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marionhow do i reinstall java00:43
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jon__high9000i am having problems with the kernel on both lucid and Maverick. i am a newbie at this. the kernel prevents loading (Booting) the system properly.01:03
jon__high9000Can anyone help?01:07
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sxdont happy be worry01:31
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NismineHey guys. I just installed kmplayer through kpackagekit but it is not playing any of my videos. Do I need to install something else?01:42
James147Nismine: do you have the codecs?01:43
NismineI'm not sure. New to Kubuntu. How do I check?01:44
James147Nismine: install "kubuntu-restricted-extras" that should install everything you need01:44
NismineJames147: I did install that.01:45
James147Nismine: do oterh video players work? (dragon or kaffeine?)01:45
NismineJames147: Dragon does.01:45
NismineJames147: Do I need to install mplayer before kmplayer?01:46
James147Nismine: then its probally kmplayer :) have you checked the settings for kmplayer? sorry, dont know much about that player so cant really help much more01:46
James147Nismine: not sure, but if you did then I would have thourght that kpackagekit would have installed it as well01:47
NismineJames147: Well it didn't, but I guess I will try it manually.01:47
James147Nismine: then I would think its not required :)01:48
James147but it wont hurt to install it :)01:48
NismineJames147: It worked!01:50
NismineIt would be nice if there was a way to permanently hide the bar on the left on Kaffeine.02:07
James147Nismine: you can move it :p02:08
NismineJames147: Yeah, but it still takes some space...02:09
James147Nismine: you can put it on the bottom with the other bar, and give it as little space as possible :)02:10
NismineJames147: That is actually much better! Thanks!02:10
coplashow does one configure default action for when a DVD is inserted?03:22
James147coplas: system settings > device actions03:28
coplasJames147: any idea what I'd put in there?03:30
James147coplas: depends what you qwant to do..03:30
coplassay for a video DVD, for SMPlayer to open it03:31
James147coplas: copy the one for dragon player/kaffeine03:33
coplasall it has is parameter type: content disjunction03:34
coplasis that really enough?03:34
James147coplas: mine has two elements as well, (the list is a tree, make sure you expand the element03:35
coplasokay is this stored in a file somewhere so I can easily copy it? :p03:36
James147coplas: my guess would be yes :) but I do not know where (somewhere in ~/.kde/share/config is likly though)03:36
* coplas checks03:36
coplas /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/ and ~/.kde/share/apps/solid/actions/, presumably03:40
James147coplas: probally03:41
coplasJames147: so these are supposed to be offered in a notification when the DVD is inserted?03:49
coplaswhat if there is no notification03:49
James147coplas: i belave they are offered in the device notifier widget03:49
coplasah well that's something03:51
coplasstill not sure how to have it alwnays use such an actio03:53
James147coplas: not sure it can trigger then automatically03:54
coplasI am, just not how03:54
coplasnot all that familiar with KDE03:54
coplasI suppose I could double up with some hal/udev magick03:55
James147coplas: as far as i know, kde is only able to automount device, no run actions on them03:55
James147coplas: yeah, you will probally need to go to a lower level to do that03:55
coplasjust hard to believe, I think GNOME has stuff in place for this03:57
James147O-o.. its rare taht gnome and do something kde cant :S03:59
coplasyeah which is why I think I'm just ignorant :p04:03
coplasanyways, thanks, that was wicked helpful04:05
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tomdHi, im tying to use fuse and have installed flickrfs and sshfs. when i grep lsmod for fuse, nothing is shown. I also have tried to manually load with sudo modprobe fuse. Using 10.10 with 2.6.32-27-generic 2.6.32-27-generic. Any brilliant insights?04:11
gr8m8tomd:  any return from trying to modprobe fuse?04:13
tomdhi gr8m8: no error, should i recive a confrimation?04:14
gr8m8if you use the -v switch you would get some but if it errors it normally mentions it04:15
tomdeven "sudo modprobe -v fuse" produces no output :|04:16
gr8m8that's strange - does fuse show in a grep of lsmod now?04:19
tomdno gr8m8, nothing "lsmod | grep -i fuse"04:20
gr8m8maybe try   ls -R /lib/modules | grep -i fuse   to see if the module exists04:22
tomdsweet. thanks gr8m804:23
tomdwait, so it exsist, but its still not loaded?04:23
gr8m8does it exist in the modules for a different kernel you have and not the kernel you are using?04:25
tomdfour diff kernels, including the one that is running04:26
gr8m8I've no idea why there is no return or succes with modprobe then - maybe fuse has to be started as a service I wouldn't know04:28
gr8m8!info fuse04:29
ubottuPackage fuse does not exist in maverick04:29
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems04:29
gr8m8wasn't much help04:29
tomd:) thanks for getting me to making sure the mod exsist... that was new to me.04:30
gr8m8np :-)04:35
tomdFYI Fuse is complied in rather than a loadable mod... i think... "grep FUSE_FS /boot/config-2.6.32-27-generic04:59
gr8m8I've never bothered with it... but handy to know05:07
rjwiiicool ...05:45
rjwiiiis there a gkrellm like utility for kubuntu?05:50
jepongdragon player is crashing when playing wmv... any suggestion?06:05
rjwiiijepong: xine06:08
jepongi tried vlc and it seems work but i do like dragon player06:09
Snowhogrjwiii: gkrellm is in the *buntu repositories. Just install gkrellm.06:12
rjwiiiSnowhog: I was looking for something a little more up-to-date ... :) I've heard some stuff doesn't work in KDE 4 ...06:13
rjwiiithere may have been some recent updates, but it's still hasn't had much devel activity since 2007 ...06:14
rjwiiialso looking for something KDE related ...06:14
Snowhogrjwiii: You could go with conky. Light-weight and active.06:21
rjwiiiI'll look  into it ... ty ...06:21
rjwiiiHoly <explitive deleted> does Kubuntu boot fast ... :)06:29
jepongis it wise to upgrade to kde 4.6 rc1?06:30
rjwiiirc releases are BETA ... really only for developers and testers ...06:30
rjwiiiI'd wait for the official release or even wait for 4.6.2 or so ... that way they work the bugs out ...06:31
James147jepong: it mostly depeds on what you want... if you want to help test it and are prepared for anything and everything breaking then go ahead, if you need a stable system then wait at least a week or two after the final release06:34
rjwiiiI just installed the propriatary drivers for my video card and things just got MUCH faster ...06:34
James147rjwiii: :D06:35
rjwiiiI am amazed how fast Kubuntu boots ... 15 seconds and I'm ready to go ...06:36
DouglasKIs it possible to change the mouseover delay for the taskbar in KDE 4.5?06:47
James147DouglasK: til the tool tips show?06:50
James147DouglasK: system settings > workspace > informational tips...06:50
DouglasKIn this case till till the image of the window(s) show, but yes.  I'll try that.06:50
DouglasKAh, that did it.  Much better. :)06:51
DouglasKThanks a bunch!06:51
luis_hello good nite everyone i like to ask you how do i install a x.86.package ono terminal can somebody help me please06:56
DouglasKluis ... I could be wrong, but as I recall, it06:57
DouglasKit's dpkg --install <packagename.deb>06:58
DouglasKOr, if you want it to download from the archive and install, aptitude --install <package name>06:58
luis_let me see07:00
James147DouglasK: its "sudo aptitude install <package>"  ... or "sudo apt-get install <package>" ... you should also note that aptitude isent installed on maverick by default, so best to tell people to use apt-get, it will case less confusion :)07:05
DouglasKAh, thanks for that James147.  I add sudo as needed by habit, thanks for the reminder.   I didn't know it's not installed by default.  I sorta toggle between Gnome and KDE a couple times a year.07:06
DaskreechI think aptitude isn't installed on either07:08
James147(as of 10.10 anyway ^^)07:09
DouglasKJames147: huh, good to know.07:10
DouglasKThis box was upgraded.07:10
surunverisome of the system updates has apparently slowd down the system so that certain programs dont work very well. any idea howe to fix that?09:22
surunverialso the mouse sensitivity is too high and cannot be reduced sufficiently from system settings any idea how to work around that?09:23
ubuntuanyone know how to connect to hidden wireless networks with the kde connection manager?09:55
samuelhey guys, i have the lenovo g530, and everytime i boot my laptop, it will disable the desktop effects10:21
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shallwehi guys :D13:20
shallwesomeone here uses iphone?13:20
shallwei cant pass music from kubuntu for my iphone :(13:21
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phoenix_firebrdi wrongly deleted all the contents in the fstab. should the swap drive entry be present in fstab?14:27
tsimpsonsomething like "UUID=..... none swap sw 0 0"14:31
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: you mean if the swap drive is not mounted OS wont be able to use it?14:33
tsimpsonI'm not sure if it will auto-detect it or not14:34
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: ok14:34
tsimpsonyou can try without, and then use "cat /proc/swaps" to see if it's detected14:35
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: ok i will try that14:36
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: successfully configured to fstab to mount swap.  "cat /proc/swaps" shows the partition14:42
tsimpsongood :)14:43
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: thank you14:43
teemuI'd like to install KDE SC 4.6 RC1 but the instructions are, imho, a bit vague. What's the correct apt source for it?14:59
yofelteemu: for maverick? add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta15:08
shane4ubuntuHappy New Year all!15:12
shane4ubuntuok, I have a question, seems like when I leave my desktop for a while (usually over night) I have a crash error, plasma desktop crashed.  Sometimes it happens on boot.  It is real random, and I don't see any effects, everything is running afterwards???  Any ideas?15:13
yofelshane4ubuntu: the backtrace from drkonqi would help in finding out what exactly crashes - and which KDE version?15:14
shane4ubuntuyofel: is drkonqi a package or a person?15:15
yofelshane4ubuntu: drkonqi is the application that tells you something crashed15:15
shane4ubuntuyofel: kde that the current ubuntu 10.10 has15:15
shane4ubuntuyofel: all up to date, no special ppa's to upgrade kde or nothing15:16
yofelah, try adding the updates ppa then first (ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa)15:16
yofelmaverick has 4.5.1 by default, ppa has 4.5.415:16
shane4ubuntuyofel: is that stable?15:17
yofelshane4ubuntu: 4.5.1 -> 4.5.4 are bugfix releases15:17
shane4ubuntuyofel: how do I tell what kde I'm running?15:17
yofelshane4ubuntu: open a kde app -> help -> about KDE15:18
shane4ubuntuahh, ok, it is indeede 4.5.115:18
shane4ubuntuok, thanks! yofel added the ppa, and will start upgrading15:19
shane4ubuntuwow, 241mb of updates. :)  That is one heavy bug fix. :D15:19
yofelwell, that's all of KDE, since bugfix releases come bundled15:20
shane4ubuntuwrong window :P15:20
shane4ubunturight, understood, kde is a package, hopefully this will fix it.  It wasn't bad just annoying and random crashes while I'm not around seem odd15:21
shane4ubuntuI'm used to things crashing when I'm around, I have that effect on computers.15:22
yofelheh, problem with plasma crashes is that we need the crash stacktrace to identify what component or widget actually crashed, since the whole desktop is loaded as 'plasma-desktop'15:23
shane4ubunturight, I try to send in the reports and it always asks, do you remember what you were doing when it crashed (lol)  and then it never sends because there isn't enough info.15:23
yofelyeah, you need a useful stacktrace for crashes, if you don't have one, the report is useless15:24
shane4ubuntuwhat do I need to install to report those?15:24
shane4ubuntuI'm always glad to report bugs15:24
shane4ubuntufunny cause with Microsoft I was always paranoid to report bugs, just didn't trust them.15:25
shane4ubuntudo I need kde-dbg?  or something plasma-dbg?15:27
yofelshane4ubuntu: when the crash notification comes up - go to the advanced tab (I think it's called so) - it will try to generate the trace, if it fails, click on 'install debug symbols'15:27
yofelthat'll try to install what you need - if it's still incomplete try adding the ddebs repositories from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash15:28
shane4ubuntuI did that once, the "install debug symbols"  but for some reason something happened, and I don't know if it installed, I will check next time it pops up.15:28
yofelyeah, well, if it's still incomplete after that come here to ask ;)15:30
shane4ubuntuyofel: thanks!15:30
shane4ubuntuno that link looks pretty complete15:30
shane4ubuntuvery nice article has steps to remove after too, I always love a how to that show how to and has undo . :)15:31
shane4ubuntuok, thanks, gotta run15:32
BigGreenCanoeGood Morning.  I recently moved from ubuntu 10.10 to kubuntu, 10.10, and seemed to have lost some of the functions that I had.15:40
BigGreenCanoeSpecifically ubuntuone connectivity.  Any help?15:40
ttIs there any Chinese chatroom16:03
ulysseshello guys16:04
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tthow to use ibus to input Chinese?16:06
ttAnyone answer my ques16:06
ulyssesI read a topic on the Hungarian Ubuntu forum, the user installed the latest updates on his Kubuntu 10.04, and the update requestes a reboot. After that the system language was switched to English, and cannot be switched to Hungarian.16:07
ulyssesAlso the folder names that contained Hungarian characters can't be open due to invalid character encoding. Do you have any idea?16:08
rork!cn | tt16:08
ubottutt: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:08
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shane4ubuntuyofel: after all those upgrades, is a reboot in order, or is there another way?  tty2 sudo service kdm restart?16:39
yofellatter, but just logging out would be the same :P16:39
shane4ubuntuI didn't realize that logging out reset kdm?16:40
shane4ubuntuor just the significant desktop stuff.16:40
yofelhm, not sure, but it does start a new X session, so I assume it restarts kdm too16:41
shane4ubuntuok, brb16:41
shane4ubuntuok, what is the kde upgrade thing that I need to run to upgrade the rest?  in command line I ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and it upgraded, howere now it tells me some packages were kept back, I usually go to gui and they upgrade fine16:45
shane4ubuntukpackagekit, got it.16:46
shane4ubuntuyofel: it is wanting to remove kdeartwork, kdm and several other seeming important things, I assume it will replace them?16:47
yofelerm, wait16:49
kleopatra i just installed 10.10 64bit on my system. now my windows will not start anymore no menu from which i could choose appears at startup. What should i do?16:49
omniunido you have multiple entries for windows?16:49
yofelshane4ubuntu: no it shouldn't, can you go to konsole and pastebin what 'apt-get dist-upgrade' says?16:50
izinucsshane4ubuntu: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will probably catch those last packages16:50
omniunifor example "windows vista  loader" or something like that, as well as the "normal" entries?16:50
kleopatraomniuni: for the fact i kiled grub several times in the past i say: i don not have a clue. there is only one windows installed on my computer16:50
shane4ubuntuyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549316/16:50
sithlord48omniuni, do you have a live disk?16:51
shane4ubuntuyofel: I think I remember seeing you walk someone else through this once,16:51
omniunikleopatra: what version of windows do you have installed?16:51
kleopatrawin vista16:51
yofelshane4ubuntu: let me try something16:51
sithlord48or you can just hold shift when booting grub and use the recovery options16:51
sithlord48from there you can fix grub's vista entry (hopefully, by simply updating it)16:52
sithlord48kleopatra: does windows show up in your grub list at all ?16:53
kleopatrai dont have any list at all by now16:53
yofelshane4ubuntu: actually, can you pastebin the output of 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade' ? (install aptitude if it's not there)16:53
sithlord48hold shift right before grub loads16:53
omniunikleopatra: can you try running "sudo parted -l" and tell me the result?16:53
shane4ubuntuyofel: even if I loose kdm it isn't a big deal, I would still have cli and could install it after the fact, then dpkg-reconfigure x or something like that16:53
sithlord48should put you to a menu16:53
yofelshane4ubuntu: installing kdm should already be fine, but do you have a few mins so we can find out what's the problem?16:54
izinucskleopatra: the list just flys by to fast.. on boot after post, I think you hold the Shift key to get grub to show the menu.. if that's not it then Esc may do the same16:54
shane4ubuntuyofel: yep16:55
sithlord48kleopatra:  do you recall where you installed grub  ?16:55
shane4ubuntuyofel: wow, that was exciting:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/549320/  check that out.16:55
kleopatrai did not change the standard grub installation location16:55
yofel. . .16:56
yofelI've already seen that once..16:56
omniunioh, shane4ubuntu... i am sorry! (i am sadly familiar with your problem)16:56
sithlord48kleopatra: try using "sudo os-prober"  then "update-grub" see if it makes a win entry16:56
omniunikleopatra: did you by any chance happen to use the resize-windows option when installing?16:57
sithlord48kleopatra: or just paste bin that output16:57
shane4ubuntuyofel: I should tell you upfront, I started with Ubuntu install, converted to Kubuntu install.16:57
kleopatrals: Zugriff auf /media/2262053D62051767/boot16:57
kleopatraBoot nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden16:57
kleopatraos-prober gives me some error16:57
sithlord48you need sudo w/ both commands16:57
kleopatrawas run as sudo16:58
omniuniwhat was the error?16:58
kleopatrabott not possible, file not found16:58
kleopatraaccess to /media/blabla denied16:58
shane4ubuntuomniuni: and what did you do for that?16:58
omniunithat almost sounds like grub is not installed.16:59
kleopatrahow could i check this?16:59
omniunishane4ubuntu: I ended up using aptitude instead of apt-get16:59
shane4ubuntuomniuni: to upgrade then?16:59
yofelshane4ubuntu: can you say 'n' until the list of stuff to remove get's pretty small?16:59
sithlord48you should have a look at the grub2 guide .. let me see if i can find you a link quick16:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:00
omniunishane4ubuntu: install one of the top-level packages, like libkdecore5, and aptitude should present a solution... sudo aptitude install libkdecore517:00
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, I'm not terrible concerned, if I loose gui, I can work my way around the terminal and get gui back, so that isn't too bad.17:00
kleopatrado not leave me alone with the manuals again^^, its the third time i try to get things running and for me as noob i always reinstalled all my systems17:00
sithlord48well there you do ..17:00
shane4ubuntuomniuni: ok, thanks!17:00
yofelshane4ubuntu: sure, but this shouldn't happen in the first place, and it would like to know why it happens17:00
yofeltry omniunis suggestion though17:01
omniunikleopatra: let's try to install grub from the command line, and see what happens17:01
shane4ubuntuyofel: is there any other info I can get for you before I start fixing17:01
kleopatragrub-install -v17:01
kleopatragrub-install (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu317:01
sithlord48ok kleopatra: you can check for install grub w/ .... grub-install -v17:01
yofelshane4ubuntu: sec17:01
kleopatraseems like grub2 is there17:01
yofelshane4ubuntu:  aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' | pastebinit17:02
sithlord48that it does17:02
sithlord48ok then next part..17:02
yofelshane4ubuntu: you might have to install pastebinit first17:02
omniunikleopatra: try using these directions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:04
lucidfoxI installed Kubuntu 10.10 on an Asus Eee PC 1000H, and I can't log in via KDM - it just pushes me back to KDM. startx works normally and gives me a KDE desktop17:04
lucidfoxAny ideas?17:04
omniunii know the title does not necessarily match your problem, but the symptoms are similar17:04
kleopatraomniuni: hmm i want to recover windows not ubuntu, ubuntu works fine17:04
omniunikleopatra: yes, but if you install windows after ubuntu, it kills the bootloader. i am thinking your grub is installed, but either to a wrong location or something like that17:05
yofellucidfox: works fine here, can you get us the /var/log/kdm.log (.1 maybe) from a failed login attempt?17:05
sithlord48lucidfox:  did you fill the partition17:05
omniuniunfortunately, Vista is by far the least reliable OS you can deal with17:05
yofellucidfox: you can pastebin from commandline using pastebinit17:06
sithlord48kleopatra:  im working on an alt way to check if windows is reconized17:06
izinucsomniuni: if kleopatra had done that then windows would be booting not kubuntu17:06
lucidfoxsithlord48> What partition?17:07
sithlord48or root17:07
sithlord48prolly home17:07
sithlord48df -h17:07
omniuniizinucs: right, but if grub was installed or failed to install in some way, the directions for restoring grub should lead it to re-probe the hard drive17:07
sithlord48kleopatra:  it looks like grub-probe does baisly the same as os-prober but i can't get it to work17:08
kleopatrathe problem seems to be that there is no windows entry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:08
izinucsomniuni: absolutely..17:08
sithlord48kleopatra:  i was just gonna say look in your grub.cfg.17:08
sithlord48you can manually add one.17:08
izinucsomniuni: kleopatra have you tried .. sudo update-grub .. ?17:09
sithlord48if you do afterwards, do the command "sudo gurb-update"17:09
izinucsor sithlord48 's method17:09
omniuniizinucs: hooray for grub2! oh, so much better than the old grub 1....17:10
sithlord48try "sudo grub-update"  im just sure it you need to run os-prober first, or it probes by it self.17:10
kleopatraupdate-grub throws an error: it says it cant read the partition or something like that17:10
izinucsI think it's actually update-grub not grub-update .. but you'll find out soon enough17:10
omniunikleopatra: install gparted if it is not installed, then run it, and right-click the windows partition, and check for errors/ repair it17:10
sithlord48sorry update-grub  is correct17:10
lucidfoxyofel> Looks like ibus errors. inotify_add_watch failed, IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon17:11
omniunithen try "update-grub" again17:11
yofellucidfox: that should be non-fatal though - anything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log (.old) ?17:12
omniuniby the way, does anyone here have problems with kwin crashing constantly?17:12
sithlord48naw kwin works nicely here..17:12
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, sorry got disconnected, last thing I got was sec. :)17:13
yofelnope, only plasma, but I'm running 4.617:13
sithlord48some machines i find i have to reset the black list for effects for them to work again17:13
omniunidarn. it seems that for some strange reason kwin does not work with the ATI Radeon x125017:13
yofelshane4ubuntu: can you run 'aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' | pastebinit' and get me the link? (if you didn't upgrade yet)17:13
omniuni*that is a "d a r n" not anything more profane17:13
sithlord48working w/ my newer radeion 4830HD17:14
shane4ubuntuyofel: http://pastebin.com/RNx9SAsD17:14
shane4ubuntulove pastebinit17:14
sithlord48and the 4200HD  series as well as the 3200HD seams gooda lso17:14
lucidfoxyofel> Hmm. Xorg.0.log.old has a segmentation fault, but I see no obvious reason for it17:15
sithlord48kleopatra:  ne luck?17:15
kleopatrano luck ...17:15
kleopatragparted finishes after 3 secs and os-proper does not work nor update-grub... reading error17:16
sithlord48kleopatra:  lets manully add an entry for windows..17:16
omniunisithlord48: yeah, my desktop has a radeon hd and it works great (thank you AMD for putting some developers on the radeonhd driver!)17:16
kleopatrai found that   blkid says this: ls: Zugriff auf /var/lib/os-prober/mount/boot17:16
sithlord48omniuni: yea i have a friend w/ an older X series mobile chip its touchy at best17:16
kleopatrasry ..17:16
omniunikleopatra: does gparted say that the windows partition is good?17:16
kleopatrait says nothing at all ^^,   /dev/sda1: UUID="2262053D62051767" TYPE="ntfs"17:16
omniunisithlord48: it worked great on 10.04.... it's only since the upgrade to 10.10 that it crashes, even though compositing is beautiful and FAST for the first minute or so before it crashes X17:17
izinucstestdisk can help recover a bad partition/disk .. but it doesn't look like that is needed17:17
omniuniit doesn't crash when I run the updates from xorg-updates PPA, but then it gets slow17:18
yofellucidfox: really odd, esp. since I have a 1000H that works fine... fresh installation ?17:18
sithlord48omniuni:  maybe its a bug17:18
omniunikleopatra: what about the little vista boot partition?17:18
lucidfoxyes, fresh installation17:18
omniunisithlord48: I'm afraid it probably is, i just wish I knew WHAT. compiz works, and openGL works, it's just kwin17:19
sithlord48omniuni:  install them -dbg packs and make a report :(17:19
kleopatrai cant get anything to run...17:20
omniunisithlord48: i opened a bug a week after 10.10 came out... no results yet :(17:20
omniunikleopatra: what do you mean "anything"?17:21
kleopatraomniuni: trying to write my own menu entry now ...17:21
omniunikleopatra: DID you check the little Vista boot partition?17:22
omniuniit should be around 150 megabytes17:22
kleopatraomniunui: where is this partition?17:23
sithlord48looking at your map i don't see it17:23
omniunikleopatra: er, it is in theory the little partition that holds the windows boot loader, which is what grub looks for to detect windows... it chain-loads into ndldr, the windows boot loader, since windows will not boot from grub directly...17:25
omniunikleopatra: it should look something like this:17:26
omniuniNumber  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags17:26
omniuni 1      1049kB  106MB   105MB   primary   ntfs            boot17:26
omniuni 2      106MB   27.3GB  27.2GB  primary   ntfs17:26
FloodBotK1omniuni: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:26
omniunioops, i did not realize that would make separate lines, aplogies17:26
kleopatrawhere can i search for these entries fdsik downs mention multiple windows entries17:27
izinucsomniuni: he used parted -l to get a list of partitions earlier http://pastebin.com/0eyZ8sr8...  he should run sudo fdisk -l to get a better idea17:28
omniunikleopatra: I hesitate to say this, but that may be the problem17:28
omniuniizinucs: thanks, I missed that17:28
omniuniizinucs: that link did not work17:28
yofelomniuni: it does (the ... don't belong to the link)17:29
izinucsomniuni: worked for me from the post a few lines ago17:29
omniuniizinucs: never mind, it was just pidgin adding the dots to it, i did not realize it was not smart enough to figure it out17:29
shane4ubuntuomniuni: yofel:  I see what you mean that is quite a problem.  I didn't get it fixed, switched back to gdm, removed all kde stuff, well, actually aptitude did for me.17:29
izinucsomniuni: pidgin? xchat or quassel for gui.. I'm ssh'd into my server running irssi :)17:30
omniunishane4ubuntu: exactly what was your problem? (the error you showed can have several things that lead to it)17:30
omniuniizinucs: in some ways, I am a n00b myself. :D17:30
yofelshane4ubuntu: sadly I can't really reproduce your setup, you have quite a few 3rd party apps installed that aren't in the archive, probably it's one of them that's linked against KDE 4.5.117:30
izinucsaren't we all :)17:30
shane4ubuntuomniuni: my understanding of it is that I enabled, kubuntu-ppa and was going to upgrade to 4.5.6?  or something like that, didn't go well at all.17:30
omniunioh, ouch17:30
omniunishane4ubuntu: do you by any chance have your mirror set to something other than the default?17:31
shane4ubuntuyofel: right, I probably need to do a clean install of kubuntu then do that.17:31
shane4ubuntuoh, for the sources?  I only use the US mirrors, I tried these South American mirrors before and found them behind times.17:31
yofelshane4ubuntu: well, aptitude can give you more than one resolution for a problem, you could try to install kubuntu-desktop again and see what the resolution with the smallest amount of packages to be removed is17:32
kleopatraAlso hier mal eine grobe Zusammenfassung von allem was ich glaube das relevant ist in erster linie  :  http://pastebin.com/gpRff34y17:32
shane4ubuntuyofel: I did that, it was ugly, all ugly, and after the second no it just kept repeating itself.17:32
kleopatrasry in english. some conclusion   on http://pastebin.com/gpRff34y17:33
omniunihpfs/ntfs!? oh dear something is quite wrong.17:33
sithlord48kleopatra:  you doing it wrong i think you need to use chainload17:33
shane4ubuntuyofel: probably my nvidia card with drivers is the prob17:33
yofelshane4ubuntu: most definitely not (I'm using nvidia too)17:33
omniunishane4ubuntu: nvidia drivers? why do you think that?17:33
shane4ubuntuomniuni: shot in the dark?  I'm not sure, oh, I don't have OO.o default installed either, I have vanilla17:34
shane4ubuntuperhaps that?17:34
kleopatraim not doing anything ^^17:34
omniunishane4ubuntu: do you have the openoffice.org-kde (or comparable) installed?17:34
lucidfoxyofel> Oh right... *facepalm* What worked was "sudo startx", and it logged me into KDE as root :(17:34
lucidfoxsimply typing startx brings up a black screen17:35
shane4ubuntureally I don't have that much else that would really conflict17:35
lucidfoxand the terminal is spammed with "No protocol specified"17:35
shane4ubuntuomniuni: No OO.o straight from their web site, all the *Buntu OO.o have a bug that affects me, been that way for over a year now17:35
yofelshane4ubuntu, omniuni: here's what I got trying to reproduce the system setup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549331/ java isn't the problem though17:36
omniunishane4ubuntu: can you run "sudo apt-cache search kde | grep integration"17:36
shane4ubuntuomniuni: I tried reporting it and all I got was a bunch of smart remarks against *Buntu, and it is on launchpad for Ubuntu, but doesn't affect enough people to matter.17:36
sithlord48kleopatra:  "in windows you prolly would use: chanloader (hdX,Y),+1" (x,y are partitions try 1,1 or 1,017:36
omniunishane4ubuntu: what was the bug?17:37
shane4ubuntuI can't open a large spreadsheet that I use regularly17:37
omniunishane4ubuntu: ..... wha.... what? that is just strange. i don't suppose you tried it minus the kde integration?17:38
shane4ubuntuomniuni: ooo people say it is because the interfaces are looking for a network connection and Ubuntu has to fix their network interfaces, or freedesktop.org or something, they were real hhmmm, not friendly.17:38
yofelshane4ubuntu: got the bug numbers?17:39
shane4ubuntuomniuni: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549332/  here is the pastebin17:40
shane4ubuntuyofel: let me dig it up17:40
omniunishane4ubuntu: i'm sorry they were not so friendly, let me take a look at that pastebin17:40
omniuniah, yep17:40
omniunitry removing "openoffice.org-kde"17:40
omniunithat package has so many problems it should just be removed17:41
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omniuniinstall openoffice.org-gnome instead17:41
shane4ubuntuPackage openoffice.org-kde is not installed, so not removed17:41
omniuni(yes, i use the gnome integration while running kde)17:41
omniunishane4ubuntu: oh, i'm sorry17:41
shane4ubuntubut, that may have been removed in the aptitude war17:41
yofelsithlord48: here's how my windows entry looks like if you need a reference: http://pastebin.com/7ksZEtby17:42
yofel(in grub.cfg)17:42
shane4ubuntuyofel: here is the bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/58422017:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 584220 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "[ooo-build] OpenOffice Calc extremely slow opening document" [Low,Triaged]17:43
beppehi, I need to resize an ext-something partition, what program should I use?17:43
beppeI only have that one ext partition17:44
shane4ubuntuyofel: OO.o only opens slowly for that one document for me, not all documents17:44
yofelwell, I'll vouch for the competence of chris, but I guess nobody had time to look at this yet :/17:45
izinucsbeppe: is it being used for anything .. that is.. is it mounted as part of your system.. if not then use kpartitionmanager or gparted17:45
shane4ubuntuyofel: no, on the bug report everyone was fine, no problems, the problems were when I wondered out of Ubuntu realm and tried to report the problem else where someone recommened. it was a waste.17:46
beppeizinucs: yeah its my / partition17:46
izinucsbeppe: then you have to use a live cd to do it.. your milage may vary .. are you trying to create a separate /home partition?17:47
yofelshane4ubuntu: yeah, upstreams don't like to be bugged about distribution modifications of their software, same for most17:47
omniunishane4ubuntu: have you tried libreoffice?17:48
shane4ubuntulibreoffice?  omniuni I don't remember17:48
izinucslibeoffice is in RC1 now.. reports say it's working pretty good but there are features that are not active yet.17:49
shane4ubuntuI may have, I guess it was only 6 months, I don't mind running vanilla OOo really, so to me it isn't a big deal17:49
shane4ubuntuI need stability more than anything as I use OOo on a very regular basis.17:49
omniuniright! back to your current predicament. what happens if you try to "aptitude install libplasma3"?17:50
shane4ubuntuomniuni: no packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.17:51
omniunihm. where are you at right now?17:51
shane4ubuntuin gnome17:51
omniunilol, ah17:51
shane4ubuntuapt-get reports libplasma3 already installed17:51
omniunium, what ppa's do you have enabled?17:51
beppeizinucs: well I need to put some 20gb of data somewhere (on an 80gb disk) to update the system, its kubuntu 9.4. separate /home would be an option17:52
shane4ubuntuha ha, I have played with pinning omniuni so I have a few ppa's enabled, but most are low numbered.17:52
shane4ubuntuI know there is a command to show all that, but I forget what it is.17:52
omniuniuh, pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list17:53
shane4ubuntuomniuni: here is my preferences:  http://pastebin.com/QZQGrr8U17:53
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beppeizinucs: so if I use the kubuntu live cd I should be able to do everything during installation right? install 10.10 in parallel with 9.4 then move the data to 10.10 and remove 9.4...17:54
shane4ubuntuhere is my sources.list:  http://pastebin.com/6C9P9wP2  omniuni17:54
izinucsbeppe: well if you're looking to make space for the data then it's prime time to create a separate /home and use it for the data.. ultimately the / partition only needs to be between 8-15 gigs depending on what you install.17:54
omniunilol, x-swat17:54
shane4ubuntuomniuni: that was I think some ppa for a xorg, or graphics stuff.17:55
omniunishane4ubuntu: oh, i know. it is extremely unstable for the most part17:55
yofelx-updates has stable graphics driver updates, usually good to have enabled17:56
yofelomniuni: please don't confuse edgers with updates ;)17:56
shane4ubuntuomniuni: the prob is not all the ppa are listed there, didn't they move them to /etc/apt/source.list.d/17:56
izinucsI haven't had any issues with x-swat drivers at all.17:56
beppeizinucs: ok thanks17:56
omniuniyofel: maybe i should try it again.... neither was particularly stable last time i tried17:56
yofelshane4ubuntu: if you add them with software-properties it'll land in sources.list.d/*17:56
omniuniyofel: then again, my current sock x is not very stable either17:56
shane4ubuntuyofel: some I probably added that way, although I use add-apt-repository mostly, and I noticed that too puts them in there17:57
omniunithe software-properties dialogue is essentially a front-end to add-apt-repo17:58
shane4ubuntuI love the add-apt-repo, that is usually what I use, just quick and easy17:59
yofelshane4ubuntu: just tell us what files you have in sources.list.d, they're properly named17:59
shane4ubuntuI was just doing that, figured it was probably relevant17:59
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omniunishane4ubuntu: are some of those your own packages?18:00
shane4ubuntusome of those I need to remove,18:00
shane4ubuntujust one18:00
shane4ubuntuthe other is old, first failed attempt18:00
omniunishane4ubuntu: have you checked the dependencies?18:00
shane4ubuntuis it fine just to delete those out of there?18:00
shane4ubuntuomniuni: it is a simple python package, not really any deps18:01
omniunishane4ubuntu: i think so, but you should probably just comment them to be safe18:01
shane4ubuntuI'm not a programmer, or the author, but the author only dabbles with Linux18:01
omniunishane4ubuntu: does it use wxpython?18:02
omniunishane4ubuntu: i don't suppose that could be part of the problem?18:03
shane4ubuntuI would highly doubt it, enable the repo and give it a try. :)18:03
shane4ubuntubut I'm not a programmer, just a computer user, so I really don't know.18:04
omniunishane4ubuntu: i feel for you, unfortunately we seem to have a problem that goes down several layers18:04
shane4ubuntuwell, re-installing the system is a snap, since I have /home on a separate partition, it is no big deal at all18:05
shane4ubuntuhowever I'm not doing it today, to much else to do, perhaps Monday.18:06
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omniunishane4ubuntu: yep, i started making separate /home a few years ago.... best decision EVER.18:07
shane4ubuntuI thought about installing Kubuntu from scratch to get the full feel, I have used Ubuntu for years, and installed kde for the xteenth time and this time really started to like it, perhaps I actually have a computer that can run kde. :)18:07
shane4ubuntuomniuni: oh yes, best way to go, I recommend it for everyone I install for, if they are doing a full install.18:08
omniunikde has also gotten much more efficient since the early 4.x days18:08
yofelbetter yes, but efficient...18:08
shane4ubuntuyes, it runs much more smoothly, but even in the kde3 days, I don't think my computer had the guts to run it.18:08
omniunishane4ubuntu: yep. first thing I taught my room mate "you may not know about this "command line" thing, or "kde vs. gnome" but you will know how to partition your hard drive18:08
shane4ubuntulol, everything else is secondary18:09
shane4ubuntuomniuni: yofel are you guys kubuntu devs or just indepth users?18:09
yofelindepth user, though I do some kubuntu packaging from time to time (hang out in #kubuntu-devel, very informative)18:10
omniunii'm just a user, but I have gotten pretty good at troubleshooting. I read a reddit post about a not-so-nice linux community, and decided to come here and show that there are some of us who try not to be rude.18:10
omniuniin my experience, this channel is usually pretty nice though, so that speaks well for the *buntu community18:11
shane4ubuntuahh ok, I'm a tech hobbyist. :)  Actually a missionary that works in Peru, but love technology and use it, also love the *buntu community.18:11
omniunishane4ubuntu: that's pretty cool. have you worked with the olpc?18:12
shane4ubuntuwell, the whole ubuntu community code is a good thing, I have been turned off by many other distros just by very rude sarcastic help.18:12
shane4ubuntuolpc?  omniuni18:12
shane4ubuntunot familiar with it.18:12
omniunishane4ubuntu: one-laptop-per-child18:13
shane4ubuntuomniuni: no, actually I heard something about it, but wasn't envolved with it, but I push Linux here a lot18:13
sithlord48i wanted to get one of those but i sadly don't have the cash for one.. , figured it would  be nice to work on sugar or someother part of the system18:13
shane4ubuntuman I live in an area that kids wouldn't know what to do with a laptop, and don't have power to charge them.18:14
omniunisithlord48: yep, same. the Geode is really cool. when Intel came out with the Atom, I wondered why AMD didn't just start making Geode laptops18:14
omniunishane4ubuntu: that's the idea behind the OLPC... hand crank!18:15
shane4ubuntuthat is cool, I didn't know that.18:15
omniunishane4ubuntu: then, they use mesh networking to piggyback internet into the middle of nowhere18:15
sithlord48shane4ubuntu:  they have solar pannels and hand crank . all kinds of wireless stuff.. for networking and power18:15
shane4ubuntulooking at some of the pics they seem like tough laptops, not the kind I'm used to.18:15
sithlord48i would love to have one if not for camping18:15
fredyHello alll18:15
fredyHappy new to you all18:15
omniunihello, happy new year to you too!18:16
shane4ubuntuok guys, I gotta get busy, thanks for the help,18:16
shane4ubuntuhappy New Year fredy18:16
omniunigood luck, shane4ubuntu, and hny18:16
sithlord48later shane4ubuntu18:16
sithlord48and happy new year fredy18:17
fredyThank's man18:17
fredyWhat's up with u guys18:17
sithlord48not much here relaxing for now18:18
fredyThat's good for you18:20
sithlord48that it is.18:20
Wat_NuHi there!18:21
fredySo how was ur christmas celebration!18:21
sithlord48it was good and yours18:22
Wat_NuEhemmm.... Is this an english chat?18:22
sithlord48Wat_Nu: yes, basicly what lang are you looking for ?18:22
fredyNot all that good for me, because i was working by then18:22
sithlord48fredy: lame.18:23
Wat_NuEnglish would be okay for me. I actually expexted a german chat.18:23
sithlord48think you can join #kubuntu-de for german18:24
Wat_NuI am a Kubuntu user since yesterday....18:24
sithlord48in that case welcome :) , how are you finding it so far ?18:25
fredyI've been using kubumtu operating system for a year now, but i never knew there was such a chat on my laptop.18:26
fredyI discorvered it a month now18:26
Wat_NuI just installed konversation.18:27
fredyThen u are warmly welcome to the family of kubuntu18:27
sithlord48idk i've been a kde user for a long time, and been an on and off linux user since ~94, but i have been using kubuntu only for about maybe 2-3 years now18:27
sithlord48yes, we welcome out new family member Wat_Nu18:28
fredyHow do u feel the environment!18:28
fredyWat_Nu: u are welcome once again..18:28
Wat_Nufredy: How do u feel the environment!  What exactly do you mean by that?18:29
fredyI mean mean using this chat room.18:30
Wat_NuI have no problems! ;)18:30
sithlord48fredy btw kubuntu comes w/  quassel (irc client) by default.18:30
Wat_NuI know but I was not sure how to configure it.18:31
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fredyI don't really understand what u are explaining here.18:32
fredyCan u brief me!18:32
Wat_NuI have been using Konversation for some time and am familiar with it.18:32
fredyI'm using Ubuntu 10.10 inconjuction with Kubuntu and xubuntu. Mine was already configured.18:35
sithlord48JontheEchidna: happy new year :)18:36
sithlord48quassel is a irc client like conversation, you don't have to configure anything since this is its default channel and server to join18:37
Wat_NuAfter I installed konversation it was also configured. That is why I am here! ;)  quassel was not confugured, funnly enough...18:37
sithlord48sorry you need to configure you chat name . for sure18:37
sithlord48thats odd i  was pretty sure that quassel comes set up for this channel..18:38
Wat_NuThat is the only thing that I configured, there was another nick.18:38
shane4ubuntuomniuni: thanks for the heads up on LibreOffice, I didn't know about that.18:38
Wat_NuFor konversation, that is.18:39
sithlord48thats just odd.. maybe im mistaken18:39
Wat_NuOr me!18:39
Wat_NuI just looked. Iwas mistaken! Sorry! But Iwanted to join another chat room. I did not know how to go about it.18:41
Wat_NuA german chat room that I usually visit....18:42
fredyHow are u doing!18:43
yofelWat_Nu: type: /join #chatroom    (replacing chatroom with the name of the room you want to join)18:44
Wat_NuNow I am here, that is also nice. I was just curious. That is why. The german chat room I already visited and left it again.18:45
Wat_NuNo problem on my side... ;)18:46
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Wat_NuI guess there are folks here from all over the world?18:50
fredyThat's really true18:51
Wat_NuThat is nice!18:51
fredyI figure out a whole lot of people here....18:51
fredyAnd feeling good with it18:52
karuruich HASS kubuntuuu!!1118:59
DarthFrogkaruru: Congratulations!  You are indeed a lucky man.19:00
Guest58991is there  a prob with the 10.10 network - tried kubuntu and ubuntu  and a distro based on it and can't connect eth0 or wlan019:01
Guest92389dhclient wlan0 or eth019:04
Snowhogkaruru: Saying you hate kubuntu isn't helpful. This is a Kubuntu Support IRC Channel. If you have problems, please allow us the opportunity to assist.19:04
Wat_NuWell, good bye everyone! I might pop in again sometime....19:09
fredyHave a nice day Wa_Nu19:10
Guest58991Guest92389: both19:13
psykatogdumb question - what konsole command do I use to run a shell script19:13
Guest58991Guest92389: works on all other distros19:13
psykatog`(trying to install slax onto a usb - already navigated to the folder containing the script19:13
Guest58991Guest92389: i think it network-manager  but it still does not go after i remove it and add /etc/network/interfaces19:14
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pixie__Dustin i know you are in here......20:20
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fabiofeliz ano novo21:18
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:21
rtdoshow do i reset file association settings? everytime i click on a link inside the quick access browser (html file for example) i keep getting a prompt to open with what application?21:58
shane4ubuntuyofel: apparently it was kdm that was the prob?  it is fixed now, I tinkered here and there, well, I haven't got kde installed, but that should be easy now.21:58
shane4ubunturtdos: in either dolphin or settings, dolphin is probably easiest21:59
shane4ubunturtdos: click on properties, then look for the wrench and set what app you want to open that file type22:00
shane4ubuntuyofel: I take that back, not fixed.22:01
rtdosit keeps asking me, shane4ubuntu22:06
shane4ubunturtdos: even after that is set?22:08
rtdosyes. it's already set to chromium.22:08
rtdosit only prompts me when i use the quick browser.22:08
shane4ubunturtdos: hmm, not sure, sorry, I'm not in kde right now, got locked out, working in gnome.22:09
James147rtdos: try default application in system settings, if not you can try reset the file association by deleting ~/.kde/share/config/filetyperc  (at least I think thats the file)22:19
rtdoswill do james, thanks.22:22
rtdoshow do i force fschk on the next reboot?22:34
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JeroenDeDauwI'd like to be able to access my laptop account via ssh. Got everything working, but would like to restrict ssh access to public key auth. I know how to do this, but not how to still be able to login locally. How can I do this?22:58
yofelthere was a setting in /etc/ssh/sshd_config for that, can't remember which one though..23:01
yofelJeroenDeDauw: try step 2 on http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/10/30/five-steps-to-a-more-secure-ssh/23:01
JeroenDeDauwyofel: Thanks! That worked :)23:10
rtdoshow do i force fsck on the next reboot?23:13
SentynelJust installed the KDE 4.6RC1 packages, and everything seems to be working fine, except for kpackagekit, which segfaults on startup (backtrace: http://pastebin.com/mpB508ph ). Is this a known issue?23:14
yofelSentynel: it is, use muon instead until we get the new kpk version23:17
fredyHelloo friends23:18
yofelrtdos: sudo touch /forcefsck23:18
Sentynelyofel: I'm okay just with apt-get, was just checking this was a known issue23:18
rtdosthanks yofel23:25
JeroenDeDauwSomething with my network config got messed up I think - I cannot connect to the interwebs anymore (with another device obviously). How to reset all network settings?23:29

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