
* KombuchaKip is thrilled for the global premier of Zeitgeist 3: http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com/00:51
txwikingerAhoy.. what is going on in Canada?01:59
BobJonkmanAhoy!  Fog and rain in Waterloo.  Where are you, txwikinger?02:27
txwikingerHey BobJonkman: I am in Kitchener - home now02:28
txwikingerwas on Chickopee the whole day02:28
txwikingerStarted toget foggy and rainy after sunset02:28
BobJonkmanSo, you know about fog and rain.  I thought you were out of the country from your question "What is going on in Canada?"02:28
txwikingerWell.. I am only in one spot in Canada and Canada is huge :D02:29
txwikingerbut yes... the question was a little misleading :)02:29
BobJonkmanTrue.  There's no one definitive spot02:29
txwikingerI am surprised at the lack of stores selling alpine ski equipment around here02:30
txwikingerMy boots broke ... first times I used them for 20 years.. so I guess the material lost its strength02:31
dscasselBobJonkman: I think I'm going to do the Ubuntu Hour on the second Wednesday again in Jan.05:13
dscasselThings are very hectic right now. Next Wednesday seems too soon.05:14
BobJonkmanSuits me, I think.05:14
dscasselExcellent. :)05:14
dscasseltxwikinger: You should come too. :)05:14
BobJonkmanOK, Ubuntu Google calendar updated: Waterloo Ubuntu Hour now on 12 January:  https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=bXY2OW5tY3Y0cWJ2cm1kYW9sdWhxZ2kzc3NfMjAxMTAxMDZUMDEwMDAwWiBtbGw1OGZybWxscmxsZmtzZ2QxMnQzaDdjc0Bn&ctz=America/New_York05:24
dscasselI'll put the word out this weekend...05:42
* ZykoticK9 Wishes everyone a happy (and safe) New Year's Eve and all the best in 2011!15:32
IdleOnethank you dude. Same to you :)16:01
txwikingerdscassel: I have to check my calendar.. already lots on it for January, but I will try to make it17:14

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