
cozziemotowell the out of range has already been reported,,, something interesting though... if I install an nvidia 660gt  I cant boot single monitor however  with 7600gt  I get out of range01:03
cozziemoto6600gt rather01:03
cozziemotounfortunately  no natty for me until this is fixed :(01:20
DrHalanAhoi, any people already using natty here?01:27
holsteini have an install01:27
holsteini consider it a testing install01:27
penguin42both these machines are01:27
holsteinhavent updated in a while01:27
holsteinlooks nice :)01:27
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DrHalangonna try it in virtualbox :901:34
holsteini couldnt get 3d to pass through Vbox01:38
holsteini never have got the hang of that01:38
tuxxmanhello, my brightness controls don't work on my laptop (running ubuntu 11.04) and its affecting my battery life dramatically because the brightness is always at max.02:21
tuxxmanhow do I fix this?02:21
holsteintuxxman: did you find a bug report?02:22
scotty^Poppler 0.16 was released on December 27, 2010.  Will this be included in Natty?02:27
jMCgscotty^: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze was 10th of December, so I guess not.02:28
jMCgscotty^: see also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule02:28
scotty^Thanks.  That's a shame.02:30
scotty^jMCg: You meant 30th December, right?02:35
scotty^hey billy, what's up?02:35
scotty^Actually, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze there is still some hope.02:37
jMCgscotty^: It's half past 3, I'm fighting autoconf.. I'm getting blind.02:37
scotty^Natty FeatureFreeze is on February 24th.02:37
jMCgAt least I did provide the correct links.02:38
scotty^yeah, thanks, although I'd already seen the release schedule.  I hoping a package maintainer might have been here in the channel.  But thanks for being helpful though.02:39
scotty^Happy new year to you.02:39
jMCgscotty^: all I ever get to hear here is: Open a ticket. Make a request.. etc..02:39
jMCgIt's the user-friendly way of saying: Patches welcome.02:40
jMCgWhich, in essence, too translates to: Fuck off, I'm busy reading comics.02:40
scotty^I might try asking via email to ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com02:40
* jMCg *is* reading comics while watching compiles fail right now.02:40
jMCgBut I'm not a debian/ubuntu dev.. so, maybe that's just my interpretation.02:41
IdleOne!language | jMCg02:41
ubottujMCg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:41
* scotty^ feels like some testing :)02:44
scotty^get lost02:44
scotty^rack off02:44
scotty^piss off02:44
scotty^get stuffed02:44
scotty^go jump02:44
jMCgWhile I am used to #solaris -- which is not for faint of heart, I do tend to respect the local channel rules..02:46
scotty^yeah, I know it wasn't intentional - you just made a simple and accidental mistake02:46
scotty^You weren't booted from the channel and I would have been surprised an annoyed if you were02:47
scotty^Mentioning Solaris, on the other hand......02:48
jMCgNo, what I meant is: After reading something like: 03:38:35 < ubottu> jMCg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. --- It's generally a bad idea to start filling the channel with the exact opposite.02:48
scotty^yeah, I felt like a bit of testing though :)02:48
jMCgscotty^: IdleOne is not a bot.02:48
scotty^yeah, I realised that.02:49
scotty^Hopefully I don't get banned, although I could probably survive without access to this channel.  Being banned from #ubuntu would be more of a problem.02:49
jMCgNow, on the topic of Solaris:02:50
scotty^Evil system! :)02:50
jMCgYou do realize that most of Linux' inspiration came from SunOS/Solaris?02:50
scotty^Nah, just kidding.02:50
scotty^It was a pity to see Suns demise02:51
scotty^I actually applied for a job with them when I was younger, many years ago.02:51
scotty^Yeah, I've read a bit about Linus and Minix and Unix and Solaris, although that was a while ago and I've forgotten some of it.02:52
scotty^any luck getting your compiles to work with autoconf?02:54
scotty^Not that I can help you with that.02:54
IdleOnejMCg: that is news to me02:59
IdleOnethe bot thing that is03:00
IdleOneand the topic in this channel is Ubuntu+103:00
IdleOneheh, I read that as I am a bot03:02
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Volkodavanybody noticed firefox does not save added icons from customize list over ff restart05:04
nit-witVolkodav, you mean the toolbar icons05:08
Volkodavmaybe just this theme strata reloaded05:09
nit-witare you using a addon that is not working there was a FF update that threw out a couple of mine05:11
VolkodavNothing special - print icon zoom etc05:12
Volkodavon restart the all gone05:12
VolkodavSync annoying message too05:15
* Volkodav back to Opera05:15
aksh1hi all,i like ti test multitouch feature in netbook which 10.10/11.04 will be best for the same05:22
aksh1in which release multitouch has more support05:22
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wersdaluvupgrade-manager -d doesn't work for me. what's up?13:23
wersdaluvhow do I upgrade from maverick?13:23
Daekdroomwersdaluv, in the "upgrades" tab in Software Channels, you have to set it so it'll show you any release and not only LTS ones13:24
wersdaluvDaekdroom, oh great. is that new?13:24
DaekdroomI think it's been there for quite a long while.13:24
hypenot sure you  can do this during devellopement cycle13:25
hypeyou can set to automatically get only LTZ releases, or the latest13:25
hypefor Natty you'll need to install from live cd/usb13:25
wersdaluvDaekdroom, you meant, "Updates" tab then "pre-release updates" right?13:26
wersdaluvstill can't see the distro upgrade button13:26
hypewell, i was wrong :p13:26
Daekdroomwersdaluv, No. I meant at the bottom of that tab13:26
yofeldidn't that only count for Lucid? (since it was LTS)13:27
hypeyou can update this way , just did a sudo update-manager -d and i get 11.04 pop up :)13:27
yofelupdate-manager -d should work13:27
wersdaluvDaekdroom, my setting has been "Normal releases"13:27
wersdaluvthe other two are LTS only and "Never"13:27
Daekdroom11.04 pops up normally in here if I start update-manager -d13:28
yofelwersdaluv: did you use upgrade-manager (doesn't exist) or update-manager -d ?13:28
wersdaluvyofel, upgrade-manager -d13:28
yofelthen use the right one13:28
wersdaluvwhat right one?13:28
yofelwersdaluv: update-manager -d13:28
yofelwersdaluv: there is no upgrade-manager13:28
wersdaluvthat's what I use13:28
Daekdroomyofel, should I uninstall all these PPAs before going 11.04?13:29
yofelwersdaluv: odd, sudo apt-get update   and try again13:29
yofelDaekdroom: update-manager will disable them, so unless they have versions that conflict with ubuntu and update-manager can't resolve leave them be13:30
yofel(if you do you'll have to use ppa-purge)13:30
Daekdroomsystem breakage, here I come!13:31
wersdaluvfigured it out13:31
wersdaluvit wants to be plugged on AC13:31
yofelwersdaluv: then it should say so...13:32
wersdaluvI think it's fine, but system should at least tell me13:32
wersdaluvyofel, +113:32
yofelwersdaluv: ubuntu-bug update-manager13:32
hypei'm considering installing natty now :(13:34
hypebut i know i'll get some pytho, breakages at some point so...13:34
Daekdroom20 minutes to download the packages, 2 hours to install them.13:35
penguin42yeh it's nuts13:35
yofeldid they alredy add force-unsafe-io to the installer?13:35
DaekdroomI like the kind of breakage that doesn't actually stops you from using the system. It feels adventurous.13:35
hypeweird, i did a lucid to maverick a few days ago it took exept 25/30 min download, 30 minutes ton install :p13:36
hypeDaekdroom, you're on natty now?13:36
DaekdroomNope. Going maverick --> Natty13:36
hypehow do you like unity?13:36
hypenever actually tried it13:36
yofeltried unity 2 weeks ago, didn't like it, has anything changed since then? (ok, I know it's incomplete)13:37
hypei personally just hope i'll be able to remove and keep my awn like it is :)13:37
hyperemove unity*13:37
wersdaluvfalse alarm. looks like it only worked for me when I did it on the terminal and not on alt+F2 dialog (which is also weird)13:47
* penguin42 has used KDE for about 2-3 days now - I might stay that way13:59
DaekdroomReally? I can't bare KDE14:00
penguin42Daekdroom: I'd tried it a few times in the past, and KDE4 I think has finally got to the point I can cope - there are a few bits I don't like14:01
DaekdroomI think it is too cluttered for my tastes. I'd have to try a minimalistic KDE distro if I really wanted to use it.14:02
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Daekdroomshould I let the system replace /etc/sudoers during the maverick-->natty upgrade?14:41
penguin42did you edit it?14:41
IdleOneDaekdroom: yes if you left it default14:41
DaekdroomI don't remember editing it at all, sooo.14:42
IdleOneif you edited it, you may not want to14:42
Daekdroom*replaces it*14:42
BUGabundois it a recent image?14:42
BUGabundocause there was a bug in a recent sudo package14:42
BUGabundothat took you SUDO away14:42
coz_BUGabundo,  leave it at default14:42
yofeliirc they fixed that14:43
Daekdroomwell, I downloaded the upgrades now.14:43
DaekdroomSo unless I'm using a badly outdated mirror..14:43
coz_BUGabundo,  sorry wrong person14:43
BUGabundoI'm still being hit by it on debian unstable14:44
BUGabundobut fixed in ubuntu14:44
coz_I am still getting monitor out of range with current updates14:44
coz_no way to get into the system unless I install an earlier  daily build and dont update at all14:45
yofelwhat grapics card and when exactly do you get that?14:45
yofelif it started in december maybe it's this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-December/032244.html14:49
coz_yofel,   me?   nvidia 7600gt14:49
coz_yofel,  what's interesting is if I switche out the card to a 6600gt  it boots fine but only if one monitor is plugged in  ...go figure14:50
coz_I actually thought  my 7600gt  went bad on me the first time this happened :)14:51
coz_so at this point I cannot install  natty14:51
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DaekdroomWow. Unity is way different.15:02
DaekdroomBut it feels raw.15:02
DaekdroomBecause it keeps opening a nautilus folder /usr/share/applications/15:03
penguin42Daekdroom: Yeh I can kind of see that as a vaguely neat way of selecting apps15:03
IdleOnethat is a feature15:03
Daekdroomand the top bar menu and indicators aren't working or something15:03
IdleOnealso a feature15:04
DaekdroomYou're kidding, right? >.>15:04
IdleOneDaekdroom: partially15:04
IdleOnenot everything works right now15:04
DaekdroomI might as well switch back to classic gnome then15:05
Daekdroomcompiz segfaulting with classic GNOME: checked15:10
DaekdroomI'll try deleting ~/.compiz/ before filing a report on it15:10
BluesKajis FF4 the defauilt FF browser for 11.04?15:26
BluesKajok, not liking it much so far ...looks like they're still working on the toolbars etc15:28
DaekdroomBluesKaj, I'd use classic GNOME if I were you.15:29
yofelI actually like FF4, took a while until I got used to the missing stausbar though15:30
BluesKajDaekdroom, not a gnome user ..kde fan here15:30
DaekdroomI liked the new sound-indicator buttons!15:31
BluesKajI have sounds turned off ...too annoying :)15:32
BluesKaji'm old and grumpy , cutsy pie silliness gets under my skin15:33
hypejust wondering, anyone on Natty? are there some really really annoying bugs for "i'm ok for testing/bug report but not to much breakage" ? :p15:46
zniavre_no pain, no gain ?15:49
hypetu fais le malin, mais tu es sous natty? :>15:49
hypeje sais que tu va répondre "oui"15:49
zniavre_vbox using atm15:49
hypej'ai fait les backups15:50
hypej'ai imprimé mon grpated sur papier15:50
hypeje met à jour l'iso depuis rsync ...15:50
hypeah tiens zniavre_ , ça te dit de tester un theme awn pour moi?15:51
zniavre_ j/ #ubuntu-fr-testing ?15:51
IdleOnehype: Please speak in English in this channel15:52
hypesure, we moved somewhere else :)15:53
* penguin42 is seeing quite a lof of KDE debug in .xsession-errors along the lines of '(KIconLoader): Trying to remove an entry which is already invalid. This cche is likely corrupt.16:40
dupondjehttps://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html => the merges page was not used for Natty dev ?16:42
yofelpenguin42: I have those icon errors too, not sure where they come from16:45
penguin42yofel: You patched any bugs in the kde.bugzilla - what's the normal way of pushing stuff forward - just attach the patch and sit back?16:54
yofelpatches for kde stuff should go to http://reviewboard.kde.org, for more details you'll have to go to #kubuntu-devel or #kde-devel though16:55
BluesKajdarn FF toolbar fonts aren't integrating well with kde settings I need for my large monitor16:56
penguin42yofel: ooh right, thanks I'll have a look16:56
edgyHi, how can I enable spelling checking in ooo in natty?17:22
jMCgAnyone else got broken UTF-8 characters in terminal?17:23
penguin42which terminal?17:24
edgyjMCg: konsole is working properly here17:26
jMCgNope.. console doesn't work either. Looks the same as Gnome Terminal.17:30
jMCg16:47:50 < hype> j'ai imprim� mon grpated sur papier17:30
jMCgAnd the fonts look smudgy too :-/17:31
jMCgAah.. much better with fontsize 12.17:32
CarlFK"Dec 30th   DebianImportFreeze,  Feb 24th  FeatureFreeze"  http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/melt is v0.5.6.  0.6.0 was just released, will hit https://edge.launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-svn either tonight or next Sun.18:35
CarlFKwhich date defines if the .6 ver can be included?18:35
yofelCarlFK: since we're past DIF, it won't be auto-synced from debian even if it's updated in unstable, but you can request a manual sync until FF18:42
CarlFKyofel: cool. thanks.18:43
CarlFKum.. what needs to be in place for the request?18:43
CarlFKI am guessing i need it packaged somewhere.  is the PPA good enough?18:44
yofelI'm talking about debian currently since we just sync the package from there currently (they have 0.5.10 in experimental currently)18:44
yofelsync requests should follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess18:45
CarlFKso if I get debian exp to update to .6, then .. I'll read that :)18:45
yofelfor more details you'll have to ask in #ubuntu-motu though, my knowledge ends here18:45
CarlFKyofel: thanks a bunch.  this is the kind of pointers I was hoping for18:46
CarlFK"and the Debian package is in sid"  is sid still correct?18:49
yofelsid would be unstable18:49
DaekdroomSid is always the unstable version of Debian.18:52
CarlFKah.  thanks.  was trying to figure out if I should resolve my confusion.18:54
CarlFKyofel: wee!   melt .6 just hit sid -  I was on my way to figure out who I needed to bribe to make that happen :)19:24
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DaekdroomIt annoys me that my gnome terminal keeps starting at 80x22 instead of 80x2419:54
Daekdroommongy, the thing is, 80x24 should be default.19:58
Daekdroomand I can't seem to change that under gnome-terminal configs19:58
mongygnome-terminal --geometry=80x24  then19:58
mongyupdate the shrortcuts for it..19:59
alkisgOn a default Natty installation, my /etc/hosts contains the following lines, isn't it a bug to have ::1 there twice? Does anyone else also have this?20:28
alkisg::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback20:28
rwwno, it's not a bug20:30
rwwjust means two different hostnames resolve to the same IP address. this is entirely unproblematic.20:30
rwwwell, four, since there are two on each line20:31
alkisgrww: I think I read a debian bug about this (for hostname and, let me find it...20:31
alkisgI.e. that it's allowed to have them on the same line, but not on separate lines20:31
rwwyou can have different lines with the same IP address in /etc/hosts20:32
rwwheck, some people using one form of ad blocking end up with thousands of lines with the same IP address in /etc/hosts.20:32
alkisgHmmm right I'm probably remembering a different problem then20:33
alkisgThank you20:33
bittinsomone wants a Diaspora invite?21:23
CarlFKwe need invites?21:23
DaekdroomWhat is Diaspora?21:26
virtualda security nightmare21:27
CarlFKit's like facebook but with an admitted less regard? for security21:29
CarlFK"we aren't security experts" or something21:29
DaekdroomOdd. It's nothing like the main page says21:32
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