
MoMowhat is the vnc package i want if I want to VNC from a windows box and control a live session on a mythunbuntu screen?06:44
patdk-lapthe free realvnc?06:46
patdk-lapor ultravnc, tinyvnc, ...06:46
MoMoi'm not sure -- here is what i have ... the auto login for mythbuntu's default gui ... i would like to be able to VNC to it ... some of the VNC server i tried like tightvnc make a whole new session06:47
patdk-lapwell, vnc servers would make a new session06:48
patdk-lapI dunno about the mythbuntu gui shell06:48
MoMoforgive me -- but on windows ... when my vnc service is running ... i can connect to an already running session (for remote support for example)06:49
patdk-lapbut normally, you just go under system and select remote desktop sharing06:49
patdk-lapand it sets up the vnc server for the current user06:49
MoModoes it matter viewing from windows?06:49
patdk-lapthat is cause windows doesn't support more than one user, so that is the only way :)06:49
patdk-lapthe viewer has no control over that06:50
MoMoso -- what is my possible soultion (creating a new session isn't good since i'm going back and forth from my desktop to the next room to my tv screen) ... the resoultion won't fit -- so my task bar is off of the screen =(06:51
patdk-lapthere should be an option in mythcontrol panel to turn on vnc06:52
patdk-lapI'm just not sure, cause I never use that feature06:52
MoMoyeah - i see it let me try it06:53
MoMoit installed x11vnc07:07
MoMoconnect on port 5900 and it works perfect07:11
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YammehHello, is it okay to ask about cardsharing in this IRC channel?12:29

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