
mikedep333my plans fell through for a NYE party01:52
mikedep333so I figured I'd chat with some techies that will be celebrating it within  the same time zone as me01:52
mikedep333what IRC channel consists of people in GMT-5? #Ubuntu-US-PA of course!01:53
waltmanof course!01:53
mikedep333right now I'm organizing tons of paper records/files01:53
mikedep333wishing they were electronic01:54
mikedep333any good video stream online for new year's?01:54
mikedep333so I was pretty interested in the archos 10101:56
mikedep333an overall well-rounded 10" android tablet01:57
mikedep333but there's some issues, such as the build quality could be better and the screen has poor viewing angles01:57
mikedep333you can see the 3.5 star review average01:58
mikedep333it's more like 4 stars for techies01:58
waltmanI'm just listening to WXPN01:58
mikedep333oh, good idea01:58
mikedep333do I stream it to my computer or use a physical radio (such as my chumby)?01:58
waltmanI use my radio, but you can listen online at xpn.org.  They also have an iPhone app.01:59
mikedep333I just tried to use my chumby's FM radio, and it was picking up station names, but it was like all static or silence02:07
mikedep333I thought it may be an FM radio that uses headphones as antennas, but plugging in a pair didn't help02:07
mikedep333so I opened up shoutcast radio, searched for WXPN, and found it02:08
mikedep333*on the chumby02:08
mikedep333and I heard a message saying that it costs them money to stream it02:08
mikedep333so I used my old alarm clock from the 90's or so that my dad gave me, and it's working fine02:08
mikedep333*alarm clock radio02:08
mikedep333in the days of the internet you forget about local media02:09
mikedep333anyway, the archos 70 is getting great reviews02:10
waltmanKids these days...It's a radio.  You turn it on, and it plays you music.02:39
InHisNameTo all who are reading this more than three hours from now . . .    ----> Happy New Year !!02:39
waltmanNote that WXPN broadcasts from Philadelphia.  You've got to be in the area to pick it up over the air.02:40
mikedep333I was hoping for some sort of new years themed show.02:44
mikedep333now the host is talking02:44
mikedep333and now he's not02:44
waltmanit's an 80s dance music show02:45
mikedep333oh. I was wondering02:46
waltmanI'm old, so I like 80s music and I know how to use a radio. :)02:46
mikedep333I was born in '86, so I was too young to remember any of this.02:46
waltmanI graduated from college in '86 :)02:47
mikedep333I remember in 1995 or so I bought a boombox with an analog dial for the radio. I was pissed when 1 month later I saw in stores an updated version with a digital dial.02:47
mikedep333my aunt graduated from Penn (this station's host) around '8602:48
waltmanthat's where I graduated from, too!02:49
waltmanwhat's your aunt's name?02:49
mikedep333Lisa DePaulo02:49
waltmandon't recognize the name02:49
waltmanis DePaulo her maiden name?02:49
mikedep333oh, she'll never get married02:49
mikedep333and never has been02:49
waltmana picture of her would be more useful :)02:50
waltmanNo, she doesn't look familiar02:51
mikedep333I don't have any pictures of her from her days at Penn though02:51
mikedep333honestly, I'm not sure what her age is02:52
waltmanI different DJ takes over at 1002:52
mikedep333my dad was born in '51 and I know she is much younger02:52
mikedep333oh, a different DJ takes over at 10 on WXPN02:53
waltmanI was born in '64.02:53
mikedep333oh, subistitute 'A' for 'I'02:54
mikedep333my regexp is rusty02:54
mikedep333I always love it when I see powers off 202:55
mikedep333*of 202:55
waltmanIt was also a Year of the Dragon!02:55
waltmanquite auspicious :)02:55
mikedep333oh, I remember the funniest asian zodiak story.02:55
mikedep3332007 was the year of the "golden pig"02:56
mikedep333According to Chinese Folklore, this is an event that occurs once in every 600 years and will ensure that a baby born on this year will experience a prosperous and wealthy life.02:57
mikedep333"This legend is so popular, that Korea is expected to have a 10% increase in birth rate this year, which is apparently much needed as its birth rate is extremely low."02:57
mikedep333well, sure enough02:57
mikedep333there's lots off computer hardware made in asia02:57
mikedep333so this was the result: http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2007/02/16/tul_powercolor_pig_card/02:58
waltmanIf you know anyone who's Chinese or Korean, this makes perfect sense.02:58
mikedep333ahh, OK02:58
mikedep333I understood that the higher birth rate in Korea made sense, but not the golden pig graphics card.02:59
waltmanI mean, of course it's silly, but it all makes perfect sense to them. :)03:00
waltmanA friend had a baby in 2004, and for the shower a bunch of people gave the mom monkey toys because it was going to be a "monkey baby"03:01
mikedep333yeah :)03:01
mikedep333being born in 86, I am supposed to be a tiger03:02
waltmanIt's perectly acceptable to refer to a child as a "monkey baby" if you're chinese :)03:02
mikedep333I see03:02
mikedep333thanks for enlightening me03:02
mikedep333however I am definitely not tiger-like03:03
mikedep333I stopped being rebellious after 4th grade.03:03
mikedep333"When Tigers are injured they need all-out sympathy. Logic does not appeal to them. " - exact opposite of me03:04
mikedep333I'm an INTJ03:04
waltmanI find it fascinating that you kids these daya don't know how to use a radio, but you all know your Meyers-Briggs score.03:06
mikedep333waltman, I do know how to use a radio. I just don't like doing it.03:06
mikedep333I do admit that I appreciate the reliability and low SWAP of analog radio.03:07
mikedep333my "HD radio" was a huge disappointment03:08
mikedep333on sale for like $80 (although it had an iPod dock and all)03:08
mikedep333I think it's a military acronym.03:09
waltmanmy radio has considerable size and weight :)03:09
mikedep333lol :)03:09
waltmanIt's almost as old as you are :)03:10
mikedep333my HD radio's didital/HD signal reception would cut out all the time03:10
waltmanbut it does have digital tuning :)03:10
mikedep333nice :D03:10
mikedep333because I am/was up in chalfont03:10
mikedep333depending on the station though03:10
waltmanactually it's a combined receiver/tuner03:10
mikedep333my dad has one of those03:11
pleia2my mother said my youngest sister looked like a monkey when she was born (she was a preemie)03:11
pleia2I still call her Monkey, she hates me :P03:11
mikedep333one nice thing about "HD radio" is that you can have multiple streams within the same frequency space (at least I think that's how it works)03:11
waltmanpleia2: Happy New Year!03:12
pleia2waltman: happy new year!03:12
waltmanYou're going to have to wait 3 more hours!03:12
mikedep333so Y-rock on wxpn operates on 88.5-203:13
pleia2it's just after 7 here03:13
pleia2going out for sushi in a bit, midnight is fireworks at ferry building (which means we didn't make real plans)03:13
mikedep333*88.5 HD-203:13
waltmanI'm just chilling tonight03:13
mikedep333yeah, same here03:13
mikedep333well, more like chatting when I should be organizing papers03:14
pleia2I sorta would rather stay in, was a crazy work week and then spent 5 hours today upgrading ubuntu systems at a school across town03:14
* pleia2 is a bit tired03:14
mikedep333but I'm learning stuff :)03:14
mikedep333and not using enough emoticons because I don't know how to do them off the top of my head :/03:14
waltmanpleia2: I'm thinking I might want to try out a new wm in the new year.  Any suggestions?03:14
pleia2wm or de?03:15
mikedep333window manager?03:15
waltmanwindow manager03:15
mikedep333and desktop environment03:15
pleia2I use fluxbox03:15
waltmanor maybe a de!03:15
pleia2but mostly xfce de03:15
waltmanI'm getting tired of windowmaker.  I want something shinier.03:16
mikedep333I must confess; I'm on windows right now because I had intended to play (demanding 3D) games.03:16
pleia2I really love xfce03:16
waltmanis that a gnome/kde competitor?03:16
pleia2it's been around for a long time though, I've used it since 200403:17
mikedep333waltman, it uses GTK and is intended to be light-weight while having a decent amoutn of features03:17
mikedep333if you have a full 256MB of RAM, it's your best choice03:17
pleia2it's what the third official ubuntu derivitive, xubuntu, uses (ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde)03:17
pleia2admittedly xfce has gotten heavier over the years, but it's easier to slim down than gnome or kde03:17
pleia2out of the box xubuntu isn't a whole lot faster than ubuntu03:18
mikedep333pleia2, yeah03:18
pleia2and it's less flashy, more customizable03:18
pleia2lxde has also been growing in popularity03:19
mikedep333I don't like gnome that much overall because I dislike the lack of options (eg, the screensaver debate.)03:19
waltmanxubuntu uses xfce?03:19
mikedep333however, it is more polished, stable, and integrated with Ubuntu and it's distro-specific software.03:19
pleia2waltman: yep03:19
mikedep333waltman, the "X" in Xubuntu refers to XFCE03:20
mikedep333there is also LXDE03:20
mikedep333early in development, it is intended to be even more lightweight03:20
waltmanWait, xfce is based on cde?  I *hated* cde!03:20
mikedep333waltman, no, not at all!03:21
mikedep333LXDE uses GTK and no shared libraries (I think)03:21
waltmaninspired by?03:21
mikedep333lol, read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xfce for its inspiration/origins/history03:22
mikedep333and Lubuntu (as in LXDE Ubuntu) is seeking to become an official ubuntu derivative03:22
pleia2^^ my xubuntu desktop03:23
mikedep333you can download lubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 desktop CDs03:23
mikedep333in 10.10 (at least) there is the LXDE, and the lubuntu-desktop metapackages03:23
waltmanvery ... pink :)03:24
mikedep333although Lubuntu uses an official lubuntu PPA with their desktop CDs03:24
waltmanpleia2: what terminal program do you use?03:24
pleia2waltman: rxvt-unicode03:24
mikedep333when I took astronomy classes over the last few years at PSU, I regained an appreciation for astronomy wallpapers03:25
pleia2the transparency is handled by xfce compositing though03:25
mikedep333almsot all the astro faculty use them!03:25
pleia2mikedep333: astronomy picture of the day is in my RSS reader, I get all my wallpapers from it :)03:25
pleia21) cool images 2) high resolution!03:26
mikedep333pleia2, my how many systems you have!03:26
pleia2too many :(03:26
mikedep333a consistent naming scheme is essential03:26
pleia2my servers are star wars planets, my LAN is star wars astromech droids03:27
pleia2except for my mini9, which I named vespa (the princess from space balls)03:27
mikedep333pleia2, I remember seeing your mugshot on the ubuntu-us-pa forums03:28
mikedep333I was just visiting: http://princessleia.com/03:28
pleia2yeah, I moved away from PA this year :(03:28
mikedep333http://princessleia.com/plug/attracting_people_to_foss.odp is down03:29
pleia2should be better now03:30
mikedep333that was quick!03:30
mikedep333lol, slide 3 in http://princessleia.com/plug/attracting_women_to_foss.odp03:31
pleia2I am very organized!03:32
waltmanwill xfce run all by itself, or do I need to tell it to use a separate wm (like fluxbox)?03:32
pleia2it uses xfwm03:33
pleia2but that's included, no need to worry about it03:33
mikedep333pleia2, yeah, discourse on the internet can be pretty uncivil, hence why FOSS discourse often is03:33
* pleia2 nods03:34
mikedep333"How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People (And You Can Too)"03:34
pleia2yeah, great presentation03:34
mikedep333I love the tactic "point to the project statement"03:35
mikedep333at least I think that's the correct term03:35
mikedep333or project mission statement03:35
mikedep333lol, xfree86 mission statement03:36
* waltman installs xfce4...03:38
mikedep333pleia2, I mentioned it to point out that they failed despite having a mission statement03:38
mikedep333"The XFree86 Project has a group of active developers that is charged with maintaining the technical integrity of the Project"03:39
mikedep333Cathedral builders!03:39
mikedep333"Last modified: 9 June 2004" & "Copyright © 2003-2005 The XFree86 Project, Inc. All rights reserved."03:40
pleia2hah, perhaps, but xfree86 was the standard for quite some time03:40
mikedep333yup, right around when there was the mass exodus for X.org03:40
pleia2now ubuntu is going to wayland03:40
mikedep333pleia2, 2004 was when I first seriously go into linux. The xfree86 collapse was one of my 1st memories!03:41
mikedep333pleia2, yeah, I read about that03:41
mikedep333it sounds nice03:41
mikedep333but there's inertia, especially nvidia's03:41
pleia2all I remember about the xfree86 collapse was how much of a pain debian was to upgrade between xfree and xorg, it was a nightmare03:41
mikedep333pleia2, I try to avoid upgrading installations as much as possible. I much prefer to clean install.03:42
pleia2waltman: xorg replacement, there has been much drama about it03:42
mikedep333but then again, you're a sysadmin for a company03:42
pleia2luckily none of our systems at work have a gui :)03:43
mikedep333pleia2, yeah :)03:43
pleia2but I always do upgrades03:43
waltmanfortunately I've never even heard of wayland :)03:43
mikedep333waltman, it's just something the young kids play with ;)03:44
waltmanGood.  Let me know when you've got it working.03:44
waltmanOK, it's installed.  Time to restart X.  Wish me luck!03:44
pleia2good luck!03:45
mikedep333wikipedia has a very good description: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayland_(display_server)03:45
mikedep333pleia2, so applications will be linking against some library to conduct their rendering that's independent of wayland?03:46
pleia2yeah I believe that's the idea, I haven't looked too deeply into it though03:46
pleia2if it goes as planned, it should be transparent to the application though, since it'll support all xorg stuff03:46
mikedep333I do agree that X.org is bloated with all its legacy functionality.03:47
mikedep333yeah, backwards compatibility03:47
pleia2waltman: I actually just use xfce because the mascot is a mouse03:47
mikedep333just like how pulseaudio has both alsa and OSS wrappers03:47
pleia2is so cute <303:47
mikedep333pleia2, nice03:47
waltmanhow do I get it to launch rxvt-unicode?03:53
pleia2alt f203:53
pleia2brings up a launcher03:53
mikedep333pleia2, I was about to say03:53
pleia2I set up a keybinding for it though03:53
waltmanIn wm I had something off the menu with all my terminal apps.03:54
mikedep333pleia2, I wish Gnome on Ubuntu put my meta key to use03:54
mikedep333I really like the meta (windows) key shortcuts in windows03:54
pleia2yeah I guess xfce doesn't put the terminals in one menu (like wm, fluxbox does too)03:55
pleia2and xfce currently lacks a menu editor (in 4.8 it'll just use gnome's editor, but 4.8 is still in beta)03:55
mikedep333pleia2, I have to say that I much prefer windows' system of managing menus. Just use .lnk files, and use directories for the menus.03:56
mikedep333I can right click to edit a menu .lnk03:57
pleia2I don't think I ever edited a windows menu03:57
mikedep333or to edit the folders03:57
mikedep333pleia2, honestly, it's more unix like in that you're representing your menu with directories and files03:57
pleia2yeah, that sounds nice03:58
mikedep333in GNOME it's like a right click on a menu item and nothing happens03:58
mikedep333.lnk support is nicely built into windows03:58
pleia2xfce used to have a gui editor, but that went away in 4.6 (much to everyone's disappointment - it actually made me switch to gnome for a month)03:58
mikedep333although they hide the underlying files from you03:58
mikedep333*file contents03:58
pleia2fluxbox uses xml or something, enlightenment had plain text config files in some crazy format03:58
mikedep333pleia2, wow03:59
mikedep333pleia2, yeah03:59
mikedep333I remember having to use the command prompt's "edit" command to edit .lnk files manually03:59
pleia2aaannyway, I am hungry, time to head out for some sushi03:59
pleia2happy new year mikedep333 and waltman :)03:59
mikedep333pleia2, happy new year's!03:59
mikedep333I propose the following new year's resolution for myself: "Less time under windows; more time under linux."04:00
waltmanHAPPY NEW YEAR!05:00
* ChinnoDog blows noise maker05:07
* waltman sips whiskey05:10
waltmanOh nice.  xfce seems to have hung while I was watching Dick Clark.05:15
IdleOne.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆05:17
IdleOne ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★05:17
IdleOne ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆05:17
IdleOne ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆ 201105:17
IdleOne ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ¥☆★☆★☆¥ ★☆05:17
InHisNameOh, fooey!  It snuck by while I was reading chats.05:19
* waltman has returned to old reliable windowmaker :)05:28
ChinnoDogmeh, 201106:17
=== rmg511 is now known as rmg51
InHisNameHNY - it's 201112:00

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