
adeuringgood morning08:39
LPCIBotProject devel build (347): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 30 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/347/09:41
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LPCIBotProject db-devel build (261): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 34 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/261/14:30
gary_posterjelmer: ping?14:50
gary_posterjelmer: unping14:52
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
jelmergary_poster: hi :-)14:54
gary_posterhi jelmer :-) sorry, I'm chr and didn't know the answer to a soyuz question, but someone else stepped in14:55
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sinzuijml. sorry for missing our standard meeting time. My computer needed a stern whack.16:31
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
lifelessgood morning launchpad18:17
jkakarGood morning lifeless, Happy New Year! :)18:20
lifelesshi jkakar !18:30
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===18:35
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID18:35
lifeless      29 / 3980  Archive:+index18:35
lifeless      29 /  170  BugTask:+index18:35
lifeless      22 /  239  Distribution:+bugs18:35
lifeless      12 /  151  POFile:+translate18:35
lifeless      10 /   17  DistroSeriesLanguage:+index18:35
lifeless       8 /   95  ProjectGroupSet:CollectionResource:#project_groups18:35
lifeless       7 /  235  Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats18:35
lifeless       6 /    4  ProjectGroup:+milestones18:35
lifeless       5 /    5  Archive:+copy-packages18:35
lifeless       5 /    2  Product:+filebug-show-similar18:35
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lifelesssinzui: did you have a good break?19:39
sinzuilifeless I suppose so. I have not completed updating gedit-developer-plugins to libpeas and gobject-introspected, but my version is running on my natty alpha one desktop19:50
sinzuiOnce I upgraded to the alpha, making my primary tools work became an imperative. I think this means they will ship with quickly by default by the beta release19:51
lifelessflacoste: hi19:52
lifelessflacoste: are we talking today ?19:52
flacostehi lifeless!19:52
flacostewe are19:52
flacostelifeless: https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/PPR/20100104/20110104/20:07
lifelesshttp://omniti.com/video/noit-oscon-demo ?20:26
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
flacostelifeless: http://launchpad.leankitkanban.com/Boards/Show/1272055321:52
jmlsinzui: I'm off all week21:58
lifelessjml: doh21:58
lifelessjml: I was hoping for a chat21:58
wgrantgary_poster: Hi.21:59
lifelessflacoste: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=feature-flags21:59
jmllifeless: maybe we can work something out22:02
gary_posterwgrant: hi.  (if you are responding to my ping, someone was asking for soyuz help and I was flailing for help since I didn't see bigjools around.  someone else replied at the time.  thank you)22:02
wgrantgary_poster: I was actually around a few minutes after that, but decided that 2am wasn't a good time to be working.22:03
gary_posterwgrant: lol, I agree22:03
wgrantgary_poster: I'm actually wondering if there's any reason I shouldn't copy bzr-pqm and bzr-tarmacland in the PPA to natty.22:04
wgrantBecause your new launchpad-dependencies is uninstallable.22:04
gary_posterwgrant: argh!  should have thought of that.  no, there is no reason not to copy them (with binaries)22:04
* wgrant does so.22:05
gary_posterthank you wgrant22:05
wgrantHmm, although they each have separate lucid and maverick uploads.22:05
wgrantShould I use the recipe, or just copy the maverick ones?22:05
gary_posterI'm pretty sure copying will work, but Ursinha or matsubara-afk can you offer any insight?22:06
wgrantIt should work. And if it doesn't, the new version will be newer, so it will be easily fixable.22:07
* wgrant does it.22:07
Ursinha not really, I think copying should be enough..22:09
lifelessjml: well ping me your morning or something22:35
lifelesswgrant: ok, so Archive:+index22:47
lifelessits tagged for stub; suggest grabbing him this arvo22:48
lifelessI think he looked and said (roughly) 'fugly queries'22:48
wgrantYeah, that's about what I recall.22:48
wgrantI will grab him.22:48
lifelessit may be worth changing it from prejoin to using DRS and doing a couple of simple serial queries.22:49
wgrantsinzui: Hi.22:50
wgrantsinzui: I just saw bug #696954.22:51
_mup_Bug #696954: Allow persons in project roles to access private bugs <disclosure> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/696954 >22:51
wgrantSurely embargoed security bugs should not be seen by everyone?22:51
sinzuiI am not certain of that. But I have said before that we are working on privacy issues, not security issues22:52
sinzuiwgrant: I do not have a strong opinion about who should see security bugs.22:52
wgrantsinzui: Well, at least for Ubuntu the bug supervisor *must not*.22:52
sinzuiAt this time, I think security bugs are only seen by subscribers. There is plenty of opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot by unsubscribing.22:53
wgrantBut that's how it has to be.22:53
wgrantUnless you add an implicit security contact subscription.22:54
wgrantWhich might be OK once we have anti-subscriptions.22:54
lifelesswe had anti subscriptions22:54
lifelessthey were removed22:54
wgrantDid we?22:54
sinzuiI believe there are 50 private Lp bugs that we cannot see22:54
wgrantI don't recall there ever being anti-subscriptions.22:55
sinzuiwgrant: I am fine with not showing security bugs to drivers and bug supervisors. I think owners need to see them because the role is rarely delegated22:55
wgrantBug contacts could initially unsubscribe, but that's because there were no implicit subscriptions.22:56
wgrantsinzui: For Ubuntu that is probably still a really bad idea.22:56
lifelessthere are some nuances here22:56
lifelessfirstly, shared namespaces.22:56
sinzuiWe should not trust the owner? maybe we should not report a bug in their project then. I expect owners to fix their work22:56
lifelesssecondly, CVE legal requirements22:56
wgrantsinzui: Embargoes.22:56
wgrantAs lifeless says.22:56
wgrantThe security team is to have access to those.22:57
wgrantNot ~ubuntu-drivers.22:57
cody-somervilleWhat about making it configurable? ie. you could have a matrix, roles vs. bug type22:57
wgrantLaunchpad seems to hate configurability.22:57
wgrantBut that would indeed be optimal.22:57
lifelesscody-somerville: bite your fingers22:57
cody-somervillebut that'll hurt :-(22:58
sinzuiUbuntu should fix itself or raise their issues as top priority in stakeholders meetings. making a driver team the owner is just wrong. If they are note really owners, them make the real ownes the owner22:58
wgrantsinzui: It's arguable that even the project's owners should not know.22:58
wgrantAlthough I guess they can change the security contact anyway.22:59
wgrantIt would be nice to still have separation.22:59
cody-somervilleIf permission stuff could be changed on the fly instead of hard coded they would probably be more open to trying to get things as intended. right now people are finding all kinds of creative ways to get launchpad to do what they want (or as close to it).22:59
lifelesswe have a requirement from mark to minimise variation between projects in LP23:00
wgrantThat is going to limit adoption. Because Ubuntu is not other projects.23:00
lifelessso that once someone learns *lp* they can predict its behaviour for ubuntu, zope, launchpad itself etc etc etc23:00
cody-somervillewgrant, I disagree. There has to be a buck stops here type position that has access to everything. You don't want to get into a scenario where no one can access something anymore because no one with the required role exists anymore.23:00
lifelesssinzui: I suggest that 'security team' as a role with implicit subscription is all thats needed, no ?23:01
sinzuiwgrant: the project owner can *choose* to have full access simply by they control who in in the security  role. Private bugs will only have 1 bug target. So when the owner sees a count of bugs higher than listed, he will cease control23:01
lifelessthis doesn't help the shared namespace problem23:01
lifelessbut we were perhaps on crack doing that right from the beginning23:01
wgrantsinzui: But changing the security contact is a very explicit action. I don't think that giving them implicit access to the security bugs is a fantastic idea.23:01
cody-somervillelifeless, I think the intention there might have been more like not letting them decide the layout of the 'portlets' (or w/e you call them) on the project page and not intentionally cripling the usefulness of Launchpad by always having to have the lowest common denominator when it comes to functionality.23:02
lifelesscody-somerville: no, thats not it23:02
sinzuiI think a user is a security role gets to see all security bugs. The subscription is only needed for email. That is not required though because th security team could have a structural subscription23:02
wgrantsinzui: True. One could have a security-only structural subscription.23:03
lifelesscody-somerville: this has been discussed a lot previously; its about behaviour not presentation23:03
wgrantSo all we really need is for structural subscriptions to work for private bugs, detach viewing rights from subscriptions, and allow structural subscriptions based on the security flag.23:03
lifelesscody-somerville: our *job* is to make the lcd very powerful and find ways to solve the tensions present23:04
sinzuicody-somerville: But I think most of us agree that the project page is designed to be useless for people who need to use it23:04
cody-somervillewe have to be pragmatic here.23:04
cody-somervilleThe same permission policy for all projects just isn't going to work.23:05
lifelesscody-somerville: it has for 6 years and we have plenty of adoption.23:05
* cody-somerville laughs.23:05
wgrantFSVO plenty.23:05
wgrantAnd FSVO adoption.23:05
lifelessLook, reframing the problem is one route forward.23:05
lifelessI'm not ruling it out - thats for jml, as proxy-mark, to do.23:05
lifelessWhat I am doing is telling you *how* its been communicated to me previously.23:06
cody-somervilleI understand that.23:06
lifelessI will say that just because its hard to do doesn't mean its impossible or unvaluable.23:06
sinzuiWe are being asked to make it clear who does have access, and to make it simple to grant someone access to all of a project. We do not need to concern ourselves with a lot of details to be successful. We can continue to limit who can see the security issues knowing that an owner can always choose to know, and that it will be common knowledge how to choose.23:07
lifelessso - for instance - showing a 'has access' portlet in addition to the subscribers23:08
lifelessI *do* think that the security contact should act as an implicit subscription not a template subscription23:08
cody-somervillebtw, is there another web application that does this really well that could be a role model?23:09
lifelessnot that I've seen23:09
wgrantThe only template subscription should be the reporter.23:09
wgrantThat's easy to do once access is separate.23:10
lifelesswgrant: it won't be separate23:10
lifelesswgrant: subscription will still imply access; it will be additive23:10
lifelessflacoste: we have a lot of sev 0 rt tickets23:14
lifelessflacoste: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone#preview updated23:16
=== spm` is now known as spm
flacostepoolie: http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC23:32
flacostepoolie: http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Collaboration23:33
=== rockstar is now known as rockstar`
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar

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