
nigelbGood Morning :)06:32
nigelbNew Year's Eve \o/06:32
kim0Hello :)08:18
duanedesign'lo all11:38
duanedesign all11:39
duanedesignsome of the Mozilla Test Pilot surveys in FF4 are kinda interesting.12:00
duanedesignIn Firefox I have 3691 bookmarks in 533 folders.12:10
duanedesignyeah I think that is a tad excessive.12:26
nisshhduanedesign, far out, you net addict :)12:27
nisshhyou must have half the internet bookmarked :)12:27
nisshhduanedesign, i have maybe 35 bookmarks :)12:28
duanedesignnisshh: when you get that many bookmarks and they are not well organized you end up defeating the point of a bookmark(speed, convenience).12:31
* AlanBell has no bookmarks12:35
nisshhduanedesign, yeah, lol :)13:05
popeyI too have zero bookmarks13:15
dakerLoL jcastro changed his name to George Castro O.o15:19
evilvishdaker: jcastro's name is pronounced "Hor-hey" not 'George' , he hates it when people mis-pronounces it ;)15:31
jcastroActually I go by "george"15:32
kim0Horhey hehe15:32
dakerKhorkhey kim0 ;)15:32
kim0even more interesting15:33
jcastropopey: hey15:51
jcastropopey: we do it the same way: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3503/best-way-to-cache-apt-downloads-on-a-lan/3507#350715:52
czajkowskijcastro: welcome back15:55
jcastropopey: can you "affects me" this please: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid-deb-proxy/+bug/54583015:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 545830 in squid-deb-proxy (Ubuntu) "403 error when using a non-cached repository (affects: 9) (dups: 1) (heat: 45)" [Low,Confirmed]15:55
jcastrohi czajkowski15:55
czajkowskijcastro: nice holiday ?15:56
jcastroI am still not back15:56
jcastromore like "hobby back"15:56
jcastrolike "things I want to work on but never get time on" back15:56
czajkowskijcastro: more like you missed us !15:56
jcastrotrue dat15:57
czajkowskijcastro: aye makes sense15:57
czajkowskijcastro: first married Christmas wasn't it?15:57
czajkowskinice :)15:57
popeyokay George16:00
popeyI mean Jorge16:00
jcastroThank you, ALAN.16:00
jcastroman that colin guy had a branch there since november16:00
jcastroI will poke mvo16:01
jcastropopey: do my instructions make sense? I did it on a clean system so ideally you would have avoided some problem16:05
popeyyeah, it does16:05
jcastrobut I think in general the upstart script for s-q-p needs an overview16:05
czajkowskijcastro: any plans for tonight ?16:06
jcastroyeah we are having some friends over16:06
jcastroI try to avoid NYE16:06
czajkowskilikewise I used to work security for night clubs years ago, great money and go drinking afterwards at a house party16:07
jcastro"let's get drunk and party"16:07
jcastrothat should be every day!16:07
czajkowskijcastro: it has been for the last 6 nights, I think my liver needs a day off16:07
czajkowskiI'm thinking of a take away and movie!16:07
czajkowskican anyone see any spam sexbots using locoteams on the LD ?16:11
jcastrolooks ok16:16
czajkowskiaye same here, just wondered what effie was seeing I wasn't as he tweeted it16:17
jcastromaybe it scrolled off by now?16:18
czajkowskii see it now16:20
czajkowskirefreshed the page. identi.ca spam16:21
czajkowskireported so when one of the LD gets a chance next week they may remove it https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/69603716:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 696037 in loco-directory "Spam on main page of LD from identi.ca (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:24
dakerczajkowski, yes16:25
czajkowskidaker: hey there, it's not urgent but if those spam links can be removed it'd be great, not sure how easy that will be either.16:26
dakerczajkowski, ok16:34
jonoczajkowski, !!!19:02
czajkowskijono: ! your dad is rather funny!19:03
jonoczajkowski, indeed :-)19:03
jonothanks so much for the contribution!19:03
czajkowskinot at all! it's been on my to do list!19:03
jonoczajkowski, you are a legend19:04
jonothis really helps, a lot!19:05
czajkowskidude I'm going red shrup19:05
czajkowskijono: all settled into the new place?19:21
jonoczajkowski, yes indeed :-)19:30
jonoall is well here19:30
jonoall good there19:30
jonoyou in Ireland?19:30
czajkowskijono: just got back to the UK today, had a nice break in ireland with the family for christmas19:32
jonoczajkowski, nice :-)19:44
jcastrohappy new year!20:18
czajkowskiannoying in ireland just an hour in the plane from here I can't get the music I wanted from U1 music store :(20:29
czajkowskijcastro: what timezone are you in or just pre empting it20:29
AlanBell"just an hour" . . .20:29
jcastroI am preempting20:29
czajkowskiAlanBell: 55 mins on the plane today :D20:29
nisshhjcastro, you seriously havent hit midnight yet? far out20:38
jcastrono  it's 3:37pm20:38
nisshhoh ok20:38
nisshhwait, any americans here at the moment?20:39
nisshhduanedesign, you are?20:42
nisshhduanedesign, here: http://identi.ca/notice/6135024220:42
nisshhits the only thing that australia does before america :)20:43
czajkowskijono: you in the UK in 2011 ? Aq and I have a brain fart we're going to arrange a session/meet up that is not a techie conference meet up to catch up with friends and drink/eat/chat20:56
nisshhczajkowski, im sorry, but its a meetup if 3 techies go to it :)20:58
nisshhits a techie meetup if 3 techies go to it...21:00
czajkowskinisshh: not really. Just tired of meeting my mates always at conferences. We do talk about other things. so making a non techie meet up is the goal!21:00
nisshhczajkowski, i see :)21:00
czajkowskiUbuntu uk has an event in March, we're going to see a rugby match21:00
czajkowskiwell going to a pub and watching it, just something different to do that is also common to us21:01
jonoczajkowski, yeah, I will be over in April hopefully21:02
jonoczajkowski, I would love the idea of just organizing a "people who we like" meet-up21:02
jonoczajkowski, let's call it "Beer And Fags 2011"21:03
czajkowskijono: Aq and I are on it :D21:04
czajkowskijono: granted he was in the pub when he agreeded to do it, but we both firmed up on it21:04
jonoczajkowski, nice!21:05
czajkowskitwitter in a pub is a good thing don't you know :)21:05
nisshhtwitter in a pub is asking for drunken tweeting :)21:06
czajkowskiyes there have been some entertaining tweets this week from folks21:06
* nisshh doesnt condone the use of twitter21:07
czajkowskiI have had someone tell me my language was not CoC friendly on twitter21:08
czajkowskithere was rugby and beer involved not sure what they expected really21:08
nisshhczajkowski, as a geek, i find identi.ca more suitable for me, no 13 year old girls telling us about how they just love justin beiber :)21:09
czajkowskiI only barely keep an eye on identi/ca any more, it's spam central or else hard core debates that just aren't worth it anymore21:10
nisshhczajkowski, nah, you just copped the bad side of it, its really great, not much spam now21:12
nisshhno geeky holy wars either21:12
czajkowskinisshh: nope beg to differ :) but we'll agree to disagree21:12
nisshhczajkowski, fair enough :)21:13
AlanBell< jono> czajkowski, let's call it "Beer And Fags 2011" <- not yet gone American21:18
AlanBellsounds like a fine plan though21:19
czajkowskiAnyone know what Harmony is about https://lists.canonical.com/mailman/listinfo/harmony21:25
duanedesignczajkowski: harmony is that contributor agreement thing21:31
duanedesign" intended to assist organisations which use contribution agreements by providing standardised variable templates with clear and concise explanations"21:31
AlanBellRelease Party21:54
czajkowskiAthbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh - Happy new year folks22:38
duanedesignhappy new year to all indeed22:44
czajkowskipart of my plan for new year is to post more stuff in Irish22:57

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