PhonicUK | infid, if you have a netbook - i'd highly recommend it | 00:00 |
PhonicUK | heck even for laptops i would | 00:00 |
rww | oh. yeah, you need to be identified to join ##php, huh. | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | infid: the gnome panel in the netbook is locked but you can boot to the normal desktop, then dress it like the netbook remix for more control | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | !register | rgb247 | 00:00 |
rww | iNdO: Hi. Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 00:00 |
ubottu | rgb247: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 00:00 |
GeekSquid | Mackbet: googleearth is available in the partner repository | 00:00 |
aeon-ltd | !googleearth | 00:00 |
ubottu | Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See | 00:00 |
infid | PhonicUK: i have a netbook and i have an old UNR install on it that i can barely stand because it forces me to use the lame menu thing, forget what it's calle. not the normal applications/places/system menu | 00:00 |
trelayne | hey all, when rebooting our LTS server, mysql does not restart ... Anyone know where to start to figure out why it doesn't work? | 00:00 |
rgb247 | thanks you | 00:00 |
aeon-ltd | Mackbet: see above | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | mongy: LXDE ftw :) | 00:00 |
Mackbet | thx thx | 00:00 |
amerinese | So I'm trying to configure networking for a virtual machine. I'd like to have one interface that is bridged and connects to the outside world and a host-only interface that only communicates with the host machine. How do I tell Ubuntu to use the first interface when trying to communicate with the outside world and not the host-only interface? | 00:01 |
Jacruth | aeon-ltd, I did that, but know my Gnome Theme seems to be bugged. | 00:01 |
PhonicUK | infid, I never tried UNR - but I like what I'm using now :) | 00:01 |
aeon-ltd | Jacruth: explain more | 00:01 |
GeekSquid | trelayne: what happens when you type /etc/init.d/mysql start | 00:01 |
Jacruth | well, for example, my windows does not have X, aeon-ltd | 00:01 |
Jacruth | also, they can't move | 00:01 |
iNdO | rww, no thanks | 00:01 |
Jacruth | but they can be minimizied | 00:01 |
infid | PhonicUK: er, you just installed ubuntu normally on it? | 00:01 |
GeekSquid | trelayne: with sudo | 00:01 |
aeon-ltd | Jacruth: ok, press alt-f2, then type 'compiz --replace' then enter | 00:01 |
rww | iNdO: Alrighty. This channel's for Ubuntu support, so please keep nonsense out of it. | 00:01 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, it works | 00:01 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, it tells me that the script has been changed to work with upstart | 00:02 |
GeekSquid | trelayne: i still do things the old way | 00:02 |
PhonicUK | infid, No I installed the new netbook version on it | 00:02 |
paq7512 | does the alternate disc allow you to install more packages? | 00:02 |
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infid | why do people type /etc/init.d/foo instead of 'service foo' | 00:03 |
PhonicUK | infid, this one : | 00:03 |
infid | PhonicUK: i see, so the new one isnt called UNR? | 00:03 |
rww | infid: because 'service' is relatively new | 00:03 |
PhonicUK | infid, correct | 00:03 |
PhonicUK | its now Ubuntu Netbook Edition | 00:03 |
infid | cool! | 00:03 |
infid | i'll have to try that thanks | 00:03 |
GeekSquid | infid: like I said I still foo the old way | 00:03 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, I know me too.. The thing is that when I reboot, mysql's down by default. I always issue the above command to get it going. But something is not work... my client's site was down for many hours because of this problem.. | 00:03 |
PhonicUK | no worries | 00:03 |
ccvp | mongy, ok lottanzb downloading my files now, whats a good utility that can handle all archives typically, such as rar files, that come as .r01, .r02, .rar, etc....and need something to handle parity files, is quickpar out for linux, or whats a good linux equivalent? with gui integration | 00:03 |
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa||away | ||
PhonicUK | ive been using it on my Eee 701 and will be using it on my HP Mini when it arrives | 00:04 |
mongy | ccvp, er rar | 00:04 |
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infid | GeekSquid: old habits die hard | 00:04 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, someting I did not notice was that the rcX/ scripts were not in place... so I ran a command to regenerate them... but still .. not working | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | ccvp: fileroller can handle rar files once you install rar unrar p7zip-full and p7zip-rar | 00:04 |
mongy | ccvp, it handles parity itself I think. | 00:04 |
infid | i still type 'sudo shutdown -r now' to reboot | 00:04 |
ccvp | fileroller has par integration? | 00:04 |
ccvp | par2, etc, parity files | 00:04 |
mongy | ccvp, pretty sure... ninan needs par2 package but I dont think lotta does | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | ccvp: i believe so, install the packages and it should be ok | 00:05 |
ccvp | sometimes onwin7 when i d/l rar files, they are corrupt, but i ran quickpar | 00:05 |
ccvp | and it rebuilt the bad archives | 00:05 |
ccvp | what app in linux can do that | 00:05 |
GeekSquid | trelayne: perhaps backup your mysql databases, and reinstall mysql to get everything back where it should be | 00:05 |
infid | what i was saying yesterday is how funny it is that coworkers and friends used to call me a dinosaur for using linux and now they are all on the bandwagon | 00:06 |
mongy | ccvp, lotta, like ninan, only gets pars when needed, and auto repairs/extracts | 00:06 |
Mackbet | On google site there is a downloadable version of google earth i downloaded it and can't install it and i allowed the file to be run as executable, how should i act to make it run? | 00:06 |
infid | i thank ubuntu mostly for that | 00:06 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, ok will try that .. I was trying to avoid but what can I do | 00:06 |
ccvp | ahhhhh, | 00:06 |
aeon-ltd | Mackbet: ./nameoffileandpath | 00:06 |
ccvp | same guy that made quickpar | 00:06 |
mongy | ccvp, you dont need it | 00:06 |
ccvp | ok | 00:06 |
ccvp | lottanzab takes care of all this? | 00:06 |
ccvp | if they are bad etc? | 00:06 |
mongy | ccvp, yes. there is a par2 in the repo anyway.... | 00:06 |
mongy | yes | 00:07 |
ccvp | the interface to lottanzb is minimalist | 00:07 |
GeekSquid | ccvp: please stop flooding... you are very heavy with the enter key, please write your responses all on one line so my page isn't moving a mile a minuite | 00:07 |
mongy | only gets pars if damaged, repairs and extracts. | 00:07 |
ccvp | squid of the geek, did you minimize your window to 80pixels by 80pixels, a square? :) | 00:07 |
mongy | ccvp, well there is a web ui | 00:07 |
aimio | how come still after disabling nautilus i can't change add interact with my desktop.. :S | 00:07 |
ccvp | web ui? | 00:08 |
mongy | ccvp, if using it with sabnzb | 00:08 |
ActionParsnip | Mackbet: chmod +x filenameyoudownloaded | 00:08 |
ccvp | i just spawned a nzb i downloaded, and ubuntu auto ran lottanzb, so whts this web interface u speak of? | 00:08 |
Mackbet | parser error : Document is empty | 00:08 |
Mackbet | parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found | 00:08 |
Mackbet | Impossibile caricare '' | 00:08 |
mongy | ccvp, its a little like ninan... | 00:08 |
Mackbet | got this errors | 00:08 |
ActionParsnip | Mackbet: google-eacrth is available in the medibuntu repo | 00:08 |
jon_athon | can I get nano to do automatic carriage returns? | 00:09 |
mongy | ccvp, File - open web interface | 00:09 |
_00111111 | Why do niggers exist? | 00:09 |
ccvp | neat interface | 00:09 |
mongy | ccvp, you can tell it to not auto repair/extract etc, its in the prefs. | 00:10 |
jon_athon | so that I can write a paragraph instead of a single line that is 20 miles long | 00:10 |
ccvp | if it can auto repair, before extraction, ill use that, that is good | 00:10 |
GeekSquid | Mackbet: download this ... does not need to be executible ... and will install with sudo dpkg -i google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb | 00:10 |
mongy | ccvp, it cant extract till par check is complete... | 00:10 |
aimio | how come still after disabling nautilus i can't change add interact with my desktop.. :S | 00:10 |
mongy | ccvp, incomplete par check = get pars | 00:10 |
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=== tomoyat2 is now known as tomoyat1 | ||
ccvp | brb, gonna check if this webserver works on the hdtv/xbox 360 | 00:11 |
ccvp | ps3media center on ubuntu earlier streamed a few movies flawlessly to my ipad | 00:11 |
GeekSquid | aimio: nautilus is an important part of both gnome an unity(unr) you actually need it | 00:11 |
aimio | GeekSquid, but i can't add anything to my desktop or interact with it :S | 00:12 |
=== grid__ is now known as grid_ | ||
GeekSquid | aimio: Ctrl-alt-f1 ... login .. sudo apt-get install nautilus | 00:12 |
grid_ | happy new year | 00:12 |
=== L is now known as Guest52922 | ||
aimio | GeekSquid, i have nautilus left, and it's active right now. | 00:13 |
Mackbet | is shown in Application>internet>googleearth but don't start | 00:13 |
Dwade09 | what does it mean in synaptic package manager when you have a grey square with a ! in the middle beside the package? | 00:14 |
Mackbet | Thx GeekSquid google earth is installed but don't launch | 00:15 |
GeekSquid | Dwade09: that means it is installed, but there is a newer version available in your repository | 00:16 |
Dwade09 | GeekSquid, so i just check them all and hit apply? | 00:16 |
GeekSquid | Mackbet: yeah, I noticed, doesn't work here either | 00:16 |
GeekSquid | Dwade09: the Mark All Upgrades will do the same thing, as will the Update Manager, same animal, different training | 00:17 |
Mackbet | GeekSquid: There is a stable working version of google earth for ubuntu 10.10? | 00:17 |
GeekSquid | Mackbet: let me get it working here, and I will instruct you | 00:18 |
aimio | GeekSquid, how do i exit x11 shell, beacuse i tried to login, can' | 00:18 |
aimio | can't for some reason :s | 00:18 |
Mackbet | GeekSquid: oh nice | 00:18 |
f10d0r | mackbet: | 00:19 |
GeekSquid | type exit | 00:19 |
aimio | login incorrect :P | 00:19 |
GeekSquid | aimio Ctrl-alt-f7 | 00:20 |
aimio | yeah i know | 00:20 |
aimio | :) | 00:20 |
aimio | how come i could not login :S | 00:20 |
swim_ | hey all.. i'm thinkin' about different options for installing windows to run with my ubuntu.. i've got a laptop with two hard drives, has anybody heard of someone installing ubuntu to one hdd and windows on the other??? | 00:21 |
aimio | is it not same login as when i login on my desktop :S | 00:21 |
aeon-ltd | swim_: yes | 00:21 |
aimio | hmm | 00:21 |
aimio | strange | 00:21 |
aeon-ltd | swim_: whatever boots first, just has to have grub entry to boot the other hdd | 00:21 |
f10d0r | swim_ just installubuntu in one and windows leave in another | 00:21 |
f10d0r | allmust work | 00:21 |
Red_Tide | hey how do I get hdmi audio output to work | 00:22 |
GeekSquid | Mackbet: the one from the multiverse repository works... I have it loaded, so, System>Admin>software sources ... checkbox universe and multiverse selected ... then reload in synaptic, then install googleearth | 00:22 |
swim_ | okay.. so, i've got ubuntu installed already to sda1.. i will have to do something to grub to show windows on sda2??? | 00:22 |
f10d0r | swim_ need reload grub | 00:23 |
Dwade09 | thank you GeekSquid but there was no mark all upgrade i had to do it by hand. | 00:23 |
f10d0r | reinstall grub | 00:23 |
luxurymode | Anyone know of an auto-text completion tool that would play nice in Ubuntu? | 00:23 |
GeekSquid | Dwade09: there is a button on the top of synaptic ... look again | 00:23 |
Dwade09 | GeekSquid, i see reload apply properties quick search and search. | 00:24 |
DreamsAreGrand | hello friends | 00:25 |
keith- | how many partitions can a drive have? | 00:26 |
GeekSquid | Dwade09: I have no Idea... I just checked on 2 versions and it is there | 00:26 |
linxeh | keith-: 4 | 00:26 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
f10d0r | keith 4 primary partitions | 00:26 |
DysonReturns | DreamsAreGrand: (in Cable Guy voice) Am i really your friend? | 00:26 |
GeekSquid | keith-: 4 primary .. more if you use an extended partition | 00:26 |
DreamsAreGrand | keith-: 100212 | 00:26 |
Dwade09 | thanks GeekSquid ill mess with it in a bit | 00:26 |
arvut | hiya, grub2 question here.. | 00:27 |
GeekSquid | !ask | arvut | 00:27 |
ubottu | arvut: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:27 |
keith- | GeekSquid: so if i have a lappy that came with 4 beforehand for win7 and backup utility... not much i can do then? | 00:27 |
DreamsAreGrand | DysonReturns: everyone is my friend | 00:27 |
DreamsAreGrand | Can you build eveyting on your ubnutu system from source, like in gentoo? | 00:27 |
rww | keith-: 4 primary partitions (including 1 extended partition, if you want it). Unlimited logical partitions within an extended partition. | 00:27 |
arvut | patience, GeekSquid i know the rules. i wasnt asking. just preparing it | 00:28 |
arjen1 | I just setup arno's ip tables FW.... but now I cannot see my server on the windows computers in my network. Is there somebody with some experience on this topic that could maybe help me out? Cheers! | 00:28 |
arjen1 | btw hello people!! | 00:28 |
GeekSquid | keith-: unless you want to delete win7? no | 00:28 |
f10d0r | DreamsAreGrand, yes you can, faster from deb :) | 00:28 |
keith- | GeekSquid: yeah don't want to do that yet. | 00:29 |
kcorcoran | mongy: you still here? | 00:29 |
mongy | kcorcoran, somewhat | 00:29 |
DreamsAreGrand | f10d0r: why do you say faster? | 00:29 |
GeekSquid | keith-: got a usb harddrive laying around? | 00:29 |
arvut | anyway, if i have a winxp install on sda1 and ubuntu on sdb1, 2 and 5.. where do i reinstall grub2? | 00:29 |
aimio | GeekSquid, is it metacity or nautilus i'm suppose to change something to get a normal desktop.. "i want to interact".. | 00:29 |
ActionParsnip | DreamsAreGrand: you can use apt-build if you like, its similar to emerge | 00:29 |
kcorcoran | mongy: i am on the 3rd atep and received a "cannot access no such file or directory" error - i assume i need to load mysql? | 00:30 |
f10d0r | DreamsAreGrand, because you can install just by command apt-get install or dpkg -i you don't need compile :) | 00:30 |
GeekSquid | aimio: not really sure what you mean or what you have done, and I am not about to "fix" a borked system, ... best bet: install with the desktop install disk as opposed to unr | 00:30 |
mongy | kcorcoran, ignore that step | 00:31 |
Mackbet | GeekSquid: The result that i got seems to be different from your point of view idk i don't find what you expect to | 00:31 |
aimio | GeekSquid, it's a simple question notting is broken, i just cant put any icons etc on the desktop. or so on.. | 00:31 |
GeekSquid | aimio: you are still in UNR, or gnome? | 00:32 |
aimio | ubuntu-desktop. | 00:32 |
aimio | gnome*. | 00:32 |
mongy | kcorcoran, that file does not exist no more I think | 00:32 |
DreamsAreGrand | this may seem like a stuipd question, but while I run apt-get install, and my system downloads a package, sometimes it will freeze up (due to my network conditions) and I have to ctrl+c each time to make the download start again. Is there anyway I can automate this behivaor? | 00:32 |
GeekSquid | aimio: sounds borked to me | 00:32 |
Red_Tide | hey I am trying to get hdmi audio output working on my bros laptop | 00:33 |
Red_Tide | video works but audio does not | 00:33 |
aimio | GeekSquid, it ain | 00:33 |
aimio | t | 00:33 |
GeekSquid | Red_Tide: sudo alsamixer | 00:33 |
Xpistos | I have a lot of files with dates in the file names. Is there a way to remove all of the dates from the file names? | 00:33 |
DreamsAreGrand | az | 00:33 |
Mackbet | GeekSquid: i have ubuntu 10.10 italian verision does it change the result that i get on synaptic package menager? | 00:34 |
f10d0r | DreamsAreGrand, maybe you need for this: sudo apt-get install -f | 00:34 |
Red_Tide | GeekSquid: do I have to be root? | 00:34 |
nawk | does GRUB require a specific partition type, if I want to put the /boot/grub/* stuff on a different partition? | 00:34 |
GeekSquid | Mackbet: I know nothing of the italian version.. can't help there | 00:34 |
aeon-ltd | Xpistos: if they are in the same place (as in characters) then a batch renamer can do it | 00:34 |
GeekSquid | Red_Tide: sudo makes you root | 00:34 |
Red_Tide | yeah I know do I have to run alsamixer as root thought? | 00:35 |
Red_Tide | the issue is I do not know my bros password | 00:35 |
GeekSquid | Red_Tide: you can try it without, some systems are different | 00:35 |
shaggy2 | does anyone know how to include a .pl (perl) script into a php file? | 00:36 |
NixGeek | !register | 00:36 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 00:36 |
Red_Tide | I can access alsamixer without root permissions | 00:36 |
Red_Tide | my worry is that maybe this is what is causing the problem | 00:36 |
GeekSquid | Red_Tide: so see what you can change in terms of output ... it worked yesterday for somebody else | 00:37 |
superfatass | hey guys. Due to my network, while running apt-get install, the download will stall out. I have to press ctrl+c each time to reset it and make it download again. Is there anyway I can automate this? | 00:38 |
superfatass | also if I run a ping in the background, the downloads won't stall | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: are you connecting wired or wirelessly? | 00:38 |
superfatass | ActionParsnip: wireless | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: which wireless cip are you using? | 00:39 |
superfatass | cip? | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip | *chip | 00:39 |
PhonicUK | I hate the ubuntu documentation | 00:39 |
PhonicUK | i really do | 00:39 |
GeekSquid | shaggy2: that question isn't approiate for this channel, perhaps ask in ##php or ##php5 ... technically php is the perl hypertext preprocessor, so I don't see an issue with what you just said | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip | PhonicUK: most is in wiki form so you can update it | 00:39 |
PhonicUK | yeah i know | 00:39 |
BigNig8846 | I'm a Ubuntu beginner. I booted the CD-ROM and came to a login prompt. Is there a default login ID and password I need to enter? | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip | PhonicUK: so instead of moaning which does nothing, make changes | 00:39 |
superfatass | ActionParsnip: actually I am connected to a router that is using dd-wrt to use client mode to connect to another wifi network | 00:39 |
PhonicUK | I plan to :P | 00:40 |
mongy | kcorcoran, getting on ok? | 00:40 |
PhonicUK | point is that Canonical should be updating the important stuff | 00:40 |
idreamincode | happy new year everyone | 00:40 |
kcorcoran | mongy: i have created the nohop.desktop file and saved to my desktop. i tried the chmod command and it states no such file or access. i can see the file on my desktop? | 00:40 |
ActionParsnip | PhonicUK: they do, but you should too. problem solved :) | 00:40 |
rww | PhonicUK: User documentation is almost entirely volunteer-driven. | 00:40 |
mongy | kcorcoran, again, that file no longer exists | 00:41 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: i'd look into your wireless chip, see if there are any bugs logged or fixes, sounds like the interface has issues with dead time (as the ping makes it ok) | 00:41 |
shaggy2 | GeekSquid: sorry I typed into the wrong channel I was meaning to type it into the PHPFreaks help chan. opps mybad, I really should goto bed been playing with this server for 34 hours, now have it fullyworking once again thanks for all your help everyone | 00:41 |
GeekSquid | shaggy2: no problem, get some rest, and happy new year | 00:41 |
traceto | I have two users on my computer and we can call them user1 and user2, how can i do so user1 have full permisions in user2:s home dir? | 00:42 |
shaggy2 | thanks u 2 | 00:42 |
mongy | kcorcoran, its based on an old version, so some things might be different/not there | 00:42 |
superfatass | ActionParsnip: Its a buffalo wireless router running DD-wrt, a version of linux | 00:42 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: the router is moot right now, you need the wireless chip in the system. | 00:43 |
kcorcoran | mongy: okay, when i ran the launcher and browsed to the page "unable t connect" it would appear it didn't launch | 00:43 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: i'm aware of dd-wrt | 00:43 |
GeekSquid | traceto: if user1 is the administrator, you can use gksudo nautilus to access user2's home | 00:43 |
LinusT | Hi. I've using virt-manager with KVM. I just paused my VM. Will it still be paused in that state after I reboot my host, or do I have to save it? | 00:43 |
LinusT | *I'm | 00:44 |
mongy | kcorcoran, try it from shell, and paste output | 00:44 |
traceto | GeekSquid: I know... But i don't have any graphical environment on the machin.... | 00:45 |
superfatass | ActionParsnip: so should I check dd-wrt's log files? | 00:45 |
Xpistos | aeon-ltd: it is in several different folders | 00:45 |
GeekSquid | traceto: well sudo will get you into the directory sudo cd ~/user2 | 00:45 |
BigNig8846 | I'm an Ubuntu beginner. I booted the CD-ROM and came to a login prompt. Is there a default login ID and password I need to enter? | 00:45 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: worth a look, also run: sudo lshw -C network websearch for the product line for the wireless to see if its a known issue with the chip | 00:45 |
traceto | GeekSquid: so sudo is the only way? | 00:45 |
ActionParsnip | BigNig8846: press CTRL+ALT+F2 and run: passwd ubuntu set the pass then press CTRL+ALT+F7 and log in | 00:46 |
arvut | how do I ignore joins/quits in irssi? "/ignore JOINS" & "/ignore QUITS" doesn't seem to work :( | 00:46 |
Xpistos | I want to delete (Vol.####) and (#### Series) from like 10,000 file names | 00:46 |
GeekSquid | traceto: not the only way, but easier than the workarounds | 00:46 |
cache_surplus | arvut: its not a cmd | 00:46 |
Guest96010 | Hey, is this the proper place to ask for ubuntu support questions? | 00:46 |
traceto | GeekSquid: hmm... okey, how works the workarounds? :p | 00:46 |
cache_surplus | well im sure it is, but in gui its in the settings somewhere | 00:46 |
NixGeek | traceto, add user1 to user2's group bu running <usermod -a -G user2 user1> and then <chmod -R g+w /home/user2> | 00:47 |
arvut | hmm.. thought it was, i'm sure its something like it as i have done it before.. | 00:47 |
aeon-ltd | Xpistos: but the dates in the filenames are in the same format for all? | 00:47 |
ActionParsnip | Xpistos: i'd ask in #bash it can be done | 00:47 |
mongy | arvut, irc conf mode | 00:47 |
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ActionParsnip | Guest8953: yes this is the official ubuntu support channel | 00:47 |
Guest8953 | this irc channel is a blessing. guys, ive downloaded the falling sand game.. how to launch it,? | 00:47 |
NixGeek | traceto, I did forget you have to sudo both commands | 00:47 |
Xpistos | aeon-ltd: Roughly they are (Vol.####) and (#### Series) but the year ranges from 1938 - 2011 | 00:48 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: yes | 00:48 |
Xpistos | aeon-ltd: But yes the format is the same | 00:48 |
Guest96010 | great | 00:48 |
traceto | NixGeek: okey, but if i add user1 to user2's group way i need to chmod the folder? | 00:48 |
KM0201 | Guest8953: falling sand? can you elaborate? | 00:48 |
Guest96010 | well I just installed ubuntu fresh on my computer, now I also want to put windows 7 on it just to be safe. So what is better - dual boot or virtualization with VMware? | 00:48 |
Guest96010 | Oh and I am a noob :) | 00:49 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: that really depends on why you need Windows.. if you're a gamer, dual boot | 00:49 |
NixGeek | traceto, because the group only has access to the files unless you chmod it to allow read write and executre | 00:49 |
Guest96010 | not really, just to run some programs which run on windows, thatz all | 00:49 |
GeekSquid | traceto: setting group permissions on the home folder of user2 to admin | 00:49 |
Guest8953 | its called the powder toy, really small | 00:49 |
ActionParsnip | Guest96010: depends on what you need windows for... | 00:49 |
mongy | kcorcoran, need me to run thru it with it? | 00:49 |
aeon-ltd | Xpistos: then a script can be written, ask in bash, it'll probably a chain of something like mv filenamedate.* filename* | 00:50 |
ActionParsnip | Guest96010: then virtualize, you can run them in seamless mode too (looks better) | 00:50 |
Guest96010 | well, I just need it to run some programs which I can't on Ubuntu yet, so not too much excessive use | 00:50 |
Re1ndeer | hello, everyone. Having some trouble signing the code of conduct . After I enter the command into the terminal and get the file, I get this error message when I try to open the signed file. "There is no application installed for PGP/MIME-encrypted message header files". | 00:50 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: powertoy is fairly small if i recall.. so you should probably be ok on Windows... really as long as you're not using anything w/ heavy 3D, you'l probalby have good luck w/ a virtual install, i know i have | 00:50 |
GeekSquid | Guest96010: virtualbox might be a better option than VMware | 00:50 |
ActionParsnip | Guest96010: you will be running both OSes at the same time so will chew your CPU / RAM a bit more but if its a rare occurrence I'd say go for it | 00:50 |
kcorcoran | mongy: if you have the time, that'd be great!! | 00:50 |
traceto | NixGeek: okey :) but if I create some files with user1 in user2's home dir have user2 permission to the file then? | 00:51 |
mongy | ok | 00:51 |
Guest96010 | great, how do I go about it, first I need to grab the torrent for windows online, but I am lost, what is the ubuntu alternative for utorrent? | 00:51 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: i agree w/ GeekSquid .. Vbox is quite a bit easier to set up than vmware (IMO) | 00:51 |
* skraito say hi all | 00:51 | |
LinusT | Guest96010: I'll pretend you didn't tell us what you're downloading. Use deluge. | 00:51 |
arvut | gonna ask again then, where should grub2 be reinstalled if i have windows xp on sda1 and ubuntu on sdb1, 2 & 5? at the moment only windows boots as i had to repair it using the rescue cd. mbr is on sda, right? | 00:51 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: transmission, its already installed... application/internet/transmission | 00:51 |
Guest96010 | alright, I'll get to that in a bit, first I need the windows torrent and need to burn that image on to a CD | 00:51 |
ActionParsnip | Guest96010: ubuntu comes with transmission by default | 00:51 |
Guest96010 | SO where do I start from | 00:51 |
LinusT | Transmission's good too. | 00:51 |
ActionParsnip | Guest96010: you'll need to install virtualbox-ose in ubuntu then use a legal install media and valid license and you can install windows | 00:52 |
GeekSquid | Guest96010: virtualbox will load the windows.iso directly, you don't need to burn it | 00:52 |
KM0201 | LinusT: it may not be illegal.. he could be downloading an ISO, and using his windows key.. i've actually repaired computers w/ fubar'd restore partitions, many times like this. | 00:52 |
KM0201 | but.... then again | 00:52 |
KM0201 | lol | 00:52 |
arvut | I just want to be sure, so that i dont screw it up even further and require a full reinstall.. | 00:52 |
linxeh | or install virtualbox from the Virtualbox site if you dont care about the OSE issues and want USB support etc | 00:52 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: yup, just boot the ISO, no need ot burn it. | 00:53 |
LinusT | KM0201: Marginal cases are the refuge of the scoundrel. (...said LinusT the TrueCrypt user!) | 00:53 |
KM0201 | LinusT: :) | 00:53 |
Guest96010 | well, itz downloading right now, so I'll have to wait for a bit before installing | 00:53 |
Guest96010 | Does it have to be a legit copy to run on VBox? | 00:54 |
LinusT | I'm loving how snappy my VMs are with Intel VT features. | 00:54 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: to discuss it here it does.. :) | 00:54 |
traceto | Hello, I running ssh on one of my machines and i have only one user with i weak password.... What is the most secure and best way to connect to the machine? create a new user with a strong password then only let that user connect to the machine? or can I find better ways? | 00:54 |
NixGeek | traceto, yes, you will, but there aren't many elegant solutions unless you log in as the user. you could use <su user2> to log in to user2's account from the command line, but then you don't have graphics. for me this wouldn't a be a problem, but or you it might be. | 00:54 |
Guest96010 | Ah ok | 00:54 |
Guest96010 | got it | 00:54 |
keith- | so i have an issue. i really would like to install ubuntu netbook edition. however, i am fairly certain the ati opensource drivers are locking up my system at random times. i resized and formatted my hdd but i cant keep it going long enough to actually install | 00:54 |
arvut | Guest96010: utorrent works under ubuntu too iirc. pirated software is forbidden to discuss here and please choose a nick ;) | 00:54 |
Guest96010 | right I'll get to that | 00:55 |
keith- | furthermore, when i used to use linux, i used the proprietary driver to get around this. i can't do that with a live disk | 00:55 |
KM0201 | Guest96010: send me a PM when you get a minute... | 00:55 |
xangua | keith-: then install the closed source driver | 00:55 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
xangua | keith-: ooh, see | 00:55 |
NixGeek | keith-, I've never had a problem with the open source drives, it's the proprietary (that I have to use for dual monitors) that gives me problems | 00:55 |
daftykins | keith-: so you don't get a working live environment long enough to be able to install? | 00:55 |
ActionParsnip | keith-: you could blacklist the driver and use vesa til you work out whats what | 00:55 |
keith- | daftykins: right. | 00:56 |
keith- | ActionParsnip: sounds great. how can i do that on a usb disk without saving capabilities... | 00:56 |
daftykins | hmm wonder if there's a way to boot with no X through a boot entry | 00:56 |
daftykins | +edit | 00:56 |
keith- | i would use the alternate cd, but there isn't one for the netbook remix. | 00:57 |
daftykins | keith-: ridiculous idea, can you keep hitting ctrl+alt+f1 and stop X? :D | 00:57 |
NixGeek | keith-, a non-graphical install might work. | 00:57 |
xangua | keith-: use minimal then and install ubuntu-netbook & propietary driver | 00:57 |
daftykins | keith-: you should be able to just install the package for netbook remix through an install image as NixGeek suggests, text installer route | 00:57 |
GeekSquid | arvut: microsoft doesn't mind if you download their software, just so long as you have legit licences ... and most of us do ... we buy a computer with win7 on it, it didn't come with disks, so we download a copy and use the key that came with the machine... | 00:57 |
keith- | guess i'll do that then | 00:57 |
keith- | thanks guys. | 00:57 |
daftykins | good luck! | 00:58 |
saladin_ | ok somthing OT i know but not really... i can't join here on my empathy ... it keeps going to unregged part? is that normal? | 00:58 |
sutabi | My apt has been on update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-24-generic for over an hour, is it suppose to be like that?? | 00:58 |
hellhound | i am having trouble getting ubuntu 10.10 to recognize my second monitor with nvidia-settings | 00:58 |
ActionParsnip | sutabi: what speed CPU / type / speed HDD and how much RAM? | 00:58 |
KM0201 | is ubottu vacationing? | 00:59 |
GeekSquid | hellhound: are you running gksudo nvidia-settings . it won't detect if you aren't superuser | 00:59 |
rww | !ping | 00:59 |
ubottu | ping-pong, a fun game for all the family | 00:59 |
KM0201 | !register | 00:59 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 00:59 |
rww | KM0201: no ;P | 00:59 |
KM0201 | hmm, i tried to PM him and he wasn't listening | 00:59 |
rww | hrm. | 00:59 |
rww | !ping | 00:59 |
hellhound | GeekSquid: yes i am | 00:59 |
=== saladin_ is now known as saladin | ||
arvut | rww: my hero! can you assist me with my grub2 issue? | 01:00 |
Da_Rhyno | Hey people! =D I'm new to ubuntu/linux and I have a few questions... | 01:00 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: ask away | 01:00 |
rww | CP-Knox: Hi. You have a script that issues CTCP requests in response to the !ping trigger. Talking scripts are banned on this channel (see ); please disable it and let me know when you've done so. | 01:00 |
sutabi | ActionParsnip: 3.6Ghz / AMD Athlon II X3 445 / 3.6 GB Memory / 1TB Hard Drive however its virtually sittong at zero CPU | 01:01 |
=== Guest96010 is now known as junius_lt | ||
hellhound | GeekSquid: it only shows the primary monitor and detect displays does not help either :( | 01:02 |
crf | How do I mount a cdrfs cdrom | 01:02 |
Da_Rhyno | One question is I am using a standard laptop (not a netbook). Should I use the Desktop Ubuntu download or the netbook download? Also, I want to do a dual boot with my current OS (Windows 7), so I guess I'm supposed to download the Windows installer for it, right? And how safe is it to dual-boot Ubuntu with Windows? | 01:02 |
daftykins | Da_Rhyno: i wouldn't recommend WUBI, download a CD image and burn a CD, or put it on a flash drive with 'unetbootin' | 01:03 |
GeekSquid | hellhound: is there a display plugged into the port? if not it won't detect | 01:03 |
sutabi | Da_Rhyno: Windows installer makes Ubuntu work in windows so it never touches your Hard Drive partitions | 01:03 |
clemenstimpler | @ Da_Rhyno nevertheless another standard recommendation: backup your windows partition. | 01:04 |
Da_Rhyno | I just did a backup of my HD, just in case. | 01:04 |
clemenstimpler | ;) | 01:04 |
hellhound | GeekSquid: yes both monitors are connected and powered up. I have two GeForce 8600GT cards and each monitor is connected to the DVI port | 01:04 |
Da_Rhyno | So the Windows Installer doesn't really install the OS to my system, it just installs a Windows program which emulates a system with Ubuntu, right? | 01:05 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: win7 can resize its own partitions, this will make unpartitioned space you can install ubuntu to and not use wubi | 01:05 |
sutabi | Da_Rhyno: Then install the ISO from USB or CD, Ubuntu will guide you through reparitioning your windows system so you cvan get both on | 01:05 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: also remember to MD5 test the ISO you download | 01:05 |
sutabi | Da_Rhyno: Windows installer is not an enumlator but running uder windows file system which is a lot slower then running under its down | 01:05 |
Da_Rhyno | Ah, I see... | 01:06 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: wubi makes a file in your ntfs partition and install ubuntu to that so it will be directly affected by the fragmentation which ntfs is very prone to | 01:06 |
daftykins | it's more a problem to fix when it inevitably goes wrong :) | 01:06 |
sutabi | under its down = own, windows uses NTSF, ubuntu uses an array of them likx EXT3 and EXT4 | 01:06 |
Da_Rhyno | Ah, I see... | 01:07 |
clemenstimpler | Da_Rhyno, just google "wubi troubles" - you'll get a lot of hits | 01:07 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks! | 01:07 |
Da_Rhyno | how safe is it to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu, though? | 01:07 |
Da_Rhyno | Like, what are the chances of me losing my Windows Partition? | 01:07 |
cache_surplus | Da_Rhyno: never dual boot | 01:07 |
sutabi | As safe your hardrive being currupt | 01:08 |
arvut | oh well, ill go play some russian roulette with my hdd's then. noone appears to have the answer im looking for.. :( | 01:08 |
linuxuser92 | was ist ubuntu? | 01:08 |
linuxuser92 | ist es frei? | 01:08 |
tomoyat1 | Of course | 01:08 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: if you read the screen then you will be fine# | 01:08 |
GeekSquid | !de | linuxuser92 | 01:08 |
ubottu | linuxuser92: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 01:08 |
linuxuser92 | was? | 01:08 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks. | 01:08 |
arvut | Da_Rhyno: its safe in the terms that it works until you screw it up ;) works fine, go do it! =) | 01:09 |
krogers0001 | what theme do you guys recommend with ubuntu 10.04? | 01:09 |
realubot | I had problem using Ubuntu installed at a USB Flash Drive. Something happend after a couple of boots that destroyed the Grub thing. Is there any great way of installing Ubuntu onto a USB Flash Drive (not Ubuntu Live but the REAL Ubuntu)? | 01:09 |
aimio | anyone know how to fix so that you can right click and add stuff onto the desktop. "forgot how to do this", .. it's disabled for me.. | 01:09 |
Da_Rhyno | So I think I shall dual boot. | 01:10 |
tomoyat1 | Da_Rhyno:Go for it! | 01:10 |
krogers0001 | i guess i'll keep the default theme | 01:10 |
ActionParsnip | aimio: if you install ubuntutweak it has a nice nautilus scripts section you can add junk like that with | 01:10 |
arvut | krogers0001: dont see how thats relevant to support, unless you elaborate on your needs/requirements. | 01:11 |
Da_Rhyno | The only reason I'm worried about it is I tried Debian a while back, and did a dual boot on my old machine, and after a few tries, completely lost Windows. | 01:11 |
clemenstimpler | ;) | 01:11 |
sutabi | aimio: sounds like you did something disabled your desktop from gconf-editor | 01:11 |
krogers0001 | oh sorry arvut you're absolutely right | 01:11 |
Da_Rhyno | (Mind you, I hardly used any of the *nix commands, just the gnome gui) | 01:11 |
cache_surplus | best thing that could ever happen to you, Da_Rhyno | 01:11 |
nawk | ActionParsnip, hi, as it turns out the liveUSB I created using Unversal USB Installer was not a | 01:11 |
mdg2 | hello | 01:12 |
nawk | persistent one | 01:12 |
Da_Rhyno | Lol, not when all my important docs were on my Windows partition | 01:12 |
tomoyat1 | Da_Rhyno: You won't need to use the command line in ubuntu. | 01:12 |
danjoy | :) | 01:12 |
cache_surplus | you would have lost them eventually Da_Rhyno | 01:12 |
aimio | ActionParsnip, thanks i will check it out.. | 01:12 |
arvut | krogers0001: im curious tho, what are your needs/req? any way i can help? | 01:12 |
clemenstimpler | @ cache_surplus: Don't make it sound like this is an intended result... ;) | 01:12 |
cache_surplus | your using windoze as your primary os | 01:12 |
mdg2 | I upgraded a couple of packages via opt and with to revert back to the previous version - is that possible via CLI? | 01:12 |
ActionParsnip | nawk: hmm, it should still allow you to install stuff in the live environment, just that the changes won't stick after a reboot | 01:12 |
okapi | anyone knows how to fix a broken synaptic on ubuntu 10.04? | 01:13 |
cache_surplus | always do back ups frequently, this is 2011, everyone should have a storage box/external drive | 01:13 |
ActionParsnip | mdg2: what did you install? | 01:13 |
cache_surplus | no excuse | 01:13 |
nawk | ActionParsnip: Nope. It would NOT allow me to install stuff | 01:13 |
Da_Rhyno | Yeah, honestly because the more important stuff I use (Steam & associated games, Skype) don't run on Linux. | 01:13 |
cache_surplus | skype runs fine on linux | 01:13 |
cache_surplus | so do games | 01:13 |
nawk | ActionParsnip: Here is what I find and I would like to share with you | 01:13 |
cache_surplus | all my important stuff runs fine on linux | 01:14 |
mdg2 | ActionParsnip, four updates for enlighttenment | 01:14 |
cache_surplus | if you need help with things, just ask in here, Da_Rhyno | 01:14 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks Cache. | 01:14 |
Da_Rhyno | Is there a way to run steam in ubuntu? | 01:14 |
Da_Rhyno | j/w | 01:14 |
sutabi | Da_Rhyno: can attempt with WINE but its not a sure thing | 01:15 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: yep, it runs in wine | 01:15 |
nawk | ActionParsnip: Previously, I could not install or do anyting b/c the system ('/', the aufs filesystem) was COMPLELETLY out of space. | 01:15 |
cache_surplus | Da_Rhyno: first of all, what is steam and what does it do | 01:15 |
arvut | Da_Rhyno: skype runs perfectly fine under ubuntu 8.04 and upwards, and maybe you'll discover something new while trying ubuntu? | 01:15 |
sutabi | cache_surplus: its a hub for games | 01:15 |
ActionParsnip | cache_surplus: its how folks play counterstrike and half-life online | 01:15 |
Da_Rhyno | yeah... namely I play TF2/TFC though. | 01:15 |
Da_Rhyno | :) | 01:15 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: same engine | 01:16 |
Da_Rhyno | yeah, it's all source. | 01:16 |
Da_Rhyno | Except for the old stuff... | 01:16 |
Da_Rhyno | GoldSrc | 01:16 |
nawk | ActionParsnip: Now that I have chosen to create a Persistent LiveUSB with 1GB allocated, there is alot of free stuff (only 2% used vs. the previously 100% used) | 01:16 |
cache_surplus | id much rather run virtualbox than a wine or windows emulator | 01:16 |
ActionParsnip | nawk: awesome, looks like a winner to me :) | 01:16 |
arvut | ActionParsnip: its abit more than that, but yes, those games are in it. | 01:16 |
cache_surplus | than dual boot | 01:16 |
ActionParsnip | arvut: true but it gave a clear enough idea of what the dealio was :) | 01:17 |
arvut | see | 01:17 |
cache_surplus | id much rather only use linux and wait for whatever you need to be cloned by linux devs | 01:17 |
cache_surplus | than get viruses again | 01:17 |
cache_surplus | or take 5 mins to be on the internet | 01:17 |
cache_surplus | or pay for antivirus or software | 01:18 |
Da_Rhyno | Honestly, I like the way linux is laid out. | 01:18 |
nawk | ActionParsnip: So, whether one chooses to create a persistent LiveUSB, there's STILL gonna be a casper-rw ext3 partion. I guess the aufs system uses (overlays ?????) the ext3 casper-rw filsystem | 01:18 |
cache_surplus | i been windoze free for 5 years now | 01:18 |
Da_Rhyno | It's similar to Mac/Android | 01:18 |
arvut | ActionParsnip: there are countless of users who doesnt tho, but fps games are probably the most common genre. i only use it as a chatsystem nowadays | 01:18 |
cache_surplus | Da_Rhyno: are you a noob? | 01:18 |
mdg2 | ActionParsnip, I have my history.log for apt - any hints how to go about undoing the upgrade of those four packages in enlightment? | 01:18 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: TFC was waaay better before all this steam nonesense, when counterstrike was a mod, more playable. Used to use uni connection and use 250Mb zip disks to transfer it :) | 01:18 |
cache_surplus | to unices | 01:18 |
Da_Rhyno | Action - WONSwap FTW. | 01:19 |
nawk | ActionParsnip: the default size (when "No Persistence" is chosen) for casper-rw is 128MB | 01:19 |
Da_Rhyno | Lol, cool. | 01:19 |
Da_Rhyno | cache - noob to linux? yes. | 01:19 |
arvut | !noob | Da_Rhyno | 01:20 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 01:20 |
desur | hi guys! | 01:20 |
arvut | hi :) | 01:20 |
alex____ | hey | 01:20 |
ActionParsnip | mdg2: not sure, you could remove the packages then find debs for the older version, its gonna get messy | 01:20 |
cctx005 | Hey everyone | 01:20 |
Da_Rhyno | arvut - sorry. | 01:21 |
cctx005 | I've been using Linux for 2 days now...I can see why people are going Windows-free | 01:21 |
cctx005 | this is MUCH better than I ever expected | 01:21 |
superfatass | hey guys, I have an ubuntu server install. I've install gnome but I am missing some applications like application install. How do I install that manually | 01:21 |
superfatass | cctx005: what did you expect | 01:21 |
splitwire | has anybody sucessfully installed pianobar? | 01:21 |
arvut | cctx005: =) | 01:21 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: if you wanted a desktop OS, why didnt you install the desktop system?? | 01:21 |
mdg2 | ActionParsnip, bummer! one of these four packages took awy my ability to shutdown from anything other than CLI - not to nice in enlightenment | 01:21 |
desur | I'm wondering where the empathy saves changes made. If I'm in Preferences, Theme and change the subject, where it is saved? | 01:22 |
superfatass | ActionParsnip: because I changed my mind about what I want to run on it | 01:22 |
Da_Rhyno | So let me get this straight... | 01:22 |
red2kic | cctx005: You still haven't seen everything. :( | 01:22 |
clemenstimpler | @ splitwire: someone did. | 01:22 |
clemenstimpler | :) | 01:22 |
cctx005 | I sort of expected a completely un-beginner friendly mostly command line type of OS | 01:22 |
ActionParsnip | superfatass: i'd recommend downloading and installing the desktop OS, much easier. You can instal ubuntu-desktop package but you will have server stuff which wont get used | 01:23 |
cctx005 | I tried LInux years ago...I didn't enjoy the experience | 01:23 |
Da_Rhyno | I want to do a dual boot with Windows. I have a 4GB USB stick | 01:23 |
fabounet | test | 01:23 |
splitwire | clemenstimpler - thanks | 01:23 |
superfatass | ActionParsnip: Im installing apt-get install firefox and I notice it is installing synaptic as well | 01:23 |
clemenstimpler | you're welcome | 01:23 |
Da_Rhyno | What do I do? | 01:23 |
red2kic | cctx005: There are hundred thousand commands available. You DON'T have to know them all. You only need to know what you are looking for (to get it done). | 01:23 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: you can usethe 1-2-3 usb installer from pendrivelinux or unetbootin to put the ISO on the USB to install with | 01:23 |
goetter | can anyone recommend a performant pcmcia nic that works great with ubuntu? | 01:23 |
goetter | my laptop/server's built in ethernet card is shot | 01:24 |
goetter | time to get a new one | 01:24 |
cctx005 | well Google has been my friend | 01:24 |
ActionParsnip | !hcl | goetter | 01:24 |
ubottu | goetter: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 01:24 |
mdg2 | goetter, how about USB? | 01:24 |
goetter | usb would be okay; i assumed pcmcia is more performant | 01:24 |
red2kic | cctx005: The same thing can be said for websites. You don't have to look at them all. ;) If you have anything you want to know, ask away. :) | 01:24 |
Da_Rhyno | ActionParsnip - Which is the preferred method if I'm to dual boot, though? or does it not matter? | 01:24 |
goetter | I know about supported hardware list, I'm looking for a specific recommendation :> | 01:24 |
cctx005 | I wish I could learn enough to go Linux-only...but I think games will keep Vista installed | 01:25 |
rooks | !dualboot | Da_Rhyno | 01:25 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 01:25 |
arvut | hiya rooks, mind helping me with grub2? | 01:26 |
red2kic | cctx005: Opt for another/separate hard-drive/laptop/machine if you insist on keeping Windows. I have Xbox360 for gaming. | 01:26 |
rooks | arvut, tbh i know not much about it :) but ask away | 01:26 |
cache_surplus | isnt grub deprecated now? | 01:26 |
clemenstimpler | q cache_surplus: grub 1.0 | 01:26 |
campbellgolf | happy new years all..! I'm trying to open .rar files but getting an error from the Archive Manager.. "Archive type not supported" | 01:27 |
chalcedony | i have the ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics card - and needing to upgrade ubuntu .. should i do 10.04 or 10.10 ? | 01:27 |
red2kic | cache_surplus: grub2 is still in beta, me think. I'm using grub though. | 01:27 |
GeekSquid | campbellgolf: sudo apt-get install unrar | 01:27 |
campbellgolf | GeekSquid .. thanks, executing now! | 01:27 |
cache_surplus | grub is always going to work | 01:27 |
trelayne | does anyone know what the normal runlevel is for LTS server? | 01:28 |
cache_surplus | grub2 grub 1 whatever, its just the packagers of ubuntu have decided to add a script to do something that didn't need fixing | 01:28 |
rooks | cache_surplus, lol.. i had so much fail stroies with grub i cant count... even lilo for me had lesser fail ratio | 01:28 |
clemenstimpler | but it is prettier! | 01:28 |
clemenstimpler | ;) | 01:28 |
rooks | :D | 01:28 |
ActionParsnip | !runlevel | trelayne | 01:28 |
ubottu | trelayne: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 01:28 |
chalcedony | hey trelayne Happy New Year :) | 01:28 |
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=== Guest69839 is now known as CREAM | ||
GeekSquid | trelayne: normally 2 | 01:29 |
arvut | rooks: alright, here goes; i have winxp on sda1, ubuntu on sdb1, 2 and 5. recently i fixed a windows issue with the rescue cd and it override the mbr. so where should I reinstall grub2? on sda1? and how? | 01:29 |
cctx005 | this might be a dumb question...but what is the benefit to running Ubuntu as the only OS on my machine vs a dual-boot with Vista? | 01:29 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, thanks | 01:29 |
cctx005 | aside from having more HD space | 01:29 |
trelayne | chaff, Happy New Year to u2 ! | 01:29 |
cache_surplus | havent used lilo in like 10 years | 01:29 |
CREAM | cctx005, none | 01:29 |
=== CREAM is now known as Guest56972 | ||
Da_Rhyno | I tried the pendrive installer... | 01:29 |
trelayne | chalcedony, Happy New Year to u2 ! | 01:29 |
red2kic | cctx005: Nothing. Other than taking up your HDD space. | 01:29 |
rooks | arvut, hmm.. sry, i dont know out of my hhead how to customize grub :) | 01:29 |
chalcedony | trelayne, ltns | 01:29 |
Da_Rhyno | It didnt' download the ISO correctly. | 01:29 |
rooks | grub2 | arvut | 01:29 |
rooks | !grub2 | arvut | 01:29 |
ubottu | arvut: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 01:29 |
rooks | arvut, maybe this will help you out some | 01:30 |
Da_Rhyno | It downloaded a 0 byte file | 01:30 |
chalcedony | i'm trying to decide if to upgrade to 10.04 lts or 10.10 .. will 10.10 support what i have? | 01:30 |
arvut | hmm, was there, didnt explain my uncertainty tho :( | 01:30 |
rooks | arvut, sucks :( | 01:30 |
arvut | s/was/is/ | 01:30 |
campbellgolf | GeekSquid solid..! thx! | 01:31 |
cache_surplus | how does one use the ! command in irc to spam users with ubottu info? | 01:31 |
cache_surplus | do you need to be an op? | 01:31 |
clemenstimpler | @ trelayne: there is an upstart-tutorial: | 01:31 |
trelayne | thanks clemenstimpler | 01:31 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, what did you use to download? | 01:32 |
arvut | rooks: yeah.. all i want to know is if its on sda that i should reinstall grub, surely the mbr must be on sda, right? | 01:32 |
red2kic | !bot | cache_surplus | 01:32 |
ubottu | cache_surplus: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | 01:32 |
=== alex____ is now known as alexbawrin | ||
Da_Rhyno | The Universal USB installer | 01:32 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, from the beginning, can you explain the steps you took? | 01:33 |
cache_surplus | !bot | red2kic | 01:33 |
ubottu | red2kic: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | 01:33 |
Da_Rhyno | Okay... | 01:33 |
cache_surplus | thanks... | 01:33 |
Da_Rhyno | I downloaded the Universal USB Installer from the Ubuntu website. | 01:33 |
cctx005 | I'm still new so I'm not different are some of the big distros (OpenSUSE, Fedora etc..)? I jumped on Ubuntu out of advice from a friend...I'm just not sure if there is something I'm missing by not trying other distros | 01:33 |
Da_Rhyno | (from the link on the ubuntu website) | 01:34 |
clemenstimpler | cctx005, this very much depends on what you use your pc for | 01:34 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: missing? maybe frustration... I find ubuntu to be alot less frustrating than other distros | 01:34 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, can you post the link here? | 01:34 |
Da_Rhyno | And then I chose Ubuntu 9.10 /10.04.1 Desktop i386. I checked the checkbox to download ISO | 01:35 |
superfatass | !flash | 01:35 |
ubottu | To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 01:35 |
alexbawrin | just finished watching Revolution OS not bad I actually learned a lot | 01:35 |
Mouldy | hey guys. I've been having problems with blocks appearing instead of certain gtk elements. I've played with gtk-demo and have narrowed the problems down to hyperlinks and single/double underlining. Here's a couple of screenshots to show what I mean; , - does anybody have any idea how to fix this? I'm using ubuntu 10.04 | 01:35 |
KM0201 | cctx005: you can try others of course, but really, ubuntu is by far the most user friendly.. definitely moreso than fedora or opensuse IMO.. | 01:35 |
trelayne | Ok my problem is that mysql does not start on reboot. It tried purging and reinstalling mysql. But it didn't work. THen I looked around more and it appears it could be this problem: Seems there is something wrong with the upstart file /etc/init/mysql.conf | 01:36 |
cache_surplus | !funny | superfatass | 01:36 |
ubottu | superfatass: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question. | 01:36 |
Da_Rhyno | mdg2 - I went here: | 01:36 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, did you lose your connection? | 01:36 |
superfatass | ubottu: what joke | 01:36 |
ubottu | I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:36 |
cctx005 | well i just use my pc for general stuff...gaming, watching media (dvd's, videos etc, music etc..), using MS Office, web surfing etc...I don't do anything like programming, graphic design etc.. | 01:36 |
Da_Rhyno | And I went down to step 2. I chose "USB stick" and "Windows" | 01:36 |
superfatass | cache_surplus: what joke | 01:36 |
Da_Rhyno | No | 01:36 |
Da_Rhyno | I did not. | 01:36 |
cache_surplus | your nic ;) | 01:36 |
superfatass | cache_surplus: ok I'll change it | 01:36 |
clemenstimpler | @ cctx - then you may feel comfy with ubuntu | 01:36 |
=== superfatass is now known as gabe_newell | ||
rww | cache_surplus: probably best to test factoids in PM before using them. | 01:37 |
R0_odge | Hey guys, sorry to butt in but I'm not sure how to disable skype,pidgin and orage from starting up when i log on.Do u know how to disable them starting up? | 01:37 |
KM0201 | cctx005: ok.. gaming is a bit limited on linux.. but office apps work well(not MS office) watching dvd's, etc.. all work fine | 01:37 |
NixGeek | !editors | 01:37 |
ubottu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 01:37 |
gabe_newell | KM0201: actually office works good with wine | 01:37 |
cctx005 | I guess Ubuntu is good enough for all of that | 01:37 |
ActionParsnip | !download | Da_Rhyno | 01:37 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 01:37 |
KM0201 | gabe_newell: really?.. hmm, well, i still prefer native solutions | 01:37 |
lano | hey guys how do i get rpc.statd to start on boot | 01:38 |
gabe_newell | KM0201: don't knock u there | 01:38 |
Doinkle | KM0201, if you arent an office power user, openoffice is just fine | 01:38 |
cctx005 | I assume I'll still need Windows for my iPhone too..I need itunes to sync apps/mp3s/ebooks etc.. | 01:38 |
R0_odge | butt in but I'm not sure how to disable skype from starting up when i log in. | 01:38 |
KM0201 | Doinkle: yeah.. i just fire off nasty letters, etc.. so Openoffice is fine | 01:39 |
Doinkle | R0_odge, check startup area for that | 01:39 |
GeekSquid | R0_odge: perhaps in skype's configuration ... I am thinking there is a checkbox there | 01:39 |
gabe_newell | R0_odge: I goto System->Preferences->Startup Applications | 01:39 |
clemenstimpler | n8 | 01:39 |
R0_odge | O yea, btw im using xubuntu | 01:39 |
dannyLopez | hi I have a problem whit mi SD reader | 01:39 |
lano | hey guys how do i get rpc.statd to start on boot | 01:39 |
Da_Rhyno | Gah... | 01:39 |
Da_Rhyno | I figured it out | 01:39 |
ribatejoluso | hi, | 01:40 |
tsrk | Does anybody here have an AT&T or Bell South email address? | 01:40 |
Da_Rhyno | Damn firefox wasn't showing the download! | 01:40 |
Da_Rhyno | >_< | 01:40 |
mdg2 | oh | 01:40 |
Da_Rhyno | It was downloading... I'm sorry. | 01:40 |
Da_Rhyno | generally Firefox pops up with a window showing a download is running. | 01:40 |
Da_Rhyno | In this case, it didn't. | 01:40 |
ribatejoluso | what is the package name for the user settings UI in Ubuntu? | 01:40 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, you are trying to make a USB stick to install from right? | 01:40 |
ActionParsnip | KM0201: theres zoho too (online office app) | 01:40 |
alexbawrin | can someone please direct me to a decent Bash tutorial online? | 01:41 |
Da_Rhyno | mdg2 - yeah | 01:41 |
dannyLopez | hi I have a problem with my SD reader | 01:41 |
KM0201 | ActionParsnip: i'm not a fan of all the 'cloud' computing i think they call it.. where all your crap is done via websites | 01:41 |
Da_Rhyno | And actually I had an older version of the USB installer I was running | 01:41 |
Da_Rhyno | so now I'm downloading version 10.10 | 01:41 |
ActionParsnip | KM0201: its good in low resource situations though. OpenOffice is 300Mb installed | 01:41 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, unetbooting is great for that | 01:41 |
Da_Rhyno | On the newer download. | 01:41 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, unetbootin | 01:41 |
KM0201 | ActionParsnip: no argument there | 01:41 |
cache_surplus | | 01:41 |
Da_Rhyno | What's unetbootin? | 01:42 |
lano | hey guys how do i get rpc.statd to start on boot | 01:42 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: It's a program that helps you put an ISO onto a USB drive | 01:42 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, a little program to make bootable USB drives | 01:42 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: its an app to put ISOs on USB sticks and then makes them bootable | 01:42 |
alexbawrin | cache_surplus: thanks a lot!!! | 01:42 |
Da_Rhyno | Ah, I see... | 01:42 |
Da_Rhyno | this installer seems to do that though. | 01:42 |
NixGeek | !unetbootin | Da_Rhyno | 01:42 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 01:42 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: there are lots of programs that do that, it probably doesn't matter which you use | 01:43 |
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cache_surplus | alexbawrin: np | 01:43 |
ribatejoluso | I ment in XFCE? are the usersettings UI present only in ubuntu? can't find then in debian... | 01:43 |
lano | can someone help me plz | 01:43 |
lano | hey guys how do i get rpc.statd to start on boot | 01:43 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks everyone. :) | 01:44 |
ActionParsnip | ribatejoluso: debian isnt suported here | 01:44 |
Dr_Willis | !find rpc.statd | 01:44 |
mdg2 | Da_Rhyno, you are welcome and good luck | 01:44 |
ubottu | File rpc.statd found in apparmor-profiles, manpages-fr-extra, manpages-ja, nfs-common, runit-services | 01:44 |
lano | Dr_Willis, i know where it is | 01:44 |
lano | but it does not start automaticly on boot | 01:44 |
dannyLopez | my pc can't read the SD cards | 01:44 |
ribatejoluso | I know, that is not what I asked...what is the package name in ubuntu? I have one laptop in ubuntu and another with debian | 01:44 |
Dr_Willis | lano: so its part of the nfs service that you installed? | 01:44 |
Da_Rhyno | One reason I gave up on Linux was when I first started, the community treated newbies like crap. | 01:44 |
lano | well rpc_statd is in /sbin | 01:44 |
ribatejoluso | I have in ubuntu usersettings under system | 01:45 |
GeekSquid | Dr_Willis: rpc = remote proceedure call | 01:45 |
Da_Rhyno | And me, being the noob I was, got handed that treatment. | 01:45 |
ActionParsnip | ribatejoluso: i believe the config UIs are just part of gnome | 01:45 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: still happens, depends on the distro if you ask me | 01:46 |
Dr_Willis | You got newbies.. then you got lazy people... :) | 01:46 |
lano | Dr_Willis, i cant seem to mount any nfs mounts rill i dont run /sbin/rpc.statd | 01:46 |
arvut | Dr_Willis: and rude elitists | 01:46 |
ribatejoluso | oh,..will look ..tx | 01:46 |
Dr_Willis | lano: every time ive set up nfs - ive not had that issue. I just follow that rather short NFS wiki page they got setup | 01:47 |
Dr_Willis | !nfs | 01:47 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 01:47 |
goetter | so uh, do pcmcia or usb network cards work better? | 01:47 |
qwm | mp3 playback is incredibly glitchy since i switched to 64bit, googled a bit, but can't solve it... :( | 01:47 |
lano | Dr_Willis, do u have a link | 01:47 |
Dr_Willis | lano: i do recall there being 2 different NFS servers - one was somehow in the kenel, other was the older slower one. | 01:47 |
ActionParsnip | qwm: which release? | 01:47 |
Da_Rhyno | ActionParsnip - I was using Debian. | 01:47 |
qwm | ActionParsnip: um.. 10.10. | 01:47 |
lano | i am just goign to follow the guide | 01:48 |
lano | thanks mate much appreciated | 01:48 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: strange, they arent so bad. I used mandrake (back in the day) and they rocked :) | 01:48 |
GeekSquid | goetter: I'm thinking you'll get better throughput with PCMCIA .. just make sure you get supported hardware | 01:48 |
qwm | ActionParsnip: doesn't seem to be a sound issue, but decoding itself not turning out.. ideal. | 01:48 |
ActionParsnip | qwm: i suggest you use the sound troubleshooting link, it may help | 01:48 |
cctx005 | what's the best alternative for powerpoint? | 01:48 |
Da_Rhyno | ActionParsnip - Cool! Did you ever try RedHat? | 01:48 |
ActionParsnip | cctx005: theres impress in openoffice | 01:48 |
arvut | qwm: try converting all your mp3s to a better supported format, it might solve it ;) | 01:48 |
Da_Rhyno | cctx005 - OpenOffice | 01:48 |
cctx005 | hmmm I'll check it out | 01:48 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: yeah 5.0 for about 2 hours and hated it | 01:48 |
ActionParsnip | cctx005: googledocs can read it too | 01:49 |
cctx005 | i'm installing Office 03 via WINE right now just to see if it works...but I'm not holding my breath | 01:49 |
adrianoc | please, where are configuration files of empathy ? | 01:49 |
Da_Rhyno | ActionParsnip - Ah, I see. I heard pretty good things about it though. | 01:49 |
qwm | arvut: yeah, i tried that first, on this install... the converted vorbis files are glitchy when played back on other systems... so i've converted some albums to vorbis on a different system as a workaround. | 01:49 |
Da_Rhyno | Does anyone know if there's a way I can run Steam and TF2 in Linux? | 01:49 |
tsrk | Does anybody here have an AT&T or Bell South email address? | 01:49 |
qwm | arvut: i hope i said that in a way that made sense. | 01:50 |
Da_Rhyno | tsrk - Does Bell South even exist anymore? | 01:50 |
ribatejoluso | ;) | 01:50 |
avis | i do | 01:50 |
a7i3n | /quit | 01:50 |
Da_Rhyno | I thought verizon took 'em over. | 01:50 |
Da_Rhyno | ... or was that Bell Atlantic... | 01:50 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: No idea, but some of my customers seem to have email addresses from them and some of the emails are getting bounced. I want to see if their servers are rejecting my mail. | 01:50 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: steam runs well in wine | 01:51 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: I think it's part of AT&T or something | 01:51 |
Da_Rhyno | tsrk - weird. | 01:51 |
Da_Rhyno | ActionParsnip - is it really difficult to set up? | 01:51 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: Yeah, email servers are a PITA | 01:51 |
Blue1 | I think bell south is now a part of EvilEmpire, Inc (tm) | 01:51 |
Da_Rhyno | I'll want to try it, just for kicks. =) | 01:51 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: just install wine in software centre then run the installer for the game etc in wine | 01:51 |
Da_Rhyno | Ah, I see. | 01:51 |
tsrk | Blue1: that would be correct | 01:52 |
NixGeek | bell south is now part of at&t | 01:52 |
Da_Rhyno | Action - will do. | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | i think needed some command line option with wine to install properly | 01:52 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: your video chip will need to be abvle to run 3D accelleration under Linux (obviously) | 01:52 |
Da_Rhyno | Does NVidia play nicely with Linux? | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | wine someoption steaminstaller.msi (i always have to look it up) | 01:52 |
tsrk | So, everyone in here hates AT&T so much that they don't use their internet? That's probably a good thing, but it'll make finding someone to help me harder :( | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: better then anything else ive tried. | 01:52 |
Blue1 | Da_Rhyno: usually, if it's a recent card - not so with legacy mode | 01:52 |
Da_Rhyno | it's on a laptop. | 01:53 |
NixGeek | Nvidia does | 01:53 |
Da_Rhyno | "Geforce GT 130M with CUDA" | 01:53 |
qwm | Da_Rhyno: sure, that's been my experience for eight years. | 01:53 |
qwm | my only ati card so far.. not so much. | 01:53 |
ramashaka | does the useradd -p option take a plaintext password? | 01:53 |
Da_Rhyno | Holy damn! 6 hours to download Ubuntu! | 01:54 |
Da_Rhyno | O_O | 01:54 |
arvut | how come "sudo fdisk -l" says both sda1 (winxp) and sdb1 (linux swap) are 'boot'? how will i know where the mbr is at and how do i solve this? trying to restore/reinstall grub2.. | 01:54 |
ActionParsnip | Da_Rhyno: use the torrent, its faster | 01:54 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: I'd say you found a bad mirror | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: when useing the torrents - i got it in under 15 min. | 01:54 |
Da_Rhyno | shoot. | 01:54 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: if you refresh the DL page you'll get a different mirror | 01:54 |
Da_Rhyno | I hate torrenting... God knows what viruses can be pickekd kup. | 01:55 |
Da_Rhyno | picked up* | 01:55 |
Da_Rhyno | okay... | 01:55 |
Da_Rhyno | I'll try a torrent though | 01:55 |
Da_Rhyno | I just need to download uTorrent. | 01:55 |
cobra-the-joker | hey guys ... whats the right version to download .... 10.04 or 10.10 ? | 01:55 |
Dr_Willis | cobra-the-joker: depends on your needs. | 01:55 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: I'm getting 1MB/s from here: | 01:55 |
Dr_Willis | cobra-the-joker: may as well try 10.10 | 01:55 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: and also U of Waterloo is awesome so you should always use their mirrors ;) | 01:56 |
Da_Rhyno | tsrk - Thanks. | 01:56 |
ActionParsnip | cobra-the-joker: 10.04 is supported longer as it is LTS. Both are perfectly fine | 01:56 |
Da_Rhyno | I'll try a torrent. | 01:56 |
cobra-the-joker | ActionParsnip , i will go for the LTS then ... it seems to be better | 01:57 |
R0_odge | I would like to thank you guys for helping me | 01:57 |
breadcrumb | Da_Rhyno, you can't pick up viruses from torrenting ubuntu from the officla iste | 01:57 |
breadcrumb | *site | 01:57 |
almoxarife | is there a wiki on how to take the bloat out of 10.10? | 01:57 |
Da_Rhyno | tsrk - it was running at about the same rate the previous one was, so I'll use the torrent. | 01:58 |
ActionParsnip | cobra-the-joker: for servers, i'd always advise LTS release | 01:58 |
tsrk | Da_Rhyno: ok, torrent will probably be the fastest option | 01:58 |
cobra-the-joker | ActionParsnip , its not a server ... its a laptop actually | 01:58 |
NixGeek | almoxarife: I don't think so, if you want no bload, install debian with no extras and build it yourself | 01:58 |
arvut | cobra-the-joker: a matter of taste, 10.04 might be more stable, while 10.10 includes new things | 01:58 |
breadcrumb | !lolcats | 01:59 |
ubottu | i iz so bored of lolcats. speek english! | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | one mans bloat is antoehr mans must have eye candy | 01:59 |
NixGeek | I'm still using 10.04, though I'll probably update with the next release | 01:59 |
ActionParsnip | cobra-the-joker: 10.04 will not need upgrading for a long while before support dies for it | 01:59 |
almoxarife | NixGeek: rather stick with ubuntu, I de-bloated 10.4 but I am seeing processes new to me in 10.10 | 01:59 |
dannyLopez | any information about this lines: [.ShellClassInfo] CLSID={645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} tjis is a file .ini & i see in my Pc | 01:59 |
dannyLopez | pleace help me | 01:59 |
cobra-the-joker | ActionParsnip , i like that ... 10.04 then | 01:59 |
rww | dannyLopez: desktop.ini? | 01:59 |
dannyLopez | yes | 01:59 |
rww | dannyLopez: it's a system file created by Windows to help it keep track of folder customizations. | 02:00 |
Dr_Willis | and people think that windows is simple/not confuseing.. :) | 02:00 |
scotty^ | Da_Rhyno: As ActionParsnip said, steam runs well in wine. According to TF2 runs well on an ATI R700 series card - make sure you see note 30 on that page. | 02:00 |
Da_Rhyno | It was running at 40 kb/s | 02:00 |
Da_Rhyno | at most. | 02:00 |
dannyLopez | rww: & 1 folder "ice" with 2 files .exe thas are virus? | 02:00 |
rww | dannyLopez: no idea | 02:01 |
almoxarife | how do I correct the links to filetype in 10.10 gnome? | 02:01 |
breadcrumb | i've not had very good luck with games on Steam. can make most of them work, like counterstrike source and TF2, but the performance is bad compared to windows. and theres random quirks and bugs. | 02:01 |
rww | dannyLopez: has a list of antivirus scanners, if you're looking for one. | 02:01 |
Blue1 | rww: why would anyone need an a/v scanner in *nix? | 02:02 |
Da_Rhyno | How can i torrent from the website? | 02:02 |
ActionParsnip | breadcrumb: which version/s of wine did you try? | 02:02 |
rww | Blue1: to scan for Windows viruses | 02:02 |
arvut | dannyLopez: wrong place to ask im afraid :/ try scanning with clamav if you are supporting a windows install from ubuntu | 02:02 |
NixGeek | almoxarife, why didn't you stick with 10.04,? | 02:02 |
dorbin | could someone please give me and dirty configuration for smb.conf ?? mine isn't working :( | 02:02 |
Blue1 | rww: yes, but if I am running *nix, by definition, not running windows. not needed | 02:02 |
dorbin | ..quick and dirty | 02:02 |
breadcrumb | ActionParsnip the one in the ubuntu repos, and the newer versions from wines repo | 02:02 |
tsrk | dorbin: the default is good, what's your specific problem? | 02:02 |
breadcrumb | also playonlinux.. | 02:02 |
tsrk | dorbin: did you remember to set up your samba passwords? | 02:02 |
arvut | dorbin: why dirty? | 02:03 |
almoxarife | NixGeek: I started to see lots more fixes to my problems with ubuntu pointing to 10.10 rather than 10.04 | 02:03 |
dorbin | no need for security | 02:03 |
arvut | oh.. | 02:03 |
dorbin | I did setup samba passwords | 02:03 |
dannyLopez | arvut: no Im not win2 user | 02:03 |
rww | Blue1: 1) dualbooting exists. 2) people boot into Linuxes to fix Windows, 3) email servers run on Linux and sometimes are set up to check for viruses, 4) people sometimes want to check a .doc or such isn't virus-encumbered before passing it along. etc. | 02:03 |
Blue1 | dorbin: this might help | 02:03 |
tsrk | dorbin: to get samba running, all you need to do is install it (w/ default config), "sudo smbpasswd -a [you]", and then create a share | 02:03 |
tsrk | dorbin: and that'll be secure as well as quick | 02:04 |
tsrk | dorbin: you can actually do it without encrypted passwords, but it's more work to set up (on both the server and windows client end) | 02:04 |
dorbin | I am doing this on ubuntu server .. running default smb.conf with no success | 02:04 |
tsrk | dorbin: what's the specific issue? | 02:04 |
Da_Rhyno | Is there a torrent link on the Ubuntu website? I'm looking and can't find one. | 02:04 |
dannyLopez | i leave bye | 02:05 |
dorbin | tsrk: what do you mean? my problem? | 02:05 |
Dr_Willis | dorbin: pretty much i just edit the smb.conf, set a proper workgroup, then uncomment the lines that enable the home shares. give the users a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' | 02:05 |
Dr_Willis | dorbin: then the userc can connect to smb://servername/theirname | 02:05 |
tsrk | dorbin: you say that it doesn't work, what's happening when you try to access the server? | 02:05 |
wezzy | Da_Rhynp: | 02:05 |
dorbin | tsrk: the share doesn't show up in nautilus .. | 02:06 |
cctx005 | can you really not get viruses or spyware/malware on Ubuntu? | 02:06 |
rww | !virus | 02:06 |
ubottu | Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See | 02:06 |
=== nick is now known as Guest59562 | ||
Dr_Willis | dorbin: theres often issues with nautius seeing shares. i often have to type in the full url to the share the first time. | 02:06 |
cctx005 | That's amazing | 02:06 |
dorbin | ok | 02:06 |
cctx005 | I waste so much time scanning Vista | 02:06 |
dorbin | ..but xbmc couldn't find it either | 02:07 |
trelayne | thanks clemenstimpler GeekSquid. The problem with MySQL not starting has to do with the mysql.conf upstart file. I'm using a VPS, which has filesystems working differently. So mysql was stuck somewhere on start... I simply modified the file as follows to get it to work: | 02:07 |
Da_Rhyno | thanks | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | dorbin: sometimes i have to enter the ip# instead of the machine hostname also. it just seems to depend ont he network setup | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | dorbin: the findsmb and smbtree commands are handy for toubleshooting/scanning the network for shares also | 02:08 |
dorbin | am I using the correct command for restarting samba?? (restart smbd) | 02:09 |
Dr_Willis | dorbin: sudo service SERVICENAME restart | 02:10 |
GeekSquid | trelayne: verygood | 02:10 |
Dr_Willis | sudo service smbd restart | 02:10 |
scotty^ | Blue1 - you wou;dn't want to pass on Windows virus to someone else. | 02:11 |
wildbat | [Q] how do i change login screen resolution ? my pc don't seem to have /etc/X11/xorg.conf .... | 02:12 |
trelayne | GeekSquid, I spend quite a bit of time trying to understand what the hell was going on. Learned a few things along the way... but man am I glad it wasnt' some corruption in the system | 02:12 |
Nisstyre65 | What's the difference between using the service program and typing the path to the script? e.g. /etc/init.d/httpd stop | 02:12 |
trelayne | spend = spent | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | wildbat: the monitors tool in the system menu.. is the normal way | 02:12 |
Nisstyre65 | why is there even a program to do that? | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | Nisstyre65: service is the proper way to do it.. init.d/ stuff is slowly getting replaced by upstart. | 02:12 |
Blue1 | scotty^: it's why I don't use windows | 02:12 |
arvut | rww: ive seen the code for a linux virus written in c.. and rootkits are always a danger. | 02:13 |
Dr_Willis | Nisstyre65: not all services even have a init.d/XXXX script any more | 02:13 |
Blue1 | arvut: right root kits are bad. | 02:13 |
wildbat | Dr_Willis: did that , but it only change my resolution after i login :< ~ | 02:13 |
Nisstyre65 | Dr_Willis, so it's hardcoded into the service program? | 02:13 |
campee | does anyone know why a ubuntu 8.04 system that has been working for a long time would suddenly start saying "grub error 18"? and how to fix it? | 02:13 |
MrUnagi | anyone know how to chroot sftp users? | 02:13 |
Blue1 | campee: umm maybe you might want to upgrade to 10.04 (LTS) | 02:13 |
Dr_Willis | wildbat: changeing gdm res. Hmm. never needed to do that. you can somehow run that monitors tool as the user 'gdm' and tweak the gdm screen. | 02:14 |
campee | i ran a SMART test on the drive and it didn't contain any errors. i don't have a live CD handy though to check on the drive's status/partitions | 02:14 |
Whitehat | Hello. I'm new to irc, And I was wondering where I might find technical type help. | 02:14 |
dorbin | it suddenly worked!! Think the problem was that I wasn't using the correct command to restart the samba service. THank you all for helping -- very nice of you to offer your time to help people. | 02:14 |
avis | :) | 02:14 |
Dr_Willis | Nisstyre65: whats hardcoded? the service command can underatnd upstart or the older sysv type services.. | 02:14 |
scotty^ | Whitehat - Technical help ofr IRC or for Ubuntu? | 02:14 |
arvut | cctx005: there aren't many, and its a minimal risk. but virii can affect wine tho | 02:14 |
scotty^ | or for something else? | 02:14 |
wildbat | Dr_Willis: AR~ good idea ~ let me try | 02:14 |
Dr_Willis | dorbin: samba is supposed to restart automatically when its confif file changes. i belive. | 02:14 |
NixGeek | Whitehate: just ask your questions, thats basically this entire chat | 02:14 |
campee | any ideas on how to fix grub 18 without re-installing? | 02:14 |
Whitehat | for Ubuntu. lol | 02:15 |
Whitehat | sorry | 02:15 |
Whitehat | oh ok | 02:15 |
Nisstyre65 | Dr_Willis, I think I didn't ask that correctly. What I mean is; are the commands to stop and start services all in the 'service' program or are they stored as shell scripts somewhere? | 02:15 |
avis | apparmor doesn't protect much | 02:15 |
arvut | campee: we share a common problem. can you elaborate? | 02:15 |
NixGeek | campee: look here: | 02:15 |
edbian | Nisstyre65: sort of both. The service program calls the scripts (and does some extra stuff I believe) | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | Nisstyre65: the service 'scripts' defind what the exact service does for a start/stop/restart option. check /etc/init/* files | 02:16 |
arvut | or maybe not.. | 02:16 |
Whitehat | is there a way to move a linux installation to a different harddrive? | 02:16 |
Nisstyre65 | thanks edbian Dr_Willis | 02:16 |
avis | my friend mary wants to use ubuntu | 02:16 |
edbian | Whitehat: yep. Using gparted | 02:16 |
MoMo | how do i stop x so i can upgrade my video card driver | 02:16 |
Blue1 | campee: you can try this: however ymmv applies | 02:16 |
hellhound | i am having trouble getting ubuntu 10.10 to recognize my second monitor with nvidia-settings I have pasted my xorg on | 02:16 |
campee | arvut: i'm at my parent's house. they have an old ubuntu 8.04 box they've been using. it worked great for a long time and suddenly it won't boot. it says "grub error 18, selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS." nothing has changed on this system. | 02:16 |
bastidrazor | MoMo: you need to be in a TTY then type sudo service gdm stop | 02:17 |
Whitehat | Ok so how would I go about doing this? | 02:17 |
edbian | campee: Reset the bios to factory defaults | 02:17 |
MoMo | bastidrazor: roger that, thanks! | 02:17 |
NixGeek | campee: it sounds like it needs a seprate /boot partition | 02:17 |
Dr_Willis | campee: or perhaps the battery on the mb died. and it DID get reset to defaults and needs set to somthing else. | 02:17 |
arvut | why is both sda1 (winxp) and sdb1 (ubuntu 10.10) flagged as boot? | 02:17 |
campee | yeah, the BIOS battery theory had occurred to me. | 02:17 |
edbian | Whitehat: use gparted, install grub on the target hdd, you're done | 02:18 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: you can have one bootable partion per hd. i dont think ubuntu even needs the boot flag. | 02:18 |
campee | i've turned it off and on and it has the correct system time. | 02:18 |
sutabi | Anyone know why my apt-get is sitting at update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-24-generic for over an hour? Its taking up no CPU ~_~ | 02:18 |
arvut | campee: hdd is failing maybe? | 02:18 |
campee | so i think the battery is ok. | 02:18 |
campee | i ran a SMART test on it and it didn't detect any problems. | 02:18 |
NixGeek | campe: it may be that the kernel migrated out of the first 1023 sectirs of the harddrive, where old computers can look at boot. | 02:18 |
arvut | what is error 18 btw? | 02:18 |
campee | i have a ubuntu 10.04 bootable USB key that I verified on a laptop boots correctly. on their system i get an error on the monitor saying "supported resolution can not be displayed, please change it to 1280 x 1024". anyone know how to fix that? | 02:19 |
campee | i wanted to boot into a live cd environment and run fdisk -l, etc. | 02:19 |
Dr_Willis | campee what video chipset is on the machine? | 02:19 |
Whitehat | @edbian What I have is a linux installation on a partition on sdb and I want it moved to a partition on sda | 02:20 |
campee | not sure. just reset BIOS to defaults and rebooting. | 02:20 |
=== River_Rat is now known as RiverRat | ||
campee | still getting error 18. | 02:20 |
tuxxman | hello, my brightness controls don't work on my laptop (running ubuntu 11.04) and its affecting my battery life dramatically because the brightness is always at max. | 02:20 |
NixGeek | campee, this is a guide for moving /home to a seprate partition, use it to move /boot to a seprate partition at the begenning of the drive. Also, If you have to shrink the begenning of a partition to make a /boot partition, make sure to uncheck round to cylinders in gparted. | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | campee: for nvidia chipsets i have to use the 'nomodeset' option to get the live cd's booting properly | 02:20 |
tuxxman | how do I fix this? | 02:20 |
edbian | Whitehat: great, launch gparted. It should be pretty obvious how to copy | 02:21 |
ActionParsnip | tuxxman: natty is supported and discussed in #ubuntu+1 | 02:21 |
campee | Dr_Willis: where do you specify that? i think it DOES have an nvidia graphics card | 02:21 |
Whitehat | @edbian ok thats easy enough. | 02:21 |
tuxxman | ActionParsnip: thanks | 02:21 |
cctx005 | Has anyone used Cedega to play games? | 02:21 |
ActionParsnip | cctx005: i once did | 02:21 |
edbian | Whitehat the only hard part is installing grub. but you can just google that | 02:22 |
cctx005 | does it work? | 02:22 |
Dr_Willis | campee when ya boot the live cd.. theres a little man logo at the bottom, (on 10.10) hit space (i think) then its in the F6 menu items. or edit the grub menu at boot and replace 'quiet splash' with 'nomodeset' | 02:22 |
scotty^ | Poppler 0.16 was released on December 27, 2010. Will this be included in Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal"? | 02:22 |
ActionParsnip | cctx005: sure, it has its own appdb like wine | 02:22 |
campee | thanks Dr_Willis, i'll try that | 02:22 |
ActionParsnip | scotty^: natty is discussed in #ubuntu+1 only | 02:22 |
MrUnagi | can anyone help me chroot sftp users | 02:22 |
ActionParsnip | scotty^: you may find a ppa with the version for your current release | 02:22 |
NixGeek | Whitehat: this might help you also: | 02:23 |
Whitehat | @edbian Ok, thanks for your help. And how do You like reply to my posts? | 02:23 |
scotty^ | oops, sorry | 02:23 |
edbian | Whitehat: You're doing it to me. You just start with my name. | 02:23 |
edbian | Whitehat: The IRC client actually highlights it. There is no set rule, it's more like standard practice. | 02:24 |
=== blackknight is now known as Guest57149 | ||
bluezone | If anyone is familiar with checkinstall why am i getting this error: /var/tmp/tmp.dpWbYDcxC6/ 4: ctof: not found | 02:24 |
Whitehat | @edbian oh lol thanks | 02:24 |
Guest57149 | is linux vidroa better than unbuntu?? | 02:24 |
edbian | Whitehat: sure | 02:24 |
wildbat | Dr_Willis: Thanks~ ^.^ | 02:24 |
Dr_Willis | Guest57149: never heard of 'vidroa' so i doubt it.. | 02:24 |
NixGeek | Whitehat: or you can use clonezilla to clone to partition to sda. I'd say try this first, it'll probably work. The /home doesn't deal with virtual directories. link to clonezilla: | 02:24 |
Guest57149 | mandrik? | 02:25 |
Guest57149 | any buddy heard about vidora | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | Guest57149: you may want to spell disrto names correctly... Use what you want.. | 02:25 |
edbian | NixGeek: Whitehat I don't think clonezilla would be any easier than gparted. | 02:25 |
Guest57149 | ok | 02:25 |
bluezone | If anyone is familiar with checkinstall why am i getting this error: /var/tmp/tmp.dpWbYDcxC6/ 4: ctof: not found | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | Guest57149: theres a 'Fedora' thats redhat based. | 02:25 |
Guest57149 | which site is best for programming books | 02:26 |
edbian | !best | 02:26 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | Guest57149: depends ont he language and what books you want. Google would be the best place to search. or | 02:26 |
ActionParsnip | Guest57149: it's also offtopic here | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | Theres dozens of great python books out there for free. | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | but some may be a little out of date | 02:26 |
Guest57149 | i wanna learn python | 02:27 |
bluezone | Guest57149, what language are you looking for i can recommend a book | 02:27 |
Guest57149 | pyton | 02:27 |
NixGeek | edbian: Whitehat: Gparted doesn work between disks, does it? | 02:27 |
Guest57149 | python | 02:27 |
Dr_Willis | python homepage - is the place to start Guest57149 | 02:27 |
edbian | NixGeek: yeah it does | 02:27 |
seancron | Hey everyone. Has anyone had trouble with USB devices in VirtualBox 4.0 on lucid? | 02:27 |
campee | Dr_Willis: it boots with 'nomodeset' turned off. thanks!! | 02:28 |
campee | the live cd, that is. still trying to see what the issue with the drive is. | 02:28 |
Dr_Willis | campee: turned off? or enabled? :) heh.. | 02:28 |
bluezone | Guest57149, | 02:28 |
=== gizmodo is now known as giz-ZzZ | ||
Dr_Willis | if you enable 'nomodeset' is it off or on? how 'zen' | 02:28 |
ActionParsnip | seancron: you need the closed source virtualbox for usb access, the open one oesn't do it | 02:28 |
arvut | why does fdisk say sdb1 is linux swap when sdb2 and 5 matches swap in size? | 02:28 |
edbian | arvut: Maybe you have two swaps? | 02:29 |
seancron | ActionParsnip: Yeah, I've installed it. But I get an error saying "Failed to access usb subsytem" | 02:29 |
NixGeek | edbian: your right, it does. I'll have to remember that. | 02:29 |
arvut | sdb1 is flagged boot and is the filesystem for my ubuntu install | 02:29 |
NixGeek | Whitehat: for a guide to moveing partitions between disks with gparted, look here: | 02:29 |
KM0201 | seancron: did you install the OSE version? | 02:29 |
arvut | and no, i have 1 swap | 02:29 |
army | MBR problem? | 02:29 |
ActionParsnip | seancron: how did you install it? | 02:30 |
arvut | the numbers fdisk show me are identical | 02:30 |
arvut | army: yeah.. | 02:30 |
=== Zorro is now known as Guest72764 | ||
seancron | Added the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get install virtualbox-4.0 | 02:30 |
Whitehat | edbian: I just remembered I had tried doing this before and Already have everything transferred to sda. What I was having trouble with is getting grub2 to install on sda and look for its files on the sda partition. | 02:30 |
seancron | KM0201: nope, see my reply to ActionParsnip | 02:31 |
KM0201 | hmm | 02:31 |
edbian | Whitehat: That's the hard part! | 02:31 |
Dr_Willis | Whitehat: ive used the command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' to have grub get installed to other hd's | 02:32 |
NixGeek | Whitehat: look here, and go down to 13. Reinstalling GRUB 2 from LiveCD | 02:32 |
Guest57149 | some times my linux hanging? | 02:32 |
Guest57149 | is that normal ? | 02:32 |
Whitehat | Dr_Willis: well its not that it wont install its that its that It' | 02:32 |
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO | ||
arvut | army: win xp ntfs is on sda1, ubuntu ext4 on sdb1, swap on sdb2 and 5. both sdb1 and sda1 are flagged as boot. fdisk says sdb1 is swap and sdb2 is extended and sdb5 is linux | 02:33 |
seancron | KM0201, ActionParsnip: Result code for the error is NS_ERROR_FAILURE | 02:33 |
arvut | :/ | 02:33 |
edbian | arvut: Does it say linux/swap? | 02:33 |
Whitehat | Dr_Willis: isn't looking for its files on the sda patition (i dont think) | 02:33 |
arvut | yeah | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: a extended partition holds logical.. so the sdb2/sdb5 thing makes sence | 02:33 |
NixGeek | Whitehat: have you tried running "sudo update-grub"? | 02:33 |
edbian | arvut: It's saying it's either Linux or Swap (fdisk sees no difference) | 02:34 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: you could just pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l ' | 02:34 |
arvut | actually, no.. linux swap / solaris | 02:34 |
KM0201 | seancron: hmm... i read something bout that the other day, but honestly, i thought the person was using the OSE edition | 02:34 |
skullboy | No package 'gnome-vfs-module-2.0' found what do i do | 02:34 |
edbian | arvut: .... o | 02:34 |
edbian | arvut: odd | 02:34 |
skullboy | No package 'gnome-vfs-module-2.0' found what do i do | 02:34 |
=== stjohnmedrano is now known as Guest60830 | ||
KM0201 | seancron: i use virtualbox 3.2(not OSE) and it works fine w/ USB.. i use it to sync my zunes and ipods w/ virtual xp | 02:35 |
Guest57149 | i need some help here | 02:35 |
Guest57149 | my linux is hanging some times | 02:35 |
arvut | Dr_Willis: slightly hard as im on my n900 and the problem lies on my desktop pc. booted it up from livecd | 02:35 |
lano | Dr_Willis, i have followed that guide to a line but for some reason everytime i reboot my pc and if i dont run /sbin/rpc.statd i am not able to mount nfs | 02:35 |
Blue1 | KM0201: yeah but you have to add group entry to get usb support - | 02:35 |
arvut | but i will try.. | 02:35 |
seancron | KM0201: yeah, I'm about to reinstall 3.2 and see if that works. I was excited to try out the new 4.0 virtualbox | 02:35 |
Dr_Willis | !details | 02:35 |
ubottu | Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 02:35 |
KM0201 | Blue1: then it must do that automatically during install, cuz i didn't do that.. | 02:35 |
nawk | where does firefox stores the temp internet files for visited websites? | 02:36 |
Blue1 | KM0201: it might I don't know I had to manually add it to get it to work | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | lano: perhaps check the forums or in #ubuntu-server - ive not ever seen or heard of people with that issue. - as a cheat you could put the command in /etc/rc.local i guess | 02:36 |
KM0201 | Blue1: on 3.2, or 4.0? | 02:36 |
Blue1 | KM0201: but that was maybe 18 months ago | 02:36 |
tonsofpcs | I have a problem with ubottu. I'm running Ubuntu Netbook Remix Hardy Heron. When I say !details in #ubuntu, ubottu gives the preceding output, but I expect him to stay quiet :D | 02:36 |
KM0201 | oh ok | 02:36 |
rtdos | are there any basic interpreters (like GWBASIC) for ubuntu ? | 02:36 |
lano | Dr_Willis, thanks mate much appreciated it will try | 02:36 |
nawk | (by default) | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | rtdos: theres several 'basics' out for linux. | 02:37 |
seancron | Blue1: I also added myself to the vboxusers group and it didn't change anything | 02:37 |
=== Guest57149 is now known as agent009 | ||
army | arvut> what's wrong with ur pc | 02:37 |
edbian | seancron: You have to restart for that to take effect | 02:37 |
rtdos | such as? i'm using kubuntu and can't seem to find any in kpackagekit | 02:37 |
seancron | edbian: I did. No luck. | 02:37 |
Blue1 | seancron: I had to do that in order to get usb to work | 02:37 |
seancron | Blue1: With virtualbox 4.0? | 02:38 |
arvut | army: fixed a windows issue with rescue cd and it screwed up my mbr | 02:38 |
craigbass1976 | Anyone ever heard of your DSL modem crapping out every time you run an nmap port scan? | 02:38 |
arvut | grub2 is gone | 02:38 |
edbian | seancron: does groups list that group? | 02:38 |
Blue1 | seancron: I am currently using 3.2 | 02:38 |
NixGeek | Whitehat: you might have better luck with your grub problems in #grub | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | rtdos: apt-cache search basic | grep basic | 02:39 |
Whitehat | NixGeek: Ok thanks. | 02:39 |
edbian | seancron: groups (the command) tells you what groups you're in | 02:39 |
Whitehat | NixGeek, I'll try there | 02:39 |
Whitehat | quit | 02:39 |
seancron | Blue1: yeah, I tried upgrading to 4.0 to try it out, but usb isn't working for me. I'm rolling back to 3.2 to make sure that works at least. | 02:39 |
seancron | edbian: yup, groups shows me in vboxusers | 02:39 |
edbian | seancron: Whats the problem then? | 02:40 |
arvut | anyway: i made a pastebin: | 02:40 |
Blue1 | seancron: yeah unless you need bleeding edge - only usb device that didn't work for me, was a usb headset in vbox. need that to run echolink software (amateur radio) | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | seancron: i recall some guides/docs where if theres an odd entry in /etc/fstab that can break vbox usb support. But thats all i rember. | 02:40 |
Blue1 | seancron: that is the only app I run in windows | 02:40 |
arvut | s/anyway:/anyway,/ | 02:40 |
rtdos | thanks dr. willis | 02:41 |
seancron | Dr_Willis: my /etc/fstab is clean | 02:41 |
army | arvut>use ur ubuntu livecd mode,type:update-grub(in the terminal) | 02:41 |
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arvut | army: no need to chroot into the install? | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck | 02:42 |
seancron | edbian, Blue1: I wanted to install the latest stable version of virtualbox, 4.0. It was released recently. I'd like to get it working in 4.0 if possible. | 02:42 |
army | arvut>need root perhaps | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | is what i often use to reinsatll grub. | 02:42 |
langvann | Having problems with empathy | 02:42 |
edbian | seancron: What error is it giving? | 02:43 |
seancron | edbian: I get an error saying "Failed to access usb subsytem" | 02:43 |
prismz | I have a feeling maybe one of the many updated I installed with the update manager was a newer version of my wireless card. Is there a way to change to another version of it? | 02:43 |
edbian | seancron: That has nothing to do with you being in the vboxusers grub? | 02:43 |
army | arvut>u can see the file:sudo vi /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 02:44 |
seancron | edbian: I don't think so. It didn't work before or after I was in vboxusers. | 02:44 |
arvut | /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.. | 02:44 |
GeekSquid | seancron: usb does not work with the open-source version ... closed source does, version is 3.2.x | 02:45 |
edbian | seancron: In order to get usb to work in virtualbox you have to buy the full version | 02:45 |
bonjoyee | seancron: have u installed the extra pack that comes along with Vbox 4.0? | 02:45 |
arvut | meh.. sdb1 IS root! | 02:45 |
tootoogo | I rotate my screen by "xrandr --output LVDS1 --rotate left", but after rotation, the mouse is hard to use, how to invert x y axis of the mouse? | 02:45 |
RedSingularity | Where can I find a man page in a source .tar folder? | 02:45 |
seancron | GeekSquid: I know, I downloaded and installed the closed source version | 02:45 |
edbian | RedSingularity: The source does not usually contain the man pages. That's placed in the deb or rpm package | 02:46 |
seancron | edbian: Source? | 02:46 |
bonjoyee | seancron: from v4.0 have usb support u need to install another architecture independent package | 02:46 |
edbian | seancron: Code? | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | RedSingularity: if they are there . they mas be named like command.1 or some other #. | 02:46 |
tootoogo | could someone help me about inverting x y axis of a mouse? | 02:46 |
seancron | edbian: No, where does it say I have to buy the full version? | 02:46 |
edbian | seancron: I only know that through word of mouth. | 02:46 |
bombshell | Hello | 02:47 |
edbian | bombshell: hello ;) | 02:47 |
seancron | bonjoyee: Hmm. I believe I installed that as well, but I'll double check. | 02:47 |
bombshell | =] | 02:47 |
Jordan_U | army: update-grub does not re-install grub, and if used from a liveCD requires a chroot. | 02:47 |
bombshell | I'm trying to figure out why the maxium resolution is 800x600 | 02:47 |
army | arvut>sudo update-grub | 02:48 |
RedSingularity | edbian: I see. How can I open them in a .deb package? | 02:48 |
arvut | found a neat guide that explains the grub2 fix when update-grub doesnt do it, on | 02:48 |
bombshell | under VirtualBox, I have the guest additions installed | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | !fixgrub | 02:48 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 02:48 |
arvut | army: returns error that it cant find / | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: what i often use to reinstall grub from a live cd. No chroot needed.---> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck | 02:49 |
Half_Twit | is there a nice app for cleaning up my grub menu? | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | Half_Twit: not really. :) you can edit the /etc/grub.d/configs and /etc/default/grub to remove extra entries | 02:49 |
Half_Twit | do you have to edit both? | 02:49 |
army | arvut>mount the filesystem first | 02:49 |
arvut | k, so updating it doesnt work, but where do i install grub if fdisk say:.. | 02:50 |
Dr_Willis | Half_Twit: or uninstall extra kernels. disable revovery options. it depedns on what you want | 02:50 |
arvut | | 02:50 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: grub nomally goes ont eh MBR of the HD you want to boot. ie: /dev/sda or sdb not sdb1 | 02:50 |
arvut | notice that sdb and sda are both boot | 02:51 |
arvut | so it should go to sda then, as windows override it | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: tey both have a bootable flag.. and i think linux dose not care about the boot flag. | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | You could put it on sdb. and tell the bios to boot the 2nd hd by default. | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | and leave the mbr on sda alone. (thats how my laptop is setup) | 02:52 |
arvut | hmm, ill try both options then | 02:52 |
bombshell | nvm, I fix my issue | 02:52 |
arvut | hold on :P | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | you could even insatll grub to both . if you wanted.. | 02:52 |
seancron | okay, just confirmed that usb works in virtualbox 3.2. now to try again with virtualbox 4.0 | 02:53 |
Blue1 | seancron: cool | 02:53 |
em | why would a sudo checkinstall fail because mkdir cannot make the paths/directories | 02:53 |
Jordan_U | em: Please give the exact error message (use if it's more than two lines). | 02:54 |
Blue1 | Em: never heard of that what does it do>? | 02:54 |
seancron | Blue1: checkinstall makes a deb package for you when you compile from source | 02:55 |
Blue1 | seancron: new one thanks | 02:55 |
Satisfied | when I plug in my webcam is there a way to make the microphone the default audio input instead of having to load up the volume preferences and doing it manually everytime ? | 02:55 |
Blue1 | Satisfied: tht's one I'd like to know answer to as well | 02:56 |
C_Okie | hey it's kinda empty in here | 02:56 |
edbian | C_Okie: I disagree | 02:56 |
langvann | only 1312 people here | 02:56 |
bonjoyee | Satisfied: have u tried gstreamer-properties? | 02:57 |
C_Okie | O.0 | 02:57 |
C_Okie | I see maby 25 on the list | 02:57 |
Satisfied | bonjoyee, thanks.. looking at that now | 02:57 |
BigSeals23 | hello ubuntu linux users. i have experience with linux, but i am in need of a little technical advice if someone here has the time | 02:57 |
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey | ||
C_Okie | nevermind | 02:57 |
edbian | BigSeals23: We'll help. What's the question? | 02:57 |
army | Satisfied>u can find it,haha | 02:58 |
edbian | C_Okie: You see wrong. There are 1,310 right now (with 2 ops) | 02:58 |
edbian | 1309 | 02:58 |
C_Okie | yep | 02:58 |
C_Okie | I see it now :) | 02:58 |
army | oh,god | 02:58 |
langvann | 03:58 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu: Total of 1309 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1307 normal] | 02:58 |
em | Jordan_U: The password is: paste | 02:58 |
army | copy>>past | 02:59 |
edbian | army: ? | 02:59 |
BigSeals23 | i got this weird message at the bottom of my screen but could not read it in time | 03:00 |
army | copy>>paste,haha | 03:00 |
edbian | BigSeals23: In the gui? | 03:00 |
BigSeals23 | yeah during web browsing | 03:00 |
edbian | BigSeals23: part of firefox? or something else? | 03:00 |
army | edbian>I have a question | 03:01 |
seancron | Reinstalled virtualbox 4.0 and reinstalled the extension package, and still get the same usb error: "Failed to access the usb subsystem. Result code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE" | 03:01 |
edbian | BigSeals23: I think it was firefox telling you it has updates avaialbe for the add-ons | 03:01 |
edbian | army: What is it? | 03:01 |
BigSeals23 | it wasnt as a result of firefox, i was browsing on firefox when i saw it but did not have time to read it | 03:01 |
BigSeals23 | maybe | 03:01 |
edbian | BigSeals23: I have no idea what it is? :P | 03:01 |
BigSeals23 | i saw the phrase update in it somewhere | 03:01 |
prismz | this is my /var/log/messages | grep ipw2200, i believe everytime it's showing what's happening when my connection drops, but i'm not sure how to read it | 03:02 |
BigSeals23 | i wanna know how to check my linux for errors manually. my drive is ext4 | 03:02 |
Nisstyre65 | bigbrovar, man fsck | 03:03 |
BigSeals23 | thanks | 03:03 |
BigSeals23 | it should not error because i run sudo apt-get update and upgrade often | 03:03 |
em | Jordan_U: does that make sense? | 03:04 |
sanduz2 | my router never seems to give me an accurate list of hosts on the network. is there some other way to see what hosts are connected? | 03:04 |
Nisstyre65 | I mean BigSeals23 btw | 03:04 |
Nisstyre65 | stupid tab complete | 03:04 |
BigSeals23 | thanks | 03:04 |
ShootEmUp | Hello Everyone | 03:05 |
edbian | BigSeals23: It auto-checks the partitions every 24 mounts or something too I believe | 03:05 |
edbian | ShootEmUp: hello | 03:05 |
BigSeals23 | yeah, but heres what happened | 03:05 |
BigSeals23 | one night i was booting up and i got this screen with a lot of mumbo jumbo down it | 03:05 |
BigSeals23 | when it checked, it showed no errors and i have not seen it again sense but it freaked me out a little lol | 03:06 |
edbian | BigSeals23: Yeah, that went to fast to read right. | 03:06 |
Satisfied | no.. gstreamer-properties didn't do it :-/ | 03:06 |
Nisstyre65 | BigSeals23, dmesg | less | 03:06 |
BigSeals23 | actually i had to manually shut down and reboot to go back into linux | 03:06 |
edbian | BigSeals23: It's not a huge deal. The system logs tons of stuff while it's booting. They're mostly fine messages with no errors. Ubuntu covers them with that pretty loading bar so that it's slick and fancy | 03:07 |
seancron | BigSeals23: also, less /var/log/messages | 03:07 |
daxt_ | guys who is using xen on ubuntu ? | 03:07 |
skorv | i'm having a recurrent problem, my ubuntu server stalls from time to time its dhcp, dns and will only work after reboot | 03:07 |
arvut | why does my ext4 look like a swapspace? | 03:07 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | daxt_ | 03:07 |
ubottu | daxt_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:07 |
Jordan_U | arvut: Accoring to what? | 03:08 |
greenwooorld | yo | 03:08 |
greenwooorld | hi !!! | 03:08 |
arvut | Jordan_U: mount and fdisk | 03:08 |
daxt_ | ubottu the stupid bot | 03:08 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:08 |
arvut | Jordan_U: | 03:08 |
greenwooorld | i am also a bot | 03:08 |
daxt_ | i am looking for perfect guide to run xen on 10.10 | 03:08 |
BigSeals23 | well i looked it up and the screen i got was the same one someone else got when their ubuntu refused to boot. i red all my logs and even updated and have not seen it again but if its something wrong i wanna fix it before it crashes | 03:08 |
herpaderp | herpaderp | 03:08 |
herpaderp | herp a derp | 03:09 |
daxt_ | can anybody give me clues ? | 03:09 |
herpaderp | herp a derp | 03:09 |
herpaderp | herp a derp | 03:09 |
FloodBot3 | herpaderp: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:09 |
arvut | and why is my swap cloned?! | 03:09 |
greenwooorld | what isclues | 03:09 |
arvut | gah.. | 03:09 |
edbian | BigSeals23: Are there errors in the output of dmesg? | 03:09 |
daxt_ | al most all the guides in the net on xen ubuntu are flawed | 03:09 |
=== Freejack is now known as Guest32458 | ||
BigSeals23 | none that i can see | 03:10 |
edbian | BigSeals23: Then you're fine | 03:10 |
edbian | BigSeals23: :) | 03:10 |
Nisstyre65 | daxt_, did you look at the official documentation? | 03:10 |
BigSeals23 | what would it say if it errored? (i wanna make sure im reading it correctly) | 03:10 |
em | once you have done sudo -i and gone to root how do you get back to being your normal user? | 03:10 |
BigSeals23 | cd enter | 03:10 |
Nisstyre65 | em, su <username> | 03:10 |
em | thanks | 03:11 |
Jordan_U | arvut: I don't see the output of "mount" there. | 03:11 |
Amaranth | em: exit | 03:11 |
Nisstyre65 | daxt_, if you just need to run one instance of another OS, then you could also try QEMU or Virtualbox | 03:11 |
daxt_ | guys i will redo the previous guides on xen and give u the error reports , so u can help me to sort them out | 03:11 |
daxt_ | VB sux | 03:11 |
skullboy | is open office dependent on a internet connection | 03:12 |
daxt_ | coz its owned by Oracle | 03:12 |
BigSeals23 | would it say ERROR | 03:12 |
Nisstyre65 | ...ok | 03:12 |
arvut | Jordan_U: well, the table is all screwed up if you ask me. but im far from an expert | 03:12 |
KM0201 | skullboy: i don't see why it would be | 03:12 |
daxt_ | xen is the king in virtualization | 03:12 |
Nisstyre65 | daxt_, not really | 03:12 |
Nisstyre65 | QEMU can run ARM and RISC architectures | 03:12 |
Nisstyre65 | don't see xen doing that | 03:12 |
john85 | i cant get my wireless to actavate | 03:12 |
skullboy | KM0201, just askin cause 1 of my friends said it was | 03:12 |
jchvelasco | Can I try ubuntu with unetbootin? | 03:12 |
edbian | jchvelasco: yes | 03:13 |
KM0201 | skullboy: i think one of your friends needs to put the pipe down | 03:13 |
jchvelasco | is there a risk? | 03:13 |
daxt_ | i have QEMU installed , i shud try that then | 03:13 |
edbian | jchvelasco: I don't think so | 03:13 |
KM0201 | jchvelasco: no risk, as long as you don't change anything on your hard drive, while running ubuntu (and you'llknow if you're doing that) | 03:13 |
edbian | john85: What kind of card? | 03:13 |
jchvelasco | ayt thanks for quick response | 03:13 |
john85 | it say wireless diabled how do i actavate it | 03:13 |
skullboy | KM0201, he does acid | 03:14 |
edbian | john85: what kind of card? | 03:14 |
KM0201 | skullboy: well, that explains | 03:14 |
john85 | idk for sure built in its a laptop | 03:14 |
arvut | Jordan_U: nevermind, i typed the wrong device, sdb1 instead of sdb when reinstalling grub2 | 03:14 |
arvut | gonna try it now | 03:14 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
BigSeals23 | one other issue: my dpkg errors in log, says missing description | 03:15 |
KM0201 | john85: open a terminal and type "lspci" (no quotes, lowercase L) and find your wireless device, don't paste the whole freaking list here | 03:15 |
john85 | 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1a.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #6 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
KM0201 | ... | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1a.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) PCI Express Port 2 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) PCI Express Port 3 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
KM0201 | john85: are you retarded?.. what did i specifically say not to do? | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) PCI Express Port 5 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1 (rev 03) | 03:16 |
edbian | hahahaha | 03:16 |
BigSeals23 | careful, the bot might think your flooding | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev 93) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation ICH9M LPC Interface Controller (rev 03) | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation ICH9M/M-E SATA AHCI Controller (rev 03) | 03:16 |
r00t4rd3d | wow | 03:16 |
daxt_ | WTF !!!! | 03:16 |
john85 | 00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 03) | 03:16 |
arvut | oh my.. | 03:16 |
john85 | 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 13) | 03:16 |
oneliner | but,.. he is!! | 03:16 |
john85 | 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01) | 03:16 |
KM0201 | moron | 03:16 |
arvut | please ban! | 03:16 |
arvut | ty rww | 03:16 |
rww | john85: let me know when that paste is done | 03:17 |
KM0201 | rww: caught floodbot sleeping | 03:17 |
rww | KM0201: indeed | 03:17 |
KM0201 | lol | 03:17 |
r00t4rd3d | john85, follow this guide | 03:17 |
edbian | Why did the flood bot not catch that? | 03:17 |
KM0201 | does anyone have a preference for the b43, vs the STA driver? | 03:18 |
rww | edbian: it's complicated | 03:18 |
IdleOne | edbian: bots are not perfect | 03:18 |
edbian | rww: IdleOne, bots do not make mistakes... | 03:18 |
IdleOne | edbian: FloodBot just proved you wrong :P | 03:19 |
edbian | IdleOne: :) | 03:19 |
rww | KM0201: fyi, calling people 'retarded' is not appropriate in Ubuntu channels | 03:19 |
arvut | rww: cn you elaborate on that please? im curious too. 0.O | 03:19 |
KM0201 | rww: i know.. but i'd just specifically told him not to do that.. | 03:19 |
rww | arvut: no, sorry | 03:19 |
KM0201 | lol | 03:19 |
arvut | rww: oh, ok | 03:19 |
rww | KM0201: I know. Two wrongs, and all that :( | 03:20 |
KM0201 | rww: indeed | 03:20 |
KM0201 | sometiems you just gotta tell it like ti is though.. :) | 03:20 |
* CripperZ blearghz! | 03:20 | |
skullboy | ok so gconfig depends on libgconfig11 but libgconfig11 depends on gconfig how do i install | 03:20 |
rww | alrighty, FloodBots should be working now. moving swiftly back to our previous topic :) | 03:20 |
arvut | be damned if my grubfix doesnt work :P | 03:20 |
* arvut rebooting to try it now | 03:21 | |
skullboy | ok so gconfig depends on libgconfig11 but libgconfig11 depends on gconfig how do i install | 03:21 |
qwebirc97871 | Hi I am after some assistance please | 03:23 |
Dr_Willis | skullboy: sudo apt-get install package1 pacakge2 (is how ive seen it done) | 03:23 |
qwebirc97871 | If someone could be so kind | 03:23 |
Dr_Willis | !ask | qwebirc97871 | 03:23 |
edbian | qwebirc97871: That's what we're here for | 03:23 |
ubottu | qwebirc97871: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 03:23 |
* KM0201 agrees w/ Dr_Willis | 03:23 | |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, stae it | 03:23 |
nit-wit | *state | 03:23 |
qwebirc97871 | I am trying to boot ubuntu 10.10 using nomodeset (as without black screen) however the graphics are all garbage and it hangs | 03:24 |
skullboy | Dr_Willis: how do i do that with dpkg | 03:24 |
hanasaki | what is good and free for linux that catches virus' and hopefull does it at file access time? | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | skullboy: dpkg -i pacakge1.deb package2.deb | 03:24 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, install or cd | 03:24 |
qwebirc97871 | both | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | hanasaki: ive not seen av software for linux that works that way. since it normally scans for windows viruses.. it would be a bit of a waste. | 03:25 |
arvut | atleast i get into grub, probably forgot to update the list tho | 03:25 |
qwebirc97871 | I have an ATI graphics card | 03:25 |
GeekSquid | hanasaki: you shouldn't need to concern yourself with viruses in linux as they don't have the ability to run like in windows | 03:25 |
shane4ubuntu | skullboy: or put them in a directory and dpkg -i *.deb and let dpkg sort it out. :) | 03:25 |
hanasaki | Dr_Willis: not true... best not to be a carrier.. especially if you run samaba | 03:25 |
seancron | how would I enable /proc/bus/usb on lucid? | 03:26 |
GeekSquid | hanasaki: of course you'll want to have a decent av software on your windows machines... and they should catch anything that comes through as they are passed through samba | 03:26 |
Dr_Willis | hanasaki: yes it would be a waste to be scanning linux files for windows viruses. There are features to let some servers auto scan. but thats not sacnning every file the user accesses. | 03:26 |
john85 | ok guys sorry about that flood i missread can i still get help? | 03:26 |
qwebirc97871 | any ideas? | 03:26 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, have you tried noapic | 03:26 |
qwebirc97871 | yep | 03:26 |
hanasaki | Dr_Willis: and then there is wine | 03:26 |
shane4ubuntu | hanasaki: I don't think there is one, if you don't want to carry, then you have to scan media, like usb sticks | 03:26 |
GeekSquid | john85: ask a question | 03:26 |
hanasaki | the goal is to make sure that any file on the linux server is scanned on RW to make sure its not a carrier | 03:27 |
shane4ubuntu | hanasaki: but the fact is I have run virii on my Linux box with wine to no avail | 03:27 |
john85 | i cant get my wifi on my laptop to activate | 03:27 |
Dr_Willis | hanasaki: and with wine - worse case - it messes up the users home dir. Point is most av software ive seen is just used as 'scanners' not 'real time detectors on access' | 03:27 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, do you know the graphics card | 03:27 |
qwebirc97871 | make and model? | 03:27 |
GeekSquid | !tab | qwebirc97871 | 03:28 |
ubottu | qwebirc97871: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 03:28 |
Dr_Willis | hanasaki: biggest danger i see to linux systems - is the end user. :) | 03:28 |
shane4ubuntu | hanasaki: the only thing it does is multiplies itself, and pastes itself in many folders, I later removed them, it was nothing | 03:28 |
qwebirc97871 | ATI PCI 3870 x2 | 03:28 |
skullboy | Dr_Willis: shane4ubuntu: prob sloved thx for help | 03:28 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, yes | 03:28 |
slide | Does anyone know if the XBox 360 Wireless Gaming Adaptor will work with Ubuntu? | 03:28 |
hanasaki | ok thanks folks | 03:28 |
drinkle | bất cứ ai ở đây đã từng có quan hệ tình dục với một con lợn trước khi? Idle Một vẻ như ông có thể về. | 03:28 |
GeekSquid | slide: it should if it is HID ... which i believe is a spec Msoft adheres to | 03:29 |
edbian | slide: It's bluetooth so only if you're computer has a bluetooth radio. Also I'm not sure if there is any programs already written for Ubuntu and xbox controllers. Probably | 03:29 |
slide | GeekSquid, im not sure it is HID, according to this thread, drivers had to be written | 03:29 |
slide | edbian, this one is a USB version, i wasnt aware of a bluetooth version | 03:29 |
slide | | 03:30 |
GeekSquid | !ops | drinkle ... translate and you will see why | 03:30 |
ubottu | drinkle ... translate and you will see why: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 03:30 |
shane4ubuntu | Dr_Willis: there is a slight danger, I live in Peru, and every windows box down here is infected, I take my usb stick to a business plug it in, and it is infected, I scan it so that my usb stick doesn't then become a carrier, and infect more. I do it for a help to them, not really a danger for me though. --- virsus that is. | 03:30 |
SPooN | !offtopic | 03:30 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:30 |
rww | GeekSquid: thanks | 03:30 |
kasper | hay guise | 03:30 |
Dr_Willis | shane4ubuntu: yet antoher reason to disable 'autorun' on windows machines... | 03:30 |
GeekSquid | rww: no problem, I use google translate, saw that and figured an ops would be appropriate | 03:31 |
GeekSquid | rww: would you make it permanent | 03:31 |
rww | GeekSquid: will do if it happens again, yes | 03:31 |
SPooN | GeekSquid, what language do you need? | 03:31 |
comulent | hi all | 03:32 |
drinkle | GeekSquid: lol, you need a life son | 03:32 |
john85 | never mind i figuer it out some other way and again for the flood oh well later | 03:32 |
drinkle | seriously | 03:32 |
=== hassan is now known as Guest78833 | ||
Laban | Hi all | 03:32 |
rww | drinkle: I recommend reading the IRC Guidelines ubottu linked you to before speaking again. | 03:32 |
drinkle | GeekSquid: seriously | 03:32 |
SPooN | !guidelines | drinkle | 03:32 |
ubottu | drinkle: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 03:32 |
qwebirc97871 | so whats the verdict nit wit | 03:32 |
GeekSquid | SPooN: I translated drinkle's message from vietnamese, it was really nasty in any language | 03:32 |
drinkle | rww: i highly recommend you and GeekSquid suck a fart out of my asshole. I bet neither of you have ever felt the touch of a woman | 03:32 |
drinkle | fuckin faggots | 03:32 |
SPooN | ohh haha, I can't speak any vietnamese | 03:32 |
FloodBot1 | drinkle: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:32 |
kasper | lol vietnam | 03:32 |
Laban | I need to know how much network bandwidth a process is using, what tool is best for this? | 03:32 |
rww | and there we go. | 03:33 |
em | Hey why would sudo checkinstall be unable to mkdir ? | 03:33 |
GeekSquid | rww: thank you | 03:33 |
SPooN | thank you rww | 03:33 |
shane4ubuntu | Dr_Willis: agreed, yet another reason for me to run from Windows. :) | 03:33 |
em | <---- please look at that error. That's after doing a sudo checkinstall | 03:33 |
r00t4rd3d | hahaha I just translated | 03:33 |
kasper | sudo apt-get remove msconfig | 03:33 |
em | it seems to be saying that make install (with a sudo) cannot mkdir a directory to install into | 03:33 |
arvut | all this virustalk has made me brainstorm about clamav.. can you make it scan a pipe, say from eth0? | 03:33 |
SPooN | em what if you cd to a location and then install into that location? | 03:34 |
Gnea | !nook | 03:34 |
cambo357 | ok, official noob here | 03:34 |
qwebirc97871 | is there anything else I could try | 03:34 |
shane4ubuntu | welcome cambo357 | 03:34 |
SPooN | cambo357, title taken by me sorry | 03:34 |
cp2_4eva | Whassaaaaaaaap??? | 03:34 |
cambo357 | ty, shane | 03:34 |
cambo357 | bwahahaha | 03:35 |
em | i did the ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/racket | 03:35 |
shane4ubuntu | welcome SPooN | 03:35 |
arvut | or wait.. can you route eth0 thru clamscan? | 03:35 |
=== SPooN is now known as SPooN|Official_N | ||
BlueEagle | arvut: I don't think it would be useful to scan eth0 tbh. | 03:35 |
SPooN|Official_N | too long =/ | 03:35 |
Gnea | !welcome | 03:35 |
shane4ubuntu | arvut: that would probably be the way | 03:35 |
kasper | ../configure --prefix=/dev/null | 03:35 |
=== SPooN|Official_N is now known as Official_Noob | ||
Gnea | !ask | 03:35 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 03:35 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: that would seem weird. :) ssh connections and so forth wouldbe encrypted.. | 03:35 |
cp2_4eva | i am an official noob too. | 03:35 |
cp2_4eva | i am building a rig and will be up and running next week | 03:35 |
arvut | true, but virii would not ;) | 03:36 |
Official_Noob | noobs for the win | 03:36 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit you there? | 03:36 |
shane4ubuntu | arvut: but really I don't think eth0 would be a concern unless running a server | 03:36 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, yes | 03:36 |
cambo357 | im gonna pass on building a rig | 03:36 |
qwebirc97871 | I have a 3870x2 | 03:36 |
Dr_Willis | arvut: if scp transfering virus.exe - yes it would be.. | 03:36 |
Official_Noob | I'd love to build my own rig... | 03:36 |
KM0201 | cambo357: why?.. it's the best PC you can get for the money | 03:36 |
BlueEagle | arvut: What you would most likely want is a sniffer on eth0 that detects packages known to be part of malware and then block the originating IP or somesuch. | 03:36 |
cambo357 | i am trying to get it going on an extra lappy | 03:36 |
Official_Noob | I'd make sure not to use some crapping Intel gfx card though >.< | 03:36 |
KM0201 | Official_Noob: i only build my own stuff | 03:36 |
cambo357 | thats an even better deal for no money | 03:36 |
BlueEagle | arvut: That is not something you would want to build into an antivirus package imo. | 03:36 |
KM0201 | cambo357: get what going? | 03:36 |
cambo357 | ubuntu | 03:37 |
arvut | BlueEagle: how about a sniffer that pipes to clamscan? | 03:37 |
KM0201 | cambo357: oh, well just install it.. what probs are you having? | 03:37 |
Official_Noob | ubuntu is fun :D but I miss Window's games and Photoshop =/ | 03:37 |
cambo357 | actually, i have a specific thing in mind that i want, so im testing for now | 03:37 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, okay all I can do is look on google and link the card with ubuntu isn't there a manufactures name | 03:37 |
quiescens | generally scanning an entire interface isn't very worthwhile | 03:37 |
KM0201 | cambo357: oh ok | 03:37 |
shane4ubuntu | !ot | 03:37 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:37 |
nilshero | Hi, i try out ubuntu (10.10) currently. i installed the haskell platform and as extension "Assorted Haskell language documentation (haskell-doc)" Now where is this installed (or how do i open this doc)? | 03:37 |
cambo357 | i think its mostly hardware issues right now | 03:37 |
qwebirc97871 | Its an ATI (made by ATI) ATI brand 3870x2 | 03:37 |
cambo357 | with the biggest factor of me being a noob | 03:38 |
BlueEagle | arvut: You do not want to have clamav perform that type of checks because what is comming trough eth0 is never a file. It is apple and soccer. | 03:38 |
GeekSquid | nilshero: man haskell | 03:38 |
arvut | my idea is to scan all i/o from eth0 with clamav | 03:38 |
BlueEagle | +s | 03:38 |
Dr_Willis | nilshero: /usr/share/doc/ would be my guess.. You could use synaptic, and explore teh details of the package to see what got installed where. | 03:38 |
Official_Noob | cambo357, is there a specific thing not working? | 03:38 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, make sure you tab complete the nick every time I have a lot of things going on | 03:38 |
quiescens | because the scanner would have no idea what is and isn't a file | 03:38 |
cambo357 | i can boot a live usb stick, and poke around | 03:38 |
qwebirc97871 | ahh | 03:38 |
lickalott | anyone care to help me register on the nickserv? | 03:38 |
quiescens | and wouldn't know where a file begins or ends | 03:38 |
GeekSquid | !register | lickalott | 03:38 |
ubottu | lickalott: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 03:38 |
Stevezau | Hrmm.. i have ubuntu 10.10 with ion2 Nvidia card. Im trying to get ac3 passthough to my amp/receiver.. When running mplayer i get an error "Unknown parameter AES0" any ideas | 03:39 |
cambo357 | i then tried to do an install on the same system. part way through, it just hangs | 03:39 |
nilshero | thx Dr_Willis, i get "no entry for haskell" | 03:39 |
nilshero | afaik it is in html format | 03:39 |
quiescens | and then even if it could detect malicious code effectively, which is doubtful | 03:39 |
oneliner | is it ok to go beserk on the software download centre and install gazillion apps and then give them all one single reboot to innit or am i asking for trouble? | 03:39 |
Official_Noob | Stevezau, ac3? | 03:39 |
arvut | BlueEagle: thats true.. but how do i scan the complete file then? | 03:39 |
Pici | oneliner: Thats fine. | 03:39 |
quiescens | it wouldn't be able to warn the user effectively because it doesn't know what file the code belongs to | 03:39 |
quiescens | (if any) | 03:39 |
cambo357 | it might be the hdd thats in it, i was having issues with it with xp | 03:39 |
Stevezau | Official_Noob ac3 audio | 03:39 |
GeekSquid | oneliner: no reboot required... | 03:39 |
nilshero | thx2 Dr_Willis, i try synaptic | 03:40 |
oneliner | GeekSquid: some apps gently request a restart | 03:40 |
Official_Noob | GeekSquid, some apps require reboot | 03:40 |
Pici | Not many. | 03:40 |
lickalott | tks GeekSquid | 03:40 |
BlueEagle | arvut: If you receive a file you scan it when the download is complete. It is fully possible to have downloaders that pass the downloaded files to clamav upon completion. | 03:40 |
GeekSquid | oneliner: Official_Noob: in most cases a reboot is not required | 03:40 |
cambo357 | if i can get LAMP going, i want to run ampache as a music server | 03:40 |
shane4ubuntu | most apps don't require reboot, some system stuff does, kernel etc. | 03:41 |
BlueEagle | cambo357: may suit your needs. | 03:41 |
oneliner | specially those that fiddle with audio controls like jack and midi (am drolling all over the sound and video section :D ) | 03:41 |
arvut | BlueEagle: then wouldnt a route or pipe be required to do so? | 03:41 |
=== Official_Noob is now known as SPooN | ||
sdfgdfsg | hey guys I just barely got ubuntu to boot on my desktop(10.04 lts) but I want to install it, how do I do that? the problem is when i reboot the computer it doesn't give me the choice to install | 03:41 |
BlueEagle | arvut: It would most cleanly be done by a command line scan invocation. | 03:41 |
GeekSquid | oneliner: I perfer you keep the slobber out of the repositories | 03:41 |
nilshero | thx to ubuntu | 03:41 |
seancron | arvut: If you really wanted to make it involved, you could probably forward traffic to a quarantine/holding pen (perhaps in a VM), scan it, and if it's clean, send it on | 03:41 |
cambo357 | Blue, yes, i looked at that as well. seemed good, but i liked the interface of ampache a bit more | 03:42 |
arvut | a sniffer that finds out where new downloads arrive and then tells clamav about it perhaps? | 03:42 |
SPooN | sdfgdfsg, there should be an icon on the desktop called "install" or "install ubuntu | 03:42 |
SPooN | " | 03:42 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: this is not going to be a simple switch at boot line huh | 03:42 |
sdfgdfsg | I want to erase everything on it and just have linux on there, right now I have it booted from cd how do I permanent install it | 03:42 |
bp0 | what package for this bug: ? | 03:42 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, have you ever gotten in | 03:42 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: nope | 03:42 |
chino | anyone here also having issues with the latest ubuntu 11.04, where you go to run an app and it blow you out to login screen | 03:42 |
SPooN | sdfgdfsg, if you eject the CD and boot up what happens? | 03:42 |
BlueEagle | arvut: You are getting very close to !ot tbh. | 03:42 |
sdfgdfsg | SPooN: the problem is I don't see that button, just the cd icon and a dmg looking thing | 03:42 |
shane4ubuntu | sdfgdfsg: should be an Install button on the desktop | 03:42 |
arvut | BlueEagle: but what if i just wanna see whats comming thru and check for ugly stuff? | 03:43 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: I canot get far enough to install | 03:43 |
sdfgdfsg | SPooN: it boots up windows | 03:43 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, I think the xswat ppa is where the drivers are or somewhere else | 03:43 |
SPooN | 7? | 03:43 |
arvut | BlueEagle: oh yeah, i should switch window heh | 03:43 |
dougl | yeah! | 03:43 |
KM0201 | !natty > chino | 03:43 |
ubottu | chino, please see my private message | 03:43 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: is there another switch I could try | 03:43 |
sdfgdfsg | shane4ubuntu: its not showing up there, is there another way to do it? | 03:43 |
sdfgdfsg | SPooN: windows xp | 03:44 |
chrispluns | OfflineIMAP question: I switched to type=Gmail in my rc file and now mutt won't show new emails. Is this normal? | 03:44 |
SPooN | sdfgdfsg, what happens when you click the cd icon and the "dmg thing"? | 03:44 |
shane4ubuntu | sdfgdfsg: hmm, odd you booted off the livecd? | 03:44 |
chino | thanks KM | 03:44 |
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sdfgdfsg | shane4ubuntu: yeah | 03:44 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, I have never had to load any drivers, if it doesn't work for me I just find a distro that does, but Ubuntu has generally always worked | 03:44 |
arvut | BlueEagle: wanna discuss it further in there? im curious on how to do this.. | 03:44 |
GeekSquid | bp0: what version of ubuntu is this happening in? I cannot replicate this issue | 03:44 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: ahh ok, maybe I should give up | 03:45 |
shane4ubuntu | sdfgdfsg: I know there is a way, but I can't remember off the top of my head | 03:45 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: brb trying sometyhing else | 03:45 |
seancron | bah, I'm giving up on usb in virtualbox 4.0 for now. It's just not working | 03:45 |
lickalott | well thats just stupid | 03:45 |
SPooN | !install | 03:45 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 03:45 |
bp0 | GeekSquid, 10.10 | 03:45 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, you might post a thread at the Ubuntu forums you never know | 03:45 |
sdfgdfsg | SPooN: the cd icon pulls up an iso file and the dmg is acutally a .iso and it has a file | 03:45 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: ok ta | 03:45 |
SPooN | !install | sdfgdfsg | 03:45 |
ubottu | sdfgdfsg: please see above | 03:45 |
GeekSquid | bp0: lemme run into the other room | 03:45 |
Jordan_U | sdfgdfsg: I don't quite understand the situation. What happens when you try to boot the Ubuntu LiveCD? | 03:45 |
KM0201 | seancron: hmm, guess i won't be upgrading to it anytime soon, since i use vbox/xp to sync my media players | 03:45 |
lickalott | the email they send you to register on the server has the wrong syntax | 03:45 |
lickalott | business time!!! | 03:46 |
lickalott | whats the best chan for pubuntu talk? | 03:46 |
SPooN | Jordan_U, basically, he can boot Ubuntu fine off LiveCD but apparently doesn't see anything to install | 03:46 |
quiescens | arvut: things like are probably your best bet if you really want an "on-access" antivirus system | 03:46 |
SPooN | !pubuntu | lickalott | 03:46 |
shane4ubuntu | sdfgdfsg: doesn't sound like the disk is burned correctly, and I don't think you really booted off the cd | 03:46 |
lickalott | !pubuntu | 03:46 |
dominicdinada | what is a better mp3 player for ubuntu than rythmbox the prog keeps crashing | 03:46 |
shane4ubuntu | !burn | sdfgdfsg | 03:46 |
ubottu | sdfgdfsg: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 03:46 |
SPooN | dominicdinada, try banshee | 03:46 |
lickalott | neg | 03:46 |
sdfgdfsg | jordan u i click F8 when I start the computer one of the options is "other OS option" and then ubutnu...generic | 03:46 |
SPooN | !mint | spoon | 03:47 |
ubottu | SPooN, please see my private message | 03:47 |
dominicdinada | SPooN: does it support network files ? | 03:47 |
SPooN | dominicdinada, network files in an mp3 player? | 03:48 |
GeekSquid | bp0: gnome-appearance-properties, and I see what you mean | 03:48 |
dominicdinada | ie media server to play from a mp3 player | 03:48 |
SPooN | ohh yes I believe it does | 03:48 |
=== junius is now known as Guest27149 | ||
dominicdinada | k | 03:49 |
dominicdinada | thanks | 03:49 |
Jordan_U | sdfgdfsg: Could you post screenshots / pictures (with a camera) of what you're seeing? | 03:49 |
army | why not try smplayer | 03:49 |
seancron | KM0201: yeah, I need it to transfer ebooks to my Nook using Adobe Digital Editions. I swear I installed everything correctly, but no luck. Maybe you'll have better luck. It was relatively painless to downgrade again | 03:49 |
sdfgdfsg | Jordan_U: I'm trying to burn another cd | 03:50 |
KM0201 | seancron: eh.. 3.2 works great, i'd prefer to leave well enough alone | 03:50 |
SPooN | sdfgdfsg, why...? | 03:50 |
GeekSquid | bp0: effects gnome-control-center , that's one for the gnome guys | 03:50 |
bp0 | GeekSquid, thanks but I can't find that package | 03:50 |
bp0 | ... | 03:50 |
bp0 | ok | 03:50 |
lickalott | has anyone here messed with pubuntu | 03:51 |
shane4ubuntu | Jordan_U: I'm pretty sure he sdfg just burned the iso to the cd not as an image, and booted of something on the disk, from what he was saying | 03:53 |
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GeekSquid | bp0: having 2 people update launchpad gives the bug a little more attention... I also pushed it upstream | 03:55 |
BlueEagle | !pubuntu | 03:57 |
lickalott | no good | 03:57 |
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GeekSquid | lickalott: pubuntu is not an officially recognized derivative, and is offtopic for this channel | 03:58 |
shane4ubuntu | !libreoffice | 03:59 |
GeekSquid | !msgthebot | 03:59 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 03:59 |
lickalott | figured that, but also assumed there would be a chan for it | 03:59 |
shane4ubuntu | thanks GeekSquid didn't know that. | 03:59 |
GeekSquid | shane4ubuntu: np | 04:00 |
Tally | Dual booting ubuntu with Windows XP.. after installation i cant boot into Windows. Just a blinking cursor. What shall I do | 04:00 |
=== Dean is now known as Guest37504 | ||
SPooN | Tally, use Ubuntu | 04:01 |
Tally | no gaems | 04:02 |
Da_Rhyno | Gonna try to install Ubuntu... here goes nothing. | 04:02 |
tonsofpcs | yea, it is pretty much nothing | 04:02 |
adalal | hi, anyone here knows why I can't download vevo videos using youtube-dl? | 04:02 |
tonsofpcs | that's why I run ubuntu not debian, it takes 1/10th the time to setup | 04:03 |
adalal | and if there is another way :P | 04:03 |
cxx | hi.. i keep having crashes running wine in ubuntu 10.10 64... the system wont respond to anything and the game freezes how can i find the source of this problem? | 04:03 |
adalal | cxx: have you looked up on | 04:04 |
GeekSquid | !winehq | cxx we do not support wine!!! | 04:04 |
ubottu | cxx we do not support wine!!!: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 04:04 |
adalal | !youtube-dl | 04:04 |
cxx | thanks | 04:04 |
SPooN | wait wine isn't supported in here? | 04:04 |
SPooN | oO | 04:04 |
sdfgdfsg | hey guys thanks a lot SPooN and shane4ubuntu it turned out I burned it a wierd way I tried again with one of the reccomended programs | 04:04 |
sdfgdfsg | thanks guys ubuntu ftw | 04:04 |
Dr_Willis | we cant support every game that wine can run. | 04:05 |
SPooN | sdfgdfsg, how did you burn in? | 04:05 |
Dr_Willis | thats winehq's area of expertise | 04:05 |
SPooN | Dr_Willis, you can link over to appdb | 04:05 |
adalal | SPooN: wine isn't a support option here :P, it's too complex i suppose | 04:05 |
SPooN | winedb* | 04:05 |
shane4ubuntu | sdfgdfsg: glad you got it | 04:05 |
Dr_Willis | !appdb | 04:05 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 04:05 |
adalal | anyone here know how to download vevo content? | 04:05 |
SPooN | eww vevo | 04:05 |
Aboba | #wine | 04:05 |
SPooN | !torrent | 04:05 |
ubottu | Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 04:05 |
Jeff72834 | i am having problems with installing windows xp as a dual operating system or taking ubuntu off and installing xp then reinstalling xp can anyone help? | 04:06 |
SPooN | !torrent | adalal | 04:06 |
ubottu | adalal: please see above | 04:06 |
adalal | um, torrent? sigh... i was hoping to get a youtube video as is :P | 04:06 |
r00t4rd3d | Jeff72834, windows first then ubuntu | 04:07 |
SPooN | adalal, this way you can just torrent the entire album | 04:07 |
Jeff72834 | new ubuntu user need to install xp as either dual operating system or as sole operating system so can install ubuntu second insted of first Please Help?? | 04:08 |
SPooN | adalal, | 04:08 |
adalal | SPooN: i know what torrents are lol, i was looking into youtube video downloaders | 04:08 |
adalal | nvm | 04:08 |
SPooN | Jeff72834, it is actually recommended to install Ubuntu after windows | 04:08 |
Dr_Willis | thers FF extensions for youube also | 04:08 |
r00t4rd3d | Jeff72834, Install windows xp first , then boot off the ubuntu cd/usb and install ubuntu | 04:08 |
Jeff72834 | yes but system had ubuntu on first | 04:08 |
SPooN | adalal, | 04:08 |
r00t4rd3d | Jeff72834, save your stuff and wipe it clean | 04:09 |
Jeff72834 | and wont let me get to delete partitions on boot from xp cd | 04:09 |
adalal | Jeff72834: you can install windows after ubuntu, but you need to rerun grub installer | 04:09 |
Jeff72834 | how do i re run grub installer | 04:09 |
Jeff72834 | new to ubuntu | 04:09 |
adalal | from the live disk | 04:09 |
sk0rv | can ubunu server handle dhcp for multiple lans? | 04:09 |
adalal | sk0rv: yes | 04:09 |
adalal | use dhcpd | 04:09 |
Jeff72834 | i do like ubuntu os but need xp for other windows programs | 04:09 |
KM0201 | !grub2 | Jeff72834 it's in this link somewhere | 04:09 |
ubottu | Jeff72834 it's in this link somewhere: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 04:10 |
seancron | adalal: I have a couple scripts for youtube downloading/conversion if you're interested | 04:10 |
lahwran | I just have no idea where to go to ask this, so does anyone know where I might go to discuss the nethack dungeon description file format? | 04:10 |
sk0rv | cuz abnormally it has stalled and will need to reboot | 04:10 |
adalal | Jeff72834: one way of doing it is a full ubuntu installation, and if the windows programs you need aren't too demanding, use virtual machines within Ubuntu | 04:10 |
cp2_4eva | im gonna use windows for the games. other than that....nada | 04:10 |
cp2_4eva | I'll be playing league of legends and aion and maybe city of heroes | 04:10 |
cp2_4eva | never wow | 04:10 |
adalal | sk0rv: what do you mean reboot? | 04:11 |
adalal | sk0rv: dhcpd? | 04:11 |
sk0rv | y | 04:11 |
Jeff72834 | microsoft streets and trips is only program that i need if i can get it to run on ubuntu i wont even need windows | 04:11 |
sk0rv | using dhcp3-server | 04:11 |
SPooN | anyone know how much win7 costs right now? | 04:11 |
adalal | sk0rv: if it's dhcpd you need to restart, just put it 'sudo service restart dhcp3-server' | 04:11 |
lahwran | SPooN: more than ubuntu | 04:11 |
adalal | sorry | 04:11 |
adalal | sudo service dhcp3-server restart | 04:12 |
SPooN | lahwran, I miss my games/photoshop/illumination | 04:12 |
lahwran | no idea. | 04:12 |
Jeff72834 | i do have windows on virtual box already installed but can not get to be full screen it is a dell studio and virtual box can be made full screen but it is not filling up computer | 04:12 |
sk0rv | i tried... all remained the same... noip on lans... no internet too ofc | 04:12 |
sk0rv | after reboot all ok | 04:12 |
Dcite | Jeff72834: Was guest additions installed? That's needed for the VM for full screen. | 04:13 |
zomGreg | around $200? | 04:13 |
GeekSquid | Jeff72834: install virtuabox guest additions .. look at my computer, there will be a program which will run from there which will install the video driver for fullscreen | 04:13 |
adalal | sk0rv: that's one option, but that means there's an underlying problem | 04:13 |
Guest37504 | When I dual boot Linux and Windows I install Windows into the first partition and use the Windows NT boot loader. Linux install GRUB into the linux partition. A manual entry into C:/BOOT.INI hidden file is required but I can not remember the entry. I now use virtual machines on Linux instead. | 04:13 |
doobien | Jeff72834, have you tried to install the guest additions from the menu? | 04:13 |
Jeff72834 | no how do i do that? | 04:14 |
sk0rv | i just installed it | 04:14 |
SPooN | | 04:14 |
SPooN | :D 30 seconds left | 04:14 |
GeekSquid | Jeff72834: devices menu | 04:14 |
sk0rv | the server + bind9 + dhcp3-server | 04:14 |
Dcite | Jeff72834: Look at the menus on the top of the VM window while the VM is running, look for the words guest additions | 04:14 |
kcorcoran_ | anyone use ninam? | 04:15 |
SPooN | dang it some idiot bidded more than me... | 04:15 |
adalal | lol | 04:15 |
adalal | how much did you bid for it? | 04:15 |
Stevezau | Ive diabled pulse audio but something is creating a .pulse folder in my home directory... is that normal??? | 04:15 |
adalal | by disabled, uninstalled? | 04:16 |
sk0rv | i used to install ubuntu-desktop on server but this time i'm using shell only | 04:16 |
adalal | nice.. | 04:17 |
adalal | um, does it happen all the time? | 04:17 |
adalal | SPooN: i can sell you a key if you want.. it's an unused MSDNAA key | 04:17 |
Stevezau | adalal yep | 04:17 |
Stevezau | no idea where its coming from.. | 04:17 |
SPooN | adalal, I'm going to stick with Ubuntu for now honestly. | 04:17 |
adalal | Stevezau: you mean yes, you uninstalled? what did you uninstall exactly? | 04:18 |
adalal | SPooN: cool.. | 04:18 |
Culero_ | adalal: lol that you got for free... | 04:18 |
yigal | how large will the linux-source grow upon a normal kernel compile? | 04:18 |
yigal | right now it's at 2.4Gb and growing | 04:18 |
adalal | Culero_: yes, which is why i'm only selling it for £10 or so | 04:18 |
yigal | I have 1gb left | 04:19 |
adalal | Culero_: i could sell the key to someone else for a grand profit | 04:19 |
Stevezau | adalal apt-get remove <everything pulse audio> | 04:19 |
Culero_ | I have such keys... | 04:19 |
yigal | lol | 04:19 |
Jeff72834 | Thank you i have found guest additions under devices and am currently installing and rebooting thanks for the information | 04:19 |
yigal | anyone have an estimate for me? | 04:20 |
yigal | using /boot/config-$(uname -r) as .config | 04:20 |
yigal | with a small tweak | 04:21 |
pangeran_kesepia | hgg | 04:21 |
r00t4rd3d | yigal, open a terminal , sudo apt-get clean , then sudo apt-get autoremove | 04:21 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: already done, ty though | 04:21 |
r00t4rd3d | see if that frees up some space | 04:21 |
ccvp | wow | 04:21 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: no | 04:21 |
ccvp | finally got it to work on ubuntu 10.10 | 04:21 |
ccvp | ps3mediaserver, transcoding to xbox360 | 04:21 |
pangeran_kesepia | hai.. | 04:21 |
ccvp | Streaming another 93gig .ts file now --blue-ray uncompressed | 04:21 |
adalal | Stevezau: run this: which pulseaudio | 04:21 |
ccvp | over WIreless-N | 04:21 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: my /usr/src/ is ~150mb I'll get rid of that if I have to :D | 04:21 |
ccvp | with NO hiccups | 04:21 |
PhonicUK | hey all, what package do i need to install so that Grub can boot ext2 partitions? | 04:22 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: building in ~/src | 04:22 |
SPooN | ccvp nice net.. | 04:22 |
Stevezau | adalal it returns nothing.. | 04:22 |
ccvp | spoon, its really a cool setup | 04:22 |
adalal | Culero_: great, i could do with some cash... :P i am student after all.. | 04:22 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: was hoping someone might know the ~ size I should expecta | 04:22 |
r00t4rd3d | im not sure | 04:22 |
ccvp | Ubuntu 10.10 on Q9300, 6gig ddr3, with 5 2TB hard drives (western digital caviar greens) | 04:22 |
ccvp | streaming movies over wireless N to xbox360 playing on 50" plasma | 04:22 |
adalal | Stevezau: tbh, i wouldn't bother with it much.. it's only a small folder | 04:22 |
jturek | `/win new | 04:23 |
SPooN | ccvp if I had access to that kind of equip I'd try it :P | 04:23 |
ccvp | zero hiccups, even for highest data quality files, ie: blue-ray TS files | 04:23 |
adalal | Stevezau: does it not delete, or does it reappear after deleting? | 04:23 |
r00t4rd3d | yigal, you didnt happen to use wubi to install did you ? | 04:23 |
Stevezau | adalal yeah im just having massive issues with audio at the moment.. so im trying to t-shoot.. | 04:23 |
ccvp | im using this | 04:23 |
ccvp | | 04:23 |
ccvp | works on ubuntu too | 04:23 |
hostile_^ | does anybody have the time to help me with backtrack 4? | 04:23 |
Stevezau | i can delete the folder.. but on reboot its recreated | 04:23 |
adalal | Stevezau: tell me abt it, what kinda problems? | 04:23 |
ccvp | took me 7 hours to get this crap working | 04:23 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: no, why? | 04:23 |
ccvp | had to do all this weird tweaking with codecs etc | 04:23 |
yigal | ccvp: sounds impressive | 04:24 |
r00t4rd3d | your virtual disk would grow if needed. | 04:24 |
Stevezau | Ive got an XS35GT trying to get HDMI passthrough working with AC3 encoded media files.. trying to simply play them in mplayer at the moment | 04:24 |
yigal | r00t4rd3d: no, I'm on an iddy bitty 8gb flash drive | 04:24 |
ccvp | yigal, its taking advantage of technology heh | 04:24 |
JackOfHearts | hi .. any idea how to make ebedded terminal on kde in ubu 10.10? | 04:24 |
hostile_^ | could anybody help me with the airmon-ng command? | 04:24 |
JackOfHearts | embeded | 04:24 |
JackOfHearts | cuz i dont rly ike yakuake | 04:25 |
seancron | how can I add /proc/bus/usb on lucid? | 04:25 |
Stevezau | running ubuntu 10.10.. Pulseaudio does not support passthrough hence why i've removed it. I'm attempting to use alsa. | 04:25 |
JackOfHearts | so any ideas ? | 04:25 |
ccvp | i have a monitor on the streaming PC, and the transcoding buffer status hovers around 23920kb/s current bit-rate | 04:25 |
adalal | hmm | 04:25 |
adalal | Stevezau: so, does the folder not delete at all? or does it reappear? | 04:25 |
seancron | JackOfHearts: | 04:25 |
rs0832 | JackOfHearts, embed a terminal? | 04:25 |
Stevezau | adalal it deletes.. but it reappears on reboot | 04:26 |
=== FyreFoX_ is now known as FyreFoX | ||
Stevezau | oh waiy | 04:26 |
Stevezau | sorry adalal it does not delete.. | 04:26 |
wolf23 | anyone help me how to open jpg.rem files on ubuntu?? | 04:26 |
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperZ-away | ||
Stevezau | rm -rf .pulse does not work.. strange | 04:26 |
adalal | Stevezau: i've had that b4.. i think it's to do with permissions or some file that's dynamic in there | 04:27 |
GeekSquid | wolf23: have you tried renaming them to filename.jpg instead of filename.jpg.rem | 04:27 |
wolf23 | GeekSquid, yes and appears icon with the word jpg | 04:28 |
JackOfHearts | seancron: yeah nice but is for GNOME i do not have gnome or any gtk programs at all | 04:28 |
adalal | Stevezau: try with sudo | 04:28 |
Stevezau | yeah its strange.. no files in the folder at the moment but i still cant delete the folder | 04:28 |
Stevezau | wtf | 04:28 |
Stevezau | adalal im su as root.. | 04:28 |
seancron | JackOfHearts: But do you have compiz? | 04:28 |
GeekSquid | wolf23: see this | 04:29 |
adalal | Stevezau: unhide hidden folders, i suspect there's a fuser file there | 04:29 |
GeekSquid | | 04:29 |
JackOfHearts | seancron: i got kwin + all efects so kinda yes it is compiz | 04:29 |
Stevezau | adalal ls -al should show hidden files right? | 04:29 |
adalal | ye | 04:30 |
snarkster | when updating grub i type sudo update-grub and it responds with grub-probe: error: can not find device for / (is /dev mounted?) this is not showing up in the howto. Any help with this would be great | 04:30 |
Stevezau | yeh no files in there at all.. | 04:30 |
Stevezau | wtf | 04:30 |
Stevezau | drwx------ 2 xbmc xbmc 4096 2011-01-02 15:30 pulse-cTXiTNvKEnYI | 04:30 |
Stevezau | i cant even chmod it | 04:30 |
seancron | JackOfHearts: well here's a kubuntu specific guide | 04:30 |
adalal | Stevezau: is xbmc running? | 04:30 |
rs0832 | wolf23, you have to disable content protection on your phone | 04:31 |
Da_Rhyno | Hey all | 04:31 |
JackOfHearts | seancron: tyvm | 04:31 |
Da_Rhyno | I need some help with this install... | 04:31 |
Stevezau | adalal it's not installed yet.. just trying to get sound setup working first | 04:31 |
Medjai | ah wait i know why | 04:31 |
Da_Rhyno | I am running ubuntu off my USB flash drive, and I wish to install it alongside of Windows... | 04:31 |
Medjai | stupid xchat | 04:31 |
seancron | JackOfHearts: no problem. it's amazing what you can find by googling "kubuntu embed terminal desktop" :P | 04:31 |
Medjai | .search cm 7 | 04:31 |
snarkster | when updating grub i type sudo update-grub and it responds with grub-probe: error: can not find device for / (is /dev mounted?) this is not showing up in the howto. Any help with this would be great | 04:31 |
Da_Rhyno | However, it's not recognizing the other OS. | 04:31 |
adalal | Stevezau: i think the file is being actively modified somehow | 04:32 |
wolf23 | rs0832, wait let me see | 04:32 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: ok well i got a bit further | 04:32 |
wolf23 | GeekSquid, thanx dude i am reading it | 04:32 |
gabe_newell | how do I see how much memory my graphics board have? | 04:32 |
Da_Rhyno | There's no option for "Install alongside other operating systems" | 04:32 |
qwebirc97871 | nit-wit: now crashes when loading the desktop | 04:32 |
JackOfHearts | seancron: i was search but it find only for ubuntu and im freeking hurry to work so :P i already find out nice plasmoid but transparency dont works and fluxbow way dont works becosue screen going black non stop same with conky | 04:32 |
rigved | !usb | Da_Rhyno | 04:32 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 04:32 |
=== mohammad_ is now known as Guest59559 | ||
rigved | Da_Rhyno: are you using this guide? | 04:33 |
Stevezau | adalal you are right. Ive checked the timestamp and it appears its recreated as soon as i delete it | 04:33 |
Stevezau | wonder what is doing it | 04:33 |
adalal | umm | 04:33 |
adalal | u can find out | 04:33 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"? | 04:33 |
gabe_newell | how do I see how much memory my graphics board have? | 04:33 |
=== root is now known as Guest60534 | ||
seancron | JackOfHearts: what's the problem with conky? if it's flickering you might need to double buffer it. | 04:33 |
ActionParsnip | gabe_newell: sudo lshw -C display may tell you | 04:33 |
wolf23 | rs0832, i have content protection disable | 04:33 |
d-arker | existe algun software de facutaracion gratuito y que tenga la opcion de facutaricion electronica ? | 04:34 |
d-arker | buenas noches y feliz año :? | 04:34 |
adalal | Stevezau: try: lsof <filename path and name> | 04:34 |
JackOfHearts | seancron: i use my conky rc from gentoo and it nons top going black going normal going black going normal. its compiz foult but whatever i used plasmoids instead . | 04:34 |
Da_Rhyno | | 04:35 |
rww | !es | d-arker | 04:35 |
ubottu | d-arker: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 04:35 |
ActionParsnip | gabe_newell: sudo apt-get install sysinfo seems to do the job ;) | 04:35 |
Stevezau | hmm | 04:35 |
Stevezau | lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/xbmc/.gvfs | 04:35 |
adalal | thought it would be something to do with fuse | 04:35 |
seancron | JackOfHearts: conky works fine with me on compiz. you might need to double buffer it. see #3 here | 04:35 |
Stevezau | d????????? ? ? ? ? ? .gvfs wtf is that?? | 04:35 |
quiescens | no no | 04:35 |
shafiq_ | Does anyone know of a program that will allow me to control a users Desktop remotely (with their permission) in order to trouble shoot with them? Does FreeNX allow the user to see what I would be doing on their desktop? | 04:36 |
quiescens | that's just lsof complaining about the .gvfs stuff in the home directory | 04:36 |
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - | 04:36 |
Stevezau | not to sure what fuse is.. | 04:36 |
JackOfHearts | seean i will but not now need go to work asap just need this term and im off but i will work on it later i setup this ubu/kubu yestarday so not rly got time to tweak it right | 04:36 |
Stevezau | sorry new to ubuntu | 04:36 |
quiescens | lsof tries to stat all open files, and will show that failure | 04:36 |
adalal | Stevezau: dont worry about that | 04:36 |
Da_Rhyno | and mind you, it doesn't come up with the Welcome Window that it was supposed to come up when I boot up. | 04:37 |
francisco | hi | 04:37 |
quiescens | that isn't to do with your pulse thingy | 04:37 |
francisco | which browser is the fastest? | 04:37 |
Stevezau | adalal can i disable it from creating .pulse? | 04:37 |
Tally | Dual booting ubuntu with Windows XP.. after installation i cant boot into Windows. Just a blinking cursor. What shall I do | 04:37 |
adalal | Da_Rhyno: doesn't come up with all the bloatware either | 04:37 |
Da_Rhyno | ? | 04:37 |
adalal | Stevezau: i wouldn't worry about that... | 04:37 |
adalal | Stevezau: have u installed xbmc yet? | 04:37 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Is there any output from "sudo os-prober"? | 04:37 |
dcyber09 | anyone who knows how to move current group to another group :\ | 04:38 |
adalal | dcyber09: by that u mean, change groups? change stuff in /etc/passwd | 04:38 |
Stevezau | adalal nah | 04:38 |
dcyber09 | lemme try | 04:38 |
dcyber09 | o.O | 04:38 |
adalal | Stevezau: strange, cuz it shows signs that xbmc has been on that machine | 04:38 |
Stevezau | i did on another build but it didnt work as my audio system is not working correctly | 04:38 |
Da_Rhyno | yeah.... sda1: Windows Vista (loader):Windows:chain | 04:38 |
melvinram | What's the best way to learn and become an expert in ubuntu servers? specifically for hosting high-availability websites | 04:38 |
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Stevezau | hmm maybe i installed and uninstalled it | 04:39 |
Stevezau | cant rem.. ive done so many things the past 2 days | 04:39 |
Da_Rhyno | sda2 & sda3 are Windows 7 (loader):Windows1:chain and Windows2:chain | 04:39 |
adalal | melvinram: just do it | 04:39 |
rs0832 | melvinram, just try stuff out and see the guides at | 04:39 |
adalal | Stevezau: try sudo apt-get purge xbmc* | 04:39 |
rigved | Tally: does the grub menu come up when you boot up? | 04:39 |
GeekSquid | melvinram: this would be a good place to start, as would google... but first learn your way around linux/ubuntu and bash | 04:39 |
quiescens | Stevezau: try: lsof | grep .pulse and see if it can tell you what's accesing .pulse | 04:39 |
dcyber09 | adalal : i dont understand :\ can u give me an example | 04:39 |
melvinram | There is no structured guide to helping someone get up to speed? | 04:40 |
Tally | rigved, yes. when i select Windows XP i just get a blinking cursor | 04:40 |
adalal | dcyber09: what do you wanna do? change groups for a file? or for a user? | 04:40 |
Jordan_U | Tally: Can you run boot info script as explained here: and pastebin the RESULTS.txt? | 04:40 |
rigved | melvinram: there are paid guides at beginlinux | 04:40 |
melvinram | rigved: thanks. that might be more of what i'm looking for | 04:41 |
dcyber09 | adalal : change froups for a user of course | 04:41 |
rigved | melvinram: you are welcome | 04:41 |
rs0832 | melvinram, also, | 04:41 |
Da_Rhyno | Yet, when I go into the installer, all I see are "Erase and use the entire disk" and "Specify partitions manually" | 04:42 |
adalal | dcyber09: you are using a desktop with gui right? | 04:42 |
melvinram | rs0832: jackpot! thanks | 04:42 |
dcyber09 | no | 04:42 |
rs0832 | melvinram, :) | 04:42 |
dcyber09 | adalal : i currently useing ubuntu server | 04:42 |
Stevezau | 2 secs.. just rebooting after purge | 04:42 |
adalal | dcyber09: the file with all the groups and users are /etc/group and /etc/passwd | 04:42 |
adalal | change the user group id in /etc/passwd to match the group in /etc/group that you want to place the user in | 04:43 |
Da_Rhyno | rigved - I was using the guide on the ubuntu website, where the downloads lead to. | 04:43 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Well, your hard drive already has 4 primary partitions, which would make it difficult to add another for Ubuntu. | 04:43 |
dcyber09 | adalal : i see | 04:43 |
dcyber09 | adalal : thanks xD | 04:43 |
ActionParsnip | adalal: why not just use usermod, far safer | 04:43 |
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - what I don't understand is how all those partitions got there in the first place. | 04:43 |
dcyber09 | usermod ? | 04:44 |
Dr_Willis | ive seen windows7 installs with 4 primary partitions. | 04:44 |
adalal | dcyber09: i was jus gonna say, be careful of file permissions.. but actionparsnip's idea is far better | 04:44 |
Da_Rhyno | Dr_Willis - That's normal, then? | 04:44 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Some OEMs make idiotic decisions. | 04:44 |
rigved | melvinram: that ubuntu guide is also available in your /usr/ folder | 04:44 |
dcyber09 | well i accept all advice | 04:44 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: not sure if its normal.. but the HP desktop i got over xmas was that way. | 04:44 |
dcyber09 | ActionParsnip : hows do that using usermod :) | 04:44 |
Stevezau | ok | 04:44 |
Stevezau | i think the fucker has gone | 04:45 |
Da_Rhyno | This is an msi laptop... | 04:45 |
Dr_Willis | (windows /boot equiliv) (windows) (some system rescue) (and somthing else) | 04:45 |
Stevezau | i did a apt-get purge pulse* | 04:45 |
Jordan_U | !language | Stevezau | 04:45 |
ubottu | Stevezau: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 04:45 |
cryptodira | i am getting a BUNCH resource temporarily unavailable errors..... when trying to launch things.... like xchat, htop, browsers...what could be causing this? 10.04/amd64/toshiba satellite | 04:45 |
Dr_Willis | win7 dosent need that /boot equilivent. but not sure of a proper way to remove it. | 04:45 |
Da_Rhyno | So is there any way I can clean this mess up without losing anything? | 04:45 |
Stevezau | adalal thanks for your help.. it removed gnome as well so ill have to reinstall it | 04:45 |
melvinram | rigved: gotcha. I'll probably use the web version since I'm going to setup a virtual server at rackspace cloud to play with it | 04:45 |
Da_Rhyno | Or install ubuntu without losing anything? | 04:46 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: personally with hd's sop cheap. I just buy a 2nd hd for any machine im going to convert to linux only. and keep the winhd somewher safe | 04:46 |
Da_Rhyno | This is a laptop though. | 04:46 |
adalal | Stevezau: sorry abt that :S didn't realise xbmc would remove gnome.. shouldve come up as a warning of thigns it will remove.. | 04:46 |
Dr_Willis | examine whats on teh aprtition. and back one up perhaps. or backup the whold hd to a usb hd. | 04:46 |
Dr_Willis | my laptop had spaces for 2 hd's :) | 04:46 |
Da_Rhyno | I already backed up everything. | 04:47 |
dcyber09 | thanks~ | 04:47 |
adalal | Stevezau: did u try installing the xbmc desktop thing? | 04:47 |
adalal | lol | 04:47 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: If you don't ever use recovery partitions then you can remove that. | 04:47 |
Da_Rhyno | I don't. How can I? | 04:47 |
Stevezau | adalal no? | 04:48 |
Stevezau | when i did apt-get purge pulse it also purged half of gnome :P | 04:48 |
Da_Rhyno | Mind you, the recovery partition is very small. | 04:48 |
adalal | Stevezau: im surprised in that case.. but didn't you get a list of things it'd remove? | 04:49 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: you ould resize the others to make it bigger | 04:49 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Size doesn't matter, it's the need for a primary partition. | 04:49 |
adalal | Stevezau: i said purge xbmc.. not pulse | 04:49 |
adalal | lol | 04:49 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: And if you replace the recovery partition with an extended one you can create as many additional partitions as you want, which is one of the reasons why it's particularly stupid for an OEM to ship 4 primary partitions (none of which are extended). | 04:50 |
Stevezau | adalal yeah i know.. but i thought id do pulse as well :P | 04:50 |
Da_Rhyno | Ah... | 04:51 |
deepsix | Hey, I am using Ubuntu 10.04LTS with Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu built into it | 04:51 |
pauly | Whoa | 04:51 |
Da_Rhyno | I haive to figure out which partition is which. | 04:51 |
Da_Rhyno | have* | 04:51 |
deepsix | after a period of time, the display randomly blacks out | 04:51 |
shafiq_ | m0zes blunden: I guess the lack of moving parts (swinging keyboard) makes up for the "plasticky" nature of the Galaxy compared to the Desire. A case will cover it up nicely too, I think? | 04:51 |
pauly | Hey everyone | 04:51 |
adalal | Stevezau: it would.. certain gnome things ahve a pulse as a dependency | 04:51 |
deepsix | not sure what to do. | 04:51 |
shafiq_ | Does anyone know of a program that will allow me to control a users Desktop remotely (with their permission) in order to trouble shoot with them? Does FreeNX allow the user to see what I would be doing on their desktop? | 04:51 |
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - if it says "boot, diag" for certain Flags, does that mean that's the bootstrap of my OS? | 04:52 |
adalal | shafiq_: ssh? | 04:52 |
Da_Rhyno | and what does "diag" mean? | 04:52 |
ActionParsnip | shafiq_: I believe so, ubuntu also comes with vino by default and you can vnc to the same desktop (use an SSH tunnel if you are assisting over the web) | 04:52 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Diagnostics, i.e. a bootable partition with diagnostic utilities. | 04:53 |
Da_Rhyno | Ah... okay. | 04:53 |
Da_Rhyno | Did you see that list I pastebin'ed like you asked for? | 04:53 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Yes. | 04:53 |
Da_Rhyno | I'm trying to figure out which partitions are what. | 04:53 |
deepsix | #twil | 04:54 |
shafiq_ | adalal ActionParsnip: any tutorials on how to set that up? | 04:54 |
BlackWeb | has anyone ever used the HP BAckup utility that backs up in FBW | 04:54 |
Da_Rhyno | And furthermore, figure out what partition I can delete so I can use it for Ubuntu | 04:54 |
BlackWeb | or know of the HP channel | 04:54 |
james__ | hey | 04:55 |
Da_Rhyno | brb... | 04:55 |
TroN-0074 | can sombody please tell me how to select KDE session from terminal? I have removed gnome and now I cant get in | 04:55 |
james__ | does any1 know if umbntu has a game creator? | 04:55 |
Dr_Willis | TroN-0074: you cant sleect it from teh KDM menus when you login? | 04:56 |
TroN-0074 | no it appears empty | 04:56 |
lickalott | most of you guys using xchat or konversation? | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis | TroN-0074: thats odd. You did install kubuntu-desktop package? | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis | TroN-0074: theres on /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop ? | 04:57 |
TroN-0074 | I did install it from synaptic | 04:57 |
james__ | dr .willis can u see this? | 04:57 |
cryptodira | i am getting a BUNCH resource temporarily unavailable errors..... when trying to launch things.... like xchat, htop, browsers...what could be causing this? 10.04/amd64/toshiba satellite | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis | james__: we see you | 04:58 |
james__ | ok can you help me when your done | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis | ask the question o the channel and see who can answer.. thats the best way | 04:59 |
JackOfHearts | last question any other than konsole qt based term emu? | 04:59 |
francisco | cryptodira Did u installed over an older install? | 04:59 |
JackOfHearts | tryng to google and aptiutude something but witout succes only gtk | 04:59 |
Da_Rhyno | ib | 05:00 |
Da_Rhyno | I'm on my Windows 7 OS now... | 05:00 |
TroN-0074 | I am in terminal mode, how can I install gnome back? or how can I configure kde so it will boot into that session? | 05:01 |
spetrea | TroN-0074: CTRL+ALT+F7 ? | 05:01 |
Dr_Willis | TroN-0074: try a sudo apt-get isntall kubuntu-desktop | 05:01 |
cryptodira | francisco: fresh install on a new laptop.... has been working with no problems for over a month... this just started yesterday and is getting progressively worse....reboot, makes things ok for a short time...then the errors start | 05:01 |
JackOfHearts | TroN-0074: sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop | 05:01 |
TroN-0074 | I did that Dr_willis and it says that the one installed is already the newest | 05:02 |
spetrea | TroN-0074: CTRL+ALT+F7 ? | 05:02 |
nit-wit | qwebirc97871, sorry man wasn't ignoring you | 05:02 |
Dr_Willis | TroN-0074: do you have /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop ? | 05:02 |
JackOfHearts | TroN-0074: or stop using lame gnome .. if u like gtk use xfce way better | 05:02 |
Da_Rhyno | Do you all still have that pastebin I put in here? | 05:02 |
Da_Rhyno | I need the link please. | 05:02 |
TroN-0074 | installing ubuntu desktop right now hope that works | 05:04 |
aksh1 | hi all,i did git clone a month back after this new branch is merged at server how to sync with this new branch to locally | 05:05 |
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - can you give me that link I posted earlier? the pastebin? | 05:05 |
james__ | are htere any game creators for umbuntu??? | 05:05 |
Da_Rhyno | I'm trying to match up disk drives with partitions | 05:05 |
ActionParsnip | james__: sure, look into penumbra and urban terror. ID software also love linux | 05:05 |
voronika | james: yea, there's this el8 game | 05:05 |
voronika | it's called Nibbles | 05:05 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: | 05:05 |
ActionParsnip | !games | james__ | 05:05 |
ubottu | james__: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and and | 05:05 |
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - thanks | 05:06 |
james__ | nibbles is the same thing as snake im looking 4 something that i can make the whole game | 05:06 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: You're welcome. | 05:06 |
Dr_Willis | that wouyld be a 'programing language' :) to create a game with... | 05:06 |
rs0832 | james__, you want a gui to make the game? | 05:07 |
Da_Rhyno | Huh... This is... a minor annoyance. | 05:07 |
james__ | but do i need any softwareoranything to create them | 05:07 |
Dr_Willis | Lots of little games written in python. Theres teh python game of the week site. with lots of examples, | 05:07 |
Da_Rhyno | The partitions I got from Linux don't match the partition sizes listed in Windows. | 05:07 |
cryptodira | worse than the resource errors outlined above, items on the menu bar disappear when clicked on and do not launch.... thoughts/solutions?? | 05:07 |
ch0ta | im getting an error on grub2 while trying to boot ubuntu | 05:08 |
james__ | so look at python stuff | 05:08 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: could be ones using MiB vs MB. ie: 1000gb vs 1024 and so on. | 05:08 |
ch0ta | it says i have to load the kernel | 05:08 |
blob4000 | hey, anyone here on an acer aspire one? | 05:08 |
ch0ta | this happens right after backtrack installs | 05:08 |
james__ | my broinlaw said he thought there was a game creation software on umbuntu | 05:08 |
rs0832 | james__, | 05:08 |
Da_Rhyno | Yeah | 05:08 |
rs0832 | james__, but you still need to program | 05:08 |
JackOfHearts | nvm pyqonsole worsk fine ty and ttyl pps | 05:09 |
Da_Rhyno | 'cause the main drive is 172GB according to Windows, and the backup drive is 115GB | 05:09 |
james__ | so i can go to | 05:09 |
francisco | james_ if u are gamer u must switch to windows | 05:09 |
francisco | is better for gaming | 05:09 |
A[D]minS | Dears , if the sar average output for rxdrop/s is 1.60 , dose it mean i've a network issue? | 05:09 |
Da_Rhyno | I'm guessing the main drive then is #3 and the backup is #4 | 05:09 |
james__ | then whtas umbuntu 4? | 05:10 |
Dr_Willis | !ubuntu | 05:10 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 05:10 |
Da_Rhyno | Does that sound about right? | 05:10 |
=== CripperZ-away is now known as CripperZ | ||
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - Partition 4 is the backup drive. | 05:13 |
ambrosius | Dr_Willis: now you made him flee the channel ;-) | 05:13 |
Dr_Willis | ambrosius: darn! we all know ubuntu is teh 3 clicks and you got Portal5 written OS... | 05:13 |
Da_Rhyno | So how could I change that from a primary, so that way I can install Ubuntu? | 05:13 |
ambrosius | Dr_Willis: hehe | 05:13 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: delete it and remake it as a extended. and put logicals in it. | 05:13 |
Jordan_U | Da_Rhyno: Even if the windows terminalogy is "Drive letters" partitions are never "drives". | 05:14 |
Matt_____ | I need some help with getting my wireless adaptor to connect. can anyone help? | 05:14 |
Da_Rhyno | Jordan_U - my bad. | 05:14 |
Da_Rhyno | Dr_Willis - As noobish as a question this may be, how do I do that? | 05:15 |
Da_Rhyno | (I wasn't expecting to run into this much trouble trying to install Linux) | 05:15 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: gparted or fdisk, just delete it.. then make a new one.. of the type extended | 05:15 |
KM0201 | Matt_____: whats your wireless device? | 05:16 |
blob4000 | anyone else have an acer aspire one netbook running ubuntu? | 05:16 |
Matt_____ | linksys wusb54g | 05:16 |
KM0201 | me neither | 05:16 |
Blue1 | blob4000: I do | 05:17 |
blob4000 | Blue1, | 05:17 |
blob4000 | have you tried out the microphone input much? | 05:17 |
Matt_____ | km0201 it shows there is a network but ir will not connect to it. | 05:17 |
KM0201 | hmm | 05:18 |
GeekSquid | blob4000: clue alsamixer | 05:18 |
Blue1 | blob4000: no I use a use headset. | 05:18 |
KM0201 | Matt_____: are you sure your router isn't locking you out for some reason? (mac filtering, etc.) | 05:18 |
Matt_____ | the direct connection works. password and mac address are correct | 05:19 |
Matt_____ | I don't see any reason that it should not work | 05:19 |
blob4000 | thanks | 05:19 |
KM0201 | i dunno | 05:20 |
GeekSquid | blob4000: is that what you needed? | 05:20 |
aksh1 | hi all, i am refering to create a ubuntu 11.04 image for beagle using rootstock.can anyone tell me how to enable cache mechanism so that for next build i can refer local packages | 05:20 |
blob4000 | not sure yet - going to test things out | 05:20 |
lickalott | Matt_____ what have you tried so far? | 05:20 |
GeekSquid | aksh1: 11.04 is not released and not stable ... take any questions to #ubuntu+1 | 05:20 |
aksh1 | GeekSquid, thanks ok i will use 10.10 | 05:21 |
aksh1 | in that case how to enable cache mechnism | 05:21 |
Matt_____ | I tried to update the driver and I am having trouble editing the config file as one web site suggested | 05:21 |
Matt_____ | all the tests for the configs show things are correct | 05:22 |
UbuntuLily | Is there a terminal command to download a url and save it to a specified folder? Ie: wget /home/pic/mypic.jpg? | 05:22 |
UbuntuLily | lol,,,, it is wget isn't it | 05:23 |
aksh1 | UbuntuLily, yes use wget | 05:23 |
james__ | are there any gamecube emulators for umbunt | 05:23 |
james__ | u?? | 05:23 |
ambrosius | ubuntu not umbunu | 05:23 |
KM0201 | !illegal > james__ | 05:23 |
ubottu | james__, please see my private message | 05:23 |
Dr_Willis | james__: Yes i think thers 1 or 2 of them. | 05:23 |
bluezonemobile | Probably not | 05:23 |
Dr_Willis | no idea if they are in the repos or not. | 05:23 |
fmn2010-ylmf | anyone has used Lubuntu? | 05:24 |
Dr_Willis | fmn2010-ylmf: lubuntu works decently well. | 05:24 |
pocoyo | Dr_Willis: 在这里谈雨淋麻风的, 要被tjjtds lol ;-) | 05:24 |
bluezonemobile | Theorethically speaking they aren't illegal if u own the console and the games | 05:24 |
fmn2010-ylmf | but i can't make work well | 05:24 |
GeekSquid | UbuntuLily: cd into the directory where you want the file to go then run wget http://url/mypic.jpg | 05:24 |
fmn2010-ylmf | u speak chinese? | 05:24 |
GeekSquid | !cn | fmn2010-ylmf | 05:25 |
ubottu | fmn2010-ylmf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 05:25 |
pocoyo | GeekSquid: 在这里谈雨淋麻风的, 要被tjjtds lol ;-) | 05:25 |
pocoyo | ubottu: 在这里谈雨淋麻风的, 要被tjjtds lol ;-) | 05:25 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:25 |
bluezonemobile | But I never even found a good one for windows | 05:25 |
KM0201 | true. | 05:25 |
rs0832 | james__, i have heard of tuxcube and dolphin.. never used them though | 05:25 |
rww | what is ylmf, anyway? | 05:26 |
pocoyo | rww: 在这里谈雨淋麻风的, 要被tjjtds lol ;-) | 05:26 |
fmn2010-ylmf | it seems that Lubuntu dosen't support Chinese well | 05:26 |
rww | pocoyo: turn that off. | 05:26 |
fmn2010-ylmf | ylmf is good | 05:26 |
pocoyo | fmn2010-ylmf: 在这里谈雨淋麻风的, 要被tjjtds lol ;-) | 05:26 |
fmn2010-ylmf | wow | 05:27 |
fmn2010-ylmf | tnks | 05:27 |
Matt_____ | got to go thnks for the attemp all | 05:27 |
snake | where is xorg.conf? | 05:30 |
rs0832 | snake, you have to create it,... there are a few howtos for this on the net | 05:30 |
seancron | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:30 |
GeekSquid | snake: depricated | 05:31 |
snake | rs0832, so if I only have one thing to put in it, I just make it? | 05:31 |
snake | -_- | 05:31 |
snake | GeekSquid, whats wrong with it? | 05:31 |
blob4000 | thanks for the help. the mic boost kept getting turned all the way up by skype. problem wasn't alsa :) | 05:31 |
blob4000 | i'm very happy with ubuntu, by the way :P | 05:32 |
snake | ubottu, !depricated | 05:32 |
GeekSquid | snake: it has been depricated by Xorg, nothing wrong, and yes it will still override the automatic config, but like I said it is no longer the standard way of doing things | 05:32 |
snake | oh mmkay | 05:32 |
rww | deprecated ;P | 05:32 |
GeekSquid | rww: pardon my typo | 05:32 |
snake | now that I made that file with my own setting, do I have to restart x? | 05:34 |
rww | !ping | 05:34 |
ubottu | ping-pong, a fun game for all the family | 05:34 |
luisduque440 | ?¡?¡ | 05:34 |
luisduque440 | wtf ? | 05:34 |
KM0201 | lol | 05:34 |
rww | !list | 05:34 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 05:34 |
GeekSquid | !sex | 05:34 |
ubottu | Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct | 05:34 |
GeekSquid | !gender | 05:34 |
ubottu | yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) | 05:34 |
bastidrazor | snake: just log out then back in. | 05:34 |
GeekSquid | that is the one I wanted | 05:35 |
snake | cool | 05:35 |
rww | !throw me a test | 05:35 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:35 |
rww | !give me a test | 05:35 |
* robinbowes gives me Kylie Minogue | 05:35 | |
ubottu | Oh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users! | 05:35 |
rww | This concludes the rww-testing-for-bots portion of this test. We now return you to your original programming. | 05:35 |
* GeekSquid runs an fsck on rww | 05:35 | |
rww | robinbowes: Turn that off, please. | 05:35 |
Stevezau | ahh found it.. gnome-settings-daemon keeps creating the .pulse folder | 05:37 |
ActionParsnip | exit | 05:37 |
UBUxUBU | it appears that ubuntu cannot read files saved in a fat16 thunm drive, has anyone tried this? | 05:37 |
UBUxUBU | thumb* | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | UBUxUBU: it should be able to read fat16 just fine | 05:38 |
UBUxUBU | hmmm gettign error message | 05:38 |
rs0832 | UBUxUBU, it reads fat16 fine from an hd | 05:38 |
Dr_Willis | and the message is? | 05:38 |
UBUxUBU | unreadable | 05:38 |
Dr_Willis | how are you mounting it? | 05:38 |
UBUxUBU | i plug it in and it shows as mounted already | 05:38 |
UBUxUBU | cos the only option is unmount | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | try accessing it from the command line, check fdisk -l output also., try accessing it as root user. | 05:39 |
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO | ||
=== ubuntu_ is now known as nawk | ||
UBUxUBU | file is an unknown type | 05:41 |
GeekSquid | UBUxUBU: filetype? what is it? | 05:41 |
UBUxUBU | it thinks the files i a shortcut | 05:41 |
Dr_Willis | UBUxUBU: be more clear in exactly what youa re doing. | 05:41 |
=== keith___ is now known as keith- | ||
TroN-0074 | o.k. got kde working thank you all | 05:42 |
pw-toxic | hi, i have an issue with backintime .. im making hourly backups of my important file.. since i'm a web developer using php I have to deal with a LOT of files | 05:42 |
pw-toxic | each backup has probably about 250 000 files | 05:42 |
pw-toxic | when i want to delete the backups of one day (24 hourly backup) thd deleting process takes VERY long.. can i speed this up? | 05:42 |
snake | Yeah that file kinda made my xserver not want to start. | 05:42 |
pw-toxic | im using the command rm -r 20101002 | 05:43 |
UBUxUBU | it stick flash drive in usb port, i see the windows pop up showing the files, i clcik on the files to read them, then i get the message unknown file -shortcut | 05:43 |
UBUxUBU | unknown file type | 05:43 |
UBUxUBU | it thinks the files is a shortcut | 05:43 |
Ichi` | I have a question, im running ubuntu server 10.04, I cant seem to get openssh server | 05:43 |
Ichi` | to log at all (trying to get a fail2ban setup), I have the settings in sshd_config set | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | UBUxUBU: you have a file named '-shortcut' ? | 05:43 |
Ichi` | to SyslogFacility AUTH and LogLevel VERBOSE, but nothing is being logged to | 05:43 |
Ichi` | /var/log/auth.log | 05:43 |
Ichi` | Shit, sorry for the paste messup | 05:44 |
FloodBot1 | Ichi`: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:44 |
h00k | Ichi`: please watch the language as well | 05:44 |
UBUxUBU | no my buddy does, he gave me this thumb drive to figure out why he cant get at his files | 05:44 |
rs0832 | UBUxUBU, what was _supposed to be on the drive? | 05:44 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: unfortuneately no, I'm thinking you should tar the thing as a backup, then you only have to delete one file per 24hour period | 05:44 |
juk | hi, is there any rules on how big should be change to release software update? or it's just up to maintainer? | 05:44 |
UBUxUBU | some chart my buddy keeps on some of his home issues | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | UBUxUBU: files that begin with a - in the name can cause issues. | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | at the start of the name at least | 05:44 |
Jeff72834 | installed microsoft streets and trips on virtural box windows xp os but gps usb reciever not recognized anyone have any idea on this problem? | 05:45 |
Ichi` | Okay. Well does anyone have any idea what could be the problem? the VPS's ubu server install was minimal,but i mean ssh is running fine apart from the logging problem | 05:45 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, how can i tell backintime to make tars? | 05:45 |
UBUxUBU | i think he copied a shortcut on a windows computer instead of doin a proper file transfer | 05:45 |
Jeff72834 | installed microsoft streets and trips on virtural box windows xp os but gps usb reciever not recognized anyone have any idea on this problem? | 05:45 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, oh i think this one wont work because it is making inkremental backups with hardlinks.. and this wont work with tars | 05:46 |
jynks | Hey guys | 05:46 |
UBUxUBU | i see 3306-39f3-files browser listed also | 05:46 |
rww | Jeff72834: The version of Virtualbox in Ubuntu's repositories doesn't support USB peripherals. You'd need to get the full version ("VirtualBox Extension Pack" from | 05:46 |
keith- | ok so i got ubuntu installed on my laptop. however, i had issue with the live disk freezing up and now it locks up even faster with the actual install. almost as soon as i log in it locks up | 05:46 |
jynks | gpot a fresh install of xubuntu but i get no sound from the HDMI cable | 05:46 |
keith- | at first i thought it was my video locking ubuntu up, but i went into recovery mode with failsafe graphics and it still happened. any suggestions? it completely locks up. no mouse movement nothing. sometimes the screen just goes purple with what looks like pinstripes | 05:46 |
GeekSquid | juk: usually up to the maintainer - ubuntu's policy is critical (as in security related) first, then bugs, which get pushed to proposed-updates | 05:46 |
jynks | dosn't anyone have any idea | 05:46 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, im deleting backups of one day for 45 minutes now and i have left 70 more days to delete... ;/ this looks to be a task for several weeks just to delete something.. | 05:46 |
jynks | I have followed a few threads about pulse audio and alsamixder but i still can not seam to get it to work | 05:47 |
UBUxUBU | ill bet this zipperhead dragged his desktop icon into this thumb drive instead of dragging the files themselves | 05:47 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: must be one heck of an application/ data-store | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis | UBUxUBU: check the size of the file. | 05:47 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: seems like using a diff based backup might better than backing up the whole thing everyday | 05:48 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, well i have a lot of webpages and all of them use Zend Framework.. one website has about 17k files ;)) | 05:48 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, i back up every hour ;)) | 05:48 |
r00t4rd3d | what font and size do you guys use for xchat ? | 05:48 |
UBUxUBU | propertied say it had nothing on it | 05:48 |
UBUxUBU | properties | 05:48 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: is there that much change from hour to hour | 05:48 |
Ichi` | I have a question, im running ubuntu server 10.04, I cant seem to get openssh server to log (I have SyslogFacility AUTH and LogLevel VERBOSE, but when i login to ssh i dont get anytihng logged to /var/log/auth.log | 05:48 |
ambrosius | r00t4rd3d: 8 | 05:48 |
ambrosius | or 9 | 05:48 |
jynks | sorry this is ubuntu chat i meant xubuntu sorry | 05:48 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, no but when i work and i accidently delete something or do something wrong, i know i have an backup i can use | 05:49 |
xnixan | Hi, is there any command line tool to reduce image size? | 05:49 |
* skraito say hi all | 05:49 | |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: and how much space is your 250k files taking up? | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis | xnixan: the imagemagik package has such tools | 05:49 |
UBUxUBU | i think this brainiac buddy of mine tried to click and drag a desktop icon to a flash drive cos ubuntu says there is nothing on it | 05:50 |
xnixan | Dr_Willis, i will check it, thanks! | 05:50 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, hm not that much.. maybve 300MB or something? | 05:50 |
juk | GeekSquid: i see | 05:50 |
Jeff72834 | i have an error while extracting virtual box extensions just gives me an error occured while extracting files | 05:51 |
ambrosius | pw-toxic: then reiser-fs may be a good filesystem for you. should be faster that ext4 with so many files | 05:51 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: recommend making 2 copies, 1 testing, 1 live, make changes to the testing version revert to live when you f-up | 05:51 |
pw-toxic | ambrosius looks like i need to reorganize everything i have done so far ;) | 05:51 |
Jeff72834 | i have an error while extracting virtual box extensions just gives me an error occured while extracting files | 05:52 |
ambrosius | pw-toxic: you are developing on a linux box? most web guys have a mac | 05:52 |
pw-toxic | ambrosius, i'm developing on windows using eclipse writing my files via samba on my ubuntu file server ;) | 05:53 |
GeekSquid | Jeff72834: please take your question to #vbox ... a little better suited to that channel | 05:53 |
ambrosius | pw-toxic: oh i see | 05:53 |
francisco | oigan | 05:53 |
francisco | alguien sabe como mandar pidgin a systray cuando le doy en cerrar? | 05:53 |
GeekSquid | !es | francisco | 05:53 |
ubottu | francisco: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 05:53 |
francisco | somebody knows how to send pidgin to systray? | 05:54 |
pw-toxic | ambrosius, i hav 4 monitors in front of me using two different garphic cards (ATI and NVIDIA). This seems to be complicated with ubuntu ;) | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | !info alltray | 05:54 |
ubottu | alltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | francisco: may be a plugin for that . or try alltray | 05:54 |
pw-toxic | ambrosius, anyways i watch original Blu-Rays on my computer.. so ubuntu fails on that one too ;( | 05:54 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: did you see my last post to you? | 05:54 |
ambrosius | pw-toxic: haven't tried with more than one monitor yet | 05:55 |
francisco | pw-toxic why to watch bluray on monitor | 05:55 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, i do this anyways! but when i do something wrong in testing and i want a previous verison i can just use it | 05:55 |
pw-toxic | francisco, i have 37" full hd monitor on my computer ;) | 05:55 |
francisco | omg | 05:56 |
francisco | u are rich | 05:56 |
pw-toxic | francisco, why rich? it only costs 500€ | 05:56 |
rww | fnord fnord ylmf fnord | 05:56 |
jbrouhard | Just need to confirm something.. Ubuntu 10.10 still usess metacity right ? | 05:56 |
pw-toxic | francisco, my eizo 22" costs more.. | 05:56 |
jbrouhard | or is it GTK 2.x ? | 05:56 |
francisco | but u has 4 monitors | 05:56 |
pw-toxic | francisco, 2*22"; 1*19"; 1*37" | 05:56 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: i can see a script being written that takes the latest backup and tar's it and deletes the original files, could be run as a cron script | 05:57 |
francisco | pw-toxic looks like u know averything aabout monitors | 05:57 |
francisco | how to reppair pixewls? | 05:57 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, well hourly backups work great for me using backintime.. the problem is: i had disabled the "smart remove" option of backintime and now i have hourly backups for the last 3 months... if I enable smart remove of backintime, backintime is stuck to do the smartremove.. it has been doing the smart remove for 2 days now... then i interrupted it manually | 05:58 |
pw-toxic | francisco, why should i know everyhting about monitors if i have 4 of them?! | 05:58 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: another thing (this is taught at the university level) every time you are about to change a file you rename the old file before editing | 05:59 |
=== aaabbc is now known as skraito | ||
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, thats not useable.. i want to have it simple ;)) | 05:59 |
francisco | waspw-toxic was just a felling :D | 05:59 |
pw-toxic | well .. simplicity is also on a university level ;) | 05:59 |
jchvelasco | i still can't get pass through 'unable to find a medium containing a live file system' | 05:59 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: nothing simple about a university | 06:00 |
pw-toxic | oh my fucking good.. rm -r 20101018* is stil running.. | 06:00 |
snake | Is there a channel like this for french? | 06:00 |
pw-toxic | for an hour or so | 06:00 |
rww | snake: #ubuntu-fr | 06:00 |
snake | pw-toxic, try rm -rf | 06:00 |
snake | speedy. | 06:01 |
ambrosius | is "backintime" something like a Apple Timemachine clone? | 06:01 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: I have programmers who work for me who rename files and put daily changes in a folder religously | 06:01 |
francisco | rm -rf is to erase a place with root prior | 06:01 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, maybe you should tell them to use SVN?! | 06:01 |
snake | francisco, i thought it forced it to delete right then and there. | 06:01 |
snake | francisco, and wasn't deleted but made unaccessible until it was overwritten, or recovered by a utility such as testdisk/ | 06:02 |
john__ | .net | 06:02 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: and some of my guys are very secretive until they release to the SVN/bazaar, I allow that, because I pay for completed work not for incomplete mumbojumbo that doesn't fit into the downstream application | 06:02 |
francisco | well | 06:03 |
francisco | login as root and delete it | 06:03 |
pw-toxic | francisco, im always root ;) | 06:03 |
francisco | sudo -s | 06:03 |
francisco | then rm -R /place | 06:03 |
pw-toxic | francisco, i did... | 06:03 |
GeekSquid | pw-toxic: you know what they say "if you arn't root then you'll never learn anything" | 06:04 |
pw-toxic | francisco, but it has to test each file if there are still other files hard linking to this file.. for each of the 250k * 24 files | 06:04 |
pw-toxic | thats about 5 million files to check ;) | 06:04 |
francisco | well | 06:05 |
francisco | maybe u can use chmod 755 | 06:05 |
pw-toxic | francisco, what for? | 06:06 |
melvinram | lol my irc client (cooloquy) just made a bomb explosion sound when ccvp got banned | 06:06 |
KM0201 | lol | 06:06 |
snake | melvinram, did it scare the crap outta ya? | 06:06 |
francisco | i don'tknow | 06:06 |
francisco | maybe u can acces that way | 06:07 |
francisco | :D | 06:07 |
KM0201 | i remember ccvp... i never remember him doing anything incredibly stupid. | 06:07 |
KM0201 | must have really goofed it one day | 06:07 |
melvinram | snake: not really but it was kind of funny | 06:07 |
pw-toxic | francisco, i can access the files.. it just takes hours ;) | 06:07 |
snake | wearing headphones with you volume all the way up unknowingly. BOOM! wtf?!! | 06:07 |
KM0201 | lol | 06:07 |
snake | that would happen to me. | 06:07 |
melvinram | snake: exactly | 06:08 |
francisco | pw-toxic that's why I bought external hd | 06:08 |
francisco | is very useful | 06:08 |
pw-toxic | francisco, what do external HD help with this? i have several external HD | 06:08 |
francisco | well | 06:08 |
pw-toxic | they are for backups as well but on a different level | 06:08 |
snake | francisco, yeah if you wanna delete a file real fast you just smash it with a hammer and buy a new one. | 06:08 |
francisco | I'm confused about ur trouble | 06:08 |
snake | francisco, he wants the file to go away faster. | 06:09 |
m310 | melvinram: why are u using colloquy on a ubuntu chan? | 06:09 |
snake | pw-toxic, do ctrl-c, then rm -rf /path/file | 06:09 |
pw-toxic | francisco, my trouble is the following: i want to activate "smart remove" of backintime.. but when i activate it, it will probably take weeks to delete the old files via backintime and for all of these days, no backups are made | 06:09 |
snake | pw-toxic, nvm | 06:09 |
snake | pw-toxic, forget what i said lol. | 06:10 |
snake | FL-student, u use fl studio? | 06:10 |
pw-toxic | snake yeah thats eactly what im trying to do :D | 06:10 |
FL-student | snake: a lil | 06:10 |
pw-toxic | snake im on "rm -r 20101018*" for about an hour ;) | 06:10 |
snake | pw-toxic, wow.. | 06:10 |
pw-toxic | and i have 70 days left to remove :D | 06:10 |
francisco | pw-toxic keep oon it | 06:10 |
francisco | linux can do almost everything | 06:11 |
snake | GASP | 06:11 |
francisco | ;D | 06:11 |
pw-toxic | IT FINISHED | 06:11 |
pw-toxic | !!!!!! | 06:11 |
ghost_ | how do you put music on a ipod touch using rythm box | 06:11 |
snake | YEZ!! | 06:11 |
pw-toxic | 1/70 completed | 06:11 |
francisco | ghost_ | 06:11 |
snake | ghost_, sadly, I don't think it's that simple.. | 06:11 |
GeekSquid | ghost_: I find it easier to use amarok with pods | 06:11 |
francisco | right click on ur ipod icon on desktop | 06:11 |
snake | GeekSquid, THANKYOU OMG | 06:12 |
ghost_ | ok | 06:12 |
francisco | rightclick>openwithrythimbox | 06:12 |
juk | ghost_: cp -a mucis /media/Ipod-Toucher | 06:12 |
snake | GeekSquid, I LOVE YOU (NS) | 06:12 |
francisco | then u can put music into | 06:12 |
francisco | but 1 by 1 | 06:12 |
snake | francisco, dusn't work that way.. | 06:12 |
francisco | well | 06:12 |
francisco | i do it that way | 06:12 |
snake | wow. | 06:12 |
snake | really? | 06:12 |
francisco | yes | 06:13 |
snake | Whut am i doin wrong then? | 06:13 |
francisco | nothing | 06:13 |
pw-toxic | can you tell me how i can delete several folders? something like rm -r 201010{1-29} so i leave out one backup for the month? | 06:13 |
snake | francisco, are you sure it's an iPod? from apple computers inc | 06:13 |
GeekSquid | snake: what did I do? | 06:13 |
francisco | yes | 06:13 |
francisco | it is | 06:13 |
francisco | so | 06:13 |
ghost_ | it does not work | 06:14 |
francisco | well | 06:14 |
francisco | ubuntu 10.04 | 06:14 |
snake | GeekSquid, Amarok is real good with ipods, thanks for enlightening me. | 06:14 |
GeekSquid | !work | 06:14 |
ubottu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 06:14 |
francisco | rythimbox from repos | 06:14 |
francisco | does it for me | 06:14 |
Dr_Willis | pw-toxic: i think bash supports some syntax similer to that. but id be carefull with it. | 06:14 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm.. I fit that definiton of 'Dosent Work' | 06:14 |
francisco | !im god | 06:15 |
snake | francisco, Woohoo, I do love fiction, but I find the reference section a much more enlightening! | 06:15 |
GeekSquid | Dr_Willis: no offense intended of course | 06:15 |
melvinram | m310: I prefer OSX for desktop | 06:16 |
m310 | melvinram: I am kidding with u. I am on a macbook pro myself. | 06:17 |
m310 | What are you using? | 06:17 |
tr3nton | !if | 06:20 |
tr3nton | !ifup | 06:20 |
FL-student | guys help me out, how do merge 2 hd? i can se hda and hdb. i'd like a hda only. i.e merge them 2gether | 06:20 |
tr3nton | !network | 06:20 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 06:20 |
FL-student | !topic | 06:21 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 06:21 |
tr3nton | !interface | 06:21 |
GeekSquid | !msgthebot | 06:21 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 06:21 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
GeekSquid | FL-student: hda and hdb are physical harddrives, if they are sata you can run a software raid, which is beyond the scope of the help you can get here, however, I realize you are attempting to have your filesystem distributed among 2 drives... you could have / on one and /home on the other... with a few more details from you I can point you in the right direction | 06:24 |
indystorm | hey everyone! | 06:24 |
GeekSquid | FL-student: /topic will show you the channel topic | 06:24 |
GeekSquid | indystorm: good evening | 06:24 |
captdigger | . | 06:25 |
tr3nton | what comman does network manager applet use to bring up an interface?... it doesn't seem to require the user password (elevated priv's) to bring up the inderface.. Trying to find the command to enable eth0 interface without requiring user to enter their password | 06:25 |
neiz | How would one begin to port windows drivers to a linux one? Anyone have any clue where to begin? | 06:26 |
GeekSquid | neiz: what are you trying to get to work? | 06:26 |
keith- | ok so if i go into the failsafe terminal prompt, i can use ubuntu and it not lock up. if i go into desktop or unity netbook it locks up almost immediately... i can't find anythign odd in the logs either... but a suggestion of a place to look would be good | 06:27 |
FL-student | GeekSquid: if i.e not achievable because they are physical hd, will appreciate pointers. | 06:27 |
hasibullah | sallam dear all friends | 06:27 |
GeekSquid | FL-student: what size are the 2 drives? | 06:27 |
neiz | GeekSquid: I bought a razer orochi mouse. It works both linux/windows, but in windows exists a software driver which allows you to turn on led lights, which does not work for linux/ubuntu | 06:27 |
hasibullah | i can not connect dialup connections please show me a way | 06:28 |
FL-student | GeekSquid: 8GB and 20GB | 06:29 |
FL-student | added 20GB | 06:29 |
FL-student | GeeSquid: hda - 8gb, hdb - 20GB | 06:29 |
hasibullah | how to connect dialup connections | 06:29 |
GeekSquid | FL-student: see this | 06:29 |
GeekSquid | hasibullah: wvdial is the application you will need to install to dial out, you will need to look at the manual after you install by typing "man wvdial" and setup wvdial.conf in your etc folder | 06:31 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
GeekSquid | neiz: not really driver related, probably just a switch, although beyond my scope of knowlege | 06:32 |
raisa | jöbvcnmnmklmhgvdedeeevbnmjhasiiiytyuiopåäghyuiopåxxxnbbnjköop | 06:33 |
GeekSquid | raisa: ??? your language please? | 06:33 |
raisa | geeksquid: sorry, me four year old boy started xchat and wrote that | 06:33 |
raisa | me = my... sorry | 06:34 |
Blue1 | raisa: my cat knows how to send email | 06:34 |
GeekSquid | raisa: no problem, Is there anything we can help you with this evening? | 06:34 |
Gnea | !dialup | hasibullah | 06:34 |
ubottu | hasibullah: You want to connect via dial-up? Read - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 06:34 |
keith- | anyone seen my problem at all? | 06:34 |
Gnea | keith-: no, just ask it again | 06:35 |
raisa | jhgffsdmnjkk | 06:35 |
taha | Can i change shortcuts keys for opening and closing nodes in tree widget of gtk? (eg tree view of nautilus). I want right key opens the node and left key close it. | 06:36 |
GeekSquid | keith-: sorry, I saw it, and I pushed it aside, ... I was helping others.... seems like you have some incompatibility going on... Would you give me the Make/model of your machine | 06:36 |
cctx005 | Hey everyone....i have an issue with my repo sources... | 06:36 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: details please? | 06:37 |
=== Guest60830 is now known as stjohnmedrano | ||
Fluffnplum | soi am currently installing 10.10 on my laptop but it is stuck and keeps reading "ubuntu kernel: (11702.152104) intel ips 0000:00: lf.6: CPU poer or thermal limit exceeded" the numbers in parenthasese keep going up. should i just keep waiting or type somethign it? | 06:37 |
Blue1 | Fluffnplum: elementary but did you md5sum check your download? | 06:38 |
GeekSquid | Fluffnplum: seems like a bad iso.... try downloading again and md5sum if possible to verify integrity of the iso | 06:39 |
Fluffnplum | no i have not | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | Fluffnplum: i see a similer message on my intel based machine - while its running. so thats proberly not the reason for teh thing to be stuck. | 06:39 |
ubuntu_ | Hello. If I install ubuntu using the windows installer, will it create a seperate partition for ubuntu? | 06:39 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Heet | ||
Dr_Willis | ubuntu_: no - it installs to a file. | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | !wubi | 06:39 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. and for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 | 06:39 |
cctx005 | when I run update says "an unresolvable problem ocurred while initializing the package info...'E:type' .net/tualatrix/ppa/ubuntu' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tualatrix-ppa--marerick.list' | 06:39 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: Do I choose to boot from it at startup? And does it use grub? | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | Heet: i dont reccomend useing wubi at all. | 06:40 |
Dr_Willis | Heet: it add an entry to the windows bootloader menus I think | 06:40 |
GeekSquid | Dr_Willis: he left | 06:40 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: Well, I have currently 4 partitions on my machine. sda1,2,3,4. The OS is 3, and it is the only one I can shrink. | 06:40 |
Heet | or use the rest for ubuntu on. | 06:40 |
Dr_Willis | id use ubuntu in virtualbox. befor id use it in wubi. :) | 06:41 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: Should I move partitions to make room for it at the end of the disk, or is it ok to install it in the middle? | 06:41 |
cctx005 | when i open up Synpatic Package Manager, I got the same sort of error | 06:41 |
Dr_Willis | Heet: it can go in the middle. | 06:41 |
cctx005 | same thing in the terminal when I ran sudo apt-get update | 06:41 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: remove the ppa, seems it is causing problems | 06:41 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: When i try to shrink it, it doesn't work. | 06:41 |
cctx005 | how do you remove the ppa via the terminal? | 06:41 |
Heet | It gets to the actual resizing, and it breaks. Ideas | 06:41 |
Heet | ?* | 06:42 |
cctx005 | that seems to be the only way i can | 06:42 |
cctx005 | without an error | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | Heet: you can only have 4 primaries max. You could delete the thing I guess.. depends on the details | 06:42 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: Won't Ubuntu work as a logical? | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | Heet: yes it can work as a logical. | 06:42 |
Heet | And I'm not even making it a primary. I'm just making it unallocated data. | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | but you will want 2 partitions for uibuntu, a / and a swap | 06:42 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tualatrix-ppa--maverick.list | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | 4 primaries max. one of those can be an exteded with logicals in it. | 06:43 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: Won't / and swap both not be primaries? And does that even matter if my problem is shrinking the partition? | 06:43 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: then sudo apt-get update | 06:43 |
pw-toxic | GeekSquid, im currently testing how big my folder is i do backups of... still working, but im at 600 000 files with 60GB in total ;) | 06:45 |
Heet | Dr_Willis: Haha, apparently dells have a partition called MEDIADIRECT so you can access media without loading an OS kernel. | 06:45 |
=== stjohnmedrano is now known as Guest24341 | ||
Heet | I guess I'll just kill that. Ubuntu will end up to be the last partition. | 06:45 |
indystorm | blah dell.... build your own pc.... :) | 06:46 |
Heet | indystorm: This is my sister's machine | 06:46 |
Stevezau | anyone know how to configure how gnome-settings-daemon works | 06:46 |
keith- | hey what's the command to bring up the restricted drivers program? | 06:46 |
aeturnus | hello everyone :) | 06:47 |
GeekSquid | aeturnus: good evening, is there something we can help you with? | 06:48 |
GeekSquid | keith-: jockey-gtk | 06:48 |
aeturnus | i have an 8.04LTS install of Ubuntu that appears to no longer be receiving updates | 06:48 |
aeturnus | is there something i can do to remedy that? it's my understanding that this version is still supported | 06:48 |
GeekSquid | aeturnus: seems strange, still supported till april... hmmm, what kind of error message are you getting | 06:49 |
soreau | keith-: jockey-gtk | 06:49 |
Dr_Willis | !8.04 | 06:49 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: - See !lts for more details. | 06:49 |
aeturnus | GeekSquid, no error messages, just old packages. | 06:49 |
Dr_Willis | !hardy | 06:49 |
soreau | aeturnus: What package is old? | 06:49 |
GeekSquid | aeturnus: there haven't been a lot of updates to hardy lately... as we are coming close to EOL | 06:50 |
GeekSquid | aeturnus: so an sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade shows nothing to upgrade | 06:50 |
=== richard is now known as Guest21053 | ||
aeturnus | so the 2.6.24-28 is the latest for 8.04? | 06:51 |
aeturnus | kernel, that is | 06:51 |
GeekSquid | aeturnus: that's right | 06:51 |
jyrus | whats the /msg for nickserv | 06:51 |
jyrus | !nickserv | 06:51 |
em | anyone know of a good alarm clock i could install on ubuntu? | 06:51 |
GeekSquid | jyrus: /nickserv | 06:51 |
aeturnus | that's terrible news, thank you for your help though! | 06:51 |
jyrus | I'm trying to get it to identify and password | 06:52 |
GeekSquid | em: the package alarm-clock is a gtk based application that should do everything you need | 06:52 |
GeekSquid | !register | jyrus read this | 06:52 |
ubottu | jyrus read this: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 06:52 |
=== Guest67426 is now known as gggmaster | ||
GeekSquid | aeturnus: actually that's great news, it means that 8.04 LTS has reached its most secure and most mature state, couldnm | 06:54 |
GeekSquid | t get any better | 06:54 |
cctx005 | i ran those I'm getting the following error when I try to scan for updates | 06:55 |
cctx005 | 'E:type'.net/tualatrix/ppa/ubuntu' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tualatrix-ppa-maverick.list' | 06:55 |
aeturnus | GeekSquid, i think i probably disagree-- there have been a few public kernel exploits that work for kernels < 2.6.36 | 06:56 |
em | GeekSquid: this does look pretty good thanks. | 06:56 |
em | GeekSquid: I hope it will be loud enough. | 06:56 |
cctx005 | I opened the actual sources.list file..which took me to the Software Sources menu...i can't find tualatrix on the sources list...yet i'm still getting the error | 06:57 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: seems there were 2 entries for that ppa ... do the rm -rf on that file | 06:57 |
FL-student | i do this command regularly, where do i add to startup file? | 06:57 |
FL-student | what is the equivalent of startup? | 06:57 |
cctx005 | geeksquid- what's the full command? Sorry, I'm brand new to Linux | 06:57 |
=== Heet is now known as HeTaL__ | ||
aashu_dwivedi | how can i get the list of selected songs in Rhythmbox using python ? is it the correct place to ask this question :P | 06:58 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tualatrix-ppa-maverick.list | 06:58 |
GeekSquid | aashu_dwivedi: not sure, what are you trying to do, exactly? | 06:59 |
skypent | What is the "-rf" after the rm | 06:59 |
HeTaL__ | recursive and folder, I think. | 06:59 |
HeTaL__ | so it will delete that whole tree. | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | for juat a file -rf isent needed | 06:59 |
skypent | oh | 06:59 |
GeekSquid | Dr_Willis: is right | 06:59 |
cctx005 | thanks! | 07:00 |
cctx005 | it finally works | 07:00 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: yay | 07:00 |
mmancuso | exit | 07:00 |
cctx005 | hopefully one day I'll actually known the commands | 07:00 |
Dr_Willis | sources.list is proberly best left untouched. addational repos get added to each file in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ dir | 07:00 |
GeekSquid | cctx005: one day I'll actually know all the commands, we are talking 10 to the zillionth power here | 07:02 |
Dr_Willis | learn the core commands.. thats not too hard | 07:02 |
GeekSquid | right | 07:02 |
aashu_dwivedi | GeekSuid : i am trying to create a small plugin , | 07:03 |
=== jeremy is now known as Guest73997 | ||
karthick87 | Is there any command to check available GPG keys ?? | 07:03 |
aashu_dwivedi | GeekSquid : i am trying to create a small plugin | 07:04 |
arvut | hi again.. what do I do when ubuntu says "target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init."? i just reinstalled grub on sdb and got the list to work, 10.10 fails :( | 07:04 |
GeekSquid | aashu_dwivedi: to do exactly what | 07:04 |
GeekSquid | karthick87: you can look in /home/username/.gnupg | 07:05 |
Dr_Willis | arvut almost sounds like the file /sbin/init is missing. | 07:06 |
aashu_dwivedi | GeekSquid : get the path of selected songs and copy them to the Gnome clilpboard so that they can be copied easly | 07:06 |
Dr_Willis | or the 'root' setting in the boot/grub is wronmg | 07:06 |
karthick87 | Geeksquid: I want to check whether the key is in use or not..Any command for checking that? | 07:06 |
Guest73997 | Hi, can someone help me pls?? I've just tried to update to 10.10 and its updated to 11.04 and I've lost "Software Sources" from the Administration menu.. feel free to open a private message | 07:07 |
aashu_dwivedi | GeekSquid : *pasted easly* | 07:07 |
Dr_Willis | Guest73997: you ment to upgrade to the alpha testing release? | 07:07 |
GeekSquid | !ubuntu+1 | Guest73997 .. I think you borked your system | 07:07 |
ubottu | Guest73997 .. I think you borked your system: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 07:07 |
Guest73997 | ohhh dear, I just wanted to get 10.10 and it gave me 11.04, :-( What can I do? | 07:08 |
GeekSquid | aashu_dwivedi: gpg --list-keys gpg --list-public-keys and gpg --list-private-keys | 07:09 |
rww | Guest73997: what's the output of lsb_release -r? | 07:09 |
Dcite | Guest73997: If you can run Synaptic, you can still access software sources from within that app I think. | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | or you can always manager the sources wuith other tools, or by hand | 07:09 |
Guest73997 | ok | 07:09 |
FL-student | can someone post an example line of rc.local? | 07:10 |
FL-student | can someone post an example line in rc.local? | 07:10 |
GeekSquid | karthick87: see my post to aashu_dwivedi | 07:10 |
Dr_Willis | FL-student: --->>. somecommandto run & | 07:10 |
Dr_Willis | FL-student: ie: --> echo hello & | 07:10 |
Guest73997 | lsb_release -r = 10.10 | 07:11 |
rww | Guest73997: then you're using 10.10. | 07:11 |
Guest73997 | ok cool | 07:11 |
aashu_dwivedi | @GeekSquid i too din understand what are u trying to say , how is that realated to rhythmbox / python . | 07:11 |
FL-student | Dr_Willis: how about run level? | 07:11 |
aashu_dwivedi | GeekSquid: i too din understand what are u trying to say , how is that realated to rhythmbox / python . | 07:11 |
Dr_Willis | !runlevels | FL-student | 07:11 |
ubottu | FL-student: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 07:11 |
GeekSquid | aashu_dwivedi: me being a squid, my hand was in the wrong place that was for karthick87 ... as for you idk, it is getting late and I am about to crash | 07:12 |
aurilliance | Is there some way I can tell what version of dvd-slideshow is in the apt-repositories? apt-cache version dvd-slideshow or something?? | 07:12 |
FL-student | Dr_Willis: that's very helpful | 07:12 |
xTheGoat121x | How do I start Ubuntu from the CLI? | 07:13 |
arvut | Dr_Willis: you are my savior =) where do i go from here? | 07:13 |
aashu_dwivedi | @GeekSquid okay whatever . | 07:13 |
rww | aurilliance: apt-cache policy, not apt-cache version | 07:13 |
rww | or, | 07:13 |
rww | !info dvd-slideshow | 07:13 |
ubottu | dvd-slideshow (source: dvd-slideshow): tools to create dvd slideshow with menus. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0.1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 137 kB, installed size 692 kB | 07:13 |
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne | ||
aurilliance | rww, thanks for that! exactly what I needed :) | 07:13 |
arvut | "mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: no such file or dir.." | 07:14 |
arvut | both rescue mode and normal boot fails | 07:14 |
varunarang | Hi, recently I tried an upgrate from 9.04 to 9.10 and my system is a mess, I really don't' know what to do with it as it's got lots of settings which will take so much time. Can anyone point me in right direction for setting things up. My system is only booting in CLI | 07:15 |
nit-wit | varunarang, can you just back up what you need and install a more up to date distro 9.10 is end of life in April even if you got it running, (.04 already was may be part of the problem | 07:18 |
nit-wit | *9.04 | 07:18 |
varunarang | yes, I guess I can give that a try. b/w that should be possible from the shell itself. | 07:19 |
Tally | Dual booting ubuntu with Windows XP.. after installation i cant boot into Windows. Just a blinking cursor. What shall I do... Windows XP is in the grub menu.. all I get is a blinking cursor | 07:19 |
Tally | looks helpful after googling i'll look at this | 07:20 |
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteofhome | ||
arvut | tally: bootproblems are fantastic :/ | 07:20 |
=== gdoteofhome is now known as gdoteof_home | ||
Tally | Highlight of my day | 07:21 |
varunarang | @nit-wit Thanks | 07:21 |
nit-wit | varunarang, you should be able to back up through a live cd or thumb | 07:22 |
gdoteof_home | hi please help me turn off my touchpad. lucid on a t410 laptop. | 07:22 |
gdoteof_home | gpointingsettings shows my touchpad as off | 07:22 |
gdoteof_home | i followed | 07:23 |
goddard | any thing like wampserver for ubuntu? | 07:23 |
gdoteof_home | my touchpad is so over reactive on top of everything else | 07:24 |
arvut | looks like im getting closer to the yearly reinstall.. maybe I'll try the terminalbased install this time.. | 07:24 |
gdoteof_home | if i float my finger over it just right the pointer spazzes out | 07:24 |
rs0832 | goddard, like xampp ? | 07:24 |
keith- | for some reason unity is no longer showing up when i login. i finally got it to not lock up, but i can only go into desktop mode. i want netbook mode. also, if i run unity from desktop mode nothing comes up | 07:24 |
goddard | rs0832 nah like WampServer its similar to xampp except the key feature is you can easily switch between php versions | 07:24 |
=== Vobine is now known as Psychoholic | ||
keith- | wait... i just got a segfault from unity that i ran in desktop mode | 07:25 |
rs0832 | goddard, ah ok | 07:25 |
* arvut i hate myself for failing at which im best at; repairing pc's :( how do i make it run again? it doesnt mount /sys anymore and kernel panics :/ | 07:27 | |
gusg | on 10.10x64 by default it appears that Firefox isn't handling JNLP files. anything special I need to do? Do I need to install the Sun JRE or can I use OpenJDK ? | 07:28 |
gdoteof_home | arvut if you tell me how to get my touchpad to stop working in a way that doesn't require tools I will send a magical anti-fail spell | 07:28 |
rs0832 | goddard, i only know of xampp, but if you want something that will give you a gui to select your php version and scripts and stuff, cherokee server comes with all that stuff, including python wsgi, etc | 07:28 |
rs0832 | goddard, for screenshots: | 07:29 |
Guest73997 | I've lost "software sources" from the administration menu, is there a way to get it back or is it obselete now? | 07:29 |
hostile_^ | 8 -r-sr-x--- 1 level2 level1 7500 2007-11-16 17:42 level01 | 07:29 |
hostile_^ | how would i run that? | 07:29 |
arvut | atleast windows still boots.. so now I'll retire to bed with some more star trek and trance. thid problemsolving will have to continue tomorrow.. | 07:30 |
GeekSquid | goddard: lamp-server provides the same functionality as wamp, and xampp, yet native in its environment, perhaps if you describe what i you are trying to do, we can point you in the right direction | 07:30 |
Dr_Willis | Guest73997: perhaps install synaptic, and access it fromt there. I dont see it in the menus here either | 07:30 |
rs0832 | Guest73997, try creating a shortcut to: gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/software-properties-gtk.desktop /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk | 07:30 |
rww | Guest73997: the canonical way to get to it is through the menus of Synaptic Package Manager or Software Centre. You can unhide the Software Sources icon itself by right-clicking the menu applet in the panel and clicking Edit Menus. | 07:30 |
goddard | rs0832 oh sweet this might be what i need | 07:30 |
rs0832 | goddard, :) hope so | 07:31 |
Guest73997 | ok thanks!! | 07:31 |
arvut | gdoteof_home: sorry, no can do. and unless it comes with a 100% warranty then im not interested :( | 07:31 |
hostile_^ | could somebody help me with somthing real quick? | 07:31 |
=== keith-_ is now known as keith- | ||
GeekSquid | !ask | hostile_^ | 07:32 |
ubottu | hostile_^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:32 |
Tally | Still get a blinking corner on the top left corner when I try to boot Windows XP. | 07:32 |
GeekSquid | Tally: sounds like a chainloader situation... look it up | 07:32 |
keith- | wait... i just got a segfault from unity that i ran in desktop mode | 07:32 |
keith- | anyone know of a reason or a way to figure out why unity is segfaulting? | 07:33 |
hostile_^ | 8 -r-sr-x--- 1 level2 level1 7500 2007-11-16 17:42 level01 how would i run that? | 07:33 |
keith- | can it run when i have normal gnome running? | 07:33 |
Dr_Willis | Tally: #windows may have some sugestions also. | 07:33 |
gdoteof_home | arvut: it comes with %100 warranty, obviously | 07:33 |
Dr_Willis | keith-: not at teh same time i think.. | 07:33 |
gdoteof_home | honestly. my laptop is almost unusable | 07:33 |
GeekSquid | keith-: perhaps reinstall the unity binarys, seems like something is corrupted | 07:33 |
keith- | GeekSquid: what packages? i just installed the netbook release | 07:34 |
Dr_Willis | keith-: normally one selexts a normal gnome desktop, or the netbook itnerface at the login screen. | 07:34 |
keith- | Dr_Willis: yeah if i choose the netbook interface nothing comes up. i just get a wallpaper and a mouse | 07:35 |
GeekSquid | hostile_^: Not sure what you are trying to run,,, describe please | 07:35 |
keith- | could i reinstall ubuntu-netbook-default-settings or is that a meta package that won't make any changes? | 07:37 |
hostile_^ | geeksquid: im trying to access this but im not sure what command to use | 07:37 |
gusg | I just installed sun-java6-bin package. where is the jre home directory? | 07:37 |
GeekSquid | hostile_^: what is it? | 07:37 |
gdoteof_home | do i need to restart my computer, or just the x-server after uninstalling xserver-input-synaptics | 07:37 |
keith- | well i'll give it another go brb | 07:39 |
hostile_^ | GeekSquid: to be honest with u im not really sure its for that smashthestack game i means its level 1 and im stuck | 07:40 |
daniellopezific | I currently am running ubuntu only right now, i want to dual boot ubuntu and windows xp for photoshop (tried virtual machines, and wine is just ghetto) am i correct in assuming that i cannot partition my drive for installing windows without formatting everything? | 07:41 |
hostile_^ | GeekSquid: i know what the different parts mean just not sure what im suppose to do with it | 07:41 |
keith- | ok well it still doesn't start up unity when i choose to boot into the netbook stuff. is there a way i can start unity from the console and tell it which display to go to? | 07:41 |
keith- | daniellopezific: yeah you can resize your drive using gparted or something similar. but you will need a linux livecd to reinstall grub. which will be much easier if you have a separate /boot directory | 07:42 |
GeekSquid | hostile_^: what you are playing is an ssh based game ... ssh -l level1 -p 2224 will get you into the game .... everything else is game based ... you might want to read the faq's at | 07:43 |
daniellopezific | keith, thanks for the quick tip, i really appreciate it. | 07:43 |
hostile_^ | GeekSquid: allright man thanks | 07:44 |
gdoteof_home | god sakes how to disable touchpad | 07:44 |
yigal | who else is compiling a kernel on an atom processor | 07:44 |
piyushmishra | what command do we run to run an installer file from terminal? | 07:44 |
keith- | there is no way to designate unity open in a particular display from console? anyone? | 07:44 |
GeekSquid | yigal: you might wait to visit #ubuntu-kernel or #kernel | 07:45 |
GeekSquid | piyushmishra: what kind of file? | 07:45 |
yigal | GeekSquid: awesome, that sounds like the right stuff | 07:45 |
piyushmishra | GeekSquid: TeX live install file | 07:45 |
piyushmishra | GeekSquid: am in the folder I have to run the install-tl file from terminal so that I can see the error before the window closes | 07:46 |
GeekSquid | piyushmishra: uh, don't you mean LaTeX ... you will need it installed to work with that kind of file | 07:46 |
piyushmishra | GeekSquid: I need to use LaTeX yes and I think its comes with TeX live as mentioned in their site | 07:47 |
sacarlson | keith-: unity apears to be just a theme so if you create a new user from the console you will create a default theme and if you login to that you will have something you can use | 07:48 |
GeekSquid | piyushmishra: sudo apt-get install texlive .... this would be the ubuntu way of installing texlive | 07:49 |
sacarlson | keith-: when you find a theme you like that is usable in that user you can copy it or move it to the user you want to be | 07:49 |
piyushmishra | GeekSquid: ok lemme try that | 07:49 |
keith- | sacarlson: unity is a shell not a theme. and it's not starting. so i can't so much as right click. | 07:50 |
piyushmishra | GeekSquid: lol texlive site showed 2.5 meg of install ubuntu apt-get shows 217 meg!! | 07:50 |
AbhiJit | how to veiw the result of last clamscan scan? | 07:50 |
rs0832 | piyushmishra, probably dependancies | 07:50 |
GeekSquid | piyushmishra: dependencies, you'll need those as well | 07:50 |
sacarlson | keith-: so what will a new user have in it then if you have unity installed? | 07:51 |
piyushmishra | rs0832: GeekSquid yup | 07:51 |
AbhiJit | hhee;lp | 07:51 |
piyushmishra | AbhiJit: kya? | 07:51 |
keith- | sacarlson: <-- that | 07:51 |
AbhiJit | how to veiw the result of last clamscan scan? | 07:51 |
rs0832 | piyushmishra, you too ??!? | 07:52 |
sacarlson | keith-: you can go to console with <ctl><alt>+f2 | 07:52 |
AbhiJit | piyushmishra, ^ | 07:52 |
keith- | sacarlson: that's how i started this irssi session. | 07:52 |
piyushmishra | rs0832: me too? | 07:52 |
rs0832 | piyushmishra, never mind :D | 07:52 |
AbhiJit | :/ | 07:52 |
piyushmishra | rs0832: huh? | 07:52 |
rs0832 | piyushmishra, dont worry about it :) | 07:52 |
piyushmishra | rs0832: lol tell me | 07:53 |
AbhiJit | !ot | 07:53 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 07:53 |
AbhiJit | !en | 07:53 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 07:53 |
chmod | :\ | 07:53 |
sacarlson | keith-: yes I read that, but when I went to synaptic to see how to install it I get the package gnome-theme-extras | 07:53 |
rs0832 | piyushmishra, pm<< | 07:54 |
keith- | sacarlson: what version you running? only the ubuntu netbook setup offers it currently. next version will have it available to all | 07:54 |
keith- | netbook version of 10.10 that is. perhaps another repo? iuno... | 07:54 |
sacarlson | keith-: I don't run it | 07:54 |
piyushmishra | AbhiJit: !patience | 07:55 |
gobbe | keith-: you can install unity from repos too | 07:55 |
piyushmishra | !patience | 07:56 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 07:56 |
gobbe | keith-: netbook edition is same as desktop, but it includes unity by default | 07:56 |
piyushmishra | !patience | AbhiJit | 07:56 |
ubottu | AbhiJit: please see above | 07:56 |
daniellopezific | keith, by a linux live CD, do you mean any linux cd that can be ran without installing? just so i can execute grub? | 07:57 |
daniellopezific | if so probably just going to get slax since i'm famliar with that | 07:57 |
keith- | daniellopezific: i would use a livecd that is running the same version of ubuntu as you have now... but it doesn't particularly matter as long as grub configs dont' get confused i guess | 07:58 |
cryptodira | 'failed to fork' 'resource temporarily unavailable' what causes these errors.... how do i fix them???? | 07:58 |
gibran | guys anyone knows where to get the flashplayer? i already downloaded it but i still can't open my workplaces' website help pls. | 07:58 |
rs0832 | gibran, where did you download it from? | 07:58 |
cryptodira | these start to occour a few minutes after bootup... and get progressively worse | 07:58 |
rs0832 | gibran, install adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-nonfree from synaptic | 07:59 |
gibran | from the ubuntu website | 07:59 |
rs0832 | gibran, then copy it to your browsers plugin folder | 07:59 |
Aedra | Anyone know a bit about ATI Proprietory Drivers? | 07:59 |
gibran | where can i get it? | 08:00 |
ActionParsnip | !anyone | 08:00 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:00 |
AbhiJit | ActionParsnip, \how to veiw the result of last clamscan scan? | 08:00 |
rs0832 | gibran, in the repositories... use apt-get or synaptic | 08:00 |
cryptodira | 'failed to fork' 'resource temporarily unavailable' what causes these errors.... how do i fix them???? | 08:00 |
cryptodira | these start to occour a few minutes after bootup... and get progressively worse | 08:01 |
Aedra | Should i use the Proprietory Drivers for Ubuntu 10.10 using the Hardware Devices notification, or the drivers from ATI.COM? | 08:01 |
Aedra | AS in, which are faster / More stable | 08:02 |
ActionParsnip | anhijit: i use tne logfile switch to output wbere i like. .ot sure where tne default is. maybe /var/log or /tmp | 08:03 |
damagednoob | i'm having a problem when booting up. it says 'Alert! /dev/sdc1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell'. I think I need to point to the right partition in the boot config. where would i do that? | 08:03 |
Dr_Willis | anyone else notice watching videos on HULU. if you pause them, after so long (10 min?) the video resets back to the beginning | 08:03 |
Dr_Willis | wonderng if this was some odd linux quirk or does it on windows also. | 08:03 |
lano | can anyone help me out with this mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking | 08:03 |
Aedra | ATI Proprietory or Drivers? Which ones are better? | 08:04 |
AbhiJit | ActionParsnip, ok | 08:04 |
cryptodira | 'failed to fork' 'resource temporarily unavailable' what causes these errors.... how do i fix them???? | 08:04 |
cryptodira | or rather prevent them> | 08:04 |
Dr_Willis | cryptodira: perhaps ram all used up? | 08:04 |
neiz | Attempting to format NTFS HDD to FAT. However, when I go to unmount (using gparted as root), I recieve "Error: Daemon is inhibited" | 08:05 |
Aedra | what is the difference between ATI.Com Drivers, and the Proprietory Drivers> | 08:05 |
Aedra | ?? | 08:05 |
ActionParsnip | aedra: they are tje same as ot is prlprietary. the hw manager thing makes life easier | 08:05 |
gibran | im really sorry im such a noob.may i know where is the plugin folder? | 08:05 |
Dr_Willis | Aedra: what devices are supported. and the quality of the 3d. and perhaps extra features. | 08:05 |
cryptodira | Dr_Willis: 4gigs on machine less than a gig being used.... | 08:05 |
rs0832 | neiz, another partitioning or mounting program is probably running | 08:05 |
Dr_Willis | Aedra: i think tv out on some cards may be a lacking features on teh GPL drivers.. but i missread your question. :) | 08:06 |
Dr_Willis | Aedra: the ati drivers Are the properity drivers.. the open sourced drivers are differnt. | 08:06 |
piyushmishra | !botsnack | 08:07 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 08:07 |
lano | can anyone help me out with this mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking | 08:07 |
Dr_Willis | Aedra: try one, see how well the open sourced driver works. | 08:08 |
FrostBiT | lol | 08:08 |
damagednoob | how can i change the partition to boot from on startup? i need to change it from /dev/sdc to /dev/sda | 08:08 |
Dr_Willis | Aedra: if it dont work well. try the other. | 08:08 |
Dr_Willis | lano: still fighting that eh. | 08:08 |
FrostBiT | !botsnack | 08:08 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 08:08 |
lano | yeah man | 08:08 |
FrostBiT | epic | 08:08 |
lano | i did everything even google | 08:08 |
rs0832 | damagednoob, you can modify it in grub.cfg | 08:08 |
Dr_Willis | damagednoob: its a bios setting on my machines. | 08:08 |
lano | i still cant seem to figure it out | 08:08 |
gibran | where is my plugin folder? can't find it | 08:09 |
Dr_Willis | damagednoob: or we missunderstand what you want. | 08:09 |
lano | i mean its working as long as i run /sbin/rcp.statd but just bugging me to why its not working on boot | 08:09 |
gusg | How can I tell where apt-get or other package managers install to? | 08:09 |
ActionParsnip | gibran: if you use (crappy) firefox you can put it in ~/.mozilla/pljgins | 08:09 |
GeekSquid | damagednoob: that would be done from your bios | 08:09 |
ActionParsnip | plugins | 08:09 |
sjuxax | Hello. Can I apt-get install alternate-installer? I am using the desktop CD but VNC is going really, really slow for some reason and I would prefer to install over SSH | 08:09 |
Dr_Willis | gusg: they download the .deb to /var/cache/apt/ | 08:09 |
cryptodira | Dr_Willis: there is a lot of quirky behaviour happening.... items in the menu bar will not launch...the icons just disappear, resource errors even from cli, programs that do launch will suddenly hang... 10.04/amd64/toshiba satellite/fresh install on new machine/worked fine for a month or so.... thoughts? | 08:10 |
gusg | thanks Dr_Willis. Does the .deb file contain the installation location? I'm trying to find where my sun-java home folder is | 08:10 |
Dr_Willis | cryptodira: Hmm.. test with a live cd. see if has same issues. | 08:10 |
Dr_Willis | gusg: you can examine the .deb to see where it installs tuff to. or use synaptic to check the packages properties. | 08:11 |
ActionParsnip | cryptodira: i suggest you test ram | 08:11 |
Dr_Willis | gusg: or some command line way.. i dont recall. | 08:11 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 08:11 |
damagednoob | okay. i don't have boot from usb or a cdrom in this computer. so i took out the harddrive and put it in a usb housing. i then plugged that housing into my laptop and install ubuntu to the hdd. i've no plugged the hdd back into the other computer. it seems to have the same grub setup now as the laptop | 08:11 |
lano | can anyone help me out with this mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking | 08:12 |
Dr_Willis | damagednoob: once you boot and rerun 'sudo update-grub' it will alter the grub menu to fit whats on that machine | 08:12 |
qwebirc97871 | can I install mythbuntu using command line only until I can get ATI drivers loaded | 08:12 |
ActionParsnip | gusg: java version ,may do it | 08:12 |
qwebirc97871 | command line based install | 08:12 |
damagednoob | Dr_Willis, i'm sitting at the 'initramfs' prompt now and that doesn't seem to be an option | 08:13 |
gusg | ActionParsnip, OpenJDK is first on the parth... I should check out the path | 08:13 |
damagednoob | i don't even have /boot | 08:13 |
Dr_Willis | damagednoob: if you moved the machine from a usb enclosuer to an internal bay. you might need to edit the grub menu by hand initially, to boot the system then rerun update-grub | 08:13 |
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damagednoob | okay, does that mean i need to mount /dev/sda and find update-grub? | 08:14 |
ActionParsnip | qwebir 98871: sure just use apt-get | 08:14 |
damagednoob | i'm thinkingn ow initramfs is a ramdisk | 08:14 |
Dr_Willis | the grub meny may be using the wrong hd(#,#) for your system now. | 08:14 |
rs0832 | damagednoob, dont find update-grub... you run it in a terminal | 08:15 |
ActionParsnip | damagednoob: you ca | 08:15 |
Dr_Willis | if the system was on sdd, and now is on sda. you might need to alter the hd#,# to reflect that. | 08:15 |
rs0832 | damagednoob, it will auto find any kernels and set boot menu entries for them | 08:15 |
nilshero | Hello guys, i did something stupid (ubuntu 10.10): i put two symbolbars at the top of screen, then i set option for one to autohide - now they 'flicker' and i can not press anything on them (had to restart by removing cable and battery) - how can i reset those symbol bars? | 08:15 |
ActionParsnip | t mount sda, its a disk. yoh only mount partitions | 08:16 |
lano | can anyone help me out with this mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking | 08:16 |
ActionParsnip | !resetpanel | 08:16 |
ubottu | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 08:16 |
nilshero | in a console? how do i start this? | 08:16 |
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nilshero | terminal | 08:17 |
ActionParsnip | nilshero: CTRL+ALT+T | 08:17 |
nilshero | thx ill try (log out now im on win) | 08:17 |
nilshero | (i like this irc) | 08:18 |
keith- | anything like a panel reset for unity? | 08:18 |
nilshero | :-D | 08:18 |
gibran | i think i got it all. i can see it in the synaptic package manager. i just don't know where to go | 08:19 |
damagednoob | okay, from the ramdisk, i've mounted /dev/sda1. i've run the find command to find update-grub which is at '/mount/hdd/usr/sbin/update-grub'. i cd to '/mount/hdd/usr/sbin' and try and run update-grub and i get 'update-grub: not found' | 08:20 |
qwebirc97871 | nothing I do will get my ATI card to get a desktop up | 08:21 |
r00t4rd3d | how do i turn cups off permanently ? | 08:21 |
damagednoob | do i need to edit grub.cfg manually or is there a way to get that command to work? | 08:21 |
Dr_Willis | sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck | 08:22 |
qwebirc97871 | is that for me willis? | 08:23 |
Dr_Willis | for everyone :) | 08:23 |
damagednoob | Dr_Willis, i'm trying to do this from a ramdisk: 'sudo: not found' | 08:23 |
Dr_Willis | its from the 1fixtrub wiki | 08:23 |
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Dr_Willis | if you are root you need no sudo | 08:23 |
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qwebirc97871 | willis is there a way to install mythbuntu without a GUI | 08:23 |
damagednoob | Dr_Willis, grub-install: not found | 08:23 |
Dr_Willis | but a ramdisk may not have all the stuff there | 08:23 |
Dr_Willis | do it from a live cd | 08:24 |
qwebirc97871 | without using a gui | 08:24 |
swazzy | does anyone know of a comiler that i can use for beginners on ubuntu? | 08:24 |
taha | Can i change shortcuts keys for opening and closing nodes in tree widget of gtk? (eg tree view of nautilus). I want right key opens the node and left key close it. | 08:24 |
daniellopezific | is 23.0 MB/sec around firewire speed or is that more usb 1.0 speed? | 08:24 |
damagednoob | Dr_Willis, on this computer, i don't have a cdrom or a boot from usb option | 08:24 |
qwebirc97871 | this is driving me mad | 08:25 |
damagednoob | daniellopezific, | 08:25 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 08:25 |
daniellopezific | i always get Mbits and Mbytes confused | 08:26 |
damagednoob | Jordan_U, 10.10 | 08:26 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: Can you boot from a LiveCD? | 08:26 |
daniellopezific | damagednoob, thank you | 08:26 |
rs0832 | daniellopezific, 1mbyte = 8mbits | 08:26 |
daniellopezific | sweet | 08:27 |
damagednoob | Jordan_U, nope, i don't have a cdrom or boot from usb option on the pc | 08:27 |
qwebirc97871 | i guess nobody can help huh | 08:27 |
lano | waht the equilant command to chkconfig | 08:27 |
damagednoob | Jordan_U, i had to put the hdd in another computer to install the ubuntu os | 08:28 |
rs0832 | qwebirc97871, why would you want to install it without a gui? is the gui creating problems? | 08:29 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: Does the output of "cat /proc/cmdline" have a parameter like "root=/dev/sdc1" or a parameter like "root=UUID=fa24d8ed-e5d9-4603-bc0b-f576fd2f7f56"? | 08:29 |
sacarlson | swazzy: if you plan to compile things you should at least install the package build-essential it will include the compilers and headers needed | 08:29 |
daniellopezific | MB = Mega Byte, Mb = Mega Bit.... honestly wth | 08:30 |
lano | what the equivalent command to chkconfig | 08:30 |
damagednoob | output: 'BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-geneirc root=/dev/sc1 ro quite splash' | 08:30 |
damagednoob | sorry, that should be 'root=/dev/sdc1' | 08:31 |
gibran | missing destination for adobe-flashplugin? whats happening? im in the terminal? | 08:31 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: In a default install of Ubuntu 10.10 that should not be what /proc/cmdline looks like. | 08:31 |
damagednoob | Jordan_U, yeah, i figure i just need to change /dev/sdc1 to /dev/sda1 and then it should work | 08:32 |
gibran | help anyone? | 08:32 |
daniellopezific | gibran, what are you doing? | 08:34 |
gibran | i am trying to install the adobe flash plugin | 08:34 |
r00t4rd3d | just goto a site that has flash and install it that way | 08:34 |
gibran | i already downloaded it | 08:34 |
gibran | but i still can't get into our website | 08:35 |
r00t4rd3d | it should auto install | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | gibran: best to let the package manager do the downloading. | 08:35 |
gibran | how? | 08:35 |
r00t4rd3d | | 08:35 |
r00t4rd3d | go there , you get a bar on top saying you need more plugins ? | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | flashplugin-installer - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 08:35 |
gibran | could you give me a website where i can install it again? my boss is already killing me | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | but if you ran the flash installer probram from the adobe site.. that may break things | 08:36 |
r00t4rd3d | Anyone know how I can turn off the CUPS printing service permanently ? | 08:36 |
Dr_Willis | r00t4rd3d: rename /etc/init/cups.conf -> cups.DISABLED | 08:37 |
gibran | unable to lock administration directory | 08:38 |
AbhiJit | Dr_Willis, how to veiw the result of last clamscan scan? | 08:38 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: Reboot holding shift to get to the grub menu, press 'e' to edit the first entry, change /dev/sdc1 to be /dev/sda1, then press ctrl+X to execute the modified entry and boot. | 08:38 |
Dr_Willis | AbhiJit: i rarely use clamscan. it may log stuff somewhere. | 08:38 |
Dribble | they still haven't fixed the nvidia drivers issue with the new kernal? | 08:38 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: Then please pastebin the output of "ls /boot/" and the contents of /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg. | 08:39 |
AbhiJit | Dr_Willis, its related to terminal actually | 08:39 |
AbhiJit | Dr_Willis, can you please look at the thread? | 08:39 |
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datboy | hey guys, I'm trying to run half life 1 in wine but I cant get any sound, and opengl is slow. | 08:41 |
AbhiJit | nvm | 08:41 |
jrwr | | 08:43 |
damagednoob | Jordan_U, holy shit it's working. thanks a ton! | 08:43 |
jrwr | crap | 08:43 |
jrwr | Is there a filesystem that i would use that would detect identical files and instead of make a copy of it and waste disk space, it would just use the pre-existing data? | 08:43 |
gobbe | jrwr: zfs can do that when dedup os set on | 08:44 |
jrwr | awesome | 08:44 |
jrwr | can i use zfs in a loop mount setup? | 08:44 |
noonian | hi, can someone tell me how to set it up so that gnome and x dont start at boot and you have to type startx manually to bring it up? | 08:44 |
nomadd | Hey I have a gma 4500m, how do I get this to work on 10.10? | 08:44 |
Guest84243 | Hi all :) I've just updated to 10.10 and I'm having an error Modprobe: FATAL: with a file "modules.deb" any ideas? | 08:46 |
b0nghitter | please update GNS3 to the latest 0.7.3 in the maverick repos. i have been using it for weeks, it is very stable and installs perfectly via "python install" | 08:47 |
b0nghitter | 0.7.1 is a bit outdated for the latest version of ubuntu i think | 08:48 |
Jordan_U | damagednoob: Did you get my messages about holding shift during boot and pastebining output? | 08:49 |
nomadd | anyone here know how to get gma 4500M to work ? | 08:49 |
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damagednoob | Jordan_U, yes i did, thank you for that. editing from the grub menu was all i needed and i'm now up and running :) | 08:50 |
noonian | how can I set it up so that gnome and x dont start at boot and you have to type startx manually to bring it up? | 08:50 |
gibran | got it guys thanks | 08:52 |
gobbe | noonian: sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults | 08:53 |
^mNotIntelligent | hi all ! | 08:56 |
noonian | thanks gobbe | 08:56 |
falstaph | I have a problem with my partition table ... I have a 40 gigabyte drive that is divided into two partitions how do I merge them into one? | 08:57 |
Dribble | nvidia drivers issue? screen goes blank? | 08:57 |
aaron11 | hello, I want to ask about Wine. Its a simple short question. Will GTA San Andreas work on Ubuntu 10.10? When I mean work I mean like will it work 100%. If not what are the things that will work and what are the things that will fail. I want to know this before I buy this game. It looks soooo good, :D. And if you can can you tell me what settings to put up on Wine? Ive seen some people manage to play it on Wine so Im pretty sure tha | 08:58 |
Dr_Willis | falstaph: keeping the data thats on both? | 08:58 |
Dr_Willis | aaron11: when in doubt check the wine app database. | 08:58 |
a931bw | What is broadcast adress? | 08:58 |
Dr_Willis | !appdb | aaron11 | 08:58 |
ubottu | aaron11: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 08:58 |
sacarlson | falstaph: I think I would leave it partition as two 20 gig's and mount one as root / and the other as /home | 08:59 |
Dribble | !bash | 08:59 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: | 08:59 |
falstaph | I'm not two worried about the data ... | 09:00 |
nomadd | is there a way to enable GMA 4500m drivers? | 09:00 |
aaron11 | Dr_Willis: It seems that on Maveric it is a problem | 09:00 |
Dr_Willis | falstaph: delete one, resize the other.. or delete both and make a single partition. | 09:00 |
aaron11 | Dr_Willis: But other ones say its gold | 09:01 |
aaron11 | Dr_Willis: Which one to belive. | 09:01 |
Dr_Willis | aaron11: often its a matter of 'versions' | 09:01 |
Dr_Willis | aaron11: try it and see.. try the latest wine from the ppa's | 09:01 |
sacarlson | falstaph: but if you want to resize your partitions you could boot a live cd and use gparted to shape them any way you want | 09:02 |
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo | ||
madanie | does anyone know how to configure acer media keys for my acer5920g :< | 09:02 |
Guest84243 | Hi all :) I've just updated to 10.10 and I'm having an error Modprobe: FATAL: with a file "modules.deb" any ideas? | 09:02 |
Guest84243 | Hi all :) I've just updated to 10.10 and I'm having an error Modprobe: FATAL: with a file "modules.dep" any ideas? | 09:03 |
sacarlson | madanie: System>keyboad or System>keyboard hot keyes | 09:03 |
^mNotIntelligent | Guest84243, did you try googling with that particular error message ? | 09:03 |
Guest84243 | yeah i had a bit of a look | 09:03 |
Dr_Willis | !find modules.dep | 09:04 |
ubottu | File modules.dep found in manpages-ja, module-init-tools, user-mode-linux | 09:04 |
sacarlson | madanie: opps System>Preferences>keyboard ... | 09:04 |
spicemaster | !meerkat | 09:05 |
el_seano | Does anyone know off the top of their heads how to change the default console font in the tty's? | 09:05 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download - Release Info: | 09:05 |
^mNotIntelligent | Guest84243, is this what you are facing: ? | 09:05 |
hacker_kid | i have bind9 setup on a box for the local network, it works wonderfully resolving internal and external domains but i cant seem to get it to lie to local hosts, essentially i would like a really domain to resolve to a local ip, ie resolving to, how can this be done? | 09:06 |
hacker_kid | a real domain*, sorry long night | 09:07 |
Guest84243 | ^mNotIntelligent: Yeah I think so | 09:07 |
falstaph | How do I merge the unallocated partition into the main partition? | 09:07 |
Guest84243 | ^mNotIntelligent: Everything boots up ok though, its just an error message at the start | 09:08 |
xnixan | Hi, i have nokia n900 with ubuntu "maemo" i had installed mplayer but i can not run .ram files, and there is no codec version for ARM, what shall i do to run those files? | 09:09 |
Dr_Willis | xnixan: you could try vlc. but you might need to convert them to somthing else | 09:11 |
SuicidalCo | Hello | 09:11 |
xnixan | Dr_Willis, i had tried vlc, same issue! | 09:12 |
xnixan | Dr_Willis, thanks, but converting is not a good solution! | 09:12 |
Dr_Willis | xnixan: it may be the only solutiobn | 09:13 |
SuicidalCo | I tried to dual instal ubuntu with windows and when ubuntu instals I get an error "cannot find root drive"etc | 09:13 |
xnixan | Dr_Willis, i could not find the source code for the codecs, otherwise i can compile and install them, and that's it! | 09:13 |
Dr_Willis | xnixan: the codecs for mplayer come from the windows codec packages. so they are closed source i imagine | 09:14 |
gobbe | xnixan: maemo has nothing to do with ubuntu | 09:14 |
SuicidalCo | I tried to dual instal ubuntu with windows and when ubuntu instals I get an error "cannot find root drive"etc | 09:14 |
r00t4rd3d | SuicidalCo, use the livecd to boot then on desktop , install ubuntu 10.10 | 09:15 |
xnixan | gobbe, isn't it ubuntu version for ARM? | 09:15 |
rww | xnixan: no | 09:15 |
Myrtti | xnixan: no | 09:15 |
gobbe | xnixan: no | 09:15 |
gobbe | xnixan: | 09:15 |
FloodBot1 | gobbe: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:15 |
gobbe | xnixan: it's based on debian, but has nothing to do with ubuntu | 09:16 |
xnixan | rww, Myrtti , gobbe Wow | 09:16 |
gobbe | xnixan: #n900 might be able to help you | 09:17 |
Myrtti | or #maemo | 09:17 |
xnixan | gobbe, Myrtti Dr_Willis rww anyway thanks guys for help | 09:17 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | how's things going tonight everyone? | 09:20 |
Doinkle | heya | 09:21 |
Doinkle | just thinking about my tech goals for 2011 | 09:21 |
r00t4rd3d | :D | 09:21 |
arunkumar413 | hi friends, i'm on ubuntu 10.10. i have a 10.10 ubuntustudio alternate iso image and i want to add this iso image to the software sources.kindly help me | 09:21 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: add the software sources from the cd | 09:22 |
r00t4rd3d | dont think you can add a iso image | 09:22 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: system>administration>software sources | 09:22 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i have iso image in my harddisk. cant i add without burning it to the cd | 09:22 |
=== jeremy is now known as Guest46876 | ||
h-dee | Hi...I actually screwed up my Ubuntu (/var specifically), and so I was thinking about reinstalling a fresh copy. Is there any way I can backup all .deb package files, and Kernel updates so that I can restore them w/o downloading again? | 09:23 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: see whats in /var/cache/apt/ | 09:23 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: i guess i'm not sure what your asking...are you trying to burn a iso of ubuntu without using a cd? or doing the adding software sources? | 09:23 |
Doinkle | r00t4rd3d, im guessing arunkumar413 wants a list of sorts as to what s/w is contained on that flavour of ubuntu... | 09:24 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: Thanks, and what about Kernel updates? Or configuration settings for apps if possible? | 09:24 |
r00t4rd3d | he wants to add a iso image as a source | 09:24 |
r00t4rd3d | read | 09:24 |
Doinkle | i did read | 09:24 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i want to add a new repository. the repository is in .iso image format. | 09:24 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: confuigs in user home are in their home.. other configs are whever they got set at/files you edited | 09:24 |
r00t4rd3d | "i want to add this iso image to the software sources" | 09:24 |
Doinkle | but i conjured arunkumar413 's goal is what i described?? | 09:24 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: Sorry, I didn't understand that. I'm newbie. | 09:25 |
Dr_Willis | i was thinking when i moutned an alternative isntaller iso once.. it did ask to add it to the sources.. but i may be mistaken | 09:25 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: Your users seetings are in their Home dir. | 09:25 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: ? ? ? a ppa shouldn't be in a iso should be a url | 09:25 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: other configs may be in /etc/ | 09:25 |
ortsvorsteher | Sound Problem. I cant get sound from built in speakers on my laptop. On Green Jack and Grey Jack when i plug in External Speakers or Headphones it works. I run a msi notebook with intel hda soundcard. Ubuntu 10.04 and alsa 1.0.21 driver. No sound from internal speakers. | 09:25 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: And how about Kernel updates? | 09:26 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: see whats in /var/cache/apt/ | 09:26 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: i've seen other distros get a package to install a repo...but ubuntu or mint you'll use urls | 09:26 |
ShapeShifter499 | the mic is not working on my acer aspire one with ubuntu 10.04 | 09:26 |
r00t4rd3d | ortsvorsteher, run alsamixer in a terminal | 09:26 |
ShapeShifter499 | can someone help? | 09:26 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: I think they were all package files. | 09:26 |
r00t4rd3d | shape you too | 09:26 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: yes.. and thats what all the updates come in.. | 09:26 |
r00t4rd3d | run alsamixer in a terminal | 09:26 |
ortsvorsteher | alsamixer runs now in terminal r00t4rd3d | 09:27 |
r00t4rd3d | use your arrow keys and move all the sliders up | 09:27 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: or I guess you could mount the iso and then use the software sources to install from | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis | arunkumar413: some programs come as debs that auto-add their own repos to the system to keep them updated. googles tuff does that and so do a few other apps. | 09:27 |
ortsvorsteher | all sliders eccept line & mic are up r00t4rd3d | 09:27 |
Dribble | can you read this? | 09:27 |
Doinkle | we can read :) | 09:27 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: Thanks! By the way, after re-installing...can I install all those files in /var/cache/apt in a single step? Or got to install each 1 by 1? | 09:28 |
soxor | #ubuntu-de | 09:28 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | ortsvorsteher: make sure it isn't muted too | 09:28 |
ShapeShifter499 | r00 | 09:28 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | ortsvorsteher: m to unmute | 09:28 |
r00t4rd3d | ortsvorsteher, you see a speaker icon up on the top taskbar ? | 09:28 |
ShapeShifter499 | r00t4rd3d, ok now what? | 09:28 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Dribble: what up | 09:28 |
Dribble | i'm tired of my screen going blank | 09:28 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i think first i should mount the iso image | 09:28 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: you know how? | 09:28 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: some of them may be out dated and redundant.. so i suggest just copying them to your new cache dir.. then doing normal apt-get update/upgrade/installs of what you need | 09:28 |
Dr_Willis | !clone | h-dee | 09:28 |
ubottu | h-dee: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 09:28 |
r00t4rd3d | ShapeShifter499, press F4 | 09:28 |
ortsvorsteher | nothing is muted Us3r_Unfriendly | 09:28 |
Dribble | it was fixed by an update then I updated again and it came back | 09:28 |
Dr_Willis | h-dee: if a newer package is int eh repos it will download it.. if its alrleady in teh cache - it wont. | 09:29 |
r00t4rd3d | ShapeShifter499, you see a section Mic | 09:29 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, speacker icon? | 09:29 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i was reading this article | 09:29 |
ShapeShifter499 | r00t4rd3d, yes | 09:29 |
ShapeShifter499 | r00t4rd3d, is up and not muted | 09:29 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: Okay! Thanks! :-) | 09:29 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, the speaker slider is open and unmuted | 09:29 |
r00t4rd3d | ortsvorsteher, on your desktop , in the top taskbar , alittle speaker icon | 09:29 |
r00t4rd3d | to the left | 09:30 |
=== trojanking_ is now known as trojanking | ||
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, yes, i see that icon | 09:30 |
r00t4rd3d | left click , then click unmute ? | 09:30 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, it is unmuted | 09:30 |
r00t4rd3d | does it say unmuted or muted ? | 09:31 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo mount -o loop /home/yourusername/wherethepackageis/ /mnt/ | 09:31 |
rickmasta | Hey guys, can I find a good laptop that'll run ubuntu smoothly for under $400? | 09:31 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, i am able to mute it there. at the moment it is unmuted | 09:31 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: where the iso image is located | 09:31 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: its on the desktop | 09:31 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo mount -o loop /home/arunkumar/ubuntuiso /mnt/ | 09:32 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | i guessed with that arunkumar413 | 09:32 |
adz_ | who made this ubuntu distribution? is it from britain? what does the name mean, is in in africaan? please answer | 09:32 |
el_seano | rickmasta: I run Ubuntu Desktop on my netbook just fine. Maybe specify what you mean by smoothly? | 09:32 |
r00t4rd3d | ortsvorsteher, it should say Mute if your sound is on , not unmuted | 09:33 |
gobbe | adz_: read from wikipedia? | 09:33 |
r00t4rd3d | you can click mute/unmuted to change it | 09:33 |
el_seano | adz_: Ubuntu is made by Canonical, which is owned by Mark Shuttleworth. | 09:33 |
rww | adz_: a group of Debian developers led by Mark Shuttleworth, yes, , yes | 09:33 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, sound is on and i see there an option to mute it | 09:34 |
ShapeShifter499 | r00t4rd3d, skype is not working with my mic | 09:34 |
adz_ | oh, thank you. for the answer. i am new to irc. are you guys privating me? why are you texts show up in yellow? | 09:34 |
adz_ | i use opera browser irc client. | 09:34 |
rww | adz_: because we put your name at the start of the message | 09:34 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: sudo mount -o loop /home/arunkumar/ubuntuiso /mnt/ .is ubuntuiso is the name of the iso image | 09:34 |
adz_ | rww, thank you, now do you see yellow. | 09:34 |
rww | adz_: yes | 09:35 |
adz_ | cool. | 09:35 |
adz_ | it's debian. very good. | 09:35 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: yes use what ever the ubuntu iso is called | 09:35 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: i don't know off the top of my head | 09:35 |
adz_ | been using redhat/fedora for 7 years. then i can't take it anymore. the updates are crazy. | 09:35 |
gobbe | crazy? | 09:35 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: welcome to .debs :) | 09:35 |
solo_ | Hi all! I have problem on my laptop hp 4720s with WiFi card. Drivers from System->Additional Drivers don't work. My hardvare: 44:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01) | 09:35 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly your user name is too long for me. :) | 09:36 |
solo_ | Please anybody help me!!! | 09:36 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: just double clicking the iso image mounted it | 09:36 |
adz_ | well, i ain't new to debian. been running knoppix on a stick for a year now. | 09:36 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: type in Us3 and hit tab | 09:36 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, i think it is because my hda chip is not supported. it is an ALC1200 Intel Soundcard HDA. May there is an option not inserted in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf. but i have no idea which one | 09:36 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: Us3r_Unfriendly great thank you. | 09:37 |
rww | adz_: It's based on Debian and syncs from there at the start of every release cycle, then adds changes on top. | 09:37 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: Us3r_UnfriendlyI should have learned this in 1995. | 09:37 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: wow that is easy...where'd it mount it to? /media/ ? | 09:37 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: no problem | 09:37 |
adz_ | rww: so why the name ubuntu, doctor? | 09:38 |
rww | adz_: no idea | 09:38 |
rww | Mark Shuttleworth's South African, maybe he just heard it and liked it. | 09:38 |
adz_ | it sounds african. which is not bad, i mean. | 09:38 |
gobbe | adz_: . It is named after the Southern African philosophy of Ubuntu ("humanity towards others").[7] | 09:38 |
adz_ | rww ohh. | 09:38 |
PhilT | adz: "Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It also means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers." | 09:38 |
adz_ | gobbe: thank you that's good if you are not in the politics. | 09:39 |
PhilT | | 09:39 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: dont know where it got mounted. But the mounted folder is on the desktop | 09:39 |
ortsvorsteher | r00t4rd3d, i think it is because my hda chip seems not to be supported. it is an ALC1200 Intel Soundcard HDA. May there is an option not inserted in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf. but i have no idea which one | 09:39 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: well i'm guessing if you have a article on how to add to software sources you'll need to know where it's mounted | 09:40 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: the location is archive://file%253A%252F%252F%252Fhome%252Farun%252FDesktop%252Fubuntustudio-10.10-alternate-i386.iso/ | 09:40 |
sweet | hey i want to know how free domain is useful to owner | 09:40 |
rickmasta | el_seano: I just mean, run it with no prob | 09:40 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: that's not the location | 09:40 |
solo__ | hi all! | 09:41 |
r00t4rd3d | ortsvorsteher, pm | 09:41 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: that's where your gnome nautilus location on your desktop is | 09:41 |
arunkumar413 | when i press ctrl+l this is the location it shows | 09:41 |
ortsvorsteher | i read that r00t4rd3dthx | 09:41 |
solo__ | can ask about Wifi problems on laptop& | 09:41 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: then tell me how to find the mount point | 09:42 |
sweet | how it is profitable... | 09:42 |
adz_ | can some good people do me a favor and just send one private msg to me. i am not testing my opera. thansk in adv. (the notification feature of opera) | 09:42 |
el_seano | rickmasta: To give you perspective, I have one of the earlier N270 Atom netbooks with a 1GB of RAM. It runs Ubuntu just fine; I can even play Minecraft on this thing. | 09:42 |
el_seano | I paid $270 for it in 2009. | 09:42 |
r00t4rd3d | ShapeShifter499, PM | 09:43 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo mount -l works nicely...also sudo lshw | 09:43 |
rww | el_seano: I think we have the same CPU and RAM. I was surprised at minecraft running on mine :) | 09:43 |
adz_ | hello | 09:43 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: when i click on places. The mounted file is shown under network | 09:43 |
solo__ | hi | 09:43 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: also i'm not to wrattle your cage but how did you double click it and mount it in ubuntu? | 09:43 |
el_seano | rww: I know right! I mean, it's not pretty and I get maybe 10fps if I'm lucky, but it's enough to get my fix | 09:43 |
adz_ | solo_: can you send me a private msg, i am testing my opera browser private msg notification feature. just one, please. | 09:44 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i just doubled the iso image file on the desktop. just below it there was a folder | 09:44 |
mazzoni | hi | 09:44 |
adz_ | did someone send me anything, nothing happens. | 09:45 |
sweet | anyone ...tell me why free domain is profitable | 09:45 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: you'll either use a iso mounter like "Furious Mount" or just from a terminal...otherwise you'll need to put it on a cd or a usb device | 09:45 |
egsome | I've problem with Google Chrome on Ubuntu 10.10, as (some) Arabic text shows `white small box` instead of each character, Any ideas ? | 09:45 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i want to do it in terminal | 09:45 |
adz_ | egsome: i won't be the test bed for a for profit company. it's buggy, has problems. | 09:45 |
adz_ | egsome: max out it's a beta | 09:45 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: you are using ubuntu 10.04+ right? | 09:46 |
Synergy999 | Help! I have no sound in Ubuntu 10.04 (it's not muted, speakers are on). Ubuntu sees my onboard sound : but still nothing comes out of the speakers. Any suggestions? | 09:46 |
egsome | adz_, I didn't face any problems with it, but this one. | 09:46 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: yes, 10.10 | 09:46 |
adz_ | egsome: but you should try opera. | 09:46 |
solo__ | Help me with Wifi 44:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01) | 09:46 |
egsome | adz_, Using it for many months till now | 09:46 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: just tell me how to know the mount point | 09:46 |
adz_ | egsome: it takes years to make a browser. and google has been to optimistic about it. | 09:46 |
egsome | adz_, I'd consider your suggestion, but Can you help in this problem ? | 09:47 |
rww | solo__: , do the "Installing STA drivers" section | 09:47 |
adz_ | egsome: what's the prob again? i manage to run chrome in chroot a few days ago. | 09:47 |
rww | solo__: (there are two drivers for bcm43xx cards, wl/sta and b43. b43 doesn't work with bcm4312) | 09:47 |
solo__ | rww: I tried all manuals but it don't help me | 09:48 |
rww | solo__: considering that I have that card and followed those instructions and it worked, this seems odd. | 09:48 |
konfuzius | hey folks! | 09:48 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo mount -l and it'll say towards the bottom | 09:48 |
rww | solo__: only hint I have on top of that link is to shut down your computer completely and then start it back up once you've gotten the right drivers installed. If you tried to set up b43 and its firmware, it can cause odd issues until shutdown. | 09:48 |
rww | (and I mean shutdown, not reboot) | 09:49 |
r00t4rd3d | rww, is there a difference betweem sta and b43 ? | 09:49 |
rww | r00t4rd3d: STA/wl is the non-free-software driver, b43 is a community-developed free driver | 09:49 |
r00t4rd3d | whats better ? | 09:49 |
konfuzius | anyone who might help with a nforce2 chip sound problem? | 09:49 |
rww | r00t4rd3d: different ones work on different cards. when b43 used to work on my bcm4312, it had worse speeds and better features (e.g. promiscuous mode). whereas, wl is more dependable for me. | 09:50 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: this is what i got | 09:50 |
adz_ | egsome: can you send me a private message | 09:50 |
r00t4rd3d | Ive been using the STA but I see my card is supported for the b43 too :/ | 09:50 |
adz_ | egsome: if you do, i will give you my script to set up a chroot env on knoppix | 09:50 |
rww | r00t4rd3d: if the STA's working fine, I'd stick with it | 09:50 |
solo__ | rww: My driver b43 is working partially and fully sta does not work | 09:51 |
adz_ | konfuzius: here is the thing with linux. it has all the goodies, if you HW is not supported. change to other HW. | 09:51 |
h-dee | Dr_Willis: Sorry to interrupt again...but is there anything else which you should be back'd up apart from config directories/files in Home, and apt files from /var/cache/apt? | 09:51 |
rww | solo__: well, I gave you the instructions and the thing about shutting down, so you know what I know now. Broadcom cards are a pain. | 09:51 |
konfuzius | no i guess it is supported. at least it had sound input before reinstall :) | 09:51 |
konfuzius | and i find the device in the hardware list, but it won't play any sound. i guess its just a matter of drivers | 09:52 |
adz_ | konttori_work: upgrade sometimes "fail" your hardware. the experience i have with linux for years is: look forward. take what you have and forget about what you don't. save time. also make linux working for u meaning. actually, it's mature now. | 09:52 |
PhilT | arunkumar413: how did you mount iso ? | 09:53 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: your "sr0" is your physical cd/dvd drive. terminal: cd /media/45a7536c-fc24-4db3-8897-84697e4a9dbe and the type: ls -a | 09:53 |
nozick | how do i burn an img image to a usb memory? | 09:53 |
rww | solo__: I don't do technical support in PM | 09:54 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: what is in there? | 09:54 |
h-dee | Hi...I was going to re-install Ubuntu, and so I took the backup of complete Home folder (will config files etc), and /var/cache/apt. Do I need to back-up anything else? | 09:54 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: it got lost+found | 09:55 |
gobbe | h-dee: /etc-folder might be also one thing to backup | 09:55 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: okay...that's not it | 09:55 |
h-dee | gobbe: Thanks. What's exactly in it? just for knowledge. | 09:55 |
arunkumar413 | PhilT: i just double clicked the iso image to mount | 09:55 |
solo_ | rww: sorry | 09:56 |
rww | np | 09:56 |
PhilT | I can't find where it mounts them using isomount either. Tried from command line ? | 09:56 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: type: cd then: sudo mount -o loop /home/your-username/and-path-to-the-iso /mnt/ | 09:56 |
solo_ | all actions with sta drivers for lapto hp 4720s - false | 09:57 |
x42 | which twitter client to use for ubuntu? | 09:57 |
h-dee | gobbe: There? | 09:57 |
trojanking_ | sacarlson private msg me plz | 09:58 |
Synergy999 | Is anyone a wiz with fixing sound issues? Ubuntu sees my sound card but I still get no sound. Note this pastebin: ... any help would be appreciated | 09:58 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | I could be 100% wrong...but without a iso mounting client already installed on ubuntu, I don't think you just can mount an iso from double clicking on it | 09:59 |
h-dee | Hi...I was going to re-install Ubuntu, and so I took the backup of complete Home folder (will config files etc), and /var/cache/apt. Do I need to back-up anything else? What's exactly in /etc? | 09:59 |
Dr_Willis | Us3r_Unfriendly: you can with the right extra installed | 09:59 |
Dr_Willis | Us3r_Unfriendly: i dont recall what the program was called however. 'archive mounter' or somthing like that | 09:59 |
PhilT | nozick: Imagewriter | 09:59 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: what about he file name | 10:00 |
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off | ||
sosaited | How can I find out where in the disk (Partition or Free space or GB location) a particular "LBA" is (Reported by smartctl)? | 10:00 |
toloykhan | hello there | 10:00 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Dr_Willis: your right...didn't know we had archive mounter on the newer versions | 10:01 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: right click on the iso and click on open with archive mounter | 10:01 |
wrd | sosaited: fdisk should give you the info | 10:02 |
GrassMonkey | hey guys, i just pluged in a graphics card into my computer PCI but i can not seem to see it in System > Preferances > Screens any ideas please | 10:02 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Dr_Willis: kinda takes the fun out doing it that way :( | 10:02 |
PhilT | Grassmonkey: lspci from command line to see if it shows up | 10:02 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: nothing happens | 10:03 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo mount -l and it'll lable it like this: /dev/loop0 on /mnt type udf (rw) [ARCH_201005] <---I used another distro but it'll say ubuntu for you | 10:03 |
trojanking_ | how do i send private message to some1 in xchat if i know his nick | 10:04 |
sosaited | wrd, I think my those sectors are are located in an unpartitioned space... I tried to see with fdisk, but its start/end numbers are way short than what should be for the block size. | 10:04 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | trojanking_: in irssi and wee-chat i just type in: /msg trojanking hi what's up? | 10:04 |
PhilT | trojanking: right mouse name | 10:04 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | trojanking_: then hit enter | 10:04 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: it took me to the desktop | 10:04 |
PhilT | arunkamar413 sudo mount -o loop image_file.iso /path/to/mount/folder make folder first ie create a mount pont then mount to it | 10:05 |
toloykhan | hello there any one have a knowledge about iptables | 10:06 |
pa | excuse me, does ubuntu postfix package support sqlite??? | 10:06 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | toloykhan: use ufw...way easier | 10:06 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | toloykhan: using linux for a long time...i think iptables is pretty hard for even someone like me | 10:07 |
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toloykhan | I recently had set my computer to be a router and I need | 10:07 |
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Us3r_Unfriendly | !info gufw | toloykhan | 10:07 |
ubottu | toloykhan: gufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.10.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 225 kB, installed size 1296 kB | 10:07 |
PhilT | toloykhan: Webmin or ufw help front end iptables | 10:07 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | toloykhan: gufw is a gui front-end to ufw, which is a front-end to iptables | 10:08 |
arunkumar413 | PhilT: where should i create folder | 10:08 |
toloykhan | no, I had did my firewall my self but i need to access it remotly | 10:08 |
PhilT | arunkamar413: wherever - I did mine inthe Downloads folder where the iso was | 10:08 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | toloykhan: ssh | 10:08 |
toloykhan | us3r_Unfriendly how to do ssh? | 10:09 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | toloykhan: why do you need to do over remote connection, might I ask? | 10:09 |
blink | i am having an error installing GTK+ | 10:10 |
toloykhan | I used P3 computer to be a router and I used linux ubuntu and set up it to be a router | 10:10 |
toloykhan | so I need to remote access because am going to remove the screen form it | 10:11 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | toloykhan: you would have to have the host machine with the firewall your trying to configure to have installed some kind of ssh server and then from your machine you would just connect to it through ssh | 10:11 |
toloykhan | could you name some ssh server | 10:12 |
rww | toloykhan: openssh-server | 10:12 |
toloykhan | rww thanx | 10:13 |
damagednoob | i think i screwed up installation of mythtv on ubuntu and now it hangs at the desktop. is there a way to reset the desktop settings to default? | 10:13 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | but to probably use ssh you'd have to open a port through the firewall | 10:13 |
toloykhan | I will try to figure out that | 10:13 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | in the first place | 10:13 |
user2 | alow | 10:13 |
toloykhan | Us3r_Unfriendly thanx | 10:13 |
PhilT | arunkamar413: | 10:13 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | np toloykhan | 10:14 |
_joey | I am running mavrick 64bit. I need to install libpcap0.8-dev package and it is not in repository | 10:14 |
_joey | what do I do? | 10:15 |
Dr_Willis | !info libpcap | 10:15 |
ubottu | Package libpcap does not exist in maverick | 10:15 |
arunkumar413 | PhilT: it says it cant find the iso file | 10:15 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm.. find a ppa or use soruce. | 10:15 |
Dr_Willis | !find libpcap | 10:15 |
ubottu | Found: libpcap-dev, libpcap0.8, libpcap0.8-dbg, libpcap0.8-dev, libpcap-ruby | 10:15 |
_joey | it does | 10:15 |
PhilT | arunkamar413: is the iso file in the folder you are in ? if both the iso and the mount point folder are at same place should be ok, son't change into mount point folder | 10:16 |
yjh | a | 10:16 |
sosaited | I want to write "/dev/zero" to a specific LBA of my disk (That sector resides in a non partitioned space, got the LBA number from smartctl). How will I use dd command with seek option in this case? Should I just enter the exact lba, or divide it by 512? | 10:16 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: PhilT just showed you an example of how he would do it on his pc... | 10:16 |
yjh | he | 10:16 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: you need to do the location of your local iso file...not his | 10:16 |
yjh | ? | 10:17 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i did mine. but it says it cant find | 10:17 |
yjh | wine ? | 10:17 |
Myrtti | !ask | yjh | 10:17 |
ubottu | yjh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:17 |
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Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: just right click on the iso image of where you downloaded it with > archive mounter | 10:18 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | way easier | 10:18 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: the file is on the deskotp i created a folder called ubuntustudio in documents to mount it. | 10:18 |
PhilT | arunkumar413: ls *.iso - is it there ? | 10:18 |
ryan_languagelab | I just switched from Xubuntu to Ubuntu and I must say I'm very unhappy with the indicator-applet. I don't seem to be receiving notifications after I apt-get update about upgrades available. how can I show these but not any of the social indicator stuff? | 10:18 |
yjh | how to install wine ? | 10:18 |
hidnshadows | need just a spot more help on formatting a freshly wiped external, so that it's compatible with windows and mac(if possible) | 10:18 |
hidnshadows | yjh it's in software center | 10:18 |
Dr_Willis | yjh: sudo apt-get install wine | 10:18 |
PhilT | yjh: sudo apt-get install wine | 10:18 |
PhilT | snap :-) | 10:18 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | yjh: it's best to install the latest version of wine from their ppa | 10:19 |
blink | if i installed tint2 from the Ubuntu Software Center, does that mean that i am done installing it?? | 10:19 |
_joey | libpcap0.8-dev | 10:19 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i tried by opening with archive mounter it's automatically mounting | 10:19 |
hidnshadows | blink does it run corrrectly? also, did it specify that you had to dl any additional packages? | 10:19 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | yjh: sudo apt-get install wine will work, but sometimes you'll need the newest version of wine which isn't in the repos...only way is to add the ppa of wine | 10:20 |
Synergy999 | Is anyone a wiz with fixing sound issues? Ubuntu sees my sound card but I still get no sound. Note this pastebin: ... any suggestions would be appreciated | 10:20 |
RaNa | hello everyone i need some help new to linux just installed ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386 with FOG project and im haveing some problem with ftp i can only edit under home/username i want to go edit some files in the tftpboot folder its | 10:20 |
RaNa | [L] 550 Create directory operation failed. | 10:20 |
RaNa | [L] CWD /tftpboot/new | 10:20 |
RaNa | [L] 550 Failed to change directory. please help | 10:20 |
FloodBot3 | RaNa: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:20 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo ls -a /media/ /mnt/ | 10:20 |
hidnshadows | man everyone and their cousin is having sound card problems, is it lack of drivers or what? | 10:20 |
Dr_Willis | hidnshadows: lack of support from the hw makers | 10:21 |
wrd | sosaited: | 10:21 |
hidnshadows | dr_willis that explains it, thanks | 10:21 |
gobbe | h-dee: yep | 10:21 |
gobbe | h-dee: now :) | 10:21 |
wrd | sosaited: the lba address should be somewhat smaller then the sector count. | 10:21 |
acerB | RaNa, i would recommend that u re attempt editing the config files whilst using sudo | 10:22 |
h-dee | gobbe: Oh you're back. LOL! I was just confirming what's exactly in /etc? And when I was backing it up...some files didn't copied. | 10:22 |
RaNa | umm how do i do that over a ftp | 10:22 |
sosaited | wrd: Sector count which needs to be entered in "seek=" of dd?. How much smaller? | 10:22 |
RaNa | im sorry new and i have no idea what im doing | 10:23 |
yjh | but where to download the latest version of wine , thank? | 10:23 |
Stevezau | god dammit! 2-3 days of t-shooting and im no closer!!! | 10:23 |
sosaited | wrd: Oh yeah I get that. so I should enter a near number to the LBA without dividing it by 512 right? | 10:24 |
Dr_Willis | !wine | yjh | 10:24 |
ubottu | yjh: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 10:24 |
yjh | thanks! | 10:24 |
Gunni | where is the best place to ask around for windows problems? | 10:24 |
arunkumar413 | PhilT: /home/arun/Desktop/ubuntustudio10.10.iso this is the location of the iso image, and i want to mount it in /home/arun/Documents/ubuntustudio.plz tell me the command | 10:24 |
Dr_Willis | Gunni: #windows :) | 10:24 |
Gunni | invite only | 10:24 |
Gunni | but i found it it's ##windows | 10:25 |
gobbe | h-dee: it contains system wide configuration files | 10:25 |
Dr_Willis | Gunni: more likely 'registered nicks' only | 10:25 |
gobbe | h-dee: like your network configuration, users etc | 10:25 |
Gunni | i'm registered ;) | 10:25 |
wrd | sosaited: read the section chs-conversion in the wikipedia article to get information. | 10:25 |
Gunni | #windows unable to join channel (invite only) | 10:25 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: sudo mount -o loop /home/arun/Desktop/ubuntustudio10.10.iso /home/arun/Documents/ubuntustudio | 10:25 |
Synergy999 | Sadly Ubuntu is sucking... (sound card issues)... it's time for me to try something else... Fedora or OpenSuse? Which would have more drivers / hardware supported? | 10:26 |
h-dee | gobbe: And what about those files which didn't copied? Should I skip them? And while restoring if it restored fstab, inittab, passwd etc...then won't it affect the new installation? | 10:26 |
egsome | Synergy999, Ubuntu :) | 10:26 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Synergy999: don't sloap that low... | 10:26 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | lol | 10:26 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Synergy999: and you think you'll have a better chance with those 2? | 10:26 |
Synergy999 | Ubuntu wont give me any sound, and nobody has any clues... I have no choice but to try other distros | 10:27 |
bustedup277 | So I was running Wubi trying to install Ubuntu on my computer when at the very end it crashed and said "Could not retrieve needed files" or something like that. Then it said for more info check out the log file. Why did it crash? | 10:27 |
bustedup277 | I am using an hp mini notebook windows 7 trying to install Ubuntu with Wubi | 10:27 |
gobbe | h-dee: what files did got skipped? | 10:27 |
Stevezau | Synergy999 what h/w? | 10:27 |
egsome | Synergy999, You can try ask again, with details .. | 10:27 |
Sarisir | hi all :) | 10:27 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: it mounted,now how to add it to the repository | 10:27 |
Synergy999 | my old message: Is anyone a wiz with fixing sound issues? Ubuntu sees my sound card but I still get no sound. Note this pastebin: ... any suggestions would be appreciated | 10:27 |
Synergy999 | pastebin has all the info | 10:27 |
h-dee | Folders such as private...or other system files. I even tar'd the complete folder with SU priveledges, and those still aren't present in the archive. | 10:28 |
h-dee | gobbe: I still don't rememer all those files but there were many | 10:28 |
Stevezau | im also having sound issues.. i eneded up having to post to alsa-users mailing list | 10:28 |
gobbe | h-dee: how did you try to backup them? | 10:29 |
blink | why I get this when i run tint2 in terminal?? | 10:29 |
h-dee | gobbe: First I tried to copy as it is. And then I tried again by creating a tar archive of the complete folder. | 10:29 |
blink | tint2 : nb monitor 1, nb desktop 1 | 10:29 |
blink | tint2 : another systray is running | 10:29 |
RaNa | ok how about this after install fog project i cant edit the tftpboot folder how to i be come the owner? | 10:30 |
ToastedHip | good morning | 10:30 |
Synergy999 | hmm OpenSuse has a "wubi" type installer? Does Fedora have one now too | 10:30 |
Synergy999 | ? | 10:30 |
RaNa | i want to take owner shop back | 10:30 |
gobbe | h-dee: tra should be able to take whole folder, can you try again and give excact error message? | 10:31 |
abhishekpathak | good morning all | 10:31 |
ToastedHip | Ubuntu one is my personal cloud. how to turn disk space into memory? so i may run a simple server? | 10:31 |
f11f12 | when will the wxwidgets 2.8 library be replaced by version 2.9? | 10:31 |
gobbe | Synergy999: you should ask it from #fedora, they might know | 10:31 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: didn't you say you a article on how to do it? I'd try to edit it in: /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:31 |
gobbe | ToastedHip: what do you mean running simple server? | 10:32 |
=== Synergy999 is now known as _Synergy_ | ||
h-dee | gobbe: i used the command "tar cvpzf backup.tgz /etc" with SU priveldges, and it did created the file nicely and cleanly, but as I said, some directories/files are missing such as "Private folder", so should I skip them if they are not that important from the backup point of view? | 10:32 |
h-dee | gobbe | 10:32 |
h-dee | gobbe: they must be system linked..right? | 10:32 |
hid3 | Good morning everyone. Is it possible to redirect boot progress and login console output to both, the monitor and serial (RS232) console? | 10:33 |
gobbe | h-dee: well, without paste of actual error hard to say, tar cvf etc.tar /etc/* should be enough | 10:33 |
h-dee | gobbe | 10:34 |
gobbe | h-dee: there are files that doesn't need to be backed up, like mtab, because it's created on fly | 10:34 |
h-dee | gobbe: let me try this one too...thanks! | 10:34 |
Djrazer1988 | salve a tutti e buon anno | 10:34 |
gobbe | !en | Djrazer1988 | 10:34 |
ubottu | Djrazer1988: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 10:34 |
Djrazer1988 | Hello and happy new year | 10:35 |
r00t4rd3d | | 10:35 |
r00t4rd3d | ^^ awesome | 10:35 |
h-dee | gobbe: archived same files as before. But I think those would be sufficient as per backup point of view. | 10:36 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Djrazer1988: Ciao ... inglese, per favore | 10:36 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | happy new year Djrazer1988 | 10:36 |
Djrazer1988 | there is someone who can help me? | 10:36 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | what's your problem Djrazer1988 | 10:36 |
r00t4rd3d | maybe whats wrong | 10:36 |
hidnshadows | djrazer1998 just ask | 10:36 |
abhishekpathak | just ask | 10:37 |
h-dee | gobbe: What's in /usr/share? | 10:37 |
Djrazer1988 | I have to install ubuntu from pen drive | 10:37 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | h-dee: your icons thems and stuff like that | 10:37 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | unetbootin Djrazer1988 ? | 10:37 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee /usr/share contains global configuration settings | 10:37 |
h-dee | Us3r_Unfriendly: thanks. I don't need to back it up right? | 10:37 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee you can overwrite anything in /usr/share by creating a folder in your /home folder having the same name | 10:38 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | h-dee: sorry i didn't hear your original I don't know why your backing it up... | 10:38 |
Gretchen | hey rww, pick on someone your own size, FSCK | 10:38 |
rww | Gretchen: I'd appreciate it if we didn't spread this into other channels. | 10:39 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee i don't think backing up is necessary..the right way to customise is through /home | 10:39 |
Gretchen | rww in the real world ill kick your ubuntu ass | 10:39 |
h-dee | Us3r_Unfriendly: i'm going to re-install Ubuntu to just confirming what all should I back-up | 10:39 |
r00t4rd3d | lol | 10:39 |
Gretchen | yes i like ubuntu, i dont like you | 10:39 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | h-dee: if you remove your /usr/share/'ll notice it quite a bit | 10:39 |
nunya | anyone here familiar with ratpoison? | 10:39 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee and leave /usr/share as vanilla as possible | 10:39 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee did you install any theme pack? | 10:39 |
ChefBaggins | Djrazer1988, so, what help do you need? | 10:39 |
Gretchen | rww you already made it that way when you banned me with conversations we were having in front of others | 10:39 |
h-dee | abhishekpathak: thanks. I think that would restore when i install all the apps + config directories in /home | 10:39 |
Gretchen | rww come on give me your address so i can pound the daylights out of you | 10:39 |
hid3 | Any ideas about the double console thing? | 10:40 |
r00t4rd3d | DING DING | 10:40 |
Gretchen | I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU | 10:40 |
hidnshadows | Gretchen back off, rww was just doing his job | 10:40 |
rww | Gretchen: #ubuntu-ops for discussion of bans, see /msg ubottu !appeals for our appeal policy. Here is not the place. | 10:40 |
h-dee | abhishekpathak: themes are default. Nothing extra | 10:40 |
Djrazer1988 | Us3r_Unfriendly thanks for the reply | 10:40 |
Gretchen | rww if/when i find out where you are i will beat you up hard | 10:40 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee i think you should be fine just backing up /home :) | 10:40 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | h-dee: i'd do personal stuff like wallpapers,photos,music,local packages (website .debs), don't need to back up /usr/share/ seeing if you reinstall | 10:40 |
thing | who highlight me? щ_Щ | 10:41 |
h-dee | abhishekpathak: thanks. I think i've took the backup necessary. i'm ready to roll now. | 10:41 |
hidnshadows | rww everybody hates the mods, huh? I appreciate what you do, Just saying. | 10:41 |
abhishekpathak | h-dee bon voyage ! | 10:41 |
h-dee | Us3r_Unfriendly: thanks. I've back up all that stuff. | 10:41 |
thing | hid3, boo | 10:41 |
h-dee | Have fun everyone. happy New year. ciao! | 10:41 |
hidnshadows | good luck h-dee | 10:41 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | Djrazer1988: Nessun problema | 10:42 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i messed up with sources.lst file. unable to open the package managar | 10:42 |
hidnshadows | Hey, if I was going re-map my keyboard, what would be the easiest way to do this? | 10:42 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: gksudo software-properties-gtk | 10:42 |
hid3 | :( | 10:43 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: what was the original reason why you needed to add from a cd??? | 10:43 |
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hidnshadows | anyone need any general troubleshooting? | 10:44 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i cant open it by selecting system>administration>synaptic package manager | 10:45 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: how to fix it | 10:45 |
Stevezau | hidnshadows u can try fix my htpc :P | 10:45 |
abhishekpathak | arunkumar413, i think you must release the system lock | 10:45 |
wasabi | what is a good file system to use with samba? | 10:45 |
hidnshadows | Stevezau, mind if I PM? | 10:45 |
wasabi | jfs? ext4? | 10:45 |
auli | hi all.. i have a quick question.. my brother installed some NAT software in ubuntu 10.10 and I want to uninstall it now that he is done.. | 10:45 |
abhishekpathak | arunkumar413, there is a lock file created ( i cant remember the location ) and you have to delete it from the terminal as sudo using the rm command | 10:46 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: no,i think the problem is with the sources file | 10:46 |
auli | how do I do it? I see a lot of nf_* modules | 10:46 |
=== me_ is now known as Guest16020 | ||
ToastedHip | gobbe: it would be cool if ubuntu one let me run small server apps? wait nevermind. | 10:46 |
auli | i am having trouble setting up a point to point link on the wireless network (i think NAT might be a problem).. | 10:46 |
Stevezau | hidnshadows u any good with alsa? | 10:46 |
abhishekpathak | arunkumar413, i experienced a similar problem sometime back | 10:46 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: terminal: gksudo synaptic | 10:46 |
serrneiros | How do you enable microphone playback on ubuntu? | 10:46 |
abhishekpathak | arunkumar413, although i don;t remember maybe i am not the best person for help | 10:47 |
hidnshadows | Stevezau, unfortunately not, I may be able to help though | 10:47 |
krzysiek | witam | 10:47 |
Stevezau | hidnshadows | 10:47 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: this is what i'm getting | 10:47 |
hidnshadows | If I formatted a hard drive with an MS-DOS parttable and NTFS filesystem, what should that be compatable with? | 10:48 |
Guest16020 | Hi. I have 'guest' account with rater heavy modyfied gnome, etc. I would like to create new user with the same settings, but when I 'cp -R' guest's home, chowned it to a new user and tried to log in it didn't worked too well (it didn't at all). Any suggestions? | 10:48 |
serrneiros | How to enable microphone playback? | 10:48 |
ToastedHip | i program on a computer | 10:48 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: go back to your backup of your sources.list | 10:49 |
stealthc | you program what? | 10:49 |
Dr_Willis | Guest16020: chown the files in the newly copied home also | 10:49 |
ToastedHip | in c++ | 10:49 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | stealthc: he programs on his computer...geez | 10:49 |
stealthc | lol | 10:50 |
stealthc | just asking | 10:50 |
auli | bump.. how do I find and uninstall the NAT software in Ubuntu 10.10 | 10:50 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: ok,made a backup copy | 10:50 |
stealthc | I'm desperate to find coders I've got like 10 years of work on my own otherwise, lol | 10:50 |
abhishekpathak | arunkumar413, /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:50 |
ToastedHip | r u making an mmorpg? | 10:50 |
abhishekpathak | check out line 53 there | 10:50 |
ToastedHip | for ubuntu? | 10:50 |
Guest16020 | Dr_Willis: Hi doctory, sorry for my english - what i meant was I did chown the new folder, or maybe...let me check. | 10:50 |
abhishekpathak | maybe that would get you going where the problem is | 10:50 |
ChefBaggins | auli do you have the name? Have you tried using synaptic? sudo apt-get remove <name of prgramme?> | 10:51 |
stealthc | no I am making a virtualized internet over p2p | 10:51 |
ToastedHip | pay to play or peer to peer?' | 10:51 |
Guest16020 | Dr_Willis: Of course I forgot. Thanks. | 10:51 |
auli | ChefBaggins: my bro installed something and I can't ask him now (different timezone) | 10:51 |
serrneiros | How do you enable microphone playback on ubuntu? I can record through my mic, but I need to use my lappy as an amp... Please help | 10:51 |
abhishekpathak | arunkumar413, let me know if it was fixed...m going away for a while | 10:51 |
auli | ChefBaggins: I don't know the name :( | 10:51 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: not fixed | 10:51 |
hidnshadows | would an external HDD with ms-dos filetable and ntfs formatting made in ubuntu, be compatable wiht all 3 tiers? | 10:51 |
stealthc | picture transmission client with overseeding of torrent files, and remote execution of cpu code using stripped instance of vbox with linux, php and apache and opentorrent | 10:52 |
yeats | arunkumar413: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list at | 10:52 |
Dr_Willis | hidnshadows: should work with most os's | 10:52 |
stealthc | and some nifty 7z integration | 10:52 |
yeats | arunkumar413: | 10:52 |
auli | the actual problem is, I am setting up a point-to-point wireless link but the ping packets don't even show in tcpdump | 10:52 |
hidnshadows | Dr_Willis alright thanks | 10:52 |
auli | (or the arp packets) | 10:52 |
nightcrow_ | hiya, i have installed webmin.1.530 using the deb file (dpkg -i webmin.1.530.deb) and it has missing files, so i do apt-get install -f but all that does is remove webmin, can someone help me please | 10:52 |
ChefBaggins | auli... no idea.... | 10:52 |
victor_ | 555 | 10:52 |
auli | ChefBaggins: thanks anyways | 10:52 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: make this your new sources.list : | 10:53 |
electronicmaji | use gentoo | 10:53 |
wrd | why is sha1 removed from kernel? :( | 10:53 |
stealthc | can anybody suggest a version of linux that would be good? | 10:53 |
ToastedHip | where is the link on ubuntu website to copy and paste code? i want to see if i can make cool hacks | 10:53 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: | 10:53 |
nightcrow_ | fixed!! :) | 10:53 |
nightcrow_ | needed an apt-get update | 10:53 |
nightcrow_ | thanks guys! :) | 10:53 |
stealthc | I need something as lightweight as possible, dedicated for running apache, opentorrent and php | 10:53 |
electronicmaji | I have the solution for your problems stealth | 10:54 |
electronicmaji | install gentoo | 10:54 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | stealthc: what are you wanting from your distro? | 10:54 |
victor_ | работает | 10:54 |
stealthc | have you ever used vbox before? | 10:54 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | stealthc: I use vbox alot | 10:54 |
electronicmaji | ive used your mom before | 10:55 |
electronicmaji | good times | 10:55 |
hidnshadows | electronicmaji would you mind moving all non-related conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic? | 10:55 |
ToastedHip | i am hungry | 10:55 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | electronicmaji: i don't see how that's a question | 10:55 |
az_ordog_maga | im hungary | 10:55 |
ToastedHip | i like ubuntu | 10:55 |
yeats | arunkumar413: can you comment out the first line? (add a # to the beginning of the line beginning with "deb cdrom") | 10:55 |
az_ordog_maga | ahah | 10:55 |
ToastedHip | my issue is while working with ubuntu i need a snack. cuz i been sick and nasty stuff has happened. i guess i should figure it out | 10:56 |
electronicmaji | i'ts not a queston i'm a expert im giving my advice | 10:56 |
ToastedHip | but this is urgent | 10:56 |
electronicmaji | and my advice is uninstall ubuntu and install gentoo | 10:56 |
rww | electronicmaji: Stop trolling, please. | 10:56 |
ToastedHip | what is a Gentoo | 10:56 |
scotty^ | A Gentoo is a type of penguin | 10:56 |
rww | electronicmaji: also, "your mom" jokes aren't appropriate for this channel. | 10:56 |
hidnshadows | toastedhip it's another linux distro, but let's stop talking about this on #ubuntu | 10:57 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: ok,solved.thanx | 10:57 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: can u help me how a add a iso image as a repository | 10:57 |
scotty^ | See | 10:57 |
scotty^ | I need some help with configure | 10:58 |
scotty^ | I'm getting No package 'fontconfig' found | 10:59 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | ToastedHip: gentoo is a distro that when you install, after your done with the install...your greeted with a tty screen and then it's kernel compiling time. basically that guy just wanted to look cool...truth gentoo isn't that hard after using Ubuntu for a few years and getting comfortable with a terminal | 10:59 |
scotty^ | Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the environment variables FONTCONFIG_CFLAGS | 10:59 |
scotty^ | and FONTCONFIG_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. | 10:59 |
scotty^ | See the pkg-config man page for more details. | 10:59 |
scotty^ | I've tried exporting the PGK_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to /usr/lib and /usr/lib/pkgconfig but I still get the same error. | 11:01 |
scotty^ | Can anyone help? | 11:01 |
GrassMonkey | have problems with my graphics card. i did lspci and i can see the card. but its not in system > preferences > Monitors. i need some advice on what todo next | 11:03 |
r00t4rd3d | whats the card | 11:04 |
Ardethian | Is there a good program for Linux that allows me to rearrange my music library (retrieve song names, albums, cover arts etc) ? | 11:04 |
scotty^ | GrassMonkey: As far as I know, graphics cards do not show up in System > Preferences > Monitors, only monitors do. | 11:04 |
hidnshadows | anyone need any general troubleshooting? | 11:04 |
scotty^ | what problems are you having? | 11:05 |
GrassMonkey | r00t4rd3d, pro ,ptopm at24 i think. its a very old pci card from the 90s. there also stealth video and dimon mutimedia printed on the board as well | 11:05 |
Ardethian | Is there a good program for Linux that allows me to rearrange my music library (retrieve song names, albums, cover arts etc) ? | 11:05 |
scotty^ | hidnshadows: yes please | 11:05 |
scotty^ | I need some help with configure | 11:05 |
scotty^ | I'm getting No package 'fontconfig' found | 11:05 |
scotty^ | Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the environment variables FONTCONFIG_CFLAGS | 11:05 |
hidnshadows | scotty^ and I think you said earlier that you looked for it in the repos, right? | 11:05 |
scotty^ | umm, no | 11:06 |
yeats | Ardethian: take a look at this - it helped me: | 11:06 |
scotty^ | I did a search in my filesystem | 11:06 |
Ardethian | thanks yeats :) | 11:06 |
gibran | how can i do the effects here at my desktop? like the cube revolving thing? | 11:06 |
hidnshadows | scotty^ try looking for it in the repos | 11:06 |
scotty^ | and tried setting the PGK_CONFIG_PATH environment variable | 11:06 |
GrassMonkey | there is a few names on the card: pro motion aT25, Stealth Video 2500 PCI, Diamond Multimedia Systems | 11:06 |
oCean | scotty^: use "apt-cache policy fontconfig" to see if the package "fontconfig" is actually installed | 11:06 |
scotty^ | to /usr/lib and to /usr/lib/pkgconfig | 11:06 |
scotty^ | but I still get the same error | 11:07 |
oCean | scotty^: if not, do "sudo apt-get install fontconfig" | 11:07 |
GrassMonkey | how can i configure the card or check if the drivers are installed or working | 11:07 |
`marianne` | on my mac, i can take a playlist in itunes and burn it as an mp3 CD, with all the mp3s of that playlist copied to the CD (presumably with the playlist's "track" number prefixed to the filename)... is there any way to do that sort of thing in ubuntu? | 11:07 |
scotty^ | Synaptic shows fontconfig 2.8.0-2ubuntu1 as being installed by default. | 11:08 |
tejuu | heyyyo | 11:08 |
arunkumar413 | abhishekpathak: the iso image is mounted plz help me to add it to repository | 11:08 |
r00t4rd3d | GrassMonkey, what version of ubuntu ? 10.10 i386 ? | 11:08 |
scotty^ | GrassMonkey: What make and model of card did you say it is? | 11:08 |
tejuu | heyyo please explain the topic clearly | 11:08 |
GrassMonkey | r00t4rd3d, 10.10 i386 | 11:09 |
yeats | `marianne`: in rhythmbox, you should be able to right click on a playlist and burn to CD... | 11:09 |
hidnshadows | tejuu I'm not sure I understand | 11:09 |
rww | tejuu: #ubuntu is for technical support with Ubuntu Linux | 11:09 |
`marianne` | thanks yeats, i'll try :) | 11:09 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: like this: | 11:09 |
an0nmat1r | title: Ubuntu Test 2 with compiz and new rendering profile | 11:09 |
an0nmat1r | description: Ubuntu Test 2 with compiz and new rendering profile | 11:09 |
GrassMonkey | scotty^, not sure very old PCI card from the 90s with the following printed on the board: Pro Motion aT24, Stealth Video 2500 PCI and Diamond Multimedia | 11:10 |
rww | fnord | 11:10 |
tejuu | i c tell me the url to know much more about it | 11:10 |
rww | tejuu:, though based on your hostmask, it looks like you're already using it :) | 11:10 |
ToastedHip | i thought GIMP was invented for Ubuntu. like it was your best buddy. now GIMP is gone? i have it installed but i want better GIMP and that happens by ubuntu realizing gimp is your friends and must be developed on | 11:10 |
tejuu | yea but am a newbie | 11:11 |
scotty^ | I've also just tried exporting /usr/bin but that didn't work either. | 11:11 |
gibran | <Us3r_Unfriendly> yes like that! how? :) | 11:11 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: it's called compiz | 11:11 |
hidnshadows | toastedhip amen man | 11:11 |
`marianne` | ew... i tried getting rhythmbox to load the playlist file and it's loading very slowly and in completely the wrong order, bunching tracks by the same artist all together | 11:12 |
scotty^ | GrassMonkey: It sounds like you have a Diamond Stealth card. I think these had NVIDIA chips but I could be wrong - I'll check now. | 11:12 |
yeats | `marianne`: you might try another player? | 11:13 |
tejuu | interesting | 11:13 |
yeats | !players | `marianne` | 11:13 |
ubottu | `marianne`: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 11:13 |
rww | ToastedHip: Unfortunately, it had to be removed from the LiveCD because it takes up too much space. You can still install it manually, though. | 11:13 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: terminal: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | 11:13 |
`marianne` | thanks yeats, i'll see if any of them can burn an mp3 CD | 11:13 |
GrassMonkey | scotty^, thanks | 11:13 |
r00t4rd3d | GrassMonkey, pm | 11:13 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i mounted the iso file in/media/ubuuntustudio10.10. now how to add it to the repository | 11:14 |
`marianne` | rhythmbox doesn't actually seem to have a burn disc option anyway | 11:14 |
r00t4rd3d | GrassMonkey, | 11:14 |
r00t4rd3d | install that and see what happens | 11:14 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: what exactly are you trying to install??? | 11:15 |
bustedup277 | Good morning. Do you need to download the .iso for Ubuntu 10.04.1 to install it with Wubi or does Wubi install the .iso? | 11:15 |
r00t4rd3d | wubi will download it | 11:15 |
r00t4rd3d | you should use 10.10 | 11:15 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i'm not trying to install. i'm trying to add ubuntustudio repository which is in iso image format | 11:15 |
bustedup277 | But Wubi says that it's download 10.04, so I don't think I can change that. | 11:15 |
hidnshadows | bustedup277 think twice about using wubi though, just make sure that it's really what you want | 11:15 |
GrassMonkey | r00t4rd3d, what is it? the most important thing for me is understand the proccess on how to fix the problem rather. could you expline a lil about what this is and how you came to this conclusion | 11:15 |
bustedup277 | Why should I think twice? | 11:16 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: but why are you trying to add their repo????? | 11:16 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: all the packages they have, we have in are repos | 11:16 |
r00t4rd3d | I googled the jumble of numbers about your video card +ubuntu | 11:16 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | *our | 11:16 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i want to install the packages of ubuntu studio | 11:16 |
=== _dev_null_ is now known as _dev_zero_ | ||
bustedup277 | Doesn't Wubi leave Windows 7 as your default OS and still leaves your files so nothing gets lost? | 11:17 |
r00t4rd3d | and that got me here : | 11:17 |
hidnshadows | bustedup277 is there any specific reason that you're want to run it from inside the windows environment? | 11:17 |
scotty^ | OK, looks like most of the Diamond Stealth cards used S3 chips, although a few used other chips like Tseng Labs and Rendition Verite. | 11:17 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: why don't you just either install the packages you want or just install Ubuntu stucdio? | 11:17 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | *studio ...sorry my cat is in my face now | 11:17 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: my net connection is a dialup connection | 11:17 |
rww | bustedup277: Yes, but running Ubuntu inside Wubi is more fragile than running it in its own space, because if anything goes wonky with either Ubuntu or Windows, Ubuntu breaks. | 11:18 |
bustedup277 | Hmm | 11:18 |
hidnshadows | bustedup277 it's your choice really, just BACK YOUR STUFF UP | 11:18 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: and...? | 11:18 |
bustedup277 | Someone recommended it to my though, because whenever I tried to install it with a USB it would just freeze. | 11:18 |
bustedup277 | :/ | 11:18 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i already i have too many OS along side 10.10 | 11:19 |
bustedup277 | Wait, so could Wubi with Ubuntu mess up my whole computer or just Ubuntu? | 11:19 |
www | How do I prevent "Desktop" folder from regenerating? | 11:19 |
r00t4rd3d | u dont you need it | 11:19 |
hidnshadows | www why would you want to, jsut wondering | 11:20 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: your not making -any- sence to me | 11:20 |
yeats | bustedup277: as long as you back up, all should be fine | 11:20 |
yeats | bustedup277: 10.04 is fine, btw - it's supported until 2013 | 11:20 |
bustedup277 | ok | 11:20 |
adz_ | is it youbuntu or oobuntu? | 11:21 |
www | hidnshadows: I don't use desktop per se so the directory is useless (sorry for my wrighting - hven't got the time to config irssi). | 11:21 |
hidnshadows | adz_ depends on your nationality, I always say oobuntu | 11:21 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | arunkumar413: delete ubuntu and install ubuntu studio or just look in the repos: sudo apt-cache serach ubuntustudio <----way easier | 11:21 |
ToastedHip | i say you-buntu | 11:21 |
gibran | <Us3r_Unfriendly> theres a prompt after the python installed what do i type? | 11:21 |
adz_ | hidnshadows: what the native would pronounce it overrules. ;) | 11:22 |
hidnshadows | www the desktop folder needs to exist. You can hide it I guess if it's annoying, and if you have OCD | 11:22 |
bustedup277 | adz_: Wikipedia says to pronounce it "oobuntu". | 11:22 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: y for yes | 11:22 |
adz_ | bustedup277: that's what i thought. but the native sound is probably no available in englihs phonetics | 11:22 |
www | hidnshadows: How do hide it? What is OCD? | 11:22 |
arunkumar413 | Us3r_Unfriendly: i just want to add the iso image of ubuntustudio to my repos. i mounted the iso image. just tell me how to add now. my net connection is very slow.i cant download the ubuntustudio packpages and i dont want to install ubuntu studio as a separate OS as i already have too many OS along side ubuntu 10.10. | 11:22 |
hidnshadows | adz_ and wikipedia is right 95.237% of the time. Axctually I read that on wikipedia | 11:22 |
scotty^ | GrassMonkey: try the suggestion from r00t4rd3d and if that doesn't work try using Synaptic Package Manager to install the xserver-xorg-video-s3virge, xserver-xorg-video-s3 and xserver-xorg-video-savage packages | 11:22 |
gibran | <Us3r_Unfriendly> already typed it, then theres a prompt | 11:22 |
r00t4rd3d | ocd is obsessive compulsive disorder | 11:23 |
hidnshadows | www not sure, and it's obsessive-compulsive disorder. Basically everything has to be the same way | 11:23 |
ay_ | hey | 11:23 |
www | r00t4rd3d: thanks for expaining. | 11:23 |
adz_ | hidnshadows: too sad they have to appeal to the mass for money. sometimes i wish i were abdula bin abdula aziz and make the right choice of my money ;) | 11:23 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: for both ccsm and the extra packages? | 11:23 |
ay_ | why alsaconf command doesnt work in ubuntu | 11:23 |
ay_ | i want to configure alsa because there is no sound | 11:23 |
gibran | yes | 11:23 |
www | So does anyone knows how to "hide" the desktop folder? | 11:24 |
r00t4rd3d | ay_, try running alsamixer in a term | 11:24 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: better yet just open up Ubuntu Software Center and search for compiz....add the extra and "ccsm" | 11:24 |
gibran | <Us3r_Unfriendly> already typed i. Y for yes. then theres this prompt after processing triggers for python-central... | 11:24 |
yeats | arunkumar413: see this: | 11:24 |
adz_ | compiz is a waste. no flame. no. no. no. no. no | 11:24 |
gibran | ohoh ok | 11:24 |
ay_ | r00t4rd3d, everything looks good | 11:24 |
ay_ | r00t4rd3d, but there is no sound | 11:25 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: compiz is not completely a waste...looks sweet on my rig | 11:25 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: and i'm all command line | 11:25 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: that means you are too young. ;) | 11:25 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | it's just for show | 11:25 |
hidnshadows | BRB, if it's life-threatening or free pizza I give you permission to PM me | 11:25 |
ay_ | what is the matter | 11:25 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: lol sure I guess | 11:25 |
ay_ | this makes desktop beautiful | 11:25 |
ay_ | compiz makes desktop cool :D | 11:26 |
scotty^ | hidnshadows: Any other ideas? | 11:26 |
ChefBaggins | ay_, +1 | 11:26 |
scotty^ | Synaptic shows fontconfig 2.8.0-2ubuntu1 as being installed by default. | 11:26 |
adz_ | cute, but useless | 11:26 |
sjuxax | Hello. Can I apt-get install alternate-installer? I am using the desktop CD but VNC is going really, really slow for some reason and I would prefer to install over SSH | 11:27 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: but let me ask you this...if compiz is a complete waste of time...why are you using ubuntu? I mean it's about using something unique in it's own way. you could aways go arch or gentoo | 11:27 |
yeats | sjuxax: you have to download the .iso file - no way to apt-get | 11:27 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | and I have compiz in arch too | 11:27 |
gobbe | sjuxax: you can get alternative installer iso and boot from it | 11:27 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: i am not using ubuntu, but definitely debian. i am running knoppix. | 11:28 |
gobbe | sjuxax: i dont really get what vnc has to do with installer?= | 11:28 |
sjuxax | I can't boot from the ISO because I am trying to install remotely, so I can't place the media. | 11:28 |
gobbe | sjuxax: so how do you boot? | 11:28 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: debian is a good one too if you want to stay with apt-get | 11:28 |
sjuxax | I suggest making the alternate installer an installable package, I don't see any point in not doing that | 11:28 |
hidnshadows | scotty^ unfortunately no, make sure that you have it spelled correctly is all | 11:28 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: i guss i have this weird good chemistry with lone-man's distro of linux, i started out with slackware in 1995 | 11:28 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: i guess than your a old man | 11:29 |
sjuxax | It's already booted, I set up SSH and VNC on it, and want the install completed before I shut it down | 11:29 |
scotty^ | ok, thanks | 11:29 |
gobbe | sjuxax: aah, that's not possible | 11:29 |
hidnshadows | scotty^, sorry mate | 11:29 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: not old. but not young any more ;) | 11:29 |
juniour | he y any command to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 | 11:29 |
ay_ | anyone experience with freebsd | 11:30 |
ay_ | juniour, update-manager -d | 11:30 |
gobbe | ay_: #freebsd | 11:30 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: i my early years, i run xdaliclock all the time with my desktop changes shape with seconds. ;) | 11:30 |
ay_ | juniour, and you can see a warning new version is available | 11:30 |
sjuxax | gobbe: Not possible to complete the install remotely? I don't really mean "totally completed", if there's your little welcome/config screen or finishing up afterward that's fine. I just want to get most of the install done remotely so I can be in and out when I get on-site tomorrow. | 11:30 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: well slackware was designed in '91 so that's old | 11:31 |
gobbe | sjuxax: yes, but you cannot run alternative-installer from desktop | 11:31 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: i got my first pc in 95, so. | 11:31 |
user24432 | test | 11:31 |
PalmBalm|Slide | mmm | 11:31 |
user24432 | ping | 11:31 |
PalmBalm|Slide | my router is amikrotik and supports bootp in the dhcp server, all I have to do is provide a file | 11:32 |
user24432 | !ping | 11:32 |
ubottu | ping-pong, a fun game for all the family | 11:32 |
r00t4rd3d | xdaliclock is still available in the repos :D | 11:32 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: $2000 packard-bell pentium 75 with no monitor ;) | 11:32 |
oCean | Us3r_Unfriendly: adz_ use the #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat please | 11:32 |
PalmBalm|Slide | would be nice to have a linux pxe server running at all times | 11:32 |
sjuxax | gobbe: Yes, that's unfortunate. It'd be much nicer if the alternate installer were included. | 11:32 |
adz_ | oCean: ok. | 11:32 |
gobbe | sjuxax: well it's quite impossible because source media is totally different there | 11:32 |
gobbe | sjuxax: if you compare it to "live" desktop | 11:32 |
adz_ | oCean: but this forum feels warmer. ;) | 11:33 |
temal | hi | 11:33 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | adz_: never mind him | 11:33 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | he didn't read the whole thing adz_ | 11:33 |
r00t4rd3d | I was wondering who he was | 11:33 |
adz_ | Us3r_Unfriendly: no biggie, don't mention it | 11:33 |
sjuxax | gobbe: Hmm, well, I'm not very familiar with the internals, but I don't see why a text installer and a "live" environment can't co-exist | 11:33 |
sjuxax | The live environment isn't the thing installed afaik | 11:34 |
galaxyAbstractor | hey | 11:34 |
sjuxax | i.e., the environment with alterations made on the live session | 11:34 |
juniour | ay_ when i am updating i am not getting sprrd y? | 11:34 |
temal | i'm searching for a way to connect to a wlan without the nm-applet. want to use i3 as wm and got no toolbar ... | 11:34 |
juniour | ay_ sr speed | 11:34 |
gobbe | sjuxax: no, but alternative installer includes much more and it's impossible to fit them both on cd | 11:34 |
galaxyAbstractor | Can I extend my ubuntu partition in ubuntu? | 11:34 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | just message me instead...some ppl get real upset reading about other things in this chat that aren't diehard ubuntu conversation...I just wish these ppl were more helpful and not like those types of ops out there | 11:34 |
temal | is there a tool for with cli-only? | 11:34 |
gobbe | galaxyAbstractor: if it's lvm partition then you can | 11:34 |
galaxyAbstractor | lvm? | 11:35 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | temal: what are you looking for exactly? | 11:35 |
oCean | Us3r_Unfriendly: just abide by the channel rules please | 11:35 |
sjuxax | gobbe: Right, but you can include that actual installation program, right? Why does the curses installer take so much more space? Even if we install the normal live packages, the installation program should work OK. | 11:35 |
sacarlson | sjuxax: maybe in the furture just make a remastersys of what you really want on your remote system and send them the iso for that to boot | 11:35 |
temal | want to connect to wifi' from the shell | 11:35 |
temal | without X | 11:35 |
gobbe | sjuxax: because method is not same for graphical | 11:36 |
juniour | hey when i am upgrading or downloading packeges from ubuntu i do not get the speed y ? any ans | 11:36 |
Dr_Willis | temal: you can use the carious ifconfg/ iwconfig tools. | 11:36 |
temal | man, didn't thought about that. thanks a lot ;) | 11:37 |
juniour | hey when i am upgrading or downloading packeges from ubuntu i do not get the speed y ? any ans | 11:37 |
gobbe | galaxyAbstractor: does sudo lvs say anything? | 11:37 |
gobbe | !patient | juniour | 11:37 |
sjuxax | I don't really understand a good reason still, but OK, I can discuss that later I guess | 11:38 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, add the servers closest to you geographically | 11:38 |
yeats | juniour: you can change your default mirror in your software sources | 11:38 |
juniour | how | 11:38 |
gibran | <Us3r_Unfriendly> already have it. but how do i get it to work? | 11:38 |
juniour | ? | 11:38 |
juniour | to do it | 11:38 |
juniour | pls explainn | 11:38 |
juniour | ? | 11:38 |
FloodBot3 | juniour: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:38 |
juniour | k | 11:38 |
loser149 | I want to buy an external 3TB hard drive and connect it via USB for backup purposes. does Ubuntu have similar problems accessing drives > 2 TB, as Windows does? | 11:38 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, synaptic preferences | 11:39 |
gobbe | loser149: no | 11:39 |
sjuxax | I am installing on an older machine and the environment and installer is really slow -- should I use Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu? I needed the live environment but I may just take the alternate CD and install from that so that I can get something there. | 11:39 |
galaxyAbstractor | gobbe, I'm not on ubuntu right now, I'm just asking because I have shrinked my windows partition because it was too large, and I want to extend that space to my backup partition, but the ubuntu partition is between the unallocated space and the backup partition | 11:39 |
abhishekpathak | sjuxax, you can tru xubuntu or lubuntu | 11:39 |
sjuxax | but now I am done with the live part and just trying to install; this isn't working very well, however | 11:39 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: right click desktop and go to change background > visual effects and enable the extra box | 11:39 |
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sjuxax | Will GNOME run just as poorly from the disk? Not sure what to make of that. metacity crashes, etc. | 11:40 |
abhishekpathak | sjuxax, have patience , its a one time thing :) | 11:40 |
juniour | abhishekpatha i am not getting u exp step by step pls | 11:40 |
loser149 | gobbe: how do you know? I thought it was more a hardware issue with HBAs and such? | 11:40 |
sacarlson | sjuxax: there are total automated install methods that might make things run smother | 11:40 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, default ubuntu comes with gnome as the desktop environment | 11:40 |
galaxyAbstractor | so I was thinking of making that unallocated space my backup partition, then remove the current backup partition and extend my ubuntu partition with that space, because I only got like 2GB left on the ubuntu partition | 11:40 |
sjuxax | abhishekpathak: I don't even get as far as the actual installation. | 11:40 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: then go to system>preferences>compizconfig-setting-manager | 11:41 |
abhishekpathak | there are other variations | 11:41 |
pilulap | Hi all. I'm a new linux user (and using ubuntu). I want to install jmol which is a java applet but there are no informations about that on ubuntu forum. There is some command line to install a debian package from a new repo but it seems not to work with ubuntu: | 11:41 |
sjuxax | I just wish that alternate installer came on live cd. Then, when this was going slowly, I could have just canned the whole VNC thing and done it all over SSH, which is working fine | 11:41 |
abhishekpathak | xubuntu uses xfce and lubuntu uses lxde which are faster and minimal resource hungry | 11:41 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | gibran: or "ALT F2" and type in ccsm | 11:41 |
asker | hi there | 11:41 |
juniour | abhishekpatha i am using 10.04 | 11:42 |
abhishekpathak | sjuxax, can you explain your problem in detail | 11:42 |
sjuxax | but VNC has much heavier requirements, the pipes at both ends aren't very thick, and VNC seems to be really slow running out of the already-crammed RAM and CD. | 11:42 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, yes xubuntu and lubuntu also have the same version numbers | 11:42 |
sacarlson | sjuxax: if your already able to ssh into it there are also methods to install from that point, | 11:42 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | !it | Djrazer1988 | 11:42 |
ubottu | Djrazer1988: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 11:42 |
sjuxax | My problem is that I can't do anything because there is no way to get a non-graphical installer on the Live CD. | 11:42 |
juniour | abhishekpatha how to change | 11:42 |
asker | anybody knows wich font is used by the xterm console? this font is like Sun console font :) i try to rememeber his name, but oops | 11:42 |
galaxyAbstractor | currently the partitions are placed like this: | 11:42 |
juniour | i am getting 15kb/s speed | 11:42 |
juniour | not more than that | 11:43 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, you can search for xubuntu and download the live cd there | 11:43 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, i am afraid speed is another issue | 11:43 |
galaxyAbstractor | or would it be easier to just remove the ubuntu partition, and fix the partitions correctly this time, then reinstall ubuntu? | 11:43 |
Dr_Willis | asker: you mean the 'console' or the 'xterm' program? | 11:43 |
adz_ | asker: been using 10x20: xterm -fn 10x20 | 11:43 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, i am advising you regarding a lightweight and fast environment | 11:43 |
adz_ | asker: big, very big. ;) | 11:43 |
juniour | but when i am doing youtube i am getting excellent speed | 11:43 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, speed depends on entirely different factors | 11:43 |
abhishekpathak | sjuxax, why do you want a non graphical installer? | 11:44 |
juniour | y am i getting low speed? | 11:44 |
abhishekpathak | juniour, download speed will depend on the mirrors | 11:44 |
rtoo | wubi forgot to configure grub for the ubuntu root.disk . I am familiar with grub booting kernel from a regular partition but what does the cofig supposed to look like for booting from a root.disk that is stored on NTFS? | 11:45 |
abhishekpathak | if you are getting high speed means speed at your end is okay | 11:45 |
juniour | with other sites it fine | 11:45 |
abhishekpathak | the mirror is not giving good speed | 11:45 |
abhishekpathak | yes | 11:45 |
asker | xterm | 11:45 |
abhishekpathak | try changing the mirror list | 11:45 |
rtoo | what do I set for root, and how do I mount a loop device? | 11:45 |
juniour | how to change that | 11:45 |
loser149 | I want to buy an external 3TB hard drive and connect it via USB for backup purposes. does Ubuntu have similar problems accessing drives > 2 TB, as Windows does? | 11:45 |
asker | Dr_Willis, when i starts xterm i see this font ) | 11:45 |
mylisto | I have a logitech usb headset that is super quiet... | 11:46 |
abhishekpathak | its in system, preferences, synaptic | 11:46 |
rtoo | loser149: its mostly a filesystem limitation. linux uses ext filesystem usually | 11:46 |
abhishekpathak | inside synaptic you click on preferences | 11:46 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | rtoo: sudo mount -o loop | 11:46 |
scotty^ | pilulap: Does it have to be jmol? The ubuntu repositories have rasmol, avogadro, pymol, and gdis. | 11:46 |
gobbe | loser149: no, again | 11:46 |
asker | whats code name of 10.10 ubuntu? | 11:46 |
loser149 | gobbe: you didn't answer my follow up question. | 11:46 |
rtoo | Us3r_Unfriendly: in grub? | 11:46 |
xD | loser149: No, EXT4 supports more than 2TB, check it in wikipedia | 11:46 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | asker: maverick | 11:46 |
abhishekpathak | asker, its maverick meerkat | 11:46 |
asker | 10x | 11:47 |
loser149 | xD, rtoo: okay, thanks | 11:47 |
Walex | loser149: that is a bad idea. | 11:47 |
gobbe | loser149: i didn't have time yet, i know because i have several machines with over 2TB filesystems | 11:47 |
xD | loser149: | 11:47 |
loser149 | Walex: what is? | 11:47 |
mylisto | is there any terminal command that I can use to find out the model of my usb headset? | 11:47 |
Walex | loser149: 3TBG drive and especially via USB, as there are likely to be lots of bugs, never mind the speed. | 11:48 |
gobbe | mylisto: lshw might give it | 11:48 |
xD | mylisto: 'lsusb' may get some info | 11:48 |
rtoo | mylisto: lsmod -v | 11:48 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | rtoo: no not in grub...have you looked at mounting /dev/loop0 to your grub? | 11:48 |
loser149 | Walex: bugs? Software bugs in Ubuntu? | 11:48 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, try lspci --help | 11:48 |
gobbe | loser149: and most of the 3TB externals are actually raid0 with 1.5T disks | 11:48 |
Walex | loser149: in he firmware for the USB chipsets for example. | 11:48 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | mylisto: sudo lshw should work too i believe | 11:48 |
Walex | loser149: be realistic -- don't expect everything to work just like that. | 11:49 |
rtoo | Us3r_Unfriendly: I have no idea how this works in grub. what should I google? 'booting from loop0 in grub'? | 11:49 |
scotty^ | There is also Viewmol | 11:49 |
loser149 | Walex: well, actually it is an internal HDD, I just use it as an external without an ICY box, because of heating issues. | 11:49 |
sacarlson | sjuxax: you can install just with the ssh access you now have with: | 11:49 |
Walex | loser149: also consider the time to 'fsck' a 3TB hard drive. It is a problem with everything. | 11:49 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | rtoo: are you trying to add a loop dev to your grub list? | 11:49 |
scotty^ | and xmakemol | 11:49 |
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Us3r_Unfriendly | rtoo: open up USC and look for "startup manager" | 11:50 |
Walex | loser149: unless your PC box is very small and has poor airflow a hard disk should never have heat issues, they only draw 10-15W... | 11:50 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | rtoo: gui for editing grub for what your trying to do | 11:50 |
scotty^ | and a few others | 11:50 |
Walex | loser149: also note that you have to use a non-PCDOS partitioning scheme | 11:50 |
mylisto | so I found the this number (046d:0a0c) for my logitech headset | 11:50 |
sjuxax | thanks sacarlson, but I gave up and shut it down for now. The GUI installer said it was erasing a disk though I never asked it too. It was stalled with kernel oopses in the details box, luckily it looks like the other content on that disk is intact | 11:51 |
sjuxax | *to | 11:51 |
mylisto | isn't there a page that shows all of those numbers? | 11:51 |
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sacarlson | sjuxax: ok | 11:51 |
loser149 | Walex: I meant, I'm looking for an external HDD for backup, but I buy internal HDDs instead and just use them as externals. they don't heat up as much if they don't have a box around them :) | 11:52 |
loser149 | Walex: I have had bad experiences with icy boxes. | 11:52 |
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rtoo | Us3r_Unfriendly: the windows ubuntu installer installed ubunto to a root.disk file to the windows partition, added an entry to NTLDR, added grub but forgot to configure grub for booting the root disk | 11:53 |
kuttans | hello everybody, | 11:53 |
zmitya | hi... how do I disable that stupid "auto dhcp" connection in the network-manager ? | 11:53 |
Israfel | I'm having an issue setting a custom icon for a launcher. I moved it to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps and changed the owner to root, but that still didn't fix it.. It's a 48x48 PNG icon.. is there something I'm missing? | 11:53 |
loser149 | Walex: is there any other solution you'd recommend if one needs at least 3 TB of space? | 11:54 |
kuttans | im having a samsung corby pro. Was using it for 3g net connection. Ubuntu initially see it as a USB image interface and after some time identify it as a modem, but this is getting intermittant | 11:54 |
kleopatra | Hi, how can i find out what opengl version will be supported by my system? | 11:54 |
sacarlson | zmitya: got to network-manager and select manual | 11:54 |
zmitya | sacarlson: thx | 11:54 |
sacarlson | zmitya: or you can do as I do and just stop it | 11:55 |
kuttans | and after once disconnected i need to reconnect the mobile physically with usb. Anyone having a workaround to make it identify as a modem | 11:55 |
scotty^ | mylisto: It seems to be a Logitech, ClearChat Comfort USB headset | 11:55 |
Walex | loser149: 3TB are not for casual users and for reliable applications one would need careful testing and perhaps wait 6m-1y for all the issues to be found and sorted out. | 11:55 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | rtoo: I think this would be easier: | 11:55 |
ubuntu-tian | i need help,who can help me? | 11:55 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | ubuntu-tian: depends on your question | 11:55 |
mylisto | thanks scotty6: | 11:55 |
gobbe | ubuntu-tian: ask the question first | 11:55 |
kuttans | ask the question first ubuntu-tian.... | 11:55 |
mylisto | er | 11:55 |
mylisto | thanks scotty^: | 11:55 |
GrassMonkey | j | 11:56 |
Walex | loser149: if you are are a sysadm and are willing to do testing I would consider eSATA (never USB), GPT partitions and JFS or XFS filesystems | 11:56 |
Israfel | it's a cool little icon for chrome, but I can't set the launcher to use this icon: | 11:56 |
ubuntu-tian | why my linux kerinel start up and stay "booting the kernel" | 11:56 |
kuttans | mobile phone as 3g modem >> how to modprobe | 11:56 |
adz_ | ubuntu-tian: boottrapper booting the kernel | 11:57 |
Israfel | Anybody able to help? | 11:57 |
kuttans | hmmm ubuntu-tian google from grub options and make it more verbose | 11:57 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | ubuntu-tian: maybe you should update the system | 11:57 |
ubuntu-tian | i use u-boot boot my embed | 11:57 |
kuttans | ubuntu-tian: by that way you can give the folks in room more options and specifics | 11:57 |
adz_ | it's good to see linux is getting ever more pupular with ubuntu. this is good. | 11:58 |
kuttans | then u must be looking for u-boot options to make it verbose. bcoz the kernel may stop at booting for number of reasons | 11:58 |
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adz_ | but ubuntu is desktop oriented, which exactly the market linux needs. | 11:58 |
adz_ | bye | 11:58 |
grelle | how come 'cfdisk' doesn't recognize my main ext4 partition or the swap partition? The disk shows up as "Free Space" | 11:58 |
kuttans | grelle check with gparted | 11:59 |
abhishekpathak | ubuntu-tian, what is your roblem? | 11:59 |
fudynz | hi all | 11:59 |
grelle | kuttans: I'm running Ubuntu Server | 11:59 |
grelle | kuttans: so no graphical interface right now | 11:59 |
Dr_Willis | grelle: if you just partioned the disk. itz possible itz still using the old partition table. untill you reboot. | 12:00 |
GrassMonkey | when i run the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" nothing happends. the command get run with no return errors and i am back in the terminal waiting for another commanded to be types in. any ideas? i using 10.10 | 12:00 |
ubuntu-tian | my s3c2410 board can't start up when i use linux 2.6.35, | 12:00 |
gobbe | grelle: what about fdisk? | 12:00 |
fudynz | i just install ubuntu 10.10 in my laptop, its don't detect wifi. :-( | 12:00 |
kuttans | oh ok.....try fdisk with switches...probably | 12:00 |
grelle | I've installed ubuntu on it. And It's currently mounted on / | 12:00 |
grelle | fdisk works | 12:00 |
grelle | i.e. 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' outputs the correct partition tables | 12:00 |
gobbe | grelle: and cfdisk doesn't? | 12:01 |
grelle | but how come cfdisk doesn't?? | 12:01 |
kuttans | fudynz: wats the make of the laptop...basically ubuntu automatically identify the wifi interfaces, but broadcom is having some legacy drivers i guess | 12:01 |
Us3r_Unfriendly | fudynz: install "Ndisgtk" from USC | 12:01 |
grelle | gobbe: correct | 12:01 |
mylisto | for some reason the sound coming threw my logitech headset is super quiet - any ideas? | 12:01 |
fudynz | kuttans: Acer Nplify | 12:01 |
fudynz | us3r_Unfriendly: where i can get it? | 12:02 |
kuttans | try to do a lsusb fudynz and chek out whether the hardware was identified | 12:02 |
kuttans | fudynz: go to the system log files and check for the wifi interface detection , you will get some hints there | 12:02 |
fudynz | kuttans: how? | 12:02 |
abhishekpathak | grelle, are you sure you have them partitioned and formatted | 12:02 |
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kuttans | type lsusb in the command line fudynz | 12:02 |
Guest31418 | i just bought the fluendo dvd package... do i need to buy it again if i reinstall? | 12:02 |
kuttans | or there is tha log file viewer in the system administration option | 12:03 |
fudynz | kuttans: in the terminal? | 12:03 |
kuttans | yeah | 12:03 |
grelle | abhishekpathak: Yes. Ubuntu Server is installed on the device. It is mounted as the root filesystem | 12:03 |
kuttans | hey anyone mobile as a 3g modem | 12:03 |
grelle | abhishekpathak: mount outputs: /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 12:04 |
Israfel | Anyone know why custom icons don't work? | 12:04 |
grelle | abhishekpathak: fdisk -l /dev/sda outputs: /dev/sda1 * 1 18663 149903360 83 Linux | 12:04 |
grelle | abhishekpathak: but 'cfdisk' lists the device as Free Space | 12:04 |
mylisto | for some reason the sound coming threw my logitech headset is super quiet - any ideas? | 12:04 |
Guest31418 | what happens to the software that i buy in the software center? id it in my ubuntu one account where i can reinstall it with out having to buy it again? | 12:05 |
gobbe | Israfel: don't work how? | 12:05 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, on the terminal write sudo alsaconfig | 12:05 |
kuttans | grelle: i think cfdisk i having a problem if the disk is in use | 12:05 |
mattyh88 | hi, i'm using ubuntu server Ed. 10.10. and would like to use third level keys. how can i configure these in the server edition? thx. | 12:05 |
Israfel | gobbe, I downloaded a 48x48 icon and selected it from the launcher properties, but it disappears and never shows it. | 12:05 |
fudynz | us3r_unfriendly: where i can do it? | 12:05 |
mylisto | abhishekpathak: command not found | 12:06 |
gobbe | mattyh88: 3rd level keys? | 12:06 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, sorry that was alsaconf | 12:06 |
Israfel | gobbe, This icon: | 12:06 |
mattyh88 | gobbe: yeh .. with the right alt button (Alt Gr) | 12:06 |
mylisto | abhishekpathak: command not found | 12:06 |
gobbe | mattyh88: what is 3rd level key | 12:06 |
grelle | kuttans: Allright. I don't know if I can trust it for my other drives now, though... :-) | 12:07 |
Israfel | gobbe, I have 2 launchers for Chromium, one regular, one incognito, the new launcher works, but I wanted a different icon so i could tell the two apart. | 12:07 |
mattyh88 | gobbe: in belgium we have keys on our keyboard with 3 diff. characters on it | 12:07 |
zosky | hi yall | 12:07 |
kuttans | grelle: i will check the man page and come back to you | 12:07 |
fudynz | kuttans: i just done it in the terminal, what next? | 12:07 |
gobbe | mattyh88: aah, you mean keybaord key :) | 12:07 |
mattyh88 | gobbe: yes indeed haha :p | 12:07 |
mylisto | abhishekpathak: what package do I have to install to be able to run alsaconfg | 12:07 |
gobbe | mattyh88: have you selected correct keyboard during setup? | 12:07 |
mattyh88 | yes, the belgian azerty keyboard :) | 12:08 |
mattyh88 | gobbe: works like a charm except for the 3rd level | 12:08 |
gobbe | Israfel: how did you try install icon? | 12:08 |
grelle | kuttans: I did browse through the man page. couldn't find anything about partition tables not accessible on mounted devices | 12:08 |
shaggy2 | hey got a question, might be the wrong place to ask, but I have password protect the cgi-bin derectory using .htaccess, I have 2 domains pointing to it, I would like to be able to set it so if the user on logged in via he would be rejected, but if he logged in via he would be allowed. is that posible using .htaaccess | 12:08 |
jufer | return _setlocale(category, locale) | 12:08 |
jufer | locale.Error: unsupported locale setting | 12:08 |
abhishekpathak | just go to terminal and type sudo alsaconf | 12:09 |
zosky | using the wiki i've figured out how to map my mouse buttons currently (xinput set-button-map 10 1 2 0 3 8 9 4 5) ... how do i make this permanent. "set-button-map 10 1 2 0 3 8 9 4 5" in ~/.xinput (doesn't sound right)? | 12:09 |
kuttans | it talks about geometry and if it not able to read that because of some reasons it may not show you the correct data . | 12:09 |
abhishekpathak | see where there gets you and come back | 12:09 |
Israfel | gobbe, install icon? I moved it to /usr/shared/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps and changed the group and owner to root. It should be like every other icon in that folder now. | 12:09 |
kuttans | there is a switch to avoid it, but that wont read it at all | 12:09 |
gobbe | Israfel: yep. and then? | 12:09 |
gobbe | Israfel: did you select it for app? | 12:09 |
grelle | kuttans: By the way. 'parted' also works as expected | 12:09 |
mylisto | I did | 12:09 |
mylisto | it said command not found | 12:09 |
Israfel | gobbe, i opened the Launcher Properties and browsed to the icon in the list. | 12:10 |
kuttans | how to do a modprobe 3g gsm mobile modem usb connected | 12:10 |
kuttans | well then settle for it unless you have any compelling reason to have a curses based app | 12:10 |
Israfel | gobbe, As soon as I open the icon, it reverts back to the springboard icon. | 12:10 |
abhishekpathak | ohzie, you typed "alsaconf" didn't you? | 12:10 |
=== lano is now known as esc_phr34k | ||
gobbe | Israfel: so you select it by open, and it reverts? | 12:10 |
Israfel | gobbe, Does it have to have some special coding behind the .png file? | 12:11 |
Israfel | gobbe, As if I never selected it. | 12:11 |
mylisto | I typed sudo alsaconf | 12:11 |
abhishekpathak | okay..let me check..actually i am on arch | 12:12 |
gobbe | Israfel: hmmh. let my try | 12:12 |
scotty^ | Israfel: I've noticed when installing some packages that near the end it says something about processing/updating triggers for hicolor-icon-theme. I'm not sure how to launch that manually though. | 12:12 |
blink | | 12:12 |
blink | how can i install the "Run Program" thing on my desktop? | 12:13 |
mrsemaine | mrsemaine | 12:13 |
grelle | kuttans: wait a second. This command lists the partition as free space: "cfdisk /dev/sda1". But the command "cfidsk /dev/sda" says: FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder | 12:13 |
scotty^ | blink: Press Alt-F2 | 12:13 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, what version of ubuntu you are using? | 12:13 |
fudynz | us3r_unfriendly: wht is USC? | 12:13 |
kuttans | no grelle you dont do a fdisk on /dev/sda1 | 12:13 |
bluenemo | how can i check if my ubuntu version is 32 or 64 bit? | 12:13 |
grelle | kuttans: so I was wrong before when I said the cfdisk lists the whole device as free space. | 12:13 |
kuttans | you always do fdisk on the whole hard disk not on the partition | 12:14 |
firefly | hello everyone | 12:14 |
grelle | kuttans: right. i mistyped | 12:14 |
gibran | <Us3r_Unfriendly> how do i change my desktop to default again? | 12:14 |
blink | I have tint2 installed. is there some kind of configurations to mount it on desktop in a similar way to conky? | 12:14 |
grelle | kuttans: But something is still weird | 12:14 |
prince12 | hello all how can i download ubuntu 10.10 because it is very big in size | 12:15 |
scotty^ | bluenemo: Just open a terminal and type uname -srm | 12:15 |
shaggy2 | hey got a question, might be the wrong place to ask, but I have password protect the cgi-bin derectory using .htaccess, I have 2 domains pointing to it, I would like to be able to set it so if the user on logged in via he would be rejected, but if he logged in via he would be allowed. is that posible using .htaaccess | 12:15 |
grelle | kuttans: the "partition ends in the final cylinder" error seems strange. is that a legacy thing? | 12:15 |
gibran | got it | 12:15 |
prince12 | my cuurent operating system is windows xp | 12:15 |
bluenemo | scotty^, thank | 12:15 |
wyclif | prince12: so sorry =( | 12:16 |
fudynz | what is USC? | 12:16 |
kuttans | you mean to say when you use cfdisk /dev/sda it gives this error? | 12:16 |
mylisto | abhishekpathak: lucid | 12:16 |
xD | !download | prince12 | 12:16 |
ubottu | prince12: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 12:16 |
grelle | kuttans: right. 'cfdisk /dev/sda' gives the FATAL ERROR | 12:17 |
grelle | kuttans: but 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' outputs the correct partition table | 12:17 |
mylisto | this is driving me nuts | 12:17 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, okay give me a second to google | 12:17 |
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wyclif | prince12 every time some uses Windows as their OS, a kitten dies. | 12:17 |
ibm | bonjour | 12:18 |
jufer | locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory | 12:18 |
jufer | locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory | 12:18 |
jufer | locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory | 12:18 |
jufer | LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 | 12:18 |
jufer | LANGUAGE=zh_CN:zh | 12:18 |
FloodBot2 | jufer: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:18 |
scotty^ | mylisto: Open a terminal and type amixer | 12:18 |
jufer | LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" | 12:18 |
jufer | LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" | 12:18 |
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grelle | kuttans: Maybe I should just forget about cfdisk and use 'parted' or 'fdisk' to do all the work. :-) | 12:18 |
luciano | salve, da 6 mesi utilizzo ubuntu con soddisfazione, ma ora non riesco più a spegnere il computer come posso rimediare? | 12:18 |
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kuttans | ok that means the geometry needed by cfdisk is not available correctly | 12:18 |
jufer | jhj | 12:18 |
kuttans | so its better to forget and use parted or fdisk | 12:18 |
shaggy2 | !channels | 12:19 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 12:19 |
grelle | kuttans: right, thanks | 12:19 |
prince12 | wait a while please! | 12:19 |
mattyh88 | is there someone here who can help me with configuring 3rd level keyboard keys in the server edition 10.10? thx ;) | 12:20 |
bustedup277 | Is there a difference between Ubuntu Netbook and Ubuntu Desktop? | 12:20 |
rumpe2 | bustedup277, yes ... the desktop | 12:21 |
kuttans | bustedup277 : yes | 12:21 |
bustedup277 | :/ | 12:21 |
bustedup277 | What is the difference? | 12:21 |
bustedup277 | Can you install Ubuntu Desktop on a netbook? | 12:21 |
kuttans | simply you can do but you gonna use a lotta resources without any reason | 12:21 |
scotty^ | mylisto: then look for non-mic values that are at a low or 0 % | 12:21 |
rumpe2 | bustedup277, if your netbook don't have 3D-acceleration, it's the same | 12:21 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, check if sudo alsamixer works | 12:22 |
bustedup277 | Alright. | 12:22 |
prince12 | thank you do you like windows you all? | 12:22 |
wyclif | bustedup277: Ubuntu Netbook has the new Unity interface, which makes netbook Ubuntu more friendly from the UI perspective | 12:22 |
abhishekpathak | prince12, i have no problems with windows, apart from its inefficiency | 12:23 |
prince12 | yes do you play games? | 12:23 |
shaggy2 | if every windows install kills a kitty then lucky I don't like cats | 12:24 |
shaggy2 | lol | 12:24 |
shaggy2 | but ubuntu ftw still | 12:24 |
ResQue | i am using one of the virtual terminals with no GUI and the command i am using is returning to many results. how can i page the results. kinda like the more or less command does with text files | 12:24 |
wyclif | !ping | prince12 | 12:24 |
ubottu | prince12: ping-pong, a fun game for all the family | 12:24 |
* ede_ Ping | Could not be resolved to an IP address | 12:24 | |
Dr_Willis | ResQue: command | less | 12:24 |
abhishekpathak | prince12, not really | 12:24 |
ResQue | Dr_Willis i see. you have to use te pipe i was using >> silly me | 12:25 |
hzroot | | 12:25 |
Rypervenche | prince12: Minecraft ftw! | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis | ResQue: s o you made a file called more, or less | 12:25 |
prince12 | do you have played age of empires 3? | 12:25 |
wyclif | Rypervenche: prince12: Minecraft is a fave | 12:25 |
ResQue | Dr_Willis i guess i did lol | 12:26 |
wyclif | installed curl | 12:26 |
abhishekpathak | prince12, what is your point? | 12:26 |
wyclif | l | 12:26 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, check if sudo alsamixer works | 12:27 |
mylisto | damn network | 12:27 |
shaggy2 | hey got a question, might be the wrong place to ask, but I have password protect the cgi-bin derectory using .htaccess, I have 2 domains pointing to it, I would like to be able to set it so if the user on logged in via he would be rejected, but if he logged in via he would be allowed. is that posible using .htaaccess. please can anyone point me to | 12:27 |
shaggy2 | were I can find this | 12:27 |
FloodBot2 | shaggy2: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:27 |
mylisto | yep it does | 12:27 |
mylisto | brb grabbing a smoke | 12:27 |
abhishekpathak | sure | 12:27 |
wyclif | At least I have chicken | 12:28 |
kevin_ | hi r00t4rd3d | 12:28 |
r00t4rd3d | hi | 12:28 |
mylisto | ok bacl | 12:29 |
mylisto | back | 12:29 |
wyclif | mylisto: that was like the quickest break ever | 12:29 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, yeah so alsamixer works? | 12:29 |
abhishekpathak | wyclif, lol | 12:29 |
mylisto | yeah alsamixer works | 12:30 |
kevin_ | i'm trying to hang out in here with the hope that i'll learn something | 12:31 |
r00t4rd3d | heh you will | 12:31 |
abhishekpathak | mylisto, good, now go in there and adjust the volume settings | 12:31 |
wyclif | !justask | kevin_ | 12:31 |
abhishekpathak | up arrow down arrow | 12:31 |
ubottu | kevin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:31 |
abhishekpathak | side arrow will take you to the next channel | 12:32 |
r00t4rd3d | dont know why he did that to you kevin_ | 12:32 |
abhishekpathak | and m will mute/umute toggle it | 12:32 |
mylisto | brb | 12:32 |
ubuntu-visitor5 | can anybody help me restore grub from a live cd? | 12:32 |
=== ubuntu-visitor5 is now known as kasian | ||
mylisto | that didn't do anything | 12:33 |
Dr_Willis | kasian: boot live cd,.. mount installed system -> command similer to --> | 12:33 |
Dr_Willis | sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint /dev/sda --recheck | 12:33 |
* Mkaysi is away: I am not here right now... | 12:34 | |
Dr_Willis | !fixgrub | kasian | 12:34 |
ubottu | kasian: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 12:34 |
Eryn_1983_FL | is it bad when there are hundreds of inodes that are the wrong number? | 12:34 |
Eryn_1983_FL | i am running fsck on one of my drives.. | 12:34 |
Eryn_1983_FL | it says its fixing it but is that the truth can it do that ? | 12:35 |
GrassMonkey | any ideas why this command just returns me right back to the terminal with no error. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org" | 12:35 |
=== rumen is now known as rumen[away] | ||
Dr_Willis | GrassMonkey: thats the old obsolete way to reconfigure the xorg.conf i belive | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis | !fixres | 12:36 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 12:36 |
GrassMonkey | Dr_Willis, i see. i didnt know that. how should i do it on 10.10 | 12:36 |
al_nz1 | if I want to make things (SSH) more secure and use certificates, the only drawback I can see is that it will limit which computers I can access the remote system from. Is there a way around this? Can you store the certificate on a usb key for use from any PC? | 12:36 |
stealthc | anybody have any thoughts how cp -p can fail to copy something from a terminal? | 12:37 |
Rypervenche | Ever since upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 my gnome-panel doesn't start up correctly about 90% of the time. I always have to "killall gnome-panel" in order to see it properly. Is there anyway I can fix it so it starts up correctly each time? | 12:37 |
gobbe | stealthc: what kind of error do you get? | 12:37 |
RippleEffect | Hi | 12:37 |
GrassMonkey | i am having problems with my graphics card to being found by x11. how should i reconfig it? | 12:37 |
RippleEffect | I am using an LVM and the system says that my root partition is full. I can't do anything anymore. Not even mount other drives. | 12:38 |
RippleEffect | Who can help? | 12:38 |
Dr_Willis | kasian: keep it in the channel.. and the command you are using is not the same as the one im using. I mount the location. and give the /dev/XX type name | 12:38 |
Dr_Willis | kasian: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/MountYoutDriveHeret /dev/sda --recheck | 12:39 |
norbert_ | hi Ubuntu fans | 12:39 |
norbert_ | I'm trying to create a virtual HD under VirtualBox, and it gets stuck at 0% :( | 12:39 |
norbert_ | tried running it as root | 12:40 |
norbert_ | and changing the directory where the image would be stored | 12:40 |
norbert_ | but nothing works: 0% done, and if I look at the image, it remains 0 bytes | 12:40 |
norbert_ | :(( | 12:40 |
norbert_ | help? :/ | 12:40 |
azizLIGHTS | hi is there any software to perform actions like clicking? | 12:40 |
azizLIGHTS | like macros | 12:40 |
norbert_ | yes, azizLIGHTS | 12:40 |
norbert_ | xdotool | 12:40 |
azizLIGHTS | click at x,y position at 10pm | 12:40 |
norbert_ | works awesomely | 12:40 |
azizLIGHTS | is it gui based or? | 12:41 |
norbert_ | console | 12:41 |
norbert_ | in bash, first do: windowid=`xdotool search --title "..."` | 12:41 |
norbert_ | where ... is the title of the window you want to perform actions on | 12:41 |
norbert_ | then do: xdotool windowactivate $windowid | 12:41 |
norbert_ | and then, for example: xdotool key space | 12:41 |
* azizLIGHTS takes notes | 12:41 | |
norbert_ | that'll send a space to that window with title ... | 12:41 |
norbert_ | it can do mouse actions, keyboard actions, lots of cool stuff | 12:42 |
Israfel | gobbe, No luck? I haven't found anything in a while. | 12:42 |
Rypervenche | Ever since upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 my gnome-panel doesn't start up correctly about 90% of the time. I always have to "killall gnome-panel" in order to see it properly. Is there anyway I can fix it so it starts up correctly each time? | 12:42 |
langvann | norbert_: Try running virtualbox from a console and see if you get any errors while creating the vHD | 12:42 |
Dr_Willis | Rypervenche: you could reset the panel to defaults | 12:42 |
Dr_Willis | !resetpanel | 12:42 |
norbert_ | langvann: will do | 12:42 |
ubottu | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 12:42 |
Rypervenche | Dr_Willis: What exactly does that do? Will I have to reset all of the applications? | 12:43 |
spicemaster | how can i install ubuntu in usb flash drive sir ? | 12:43 |
norbert_ | langvann: no errors showing up, too bad... | 12:43 |
azizLIGHTS | thanks norbert_ gonna experiment with it now | 12:44 |
spicemaster | what is bug ? | 12:44 |
norbert_ | azizLIGHTS: have fun | 12:44 |
spicemaster | !bug | 12:44 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 12:44 |
spicemaster | norbert_, how can i install ubuntu from Pen Drive ? | 12:45 |
robert__ | siema :) | 12:46 |
langvann | norbert_: Try something like virtualbox -vvv or something, see if virtualbox can be run with arguments, and then put on high loglevel so that it will printout errors to you. | 12:46 |
robert__ | uzywa ktos z was postgresa ?? | 12:46 |
robert__ | ludzie nie uciekajcie :) | 12:46 |
gobbe | Israfel: no. the icon you gave is not working but i have several others that are | 12:47 |
x42 | hi there ... i'm looking for a good twitter client on ubunto ... recommendatiosn? | 12:47 |
gralichjunior_ | d | 12:48 |
Israfel | gobbe, I wonder why that icon doesn't work? maybe it shows as a PNG file, but not the right kind of PNG? transparency, etc.. But that's not the only icon i've tried. | 12:48 |
gobbe | Israfel: hmmh, and sorry. It's working | 12:49 |
gobbe | Israfel: try to add it from your home folder | 12:49 |
gobbe | Israfel: just browse there and select it, like that i was able to use it | 12:49 |
Israfel | what the heck? Just as you said that.... And withough doing anything, it showed up on it's own... After an hour of trying to get it working... | 12:50 |
Rypervenche | Dr_Willis: I reset my panel and my theme was changed. Is that normal? | 12:51 |
Israfel | gobbe, Maybe gtm needed a refresh? it's odd though, because the Launcher properties never showed the icon as being selected, using any other icon worked though. | 12:52 |
Israfel | Rypervenche, Are you running any type of window decorator? Sometimes when you reset it doesn't get loaded. | 12:53 |
diecastarts | Hailz all again .. i have my system all going the way i want but one thing is driving me up the wall // (Everything is good but the monitor keeps going to sleep even thou I have turn off all settings and no screen saver// the srceensavers is good never shows up .. but it keep putting my monitor to sleep// is there a backend program or something that maybe doing this to me???? ) | 12:53 |
h-dee | Hi...I just reinstalled Ubuntu, and restored my configs, packages etc. (Thanks to the brilliant communty), and now I'm having problem with LAMP. How can I repair it? Especially MySQL. | 12:54 |
Rypervenche | I guess I'll try restarting my computer. | 12:54 |
diecastarts | ryper are you using compiz? | 12:55 |
=== eddie is now known as Guest87142 | ||
Israfel | Ryper... damn he's gone? | 12:55 |
silentz0r | Hello, I installed ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook, and then installed backtrack on a different partition, and now backtrack's grub seems to have overwritten ubuntu's grub2, and grub legacy boots up each time I open my laptop (I have a different /boot/grub on each partition). How can I use the default grub2 from my ubuntu partition? | 12:55 |
diecastarts | yeah | 12:55 |
diecastarts | he rebooting already | 12:55 |
Israfel | diecastarts, He could have just alt-F2 and used gtk-window-decorator --replace | 12:55 |
=== Guest34683 is now known as TunaSnax | ||
gobbe | silentz0r: boot to ubuntu and re-install grub | 12:56 |
gobbe | !grub2 | silentz0r | 12:56 |
ubottu | silentz0r: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 12:56 |
silentz0r | I cannot boot to ubuntu | 12:56 |
h-dee | Hi...I just reinstalled Ubuntu, and restored my configs, packages etc. (Thanks to the brilliant communty), and now I'm having problem with LAMP. How can I repair it? Especially MySQL. | 12:56 |
gobbe | h-dee: what kind of problem? | 12:56 |
gobbe | h-dee: did you install it again? | 12:56 |
silentz0r | gobbe: It says that the kernel image is not found I think | 12:56 |
diecastarts | yeah or if he was using compiz fusion // there a handle little icon program .. you can change settings or reload the window manger from there | 12:56 |
gobbe | silentz0r: do what the link says | 12:56 |
Ctacok | Advice please name russian irc channel? | 12:57 |
RippleEffect | My root partition is full and my system is paralyzed. What can I do? | 12:57 |
h-dee | gobbe: hey nice to see you again. I didn't installed it again. I found LAMP already installed after restore. Apache is working fine, as I can see localhost phpmyadmin pages, but can't login to mysql | 12:57 |
Ctacok | бля | 12:57 |
silentz0r | gobbe: already tried several stuff, such as reinstalling grub, upgrading to grub2 | 12:57 |
gobbe | silentz0r: did you read the link? | 12:57 |
diecastarts | but ask again here sorry .. my monitor keeps sleeping on me .. I have check all gui style settings and cannot get it to stop .. | 12:57 |
gobbe | h-dee: mysql might be using default password | 12:58 |
silentz0r | gobbe: I am reading, just trying to make sure you understood what my problem was :) | 12:58 |
gobbe | h-dee: did you backup your mysql databases? | 12:58 |
diecastarts | is there a backend program that maybe doing it?? | 12:58 |
Dr_Willis | diecastarts: power saveing settings, dpms | 12:58 |
h-dee | gobbe: I restored home folder and packages...nothing else. I haven't restores etc yet because everything was looking the same as it was before. What's the default password? | 12:59 |
gobbe | h-dee: | 12:59 |
h-dee | gobbe: Thanks let me see. | 13:00 |
mr_shed | hello | 13:00 |
campbellgolf | does iTunes work on Ubuntu? | 13:00 |
gobbe | campbellgolf: maybe with wine | 13:01 |
diecastarts | Dr_Willis, well i check those settings 100 times .. from the gui and made default many times to never sleep | 13:01 |
campbellgolf | or at least the ability to interface a iPhone/Pod to move files. | 13:01 |
phuzion | using regex, how can I say "I want a number that is between 1 and 10 digits long to go here"? | 13:01 |
gobbe | campbellgolf: songbird might be able to do that | 13:01 |
mr_shed | anyone here work as a professional Web Developer? I have some questions about LAMP/.NET/Microsoft MVC.... | 13:01 |
gobbe | campbellgolf: and banshee | 13:02 |
andeeeuk | hey everyone | 13:03 |
campbellgolf | gobbe I'll try songbird then banshee 1st, then use wine. thnx 4 the assist! | 13:03 |
andeeeuk | i was going to ask if anyone has got moovida working in 10.10 | 13:03 |
andeeeuk | as i am not able to install it? | 13:03 |
andeeeuk | any help would be appreciated | 13:04 |
bustedup277 | Hello again, on Ubuntu I need to know how to connect to the internet... | 13:04 |
campbellgolf | mr_shred what's your question? | 13:05 |
gobbe | bustedup277: how do you connect to internet? | 13:05 |
mr_shed | god I hate Rhythmbox | 13:05 |
diecastarts | oh i think i have an idea why this is not working .. i have something called vbetool install .. it says that it deal with the video card resuming and sleeping ectect ,,, | 13:05 |
bustedup277 | gobbe: Yeah, because whenever I try to connect to my networks, they are not there. I know I have a router in my room, and there are lots of routers in this apartament. This my first time using Ubuntu, btw. | 13:06 |
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees | ||
esc_phr34k | how do i check in ubuntu if i have software installed | 13:06 |
gobbe | bustedup277:so are you using wlan or what? | 13:06 |
bustedup277 | Umm it's a router | 13:06 |
bustedup277 | ._. | 13:06 |
bustedup277 | Wireless | 13:06 |
diecastarts | hard wired? | 13:06 |
diecastarts | k | 13:07 |
gobbe | bustedup277: ok, so you are accessing it wireless? | 13:07 |
diecastarts | wlan | 13:07 |
bustedup277 | Trying to. I think I do need to install some drivers, but when I check it says there are no Proprietary Drivers. | 13:07 |
esc_phr34k | how do i check in ubuntu if i have software installed | 13:07 |
diecastarts | there normally none | 13:07 |
gobbe | bustedup277: what is model and make of your wlan-card in computer? | 13:07 |
bustedup277 | I don't know... | 13:08 |
bustedup277 | I'm connected to the internet right now on Windows on the same computer, so there is nothing wrong with my internet. | 13:08 |
mr_shed | campbellgolf, basically I've been spending time learning to use LAMP (which is why I installed Ubuntu in the first place) and I really am surprised at how much progress I've made and how incredibly simple a lot of it is. My friend though, has Visual Studio on his laptop and the things it can do really spun my head .. very very powerful (though I don't understand the "<asp:control .. />" syntax yet. I was wondering if there is still a place f | 13:08 |
mr_shed | or simple html-php-mysql-javascript work in the professional web dev world? | 13:08 |
mongy | bustedup277, might already be loaded...checked network manager? | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | bustedup277: using windows hardweare manager tools determine what kind of network card you have. | 13:08 |
bustedup277 | What? | 13:08 |
esc_phr34k | how do i check in ubuntu if i have software installed | 13:09 |
andeeeuk | does anyone know how to install moovida as it will not install as it cant install moovida bad/ugly | 13:09 |
bustedup277 | mongy: What are you talking about? | 13:09 |
* Mkaysi is back (gone 00:35:17) | 13:09 | |
andeeeuk | ? | 13:09 |
diecastarts | decive mananger | 13:09 |
gobbe | !repeat | esc_phr34k | 13:09 |
ubottu | esc_phr34k: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 13:09 |
diecastarts | device manager bustedup277 found out what card you have | 13:09 |
campbellgolf | mr_shred your message truncated... | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | andeeeuk: try a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, and try again. | 13:09 |
h-dee | gobbe: You were right. The password was not set. I reset it and mysql worked, but phpmyadmin still showing up related to PHP. I'm checking into that. | 13:10 |
mr_shed | oops | 13:10 |
esc_phr34k | gobbe, sorry | 13:10 |
bustedup277 | Ok I'm in Device Manager.. | 13:10 |
diecastarts | netowrk apt___ors | 13:10 |
diecastarts | network | 13:10 |
bustedup277 | ok | 13:11 |
bustedup277 | I got this: | 13:11 |
diecastarts | and it will have some name with waln or wireless | 13:11 |
diecastarts | damn i typing bad today | 13:11 |
diecastarts | sorry all | 13:11 |
bustedup277 | Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n | 13:11 |
mr_shed | campbellgolf, without the waffle: "given .NET 3.5/4 and the rise of MVC, do I still have a job out there? - I do php-mysql-javascript-"ajax"-html but none of that funky MVC setup". | 13:11 |
bustedup277 | Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller | 13:11 |
bustedup277 | That's it. | 13:11 |
gobbe | bustedup277: you might need to use wired conenction to get drivers | 13:11 |
www32ndy | hi | 13:11 |
diecastarts | k yeah so it the broadcom one | 13:12 |
gobbe | bustedup277: broadcom needs 3rd party drivers, which can be installed with Additional Drivers | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | bustedup277: you proberly should connect via wire, and update/upgrade the system. then figure out what drivers are needed. its proberly the 'sta' drivers . but broadcom cards can be weird. | 13:12 |
bustedup277 | umm ok? | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | bustedup277: its posssible once you update/upgrade - that the Addational Drivers tool - may show the proper drivers | 13:13 |
mr_shed | also, anyone know how to get Rhythmbox to remember locations and passwords for music folders in windows (Vista) shares. | 13:13 |
diecastarts | yeah be the easiest way bustedup277 | 13:13 |
diecastarts | just hardwire to the router and connect on LAN | 13:13 |
bustedup277 | DR_Willis and anyone else: Can I download the drivers from Windows? | 13:13 |
diecastarts | update then play with wireless | 13:14 |
bustedup277 | :| | 13:14 |
Arrazador | hay | 13:14 |
bustedup277 | Can I just download the drivers I need from Windows and not Ubuntu? | 13:14 |
Arrazador | alguem fala portugues | 13:14 |
diecastarts | you could download to window if you were sure what drivers to download | 13:14 |
Arrazador | ¶;x~~ | 13:14 |
Dr_Willis | andeeeuk: all i can say is i got moovidia installed here.. but i instlled it some time back. | 13:14 |
bustedup277 | Well how do i figure out which drivers I need to download? | 13:14 |
diecastarts | check websites | 13:15 |
bustedup277 | kk | 13:15 |
Dr_Willis | andeeeuk: it could be some updated broke the package.. if its just 'reccomended' it should still install. | 13:15 |
diecastarts | or do what gobbe was saying | 13:15 |
=== bustedup277 is now known as away277 | ||
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
andeeeuk | Dr_Willis: yeah it wont install at all | 13:16 |
andeeeuk | think it is because of the dependancy issues | 13:16 |
andeeeuk | but it will not look to resolve them | 13:16 |
blup | i'm having serious issues with java (i used to have openjdk, now sun's)... as soon as i launch a .jar file, the computer crashes and i have to do a hard reboot (funny colors and flashing checkerboard patterns) | 13:17 |
=== Arrazador is now known as Luciano | ||
blup | my old laptop (ubuntu 9) did so, and now my new one (ubuntu 10.10) is doing the same | 13:18 |
=== Luciano is now known as Bushi | ||
gobbe | blup: what is the .jar you are launching or does this happen with every .jar? | 13:19 |
nightcrow_ | hiya, how can i update /etc/hostname without rebooting the machine? | 13:19 |
=== Bushi is now known as virtulMan | ||
=== virtulMan is now known as virtualMan | ||
campbellgolf | mr_shred if you are targeting the .NET framework, I highly recommend you learn C#, it has larger project base and more advanced development opportunities than VB, though you can use both languages against nearly all the same .NET framework. do you have a .NET project? If you still require development of .NET on LNX, there is always mono... but caution the lack of full support. the only opensource combo that I have d | 13:19 |
campbellgolf | one is C#/mySQL and C# SQLite | 13:19 |
=== virtualMan is now known as Arrazador | ||
Arrazador | alguem fala portugues | 13:20 |
blup | gobbe: i've tried launching the .jar (minecraft) from within linux and within vmware running windows xp and i get the same results... when i run a java application online it bugs less, but it still behaves weird (if i change tabs, the java app is still there) | 13:20 |
rumpe2 | nightcrow, sudo service hostname restart (possibly) | 13:21 |
nightcrow_ | rumpe2: thats not it | 13:21 |
nightcrow_ | :) | 13:21 |
gobbe | blup: hmmh. if this hapepns only with minecraft you might need to contact their support | 13:21 |
rumpe2 | nightcrow, well... man hostname says, there is a script /etc/init.d/ ... use it | 13:22 |
blup | gobbe: i'm using minecraft as an example... it happens with any .jre | 13:22 |
nightcrow_ | rumpe2: tried that - doesnt work | 13:22 |
nightcrow_ | :-/ | 13:22 |
blup | gobbe: .jar* | 13:22 |
rumpe2 | nightcrow, what exactly did you try and what were the error-messages? | 13:22 |
wyclif | alright | 13:22 |
mr_shed | campbellgolf, I was thinking of downloading Visual Web 2008 on my Vista machine. I understand c# is rather "Java-like" from what I've seen on the web. | 13:22 |
rumpe2 | nightcrow, look into the script... there is also a parameter "reload" | 13:23 |
gobbe | blup: hmmh. interesting. What is OS that you are running? Do you get anykind of error messages under /var/log? | 13:23 |
peepsalot | what is a good utility for making keyboard macros | 13:23 |
gobbe | blup: i'm running .jar's now without any problem | 13:23 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
shaggy2 | !ping | 13:23 |
ubottu | ping-pong, a fun game for all the family | 13:23 |
Stava | How should I copy knoppix to a usb memory stick and make it bootable? :o | 13:23 |
blup | gobbe: let me check the log, good point | 13:23 |
nightcrow_ | rumpe2: there is no such script | 13:23 |
nightcrow_ | called | 13:24 |
gobbe | Stava: #knoppix or something, this channel is only for Ubuntu support | 13:24 |
Stava | gobbe, Well im doing it with ubuntu | 13:24 |
Stava | gobbe, I can only find guides for windows | 13:24 |
campbellgolf | mr_shred do you have a ".edu" email, you can get VS2010, Win03, Win08, SQLServer 2008 free from M$. | 13:25 |
rumpe2 | nightcrow, is the package hostname installed? | 13:25 |
mr_shed | my main concern is that, given what Visual Web Developer can do 'out of the box' with a few mere drag-and-drop motions, is everybody going to be moving in that direction? I see much of the web now either operating on MVC foundations (using various frameworks) or .NET 2/3.5/4 ... no longer see much about "simple" php-mysql or even AJAX. | 13:25 |
gobbe | Stava: still. it has nothing to do with ubuntu support | 13:25 |
gobbe | Stava: you should ask from #knoppix or google | 13:25 |
nightcrow_ | rumpe2: isnt it default? | 13:25 |
rumpe2 | nightcrow_, don't know ... here (ubuntu 10.04) it is | 13:26 |
blup | gobbe: no, nothing relevant in the syslog... and as i've said, i thought with a new computer and new OS (Mint Ubuntu 10.10), it would fix the problem, but i haven't successfully ran a java file since i changed to linux | 13:26 |
mole1 | I am complete newbie on karmic version of ubuntu. Book says on inserting audio cd rhythmbox will will play automatically...all the threads I can find are to stop it doing this I have the opposite problem...nothing happens at all even though I have setting to play automatically...the cdrom does not show in the side panel...nada..what do I do next please? | 13:26 |
mr_shed | campbellgolf, wow! but no :( ... might have to call my cousin, see if he can download them from MS then. | 13:27 |
wyclif | Stava: it's possible to do that, so no worries | 13:27 |
campbellgolf | mr_shred actually, M$ is pushing WPF (Windows Resentation Foundation) using XAML to link various UI elements. I don't think is as drag'n drop as the classic .NET development has been since .NET 1.0 | 13:27 |
blup | gobbe: could it be related to the graphics card? | 13:28 |
wyclif | Stava: | 13:29 |
gobbe | blup: it might | 13:29 |
gobbe | blup: c's i'm running several jar's everyday without problems, tho they are not games | 13:29 |
campbellgolf | mr_shred anyways check that out, and PM me for additional info, I don't think the folks on the #Ubuntu channel appreciate us hijacking it for a M$ discussion.. what sux, is there are no decent IRC channels for M$ that I have found, nothing compared to Java IRC channels ;-( | 13:29 |
wyclif | Stava: navigate to that page, scroll down and use "Method 1", follow the instructions | 13:29 |
Stava | wyclif, thanks | 13:30 |
wyclif | Stava: it's 9 or 10 steps but they're simple | 13:30 |
wyclif | Stava: no worries, hope it helps | 13:31 |
blup | gobbe: in fact, last time i had this issue with my old computer, ubuntu would crash running 'Processing' files, but if i ran them in vmware with windows xp, it would run fine.. | 13:31 |
mr_shed | thanks a lot campbellgolf and sorry #ubuntu, didn't mean to drag M$ (boo-hisss!) into this place :) | 13:31 |
sacarlson | mole1: if you plan to play media you should install restricted package: | 13:31 |
werwolf | \join #germany | 13:31 |
mole1 | Thanks sacarlson, when I look at the synaptic packages list, all packages I have seen recommended seem to be checked already as installed... | 13:34 |
gobbe | blup: what other jar's are causing same thing? | 13:36 |
sacarlson | mole1: well with that if your cd fails to open I think it's hardware | 13:36 |
mr_shed | ok, onto matters exclusively ... umm ... non-M$. Rhythmbox & LAN-shares. is Rhythmbox buggy? I have over 60+ CDs ripped to my Netgear NAS box. it runs on a stripped down linux distro (I'm pretty certain of this, though I haven't checked) and communicates well with my Ubuntu for most things. I have super-massive folder of mp3s and FLACs, which I can easily drag-n-drop into "other" more bloated media-applications, unfortunately, when I drag-n- | 13:36 |
mr_shed | drop it into Rhythmbox... it imports some, crashes, takes down the explorer folder with it, then comes back, shows it's still importing, then crashes ... on and on ... | 13:36 |
sacarlson | mole1: hardware includes bad media cd disk | 13:36 |
lucrfff | !list | 13:36 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 13:36 |
mr_shed | dammit, I really should be more concise in my typing :( | 13:36 |
h-dee | Hi...I have LAMP installed. But I can't copy files to /var/www. What do I need to do exactly? Last time, I tried doing something, and I screwed up my /var. I need advice this time. | 13:37 |
Lacknafta | Hi | 13:37 |
blup | gobbe: processing .jars for example | 13:38 |
mole1 | sacarlson....Ok just checking the link you gave will see if this sorts the problem, many thanks | 13:38 |
gobbe | h-dee: what kind of error do you get? | 13:38 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, you gotta be root | 13:38 |
=== werwolf is now known as loner | ||
r00t4rd3d | or use sudo | 13:38 |
h-dee | It don't show Paste option in /var/www. | 13:38 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, you gotta be root | 13:39 |
gobbe | h-dee: that's because you don't have write-rights there | 13:39 |
=== loner is now known as Guest53906 | ||
r00t4rd3d | you could always change the permissions for www but not sure how safe that is | 13:39 |
h-dee | goobe: r00t4rd3d: So do I need to use sudo everytime to copy, modify files? | 13:39 |
Guest53906 | that's fucking ubuntu | 13:39 |
r00t4rd3d | yup | 13:39 |
gobbe | h-dee: you can make /var/www owned by you | 13:39 |
Tm_T | Guest53906: watch your language | 13:39 |
gobbe | h-dee: then you dont | 13:39 |
gobbe | Tm_T: ! | 13:39 |
mr_shed | "Fucking Ubuntu" - new distro? | 13:40 |
h-dee | goobe: r00t4rd3d: I don't want to make it a webser but just a local test server | 13:40 |
Rubenstukken | I installed Ubuntu on a Dell Dimension C521, there is a problem with the mouse, after some search I found out it is a very known problem with Dell C521, which is fixed by updating the Bios. But this needs to be done through MS Dos, So I made an MS Dos Bootable cd, and placed the Biosinstallation file in an ntfs-partition. Problem is, I dont know how to find this partition and hence the installation file when I am booting from | 13:40 |
Dr_Willis | You could use Groups also i belive to access the www-data dirs | 13:40 |
gobbe | h-dee: sudo chown youruseraccount -R /var/www/* | 13:40 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, then own the www folder | 13:40 |
gobbe | h-dee: or add your useraccount to www-data group | 13:40 |
h-dee | goobe: r00t4rd3d: last time I did din | 13:40 |
h-dee | goobe: r00t4rd3d: last time I did din't worked...thats how i screwed up my /var | 13:41 |
h-dee | goobe: r00t4rd3d: trying again! | 13:41 |
r00t4rd3d | use the command gobbe wrote you | 13:41 |
gobbe | h-dee: so what did you do when you screwed it up? | 13:41 |
oneliner | Rubenstukken: ubuntu has flasher software, look in the programs download center | 13:41 |
h-dee | gobbe: how to add my useracc to www-data? | 13:41 |
amaab | @Rubenstukken:Put the bios install files on the cd. | 13:41 |
benkay86 | Just upgraded from Jaunty to Lucid (fresh install). Has the behavior of gnome-search-tool changed? It no longer seems to search for text within binary files! | 13:41 |
gobbe | h-dee: system -> administration -> users and groups | 13:42 |
h-dee | gobbe: when chown /var/www didn't worked, I changed /var ownership with -R | 13:42 |
gobbe | h-dee: and manage groups from there | 13:42 |
sacarlson | h-dee: try System>admin>user groups> select user and add group | 13:42 |
h-dee | gobbe: thanks! I'll try that now. | 13:42 |
mr_shed | ok, anyone know of a good +robust+ mediaplayer that can handle FLAC files and works well with network shares? | 13:42 |
Rubenstukken | @amaab, How do I make a bootable Dos with the installation file, just copying the files doesnt work it isnt bootable anymore then, I dont have a floppy drive... So how do I burn both the iso and the installation file? | 13:43 |
Guest53906 | why are using ubuntu? i think that this distro is uncomfortable | 13:43 |
nickoe | Is there direct links to latest stable ubuntu? | 13:44 |
gobbe | Guest53906: it's your opinion | 13:44 |
h-dee | gobbe: My main group is same as my username. Should I modify that entry or is there some other option to append that 'www-data' group too? | 13:44 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: if you you need is a plyaer then audacious is cool but there are others that do much more | 13:44 |
mattyh88 | hey, how can i go into keyboard preferences via terminal? (server edition) 10.10 | 13:44 |
Guest53906 | Tm_T: where are you from? | 13:44 |
gobbe | h-dee: no, browse www-data group, open it and add yoru account there | 13:44 |
Tm_T | Guest53906: that is offtopic here, try #ubuntu-offtopic instead | 13:45 |
nickoe | And i shourd be an cdrom image | 13:45 |
h-dee | gobbe: Okay I did. trying again. thanks! | 13:45 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, I'm struggling to get Rhythmbox and Amarok to work with my NAS shares, so I really just want something that is "guaranteed to work", don't require much more than playlists really. | 13:46 |
=== Devil is now known as wilk | ||
mr_shed | I'll try audacious now | 13:46 |
ksian_sf | my linux wont boot amymore, I am stuck on a screen somethyng with busybox | 13:46 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: your shares have nothing to do with the players | 13:46 |
ksian_sf | and some errors of this type | 13:46 |
ksian_sf | mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/c3c4608e-fb99-4989-bfe2-ede4aec72b38 on /root | 13:46 |
ksian_sf | failed: Invalid argument | 13:47 |
ksian_sf | mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory | 13:47 |
ksian_sf | mount: mounting / sys/ on root/sys failed: No such file or directory | 13:47 |
FloodBot2 | ksian_sf: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:47 |
ksian_sf | mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or dirctory | 13:47 |
virtuald | whats the channel name for the translation team? | 13:47 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, I find that Rhythmbox can't load files to the media library - reports an internal bug in the "g-stream" component - and that Amarok gives me no access to the network folders through its menus. | 13:48 |
virtuald | or the real question is; is it possible to translate pages on | 13:48 |
asw | conky installation reported Can't locate your X11 installation | 13:49 |
=== wilk is now known as devil | ||
Rubenstukken | Does anyone know how to make a bootable MS Dos cd with one extra file, without messing up the bootability? I need this to update my Bios, because of very known mouse problem om my DEll C521. I don't have any Dos-system anywhere. Just an image for making a a bootable Dos-cd and the installation file for the update of my Bios | 13:49 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, did you figure it out ? | 13:49 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: if you just mounted you shares as normal directory with your user that you now play with having normal access to them I wouldn't expect you would see this type of error | 13:49 |
=== devil is now known as Devil | ||
sacarlson | mr_shed: fix your mounts first | 13:50 |
chau | đ | 13:50 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, goto users and groups , then click manage groups , scroll down to www-data , highlight , click properties , your username should be in the box , check it. | 13:50 |
h-dee | r00t4rd3d: I changed the owner, and it did copied. However the script is not executing. I'm trying to run SocialEngine script. Now trying Wordpress to check if it works. Thanks! | 13:50 |
h-dee | r00t4rd3d: I did that part. :-) | 13:51 |
ksian_sf | this are the erors | 13:51 |
sacarlson | Rubenstukken: wonder if you could use virtualbox to do such things? | 13:51 |
wyclif | hi prince12 | 13:52 |
r00t4rd3d | LOL | 13:53 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, hmm how would I know if it is an issue with the mounting? what would I check? | 13:53 |
wyclif | !ubuntu | prince12 | 13:53 |
ubottu | prince12: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 13:53 |
wyclif | oops | 13:53 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: see if you can read and write to the directory you need to access | 13:53 |
wyclif | !download | prince12 | 13:53 |
ubottu | prince12: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 13:53 |
r00t4rd3d | wyclif, why are you always issuing them things to people ? | 13:53 |
Rubenstukken | sacarlson, I'm not so sure about that, you can open the installation file from a windows-environment which will shutdown windows and then update the bios.. here is the explanation from Dell | 13:53 |
wyclif | root4rd3d not always, once | 13:54 |
r00t4rd3d | prince12, turn off caps lock | 13:54 |
wyclif | r0t4rd3d: first one was my mistake | 13:54 |
mole1 | sacarlson...if I have understood this right an audio CD won't play or show in Rhythmbox unless one has installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package? Unfortunately clicking on the link to install this on the page you gave a return "not found"...trying via the terminal gives the same this maybe due to temporary unavailability perhaps? there anywhere else to get it? | 13:54 |
prince12 | ok i have turned off caps lock | 13:54 |
benkay86 | How can I search for a Microsoft Word document containing a text string? | 13:54 |
wyclif | prince12: yay | 13:54 |
r00t4rd3d | prince12, use the ubuntu torrent | 13:54 |
r00t4rd3d | that way you can start , stop , resume | 13:54 |
r00t4rd3d | etc | 13:54 |
wyclif | r00t4rd3d: because he wanted to know where to download Ubuntu and it's easier than saying the same things over and over again | 13:55 |
prince12 | ok wait | 13:55 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, that's the problem, I can w-r-x them perfectly well. I set up the shares months back and nothing was causing me any problems :( | 13:55 |
r00t4rd3d | prince12, | 13:55 |
r00t4rd3d | for the torrents | 13:55 |
sacarlson | Rubenstukken: well one method calls out Run the BIOS update utility from Windows environment, so is that not doable from a virtualbox run of windows? | 13:55 |
gobbe | benkay86: doesn't openoffice open it? | 13:55 |
jo_ | hello there, i'm on the ubuntu website trrying to upgrade to 10.10 and it says that i should "check" in update update manager but when i "check" nothing appears | 13:56 |
benkay86 | gobbe: I'm thinking of something more like gnome-search-tool. I want to find files containing text. | 13:56 |
Lightmaster_alex | Hey there everyone.I'm just testing this irc client on my new android device | 13:56 |
Sriram | mole1, Nope, seems to be working for me | 13:56 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: does that mean problem solved? or not? | 13:56 |
rumpe2 | benkay86, grep | 13:57 |
asw | Need help configuring conky-1.8 on Ubuntu 10.10 error message Can't locate your X11 installation | 13:57 |
Sriram | jo_: Try update-manager -d in your terminal | 13:57 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, nope, still not working well with Rhythmbox | 13:57 |
jo_ | thanks | 13:57 |
virtuald | i found no way to translate the wiki so i guess it's not possible at this time | 13:57 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: from what you wanted my audaciuos sounded good | 13:57 |
Rubenstukken | sacarlson, you think it will not be a problem that I am running Ubuntu while updating the Bios? to be honest I don't know much about computers I just try figuring things out when I need to do so, Where is the Bios located also on the hard drive? Is it not a problem that I am running ubuntu then, it uses the Bios or am I wrong, or will it nog be a problem...? i dont want to fuck things up by trying | 13:57 |
benkay86 | rumpe2, gobbe: Thanks, I'm familiar with grep -ir. Unfortunately this question pertains to my 60 year-old father. | 13:57 |
jo_ | sriram: thank you <3 | 13:58 |
sacarlson | Rubenstukken: to update the bios is a risky thing so the safist method is always best | 13:58 |
Sriram | jo_: Your welcome | 13:58 |
elky | is there a way to split contacts in evolution that have accidentally been merged somehow? | 13:59 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, I'm going to try that thanks. I'm just not sure why Rhythmbox is having trouble with the NAS share folder. it puzzles me ... I could have made a mistake on the mounting, I'm sure, but I don't see any problems with it anywhere else. | 13:59 |
sacarlson | Rubenstukken: I think I would install dual boot if that was an option, witch it is | 13:59 |
prince12 | it is not seeming to work | 13:59 |
* Sriram is building VIM 7.3.081 | 13:59 | |
Guest53906 | vse loshary | 14:00 |
virtuald | rubenstukken: the bios is not on the hard drive, it's in a cmos memory module | 14:00 |
Guest53906 | we are talking about loshary here | 14:00 |
Guest53906 | ! | 14:00 |
Sriram | elky: Don't think so. | 14:01 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: your NAS already have /etc/fstab entries I"m sure | 14:01 |
jo_ | can someone redirect me to the wine server | 14:01 |
Guest53906 | loshary is new distro | 14:01 |
jo_ | the wine chat thing i means | 14:01 |
prince12 | prince12-can anyone solve my problem | 14:01 |
Sriram | jo_: What wine chat thing? | 14:01 |
Sriram | jo_: Wine channel on IRC? | 14:02 |
Rubenstukken | sacarlson, Yes It seems that thats the best solution, I will need to find a pirate version of win xp or something, dont have any cd of it. I installed Ubuntu on the machine to avoid having to install windows which always gives me much more problems than installing Ubuntu. I havent worked with windows for a long time, and I am pretty scared of it :D | 14:02 |
jo_ | sriram: that's right | 14:02 |
IdleOne | jo_: /join #winehq | 14:02 |
Sriram | jo_: It's #wine | 14:02 |
chau | just close the page? | 14:02 |
Sriram | jo_: Sorry, #winehq | 14:03 |
m1r | hello | 14:03 |
Sriram | m1r: Hello | 14:03 |
=== hekos is now known as Hekos | ||
=== Devil is now known as WiLK | ||
=== Guest53906 is now known as Elsa | ||
m1r | i cant set visible resolution for VT 1-7 on ubuntu 10.04.1 (netbook hpmini 2130 1024x600). any tips how to fix resolution ? | 14:04 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, i found a easier way to do it , gksudo nautilus | 14:04 |
elky | Sriram, ok, i guess i'll just make the 20 or so "accounts@..." addresses that evolution has assigned to the contact called "accounts" :-/ | 14:04 |
Elsa | EGEGEEGEGEGEIII | 14:04 |
Elsa | LOSHARY | 14:04 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, I just checked fstab and no, there are no entries there for the NAS, it just loads like links created at reboot. yet I can w-r-x on the NAS without a problem at all. Strange. | 14:04 |
Daekdroom | !CoC | Elsa | 14:05 |
sacarlson | Rubenstukken: see pm solution | 14:05 |
ubottu | Elsa: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at . For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see . | 14:05 |
Elsa | what's up? | 14:05 |
sacarlson | mr_shed: and no wonder it don't work all the time | 14:05 |
Elsa | is it Blondie Blog? | 14:05 |
Sriram | m1r: You're using the Netbook edition, right? | 14:06 |
h-dee | r00t4rd3d: yes I checked that too. But still I have to launch it first. I actually wanted a local server, not a web-server so changing owner to local user won't harm in my case. But still I appreciate your help and suggestions :-) | 14:06 |
virtuald | rubenstukken: if you can extract the bios image from the archive file, you can sometimes use flashrom (a command line tool) to flash it | 14:06 |
m1r | Siriam, regular desktop 32bit 10.04 | 14:06 |
m1r | Sriram: | 14:06 |
prince12 | can anyone help me please | 14:06 |
Elsa | rubenstukken: where did you take thi fucking nick? | 14:07 |
mr_shed | sacarlson, indeed .. I guess I just assumed it should be mounted there because of the w-r-x actions I was allowed through Network Places > NAS | 14:07 |
r00t4rd3d | h-dee, you want to be careful running a file manager as root though , 1 accidental delete and your all done :D | 14:07 |
Sriram | m1r, Try the Netbook edition, might auto-set the resolution | 14:07 |
prince12 | who is dwarder | 14:07 |
m1r | Sriram: no reinstall posible | 14:07 |
m1r | Sriram: production system | 14:08 |
IdleOne | !language | Elsa | 14:08 |
ubottu | Elsa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 14:08 |
linxeh | prince12: what is your problem? that would be a good start :) | 14:08 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
Sriram | m1r: Ah okay | 14:08 |
Daekdroom | IdleOne, it's a troll if you read a few lines up. | 14:08 |
m1r | Sriram: this problem appeared after upgrade to 10.04 few months back, but didnt need VT's at the time | 14:08 |
prince12 | i am not able to download ubuntu 10.10 because my net connection is very slow can you help me? | 14:08 |
h-dee | r00t4rd3d: thanks for the caution, but I won't be needing to use gksudo nautilus, and I just changed ownership for /var/www. Rests DEFAULT! | 14:09 |
juniour | prince same here whille upgrading i am not getting speed | 14:09 |
gobbe | prince12: try to download it from somewhere else? | 14:09 |
RWWDead | rww is a dead man | 14:09 |
sacarlson | prince12: how can we help you, ok you can get them to mail you a cd in the snail mail | 14:09 |
gobbe | prince12: if your net connection is very slow, we cannot do anything with that | 14:09 |
prince12 | how | 14:09 |
RWWDead | oooo | 14:10 |
gobbe | prince12: you can also order cd's but it might take 2 months | 14:10 |
prince12 | it has 18.8 kbps speed | 14:10 |
prince12 | how can i order cds | 14:10 |
m1r | prince12: change repository server ? | 14:10 |
prince12 | no | 14:10 |
Daekdroom | !shipit | 14:10 |
ubottu | Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See and - Shipit will send !Maverick (10.10) CDs | 14:10 |
juniour | gobe mine is exelent but i am getting the speed | 14:11 |
juniour | sr not | 14:11 |
mongy | prince12, any net cafe around you can use to download and make a usb stick/cd-r ? | 14:11 |
juniour | while updating from 10.04 to 10.10 | 14:11 |
prince12 | thank you for helping me:) | 14:11 |
campbellgolf | if your connection is too slow, go to a coffee shop and use their wifi | 14:11 |
gobbe | juniour: change repository servers | 14:12 |
juniour | how to do that | 14:12 |
linxeh | prince12: can you get a friend to download it, or download it on an alternative connection (coffee shop, whatever) | 14:12 |
linxeh | heh | 14:12 |
Sriram | m1r: But, i guess that an upgrade to 10.10 might fix your problem. "update-manager -d" | 14:12 |
gobbe | juniour: you got several times today instructions for that | 14:12 |
linxeh | prince12: you are in india ? | 14:12 |
kleopatra | Hi i am running atest-ubuntu in virtual box. despite the installation of the guest additons i cant set any higher resolution than 800*600. What can i do? | 14:12 |
remixus | hi i installed apache and i want to run cgi script. i saved it to var/www/cgi-bin and in firefox type: localhost/cgi-bin/ and firefox returned Forbidden .. i have 777 permissions on | 14:12 |
m1r | Sriram: only stable release | 14:12 |
juniour | but i cant get that | 14:13 |
mole1 | Anyone...the "window" (probably a non u phrase sorry I am newbie) does not show fully within the borders bounded by the scroll bars and I have to scroll right on the bottom scroll bar to click on the X quit and on the left of the scroll bar to see whats on the left of the do I fix this please? Also trying to find ubuntu-restricted-extras package return "could not find package" does anyone know why this should be so? | 14:13 |
gobbe | juniour: cant get what? | 14:13 |
juniour | hoe to change? | 14:13 |
campbellgolf | even if your connection is slow and you get the CDs snail mailed, good luck with applying the latest updates, mine were over 200MB after install. | 14:13 |
koolio | remixus, google? there a millions of tutorials | 14:14 |
sacarlson | prince12: you can buy me a round trip ticket to your house and I will personally hand you one, plus my service fee's. | 14:14 |
gobbe | juniour: did you read links that you got? | 14:14 |
remixus | koolio: i searched | 14:14 |
Sriram | m1r: But, i guess that an upgrade to 10.10 might fix your problem. "update-manager -d" | 14:14 |
juniour | no | 14:14 |
linxeh | prince12: | 14:14 |
gobbe | juniour: you should | 14:14 |
soreau | info ubuntu-restricted-extras | 14:14 |
soreau | !info ubuntu-restricted-extras | 14:14 |
ubottu | ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 42 (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB | 14:14 |
juniour | k give me again | 14:14 |
m1r | Sriram: its one live in menu.lst , vga=875 ir somthing like that | 14:14 |
linxeh | sacarlson: he's in india | 14:15 |
Sriram | m1r: hmmmm.... brb | 14:15 |
brado | Hello #Ubuntu; Okay so I was logged into a ubuntu gui session, and I typed ctrl+alt+F1 and went to a command line login; what's the best way back to the gui from there? startx says there's already a session on display:0 | 14:15 |
sacarlson | linxeh: cool I just next door | 14:15 |
coz_ | brado, sudo restart gdm | 14:15 |
linxeh | sacarlson: thailand is hardly next door :P | 14:15 |
brado | coz_: will that reboot? | 14:15 |
FaiLican | lol india | 14:15 |
gobbe | juniour: system->administration->synaptic, then select settings | 14:16 |
coz_ | brado, no that will just get you back into the desktop environment | 14:16 |
gobbe | juniour: and preferences | 14:16 |
juniour | then | 14:16 |
coz_ | brado, did you want to reboot? | 14:16 |
brado | coz_: fantastic thank you | 14:16 |
soreau | ! tty | brado | 14:16 |
ubottu | brado: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see | 14:16 |
brado | no | 14:16 |
gobbe | juniour: sorry, repositories | 14:16 |
mole1 | brado ctrl alt f7 takes you straight back..type exit first | 14:16 |
brado | soreau: cheers | 14:16 |
coz_ | brado, for future reference reboot = sudo init 6 shutdown = sudo init 0 | 14:16 |
juniour | k | 14:16 |
vadimkiselev | #russia | 14:16 |
blight_ | hi | 14:19 |
blight_ | does anybody know if there is a 'cp' program which gives some feedback like progress and speed? for local copies (scp falls back to cp for a local copy) | 14:19 |
gobbe | blight_: rsync | 14:19 |
sacarlson | blight_: rsync | 14:19 |
abenaki | salve | 14:20 |
Dr_Willis | blight_: i seem to recall some alias's that added that feature to cp somehow also. | 14:20 |
abenaki | !list | 14:20 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 14:20 |
abenaki | ciao | 14:20 |
Sriram | linuxeh: Where, in India do you live? | 14:21 |
brado | coz_: thanks that's a good idea; and alt+f10 is what I needed ;) cheers all | 14:21 |
dom__ | no one from france ? | 14:21 |
coz_ | brado, ok cool | 14:22 |
cutiyar | i installed 10.04.1 lts BUT does not connect to my huawei modem | 14:22 |
linker | how to shut down my computer for a particular time through command line | 14:22 |
blight_ | gobbe, sacarlson: thanks, nice | 14:23 |
blight_ | Dr_Willis: rsync does a good job it seems :) | 14:23 |
juniour | linker sudo at time | 14:23 |
juniour | linker like sudo at 1:20 pm enter | 14:24 |
Sriram | I was just thinking, I have a Chrome OS Install. Can I map a key say "w" to open chrome OS? | 14:24 |
linker | juniour, k thanks | 14:24 |
juniour | linker then type halt | 14:24 |
midas | Happy new year everyone! Who wants to help me with setting up SVN?? | 14:24 |
juniour | ctrd+d | 14:24 |
midas | ive been at it for 2 days straight and im finally almost there | 14:24 |
Sriram | Just like a QuickWeb feature | 14:24 |
juniour | linker ctrl+d | 14:24 |
linker | juniour, i cant get u | 14:24 |
juniour | sudo at 1:20 pm enter | 14:25 |
juniour | linker then type halt enter then ctrl+d | 14:25 |
h-dee | Hi...1 more question. Is there any way to bulk upgrade those packages. Kernel or some other library updates can be updated using UPDATE MANAGER, but it do not list all packages requiring updates. Examples: FileZilla, ClamTK etc. | 14:25 |
midas | PM m e if you can help me with Subversion please! Thanks | 14:25 |
sacarlson | Sriram: you mean your chrome browser I assume, you can create a hotkey for it System>preferenc>keyboard hot key | 14:25 |
juniour | linker got it | 14:25 |
sresu | Which command returns the total number of files and/or directories listed? | 14:25 |
cutiyar | i installed 10.04.1 lts BUT does not connect to my huawei modem | 14:25 |
juniour | sresu ls -l | 14:26 |
linker | juniour, but it is showing like this warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh | 14:26 |
IdleOne | midas: you might try #subversion also | 14:26 |
linker | at> | 14:26 |
juniour | k | 14:26 |
juniour | do ti | 14:26 |
juniour | no ploblem | 14:26 |
Sriram | sacarlson, Nope, Chrome OS | 14:26 |
sacarlson | Sriram: you run chrome os from ubuntu? | 14:27 |
midas | Ok more specifically, i want to know (now that SVN works) where the files are, so that I can make that the webroot (its for website dev) thx | 14:27 |
vadimkiselev | <cutiyar> you need to change mod from flash to modem | 14:27 |
gobbe | Sriram: you should ask that from #chromeos or something | 14:27 |
linker | juniour, if i want to cancel its job how? | 14:27 |
cutiyar | <vadimkiselev ,how? | 14:27 |
sresu | juniour: -l use a long listing format. I need only the total no. of files & directories with *total* size | 14:27 |
sacarlson | Sriram: I guess you could with virtualbox | 14:28 |
jeff72834 | I am having problem with my wireless internet connections on ubuntu was working last night and now is not will work on a wired connection but not on wireless all i get is can not find server but connection is 100% and connected | 14:28 |
h-dee | Hi...1 more question. Is there any way to bulk upgrade installed packages. Kernel or some other library updates can be updated using UPDATE MANAGER, but it do not list all packages requiring updates. Examples: FileZilla, ClamTK etc. Any way to upgrade all such apps in a bulk fashion? | 14:28 |
Sriram | sacarlson, Not Chrome OS. Maybe an OS that boots up really fast | 14:28 |
cutiyar | vadimkiselev ,how? | 14:29 |
gobbe | h-dee: if you have installed them thru aptitude/apt-get they are updated also | 14:29 |
gobbe | h-dee: if you downloaded them from website, no | 14:29 |
juniour | sresu find / -type f -ls | 14:29 |
sacarlson | Sriram: but your already booted up in ubuntu, so how will that help? | 14:29 |
Elsa | Kisel does it kno | 14:29 |
vadimkiselev | <cutiyar> see in google. i'm already forgot it | 14:29 |
jeff72834 | I am having problem with my wireless internet connections on ubuntu was working last night and now is not will work on a wired connection but not on wireless all i get is can not find server but connection is 100% and connected | 14:29 |
h-dee | gobbe: I check FileZilla, and it said Update available, and update using package manager. Similar for ClamTK. Installed from Software center. | 14:30 |
gobbe | h-dee: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will do the job | 14:30 |
Sriram | sacarlson: Nope, on startup. If you have some urgent emails to check | 14:30 |
juniour | jeff72834 just remove all connection and add again | 14:30 |
* biil loves sudo apt-get | 14:31 | |
gobbe | Sriram: that's not ubuntu issue - This channel is only for ubuntu support | 14:31 |
sresu | juniour: Ah.. no not like that. | 14:31 |
jeff72834 | i have tried that | 14:31 |
jeff72834 | no luck | 14:31 |
Sriram | gobbe, Sorry | 14:31 |
h-dee | gobbe: Tried both. Nothing worked. 'upgrade' installed what UPDATE MANAGER was listing, and 'update' updated package list. Neither updated individual installed apps. | 14:31 |
sacarlson | h-dee: you can go into synaptic and select all the apps you want to upgrade and click apply | 14:31 |
coz_ | fabula, did you see my PM? | 14:32 |
jeff72834 | not only does not work on ubuntu side but in virtualbox wireless can not find server either | 14:32 |
sam_ | hello any super techs here? | 14:32 |
bastidrazor | ubottu tell h-dee about latest | 14:32 |
ubottu | h-dee, please see my private message | 14:32 |
gobbe | !ask | sam_ | 14:32 |
ubottu | sam_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:32 |
h-dee | sacarlson: No offense, I find Synaptic bit weird. Any other way? | 14:32 |
Elsa | I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!! | 14:32 |
Daekdroom | !guidelines | Elsa | 14:32 |
ubottu | Elsa: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 14:32 |
Elsa | EGGEEEII | 14:32 |
Elsa | Kisel | 14:32 |
SteM | anyone worked with the Digicom DigiTune USB key ? | 14:33 |
IdleOne | h-dee: keep in mind that the packages will only be upgraded if there is a upgrade available in the repositories. So you may read about a new release of an application but that does not mean it is in the repos (yet) | 14:33 |
sresu | juniour: I'm looking for something what tree writes in the end - 6044 directories, 59269 files. But only more thing I need it to display is total size not individual size of files etc | 14:33 |
h-dee | IdleOne: Okay! So how long usually it takes to update the repository from the back-end? | 14:34 |
juniour | sresu k | 14:34 |
bastidrazor | sresu: in terminal du -sh | 14:34 |
coz_ | fabula, are you here? | 14:34 |
vadimkiselev | what is standart audio device in ubuntu? | 14:34 |
=== petr is now known as Guest70133 | ||
erUSUL | vadimkiselev: /dev/snd/* | 14:34 |
grandrew | hi all! Is there any howto on 'expert command line install' method? | 14:34 |
=== Guest70133 is now known as _bro | ||
sresu | juniour: Thanks anyway | 14:35 |
gobbe | grandrew: alternative installer | 14:35 |
juniour | k | 14:35 |
sresu | bastidrazor: ty | 14:35 |
IdleOne | h-dee: all depends. Ubuntu strives for stability and not always having the most up to date version. | 14:35 |
Dr_Willis | grandrew: not a whole lot to it.. asks a few questions.. doesd the install... | 14:35 |
h-dee | IdleOne: Okay Thanks! :-) | 14:35 |
IdleOne | h-dee: sure thing | 14:35 |
Dr_Willis | grandrew: unless you are refering to somthing other then the alternative installer. | 14:35 |
grandrew | I want to install base system from command line | 14:35 |
erUSUL | !minimal | grandrew | 14:35 |
ubottu | grandrew: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 14:35 |
gobbe | grandrew: that's what you can do with alternative installer | 14:36 |
biscari | SALVE | 14:36 |
sresu | How to change the scrollback length of terminal? | 14:36 |
biscari | !LIST | 14:36 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 14:36 |
grandrew | I guess there is some package alias like 'apt-get install base-system' ? | 14:36 |
sam_ | heres my problem, i have win 7 installed i also partioned my hd to allow space for ubuntu. im not sure exactly what happened but i couldnt get eighter to load. now i have been using both for a while dual boot. i get an error this day thats said cant find partion. so i put in my live cd and figure i can reinstall to recove my grub. i install to free space which is like 12g and when i start my cpu i get the grub load win7 or ubuntu. i choose ub | 14:36 |
sam_ | untu. but it loads the new one not the one i had i still have the other ubuntu partion i can access it through the places then computer how can i get it to load to the original ubuntu? | 14:36 |
shuimu | hi! | 14:37 |
sam_ | hi | 14:37 |
h-dee | IdleOne: Yeah the repos aren't updated. LOL! | 14:37 |
coz_ | fabula, | 14:37 |
grandrew | I actually tried to install from alternate minimal cd but the automatic installation is broken due to bug with absence of --force-yes in pae kernel installation script; so I need to know how to install the base system from command line only | 14:38 |
sam_ | so basicaly i have to ubuntus installed the original one and the one i just installed but i want to have it boot to the otiginal and delete the other new one | 14:38 |
NixGeek | sam_delete the new partition and follow number 13 on this guide: | 14:38 |
coz_ | grandrew, did you try the minimal install cd | 14:38 |
sam_ | ok ty | 14:38 |
sam_ | how do i delete the partion? | 14:38 |
NixGeek | sam_, you are very welcome, glad I could help. | 14:39 |
sam_ | im running on the new partion now | 14:39 |
IdleOne | h-dee: they are updated fairly often, just that Ubuntu does not automatically update/upgrade a package just because it has been released. | 14:39 |
coz_ | grandrew, | 14:39 |
Dr_Willis | sam_: fdisk, or gparted. or just reformat ti some new clean filesystem | 14:39 |
vadimkiselev | <sam_> gparted from livecd | 14:39 |
NixGeek | boot into the ubuntu live cd, go to system > administration> gparted | 14:39 |
sam_ | ok ty ill let ya know how it goes ty again | 14:39 |
grandrew | coz_, yes I am using it right now. It is broken so I need to use it in command-line only install method. I want to know how. | 14:39 |
h-dee | IdleOne: that. Thanks! :-) | 14:39 |
coz_ | grandrew, are you using the alternate cd or the minmal install cd? | 14:40 |
grandrew | minimal | 14:40 |
NixGeek | find the partitiona and choose delete. make sure it's the new installation though, you don't want to accidently delete your old one. | 14:40 |
coz_ | grandrew, oh mmm | 14:40 |
tas | how to get empathy run each time mybuntu starts?? | 14:40 |
erUSUL | tas: System>Preferences>startup apps | 14:40 |
tas | erUSUL, what do I do in browse button? I dunno how to add empathy | 14:41 |
Sriram | Is there any way to disable join /quit messages in this channel | 14:41 |
sacarlson | NixGeek: will that not put him back were he was with no working operating system? | 14:41 |
erUSUL | tas: in command type "empathy". | 14:41 |
erUSUL | Sriram: depends on the chat client you use | 14:42 |
NixGeek | sacarison, if he deltes the new install and follows the guide I pointed him to, he will be able to reinstall just grub from the live cd | 14:42 |
sam_ | ok is there a way to tell which one is which? is there a date one them when i created them? | 14:42 |
Sriram | erSUB: Yes, i disabled the messages in xchat,now | 14:43 |
sam_ | or i have to go by the size of the partion? | 14:43 |
Ridpojken | Iä | 14:44 |
andrzej | helo, I have a problem with compiling cam drivers on my ubuntu 9.10 2.6.31-22, I want to install older kernel, (2.6.29?) where can I found that kernel deb for 9.10 ? | 14:45 |
john99999999 | hi if i am executing command like this: " sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade " is the second sudo required? | 14:45 |
john99999999 | how long does the current sudo last ? | 14:45 |
coz_ | john99999999, just do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -upgrade | 14:46 |
erUSUL | john99999999: it is needed. but you only have to enter pasword once | 14:46 |
chau | when i restart my device my application setting launch | 14:46 |
john99999999 | coz_: why -upgrade? not upgrade? | 14:46 |
chau | when i restart my device my application setting launch | 14:46 |
coz_ | john99999999, actually usual is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 14:46 |
IdleOne | john99999999: it is upgrade without the - | 14:46 |
juniour | ya john99999999 upgrade | 14:46 |
vadimkiselev | how to allow php scripts load files (apache) | 14:46 |
john99999999 | why dist-upgrade? | 14:47 |
john99999999 | i only want to upgrade packages | 14:47 |
juniour | ya try this | 14:47 |
coz_ | john99999999, a dist -upgrade will replace applications with new versions if they are available | 14:47 |
john99999999 | same as upgrade? | 14:47 |
john99999999 | lol | 14:47 |
arunce | no | 14:47 |
coz_ | john99999999, | 14:48 |
coz_ | john99999999, sorry | 14:48 |
coz_ | john99999999, apt-get upgrade will upgrade the package versions on your system when a newer version is available. It still does dependency checking and will skip upgrading a package in the case of a conflict | 14:48 |
janhouse | how can I block packets by content? | 14:48 |
pefi | Hi, who shoud be owner of /home directiry and what should be access rights? root/root 755 ? | 14:48 |
juniour | pefi who | 14:49 |
chau | d | 14:49 |
juniour | pefi who am i | 14:49 |
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot | ||
pefi | junior: ? | 14:51 |
pefi | juniour: ? | 14:51 |
Dr_Willis | ls -ld /home | 14:51 |
juniour | that the comman i have given try it | 14:51 |
Dr_Willis | drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2010-10-16 06:31 /home | 14:51 |
pefi | ok, that's what I needed! thanks! | 14:51 |
coz_ | fabula, are you reading this? | 14:52 |
erUSUL | juniour: there are many iptables modules around; maybe ask in #netfilter | 14:53 |
juniour | erUSUL ? | 14:53 |
erUSUL | juniour: sorry; tab completion error | 14:54 |
erUSUL | janhouse: there are many iptables modules around; maybe ask in #netfilter | 14:54 |
=== Vincent is now known as Guest39798 | ||
juniour | erUSUL I dident get u? | 14:54 |
juniour | wt u talk abt | 14:55 |
=== sresu_ is now known as sresu | ||
juniour | ? | 14:55 |
Spec | juniour: he was trying to say that to janhouse, not you. | 14:55 |
erUSUL | juniour: the message was not meant for you. i made a mistake | 14:55 |
=== Guest39798 is now known as Powerfire | ||
juniour | k | 14:55 |
jeff72834 | I am lost on my wireless connection wired works fine but wireless does not driver installed and connection shows connected Please Help | 14:56 |
spidernet | im a user of back track and i ask if ther is activ perl on back track | 14:56 |
juniour | jeff72843 system->addministrator->hardware driver | 14:57 |
IdleOne | spidernet: ask in #backtrack-linux | 14:57 |
juniour | jeff72843 activate the dreiver | 14:57 |
Da_Rhyno | hello hello! | 14:57 |
spidernet | those people dont toke | 14:58 |
spidernet | hh | 14:58 |
chau | to help me crack windows 7 | 14:58 |
IdleOne | spidernet: those people are the ones who can help. backtrack is not supported in this channel | 14:58 |
Da_Rhyno | I just installed Ubuntu last night... To all those who were here helping me out, I want to say "Thank you!" | 14:58 |
IdleOne | !illegal | chau | 14:58 |
ubottu | chau: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 14:58 |
erUSUL | !warez | chau | 14:58 |
juniour | jeff72843 u will get the connection after activating drivers | 14:58 |
Da_Rhyno | Thus far, I like the OS. | 14:59 |
AbstractBeliefs | is there anyone around who'd help me troubleshoot dropped wireless connections? ( Atheros card w/ath9k, can ping, can connect for a time, then fails) | 14:59 |
jeff72834 | under hardware drivers shows activated and currently in use for broadcom wireless driver B43 but i do have broadcom Sta wireless driver that is also showing up but not active or downloaded | 14:59 |
Da_Rhyno | What can I use for C/C++ development on here though? | 14:59 |
Dr_Willis | spidernet: 'perl' is included in most all disrtos these days | 14:59 |
jeff72834 | should i activate other driver as well? | 14:59 |
juniour | activate it | 14:59 |
juniour | ya | 14:59 |
spidernet | ok is ther active perl.tar.gz | 14:59 |
juniour | jeff72834 activate all there in the list | 15:00 |
Dr_Willis | spidernet: why do you need activestates version of perl when one is in the repos? | 15:00 |
spidernet | yep | 15:00 |
juniour | jeff72834 it working | 15:01 |
juniour | ? | 15:01 |
MooMoo | hello, are there any WLAN gurus here please? Ubuntu 10.10 and Ralink RT2561/RT61 PCI problems here. | 15:01 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
erUSUL | !ide | Da_Rhyno | 15:01 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator | 15:01 |
jeff72834 | it tells me to restart so i will and see what happens | 15:02 |
erUSUL | Da_Rhyno: anjuta | 15:02 |
jeff72834 | thanks for advice | 15:02 |
Stava | how do i set character encoding of the terminal? | 15:02 |
jeff72834 | if still having problems i will be back | 15:02 |
Da_Rhyno | Well, where can I get a compiler? | 15:02 |
juniour | k | 15:02 |
Dr_Willis | Da_Rhyno: in the repos. | 15:02 |
Da_Rhyno | GCC/G++? | 15:02 |
Da_Rhyno | repos? | 15:02 |
erUSUL | Da_Rhyno: one will be installed when you install anjuta | 15:02 |
Da_Rhyno | Sorry, I'm still new to this OS. | 15:02 |
juniour | jeff72834 k i am here | 15:02 |
=== away277 is now known as bustedup277 | ||
erUSUL | Da_Rhyno: sudo apt-get install anjuta | 15:02 |
gavin__ | can anyone recommend any audio books / Itunes U for Linux medium / advanced level? | 15:03 |
erUSUL | Da_Rhyno: or go to Aplications>Ubuntu software Center | 15:03 |
erUSUL | !software | Da_Rhyno | 15:03 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 15:03 |
MooMoo | are there any good debugging tools for wireless networking? can't tell why my WLAN card isnt working | 15:03 |
h-dee | Has anyone tried installing SocialEngine4 script on Ubuntu? | 15:03 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks! | 15:03 |
Da_Rhyno | what exactly is Anjuta? | 15:04 |
Da_Rhyno | an IDE? | 15:04 |
erUSUL | Da_Rhyno: an IDE | 15:04 |
Da_Rhyno | ah, cool. :D | 15:04 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | gavin__: i imagine you would be better served by some good 'referance' books. that you can refer back to to look up specific things you may need to learn. instead of an audio book. | 15:04 |
AbstractBeliefs | is there anyone around who'd help me troubleshoot dropped wireless connections? (Ubuntu 10.04, Atheros card w/ath5k, can ping, can connect for a time, then fails) | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | gavin__: tjeres some tutorial podcast type sites out there. but they tend to be for specific apps. like 'learning the gimp' | 15:05 |
gavin__ | Dr_willis: Have good books but they are hard to read when walking the dog :) hence the ausiobook | 15:05 |
elvanor | Hello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a P5B-VM, but it wont boot (kernel panic) | 15:06 |
erUSUL | AbstractBeliefs: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic | 15:06 |
rohit786 | hello | 15:06 |
AbstractBeliefs | erusul, thanks | 15:06 |
erUSUL | AbstractBeliefs: and reboot; maybe newer drivers help | 15:06 |
erUSUL | AbstractBeliefs: no waranties though | 15:06 |
elvanor | If I use the acpi=off boot option then it boots but it wont recognize the DVD drive and thus later cannot install | 15:06 |
juniour | elvanor wt error u got | 15:06 |
juniour | ? | 15:06 |
AbstractBeliefs | erusul, as always =] | 15:06 |
elvanor | juniour, it is a kernel panic but I cannot copy it | 15:07 |
elvanor | it only appears when the screen is totally locked | 15:07 |
juniour | it like kernel not detected | 15:07 |
=== aorkwa is now known as aoax | ||
elvanor | Apparently has to do with ACPI as the acpi=off option makes it boot. at least a bit. | 15:07 |
RippleEffect | Does anybody know how to hide mounted drives on the desktop of Gnome in 10.10? | 15:07 |
erUSUL | RippleEffect: there is an option in gconf-editor ( apps>nautilus>desktop ) if i recall correctly | 15:08 |
erUSUL | RippleEffect: show volumes or some such | 15:09 |
RippleEffect | erUSUL, thx | 15:10 |
mattyh88 | how can i set third level keyboard keys (accessable with right alt key) through terminal? | 15:13 |
jeff72834 | After install of other wireless driver and restart I still have no wireless connection | 15:13 |
mitandroid | hi :) | 15:15 |
jeff72834 | my wired internet connection works but my wireless does not shows connected and signal strength at 100% but firefox cannot find server | 15:16 |
jeff72834 | Please help | 15:16 |
juniour | jeff72834 last dosent work | 15:16 |
jeff72834 | no it did not work | 15:16 |
juniour | jeff72834 u activated all the drivers int list | 15:17 |
pravin | @jeff72834 try rebooting your system | 15:17 |
jeff72834 | just finish rebooting system | 15:17 |
Raydiation | hi does compiz fusion support window tiling? | 15:18 |
elvanor | No one is able to help with my boot problem for the live CD ? | 15:18 |
juniour | jeff72843 r u sure that u activated all the drivers int list | 15:18 |
jeff72834 | yes were only two drivers and both activated | 15:18 |
juniour | k | 15:19 |
juniour | reeboot ur system | 15:19 |
khyron_ | hi people | 15:19 |
Da_Rhyno | g2g guys | 15:19 |
Da_Rhyno | thanks | 15:19 |
khyron_ | i need ubuntu br please | 15:19 |
james__ | ck to windows????? | 15:19 |
rs0832 | khyron_, do you mean the support channel? | 15:20 |
james__ | how do you chang this shitty umbuntu back to windows? | 15:20 |
guampa | Raydiation: iirc yes, "grid" might be the plugin | 15:20 |
juniour | rs0832 hi | 15:20 |
juniour | how r u | 15:20 |
juniour | ? | 15:20 |
rs0832 | !br | khyron_, | 15:20 |
ubottu | khyron_,: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 15:20 |
IdleOne | james__: you pop in your windows cd and reboot | 15:20 |
IdleOne | james__: Please keep the language clean. | 15:21 |
rs0832 | juniour, hi... im good .. you? | 15:21 |
tei | Hello all... I installed ubuntu on my mac and it was working fine, but now when I try to boot, all I get is a dark screen and blinking cursor | 15:21 |
juniour | rs0832 me fine too? | 15:21 |
james__ | i tryed to reboot with the disk in but it want pull it up | 15:21 |
james__ | itgoes right to umbuntu | 15:21 |
rs0832 | juniour, :) | 15:21 |
IdleOne | !br | khyron_ | 15:21 |
ubottu | khyron_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 15:21 |
guampa | Raydiation: maybe "put" or "maximunize" too, haven't used them tho | 15:21 |
IdleOne | james__: make sure your BIOS are set to boot from CD first | 15:21 |
tei | Can someone help? | 15:22 |
Sriram | tei: Re- installing is the best option | 15:22 |
juniour | rs0832 there is a way to hide folder | 15:22 |
rs0832 | tei, do you have dual boot? | 15:22 |
tei | I tried | 15:22 |
AbstractBeliefs | erusul, tried updating as above, no change. any next steps? | 15:22 |
rs0832 | juniour, yes put a dot (.) before the folder name | 15:22 |
erUSUL | AbstractBeliefs: relly dunno; sorry. | 15:22 |
juniour | k | 15:22 |
tei | No when I installed the first time it insisted on using the whole disk | 15:22 |
AbstractBeliefs | erusul, ok, no probs, thank you for your time | 15:23 |
erUSUL | np | 15:23 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, what is the problem you have? | 15:23 |
BajK_ | hm how do I check a return value WITH spaces? if I do if [ $BLABLA = "myvalue" ]; then ... it works, but if I do if [ $BLABLA = "my value with spaces" ]; then it doesnt work | 15:23 |
tei | I tried rebootin from the cd but after I choose install it brings me back to the same dark screen | 15:23 |
elvanor | What is the kernel version in 10.10 ? | 15:23 |
FaiLican | hey all, whats the easies ssh? | 15:24 |
aeon-ltd | elvanor: 'uname -a' in your terminal will tell you | 15:24 |
Sriram | tei: Have you tried booting the live OS? | 15:24 |
IdleOne | elvanor: 2.6.35-24 | 15:24 |
Rubenstukken | sacarlson, just installed winxp and updated the bios, now installing ubuntu again, :) thanks for the help | 15:24 |
elvanor | aeon-ltd, if I ask it is because I dont have ubuntu installed | 15:24 |
elvanor | The install CD wont boot | 15:24 |
tei | How do I do that? | 15:24 |
Sriram | tei: And then launching the installer | 15:24 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: can rx/tx for a time, but after a while (usually a few mins of use) i lose the ability to send or recieve data | 15:24 |
elvanor | IdleOne, thx | 15:24 |
Sriram | tei: In the CD boot menu, say try ubuntu without installing | 15:25 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, what kind of a connection? | 15:25 |
tei | Oh | 15:25 |
juniour | elvanor uname -r | 15:25 |
sacarlson | Rubenstukken: wow cool | 15:25 |
Sriram | tei: I mean select that | 15:25 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: (ssh locks up, lynx "HTTP request send; waiting for response", later dies) using wlan0 on wep network | 15:25 |
tei | Yes, I did... Same thing | 15:25 |
elvanor | juniour, same, I dont have ubuntu installed | 15:25 |
Sriram | tei: So in the CD Menu you select "try ubuntu.....",right? | 15:26 |
tei | And because I can't get to a gui, now I don't know how to get the disk out... | 15:26 |
aeon-ltd | elvanor: did you !md5sum check the iso? | 15:26 |
juniour | elvanor wt? | 15:26 |
tei | Yes I did | 15:26 |
tei | Is there a way to eject a disk from grub command line? | 15:26 |
IdleOne | tei: what do you see exactly when you boot with the cd? | 15:26 |
elvanor | aeon-ltd, yes, that's not the problem | 15:26 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, did you do any updates recently? | 15:26 |
aeon-ltd | elvanor: ok then checked the bios? | 15:27 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: fresh install this morning | 15:27 |
elvanor | I tried with 2 differents discs, same problem. There seems to be an incompatibility with ACPI on my mobo | 15:27 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, 10.10? | 15:27 |
elvanor | aeon-ltd, yes, but not much options | 15:27 |
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja | ||
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: Server 10.04 (LTS) | 15:27 |
vultraz | I'm trying to use testdisk to recover some data. im using it on a bootable USB stick, but i can't make copies of my data because there's not enough space. how to I tell testdisk to save the copy on an external hard drive instead? | 15:27 |
sta11 | is there any way to integrate Chromium Browser with wget? | 15:27 |
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest9390 | ||
tei | It asked language, then gave the usual options of install, try without installing, chrck memory, etc. Which all just led back to the blinking cursor | 15:27 |
=== _bro is now known as trauler | ||
Sriram | tei: strange | 15:28 |
BajK_ | okay got it, I should have enclosed the variable in quotes | 15:28 |
sacarlson | elvanor: ACPI would be a part of the kernel so you might try going eather back to an older or try a newer kernel, look in synaptic first then in ppa | 15:28 |
rs0832 | tei, did you try disabling some of the boot options? | 15:29 |
tei | No, how do I do that? | 15:29 |
elvanor | sacarlson, yes; I am trying to dl ubuntu 11.04 to see if it is better | 15:29 |
sacarlson | elvanor: ok but remember newer is not always better | 15:29 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, are you using madwifi? | 15:29 |
rs0832 | elvanor, might i ask what the problem is? | 15:30 |
WeThePeople | is it possible to access ubuntu filesystem through windows xp | 15:30 |
elvanor | rs0832, kernel panic while booting 10.10 install CD | 15:30 |
rs0832 | elvanor, what does the kp say? | 15:30 |
elvanor | sacarlson, 9.04 does not seem to work either but it is maybe a different problem | 15:30 |
sta11 | WeThePeople: yes it is | 15:30 |
elvanor | rs0832, nothing much | 15:31 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: whatever comes packaged with the server (i earlier used "modprobe ath5k" to double check that the module was applied. would this include madwifi?) | 15:31 |
elvanor | I can get past the kernel panic with passing acpi=off at boot | 15:31 |
WeThePeople | sta11, how do i get to it | 15:31 |
Sriram | tei: For how much time did you wait? | 15:31 |
elvanor | but then the system does not recogniwe the DVD so I cannot install | 15:31 |
vultraz | help someone? | 15:31 |
sacarlson | elvanor: kernel panic? oh your not running like 64bit on 32bit machine or something are you? | 15:31 |
Sriram | vultraz, Yes, with what? | 15:31 |
tei | With the blinking cursor? About five minutes... | 15:31 |
Sriram | tei: Oh | 15:32 |
Sriram | tei: What v? | 15:32 |
elvanor | sacarlson, no, this is 32 bits | 15:32 |
tei | 10.10 | 15:32 |
Sriram | vultraz, What's your problem | 15:32 |
tei | At this point I just want to ger the disk out | 15:32 |
Sriram | tei, Are you sure you downloaded the Power PC version? | 15:32 |
sta11 | WeThePeople: is it ext4 filesystem? | 15:33 |
Sriram | tei, boot into OSX | 15:33 |
Sriram | tei, And eject | 15:33 |
WeThePeople | sta11,ext3 | 15:33 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, can you pastebin the output of modprobe -l | 15:33 |
vultraz | how do i tell testdisk to save a copy of data in somewhere other than the bootable usb stick its installed on? eg external hs, because it doesnt have enough space | 15:33 |
WeThePeople | sta11, shoot, it might be ext5 i forgot now | 15:34 |
tei | I can't boot into my mac os because ubuntu insisted on using the whole disk | 15:34 |
wers | is there another (preferably better) way to select to boot Ubuntu on a Mac than rEFIt? | 15:34 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: on it now | 15:34 |
EpicFialGuy | hey #ubuntu, i have a problem | 15:34 |
EpicFialGuy | i installed ntfs-3g from source | 15:34 |
EpicFialGuy | i have nautilus | 15:35 |
aeon-ltd | !enter | EpicFialGuy | 15:35 |
ubottu | EpicFialGuy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:35 |
EpicFialGuy | how do i make nautilus mount ntfs partitions such that i would have oct775 privileges over them? | 15:35 |
tei | Sriram, the power pc version? | 15:35 |
sresu | WeThePeople: ext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via | 15:35 |
sta11 | WeThePeople: check this out | 15:35 |
Dr_Willis | EpicFialGuy: make a fstab entry for them - or perhaps thers some udev rules you can tweak. that 'ntfs-config' tool may help | 15:36 |
sta11 | weThePeople: ext5? whoa I don't know about that | 15:36 |
sresu | Lol | 15:37 |
FaiLican | what is the esiest ssh client to run and set up? from vista to ub | 15:37 |
FaiLican | ubuntu* | 15:37 |
WeThePeople | sta11, sresu, thx | 15:37 |
WeThePeople | lol | 15:37 |
EpicFialGuy | I don't want to use ntfs-config or fstab, I need to be able to umount partitions once in a while | 15:37 |
bastidrazor | FaiLican: winscp or putty from windows | 15:37 |
Dr_Willis | FaiLican: winscp or putty | 15:37 |
ccvp | wethepeople | 15:37 |
yeats | FaiLican: PuTTY | 15:37 |
ccvp | hi | 15:37 |
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees | ||
ccvp | nice quote you had in here last night lol: | 15:37 |
ccvp | See, the fundamental difference between republicans and democrats is that Republicans believe you reap what you sew, and democrats believe that people should reap with others sew. Spread the wealth. | 15:37 |
FaiLican | okey, thx ill try that | 15:37 |
elvanor | sacarlson, 9.04 drops me to a busybox shell... | 15:37 |
Sriram | tei, Yes, | 15:38 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: | 15:38 |
IdleOne | !ot | ccvp | 15:38 |
ubottu | ccvp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 15:38 |
EpicFialGuy | ntfs-config can complicate things, even though it does the job much faster | 15:38 |
WeThePeople | ccvp, yah | 15:38 |
sacarlson | elvanor: is 8.04 still supported? | 15:38 |
Sriram | tei, That is the one you downloaded, right? | 15:38 |
elvanor | dont know | 15:38 |
sresu | WeThePeople: Welcome | 15:39 |
tei | I don't kmow... I can't open it as I'm on my ipod | 15:39 |
tei | But if i found another computer and downloaded that, could I boot it off a isb? | 15:39 |
tei | Usb | 15:40 |
sacarlson | elvanor: are you sure you don't have a media problem, maybe try usb flash boot | 15:40 |
superxgl | hi all | 15:40 |
elvanor | sacarlson, I dont think my mobo supports it | 15:40 |
sta11 | is there any way to integrate Chromium Browser with wget? | 15:41 |
Sriram | tie, there? | 15:41 |
elvanor | Hmm, it actually does. How can I create a boot USB stick then? | 15:41 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, did a previous version of ubuntu work? | 15:42 |
Ryu_Kurisu | sta11: How do you mean integrating Chromium Browser with wget? | 15:42 |
aeon-ltd | !usb | elvanor | 15:42 |
ubottu | elvanor: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 15:42 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: no. tried a custom version of JeOS yesterday, same problem | 15:42 |
shishirdwivedi20 | hey i need help | 15:42 |
Sriram | tei: Yes, I guess | 15:43 |
gobbe | sta11: what do you mean with integration? | 15:43 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, what is the type of modem you have? model no? | 15:43 |
shishirdwivedi20 | when i click on any mp3 file on website it opens a tab in which quicktime player is shown but it never works | 15:43 |
Sriram | tei: But, what CD Image do you have? | 15:43 |
shishirdwivedi20 | to listen songs i have to download that song , i want to listen on website which player can solve my problem | 15:44 |
aeon-ltd | shishirdwivedi20: you need the mplayer plugin for that; since there is no quicktime for linux | 15:44 |
aeon-ltd | !restricted | 15:44 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 15:44 |
shishirdwivedi20 | aeon-itd is mplayer is listed in ubuntu software centre? | 15:44 |
sta11 | gobbe: I mean when I click download links in Chrome, it will be downloaded through wget. I can do it with flashgot extension in Firefox | 15:44 |
elvanor | rs0832, I looked at the kernel panic again. But there is only a stack trace and a line which mentions /dev/sr0 | 15:45 |
tei | I don't understand what you're asking... Sorry, I'm really hopeless :/ | 15:45 |
elvanor | meaning the problem is indeed with the DVD drive | 15:45 |
aeon-ltd | shishirdwivedi20: should be | 15:45 |
ikonia | elvanor: it doesn't mean it's with the DVD drive | 15:45 |
brahmana | Hi all, | 15:45 |
rs0832 | elvanor, are you running from dvd? is there an stdin error: 0? | 15:45 |
gobbe | sta11: i believe that it's not possible | 15:45 |
Sriram | tei: From where did you download the ubuntu ISO. And which one did you download? | 15:46 |
brahmana | How do I go about replicating the root partition on another partition? | 15:46 |
sresu | tei: Is it Ubuntu Mac dual boot?! | 15:46 |
AbstractBeliefs| | rs0832: sorry, back now. using a generic Belkin router+modem. this card worked two days ago with winxp | 15:46 |
ikonia | brahmana: just copy it over, -Xp | 15:46 |
=== Powerfire is now known as Vincent | ||
kakooei | hi | 15:46 |
elvanor | rs0832, running from CD | 15:46 |
sta11 | gobbe: why? :) umm can you suggest me a good download manager for Chrome in Ubuntu? | 15:46 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs|, did you get drivers with it for xp? | 15:46 |
elvanor | (this is a cd / dvd drive) | 15:46 |
tei | It's not dual boot because ububtu used the whole disk | 15:46 |
brahmana | ikonia: I will have to do it without mounting the target partition right? | 15:46 |
ikonia | brahmana: you can't do it without mounting the target partition | 15:47 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest8345 | ||
Ryu_Kurisu | sta11: Download manager? If you press Ctrl+J you'll get all the info you need? | 15:47 |
rs0832 | elvanor, have you tried a usb stick?... and are you using 10.10? | 15:47 |
ikonia | brahmana: it's also better to do it from a livecd as your root partition is not in use in that situation, it's not required but it is better | 15:47 |
tei | I can try to find where I downloaded it from but it's difficult without a computer :/ | 15:47 |
brahmana | ikonia: Then wouldn't the target partition become part of the fs starting from /? | 15:47 |
ikonia | brahmana: no, that's what -X is for, do not leave this file system | 15:47 |
kcorcoran | anyone use sabnzbdplus? | 15:47 |
Sriram | tei: I think you downloaded the wrong image | 15:47 |
ikonia | brahmana: cp -Rxp | 15:47 |
vultraz | Hey Idle One, how do I tell testdisk to save file copied on a different disk then the one its on? | 15:48 |
* brahmana reads the cp man page for those options | 15:48 | |
AbstractBeliefs| | rs0832: no, not as far as i know. just worked out the box. suggests using ath5k for my particular card, so i did | 15:48 |
Sriram | tei: There is a seperate Power PC/Mac version | 15:48 |
ikonia | brahmana: recursive, preserve permissions, do not leave that file system | 15:48 |
=== AbstractBeliefs| is now known as AbstractBeliefs | ||
shishirdwivedi20 | aeon-itd hey i downloaded that mplayer but it still not working | 15:48 |
sta11 | gobbe: it's the default download manager of Chrome with minimum features, I want something like flashgot or DownThemAll in Firefox | 15:48 |
sresu | tei: Then what are you trying to resolve exactly? | 15:48 |
bustedup277 | Is Ndiswrapper difficult to use? Just a quick question, also, does it take a long time to use Ndiswrapper and connect to the internet? | 15:48 |
brahmana | ikonia: awesome... thank you. :) | 15:48 |
shishirdwivedi20 | aeon-itd should i have to change any setting of computer? | 15:48 |
WeThePeople | sresu, have you used fs-driver before? | 15:49 |
=== nathan is now known as Guest26386 | ||
tei | Okay... I no longer have a mac operating system but I'll try doeenloading that and installing it off a usb | 15:49 |
brahmana | ikonia: This will not copy the home directory if /home is mounted on a different partition, right? | 15:49 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, hmm i think the problem is with the kernel/wireless modules... either a kernel update or wireless kernel module backport may fix this | 15:49 |
ikonia | brahmana: correct | 15:49 |
WeThePeople | sresu, its telling me the drive needs to be formatted | 15:49 |
Sriram | tei: YOu have a recovery CD right? | 15:49 |
Bokkie | anyone else have an issue with X not starting after the last update round (NYE)? | 15:50 |
brahmana | ikonia: and would rsync offer me any benefit over cp? | 15:50 |
Sriram | tei: Where do you live? | 15:50 |
tei | sresu, the problem is when I try to boot I get a dark screen with a blinking cursor no matter what J do | 15:50 |
ikonia | brahmana: not really, thats used for regular updates rather than a one off (at a high level) | 15:50 |
sta11 | bustedup277: you will need a specific windows driver for your device, if it ready, it must be quick | 15:50 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: i was advised to apt-get linux-backports-modules-wireless(...) earlier, but no change | 15:50 |
tei | Canada, | 15:50 |
tei | Toronto... | 15:50 |
sresu | tei: Booting what? Mac? Ubuntu? | 15:50 |
brahmana | ikonia: ok... thanks again.. let me try that.. | 15:50 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: did you reboot? | 15:50 |
gobbe | sta11: then you might need to use firefox, if those plugins are not available | 15:51 |
tei | Ubuntu | 15:51 |
sresu | tei:You said its not dual boot but only single Os | 15:51 |
Sriram | tei: You can go to apple service center and ask for recovery CD | 15:51 |
sresu | Okay | 15:51 |
tei | Ah | 15:51 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: yes, and then re-iw and if config'd | 15:51 |
arfoll | has anyone managed to get cnetworkmanager to work on ubuntu 10.10? | 15:51 |
JuJuBee | I have a usb external hd that I used to backup my laptop using rsync and can't get it to mount on my desktop. | 15:51 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: what wlan card to you have? | 15:51 |
tei | Okay, I'll try that i i can't get ububtu working | 15:51 |
Sriram | tei: Is it under warranty? | 15:51 |
ikonia | JuJuBee: what happens when you try to mount it | 15:51 |
Sriram | tei: Okay | 15:51 |
sta11 | gobbe: Firefox is RAM eating :( ... thanks for the advice anyway :)) | 15:52 |
AbstractBeliefs | atheros 5xxx (cant remember precisely, how would i check?) | 15:52 |
tei | No... But at this point I'm willing to pay | 15:52 |
ToastedHip | WHERE can i DOWNLOAD Free Drivers from Ubuntu? do i have free drivers now? | 15:52 |
tei | Thanks | 15:52 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: atheros 5xxx (cant remember precisely, how would i check?) | 15:52 |
ikonia | ToastedHip: drivers for what ? | 15:52 |
guampa | i don't know how, but TCP isn't working anymore here, icmp and udp do...i can get dhcp from my router and ping it, but can't make any tcp connection to anywhere. any ideas plz?? | 15:52 |
Sriram | tei: fine, bye, see you later. Have to go to sleep | 15:52 |
elvanor | rs0832, the usb-creator program does not seem to properly work under windows | 15:52 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: | 15:52 |
ToastedHip | i have a video card | 15:52 |
ikonia | ToastedHip: which one | 15:52 |
ToastedHip | ATI 5770 HD | 15:53 |
sresu | WeThePeople: No, I don't like that personally. It works for ext2 but for ext3 you may need to check the FAQ's. Do not format, I don't think it would ask for anything like that | 15:53 |
vultraz | is IdleOne around? ive got a question for him | 15:53 |
elvanor | ToastedHip, there are free drivers for that card | 15:53 |
rs0832 | elvanor, you might try one thing | 15:53 |
ikonia | ToastedHip: ok so have you used the hardware drivers tool in ubuntu ? | 15:53 |
elvanor | though 3d performance will be bad | 15:53 |
JuJuBee | ikonia: when I plug it in, I get in dmesg | 15:53 |
ToastedHip | i see only proprietary listed | 15:53 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: thank you, will try this | 15:53 |
IdleOne | vultraz: ask the channel. | 15:53 |
arfoll | ikonia, no you are allready running them | 15:53 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: no guarentees | 15:53 |
ikonia | arfoll: arfoll what ? | 15:53 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: never expected any with linux ;0 | 15:54 |
ikonia | JuJuBee: try to mount it manually | 15:54 |
rs0832 | elvanor, there are some ubuntu mini isos, ~12 mb... you can try and boot that, then install gnome-desktop, etc through the cli... or try the alternate install cd if you havent | 15:54 |
arfoll | ikonia, radeon drivers (opensource ones) should load when detecting your card, providing 2D and 3D | 15:54 |
IdleOne | vultraz: Please stop messaging me and ask in here. | 15:54 |
ikonia | arfoll: yes, there are also the closed source ones provided from the hardware drivers tool, and it will depend on the cards | 15:54 |
vultraz | sorry :( Ok how do I tell testdisk to save file copied on a different disk then the one its on? | 15:54 |
elvanor | rs0832, I tried the alternate cd, but as it is a cd it did not boot | 15:54 |
arfoll | ikonia, and why do you want the closed source ones? | 15:55 |
ikonia | arfoll: because the open ones don't work with all ATI cards | 15:55 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: i had a lot of problems with wireless on my netbook till I backported | 15:55 |
JuJuBee | ikonia: what /dev do I mount? | 15:55 |
arfoll | ikonia, they work with a 5770 | 15:55 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: lspci shows model number AR2413, this is *wrong* maybe this is why? | 15:55 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: yup probably the issue | 15:55 |
ToastedHip | how do i check what ubuntu 5770 ati driveri have | 15:55 |
Slyboots | Anyone any notion how you enable the XRender Module for VNC? | 15:55 |
ikonia | arfoll: I have no idea which specific cards and which spefic drivers work | 15:55 |
bustedup277 | sta11: what specific windows driver is that? Im kind of a n00b at this stuff :/ | 15:56 |
arfoll | ikonia, | 15:56 |
guampa | help with network prob, tcp seems broken | 15:56 |
herro | a | 15:56 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, did you get a manual or cd or something with your modem? | 15:56 |
arfoll | ToastedHip, easy if you have fglrxinfo and it reports something, you are running fglrx | 15:56 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: going to try the backports anyway, if they dont work, im going to clean-install the system and start again | 15:57 |
Blue1 | ToastedHip: grep -i glx /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 15:57 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: no | 15:57 |
arfoll | ikonia, | 15:57 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: good luck | 15:57 |
vultraz | anyone? | 15:57 |
guampa | over stallmans beards i swear i couldn't find info on this | 15:57 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: thank you, for your help and you blessing =] | 15:57 |
ToastedHip | fglrxinfo: command not found | 15:57 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: you are welcome | 15:58 |
arfoll | ToastedHip, then you are running radeon\ | 15:58 |
Stava | If I run ubuntu test/live from a usb memory stick, how can I mount that memory stick for writing? | 15:58 |
JuJuBee | ikonia: how do I mount it if I don't know what /dev to use? | 15:58 |
vultraz | can anyone help me? how do I tell testdisk to save files copied on a different disk then the one its on? | 15:58 |
ToastedHip | impossible. this computer was bought at a high price from best buy | 15:58 |
ikonia | ToastedHip: the price has nothing to do with it | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | guampa, check your server address connection: netstat --tcp | 15:59 |
Blue1 | vultraz: depends on mount points | 15:59 |
ikonia | JuJuBee: sudo fdisk -l do you see the disk | 15:59 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, well, i m sorry but the backports is the best i can think of... i am not really experienced with networks... but good luck to you if you havnt got a solution yet:) | 15:59 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: use dmesg to find out what it's named as | 15:59 |
Blue1 | vultraz: in my system root (/) is /dev/sda but /home is /dev/sdb | 15:59 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: it should say in there corresponding after you've inserted it | 15:59 |
jeff72834 | I am still having problems with wireless connection but when i go into firefox tools and add ons i can disable and it restarts firefox and displays page but can not go to any other page or any links off of home page any ideas what is causing this? | 16:00 |
JuJuBee | nothing about the external hd | 16:00 |
AbstractBeliefs | rs0832: thank you anyway =] | 16:00 |
Blue1 | vultraz: controlled by fstab | 16:00 |
brahmana | ikonia: another follow-up question. After that copy will that newly copied partition be bootable? | 16:00 |
rs0832 | AbstractBeliefs, :) | 16:00 |
vultraz | well, ive connected a external hd via a apricorn ez gig 2 and want to save on that | 16:00 |
Stava | If I run ubuntu test/live from a usb memory stick, how can I mount that memory stick for writing? /cdrom seems to contain the usb sticks files, but its read-only | 16:00 |
guampa | BluesKaj: all i get are the connections to internet (all over usb0), i get to internet over a 3g dongle | 16:00 |
vultraz | so i check its mount point then what | 16:00 |
jeff72834 | It does the same thing when i enable add ons as well but will not go to any other pages says cannot find server | 16:00 |
BluesKaj | jeff72834, unfortunately that's probly a cached version of the browser, it's not actually connectrd to the net | 16:01 |
guampa | BluesKaj: eth0 is connected to a tplink ap/router (it isn't connected to internet) | 16:01 |
brahmana | ikonia: That is to say, if that target partition was on a separate disk, can I attach that disk to a different machine and boot from that one? | 16:01 |
Blue1 | vultraz: just create the mount point (mkdir whatever) then mount it: mount /dev/sdb1 /whatever | 16:01 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: no mention of the usb drive | 16:01 |
Blue1 | vultraz: so when you refer to /whatever it points to the 2nd drive | 16:01 |
jeff72834 | any ideas on how to fix? This is driving me crazy | 16:01 |
Blue1 | vultraz: or whereever your mounted it | 16:01 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: it will say something similar to mount usb on /dev/sdb1 or something similar | 16:01 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: in fdisk and no mention of /dev in dmesg | 16:01 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: | 16:02 |
ikonia | brahmana: it will, however keep in mind your grub config will be wrong unless you are replacing that disk with the old one | 16:02 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: 1 sec | 16:02 |
vultraz | but the question is HOW do i refer | 16:02 |
BluesKaj | guampa, sorry I know nothing about 3g dongle/phone connections | 16:03 |
brahmana | ikonia: I am sorry I did not the replacing part.. | 16:03 |
freshone | hi | 16:03 |
=== bruce_ is now known as j1tters | ||
Blue1 | vultraz: cd directory name - | 16:03 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: well it says that it's disconnected due to error | 16:03 |
guampa | BluesKaj: anyway the dongle hasn't got problems, it's working ok | 16:03 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: 1 sec.. i'm seeing if others have the same issue | 16:03 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: how do I correct it? Had to ship my laptop back for repair and need files on this drive | 16:03 |
Blue1 | vultraz: priv. mesage ok? | 16:03 |
vultraz | so testdisk had to be on the external drive too? | 16:03 |
ikonia | brahmana: if you want to boot from it while your original disk is in, you will need to change the grub configuration, if you want to use it as a backup disk and replace the original disk, it will be fine | 16:03 |
guampa | it's over ethernet that tcp doesn't work | 16:03 |
vultraz | ok | 16:03 |
freshone | wanted to know how i can get google earth on my pc after down loading from the web site it does not work | 16:03 |
brahmana | ikonia: oh ok.. that way... got it.. | 16:04 |
superxgl | not work? | 16:04 |
freshone | please help | 16:04 |
freshone | wanted to know how i can get google earth on my pc after down loading from the web site it does not work | 16:04 |
superxgl | it works well on my pc | 16:04 |
superxgl | which version did u download? | 16:05 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: try getting rid of ehci_hcd | 16:05 |
freshone | the logo did come but it did not open | 16:05 |
guampa | help with a tcp issue here, tcp connections on eth0 are broken, icmp/udp works | 16:05 |
freshone | version6 | 16:05 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: look at this forum: -- look at the modprobe -r ehci_hcd that might be a fix to your issue | 16:05 |
brahmana | guampa: Broken as in? Even the outgoing connections are not happening? | 16:05 |
freshone | even 5.2 did not work | 16:06 |
superxgl | which OS do u use? | 16:06 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: thanks i will look | 16:06 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: I hope it helps, methinks your hard drive doth protest too much :D | 16:06 |
=== atyz_ is now known as atyz | ||
superxgl | freshone, u there? | 16:07 |
guampa | wireshark shows as if the problems is in sending packets to outside, ie incoming connections receive the SYN, but SYN/ACK aren't sent | 16:07 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: after you remove the module using modprobe.. | 16:07 |
freshone | how does one see that i started with ubuntu jaunty but i update regularly so it is some thing else now | 16:07 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: got "E: Couldn't find package linux-backports-modules-2.6.32-27-generic" from apt-get. (but linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic works) | 16:07 |
freshone | how do i see that | 16:07 |
AbstractBeliefs | Blue1: but after reboot, problem persists | 16:07 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: unplug the drive, and plug back in, and view dmesg to see where it is located, then make a mount point and mount the drive to that point | 16:07 |
guampa | brahmana: wireshark shows as if the problems is in sending packets to outside, ie incoming connections receive the SYN, but SYN/ACK aren't sent | 16:08 |
freshone | superxgl iam new to this can you help me | 16:08 |
tei | Can I eject a disk from a grub command line? | 16:08 |
superxgl | u use ubuntu ,right? | 16:08 |
freshone | ya | 16:08 |
r00t4rd3d | does anyone else loose the pretty ubuntu boot screen after updating ? | 16:08 |
AbstractBeliefs | tei: cant you just pop a paperclip into the mechanical eject hole? | 16:08 |
brahmana | guampa: You sure it's not a firewall blocking incoming connections? | 16:08 |
Blue1 | AbstractBeliefs: :-( | 16:09 |
superxgl | which version of ur ubuntu? | 16:09 |
freshone | i even went into synaptic manager but still it did not work | 16:09 |
guampa | orgcandman: i'm positive, i've flushed and had policies set all to ACCEPT on all tables | 16:09 |
Krishnandu | r00t4rd3d, Resolution changed?? | 16:09 |
tei | I didn't know that existed... | 16:09 |
r00t4rd3d | nope | 16:09 |
freshone | how do i see which version it is? | 16:09 |
tei | That would be an excellent thing to have... | 16:09 |
freshone | i dont know now as i update it | 16:10 |
freshone | as and when the update manager pop up | 16:10 |
Krishnandu | freshone, System > About Ubuntu | 16:10 |
banjo597 | hey guys i have a challenge for you | 16:10 |
brahmana | guampa: Are outgoing connections fine? ( i.e connections initiated from your machine [try telnet 80]) | 16:10 |
gobbe | guampa: which version do you run? | 16:11 |
freshone | ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala | 16:11 |
guampa | brahmana: internet isn't reachable over this ethernet, i only have a 3g connection. so i'm testing against the router admin page | 16:11 |
Krishnandu | freshone, Then that's the version you are using | 16:12 |
gobbe | guampa: what did you do before it broke? | 16:12 |
guampa | outgoing connections don't get ACKs, so i'm presuming the SYN isn't sent | 16:12 |
freshone | superxgl it is ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala | 16:12 |
freshone | thanks krishnandu | 16:12 |
superxgl | hmm,ok | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | freshone, try this : | 16:12 |
freshone | now what? | 16:12 |
Krishnandu | freshone, :) | 16:13 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: well, I get an error removing the ehci_hcd - FATAL: Module ehci_hcd is builtin | 16:13 |
brahmana | guampa: Ok, then, do not know what's going on... sorry | 16:13 |
guampa | brahmana: ok, thanks anyway | 16:14 |
Krishnandu | Hi, how can this be possible?? "You are using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012." This is the text I get on System > About Ubuntu | 16:14 |
gobbe | Krishnandu: it's bug in documentation | 16:14 |
cheater99 | hi guys | 16:14 |
cheater99 | how can i disable compiz? | 16:14 |
Krishnandu | gobbe, Hmm, ok thanks. I got amazed, as I didn't do pre-upgrade or beta upgrade :P | 16:15 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: let's try something else | 16:15 |
hanasaki | clamscan says the engine is out of date in 10.10... how can I get the ewest? | 16:15 |
hanasaki | newest? | 16:15 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: ok, shoot... | 16:16 |
freshone | does not help me much talk about command lines | 16:16 |
freshone | please help me graphically | 16:16 |
Krishnandu | freshone, What do you want to do?? | 16:16 |
freshone | or ple tell me step wise that site i | 16:16 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: one moment .. looking up the information | 16:16 |
freshone | i want google earth to work on my pc | 16:17 |
freshone | pls help | 16:17 |
=== steph_ is now known as MorphixNW | ||
IdleOne | freshone: open a terminal and type the command: sudo apt-get install googleearth-package | 16:17 |
freshone | ok | 16:18 |
Krishnandu | freshone, Tried this?? | 16:18 |
BluesKaj | 16:19 | |
freshone | idleone | 16:19 |
freshone | rinku@DIMACX:~$ sudo apt-get install googleearth-package | 16:20 |
freshone | [sudo] password for rinku: | 16:20 |
freshone | Reading package lists... Done | 16:20 |
freshone | Building dependency tree | 16:20 |
freshone | Reading state information... Done | 16:20 |
FloodBot2 | freshone: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:20 |
freshone | googleearth-package is already the newest version. | 16:20 |
jon8 | freaky[t]_ please dont paste | 16:20 |
jon8 | freshone* | 16:20 |
IdleOne | freshone: ok, so what is the problem? | 16:20 |
BluesKaj | freshone, sooner or later if ou are going use Linux , some cli commands will be inevitable ... tim to lear some soon | 16:20 |
freshone | ok | 16:21 |
Krishnandu | !pastebin | freshone | 16:21 |
ubottu | freshone: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | time to learn the KB | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | :) | 16:21 |
Krishnandu | freshone, Otherwise you'll be kicked out. | 16:21 |
freshone | i will not do it again i did not know please read that and help me | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | Krishnandu, not true , he'll just get a warning | 16:22 |
IdleOne | freshone: google earth is installed, you can find it in Applications > Internet menu | 16:22 |
Krishnandu | ya it's ok...that's why we suggested you to use that... | 16:22 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: do you have jumpers on ur external hard drive? | 16:22 |
Krishnandu | BluesKaj, I meant mods may kick him out repeating this thing again and again... | 16:23 |
rs0832 | freshone, did you run make-googleearth-package --force ? | 16:23 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: no | 16:23 |
freshone | no | 16:23 |
JuJuBee | self contained usb external | 16:23 |
campbellgolf_ | can I connect a iPhone to Songbird? | 16:23 |
rs0832 | freshone, run it | 16:23 |
rs0832 | freshone, in a terminal | 16:23 |
freshone | and it is not there in the internet menu | 16:23 |
rs0832 | freshone, type this in a terminal: make-googleearth-package --force | 16:23 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: have you tried a different usb port? | 16:24 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: yes | 16:24 |
vultraz | who here is familiar with testdisk? i need some help with it | 16:24 |
freshone | some thing is happening.. | 16:24 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: have you tried lsusb -v ?? see if anything is in there? | 16:24 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: I have many ports, let me try a different one | 16:25 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: i can't believe it, tried 3 different ports (2 on usb hub) 1 in front - neither worked, one from back worked now | 16:25 |
MorphixNW | g NickServ identify Password1 | 16:25 |
rs0832 | freshone, when it is done it will be in the internet menu... atleast it should :) | 16:25 |
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dr4c4n | JuJuBee: they might just be on a different usb bus.. I have had that happen on machines too :) glad everything's ok :) | 16:26 |
freshone | thanks rs0832 and krishnandu, ubuttu | 16:26 |
rs0832 | freshone, after that, run sudo apt-get install lsb-core | 16:26 |
MorphixNW | can anyone tell me if mounting drives is done differently in 10.10? | 16:26 |
IdleOne | MorphixNW: change your nickserv password | 16:26 |
JuJuBee | dr4c4n: thanks for the help. | 16:26 |
Krishnandu | :) | 16:26 |
MorphixNW | I noticed lol | 16:26 |
MorphixNW | how? | 16:26 |
freshone | it sis downloading some thing will contact you after it is done thanks all | 16:27 |
IdleOne | MorphixNW: /msg nickserv help passwrod | 16:27 |
txomon | MorphixNW: Its the same | 16:27 |
rs0832 | MorphixNW, if you are using xchat, next time identify yourself in the freenode window instead of one of the channels so that doesnt happen:) | 16:27 |
MorphixNW | ;) | 16:27 |
txomon | xDD | 16:27 |
BluesKaj | rs0832, you realize that installs alien on his pc | 16:27 |
IdleOne | MorphixNW: /msg nickserv help setpass | 16:28 |
freshone | ok thanks sorry again for the pasting error | 16:28 |
dr4c4n | JuJuBee: also, sometimes hubs don't do mounting devs justice :) for future ref.. I' | 16:29 |
dr4c4n | 'm glad I could help | 16:29 |
JuJuBee | thanks again | 16:29 |
Arxiss | Hello guys, 1 question. Linux noob here. My top panel somehow moved to the right, so i can't see half of my username and shutdown button. Any way to fix it? | 16:30 |
sqrt7744 | I'm trying to package a program called "zams", but need to know where to put the icon so that it shows up in the applications menu. Right now the program shows up, but the icon is just a default 'question-mark' icon. The .desktop file has the line Icon=zams_logo ... where where zams_logo.png go? | 16:30 |
elartey | hi | 16:30 |
AbstractBeliefs | good afternoon | 16:30 |
r1_ | ciao | 16:31 |
KM0201 | Arxiss: did your panel actually move? | 16:31 |
sqrt7744 | Arxiss, hold the 'alt' key and you can drag the panel | 16:31 |
MorphixNW | can anyone tell me if mounting drives is done differently in 10.10? | 16:31 |
KM0201 | MorphixNW: don't think so... Places menu, select drive, it mounts | 16:32 |
MorphixNW | I have 2 additional internal drives | 16:32 |
KM0201 | Arxiss: did your panel actually move? | 16:32 |
KM0201 | MorphixNW: doesn't matter really, same concept | 16:32 |
Arxiss | suddenly i dont know how | 16:33 |
rs0832 | BluesKaj, sorry i was afk.. what do you mean? | 16:33 |
Arxiss | probably after i ran command to make win key open Start menu | 16:33 |
Arxiss | And i can't drag panel with alt key. | 16:33 |
guampa | having tcp issues over ethernet, can't make any tcp connection over eth0 | 16:33 |
KM0201 | Arxiss: did the entire panel move, or did just those two icons move off the screen? | 16:34 |
guampa | this is sysctl -a, if some guru sees something wrong there plz tell | 16:34 |
Arxiss | look at screenshot | 16:34 |
Arxiss | ill paste it in here | 16:34 |
KM0201 | ok | 16:34 |
FaiLican | hey, does World of warcraft work on a ubuntu computer? | 16:34 |
aeon-ltd | FaiLican: yes with wine | 16:34 |
brianmunk | if I download a source (not repos) is there a command that will reveal its dependics? | 16:34 |
KM0201 | FaiLican: it supposedly works w/ wine... | 16:34 |
aeon-ltd | !wine | FaiLican | 16:34 |
ubottu | FaiLican: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 16:34 |
FaiLican | okey, thanks | 16:35 |
MorphixNW | KM0201: must be something different, as FSTAB is the same as it is on a working machine | 16:35 |
sidrero | hi all | 16:35 |
sidrero | anybody has installed ubuntu on a HP netbook? | 16:35 |
BluesKaj | rs0832, lsb-core installs alien on his pc , it's an rpm redhat repos apps converter | 16:35 |
whileimhere | Hello. I want to use an external Hard-Drive to store my photos. Each time I connect the hard-drive to my laptop it gets a new name. Is there a way to make it connect using the same name each time so that Shotwell or Picasa will auto find it and use the correct directory? | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | !alien | rs0832 | 16:36 |
ubottu | rs0832: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 16:36 |
rs0832 | BluesKaj, i know about alien, but lsb-core is a dependancy for google earth | 16:36 |
gobbe | sidrero: me | 16:36 |
neiln | Hi, i need help as I am not able to play the VCD in ubuntu 10.10 | 16:36 |
neiln | ! VCD | 16:36 |
sidrero | hi gobbe | 16:37 |
sidrero | may I pm you? | 16:37 |
trineox | neiln: have you tried vlc application? | 16:38 |
sidrero | what have you done regarding this thing, that the netbook has already 4 primary partitions? | 16:38 |
gobbe | sidrero: ask here, then also someone else might be able to give you tips | 16:38 |
gobbe | sidrero: i deleted them | 16:38 |
neiln | trineox: yes i did and i have also tried Gnome player, movie player and nothing works | 16:38 |
sidrero | everything? | 16:38 |
electro | I have a dual boot going on between 10.10 and Windows 7 where ubuntu is installed first. My root drive is ext4 and windows is on the 2nd partition. I reinstalled grub on the system, but had to boot off the live CD and chroot into the OS since its ext4. My issue now is that I am never prompted with the grub menu to select my windows install now. I commented out hiddenmenu in the menu.lst, but I still cant hit ESC to get the menu it ju | 16:38 |
BluesKaj | rs0832, there might be a small sacrifice to drop the tooltips in GE which seems to be the culprit with GE in maverick as described here : | 16:39 |
sidrero | still works fine? | 16:39 |
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gobbe | sidrero: well of course i don't have windows then anymore :) | 16:39 |
sidrero | I tough the BIOS was in one of this partitions | 16:39 |
trineox | neiln: well only thing i can think of in that case is try converting it to a dvd format. | 16:39 |
gobbe | sidrero: no it's not | 16:39 |
=== Guest11563 is now known as SuperLaPlante | ||
sidrero | and was afraid that if I delete it the comp would not start | 16:39 |
sidrero | ah i see | 16:39 |
gobbe | sidrero: i deleted all partitions and created new ones | 16:39 |
sidrero | any idea of what were the hidden partitions? | 16:39 |
gobbe | sidrero: recovery | 16:40 |
andeeeuk | Does anyone know about the freenode irc channel and how to connect to it? | 16:40 |
sidrero | one is recovery | 16:40 |
sidrero | but there are other two | 16:40 |
sidrero | system, and HP tools | 16:40 |
rs0832 | andeeeuk, you are on it :) | 16:40 |
rs0832 | andeeeuk, #freenode | 16:40 |
andeeeuk | ohh excellent :) | 16:40 |
shcherbak | andeeeuk: #freenode, /join #freenode | 16:40 |
sidrero | anyway, is good to know it works fine gobbe :) | 16:40 |
sidrero | I guess I´ll end doing that | 16:40 |
trineox | neiln: do you have more then one vcd to try, it might be the formatting. | 16:40 |
rs0832 | BluesKaj, k got it .. thanks | 16:40 |
mattyh88 | hi, i'm trying to install bugzilla on ubuntu 10.10. Documentation says, "download a tar". How do you do that? :p | 16:41 |
andeeeuk | thanks | 16:41 |
neiln | trineox: i think i found the solution, i was able to play it by gxine | 16:41 |
andeeeuk | i didnt realise | 16:41 |
Stormx2 | mattyh88, sudo apt-get install bugzilla3 | 16:42 |
andeeeuk | im a just trying to connect to a joomla channel | 16:42 |
mneumonic | Hi, is there a gaming channel? | 16:42 |
trineox | neiln: awesome long as it works thats all that matters :-) | 16:42 |
Stormx2 | mneumonic, #ubuntu-gaming | 16:42 |
mneumonic | thanks | 16:42 |
neiln | trineox: yeah n thanx for your help | 16:43 |
trineox | neiln: no problem at all glad to have helped :-) | 16:43 |
mattyh88 | Stormx2: thanks :) | 16:44 |
MorphixNW | dr4c4n: seems to be working better now | 16:47 |
electro | I have a dual boot going on between 10.10 and Windows 7 where ubuntu is installed first. My root drive is ext4 and windows is on the 2nd partition. I reinstalled grub on the system, but had to boot off the live CD and chroot into the OS since its ext4. My issue now is that I am never prompted with the grub menu to select my windows install now. I commented out hiddenmenu in the menu.lst, but I still cant hit ESC to get the menu it ju | 16:47 |
dr4c4n | MorphixNW: excellent :) have a good 1 | 16:47 |
nicolas | hi | 16:48 |
Dr_Willis | electro: menu.lst? You using grub2 or grub1? | 16:48 |
Slyboots | this si driving me up the bloody wall.. two weeks trying to get "XRender" extension working over VNC | 16:49 |
Dr_Willis | electro: you hit the shift key also i belive. for grub2 | 16:49 |
Slyboots | And I cant even get freeNX to bloody work | 16:49 |
Slyboots | (Package is busted I think; keeps saying "service freenx not reconised) | 16:49 |
nicolas | #nicolas | 16:49 |
gobbe | !grub2 | electro | 16:50 |
ubottu | electro: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 16:50 |
Dr_Willis | Slyboots: yea 0 - i got freenx working once by following the freenx ubuntu wiki. but it was a bit confuseing given there seems tobe 2 variants of freenx out now. (freenx and the otehr one) | 16:50 |
MorphixNW | dr4c4n: hope this works as I dont wanna lose the content of the drives | 16:50 |
Slyboots | Dr_Willis: its not that.. can get it to install but I cant start the service | 16:50 |
adrian_ | siemanko | 16:50 |
Dr_Willis | Slyboots: you could always manually start it from /etc/rc.local i guess | 16:50 |
Slyboots | Its extreamly fustrating | 16:50 |
Slyboots | That doesnt work either | 16:51 |
campbellgolf_ | what is the sudo apt-get command to install gtkpod on Maverick? | 16:51 |
Slyboots | slyboots@Beluga:~$ service freenx start | 16:51 |
Slyboots | freenx: unrecognized service | 16:51 |
Slyboots | running /etc/init.d/freenx-server start produces the same error message | 16:51 |
Arxiss | This is quite weird but here it goes. Every 15 seconds or so, my screen "flashes" like its refreshing picture. Is this only me.. or you heard something like this before? | 16:51 |
campbellgolf_ | sudo apt-get install dtkpod ... does not work | 16:51 |
campbellgolf_ | sp..gdkpod | 16:51 |
Dr_Willis | Slyboots: when i played with it. i dont think i used the other nx variant. not the frrnx one. | 16:51 |
Slyboots | neatx? | 16:51 |
Dr_Willis | yea that sounds right. | 16:52 |
Slyboots | I installed it; but couldnt get my client to connect | 16:52 |
Dr_Willis | The docs at the time were very messed up. | 16:52 |
Slyboots | :( | 16:52 |
Dr_Willis | Ive not tried it in several months | 16:52 |
Slyboots | .. there were docs? | 16:52 |
Nefreyu | Hola!! | 16:52 |
sidrero | hola nefreyu | 16:52 |
Dr_Willis | the nx/ubuntu wiki page | 16:52 |
Dr_Willis | !freenx | 16:52 |
ubottu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 16:52 |
Slyboots | I coudlnt find any instructions on how to use it.. or any man pages.. | 16:52 |
Slyboots | Or even the configruation pages | 16:53 |
Nefreyu | soy nuevo con Ubuntu y busco ayuda... | 16:53 |
Nefreyu | alguien puede ayudarme? | 16:53 |
sidrero | yo puedo intentar | 16:53 |
sidrero | aunque tambien soy relativamente nuevo | 16:53 |
Ryu_Kurisu | Hi everyone, I think I've found a bug, but I'm asking here first if it's just me; when I add an new keyboard lay-out and remove the old lay-out it's all fine and dandy, but after a reboot the old lay-out returns (even if I applied it system-wide). Is this a bug, or is it just me? (Error occurred on different systems) | 16:53 |
Slyboots | Ayte.. thats the wiki page If followed | 16:53 |
Pici | !es | Nefreyu sidrero | 16:53 |
ubottu | Nefreyu sidrero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 16:53 |
Slyboots | I'll try it again though | 16:53 |
Nefreyu | mira, no me funcionan las teclas de funcion de mi portatil | 16:53 |
gobbe | Ryu_Kurisu: how did you do that? | 16:54 |
sidrero | creo que es mejor que preguntes en ingles, o pasar al canal que dice ubottu | 16:54 |
Nefreyu | como cambio de canal? | 16:54 |
Pici | Nefreyu: /join #ubuntu-es | 16:54 |
Nefreyu | gracias | 16:55 |
Ryu_Kurisu | gobbe: I went to keyboard settings, added the new lay-out, removed the old and applied system-wide :S | 16:55 |
mauro_ | alguin habla español | 16:55 |
Da_Rhyno | Help! I deleted the top panel in Ubuntu by mistake! | 16:55 |
Da_Rhyno | Is there any way I can get it back? | 16:55 |
bastidrazor | !panels | Da_Rhyno | 16:55 |
ubottu | Da_Rhyno: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 16:55 |
gobbe | Ryu_Kurisu: system -> preferences -> keyboard? | 16:55 |
Arxiss | Is there a way to remove workspaces? Coz i only need 1. | 16:55 |
Ryu_Kurisu | gobbe: Yes (well, I used Gnome-Do to get there, but still the same) | 16:56 |
mauro_ | guys how play mu in linux? | 16:56 |
mauro_ | help me please | 16:56 |
freshone | hello | 16:56 |
mauro_ | hell | 16:56 |
Pici | !es | mauro_ | 16:56 |
freshone | google earth didi not appear in my menu | 16:56 |
ubottu | mauro_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 16:56 |
KM0201 | Arxiss: if you right click workspacw switcher(assumng its in your panel) and change the columns/rows to 1/1.. you'll have 1 workspace | 16:57 |
Slyboots | 2Okay; I've installed neatx-server.. | 16:57 |
Slyboots | But.. | 16:57 |
Slyboots | I cant find any configuration files.. man pages.. | 16:57 |
Da_Rhyno | how can I open a terminal without the bar? | 16:57 |
freshone | iam at the terminal | 16:57 |
Arxiss | got it already. tnx | 16:57 |
KM0201 | Da_Rhyno: what bar | 16:57 |
Arxiss | Km0 can i pm you? | 16:58 |
Slyboots | And I dont have any /etc/nxserver/ folder for the configuraiton files | 16:58 |
KM0201 | Arxiss: sure i gues | 16:58 |
Da_Rhyno | without the top panel? | 16:58 |
KM0201 | Da_Rhyno: yeah, what do you mean a terminal w/o the top panel | 16:58 |
Da_Rhyno | Where the applications button is and all... | 16:59 |
Ryu_Kurisu | gobbe: Any ideas? | 16:59 |
Da_Rhyno | That's how I accessed the terminal in the first place. | 16:59 |
gobbe | Ryu_Kurisu: hmmh. trying to do same and see is it really bug, which version you are running? | 16:59 |
Da_Rhyno | But now I can't cause that panel isn't there. | 16:59 |
aeon-ltd | Da_Rhyno: press alt-f2 type gnome-terminal | 16:59 |
Ryu_Kurisu | Da_Rhyno: There is an easy application which could restore it for you... | 16:59 |
kamuisan | hello everyone:) | 17:00 |
Ryu_Kurisu | gobbe: On both systems 10.10 | 17:00 |
dr4c4n | MorphixNW: it should work, it's not deleting, just checking information, be sure if it doesn't tell u anything to try it next w/ verbose option set | 17:00 |
gobbe | Ryu_Kurisu: ok, let me try | 17:00 |
Ryu_Kurisu | Da_Rhyno: | 17:00 |
freshone | hello the terminal keeps trying to open lib files and cannot find them | 17:00 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks | 17:00 |
gobbe | Ryu_Kurisu: you could however, raise a bug from that, if you got it two machines | 17:00 |
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Ryu_Kurisu | Or first try to find a bug which is the same and make me "affected" | 17:01 |
Ryu_Kurisu | gobbe: We shouldn't swamp the bug-tracker with duplicate bugs ;) | 17:01 |
gobbe | Ryu_Kurisu: true that | 17:01 |
Ryu_Kurisu | gobbe: And also not make the comment section unreadable, so only mark as affected :P | 17:02 |
aimio | anyone know why i don't have a GNOME session availible in my sessions bar :S | 17:02 |
Da_Rhyno | ubottu - that terminal command didn't work. | 17:03 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:03 |
hanasaki | how can the most current clamav be loaded in 10.10? looks like the one that ships is from 12 mo ago | 17:03 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, do you see a "Ubuntu Desktop" or "Ubuntu Netbook" as a session option? These are technically both Gnome. | 17:03 |
MorphixNW | dr4c4n: I have now deleted the partitions, formatted the drives, rebooted and still not working | 17:04 |
nicolas | hi | 17:04 |
aksh1 | hi all, after i am getting error for dpkg-reconfigure -a as dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: couldn't identify the package | 17:04 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, i have those but i did something to mess them up beacuse now the netbook and the desktop are lookin the same wich i don't want, | 17:05 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks for the shell script! It helped! =D | 17:05 |
nicolas | nicolas | 17:05 |
Da_Rhyno | I'm in a rush though, so I g2g | 17:05 |
Da_Rhyno | Thanks again! =D | 17:06 |
philip_ | offtopic - is the limit on concurrent connections based on the HostOS or the GuestOS in a virtualized setting? (win7 as Host with 10 connections, Ubuntu as GuestOS with unlimited) | 17:06 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, the reason why i tried to change this up was i had no desktop control, i could not right click on the desktop to change background, add folders etc.. and now i have messed it all upp.. :S | 17:06 |
gobbe | hanasaki: clamav is 0.96.3, it's quite new | 17:06 |
gobbe | hanasaki: so what do you mean with old? | 17:06 |
hanasaki | ClamAV 0.96.3 it doesn't catch a virus that when uplaoded to the clam site says its in ClamAV 0.96.5 | 17:06 |
hanasaki | gobbe: what is the release date on .3 | 17:07 |
Ryu_Kurisu | hanasaki: You need to find a PPA which contains the newest version. Maybe on the ClamAV website? | 17:07 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, sorry I don't have any suggestions for you. Best of luck. The not being able to RC on desktop (origional problem) I may have been able to help with. | 17:07 |
ivan_ | #ubuntu-ru | 17:07 |
hanasaki | Ryu_Kurisu: no .deb on the clam site. Ryu_Kurisu ppa has .3 not .5 | 17:07 |
gobbe | hanasaki: well, it takes while to get new packages | 17:08 |
sresu | How to auto mount a partition on every boot? | 17:08 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, can you tell me the origional problem fix. ? /is it to disable nautilus ?../ | 17:08 |
gobbe | hanasaki: you can contribute and compile new packages if you want | 17:08 |
ZykoticK9 | sresu, add it to fstab | 17:08 |
hanasaki | gobbe: the virus missed by .3 is from a year ago | 17:08 |
hanasaki | gobbe: would like to do so... just burried in deadlines and do not have a starting point for making a .deb | 17:08 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, gconftool-2 --set "/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" --type bool "true" | 17:09 |
gobbe | hanasaki: .3 is released 2010-09-20 | 17:09 |
Ryu_Kurisu | hanasaki: This ppa: ppa:ubuntu-clamav/ppa? | 17:09 |
gobbe | hanasaki: so it's quite new, if you see that 10.10 is released 2010-10-10 | 17:09 |
hanasaki | Ryu_Kurisu: yes deb | 17:09 |
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poopmaster1 | Hi, trying to iinstall ZNC on my ubuntu setup. What is the best approach? Should I create a new account specifically for ZNC and apt-get znc using it? Will ZNC automatically start up if my machine reboots, or do I have to manually start it from commandline each time? | 17:11 |
dr_phd1 | hello everyone, i have a question. I have China Telecom PPPoE connection but Ubuntu doesn't have a GUI dialler for it. Is there any GUI dialler available, or is there any easy way to connect to it instead of typing pppoeconf in terminal every time I log on to my computer | 17:11 |
hanasaki | Ryu_Kurisu: hmm then why would it miss this ? Backdoor.IRC.Zapchast.zwrc | 17:12 |
gobbe | hanasaki: you should ask it from clamav's support | 17:13 |
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hanasaki | uplaoding it to clam it is found.. so it must be that the version in 10.10 is not current enough. freshclam is current | 17:13 |
Raydiation | any recommendation for gba emulator? | 17:13 |
LORD_NIETZSCHE | to create dual boot | 17:13 |
LORD_NIETZSCHE | ? | 17:13 |
electro | grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97) | 17:14 |
electro | its not using grub2 | 17:15 |
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nit-wit | LORD_NIETZSCHE, Thus Spoke Zarathustra to yah in the new year | 17:16 |
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Brian72helpMe | I am need of some serious help. It's a long story ... but I typed the following stupid command "sudo mv /usr /home/brian/Documents" | 17:17 |
=== [`share is now known as share | ||
LORD_NIETZSCHE | zarathustra is done | 17:17 |
kyle1 | looking for file /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/screenlets/plugins/ as instructions.. but path not exist app is running so document is wrong how find file? | 17:17 |
gobbe | Brian72helpMe: you could move /home/brian/Documetns back to /usr | 17:17 |
Dr_Willis | Brian72helpMe: so you have a /home/brian/Documents/usr now? | 17:17 |
nit-wit | LORD_NIETZSCHE, nice work I like beyond good and evil | 17:17 |
Brian72helpMe | yes .... but I can't move them back. Terminal says I don't have a necessary batch file in /usr | 17:18 |
MorphixNW | how can I connect to the hard drive of another ubuntu machine? | 17:18 |
Dr_Willis | Brian72helpMe: you may need to use a live cd. what batch file is it talking about? | 17:18 |
Brian72helpMe | I can boot a Linux Mint install USB if I need to fis things | 17:18 |
Brian72helpMe | I forget the batch file it was looking for ... computer is off now. It is a laptop | 17:19 |
gobbe | so just boot with live cd | 17:19 |
gobbe | mount filesystem | 17:19 |
Dr_Willis | may be easier to fix it with live cd. | 17:19 |
LORD_NIETZSCHE | he wrote a few of good books | 17:19 |
Brian72helpMe | How would I go about fixing it from the live USB boot? | 17:19 |
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Dr_Willis | mount the filesystem. cd to /home/whoever/Documents | 17:19 |
Dr_Willis | sudo mv usr /media/mountpoint | 17:20 |
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Brian72helpMe | ah ok ... i'll try that ty! | 17:20 |
guampa | need help, having a weird issue with tcp not working at all on eth0. icmp and udp do work (i can ping the router and get dhcp from it). BUT i can't reach its admin page for example. Iptables are all flushed and -P ACCEPT, and the card works ok in a livecd | 17:20 |
lisa_ | is libre office in repos for lubuntu? | 17:20 |
gobbe | guampa: what did you do before that happend? have you tried to shutdown firewall totally? | 17:21 |
LORD_NIETZSCHE | quit the firewall | 17:22 |
ZykoticK9 | lisa_, it isn't in official ubuntu repo yet (ummm maybe for +1) --- i'm using the DEB download from the libreoffice web site currently - working great | 17:22 |
lisa_ | having a look there thks | 17:23 |
guampa | gobbe: yes the firewall is disabled entirely, can't recall what i did b/c i was restoring a config | 17:23 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
DigressNow | anyone know why grub won't recognize my hard drive partition anymore? | 17:24 |
DigressNow | if I boot into live cd it shows that it is there and I can access files | 17:24 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: did you do someting to remove grub? | 17:25 |
lisa_ | Zykotick9: after DL how do I indtstall? | 17:25 |
DigressNow | I upgraded to maverick and then I kept getting error: out of disk | 17:26 |
DigressNow | and it wouldn't recognize any os | 17:26 |
Brian72helpMe | Dr_Willis: When I open /home/brian/Documents ... from the Live USB ... there are only 2 files: Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and README.txt | 17:26 |
Brian72helpMe | I believe I encrypted the home folder =/ | 17:26 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: well.. sounds like you ran out of space during the upgrade, and grub got fubarred... who knows how the OS is | 17:26 |
neoarcher7 | hi | 17:26 |
neoarcher7 | every body | 17:26 |
mattyh88 | why can't I see my files/folders when typing "ls" in terminal | 17:27 |
mr_shed | anyone here have Netgear ReadyNAS Duo? I'm having trouble getting it to mount. seems I haven't even got it in fstab. | 17:27 |
DigressNow | so I reinstalled to karmic and its detecting my xp /os and my karmic os but when I choose karmic it won't boot, keeps saying it can't find the hard drive | 17:27 |
maxik | hi all | 17:27 |
KM0201 | mattyh88: are you in a folder that has no files/documents | 17:27 |
mattyh88 | KM0201: i'm in the root | 17:27 |
ZykoticK9 | lisa_, there are two command you need to run - cd into the main extracted directory then run "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" then if you want gnome integration cd into the subdirectory and install the single deb in there too - "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" would work there. | 17:27 |
KM0201 | mattyh88: well, ls should show some files | 17:28 |
DigressNow | I have plenty of space | 17:28 |
DigressNow | I thought | 17:28 |
mattyh88 | KM0201: yeh, that's what i thought, but it doesnt :p haha | 17:29 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: i dunno, id probably download 10.10 and just do a clean install of it... something obviously happened... 9.04 is EOL anyway | 17:29 |
DigressNow | I tried that and it did the error out of disk again | 17:29 |
DigressNow | is 10.10 lucid or maverick? I tried that with maverick | 17:30 |
gobbe | guampa: disabled or closed? | 17:30 |
ZykoticK9 | DigressNow, 10.10 is mav | 17:30 |
Brian72helpMe | I need help: I am trying to access an encrypted home folder from a Live USB ... there are 2 files in it "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" and "README.txt" ... the command from the README doesn't work in Terminal. What next? | 17:30 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: maverick is 10.10... doing a clean install of maverick(overwriting all the 9.04 silliness) should resolve this. | 17:30 |
guampa | gobbe: no, disabled. Manually flushed all iptables rules and set all policies to ACCEPT | 17:30 |
gobbe | guampa: well, try to close it down and see what happens | 17:30 |
DigressNow | ok, I'll give that a try. Going to maverick is what caused the out of disk error to begin with though | 17:31 |
DigressNow | but I'll try a clean install rather than the update | 17:31 |
__name__ | hello | 17:31 |
__name__ | can i tell apt i want certain packages from natty? | 17:31 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: well, try a clean install, and you might want to make your ubuntu partitions bigger.. how big are they now?\ | 17:31 |
guampa | gobbe: not sure i understand what "close down" means | 17:31 |
poopmaster1 | I added a new account and disabled root from SSHing in, but if I add that new account to the /etc/sudoers file wouldn't disabling root from SSH have been useless then? | 17:31 |
DigressNow | I hav 200 gigs on ubuntu and 120 on xp | 17:32 |
DigressNow | should be plenty | 17:32 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: you're not out of space then, unless you have some unusual partition set up | 17:32 |
DigressNow | on this machine I only have 10 gigs on ubuntu and its always been fine | 17:32 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: how is that 200gigs partitioned? | 17:32 |
gobbe | guampa: sudo service ufw stop | 17:32 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, no - mixing repo's between release distributions is a bad idea. you could "try" to install just the DEBs from the updated program but that may not work out. Check if there is a PPA with the updated program version available. | 17:32 |
gobbe | poopmaster1: well it disables access with root account | 17:33 |
AbstractBeliefs | does anyone know if the rescue remix contains ms-sys? | 17:33 |
gobbe | poopmaster1: sudo just allows users to run command with root rights | 17:33 |
DigressNow | I had 120 as NFTS for xp, then the other as ext3 I think its ext4 now - which is broken into I think 2 sub partitions, the swap, and the main | 17:33 |
guampa | gobbe: there, i stopped it, still the same results though | 17:33 |
DigressNow | swap is 5 gigs | 17:33 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: Yes I already did that, it's a lot of work and does not give me patches to natty | 17:33 |
poopmaster1 | gobbe: Isn't that essentially the same thing? if you can run commands with root rights wouldn't that be just as if you logged in under the root account? | 17:33 |
gobbe | guampa: so no traffic at all to outside works? | 17:34 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: ok, just boot the maverick CD, do "manual partitioning" at the install phase, delete the old / and replace it w/ a new one, and you should be fine | 17:34 |
gobbe | guampa: it's quite hard to know, because i don't have information what did you do before it broke up | 17:34 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: I think that compiling it myself is a worse idea than getting it from natty. | 17:34 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, true. You decide, which is more important - the updated program on your current system - or running the alpha then. | 17:34 |
gobbe | poopmaster1: well, root is root in every linux, no need to guess userid | 17:34 |
rigved | DigressNow: swap is not partitioned as ext4. it's partitioned as linux-swap | 17:34 |
DigressNow | ok I'll give it a shot | 17:34 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, compiling yourself? | 17:34 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: make sure anything important is backed up of course. | 17:34 |
gobbe | poopmaster1: it's just to prevent bruteforce | 17:34 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: The new version of the program. | 17:34 |
ZykoticK9 | !ppa | __name__ | 17:35 |
ubottu | __name__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. | 17:35 |
guampa | odd as it seems, no, anything at all, i can *receive* but tcp datagrams just aren't being sent from the card...never saw this | 17:35 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: I need a newer version of something that is in the repos. | 17:35 |
gobbe | guampa: and this happens even after boot? | 17:35 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, search that ppa link! | 17:35 |
__name__ | And that is not in PPA. | 17:35 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, oh - well that won't work then :( | 17:35 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, what is it? | 17:36 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: stumpwm | 17:36 |
poopmaster1 | Okay, I just added myself to the souders file... myaccount ALL=(ALL) ALL | 17:36 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: The maverick deb keeps dying. | 17:36 |
aimio | how come when i do apt-get remove ubuntu-netbook or ubuntu-desktop it does not delete it :S | 17:36 |
rigved | __name__: have you tried backports? | 17:36 |
RawChid | My NTFS Partition is automatically mounted by Gnome, is it possible to change the permissions (umask?) of it? I don't want to do it via fstab. | 17:36 |
__name__ | rigved: no | 17:36 |
rigved | __name__: ohh on maverick, no backports yet | 17:36 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, sorry never used that. best of luck man. i take it stumpwm is a very low resource wm? | 17:37 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: It's just another tiling WM. | 17:37 |
guampa | gobbe: yes, in fact it had happened before on my laptop and i'd thought the ethernet had broken, now after manually installing all the software and config i had in the laptop i end up with the same problem, so it appears to be exclusively a broken config/software problem | 17:37 |
__name__ | Thanks. | 17:37 |
kcorcoran | currently, when i select a file to download it defaults to my ~/Downloads folder - is there a change that default? | 17:37 |
guampa | it works if i try it with a livecd on the same machine | 17:37 |
rigved | kcorcoran: in firefox, you can change the download folder | 17:38 |
gobbe | guampa: have you updated any files in /etc/sysctl.d | 17:38 |
kcorcoran | rigved: thank you! | 17:39 |
rigved | kcorcoran: you are welcome | 17:39 |
Brian72helpMe | I need help: I am trying to access an encrypted home folder from a Live USB ... there are 2 files in it "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" and "README.txt" ... the command from the README doesn't work in Terminal. What next? | 17:39 |
gobbe | Brian72helpMe: well, what error-message do you get when you run it? | 17:41 |
gobbe | Brian72helpMe: and what did you try to run | 17:41 |
rigved | Brian72helpMe: you need to chroot into the system on the hard disk and then run the command, afaik. currently you are running it in the live system. | 17:42 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, the stumpwm web page updates a line directly under the title (in the top right corner) every minute or so - some of them are pretty funny.</OT> | 17:42 |
* aimio got ubuntu on my brain.. brain .. bbb.. rrr.. aaa..iii..nnn.. | 17:42 | |
ikonia | aimio: ok, give it a rest please | 17:42 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: it changes on release here. | 17:42 |
skooz | anyone wana help. new install of Ubuntu 10.10. I log in and I can see the desktop background for a second the back to login. | 17:43 |
DThought | Brian72helpMe: does this help? | 17:43 |
aimio | ikonia ? | 17:43 |
ikonia | aimio: the random "brain" stuff | 17:43 |
aimio | ikonia i did it one time not like i am spamming or anything. | 17:43 |
arunce | anyone knows where one can change firefox shortcut keys? | 17:43 |
ikonia | aimio: yes, so I'm asking you to give it a rest and not to it again please. | 17:43 |
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aimio | ikonia, i was not planning on doing it again. | 17:44 |
guampa | gobbe: all i have in sysctl.d are 4 distro configs, none network related. I've restored /etc/sysctl.conf to the defaults (had enabled syncookies, rp_filter, icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts, icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses, secure_redirects and disabled source routing) | 17:44 |
ikonia | aimio: ok, then don't do it in the first place, please. | 17:44 |
ikonia | aimio: the topic is support discussion, please try to keep tot that. | 17:44 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: "used by a bunch of weirdos" | 17:44 |
sam_sam | !!screen | 17:44 |
ubottu | Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See | 17:44 |
guampa | gobbe: anyway almost all those net sysctls aren't related to tcp, still, it looks like it could be some bad sysctl to me too | 17:45 |
ikonia | __name__: please don't be silly, | 17:45 |
aksh1 | hi all i am getting error as init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (447) terminated with status 1 | 17:45 |
aksh1 | not able to get boot screen and logo | 17:45 |
aimio | how come when i do apt-get remove ubuntu-netbook or ubuntu-desktop it does not delete it :S | 17:45 |
gobbe | guampa: yes. it's first thing on my mind that some wrong sysctl setting caused this....can you see anything on /var/log, that could explain more or help little nit | 17:45 |
skooz | If I need help how often should i repost my problem | 17:45 |
__name__ | ikonia: I was just quoting the page where he said there were funny lines. | 17:45 |
Brian72helpMe | gobbe: I run ecryptfs-mount-private and I get "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly" | 17:45 |
__name__ | I did not insult anyone. | 17:46 |
ikonia | __name__: I understand, please try to keep it out of the support discussion | 17:46 |
gobbe | Brian72helpMe: follow instructions from the link you got | 17:46 |
__name__ | ikonia: Sorry. | 17:46 |
xangua | !purekde | 17:46 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 17:46 |
xangua | aimio: because is just a metapackage | 17:46 |
gobbe | Brian72helpMe: from DThought | 17:46 |
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ikonia | __name__: not a problem at all | 17:46 |
dr4c4n | skooz: whats' ur problem? | 17:47 |
skooz | login | 17:47 |
dr4c4n | skooz: what problem are you having with login and login to what? | 17:47 |
skooz | brings me back to login in when i log in | 17:47 |
aimio | ahh i see, but i some how borked my sessions some how when i use ubuntu desktop, or ubuntu-netbook they look the same and i have tried reinstall etc but they still look the same. Any ideas how to fix that ?.. | 17:47 |
sam_sam | i want to configure screen on a different full screen with single to switch .. is it possible ?how ? | 17:48 |
dr4c4n | skooz: version of ubuntu, have u recently done an update? Have you checked ubuntu forums for infinite login loop? | 17:48 |
skooz | login to ubuntu 10.10 desktop I enter usrnm n paswrd see desk top for a sec the back to log in | 17:48 |
guampa | gobbe: brb, thanks for the help so far | 17:48 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: | 17:48 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: what video card do u have? | 17:48 |
__name__ | oh, sorry for the german version. | 17:49 |
skooz | new install | 17:49 |
gobbe | guampa: no problem :) interested to find out what's wrong thre | 17:49 |
sam_sam | Nvidia | 17:49 |
dr4c4n | skooz: google Ubuntu infinite login 10.10 | 17:49 |
__name__ | ZykoticK9: | 17:49 |
skooz | thank you | 17:49 |
ZykoticK9 | __name__, ya apt pinning is not something i know much about - never had to use it myself. might work though. | 17:49 |
Squidy | i have both gnome and KDE running, i installed gnome first then added KDE from the repository, could i del Gnome safely without any problems??? | 17:49 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: there's an option for dual screens in nvidia-settings | 17:49 |
sam_sam | dr4c4n:i can't find it, can u show a screen shot plz ? | 17:50 |
xangua | !purekde | Squidy | 17:50 |
ubottu | Squidy: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 17:50 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: open a terminal, and type in nvidia-settings | 17:51 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: you might need to be root in that case use sudo nvidia-settings | 17:51 |
sam_sam | dr4c4n: i have that dialog box open in front , still i will do it .. | 17:51 |
mactimes | Hi. I have a problem in my Sony VGN-SR350A which is pretty similar to this: Except that sometimes I have to hold down a key during an ongoing session. Some applications seem to hang, but when holding down a key, they seem to continue running. Is there a workaround for this issue? | 17:51 |
mr_shed | I'm having problems getting ReadyNAS duo to mount, I'm trying the following comman "...$ mount 192.168.../media /home/user/media" but it keeps coming up with "connection timed out" | 17:51 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_sam, System / Admin / Nvidia Settings... - then on the "X Server Display Configuration" on left - do you see two monitors on the right side? | 17:52 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: there should be two screens available for you to choose from, if you want them to be separate screens choose twinview :) | 17:53 |
sam_sam | ZykoticK9: i see only one monitor | 17:53 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_sam, in the "Model" drop down does it list 2? | 17:53 |
sam_sam | !twinview | 17:53 |
ubottu | twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings | 17:53 |
sam_sam | ZykoticK9: only one :-$ | 17:53 |
P4G0 | hi there | 17:54 |
=== yildirim is now known as nigihayami | ||
dr4c4n | hi PG40 | 17:54 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_sam, your second monitor isn't being seen then! | 17:54 |
P4G0 | hase anyone installed AUFS under ubuntu 10.10? | 17:54 |
P4G0 | -e | 17:54 |
aimio | why when i use ubuntu desktop, or ubuntu-netbook they look the same and i have tried reinstall etc but they still look the same. Any ideas how to fix that ?.. | 17:54 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_sam, is this a laptop? | 17:54 |
P4G0 | dr4c4n: stephan? | 17:54 |
sam_sam | ZykoticK9: no , i will search on twinview .. | 17:54 |
gobbe | aimio: they are same, only difference is that netbook has also unity-desktop, you can select which one to use while login | 17:54 |
sam_sam | ZykoticK9: desktop it is <-- fulll answer :D | 17:55 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_sam, ok - but until you see two monitors in there - you won't be able to enable twinview | 17:55 |
dr4c4n | P4G0: nope, just saying hi | 17:55 |
aimio | gobbe, thats what i meant whit when they look the same, they both have unity-desktop now for some reason.. | 17:55 |
aimio | i changed something in the settings i can't remmember what i changed. | 17:55 |
P4G0 | dr4c4n: ah ok, a friend is using ubuntu too and his nick is dr4k4n :D | 17:55 |
dr4c4n | P4G0: tis a good nick ... | 17:56 |
sam_sam | twinview is disabled :-$ | 17:56 |
P4G0 | hehe | 17:56 |
gobbe | aimio: well, select it from login | 17:56 |
P4G0 | anyone who uses unionfs or aufs in here? | 17:56 |
gobbe | aimio: after selecting user you can select to use netbook or ubuntu desktop | 17:56 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: there's a document from nvidia on how to enable twinview -- look at your driver docs | 17:56 |
aimio | gobbe, that is what i am trying to say they are both the same when i choose in the login....... | 17:57 |
greenser | I have an issue | 17:57 |
P4G0 | i want to install aufs on ubuntu and wonder if there is a prebuild package or if i have to compile it myself | 17:57 |
ghoulmaster | #archlinux | 17:57 |
solo_ | hi! | 17:57 |
solo_ | my hardware:44:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01) | 17:57 |
solo_ | drivers from System->Addition Drivers don't work with my laptop hp 4720s. Please help me. How I can work with WiFi in Ubuntu 10.10 | 17:57 |
mradr | sup ^.^ | 17:57 |
solo_ | drivers from System->Addition Drivers don't work with my laptop hp 4720s. Please help me. How I can work with WiFi in Ubuntu 10.10 | 17:57 |
sam_sam | dr4c4n:ty , can i see manual on terminal? with man /info ? | 17:57 |
aimio | gobbe, when i choose netbook or dekstop in the login, they are the same understand it now ?.. | 17:58 |
dr4c4n | PG40: try apt-get install aufs | 17:58 |
KM0201 | solo_: you probably need the b43 driver w/ that device.. i helped someone the other day that the STA driver didn't work w/ that device | 17:58 |
greenser | Recently, I installed compiz fusion, didn't like it, and uninstalled it. Afterwards, I wanted to re-enable my visual effects but they are unavailable. How do I fix this? | 17:58 |
P4G0 | dr4c4n: isn't available :( | 17:58 |
dr4c4n | sam_sam: try which nvida - or find the module using lsmod - then look at the docs on the nvidia site... | 17:58 |
xangua | greenser: reinstall compiz¿ | 17:58 |
dr4c4n | PG40 - it's available for hardy - so check other places | 17:59 |
sam_sam | dr4c4n: ok ty :) | 17:59 |
solo_ | KM0201: Help me please I 3 day cannot work | 17:59 |
dr4c4n | PG40: also might be named something different | 17:59 |
P4G0 | yeah for hardy i found out... | 17:59 |
P4G0 | hmm i'm a aptitude user :) how can i search through package descriptions? :) | 17:59 |
KM0201 | solo_: send me a private message, i'll try to work through it w/ you | 18:00 |
bluezone | P4G0 i don't know but try apt-cache search "xxx" | 18:00 |
Arxiss | Anyone knows how to install driver from: ? | 18:00 |
mactimes | Hi. I have a problem in my Sony VGN-SR350A which is pretty similar to this: Except that sometimes I have to hold down a key during an ongoing session. Some applications seem to hang, but when holding down a key, they seem to continue running. Is there a workaround for this issue? | 18:00 |
lisa_ | can someone tell me how to add Firefox to the panel in LXDE? | 18:01 |
RawChid | My NTFS Partition is automatically mounted by Gnome, is it possible to change the permissions (umask?) of it? I don't want to do it via fstab. | 18:01 |
sam_sam | what is X11 ? | 18:01 |
xangua | lisa_: create a custom launcher¿ | 18:02 |
lisa_ | trying | 18:02 |
greenser | I reinstalled compiz, now it says it can't enable desktop effects | 18:02 |
sam_sam | !X11 | 18:03 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 18:03 |
Aihetleos | guys why i cant delete any file in /usr/lib ??? | 18:03 |
xangua | greenser: what does exactly the error message says¿¿ try 'compiz --replace' in a terminal | 18:03 |
asker | ршеруку | 18:03 |
xangua | Aihetleos: permissions... | 18:03 |
asker | hi there | 18:03 |
P4G0 | hmm found nothing usable... is there any place to search through other repositories? | 18:03 |
lisa_ | ok lxde really sucks | 18:03 |
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_ | ||
greenser | couldn't load plugin ccp | 18:03 |
Brian72helpMe | gobbe: ok... so I was following the instructions on that website. After I typed "chroot $D" I get an error: "bash: /usr/bin/mint-fortune: No such file or directory" I hope it's not a linux mint specific problem. =) | 18:04 |
asker | anybody knows - how to change Skype fonts without changing the system fonts and size? | 18:04 |
asker | qtconfig is not working on this task | 18:04 |
Aihetleos | <xangua> be more specific pls im amateur | 18:04 |
asker | Skype is writed on the qt3 right? | 18:04 |
Brian72helpMe | And all other commands get similar errors after that point | 18:04 |
zachk | is there an option i can do to install dev package versions of packages i already have installed? | 18:04 |
mactimes | P4G0, | 18:04 |
xangua | what could be more specific what i said¿¿ | 18:04 |
xangua | ... | 18:04 |
P4G0 | mactimes: already searched through ;) | 18:05 |
mactimes | P4G0, What, exactly, are you looking for? | 18:05 |
sam_sam | any way to start firefox in offline mode via commandline or otherwise ? | 18:05 |
P4G0 | is there any alternative to AUFS? i want to merge multiple hdds without raid | 18:05 |
sam_sam | while still being connected | 18:05 |
=== Squidy is now known as Squidy-Away | ||
ccvp | Post Nasal Drip | 18:05 |
mactimes | P4G0, LVM? | 18:05 |
P4G0 | ah nope | 18:05 |
=== Squidy-Away is now known as Squidy | ||
ccvp | squidy-away, now that you are Squidy, does that mean you are here? | 18:05 |
ccvp | why not use: Squidy-here | 18:06 |
P4G0 | i want to combine multiple hdds... but when one hdd fails the others should still be intact | 18:06 |
llutz | sam_sam: tried "firefox -offline | 18:06 |
ccvp | hello mahm0ud | 18:06 |
mactimes | P4G0, Well, I'd make some RAID10 stuff then. | 18:06 |
P4G0 | oh noo | 18:06 |
P4G0 | no raid :) | 18:06 |
ccvp | lots of random joiners in here | 18:06 |
txomon | Aihetleos: did u fixed ur problem? | 18:06 |
ccvp | wtf is going on | 18:06 |
Arxiss | Anyone have idea where should i get XFree86-Mesa-libGL package from? | 18:06 |
P4G0 | hmm how should i explain in a frew words | 18:06 |
greenser | couldn't load plugin ccp --> couldn't find a perfect decorator match; trying all decorators --> found no decorator to star --> Window Manager Warning: "" Found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "move o workspace 1" | 18:07 |
mactimes | P4G0, You don't want LVM, you don't want RAID, I really don't know how to help you. | 18:07 |
mactimes | P4G0, Sorry. | 18:07 |
Nepherius | is prelinking worth it on a slower pc ? | 18:07 |
juniour | hey i have upgraded my ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 after installing packeg it got error and my ubuntu dosent start | 18:07 |
Aihetleos | <txomon> no it says than im not the owner so i cannot change these permitions | 18:07 |
P4G0 | with AUFS you have multiple hdds with own filesystems. AUFS combines them to one virtual filesystem. when writing to the aufs-fs AUFS writes the data completely to exactly ONE hdd | 18:08 |
juniour | help me please | 18:08 |
juniour | ? | 18:08 |
aimio | how come when i do gconftool-2 --set "/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" --type bool "true" "i still have no control over the desktop" :S | 18:08 |
mactimes | juniour, Do you have backups of your files? | 18:08 |
juniour | no | 18:08 |
P4G0 | in addition you could tell aufs to "round-robin" when writing data, so file1 goes to hdd1, file2 to hdd2 and so on... | 18:08 |
greenser | So, no one knows what I'm doing wrong? | 18:08 |
Dr_Willis | Nepherius: that was a poplar thing a few years back.. and back then.. the benchmarks were inconclusive as to if it helped or not | 18:08 |
txomon | P4G0: have you thought about making another partition tble? | 18:08 |
juniour | mactimes i have installed ubuntu through wubi in windows 7 | 18:09 |
stason | hi, when I install 10.10 I get an error at the end of the installation. Something about not being able to create the bootloader. What should I do? | 18:09 |
xangua | aimio: nautilus -q | 18:09 |
juniour | any way | 18:09 |
P4G0 | txomon: why another partition table? | 18:09 |
Nepherius | ah ok , tks | 18:09 |
juniour | to start ubuntu | 18:09 |
txomon | if you want to merge hdds you have to make a partition table in which all apears | 18:09 |
mactimes | juniour, Oh. Well, I'll tell you what. Start the live-cd, backup your files elsewhere, make a clean install of 10.10. IMHO, upgrades never work as good as a clean install. | 18:09 |
txomon | it isdangerous | 18:10 |
P4G0 | hmm maybe a fstab-entry says more than 1000 words: | 18:10 |
P4G0 | none/mnt/unifiedaufscreate_policy=round-robin,br:/branches/sda1:/branches/sdb1:/branches/sda10 0 | 18:10 |
txomon | because if 1 hdd dissapears, u loose all ur information | 18:10 |
P4G0 | txomon: but not with AUFS ;) | 18:10 |
P4G0 | each hdd is independent from each other | 18:11 |
juniour | mactimes i dont have cd i have installed ubuntu via wubi in windows 7 | 18:11 |
Arxiss | Anyone have idea where should i get XFree86-Mesa-libGL package from? | 18:11 |
juniour | any help how to start ubuntu | 18:11 |
Aihetleos | im trying to change permissions to delete a file from /usr/lib but it says that im not the owner so i cannot change the permissions. What i should do??? | 18:11 |
juniour | in not getting start | 18:11 |
P4G0 | I don't want to use RAID (5) because adding another hdd could result in loosing all data when growing the array with dmraid | 18:12 |
mactimes | juniour, idk, then. | 18:12 |
txomon | Aihetleos: You should definetly not erase any data there | 18:12 |
KurtKraut | Aihetleos, are you sure you need to delete this file? Files under /usr/lib shouldn't be manually deleted in regular circunstances. | 18:12 |
txomon | what do wou want it for? | 18:12 |
greenser | compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'ccp' | 18:12 |
txomon | P4G0: what for? | 18:12 |
P4G0 | with aufs i have no parity but when loosing a hdd all other hdds are still intact | 18:12 |
juniour | help me ubuntu does not start | 18:13 |
=== Squidy is now known as Squidy-Away | ||
P4G0 | txomon: i want to build a huge and expandable file storage | 18:13 |
txomon | P4G0: the best thing is to mount them in different folders, so that u can move them | 18:13 |
txomon | dont try to unify them | 18:14 |
Aihetleos | <KurtKraut> there is a file (compiz) i unistall the compiz and it still there. i want to delete it to clean the lib. Why i cant?? | 18:14 |
Brian72helpMe | gobbe: ok... so I was following the instructions on that website. After I typed "chroot $D" I get an error: "bash: /usr/bin/mint-fortune: No such file or directory" I hope it's not a linux mint specific problem. =) After that point, continuing doesn't get any results (chroot unsuccessful) | 18:14 |
P4G0 | txomon: ah no thats even not usable for me | 18:14 |
xangua | Arxiss: search Mesa-libGL on synaptic | 18:14 |
juniour | hey i have upgraded my ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 after installing packeg it got error and my ubuntu dosent start | 18:14 |
P4G0 | it's like that at the current time | 18:14 |
juniour | help me | 18:14 |
P4G0 | i want to have ALL movies in ONE folder | 18:14 |
bluezone | juniour: I need more information, what exactly happens | 18:14 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove --purge compiz && apt-get clean && apt-get install compiz | 18:15 |
DigressNow | KM0201: It went back to the error: out of disk after reinstalling 10.10 | 18:15 |
txomon | P4G0: ^^ i also wanted for that, and I discovered that it is better to classify them by name than unifying them | 18:15 |
rigved | juniour: use a live cd to back up your files and then perform a clean install. this is the best way to get rid of errors like this | 18:15 |
DigressNow | ub rescue | 18:15 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: you're doing something wrong... | 18:15 |
P4G0 | the same for muvies, pictures and so on... important data is automatically backed up via cron... | 18:15 |
txomon | juniour: bad thing installing ubuntu and windows in same partition | 18:15 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: either you've ot partitioned your drive correctly, or something.. 200gigs is enormous for ubuntu | 18:15 |
txomon | juniour: haveu any idea of which was the error? | 18:16 |
Aihetleos | <mactimes> and what is that doing? | 18:16 |
txomon | Aihetleos: it uninstalls compiz | 18:16 |
bluezone | txomon: he upgraded, and it probably failed that way | 18:16 |
juniour | txomon like not found | 18:16 |
P4G0 | txomon: it has to be one big folder, because MediaPortal is only accepting one folder for recordings... i could move them, but i don't want to | 18:16 |
stason | error creating bootloader during clean 10.10 install. What to do? | 18:16 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, You wanted to reinstall compiz, right? | 18:16 |
DigressNow | the partitions are correct, I don't know any other way to do it | 18:17 |
P4G0 | so anyway.... AUFS is the perfect fit for me... no one has an ide where to find binary packages? | 18:17 |
txomon | juniour: I dont know how booting in same partition works... try with a grub rescue CD | 18:17 |
P4G0 | *idea | 18:17 |
KurtKraut | Aihetleos, how did you install compiz? | 18:17 |
Dr_Willis | P4G0: theres some 'fuse' filesystems that are similer to aufs | 18:17 |
txomon | P4G0: make an script that moves them | 18:17 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, That will update your repositories, upgrade packages in your system to the latest versions, remove compiz if it is still there clean cached files and reinstall compiz. | 18:17 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove --purge compiz && apt-get autoremove --purge && apt-get clean && apt-get install compiz | 18:18 |
gobbe | Brian72helpMe: if you are using mint this channel is wrong | 18:18 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, That last line will work better. | 18:18 |
greenser | I reinstalled compiz, now it says it can't enable desktop effects | 18:18 |
greenser | compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'ccp' | 18:18 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, Will also clean packages that are no longer in use. | 18:18 |
Aihetleos | <mactimes> ok thanks | 18:18 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get remove --purge compiz && apt-get autoremove --purge && apt-get clean && apt-get install compiz | 18:18 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, Sorry, this last line is the correct one. Had a mistake in the previous one. | 18:19 |
=== Squidy-Away is now known as Squidy | ||
freshone | hi | 18:19 |
=== petr is now known as Guest31321 | ||
freshone | rs0832? | 18:19 |
DigressNow | KM0201 what is ot partitioned/. | 18:20 |
indystorm | Hey all!! I finally got ubuntu server up and running and I'm logged into it through an ssh client on winblows...!!!! AWESOME!! I love linux!!! | 18:20 |
=== Guest31321 is now known as _bro | ||
Aihetleos | <mactimes> this is the message i get when i put in terminal the last line you gave me (E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied) | 18:20 |
Aihetleos | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 18:20 |
Aihetleos | ) | 18:20 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: partitioned is how you've split up the drive.... you've done something wrong, if your 200gigs is showing not enough space | 18:20 |
P4G0 | Dr_Willis: could yo tell me some? | 18:20 |
P4G0 | *you | 18:20 |
campbellgolf_ | fyi... it appears impossible to mount an iPhone | 18:20 |
rigved | Aihetleos: use sudo | 18:20 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, Hold on | 18:21 |
DigressNow | I read up online and I think its a bug in 10.10 | 18:21 |
SciBot | it is a bug in 10.10 | 18:21 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install compiz | 18:21 |
mactimes | Aurus, Try that. | 18:21 |
Dr_Willis | P4G0: check the fuse homepage/wiki page - someone was in here asking about one a few datys back package name was fuse-SOMTHING may of been fuse-aufs | 18:21 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, Try that. | 18:21 |
mactimes | Aurus, Sorry. | 18:21 |
txomon | P4G0: have u considered making the script? | 18:22 |
Aihetleos | <mactimes> it works thaks a lot!!! | 18:22 |
P4G0 | txomon: no it's no option for me | 18:22 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, np =) | 18:22 |
mactimes | Aihetleos, Glad I could help. | 18:22 |
greenser | Okay, now can I get some help? | 18:23 |
Ryu_Kurisu | !ask | greenser | 18:23 |
ubottu | greenser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:23 |
mactimes | greenser, What's the matter? | 18:23 |
greenser | Recently, I installed compiz fusion, didn't like it, and uninstalled it. Afterwards, I wanted to re-enable my visual effects but they are unavailable. How do I fix this? | 18:23 |
greenser | I reinstalled compiz, now it says it can't enable desktop effects | 18:23 |
greenser | compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'ccp' | 18:24 |
P4G0 | hmm i try to install the kernel module myself... the coumentation looks usable: | 18:24 |
mactimes | greenser, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install compiz | 18:24 |
gobbe | DigressNow, how is your filesystem partitioned? | 18:24 |
Dr_Willis | P4G0: unionfs-fuse - Fuse implementation of unionfs | 18:24 |
mactimes | greenser, Try that you too. | 18:24 |
greenser | okay | 18:24 |
gobbe | DigressNow: sudo fdisk -l | 18:24 |
GeekSquid | greenser: you may also want to install .... sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager ... to give you more control over desktop effects | 18:25 |
P4G0 | Dr_Willis: unionfs could only write to the first hdd, i want to write to all hdds -> aufs is able to do that | 18:25 |
mactimes | GeekSquid, I'd get there. Just wanted to see if compiz would start with no errors. =) | 18:25 |
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=== petr_ is now known as _bro | ||
greenser | okay, Ill try that afterwards | 18:26 |
DigressNow | gobbe: grub rescue is all I get to work with | 18:27 |
DigressNow | I can re-install again but I think the same thing will happen this is the 3rd try with 10.10 | 18:27 |
vultraz | blue1 i think i have a live cd | 18:28 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, whats the setup you have installed | 18:28 |
DigressNow | partition #1 - nfts with win xp, parition #2 ext4 with 10.10, partition #3 linux swap | 18:29 |
DigressNow | #1 - 118 gig, #2 200 gig, swap 2 gig | 18:30 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, please use the tab complete, so it shows who your talking to, so not boot just the grub rescue? | 18:30 |
compdoc | does anyone know what bridge_maxage means? | 18:30 |
DigressNow | I'm booting to live cd to get the fdisk for you | 18:30 |
lickalott | anyone tossed 10.10 to a thumbdrive yet | 18:31 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, are you speaking to me | 18:31 |
DigressNow | yes just boot rescue | 18:31 |
DigressNow | how do I do tab complete? | 18:31 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: type the first few letters of his name, then hit tab.. if it doesn't show his name, type a few more letters.. | 18:32 |
DigressNow | nit-wit: ahh ok | 18:32 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, okay while your on the live cd run this script and pastebin it don't worry about the fdisk. | 18:32 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, got it | 18:32 |
nit-wit | Diamondcite, cool man | 18:32 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, close cool man | 18:32 |
mactimes | campbellgolf, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 18:33 |
Blitzmerker | hi, how can I create a home directory for an existing user? | 18:33 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, what is cool man | 18:34 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, close it? | 18:34 |
bluezone | Is there any way to force the mouse sensitivity below the minimum the gui allows for? If not, where can i get the source code for these mouse preferences | 18:34 |
mactimes | campbellgolf, Then, disconnect your iPhone (if connected) and (re)connect it. | 18:34 |
sresu | !tab | DigressNow | 18:35 |
ubottu | DigressNow: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 18:35 |
P4G0 | oh nooo | 18:35 |
greenser | okay thanks so much for your help | 18:35 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, nthing really | 18:35 |
nit-wit | *nothing | 18:35 |
putty | hi can someone help me i have ubuntu on my netbook and i don't know how to put windows on the grub menu | 18:35 |
P4G0 | aufs is shipped with ubuntu 10.10 as a kernel modules | 18:35 |
P4G0 | had only to load it :) | 18:35 |
kryl | hi | 18:35 |
putty | hi | 18:36 |
gobbe | !grub3 | putty | 18:36 |
guampa | gobbe: i'm back... this is sysctl -a : | 18:36 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, the bootscript is your best tool here for getting to the bottom of the problem, probably | 18:36 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, ok, pastebin - run that in the terminal?? not sure what pastebin means | 18:36 |
kryl | my server crash without logs that can help to fix the problem, is there a way to set this system more verbose ? | 18:36 |
Grav | Hi. Anyone knows if I can use Ubuntu with notebook. I have system on 3,5 HDD, and wanted to buy external HDD enclosure so I can connect it to notebook USB. But wanted to ask here before I buy it. | 18:36 |
mkquist | !grub3 | mkquist | 18:36 |
gobbe | !grub2 | putty | 18:36 |
ubottu | putty: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 18:36 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, I've got the live cd up and am in terminal | 18:36 |
mkquist | !grub2 | mkquist | 18:36 |
ubottu | mkquist, please see my private message | 18:36 |
putty | i did the install from a flshdrive with the downloaded iso | 18:36 |
Squidy | putty, i think you have to reinstall the grubb | 18:37 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, down load the script drag it to the desktop run the sudo desttop command on te link site it will generate a file open it and copt and paste all the text to this site and post a link to it. | 18:37 |
putty | okay how can i do it i'm a beginnig command line user | 18:37 |
gobbe | putty: read document ubottu gave you | 18:38 |
txomon | Grav: u can use it | 18:38 |
YankeesFan | How do i use the Brain Fuck Scheduler | 18:38 |
YankeesFan | ? | 18:38 |
bluezone | Is there any way to force the mouse sensitivity below the minimum the gui allows for? If not, where can i get the source code for these mouse preferences | 18:38 |
mkquist | putty: have you tried updating grub? and if that still doesnt work, the troubleshooting guide usually takes care of it, seems like grub 'misses' the windows partition location sometimes | 18:38 |
txomon | Grav: but dont use the external drive to boot ubuntu | 18:39 |
txomon | OS always in local | 18:39 |
putty | i'm not sure which document i need to read | 18:39 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, sorry for the spelling errors does it make sense. | 18:39 |
senorpedro | hi | 18:39 |
Grav | txomon: I wanted it to boot Ubuntu. Will it not work or it will be slower? | 18:39 |
senorpedro | how can i make a panel that is set to auto-hide to hide faster? | 18:39 |
greenser | okay, how the heck do i get the cube to show | 18:40 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, Yes I am on the site now I just can't copy and paste between computers | 18:40 |
txomon | what are you EXACTLY asking | 18:40 |
xangua | senorpedro: edit the panel preferences with 'gconf-editor' | 18:40 |
txomon | if u can use a netbook with ubuntu | 18:40 |
txomon | or if you can connect an external drive? | 18:40 |
mahfud | halo | 18:40 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, you can do it all from the live cd | 18:40 |
xangua | !compiz | 18:41 |
xangua | greenser: install compiz setting manager and configure plugins with it | 18:41 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 18:41 |
mahfud | ask me | 18:41 |
putty | i updated grub | 18:41 |
greenser | i know that, i've enabled the cub | 18:41 |
bluezone | putty: I am confused, you install ubuntu alongside windows right? | 18:41 |
putty | it found windows but it does not show as a selection in the grub menu list | 18:41 |
ney_sd | hello, can anyone help me to set up my microfone in ubuntu? i got an alc888 ,audio works fine, just got no mic | 18:41 |
ney_sd | i got a dual boot, on seven works ok | 18:41 |
Grav | txomon: So it is possible to boot ubuntu from external drive? | 18:42 |
senorpedro | xangua: where do i find the preferences? | 18:42 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, I am - its just a little slow. I think I'm doing it right | 18:42 |
putty | yes i did | 18:42 |
txomon | yes but i extremly discourage to do so | 18:42 |
Squidy | putty is it worth formatting and starting over? | 18:42 |
nit-wit | putt which Ubuntu did you install | 18:42 |
mahfud | my tochpat not fungtion if me use linux but if me use windows no problem | 18:42 |
putty | do not have a windows in stall disk | 18:42 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, the bootscript is a bit confusing at first | 18:42 |
mahfud | help me please | 18:42 |
txomon | Grav: how much space do u have in the local hdd? | 18:42 |
nit-wit | putty use the tab complete for the nick when hyou answer somebody please | 18:43 |
Dastynable | in which the compiler programs on ubuntu?? | 18:43 |
=== io is now known as Guest11764 | ||
senorpedro | do i have to re-login after i changed the values? | 18:43 |
iololo | Hi all, I need help with php... can I ask here ?? | 18:43 |
Grav | txomon: It's not about space. I have to work on notebook, that isn't mine, and wanted to use my hdd with ubuntu. | 18:43 |
bluezone | no, ##php | 18:43 |
P4G0 | hmm how could i make a mountpoint writeable for samba-users? | 18:44 |
nit-wit | putty, which Ubuntu do you have installed menu.list is grub-legacy | 18:44 |
iololo | ok thx | 18:44 |
P4G0 | Dastynable: build-essential | 18:44 |
iololo | join /##php | 18:44 |
bluezone | iololo: you can ask here but you might not get any help | 18:44 |
txomon | Grav: does it have sd ? | 18:44 |
putty | nit wit i think it's the latest version for netbooks | 18:45 |
=== weasel__ is now known as Caveman | ||
Dastynable | programming everyone in KDevelop 4??? | 18:45 |
trineox | grav: you can use a ubuntu live cd or create a usb jumpdrive to boot ubuntu | 18:45 |
iololo | bluezone : that chan is overflowed! =( | 18:45 |
Squidy | putty: was windows already installed? | 18:45 |
putty | yes it was | 18:45 |
bluezone | iololo: then ask me i guess | 18:45 |
putty | squidy yes it was | 18:45 |
iololo | ok | 18:46 |
Grav | txomon: sd? | 18:46 |
bluezone | iololo: in order to join the channel you need to be identified | 18:46 |
fightling | can someone recommendation for a multi function wlan/lan-printer which I can use with ubuntu without problems? | 18:46 |
JasonSX | What is the difference between sudo apt-get and sudo aptitude? Is one better than the other? | 18:46 |
fightling | can someone recommend for a multi function wlan/lan-printer which I can use with ubuntu without problems? | 18:46 |
Grav | trineox: I wanted to use my hdd with all my apps | 18:46 |
ikonia | fightling: HP C8100 | 18:46 |
nit-wit | Please people use the tab completes on the nicks | 18:46 |
txomon | Grav: yep, SD slot... if it has it, I would recommend to use it as local drive for ubuntu | 18:47 |
* serard is away: Occupé | 18:47 | |
ikonia | !away > senorpedro | 18:47 |
ubottu | senorpedro, please see my private message | 18:47 |
ikonia | oops | 18:47 |
radiohead | using Ubuntu 10.10 - trying to setup my network - ifconfig shows lo/eth0/eth1(wireless) devices but /etc/networks/interfaces only has: | 18:47 |
Squidy | putty: how did you partition your drives? | 18:47 |
ikonia | !away > serard | 18:47 |
ubottu | serard, please see my private message | 18:47 |
trineox | Grav: oh I see, sorry i just noticed your conversation. well if you can set it up as a usb, then you could | 18:47 |
fightling | HP is always a great choice for ubuntu - is that right? | 18:47 |
radiohead | local definitions - sorry | 18:47 |
ikonia | fightling: no, not always | 18:47 |
txomon | Grav: because if you use a external hard drive, and electricity goes out, or it accidentaly disconects, you can harm your sistem | 18:47 |
trineox | Grav: i use my jumpdrives all the time to do pc repairs with ubuntu, linuxmint, or pclinuxos | 18:48 |
radiohead | where are eth0 and eth1 being defined | 18:48 |
bluezone | fightling: for printers probably | 18:48 |
Grav | txomon: Can i use 3,5 hdd as a local drive for notebook? | 18:48 |
putty | squidy i split my drive in half and then let the ubuntu installer do the rest | 18:48 |
Grav | trineox: So if i buy 3,5 HDD enclosure i CAn boot ubuntu and work on it? | 18:48 |
txomon | trineox: but not to use it as normal use | 18:48 |
txomon | Grav: yes you can | 18:48 |
bluezone | fightling: you just have to work hplip :) | 18:48 |
ikonia | Grav: no, there is no promise you can | 18:48 |
txomon | ikonia: why not? | 18:49 |
KM0201 | Grav: not to mention the USB bus will probably be a bottlneck. | 18:49 |
txomon | yep | 18:49 |
compdoc | radiohead, in /etc/network/interfaces I think, and in one more place: /etc/udev | 18:49 |
Squidy | putty: you def still have the windows partition in-tact? can you access the folders in ubuntu? | 18:49 |
trineox | Grav: yes I wouldnt see why you couldnt. as long as the notebook can boot by usb you would be fine | 18:49 |
KM0201 | Grav: it an probably work, but it's not a really good solutin | 18:49 |
putty | squidy windows is on sda3 | 18:49 |
fightling | thx | 18:49 |
nit-wit | putty, so indows is not showing but you get a grub menu at the start, is this the case, or does it straight into Ubuntu, | 18:49 |
txomon | time ago, i use SD as local drive, and wasnt so bad | 18:49 |
ikonia | txomon: not all devices can boot from USB, the performance maybe quite poor, and some laptops present USB disk so that grub is a problem and will need manually tweaking | 18:49 |
txomon | but ... usb... you can die waiting | 18:50 |
nit-wit | putty, *windows | 18:50 |
Grav | ok, thanks for help, I won't buy enclosure then | 18:50 |
putty | squidy yes i can acess windows files with ubuntu | 18:50 |
KM0201 | Grav: why don't you just partition your drive and install? | 18:50 |
txomon | KM0201: it is not him's | 18:50 |
Grav | it's not my notebook | 18:50 |
trineox | Grav: another option what i do is use a jumpdrive live distro and download my apps to do the repairs | 18:50 |
KM0201 | oh... ok. | 18:50 |
putty | nit wit that is correct i get the grub menu first then it boots to ubuntu | 18:51 |
Grav | and my pc broke down, but i got hdd working | 18:51 |
Squidy | putty: what ver of windows? | 18:51 |
nit-wit | putty, run ths script and paste bin it rather then get haphazard advice. | 18:51 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, you sure I should copy and paste into here? | 18:51 |
txomon | definetly if you want to do normal work, for more than 20 minutes | 18:51 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, it's a lot of text | 18:51 |
putty | squidy windows 7 | 18:51 |
iololo | bluezone : I need create a function which takes a few variables : FILE_NAME, SIZE, LAST_MODIFY, DEL_LINK, REN_LINK | 18:51 |
iololo | ...and which puts them in a table row, with a while cycle, in order to obtain an output like this: | 18:51 |
iololo | <tr> <td align="center">NOME FILE</td> <td align="center">DIMENSIONI</td> <td align="center">ULTIMAMODIFICA</td> <td align="center">LINKELIMINA</td> <td align="center">LINKRINOMINA</td> </tr> | 18:51 |
iololo | - | 18:51 |
FloodBot3 | iololo: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:51 |
iololo | but there's a problem: how can I switch the function parameters ??? ---> while(parameter!=last){code; next parameter}; | 18:51 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, paste it to this pastebin then post the link. | 18:51 |
txomon | and work there fine, it is more convenient to buy another harddrive for the notebook | 18:51 |
txomon | than using it by usb Grav | 18:52 |
=== CoOlGhOsT is now known as kthuno | ||
BobSapp_ | hi guys i installed ubuntu netbook remix but it crashes when i use multiple monitortos is there a way to remove unison and just have the default desktop? | 18:52 |
putty | nit wit not sure how to do that | 18:52 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, we also have a ##dualboot channel that has nothing going on if you want to try working there | 18:52 |
Grav | txomon: Could be a good Idea | 18:53 |
BobSapp_ | iololo: use something like perl or whatever | 18:53 |
nit-wit | putty, the instructions are on the page will be glad to work with you we have a ##dualboot channel it may be a bit easier | 18:53 |
nit-wit | putty, *I | 18:53 |
radiohead | compdoc: thanks - I guess Ubuntu will recognize and use these devices, even if they aren't specifically defined anywhere | 18:54 |
BobSapp_ | im just going to install gnome-desktop | 18:54 |
=== Vatsofurine is now known as Bannedkid | ||
txomon | Grav: how much time is that notebook going to belong to you? becouse if it is for sporadical use, use a live distro | 18:54 |
putty | nit wot do i paste it into my browser | 18:54 |
compdoc | they are defined | 18:54 |
=== yaroslav is now known as Guest82954 | ||
Grav | txomon: few months | 18:54 |
DigressNow | nit-wit, | 18:54 |
compdoc | ubuntu defines them in /etc/udev.initd/ | 18:55 |
compdoc | ubuntu defines them in /etc/udev/initd/ | 18:55 |
txomon | Grav: for example one my university's teacher bought a harddrive for the notebook they gave him | 18:55 |
rigved | BobSapp_: in case you do not want the entire gnome-desktop along with it's extra applications, then install gnome-core | 18:55 |
=== iololo is now known as nannes | ||
Grav | if i but notebook hdd is there a easy way to copy all data from old disk so all works same way? | 18:56 |
txomon | Grav: you always can use that drive as external buying a box | 18:56 |
nit-wit | DigressNow, thanks sign in to ##dualboot if you can | 18:56 |
DigressNow | ok | 18:56 |
helplease | hello, someone could help me? it could take 5 mins! TABNKS | 18:56 |
txomon | you dont need to copy it if you are going to buy another | 18:56 |
IdleOne | !ask | helplease | 18:57 |
ubottu | helplease: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:57 |
txomon | another solution came to my mind Grav | 18:57 |
jef91 | A side from Ubiquity and the Alternative CD are there any other installers for Ubuntu, even text based ones? | 18:57 |
txomon | if u use a program for disk cloning, you could store that image in some place, | 18:58 |
helplease | does somebody know how to do this ? THANKS | 18:58 |
txomon | Grav: format the Hdd, and when you need to give it back, restore it | 18:58 |
IdleOne | !minimal > jef91 | 18:58 |
ubottu | jef91, please see my private message | 18:58 |
=== lina is now known as lina_ | ||
putty | nit wit i'm there now | 18:59 |
=== lina_ is now known as lina__ | ||
=== lina__ is now known as lina___ | ||
txomon | if u need to use it in day to day work, the best is to buy another hdd (not very expensive) | 18:59 |
Grav | txomon: interesting idea, but i think i will go with another notebook drive. | 18:59 |
nogatezfan | is there a repair dvd or cd for ubuntu 10.10? | 18:59 |
Grav | txomon: You know some programs i could, clone my old hdd to new? | 19:00 |
MrUnagi | how can i list a folders size via cli | 19:00 |
lina___ | hi, i am tryihng to get pptp to work with ipredator and it works great until I disable ipv6 (which is reccomended) does anyone know why this might be? i use ubuntu 10.10 with latest updates | 19:00 |
dr4c4n | Grav: dd | 19:00 |
vultraz | is Blue1 here? | 19:00 |
SwedeMike | MrUnagi: "man du" | 19:00 |
dr4c4n | Grav: or Ghost | 19:00 |
lina___ | Grav: dd if=/dev/olddis of=/dev/newdisk | 19:00 |
toastedmilk | Windows 7 channel name? | 19:00 |
ZykoticK9 | MrUnagi, "du -sh /folder" | 19:00 |
IdleOne | toastedmilk: ##windows | 19:00 |
aimio | how come when i do gconftool-2 --set "/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" --type bool "true" "i still have no control over the desktop" :S and not even when i do sudo nautilus -q still no control. | 19:00 |
MrUnagi | ty | 19:00 |
MrUnagi | can you diff over scp? | 19:01 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, so when you right click the desktop nothing happens? Do you have a background image? | 19:01 |
Jordan_U | putty: You have more than one grub installed. The grub that you're booting from is not reading the /boot/grub/grub.cfg created by the most recent update-grub. | 19:02 |
=== sinan is now known as Guest70811 | ||
aimio | ZykoticK9, cant right click, and yes i have the defualt background image. | 19:02 |
Grav | I will read about that dd | 19:02 |
aimio | i can't even right click on my panels. | 19:02 |
Guest70811 | slm genclık | 19:02 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest7336 | ||
ZykoticK9 | aimio, oh - so you also have a right click issue then | 19:03 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, no i don't it's a desktop issue | 19:03 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, do you have icons on your desktop? | 19:03 |
aimio | beacuse i can right click else where. | 19:03 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, no i don | 19:04 |
minimonics | hey guys, does anybody knows what happens with xubuntu repositories. When I tried to do a remote install I receive a error in 95%. Files corrupted | 19:04 |
aimio | t* | 19:04 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, but not on panels - that's separate from desktop i believe - could this be some sort of gnome mouse setting issue? | 19:04 |
nannes | I need create a function which takes a few variables : FILE_NAME, SIZE, LAST_MODIFY, DEL_LINK, REN_LINK | 19:05 |
nannes | ...and which puts them in a table row (with a while cycle) to obtain an output like this: | 19:05 |
nannes | <tr> <td align="center"> FILE_NAME</td> <td align="center">SIZE</td> <td align="center">LAST_MODIFY</td> <td align="center">DEL_LINK</td> <td align="center">REN_LINK</td> </tr> | 19:05 |
Grav | thanks for help, bye | 19:05 |
FloodBot3 | nannes: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:05 |
nannes | - | 19:05 |
nannes | CODE: while(parameter!=last){print "<td align=\"center\">parameter</td>"; next parameter}; | 19:05 |
greenser | is it possible to have a different background for each workspace? | 19:05 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, i had this issue before but i fixed it somehow i just forgot how i did it but i know for sure it has something to do with nautilus | 19:05 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, where you running netbook or unity interface or something other then gnome at one point? | 19:05 |
lina___ | hi, i am tryihng to get pptp to work with ipredator and it works great until I disable ipv6 (which is reccomended) does anyone know why this might be? i use ubuntu 10.10 with latest updates | 19:05 |
ZykoticK9 | greenser, only if you use compiz and only if you are willing to give up your desktop. Still interested? | 19:06 |
vultraz | is Blue1 arround? | 19:06 |
greenser | what do you mean by giving up the desktop | 19:06 |
hitek88 | Hello | 19:06 |
ZykoticK9 | greenser, | 19:06 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, it's a fresh ubuntu netbook 10.10 install, but when in login i choose ubuntu desktop. instead of netbook. | 19:06 |
Anonymoose | Hey | 19:06 |
vultraz | hes not respinding | 19:06 |
vultraz | responding* | 19:06 |
ZykoticK9 | greenser, no desktop icons, compiz needs to control the desktop/wallpaper | 19:07 |
* serard is away: Occupé | 19:07 | |
greenser | hmm don't know if want | 19:07 |
greenser | nope, don't wan | 19:07 |
ZykoticK9 | greenser, it's not worth it ;) | 19:07 |
Cychnes | hello all | 19:07 |
Anonymoose | that'd be neat though.. | 19:08 |
slade991 | hi | 19:08 |
Cychnes | it would be neat | 19:08 |
ZykoticK9 | aimio, i have no idea man. i bet netbook is somehow still messing with it. I always use the desktop version then install unity - rather then use the UNE version. best of luck man. | 19:08 |
slade991 | hello i'm really in trouble i need help :) | 19:09 |
ikonia | slade991: then you need to ask a question | 19:09 |
numberto | Hi, everybody. I have an acer netbook with 160 gigs of storage. Gparted sees only 150 gigs. Is there any way in ubuntu to access those hidden 10 gigs | 19:09 |
slade991 | ikonia: yes | 19:09 |
aimio | :( | 19:09 |
ikonia | slade991: so ask a questin | 19:09 |
gobbe | numberto: does it really have 160 gigabytes | 19:09 |
ikonia | question | 19:09 |
gobbe | numberto: or is it just something that is written on package :) | 19:09 |
slade991 | ikonia: my girlfriend laptop doesn't boot, just got initramfs since yesterday | 19:09 |
gobbe | numberto: 160 gigabytes disks are usually 150+ | 19:09 |
slade991 | ikonia: i'm on live cd right now | 19:10 |
ocean | hi guys can any one help me on the following issue. I am not able to install ubuntu on my new hp laptop as it has 4 primary partition already. the boot, win7, recovery and HP_TOOLS. can any one suggest the the drive that i can safely delete and make extended partitions.tx | 19:10 |
nogatezfan | is there a 64 bit ubuntu reppair cd? | 19:10 |
numberto | gobbe: yes, fdisk shows that I have 160 gigs | 19:10 |
slade991 | and i can't mount her harddrive | 19:10 |
slade991 | dbus error doesn't got reply | 19:10 |
hitek88 | I am running Ubuntu Server 10.10 and love it. I am currently using SSH to login from a Mac OSX machine. I am having a problem though. When I am using a torrent client such a rtorrent, I am able to download "legal" torrents such as the Ubuntu.iso's while being connected to the server through ssh, but after 20 minutes, the terminal freezes up and I can't do anything, nor can I log back into the machine. But a ping to the machi | 19:10 |
hitek88 | ne does show it is still up. Any ideas on what might be causing this? | 19:10 |
gobbe | ocean: recovery and tools are useless unless you need them | 19:10 |
ikonia | hitek88: what does the console say ? | 19:10 |
gobbe | ocean: they wont affect normal usage | 19:10 |
slade991 | i looked on the web but without any success | 19:10 |
uzi__ | dpkg give me this error "cannot access archive: No such file or directory". please help. | 19:11 |
samfisher | hi, is there a mean I can select offline the software i want to be installed (ie s script like apt-get install openssh irssi etc)? | 19:11 |
numberto | globbe: | 19:11 |
hitek88 | ikonia it does not say anything. Just shows the screens last state, and when trying to re connect it doesn't say anything, well I never let it try to connect longer then 10 seconds though | 19:11 |
samfisher | i'm gonna install ubuntu on a pc and i need the install to be fast | 19:12 |
helplease | guys anyone can help me? | 19:12 |
Anonymoose | Don't torrent it then? You can go to Ubuntu and DL it in an hour or two. | 19:12 |
ikonia | hitek88: so when you can't ssh in, what is displayed on the console (not an ssh session - but the actual console) | 19:12 |
bluenemo | do any of you guys have experience with wacom tablets? | 19:12 |
slade991 | and dmesg tell me : intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: MCP power or thermal limit exceeded | 19:12 |
uzi__ | samfisher: put the software packages in /var/cache/apt/archives | 19:12 |
Anonymoose | helpplease:with what? | 19:12 |
ikonia | slade991: laptop overheating | 19:12 |
lahwran | !adk | bluenemo | 19:13 |
numberto | globbe: When I was using windows, after trying about 10-15 different programs and spending about 3 days on it I found a program that found those 10 gigs with a windows back up in it. It is just been very long time ago, and now I am using ubuntu | 19:13 |
lahwran | !ask | bluenemo | 19:13 |
ubottu | bluenemo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:13 |
hitek88 | ikonia oh, not sure. I don't have a monitor connected to the machine. I guess that is something I can look at next time it freezed up | 19:13 |
ocean | gobbe, thanks could u tell me when will i need them in case. i have made recovery kit anyway. | 19:13 |
ikonia | hitek88: that would be key, I'd put money on a kernel panic | 19:13 |
hitek88 | ikonia but I am guessing it is because rtorrent is taking up too many ports or connections? | 19:13 |
aimio | ZykoticK9, i think i have a mouse issue, beacuse i tried to right click else where now that does not work. any ideas now ?.. | 19:13 |
slade991 | does somebody have an idea ? i can't mount from command line or from nautilus | 19:13 |
gobbe | ocean: tools is used for bios upgrades etc, recovery jsut for recovery | 19:13 |
ikonia | hitek88: I'm guessing it's not, I'm guessing it's a kernel panic | 19:13 |
uzi__ | slade991: what the command that you've tried? | 19:14 |
lahwran | I have just put one of my old PCI wireless cards into my system and it's not recognizing it as a network device. lspci sees it (unlike the last one which didn't show up at all, or the one before that that hung the system) | 19:14 |
hitek88 | ikonia ok thanks for the insight, going to read up on kernel panic :) | 19:14 |
nogatezfan | is there a bot in here? | 19:14 |
lahwran | anyone know why it might not be registering or how I would probe it? | 19:14 |
bluenemo | lahwran, sorry for being stupid but i dont get it.. i wanted to ask if anyone here is using wacom tablets so far.. if nbd replies my question would already be answerd. if sbd replies, i have a lot of questions so i would open a private window.. | 19:14 |
ikonia | hitek88: no point reading up on it until you have actually seen the message on the console | 19:14 |
lickalott | fellas.... | 19:14 |
ikonia | hitek88: it could be something as simple as the sshd daemon just died, | 19:14 |
ikonia | nogatezfan: yes, ubottu | 19:14 |
uzi__ | lahwran: try "ifconfig -a" | 19:15 |
lahwran | bluenemo: ask your questions here. | 19:15 |
nogatezfan | ty' | 19:15 |
lahwran | uzi__: right, it's not there :) | 19:15 |
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees | ||
ocean | gobbe. would i need them if i need to upgrade bios then? what if i back it up and delete the partition and put it back once ubuntu has been installed, would it help | 19:15 |
uzi__ | lahwran: missing kernel module? | 19:15 |
slade991 | ikonia: is there a solution for mounting the hardrive and backup data ? | 19:15 |
nogatezfan | ubottu repair cd | 19:15 |
krish|wired-in | hey guys im trying to add lucid repos to lenny. getting this "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available" | 19:15 |
gobbe | ocean: in case that you need to update bios, you can recreate it | 19:15 |
lahwran | uzi__: not sure, that's the kind of thing I'd like to find out. | 19:15 |
krish|wired-in | on apititude update | 19:15 |
lickalott | whats the best way to make a 10.10 tubmdrive. i've tried 4 different times (2x with unetbootin and 2x with universal USB installer) and all 4 don't boot | 19:15 |
uzi__ | dpkg give me this error "cannot access archive: No such file or directory". please help. | 19:15 |
=== squidyj is now known as Squidy_J | ||
ocean | gobbe. how can i recreate it? | 19:16 |
gobbe | krish|wired-in: #debian | 19:16 |
uzi__ | lahwran: whats the make? | 19:16 |
greenser | damn, no super button on my cr48 | 19:16 |
nogatezfan | ubottu | 19:16 |
gobbe | ocean: just empty partition with fat32 | 19:16 |
krish|wired-in | gobbe, umgh ok | 19:16 |
lahwran | uzi__: lspci thinks it's "Texas Instruments ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface" | 19:16 |
slade991 | uzi__: i tried sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk but it just does nothing dbus doesn't got a reply | 19:16 |
ocean | ok and then | 19:16 |
Maahes | krish|wired-in: that means you need to pull down the public keys from the ubuntu website. but why are you trying to do this? most of ubuntu is derived from Debian. | 19:16 |
nogatezfan | ubottu # | 19:16 |
lahwran | !msgthebot | nogatezfan | 19:16 |
ubottu | nogatezfan: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 19:16 |
uzi__ | slade991: does mount command give you any error? | 19:16 |
ikonia | slade991: from the init prompt ? | 19:16 |
ikonia | nogatezfan: what do you want ? | 19:16 |
bluenemo | ok. i want to buy a wacom tablet for graphics stuff (painting and so on) and as some kind of a second mouse. i dont want to spend more than 300$. can anybody recommend a special product? | 19:17 |
mkquist | ocean: well, you need to back up the partitions first | 19:17 |
aimio | has anyone had any right click mouse issue in ubuntu 10.10 ?.. (and any ideas how to solve it). | 19:17 |
nogatezfan | is there a repair cd for 10.10? | 19:17 |
ikonia | nogatezfan: the install CD is a repair CD | 19:17 |
adac | Is it possible to make a file permanent within the temp folder? | 19:17 |
Maahes | aimio: what's the issue. | 19:17 |
lahwran | bluenemo: as in ubuntu compatibility? pretty sure they're all fine | 19:17 |
ikonia | nogatezfan: the install CD is also a livecd | 19:17 |
krish|wired-in | Maahes, i need to debootstrap lucid for xen | 19:17 |
slade991 | uzi__: no error from command line just running without response | 19:17 |
adac | *tmp folder | 19:17 |
ocean | ok i have done it now. so after deleting those could u explain me how to proceed. sorry gobbe i am not a technical guy | 19:17 |
krish|wired-in | debian is my dom0 | 19:17 |
Maahes | krish|wired-in: ah, that makes sense. :) | 19:17 |
uzi__ | lahwran: have you tried "sudo modprobe acx"? | 19:17 |
nogatezfan | what reoairs do i needd to start repair | 19:17 |
nogatezfan | commands | 19:17 |
lahwran | nogatezfan: the install CD is a full live ubuntu on-disk, which means that you have access to all the ubuntu tools you need, pretty much | 19:18 |
Maahes | krish|wired-in: but basically that message is harmless. | 19:18 |
slade991 | ikonia: no from live cd | 19:18 |
ikonia | nogatezfan: you boot the livecd and manually fix what ever issues you are having | 19:18 |
nogatezfan | ok--ok | 19:18 |
lahwran | uzi__: I have not, because I did not know of that module. *googles* | 19:18 |
bluenemo | lahwran, yeah should be ubuntu compatible yes. i have a x41tablet and use wacom stuff for it, so i have some experience with the wacom project.. but now i want such a tablet (without a monitor) and i dont quite know which one is 'good' | 19:18 |
nogatezfan | thanks | 19:18 |
teja | hi....i am having a very serious problem...i am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 from a USB...but at the Username window gets stucks... | 19:18 |
lahwran | bluenemo: try ##hardware | 19:18 |
bluenemo | ok thank you | 19:18 |
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees | ||
krish|wired-in | Maahes, so my packages got updated? | 19:19 |
tw3_ | aimio: I've having right click issues on natty, what's your issue? | 19:19 |
krish|wired-in | lemme check | 19:19 |
uzi__ | slade991: run "mount" without any parameters and see if its mounted. | 19:19 |
lahwran | bluenemo: and also maybe #gimp | 19:19 |
kcorcoran | anyone have any suggestions for a way to use yahoo messenger and a webcam (within empathy?) | 19:19 |
teja | hi....i am having a very serious problem...i am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 from a USB...but at the Username window gets stucks... | 19:19 |
ikonia | kcorcoran: it's not supported | 19:19 |
aimio | Maahes, i am not able to right click on desktop or folders etc, i have tried -q on nautilus and addins show_desktop to true but notting seems to be working, so i'm leaning into beliving the issue is with the mouse sessting's, i realy don't know what the problem is. | 19:19 |
bluenemo | good idea lahwran thanks a lot | 19:19 |
lahwran | teja: you have to have a lowercase username | 19:19 |
Maahes | krish|wired-in: yes, the "cannot be verified" means "we don't have the public key, so we can't verify this repo is who it says it is." that's all | 19:19 |
ocean | tx mkquist. could u explain me what to do next once i back it upt | 19:19 |
kcorcoran | what is the common method for webcam software? | 19:19 |
krish|wired-in | Maahes, nice. yeah it did :) | 19:19 |
slade991 | uzi__: ok done. It's not mounted | 19:19 |
ikonia | kcorcoran: something like skype | 19:19 |
radiohead | ok anyone with Ubuntu 10.10 - it would appear that the standard install /etc/network/interfaces contents are : auto lo / iface lo inet loopback | 19:19 |
teja | lahwran: the thing is i cant have a forward tab working | 19:19 |
krish|wired-in | did a dry-run of apt-get -s install debootstrap | 19:20 |
ikonia | radiohead: yes, and ? | 19:20 |
radiohead | no mention of either eth0 or eth1 | 19:20 |
krish|wired-in | lemme see the real thing now | 19:20 |
kcorcoran | ikonia: thankyou | 19:20 |
hitek88 | ikonia would happen to know what file to edit to have the server reboot after a kernel panic. It seems it waits for the manual reboot. A article states adding a line to /etc/sysctl.conf but in Ubuntu, it seems it is /etc/sysctl.d | 19:20 |
ikonia | radiohead: because it's configured through the network manager app, which would conflict with /etc/ineerfaces | 19:20 |
tw3_ | aimio, are you sure the issue isn't that the right click menu is invisible? | 19:20 |
tw3_ | that's what I'm getting | 19:20 |
radiohead | yet my ifconfig recognizes and shows both eth0 and eth1 | 19:20 |
uzi__ | slade991: run "dmesg | tail" and see whats the error given by the kernel. | 19:20 |
lahwran | teja: as I said, you need a lowercase username. you need to fill all the fields out as well. | 19:20 |
sudipta | does anyone know how to open itunes store in ubuntu without using itunes(of course)? | 19:20 |
teja | lahwran: ok ill try | 19:20 |
lahwran | uzi__: it seems I have no module acx. | 19:20 |
slade991 | uzi__: intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: MCP power or thermal limit exceeded | 19:20 |
aimio | tw3_, how would you go about fixing that ? if that may be the problem. | 19:20 |
ikonia | hitek88: not off the top of my head, but why are you doing that before you know it's even a kernel panic | 19:20 |
tw3_ | I'm not sure, I'm not able to reproduce it 100% | 19:21 |
Maahes | aimio: and you've confirmed that this mouse's right click works outside of ubuntu yes? | 19:21 |
xiven | Is there a way to become an "official", non-paid bug fix programmer for Ubuntu software (not the OS itself)? | 19:21 |
skooz | does Ubuntu work on old computer | 19:21 |
ikonia | radiohead: configure it through the network maanger applet | 19:21 |
lahwran | sudipta: well there is the ubuntu one music store, if you're just looking for music; you might be able to run itunes with wine, if you need to | 19:21 |
mkquist | ocean: I'm just saying you should back up those parts no matter what, unless you are pretty sure you wont need em again... | 19:21 |
tw3_ | sometimes it works, sometimes it's like the menu is invisible | 19:21 |
ikonia | xiven: what software ? | 19:21 |
radiohead | thanks ikonia | 19:21 |
aimio | Maahes, yes. | 19:21 |
tw3_ | e.g I can see the tooltips, and if i click it does the action | 19:21 |
hitek88 | ikonia true, going to see if I can check some logs first | 19:21 |
tw3_ | are you getting that behaviour? | 19:21 |
mkquist | ocean: Im of the opinion that you probably need to make one partition and extended | 19:21 |
Maahes | aimio: did your install start like this, or is this a new thing? | 19:21 |
radiohead | will network app support my wpa_supplicant options? | 19:21 |
Lcawte | Anyone know a package that will implement YAML syntax highlighting into gnome? | 19:21 |
ikonia | hitek88: get the monitor, plug it into the machine and see what happens | 19:21 |
ikonia | radiohead: yes | 19:22 |
sudipta | <lahwran> but can it be done???(itunes store)? | 19:22 |
ikonia | sudipta: itunes will not work on Linux | 19:22 |
lahwran | sudipta: I don't know. | 19:22 |
ocean | can i put back the content(of hp tools) to the same place once i create an extended and install the ubuntu | 19:22 |
radiohead | ikonia: thanks again | 19:22 |
uzi__ | lahwran: should you check kernel messages? | 19:22 |
lickalott | fat32 for usbdrive format correct? | 19:22 |
lahwran | ikonia: it works on wine. | 19:22 |
radiohead | that was puzzling me... | 19:22 |
lahwran | uzi__: oh right. | 19:22 |
radiohead | :) | 19:22 |
Maahes | aimio: and does the right click work in other programs, like the sudoku game or whatever? | 19:22 |
aimio | when i installed ubuntu 10.04 i had this problem but i solved it by disabling nautilus, but then in 10.10 i have tried everything but its not working :S | 19:22 |
ikonia | lahwran: not with full functionality | 19:22 |
lahwran | ikonia: oh. | 19:22 |
guampa | help with a tcp issue here, tcp connections on eth0 are broken, icmp/udp works | 19:23 |
Jarvis | guampa: Im in here as well, and i've got an idea | 19:23 |
Jarvis | i notice flow-control is enabled | 19:23 |
radiohead | one more question - does that mean in Ubuntu you should not manually change the /etc/network/interfaces file manually? | 19:23 |
tw3_ | aimio: is the right click menu working but not showing? | 19:23 |
guampa | yes it is | 19:23 |
bustedup277 | Alright, so I've installed my two network drivers, Broadcom and Realtek. So now I'm trying to connect to the internet (wlan/wireless) but I am now stumped. What do I do now? How do I get to see available networks and stuff? Screen shot here: | 19:23 |
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof_home | ||
ikonia | radiohead: it should not be used unless you want to disable the network manager applet, as it will cause a conflict | 19:23 |
uzi__ | slade991: try "mount -t <filesystem> /dev/sda1 /media/disk" | 19:24 |
Mrokii | hello. I'm wondering if there is an RSS-Reader that does not seriously lack features or is slow as molasses, to put it politely? | 19:24 |
skooz | all i see on my screen is a picture if i hit alt f1 the acces menu, games , ect drop down from the top | 19:24 |
Mrokii | For Ubuntu certainly. | 19:24 |
Jarvis | guampa: my first try would be to disable flow-control | 19:24 |
aimio | tw3_, when i press right click notting happens. | 19:24 |
Lcawte | Anyone know a package that will implement YAML syntax highlighting into gnome? | 19:24 |
uzi__ | dpkg give me this error "cannot access archive: No such file or directory". please help. | 19:24 |
lahwran | Mrokii: I'm sure there is, but my rss reader sucks too, mine is a chrome plugin. I'd like to know what you find out | 19:24 |
gobbe | guampa: thank you for your paste, what does sudo ifconfig say | 19:24 |
ikonia | uzi__: what (exactly) command are you using | 19:24 |
aimio | and i have checked if it works in other programs and it does not like the ubuntu game etc. no right click :S | 19:24 |
gdoteof_home | please HElp ---- i have to use on screen keyboard! | 19:24 |
Maahes | Mrokii: how many of the ones in the repositories have you tried? | 19:24 |
radiohead | have a good one ikonia - thanks for your time - very useful :) | 19:25 |
ikonia | radiohead: welcome | 19:25 |
guampa | Jarvis: allright, trying that now, what probs could it cause? | 19:25 |
Maahes | aimio: have you tried a different mouse with ubuntu? | 19:25 |
gdoteof_home | help me please | 19:25 |
bustedup277 | Can anyone answer my question? | 19:25 |
guampa | gobbe: | 19:25 |
Maahes | or plugging it into a different port. | 19:25 |
uzi__ | ikonia: dpkg install -i youtube-dl | 19:25 |
uzi__ | ikonia: sudo dpkg -i youtube-dl | 19:25 |
aimio | Maahes, it's a built in one i am on a netbook. | 19:25 |
Jarvis | my guess is your switch is doing something iffy with flow control, the livecd ignores it, but ubuntu respects it | 19:25 |
Quantum_Ion | Most optical mice should work in Ubuntu Linux | 19:25 |
ikonia | uzi__: it means the package file you want to install is not in the directory you are in, use the full path | 19:26 |
aimio | but i can try to plug in my other mouse sec. | 19:26 |
hilux | hey, im running maverick, I found a menu where I could specify the screensavers included on the gnome saver list, but I cant seem to find it again, anyone know where this would be ? | 19:26 |
ikonia | !info youtube-dl | 19:26 |
ubottu | youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.08.04-1 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 140 kB | 19:26 |
xangua | uzi__: just double clic the deb, youtube-dl is already in repositories by the way | 19:26 |
Maahes | bustedup277: what you want to do is a bridge, I'm not sure of the factoid though | 19:26 |
ikonia | uzi__: the package youtube-dl is in the repos, so install it with the package manager | 19:26 |
Maahes | !bridge | 19:26 |
Maahes | nope | 19:26 |
Maahes | aimio: okay, so it's not a mouse, its a touchpad, that's different | 19:26 |
uzi__ | xangua, ikonia: oh, right. | 19:26 |
Quantum_Ion | touchpad wtf !!!! | 19:27 |
gdoteof_screwed | hhey my ubuntu is F'D i have spent like 3 hours trying to get anything to work... i finally have a mouse and hacked a way to get the onboard keyboard up | 19:27 |
bustedup277 | Maahes, What? | 19:27 |
ikonia | Quantum_Ion: control the langauge | 19:27 |
bustedup277 | What do I need to do? | 19:27 |
bustedup277 | :/ | 19:27 |
ikonia | gdoteof_screwed: and you, controll the language | 19:27 |
gdoteof_screwed | but there does not seem to be a way to enable they keyboard | 19:27 |
Maahes | touchpads are tricky. one thing I would try at first is: sudo rmmod psmouse and then sudo modprobe psmouse | 19:27 |
aimio | yeah Maahes, works with my other mouse. | 19:27 |
slade991 | uzi__: any idea ? | 19:27 |
uzi__ | lahwran: if nothings works, perhaps you should try ndiswrapper. | 19:27 |
slade991 | ikonia: any idea ? | 19:27 |
kaddi | how do I identify to my nick using empathy? I've tried /identify , /ns identify /msg nickserv identify all I get is "unknown command" | 19:27 |
gsfai | to whoever helped me 2 days ago -- thanks! i solved everything | 19:27 |
ikonia | slade991: I've not been following the issue | 19:27 |
Mrokii | Maahes: My first try was to "ask google" and there I found "Liferea" and "rssOwl". The first being ridiculously stripped off any kind of advanced features, the second being awfully slow (imho). | 19:27 |
aimio | Maahes, it's a tochpad issue. "mousepad" | 19:27 |
Maahes | bustedup277: you're trying to take two computers right, and run internet from one, to the other right? | 19:27 |
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367 | ||
uzi__ | slade991: tried "mount -t <filesystem> /dev/sda1 /media/disk"? | 19:28 |
bustedup277 | I'm trying to run internet on my hp laptop with Ubuntu, so I installed the drivers I needed... | 19:28 |
bustedup277 | ._. | 19:28 |
xiven | Any software which runs on and has support provided by the Ubuntu Team. Preferably Gnome or KDE applications. | 19:28 |
gdoteof_screwed | i was trying to disable my touchpad and went down a slippery slope to hades | 19:28 |
xangua | kaddi: empathy is vey limited for irc | 19:28 |
gobbe | guampa: have you tried to setup tcpdump for eth0 with filters and try to ping something? | 19:28 |
gdoteof_screwed | I am on lucid | 19:28 |
Maahes | aimio: if the driver it uses is called mousepad do the same thing, sudo rmmod mousepad sudo modprobe mousepad | 19:28 |
slade991 | uzi__: same... no response from the command line | 19:28 |
gdoteof_screwed | i tried making a /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the kbd driver | 19:29 |
kaddi | xangua: what is the default irc client for ubuntu then? I'm using a live cd atm, so I would rather not install anything extra | 19:29 |
GreyFoxx | Can anyone point me toward some documentation relating to Xinerama issues and trouble shooting when you are actually using multiple video cards? Everything I find is related to single nvidia cards with multiple outputs. For some reason my multicard Xinerma setup locks up after the gdm login but before that is working fine | 19:29 |
Maahes | bustedup277: So you're trying to associate to a wireless access point? | 19:29 |
bustedup277 | yes | 19:29 |
xangua | kaddi: i use pidgin, try xchat maybe¿ | 19:29 |
aimio | Maahes, how can i do something like aplay -l for the mousepad to see what it the driver is called. | 19:29 |
bustedup277 | Trying to connect to my linksys router wlan. | 19:29 |
gobbe | guampa: because as you can see your eth0 has sent and received packages | 19:29 |
GreyFoxx | Once the system plays the login audio sound the second screen goes dark and entire thing locks solid | 19:29 |
gdoteof_screwed | i had to add AllowEmptyInput off | 19:29 |
uzi__ | slade991: strange. | 19:29 |
josefig | how is named the default's document viewer from ubuntu ? which you can open pdf files. | 19:29 |
gdoteof_screwed | to get my mousse to work | 19:29 |
bustedup277 | Keep in mind I am a total n00b, Maahes. | 19:29 |
bustedup277 | ;.; | 19:29 |
Maahes | Mrokii: honestly I'd vote Google reader, especially the plugin that turns it into a newspaper style feed. | 19:29 |
kaddi | xangua: isn't empathy the latest version of pidgin? | 19:30 |
* Anonymoose fly away | 19:30 | |
gdoteof_screwed | but my keyboard still doesn't work | 19:30 |
laurus | I just ran sudo make install and got these two lines: install -m 755 -p "wkhtmltopdf" "/bin/wkhtmltopdf" \n strip "/bin/wkhtmltopdf" . Does that mean that to erase this program I just have to rm /bin/wkhtmltopdf ? | 19:30 |
guampa | gobbe: yes i see them in the counters but not when i run a sniffer | 19:30 |
gdoteof_screwed | i am on another machine in webchat | 19:30 |
gdoteof_screwed | but i am also logged into my broken ubuntu | 19:30 |
slade991 | uzi__: yes i know... | 19:30 |
Maahes | aimio: just do a lsmod | 19:30 |
Maahes | its most likely psmouse | 19:30 |
guampa | gobbe: over a sniffer the packets that are *sent* aren't received on the other end | 19:30 |
Maahes | and synaptics, which uses psmouse | 19:30 |
ikonia | laurus: that's all it's installed | 19:30 |
Mrokii | Maahes: I've never tried out any of the Google-apps and I'm not sure if I want to. | 19:30 |
gobbe | guampa: hmmh...interesting. it would definetly help to get information what did you do before this occurred :) | 19:30 |
laurus | ikonia, so I can just rm it without messing up anything? | 19:31 |
slade991 | uzi__: fdisk see my harddrive but i cant mount it and dmesg tell me about overheating | 19:31 |
Maahes | Mrokii: it's pretty good. I'd also say mutt :) but that's different as well. | 19:31 |
gdoteof_screwed | please, what can I do to get my keyboard working | 19:31 |
ikonia | laurus: yes | 19:31 |
kaddi | the next question would be if there is any known problem with empathy and MSN? It has been connecting for 4 minutes now without any positive or negative feedback | 19:31 |
aimio | yeah i have a psmouse in lsmod. | 19:31 |
uzi__ | slade991: should you use disk-utility? | 19:31 |
m310 | Anyone ever setup a home video camera system on linux ? | 19:31 |
c00kiemon5ter | hey people, | 19:31 |
Maahes | bustedup277: given the speed that this channel is going, I kinda recommend asking in ##networking | 19:31 |
guampa | gobbe: yes it is interesting indeed, and in fact i'm seeing some scripts i have around i'm examining more carefully now, i'm pasting them over tooç | 19:31 |
laurus | ikonia, thanks! :) | 19:31 |
xangua | kaddi: ubuntu updated¿¿ i use msn-pecan for pidgin with no problems, works with empathy too | 19:32 |
bustedup277 | Lolk. | 19:32 |
root | Hehe | 19:32 |
c00kiemon5ter | does ubuntu come with pulse installed and set up for you ? | 19:32 |
root | Is it ? | 19:32 |
lahwran | root: not particularly funny. | 19:32 |
xangua | c00kiemon5ter: pulseaudio¿ yes | 19:32 |
ikonia | c00kiemon5ter: yes | 19:32 |
Maahes | m310: you might get a better representation for that question in #ubuntustudio | 19:32 |
=== root is now known as Guest12310 | ||
c00kiemon5ter | ha, good thanks | 19:32 |
Guest12310 | ANY FEMALE? | 19:32 |
Mrokii | Maahes: Mutt... another text-based reader... :/ Seems as if I need to get used to non graphical apps to get any kind of decent ones :/ | 19:32 |
aimio | Maahes, my computer is a lenovo, ideapad, s10-3t. (it's a touch screen enabled as well).. | 19:32 |
Guest12310 | SEX WITH ME? | 19:32 |
Guest12310 | COME | 19:32 |
slade991 | uzi__: disk utility ? | 19:32 |
kaddi | xangua: nope.. live-cd so prolly out of date. What is pecan-msn? | 19:32 |
Maahes | aimio: some touchpads use proprietary drivers, and this is not so fun =\ | 19:33 |
uzi__ | slade991: under system->administration | 19:33 |
kaddi_ | xangua, ok switched to xchat :) | 19:33 |
c00kiemon5ter | ah, ofc it uses alsa underneath, alsa has stuff like amixer, which are really convient when writing scripts | 19:33 |
gdoteof_screwed | i have tried xorg -configure | 19:33 |
guampa | ujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 19:33 |
xangua | kaddi_ an alternative msn plugin | 19:33 |
arrty | i just rm'd a file. how can i get it back quickly? | 19:33 |
c00kiemon5ter | should I use those, or are there pulseaudio alternatives ? | 19:33 |
gdoteof_screwed | but when i start x with the new config file it makes, i just get bsod | 19:33 |
guampa | yeah it's working now!! | 19:33 |
lahwran | where might I find a driver for "Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)"? it seems that the default wifi drivers (which would be madwifi, correct?) don't have the firmware and it shows up as 802.11-DS | 19:33 |
Maahes | Mrokii: I like text based readers, so I'm a bad person to ask. But the newspaper layout readers (there's 3 of them I think, one is mac only, the other two are webapps IIRC) are pretty nice too | 19:33 |
c00kiemon5ter | (to actually change the volume level, nothing more) | 19:33 |
gdoteof_screwed | I would really really appreciate how to get my keyboard working. I will only have access to this laptop that i am typing on for like 20 more minutes | 19:33 |
gobbe | guampa: so, what was it? | 19:34 |
gdoteof_screwed | then i will have to try and get help using my onscreen keyboard | 19:34 |
Maahes | lahwran: is it on the list of supported hardware? | 19:34 |
kaddi_ | xangua, thanks I'll try that :) | 19:34 |
gdoteof_home | plz | 19:34 |
aimio | Maahes, but i did not have this problem in 10.04 so what did they change :S? if i could know what they changed then i could fix it maybe.. | 19:34 |
slade991 | uzi__: disk utility tell me there is already a job pending and the disk is busy | 19:34 |
Emb3r | hey #ubuntu, I have a question | 19:34 |
Maahes | gdoteof_screwed: what happened, how did your keyboard stop working, have you tried using another keyboard? have you tried plugging it into a different port? | 19:34 |
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lahwran | !ask | Emb3r | 19:34 |
ubottu | Emb3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:34 |
guampa | i had wrote a script, i was sure it wasn't running but maybe some other init script of mine was calling it, basically "for offload in rx tx sg tso ufo gso gro lro; do ethtool -K $1 $offload $2; done" | 19:35 |
Emb3r | My laptop goes to a blank screen about every 20 minutes or so | 19:35 |
lahwran | Maahes: it's not supported by the default driver, so obviously not. | 19:35 |
uzi__ | slade991: perhaps, there's a physical problem with the disk. | 19:35 |
guampa | i used it to enable/disable the different offloading options in the card | 19:35 |
Maahes | lahwran: is it in the ndiswrapper drivers? | 19:35 |
gobbe | guampa: yep :) | 19:35 |
lahwran | Maahes: now that's an interesting idea. | 19:35 |
arrty | hi. i just rm'd a file. how can i get it back quickly? | 19:35 |
guampa | there's some offloading that breaks tcp, i turned them all off and my beloved transmission congestion protocol works again :) | 19:36 |
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slade991 | uzi__: how can i test that ? | 19:36 |
bezao | how can i completly remove a packge in ubuntu? for example, when i do "apt-get remove mysql-server" then "apt-get install mysql-server" it doesnt prompt me the password for root! | 19:36 |
slade991 | uzi__: smart test from disk utility doesn't seems bad at all | 19:36 |
gsfai | sacarlson: i solved it | 19:36 |
guampa | gobbe, Jarvis: thank you pals | 19:36 |
gsfai | sacarlson: it was indeed a kernel problem, gparted ISO saved my life | 19:36 |
Emb3r | It turns off about every 20 minutes, but it's NOT a locked screen, it's clearly just blank, I can move the mouse and it snaps back up. The sound and whatnot cuts out, though, it seems more like it's going to sleep then anything else. This only happens while on battery, and I definitely didn't set it like this. Doing some investigation, I have two screensaver apps installed (idk why) one is Xscreensaver and the other is the basic screensaver | 19:37 |
Emb3r | from Ubuntu. I uninstalled Xscreensaver, but the problem persists. What do? | 19:37 |
atom138 | hey guys im taking the leap ubuntu (finally) | 19:37 |
slade991 | uzi__: running self test from smart disk utility tell me the disk is "healthy" | 19:37 |
Maahes | another thing you can try aimio is deleting .config and .nautilus (or if you don't have anything really there yet, all .files in your home dir) and logging back out and then in again, they will be regenerated | 19:37 |
atom138 | wondering if I could get some pointers | 19:37 |
lahwran | what does "CTRL+ALT+SysRq+B" do? (BEWARE POSSIBLY DANGEROUS) - a friend just told me to try it | 19:37 |
Maahes | lahwran: Reboot | 19:38 |
Maahes | a hard reboot | 19:38 |
shadaloo | hi does anyone know a small lightwieght program | 19:38 |
shadaloo | that I can paste the contents of a screengrab in? | 19:38 |
bezao | how can i completly remove a packge in ubuntu? for example, when i do "apt-get remove mysql-server" then "apt-get install mysql-server" it doesnt prompt me the password for root! | 19:38 |
Maahes | if you're going to use it you should use: REISVB Raising Elephants Is So Very Boring. | 19:38 |
Mrokii | Maahes: Maybe I should have specified my requirements a bit more: Despite the hype for webapps, I am more for a local app that stores the data on my own computer. It should also be using a GUI and should be running on Ubuntu. | 19:38 |
shadaloo | bezao: did you try -purge? | 19:38 |
rww | bezao: apt-get purge instead of apt-get remove. | 19:38 |
aimio | Maahes, i did sudo rmmod psmouse and then sudo modprobe psmouse that did not work. | 19:38 |
cmndrkeen | hallo nerds, i cant get multiple screens to run seperate instead of mirroring, help? | 19:39 |
lahwran | bezao: that's because you've authenticated for root, and sudo only asks once about every ten minutes. | 19:39 |
uzi__ | slade991: i can't really tell what is wrong without any error messages. perhaps, should you try formatting? | 19:39 |
lahwran | cmndrkeen: what graphics driver? | 19:39 |
bezao | lahwran no, i mean the root pasword for mysql | 19:39 |
cmndrkeen | lahwran: its an old ibm, how do i find out | 19:40 |
bezao | shadaloo yes, but no success, mysql install doesnt ask me the password for root again | 19:40 |
philip_ | bezao, you should type sudo first to get root privileges otherwise you won't be asked for your password but the command would not executed either. | 19:40 |
lahwran | bezao: ah. then purge is the correct thing. | 19:40 |
=== Amgine_ is now known as Amgine_lurking | ||
bezao | but it should ask me for the mysql root password again, but it doesnt ! | 19:40 |
nyRednek | ok, i got a smb share that i'd like to automount as soon as the user connects, how would i set networkmanager to do that? | 19:41 |
solo-mono | hello tell me please best client for IRC | 19:41 |
breadcrumb | !best | solo-mono | 19:41 |
ubottu | solo-mono: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 19:41 |
grelle | hello | 19:41 |
nyRednek | solo-mono: irssi | 19:41 |
solo-mono | for Ubuntu | 19:42 |
nyRednek | solo-mono: again, irssi | 19:42 |
lahwran | solo-mono: irssi is in my opinion the best command line client and xchat is in my opinion the best graphical client. I use xchat. | 19:42 |
cmndrkeen | lahwran: how do i find out the graph drivers on this old ibm laptop? | 19:42 |
c00kiemon5ter | !βοτ | 19:42 |
c00kiemon5ter | !bot | 19:42 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | 19:42 |
c00kiemon5ter | ubottu: bug vlc | 19:42 |
lahwran | cmndrkeen: lspci | 19:42 |
c00kiemon5ter | -.- clever bot | 19:42 |
bezao | !bug vlc | 19:42 |
gardar | solo-mono: weechat is by far the best | 19:43 |
grelle | I have some drives with GPT (not supported by fdisk) and some without. How do I convert between the different formats? | 19:43 |
bezao | nah | 19:43 |
c00kiemon5ter | !bugs | 19:43 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 19:43 |
atom138 | Hey guys...if I have BSOD xp i need to fit from ubuntu cd?ormat with bootdisk or can i do | 19:43 |
slade991 | uzi__: i'm back | 19:43 |
lahwran | !msgthebot | c00kiemon5ter | 19:43 |
atom138 | fit = reformat* | 19:43 |
ubottu | c00kiemon5ter: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 19:43 |
dougl | can anyone help me find where 'mouse trails' option would hide in 10.10/compiz config? | 19:43 |
solo-mono | how is empathy for IRC good or not? | 19:43 |
slade991 | uzi__: that's really strange because smart test tell me everything it's ok, fdisk see the disk gparted too | 19:43 |
grelle | As I understand it, GPT is the new partition table format? | 19:43 |
c00kiemon5ter | !leavemealone | lahwran | 19:43 |
aimio | !mouse | 19:43 |
ubottu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 19:43 |
slade991 | uzi__: but i can't mount it | 19:43 |
cmndrkeen | lahwran: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY | 19:44 |
xangua | c00kiemon5ter: stop that c00kiemon5ter | 19:44 |
xangua | solo-mono: empathy is very limited for irc | 19:44 |
gardar | solo-mono: it's ok for a light irc user, but for a power user it's way too simple | 19:44 |
lahwran | cmndrkeen: then beyond pointing you to system->preferences->monitors, I can't help you | 19:44 |
nyRednek | solo-mono: that's equivalent to using pidgin for can do it, but why would you want to? | 19:44 |
anvo | How can I stop Ubuntu recieving updates I do not need? | 19:44 |
dougl | aimio, thanks | 19:44 |
lahwran | solo-mono: in my opinion, awful. | 19:44 |
cmndrkeen | lahwran: ok thx anyway! | 19:45 |
lahwran | anvo: depends on what you mean by "do not need". do you not want security updates? | 19:45 |
nyRednek | lahwran: you know your way around networkmanager? | 19:45 |
lahwran | nyRednek: fairly well, why | 19:45 |
aimio | Maahes, i have tried that with the config and nautilus thingy no changes. | 19:45 |
anvo | Updater informs me about Nvidia graphics card updates, but I do not have Nvidia in my PC! | 19:46 |
lahwran | what happened to the "software sources" menu item in system->administration? I used to use that button... | 19:46 |
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nyRednek | lahwran: well, i'd like to execute a command on connection to a particular wifi network and don't remember how | 19:46 |
IdleOne | !softsources > lahwran | 19:46 |
kaddi_ | xangua, thanks the pecan-msn thingie worked, I'm now online :) | 19:46 |
ubottu | lahwran, please see my private message | 19:46 |
aimio | man i hate config stuff :P | 19:46 |
kaddi_ | do I have to worry about compatibility when I'm considering using an SSD with ubuntu? | 19:46 |
P4G0 | hi there... my aufs is now running | 19:47 |
nsahoo | hi guys. some of the bash keyboard shortcuts are not working for some reason. I believe it happened after the 10.10 upgrade. It's the shortcuts that start with alt that are not working. e.g. alt+b to go back a word in bash command line | 19:47 |
lahwran | IdleOne: I know where to get it now, it's just somewhat annoying that it's gone from the easy-to-describe place | 19:47 |
P4G0 | has anyone experience in using AUFS? | 19:47 |
nyRednek | lahwran: any clue or reminder? | 19:47 |
lahwran | P4G0: I have some bad experiences with AUFS, those count? ask your question. | 19:47 |
IdleOne | lahwran: someone decided it was better hidden :/ | 19:47 |
nyRednek | lahwran: i'm running 10.04.1 on the client | 19:47 |
Maahes | Mrokii: take a look at gobblerss akregator the sage extension to firefox blogbridge | 19:47 |
lahwran | nyRednek: why are you asking me? | 19:47 |
Maahes | aimio: then you're going to have to write configs to X for your touchpad driver, yeah it sucks =\ | 19:48 |
Mrokii | Maahes: I will, thank you. | 19:48 |
nsahoo | any clue ? | 19:48 |
nyRednek | lahwran: you seem to be one of the few around here who know anything | 19:48 |
aimio | Maahes, do you know where i can read about that so i know what to add etc.. beacuse i have no clue. | 19:48 |
aimio | :P | 19:48 |
cmndrkeen | cant use my levelone wlan usb adapter, what do i do? | 19:49 |
lahwran | nyRednek: lol just ask your questions generically. there are plenty of knowledgeable people, after all there are 1500 people here | 19:49 |
Maahes | aimio: try the !touchpad or !mouse commands to ubuntu, and look for your device on the ubuntu forums | 19:49 |
aimio | !touchpad | 19:49 |
ubottu | For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see | 19:49 |
veszafein | so heres a question, i i got ubuntu on on hard drive and need to put win7 on a second, if i disconnect my linux hard drive during install they should both run smoothely yes? | 19:49 |
nyRednek | well, as i was saying, i'd like to automatically issue a smbmount command upon connection to a particular netork | 19:49 |
Maahes | and google google google, and hang out in here, so when you get stuck, someone might be in to help | 19:49 |
dougl | aimio, thanks - did not see anything about pointer trails tho. | 19:50 |
aimio | Maahes, thanks | 19:50 |
anvo | Though I do not have an Nvidia graphics card nor any Nvidia repository in my repository list, I recieve updates about Nvidia. How do I stop updates for non-critical software I do not need? | 19:50 |
grelle | I have two disks. If I list the partition tables with fdisk I get the following output. DISK1: Id ee System GPT. DISK2: Id 83 System Linux. Whats the difference? It's the same filesystem (XFS) on both | 19:50 |
lahwran | anvo: why do you think you do not need it? | 19:50 |
anvo | Because my graphics card is an Intel one... | 19:50 |
Maahes | grelle: what's the size of the GPT partition? | 19:50 |
crooks306 | >.< | 19:50 |
grelle | Maahes: 500GB | 19:50 |
grelle | Maahes: The non-gpt is 2TB | 19:51 |
cmndrkeen | cant use my levelone wlan usb adapter, what do i do? | 19:51 |
Maahes | oh hehe :) | 19:51 |
lahwran | nyRednek: google first result for "run command on networkmanager connect" | 19:51 |
crooks306 | anvo: your Intel card likely has an nvidia chip in it. | 19:51 |
wyclif | hi again all | 19:51 |
grelle | Maahes: Does it matter if it's GPT or not? | 19:52 |
anvo | Ubuntu software tells me its an Intel chip, not Nvidia! | 19:52 |
Maahes | Your GPT Partition is the GUID Partition Table see: | 19:52 |
Maahes | Its where the MBR is stored | 19:52 |
grelle | Maahes: I've noticed that neither cfdisk or fdisk supports GPT | 19:52 |
anvo | lspci, for instance, shows Intel GM chip! | 19:52 |
Maahes | grelle: handled by the bootloader, not fdisk and the like | 19:53 |
anvo | Anyhow, my question is not what chip is my graphics card, but how to stop Update Manager to recieve updates for Nvidia... Then I'll see if I need it or not... | 19:53 |
crooks306 | anvo: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | 19:54 |
nyRednek | test | 19:54 |
Mrokii | anvo: I guess you could tell Synaptic to stay with a certain version. | 19:55 |
grelle | Maahes: right, but GPT is the newer format. I don't really need it for these disks. Is there a way to convert it to the "old" format? | 19:55 |
anvo | crooks306, the command shows some nvidia packages! | 19:55 |
crooks306 | what happens when you apt-get remove them? | 19:55 |
dougl | What is the proceedure to enable 'mouse trails' in ubuntu 10.10/compiz config? | 19:55 |
anvo | Mrokii, I don't know how to do that... | 19:55 |
grelle | Maahes: Or do I have to wipe the partition table and rebuild it from scratch? | 19:56 |
crooks306 | anvo: what happens when you apt-get remove them? | 19:56 |
Mrokii | anvo: You can lock the version of certain installed packages, so maybe that is possible for the nvida-driver as well, I don't know. | 19:56 |
anvo | hmmm | 19:56 |
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grelle | Maahes: The GPT disk is empty atm, so I don't mind wiping it | 19:56 |
crooks306 | anvo: if you can't remove them out right. Look up pinning. | 19:56 |
wyclif | anvo: https// | 19:56 |
anvo | crooks306, I haven't tried yet, but I suppose even if I remove them I'll still receive update notifications about it... | 19:57 |
wyclif | anvo: scroll down to "Disable Conflicting Software" | 19:57 |
crooks306 | anvo: if they aren't installed then there is nothing to update. | 19:57 |
prower | hello :> i have a wireless-capable laptop that's currently running ubuntu 10.10 and connected to a LAN (via cat-6 cable ;>) it possible that i could use the wireless on the laptop to "share" the lan connection to other wireless devices? | 19:57 |
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anvo | crooks306, I'll try removing them... | 19:58 |
wyclif | anvo: are nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx-new, nvidia-settings installed? | 19:58 |
Maahes | grelle: well it should be a hybrid set up anyways, but you might try partitioning them on a non-EFI board, or try a tool like testdisk | 19:59 |
anvo | wyclif, no, not any of them! | 19:59 |
grelle | Maahes: Why hybrid? | 19:59 |
hospes9 | helo | 19:59 |
Maahes | GPT hybrid setup will be recognized on MBR only boards. | 19:59 |
hospes9 | co tam ciekawego | 19:59 |
Maahes | basically it puts an mbr inside of gpt | 20:00 |
grelle | Maahes: Does it really matter for drives that are only used for file storage? | 20:00 |
grelle | Maahes: The OS is installed on a separate drive | 20:01 |
Atlantic777 | How to make program run it's thread when I run it from terminal so terminal stay usable after running an app? | 20:01 |
Maahes | ah, you want to eliminate either an MBR or GBT | 20:01 |
spencer | Okay so I'm in a bit of a predicament. Apparently my flip phone got a virus, or it just unraveled. anyway, it had a microSD card in it, and now nothing will recognize the microSD card. Is there any way I can force ubuntu to mount it? it isn't even showing up in gparted | 20:01 |
Maahes | grelle: well I know one way that should work cat /dev/zero/ /dev/gpt | 20:02 |
ubuntu1 | spencer , it should automount, if not, then i am afraid there is more to it.. | 20:02 |
Maahes | > | 20:02 |
Maahes | that was missing | 20:03 |
vultraz | hi can anyone help me with my problem? | 20:03 |
grelle | Maahes: well, yes. I'd like to have the same setup on all drives. to keep it tidy. :-) | 20:03 |
spencer | ubuntu1 it isn't even showing up as a viable device in disk utility | 20:03 |
Maahes | this is the dos way of doing what I just said up there | 20:03 |
grelle | Maahes: Ahh, thanks! | 20:04 |
ubuntu1 | spencer , put it in and open up gnome terminal do an dmesg | tail | 20:04 |
ubuntu1 | see what it say's | 20:04 |
spencer | just dmesg | tail? | 20:04 |
ubuntu1 | yeah , after its plugged in again | 20:05 |
loculinux | dsdjkjtye4efggyttrvjgtyrkk jgftiiop+ | 20:05 |
spencer | ubuntu1 it says medium error, and more stuff | 20:06 |
ubuntu1 | thats bad | 20:06 |
spencer | ubuntu1 could be worse I guess, it's only a medium error | 20:06 |
ubuntu1 | spencer , reboot system, and try again , come back if it did not change a thing | 20:07 |
spencer | ubuntu1 I don't think it would change anything, I've tried a bunch of stuff already | 20:07 |
ubuntu1 | yes okay | 20:08 |
msandoy | spencer: The medium is not the grade of error, it means the storage medium is bad. | 20:08 |
kyle__ | Hello. | 20:09 |
vultraz | hi can anyone help me with my problem? | 20:09 |
spencer | msandoy so the chip is toast, no way to recover it? | 20:09 |
skooz | Need to start off with basics about Ubuntu what should I read | 20:09 |
wolfric_ | Can i get some help installing openvpn: here's the error: here's sources: | 20:09 |
wolfric_ | running 10.10 | 20:09 |
kyle__ | Installing on a box with IDE for the first time in a long time. Weird thing is, all three of the drives show up as scsi devices. Is that normal? | 20:09 |
gobbe | wolfric_: | 20:10 |
cmndrkeen | how do i open a jar file that isnt permitted? | 20:10 |
gobbe | kyle__: yes it is | 20:10 |
ubuntu1 | spencer , have you got windows as well ? | 20:10 |
zmarty | I have a problem with my LUKS encrypted raid1, which I successfully open using: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md6 crypt1. This creates /dev/mapper/crypt1. The problem is that the node device for the first partition in crypt1 is missing. It should be /dev/mapper/crypt1p1. The command sfdisk -l /dev/mapper/crypt1 shows /dev/mapper/crypt1p1 exists, but Ubuntu does not create the file. Any idea why? All my files are there and I have been working o | 20:10 |
zmarty | n this for 8 hours now :( | 20:10 |
Maahes | ubuntu1: you may try using a live cd and running e2fsck on it, especially with the flag that enables the Badblocks pass (use man e2fsck to find that one) | 20:10 |
spencer | ubuntu1 yeah, but if it's for formatting I'd want to DBAN it first | 20:10 |
kyle__ | gobbe: Hu. And if the system doesn't boot afterwards, just hangs at the end of bios (not even into grub)? | 20:10 |
msandoy | spencer: There might be special software around, but I have actually never had any luck recovering from damaged storage devices. There might be others in here who knows more about that. | 20:10 |
gobbe | kyle__: well is your hardware ok? | 20:11 |
kyle__ | gobbe: I thought the fact it was showing an ide device as scsi was the issue. | 20:11 |
spencer | msandoy alright, but so medium read error means that the chip is more than likely toast? | 20:11 |
kyle__ | gobbe: It runs live cds and the installer perfectly well. None of the drives report errors. | 20:11 |
shcherbak | spencer: testdisk, photorec, scalpel | 20:11 |
ubuntu1 | yeah toast | 20:11 |
em | hi folks, I've been trying to build and install the racket source code on my Linux machine (ubuntu 10.10). I created a directory called 'build' in racket-5.0.2/src/ and ran a successful configure --prefix=/usr/local/racket --enable-shared and a successful make. But when I do sudo checkinstall it is failing with an error that says mkdir cannot create paths like /usr/local/racket/lib etc.. | 20:11 |
gobbe | kyle__: well if you dont even see grub it might be that something is wrong | 20:11 |
ubuntu1 | testdisk could be worth a try | 20:12 |
gobbe | em: sudo -s, and then run it again | 20:12 |
arunce | zmarty: did you mount /dev/mapper/crypt1p1 ? | 20:12 |
spencer | alright | 20:12 |
vultraz | hi can anyone help me with my problem? | 20:12 |
ubuntu1 | spencer, by the way, if its toast , no need to dban it.. :P | 20:12 |
msandoy | spencer: it means that there are errors on the medium. | 20:12 |
em | gobbe: okay i'll try but I did use sudo checkinstall. | 20:12 |
kyle__ | gobbe: I know that part. That's why I'm here. Was hoping someone may have run into a similar situation installing modern ubuntu on an old box. | 20:12 |
zmarty | @arunce /dev/mapper/crypt1p1 does not exist, but it should. So I cannot mount it. | 20:12 |
ubuntu1 | spencer | 20:13 |
ubuntu1 | good luck :P | 20:13 |
spencer | thanks ubuntu1 and msandoy | 20:13 |
em | gobbe: same error with that. | 20:13 |
msandoy | spencer: Those errors might have come as a result of your phone crashing. The chip might still be ok if you format it. But I guess you are interrested in the content. :-) | 20:14 |
arunce | zmarty: sorry, i didn't read all. | 20:14 |
lesshaste | what do people use to play "Microsoft media server (MMS) protocol source" which is what firefox is trying to find a plugin for and failing? | 20:15 |
veronica | hi all | 20:16 |
lesshaste | of the 1478 people here.. is no one awake? :) | 20:17 |
msandoy | hi Veronica | 20:17 |
veronica | I have a macbook pro 13.3 with ubuntu 10.10 32bit loaded. The sound works only if I plug in my headphones otherwise I can hear nothing, can anyone help please? | 20:17 |
ubuntu1 | lesshaste, i seem to remember playing it with mplayer or vlc , but cant give any details | 20:18 |
mkquist | lesshaste: what are you trying to play? | 20:18 |
lesshaste | I think the answer is ubuntu-restricted-extras | 20:18 |
lesshaste | but I only found that after quite a bit of googling | 20:18 |
wolfric_ | gobbe: did you bother to read my pastebin? | 20:18 |
saladin | /msg NickServ identify hiyall11 | 20:18 |
saladin | hmmm | 20:18 |
ubuntu1 | lesshaste, and now it streams with the default totem ? | 20:18 |
saladin | ohh well:) LOL | 20:18 |
gobbe | wolfric_: yes | 20:18 |
llutz | saladin: time for a new password | 20:18 |
saladin | yup | 20:19 |
shcherbak | saladin: nice | 20:19 |
saladin | not really the right one anyways:) LOL | 20:19 |
lesshaste | ubuntu1: I am working on that.. :) I'll let you know in a moment | 20:19 |
ubuntu1 | the great saladin , an honer to meet you | 20:19 |
wolfric_ | Can i get some help installing openvpn: here's the error: here's sources: Running 10.10 | 20:19 |
ubuntu1 | :) | 20:19 |
lesshaste | hmm .. I get a lot of libavdevice52 depends on libavutil49 (>= 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1) | libavutil-extra-49 (>= 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1); however: | 20:19 |
lesshaste | Package libavutil49 is to be removed. | 20:19 |
lesshaste | Package libavutil-extra-49 is not installed. | 20:19 |
x3cion | Hello, I've made a hard link for a directory somehow, but don't know how i did it | 20:20 |
x3cion | does someone know how to hardlink between directories? | 20:20 |
veronica | I checked all the options, the sound card selected is the right one the alsamixer is not muted and for what reason would it work on headphones and not on normal? | 20:20 |
kyle__ | x3cion: ln. Also cp -lShe may be interested in different sexual activities as well. A woman that once enjoyed oral sex may no longer be interested in fellatio or cunnilingus. A woman that never showed much of an interest in either may now prefer oral sex. She may also be interested in trying new things in the bedroom. This will include sexual positions, especially as her belly expands, but it may not be limited to them. Now is a very good time to engage in both | 20:20 |
wrd | xeros: use ln ... | 20:20 |
gobbe | wolfric_: so are you running 10.04? | 20:20 |
kyle__ | Yowza silly copy paste error. | 20:20 |
ubuntu1 | hm, family friendly ? | 20:20 |
gobbe | wolfric_: sorry, 10.109 | 20:21 |
* kyle__ hates the emulated middle click on his laptop. | 20:21 | |
* rww blinks | 20:21 | |
x3cion | This must be embarrassing | 20:21 |
x3cion | lol | 20:21 |
* kyle__ shrugs | 20:21 | |
rww | moving swiftly onwards... | 20:21 |
kyle__ | x3cion: I've run the proxy server at a large company before. It's about the least embarrasing of emabarrasing pages you can get. Some are just frightening. | 20:22 |
veronica | so what was that about kyle | 20:22 |
gobbe | wolfric_: try sudo apt-get update, it's in main repository and is installable | 20:22 |
gobbe | wolfric_: i just installed it from there | 20:22 |
wrd | I've got troubles with my encrypted harddisk, if I'm trying to decrypt it via luksOpen it fails and syslog entriy states: device-mapper: table: 252:1: crypt: Device lookup failed (this is experienced on maverick) i don't hav a usb stick, but if i use an image file, cryptsetup works fine... | 20:22 |
IdleOne | clearly it had to do with some research about pregnant women. | 20:22 |
kyle__ | veronica: I was responding to someone asking how to make hard links. ln and cp -l both work for that. | 20:22 |
IdleOne | Now back to support. | 20:22 |
ubuntu1 | kyle_ that was a really 'hardlink" :P | 20:23 |
x3cion | kyle__: I want to hardlink between folders, not files | 20:24 |
__name__ | you cannot do that. | 20:24 |
gobbe | wolfric_: your sources.list is missing main repository | 20:24 |
x3cion | I must've done it | 20:24 |
__name__ | you cannot hardlink directories. | 20:24 |
kyle__ | x3cion: cp -l I believe is the right one then. | 20:24 |
kyle__ | You can also use it to create a tree of links. | 20:24 |
__name__ | -d, -F, --directory | 20:24 |
__name__ | allow the superuser to attempt to hard link directories (note: | 20:24 |
kyle__ | But it's been awhile since I've done that. | 20:24 |
__name__ | will probably fail due to system restrictions, even for the | 20:24 |
__name__ | superuser) | 20:24 |
FloodBot3 | __name__: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:24 |
gobbe | wolfric_: you have it only with maverick-backports but not with maverick | 20:24 |
rww | x3cion: how come you think you "must've done it"? | 20:25 |
veronica | please help me with this sound issue | 20:25 |
kyle__ | veronica: You're on a mac, running ubuntu. And the sound is only working when you plug in headphones? | 20:25 |
wolfric_ | gobbe: what is the main repository line? | 20:25 |
veronica | kyle__, yes, so it's always working but the speakers aren't? | 20:26 |
gobbe | wolfric_: deb maverick main restricted | 20:26 |
gobbe | wolfric_: or add ie in front of archive if you want local | 20:26 |
joeri | Does anybody know why pulse doesn't work really well on 10.10 | 20:26 |
veronica | internal speakers | 20:26 |
x3cion | rww, i found a tut saying that i can find hard links with find / -xdev -samefile file1 | 20:26 |
lesshaste | what's the difference between sgtreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ? | 20:26 |
Stava | whats up with transmission using 100% cpu? :( | 20:26 |
wolfric_ | gobbe: am i mistaken? or are all the names after the link the repository lists you want to install... i have main there | 20:26 |
wrd | veronica: areyou sure that the speakers aren't broken? | 20:26 |
kyle__ | veronica: Sounds like there's an issue with an option being passed to the sound-driver. I hate to say it, but unless you feel like really digging into alsa, it's par for the course using linux on Apple hardware. | 20:26 |
__name__ | why would you want a directory hardlink? | 20:26 |
em | is there any built in ap for using the webcam on my laptop on ubuntu? | 20:26 |
gobbe | wolfric_: you have main in maverick-backports | 20:27 |
amorimII | olá e boa tarde para todos | 20:27 |
x3cion | __name__: I believe i had an issue with ftp | 20:27 |
gobbe | wolfric_: not in maverick | 20:27 |
wolfric_ | but i also have main after that | 20:27 |
veronica | I tried the alsamixer | 20:27 |
em | what app do you use to use the webcam on your laptop? | 20:27 |
gobbe | wolfric_: which line? | 20:27 |
wolfric_ | gobbe: ah i see | 20:27 |
kyle__ | veronica: Last time I ran linux on a mac-laptop, I had the exact opposit problem (speakers were always on, even when plugging int the headphones). It was years ago, so I forget exactly what the fix was, but it was easy. After I compiled my own version of alsa for the laptop that is. | 20:27 |
gobbe | wolfric_: so you need to have it also for plain maverick | 20:28 |
rww | !pt | amorimII | 20:28 |
ubottu | amorimII: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 20:28 |
veronica | kyle__, but everything was on, headphones and front speakers included | 20:28 |
em | rw Im speaking English. | 20:28 |
em | !info webcam | 20:28 |
IdleOne | em: you will notice that wasn't directed at you | 20:28 |
ubottu | webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB | 20:28 |
veronica | kyle__, the only option I could not turn on was surround, which was on MM and Off Off | 20:29 |
kyle__ | veronica: Everything was on for your, then it dissapeared? | 20:29 |
kyle__ | veronica: Oh, in alsamixer. | 20:29 |
wolfric_ | gobbe: what about the bottom line? | 20:29 |
veronica | kyle__, yes | 20:29 |
rww | em: that wasn't directed at you... | 20:29 |
em | IdleOne: yeah I just noticed, sorry. It highlighted me :) | 20:30 |
kyle__ | veronica: 9.04, 10.04, 10.10? | 20:30 |
gobbe | wolfric_: you could add it there | 20:30 |
gobbe | wolfric_: its for maverick but has only universe | 20:30 |
rww | lol | 20:30 |
veronica | kyle__, 10.10 32 bit | 20:30 |
wolfric_ | gobbe: cheers that worked | 20:30 |
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IdleOne | haha em yes I see why | 20:30 |
=== petr is now known as _bro | ||
uzi__ | Please help me with "dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new pre-installation script (/var/lib/dpkg/ No such file or directory". | 20:30 |
Nutub | hi, i need help for creating partitions with gparted | 20:30 |
Slyboots | hMMM. | 20:31 |
kyle__ | veronica: Hum. Well, if you can live with it, ignore it, and use headphones until an update fixes it. I know it kindof sucks, but that's as far as I can really help. It is really fixable, but it's not easily fixable. | 20:31 |
Slyboots | If I run a X-Server client on a windows Xp.. to execute programs on my linux server | 20:31 |
Slyboots | Is there a way to keep the programs running if I close the X-server "client" | 20:31 |
Slyboots | And leave it in such a way I can reconnect later | 20:31 |
crooks306 | screen | 20:31 |
x3cion | I must be the only person in this world being able to hardlink folders | 20:32 |
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKCodes | ||
Slyboots | crooks306: Thats nothing to do with XWindows | 20:32 |
crooks306 | misread your question I guess Slyboots | 20:33 |
Nutub | anyone knows how to divide a partition when is using the entire drive? | 20:33 |
screach | Old/New to Ubuntu. Got away for a few Years and back home and looking for the best Virus scanner that I can also use to scan my windows partition without logging into windows | 20:33 |
guampa | veronica: i had a similar prob, it turned up it was the "connector" option in sound prefs->output | 20:33 |
guampa | played with that? | 20:33 |
KM0201 | screach: avast has a pretty good Linux virus scanner... easier to use/update than Clam or any of the others iMO. | 20:34 |
kyle__ | screach: Free, I think there is still only clamav. Sophos is supposed to be pretty good, but I've never tried it. | 20:34 |
kyle__ | And that one costs. | 20:34 |
Ny51bern | Hey, any1 know of a good tutorial for uninstalling ubuntu from my dual boot with XP. I don't have the XP disk. | 20:34 |
almoxarife | where would I find the 'trash' had I been in 'root'?? | 20:34 |
KM0201 | kyle__: screach even has a package available. | 20:35 |
kyle__ | almoxarife: trash only exists for GUI uses. If you were in as root in a shell, then there is none. | 20:35 |
Arxiss | Why when i type >> su << in terminal and enter password i get Authentication failed ? | 20:35 |
screach | Thanks kyle and KM0201 I am going get now | 20:35 |
kyle__ | KM0201: Hu. Nice. | 20:35 |
screach | thanks | 20:35 |
veronica | kyle__, how do you mean it is not easily fixable? What does it involve? | 20:35 |
almoxarife | kyle__: I was using admin priv in nautilus | 20:35 |
KM0201 | screach: you will have to register to get a code to use it(but it's free, and only takes a minute....) | 20:35 |
rww | Arxiss: because you're using su instead of sudo | 20:35 |
rww | !sudo | Arxiss | 20:35 |
ubottu | Arxiss: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: | 20:35 |
Arxiss | hm but install says i should use su. Ok ill try | 20:36 |
Nutub | almoxarife if u use nautilus using root privileges and erased something the files are in the root account | 20:36 |
kyle__ | veronica: When I had my problem way back when, I had to recompile ALSA. Your problem may need a simpler fix, but it will require _really_ digging into it to see what's wrong. Start searching the alsa groups, reading logs, etc. Sorry :/ | 20:36 |
nozavroni | I'm trying to install mysql and every time I get it installed I can't seem to do anything with it | 20:36 |
nozavroni | I log in and everything I do it tells me I don't have the right privileges | 20:36 |
Arxiss | installing xampp btw. | 20:36 |
rww | !xampp | Arxiss | 20:36 |
ubottu | Arxiss: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see for more information. | 20:36 |
craiggles | hey guys, im wanting to install gta san andreas with wine ... but the thing about wine is that *none* of my exes are ever marked as executable .. so usually i just right click permissions and mark as executable .. that didnt work it said it was read only .. so i `sudo chmod +x setup.exe` but again it says it's read only, any suggestions? | 20:36 |
red2kic | Somebody using Firefox -- Please go to "about:config" and paste the value for "keyword.URL" -- Thank you. | 20:36 |
Nutub | you can login in as root an you will find that | 20:36 |
KM0201 | Arxiss: if you feel you m ust log in as root... do sudo -s enter your password, that gives you a root prompt | 20:36 |
Arxiss | tnx guys | 20:36 |
almoxarife | Nutub: that's what I thought, I don't see it there | 20:36 |
nozavroni | Can anybody help me figure out how to grant myself sufficient privileges to do ANYTHING? | 20:36 |
nozavroni | I've installed mysql a million times and never had these problems :( | 20:36 |
hilux | anyone familliar with how to remove screensavers from the list with gnome saver, im running maverick, and i found a menu where I could directly choose the savers i desired but i cant find it again, ive looked over and over with no luck ... | 20:37 |
Arxiss | I mean, name of tar.gz is LAMPP | 20:37 |
nozavroni | it's driving me crazy | 20:37 |
screach | @KM0201 thanks I will register no prob | 20:37 |
Nutub | you logged in as root? | 20:37 |
em | any of you know what app one uses to activate their webcam? | 20:37 |
=== carl_173 is now known as carl_-_ | ||
nozavroni | I log in as root | 20:37 |
nozavroni | and it tells me I don't have sufficient privileges to create a user, to create a database, to do anything | 20:37 |
Nutub | nozavroni its probably that youre not in root account | 20:38 |
kyle__ | em: You just wnt to test it? Install cheese. It's a lame work-alike for apple's photobooth. | 20:38 |
Nutub | you already set the root password? | 20:39 |
nozavroni | well when I install it doesn't ask me to set a password | 20:39 |
nozavroni | where it used tt | 20:39 |
kyle__ | em: After you know your system works, get a better video program, because cheese is miserable to use for more than a test | 20:39 |
nozavroni | used to* | 20:39 |
uzi__ | Please help me with "dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new pre-installation script (/var/lib/dpkg/ No such file or directory". | 20:39 |
em | kyle__: okay | 20:39 |
compdoc | you just need to set the password | 20:40 |
red2kic | em: If you already have VLC installed, you can try it using Media --> Open Capture Device | 20:40 |
nozavroni | compdoc: are you talking to me? | 20:40 |
compdoc | yes | 20:40 |
em | kyle__: im on an airplane right now. I thought it would be cool to take a web cam shot out the window and post the picture of the clouds. | 20:40 |
nozavroni | how do I do that? | 20:40 |
nozavroni | mysqladmin? | 20:40 |
red2kic | em: Cheese. | 20:40 |
Nutub | anyone can help to create a partition_ | 20:40 |
compdoc | ooops -didnt see you meant mysql | 20:40 |
nozavroni | because mysqladmin tells me I don't have sufficient privileges either | 20:41 |
kyle__ | em: Oh for that, cheese is fine. It just majorly sucks at taking video clips. | 20:41 |
KM0201 | em: you should do that... i'd like to see it | 20:41 |
* KM0201 has never been on a plane | 20:41 | |
nozavroni | I'm ripping my hair out | 20:41 |
nozavroni | and I have a lot of hair | 20:41 |
Spaztic_One | For how to have multiple wine installations, should I ask here (running Maverick) or in #winehq ? | 20:41 |
msandoy | I have no more hair.. | 20:41 |
h-dee | Hi...I reinstalled Ubuntu today. I used to see GRUB boot menu with Kernels and recovery mode options. Now I don't see, and it just boots up Ubuntu when I power on my laptop. What if I need to boot to recovery mode someday. Anyway to get that list back? Or alternate option to boot to recovery in case required? | 20:42 |
banisterfiend | Piggo: sup pig | 20:42 |
banisterfiend | Piggo: this channel has 1488 ppl in it | 20:42 |
Nutub | if my drive has an only partition | 20:42 |
banisterfiend | Piggo: /j #reddit | 20:42 |
Papyros | how can i connect to the c programming language channel /> | 20:42 |
Nutub | how can i make another one without loose the files that i already have_ | 20:42 |
red2kic | h-dee: Hold SHIFT when you boot up. We're using GRUB2 nowadays. | 20:42 |
Nutub | ?? | 20:43 |
wrd | h-dee: if your last boot fails that menu will appear at the next boot. | 20:43 |
h-dee | red2kic: Yes, sorry its GRUB2! not GRUB | 20:43 |
nozavroni | so no ideas? | 20:43 |
wells | . | 20:43 |
Ny51bern | !grub | 20:43 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 20:43 |
=== wells is now known as werthy | ||
h-dee | wrd: Thanks. Was worried about that. Glad there's some sense with it. :-) | 20:43 |
h-dee | red2kic: Thanks for your suggestion. | 20:43 |
screach | Thanks guys gotta reboot!!!! Glad to be back to stability | 20:44 |
Papyros | how can i connect to the c programming language channel /? | 20:44 |
wrd | h-dee: you can also make it appear every time, if you want to but it requires you to reconfigure grub | 20:44 |
KM0201 | screach: did it find it? | 20:44 |
GeekSquid | Papyros: /join #c++ | 20:44 |
Slyboots | #Okay; Im *totaly* out of ideas here.. | 20:44 |
guntbert | Papyros: /join ##c | 20:44 |
h-dee | wrd: how to do that by the way? Just curious to know. | 20:44 |
Slyboots | So Im going to explain what Im trying tod o; perhaps someone has na idea I;ve not thought of yet | 20:45 |
Slyboots | Using Wine to run Steam (Valve's Game-downloader) because its handy running it on my headerless server to download games overnight | 20:45 |
Slyboots | Problem is; The interface is all screwed up because VNC doesnt support "XRender" | 20:45 |
Slyboots | so.. cant use Xforwarding (Steam will shut if I close the client) | 20:45 |
screach | KM0201 Yes I did thanks for the link | 20:45 |
Slyboots | Cant use VNC (No XRender) | 20:46 |
KM0201 | ok | 20:46 |
Slyboots | And cant use VirtualPC because of the way the Steam client works and my crappy hardware | 20:46 |
wrd | h-dee: edit /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/00_header so that you always have timeout set to a value != 0 then run : sudo update-grub | 20:46 |
Slyboots | Is there any other way of running this I may have missed? | 20:46 |
guntbert | !enter | Slyboots | 20:47 |
ubottu | Slyboots: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:47 |
KM0201 | Slyboots: i'm going to assume you've ruled out dual booting? :) | 20:47 |
Ha | #xonotic.hoctf | 20:47 |
Slyboots | KM0201: .. Dual boot.. my server to run a windows client.. | 20:47 |
KM0201 | oh nevermind | 20:47 |
ThisBeMyNick | Hi. I have a Creative (Arena Surround) USB headset with microphone. Output works fine, but microphone level is very low and it is noisy when ambilied in Audacity. Any ideas? | 20:47 |
h-dee | wrd: Thanks. Noted it down in case required. Have a nice day. Ciao1 | 20:47 |
Slyboots | Yea thats.. thats not going to really work ^_^ | 20:47 |
red2kic | Who is using Firefox right now? Please go to "about:config" and paste the value for "keyword.URL" -- Thank you. | 20:47 |
DigressNow | anyone know anything about pms? | 20:48 |
guntbert | !anyone | DigressNow | 20:48 |
ubottu | DigressNow: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:48 |
DigressNow | ps3 mediaserver? | 20:48 |
wrd | Slyboots: why not run the application without network connection? | 20:48 |
Slyboots | wrd: Sorry? | 20:49 |
KM0201 | DigressNow: did you get that "full disk" problem resolved? | 20:49 |
DigressNow | ps3 media server is having problems with music files | 20:49 |
Papyros | i have a problem .. I reinstall windows and something changed in grub. I made some changed and when now i check windows 7 with grub , it does nothing.. | 20:49 |
DigressNow | KM0201, no not yet, I started a thread | 20:49 |
guntbert | red2kic: (the default value) | 20:50 |
DigressNow | KM0201, appears I have some more serious problems to address | 20:50 |
red2kic | guntbert: Thank you very much! :) | 20:50 |
NixGeek | !details | | 20:50 |
ubottu | : Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 20:50 |
wrd | Slyboots: ah sorry - misread something you could try no machine nx though ... | 20:50 |
Mojak | hello. my friend has Ubuntu 10.10, fresh install. He's having a very slow internet connection. He can't even join this channel because it's lagging. I'm searching for help on google, but nothing seems to work. | 20:51 |
NixGeek | !details | DigressNow | 20:51 |
ubottu | DigressNow: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 20:51 |
Slyboots | wrd: For some reason Steam wont even startup inside the NX enviroment.. | 20:51 |
red2kic | guntbert: Ah. Nice. I was trying Bing for some months now. Now I'm back on Google. | 20:51 |
red2kic | DigressNow: Try ushare | 20:52 |
red2kic | !info ushare | DigressNow | 20:52 |
ubottu | DigressNow: ushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 50 kB, installed size 232 kB | 20:52 |
rance | I'm trying to write a script to automate environment setup for a homework project. One of the server tools is supposed to have a daemon mode but doesnt work, so my script doesnt work either. If I don't start the server in daemon mode then my script never finishes. Is there a good way on Ubuntu 10.10 to force a command to run in a new shell from a bash script? | 20:52 |
em | take a look -- wifi on a plane !! -- | 20:53 |
KM0201 | em: pretty awesome. | 20:53 |
DigressNow | does ushare use transcoding? | 20:54 |
Poisy | who can help me with missing mysqld.sock | 20:55 |
ubuntun00b | ecryptfs has eaten half of my disk, how can i get it back | 20:55 |
ubuntun00b | i can only see 1 disk in gparted | 20:56 |
kyle__ | OK, went through the install again so I'm at the point where it fails. | 20:56 |
goetter | i'm having a really hard time finding the description on how to do this: how do i use asound.conf (or .asoundrc) to remap the "default" device to "plughw:0,3"? | 20:56 |
kyle__ | "The 'grub-pc' package filed to install into /target/. " | 20:56 |
aimio | i have configured my touchpad, now to fix the click problem but for some reason it only works when you click very fast why is that ?:S | 20:56 |
Mojak | so, anyone know how I can fix a slow internet connection? | 20:56 |
goetter | ...and solution found | 20:58 |
kyle__ | Mojak: Check to see if it's the connection, or just the DNS that's slow. | 20:58 |
az_ordog_maga | Mojak: buy an ISP | 20:58 |
Mojak | kyle__, and how do I do that? | 20:59 |
Mojak | az_ordog_maga, very funny | 20:59 |
az_ordog_maga | Mojak: ifconfig -a first step | 20:59 |
kyle__ | Mojak: That's left as an exercise to the reader. OK ok. Check /etc/resolv.conf, check your ping times against the ips listed there. Then check the dig times for common URLs to there. | 21:00 |
Mojak | az_ordog_maga, ok, I did that. | 21:00 |
Mojak | kyle__, doing it now | 21:01 |
az_ordog_maga | Mojak: what is your type of the inet connection? | 21:01 |
az_ordog_maga | ADSL? Cable? | 21:01 |
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_ | ||
bsmith093 | if i wrap all of my drive execpt the /home folder into an iso c an i dd that onto any drive and it will work? | 21:03 |
zmitya | hi all | 21:04 |
zmitya | guys, I want fix IP, but after a while, networkmanager or something else always changes back to dhcp for some reason | 21:04 |
zmitya | what is the official way to set up fix ip ? | 21:05 |
wrd | where is the sourcecode of the device mapper? i'm looking through linux sources.... | 21:05 |
Mojak | az_ordog_maga, thing is, I'm asking for a friend. he can't join the channel because it's too slow. I told him to do a ifconfg -a|grep inet, should I paste you what the output of the latter? | 21:05 |
guntbert | zmitya: through network manager | 21:05 |
|sg | zmitya: you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces filke | 21:05 |
=== weasel__ is now known as Caveman | ||
zmitya | guntbert: I can't, I can't remove that stupid "auto eth0" thing | 21:05 |
bustedup277 | Is there anyway to download Ubuntu applications/accessories/whatever with Windows and then install them with Ubuntu? | 21:06 |
swazzy | What does su: Authentication Failure mean? | 21:06 |
guntbert | zmitya: you don't remove it, you edit it | 21:06 |
ViN86 | bustedup277, why do you want to do that? | 21:06 |
|sg | zmitya: do not remove it, just edit | 21:06 |
smerz | bustedup277, yes but dependencies might be a problem | 21:06 |
zmitya | |sg: I know, thats easy, and I could kill dhcpclient as well, but I don't want, I would like to set up via this networkmanager thing | 21:06 |
wrd | ubottu: !sudo > swazzy | 21:06 |
ubottu | swazzy, please see my private message | 21:06 |
guntbert | swazzy: you should use sudo | 21:06 |
bustedup277 | Okay how do I, smerz | 21:06 |
bustedup277 | ? | 21:06 |
ViN86 | bustedup277, may i ask why? | 21:06 |
smerz | yeah me2 | 21:06 |
smerz | why? :) | 21:06 |
swazzy | try it didn't work | 21:07 |
ViN86 | ubuntu package manager is excellent | 21:07 |
zmitya | |sg: I have alreadi set up my fix ip, but after a while it "falls back" to dhcp for some reason | 21:07 |
bustedup277 | nvm | 21:07 |
bustedup277 | :X | 21:07 |
ViN86 | and downloading through windows just to avoid navigating linux is foolish | 21:07 |
zmitya | do I need to edit the interfaces file ?? this is funny I think | 21:07 |
bustedup277 | I just was wondering | 21:07 |
ViN86 | bustedup277, lol oh ok | 21:07 |
|sg | zmitya: is it possible to share /etc/network/interfaces file ? | 21:07 |
zmitya | |sg: sure | 21:08 |
|sg | maybe pastebin.. | 21:08 |
geeb | why do so many people hate Ubuntu? | 21:08 |
zmitya | |sg: | 21:08 |
|sg | zmitya: you have to edit this file and add some line , this is the reason. | 21:09 |
guntbert | zmarty: see my settings: (in network manager) | 21:09 |
zmitya | |sg: well, thats my point... I don't want to edit the file, because that is why this networmanager is exists right ? | 21:10 |
zmitya | |sg: is the a bug in the NM ? | 21:10 |
Lord_Rahl | geeb, that some what a loaded ? | 21:10 |
zmitya | *this | 21:10 |
|sg | zmarty: this is the conf file of your networkmanager | 21:10 |
|sg | zmarty: if you dont want to edit it then you networkmanager | 21:10 |
ThisBeMyNick | On a USB headset, if Mic volume is very low, can it be a driver problem? | 21:11 |
|sg | zmarty: there is no other way. | 21:11 |
geeb | ha ha I know I just want an opinion from someone who doesn't absolutely hate it | 21:11 |
guntbert | !ot | geeb | 21:11 |
ubottu | geeb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:11 |
|sg | zmarty: but you have to be carefull before edit it, google please.. | 21:11 |
geeb | oh sorry | 21:11 |
zmitya | |sg: well, thats funny I think... but anyway, I'll do it, but I would expect that the networkmanager does this for me.. :( | 21:11 |
guntbert | zmarty: in network manager you have to fill out all fields (look at my example) | 21:12 |
zmitya | |sg: in this case, why the "fix IP" is in the networkmanager if it wi;; not set it up ? | 21:12 |
|sg | zmitya: thata what I am talking about edit the /etc/network/interface or do it by networkmanager | 21:12 |
guntbert | zmarty: believe me, it works | 21:12 |
zmitya | you guys are writing to zmarty all the time | 21:12 |
kaddi_ | how an I find out what hard drive is in my PC on ubuntu? | 21:13 |
|sg | sorry | 21:13 |
|sg | :) | 21:13 |
ivan_ | #ubuntu-ru | 21:13 |
dude` | lol | 21:13 |
nozavroni | I still cant get mysql to work | 21:13 |
zmitya | |sg: well, I can't do it by networkmanager, I did it, it works fow a few mins, but later on, it will give me a dhcp address again | 21:13 |
nozavroni | it just keeps telling me I dont have sufficient privileges to create a database when I log it | 21:13 |
nozavroni | it doesnt let me do anything | 21:13 |
nozavroni | create users | 21:13 |
nozavroni | change my passw2ord | 21:13 |
zmitya | |sg: basically thats the question, why ? | 21:13 |
FloodBot3 | nozavroni: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:13 |
nozavroni | sorry | 21:14 |
az_ordog_maga | kaddi_, burn out, that dont make smoke that's the bubuntu drive | 21:14 |
guntbert | zmitya: see my settings: (in network manager) | 21:14 |
az_ordog_maga | kaddi_, df -h | 21:14 |
guntbert | zmitya: in network manager you have to fill out all fields (look at my example) | 21:14 |
|sg | zmitya: follow guntbert | 21:14 |
kaddi_ | az_ordog_maga, df gives me the amount of free space.. I need to know the make of the drive | 21:14 |
az_ordog_maga | kaddi_, first line will be show like example /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 | 21:16 |
zmitya | guntbert, |sg: this is my setip: | 21:16 |
az_ordog_maga | kaddi_, what du u see? | 21:16 |
zmitya | I get .16, but after ~16 mins, I get a new IP from DHCP | 21:16 |
|sg | zmitya: never seen before that sorry.. ask for other | 21:17 |
zmitya | |sg: never seen what ? | 21:17 |
Israfel | scp doesn't see my "/media/Linux\ Storage/Torrents/" folder. Any ideas? (Conky also doesn't see it.) | 21:17 |
guntbert | zmitya: ah, kde ...., maybe you better ask in #kubuntu | 21:17 |
gobbe | Israfel: what do you mean that doesn't see it? | 21:18 |
zmitya | guntbert: oh, is NM different in kubuntu ? | 21:18 |
kaddi_ | az_ordog_maga, it shows /dev/sda1 | 21:18 |
|sg | zmitya you are defining a static ip to your et device and after 10 minutes you get dhcp new ip, never seen this before | 21:18 |
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zmitya | |sg: ok, thanks anyway | 21:18 |
guntbert | zmitya: as the one I'm using is called gnome network manager I guess so :-) | 21:18 |
|sg | np | 21:18 |
|sg | zmitya: never use kde , sorry :) | 21:19 |
raar | kaddi_: lshw -businfo -C disk | 21:19 |
zmitya | guntbert, |sg: this is so nerve-racking, sorry for bothering you :) I'm going tu #kubuntu now :) | 21:19 |
raar | (then wait a couple of seconds, that should give you your harddrive info) | 21:19 |
=== Ha is now known as FatherBadTouch | ||
guntbert | zmitya: Good luck :-) | 21:20 |
kaddi_ | raar, thanks, that's awesome :) | 21:21 |
az_ordog_maga | ahahah | 21:21 |
raar | kaddi_: np :) | 21:22 |
|sg | I am looking for a document about: Installing nxserver(gui remote desktop) on ubuntu 10.4 on dedicated server(without monitor). | 21:22 |
augdawg | hey guys! i am running ubuntu 10.10. i was messing around in the preferences and somehow it cannot find drivers for my computer to do normal graphics level. now, there is little or no animations for minizing windows, switching desktops, etc. does anyone know how to get this up to the higher levels? | 21:22 |
bittin | guds nummer så det gäller bara att tro… │ Laban | 21:23 |
[Jasper] | hej guys, how can i get ipmi modules running under ubuntu? | 21:23 |
bittin | somone wants a Diaspora invite? | 21:23 |
Mannyuel | i have a problem with my sound, it doesnt work on my laptop for some reasons. whenever i boot up, the sound doesnt work until 5 minutes later... i think there's a delay for some reason | 21:23 |
Flannel | bittin: Not here, thanks. | 21:23 |
|sg | I am looking for a document about: Installing nxserver(gui remote desktop) on ubuntu 10.4 on dedicated server(without monitor). | 21:23 |
swazzy | solved sudo su | 21:23 |
swazzy | works for me | 21:24 |
bittin | Flannel: ok | 21:24 |
guntbert | swazzy: don't use sudo su, use sudo -i instead | 21:24 |
KM0201 | or sudo -s i think it does essentially the same thing | 21:24 |
raar | why not sudo bash? | 21:25 |
kcorcoran_ | i am trying to configure the download path for sabnzbdplus. the default path is downloads (on my local drive). how can i redirect that to my 2nd drive? | 21:25 |
swazzy | oh ok | 21:25 |
swazzy | but y not sudo su | 21:25 |
guntbert | KM0201: not quite, environments are set differently | 21:25 |
KM0201 | guntbert: how so | 21:26 |
guntbert | swazzy: its a question of setting the environment sanely | 21:26 |
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lahwran | if I was going to buy a PCI wifi card, what would be a good bet to work with ubuntu? it HAS to be able to do at least ad-hoc if not hostap | 21:26 |
v3nd3tta`` | does someone know what module kde uses for the desktop effects? | 21:26 |
guntbert | KM0201: -i simulates an initial login, whereas -s doesn't (if I remember correctly ) | 21:27 |
kody | okay so I installed thunar, and instead of keeping nautilus and just using the script that changes thunar to the default file manager, I simply uninstalled nautilus, which was a stupid idea. | 21:27 |
KM0201 | !hardware | lahwran not really sure... | 21:27 |
ubottu | lahwran not really sure...: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 21:27 |
kody | not because I need nautilus, but now my file associations are screwed up in firefox when I try to "open folder location" from the downloads window | 21:28 |
iDope | anyone here experienced with xubuntu? (#xubuntu is dead) | 21:28 |
kody | any idea how I could fix this? | 21:28 |
guntbert | KM0201: see (far down) | 21:28 |
iDope | kody, wouldnt reinstalling nautilus and running the script fix it? | 21:29 |
kody | nope, that didn't work | 21:29 |
kody | not sure why | 21:29 |
iDope | oh then it somehow ate your configs | 21:29 |
iDope | which means... :) | 21:29 |
kody | which meansssss? | 21:29 |
kody | D; | 21:30 |
peto | hello, in case I am connected via wire there is displayed trafic in system monitor widget, but when I use USB 3G modem, there is nothing preferences I can not find anything to set/correct this | 21:30 |
iDope | you have to fix the whole thing manually now. Quite painful I must say | 21:30 |
swazzy | what do i install realplayer11gold deb or realplayer11 gold rpm? | 21:30 |
|sg | I am looking for a document about: Installing nxserver(gui remote desktop) on ubuntu 10.4 on dedicated server(without monitor). | 21:30 |
gobbe | |sg: have you tried google? | 21:31 |
kody | well I mean I went to /usr/share/applications in root and edited nautilus-computer.desktop and nautilus-folder-handler.desktop and changed the exec lines to point to thunar | 21:31 |
kody | but that doesn't work either :D | 21:31 |
|sg | gobbe: yeap they all have ssh server examples not with gui. | 21:31 |
iDope | so you can in effect get a working state back with nautilus right? | 21:32 |
gobbe | |sg: hmmh, and why that is not option for you? | 21:33 |
kody | I can open nautilus again through terminal yeah, but I'm in openbox and nautilus and openbox don't get along | 21:33 |
rethus | someone use easystroke? | 21:33 |
iDope | oh, you never mentioned openbox being your wm. | 21:33 |
rethus | i can configure a gesture, but how can i activate easystroke to use them? | 21:33 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: you around? | 21:33 |
iDope | or at least I missed it :). Not much experience with openbox/thunar here | 21:33 |
kody | I mean I could just back up my .config folder and my conky configs and just install xubuntu where thunar is default ;D | 21:33 |
mongy | kcorcoran, sup | 21:34 |
ActionParsnip | thunar rocks :) | 21:34 |
wrd | kody: why not just install thunar? | 21:34 |
kcorcoran_ | i am trying to configure the download path for sabnzbdplus. the default path is downloads (on my local drive). how can i redirect that to my 2nd drive? | 21:34 |
|sg | gobbe if it is possible to have a remote onnection with GUI on dedicatedwith that way, It is an option for me :) | 21:34 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: i am trying to configure the download path for sabnzbdplus. the default path is downloads (on my local drive). how can i redirect that to my 2nd drive? | 21:34 |
|sg | gobbe: is it ? | 21:34 |
kody | wrd: thunar is installed | 21:34 |
mongy | kcorcoran, i dont use it... | 21:34 |
mongy | kcorcoran, probably have to either edit the conf file or might be some setting available in the web ui | 21:35 |
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=== bonhoffer_ is now known as bonhoffer | ||
ActionParsnip | kcorcoran_: wget -O /path/to/filename htp://domain/file | 21:35 |
Nazaryn | Evening folks. It's been my first full week using Ubuntu as the primary OS on my system. Mostly, everything has been smooth sailing, now I come across a half-favorite, using the terminal. I have a console-only application that I want to use, but it isn't functioning properly. | 21:35 |
mongy | kcorcoran, are you using lottanzb now? | 21:35 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: i think this may be more of a ubuntu question. i can change the folder it stores, but it always stores withi my home directory...that make sense? | 21:35 |
guntbert | |sg: please clarify: you want to manage your server from your local ubuntu and have a gui? | 21:36 |
ActionParsnip | Nazaryn: what app and what is going on/ | 21:36 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: i am trying both of them. want to determine which i prefer | 21:36 |
mongy | kcorcoran, ninan no good then? | 21:36 |
Nazaryn | It's an IP Table Filtering program called MoBlock. I'm using it to restrict access to a certain set of IPs that I don't want my younger brother getting access to. | 21:36 |
|sg | guntbert: sorry I want to manage my dedicated server(which do not have monitor) with remote desktop from my local pc | 21:36 |
rethus | easystroke mouse gesture: i have add a gesture, but how can i start easystroke to monitor my desktop for gestures? | 21:36 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: haven't made up my mind - i am judging all of them on ease of setup (from a newbie perspective. | 21:37 |
xangua | rethus: is already running | 21:37 |
rethus | but it don't show the osd on the monitor and even do nothing | 21:37 |
rami1983 | does ubuntu work well with touchscreens?? i wanna buy multitouchscreen monitor... | 21:37 |
mongy | kcorcoran, well thats lotta then. | 21:37 |
Nazaryn | I get the following error when I run the startup script ( [: 34: nfq: unexpected operator | 21:38 |
guntbert | |sg: servers and gui don't go together well - just use ssh and CLI | 21:38 |
sdgfksfmgn | /list | 21:38 |
rethus | xangua: ? | 21:38 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: but also data | 21:38 |
Nazaryn | Does it mean there's an error on Line 34 of the startup script, or is it a problem parsing the blacklist? | 21:39 |
|sg | guntbert: I am using CLI and SSH but want to try also GUI . | 21:39 |
az_ordog_maga | Nazaryn: dont restrict the information freedom | 21:39 |
Nazaryn | Information freedom and porn are two entirely different things. :) | 21:39 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: just got it figured out, how to reassign the download folder - needed a leading "/" | 21:39 |
mongy | kcorcoran, well, to manually edit the conf for sabznb (be aware lotta might write to it also as it uses it for backend) look in .sabznbplus folder | 21:40 |
guntbert | |sg: you would have to install a lot of X libraries ... on your server for that | 21:40 |
rethus | xangua: ah, now i see, the gestures only working for those applications which are chossed. | 21:40 |
az_ordog_maga | Nazaryn: tell your parents the problem not is your business | 21:40 |
|sg | guntbert: yeap i know | 21:40 |
kcorcoran_ | mongy: no, i am saying i got it working. i figured it out. | 21:40 |
mongy | kcorcoran, ok | 21:41 |
Nazaryn | @az_orgdog_maga : Let's avoid the moral end and just help me get this program working please :) | 21:41 |
msandoy | Nazaryn: It will be easier to use the site block feature in your router. | 21:41 |
rethus | xangua: how can i - for example - close pidgin with a gesture? | 21:41 |
TravelingMonkey | why did this happen: There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'failed to connect to server'.? | 21:41 |
sulumar | greetings | 21:41 |
guntbert | |sg: I still don't see the benefit - please have a look at the server guide | 21:41 |
sulumar | can someone help me | 21:41 |
Nazaryn | My router only blocks individual sites, I am blocking an entire range of IPs | 21:42 |
sulumar | i dont have any sound on my ubuntu | 21:42 |
guntbert | !serverguide | |sg | 21:42 |
ubottu | |sg: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at | 21:42 |
gobbe | Nazaryn: builtin firewall can do that | 21:42 |
az_ordog_maga | Nazaryn, fwbuilder your friends | 21:42 |
TravelingMonkey | this has been happening to me since 8.10 or so | 21:42 |
mongy | rethus, i use compiz for gestures. | 21:43 |
rusty149 | How do I edit bookmark icons? Using AwOken icon set. I have red X for bookmarks in nautilus sidepane and places menu. | 21:43 |
|sg | guntbert: thanks | 21:43 |
mongy | rethus, for example, scale plugin, middle click closes it | 21:43 |
TravelingMonkey | it must be a package im installing because it always works right after install | 21:44 |
rethus | mongy: k, but i need no suggestion for kind of gesture, i need a short howto, how my gesture act on pidgin (maybe the close-button) | 21:44 |
guntbert | |sg: and just for playing around you can install single X apps (along with a small set of libraries) and then run them via ssh -X | 21:45 |
rethus | mongy: i choose "add application and click "where" on pidgin window? | 21:45 |
okapi | anyone knows how to fix a broken synaptic on ubuntu 10.04? | 21:45 |
mongy | rethus, Im unfamiliar with that gesture program you are using. | 21:45 |
kaddi_ | is there a command to figure out the chipset on my motherboard, especially regarding SaTA as well? | 21:45 |
ish_ | is there a command to list all files of a specifc owner only? | 21:46 |
Nazaryn | @az_ordog_maga .. apt-get? | 21:46 |
rusty149 | kaddi_: lspci | 21:46 |
wrd | ish_: look for the find manual you can do that with find. | 21:46 |
ActionParsnip | kaddi_: lspci will most likely say, or you can try sysinfo or lshw-gtk | 21:46 |
okapi | Nazaryn: apt-get work fine but synaptic and update manager would not update.. | 21:47 |
hihihi100 | reate a launcher for atlas (FGFS add on), i can run atlas in a terminal via Atlas --path=$FG_ROOT/Atlas --udp=5513. This same command pasted in a launcher wont load the terrain data. HELP PLS | 21:47 |
rusty149 | ish_: sudo ls -Rla / | grep "Owner" | 21:47 |
rethus | anyone using easystroke? and can tell me how to configure it to close the open Pidgin-(or other programm) ? | 21:47 |
hihihi100 | I need help to create a launcher for atlas (FGFS add on), i can run atlas in a terminal via Atlas --path=$FG_ROOT/Atlas --udp=5513. This same command pasted in a launcher wont load the terrain d7ata. HELP PLS | 21:47 |
bustedup277 | No matter how hard I try, Ubuntu just will NOT connect to the internet. I entered all the codes, I installed all the drivers, it will not connect. Why is this? Oh and by the way whenever I try to run Hardware Drivers it just says it can't find anything and says there are no proprietary drivers. Can someone help? I cannot connect no matter how hard I try. | 21:48 |
ActionParsnip | hihihi100: make a bash script to run the commands you need to make it fly, this will also include any changes in directory before you run the command | 21:48 |
rusty149 | bustedup277: Are you connecting to a wireless network? | 21:48 |
bustedup277 | yes | 21:48 |
bustedup277 | wlan | 21:48 |
bustedup277 | Any reason why it won't connect, rusty149 | 21:49 |
rusty149 | bustedup277: Can you see the network on the network-manager menu? | 21:49 |
bustedup277 | no | 21:49 |
bustedup277 | I can't see any networks | 21:49 |
indystorm | Hey guys I am having a problem connecting to ssh on my system from my blackberry using bbssh- I get the error "authentication failed" available methods are public key, gssapi-with-mic,password any ideas anybody? | 21:49 |
bustedup277 | and there are a gillzallion networks in this apartment | 21:49 |
rusty149 | bustedup277: Is it on a laptop or PC? | 21:49 |
bustedup277 | laptop, notebook | 21:50 |
ActionParsnip | indystorm: the default is password authentication. Are you using key authentication in SSH (if you don't know then you aren't using it) | 21:50 |
bustedup277 | hp Mini 110--3118cl to be exact | 21:50 |
KM0201 | indystorm: u in Indpls? | 21:50 |
rusty149 | bustedup277: Is there a wireless switch on the laptop? (Physical switch) | 21:50 |
Blue1 | rusty149: usually not | 21:51 |
otacon986 | sorry guys I'm new on ubuntu and I'm using XChat as irc client, I need to find a user connected to this network, what should I do? | 21:51 |
ActionParsnip | bustedup277: if you run: rfkill list are any connections blocked? | 21:51 |
KM0201 | rusty149: i think that device is a broadcom, probably why its not working out of the box... it might be a realtek, i remember helping someone w/ that device | 21:51 |
bustedup277 | YES! | 21:51 |
bustedup277 | It is a realtek | 21:51 |
bustedup277 | sorry about the caps | 21:51 |
bustedup277 | :X | 21:51 |
FloodBot3 | bustedup277: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:51 |
ActionParsnip | otacon986: use: /whois nick | 21:51 |
indystorm | RSAAuthentication no | 21:51 |
indystorm | PubkeyAuthentication yes | 21:51 |
indystorm | #AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys | 21:51 |
indystorm | # Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files | 21:51 |
indystorm | IgnoreRhosts yes | 21:51 |
FloodBot3 | indystorm: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:51 |
indystorm | # Authentication: | 21:51 |
bustedup277 | KM0201: It's excactly what you said, have any idea what I can do? | 21:52 |
bustedup277 | I already installed the Broadcom and Realtek drivers | 21:52 |
KM0201 | bustedup277: need to figure out which realtek it is... lspci in a terminal and find your wireless device | 21:52 |
rusty149 | bustedup277: System > Administration > Additional Drivers | 21:52 |
sanguisdex | is there a time machine like program for Ubuntu? | 21:52 |
rethus | is there a suggestion which mouse-gestures are usable? | 21:52 |
otacon986 | thank you | 21:53 |
indystorm | any ideas? | 21:53 |
wyclif | sanguisdex: rsync | 21:53 |
KM0201 | indystorm: nobody saw the whole paste.. use a pastebin | 21:53 |
indystorm | whats a pastebin? | 21:54 |
bustedup277 | | 21:54 |
KM0201 | !paste | indystorm | 21:54 |
ubottu | indystorm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:54 |
zmarty | sorry I am back. For future reference, you can fix this problem by mounting the partition within crypt1 with an offset: sudo mount -t ext4 -ooffset=1048576 /dev/mapper/crypt1 /storage2 You can get the offset from parted, with units set to b | 21:54 |
wyclif | sanguisdex: I'm pretty sure Time Machine is just rsync with fancy graphical GUI candy on top | 21:54 |
rusty149 | sanguisdex: I agree, rsync. There might be a GUI for rsync in the Ubuntu Software centre | 21:55 |
cc210 | anyone know of a bt4 channel | 21:55 |
ActionParsnip | grsync | 21:55 |
Pici | cc210: #backtrack-linux | 21:55 |
ActionParsnip | !backtrack | cc210 | 21:55 |
ubottu | cc210: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 21:55 |
fractal | hi everyone!! I've just upgraded to 10.10 and when booting ubuntu I get the error message "Modprobe: FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/modules.dep -no such file or directory" I've tried a couple of solutions i found on google, but nothing has worked yet | 21:55 |
cc210 | thanks' | 21:55 |
phillyj | anyone help me with importing a key into apt list trusted keys? | 21:56 |
phillyj | I need to install wxWidgets&wxPython but I'm still a linux noob | 21:56 |
phillyj | I'm following the instructions in | 21:56 |
ActionParsnip | fractal: boot to root recovery mode for the new kernel and run: depmod -a; reboot | 21:56 |
fractal | Can anyone help me? | 21:56 |
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather | ||
fractal | I'm sure I've already done that | 21:56 |
ActionParsnip | fractal: I just did | 21:56 |
rusty149 | sanguisdex: Yes, grsync. | 21:56 |
phillyj | i tried the pkg manager but wasn't sure which packages to get | 21:56 |
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather | ||
fractal | I've tried that, it didnt work for someone else either | 21:57 |
ActionParsnip | phillyj: the top command adds the key | 21:57 |
rtdos | what other limited shells are there besides lshell? | 21:57 |
Myrtti | rsh? | 21:57 |
wyclif | rtdos: limited shells? or just good shells | 21:57 |
sanguisdex | wyclif: what I like about time machine that rcsync does not do is that you dont have to think about it, you dont even have to remeber to run it. as soon as you connect to the network with your timemachine back up on it it just synces the files | 21:57 |
Myrtti | or rbash | 21:57 |
wyclif | rtdos: zsh | 21:57 |
phillyj | ActionParsnip: hmm, the website gave a command using curl and it didn't work for me | 21:58 |
msandoy | sanguisdex: Try backintime, it is in synaptic. | 21:58 |
sanguisdex | ok thanx | 21:58 |
indystorm | oh hey thats a pretty cool system huh? <---noob....! | 21:58 |
rusty149 | How do I edit bookmark icons? Using AwOken icon set, I have red X for bookmarks in nautilus sidepane and places menu. | 21:58 |
wyclif | sanguisdex: that is true. I don't know if there is a comparable GUI rsync that automagically does that, I only use the command line version | 21:58 |
sanguisdex | wy thats what I do now as well | 21:59 |
ActionParsnip | fractal: may fly: | 21:59 |
ActionParsnip | phillyj: use wget instead of curl | 21:59 |
rtdos | limited shells, wyclif | 21:59 |
phillyj | ok, just realized that i didn't have curl installed | 21:59 |
rtdos | like lshell | 21:59 |
sanguisdex | backintime looks great | 22:00 |
Pici | phillyj: If you just need to install the python modules, they are in the repos. Package name: python-wxgtk2.8, that should pull in all the dependencies you need. | 22:00 |
wyclif | rtdos: scponly | 22:01 |
wyclif | rtdos: | 22:01 |
=== petr is now known as _bro | ||
BajK | what can I do to run a custom program on X with a selfmade script? i.e. instead of having kdm starting up, I want my own script | 22:02 |
rtdos | thanks. | 22:02 |
BajK | and a minimalistic installation without that KDE stuff although my script depends on some kde things | 22:02 |
BajK | so what do I need to run to start the X server and then run a script that creates windows on it? | 22:02 |
=== Root is now known as Guest76242 | ||
slade991 | hi | 22:04 |
phillyj | Pici: thx, thats all i needed | 22:04 |
slade991 | i need hep | 22:04 |
fractal | ActionParsnip: I'm having trouble with those instructions, I dont seem to have the files they're suggesting to use | 22:04 |
andrewax | hi | 22:04 |
vultraz | is anyone here familiar with testdisk? | 22:04 |
nicofs | how can i change the name of my pc/user? (while installing i accidentally gave my pc the name of the user and the user the name of the pc... oO) | 22:04 |
vultraz | i have a question for them | 22:04 |
rusty149 | nicfs: sudo nano /etc/hostname | 22:05 |
slade991 | my laptop doesn't boot anymore, i got initramfs and i can't mount my harddrive on live cd, it say "device busy" everytime... Can somebody help me please ? | 22:05 |
rusty149 | nicofs: sudo nano /etc/hostname | 22:05 |
soreau | BajK: You can either create a session for your DM to load your script or ditch the DM and have your script start x and other programs as well | 22:05 |
vultraz | is anyone here familiar with testdisk? | 22:06 |
vultraz | i have a question for them | 22:06 |
BajK | soreau: that's what i want. start X, launch kde window manager and then run my script. but how? just running X makes a black screen appear and I cannot make anything that needs X do anything "cannot connect to X" or "cannot open display" | 22:06 |
rusty149 | vultraz: yes | 22:06 |
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego | ||
wyclif | yaaas | 22:06 |
vultraz | wait a sec | 22:07 |
ActionParsnip | fractal: | 22:07 |
andrewax | vultraz: | 22:07 |
soreau | BajK: When running programs outside of X, you need to set the DISPLAY environment variable. In most cases, X starts on :0.0 | 22:07 |
soreau | BajK: For example, 'export DISPLAY=:0' will set display for the current bash environment | 22:08 |
vultraz | i did a clean boot off of the livecd, tried to run (as root) e2fsck and comes up with the e2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open error. and that it looks like jbd2 (kernel process) is holding it up. and i want to use testdisk to recoer data, but cant . | 22:08 |
nicofs | rusty149, i take it, that takes effect after restarting... and how do i change the username now? | 22:08 |
BajK | soreau: thanks thanks thanks :) it works now | 22:09 |
otacon986 | msg fradeve ciao | 22:09 |
rusty149 | vultraz: run sudo apt-get install testdisk | 22:09 |
fractal | ActionParsnip: Thanks, but I've seen that site before, I've tried some of the commands, but I cant really make heads or tails of the data on that page | 22:10 |
rusty149 | nicofs: yep, never renamed a user you might need to create a new one and delete the current one but I will research | 22:10 |
lickalott | dumb question.... resolution only shows 800 x 600. do i just need to update the drivers for my VC? | 22:10 |
nicofs | rusty149, i am very thankfull... i'll just reboot in the meantime | 22:11 |
slade991 | my laptop doesn't boot anymore, i got initramfs and i can't mount my harddrive on live cd, it say "device busy" everytime... Can somebody help me please ? | 22:11 |
=== hadeS_ is now known as Guest82057 | ||
soreau | BajK: Take note that often, X needs time to load before running dependent programs correctly which can become a problem in a script. You might have to sleep for a few seconds in some areas to have everything load ok | 22:11 |
ActionPa1snip | vultraz: if you run: mount is it mounted? | 22:12 |
Gup | guys, how can I restart system monitor panel applet? mines frozen.. restarting the panel just made the applet disappear. cant re add it either. rebooting works, but this happens from time to time and it would be good to find the process to kill or something to bring it back | 22:13 |
thomc | Do I need to enable ahci in order to use trim on an ssd? | 22:13 |
vultraz | it says its busy being used by another process or another program | 22:13 |
mr_shed | I'm having problems getting ReadyNAS duo to mount, I'm trying the following comman "...$ mount 192.168.../media /home/user/media" but it keeps coming up with "connection timed out" | 22:13 |
rusty149 | nicofs: sudo usermod --login NEW_LOGIN LOGIN && sudo mv /home/LOGIN /home/NEW_LOGIN | 22:13 |
ActionPa1snip | mr_shed: mount needs prefixing with sudo | 22:14 |
indystorm | any ideas guys? I cannot connect via bbssh on my blackberry... here is the ssh conf file... | 22:14 |
ubuntu | hey i need help | 22:14 |
ubuntu | anyone? | 22:14 |
rusty149 | ubuntu: just ask | 22:14 |
mr_shed | ActionPa1snip, forgot to include that in the example above, but I was using sudo | 22:14 |
soreau | ! help | ubuntu | 22:14 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:14 |
mr_shed | I think there's some issues with mounting the Netgear ReadyNAS duo on Ubuntu | 22:15 |
nicofs | rusty149, i take it LOGIN and NEW_LOGIN denote the old and new user name... | 22:15 |
ubuntu | okay, well i've successfully installed ubuntu, and but i cant boot it because of errors ive been getting | 22:15 |
bluezone | There's something that's been bothering me awhile now, on ubuntu 10.10, (and previous versions) when you are downloading something or using torrents for instance, the network will become extremely laggy and slow, pings to google will go up to 1k-2k ms, and any music streams your listening too will need to often pause to buffer... are there any methods of solving this? | 22:15 |
ubuntu | now ive researched these errors so don't tell me to research | 22:15 |
rebekah | Ok. I have a dell studio 1555, running only ubuntu. My built in microphone doesn't work, and no drivers show up in the additional drivers tab. It worked before I installed ubuntu. | 22:16 |
rusty149 | ubuntu: can you be more specific. How about a paste | 22:16 |
benhem | hi, hopefully quick question: would like to disable interpolation (filter linear) on scrollwheel zoom | 22:16 |
turbomarcin | Hello there, i have a problem with my notebook's touchpad on 10.10; the horiz sensitivity is much lower than the vertical sensitivity. Is there any way to fix this? | 22:16 |
soreau | bluezone: Might be a network driver issue | 22:16 |
benhem | 10.04, gnome 2.30 | 22:16 |
msandoy | ubuntu: How far in the boot process does your computer go? | 22:17 |
ubuntu | i get to the grub bootloader | 22:17 |
rebekah | Help... | 22:17 |
ubuntu | i boot the normal linux boot or whatever | 22:17 |
bluezone | soreau, works for you fine? for instance try using torrents and listening to a random station at | 22:17 |
Blue1 | ActionPa1snip: trying to help vultraz - I had him boot off a livecd, and first theing we did was the e2fsck -- so drive should NOT be mounted. I don't know testdisk so someone else needs to take over. | 22:17 |
msandoy | ubuntu: Is your setup a dual boot? | 22:17 |
soreau | bluezone: Yes but I probably don't have the same hardware and setup as you | 22:17 |
ubuntu | yes it is... running along side windows 7 | 22:17 |
bluezone | rebekah, do lspci and paste it on pastebin please | 22:17 |
ubuntu | im on the livecd right now if that helps | 22:18 |
rebekah | ...? what is lspci | 22:18 |
PeteJH81 | exit | 22:18 |
ubuntu | but i always seem to be getting these looping errors, and it ALWAYS takes forever to load into the livecd, or install. | 22:18 |
bluezone | rebekah, lspci in terminal | 22:18 |
Blue1 | ActionPa1snip: well actually he's ubuntu right now | 22:18 |
soreau | rebekah: It's a command you run in your terminal | 22:18 |
ubuntu | like status {DRDY ERR} error: {UNC} | 22:18 |
ubuntu | something to do with media error <F> | 22:19 |
ubuntu | thats my cd-rom drive | 22:19 |
rebekah | WALL OF TEXT. | 22:19 |
msandoy | ubuntu: Ok, so it actually works from the cd, but not from the installed version. Did you do a dual install, or WUBI? | 22:19 |
rebekah | 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07) | 22:19 |
rebekah | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) | 22:19 |
rebekah | 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) | 22:19 |
rebekah | 00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03) | 22:19 |
FloodBot3 | rebekah: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:19 |
rebekah | 00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) USB UHCI Controller #5 (rev 03) | 22:19 |
ubuntu | but im booting this all from my toshiba usb external HDD | 22:19 |
soreau | ! pastebin | rebekah | 22:19 |
ubottu | rebekah: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:19 |
SudoKing | in the edit connections dialog in gnome, should I use "Device Mac Address" as the router's mac address or my internet card's? | 22:19 |
SudoKing | rebekah: use pastebin | 22:19 |
bluezone | soreau: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) | 22:19 |
ubuntu | msandoy: i've installed the image to a external usb HDD so its all off my usb | 22:19 |
ubuntu | but i get this repeating media error loop <F> | 22:20 |
bluezone | soreau, IMO that should be well supported | 22:20 |
ubuntu | and thats my cd-rom drive | 22:20 |
soreau | bluezone: Does it behave differently if you use hardwire eth0 connection? | 22:20 |
rebekah | It's in the | 22:20 |
bluezone | soreau, i dunno let me try | 22:20 |
soreau | rebekah: Post the link here | 22:20 |
rebekah | | 22:20 |
ubuntu | wait ill paste the error... | 22:21 |
GeekyAdam | hey all is there a ubuntu netbook chan? #ubuntu-netbook is all but empty | 22:21 |
Nazaryn | Anyone know the quick terminal command to query all processes (process-list) ? | 22:21 |
GeekyAdam | was just wondering if there are any significant performance differences between desktop and netbook edition | 22:21 |
guntbert | !paste | ubuntu | 22:21 |
ubottu | ubuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:21 |
rumpe1 | Naynay, ps axu, top, htop... | 22:21 |
GeekyAdam | Nazaryn: ps aux | 22:21 |
rusty149 | vultraz: how far did you get with test disk? | 22:21 |
ActionPa1snip | Nazaryn: ps -ef | less | 22:21 |
Fireblasto | GeekyAdam | 22:21 |
Fireblasto | Not reallt | 22:21 |
Fireblasto | really* | 22:21 |
az_ordog_maga | Nazaryn, ps -aux |more | 22:21 |
rusty149 | vultraz: Can you analyse the disk? | 22:21 |
Fireblasto | Just GUI changes | 22:21 |
soreau | ! intelhda | rebekah | 22:22 |
ubottu | rebekah: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information | 22:22 |
ActionPa1snip | GeekyAdam: netbook remix needs more ram (ironically) | 22:22 |
rebekah | Thanks! | 22:22 |
soreau | Nazaryn: ps aux | 22:22 |
GeekyAdam | Fireblasto: i read somewhere online that ubuntu netbook runs great with the atom processor, which my netbok is using, but i prefer desktop gui | 22:22 |
Nastya | hi there! | 22:22 |
GeekyAdam | ActionPa1snip: o rly? weird. | 22:22 |
mr_shed | anyone here using Netgear ReadyNAS duo? | 22:22 |
ActionPa1snip | GeekyAdam: truly, I recommend LXDE on netbooks, its light and fast :) | 22:22 |
GeekyAdam | ive run desktop on it, but if netbook runs better i might be willing to use that instead | 22:22 |
GeekyAdam | ActionPa1snip: LXDE? is that a version of ubuntu? | 22:23 |
Fireblasto | GeekyAdam, thats probably true, and I like the desktop gui as well | 22:23 |
ActionPa1snip | GeekyAdam: and due to lightness, works the cpu less, saving power, extending battery life | 22:23 |
mongy | GeekSquid, lubuntu | 22:23 |
ActionPa1snip | GeekyAdam: LXDE is a desktop environment, like gnome | 22:23 |
ubuntu | here you go guys: thats just a little glimpse of the looping error i always encounter,. | 22:23 |
Nazaryn | How do I kill a process? sudo kill -term XXXX isn't working, the process still appears in ps aux. | 22:23 |
ActionPa1snip | GeekyAdam: if you have ubuntu installed, install lxde, log off and select lxde as the session and log in | 22:24 |
Blue83 | Wow | 22:24 |
Blue83 | Your name is ubuntu | 22:24 |
Blue83 | That's genius! | 22:24 |
guntbert | Nazaryn: XXXX should be the pid | 22:24 |
ActionPa1snip | Nazaryn: killall name or if you know the PID, kill PID | 22:24 |
Fireblasto | I installed the netbook version, but it some how changed into the desktop GUI | 22:24 |
ubuntu | ... just the default i got for xchat, i need these error resolved... lol | 22:24 |
mongy | sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu :) | 22:24 |
ActionPa1snip | Nazaryn: if it refuses to die, use: kill -9 PID | 22:24 |
nicofs | rusty149, i can't run that command while logged in... i'd have to log in as su - how do i do this... i think this is discouraged, isn't it? | 22:24 |
ActionPa1snip | mongy: package ubuntu doesn't exist ;) | 22:24 |
GeekyAdam | Nazaryn: use "top" then type "k" (i think) then the pid of the process u want to kill | 22:25 |
Nazaryn | Ooh. Kill -9 worked fantastically. | 22:25 |
mongy | ActionPa1snip, does here :) | 22:25 |
Nazaryn | For some reason, the words "kill -9" sound almost.. arcane. | 22:25 |
kad_ | heys!! i need Software for HDD Diagnostics!! is there any ? thx | 22:25 |
rusty149 | nicofs: You can if you are a sudo user | 22:25 |
Nazaryn | Where have I heard them before? :[ | 22:25 |
ActionPa1snip | !info ubuntu | mongy | 22:25 |
ubottu | mongy: Package ubuntu does not exist in maverick | 22:25 |
Nazaryn | If I say em out loud, can I kill people? :o | 22:25 |
mongy | ActionPa1snip, user I mean. nevermind bud | 22:25 |
ikonia | kad_: the hard disk vendor normally provides it | 22:25 |
guntbert | Nazaryn: keep to the topic please | 22:25 |
ActionPa1snip | mongy: works for me :) | 22:26 |
GeekyAdam | ActionPa1snip: ill have to try lxde rather than my lovable gnome. if its a huge improvement ill consider it. ive never really had problems with gnome slowing down my netbook, just thought id try netbook edition to see if its a lot faster. | 22:26 |
nicofs | rusty149, no, still complaining... i guess because "sudo -s" runs within that user session... | 22:26 |
rusty149 | nicofs: It is discouraged for logging in permanently. | 22:26 |
Nazaryn | Ty everyone for help | 22:26 |
vultraz | im at quick search\ | 22:26 |
foonoob | Hello people. | 22:26 |
ubuntu | is anyone taking a look at the link for me? its the looping error i get for any ubuntu distro when i try and run the livecd it eventually works... | 22:26 |
ActionPa1snip | GeekyAdam: lxde uses a lot less ram, lubuntu is rated to run on systems with 128Mb RAM | 22:26 |
mongy | 10.10 netbook isnt, thanks to unity | 22:26 |
rusty149 | nicofs: What does it say? | 22:26 |
kad_ | ikonia, my laptop hdd do small noise !! do u think it's not good or some bad sector? or this is normal ? | 22:27 |
nicofs | rusty149, "USER is loged in!" | 22:27 |
msandoy | ubuntu: It seems like you have some kind of physical damage to your disk. Try to run e2fsck on it from the live cd. | 22:27 |
rethus1 | iscompiz gnome and compiz kde the same | 22:27 |
mongy | kad_, what laptop is it | 22:27 |
guntbert | !rootsudo | nicofs | 22:27 |
ubottu | nicofs: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: | 22:27 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: Is that a IDE HDD that you have there? | 22:27 |
ikonia | kad_: I think that's a hardware issue that you can discuss in ##hardware | 22:27 |
ubuntu | thats my toshiba usb external HDD that i burned the image to | 22:27 |
guntbert | foonoob: Do you have an ubuntu support question? | 22:27 |
ubuntu | but the <F> is my cd-rom drive so i dont know | 22:27 |
foonoob | I have a small problem... I'm installing ubuntu server 10.04 into my mini pc, and it got stuck at end of installing. (Wiping swap space). | 22:28 |
vultraz | rusty149:ive just finished a quick search | 22:28 |
GeekyAdam | ActionPa1snip: im running a gig of ram on this EEEpc | 22:28 |
nicofs | guntbert, thanks, i know what sudo is... it just doesn't help, because i can't login as sudo... | 22:28 |
rusty149 | nicofs: OK, Ctrl + Alt + F1. sudo stop gdm. sudo usermod --login NEW_LOGIN LOGIN && sudo mv /home/LOGIN /home/NEW_LOGIN | 22:28 |
foonoob | So my question is this: If i reboot this machine now, how much screwd up will the install be? | 22:28 |
GeekyAdam | mongy: 10.10 netbook isn't what? | 22:28 |
rusty149 | nicofs: Then, sudo reboot | 22:28 |
nicofs | rusty149, i started with stopping gdm... | 22:28 |
mongy | GeekSquid, quick. | 22:28 |
rusty149 | Then log in as root | 22:29 |
GeekyAdam | mongy: im GeekyAdam, hi. | 22:29 |
nicofs | rusty149, as long as i start by logging in as USER, it won't work... | 22:29 |
GeekyAdam | but thanks | 22:29 |
guntbert | nicofs: it sometimes help to actually read the links -- use sudo -i if you "absolutely must" | 22:29 |
bluezone | There's something that's been bothering me awhile now, on ubuntu 10.10, (and previous versions) when you are downloading something or using torrents for instance, the network will become extremely laggy and slow, pings to google will go up to 1k-2k ms, and any music streams your listening too will need to often pause to buffer... are there any methods of solving this? | 22:29 |
rusty149 | nicofs: So login as root instead | 22:29 |
bluezone | soreau, yes it behaves the same way | 22:29 |
mongy | GeekyAdam, sorry, sorry GeekSquid | 22:29 |
guntbert | !root | rusty149 | 22:29 |
ubottu | rusty149: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 22:29 |
GeekyAdam | mongy: no harm done. ;) | 22:29 |
guntbert | !noroot | rusty149 | 22:29 |
ubottu | rusty149: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 22:29 |
Ny51bern | !wfm | 22:30 |
ubottu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see | 22:30 |
rebekah | I got to here... | 22:30 |
ubuntu | it's not a bad drive whoever told me it was, as i've ran a check for bad allocations and everything from it. | 22:30 |
rebekah | Minus period. | 22:30 |
rebekah | Studio 1555... | 22:30 |
guntbert | !enter | rebekah | 22:30 |
ubottu | rebekah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 22:30 |
ubuntu | i also still boot, i think it just slows down the process with these annoying errors. | 22:30 |
shcherbak | poor bot | 22:31 |
rusty149 | nicofs: OK so have you tried. sudo su - | 22:31 |
GeekyAdam | bye all | 22:31 |
bluezone | There's something that's been bothering me awhile now, on ubuntu 10.10, (and previous versions) when you are downloading something or using torrents for instance, the network will become extremely laggy and slow, pings to google will go up to 1k-2k ms, and any music streams your listening too will need to often pause to buffer... are there any methods of solving this? | 22:31 |
nicofs | rusty149, how do i log in as root...? i think i must, because no matter how hard i try... sudo runs within the USER's session... | 22:31 |
guntbert | rusty149: don't recommend sudo su -, use sudo -i instead | 22:31 |
wrd | guntbert: sudo -s ? | 22:32 |
ubuntu | bluezone: torrents will diminish your connection and slow it down. | 22:32 |
guntbert | nicofs: what is your real goal? | 22:32 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: I don't think these are errors, I think the system might be reconfiguring your 320HDD everytime you boot | 22:32 |
zzzed | i followed the instructions at to install a Canon ip2600 printer in 10.4 32-bit. does anybody know how to install an ip2600 in 64-bit? | 22:32 |
nicofs | guntbert, change my username | 22:32 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: It looks as though it's an oddball | 22:32 |
rusty149 | guntbert: sorry, what is the difference? | 22:32 |
rebekah | Help? | 22:32 |
bluezone | ubuntu, yes, but it shouldnt stop a music stream, and not only with torrents but also apt-get downloads | 22:32 |
ubuntu | blue83: what should i do then? | 22:32 |
az_ordog_maga | rebekah, yep in priv | 22:32 |
nicofs | guntbert, while installing i accidentally gave my pc the username - and the user the pc name... | 22:32 |
az_ordog_maga | :D | 22:32 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: Are you booting from an external HDD? | 22:32 |
ubuntu | yes | 22:32 |
guntbert | rusty149: see (far down) | 22:32 |
rusty149 | nicofs: You could boot from a livecd. Use chroot and run the command | 22:33 |
bluezone | ubuntu, FYI torrents and downloads dont slow down/ buffer up my streams on windows, which means something is wrong ^.^ | 22:33 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: Don't lol. If it's USB, ou may be getting congestion via USB | 22:33 |
ubuntu | im not booting | 22:33 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: I would highly recommend a SATA or IDE drive | 22:33 |
ubuntu | ive installed it to my internal HDD | 22:33 |
nicofs | rusty149, can't i just log in as root for once - while nobody is looking - and promise to never, ever do it again? ^^ | 22:33 |
foonoob | guntbert, do you know if it's really bad idea to reboot in middle of installing. I think that this might be the last part, but I dont know how much it will be messed up :P | 22:33 |
ubuntu | but i get these errors on the installation of it or when i try and boot into livecd | 22:33 |
zzzed | i followed the instructions at to install a Canon ip2600 printer in 10.4 32-bit. does anybody know how to install an ip2600 in 64-bit? | 22:33 |
rusty149 | nicofs: Well does sudo -i work for you? | 22:34 |
mongy | guntbert, | 22:34 |
ActionPa1snip | zzzed: install ia32-libs and you may be able to force install the deb. This is one reason why 32bit is recommended | 22:34 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: Oh ok. That's normal, the system has to use auxilliary means to mount configure and mount your external HDD | 22:34 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: You should not bee seeing problems once you're booted up though | 22:34 |
=== kad_ is now known as helper | ||
guntbert | nicofs: if you want only to change the name and don't care about the name of the home directory, try sudo usermod <yourUser> -l <newUsername> | 22:35 |
guntbert | mongy: :-)) | 22:36 |
guntbert | foonoob: if it goes wrong you can always reinstall ... | 22:37 |
Blue83 | ubuntu: The UNC error seems to mean tht the HDD in question may not be in good health, you may want to try with a different one | 22:37 |
rama | hi guys, a quick hint :) i have a live ubuntu distro (minimal non gui) running on a server, that work as a "recovery" module (gently offered by my provider) | 22:38 |
foonoob | Ye, I guess.. | 22:38 |
foonoob | Haha | 22:38 |
foonoob | Thanks for the help guntbert... It just finished :D | 22:38 |
rama | since the installation of redhat is pretty hold, i want to switch to ubuntu 10.10, can i do it without a cd, just using this "live" recovery? | 22:38 |
foonoob | It was staying in 21% for at least 1-2 hours | 22:38 |
foonoob | and just right now it jumped | 22:38 |
teson2000_ | Sorry for dropped connection, once again, I need help with tunneling on 10.04. Get connection refused... | 22:38 |
guntbert | foonoob: so ... patience pays? | 22:38 |
=== teson2000_ is now known as teson2000 | ||
foonoob | guntbert, I guess... Well I would had more of that, if system was saying to me that it's at least doing something :) | 22:39 |
foonoob | But after googling this thing, I saw that another people had to wait long also | 22:39 |
teson2000 | anyone with ubuntu server knowledge.... Need tunneling help... | 22:40 |
ActionPa1snip | teson2000: the vnc factoid has ssh tunnelling advice | 22:40 |
ActionPa1snip | !vnc | teson2000 | 22:40 |
ubottu | teson2000: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 22:40 |
guntbert | foonoob: I can see ... during installation you have a working linux already, so you could have tried <alt><left> to look at other virtual consoles... | 22:40 |
teson2000 | i dont need vnc. Just tunneling... | 22:40 |
teson2000 | i'm on server (terminal) | 22:41 |
=== Martinp24 is now known as martinp23 | ||
WeThePeople | need some assitance creating 10.04.1 .ISO using ImgBurn | 22:41 |
aimio | Where can i read what is right for the mouse handlers, what the values should be.. i have mouse1 event9 i don't know if that is right or not. | 22:42 |
ActionPa1snip | teson2000: the guide shows how to setup a tunnel (like I said) | 22:42 |
teson2000 | That I know. Everything works in 8.04 but not in 10.04... | 22:42 |
ActionPa1snip | teson2000: setup the tunnel as you wish, just dont use the subsequent vnc connection. You can obviously change port numbers | 22:42 |
ActionPa1snip | teson2000: or do you mean so your system acts like a router? | 22:43 |
teson2000 | ok, problem: ssh -L port:localhost:port user@host works fine - logging in to system, but... | 22:43 |
teson2000 | as i try to reach server through tunnel (launching browser to i get connection refused at server... | 22:44 |
teson2000 | auth.log doesn't help me much either. | 22:44 |
teson2000 | iptables -L shows nothing strange. | 22:44 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 22:44 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 22:44 |
OerHeks | woei | 22:44 |
bustedup277 | Holy- | 22:45 |
bustedup277 | Net split. | 22:45 |
bustedup277 | :| | 22:45 |
teson2000 | wh*? | 22:45 |
teson2000 | for details, see | 22:46 |
PleXs | lol | 22:46 |
ubuntu | hmm | 22:46 |
mattyh88 | hi, how can i install the perl postgres module? I think i need to find the file first. | 22:46 |
teson2000 | | 22:46 |
rusty149 | nicofs: It will be easier to create a new user and use that to edit your current one | 22:46 |
nicofs | Maahes, i don't see, how i could possibly mount that device... but i just set my root password and logged in as root, so i guess the problem is solved^^ | 22:46 |
BajK | seems this stupid flood bot has some serious poroblems.. | 22:47 |
Maahes | mattyh88: I'm going to venture a guess of either: installing the postgres package. or using cpan | 22:47 |
bluezone | wtf | 22:47 |
=== richard is now known as Guest90331 | ||
KM0201 | !netsplit | 22:47 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 22:47 |
mattyh88 | Maahes: postgres is installed | 22:47 |
Maahes | I suspect cpan is the answer. | 22:47 |
=== martin_ is now known as Fopp | ||
mattyh88 | Maahes: the file should be in ther? | 22:47 |
Maahes | mattyh88: browse it online, it has almost everything perl related there | 22:48 |
jeyanthan | What is the best way to get an equalizer in Ubuntu? | 22:48 |
Fopp | Hello everyone, my laptop running Ubuntu 10.10 refuses to play DVDs. It used to before I updated to that version, but now, when I put a DVD in, it just whirrs and does nothing. I cannot play even when I open the DVD in various playback programs. | 22:48 |
Maahes | jeyanthan: probably by running #ubuntustudio | 22:49 |
guampa | jeyanthan: a system wide eq? google for ladspa +pulseaudio +equalizer | 22:49 |
Maahes | Fopp: did you install the medibuntu packages? | 22:49 |
ActionPa1snip | jeyanthan: there is no best anything | 22:49 |
bluezone | Fopp, what dvd are you trying to run | 22:49 |
ActionPa1snip | jeyanthan: here is one way: | 22:49 |
Fopp | Maahes: I think so, how can I check. | 22:49 |
milamber | teson2000: check the port: nmap -p9090 | 22:49 |
Fopp | And the DVD in question is a usual DVD video; to be exact it's of Carl Sagan. | 22:49 |
WeThePeople | does ubuntu have a website for explaining how to create a ISO from the 10.04.1 file? | 22:49 |
nicofs | rusty149, thanks for your help... all well now^^ | 22:50 |
Maahes | Fopp: did you add the medibuntu repos to your repos? you can check that out in the repositories section of synaptic | 22:50 |
teson2000 | @milamber, thanks | 22:50 |
Fopp | Maahes, I am checking now. | 22:50 |
f10d0r | WeThePeople, just go to ubuntu download site | 22:50 |
KM0201 | you really don't need medibuntu to enable dvd playback | 22:50 |
ActionPa1snip | WeThePeople: what 'file' are you meaning? | 22:50 |
rusty149 | How do I edit bookmark icons? Using AwOken icon set. I have red X for bookmarks in nautilus sidepane and places menu. | 22:50 |
KM0201 | !dvd | Maahes | 22:50 |
ubottu | Maahes: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of | 22:50 |
ActionPa1snip | rusty149: if you use a different theme, is it ok? | 22:51 |
rusty149 | ActionPa1snip: no | 22:51 |
thingfish | how do I change boot order in 10.10? /boot/grub/menu.1st seems to not be there. | 22:51 |
Fopp | Maahes: I don't think that rep is added! Should I start there? | 22:51 |
KM0201 | Fopp: you don't need it.. see this link | 22:51 |
Maahes | KM0201: I know, but that only applies in the U.S. and I can still tell people why their DVD's aren't working, and its not like the medibuntu repos aren't known by everybody | 22:51 |
teson2000 | @milamber, > 9090/tcp filtered zeus-admin. What's zeus-admin? | 22:51 |
ActionPa1snip | thingfish: grub2 uses config files, it also uses a different config file from grb legacy and it is generated. I suggest you read the grub2 doc | 22:52 |
ActionPa1snip | !grub2 | thingfish | 22:52 |
ubottu | thingfish: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 22:52 |
Fopp | ah, hello KM0201: I have tried that page, but it didn't work. Sorry =( | 22:52 |
KM0201 | Maahes: but its not necessary... whether you're in the US or not. | 22:52 |
KM0201 | Fopp: then you did somethng wrong. | 22:52 |
thingfish | thanks ActionPa1snip | 22:52 |
guntbert | WeThePeople: | 22:52 |
Fopp | KM: Par for the course. | 22:52 |
KM0201 | !medibuntu | Fopp | 22:52 |
ubottu | Fopp: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 22:52 |
Fopp | Thank you KM and Maahe: I will try this. | 22:53 |
=== Autie_ is now known as Autie | ||
WeThePeople | actionparsnip, the ubuntu 10.04.1 file, so i can create a iso to boot do i turn it into a iso | 22:55 |
jeyanthan | Thanks all ppl, it works.. Is there any way to enable surround sound in my 5.1 ? | 22:55 |
Zyxzezix | Why is everybody d/cing? | 22:55 |
teson2000 | I'm out. | 22:55 |
rusty149 | How do I edit bookmark icons? Using AwOken icon set. I have red X for bookmarks in nautilus sidepane and places menu. | 22:57 |
denile | Zyxzezix, netsplit | 22:57 |
ActionPa1snip | rusty149: so the bookmarks in nautilus have no icons? | 22:57 |
sammysosa1234 | hi guys. I have a question about the ubuntu desktop. Is there a way to make the icons snap to a grid just like they do in windows xp? The "keep aligned" option doesn't seem to do anything for me. | 22:57 |
rusty149 | ActionPa1snip: They have a large red X for each entry | 22:57 |
cmang | hello. retarded question: even after maing an inittab file and with runlevel 2 as the deafult, why are my /etc/rc2.d/S* scripts not running at startup? | 22:57 |
Fopp | KM0201 and Maahe: Hello again. Despite installing that rep, My dvd does not play. I have however tried opening it in VLC media player, and got this short error message: | 22:58 |
Fopp | Playback failure: | 22:58 |
Fopp | DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd". | 22:58 |
Fopp | Your input can't be opened: | 22:58 |
Fopp | VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details. | 22:58 |
Fopp | Oops, sorry for the slight flood. | 22:58 |
KM0201 | Fopp: not only do you have to add the repo, you have to install libdvdcss2, did you do that? | 22:59 |
sammysosa1234 | Is there anything that can be done for vertical alignment of icons in ubuntu desktop? | 22:59 |
ActionPa1snip | rusty149: if you restart nautilus, is it ok? | 22:59 |
Fopp | Yes KM. I have installed that. | 22:59 |
KM0201 | Fopp: my first thought is a problem with either the disk, or the drive. | 22:59 |
ActionPa1snip | rusty149: may help: | 22:59 |
rusty149 | ActionPa1snip: No, the red X's are in the places menu but nautilus shows a single white page like a document | 22:59 |
Fopp | Ok KM, I am begining to think that too. | 23:00 |
sammysosa1234 | Can anyone help me? | 23:00 |
rusty149 | ActionPa1snip: ThaNKS | 23:00 |
Guest22213 | I am trying to run a headless server. I am unable to ssh into the into the box bc when it boots up it is asking for a user to login even though I don't have a monitor, keyboard or mouse plugged in. How can I get the box to boot without the gui so that I am able to reboot the box without any monitor and keyboard? | 23:00 |
sammysosa1234 | Is there anything that can be done for vertical alignment of icons in ubuntu desktop? | 23:01 |
NixGeek | Guest22213, go to system>administration> usedrs and groups and click on change beside password and select don't ask on login | 23:01 |
=== Xdu is now known as crimson | ||
aimio | my synPS2/touchpad-synaptics is being picked up in lsmod, and when looking in xlog, but the key mappings are not right, at least i don't think that they are, also i don | 23:02 |
mrchan | helloworld. test message | 23:02 |
ActionPa1snip | !test | mrchan | 23:02 |
cmang | I have these scrips in /etc/init.d/ and symlinked to /etc/rc2.d/S80file, rc3.d, etc. They run fine from the command line. But, I'm guessing with Ubuntu's init change, this box won't run them on bootup. not sure why, according to what I've read "upstart" is supposed to honor those. | 23:02 |
ubottu | mrchan: Failed! | 23:02 |
aimio | how would i go about, changing the key mappings to the right one. | 23:02 |
sammysosa1234 | Is there anything that can be done for vertical alignment of icons in ubuntu desktop? | 23:03 |
Guest22213 | Thank you NixGeek | 23:03 |
NixGeek | Gues22213: You're welcome, glad to help | 23:03 |
aimio | wow wtf | 23:03 |
bluezone | :) | 23:03 |
ActionPa1snip | Guest22213: openssh-server runs before the prompt shows so the local machine being logged in shuldn't affect that. Did you install openssh-server on the OS? | 23:03 |
NixGeek | WT | 23:04 |
sammysosa1234 | can someone help me please? | 23:04 |
guntbert | !repeat | sammysosa1234 | 23:04 |
ubottu | sammysosa1234: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 23:04 |
aimio | sammysosa1234, tell us the problem no need to ask. | 23:04 |
sammysosa1234 | Is there anything that can be done for vertical alignment of icons in ubuntu desktop? | 23:04 |
sammysosa1234 | Surely someone here knows a way? | 23:05 |
NixGeek | sammysosa1234: do not repeat questions, let them set for awhile | 23:05 |
nicofs | I can't play DVDs... Parole Media Player returns "Could not read from resource." what shall i do? | 23:05 |
b1tsh1ft | Try gnome mplayer or movie box. | 23:06 |
Fopp | Welcome to the "I can't get DVDs to work" club, nicofs | 23:06 |
frogzkatt | i can join too :( | 23:06 |
nicofs | but it did work some installations ago... | 23:07 |
nicofs | last time i had such a problem i solved it with something like "libdvdcss" but i'm not shure, that's the name - and i couldn't find it in the repos... | 23:08 |
aimio | sammysosa1234, you could use, auto arrange. | 23:08 |
frogzkatt | i tried those libs | 23:09 |
frogzkatt | but it doesnt work | 23:09 |
mrgalerien | Hi guys, I have a problem with my video players (vlc, mplayer....) I can't see the picture if I open flv files, only sound... anyone can help me with that ? | 23:09 |
aimio | mrgalerien, probobly codec problem. | 23:09 |
aimio | !codec | 23:09 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 23:09 |
ActionPa1snip | mrgalerien: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 23:09 |
frogzkatt | i did | 23:10 |
mrgalerien | ActionPa1snip, I belive I did, let me check that | 23:10 |
sammysosa1234 | aimio, How do i get to the auto arrange option? All i see is "keep aligned" and that only works for horizontal alignment but not vertical | 23:10 |
cmang | hrm. I just tried placing the init scripts in /etc/rc.local. that didn't work, either. wtf, upstart. | 23:10 |
mrgalerien | ActionPa1snip, yes, installed | 23:10 |
nit-wit | mrgalerien, try vlc | 23:11 |
mrgalerien | nit-wit, vlc, mplayer, same result | 23:11 |
aimio | sammysosa1234, Try: Right Click -> Clean up by name | 23:11 |
nit-wit | mrgalerien, is this flv on a disc | 23:11 |
mrgalerien | nit-wit, yes, stuff I download form youtube & co | 23:12 |
aimio | sammysosa1234, "keep aligned" works good vertical for me. | 23:12 |
nit-wit | mrgalerien, you can see them on youtube though are you sure it has downloaded correctly how are you grabbing them | 23:13 |
mrgalerien | nit-wit, cp /tmp/Flash* $HOME/Video | 23:14 |
DasEi | did somebody experience problems with pidgin ? mine won't connect | 23:14 |
mrgalerien | nit-wit, and I can open them on windows | 23:14 |
nit-wit | mrgalerien, if your using FF try video downloadhelper addon | 23:14 |
ActionPa1snip | DasEi: which version and what protocol are you connecting with? | 23:14 |
mrgalerien | nit-wit, that's not the point, I'm sure my files are not corrupt or anything like that, and I have restricted codecs... | 23:15 |
DasEi | ActionPa1snip: the developer one, standard proto, but I just checked syslog, and I tampered with the plugins, second | 23:15 |
zzzed | i followed the instructions at to install a Canon ip2600 printer in 10.4 32-bit. does anybody know how to install an ip2600 in 64-bit? | 23:15 |
nit-wit | mrgalerien, the vido add on is realy cool you can set it to down load then move to the next thing without waiting to see the whole thang | 23:16 |
ejv | likely very similar process zzzed | 23:16 |
mrgalerien | nit-wit, I use chromium anyway ^^ | 23:16 |
ActionPa1snip | DasEi: there is no standard proto, are you using msn, yahoo, icq? | 23:16 |
jimcooncat | how to tell if I'm running grub or grub2? Default 10.10 install. | 23:17 |
NixGeek | mrgalerien, try doing sudo apt-get install swfdec-gnome | 23:17 |
ActionPa1snip | jimcooncat: default maverick uses grub2 | 23:17 |
zzzed | ejv, Canon only provides debs (or rpms), when i try to install the debs, it says invalid architecture. there is no source to compile, i was hoping that multi-lib support would allow thises debs to work | 23:17 |
mrgalerien | NixGeek, ok | 23:17 |
Matte11111 | hey guys, kwin crashed on me and now i cant log in when kde is loaded | 23:18 |
Matte11111 | only in command line | 23:18 |
Matte11111 | any ideas? | 23:18 |
jimcooncat | ActionPa1snip, thanks, I need to lock it under a password | 23:18 |
ActionPa1snip | jimcooncat: | 23:19 |
indystorm | Hey guys I found out my problem with ssh--- I am using to access, it will not access through this, but it will connect through the ip directly.... any work arounds for getting my ssh client working on blackberry using sshbb?? | 23:19 |
ActionPa1snip | indystorm: if you pingt the name, does it resolve to the right IP? | 23:19 |
frogzkatt | oh cool, my dvd works \o/ | 23:20 |
jimcooncat | Oh, ActionPa1snip, you my hero! | 23:20 |
ActionPa1snip | jimcooncat: just used bing and found that | 23:20 |
okapi | anyone knows how to fix a broken synaptic on ubuntu 10.04? | 23:20 |
ActionPa1snip | okapi: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install | 23:20 |
juniour | hi | 23:21 |
dougl | What is the proceedure to enable 'mouse trails' in ubuntu 10.10/compiz config? | 23:21 |
DasEi | ActionPa1snip: can't find it right now, it's 2.6.6 from the developer repo, but I changed some things, so if I'm not the 10th today, I will have to look myself | 23:21 |
mrgalerien | NixGeek, done, and I still can't see anything, just black screen with sound | 23:21 |
okapi | ActionPalsnip: the apt-get work fine... But synaptics and update-manager doesn't.. | 23:21 |
indystorm | well I'm connected to the client now... I don't have ping on my bb | 23:22 |
geoff4376 | Good evening, everyone. | 23:22 |
ActionPa1snip | DasEi: the pidgin developers ppa has 2.7.7 | 23:22 |
ActionPa1snip | okapi: ok what happens when you try it | 23:22 |
geoff4376 | I require some assistance in setting my screen resolution. | 23:23 |
m1r | hello | 23:23 |
gsfai | hello m1r | 23:23 |
mrchan | Algún hispanohablante en la sala? | 23:23 |
mrgalerien | geoff4376, what kind of GPU are you using ? | 23:23 |
geoff4376 | the options do not show up under the preferences or system menus | 23:23 |
guntbert | !es | mrchan | 23:23 |
ubottu | mrchan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 23:23 |
NixGeek | !ask | geoff4376 | 23:24 |
ubottu | geoff4376: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:24 |
geoff4376 | I have a dell optiplex gx260 | 23:24 |
geoff4376 | sorry, first time on IRC here | 23:24 |
gsfai | geoff4376: Preferences -> Monitors | 23:24 |
okapi | ActionPalsnip: apt-get works fine.. but the Gui (synaptic mananager) would not start and update-manager is outdated by 53 days and would not update | 23:24 |
m1r | ubuntu 10.04 sound problem, sound card gone from system: 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10). can i reactivate it without restart each time ? | 23:24 |
ActionPa1snip | okapi: ok so yu click the app and it doesn't load, or does it load for a bit then crash...details! | 23:25 |
geoff4376 | gsfai: only 1024x768 shows up. I had the resolution set higher before I upgraded... | 23:25 |
Toxicsgz | HNY all. Will ubuntu give me a comprehensive spec list of what is exactley in my box? | 23:25 |
mrgalerien | geoff4376, Nvidia, Intel, ATI ? ... | 23:25 |
ActionPa1snip | geoff4376: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga | 23:25 |
gsfai | geoff4376: Maybe the propriatery driver got lost? System->Administration->Additional Drivers | 23:26 |
geoff4376 | stock dell optiplex gx260, I honestly don't know | 23:26 |
gsfai | okapi: May i PM you? | 23:26 |
ActionPa1snip | geoff4376: the comamnd I gave will TELL you | 23:26 |
fractal | ubuntu | 23:27 |
gsfai | epic fail :( | 23:27 |
mrgalerien | what was that ? | 23:27 |
geoff4376 | ActionPa1snip: output:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) | 23:27 |
gsfai | netsplit -- ignore it | 23:27 |
denile | gsfai, did you ever resolve that problem with the busy filesystem? | 23:28 |
mrgalerien | geoff4376, sorry, I could have helped you with ATI or Nvidia, but intel.... nop ^ | 23:28 |
gsfai | denile: yes :D sacarlson figured it out, it was a kernel problem, i booted with another live usb, and ta-dah :D | 23:28 |
denile | gsfai, ah nice that was buggin me | 23:29 |
geoff4376 | gsfai: additional drivers screen said that no propriatary drivers were installed :( | 23:29 |
jimcooncat | anyone a fan of startupmanager? I'd like to use it to modify grub2. | 23:29 |
juniour | geoff4376 wt the pob u r facing | 23:29 |
gsfai | i wonder why floodbot2 gets k-lined :o | 23:29 |
jimcooncat | just wanted to know if startupmanager was good quality software, don't want to kill my machine tonight | 23:29 |
guntbert | !u | juniour | 23:30 |
ubottu | juniour: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see for more information. | 23:30 |
ActionPa1snip | geoff4376: | 23:30 |
quebecois | hi | 23:31 |
quebecois | I'm searching for a minecraft-like game.. It is a game in which we are an astronaut. | 23:31 |
Guest22213 | Hey NixGeek, Its still asking me for a password when I boot up. | 23:32 |
arooni-mobile | is there an offline way to edit google docs on ubuntu? | 23:32 |
quebecois | please.. Can someone help me | 23:32 |
quebecois | ? | 23:32 |
itam | @arooni-mobile: no. | 23:34 |
itam | google stopped supporting gears with google docs | 23:34 |
arooni-mobile | itam, thoughts on this: | 23:34 |
geoff4376 | ActionPa1snip: well at least now I know that my problems could be worse. My issue is that I can't set my resolution beyond 1024 x 768. Everything is huge and looks terrible! | 23:35 |
Guest22213 | Did you catch that NixGeek? | 23:35 |
itam | oh yeah, I thought about the official way ;) | 23:36 |
itam | like this: | 23:36 |
NixGeek | guest22213, yes I did, my computer bings when theres a message with my name in it. I'm looking at some solutions, give me a minute. | 23:36 |
pckbost | msg | 23:36 |
Guest22213 | Ok, thanks. | 23:36 |
KM0201 | !bing | 23:36 |
ubottu | ban | 23:36 |
KM0201 | :) | 23:36 |
shadowhywind_1 | hay all, I have dual monitors setup as Seperate X sessions, Is there a way to run a script on a specific session only on login? | 23:36 |
sev8 | hi, I have a problem that I haven't been able to find an answer to rgarding my new Lucid server installation | 23:37 |
DasEi | sev8: that is ? | 23:37 |
sev8 | I have this problem when I try to mount my RAID1 array at boot time: | 23:37 |
juniour | i have given commad to shutdown how to abort that job | 23:37 |
sev8 | i'm typing ;) | 23:37 |
NixGeek | go to system> administration > lonin screen, unlock it, and choose the login as user automatically. You can uncheck to give time to others to log in also. | 23:37 |
sev8 | if I set noauto in the /etc/fstab for the RAID array, then the server initialises successfully | 23:38 |
Guest22213 | NixGeek, Ok I will give that a try now. | 23:38 |
juniour | i have given commad to shutdown how to abort that job | 23:38 |
sev8 | I'm looking for an alternate way to mount my RAID array at boot time, but later in the process and was thinking about putting it in the /etc/rc3.d ... is this a terrible idea? | 23:38 |
NixGeek | Guest22213, tell me if it works. | 23:38 |
Guest22213 | ok | 23:39 |
sev8 | any help is appreciated | 23:39 |
juniour | help me | 23:40 |
juniour | ? | 23:40 |
juniour | i have given commad to shutdown how to abort that job | 23:40 |
shadowhywind_1 | shutdown -a | 23:40 |
juniour | k | 23:40 |
ActionPa1snip | juniour: sudo shutdown -c | 23:41 |
Guest68868 | hello | 23:41 |
ActionPa1snip | shadowhywind_1: -a Use /etc/shutdown.allow. | 23:41 |
Guest68868 | does annyone have vinagre experience | 23:41 |
Guest68868 | ? | 23:41 |
shadowhywind_1 | doh!! I'm sorry, I have been working on windows boxes all day | 23:42 |
NixGeek | Is there any way to, on clicking an irc users nick in konversation, have it be copied to the message bar with a comma after it? | 23:42 |
iostream | NixGeek: type "ios" and hit TAB | 23:43 |
NixGeek | iostream: thank you, that will help alot. I tend to answer people alot | 23:44 |
iostream | if you're a nix geek you should've already known this | 23:44 |
Guest22213 | NixGeek, It does login now BUT it asks for the keyring password which is causing me to be unable to ssh into the box until that is entered. Any ideas? | 23:45 |
cmang | any reason why /etc/rc.local and /etc/rc?.d/* are not being honored by my ubuntu system? I read about this upstart, tried making service files for it.. nothing. | 23:45 |
NixGeek | Guest22213: do you keep any keys on the keyring? | 23:46 |
NixGeek | g | 23:46 |
DasEi_ | sev8, how did you setup the mirror ? | 23:47 |
Guest22213 | NixGeek, I have only set up an admin account with a password. That is the only password i have set up. I am not exactly sure about any keys | 23:47 |
nenota | Olaaa | 23:48 |
nenota | olaa diabloo | 23:49 |
bcrawl1 | hi | 23:49 |
sev8 | DasEi_: I followed the Linux RAID Wiki. Something along the lines of mdadm -C /dev/md0 --num-devices 2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 --num-spares 0 | 23:49 |
sev8 | not the exact parameter names, but you get the idea | 23:50 |
pckbost | exit | 23:50 |
r00t4rd3d | anyone have a nvidia card and after updating you ubuntu splash screen when to kinda like text mode ? | 23:50 |
NixGeek | Guest22213: then you probably don't, either way, it shouldn't matter. go to Applications> Accessories> passwords and encryption keys and then edit> preferences then highlist the login - automaticaly unlocked when user logs in entry and then click change unlock password, type in your login password for old password and leave the new password fields blank. click change and then click use unsafe storage. I hg2g | 23:50 |
bcrawl1 | can I get auto completion feature like bash when I am SSHing to another machines folder? Any scripts? | 23:50 |
DasEi_ | sev8, yes, and then crypted it ? | 23:50 |
Guest22213 | ok NixGeek, Thanks for your help | 23:51 |
sev8 | DasEi_: no, it's unencrypted | 23:51 |
Diverdude | How do i play a wav file from commandline? | 23:51 |
ActionPa1snip | Diverdude: aplay filename.wav or mplayer filename.wav | 23:51 |
DasEi_ | ActionPa1snip, good hint with the version, wrong line commented in sources too, was libgadu, will save later | 23:51 |
ActionPa1snip | Diverdude: vlc-nox filename.wav will also do it | 23:52 |
ActionPa1snip | DasEi_: np bro, glad you are nearnig the gold | 23:52 |
DasEi_ | Diverdude, vlc Blah.wav , vlc-nox if no gui wanted | 23:52 |
itam | bcrawl1: you should have autocompletion - if you're logging to bash (not sh) | 23:52 |
ProjektGhost | Hi, I'm having an issue ever since I ran updates. My problem is that every time I start up, instead of loading xvesa, I'm stuck in tty1 login. | 23:52 |
aimio | anyone know how to add buttons to /xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | 23:53 |
ActionPa1snip | shortcuts | aimio | 23:53 |
ActionPa1snip | !shortcuts | 23:53 |
ubottu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 23:53 |
Diverdude | ActionPa1snip, aplay: test_wavefile:807: can't play WAVE-file format 0x0055 which is not PCM or FLOAT encoded | 23:53 |
ActionPa1snip | Diverdude: gah | 23:53 |
pckbost | exit | 23:53 |
pckbost | exit | 23:53 |
sev8 | DasEi_: only my home dirs are encrypted, but the RAID array is created using different physical disks and mounted at /mnt/raid | 23:53 |
ActionPa1snip | Diverdude: mlpayer then, it's the daddy | 23:53 |
DasEi_ | sev8, shall be seen as md0 | 23:54 |
Diverdude | ActionPa1snip, hmmm there is no mplayer | 23:54 |
aimio | ActionPa1snip, not keyboard, my mousepad right click is not being mapped out. (SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad). | 23:54 |
DasEi_ | sev8, so system won't boot with the message from the buglist ? | 23:55 |
ActionPa1snip | aimio: you may need an xorg.conf file to define it | 23:55 |
sev8 | DasEi_: yes, md0 and the system won't boot | 23:55 |
aimio | ActionPa1snip, you generate one by doing evtest ?.. | 23:55 |
sev8 | DasEi_: The FATAL message, not the WARNING message | 23:55 |
DasEi_ | sev8, how does the boot behave ? | 23:56 |
ActionPa1snip | Diverdude: aplay should be able to play wav according to: | 23:56 |
elliott | Hi, does anyone have any idea about my MacBook Air related question at | 23:56 |
ActionPa1snip | aimio: you may need to hunt the web to find sample files | 23:56 |
Diverdude | ActionPa1snip, i have installed works there a way to make it repeat the file? | 23:56 |
aimio | ActionPa1snip, kk thx. | 23:56 |
ActionPa1snip | aimio: you will need: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get write access | 23:57 |
nsd_ | I need to change my console (i.e., Ctrl+Alt+F1) resolution to something that will work with NTSC, I guess 640x480. I edited /etc/grub.d/10_linux and changed the block of code that wrote "set gfxmode" to write "set gfxmode=keep" and uncommented the line that set GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub, and ran sudo update-grub but to no avail. Any ideas, anyone? | 23:57 |
aimio | ActionPa1snip, yeah that i know. | 23:57 |
aimio | i'm just not sure how the line for my right click should look like :S | 23:57 |
ActionPa1snip | Diverdude: i believe repeat is default | 23:58 |
Rigorm0rtis | Hello. Does anyone know how I can find duplicate files in a directory and replace them with hard links? | 23:58 |
ActionPa1snip | aimio: if its a laptop, you could check | 23:58 |
aimio | ActionPa1snip, yeah i'm there right now :D | 23:59 |
sev8 | DasEi_: ah, I can't remember so well anymore. The last time I saw it was 2 or 3 days ago, as after that I set noauto. I think that after the BIOS screen the ssytem says that it's mounting disks then gives the FATAL error | 23:59 |
DasEi_ | Rigorm0rtis, fdupes lets you find : | 23:59 |
sev8 | The error is shown before I now see "AppArmor: AppArmor initialized" | 23:59 |
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