
* Linden940 is away: I'm away02:05
stlsaintLinden940: poke02:05
stlsaintjfluhmann: poke02:06
* jfluhmann giggles like the Pillsbury Doughboy02:36
jfluhmannstlsaint, yes?02:36
spridelsilly jfluhmann02:42
jfluhmanntrix are for kids02:43
spridelbut man they are tasty02:43
stlsaintjfluhmann: server, 4x Duo Core AMD processors, 32GB RAM, 3x500GB SATA drives02:44
spridelVM box?02:47
stlsaintspridel: ?02:48
stlsaintoh, i dunno know yet lol02:48
spridelmight as well toss in some Nvidia 480s while you're at it02:48
stlsaintif the processors can handle kvm then yea i will have a few kvm machines but mostly openvz containers02:49
jfluhmannstlsaint, Nice!02:49
stlsaintjfluhmann: very02:49
stlsaintjfluhmann: guess how much it cost?02:50
sprideldual core AMD should easily handle hardware virtualization02:50
stlsaintspridel: 4 duo core AMD's ;)02:50
spridelyou'll be fine02:51
jfluhmannyep, as long as they support AMD-V (for KVM)02:52
stlsaintspridel: going to setup some vps to help prepare for the pwb course02:52
jfluhmannyou could always go the Xen route if not02:52
sprideldidn't realize you were taking that, awesome02:52
jfluhmannwhich openvz does, right?  I know Proxmox does both KVM and Xen and uses OpenVZ for some of its stuff02:52
stlsaintjfluhmann: yea proxmox is what i am using, using kvm and openvz02:55
stlsaintopenvz FTW!!!02:56
stlsaintspridel: yea i am looking to take it in march02:56
jfluhmannstlsaint, cool02:56
stlsaintjfluhmann: 400 bucks!!02:57
spridelthought it was more than that02:57
spridelunless army is helping pay02:57
stlsaintspridel: army pay for what?02:57
spridelfor the cert, class is like $75002:58
stlsaintspridel: oh no, $400 bucks is for the server02:58
stlsaintspridel: the class plus labs will run me $110002:59
sprideldoing the 90 days for lab time?02:59
stlsaintspridel: yep02:59
stlsaintspridel: and heck no the army is not helping pay for it02:59
stlsaintspridel: that is coming outta my own pocket02:59
spridelsometimes they help with certs like CISSP/CISA/GIAC/Security+/CEH etc02:59
spridelccna stuff03:00
* stlsaint is Sec+ cert03:00
stlsaintbut looking foward to ccna after i get linux certs ;)03:00
sprideldoesn't hurt to ask if they will help03:00
stlsaintarmy will pay after i take the course and provide papers saying i passed03:01
sprideloh the good old reimbursement paperwork03:02
stlsainti may loan out vps for pay, bring in some extra bucks03:04
sprideli know people that do that, charge friends to use as a pentesting environment03:04
stlsaintspridel: oh yea, that and just loaning for general uses/learning03:06
stlsaintspridel: openvz makes it real easy to setup a quick network for pentesting03:06
spridelmost people i know run ESX/ESXi03:07
stlsaintim not a big vmware fan03:10
mrandstlsaint: what hypervisors do you like bestest?05:12
mrandI need to try one out.  Only requirement is that it support the latest Xeon's, and that it be able to be run on a headless machine (no VGA port)05:14
stlsaintmrand: yo06:25
stlsaintmrand: my favorite is proxmox but i install it via cd which requires a monitor then i make it headless.07:01
* Linden940 is back (gone 17:45:23)19:51
stlsaintsup texans23:24

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