
LapcrowCan someone help me change default file manager from Thunar to Nautilus?01:24
well_laid_lawnisn't there preferred applications in the menu? - not on a xfce box atm to check01:33
well_laid_lawnLapcrow: look at man update-alternatives too01:38
Lapcrowthe preferred applications only allows you to change terminal, mail reader and browser01:39
well_laid_lawnlook into update-alternatives then01:41
EarthShakerHello, Anyone here?01:46
EarthShakerguys i changed my ubuntu 10.10 to xubuntu 10.10 doing sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop... after rebooting, the loading screen is still ubuntu (the purple and orange one)... anyone knows a fix?01:50
charlie-tcawhich loading screen? The one during the boot, or the one during login?01:57
EarthShakerduring the boot01:57
charlie-tcathat's normal01:57
EarthShakeri followed this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce01:57
charlie-tcaThe Ubuntu plymouth screens are normal.01:58
EarthShakerIs there anyway to change it?01:58
EarthShakerI don't like the look :D01:58
charlie-tcaI see01:59
LapcrowI decided to make my own (crappier) places menu02:06
LapcrowUsing a list of launchers. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10323805/hoboplaces.jpg <-- There. It's not pretty but it gets the job done.02:07
ShootEmUphello there!02:09
Tekk_Is there any way to see what previous operations have been done by aptitude/synaptic/etc?02:32
xubuntu925Howdy Howdy!07:50
=== xubuntu925 is now known as DarkPrinceNH
DarkPrinceNHIt's quite quiet in here today...07:53
uBUXUBugood morning technicians08:25
linuxman410the website talks about memory requirments what about processor requirements13:21
well_laid_lawnit depends on what you want to do - flash websites need more power to view13:24
well_laid_lawnsomething above a 500mhz pent3 should be ok for the basics I would think13:25
giuseppe_i just installed xubuntu and the boot splash doesnt show, not even text shows up13:37
well_laid_lawnthat'll be something with the graphics card I suppose you have a newish intel card?13:38
giuseppe_no, its an old computer13:38
well_laid_lawndo you know the card?13:39
giuseppe_no, how do i find out?13:39
well_laid_lawnif you can get into the system   lspci | grep -i vga13:40
well_laid_lawnin a terminal13:40
giuseppe_VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. 86c360 [Trio 3D/1X], 86c362, 86c368 [Trio 3D/2X] (rev 01)13:40
well_laid_lawnafaik the trios have pretty bad support13:41
well_laid_lawnbut I could be wrong13:41
giuseppe_maybe because the screen has weird stuff sometimes13:42
linuxman410i have never been able to get a s3 trio to work in linux ever not right any way13:42
giuseppe_i guess i should be satisfied with this performance :P13:43
linuxman410i have had good luck with ati nvidia and intel graphics cards13:45
well_laid_lawnyou could try removing splash from the end of the kernel line in /etc/default/grub and doing   sudo update-grub to see if you could at least get some text showing13:46
giuseppe_in that file, the word splash is only found in : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"13:48
giuseppe_do i comment that line?13:48
well_laid_lawnno just remove splash from the end13:49
giuseppe_like that?13:50
well_laid_lawnyep that's it13:50
giuseppe_k thanx13:50
well_laid_lawnnow do in terminal   sudo update-grub13:50
giuseppe_a ya i forgot13:51
giuseppe_/etc/default/grub: 33: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution13:52
well_laid_lawncheck line 3313:52
giuseppe_33 there is nothing13:53
giuseppe_is the end13:53
well_laid_lawnwhat does line 33 look like?>13:53
giuseppe_32 is the last line: #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1"13:54
giuseppe_33 is blank13:54
well_laid_lawncheck the line you edited to make sure it ends with as   "13:54
well_laid_lawncheck the line you edited to make sure it ends with a   "13:54
giuseppe_ya i used ""13:55
giuseppe_maybe was expecting another " at the end13:55
well_laid_lawnk maybe paste the whole file13:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:55
giuseppe_no i see my mistake13:55
well_laid_lawnok :)13:55
giuseppe_now it works13:56
giuseppe_ya im gonna delete windows now :P13:57
well_laid_lawnok :)13:59
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=== nciofs is now known as nicofs
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dale__Hey guys, curious to know if there's a solution to a prpblem I have.. If I play a movie file it freezes after a couple of minutes and the program becomes unresponsive, and when playing .mp3 files I get an error saying Disconnected: Connection Terminated16:41
Sysihave you tried other player?16:41
dale__Yeah, it freezes as well16:42
dale__And with mp3 files I get the same error16:42
well_laid_lawnhow much memory in the system?16:43
dale__512mb, with audacious the program itself just freezes, it doesn't give an error16:44
well_laid_lawnthat should be enough - are they local files or mounted from another comp?16:44
dale__The movie is on the same disk as the OS, but the mp3s are on a mounted hard disk16:45
well_laid_lawnseems like there's a bad connection for the mp3 disk16:47
dale__hmm, any idea why the movie would act up?16:47
well_laid_lawnsomething with the vid card driver or vid card temps maybe16:48
dale__damn :-(16:49
dale__Alright cheers16:49
ShootEmUphello everyone17:40
bittincomputer porn: http://shuffling.se/forum/index.php?topic=497.msg24190#msg2419018:06
ShootEmUpbittin, lol, but I think that belongs in #xubuntu-offtopic18:07
IdleOneI know for sure it doesn't need to be cross posted in 4 different ubuntu channels18:09
charlie-tcaIdleOne: want to ban bittin here, too, and keep it all with one op?18:10
IdleOnecharlie-tca: I removed the bans18:11
IdleOneif you want to ban them here, that is up to you18:11
charlie-tcaShootEmUp: it does not belong in any channel18:11
ShootEmUpohh, okay18:11
IdleOnethe link itself is not bad. What caught my eye was the porn part.18:11
ShootEmUpyeah, it's just wallpapers18:12
charlie-tcaThat was what caught me too. I haven't even looked at the link18:12
ShootEmUpnot naked people18:12
IdleOnebittin: Please don't do that again18:12
ShootEmUpIt's safe18:12
charlie-tcaWe do not advertise porn at all18:12
bittinIdleOne: ok18:13
IdleOneif you want to share your desktop that is fine but do it in a -offtopic channel and don't describe it as porn. you set off red lights all over my irc client18:14
bittinwill remember that18:19
ShootEmUpbittin, don't worry, everyone get I troble with the mods atleast once18:20
ginethi, i have this problem vmware-server-console messes up my keyboard after using a guest18:29
ginetand i use xubuntu18:29
ginettried some fixes on the web that didnt work18:30
beardygnomecharlie-tca: are we still on for the xubuntu meeting?19:02
charlie-tcaI think we will cancel, sorry19:02
beardygnomehow come?19:02
charlie-tcagot no participants19:03
charlie-tcaNote the response I got in #ubuntu-meeting?19:03
nicofsI've got two sound cards... where to i tell my pc to which the audio signal shall go?20:05
jktriggQuestion: Is there a gui configuration interface for Bluetooth?  If so, is it installed by default?21:25
TheSheep!bluetooth | jktrigg21:40
ubottujktrigg: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:40
jktriggThanks, ubottu!21:43
jktriggActually, Xubuntu installed bluez by default; the problem was it didn't install a GUI configuration panel.  Installing gnome-bluetooth did it for me.21:45
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:54
ShootEmUphello everyone22:24

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