
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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sveinseHi. I have the sources for a package (retrieved with apt-get source) and I need to build the x86 version of it, while I'm running amd64. I guess I need to setup some fakeroot system. Any links to where I can find descriptions of how to do so?13:56
ari-tczewsveinse: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Intro/Pbuilder14:01
ari-tczewsveinse: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto14:02
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Keybukevery time I type bzr log, I wish it would invoke $PAGER16:24
penguin42you mean like git does? Yeh it's a nice feature16:24
* penguin42 hands Keybuk the source16:24
Keybukheh, I don't care enough to patch it16:25
Keybukbesides, I have a feeling they'd reject it anyway16:25
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cjwatsonKeybuk: mkdir -p .bazaar/plugins && bzr get lp:bzr-pager .bazaar/plugins/pager16:40
cjwatsonKeybuk: (bug 213718)16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213718 in Bazaar "Use bzr-pager by default" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21371816:40
cjwatsonthe picky will observe that I should have put a couple of ~/ in there, but YKWIM :)16:41
Keybukcjwatson: ooooh16:43
cjwatson(don't like it myself - I turn that off in git - but I understand others do ...)16:51
KeybukI do, because you never know how much output a given command is going to generate16:53
Keybukand bzr commands can be slow to run16:54
cjwatsonI'm not quite sure why I dislike it; I think it's at least half visceral, "damnit if I wanted a pager I'd have asked for one"16:54
Keybukso you either protect everything with less just in case, which screws up progress bars16:54
Keybukor you run things twice16:55
cjwatsonbut also, my pager is set up to use the alternate screen16:55
cjwatsonand very often I want some of whatever I asked for on my terminal for slightly later16:55
Keybukyeah, I can see how that would annoy you16:55
cjwatsonso the effect of auto-spawning a pager is exactly to cause me to run things twice16:55
cjwatsonI suspect autopaging makes sense iff the pager isn't going to use an alternate screen16:56
cjwatsonunfortunately, neither bzr nor git can know that16:57
* penguin42 tends to use a LOT of terminals/tabs so I don't worry about nuking the contents of one16:57
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vadi2How can I get in touch with someone in Canonical in regard to a piece of Ubuntus website architecture not working properly anymore? (and not being fixed for half month now).20:16
JanCvadi2: try asking in #ubuntu-website20:18
JanCIIRC there is also an e-mail address listed on most sites20:18
JanCvadi2: http://www.ubuntu.com/contact-us under "web feedback"20:19
vadi2thank you20:20
shadeslayeror open up a ticket?20:42
shadeslayervadi2: ^^20:42
micahgvadi2: you can file a bug against this project as well: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website20:46
vadi2thank you20:46
Laneyi'd appreciate it if someone could approve the nomination on bug #69648023:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 696480 in tar (Ubuntu) "Natty and Maverick's tar versions generate different tarballs in some cases (when path length is 100 characters)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69648023:40
hyperairhmm is that what broke our pristine-tar things?23:50
elmoman, I thought that bug was going to be hilariously awesome, but it's just depressing23:50
Laneyhyperair: yes23:50
hyperairi see23:50
Laneyit is pretty depressing indeed23:51
Laneythankfully not much should have relied on that behaviour23:51
* cjwatson apologises for the Ubuntu project's failure to provide elmo with sufficient entertainment, and offers bug 248619 on the basis that a repeat is better than no show at all23:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248619 in file (Ubuntu Karmic) "file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24861923:51
cjwatsonhang on, where's the awesome version of that23:52
cjwatsonbug 255161 is more like it23:52
penguin42is that the Tuesday printing one?23:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255161 in cupsys (Ubuntu) "I am unable to print from open office, I tried reinstalling open office but it did not work. I use a brother mfc240c printer and I am running Hardy. Printing from other apps has not been an issue. (dup-of: 248619)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25516123:52
penguin42ah yes23:52

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