
xelister|DRUNKcould we set this  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/664533  to Critical? isnt it critical?? Milions of users will have ubuntu NOT INSTALLABLE at first attempt - seems a totall fail00:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 664533 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer stuck on keyboard layout selection (affects: 7) (heat: 75)" [High,Confirmed]00:02
paultagxelister|DRUNK: it's not rendering it unusable. I won't change it, medium is correct. I share your troubles, but I disagree on severity00:03
penguin42paultag: Not being able to install is pretty bad00:03
paultagpenguin42: yes, but it looks like when you type the name out of the menu, right?00:03
paultagI glanced at it until I saw watson on there00:04
paultagcjwatson knows his stuff, and I trust his judgement :)00:04
penguin42paultag: Not sure, I can't actually rememember the details00:04
paultagpenguin42: I think it was just hardcoded QWERTY00:04
paultagit's a nasty bug, but not critical, I don't think00:05
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RedSingularitypaultag:  You here buddy?02:24
RedSingularityhggdh:  You?02:27
RedSingularityAre there any bug controllers available at the moment?02:30
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rusiviQuick backporting v. SRU clarification question, AFAIK, SRU is for serious/security/many people affected issues. However, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#request-new-packages notes that "We will reject any Backports requests for bugfixes if SRU has not been attempted." What happens if the bug is a minor, non-security bug that could be fixed by backporting a newer version of the software (from Natty/Maverick) in05:03
rusivito Lucid? Seems wasteful to go through the SRU process for something that will get rejected...05:03
RedSingularityAnyone know the next HUG day?05:03
micahgrusivi: which package?05:12
rusivimicahg: just inquiring don't have an example in mind. Does it matter if core-application v. non-core?05:13
micahgrusivi: basically, if it's a bug fix that would be beneficial to users and the changeset is small, and SRU is the way to go, backports are usually for new functionality05:14
rusivimicahg: Ok, ty for clarifying. It seems, when in doubt, SRU first?!05:15
micahgrusivi: when in doubt, ask :)05:16
rusivimicahg: haha!05:16
RedSingularitymicahg:  This user thinks this is a real bug.  I honestly dont think so.  I think it is a feature request which is why I offered him ubuntu brainstorm.  Maybe wishlist.  What do you think?  He took the liberty and marked it triaged as well.  bug 69518605:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 695186 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade manpage should be in -core with the binary (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69518605:27
micahgRedSingularity: it is a bug05:28
micahgRedSingularity: and the reporter05:28
micahgthe reporter's a core-dev :P05:28
RedSingularitymicahg:  It seems like a feature request though.  Moving the location of a man page.05:30
micahgRedSingularity: it's in the wrong package, that's a bug05:30
RedSingularitymicahg:  He is a dev for the update-manager-core package?05:34
micahgRedSingularity: no, he's an ubuntu core-dev05:34
RedSingularitymicahg:  Oh thats just dandy.  Now I look like a moron :/  Eh wouldn't be the first time.05:37
RedSingularitymicahg:  How can I get to learn how a package really works without being a developer of it?  I know you do a lot of work with firefox.  How did you get to know it so well with debugging and all?05:42
micahgRedSingularity: you don't have to know how every package works, but if you want to know a specific package, you should look at the packaging and work with it05:42
RedSingularitymicahg:  You mean the source code?05:43
RedSingularitymicahg:  thats just it though.  I dont know programming language.05:44
micahgRedSingularity: so don't worry about then, triaging is still very helpful05:44
RedSingularitymicahg:  You know anyone off hand that works with update-manager?05:46
micahgRedSingularity: mvo is the main developer05:47
micahgRedSingularity: I learned by being mentored by the Firefox maintainer05:55
RedSingularitymicahg:  That makes sense.  I guess I need to look into getting a mentor in the proper area.  Thanks.  :)05:58
micahgRedSingularity: well, for that type of mentorship I think there's a real commitment expected05:59
RedSingularitymicahg:  you mean there is a commitment in that package or in mentorship?06:13
micahgRedSingularity: I would think helping with the package06:14
RedSingularitymicahg:  Not that there is a problem with that but why so?06:15
micahgRedSingularity: well, it really depends what you want to work on, if it's something where a lot of people have knowledge, there'd probably be less expectation, but if it's one on one, it's different06:17
RedSingularitymicahg:  ah06:17
micahgRedSingularity: in any case, it'll be at the discretion of the person in question06:22
RedSingularitymicahg:  When being mentored what is the preferred way of communication during the session?  IRC?06:23
micahgRedSingularity: depends on the person in question :)06:23
somethinginteresAm I correct in thinking that clicking on the currently playing song in the sound menu should bring the app playing the music into focus?07:18
kklimondasomethinginteres: you are wrong07:24
kklimondasomethinginteres: clicking on the currently playing song copies its data to the clipboard07:24
kklimondawhich must be the most useless and the least discoverable feature I've seen in the last few years.07:25
kklimondagood morning :)07:25
somethingintereskklimonda: OK thanks - thought it might have been a bug07:25
paultagRedSingularity: yo08:35
paultagRedSingularity: just heading to bed at some point, are you taken care of?08:36
ElbrusCan somebody please mark 695040 as triaged? Upstream won't fix it, but I confirm the problem.11:09
Elbrusbug 695040 that is.11:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 695040 in winff (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "The italian language GUI is impossible to reed in same voices (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69504011:10
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xteejxHey guys14:39
xteejxIs anyone here that can help me with something and spare maybe 5-10 minutes please? It's completely off-topic but as most of you know I am usually involved with Ubuntu Bug Control and can't find any help elsewhere14:40
xteejxHey BUGabundo14:41
xteejxIt's a script written in AutoIt (GPL v3 licenced) so I want to get it working and then if possible re-release it, since upstream has stagnated but it could be useful14:42
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anotengis there any policy on expiring old needs-packaging bugs? There's a lot of bugs filed against projects that are dead upstream, have incompatible licenses, clearly defective etc.15:37
yofelwell, there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Needs%20Packaging%20Bugs - probably best to set them incomplete if they don't met the requirements and wait for LP to expire them15:43
anotengyofel: thanks.15:48
hjdHi. Anything more I should do to bug 685794 beyond setting it to fix released? I asked the reporter to test with the latest updates, which solved the problem.16:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 685794 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b crash during start (Segmentation fault (11)) (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68579416:01
paultag /window 2516:04
paultagohi shucks, sorry guys16:04
yofelhjd: Set it to fix released, the stacktrace does look like the solid related crash the patch fixes.16:05
hjdyofel: done. thanks.16:07
gobbecould someone help me with bug 693745. It seems that it's just configuration misatake on user, should i now just close this?17:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 693745 in ntp (Ubuntu) "wront time report for turkey (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69374517:11
gobbei'm quite new with bug hunting, trying to contribute :)17:11
* penguin42 looks17:12
gobbei tried to reproduce problem with two machines, without luck :)17:13
gobbeit seems that users clock is too far away, and of course then ntp wont fix time without first making it more closer with ntpdate17:14
penguin42gobbe: Has the timezone stuff in turkey changed - he's running a Hardy setup so I wonder if it's changed since then?17:14
gobbei tried with hardy17:14
penguin42with the turkish timezone?17:14
gobbei have several spare servers for testing purpose like this :)17:15
gobbethat's why i thought that i could contribute to ubuntu more =)17:15
penguin42it does look like he has the clock out by an hour doesn't it17:16
penguin42why is his ntptime failing though?17:16
penguin42or is it just because his time is too far out - greater than the maximum?17:16
gobbei'v seen several cases where firewall blocks ntp :)17:16
gobbentpdate shouldnt fail17:16
gobbelike you see it cannot even connect17:17
penguin42possible; but I'm not sure I've ever seen a firewall let everything else through but not ntp; I guess it's possible17:17
gobbewell we cannot say that everything else goes thru it?17:18
gobbebut anyway, i tried it with two different installations without luck17:18
gobbentpdate works atleast, ntp of course is not able to change time because hes current machine's time is too far away17:18
penguin42he hasn't actually put an answer to any error from ntpdate to ntp.ubuntu.com Ig uess17:19
gobbeyep, havent17:20
gobbeso just wait?17:20
penguin42could leave it with a 'ok well if you can try ntpdate to a server you can get to' or reset the time by hand, and leave it at incomplete; it'll timeout if he doesn't get around to it17:22
gobbei'll do that17:22
gobbejust wanted some advice c's havent worked with ubuntu bugs ever before, even hangin around in irc channels and providing support since 2005 :)17:23
penguin42yeh, I'm not the best person to ask for the right procedures17:23
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