
rwwIf I set #ubuntu-offtopic +zq ryaxnb*!*@*, will anyone stop me :(?00:06
rwwthink I will do that when he leaves, then. hopefully, he won't notice.00:10
tonyyarussorww: For !enter, or somethign else?00:31
rwwtonyyarusso: considering his tendency to ramble about stuff not even #ubuntu-offtopic can find interesting, the fact that he's been asked not to do so repeatedly, and the fact that he seemingly doesn't care that he's annoying other people, I think he passed the threshold of violating "don't be annoying" months ago.00:32
tonyyarussoWorks for me.00:37
rww(and the only reason I'm planning to be sneaky and set +zq when he's not around is because I'm interested to know how long it takes him to figure out he's quieted.)00:38
tonyyarussoSince nobody replies anyway?00:38
rwwwell, not quite. The only replies he tends to get are negative.00:39
rwwheck, the snarky view of the situation is that quieting him will improve his channel experience00:39
rwwelky: If I were going to try to spam a channel, I'd at least make sure to capitalize properly :(00:57
elky<FloodBot1> astrophysicist, this is a check to ensure that you're human and not a spambot: Is Ubuntu the best operating system in the world?01:00
elky<astrophysicist> fuck you01:00
elky<FloodBot1> astrophysicist: Thanks! Now type /join #ubuntu to join.  Register if you don't want to do this again: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration01:00
tonyyarussoFloodBot's not very smart sometimes.01:01
FlannelFloodbot is making sure he's human.  It's someone else's job to make sure he's not disruptive.01:03
FlannelThat's the unix way, after all.01:03
elkyactually, i'm pretty sure that's also floodbot's job01:04
rwwwell, that's the job of a different part of floodbot ;(01:05
rww(well, it's our job, FloodBot just helps out)01:05
elkyhe needs to help harder01:05
FlannelFoul language and non-disruptive?  That's the ops job.01:05
IdleOneI agree with Flannel the bot just makes sure they are human, that language definitely comes from a human01:09
rwwwhole bunch of humans around :54, then ;P01:10
elkyexcept the bot already warns and eventually removes for swearing01:10
IdleOnethe bot never removes for swearing01:10
IdleOneleast not that I ever saw01:10
elkyafter 4 warnings?01:10
IdleOneheh I try not to let them get that many in01:11
rwwit @marks after a total of four @things, where "!language" is in @things. I don't think it issues !language itself.01:11
rww(first @ is ubottu command, seccond @ is a perl array );01:12
elkyso it can tell. but it decides to except swearing as an answer for "is ubuntu the best" which is a stupid question anyway01:12
rwwit accepts /.*/ as an answer for "is Ubuntu the best"01:12
elkyyeah, clearly01:12
elkybut it /can/ distinguish swearing01:13
FlannelI don't think it does.01:13
IdleOneI don't think so either01:13
IdleOneit sees !language input01:13
elkyit used to01:13
Flannel(from hoomans)01:13
IdleOnebut does not know *swears*01:13
IdleOneI think that the bot should be able to issue !language and that it should use baseball rules. you get two !language on the third you get banned01:15
rwwtechnological solutions to social problems ;(01:16
IdleOnewith exceptions for certain words which IMO should be automatic ban01:16
FlannelIdleOne: I don't ever want a bot making that decision.01:16
elkyi do want a bot to actually consider whitespace around its answers though01:16
IdleOneFlannel: why not?01:19
FlannelIdleOne: what's the benefit?01:20
elkya bot can't be bullied.01:20
IdleOnethat ^01:21
FlannelEr... what?01:21
IdleOneit would also eliminate trolls waiting for the !ops nicks to be idle01:21
FlannelIdleOne: If we have that problem, we need to get better operator coverage.01:21
IdleOneit does happen that we are all idle at the same time01:22
elkywe should fix that with a social solution like preventing ops from having offline lives01:22
rwwthey fixed it by appointing ops with no offline lives ;(01:22
IdleOneFlannel: adding more ops at this time I don't think is the solution but using the bots to do very specific actions for us would be helpful01:22
IdleOnewe could toggle the bot on and off for certain tasks01:23
FlannelIdleOne: False positives would be way too high, and "banning people after the third time" is poor policy anyway.  You should instead be working with people after the first time so time's two and three don't happen.01:23
IdleOnenot saying it would be easy to implement but surely doable01:23
IdleOneif the badword list is very specific there shouldn't be to many if any false positives01:24
FlannelIdleOne: It'll be uneffective then.  People will just spell out v1/\gr/\ or whatever to get around it.01:25
IdleOneand when an op sees that they can addword v1/\gr/\01:25
FlannelAre you trying to catch casual users who slip up? or people looking to cause trouble?01:25
rwwCongratulations, y'all about to repeat the struggle that led to l33t01:25
elkyif casual users slip up three times in a short period of time, then they aren't very casual01:25
IdleOneslips happen, that is why I say 3 strikes01:25
Flannelelky: Nonsense.01:26
FlannelIdleOne: Are you trying to catch casual users who slip up? or people looking to cause trouble?01:26
IdleOnebut if after the first slip you get a warning from the bot you may slip again. A third time? you asked for it.01:26
FlannelIdleOne: Casual users? or trouble makers?01:26
IdleOnetrying to catch the trouble maker.01:26
IdleOnethe casual user who slips 3 times in X time is slipping on purpose.01:27
FlannelIdleOne: Trouble makers will find ways to cause trouble.  If you ban X words, they'll find X+1 and X+2, etc.01:27
IdleOnelike I said x+1 can be added by an op when they become active and see the new x-word01:28
FlannelIdleOne: So, that "very specific" list gets "very broad" in a hurry.  Is what you're saying.01:28
IdleOneno, it can become very large in a hury but not broad01:29
FlannelIdleOne: You just said that people can add words to it once they see them.01:29
elkyit'd be very specific still. i don't know many words that innocently contain v1/\gr/\01:29
IdleOneanyway, it won't happen so no worries01:34
rww!viruses is <alias> virus02:06
ubottuI'll remember that, rww02:07
rww!forget i can't seem to get it working but there02:08
ubottuI'll forget that, rww02:08
rww!forget the only os they "support"02:09
ubottuI'll forget that, rww02:09
IdleOnerww: thanks for cleaning my mess02:13
rwwI'm bored, can you tell ;D02:14
IdleOnehey, least you find something to keep you busy02:14
IdleOnemuch appreciated02:14
rwwSide-bonus: I'm learning more random #ubuntu-offtopic factoids :D02:15
IdleOneI meant to !forget that earlier today but was trying to help someone when I pasted to the wrong window02:16
IdleOneand then forgot to forget02:16
rwwI kinda like this whole only-allowed-to-edit-in-ops thing. Means I'm much less likely to do that ;)02:17
rww!songbird =~ s/instructins/instructions/02:17
ubottuI'll remember that rww02:17
* rww giggles at !pumice | <deleted>almost as abrasive as snuxoll, except it's different because you can throw some pumice at snuxoll02:21
rww!no, ppagpg is <alias> gpgerr02:22
ubottuI'll remember that rww02:22
Flannelrww: Gesundheit.02:23
rww!forget neon-#kubuntu-kde402:31
ubottuI'll forget that, rww02:31
rww!forget icqbug02:32
rww!no, envyng is <reply> EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers on Ubuntu 9.10 or earlier. It can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver.02:40
ubottuI'll remember that rww02:40
* rww can't wait for the relevant versions to go EOL so we can nuke that one02:41
rww!no, expert is <alias> anyone02:44
ubottuI'll remember that rww02:44
rww!no, supportroot is <alias> noroot02:58
ubottuI'll remember that rww02:58
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.03:01
rwwBefore I changed it, it was identcal to how !noroot was before I changed /that/ (missing the middle sentence)03:02
rww!techboard =~ s/techical/technical/03:05
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:05
rww!forget gobuntu03:05
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:05
rww!forget kirby-#offtopic03:07
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:07
rww!forget mobile03:08
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:08
IdleOnewould be easier if you just forgot everything and started fresh03:08
rwwheh. I'm not removing every removable factoid I see, either >.>03:09
rww!please =~ s/your questions being followed by/following your questions with/03:11
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:11
rww!no, maps is <alias> gps03:13
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:13
rwwhalfway done!03:13
Amaranth_stupid internet03:13
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
rwwalrighty, time to fix the couple of -proxy-users-related factoids03:22
rww!unforget proxy03:22
ubottuI suddenly remember proxy again, rww03:22
rww!no, proxy is <reply> Several Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The best way to hide your IP address on freenode is to get a hostname cloak: see /msg ubottu !hostmask03:24
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:24
rww!forget proxy-#kubuntu-proxy-users03:24
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:24
nhandlerrww: Cloaks aren't really for hiding your IP (at least not if you are really serious about it). That is what tor is for03:25
rwws/best way to hide.*$/supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak/ ?03:27
rwwwhen I fix the !tor factoids, anyway03:27
ubottuGeekSquid called the ops in #ubuntu (drinkle ... translate and you will see why)03:30
AmaranthIdleOne: I guess that guy doesn't like you :)03:31
IdleOnewhat guy?03:33
IdleOnethere are many03:34
rwwthe one I just removed03:34
IdleOnehe mentioned me?03:34
IdleOneha he did03:35
IdleOnewonder what i did to him03:35
rwwThoughts on !tor is <reply> Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en . To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl03:36
rwwI'm now getting abuse from him in PM, btw.03:36
IdleOneI guess there is no word for idle in vietnamese03:37
Picirww: looks good to me.03:38
rww!tor is <reply> Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en . To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl03:38
ubottuBut tor already means something else!03:38
rww!no, tor is <reply> Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en . To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl03:38
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:38
rww!proxy =~ s/best way to hide.*$/supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak/03:38
PiciAthough maybe the second . between the url and the last part should be a -03:39
rwwdang, I already got poked about doing that. Force of habit :(03:39
rww!tor =~ s/ \. / | /03:39
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:39
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl03:39
rww!forget tor-#ubuntu-proxy-users03:41
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:41
rwwAnd finally, if anyone has a URL for installing/using Ubuntu with a proxy server enabled, !proxies wants to talk to you.03:42
rww!forget etiquette-#ubuntu-offtopic03:46
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:46
rww!no, dvd-torrent is <alias> dvdiso03:52
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:52
rww!forget easyubuntu03:55
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:55
rww!no, defragmentation is <alias> defrag03:57
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:57
rww!no, banned is <alias> ban04:00
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:00
rww!hostname =~ s#edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts#edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one#04:04
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:04
rww!umode =~ s/Freenode/freenode/04:06
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:06
rww!no, usernames is <alias> who04:09
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:09
rww!no, username is <alias> who04:09
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm04:09
rww!no, username is <alias> who04:09
rww!no, usenames is <alias> who04:09
rww!no, usenames is <alias> who04:09
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm04:09
rww!no, usenames is <alias> who04:09
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:11
rww!ext3 =~ s/Ubuntu/older versions of Ubuntu/04:11
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:11
rww!scanning =~ s/XSane/Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane/04:13
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:13
rww!amd64 =~ s#EMT64#Intel 64#04:18
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:18
rww!no, 43xx is <alias> bcm43xx04:18
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:18
rww!azureus =~ s/bittorent/!bittorrent/04:20
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:20
Jordan_UAny reason why https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors is tinyurl'd in !amd64?04:21
rww!forums =~ s/Freenode/freenode/04:21
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:21
rww!nick =~ s/Freenode/freenode/04:22
Jordan_USure it's long, but so what?04:22
rww!au =~ s/Freenode/freenode/04:22
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:22
rwwJordan_U: indeed. may as well fix it04:23
rwwalrighty, I'm all done spamming -ops ;P04:23
Jordan_U!amd64 =~ s|http://tinyurl.com/3jkole|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors|04:25
ubottuI'll remember that Jordan_U04:25
rwwweird. pocoyo in #ubuntu has some sort of script running that replies to mentions of "ylmf" with a link to Ubuntu Desktop training in Chinese o.O05:31
h00kgreetings. It's been a while.05:38
tonyyarussoWhile you were gone, California drifted off, hung with Hawaii briefly, then moved on to join Australia.05:40
rwwsubsequently, I have ascended to my rightful place as governor of the upside-down colony.05:40
h00kcan Alaska come too?05:41
tonyyarussoOnly once they stop electing Republicans.05:41
h00kBut she can see Russia!05:41
rwwIs Bacta supposed to be banned in #ubuntu?05:59
elkyi'm not sure and i can't be arsed looking right now. i wondered earlier when he was firing off my highlights06:02
elkymy guess is no06:02
elkybut he behaved, so we'll see how long he lasts06:03
elkymy money is on 'not long'06:03
rwwAs far as I can tell, 1) BT is confused about the state of the ban on his former cloak. 2) there was a +b bacta*!*@* that got removed during commentpocalypse06:03
elkyis there any obviously applicable to him still there?06:03
elkyalso, former cloak? he has a wardrobe of them now?06:04
rwwhe has none now, afaict06:04
elkyis he/was he identified?06:04
rwwI don't think he's ban-evading, no. The bans I see in BT are just the cloak one (which looks to not exist in the actual channel ban list) and the aforementioned nick one.06:05
rwwwhether the nick one was removed accidentally is another question :\06:05
elkyi figured as much though positively perplexed as to why this is only apparent now. commentpocalypse was months ago now and he's been lurking around in the interim...06:06
elkythere's no way he /hasn't/ tried to join #u in that time06:06
elkyhe just refuses to have self control06:07
rwwI can't tell, I'm missing logs for a chunk of December06:07
rwwhe's not in the parts I do have at all, though.06:08
rwwmaybe he went on holiday06:08
elkythough, to be fair, "aborticide" is still a listed ban, and that was him.06:10
elkyas is jewkonia06:10
elkyso he is quite literally ban evading since those nicks /are/ him06:11
rwwnah, aborticide is someone else. he /nicked to something like that at some point, though06:11
rwwbut yeah, the others he's technically evading.06:11
elkyaborticide was him, a fair while back06:12
rwwAbortionist was him06:12
elkyah, you're right06:12
elkybut still, jewkonia is still banned and that was most certainly him06:12
rwwWant me to PM him and tell him his ban was removed accidentally and to get out of #ubuntu, then reapply the ban either way?06:14
elkyhis ban wasnt removed. it's still there. jewkonia is a valid ban for bacta06:15
rwweh, screw it, I'll just /abr ban evasion06:15
elkyyeh, he doesn't need introducing to rules. he  knows them06:16
rwwwell, it's been one hell of a week in opland.06:18
elkyi take it i missed significant funtiemz06:19
rwwelky: IdleOne has a new fanclub member, I caught five talking script users, FloodBots failed and someone pasteflooded, a few people were posting nonsense in the channel, and we got some racial slurs. And that's just today.06:20
rwwand considering the amount of +r time, stuff's been going on elsewhere on the network too06:22
elkyyeah, kids are bored i guess06:22
elkyit's a normal holiday period really06:22
elkyhehe, if only there was a way to have an invisible op in the channel listening06:23
elkyoh, wrong channel06:23
rwwwell, that was odd. spicemaster swastika'd -ot, which isn't usually a good sign, but was unproblematic apart from that. Maybe we found the one internet user that isn't trolling when they protest that it's a good thing in ancient cultures.07:43
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, rs0832 said: !forget who's is the best bot08:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, rs0832 said: !<forget> who's is the best bot08:18
rwwGrexo/the man of a million names is in -ot again.09:36
Tm_Thmmm, bacta keeps requesting a cloak it seems09:51
Myrttiwhat this time?09:52
rwwI get the impression (and hope) that enough staffers know about him for this to be unlikely.09:52
rwwPerhaps he is saddened that I banned him by IP earlier ;D09:53
elkyHow cruel of you.09:54
rwwoh, that reminds me09:54
rwwjussi: you told us to poke you if Bacta resurfaced. See scrollback.09:54
Tm_Tjust his monthly "Can I get an unaffiliated cloak please?" in #freenode10:06
rwwI'm wondering what to do about Gretchen in -ot, since they're a serial ban-evader at this point. +b *!*@24.42.91.* and the equivalent webchat mask and see how it goes?10:22
rwwthey were connecting from all over the place for a while, but it seems like it's calmed down since they discovered webchat and that all of our bans are nick and ident based. iono.10:24
rww(bans on them, that is)10:24
* rww shrugs, decides to just go for it10:26
Gretchenwhat happens?10:29
Gretchenwhy was i banned?10:29
rwwGretchen: because you were evading about five bans in #ubuntu-offtopic10:29
Gretchenwe were having a conversation10:29
Gretchennot you10:29
Gretchenrww has issues10:29
Gretchenrww why are you attacking me?10:30
Gretcheni dont even fucking know you, but if i did i would punch you in your face in person with that attitude10:30
Gretchenas i was having a conservation with someone who WASNT YOU10:30
Tm_TGretchen: watch your attitude10:30
Gretchenrww is a little grimy piece of IRC SHIT10:30
Gretchenif i met him in person i would punch him in the face10:30
rwwWell, I guess that speaks for itself.10:31
elkyfanclub for rww!10:31
elkyis this idleone's fan too?10:31
rwwno, this is my own special friend. we've been sparring for a while now :(10:31
elkyyay, rww is all grown up and a real op now!10:32
elkydoncha feel special?10:32
rwwI was going to try the "Dude, seriously, this game is ridiculous. If you agree to follow our guidelines and not banevade if we have to ban you again, let's just drop it all." tack, but I guess not.10:32
Gretchenrww is a PANSY10:34
elkyIs this supposed to endear us to the idea of lifting a ban?10:35
Gretchenrww is a rudeass, its like being in a room with someone and someone bans you when u did nothing wrong10:35
rwwI think it's affection. I rather like pansies. Nice flower.10:35
rwwGretchen: I'd call repeatedly violating freenode policy by evading bans that you know are set on you something wrong, personally.10:36
Gretchenrww just likes to intimidate others10:36
Gretchenrww if i saw you in the real world you would get beat up hard10:36
elkyrww, oddly enough, isn't the one threatening to punch faces in this conversation.10:36
Tm_TGretchen: stop now10:36
Gretchenyou are a bully and nothing more who needs to get beaten the crap out of10:36
elkyCharming individual.10:37
rwwswitched to straight bans10:37
rwwI'm now getting abuse in PM, unsurprisingly.10:38
elkyGee, didn't see that coming.10:38
rwwelky: So yes, as I was saying, fun week.10:54
elkyQuite normal for this time of the year really10:54
rwwSecond time people have correctly identified my sexual orientation in PM in one day. They're getting smarter!10:55
* rww can't wait for school to start up again10:55
elkyYou and several billion parents worldwide.10:58
jussirww: or maybe you are getting more obvious in the way you present yourself11:02
elkyErm. No.11:04
rwwjussi: morning. there's a discussion of Bacta being in #ubuntu and Bacta trying to get a cloak somewhere in the ridiculous scrollback for you.11:04
rwwI think I mentioned this already, but it got kinda buried ;(11:04
jussirww: thank you, I got the highlight already and have read :)11:04
elkyHe was behaving, but out of technical necessity. The boredom can't be far away.11:05
elkyaw man i'm a twit. i poured a whole mug of what i thought was lemonade before. thought it had gone bad or something. turns out it was the bottle of tonic water that's been sitting here opened for like 3 weeks.11:09
elkyno wonder it tasted awful11:10
rwwAnd in this hour's round of silliness, I think an0nmat1r has a script running that triggers on links to youtube, and ToastedHip is of previous -offtopic fame as quizzlevonnittle11:12
* rww PMs and @marks the former, leaves the latter, goes to sleeps11:19
ikoniawell bacta managed to troll ##c11:30
elkyheh, paste plz :P11:30
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
IdleOneGood morning14:01
elkywhy yes. yes it is morning14:05
IdleOneRWWDead (182a5b03@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu14:09
elky* Gretchen (182a5b08@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #ubuntu-ops (requested by elky (Goodbye))14:09
elky^for threatening rww14:09
elkyhe'll become a fanclub member if you boot him14:09
elky(or her, the nick is a female name...)14:10
IdleOnerww is becoming famous in a hurry14:15
LjLi knew he would14:35
LjLespecially after i joined the gnaa channel and told them rww is trying to ddos them14:35
IdleOnethat was nice of you LjL I am sure rww will appreciate it and send you a fruit basket or something similar14:36
LjLi can spot a poisoned apple14:37
LjLi'm no snowwhite14:37
Tm_TLjL: it's the one with large needle hole?14:37
IdleOneLjL: do you know what arsenic tastes like?14:40
LjLno, but i'm eager to know14:40
IdleOneI guess you didn't receive that gift basket yet :P14:41
LjLitalian post is hardly that fast!14:41
LjLactually during christmas season, it's usually at a complete standstill14:42
ikoniathe ubuntu-women ops should be aware Osemsemo is pm'ing me randomly asking for ASL stuff15:58
ikonianow asking me for sex16:02
IdleOnethey left, if they come return and repeat we can ban16:03
ikoniaI asked them to leave16:04
=== LjL is now known as Guest30808
=== Guest30808 is now known as LjL
Tm_T"I, Pope Y"17:51
ikoniaipad ? iphone ?17:55
ipopeyCurrently iPad18:01
ipopeyBut use both18:01
Tm_TI can feel your pain18:06
=== LjL is now known as Guest98108
=== Guest98108 is now known as LjL
=== LjL is now known as Guest85703
rwwyay, my first core-channel death threat <319:32
IdleOneumm congrats19:35
IdleOnebut you haven't really made it until you get added to channel spam19:36
rwwIdleOne: incidentally, ccvp from earlier today in -offtopic has the dubious notability of being on #ubuntu's Chanserv AutoKick list.19:36
IdleOne#ubuntu has an auto kick list?19:37
IdleOnehe was in #ubuntu earlier19:37
rww/msg chanserv akick #ubuntu list19:37
rwwah, it's on ccvp?19:37
rww(that question mark is a wildcard)19:38
=== Guest85703 is now known as LjL
LjLthere's a reason why i called !politics even though i never do :P19:46
* rww hands LjL an entirely unsuspicious fruit basket20:18
=== Martinp24 is now known as martinp23
FlannelSee freenode, that's what you get when you K-line evil staffers.23:28

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