16:57
charlie-tcaOTOH, if we use "Application Finder" for the menu, it is there under System16:59
mr_pouitI don't have any update =]17:16
charlie-tcaheh, then let's not have the meeting. We will have one next week, though17:16
mr_pouitand I will still be in the train when the meeting starts I'm afraid =(17:16
charlie-tcaWell, then...17:17
charlie-tcaHave a really happy New Year's17:17
micahgBy next week we'll hopefully have a schedule for 10.04.217:19
charlie-tcaThat would be really good17:19
ochosimr_pouit: heya, just realised that the version of the time-out panel-plugin we're having in xubuntu is really ancient, any chance we could update that from git to version 1.0 until natty?20:09

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