
=== karina is now known as Guest20042
atumhello everyone .....just installed kubuntu last night . no sound . any help00:55
Scutumhello, Im trying to get my girlfriend to switch to linux, what would be the most recommendable user friendly easy to use version?00:56
atumubunto or debian ... if migrating from linux install kde cause it has an interface that looks like windows00:57
atumsorry i meant migrating from windows00:58
atumthere is a lot of online support and with 3 or 4 commands she will be able to install almost anything00:59
Scutumwhy should I pick kubuntu instead of ubuntu?01:00
matematikaaditatum: what did you mean with no sound?01:00
atumwell it has sound on the login , but if i play a video it has no sound01:01
atumi have the alsa drivers updated01:01
James147Scutum: the main difference between kubuntu and ubuntu is the desktop envrioemtn, ubuntu uses gnome and kubuntu use kde... which is better is an entrly presonal prefence and I suggest you try both and see which you think she will like more01:03
atumi like both but i believe for a fresh windows migrator kde kinda gives them a extra motivation01:06
MrUnagiwhy is samba sharing so difficult in kubuntu01:11
matematikaaditatum: what kind of machine do u use?01:12
atumgateway m series01:13
atumgateway m-6823a01:13
atumwhen i do a lspci i get "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:15
atumuname -a "2.6.32-27-generic-pae #49-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 00:07:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux"01:15
EagleScreenMrUnagi: samba sharing has many improvements in the current development, you will see them in Kubuntu 11.0401:18
* James147 has been waiting for those improvements since 10.04 :p01:19
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AlbertoHi, is there someone with pppoe connection??01:23
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ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up01:54
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rtdosi forgot, what's the command to adjust volume through the command line?02:11
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BajKWhere can I get a full list of installed packages? I know there is dpkg -l which is fine but how can I get this list "external" i.e. when running another linux?02:47
BajKis there a plain text file or something that contains a similar list? (names of packages would be sufficient)02:48
well_laid_lawn!clone | BajK02:54
ubottuBajK: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:54
BajKeh... that's no answer to my question02:55
rtdosi changed themes, to one of the other built in themes and when my mouse hovers over close, the icons disappear, is this normal?03:12
rtdosactually i'm talking about the  window decarations.03:15
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rtdosdamn. can't spell tonight.03:15
James147rtdos: try loggin out and back in, if that dosent fix it then there is probally a problem with the theme03:15
rtdosOK. the theme in question is olympic03:16
rtdosit worked, james, but my oxygen icons are messed up.03:19
rtdosis there a cache somwhere i need to clean out?03:19
rtdosactually it's my crystal icons that are messed up.03:20
James147rtdos: whats messed up about them?03:23
rtdosthey look corrupted / scrambled03:24
James147rtdos: :s then try changing the icon theme theme03:29
rtdosi did. the only one that seems to work without looking corrupted is monochrome.03:31
rtdosjames, is there a cache or something i need to clean out or how do i reisntall the icons themes? (i'm using the one that came with kubuntu using the sudo apt-get install kde-all option)03:35
rtdosi haven't installed any extra icon themes.03:36
James147rtdos: not sure if reinstalling would help... (also dont know the package name  :)  )  and I dont know exactly where the cache might be (try the ones in .kde)03:37
James147or .icon03:37
rtdosok i'll look there.03:38
rtdoswhat does .cache contain?>03:38
rtdosthere is no single utility to delete cache files and folders is there?03:41
James147rtdos: dont know exactly, :) but I have delteded it before... without any noticaly side effects03:44
rtdosok. deleted i'm gonna reboot and see if that helps.03:45
rtdoswhen minimizing and maximizing windows is there a way to adjust the animation speed?03:55
James147rtdos: system settings > desktop effects    there you should beable to adjust the global animation speed, or indivdually on some of the effects03:58
Paddy_NIDoes anyone know how to get maximised windows to undecorate in kde?03:58
Daskreechrtdos: should be03:58
Daskreechwith desktop effects03:58
DaskreechPaddy_NI: write a script for it03:59
rtdosi'm not sure what i'm looking for.03:59
* James147 knows that plasma-netbook does it by default, but dosent know how to make plasma-desktop it off by hand03:59
Paddy_NIDaskreech: you are forgetting the "first become a programmer" bit03:59
James147rtdos: on the general tab of desktop effets "animation speed:"03:59
DaskreechPaddy_NI: You'd be surprised how simple they are to write04:00
rtdosdoh! if it were a snake it would've bit me. :)04:00
Paddy_NIaint got the time or real interest at the moment04:00
Paddy_NIwas really just wondering what plasma-netbook uses to achieve this effect04:00
Daskreechwell rules04:01
Paddy_NIDoes it perhaps add a rule to window specific overrides04:01
Daskreechbut effectively the same thing04:01
Paddy_NII wonder what the line is04:01
* James147 has a feeling you can add an option to ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktoprc... but is unsure04:02
Paddy_NImaco: Mind sharing your brain for a sec?04:04
DaskreechJames147: might be possible. The rules are in plasma-netbook so might be able to toggle them there04:04
James147^^ hmm dosent seem to be doing it in plasma-netbook here :s04:06
Paddy_NII am using the air for netbooks theme but its not really changing anything04:06
James147duh... kwin not plasma... http://hanschen.org/2010/04/01/hide-window-border-for-maximized-windows/04:08
Paddy_NIJames147: Excellent man thanks a bunch :)04:09
rtdosha! ha! ha! i think i found a bug in either kde, kubuntu, or firefox: i just changed my icon settings, desktop effects, etc. and lost my forward / backward icons in firefox. relation somehow?04:11
rtdosi just duplicated it, too.04:12
BajK_rtdos: would you mind posting it to kde bug tracking system? (:04:14
BajK_or at mozilla04:14
rtdoswhere ?04:14
rtdosshould i post it in both?04:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:15
rtdosany idea where or how to report it to mozilla ?04:17
James147rtdos: might not be mozillas problem, I would report it to ubuntu first04:18
James147(as far as I know kubuntu dose some things to intergrate firefox better with kde04:19
James147firefox-kde-support  << is responsible for that i think04:19
rtdosOK, will do. thanks guys.04:20
rtdoswhat's the difference between aptitude and apt-get ?04:26
James147rtdos: they are two different programs that essentially do the same task...04:26
Daskreechrtdos: one does more helpy stuff one is more configurable but really annoyingly split up04:27
James147rtdos: I prefure aptitude over apt-get as I find it more intuative to use... and it has a nice terminal-gui when run without arguments :)04:27
Daskreechand it's the one app whereas Apt needs like 4 different commands04:33
Daskreechapt-get apt-cache apt-file apt-cdrom04:34
iLinuxhow to change WM in kubuntu to compiz?04:34
rtdosahaoa, ok, thanks james.04:35
DaskreechiLinux: compiz --replace04:35
James147iLinux:  System settings > deafult applcations > window manager ....04:36
rtdosunder desktop settings how do i set the translucency for the task bar?04:36
James147iLinux: but I have to ask, whats wrong with kwin ? :)04:36
James147rtdos: you dont, thats a theme thing... need to edit the theme or use one with the transparency you want04:36
iLinuxJames147: i don't know, often i change decor (download) it's close automatically, but there's no response with the Decor04:37
rtdosoh. ok.04:37
iLinuxoh... oh yea.. I need to change to KDE first.04:38
tiagohi... how do i install codec "vcdxrip" in k3b?04:41
iLinuxSorry how to change WM to compiz again?04:42
James147iLinux: System settings > deafult applcations > window manager ....04:42
DaskreechiLinux: compiz --replace04:43
rjwiiiDoes KDE have a applet like gkrelm for monitoring the MB?04:52
woodzydoes anyone know why radio tray does not work under kde ?04:53
Tm_Trjwiii: there is several, most simple is system load viewer04:56
rjwiiiTm_T:  I like how gkrelm stays on the desktop ... where is "system load viewer"?04:58
Tm_Trjwiii: in desktop, rightclick and select "add widgets"04:59
valoriewoodzy: what is "radio tray"?05:02
valorieI've never heard of that05:02
woodzya radio player that sits in the system tray - http://radiotray.sourceforge.net/05:03
woodzywonder if it needs some of the libraries from gnome?05:03
woodzyit loads in the tray but won't play any stations.05:04
timboyanyone know how to use the ubuntu SSO from login.ubuntu.com as an openid?05:04
valoriedid you load it from packages?05:04
valorieit should have pulled in what it needs05:04
woodzyyes i used sudo apt-get install to retrieve it.05:05
woodzydo you see it valorie?05:12
valorieyes, sorry05:20
valoriecan you start it from the console, so you get some readout when you try to use it?05:20
valoriebecause there could be a number of problems05:21
valorieperhaps it isn't "calling out" -- telling the station "send me a stream"05:21
valoriethe stream itself could be dead, or the URL mangled05:21
valorieyou could have sound problems- it's playing, but you can't hear it05:22
valorieif you are using gstreamer, that doesn't stream05:22
valorieoddly enough, given the name05:22
valorieI have an old dog who gets restless at night sometimes05:25
valorieplays most media formats (based on gstreamer libraries)05:26
valorieafaik, gstreamer as a backend to phonon doesn't work on streaming05:26
valoriebut maybe it's used directly, rather than as a backend05:27
valoriein general, KDE uses phonon with backends05:27
Daskreechvalorie: :-) Hah nice observation05:31
valorielots of experience with Amarok and streaming05:32
valoriebut thanks05:32
valorieI've tried to use other stuff to listen to radio, but I always come back to Amarok05:33
Daskreechi'm ashamed to say I use kaffiene for that05:33
valorieno shame to anyone05:33
valorieuse what you like05:33
valorieas do I05:33
valoriemy husband is a Windows user05:33
geekosophervalorie: I use mpg123 for radio, 0/05:35
Daskreechvalorie: Ah poor man :)05:35
geekosopherDaskreech: frugal living is a virtue05:36
Daskreechtrying to make a deb and it keeps coming out with only the config files05:36
geekosopherits 70MBs vs. 600KBs Daskreech05:36
Daskreechgeekosopher: I like a touch of indulgence05:36
Daskreechgeekosopher: hitting Ctrl+F9 is a nice pleasure for example05:37
geekosopherDaskreech: nice, its the first time I came to know about it ;)05:38
DaskreechSo I guess i shoudl prompt you to try typing the name of the program that you want?05:39
valoriewell, it would be better to do it in an actual console05:41
valorieso you have the output to look at05:41
valoriedunno if f9 will do that for you05:41
geekosophervalorie: when I open a .pls file in amarok, it adds 3-4 items in playlist; all playing the same channel, is it the file or amarok?05:43
Daskreechvalorie: guess you haven't tried Ctrl+F9 :)05:43
valoriethat would be the file05:45
valorieI've never seen that05:45
valoriegive the file URL and I'll try it05:45
valoriethe stuff I'm listening to now is just funny05:46
* valorie is listening to Engel by Rammstein on 20 Years on MTV: 1997 [Amarok]05:46
valorieI like the whistling05:46
geekosopherany http://listen.sky.fm/public3/guitar.pls valorie05:46
valoriejust one stream05:47
* valorie is listening to Stream (http://u15c.sky.fm:80/sky_guitar) [Amarok]05:47
valoriewhich leads me to believe they have more than one format or something05:48
geekosophervalorie: thanks, just wanted to confirm :)05:51
valorieby the way, I "added stream" with the same URL you gave me05:52
geekosopherok, I downloaded the .pls file and opened it with amarok, should that be any different?05:54
valorieI've never tried to download a stream05:55
geekosopheryes, when I go to sky.fm website, they have the list of files. clicking on one of them, downloads that '.pls' file05:55
valorieI just used the playlist top menu, add stream05:55
valorieyou know you can get the skyfm script within Amarok05:56
valoriethat will probably get you the best functionality05:57
geekosopherno! how?05:57
valorieas you'll be able to browse their streams within the Internet part05:57
Daskreechhttp://debian.pastebin.com/rK7nPFkD Can anyone look at the errors that I'm getting when I try to make the deb package for Coova Chilli05:57
valorieTools > Script Manager > Get New Scripts05:57
valorieI just searched for sky to see for sure05:57
valorieoh good lord this CD is silly05:58
* valorie is listening to Everybody by Backstreet Boys on 20 Years on MTV: 1997 [Amarok]05:58
* iLinux is away: iLinux The Ubuntu Revolution. Working: [ON] - OFF06:00
iLinuxubottu: tell iLinux about away06:02
ubottuiLinux, please see my private message06:02
geekosophervalorie: tried to install 'SkyFm Scrip' by Monolob, but it says 'could not install "SkyFm Script": file not found'06:03
valoriewell, you can look at KDE-apps.org06:03
valorieand see what's up with the file06:04
valoriethere may be more than one?06:04
valorieI ahve coolstreams , play ogg, and shoutcast installed06:05
valorieshoutcast doesn't seem to work very well06:05
valorieall of them have dead stations06:05
valorieI think people get tired of keeping the scripts current06:05
valorieof course I should give them bug reports, so boo on me for not doing so06:10
DaemonFCshoutcast is AOL, they already said they were hostile to non-AOL implementations06:12
valorieoh, I didn't know that06:14
valoriemaybe I should just ditch it, and try icecast instead06:14
valorieall of the streaming scripts seem to have dead spots, so far06:15
valoriesome parts full of content that works06:15
valorieother parts, dead link after dead link06:15
DaemonFCVLC dropped Shoutcast after AOL threatened them06:16
DaemonFCthat's the last I've bothered with it06:16
valoriethat's why it is no longer a basic part of Amarok06:16
valorieonly a script06:16
valorieoo|o to 'em06:17
valorieI think I installed it to test something for someone06:17
valoriegeekosopher: looks like you have to download and uncompress outside of Amarok before installing it via the Script Engine06:20
geekosophervalorie: read the comments at the bottom of the app page at kde-apps.org? http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/SkyFm+Script?content=13332206:25
geekosopherI am trying it, hope the problem doesn't show up06:25
valoriewell, months ago we had a problem in the script engine window06:27
valoriein the get new stuff part06:27
valoriebut that's been fixed for a long time06:27
valorieso if you are reasonably up to date, shouldn't be a problem06:28
valorieI know a lot of the devels use the script, or at least listen to skyfm06:28
geekosophervalorie: just downloaded the tar file, then 'Install Script' from Script Manager and selected the tar file... it works great!06:39
geekosopherand now no multiple items in the playlist :)06:40
valoriedid you quit amarok and start again?06:48
geekosopheryes, it asked me to06:48
valoriesometimes that is the magic06:48
valoriewell, hmm06:48
geekosopherafter restarting I had to activate the plugin manually06:49
geekosopherI don't know if those two steps could be avoided06:50
geekosopheryou would know better, you are the devel ;)06:51
valoriethe devel06:54
valorieI'm the writer06:54
DaemonFCwrong window06:54
valorienow devil -- we can debate that06:55
glickhey is there a japanese ubuntu channel?"08:30
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:34
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francesco_Salve, non riesco a far funzionare il microfono, qualcuno mi aiuta?09:50
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:55
valoriemaybe portugeuse?09:56
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:56
Peace-:) hi10:34
Riddellhi Peace-10:36
Peace-Riddell: hi :)10:36
ShruikhanHallo at all11:07
ShruikhanHallo at all. I want install in dual boot ubuntu and kubuntu by doing a separate installation of the two os.es. I know how to do all the process, but my doubt is regarding a partition.I usually use 4 partition /boot / swap /home. Now, i consider to install ubuntu by using this partitioning system, and after i'll install kubuntu. For Kubuntu i'll share home by a different user account11:08
Shruikhanand swap but what about the boot partition?think to share that partition by mountig /boot of kubuntu on that11:08
Peace-Shruikhan: well11:13
RiddellShruikhan: why do you want to dual boot?  ubuntu desktop and kubuntu are different GUIs for the same base system11:13
Peace-Riddell: i have the same stuff11:13
Peace-ubuntu install a lots of gtk stuff11:13
Peace-menu got messed up then if you instal kde too11:13
Peace-Shruikhan: well i will use only this /  /home and spaw11:14
Peace- /home will be shared11:15
RiddellPeace-: by messed up you mean shows the applications you have installed?11:15
Peace-Riddell: have you ever tried  to install kde on ubuntu gnome on kde?11:15
Riddellseptam: stop saying that11:15
septammy bad11:15
septamand i i don't wanna stop11:15
septamlinux is da bomb11:16
septami'm new11:16
RiddellPeace-: yes11:16
Peace-and it's bad11:16
septami love it11:16
Peace-tooo much programs11:16
septamfor real11:16
Peace-with the same function11:16
Peace-you can't find easly programs11:17
Riddellseptam: go to #kubuntu-offtopic for random chat (although it's probably quiet today being hogmanay)11:17
Peace-so if you like it's better install only gtk programs that you like11:18
Peace-you don't need all gnome destkop11:18
septamwhy should i go there11:18
Peace-septam: spam = kick11:18
septami got question11:18
septamabout linux11:18
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.11:18
septambecause i'm new11:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:19
septamin fact i have questions about11:20
septama fortiget firewalla11:20
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:20
septamwhich is getting on my nerves11:20
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.11:21
septamdoes someone know about fortiget ??11:21
septamand i'm french11:21
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:21
septamso it doesn't help11:21
septamoh ok11:22
Peace-learn english then.. i am italian...11:22
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septammy english11:26
septamis not don't bad11:26
septami'm off11:26
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BloodyRain2kdamn, peace's not here >-<12:35
lieuwehey, running a program form an upstart job doesnt set the working directory right, how do i change it to a specific folder?12:56
javier_hi! I think my problem is recurrent but, is it already possible to solve the problem with black rhombus with "?" in KDE4? Thanks13:02
javier_I know I can rename the file using konsole, but I would like something permanent...13:03
rethushave upgrade to maverick with many problem, cause i had before lucid-backports.13:14
rethusnow many packages are still lucid13:14
rethushow can i reinstall (for example) kubuntu-desktop) with all dependecies with downgrade to maverik package13:15
rethusin past, i think in synaptic i could mark all and use "reinstall all marked" but this is not possible anymore - all options like that are grayed out13:15
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rethusand if i change a package in synapic, he try to remove other packeges instead of solving dependencys and downgrade them too13:16
rethuswhy the reinstall-option is always deactivate in synaptic?13:18
yofelrethus: no idea about the reinstall button in synaptic, haven't used it in months, but for kubuntu-desktop you need to remove it and install it again, reinstall doesn't do anything useful (and try muon instead of synaptic btw.)13:27
yofelrethus: for KDE you might have to add the kubuntu updates ppa (ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa) for maverick though so it get's updated right13:29
rethusso i have to change to init 313:29
yofelrethus: no, and init 3 doesn't do anything useful anyway13:29
rethusor can i remove and reinstall out of thw xsystem?13:29
yofelrethus: sure, 'kubuntu-desktop' is just a meta package, removing it won't remove anything else13:30
rethusbut i'm afraid, reinstall doesn't happend13:31
rethuscause all this lucid-packages has tair own dependencys13:31
rethusand maveric-stable is older than lucid backports13:31
rethusso what to do?13:31
yofelrethus: add kubuntu-ppa/ppa13:31
rethusonly chance to get also maveric-backports?13:31
rethusbut then, i will have the same trouble like these days if i try to dist-upgrade ?!13:32
yofelwell, probably no, lucid backports had 4.5.3, maverick updates has 4.5.4, so it should update fine13:32
rethusproblem in past was, that the upgrade process seems NOT to pay attention on packports-repos even if its enterd.13:33
rethusso i have add maverick backports bevore dist-upgrade... but doesn't worked13:33
rethuswhats with the future... if i take now maverick-backports... will there be problems to upgrade to normal (stable) next distribution?13:34
yofelrethus: I never said to enable maverick backports13:35
yofelI said *updates*13:35
rethusbut ppa is packports - or i'm wrong?13:35
yofelno, backports is 'kubuntu-ppa/backports', updates is 'kubuntu-ppa/ppa'13:35
rethushow can i add this to kpackagekit... only type in kubuntu-ppa/ppa ?13:36
rethusor ppa: kubuntu-ppa/ppa13:36
rethusyofel: great, 224 updates...13:38
rethusi'll try13:38
yofelthank me after it works..13:38
rethusbut why this ppa-packages not by default activated?13:39
rethusi'll be glad if i get a clean maveric back... in future i keep off backports and experimental repositories13:40
yofelrethus: because NO ppas are activated by default since they're not part of the official kubuntu release13:40
rethuswho made this ppa repos,13:41
yofel(the updates ppa exists since the kubuntu developers didn't have permission to upload KDE point releases to the ubuntu archive)13:41
yofelthat was changed recently, but getting that into official -updates takes a while13:41
rethusyofel: so some developers keep the system uptodate and put it in thair own repos on ppa ?13:41
javier_hi! I think my problem is recurrent but, is it already possible to solve the problem with black rhombus with "?" in KDE4? Thanks13:43
yofelrethus: well yeah, the problem was that KDE is pretty large, and putting so many changes into -updates has some risks. So since they couldn't update KDE the official way the kubuntu developers decided to use a PPA13:43
javier_I know I can rename the file using konsole, but I would like something permanent...13:43
shane4ubuntuok, k3b automatically checks the md5sum and that is nice, however if I don't have the md5sum, then that probably doesn't mean much right?13:59
tsimpsonwithout something to compare the sum to, no14:00
shane4ubuntutsimpson: that is what I thought, thanks14:01
=== sx is now known as HH-2843
=== HH-2843 is now known as sx__
=== sx__ is now known as HH-2843
HH-2843hey, can i tile these things?14:17
HH-2843and where is the channel info??14:17
HH-2843o.. ok.. down there..14:18
HH-2843who the f*** is what...14:18
HH-2843no no no.. you just ignore Me...14:19
HH-2843and by the way..14:20
HH-2843Happy New Year!14:21
rorkHH-2843: tile what things?14:25
rethusyofel: ok, I'm back up after upgrade.14:34
rethusbut everytime i start kde, the sound in kmix is muted, and if i unmute, totaly overload14:34
rethusseems not to hold my settings for next restart.14:35
rethusany idea, what i could do?14:35
yofelno, I don't know much about sound :/14:36
ShruikhanI cant enable subwoofer14:36
Shruikhancan someone help me??14:36
rethusmaverick seems to have some good updates, but i hate the pulseaudio-upgrade.14:37
rethusonly problems since the first second14:37
BluesKajrethus, open alsamixer in the terminal, and set the ctrls there14:46
rethusi do this yesterday14:46
rethusnevertheless the soundsettings was not saved14:47
BluesKajShruikhan, same for you , open alsamixer in the terminal, use the F keys to find the LFE, ctrl use the arrow keys to control the volume14:48
rethusi think using pulseaudio is only usable for ubuntu - means gnome. Cause for kde there seems to be no stable apps for using it.14:49
rethusfact is... i have to use padevchooser, gnome-alsamixer ... this are all gnome apps. Hope kde will soon implement some pulseaudio-stuff.14:51
rethusi restart again14:56
rethusand all in kmix audio is muted14:56
rethusif i activate ... scratchy - overloaded sound14:56
rethusso i have to change mic 2 to mic1 and back to mic2 than the sound not scratchy14:57
rethuswhats this?14:57
Shruikhancan i troll someone?14:58
yofelrethus: you could go to #kubuntu-devel and ask what you should file a bug against for that14:59
yofelrethus: and you *can* try to remove pulseaudio, if it's not there phonon should fall back to alsa (or try to put 'autospawn = no' into ~/.pulse/client.conf and reboot)15:01
yofelShruikhan: troll no, but I fear there's just nobody here that knows the answer for your subwoofer problem currently15:02
BluesKajrethus, check this out : http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/alsamixer-and-alsactl-store-adjust-and-save-alsa-mixer-settings-p29/15:03
BluesKajShruikhan, http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/alsamixer-and-alsactl-store-adjust-and-save-alsa-mixer-settings-p29/15:03
rethusbut nevertheless the trouble i have after Maverick-Upgrade, my dolphins now didn't crashed 5-10 times a day15:07
rethusthats good news :D15:07
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rtdosthis is the error i get when i run radiotray from the command line.15:42
rtdosCould not bind to Gnome for Media Keys15:42
rtdosdo i need to install the gnome media libs?15:42
DaskreechA radio that sits in your tray15:44
BluesKajlooks like it needs python15:45
shane4ubuntuok, everytime my mouse (trackball wireless usb) sets idle for a few moments, it disconnects, and I have to pick it up and hit reconnect on the bottom of my trackball with a pen, this is terrible annoying, just started today out of the blue????  Any ideas?15:49
shane4ubuntuis it pre 2011 desktop jitters??? :)  I would think it would have to do with power management, but not sure,15:50
shane4ubuntuWell, here is some info uner Input Devices, Cordless Optical Trackman it says this:  You have a logitech mouse connected, and libusb was found at compile time, but it was not possible to access this mouse.  This is probably caused by a permissions problem - you should consult the manual on how to fix this.15:53
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, batteries ?15:53
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: I wouldn't think, usually if it is the batteries, it hitting the connect button on bottom doesn't reconnect it.15:53
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: could be they are getting low though??  I"m not sure.15:54
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, if you run wireless stuff like KB and mouse then buy a cheap battery tester .. it will come in handy in these situations15:55
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: well, when I ran gnome it would alert me that my mouse battery was low, so there wasn't a need.15:56
DaskreechOr rechargeable batteries15:56
shane4ubuntuI'm a partially converted gnome user15:56
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: those are what I have and use. :)15:56
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Come in We have Kake and Kookies :)15:56
BluesKajI use one and if the batteries drop below 50% then I have probs15:56
shane4ubuntuI guess I will change the batteries and see if that helps15:57
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: how about Koffee with Kaffine?15:57
BluesKaja bttery tester is handy for all kinds of household devices15:57
rtdosi have python installed.15:59
shane4ubuntuarrrgh, ok, seems none of my batteries are working in ths thing now15:59
* shane4ubuntu breaks out the multi-tester to go on a battery testing spree16:00
BluesKajrtdos, I tried trayradio ... it din't work for me either , some dependencies are depracated according to the errors I got whem launching from the cli16:01
shane4ubuntuvery odd one battery reports 1.3  and the other 0.3  odd, I would think they would die evenly16:02
rtdosa gnome only app, perhaps?16:02
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: no reason why they should.16:03
Daskreechbatteries are very analog :)16:03
shane4ubuntuI guess, that is odd though16:03
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, I encountered the same thing ..uneven usage in the same device16:03
Daskreechsitting in the store with one facing out to the sun would ruin that one while protecting the rest16:03
DaskreechLots of reasons why batteries discharge at different rates16:04
rtdosBluesKaj - http://kde-apps.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=0&xcontentmode=220x221x56x57x58 - any other players for kde like radiotray that don't use Amarok?16:04
BluesKajrtdos, where in that page does it say radiotray uses amarok?16:07
shane4ubuntuok, we are getting slightly off topic here, but if they discharge un-evenly, in the mouse, I just take them both and and put them in the charger, seems like that wouldn't be good for them???  They are NiHM not NiCad    ??16:07
BluesKajdunno shane4ubuntu16:08
rtdosit doesn't. the homepage for radiotray is here - http://radiotray.sourceforge.net/16:08
shane4ubuntuok, two new batteries and we will see if that works better.16:08
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: yeah but not a lot you can do about it. The two of them being different levels puts pressure on the higher volt one16:09
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: I think it is the Battery manufacturer's way of ensuring you buy new rechargeable batteries, a conspirist theory. :)16:10
* shane4ubuntu actually needs to weed out his old bad recharable batteries, and replace them.16:11
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: They can't overrule physics16:11
shane4ubuntuok, thanks again guys for helping me with such a silly problem.16:12
BluesKajrtdos, maybe if you use the sourceforge version , it will work , since compliling will require you to install all required dependencies etc16:12
rtdosi tried that. the sourceforge version is .61 while the kpackagekit version is .62 (oddly).16:17
Daskreechrtdos: ha what's the svn status of the code?16:17
rtdosblueskaj, i installed minitube which installed the gstreamer and now it works. so i wonder why it's not installing all the libs it needs from the kpackagekit?16:18
rtdosdaskreech, how do i fine the svn status of the code?16:18
rtdosaccording to his blog it was updated last week.16:18
Daskreechrtdos: I just mean how long ago was .61 put out. .62 might be very close to being released and some distros are more gungho to ship new stuff than others16:19
DaskreechWell some packagers at least16:19
rtdosaccording to his blog .61 was  just released.16:20
rtdosdecember 22 is the date on the blog for .6116:21
Daskreechrtdos: Oh wow Hmm16:25
DaskreechMaybe kpackagekit has a timemachine package?16:25
rtdosyea, thats what i said daskreech16:29
shane4ubuntucan I tar a file and limit it's file size to like 50mb chunks?  or only with zip?16:38
tsimpsonshane4ubuntu: you can tar it, then split it up into 50MB chunks16:39
tsimpsonhint: look at the "split" command16:39
shane4ubuntutsimpson: ok, thanks!  I will check that out.16:39
Daskreechor you can use -L16:42
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: -L?  I found k to specify size16:45
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: ohh, I see, I was reading some apparently old doc:  http://www.computerhope.com/unix/utar.htm16:47
vinnie_is there a way to adjust speaker balance in kde4?16:47
fanfareHi Folks, is there an lanmap(2) alternative already in repos?16:52
shane4ubuntutsimpson: ok, I found this explaining split, but I too am stumped on how to undo something like that then.16:55
shane4ubuntuhttp://forums.devshed.com/unix-help-35/creating-multivolume-tar-files-with-incrementing-name-427839.html  tsimpson  the link. :)16:55
tsimpsoncat is a good way to join files ;)16:55
tsimpsoneg: cat my_archive.tar.gz.* > my_archive.tar.gz16:56
shane4ubuntutsimpson: so then cat could just join them to be untarred normally?16:56
tsimpsonor you could use "cat my_archive.tar.gz.* | tar xzf -" to untar in one go16:57
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: tar -M works as well :)16:57
shane4ubuntuok, that isn't too bad, I would still like to figure out how to do this straight through with tar though, 7zip does it16:57
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: tar czf | split - blah16:58
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: I haven't be successfull in getting that to work, can I use it with bz2?16:58
Daskreechreplace z with j16:59
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: I mean straight with tar -cvjf -M -L 20720 mytar.tar.bz2 folder16:59
shane4ubuntudoesn't seem to like that.16:59
DaskreechYou don't need the v16:59
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: I like the v. :)17:00
uberkrishtahello everyone17:00
uberkrishtaany up ?17:00
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Fine :)17:00
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: ok without the v I get this error:  tar: Cannot use multi-volume compressed archives17:01
shane4ubuntualso with the v17:01
shane4ubuntutar -cjf -M -L 20720 2002.tar.bz2 2002  <<<  there is the command I'm using17:01
rtdosdaskreech, since neither the package manager or downloading directly from the website installed the necessary libraries, would that be a bug or what ?17:03
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: What's the M for?17:03
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shane4ubuntuM is multidisk?  I'm not sure saw it in an example17:04
Daskreechrtdos: for the package perhaps do you have it installing recommended ?17:04
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: ahh, no -M  that seems to be working, at least I think I took out the v so I don't know what it is doing. :)17:04
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: :-D17:05
DaskreechI think M is the reverse of -L it puts it back together17:05
Daskreechat least it does in my head17:06
rtdosdaskreech, how ? first i used sudo apt-get then i used kpackage kit and then i tried the website. neither of the ways one would normally use installed gstreamer (which i didn't catch until i installed mini-tube)17:06
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: thanks the -M was the problem, I think -M is for multivolume so that you can specify where to write it to, like CD or something17:06
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: you may be right though.17:06
shane4ubuntuodd, is it keeping all that in ram till it is done?17:09
shane4ubuntuit is working away, but I don't see any files17:09
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: no tar works as a stream17:09
Daskreechit puts it into the words directly after the -f17:10
shane4ubuntuwhich should output 20mb files as it goes along right?17:10
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Daskreechwhat's the command that you used?17:11
shane4ubuntuI need a good using tar guide, it is one of those complex programs with more options than a swiss army jack knife17:11
shane4ubuntutar -cvjf -L 20720 2002.tar.bz2 200217:12
Daskreechtechnically a jack knife is pretty simple even if carried by someone in the swiss army17:12
DaskreechWhat does f refer to?17:12
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shane4ubuntulol, well that failed, so the -L option needs to be before f?17:13
Daskreechno the file name needs to be after the f17:13
Daskreechlike immeadietely17:13
shane4ubunturight, so I probably have a -L20720 file somewhere on my system?17:14
shane4ubuntuohh, there it is. :)17:14
shane4ubuntuahh, I hate removing files with odd characters starting their name!  rm -v (yes I like v) \-L20720 doesn't seem to work17:15
Daskreechnow if only mv took a -L option it would be humourous watching you try to rename it :)17:15
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Why don't you just split that file to the filename that you want?17:16
shane4ubuntuwith the split command?17:16
shane4ubuntuok, what is the command line trick to remove a file named, -L20720   I know I can use gui, but like to learn17:17
shane4ubuntuoh, got it, rm taught me, rm ./-L2072017:18
fanfareis there an lanmap(2) alternative already in repos?17:19
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: ok, -L doesn't work for me I have tried it everywhere17:20
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: Should have just split the file :)17:20
Daskreechor renamed it at least17:20
shane4ubuntuI would prefer it all rolled into one app so I don't need to use two, I'm archiving old pictures17:20
Daskreechwell .... technically you are already using two since you ahve a j option17:21
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: well, it was full size, uncompressed, and I'm tinkering to learn17:21
shane4ubuntuso I can compress pictures, upload them to online storage small chunks for easy upload/download17:22
shane4ubuntuI wanted to do it with tar, but well, that has proven difficult, 7zip will do it I guess.17:23
shane4ubunturar will too, but somehow I feel that tar is linux owned, and the others, aren't17:24
DaskreechTar is quite a bit older than linux17:30
Daskreechmaybe by a decade17:30
shane4ubuntuoh, could be, I don't really know, other than tar is every linux distro under the sun, it is the Linux compressioin/decompression tool.  not really owned by linux, just every linux distro has it.17:31
DaskreechYeah ... except that it doesn't compress :)17:31
Daskreechit tars :)17:31
shane4ubuntuoh, right, true, I guess techincally it uses gzip and b?zip to compress17:32
Daskreechor compress if you are old school and senile17:32
templar_visibleHi there is somethings being downloaded from phallus1.diddyinc.com. I am sure I have never visited that website before. I have not given any updates too.17:32
Daskreechtemplar_visible: block it17:33
templar_visibleDaskreech: how?17:34
Daskreechfirewall. Iptables/ Plugging the computer out of the network :)17:34
templar_visibleI have Gaurdog, but it can only block ports. I am not comfortable with Iptables17:35
Snowhogfanfare: Are you into building lanmap2?17:35
fanfareSnowhog: as i didnt find anything i now build lanmap217:36
Daskreechtemplar_visible: what is downloading it?17:36
Snowhogfanfare: See https://github.com/pizza/lanmap217:36
Daskreechcan you jsut kill the process?17:36
templar_visibleDaskreech: I used iftop to see the url from where its being downloaded. But how can I see what and where in my system is it being downloaded?17:37
fanfareSnowhog: yeah, i read README and folow those instructions...17:37
Snowhogfanfare: See also http://www.parseerror.com/lanmap/ which has the info on obtaining the source tree for lanmap2.17:41
fanfareSnowhog: hm, good hint, as i DLed lanmap2x.tar.gz not git cloned... that info should be in readme too :-)17:42
fanfareSnowhog: hm, lanmap2 works ok, just like lanmap(1) did... I should get into deb-building somewhen...17:49
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emHey has kubuntu gotten better, is it looking good with Maverick?18:04
Snowhogem: Maverick here, with KDE 4.5.4 is SOLID.18:05
emSnowhog: cool is KDE 4.5.4 the one that ships with Maverick?18:10
rorkem: Maverick comes with 4.5.118:19
emw 14718:20
phoenix_firebrdhappy new year18:41
MrUnagi10 more hours for me18:42
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e_t_If I delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, will the file be regenerated. or will I be left without network interfaces?19:41
James147e_t_: dont think files in /etc get auto generated... you could try dpkg-reconfigure to try to regenerate them19:48
vbgunz__I have my pc set to suspend to ram in 45 minutes. I believe something about it is screwing with my effects on resume. my effects start to chug along. anybody have an idea whats up?19:49
rtdosi get this error - XML parsing error: 'no element found' at line 462 - when i launch code lite.19:56
olivierje viens de changer ma carte nvidia par une ati hd545020:35
oliviermon  soucis est que les effets se desavtivent à chaque redemarrage20:36
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:36
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MeloniumI run into troubles...21:13
Meloniumtried to install a package,  got the info about broken dependencies,  accepted a solution,  and messed up the system21:14
Meloniumwhat's to do?21:14
James147Melonium: try running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f"21:18
MeloniumJames147, more shit just happened *g*21:18
MeloniumJames147, sorry I need to show you a new follow up posting21:18
Meloniumgimme a second21:18
MeloniumJames147, http://pastebin.com/YaZ1Zq2P21:20
MeloniumI tried to install "kdelibs4c2a"  since this was the package I've been asked for21:20
Meloniumthe missing dependency21:21
Meloniumso I hoped solving the problem by installing it21:21
Meloniumdid I mess up my system now?21:21
James147Melonium: remove kmtmoney2 , then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f"21:22
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Meloniumok, James147 !21:23
Meloniumthank you very much, James14721:23
James147Melonium: also, once you get apt-get working again, upgrade your system :) there are allot of updates you havent installed21:24
BloodyRain2khi, I got a problem with my wlan. I guess it is a driver problem because since I installed upon Peace-'s recommendation madwifi and blacklisted the default atheros driver it works even less. Instead of finding networks and just not connecting does it now not even find networks anymore21:24
MeloniumJames147: apt-get install -f  tells me there would be no broken package21:27
MeloniumJames147, aptitude install -f  gives me like a whole page21:27
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:27
James147Melonium: then use aptitude to try and fix them :)21:28
MeloniumDaskreech, was that info for me?21:28
Meloniumheh, ok James14721:28
Meloniumthank you very much21:28
DaskreechMelonium: mebbe :)21:28
MeloniumDaskreech: reason?21:29
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:29
rtdosis there anything similar to gconf in kde?21:30
Daskreechrtdos: No21:30
rtdosis there a way to disable user switching then?21:30
DaskreechI seem to remember there was21:30
rtdosi never liked that function on windows and i don't like to have things enabled i don't like or won't use. :)21:31
MeloniumThank you James14721:33
Meloniumbye bye James147  :)21:33
MeloniumHave a great new year!21:33
shane4ubuntudoes anyone know how to search inside sxw and odt files for text?  I don't think grep can do that.21:53
shane4ubuntusxw are old openoffice files, old, I know but they are from days gone by21:54
* James147 has a feeling they are might be compressed files...21:56
shane4ubuntuJames147: if I use Google Desktop thing, I know it can index it, but I don't want to wait that long for indexing.21:56
shane4ubuntuJames147: well, here is an apparent solution:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-811714.html21:58
James147shane4ubuntu: yeah, they are compressed files, you can extract them and search content.xml (or find a program taht can search through compressed files21:58
shane4ubuntuJames147: thanks!  I didn't realize that, I will give this a try for the time being, I need to install an indexer.21:59
valoriesudo updatedb / locate?22:00
valoriesimple, easy22:00
James147valorie: that wont search file contents...22:00
shane4ubuntuvalorie: no, I need to look inside the file and find content22:00
valorieit's been awhile since I used it22:00
shane4ubuntuI do love locate though, when I know a doc title.22:01
shane4ubuntuJames147: that script at the end of the file works!  and works very well!!  I'm adding that to my bin22:04
James147shane4ubuntu: unzip -c document.odt | grep "pattern"     seems to work :)22:06
shane4ubuntuJames147: thanks!  Much appreciated!  Happy new year22:06
shane4ubuntudid you see that last script, it allows you search recursively through folders, I have folders organized by date and locations, and finding something in there is a nightmare, however finding where I taught somethine and when is very effective.22:07
MrUnagiwhere is xorg.conf22:20
shane4ubuntuMrUnagi: should be in /etc/X11/   however I heard that it wasn't being used any longer too.22:28
DaskreechMrUnagi: Not used anymore unless you make it22:28
MrUnagiyea thats werid22:28
MrUnagiim so behind in the times :d22:28
shane4ubuntuMrUnagi: join the club.22:28
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: must be that Nvidia and ATI both create it upon driver installation?22:28
DaskreechThey do22:29
shane4ubuntumine is real generic besides that.22:29
shane4ubuntuok, I'm off, probably till next year!  Happy New Year all!22:29
James147^^ also "sudo Xorg -configure" will generate one but needs to be run when x iesnt22:36
marionso does anyone know what to do to fix a flash crash22:42
James147hello marion22:45
marionHey James147 when i try yo go fullscreen on youtube it tells me that flash plugin has crashed22:46
James147marion: any error?22:46
marionno report available22:47
James147marion: what exactly happens?22:47
marioni go to hit fullscreen and it just crashed22:48
James147marion: crashes how?22:48
marioni,ll print screen it22:49
marionnow were can i upload it to22:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:53
James147marion: how did you install it?22:56
marioni cant remember its beein working for a while22:57
marionand it works fine watching it without expanding it22:58
James147marion: well, you could try reinstalling it: "sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"22:59
tsimpsonthe package flashplugin-installer is just that, an installer23:03
mariontrying now23:03
tsimpsonit just downloads it from adobe.com23:03
tsimpsonreinstalling will not reinstall the plugin, which would make no difference anyway, unless you somehow changed the plugins23:04
marionok tsimpson what do i do then23:04
tsimpsonthere's not a lot one can do, other than report the problem to adobe and hope they care23:05
tsimpsonyou can try with another browser, but that's unlikely to help23:05
tsimpsonperhaps disabling desktop effects (compositing) may help too23:06
tsimpsonor switch back from/to the proprietary video driver for your graphics23:07
marioni cant do anything with my graphics card ati stopped supporting it23:09
marionare there any themes for kubuntu23:12
ioguiHello, dudes23:13
ioguisound is not working on firefox 3.6 flash plugin23:14
James147marion: yes23:15
marionJames147 were and how23:17
James147marion: look in system settings23:17
ioguiI'm gona remove it and install the bz2 file...23:19
ioguisomeone knows another way to solve the problem?23:19
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