
mhall119Ronnie: yeah, did that earlier, thanks again for all your work on that00:31
mhall119Ronnie: can you test myupdate-openids branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/loco-directory/fixes-639772/+merge/4431100:32
mhall119cjohnston: you too, when you can00:32
Ronniemhall119: executing now (how log will it take?)00:34
mhall119a while00:35
mhall119I don't plan on running it in production very often00:36
mhall119calls to launchpad are slow, and it does one for every user00:36
JanChm, when do we have to get the team reports ready again?00:51
cjohnston154 more miles01:21
Ronniemhall119:  command update-openid's did run without errors here. should i chaeck the database also>01:22
Ronnieill go to sleep now. tomorrow also a long day. good night all01:25
cjohnstong'nite Ronnie 01:26
dakeryay http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/12/cloud-community-flash-adnane.html14:31
mhall119daker: nice14:59
mhall119I didn't realize you were working on the cloud portal14:59
dakeri am working on django one15:03
dakerfor the 11.04 cycle15:03
mhall119django one what?15:25
dakera new cloud portal with django15:25
mhall119oh, the current one isn't django?15:25
mhall119let me know what you need to be added to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-django-foundations/ to do it15:26
mhall119hmmm, you'll probably really only use bzr-apps15:27
mhall119assuming you're gonna use ubuntu-website/light-django-theme15:27
dakerwell not sure i'll use light-django-theme because the work is based on the qa team blog and we have got some mockups from the design team15:29
dakermhall119, bzr-apps ? what it will contains ?15:30
czajkowskimhall119: you on road trip ?16:21
TrickyJHi al16:28
TrickyJhappy new year in adv :)16:29
mhall119czajkowski: we leave tomorrow morning17:18
czajkowskimhall119: have fun :)17:18
mhall119we plan to17:18
mhall119I hope we'll see snow, but the forcast isn't looking good17:18
czajkowskiweirdo wanting snow 17:19
mhall119I want a little snow17:19
czajkowskishould have visted this way 2 weeks ago! 17:19
mhall119yeah, but then i'd never get home17:19
czajkowskitrue 17:19
mhall119also, that's quite a drive17:19
czajkowskihows the kiddies?17:19
czajkowskimhall119: I've seen your boating skills!17:19
mhall119kiddies are so excited I want to throttle them17:20
mhall119czajkowski: ideas for solving that bug?17:20
mhall119should we just have a word filter?17:20
czajkowskimhall119: you cannot throttle your cute kids! 17:21
czajkowskimhall119: count 1-2-317:21
czajkowskimhall119: it's annoying as it's only identi.ca spam :(17:21
mhall119a 12 hour drive with them is going to be....interesting17:21
mhall119czajkowski: well that's probably because the twitter feed isn't working anymore17:22
mhall119I noticed that yesterday17:22
mhall119twitter is only returning one entry17:22
mhall119I think the twitter feed doesn't return anything older than 7 days17:23
mhall119while identi.ca goes back indefinitely17:24
czajkowskimhall119: nods I never realised it was random the comments shown 17:25
czajkowskiatm comments there from 131 days ago 17:25
mhall119twidenash is going to get a major re-write soonish17:25
czajkowskias well as current stuff17:25
mhall119yeah, looks like current twitter stuff and ancient identi.ca stuff17:25
czajkowskimhall119: tbh it's not at all urgent just logged the bug can be looked at next week as far as I am concerned tis still xmas hols for many people 17:25
czajkowskimhall119: will they say are we there yet a lot, are the dogs going as well?17:26
mhall119yeah, I won't be doing anything until after my trip17:26
mhall119czajkowski: blake is going, little dog is going to the in-laws17:26
czajkowskioh dear17:26
czajkowskitalk about nose out of joint17:26
mhall119kids have books, coloring supplies and DVD player17:26
czajkowskiso in theory should be occupied! or play a game of I spy!17:27
mhall119we took blake camping several hours north of here during the summer, he did well enough then17:27
mhall119yeah, they've learned I-spy lately, they're not very good at it17:27
mhall119they'll pick something as we're diving past it17:27
mhall119it'll be 5 miles gone before we all give up17:27
czajkowskimakes for a fun 5 miles though 17:28
czajkowskimhall119: wave hello at herself for me! 17:28
czajkowski~I need some of her corn bread! 17:28
czajkowskiand ribs!17:28
mhall119her corn bread, my ribs ;)17:28
mhall119she says hello17:28
czajkowskimhall119: great combo in food also!17:29
mhall119I'm rather fond of it myself17:29
mhall119hopefully we'll have another UDS in Orlando so you can come back for seconds17:29
mhall119czajkowski: when you can, this branch has been sitting in limbo for a while, and I'd really like to get it approved or killed21:40
mhall119I just need someone to say "yay" or "nay" on the text21:40
mhall119YoBoY is, of course, free to provide whatever French translation would be best ;)21:41
czajkowski*grin* 21:41
cjohnstonim -1 on it21:41
cjohnstoni dont think its needed21:41
mhall119cjohnston: don't make me waste perfectly good code21:43
mhall119there's starving users on Windows without access to any code at all21:43
cjohnstoni will21:43
cjohnstongive it to them21:43
czajkowskidont make me  come over there cjohnston :p21:44
cjohnstonI believe you miswrote that.. "please make me come over there cjohnston"21:44
cjohnstonyou know you want to go back to disney21:44
mhall119a real disney21:45
mhall119man, British to American translations still make me laugh21:46
cjohnstonwhats doing british to american translations21:47
mhall119czajkowski is denting in british21:47
cjohnstonhow are you gonna fix the porn problem21:47
mhall119short-term, by posting enough clean tweets/dents to get them knocked off the page21:48
mhall119long-term, by re-writing twidenash to accept a word filter21:48
cjohnstonwhat if they dont use any words that hit the filter21:49
mhall119it's not going to catch 100%21:49
czajkowskiI had thought only people suscribed to locodir could post which would be one way of tackling the identi.ca spam 21:49
mhall119but I think a short list would catch >90%21:49
czajkowskiaye 21:49
czajkowskiand if there can be a loop hole somewhere where messy ones get through can be removed easily enough I don't think there will be too much of an issue 21:50
mhall119yeah, but identi.ca isn't where the problem is coming from21:50
mhall119oh right, it is isn't it21:51
mhall119hey, in that case, hurray for identi.ca getting enough market share to warrant spam!21:51
czajkowskiclearly too much sun mhall119 21:52
mhall119s/sun/monitor glare/21:52

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