[03:39] DarkwingDuck ping you around [03:40] DarkwingDuck just wondering if you have had any work done on kubuntu-docs [04:07] * apachelogger yawns uncontrolled [04:07] shadeslayer: your not going to bed makes me also not go to bed [04:07] this is outrages! [04:10] * vorian needs to start helping again [04:10] * apachelogger hugs vorian [04:10] not sure if that helps [04:10] * apachelogger is too tired to help himself get to bed, so... ;) [04:11] woot, it the helps! \o/ [04:11] nini [04:11] vorian: are you going to bed already? [04:11] na [04:11] got a few hours yet [04:11] oh, I see, you mistook my whining for me actually doing something about it ^^ [04:12] hehe [04:12] * apachelogger notes that shadeslayer stays up to 4 so apachelogger needs to stay up til 9 or so [04:12] which could be a problem since I have a meeting at noon ^^ [04:12] I stay up til 12 mountain standard time [04:12] which is like 6 [04:13] oh, this is confusing [04:13] whoever inveted time must have been on crack [04:14] my vps is british [04:14] so, it's a tad easier to keep track [04:14] hm, why is it british though? [04:14] cost [04:15] * apachelogger kicks his kubuntu mobile install for building kernel modules against the wrong kernel [04:15] it was the cheepest and fastest [04:15] fair enough :) [04:15] yus, totally worth it [04:15] all I need is to get my macbook kubuntu bugs worked out [04:16] * vorian thinks external mouse is the key [04:16] vorian: that would be a way to start helping again I suppose? :) [04:16] yus! [04:17] * apachelogger made ktown explode earlier [04:17] should I meet with an "accident" you know why [04:17] oh god, my ssh key is gone [04:18] vorian: did a wookie eat it? [04:18] who do I contact about my svn account [04:18] valorie: ping [04:18] vorian: kde svn? [04:18] yus [04:18] sysadmins [04:18] see footer of bugs.kde.org [04:18] okie dokie [04:18] might be that this stuff is now handled via identity.kde.org though [04:19] so you should first update that to make things go faster [04:19] then they technically should just need to run some syn script I understand [04:19] I see [04:19] * vorian is trying identity right now [04:21] no matching email :/ [04:21] :O [04:21] sec [04:22] stalcup Steve Stalcup vorian@kubuntu.org [04:22] oh noes [04:22] * vorian has no @kubuntu any more [04:24] then just file a sysadmin request [04:26] on irc or on bugs? [04:26] vorian: bugs [04:26] kk [04:26] though I suppose irc is fine too if someone has time [04:26] * apachelogger reboot kubuntu mobile and hopes it will not explode [04:26] I'll do bugs [04:28] hahaha [04:28] rofl [04:28] silly kde login sound on n900 [04:28] this is epic :D [04:41] openssh just ate my n900 -.- [04:49] apachelogger: pong [04:49] valorie: are you running phonon-gstreamer now? [04:50] not at this second, but I will switch if you like [04:50] would be good to have testing of the git version [04:50] oh, I didn't build it yet [04:50] so I have only the packaged version [04:51] are you done with your git commit madness? [04:51] which I enjoyed btw [04:51] do I need to also build Gstreamer? [04:51] or will phonon-gst work with Gst from packages? [04:52] no gstreamer needed [04:52] we are not qtgstreamer, we actually consider what users and distros will have already avilable :P [04:53] actually phonon-gst should even compile on stable debian [04:53] i.e. super old gstreamer ;) [04:53] ok [04:53] like ancient [04:56] from this moment on I am 100% Kubuntu/KDE [04:57] * apachelogger hugs vorian and valorie [04:58] * apachelogger is soon 100% fedora, but no one must know about this [04:58] oh, I actually wrote that [04:58] whoops [04:59] lol [05:01] apachelogger: is the git address git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-gstreamer ? [05:01] yes [05:01] danke [05:01] de rien [05:03] and cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr is the same? [05:03] * apachelogger yep [05:03] valorie: you might need apt-get build-dep phonon [05:04] ah [05:04] because: [05:04] :~/kde/src/phonon-gstreamer/build$ sudo make install [05:04] make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. [05:04] valorie: you should always read what cmake had to say :) [05:04] usually it will tell you at the bottom if something went wrong [05:06] ok, did the build-dep, but it's still saying that it doesn't have a target for install? [05:06] you need to rerun cmake [05:06] ok [05:07] of course, duh! [05:07] * apachelogger will now break his newly created kubuntu mobile [05:07] Congratulations! All external packages have been found. [05:07] :-) [05:09] * apachelogger congratulates pyth0rn on eating his cpu [05:10] I love that [05:10] when I run [05:10] kbuildsycoca4 running... [05:10] kbuildsycoca4(8877) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Categories in "/usr/share/applications/im-switch.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon). [05:10] always get that same error [05:10] easy fixor [05:11] someone should add that trailing semicolon [05:11] lol [05:11] * apachelogger wonders what silly thin im-switch could be [05:11] * valorie switches to gst and amarok crashes.... [05:12] well [05:12] that is a phonon bug [05:12] will be fixed in 4.5 [05:12] as backend switching will no longer will be done instantly [05:12] but only on app restart [05:13] I did update phonon, vlc, phonon-vlc before I built gst [05:13] normally I do quit and restart [05:13] backend switching has never worked well unless I do [05:14] I know [05:14] because it requires code on the backend part [05:14] and that was only ever implemented for xine [05:14] well, shit [05:15] gst crashes as soon as I press play [05:15] :( [05:15] get output then [05:15] as I asked in that bug :P [05:15] because I only know you crash as absolutely random [05:15] amarok: [ERROR__] [MySqlStorage] "GREPME MySQLe query failed! (1030) Got error 9 from storage engine on INSERT INTO directories(deviceid,changedate,dir) VALUES (-1,1290229287,'./home/valorie/Music/Sara Bareilles/');" [05:15] and never ever reproducible [05:15] this is a new one [05:15] oh [05:16] haven't ever seen that before [05:16] that is not from phonon :P [05:16] phew [05:16] nope [05:16] I'll run in gdb, since Dr. K was unable to start up [05:16] well [05:17] I doubt that will help with that sort of error [05:17] as the error probably caused the crash [05:17] its fun to stay at the ymca [05:19] Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [05:19] Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend::logMessage (this=0x0, message=..., priority=2, obj=0x9c0c00) [05:19] at ../../gstreamer/backend.cpp:466 [05:19] 466 ../../gstreamer/backend.cpp: No such file or directory. [05:19] in ../../gstreamer/backend.cpp [05:19] sec [05:19] hm [05:19] * apachelogger has tab overload [05:22] that was right before the crash [05:23] what is odd about this is that this is 0 [05:23] bt: http://pastebin.ca/2037500 [05:24] yeah, that is not useful in this cse [05:24] :( [05:24] valorie: debug output is what I need :) [05:24] * apachelogger needs to know why this is 0 [05:24] oh [05:24] ehm [05:24] yes [05:24] well, I added those lines to my rc file [05:24] valorie: not rc [05:24] in a shell [05:25] you need to run the exports [05:25] and then start amarok [05:25] ok, will do [05:25] export sets an envrionmental variable for the shell [05:25] which is then inherited by any application you start in that shell [05:25] consequently amarok (and thus phonon as it is part of amarok's context) get the vars [05:27] very quick crash, and Dr. K is getting the bt [05:27] should I post it in that bug? [05:27] or pastebin [05:28] valorie: I need the console output [05:28] backtrace is always the same anyway [05:29] oh, ok [05:30] http://pastebin.ca/2037504 [05:30] I think it's missing the beginning of the output though [05:30] that was as much as I could get [05:34] hmmmm [05:34] "PGST(1): Source type not currently supported (MediaObject 0x205be80)" [05:34] "PGST(2): Begin source load (MediaObject 0x205be80)" [05:35] lets see [05:39] oh [05:39] I cannot get rid of mp3 support [05:39] thats a first [05:40] aha! [05:40] ha! [05:40] hahaha! [05:40] valorie: got it [05:40] bingo [05:40] kaboom [05:41] valorie: missing mp3 support is the cause of evil [05:41] not that I had the slightest idea what is going wrong internally that causes the crash [05:41] but I can reproduce it [05:42] valorie: thanks for the log [07:24] I notice on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo "Ensure we have latest KOffice, KDevelop, Amarok etc" [07:25] Packages just came out for Koffice... 2.30 beta. So the plan is still to get 2.3 Final in for Natty? [07:25] (at least I assume 2.30b = 2.3 beta) [07:26] so to continue on what apachelogger and I were doing -- crash is instant if I try to play an mp3 without the needed codecs for the gst backend [07:27] they aren't in kubuntu-restricted-extras [07:27] and I suggest they be put there [07:27] +1 [07:27] if gst and vlc are going to be the suggested [07:28] AND, maybe that package should be recommended with installation of the backend [07:28] since most people want to play mp3 [07:28] I usually play ogg, but these happen to be mp3 [07:29] since everyone is asleep, I guess I'll write to the devel list === hunger_ is now known as hunger [11:17] happy new year to all :) [11:18] happy new year to you, ghostcube [11:19] I'm just trying out spideroak for backup [11:20] kpackagekit couldn't install it [11:59] Kubuntiac: 2.30b (for koffice) is 2.30 final, it just took a couple of tries to get to the final tars. [12:17] * ScottK marked the bug for KDE SC 4.4.5 update in Lucid "verification-done". [12:17] * ScottK waits for pitti to copy it to -updates and crosses fingers. [13:03] 13 [13:43] 14 [13:43] :P [13:48] afiestas, ping [13:57] googles spam filter is the fail [14:01] apachelogger: I got the nightly build stuff ~working, but no luck getting it to do parallel builds (I think if I got that ice cream would work). [14:01] note: didn't make a debian package for it yet, just beating on the upstream scripts (from kdesvn) [14:10] rbelem: pong [14:11] afiestas: Have you gotten a chance to work on the X config stuff we discussed with RAOF yet? [14:11] nope :/ [14:11] OK. [14:11] afiestas, what do you think should I do about the nfs fileshare? [14:12] well, I don't have a strong opinion about nfs right now [14:12] but I do think that would be nice to improve the feature instead of removing it [14:13] I'm all for scrapping the NFS code, it's ugly, unused and a potential security risk [14:13] well, maybe we can rework it [14:13] afiestas: I think "Use system NFS mounts" is a reasonable answer. [14:14] for example, by using KAuth+mount so no ugly suids are installed [14:14] why? NFS isn't ment to be a user protocol [14:14] better to use protocols which are designed for the job like SMB and webdav [14:14] to make it more secure we need ipsec, nfsv4 and changes on /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} [14:15] Riddell, i already started to add the webdav support :-) [14:15] ooh? [14:15] how? [14:16] rbelem: all I said was "Just let's take 5min before remove anything" [14:16] if you already did (as it seems) go ahead :p [14:17] I mean it'll need a server first with an interface for adding and removing shares [14:17] Riddell, starting apache on unprivileged port with mdns module :-) [14:17] hi! [14:18] rbelem: that sounds clever [14:18] Riddell, by default it shares the ~/Public [14:18] hi freinhard [14:18] Riddell, i took a look in the gnome implementation :-D [14:19] afiestas, i already removed, but if most of people vote for nfs to stay I can update the patch [14:20] anyone packaging digikam 1.7.0 for beta-backports [14:21] afiestas, btw gnome removed nfs fileshare some time ago [14:22] freinhard: not that I know of [14:22] Gnome removes all kind of useful stuff. Even though I agree in this case, that's not much of a reason. [14:22] eheh :-D [14:23] rbelem: do you need me to get the patch into svn? === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [14:24] \o [14:24] Riddell, nope :-) I just need run some tests [14:24] Riddell, the first patch, ksambashare, is already there :-D \o/ \o/ \o/ [14:27] Riddell, afiestas, i will send a mail to the nfs thread saying that i'm going ahead to remove it, ok? [14:29] rbelem: good with me [14:29] rbelem: can you e-mail me the patches then to include in our packages and I'll get those in on Wednesday [14:29] rbelem: +1 [14:29] rbelem: did you see sehytans kcm mockup for sharing? [14:30] apachelogger, nope [14:30] I haven't seen sheytan for a while [14:30] Riddell: that is because you were not around this weekend :P [14:31] rbelem: http://i.imgur.com/eYxQm.png [14:32] Riddell: he was around yesterday [14:33] apachelogger, nice! :-D [14:33] Riddell: This is a reminder about having a chat with cjwatson re how to deal with seeds for kubuntu/kubuntu-mobile. I think I'm close to wanting to make a kubuntu-mobile-n900 metapackage and it'd be nice to know the general plan first. [14:33] rbelem: I was sort of suggesting that you will now implement that :P === ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 2011 same procedure as every year: 2 releases and many hugs | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo [14:34] ScottK: yes, still have that on my mind, can also add to my wednesday todo list [14:34] Riddell: Thanks. [14:34] apachelogger, but some stuff are a little bit complicated, like cd/dvd sharing [14:35] apachelogger, need to check which are possible [14:35] yeah, scratch that [14:36] rbelem: primarily having the interface would be good ;) [14:36] even when limited to smb provided sharing services [14:36] (namely file and print) [14:36] apachelogger, for internet connection share, connman manages better. It has a an iptables module [14:36] apachelogger, :-D [14:37] we should just use connman :P [14:37] for all of kubuntu [14:37] our users will love us [14:37] first we introduce broken nm integration, then we swtich to broken connman integration :D :D :D [14:37] Ubuntu will eventually switch, so we need to start thinking about it. [14:37] oh noes [14:38] how will we find someone wicked enough to do the porting [14:38] ScottK, when will we talk to cjwatson? [14:38] OTOH IIRC meego has some sort of connman qt library [14:38] rbelem: I think Riddell will handle it. [14:38] ScottK, cool :-) [14:38] apachelogger: They must have something since that's the target it's developed for. [14:39] yeah, just wondering how much use that would be to us [14:40] apachelogger, ScottK, i'm working with connman bluetooth [14:40] Nice. [14:41] tomorrow I could feedback about the qt interface for it === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [15:11] Riddell: I was thinking about all the -dev depends we add to kdepim-dev. Now that we build with "ld --no-add-needed", I think we ought to drop that. Any packages that need those -dev packages will have to explicitly link against them and should have them in their build-depends directly. [15:15] Meh. Nevermind. [15:15] I was thinking of something else. [16:21] Riddell: hey :) did you got my message about a Qt patch? [16:35] dantti: don't think so [16:36] Riddell: http://pastebin.com/Sic7X8jV [16:37] Riddell: kpackagekit crashes when there is a huge list, and david faure traced the bug to this spot, he said he would open a bug in Qt but while it's not fixed.... [16:47] thanks dantti, will take a look on wednesday === dbarth__ is now known as dbarth === dbarth is now known as davidbarth === davidbarth is now known as dbarth === dbarth is now known as davidbarth [16:50] JontheEchidna: group selection using ctrl in muon would be nice [16:52] apachelogger: QML is the shit [16:52] how so? [16:52] droidslayer: shit or hit? [16:52] uses ETOOMUCHMEMORY [16:52] hunger: former [16:52] wait... "the shit" or "shit"? because these are opposite things [16:52] apachelogger: yeah that's on the todo list. Requires a bit of changing on how the details for each package are activated [16:53] droidslayer: I guess it depends a lot on how it is used. [16:54] apachelogger: apparently it will use a new JS engine every time a new tab page is opened [16:54] droidslayer: how is that? [16:54] depends on how it is implemented one would suppose [16:54] apachelogger: js engine is not reusable [16:54] but generally I would assume that every tab embeds their own qwebgraphics thing [16:55] and separated js makes sense anyway [16:55] for security reasons [16:58] hm [16:59] hmmmmm [16:59] mgraesslin: what happens when one builds kwin-gles with both gl and gles installed? [16:59] * apachelogger notes that currently Qt will drag in gl [16:59] gles is picked [16:59] no problem works with mesa [16:59] I don't understand why, but it works [16:59] ok [16:59] ^^ [17:00] my ultimative plan is to make the compositor a library which is built ones against GL and once against GLES [17:00] that would sound handy [17:00] and then have an external app to try which one works and pick the right one at runtime [17:00] *nod* [17:07] ahh [17:07] ctest [17:07] meh [17:11] apachelogger: BTW, my KDE nightly build seems to be ice creaming now. [17:11] sweet [17:11] so we only need to make it work without you giving the scripts a beatin' :D [17:12] I'm going to have to get a bigger hard drive though. [17:12] yes [17:28] [muon] jmthomas * 1211320 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/Application.cpp Don't bother creating a temporary named variable in this function [17:28] ice creaming \o/ === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:41] ScottK: as long as it is fast :D [17:42] * apachelogger is wondering why the kwin-gles build runs ctest [17:42] apachelogger: I'll probably leave /var/cache on the 16 GB USB stick on that machine and then add an external HD to one of the others to host the nightly builds. [17:43] ScottK: do you want to do nightlies on box1? [17:43] * apachelogger would do nightlies on box3 with -j3 [17:43] apachelogger: It doesn't matter much which it is, we just need to pick one. [17:43] * apachelogger would also ask a minion to write a script for the nightly builds [17:44] ScottK: box3 [17:44] my screen names box 3 KDE 1 or somesuch ^^ [17:44] OK. [17:44] The one at .101. [17:45] ScottK: 110 [17:45] Right. [17:45] OK. I meant .111 in any case, but .110 is fine. [17:45] 111 is slave to 110, clearly :D [17:47] ;-) [17:59] mgraesslin: do you also get ctest when building kwin-gles? [18:00] ctest? [18:06] hm, anyone an idea why our natty bootsplash looks like it can't do anti-aliasing? http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/20110103_002.jpg [18:07] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1211331 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Version bump for the impending 1.0.5 release [18:08] Riddell: the bug that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap/+bug/673038 was blocking on was fixed a day after you commented [18:08] Ubuntu bug 673038 in debootstrap (Ubuntu Lucid) "Add (Ubuntu) natty as a symlink to gutsy." [Undecided,New] [18:10] apachelogger: I like how precise releaseme is: "fr"=>85.9934853420195 [18:10] maco: Are you in PA or DC these days? [18:11] ScottK: today im in NY. tonight i'll be in PA. thursday & friday I'll be in MD for a job interview [18:12] maco: Next time you're in the area on a weekend you might want to check out http://bookthing.org/ - My wife took me there last weekend and it was pretty cool. [18:12] crimsun: ^^^ You too. [18:13] JontheEchidna: you could do matrices magic with it ;) [18:13] maco: in PA, are you visiting lennart? [18:13] :D :D :D :D [18:13] apachelogger: Wrong PA. [18:13] aww [18:31] JontheEchidna: sorting by name in a search still does not work btw [18:31] apachelogger: omg omg [18:31] apachelogger: i haz a blog [18:31] apachelogger: it sorts by relevance [18:31] apachelogger: kshadeslayer.wordpress.com [18:31] does it feature nakkid pics? [18:32] a empty blog [18:32] :P [18:32] that is jolly boring :P [18:32] i also own rohangarg.wordpress.com [18:32] altho i never got around to using that domain name [18:32] JontheEchidna: yeah, but if the arrow thingy in the top bar indicates that it is sorted by name then it shall be sorting by name [18:32] additionally someone who knows what he is looking for will not care about relevance as that is completely bogus at times [18:33] like with gstreamer ;) [18:33] but I can't sort by relevance unless sorting is enabled [18:33] dbgsyms apparently have a higher relevance than plugins [18:33] JontheEchidna: well, it still is false indication [18:34] maybe add a column with relevance? [18:34] but that would be an empty column [18:34] you cannot query the relevance? [18:34] I mean [18:34] what are you sorting by? [18:35] the relevance of the search terms as returned by the xapian search [18:35] and that cannot be stuffed into a column? [18:35] there isn't anything to stuff [18:35] it's the order the packages are returned in [18:35] nice [18:35] JontheEchidna: well [18:36] that is information, is it not? :P [18:36] ....which is shown by placing the packages in the proper order [18:36] relevance: {1000,999, 998...} [18:36] It would probably be better to change the column name [18:37] than to place another column with useless info [18:37] well [18:37] it would still not allow sorting by name [18:37] * apachelogger cannot use relveance sorting [18:37] impossible to find anything with ddebs repo enabled [18:41] Riddell: please upload it with kde 4.6 and maybe natty :D http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=84745 [18:42] so like .... [18:42] its official [18:42] i wont be attending next UDS :P [18:43] blame this : http://www.itmindia.edu/academiccalendar/Detailed%20even%20sem%20%20Academic%20calendar%20for%20MDU%20%202010-11.pdf [18:43] shadeslayer: hmm? [18:43] * apachelogger blames this [18:43] ah, stupid school! [18:44] yep [18:44] exams right during UDS [18:45] i cannot get these postponed ^_^ [18:48] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1211342 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Forgot to bump this [18:51] shadeslayer: you are just afraid === sresu_ is now known as sresu [19:02] JontheEchidna: you need a bumper script [19:02] * apachelogger notes that releaseme2 with its improved hook capabilities will be able to do that sorta stuff ^^ [19:05] apachelogger: otoh i can go to conf.kde.in [19:05] i can bunk the college fest :> [19:05] shadeslayer: yeah, but there is no ScottK to assign you work :P [19:05] apachelogger: :P [19:06] he can assign me work over IRC :P [19:06] which is not very effective as you are always busy :P [19:09] * apachelogger just wanted to :wq the ubuntu wiki :O [19:09] I should have gone to bed earlier [19:11] * yofel wonders what he broke now... [19:13] shadeslayer: Going to conf.kde.in would be nice. Coming back with something useful accomplished would be even better. Please plan on demoing kubuntu-mobile on your n900. [19:14] :D [19:14] lovely === jjesse__ is now known as jjesse [19:23] ScottK: when will we get dailies for kubuntu-mobile natty? [19:23] apachelogger: Someone would need to set that up. [19:24] apachelogger: Do you mean ISO images? [19:25] well [19:25] img images [19:25] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-mobile/ports/daily-preinstalled/current/ [19:27] Ah. Right. [19:28] I think that needs cjwatson back from vacation. [19:28] I'll talk to him about that after Riddell talks to him about seeds. [19:31] kthx [19:33] hrmph [19:33] im making a natty pbuilder and its stuck on I: Unpacking makedev... [19:39] this issue is unkown to apachelogger [19:45] ScottK: oh, we probably need to clone the pbuilder setup from box1 to kde1 [19:46] Certainly. [19:46] Need to get the new hard drive first. [19:46] also I am not sure we have the no sync() hook yet [19:46] which should be very healty for arm [19:47] That would be nice. [19:47] * apachelogger gives the upgrade to natty one last chance [19:47] * apachelogger hopes that the n900 battery will last long enough :D [19:48] doesnt seem to charge over usb with our kernel [19:50] Checking for a new ubuntu release [19:50] No new release found [19:50] right [19:50] -.- [19:53] [muon] jmthomas * 1211351 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/AvailableView.cpp We don't use this pointer at any other time in this function other than stuffing it into a list, so don't bother giving it a name. [19:55] [libqapt] jmthomas * 1211352 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.cpp SVN_SILENT: Whitespace [20:00] -rw-r--r-- 1 me me 8.5M Jan 3 20:59 ../kde-window-manager-gles_0.0+gita5cba06-0ubuntu1_i386.deb [20:00] :D [20:00] mgraesslin: ^ [20:00] :-D [20:01] awesome [20:01] lol I quit facebook [20:01] Quintasan: boring [20:02] mgraesslin: does it need solid, ksysguard and all that plunder? [20:02] apachelogger: facebook, or quitting it? [20:02] Quintasan: both [20:02] I'm not sure what KWin actually needs [20:02] ^^ [20:02] apachelogger: You get beer at UDS [20:02] it should work without ksysguard and solid [20:03] it needs kworkspace libs [20:03] hm [20:03] mgraesslin: but it could just use the regular kworkkspace lib? [20:03] yes [20:03] ok [20:03] everything regular should be fine [20:03] need to look into this tomorrow then [20:09] [muon] jmthomas * 1211356 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/icons/hi256-app-muon.png optimizegraphics: Losslessly optimized PNG and SVGZ files with "optipng -o5" and "advdef -z -4". Reduced disk space: 4KB (0MB) [20:31] apachelogger you like new stuff, right?:D [20:31] shadeslayer you too, right? :D [20:31] give it give it [20:32] Quintasan, apachelogger, shadeslayer: me wish this in kubuntu: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7826/firstrun.jpg [20:33] * apachelogger smashes his keyboard [20:33] oh easy [20:33] get apachelogger to code it in Python [20:33] this insane flipping darth vader damn crap shoot pyth0rn [20:33] sheytan: ^ [20:33] I shall eat them all [20:33] and then poops all over the other pyth0rns [20:34] * apachelogger stops doing mobile shit for today as everything in you bun too is made out of pyth0rn and thus not working [20:34] sheytan: not gonna happen [20:34] why? :( [20:34] sheytan: hurts user experience [20:34] sheytan: logic, he will code it within few hours [20:34] * maco gives apachelogger cookies with sugary sprinkles on top [20:34] that should be done while installation [20:35] not between installation and first use [20:35] apachelogger this sure can be there [20:35] no matter for me [20:35] matter is that installer will allow this [20:35] well [20:35] the you bun too installer did this (at leasf ro a while) [20:35] with windows settings at least [20:35] so it is absolutely possible [20:35] imagine you can transfer all KDE settings (desktop, apps) to your new installation. How easier it would be for us [20:35] roman just needs to implement it ;) [20:36] apachelogger: Ain't the installer Python magic as well? [20:36] which is why I am not going to touch it [20:36] even the upgrade thing refuses to do anything [20:36] I always though Python stuff is apachelogger's area of expertise [20:36] ah [20:37] the launchpad login experience [20:37] awesome [20:37] [trollface] [20:37] it is like awesome [20:37] or like awesome [20:37] OHSHI- KDEBINDINGS ARE BUILDING [20:37] sheytan: shtylman@gmail.com drop him na email since he is not arround it seems [20:38] sheytan: why does it make things easier for us btw? [20:38] OH MY GOD IT WORKS [20:38] yofel: HERP DERP UPLOADING [20:38] XD [20:39] apachelogger if you have to configure your desktop and apps, with lots of changes like me, then it saves me 4 days of that game :) [20:40] do you get new machines that often? ^^ [20:40] * apachelogger notes that some time back someone worked on transiting KDE configs with a tool, never got stable AFAIK [20:40] no, but if you do, you save time :) [20:41] not an untrivial thing [20:41] should be discussed at UDS if we want to have that [20:41] yeah, Ivan C. what working on something like this [20:47] ulysses: http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/12/21/muon-suite-1-1-beta-2/ <- localization for MSC should work in this release [20:49] * JontheEchidna goes off to play video games [21:02] ScottK: only if Nightrose can get me one .... i dont have a N900 :PO [21:02] shadeslayer: Didn't you just buy a shiny new phone? Why was it not something useful? [21:02] ScottK: i got a HTC Desure [21:02] *Desire [21:03] i will be working on getting plasma mobile on it tho :> [21:03] ScottK: i can install Chroots on my desire ... current instructions are for karmic tho [21:03] so ... will be working on that in another 2-3 days [21:03] Sigh. When did we pick that for a Natty target? [21:04] * ScottK will remind shadeslayer that at UDS we said we wanted N900. [21:05] i keep reading "desire" as the female name "desiree" [21:05] sheytan: nice ... now there is a project called kwelcomewidget which can possible use that :) [21:05] ScottK: N900 is old hardware .. i needed something fresh and snappy [21:05] ScottK: apachelogger himself says plasma-mobile crappy [21:05] +is [21:06] no [21:06] * maco thinks we have different ideas of "old" for phones [21:06] ScottK: it shouldnt be difficult ... ill show you wait [21:06] shadeslayer: Which is why you should work on it. It's not a finished thing. [21:06] I say that libplasma is inefficient [21:06] which is totally fixable [21:06] shadeslayer: OK. What are you coming back from the conf.kde.in with then? [21:07] ScottK: well ... ill be QA'ing Project Neon heavily there :? [21:07] :> [21:07] and possibly minions [21:07] ScottK: apachelogger so if you read this http://nexusonehacks.net/nexus-one-hacks/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-nexus-oneandroid/ [21:08] shadeslayer: Did you see asac blogged on this topic? [21:08] i think we can switch lxde with ..... plasma-mobile :) [21:08] ScottK: that is a different post iirc [21:08] shadeslayer: #lubuntu is another channel. [21:08] shadeslayer: Yes, if you're going to do it, I'd follow his instructions. [21:09] err.. no ... im saying he blogged about something else [21:10] cant remember what tho [21:10] possibly adb and ubuntu foo [21:11] ScottK: would you like me to preview something at conf.kde.in? [21:11] apart from plasma-mobile and Neon [21:12] im doing a QGraphicsWebView session as well possibly [21:13] * ScottK supposes with that incredibly huge laptop to lug around and the weakness of youth today you'll be too tired for much else. [21:14] interesting [21:15] ScottK: apparently we can haz linaro gcc for android ... thats what his blog is about [21:15] which means [21:15] i can haz linaro stack running on my phone [21:15] nice [21:16] i shall poke him asking if plasma mobile can be run [22:05] ScottK: BTW what would it be to get plasma mobile to work on just device.... instead it would have been better if we could get it running on a range of devices... [22:06] *what fun would it be === scnd101_ is now known as scnd101 [23:04] droidslayer: Sure. Walk before you run however. [23:04] apachelogger_: Look at /sdb on the .110 machine. [23:05] Still needs configuring. [23:08] ScottK: yeah.. for eg need to slim down the ROM size [23:19] I think ill buy a arduino... this week