
Animagladiushappy new year00:55
Sysigmt-1 and a bit early?00:56
Sysigmt+2 goes to bed →00:58
=== Rena is now known as Guest43508
Guest43508does Xubuntu come with Nouveau driver?01:10
=== Guest43508 is now known as Rena-
TiktalikHow do you use wifi in xubuntu02:09
Rena-I see an icon in the upper right of the panel with arrows pointing up and down, and clicking it lists available wireless networks02:10
Rena-if that doesn't work you'll probably need to install some kind of driver and I can't really help with that, sorry02:11
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:13
gr8m8Tiktalik:  the wifidocs page linked above should help you sort the driver out02:25
rtdosis it possible to install edubuntu (without installing the gnome desktop) on a computer that already has xubuntu (i do not wish to use the gnome desktop)02:31
rtdosin fact i do not even wish to have the gnome desktop on the computer at all.02:32
tiktalikHow do I find out what wireless card I have?02:40
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:41
tiktalikAnyone there?02:42
gr8m8tiktalik:  in terminal   lspci02:43
gr8m8tiktalik:  in terminal   lspci02:44
tiktalikThere are a ton of things there!02:45
tiktalikI guess it's the Network controller?02:45
tiktalikgr8m8, there are tons of thinfgs there.02:46
gr8m8it should mention wireless02:47
tiktalikOkay, then  Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)?02:48
tiktalikMan puppy had better support.02:50
gr8m8dude you are so impatient02:51
gr8m8I was getting my breakfast02:51
gr8m8fix it yourself02:51
tiktalikoh, okay.02:51
tiktalikIt's just around here it's nowhere near food eating time.02:52
tiktalikNetwork controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)02:52
tiktalikSo would it be that one?02:53
gr8m8yep and the wiki talks about it02:54
tiktalikCould not find package 'linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic'.02:56
tiktalikThat's bad.02:56
tiktalikSo what now?03:01
tiktalikCan't keep my stupid ethernet cable in.03:05
tiktalikNot even doing anything, and it keeps sliding out.03:05
tiktalikCame out again!03:06
RenaKunisakihey, I've just installed 10.10 and the terminal app doesn't seem to be executing my ~/.bashrc... any ideas?03:47
gr8m8RenaKunisaki:  have you done an update since installing?03:50
gr8m8do you have a .bash_profile?03:51
RenaKunisakiapparently not03:51
RenaKunisakilooks like I didn't have one before either03:52
gr8m8see if there is one in /etc/skel03:52
RenaKunisakior would that be somewhere besides home >.>03:52
gr8m8could be in /etc03:52
gr8m8or in .profile03:53
RenaKunisakiyeah I see .profile here03:54
RenaKunisakithat's just a set of commands executed by each shell?03:54
gr8m8a basic .bash_profile just has the line   . $HOME/.bashrc03:55
gr8m8I've no idea what's in .profile I don't have it here03:55
RenaKunisakihm actually something else is funny. even manually doing ". ~/.bashrc" nothing has happened. still the usual old prompt etc.03:56
RenaKunisakihold on, I'm an idiot. let's try copying it to the right place.03:57
RenaKunisakithere we go. dur.03:57
gr8m8heh :)03:58
RenaKunisakifigures, I thought of that so I did "ls" to see if I'd copied to the current directory instead and it didn't show up, so I thought I must have done it right03:59
RenaKunisakiof course it doesn't show in "ls" without -a >.>03:59
RenaKunisakime so smrt.03:59
gr8m8that always catches me out...04:00
RenaKunisakiI just wish programs didn't pollute $HOME with their .foo instead of .config/myapp/foo, then I could just alias ls to ls -a and be done with it.04:01
ubUXUbuhappy new years Technicians of Xubuntu!05:45
ubUXUbudoes xubuntu have any plans to develop wuxi?06:30
Rena-anyone? whenever I log in the screen flashes and I'm logged out again.07:19
nullp0interhey i cant find the 'Places' part of my task bar like how it used to be in gnome..the reason being i want to browse thru my windows harddrive07:30
MorphixNWGood morning to all on the first day of this brand new year :)10:42
MorphixNWdoes anyone know of an application that can read barcodes from DVDs and CDs?10:46
MorphixNWI would like to create a database of my collection, however, I dont like the idea of manually entering each one, I have a barcode scanner10:46
Myrttialexandria does books10:56
rethusi've try to add ppa:xubuntu-team/ppa to repositories, but got an error11:00
rethusany idea why?11:00
Sysirethus: add those deb and deb-src lines to /etc/apt/sources.list11:08
Sysireplace natty with your ubuntu version11:08
Sysigksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list iirc11:09
rethusk, i'll have a look11:10
Sysior i'm not exactly sure what version should there be..11:10
Sysidepends about your ubuntu version and what you're installing i guess11:10
Sysithere's only very old versions, front page may be updated automatically11:12
Sysiwhat you'd want from there?11:12
rethusi have maverick11:17
rethus:( so there are no ppa packages ?!11:17
BigGreenCanoegood morning.  I recently moved from  ubuntu 10.10 to xubuntu 10.10.  I am not able to start xfce at the login although it worked until reboot. Any help?16:09
Sysiwhat does it do?16:10
BigGreenCanoeat login screen goes black and returns to login16:10
Sysitry what the last post suggests16:15
BigGreenCanoecool thanks16:16
Sysiif you don*t have saved settings, just remove ~/.config/ in virtual terminal16:16
BigGreenCanoeSysi: Thanks.  Turns out it was an issue with .ICEauthority access.  I removed it and everything works now.16:45
connecteduserhello, how do I disable the screen energy saver or whatever18:46
connectedusermy laptop get stuck with a black screen anytime this thing kicks in..18:46
Sysimenu → settings → screensaver18:46
Sysior power manager settings18:46
connecteduserhm.. clicking this actually runs the screensaver18:47
connecteduserin my case, cause an X reboot18:47
Sysiyou could entirely remove screensaver18:48
Sysipackage is xscreensaver iirc18:48
connecteduserI suppose I'll do that18:48
connecteduserprobably something must be wrong with my graphics driver18:51
connecteduseri have an X crash each time I run wine too18:51
connecteduserXIO error 1118:51
nicofsI'm desperately looking for someone to help me fix my 3g connection... with network manager i can't connect (tries for some minutes and then gives up) - wvdial returns "No Carrier!"... i don't know what to do...19:22
tiktalikI need the jre, the jdk and eclipse19:34
topgun21I can't seem to get wicd to associate with my uncles wifi network19:48
ShootEmUphello everyone20:38
ShootEmUpwhats up?20:44
connecteduserI'm no bot20:45
ShootEmUpI know20:45
ShootEmUpI'm testing the WALLCHAN command20:46
ShootEmUpIt works20:46
connecteduserand what's that cmd?20:46
ShootEmUpsay something on all channels you are on20:47
connecteduseryou live in carolina?20:48
ShootEmUpNC all the way20:48
connecteduserthat's the name of the first chick I bonked :]20:48
connectedusergreat memories20:48
ShootEmUpthank you for that great picture20:56
connecteduserno problem20:56
* ShootEmUp Screems curse words at connecteduser for being a smart ***20:58
ShootEmUpfinaly found out how to do that20:59
* ShootEmUp is sorry about being mean to connecteduser21:01
connecteduserit's "screams"21:03
ShootEmUpmy spelling sucks, there you happy?21:05
ShootEmUpsooooooo, anyone have problems21:07
connecteduseryou, it seems21:07
* ShootEmUp is sad21:07
ShootEmUpMy name peggy, you have problem please21:08
connecteduserthat's so old21:20
connecteduserthat was almost 24 hours ago21:20
ShootEmUp14 hours ago21:20
connectedusernot for me21:21
ShootEmUpwhere do you live at?21:23
connecteduserin europe21:24
ShootEmUpok, I live in the USA21:24
connecteduserwe're ahead of you guys in some many areas21:24
TheSheepmay I interst you in #xubuntu-offtopic? :)21:24
ShootEmUpwhat do you mean by that???21:24
connecteduseryou seem to be from the desert21:25
connecteduserI'm from the forest21:25
ShootEmUpI do not live in the desert, it is raining outside right now21:26
ShootEmUpI live in a small town21:26
TheSheepconnecteduser: come and continue your offtopic conversation in #xubuntu-offtopic21:26
fructoseI could use some help troubleshooting an internet connection. I set up Xubuntu to connect through a Windows computer with Internet Connection Sharing, but after rebooting Xubuntu, it doesn't connect any more. I can't be use it's Xubuntu and not Windows, but the Windows computer hasn't been rebooted23:28
fructose*can't be sure23:28

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