
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
=== frakturfreak_ is now known as frakturfreak
shakaranHi, How I can change the default python interpreter for bazaar? some .conf file?02:14
bob2the shebang02:16
shakaranbob2: thanks! works like a charm!02:20
chxi am wondering whether there is any way to automatically commit? like, one save in the tree, one commit. inotify, i guess06:42
chxah inotify-cron, thanks :)06:46
LeoNerdYou don't really want automatic commit. The point of revision-based VCSes, is that you make a commit with a sensible message containing all the relevant changes, in one go11:39
idlecooli have a local branch of a Open Source project on which i have made some changes, committed and pushed to lp: on my private branch.14:03
idlecoolwhat should i do to revert changes to match with the parent branch. (undo the changes which i have made.)14:04
idlecooli had a bad practice to do bzr uncommit, bzr revert but i think there should be a more elegant way.14:05
=== HeinChef is now known as fallast

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