
sogeppguys, what happen to openoffice.org? why does it 'change' into LibreOffice?02:04
holsteini thought i was hearing it was more than that though02:07
holsteinbut the news says its just a fork02:07
Red-Ravengot a question involving DOS. can anyone help me? i know its not Linux related.02:10
nit-witRed-Raven, doubt if I can answer it but go ahead02:11
Red-Ravenit wont recognize any command using java. all i need it for is installing the Minecraft server nit-wit.02:12
Red-Ravenand, yes, jave is currnet.02:13
nit-witRed-Raven, did you ever install the ubuntu-restricted-extras02:14
nit-witRed-Raven, run that set with the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras in the terminal02:15
Red-Ravenok what is it?02:15
nit-witRed-Raven, I belive java is in there02:15
Red-Ravenno im havingthis problem in Win7.02:16
nit-witRed-Raven, oh sorry can't help there02:16
Red-Ravenoh.... ok.02:16
Red-Ravenits alright02:17
nit-witRed-Raven, I just logged on if you mentioned the W7 part,thanks for the condolences :)02:17
Red-Ravenoh no i hadn't. i just htought DOS would mean it must be in windows.02:18
Red-Ravenoff to paruse the WWW for the solution then. cyw.02:22
pointydriphello, I just moved apartments and changed from a static ip to auto DHCP, I entered sudo iptables --flush expecting it to connect automatically but it won't and none of the forums have helped, any ideas?02:34
pointydripwhen i run ifconfig -a i get both network cards (autoeth0, autoeth1) but they do not show up in the network connections GUI02:37
pointydripall that is displayed in the GUI is ifupdown(eth0)02:37
nit-witpointydrip, cant you just right click the icon edit connections click on the wireless and change it to dhcp02:40
nit-wit*wireless icon02:40
pointydripit's a wired connection02:40
pointydripand yes, but usually it displays the network adapter such as auto eth002:41
nit-witpointydrip, okay thw wired icon02:41
pointydripwhen I add a connection how do I direct it to eth002:43
nit-witpointydrip, what distro do you have02:44
nit-witpointydrip, if your plugged in you should be seeing the etho hook up from the edit. I have not had a problem in this area for awhile so I'm a bit slow but is it working, and do you have this set like this.http://imagebin.org/13057802:46
holsteinpointydrip: you dont have a router?02:47
holsteini dont know how anyone can operate without a router ;)02:47
nit-witholstein, good question:)02:47
pointydripyes I have a router automatic DHCP02:48
holsteinthe router should be doing the same thing it was doing at the other place02:48
holsteinas far as your buntu box is concerned02:48
pointydripnit-wit: network conections looks the same02:48
pointydripbut there's no auto eth002:48
holsteinmaybe you need to change the settings in the router02:48
pointydripit doesnt show up02:48
holsteinmaybe you shook the PCI card loose in the move02:49
pointydripno the router is fine if plug the same eth line into my exbox it runs right away02:49
holsteinthe xbox didnt care02:50
holsteinits just taking what the router is sending02:50
holsteinso should the buntu box02:50
holsteinpointydrip: you got 2 NIC's?02:50
holsteinhave you tried them both?02:50
pointydripexactly, I previously had the exbox running through my ubuntu machine because only one line was available02:51
pointydripin the new place i ran seperate wires, when I reset iptables something happened02:51
holsteinim unclear why you need to mess with iptables02:51
holsteini just plug it in02:51
holsteini have some static IP's running here02:52
holsteinbut for the most part02:52
holsteini just plug it in02:52
holsteinmaybe you can just undo some of the customization02:52
holsteinand get a network connection02:52
pointydripyes i ran iptables --flush02:52
holsteinand work from there with whatever you need to do02:52
pointydripnow auto eth0 doesnt show up02:53
pointydripifconfig -a looks normal02:53
pointydripis there a way to reinstall network devices?02:54
thewrathwat do you mean pointydrip ?02:55
holsteinsorry, ive never needed to use iptables02:55
holsteini was just browsing the man page02:55
pointydripwhen i open network connections where it used to say auto eth0 there is nothing02:55
holsteinpointydrip: have you logged out?02:55
pointydripbut ifconfig says its there02:55
holsteinand back in?02:55
pointydripthe problem arose when I deleted eth1, which is my second ethernet device02:56
pointydripeth0 disapeared with it02:57
holsteinwhy/how did you delete it?02:57
holsteinmaybe you could get a live CD out02:57
holsteinrun that02:57
holsteinand look at the setup02:57
pointydripyes I have that02:57
holsteinand learn how to undo whatever has been done02:57
pointydripive never worked with the live cd like that...02:57
thewrathpastebin what is in your interfaces file02:58
pointydripi've got synaptic open but I have no idea what to do02:58
pointydripwhich package to install that is02:59
holsteinid say close synaptic02:59
holsteinthe only package you should need to isntall would be whatever you uninstalled02:59
holsteinIF you need some extra firmware to use your device02:59
holsteinbut i dought that is the case02:59
holsteinprobably just something simple that thewrath could help with after taking a look at your interfaces file03:00
pointydripperhaps if I reinstall iptables?03:00
thewrathiptables is just a firewall like program03:01
thewraththat *should* not have anything to do with it03:01
pointydripokay, network manager then?03:02
JoeMaverickSettperhaps, as thewrath suggested, "cat /etc/network/interfaces" in the terminal (without quotes)  and pastebin to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?03:02
thewrathlets see that and we will discuss that03:02
pointydripokay ill try that...give me a minute im rebooting03:02
ShootEmUpHello Everyone03:05
ShootEmUpgotta love WALLCHAN03:06
thewrathpointydrip, did you reboot you server?03:08
thewrathor computer03:08
thewrathin network manager is eth0 there?03:08
thewrathcan you add an interface to that link03:08
thewrathbecause it looks fin in that file03:08
pointydripnot sure what you mean03:09
thewrathi am not famliar but is there a way you can add an interface to the network manager gui?03:09
thewrathif you use the cli it looks like the interface is installed and works03:10
pointydripthat is what I would like to do03:10
johnny77I have Ubuntu installed and on the top panel by default there was a logout button with my user name on it. It also could control my status in empathy. I removed this icon from the toolbar. Does anyone know the command to put it back on?03:10
thewrathwhat is empathy?03:10
JoeMaverickSettjohnny77: right click panel > Add to panel > Indicator Applet Session03:11
JoeMaverickSettthewrath: the default messenger for ubuntu.03:11
johnny77JoeMaverickSett: Thank you.03:11
JoeMaverickSettjohnny77: you're welcome. :)03:11
thewraththanks JoeMaverickSett03:12
johnny77JoeMaverickSett: is there a way to get the logout menu without the username part?03:12
JoeMaverickSettjohnny77: shutdown would do i think03:12
JoeMaverickSettjohnny77: instead of Indicator Applet session add shutdown03:12
pointydripany ideas on how to add auto eth0 to network connections?03:13
johnny77JoeMaverickSett: thank you again.03:13
JoeMaverickSettjohnny77: :)03:13
JoeMaverickSettpointydrip: right click network icon on panel > edit connections > Wired tab > Add , might do?03:15
pointydripno there's nothing to point a new connection to the network device, not that i know of03:16
holsteinpointydrip: 21:56 < pointydrip> the problem arose when I deleted eth1, which is my second ethernet device03:16
holsteini think you should elaborate on that process03:16
holsteinpointydrip: i assume you've plugged the network cable into both NIC's?03:17
pointydripi clicked on eth1 in network connections, on the right hand side there is add, edit and delete buttons...I pressed delete. Rebooted. Ubuntu is supposed to detect it automatically again on reboot, but it didn't. and also auto  eth0 was gone03:18
holsteinand you've gone through the 'add' process with no luck?03:19
pointydripthat is correct03:19
pointydripbut ubuntu should simply recognize auto eth0 and auto eth103:20
JoeMaverickSettyour ifconfig is normal, right? shows eth0 and stuff?03:20
holsteinand no network connection plugging the cable in to either one03:20
holsteinbut you've asked network manager to not see it03:21
JoeMaverickSett"sudo dhclinet3 eth0"? according to this problem; http://superuser.com/questions/44312/command-line-connect-to-wired-network-for-ubuntu03:21
pointydripsays dhclinet3 command not found03:22
holsteinpointydrip: use tab complete03:23
holsteinm@zagnut:~$ dhclient303:23
JoeMaverickSettdoh, it's dhclient303:23
JoeMaverickSettsorry, i typed it myself. :|03:24
holsteinclose enough ;)03:24
JoeMaverickSettwell =P03:24
holsteinfor us, not buntu03:24
pointydripit was simply dhclient03:24
holsteinthey are different03:25
holsteintheres both03:25
holsteinprobably want dhclient303:25
pointydripjoemavericksett: I got the same error message as on your link03:28
pointydripdhclient failed...03:34
holsteinis that dhclient3 ?03:36
holsteinwhat are the error messages?03:36
pointydripNo DHCPOFFERS received, No working lesases in persistent database - sleeping03:37
pointydripwhich doesnt make sense because I can plug anything else into the router and it works03:37
pointydripI just double checked the router everything is fine03:38
holsteinwell, if it were me, id probably try removing some variables03:39
holsteinmaybe get down to one nic03:39
holsteinrun a live CD03:39
holsteinmake sure that its working03:40
holsteinthen boot up the box03:40
holsteinget that one nic online03:40
holsteinand add the other one back in if needed03:40
pointydrip...I'm trying to do that but my disk drive wont work03:40
thewrathwat do you mean your disk drive wont work03:40
pointydripIt was working before the network problem03:41
pointydrip*wasn not03:41
holsteinin that case, i would definetly spend some time rulling out a hardware issue03:41
thewrathdefine working03:41
thewrathdoes the O/S find it?03:41
pointydripsome times03:41
pointydripprobably connection issue03:41
holsteinall of this could be a motherboard failing03:41
JoeMaverickSettor may be resolv.conf doesn't have the ip of the router/modem?03:41
thewrathis this a VM or no?03:41
thewrathJoeb454, it could be a resolv.conf but that would explain why eth0 was no tin the network config03:42
pointydripno VM03:42
JoeMaverickSettthewrath: it's JoeMaverickSett :)03:42
thewrathit could be a hard drive controller03:42
thewrathsorry JoeMaverickSett03:42
JoeMaverickSettthewrath: say that to the other joe. =P03:42
pointydripits not the motherboard falling its the cheap disk drive which is showing up under BIOS as some strange characters03:44
JoeMaverickSettthewrath: may be see the resolv.conf? /me has no solution as google isn't showing up for that issue. :D03:44
* JoeMaverickSett depends on google-fu. ;D03:45
thewrathJoeMaverickSett, ?03:45
JoeMaverickSettthewrath: ah, never mind. :)03:45
pointydripdchlient worked I was just an idiot03:51
pointydripi ran dhclient eth0 then plugged into the other adapter and ran dhclient eth103:52
pointydripit just occurred to me that I had them backwards03:52
pointydripthanks very much for the solution03:53
pointydripokay so dhclient worked but it does not stick, any ideas on how to make it permanent?03:58
pointydrip(i have to run it at every boot)03:58
holsteinif you got them switched03:59
holsteinmaybe you need eth1 added to interfaces04:00
pointydripyes, I was thinking if I add a wired connection and included the mac adress, anyways thats enough troubleshooting for one day...at least I can function now Thanks again.04:01
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hobgoblinstage left ...09:16
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kuttanssamsung corby pro as a 3g usb modem gsm >> facing some problems12:06
kuttanshow to do a modprobe for  3g usb mobile modem gsm12:10
Guest31418hi, what happens to the software i buy in the software center? does it stay on my ubuntu one account so i can reinstall it in the event i reinstall ubuntu? or do i have to buy it again?12:11
=== MrAnthrope is now known as GreusomKitchenDe
=== GreusomKitchenDe is now known as MrAnthrope
MrAnthropeThere's software to buy?12:19
Guest31418yes. click the "get software" arrow to show all. you will see it.12:21
JoeMaverickSettMrAnthrope: yes, go to Ubuntu Software Center, Click Get Software, For Purchase.12:22
Guest31418see it?12:22
Guest31418what happens to it? can i reinstall it again if i reinstall ubuntu? or do i have to buy it again?12:23
MrAnthropeI have provided by ubuntu, canonical partners, ubuntu tweak, ppa for wine, and google.12:23
Guest31418what version ubuntu you running?12:23
JoeMaverickSettMrAnthrope: what is your Software Center version?12:23
Guest31418ok, i know it is in 10.1012:24
yofelit's not there, you need SC 3 for that, which is in maverick12:24
Guest31418can anyone help with my little question?12:24
jermzaOh, there are ppl here. :)12:25
Guest31418we are people?12:26
yofelsure there are ;)12:26
Guest31418i thought we were really smart bots. :P12:26
jermzaI'ma newbie, but have converted to Ubuntu recently, so excuse my ignorance.12:26
MrAnthropeWelcome to the club.12:26
Guest31418ask away12:26
Timo_"Don't ask to ask, just ask!"12:26
Timo_Howdy everyone12:26
JoeMaverickSettGuest31418: go to Help tab > Software Center Help > and to Topic "What if I paid for software then lost it?", i think it will answer your question. :)12:27
jermzaI have some dumb questions, so don't laugh (too much).12:27
Guest31418thank you joe.12:27
Timo_jermza: no1 will laugh at you12:27
Guest31418i might...not really12:27
jermzaI often see ppl saying "nautilus".... what is that?12:27
JoeMaverickSett!nautilus | jermza12:28
ubot2Factoid 'nautilus' not found12:28
Guest31418that is your file manager12:28
Guest31418that is the window that shows you your files12:28
svakshajermza: a gnome software package12:28
jermzaIs it like saying "Open Windows Explorer"?12:28
Guest31418that is what it is but for ubuntu12:29
jermzaOkay, got it.12:29
JoeMaverickSettjermza: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nautilus_(file_manager) :)12:29
Guest31418and joemavericksett that was what i needed. thanks again.12:29
jermzaI have Evolution added to my Startup Applications, which is great because it opens in front of me when Ubuntu boots up.  But how do I get Empathy and Gwibber to boot up on startup (without having them pop open in front of me)?12:30
jermzaIE, How do I get them to start up in the background?12:30
geirhajermza: Not background, but minimized12:31
geirhaWhen I do ''man empathy'' it shows an option. -h, --start-hidden Don't display the contact list or any other  dialogs on startup12:32
Guest31418add them to system ->  preferences ->startup12:32
jermzaWhen Ubuntu boots up. Empathy and Gwibber don't start unless I manually make them.12:32
geirhaSo you probably just want to start empathy -h instead of just empathy12:32
jermza"man empathy"?12:33
geirhaYes, if you open a terminal and run that, it will show you the manual for that program.12:33
jermzaYes, I see it in Terminal.12:34
MrAnthrope"Nautilus can display previews of files in their icons, be they text files, images, sound or video files via thumbnailers such as Totem. Audio files are previewed (played back over GStreamer) when the pointer is hovering over them." The first time I did that I thought I was just remembering the song in my head.12:34
Guest31418man could be the google for linux. love it12:34
jermzaSo. how do I add Empathy -h to Empathy's startup?12:35
Guest31418jermza  add them to system ->  preferences -> startup12:35
geirhajermza: empathy -h, not Empathy -h.  It's case sensitive.12:36
MrAnthropeadd it to the "command" box.12:36
jermzaI see.  Does Gwibber have a similar option?12:37
geirhajermza: It doesn't appear to have. But does it open a window when you run it? (I've never used it)12:37
Guest31418try man gwibber12:39
jermzaLogging out to test settings.  Will be back shortly. :)12:39
Guest31418good luck12:39
geirhaI just started gwibber to see. In its preferences it has a "Start on login" option. That might start it without opening the window.12:40
jermzaIt worked. :)12:41
jermzaThanks for your help!12:41
Guest31418i hope buying software from the software center will increase and more software will be available to buy. IE starcraft212:42
Guest31418no prob12:42
jermzaNext question.12:42
jermzaI am playing with themes.  What does "Ubuntu PPA" mean?12:42
Guest31418um..anyone else want to answer that one?12:43
jermzaI'm at gnome-look12:43
jermzaand am reading the installation instructions12:43
MrAnthropeIs this serious? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/549523/12:43
ubot2A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:44
Guest31418arnt you on xchat now?12:44
MrAnthropeSome games have their own personal package archvies so they can auto-update for you. for example.12:45
MrAnthropelinux native games. obviously.12:45
yofelnot restricted to games, anyone with a launchpad account can have a PPA12:45
Guest31418MR did you install a theme in xchat from ubuntulook?12:46
jermzaOkay, thanks.12:46
jermzaManual installation is probably better then.12:46
MrAnthropeI'm using the Elementary theme.12:46
MrAnthropefor gnome.12:46
Guest31418then..where did it come up with that error?12:46
MrAnthropelol that's why I asked. I mean it works and looks fine so I don't think it's a problem.12:47
Guest31418prob not but it looks like it dropped you back to the shell instead of running xchat12:47
geirhaYeah, it's not serious. It just can't find some component in your current theme, so it says so, then uses some default instead.12:48
MrAnthropeAh, ok.12:48
Guest3141864 days left then good by iraq. i cant wait to come home12:50
MrAnthropeWhat are you doing there?12:50
MrAnthrope...wait iraq has the internet?! lol jk :)12:51
Guest31418ya, but they charge $88/month for 128kb not KB. rip off12:51
Guest31418need that speed to use skype to call my wife. cant use the slower speed12:52
ubot2Factoid 'IRAQ' not found12:53
MrAnthropeAny more questions, jermza?12:53
jermzaI'm good, for now, thanks. :-)12:54
jermzaYou've been a great help.  I'll be back soon.12:54
Guest31418ok. going to eat supper. have fun yall12:54
jermzaBack with another question, if you don't mind.13:51
jermzaWhen my PC boots up, a message appears just before Ubunu's login screen appears. saying "Too many connections" (with some number right before it).13:53
jermzaWhat is that?13:53
Daniel0108what do ya mean by a message, is it a popup or just some text?13:55
jermzaAfter I turn on my machine, the usual black screen appears, with the odd text scrolling and then Ubuntu's login screen appears.13:55
jermzaThe last bit of text that appears is "Too many connections" and waits a few seconds.13:57
jermzaBefore loading Ubuntu's login screen.13:57
jermzaAny idea what "too many connections" is?13:59
IAmNotThatGuyjermza, I saw a thread similar to that. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163527814:07
IAmNotThatGuyto change the BIOS settings14:07
IAmNotThatGuyplease check it14:07
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Red-Ravenhey i know this is off-topic but can anyone help me in opening a port in windows?17:31
holsteini remember xp used to prompt17:32
holsteini finally got to where i would just disable the firewall anyways17:33
holsteinand use the one on the router17:33
Red-Ravenum, ok.17:33
holsteinim not sure what the process looks like in vista or win717:34
holsteinbut i bet some google-fu would do you right17:34
holsteinprobably some kind of security center type thing still17:34
Red-Ravenyou have no idea how much ive used google and other forums. this was a last resort.17:34
Red-Ravenwhta is ?17:35
holsteinthats pretty much the way i was imagining it working17:36
holsteinid be totally comfortable turning te firewall off though on my home network17:36
holsteinunless you're putting it out in your DMZ for some reason17:37
Red-Ravenminecraft wasn't one of the ports i could add.17:39
holsteintheres a wizard or something...17:40
holsteinminecraft should tell you the port you need17:40
Red-Ravenits 2556517:40
holsteinonly if you aren't using the default (25565TCP and UDP)17:41
holstein^^ from there17:41
holsteinSO you just put a hole at 2556517:41
holsteinthis says both TCP and UDP17:41
holsteinyou might need to make 2 entries then17:41
holsteinin my router, i can select both17:42
holsteinRed-Raven: really, this will be however you did it on your router17:42
holsteinunless your just making a local server17:42
Red-Ravenim using the linksys setting that you get by putting your IP in the browser17:43
Red-Ravenso i should select both then?17:43
holsteinboth TCP and UDP ?17:43
holsteinthats what that wiki implies to me17:44
Red-Ravenok. my ip ends in .1, so should i put .100?17:44
holsteinwell, the windows box probably wont ask for the IP17:45
holsteinsince you're doing this locally17:45
Red-Ravenno im using the linksys settings17:45
holsteinon that box17:45
holsteinit should assume that you want to configure its firewall17:45
holsteinon the router17:45
Cheri703Red-Raven: if it ends in .1 it'd be .001, .100 is different17:45
holsteinyou'll want to forward those ports to that box17:45
Cheri703if it needs 3 digits17:45
holsteinyou might want to set the windows box to a static IP17:46
holsteinso that it doesnt get changed17:46
holsteinOR see if there is a setting in the router to 'reserve' the current IP for that machine17:46
Red-Ravenok. im just going to try it now.17:46
holsteinthats the IP you put in the router17:46
Red-Ravenok so it wouldn't let me do .001. had to do .10017:48
holsteinis .100 the IP of the machine or not?17:48
holsteinlets say on my network17:49
Red-Ravenit ends in .117:49
holsteinthe server is
holsteinand i want port 12345 forwarded17:49
holsteini go tot he router17:49
holsteinand i forward port 12345 to the IP address
holsteinforwarding to ANY other port wont do17:50
holsteini mean, any other IP *17:50
Red-Ravenok so when someone joins my server they need im default gateway>17:51
holsteinRed-Raven: go to the windows box17:51
holsteinand determine the IP address17:51
holsteini usually click start, go to run and run cmd17:51
holsteinand enter ipconfig17:51
Red-Ravenwhy is this so confusing....17:52
holsteinbecause the less time i spend looking at a windows desktop, the better ;)17:52
nit-witholstein, hehe17:52
holsteinRed-Raven: its confusing because its potentially harmful17:52
holsteinand you're not sure what the IP address is17:52
Red-Ravenlol. so when ppl join my server, they need my default gateway?17:52
Red-Ravenyes ive used ipconfig17:52
holsteinthey need your IP17:52
Red-Ravenwhich ip? ipconfig bring up several.17:53
holsteinRed-Raven: go to a web browser17:53
holsteinand google 'whats my ip'17:53
holsteinfor example17:53
holsteini use dyndns to forward to my server17:53
holstein*which is quite boring17:53
holsteinBUT my IP address is
holsteinSO should be the same17:54
holsteinand it is :)17:54
Red-Ravenok i found a my ip site17:54
holsteinyou dont have to have a domain name pointing to your IP17:54
holsteinyou can just get taht IP17:55
holsteingive that to whom-ever you want to join your server17:55
holsteinSAY, i have a minecraft server17:55
holsteini would give you
holsteinyou would use
holsteinto join17:56
holsteinon my end17:56
holsteini would have my router look at that incoming connection17:56
holsteinand forward that port 2556517:56
holsteinto my server box at
Red-Ravenok i think i get it. i gtg but if it doens't work ill come backk later. cya.17:57
Red-Raventhanks for the help.17:58
holsteingood luck17:58
wcdrotaranyone know how to install Joomla?17:59
holsteinwcdrotar: i did it once18:00
wcdrotarI got my lampstack all set up18:00
wcdrotari think18:00
holsteinhowever, i found...18:00
holsteinand it was *so* much easier18:00
wcdrotaryeah, i downloaded that iso before18:01
wcdrotarill give it a shot again since i tweaked with mysql and php since then18:01
wcdrotartrying running it in vmware18:01
holsteini just wanted to make it all happen from scratch once18:01
holsteinto be able to say i did18:01
nit-witholstein, just picked up a copy of John Malaughlin's To The One nice fusion, it is LM18:35
holsteini havent heard that one yet18:35
pigyhi , i want to install lates ubuntu on mac power pc, is it possible18:42
holsteinpigy: 10.10 ?18:45
nit-witholstein, killer stuff Gary Husband and other great players, it is fusion my favorite in tis genre is Allan Holdworth though generally18:46
holsteinpigy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/18:46
holsteinyou'll want the PPC one18:46
holsteinnit-wit: :)18:47
holsteini suppose frisell kinda fits in that genre18:51
holsteinthats about as deep as i got into it really18:51
holsteinsome dimeola here and there18:51
holsteinwith corea18:51
holsteini did a chick corea cover band concert that was pretty fun18:52
holsteinworking up some of those older rock-ish #'s18:52
holsteinwe kinda did an acoustic set and and electric one18:52
holsteinthe 'all-chick' band ;)18:52
nit-witholstein, wow a chck corea copy band18:55
nit-witholstein, one of the few groups I have seen play the music perfectly18:55
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wcdrotarcan't play it on ubuntu tho19:03
holsteinnit-wit: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1172535/chickband/armando.ogg19:06
holsteinive been slack about mixing them down19:06
holsteinthats fromt he acoustic set19:06
holsteinwcdrotar: cant play what?19:09
nit-witholstein, that you on the bass19:13
holsteinbill gerhardt on piano19:13
holsteinjustin watt on drums19:13
nit-witholstein, very nice that is well done man19:13
holsteinwe have a horn player on some other tracks19:13
holsteinnit-wit: thanks19:13
nit-witholstein, good drummer and piano Chicks music is not easy19:14
holsteinyeah, it was a fun project19:14
holsteinand that was one of the easier tunes19:14
nit-witholstein, yeah a little latin hurts no one eh19:18
nit-witholstein, triplet,  triplet,  triplet,19:19
holsteinnothing wrong with triplets either ;)19:19
starcraftmanpigy: you still there?19:20
nit-witholstein, the theory is that the triplet without the middle played is one of the keys to swing and other genres and feels, to some extent but you are a good player so I'm preaching to the choir19:26
holsteini like to spread them out a little further too19:27
holsteinin the swing feel19:27
holsteinalmost like its based on 16th notes instead of triplets19:28
holsteintrying to get that last not of the triplet as close as possible to the downbeat19:28
holsteinwithout actually being the downbeat :)19:28
nit-witholstein, I went to see my friend Ben Wolfe when he was in town about a year ago and he was using the push the beat walking style old scool keep the drummer on thier toes for sure19:29
holsteinthat drummer on that chick recording19:29
holsteinjustin watt19:29
holsteinhe can swing hard too19:29
holsteinyou get a guy like that playing along19:29
holsteinand you can get away with anything19:30
nit-witholstein, he sounded like he knows all 40 rudiments19:36
pigystarcraft im still here19:40
starcraftmanpigy: hi so you want to install ubuntu, how far have you gotten?19:40
pigyi thnk is possible to install ubuntu 10 on my imac bulble powerpc.. but now not sure what dl to get19:41
pigyi dl ubuntu-10.10-desktop-powerpc.iso19:41
pigyand do i need to burn to cd and boot or can i install image directly from mounted image on my mac19:43
starcraftmanpigy: looks like the right one, all the ports are listed here > http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/19:43
starcraftmanpigy: burn it onto a cd yet?19:43
=== yofel is now known as sheytyl
=== sheytyl is now known as yofel
pigyfrom that site i dl ubuntu-10.10-desktop-powerpc.iso19:45
pigyabout to burn.. if correct one19:45
starcraftmanpigy: yup, that's the right one. That's the 32bit powerpc version of ubuntu.19:46
pigyk going to burn.. then ill come back.. tnks man19:49
starcraftmanpigy: np :)19:50
pigywhen dvd boots will it give option for dual boot install ?19:51
starcraftmanpigy: have to go part way through the installation, I recommend starting a live session then getting a feel. After that laucnh the installer on the desktop.19:55
starcraftmanWhen you get to partitioning you can manually partition or else let the automatic one work, usually fine.19:56
snowakehi all.  Two issues I have been having recently. (1) I am having an issue with my vfat partitions being duplicated in nautilus and places menu.  I learned my way around fstab and user permissions, but I am still confused about vfat partitions.  For my vfat partitions options i have "iocharset=utf8,umask=000"19:59
holsteinsnowake: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23815920:00
holsteindid you look at that?20:00
snowakechecking it out now20:01
snowakeThat solved another issue with permissions, and it is no longer duplicated in nautilus.  I assume when I restart X it will delete the duplicates in Places as well.  Thanks!  Now is there any reason why vfat does not understand user/s option?  I guess I can assume vfat is different and requires the group and user permissions to be set during mount specifically.20:07
pigystarcraft just booted into cd20:07
pigyubuntu screens comming up20:08
snowakeAlso, has anyone else been having issues with repositories lately?  I get some strange errors (I believe from Ubuntu Tweak which is now removed), including one that states "Ignoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension"20:08
snowakeI have only been able to find bug reports, but nothing of help to me specifically.20:09
snowakeessentially, the majority of programs are no longer trusted.20:10
pigystarcraft... my boot screen is blank for like a minute is that normal20:14
holsteinsnowake: i would doube check your sources list20:32
snowakewell it says it is a directory20:33
holsteinsays whats a dir?20:34
snowakesources.list.d so I assume ".d" is an extension for dir20:34
holsteini just know where the sources list is20:35
holsteinyou can get to it from in synaptic20:35
holsteinOR the menu20:35
holsteinsystem administration software sources20:35
snowakewas trying to use gedit.  I can't find it actually in /etc20:35
holsteinfile a bug if you want20:37
holsteinbut if you've added PPA's20:37
holsteinand you've been poking around in there20:37
holsteinits probably not a bug20:37
holsteini usually just assume its my fault ;)20:37
holsteinsnowake: you could read and see how current that information is20:37
snowakegood idea checking now20:38
snowakeErr http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release.gpg                       Bad header line  <-- As an eample20:38
snowakeI don't believe it is a bug.  I think it was Tweak ubuntu : /  That program appeared to change the PPAs etc and actually removed one I still needed.20:39
snowakeGreat link btw thanks20:39
holsteinsnowake: i would try this20:40
holsteinfind the relavant info in relation to maverick 10.1020:40
holsteinmaybe go in your sourecs20:40
holsteinand temporarily "turn off" all the extra PPA's20:41
holsteinget the main repos working20:41
holsteinthen go one at a time trouble shooting, and properly verifying the added ones20:41
snowakeGood point.20:41
holsteinits usually not as scary and serious as those errors make it sound :)20:42
snowakehaha yeah usually I have ignored them and they have ended up ok after a while (temp issues with servers).  But its been a week.  I do see a very odd entry in "other software".  "File:/var/cache/apt-build/repository apt-build main"20:43
snowakeThis might be the issue with apt-build20:43
nit-witholstein, is it a messed up /etc/apt/sources.list20:44
snowakeI believe that is it.  Odd.  Ok, so I have only the four main sources for Ubuntu20:45
snowakethis is the return20:45
snowakeIgnoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extensionCould not open file /var/lib/apt/lists20:45
snowakeCould not open file /var/lib/apt/lists <-- I went to the folder and this dir/file does not exist20:45
snowakehowever sources.list is there, as is the sources.list.d dir w/ the sources20:46
nit-witsnowake, can you paste bin this sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:46
hobgoblinno need for sudo :)20:46
hobgoblinand gksudo20:46
nit-withobgoblin, is he in root or just use cat20:47
snowakegot it let me get rid of commented sections20:47
nlsthznhi, just tried installing Natty on my laptop, but no plymouth and also no login showing, can hear it logging in but cannot see anyhting on screen after bios?20:47
holsteinnlsthzn: not bad id say20:48
hobgoblinnit-wit: then gedit should work - best not to use sudo - not always causing issues - but I think it did for me once20:48
snowakedeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick restricted main deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick restricted deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-updates restricted main deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-updates restricted deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-updates20:48
nlsthznholstein, :) meaning I got farther than some? :)20:49
snowakethere is no http line for updates (last entry"20:49
holsteinsnowake: i think it will be easier to read in pastebin20:49
hobgoblinsnowake: please use pastebin20:49
holsteinnlsthzn: might need nomodeset20:49
holsteinwhatever safe graphics is called thesse days20:49
holsteinthen you dont get unity though :/20:50
hobgoblinnlsthzn: boot with the livecd F6 and add nomodeset20:50
nlsthznholstein, which defeats the purpose I am trying out natty... oh well... maybe I wait for beta20:50
holsteinnlsthzn: might not work then either20:50
snowakeHobgoblin:  I have not used IRC in a loooong time so let me look at commands to refresh memory20:50
holsteindepending on your hardware20:50
holsteinyou'll need a box that has god 3d support out of the box20:51
hobgoblinsnowake: paste sstuff into paste.ubuntu.com and then name and hit the paste button - give the new url here20:51
holsteinto check out unity easily20:51
nlsthznwell, 10.10 unity worked on my netbook (slow) so I would hope my lappy with intel gfx would handle it20:51
holsteinintel is usually pretty well supported20:51
* holstein shrugs20:52
hobgoblinnlsthzn: it doesn;t work too good atm anyway - probably better to wait :)20:52
holsteinits early :)20:52
nlsthznk, thx guys... will curn my curiosity20:52
snowakenlsthzn:  Did you clone your HD?  or was this live?20:52
snowakehobgoblin:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/549617/  (That is a really cool method!)20:53
hobgoblinsnowake: the cooler method is to install pastebinit ...20:53
snowakeI will definitely after this is sorted out.  Really cool tool.20:54
nlsthznsnowake, I installed from live disc20:54
holsteinnlsthzn: if your getting the daily iso20:55
holsteinmaybe just try a different one20:56
holsteini think i used an alpha20:56
nlsthznnot sure which one I got... was a clean install of the alpha AFAIK... don't fret, will try it later...20:56
nlsthznthanks and cheers... some SC2 time for me :D20:56
hobgoblinsnowake: what is your issue anyway - or is it sorted now ?20:59
snowakeprimarily "Ignoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension"21:00
snowakePlus a litany of other errors21:01
hobgoblinall apt ones?21:01
snowakeHere's the printout of the results21:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 693715 in apt-build (Debian) (and 1 other project) "N: Ignoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension (affects: 2) (heat: 706)" [Unknown,Unknown]21:03
snowakeEssentially it says using old files from last successful reload at Synaptic.  Then, when using Software Center it says "untrusted" for majority of programs21:03
hobgoblinsnowake: do ls /etc/apt//sources.list.d/21:04
holsteinlooks like that one is a bug :)21:04
holsteinnot sure about the others21:04
hobgoblinty holstein21:05
snowakeYep.  That it does.  It is named properly apt-build.list and I actually did this a while back when I was having issues b/c I have a backup file (don't remember doing this)/21:05
snowakeTy holstein and hobgoblin21:06
snowakeI may do reinstall of Ubuntu since /home is a separate partition.  Just backup my settings in compiz.  this is the original install and I have since learned quitee a bit more.21:07
snowakefound it21:08
snowake# deb file:/var/cache/apt-build/repository apt-build main21:08
snowakecomment behind the only line in apt-build.list21:08
snowakealso had a file named apt-build.21:11
hobgoblinall done then?21:13
snowakedeleted apt-build file (no clue how it got there!) and uncommented the apt-build.list line and now the error is no more :)21:13
hobgoblinok - so still the lzma ones?21:14
snowakeThanks all!!  Very helpful.  Didn't realize how much I missed IRC.21:14
snowakeyes still lzma21:14
snowakeI am going to solve that now.  Probably not a big issue21:14
hobgoblin2 different sorts o fissues I found with it = lzma as a package and a rewrite of the sources list21:19
snowakehobgoblin:  I went to the sources generator site and redid it completely.  Then did the keys.  Not only is lzma an issue, but also bzip "Sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code (2)"21:27
snowakegoing to try and find that21:27
snowakevery odd stuff21:27
hobgoblinsnowake: try changing servers21:28
snowakewil do21:30
snowakehobgoblin: Tried still same lzma and bzip2 errors.  tested for best server and used.  now I get "21:47
snowakegoing to restart x21:47
snowakecrazy issue with synaptic failing to load21:47
BRhow everyone doing today?21:51
holsteineh, im installing XP to try and utilize some old windows only hardware21:54
holsteinkind of a drag...21:54
holsteinBR: and you?21:54
BRdoin pretty good in this new year21:55
snowakeHolstein:  Are you using a custom build of XP?21:55
holsteinjust dusted off my disc last nite21:55
holsteinim not going to hop through too many hoops to use a 10 year old operating system with some old hardware21:57
holsteinbut if it works it works21:57
BRI have to agree with you on that, how it going so far21:58
snowakeyeah I was thinking of installing XP over win7 b/c I only need it for my crappy kodak printer and office 2007 (Wine is just not doing it)21:59
BRI think oo.o is better than office 07 any day22:00
snowakehobgoblin:  Massive issues.  no idea how changing server could have made so many errors.  You know of any ways to just restore all of the source files and folders to default to start fresh?22:01
holsteinBR: about what i expected so far22:01
BRis that good or bad22:02
holsteinits windows ;)22:02
BRlol I heard that22:02
BRsnowake are you using ubuntu server22:03
holsteinsnowake: 10.04?22:04
holsteini have 10.04 server running22:04
holsteini could paste my sources file if thats helpful22:05
holsteinprolly around on the net somewheres22:05
BRhow is the ubuntu server never used it22:05
holsteinBR: i like it22:06
holsteinnot doing too much with it really22:07
BRhave you use the win server 03 before22:07
holsteini have a couple services on it22:07
holsteinmumble, icecast, apache22:07
hobgoblinsnowake: you can backup, delete all entries and create one from here http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/22:07
holsteini run irssi in screen on it22:07
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holsteinBR: nah22:07
BR I used it in my network administration class need to try out ubuntu server to see the difference22:08
holsteinBR: you can run the stuff on ubuntu22:09
holsteinits all the same repos22:09
holsteinwhich is kinda handy22:09
BRyeah it sounds like it22:09
holsteinyou dont need to actually go and install ubuntuserver22:09
holsteini wanted a command line only box around22:09
BRreally how does that work22:09
holsteinBR: you just install what you want :)22:10
holsteinand run it22:10
BRmay have to try that out22:10
holsteinthats one of the cool things about buntu and FOSS22:10
holsteinusually the only limitations are your hardware22:10
BRyeah you always learn something new when you use ubuntu22:11
snowakehobgoblin I did that before switching servers actually.  I don't know what you mean by irssi though.  I have checked the apt.conf, apt-build.conf, apt cache directories, and set "no cache =false" instead of true to see if it simply wasn't caching to the directories.  This is just crazy to me.22:12
holsteinsnowake: irssi was me :)22:13
holsteini was just listing that as something i do on my server22:13
holsteinover ssh22:13
snowakeyes : / that makes sense now22:13
snowakeha, hobgoblin I appreciate all the help man.  I think this is a rather odd bug b/c teh lzma and bzip2 seems to be referring to the packages file22:15
snowakegoing to look into this more and will get back to you22:15
holsteinsnowake: what release?22:15
holsteinOH, 10.10...22:16
snowakeI am very certain ubuntu tweak messed it up22:18
holsteinive heard that can happen22:18
holsteinso far, ive had good luck with tweak22:19
holsteini like the PPA purge22:19
snowakeSub-process /usr/bin/lzma returned an error code (1) <-- I get this error code and a similar one for bzip222:19
snowakeU Tweak is definitely off my system.  Prefer to do things manually anyways22:19
holsteinSub-process /usr/bin/lzma returned an error code (1)22:20
holsteinhey, a generator http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/22:21
holsteinsnowake: if you do that, backup your old one22:21
snowakegenerator worked great for me when I was first installing ubuntu22:21
holsteinso you can revert22:21
snowakethx backed it up b/fhand.  unfortunately lzma is for 7zip and chrome is dependent on it so it can't be removed.22:22
snowakeholstein, just saw you msg about using it to purge ppas.  That is what caused this mess I believe.  As it was working until I did that22:23
snowakewell last time I did it.  That's why I removed Tweak b/c it was fine b/f my last purge22:23
snowakesame with bleach bit22:23
snowakesticking to computer janitor from now on22:23
snowakeall right I am out.  hopefully this will simply resolve itself over time.  Thanks for all the help everyone22:27
head_victimI was wondering if it was even possible but I thought I'd ask anyway, is there a way you can add some includes to a whole wiki page and all it's sub-pages at once? I need to add a team header to a group and don't want to have to do it individually if at all possible.22:44
BiDDohi all22:58
BiDDoanyone online23:01
zkriesseOk, need to make a cronjob..and I know about crontab -e but I make the cron and how to I make it happen?23:18
geirhazkriesse: Not sure I understand what you're asking there.23:31
yofelzkriesse: erm, for a cron job just put an executable script into /etc/cron.hourly|daily|weekly|monthly/23:32
yofelwell, anything executable23:33
geirhaAnd it musn't have an extension23:33
geirha/etc/cron.daily/myscript.sh  will not be run, but /etc/cron.daily/myscript will23:34
yofelah, didn't know that part23:34
zkriesseah ok23:34
zkriessethanks al23:34
geirhaIt's done that way to make it easy to disable a cron job I think.23:34
geirhae.g. just rename myscript to myscript.disabled23:34
zkriessenow say I wanted it to run at a specific time once a day23:35
zkriesseHow would I do that...23:35
zkriesseI'm COMPLETELY a babe in the woods to this23:35
geirhaYou'd use crontab -e  or /etc/crontab23:35
geirhaman 5 crontab  explains the format23:35
zkriesseyeah I know it's * * * * * command23:36
zkriessebut other than that well, I"M LOST23:36
geirhaYeah, that would run command every minute23:36
zkriesseAh ok23:37
geirha10 3 * * * command   will run it every day at 3:10 am23:37
zkriesseOk heres a question23:37
zkriesseSay I wanted to delete a file Test.txt off of my desktop in one hour...how would I make that happen23:37
yofelif it's only once, just run 'sleep 3600 && rm ~/Desktop/Test.txt' in the shell23:39
zkriesseWell I wanted to test cron to do it23:39
geirhacron can't.23:40
geirhaYou can tell cron to run a command at certain times, but you can't tell it to run it in 1 hour from now.23:40
pigyi booted into cd and then typed live blah=blah and at prompt23:41
pigyhow to i try live cd23:41
geirhaYou can with at(1) though23:41
geirhapigy: I don't understand23:42
pigytrying to install on mac and booted into cd and got to cmd prompt and then typed in live command23:44
geirhapigy: You didn't get the CD menu when you booted it?23:45
pigyno menu just a prompt23:45
geirhaOh wait, that's in the older versions. In the newer one it's a bit different, but I've never seen a prompt like you're describing.23:46
pigyi downloaded iso for powerpc imac23:46
geirhaOh, so it's an old Mac, then?23:49
pigy450 mzh.. yeahs its old23:49
pigycan new dl work for power pc23:50
pigyi went to main site... but ready that dowload is only for intel based macs23:52
pigymines not intel based23:52

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