
bradmhead_victim: you got one of the ezcap dvb tuners from zazz?04:36
head_victimbradm: nope, I have a winfast dtv gold04:51
bradmhead_victim: ah, just saw one of your older posts04:52
head_victimMIght be rebranded?04:52
bradmits possible04:53
head_victimOh you mean the dab one?04:53
head_victimYeah it was crap, got the winfast and bought an iriver b30 to use for dab04:53
head_victimThat's what I did have04:54
bradmahh, okey04:54
bradmjust found http://www.turnovfree.net/~stybla/linux/v4l-dvb/lv5tdlx/, which was rather useful04:54
head_victimThe winfast one is around 40 bucks a pop and "Just works". There is a modified firmware for it if you don't want the dmesg erros04:56
bradmnot really much point for me having dab at this time anyway, no broadcasts here05:03
head_victimYeah I spent 80 on that dab one and then sat it on the bench 2 weeks in. 05:04
head_victimBought the other and use it with me-tv05:04
bradmI'm finally getting play with this one some more, looks like I might have a working module for it now05:05
head_victimSupposedly the one I had was working under linux for dtv but not dab but I couldn't get either working05:06
head_victimThat was mainly due to the device reporting as an afatech devices when it was really an rtl05:06
head_victimWhich I found out after I'd ordered the winfast so didn't poke too much more into it sorry05:07
bradmno worries, I'm making progress with this anyway05:08
bradmawesome, the scanning has found some channels, taking forever05:09
head_victimCool I gotta head afk for a while again if you need anything just leave a ping :)05:12
chestyanyone know why /usr/lib/evolution/e-addressbook-factory wakes up every so often and causes huge amounts of traffic to syd01s01-in-f104.1e100.net:443?06:58
somethinginteresanyone know how to get Chat accounts to be set as online on boot? I've got FB chat set up but it's always offline until I explicitly turn it to online using Chat Accounts in the Me Menu07:15
elkysomethinginteres, you have to do that through the empathy application under Applications -> Internet -> Empathy Instant Messaging07:23
elky'automatically connect on startup' seems checked by default in it.07:23
somethingintereselky: hmm seems to be checked on mine also. Maybe empathy isn't set to start on boot07:27
elkysomethinginteres, possibly. That's System -> Preferences -> Startup applications07:27
somethingintereselky: thanks for that07:28
elkyIt doesn't appear to be in mine, and mine is a fresh install07:28
somethingintereselky: Added it now, and I found a command switch to allow it to launch silently on startup which is exactly what I am after "empathy --start-hidden"07:29
lanohey all09:35
lanocan someone help me out with this please mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.09:36
chestylano: big big guess, but is portmap installed both ends? I found installing portmap and nfs server on one end it all that's needed09:51
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
=== lano is now known as esc_phr34k
chestyesc_phr34k: did you see my reply earlier tonight?12:13
esc_phr34kchesty,  i have just now thanks. well see i have a qnap server so i cant really install portmap on it. how ever portmap is running on my ubuntu12:27
esc_phr34ki have narrowed it down to statd that doesnt start on boot12:27
esc_phr34kand soon as i start that all works well12:27
esc_phr34ki just cant seem to figure it out why my statd want start even thos chkconfig says its turned on to start on boot12:28
chestychkconfig, hey12:29
esc_phr34kyes why12:31
chestydidn't realise ubuntu had it, does it handle upstart?12:34
esc_phr34ku cant install it 12:34
esc_phr34kit does not come with it by default12:34
esc_phr34ki have not used upstart but chkconfig is almost the same it handels the start and stop of the services12:35
esc_phr34ki have tried bum as well but same thing i am not sure why it want start on boot but when u run it manual all works fine12:36
chestywhat version of ubuntu?12:37
chestythen you're using upstart12:37
esc_phr34ki am not familiar with it 12:38
chestyme neither12:39
esc_phr34kso u have any other clue to my problem12:40
chesty /etc/init.d is being phased out, so if statd is handled the new way, chkconfig might not handle it12:40
esc_phr34kher so what is the best way to check then12:40
chesty /etc/init/statd.conf12:42
chestyif i'm reading that file right, it starts when portmap starts12:43
esc_phr34ki have noticed that as well but portmap starts fine12:45
esc_phr34keven when i check the status of it it says it runing12:45
chestyps aux | grep portmap ?12:47
esc_phr34kroot@babylon:/etc/init.d# ps aux |grep portmap12:48
esc_phr34kdaemon     853  0.0  0.0   1960   540 ?        Ss   20:53   0:00 portmap12:48
esc_phr34kroot      5431  0.0  0.0   4012   764 pts/0    S+   23:48   0:00 grep --color=auto portmap12:48
chestydouble check /etc/default/nfs-common that statd isn't turned off, but it's not by default, so that's probably not the problem12:50
esc_phr34ku are right it looks like by default it is switched off12:52
esc_phr34kman i was even there before and didnt see the statd option12:52
esc_phr34kfeel like an idiot now12:53
chestyhey? if it doesn't say "no" exactly, then it's yes12:53
chestyeven empty is yes12:53
esc_phr34kah okay12:53
esc_phr34kwell it didnt have anything next to it12:53
chestysame here12:54
chestyps aux | grep statd ; stop portmap ; ps aux | grep statd ; start portmap ; ps aux | grep statd12:54
esc_phr34kstatd     2215  0.0  0.0   2096   828 ?        Ss   20:56   0:00 rpc.statd -L12:55
esc_phr34kroot      5598  0.0  0.0   4008   764 pts/0    S+   23:55   0:00 grep --color=auto statd12:55
esc_phr34kportmap stop/waiting12:55
esc_phr34kroot      5606  0.0  0.0   4008   764 pts/0    S+   23:55   0:00 grep --color=auto statd12:55
esc_phr34kportmap start/running, process 560912:55
esc_phr34kroot      5620  0.0  0.0   4008   768 pts/0    S+   23:55   0:00 grep --color=auto statd12:55
chestycould you just double check statd isn't running atm12:55
chestystatus statd is the new upstart way12:56
esc_phr34kthanks i was just trying to figure it out 12:57
esc_phr34kroot@babylon:/# status statd12:57
esc_phr34kstatd start/running, process 562512:57
chestyI have no idea, if portmap is set to run on boot, then everything should be fine12:58
esc_phr34khow can i check that to be 100$12:58
esc_phr34kthat portmap is started on boot12:58
esc_phr34ki mean chkconfig says it is12:58
chesty /etc/init/portmap.conf12:58
chestyyeah, I'm not sure chkconfig would work for portmap12:59
chestyifconfig lo ?12:59
chestythat's configured, right?12:59
esc_phr34kbut /etc/init/portmap.conf is a file how do u check wit that12:59
esc_phr34kwell i am getting static ip from my router13:00
chestyread it, it's new to me too, but it's basically understandable. the "start on" line would be my guess13:00
chestybut you have an interface called lo too, right?13:00
chestyyou should13:00
esc_phr34kso in ubuntu 10 there is no simply way like chkconfig to check if it starts on boot13:01
esc_phr34kyeah i do13:01
chestyi know as much upstart as you do13:01
esc_phr34kaha okay13:02
chesty /etc/default/portmap exists?13:02
chestymaybe check the boot logs?13:05
esc_phr34ki have nothing that i can see  but i will check again13:05
esc_phr34kwent through dmesg etc and 13:05
chestyi don't think boot jobs are logged in dmesg13:07
esc_phr34ki have check then var/log13:07
esc_phr34kas well13:07
chestygrep "init: statd" /var/log/syslog (assuming you've rebooted recently)13:11
esc_phr34kit just says teminated with status 1 that is what i was googling all night basicly13:13
esc_phr34kbut dunno what it means13:13
chestyyeah, that means it didn't start. there is a bug open for it13:13
chestytry stop statd; start statd13:13
esc_phr34kthanks mate13:15
esc_phr34kwill give it a try13:15
chestyfrom reading that bug, it's only fixed in lucid13:15
chestybut if you edit /etc/init/statd.conf13:16
chestychange status portmap | grep -q start/running to status portmap | grep -q start/13:16
chestyit might fix it13:17
esc_phr34kthanks champ will give it a go13:17
esc_phr34kmuch appreciate ur time13:17
chestyno worries, night13:17
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
head_victimelky: I don't know a lot about printing stuffs, that poster you created, what sort of size could I get the printed to do you think? A2? Or is that something that depends on how good the printer is?23:42

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