
maemologgerHpy nu yer yofel00:12
JontheEchidnastill 5 hours to go here00:39
maemologgerOh dear00:44
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu New Year | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Please test KDE in lucid-proposed LP: #691068 | The party starts now!! Contact apachelogger and shadeslayer for passes
GabrielYYZhappy new year everyone and thank you for the awesome OS that is kubuntu04:22
=== kronos_ is now known as kronos
ulyssesJontheEchidna: I reported a bug against Muon Updater, kde bug 26177509:52
ubottuKDE bug 261775 in general "Crash while configuring libc-bin" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26177509:52
droidslayerapachelogger: still in 201010:31
ulysseshm, it is 2011 already?:o10:32
droidslayerulysses: still living in the past?  :-P...  well... afaik everyone is in the new year10:34
ulyssesdroidslayer: nope, I was just so drunk, that I missed the midnight and the sing of the national anthem10:35
ulyssesI don't remember how I went to bed10:37
droidslayerI was looking at web view api :-P10:37
shadeslayerdroidslayer_: byeeee10:57
shadeslayerRiddell: happy new year :D10:58
* shadeslayer goes on looking for MIUI10:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or-9T44Bt7M&feature=player_embedded10:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: ssup10:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayeranyone up and about? :D12:15
=== kronos is now known as Guest54487
=== kronos_ is now known as kronos
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1210625 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/updater/UpdaterWindow.cpp Mirror changes made in Muon Package Manager and don't return to preview on commit errors.13:14
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: pokey poke13:16
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: pongy pong13:16
shadeslayerwhats the line to include in cmakelists.txt for QWebView class?13:16
shadeslayerQGraphicsWebView rather13:16
JontheEchidnaI dunno, I've never used that class13:17
JontheEchidnaapachelogger might know13:17
JontheEchidnasince I think he was doing some phonon stuff with qtwebkit13:18
shadeslayerapachelogger is probably drunk and all wasted13:18
shadeslayerand sleeping13:18
tsimpsonshadeslayer: I think you set(QT_USE_QTWEBKIT TRUE)13:24
shadeslayertsimpson: yeah fixed :)13:24
tsimpsonbefore include(${QT_USE_FILE})13:24
shadeslayerneeded to link against QT_QTWEBKIT_LIBRARY13:25
shadeslayertarget_link_libraries(QtDemoBrowser ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTWEBKIT_LIBRARY})13:25
tsimpsonwhen you set the above, it should add that to QT_LIBRARIES13:25
shadeslayerbut still doesnt load google.com 13:25
shadeslayertsimpson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54927013:32
shadeslayerthat displays a blank white page13:32
shadeslayeroh oh13:33
shadeslayerit opened \o/13:33
tsimpsonit compiles! ship it :)13:37
shadeslayertsimpson: git@git.kde.org:scratch/garg/DemoWebViewBrowser13:44
shadeslayerit compiles 13:44
shadeslayerit doesnt show the page13:44
shadeslayerif i move stuff to main.cpp13:44
shadeslayerit will load google.com13:44
shadeslayerbut if i use proper classes and everything it doesnt work13:44
shadeslayertsimpson: ^^13:49
tsimpsonshadeslayer: probably because the QGraphicsScene in MainWindow::MainWindow() is destructed as soon as you return from the constructor ;)13:50
shadeslayerso possibly put in another function?13:50
shadeslayerwhich is called from the constructor13:51
tsimpsonno, just put something like "QGraphicsScene* scene;" in the class and new it in the constructor13:51
tsimpsonand the view, and the webview13:52
tsimpsonotherwise they'll just be destroyed when they go out of scope13:52
shadeslayertsimpson: how do i make m to be the parent of the scene?13:59
shadeslayeri get 2 windows ;P14:00
tsimpsonyou need to use setCentralWidget(view)14:00
tsimpsonwhy do you disable the scroll bars though?14:00
tsimpsonor is that just what the example did?14:01
shadeslayerits what the example did, disabled in my code now14:02
tsimpsonah, the code is for mobile devices, they usually don't want scroll bars14:02
tsimpson^ the example code14:02
shadeslayertsimpson: view->resize(600,480); << any idea why that isnt working>14:08
shadeslayermy window is *tiny*14:09
shadeslayerview is my QGraphicsVIew14:09
* shadeslayer will add a urlbar at the top and voila a new browser is born14:10
tsimpsonshadeslayer: you can use the resize() method of QMainWindow ;)14:12
shadeslayertsimpson: or resize the scene ;)14:13
tsimpsonwell it should resize the scene too, as it's the only thing in the window14:13
shadeslayertsimpson: pushed :)14:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: tada http://gitweb.kde.org/scratch/garg/DemoWebViewBrowser.git14:19
tsimpsonyou leak memory14:19
tsimpsonthe parent of the QGraphicsScene should be "this", otherwise it has no parent14:20
tsimpsonand you don't need view->show(), it'll be called when you do m.show()14:21
shadeslayertsimpson: im a bit confused between parent and this14:22
tsimpsonyou are passing the "parent" parameter, which will be 0 as you don't give MainWindow a parent14:22
* apachelogger has broken repos and does not know why14:23
* apachelogger has a headache and exactly knows why14:23
shadeslayertsimpson: fixed14:23
tsimpsonapachelogger: I find sleep to be the best cure for that kind of headache14:23
shadeslayertsimpson: see the title bar 14:24
shadeslayeroh i have 2 instances14:24
shadeslayerthats why14:24
tsimpsonshadeslayer: usually one forward declares the classes, rather than including the headers in the .h14:29
tsimpsonie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549277/14:29
tsimpsontechnically, it makes compilation slightly quicker14:30
yofelshadeslayer: where does rekonq keep it's UI settings?14:41
apacheloggerat any rate it keeps the code cleaner as it prevents implicit header dependencies caused by header A including C and B including A and B using a pointer of C14:41
apacheloggershould A get removed or loose the include on C B will fail until it also got an include for C14:42
apacheloggernow with 3 headers that is not a problem, if you have a couple hundreds...14:42
apacheloggerphonon-gstreamer had multiple such situations, took me about 2 hours to resolve14:42
Quintasanoh god15:32
Quintasana late Happy New Year to everyone15:32
yofelQuintasan: a happy new year to you too :D15:32
QuintasanWell, my legs are totally destroyed15:33
QuintasanThanks to 8-hours marathon of Stepmania accompanied by various types of drinks15:33
apacheloggersheytan_: ping16:21
shadeslayertsimpson: that was what i was going to do next.... forward declarations :P16:21
* shadeslayer was out for food16:21
apacheloggerone does do them when one adds the foo that requires them :P16:22
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
sheytanapachelogger pong16:24
apacheloggersheytan: do you feel like doing a simple website?16:24
sheytanapachelogger what's the subject of the page?16:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: any idea how to set the user agent?16:25
shadeslayerin QGraphicsWebview16:25
apacheloggerphonon needs one sort of similar to wiki.kde.org as we are booting phonon.kde.org and replace it with userbase for user documentation, techbase for 3rd party developer documentation and community for internal stuff16:25
apacheloggerso just some 3 columns with nice graphics and a description of those 3 with links16:25
apachelogger(will be put on phonon.kde.org)16:26
sheytanapachelogger let me take a look16:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: gets its qnetworkmanager16:26
apacheloggeror was it qnetworkaccessmanager?16:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/8e0Hf.png <<16:26
apacheloggersheytan: thanks :)16:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: no no ... i saw a way to set it via QGWV16:26
* shadeslayer cant find it anymore16:26
apacheloggertake a look at the header?16:26
shadeslayerim trying to get google instant to work on my browser :P16:26
apacheloggercant see anything16:27
sheytanapachelogger i did the kde wiki page, too :D16:27
sheytanbut they edited it16:28
sheytanit looked way better16:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: QWebSettings maybe?16:28
apacheloggersheytan: hehe :D16:28
sheytanwell, let my try16:28
apacheloggerI promise I wont edit anything ;)16:28
* apachelogger is way too lazy for that anyway ^^16:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: surely that class stores stuff like agent and whatnot16:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: doesnt look like it16:29
apacheloggerfrom qgraphicswebview you get to qwebpage16:29
shadeslayeri swear i found a page where it was listed16:29
apacheloggerand that has userAgentForUrl16:30
apacheloggerwhich is a protected getter| I suppose16:30
apacheloggerso either you need to overload that and hardset to some agent you wish or read the documentation ;)16:30
shadeslayerapparently my college starts from 1316:30
shadeslayerone week break \o/16:31
apacheloggeragent is part of the qnetworkrequest16:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: apparenlty only qwebpage has any agent function16:31
apacheloggerso my best guess is that you need to overload that and the baseclass will use it to get the agent for the url it currently tries to get16:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: hmm .. but i cant *set* it16:32
* shadeslayer keeps on searching16:34
shadeslayerim sure i saw a function16:34
shadeslayerto set a user agent16:35
apacheloggergrep says nothing16:35
shadeslayerseems this is the only way http://doc.trolltech.com/main-snapshot/qwebpage.html#userAgentForUrl16:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah16:35
apacheloggerread the docs16:36
shadeslayeri re-read the blog16:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: i was searching docs + google + qt labs16:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: just overload the function :P16:36
apacheloggermaybe kwebkit had the setter you are thining of16:36
apacheloggerqtwebkit has only that function16:36
shadeslayererm ... id rather not go towards kwebkit16:36
shadeslayerer ... does kwebkit have QGWV?16:37
shadeslayeror KGWV16:37
apacheloggernot that I know of anyway16:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: QGWV is *fast16:37
shadeslayerfaster than rekonq i might add16:37
apacheloggerbecause the other thing is mixing graphicsscene with regular qwidgets16:38
apacheloggerwhich naturally is slow16:38
apacheloggerso you need to make MyWebPage16:38
apacheloggeroverload the useragent thingy16:38
apacheloggerthen set the mywebpage thingyin qgraphicswebview16:38
shadeslayerand set it to what chrome sends16:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you think sending a custom user agent to google will enable instant search?16:40
shadeslayerthe custom value being that of chrome16:40
apacheloggernot necessraily16:40
apacheloggergoogle does all sorts of multilayered browser detection16:40
apacheloggerat least on youtube they do16:40
shadeslayerreally? 0_o16:40
apacheloggerin particular they might poke javascript16:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: I mean, it is worth a try, just dont expect it to be that easy ;)16:41
shadeslayerhehe 16:41
shadeslayerwell .. ill wait to see how adjam does it16:41
shadeslayerfor now this goes to rekonq mailing list16:41
shadeslayerneed to add copyright too16:42
apacheloggermgraesslin: I gather we can haz kwin gles soon? :D16:42
* apachelogger stil needs to get his gles changes uploaded to ubuntu -.016:42
* shadeslayer tries changing user agent in FF to see what happens16:42
* apachelogger has too many things to do16:42
mgraesslinapachelogger: yeah, I am going to force push to my scratch repo tomorrow16:42
* apachelogger hugs mgraesslin16:43
* mgraesslin hugs back16:43
mgraesslinwhat I though about: in case Ubuntu includes GLES packages for nouveau you could be the first distro shipping OpenGL compositing by default for nouveau16:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: doesnt work in FF16:45
shadeslayerso yeah .. it probably requires insane amounts of work16:46
apacheloggerprobably javascript foo then16:48
apacheloggercheck google's scripts ;)16:48
shadeslayerno thanks :P16:49
shadeslayeri dont want to mess with the mighty google16:49
sheytanapachelogger i'm feeling out of ideas today ;/16:49
sheytandrink to much yesterday ::D16:50
sheytanthat's the reason propalby :D16:50
apacheloggersheytan: no problem, we do not need it that urgently :D16:51
sheytanapachelogger good, i'll come out with something16:54
sheytanneed  a vision :D16:54
apacheloggerk :)16:56
* apachelogger wonders whether bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213706 could be due to our aboutToFinish signal and how Amarok's enginecontroller uses it16:57
ubottuKDE bug 213706 in VLC backend "Phonon does not play last and/or first second of an audiofile " [Normal,Reopened]16:57
apacheloggeroh, wrong channel :)16:58
shadeslayerubottu can read bugs off b.k.o and put them in the channel?16:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: please get it into #rekonq  too :P17:00
sheytanbtw guys, will there be easy file/internet sharing ever in kubuntu? 17:01
sheytani miss somethings like os x has, you only click once and sharing is active17:01
sheytanand here you got milions of samba options that i don'tknow even how to use :D17:02
shadeslayertsimpson: fixed forward declarations in git .. tell me one thing tho ... i can add widgets to the Graphics Scene right?17:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: im going to try and add kinetic scrolling, tabs and a url bar17:02
shadeslayerand then im going to close the project :P17:02
shadeslayern more features17:02
sheytanshadeslayer Google account bookmark sync! :D17:02
sheytanplease :D17:02
shadeslayersheytan: lol17:02
shadeslayersheytan: thats something i plan to do in KDE17:03
shadeslayerpossibly as a GSoC project17:03
shadeslayersheytan: its not very difficult tho, Google Docs etc have a API to do that17:03
shadeslayerso i can import them using the API17:03
sheytanshadeslayer it's like the only feature that stops me from rekonq :P17:03
shadeslayersheytan: see the logs of this channel .... me and apachelogger discussed this at length17:04
shadeslayersheytan: well ... i dont want to have it as a rekonq specific feature17:04
sheytanok :)17:04
shadeslayeri want the whole of KDE to have it17:04
sheytanyeah, good idea :)17:04
shadeslayersheytan: we discussed it this week itself i think17:04
sheytanshadeslayer and do you know plans for file sharing in natty?17:04
shadeslayersheytan: over samba?17:05
sheytanshadeslayer yes17:05
shadeslayersheytan: fixed in KDE SVN i think.. or pending a merge17:05
shadeslayerpackages will be patched tho17:05
sheytanshadeslayer i meann a user friendly one. The samba  kcm is a mess :D17:05
shadeslayerdunno about KCM17:05
sheytanlots of features and i don't know how to use them :D17:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ KCM17:06
shadeslayerapachelogger is KCM master17:06
sheytanapachelogger if you wish i can make a mockup of how file sharing should look like17:06
sheytancomeon guys, lets make it rock :D17:07
apacheloggersheytan: KDE file sharing?17:07
* apachelogger is planing phonon releases right now ^^17:08
sheytanapachelogger yes17:08
apacheloggersheytan: sure, go ahead :)17:08
sheytanapachelogger if you make it my way, i will love you more then now :D17:08
apacheloggereven more? :O17:09
apacheloggernuno did some overall KCM mockup a while back17:10
* apachelogger liked that a lot17:10
sheytanapachelogger which KCM ?17:11
sheytando you have the images? :D17:11
apacheloggerk3b kcm17:15
apacheloggersheytan: it was moure about redesigning the shall around the KCM really17:15
apacheloggerIMHO the main problem is that the stuff around it looks like shit17:16
apacheloggersort of limiting the abilities of KCM design altogether17:16
apacheloggersheytan: it was somewhere on identica17:17
apacheloggerimpossible to find :D17:17
sheytanwell, i'll create the mock anyway17:18
apacheloggersheytan: if you ask him, he surely has it lying around somewhere :D17:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: so ... should i use a widget or something else for urlbar17:22
* shadeslayer pokes apachelogger to wake up17:26
apacheloggersheytan: something else?17:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: 17:31
apacheloggersheytan: sry17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes17:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: urlbar17:32
shadeslayerQWidget or QGraphicsRectItem17:32
shadeslayeror soemthing else17:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: depends on what you want to do :P17:34
apacheloggerqgraphics foo is always more work than qwidget :P17:34
shadeslayerqwidget it is17:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: so paste.kde.org api docs are wrong17:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: apparently this works : paste.kde.org/?paste_data=test1&paste_lang=text&api_submit=1&mode=xml17:41
idishello kubuntuers?17:46
yofelhello idis17:46
idiskde 4.6 packaging for ubuntu seems to trigger a bug for marble quite a lot, could you help identifying the issue?17:47
ubottuKDE bug 247420 in general "crash when starting marble or embedding apps" [Crash,New]17:47
idislots of recent duplicates17:47
idissounds like bad theme files17:48
idiss/theme/marble map/17:49
* shadeslayer looks17:49
sheytanhow can i add an icon in qt designer?17:50
shadeslayersheytan: i just do foo.setIcon :P17:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is not REST though17:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut?17:51
apacheloggernvm :P17:51
apacheloggerwhat do I eat for lunch?17:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: kubotu17:52
apacheloggerI wonder if that is tasty ^^17:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: its Ruby .. its supposed to be exotic17:52
apacheloggerI see17:52
apacheloggervery crunchy for sure17:52
shadeslayeridis: i cant figure out the issue ... is a file missing?17:58
idisshadeslayer: well, first of all, different people report the same issue17:59
idisand we haven't gone through packaging/upgrades before17:59
shadeslayerhmm ..17:59
idisreporting that bug in kde directly is not very helping from those users18:00
yofelthat libmarblewidet.so.10 is definitely gone in natty, and digikam depends on 1118:01
idisshadeslayer: does updating showfoto trigger both libmarble and marble data update?18:01
apacheloggersheytan: about adding an icon ... use a label18:01
apacheloggerthere you can set a pixmap18:01
sheytanthanks :)18:01
idisshadeslayer: that sounds like some dependency issues from that far distance18:02
idisi don't see where you publish packaging for kdeedu?18:03
yofelidis: kdeedu packaging is here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeedu/ubuntu/files/head%3A/debian/18:05
idisyofel: thanks ;) launchpad kdeedu did not recommend it ;)18:06
yofelnope, you would have to run 'apt-cache showsrc kdeedu' to find that :/18:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: hurf durf fix encoding in rekonq18:07
shadeslayerQuintasan: fixed in KDE RC218:07
shadeslayernot rekonq's fault18:07
shadeslayerblame adwit18:07
shadeslayerand KIO18:07
shadeslayerand kdewebkit18:07
shadeslayerQuintasan: use my demo browser18:08
Quintasan>project-neon-kdemultimedia 1 hour 40 minutes ago Successfully built18:08
shadeslayerit doesnt have a urlbar atm18:08
shadeslayerbut im adding it18:08
Quintasanproject-neon-amarok GO GO GO18:08
sheytanapachelogger still dunno how to :D18:15
sheytanand which is the flat button? :D18:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you commit some stuff to kde svn?18:17
apachelogger yes18:17
shadeslayeri finished paste.kde.org backed18:17
apacheloggersheytan: flat button?18:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill tarball the contents ... hold on18:18
sheytanapachelogger that one that glows blue when you mouse over18:18
apacheloggersheytan: for the icon... you add a label, on the right hand side you have a pane that is named properties or somesuch18:18
apacheloggerthere you can search for pixmap18:18
apacheloggerand there you can set an image18:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: do i need to have the 3rd file as well? the one that wasnt being found18:18
apacheloggersheytan: pushbutton I suppose18:18
shadeslayerapart form main.js and metadata.desktop18:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: you need to hook up with the cmake thing I suppose ;)18:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: awww.... 18:23
shadeslayercant it be done some other way?18:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: what was the missing file again?18:35
ari-tczewwhat do you think about move unrar to main? ark should depends on it!18:42
shadeslayerari-tczew: unrar or rar?18:44
ari-tczewshadeslayer: unrar18:44
shadeslayerari-tczew: never used that .. i haz rar for ark foo18:44
ari-tczewI click on archive and click 'extract here' - and error about non-installed unrar18:45
JontheEchidnaunrar is in multiverse, so it can't be included by default :(18:45
yofelwell, both are in multiverse currently, both would need to be bumped to restricted18:45
JontheEchidnawe can't put things in restricted on the CD, tho18:46
shadeslayermaybe when you open ark it should have a notification like rekonq and konqueror have18:46
JontheEchidnathat would be easily doable^18:46
ari-tczewanyway, it should be fixed. new users are discouraged these errors18:46
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: erm ... i feel stupid now .. how to do you add a text bar in Qt?18:46
shadeslayeri forgot18:46
JontheEchidnaa text bar?18:46
JontheEchidnalike a label?18:46
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: a URL bar18:47
shadeslayeri need a urlbar18:47
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: can we talk on PM?18:47
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: sure18:47
shadeslayerari-tczew: so a web browser in KUbuntu pops up a notification saying please install flash for additional functionality18:47
shadeslayersame thing can be done for ark18:47
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: possibly a Qt solution?18:48
shadeslayerim trying to not get kdelibs into the equation :P18:48
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: QLineEdit, though KLineEdit is better integrated with KDE18:48
ari-tczewshadeslayer: good idea.18:49
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: it can be added to a scene right? how do i set it to be at the top then?18:50
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: I've not done much work with QGraphicsView I'm afraid18:50
shadeslayerwow .. it has scene->addLine18:51
shadeslayerneed to check this out18:51
sheytanapachelogger http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/1579/filesharing.png18:53
idisshadeslayer: i see libmarblewidget11 replaces/breaks libmarble4, but i don't see such, previous were libmarblewidget10 and libmarblewidget4. Maybe i'm looking at this one wrong?18:53
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: lol http://i.imgur.com/kWFIY.png18:53
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: I suppose it literally added a line18:54
shadeslayeridis: ok lemme check the revision :)18:54
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: yeah :P18:54
shadeslayeridis: this is in edu?18:55
idisshadeslayer: indeed, kdeedu/marble18:55
* idis was reading debian/control trunk18:55
shadeslayeridis: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeedu/ubuntu/changes18:56
shadeslayerthat lists all the changes18:56
ari-tczewark couldn't handle with files in parts?18:57
shadeslayerari-tczew: nope18:57
shadeslayeridis: doesnt look new18:57
shadeslayeridis: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeedu/ubuntu/revision/11218:57
shadeslayerwhen it was changed it already had a breaks/replaces on libmarble418:58
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: any ideas what values http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/qgraphicsitem.html#setGraphicsEffect can take?19:22
shadeslayeri cant find any thing19:23
shadeslayersheytan: nice19:23
JontheEchidnaor various subclasses thereof19:23
JontheEchidnasuch as those listed as subclasses on the QGraphicsEffect documentatino page19:24
sheytanshadeslayer thanks :D19:24
shadeslayerah ok19:24
shadeslayerdammit ill be working till morning ... and ill be so consumed in this web browser :P19:24
shadeslayeri suppose i can submit this as a app to ovi markget19:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^19:27
shadeslayeri dont suppose the browser uses QWebGraphicsView 19:28
shadeslayer( maemo browser )19:28
shadeslayerhow do i set a bool value 20:03
shadeslayerlike .. how do i pass it to a setFoo function20:04
shadeslayerfoo->setFoo(true) or foo->setFoo(bool true) isnt working20:05
jjessei just updated my natty vm and i like the login screen, black and silver, looks really cool20:15
jjesseand the background looks awesome as well20:15
shadeslayerjjesse: lol20:17
shadeslayerthats a bug20:17
jjessei want to keep it :)20:17
shadeslayerits a placeholder :P20:18
jjessewhats its supposed to look like20:20
shadeslayerjjesse: something awesome ... 20:22
shadeslayerthey havent commited it yet20:22
jjesseyay i like awesome20:22
* penguin42 wonders if there is a way to just rebuild one of the binary debs from kde4libs rather than all 4220:24
shadeslayerpenguin42: dude ... kde4libs is a source tar .. and then we split them into debs20:25
shadeslayerso no matter what.... all 42 debs get built20:25
shadeslayerkde4libs has 42 debs? :P20:25
penguin42shadeslayer: Yeh I'm just trying to fiddle with solid's udisks back end, and am adding debug etc20:25
shadeslayerpenguin42: not possible :)20:26
penguin42it's not taking too long, but the time to xz all of the debs is taking some time20:26
shadeslayerah you can export vars to disable that i suppose20:26
penguin42the build is being good enough to only recompile the stuff it needs, but the .deb packaging is still doing all of them20:27
* penguin42 is trying to fix kde bug 18184720:27
ubottuKDE bug 181847 in kfileplacesview "Dolphin doesn't show crypt_LUKS partition (on built-in harddrive) in"Places"" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18184720:27
idisshadeslayer: what i meant is i don't think we support multiple versions of libmarblewidget in parallel on the system, because they rely on data files which change from time to time21:16
idisshadeslayer: so i think one version should conflict past ones21:16
idisshadeslayer: that there is no breaks/replaces means multiple versions can coexist ?21:18
shadeslayeryou mean libmarblewidget11 does not conflict with libmarblewidget1021:18
idisi have the impression that those crashes are from people who upgrade either marble or any app using libmarble, which would imply multiple version21:19
shadeslayerwell i dont see a libmarblewidget10 in the archives21:19
idisi don't have an ubuntu system to try and reproduce those setups, but given we have 4-5 systematic crash at startup means there is an issue21:19
idisshadeslayer: i see it in merkaat?21:20
shadeslayeridis: thats what im trying :)21:20
shadeslayeridis: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeedu21:20
shadeslayerits in meerkat yes21:21
shadeslayerbut no libmarblewidget4 then21:21
idiswell ;)21:21
shadeslayerhmm .. but i dont know if it would have been left installed by apt21:21
rbelemRiddell, ScottK, apachelogger, I updated plasma-mobile package. Could you take a look on it :-) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-mobile21:22
shadeslayerapt probably removes the library, but im not sure21:22
shadeslayerrbelem: have you ever made a app for your N900?21:22
idisthat's my hypothesis, i would rekon and update with either an old marble and a new showfoto or reverse21:23
shadeslayeri need a quick answer because im to lazy to google :P21:23
rbelemshadeslayer, hum...21:23
idisshadeslayer: i have, what's your issue?21:23
rbelemshadeslayer, a simple app, dont21:24
shadeslayeridis: unfourtunately .. thats a bit of a issue since now we have a newere libmarble in archives ...21:24
rbelemshadeslayer, i was working in a project called qtwrt21:24
shadeslayeridis: well .. i  was wondering if this would work :http://gitweb.kde.org/scratch/garg/DemoWebViewBrowser.git 21:24
shadeslayerrbelem: ah ok .... 21:25
shadeslayerrbelem: ^^21:25
shadeslayeridis: rbelem i can use CMake on maemo right?21:25
rbelemshadeslayer, but the code sux a lot :-(21:25
shadeslayerrbelem: hehe :)21:25
shadeslayerim just downloading the SD21:25
shadeslayerwhat started out as a demo browser is now becoming a full blown project :P21:26
rbelemshadeslayer, i think you can21:26
rbelemnot sure21:26
idisshadeslayer: yes, we package kde apps on n90021:26
idisshadeslayer: and debian toolkit is needed to package21:26
rbelemshadeslayer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/549367/ i made one script to help me with debian/copyright21:26
rbelemapachelogger, ^21:27
rbelemupdate debian/copyright is really boring21:27
shadeslayerrbelem: apachelogger has some scripts regarding copyright too21:28
shadeslayerdunno if they do the same thing21:28
rbelemshadeslayer, he sent to me these scripts some time ago21:28
shadeslayeridis: erm .. not that ... i was wondering if you can compile a app that has cmake in it21:28
shadeslayerrbelem: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/scripts/ << these ones?21:28
rbelemshadeslayer, yup21:29
shadeslayeroh ok :)21:29
rbelemshadeslayer, i want to make debian/copyright generation completely automatic21:29
shadeslayerah ok21:29
rbelemhow i hate debian/copyright21:30
shadeslayeridis: so i just install the SDK and use QtCreator to run my app on the N900?21:30
idisshadeslayer: i said yes, cause we package marble on n900 (kde app with cmake ;)21:30
shadeslayerwell the emulator21:30
shadeslayerah ok21:30
rbelemafiestas, ping21:31
* shadeslayer cant figure out how to add a urlbar to a QGraphicsScene21:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude im stuck on this ^^21:31
shadeslayerlol http://i.imgur.com/yWYeU.png21:44
penguin42bloody hell, that hack works21:48
shadeslayerpenguin42: ??21:49
shadeslayerpenguin42: my QLineEdit?21:49
penguin42shadeslayer: No, mine :-) I can now mount and unmount a luks partition from within dolphin21:49
penguin42shadeslayer: It's been done mostly with voodoo programming and guess work about the solid->udisks stack21:52
shadeslayerooohhh voodoo programming21:52
shadeslayerthats the most awesome fomr21:52
penguin42if not necessarily the most reliable21:52
shadeslayernow i have to figure out how to put my QLineEdit and WebVIew in a layout21:52
shadeslayerpenguin42: yep21:52
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger lawl http://paste.kde.org/164322:13
shadeslayerwait 22:14
idisRiddell: do you support multiple libmarblewidget packages installed toguether?22:17
Riddellidis: yes, I don't see any conflicts on the older versions22:19
Riddellbut in general there will only be one in the archive at any one time22:19
Riddellsince kdeedu only builds one 22:20
idisRiddell: problem i see could be when people upgrade22:20
Riddellwhat's the problem?22:22
idiswe have couple bugs with people having digikam 1.5.0 app using libmarblewidget1022:22
idisand reliable crash22:22
idishttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259631 and all duplicates22:22
ubottuKDE bug 259631 in general "Digikam crash" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]22:22
shadeslayerRiddell: so the question is ... does apt remove the older lib?22:25
idisshadeslayer: it doesn't until someone asks it to22:25
idisor its automatic unused removal22:26
shadeslayeridis: i think it removes it if it cant find it in the archive22:26
shadeslayerbut im not sure22:26
idisno way, if you only upgrade one app and keep others, it will not remove an older lib being required22:26
Riddelldo we even have any packages of 1.5.0?22:27
idisso it's clearly possible to have many versions of a lib at at time22:27
idisproblem is if it shouldn't happen then conflicts should be there22:27
idisi reckon you must have had22:27
shadeslayerRiddell: natty has 1.7.022:28
shadeslayerfrom the PPA's22:28
idisand meerkat has?22:28
Riddellcan't find 1.5.0 in any PPA22:28
yofelbeta ppa has 1.5.0 though22:28
yofel *** 2:1.5.0-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 022:29
yofel        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu/ maverick/main amd64 Packages22:29
Riddellah, it's in beta22:29
ulyssesRiddell: could you please rebuild plasma-widget-smooth-tasks for Natty? maybe it solves that adding smooth tasks to panel crashes the plasma-desktop22:29
yofelthat depends on libmarblewidget11 (>= 4:4.5.80) though22:29
Riddellulysses: maybe?22:30
Riddellulysses: can't you test it?22:30
ulyssesRiddell: I'll do22:31
Riddellidis: so our only package of 1.5.0 links against libmarblewidget.so.11, but the package will depend on whatever version it compiled against22:32
Riddellso there shouldn't be an issue of it using a version different from what it compiled against, that's exactly why we change the package name with SONAME changes22:32
idisyou mean it's impossible to keep old version of a meerkat app and a new version of natty, leading to 2 versions of marble lib at the same time?22:34
yofelidis: sure you can have 10 and 11 installed at the same time, digikam will only use whatever it was build with though22:35
idisso my question: is this supported to have the 2 versions at the same time?22:35
idisi think this is why we have the crashes22:36
idisand the reason why there were breaks/replaces stances in the past22:37
yofelwell, ldd says digikam is linked against         libmarblewidget.so.11 => /usr/lib/libmarblewidget.so.11 (0x00007fb2dd1d3000)22:42
yofelso it shouldn't even try to use .10 in any case22:42
yofelif it does then it's either an outdated package linked against .10, or I don't get gcc22:43
idishttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259631 shows a digikam 2:1.5.0-0ubuntu1 using marble .1022:45
ubottuKDE bug 259631 in general "Digikam crash" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]22:45
Riddellthat's an old version22:46
yofelhm, could be that 1.5.0 in natty *was* built with marble .10 - point is 1.7.0 in natty is built with marble .11, which is what he should use22:46
Riddellprobably he was unlucky and just got it when KDE Platform was a new version but digikam wasn't rebuilt for it22:47
Riddellthat's what happens when you use development distro versions22:47
idishttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259623 shows reporter with both libmarble 10 and 1122:47
ubottuKDE bug 259623 in general "Application: showFoto (showfoto), signal: Segmentation fault (opening jpg)" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]22:47
Riddelljust tell him to dist-upgrade22:47
Riddellsame thing there22:47
idisso my hypothesis is it's not possible to have both versions installed22:48
Riddellit should be, we mostly rebuild digikam for those pesky kdegraphics libraries that keep changing soname22:49
Riddellbut maybe there's some reason why it's not and we should add a conflicts22:49
Riddellbut mostly those people should dist upgrade22:51
Riddellwant me to say that on the bugs?22:52
idisagree, but... if we find either the root cause or add a preventive conflict in packaging, then people will stop posting those ;)22:52
idisthe setup should be easy to reproduce, kdegraphics from meerat and marble from natty22:53
Riddellcan't really br reproduced since we don't have those 1.5.0 packages around any more22:57
idiswell, thanks for input anyway22:59
ulyssesRiddell: I rebuilded plasma-widget-smooth-tasks and installed it, it doesn't crash plasma-desktop now23:00
Riddellulysses: ok I'll upload it in a bit23:01
* penguin42 reads the Device notifier sources and sees there is a checkable item for 'Show hidden devices' - now if only I could find that on the GUI I'd be happy23:26
shadeslayerRiddell: its a no go for v8 in natty .... apparently the folks over at #qtwebkit says its not ready and doesnt build on all platforms23:28
Riddellshadeslayer: oh well.  I have to say I'm more concerned about flash not working properly23:32
Riddellalso about ajax and utf8 not working proprely in rekonq with KDE Platform 4.623:32
rbelemhey Riddell 23:33
shadeslayerRiddell: http://webkit.sed.hu/blog/20101216/benchmarking-qtwebkit-v8-linux23:33
shadeslayerRiddell: thats because of kdewebkit23:34
Riddellhi rbelem 23:36
Riddellshadeslayer: does rekonq even use kdewebkit?23:36
shadeslayerRiddell: yes!23:36
Riddelloh aye, libkdewebkit5, so it odes23:36
shadeslayerRiddell: i made a demo browser today using Qgraphics web view  :P23:37
shadeslayerits faster than rekonq23:37
shadeslayerRiddell: http://gitweb.kde.org/scratch/garg/DemoWebViewBrowser.git23:37
shadeslayeri have to add a urlbar tho ... took me 6 hours to figure out how23:37
shadeslayerwill commit it tomorrow 23:38
shadeslayerneed to sleep23:38
rbelemmy wifi connection is falling all the time :-(23:39
rbelemRiddell, ping23:39
Riddellhi rbelem 23:42

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