
virtualdlastlog ipv601:29
charlie-tcavirtuald: what is that?01:31
charlie-tcavirtuald: Please don't do that.01:31
virtualdit was i mistake, i forgot /01:32
charlie-tcaThank you01:33
andrewmiller57bug 668318 should be set to medium I think02:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 668318 in evolution (Ubuntu) "evolution calendar cannot change first day of week (affects: 3) (heat: 70)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66831802:59
charlie-tcaandrewmiller57: did it work in the previous version?03:02
rusiviandrewmiller57: Cursory glance at bug 668318 suggests it's Low-Medium importance, leaning towards Low.03:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 668318 in evolution (Ubuntu) "evolution calendar cannot change first day of week (affects: 3) (heat: 70)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66831803:04
charlie-tcaA bug that has a moderate impact on a core application03:05
andrewmiller57ok, yes it worked in 10.04 just fine.  I figured with evolution being the main email app, it would be medium :-)03:06
charlie-tcaEvolution is a core application, and there are a lot of users whose week does start on Sunday instead of Monday03:06
charlie-tcaand it is a regression.03:06
charlie-tcaThat is not low.03:06
rusivicharlie-tca: I was grinding on the core application part, could not find the link for importance I saved to my bookmarks (potential Firefox bug!)03:07
charlie-tcaandrewmiller57: that will need to be sent upstream to gnome bugzilla03:08
andrewmiller57ok, is there a specific url for it03:08
rusiviandrewmiler57 / charlie-tca: May want to check out a search on Evolution for calendar problems -> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&product=Evolution&content=calendar03:08
charlie-tcarusivi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance03:09
rusivicharlie-tca: ty03:09
charlie-tcabe my guest in searching for it03:09
andrewmiller57do you know what the url would be for forwarding this one upstream?03:10
charlie-tcaandrewmiller57: I did add the link for upstreaming the bug to it03:10
charlie-tcajust refresh the page03:10
andrewmiller57ok thanks03:11
rusiviandrewmiller57 / charlie-tca: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi03:11
charlie-tcarusivi: look at the bug03:11
charlie-tcaare you even reading what I am telling andrewmiller57 ?03:11
andrewmiller57yes i am, I just had to refresh, I didnt know you posted that03:12
rusivicharlie-tca: just refreshed the Launchpad bug looks good!03:12
rusivicharlie-tca: Is their a link for a list of all core applications?03:18
charlie-tcaNone that I know of. It is consists mostly of those applications installed by default in Ubuntu. the core applications are all packages in Main repository03:19
charlie-tcaIf you use "apt-cache policy PACKAGE", it tells you if the package is in main03:20
rusivicharlie-tca: Is their a website/command that quickly shows all packages in Main repo? I know website for package search -> http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:23
charlie-tcahm, most if not all of https://launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs are core03:26
rusivicharlie-tca: Just was reading -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu it mentions I can just use Synaptic and use filter "main"03:26
charlie-tcaThat is another way, yes. I never look at the whole thing at once, since I can't remember them all anyway03:27
charlie-tcaThe problem is not every package in main will be a core package, but every core package will be in main03:28
rusivicharlie-tca: right, not every package is an application, but every application is a package/combination of packages03:29
charlie-tcaMain thing is if it is a default application in Ubuntu, count it as core03:30
rusivik ty03:31
charlie-tcaXubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, etc, do not usually have core packages03:31
rusiviRegarding bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/641673 seems Low importance.07:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 641673 in apt (Ubuntu) "grammatical mistake in 'apt-cache show awk': "as it purely virtual" (affects: 1) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:53
micahgrusivi: done, thanks08:09
rusivimicahg: ty08:09
PaoloRotoloHi all10:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wolffuDoes anyone have a chance to double check that I handled bug 296336 correctly?14:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 296336 in nasm (Ubuntu) "nasm global directive sometimes not working with elf output (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29633614:44
charlie-tcawolffu: if you are asking the reporter to confirm whether or not it is working, it is not fixed-released. It should be incomplete14:47
wolffucharlie-tca: So it should not be considered an "old bug" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/CommonTasks14:50
yofelwolffu: also, please replace <bug #> with the actual bug number next time you use the stock response please, it can be confusing like this14:50
charlie-tcawolffu: you marked it fixed, and asked for more information. You should mark it incomplete instead.14:50
wolffuyofel: I was wondering about that. Thanks for the info.14:50
wolffucharlie-tca: O.k. thanks.14:51
charlie-tcaFixed bugs do not require the reporter to give you more information. The comment was correct, but the status is wrong14:51
wolffuIs there anyone available to mark bug 296336 to incomplete?14:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 296336 in nasm (Ubuntu) "nasm global directive sometimes not working with elf output (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29633614:53
wolffucharlie-tca: Thanks...again.14:54
charlie-tcawolffu: thank you for helping with bugs. It is appreciated!14:54
=== PaoloRotolo_ is now known as PaoloRotolo
nisshhhmmmm, does anyone know if the nick 'em' is a bot, they just pmed me as soon as i joined16:49
nisshhconnected rather16:49
charlie-tcanisshh: as far as I know, em is a person16:59
charlie-tcaem: ^ ^ ^16:59
nisshhcharlie-tca, yeah, i just figured it out, sorry, i was just connecting after a power outage and em pmed me, i was just confused :)16:59
charlie-tcano problem17:00
charlie-tcait happens17:00
* charlie-tca is one of the fortunate ones; his power failed during the night, so he was sleeping17:00
=== bilalakh1ar_ is now known as cdbs
nisshhcharlie-tca, yeah, except its new years eve, so im not asleep :)17:01
charlie-tcaheh, well then, Happy New Years17:01
nisshhsame to you :)17:02
charlie-tcaBest wishes for a very Happy New Year - 2011!17:04
ElPasmoThanks charlie-tca, I wish you all a happy 2011 also!17:06
ElPasmoI'm having problems with bug 692562, last few days I've been trying to add a bugwatch with no joy. Can anyone try to click the "also affects project" link and figure out how should I proceed with the error: OOPS-1826K1261 ?17:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 692562 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "completion of inserted option after command throws bash error (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69256217:20
* penguin42 looks17:22
ElPasmothanks penguin4217:22
penguin42ElPasmo: Yeh it oopses for me as well, so ask on #launchpad quoting the OOPS id17:22
ElPasmoOk, ty17:22
penguin42ElPasmo: although I guess there probably aren't many people around at this time17:22
ElPasmoyup, bad day huh? :P17:23
charlie-tcahm, oops here too17:24
charlie-tcaat least it is consistent, right?17:24
penguin42ElPasmo: I guess you could file a bug against launchpad17:25
ElPasmommm never did it before! :D17:25
ElPasmommm lets try17:25
micahgcheck to see if one is filed, tag timeout17:26
* micahg is assuming it timed out17:26
penguin42it's not affecting all bugs though is it?17:26
penguin42micahg: It oops's quite fast17:27
ElPasmoNo penguin4217:27
micahgpenguin42: does it say timeout?17:27
ElPasmoI think its the only bug where it occurs17:27
penguin42micahg: No17:27
penguin42micahg: Oops! Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. (Error ID: OOPS-1826D1516)17:28
penguin42micahg: It  looks more like something specific to that bug17:30
micahgpenguin42: so file a bug against launchpad and add an oops tag17:31
penguin42micahg: Which if you scroll back is what I suggested17:32
micahgpenguin42: right, I'm adding the part about the oops tag ;)17:32
ElPasmoI file it or you file it?17:35
ElPasmoI don't mind, I have time now :)17:35
penguin42ElPasmo: You found it!17:35
penguin42you file it!17:35
ElPasmoOk :D17:35
ElPasmook noob question, how I file a bug against launchpad? :P17:37
micahgElPasmo: bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad17:37
ElPasmoI knew it'd to be obvious :P17:38
ElPasmooops tag?17:40
ElPasmoI just add an "oops" in the tag field?17:40
penguin42the OOPS-xxxxxxx number from the error17:40
penguin42or does micahg mean a launchpad tag?17:40
micahglaunchpad tag :)17:41
micahgElPasmo: yes17:41
ElPasmocheck bug 69605217:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 696052 in launchpad "Error OOPS-1826D1516 when adding a bugwatch (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69605217:41
ElPasmoplz :)17:41
penguin42ElPasmo: I'd change the title to say repeatable and say it's repeatable by many different people17:42
* charlie-tca learned something today about launchpad. Thanks 17:42
micahgElPasmo: FTR, just oops in the tag, not the oops code17:42
ElPasmothanks :)17:42
penguin42ElPasmo: I assume the lp guys get loads of reports of oops that diappear, but ones that are completely repeatable are much easier to deal with17:43
micahgthere's a zero oops policy, so even if it wasn't repeatable, it would be a high priority17:43
ElPasmoLike that?17:43
ElPasmoWell thanks to all of you... I hope you'll have a happy new year!!! see you in 2011! :)17:50
penguin42ElPasmo: Have a good one ElPasmo17:53
yofelElPasmo: bash completion oopsing is a known issue17:55
penguin42yofel: so it's all bash completion bugs that oops lp?17:56
yofelpenguin42: yes, see bug 37011717:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 370117 in launchpad "oops getBugFilingAndSearchLinks need more than 1 value to unpack (affects: 5) (dups: 2) (heat: 24)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37011717:58
yofelpenguin42: my dup bug 615123 has the complete trace17:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 615123 in launchpad "Oops on production when opening +choose-affected-product (dup-of: 370117)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61512317:58
micahgyofel: do you want to add a note on the bug elpasmo filed and LP people can confirm?17:59
micahgyofel: thanks17:59
penguin42yofel: For this one it's oopsing before it's asked for the other project that it affects; so it sounds different from the 37011718:00
yofelpenguin42: well, same error18:00
penguin42ok, I don't get to see the error itself18:01
micahgthat's why I suggesting commenting and not duping18:02
penguin42Hi indeed18:25
penguin42don't suppose anyone understands the details of udisks do they?18:35
yofelpenguin42: well, what's the problem?18:43
penguin42do you know what the 'presentation nopolicy' flag is supposed to mean?18:43
penguin42there is a 'presentation hide' and a presentation nopolicy; hide is obvious18:44
penguin42hmm it's listed as a 'hint if the device (or e.g. the multi-disk device that the device is part of) shouldn't be automatically mounted / assembled'18:48
* penguin42 hates it when there are so many layers in systems, I need a ball of string and bread crumbs to follow them through18:52
penguin42for segfaults of an fglrx X server what do we put things against - fglrx ?20:25
hggdhjust a note -- I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl#Application .1.5, trying to make it clearer that applicants *have* to provide importance and reasoning for such for each bug they submit for review21:51
hggdhso... is it clearer now?21:51
njinhappy new year to all the buggers22:09
penguin42it's an interesting collective name22:30
hggdhindeed. I wonder if something has been lost in translation22:31
hggdhbut happy new yoaer to all bug-triagers22:32
crimsunI think it's most probably "people who work on bugs"22:38
crimsunbut yes, que interesante22:38
* penguin42 doesn't think debuggers sounds right either22:52
hggdhwell, de-buggers really sounds, ah, suggestive?23:21
penguin42heck, the number of packages generated from a build of kd4libs is scary23:26
penguin42hmm - 42 in fact - hmmmm23:27
hggdhthere may be something there...23:29
penguin42hmph, I've half fixed a bug23:40
yofelhappy new year everyone that's online ;)23:46
penguin42yofel: Happy new year Yofel23:48

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