
xubuntu138hello everybody.00:27
xubuntu138can i ask why is a lot of versions?00:33
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ShootEmUpHello Everyone03:05
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:13
jynkshi there05:47
jynksI have a fresh install of xubuntu but i can not get HDMI audio working05:48
jynksI have followed a few threads about pulse audio and alsamixer.. but i still can not get it to work05:48
jynksany ideas?05:48
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=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
lokvendrabuenas noches o buenos dias a todos10:43
lokvendraxubuntu 10.10 deberia conectar a la red mediante wi-fi, en caso que no lo haga donde podria buscar una solucion?10:44
Sysisorry but this is english channel10:45
Sysiyou can ask from local ubuntu channel also about xubuntu10:45
lokvendra10.10 xubuntu should connect to the network via wi-fi, if you do not where I could find a solution?10:50
lokvendraok sorry10:50
lokvendra10.10 xubuntu should connect to the network via wi-fi, if you do not where I could find a solution?10:50
Psilocybin_Elfnm-applet is the program for Xubuntu wi-fi...10:56
Sysijust ask #ubuntu-es, same drivers and networkmanager10:57
lokvendraok thanks11:05
lokvendra como saber cuales son los controladores de los driver para sonido y red, instale xubuntu en un notbook11:19
lokvendraand know what are the drivers for the sound and network driver to install xubuntu on a notbook11:20
MorphixNWhi guys16:18
MorphixNWI am struggling with fstab mounting my 2 secondary hard drives16:18
MorphixNWthis is one of the two lines I have added to FSTAB "/dev/sdb1 /home/steph/nas1       ext2   defaults 0 0"16:18
MorphixNWthe drives are failing to mount correctly16:19
MorphixNWthey are showing up as 70.5GB including the boot drive16:19
MorphixNWhowever those values are no correct16:19
dr4c4nMorphixNW: nice password reset :D16:27
MorphixNWhow can I connect to the hard drive of another ubuntu machine?17:19
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carolI lost my menubar, and have to right click to ge the menu.  How do I put it back at the top of the screen?19:25
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/19:25
carolSysi, I wonder how they disappeared in the first place...19:26
dr4c4ncarol: press a random bunch of keys and see if it happens again :)19:27
Sysiawkward byte19:27
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iDopehow to I add RDP support to the Remote Desktop Viewer app in Xubuntu?21:26
iDopeinstalling gnome-rdp did it in Gnome21:27
iDopeis it the same?21:27
ubuntujesus i need help22:13
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:33
nicofsI can't play DVDs... Parole Media Player returns "Could not read from resource." what shall i do?23:05
athomsHello. installed ubuntu (first time linux user) a week ago, but didnt manage to get my NAS to automount, so i switched to xubuntu and it worked directly (using samba and fstab). I guess it didnt had to do with ubuntu that it didnt work there. but anyway, i will stick around with xubuntu. its much more my taste. i have got everything working now that i want and need except  compiz (cube) do i need more than compiz config and screenlets?23:15
athomssorry for long message, im in a great mood :D23:15
josh1which gtk engines are needed to use the Bluebird theme in maverick meerkat? I can't get it to work in lucid23:18
knomewell, in lucid, you need a ppa23:20
knomeyou need a later murrine version that's in the ppa23:20
josh1oh, gotcha, thought maybe I was missing something else23:20
josh1will install the murrine ppa23:20
knomeathoms, compiz on xubuntu might not be completely problem-less23:21
knome!compiz | athoms23:22
ubottuathoms: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:22
athomsthanks. its maybe a dumb thing to use a low resource desktopsystem and the first thing to do is add compiz :-)23:23
knomeyeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense really23:24
josh1knome: do I want the daily ppa for murrine, or is there a different one?23:24
knomei don't know about the problems with xfce+compiz - i don't use even xfce compositing myself - but there should be some guides if you want to browse the web :)23:25
knomejosh1, i'd recommend that, if it's for lucid as well23:25
athomsbye bye Microsoft windows . now i can do allmost everything i want in linux. only propellerheads reason i missing now. i just saw that Eve Online shall work with Wine !  Weee23:32
RayGalinatoHi, I'm having an issue ever since I ran updates. My problem is that every time I start up, instead of loading xvesa, I'm stuck in tty1 login.23:44

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