
Guest3877hi all. I need help to get my gfx card working in 11.0400:17
holsteinGuest3877: did you find a bug report?00:18
holsteinid try safe graphics mode00:18
holsteinnomodeset or whatever00:18
penguin42which graphics card and how far does it get before failing?00:18
holsteinthat wont get you in to unity though00:18
Guest3877no but some got also problems with ati radeon00:19
holsteindrag :/00:19
Guest3877its a nvidia card00:19
penguin42Guest3877: And how far it does it get?00:30
Guest3877doesnt load unity00:35
DaekdroomWhat card is it, Guest3877?00:36
penguin42so you see the grub boot menu, and you see the login screen?00:36
Daekdroom(model and brand00:36
Guest3877nvidia 5200fx00:36
bjsniderthat piece of garbage should be using the nvidia-177 driver00:37
DaekdroomGuest3877, have you tried installing the driver for it in system > adm > hardware drivers?00:37
bjsnidersorry, 17300:37
DaekdroomSince unity doesn't load, go for classic gnome to install it.00:38
Daekdroomthen reboot.00:38
Guest3877penguin: yes i see those prompts but no desktop bar when everything is loaded00:38
Guest3877what i find odd is 3d support was working (i think) in 10.1000:39
penguin42Guest3877: It always screws up on nvidia across new versions00:41
Guest3877even hibernation was and still a problem with the current graphic card00:43
bjsniderthat graphics card isn't worth its weight in manure00:46
bjsniderit's about 6 generations out of date00:46
DaekdroomMore like 700:47
DaekdroomMy X1100 is only 5-6 generations behind :P00:47
Guest3877what is the App to open a .Deb file please00:51
psusiGuest3877, question does not make sense... what are you trying to do?  install it?00:52
Guest3877psusi: yes, i need to install a diff kernel from ppa mainline00:53
bjsnidersudo dpkg -i app.deb00:58
IdleOneyou don't open deb files00:59
psusiyea, dpkg -i, or just double clicking on it should open it in debi and let you install it01:02
IdleOneI think the default now is software center01:03
IdleOnebeen a while since I doubled clicked a deb01:03
Guest3877psusi: tks it worked thru cmd line but not from desktop?01:18
DaekdroomHm. Why does only Tomboy's indicator integrate with Unity's sidebar and nothing else? o.o01:37
nit-witDaekdroom, have you tried right click on a open application that shows in the side bar and having it stay there, I forget the actual wording.01:42
DaekdroomThe thing is, Tomboy has the exact same options as its libindicator counterpart if I right click it, but nothing else has. It looks like it was hardcoded for Tomboy, which makes me see the whole libindicator as a waste!01:44
vultrazwhats in store for the 11.04 release?04:51
skilzmany things04:51
vultrazlike what04:51
vultrazunity is good04:52
vultrazits a really nice interface04:53
vultrazsimple and easy to understand04:55
skilzIt is practical for touch devices and tablets ect but thats about it...05:01
vultrazwell what other ground-breaking new features will be in 11.0405:02
vultrazi hope it looks aesthetically pleasing ...........05:03
skilzthe rest is top secret infomation05:06
skilzyou have to wait for the release to see for yourself :)05:07
vultrazahhhhh. you're making me curious ^_^05:10
* vultraz is now very curious about 11.0405:21
rwwvultraz: skilz was being silly, it's not top secret. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty is the list of all the developer blueprints for natty, for example05:22
vultrazhumm yes but i don't understand the blueprints :(05:24
Ub3r-N00bdoes anyone know how gdm themes are installed in 11.04 ?07:23
Ub3r-N00banyone online ?07:26
rwwnobody here but us chickens07:27
Ub3r-N00bmm could you help me ?07:28
rwwI have no idea, hence me not answering your question ;P07:28
Ub3r-N00bgood point :D07:28
nit-witcluck ,cluck, cluck07:33
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richthegeekhey all - what's the current status of Natty (major changes, anything important broken, etc)?11:31
Vonorhi. the daily natty-server-amd64.iso shuts down a little bit after the partitioning part11:33
rork`Vonor: that's a known problem, I can look up the bug report for you11:33
AnggaDj98hmm are we talking about Natty here?11:34
AnggaDj98and the bugs too?11:34
rwwyes, this room is for natty11:34
Vonorrork`, it'd be enough to know how to prevent that :P I guess natty-server-amd64.iso from  december first has the same issue?11:36
rork`Vonor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/694772 I'm not exactly sure when the problem started or if there's a workaround. It's just the topic pops up every now and then since dec 28.11:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 694772 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Sudden reboot during server ISO install" [Critical,Triaged]11:38
Vonorrork`, the cd from december first works11:59
Vonorlatest aptitude segfaults13:22
Vonorapt-get too13:23
Jeeves_Can anyone hit me with the cluebat? I want to open a second terminal in Unity. But clicking the 'terminal'-button in the launcher takes me to the window that's allready open13:26
htorqueJeeves_, try a right-click on the launcher icon -> open new window13:28
dnivradoes anyone else have issues installing python-qt4? i get a bunch of 404 Not Found.13:28
Jeeves_htorque: OMG, that needs another click?13:28
* Jeeves_ marks another 'not good' for Unity13:29
Jeeves_dnivra: Have you apt-get updated lately?13:29
dnivraJeeves_, updating.13:30
dnivraalso unity's top bar never really works-i click on the nm icon nothing happens, i click on poweroff button it doesn't work. i've to manually restart gdm from one of the tty's. and also if i switch to any tty and back to tty7, the GUI is never shown. are these known issues?13:37
Jeeves_nm-applet works, but the menu ends up behind my terminal13:37
dnivranm-applet never displays anything. neither does shutdown button.13:38
dnivraJeeves_, are you running natty currently? if so could try switching to another tty and then switch back to tty7?13:39
Jeeves_dnivra: Just did. Works. Slowly, but it worked13:39
dnivrahow about poweroff button?13:40
Jeeves_The same13:40
Jeeves_Works, but shows up behind the active window13:40
dnivracould you try one more thing? switch to classic desktop and see if it says everything crashed? happens if i switch from unity to gnome.13:41
Jeeves_That will cost me too much time for now13:42
Jeeves_I'm working :)13:42
dnivraoh sure. just try it sometime.13:43
Jeeves_Great, Openoffice doesn't show menus either :/13:44
Jeeves_dnivra: I'll switch to gnome. I think I will never like Unity anyway :)13:44
dnivraJeeves_, i checked out unity in 10.10 and it looks pretty good. just wish it worked well.13:45
dnivraJeeves_, open office menus? file, edit etc do work.13:45
Jeeves_dnivra: my gnome works like a charm13:46
Vonordoes anyone know which package provides the openssl library? package "openssl" doesn't seem to provide /usr/lib/openssl ?13:46
Jeeves_Unity has no menu, i need more clicks to open terminals13:46
Jeeves_I don't like it.13:47
penguin42Vonor: I don't have a /u/l//openssl - what are you actually looking for?13:47
Jeeves_Maybe when it's finished, but I doubt it13:47
dnivrai think a launcher shows up in the side by default.13:47
dnivraJeeves_, ^^ terminal launcher. gnome works like a charm but it shows the crashed stuff sometimes.13:47
Vonorpenguin42, trying to compile a package that needs openssl and configure can't find the library / includes13:47
Jeeves_dnivra: Yes, it does.13:48
Jeeves_But if I want a second terminal, i need to right-click and than select another option13:48
Jeeves_that's not what I want13:48
penguin42Vonor: Try libssl-dev13:48
Jeeves_Nor do I want to browse through /usr/share/applications to find the program I want to launch13:48
dnivraand it's sad keyboard shortcuts don't work-alt + f2 or any key binding for opening a terminal.13:49
Jeeves_Anyway, it's WIP, but I suspect that my issues with Unity are features, not bugs13:49
Vonorpenguin42, thanks13:49
dnivraJeeves_, i'm surprised the menu works like that-it's not the same in 10.10 netbook-it's shows a cool interface actually.13:49
Jeeves_I don't need it cool. I need it fast and working :)13:50
dnivraJeeves_, it's pretty fast too :).13:50
penguin42I can kind of see what they're trying to do with browing /u/s/applications - but it won't work unless it's organised13:50
Jeeves_penguin42: Maybe they can think of some way. Let's call it a menu!13:50
penguin42Jeeves_: Well if they had a directory for office stuff, a directory for games etc within that it would all work out pretty much like the menus13:51
Jeeves_Yes, it would. But it doesn't :)13:51
Vonorpenguin42, that worked13:51
dnivrai actually prefer menus. alt + f2 was the best ever. works so fast.13:52
penguin42Vonor: Generally libraries and headers are -dev, then it's just a matter of finding what - apt-cache search is great for that13:52
Jeeves_Vonor: Also, http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:53
Vonorpenguin42, i know, though the package is called openssl so of course i searched for openssl libraries and headers :P13:53
bjsniderVonor, next time run the command apt-get build-dep packagename and you'll install all of its dependencies13:59
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coz_hey all14:28
hibbaanyone successfully installed handbrake?14:47
coz_hibba,  mm I havent tried on natty yet14:50
coz_hibba,   I know there will be at least a handful of applications that wont install until they catch up with dependencies... ubuntutweak doesnt..at least last time I tried14:51
hibbaI did find this: https://edge.launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots14:52
coz_hibba,   did that work?  I dont see natty listed under the filter14:53
hibbadid sources list update, but it does not give any package...14:53
hibbawell no..14:53
coz_hibba,  as I said... there are going to be  applications that are not going to install ...at least at this early stage14:55
hibbaok! putting on my patience hat then.14:57
coz_hibba,  :)14:58
coz_hibba,  yeah!  you have to be a bit patient... typical applications install  like    gimp.. inkscape  etc etc15:00
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coz_BluesKaj,  hey guy15:04
BluesKajhi coz_, person :)15:05
BluesKajhi genii-around15:05
coz_BluesKaj,  I am a guy  :)15:05
* genii-around slides BluesKaj a delicious coffee15:06
BluesKajthanks genii-around I'll have it with my breakfast :)15:08
genii-aroundIn K3b I'm getting "No optical drive found. K3b did not find any optical device in your system. Solution: Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices. ". Yet putting in a disc results in "You have just inserted a blank CD. Choose which application to launch." etc. (Kubuntu with KDE 4.5)15:11
genii-aroundprocess list doesn't show hald15:12
charlie-tcanatty should not have HAL running, as I recall. It was deprecated15:13
* penguin42 is surprised k3b doesn't use solid15:14
charlie-tcabeen replaced by dbus, I though15:14
penguin42I'm not sure dbus replaces hal; I think dbus is just the comms mech and various things sit on dbus15:14
genii-aroundShould I file a bug against K3b ?15:18
penguin42it's all ludicrously complex; as far as I can tell KDE has 'solid' that has udisks, udev and hal backends15:18
tsimpsonbug #69628615:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 696286 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b doesn't find drive because no hal service started" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69628615:18
genii-aroundtsimpson: Ah, thanks!15:18
tsimpsonthe bugs not very active, but it's there15:18
BluesKajyup, same error here , genii-around, tsimpson15:19
genii-aroundInteresting. Refreshing K3b setup page containing the devices shows my drive and then it works. Just not when it starts up.15:23
BluesKajif i need to burn any media I'll use an appropriate app like ffmpeg or mencoder or some such.15:23
Vonorhmm, a program i have compiled on a debian lenny box and on an ubuntu natty box using same options, cflags and stuff, runs fine on debian, on natty it segfaults with #1  0x000000000040538c in user_crypt (line=0x7fffffffe25e "michael", salts=<value optimized out>) at /usr/include/bits/string3.h:12115:24
penguin42Vonor: It's not necessarily a case of a bug in natty, your program could haev got lucky on lenny15:26
Vonorpenguin42, guess so too. i guess it's due to a different version of gcc or one of the libs, because line 121 in string3.h handles strcpy15:28
Vonoror maybe it is because the debian is a 32bit system and the natty is a 64bit system15:35
Vonorbut anyways, the fault still lays in the code of the app in both cases - so dev of the prog has been contacted :)15:36
BluesKajgenii-around, how diyou refresh K3b?15:49
genii-aroundBluesKaj: In K3b: Settings...Configure K3b ... Devices icon in left pane... then Refresh button lower right15:50
BluesKajyeah genii-around I found it , still no drives15:51
genii-aroundBluesKaj: When I did that, was after I had inserted a blank disk and then dismissed the popup notice of what app to run, leaving the disc inserted15:53
BluesKajok, I'll try that later ...too lazy to get out of my easychair ...suffering from a terrible cold15:54
penguin42BluesKaj: <sigh> tell me about it, 3rd of January and I#ve already got the 1st cold of the year15:56
BluesKajusing wireless KB & mouse15:56
BluesKajpenguin42, this one's particularly tough,,, a week now and I'm not getting much better15:57
penguin42BluesKaj: That sounds like the one I had a few weeks ago.....15:58
speedvinI have a question...16:11
speedvinWhere to send bug reports about the dependcies in some packages?16:12
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/16:12
speedvinBluesKaj: but where?16:12
speedvinHow to do it? I mean what to write?16:13
speedvinPackage problem with dependcies?16:13
charlie-tcawhat package?16:13
BluesKajzdo a serch with the keywords describing the bug first and one neds to join in oder to file a report , I  think16:14
speedvincharlie-tca: It's freepascal-unit-gfx16:14
charlie-tca!info freepascal-unti-gfx16:15
ubottuPackage freepascal-unti-gfx does not exist in natty16:15
charlie-tca!info freepascal-unit-gfx16:15
ubottuPackage freepascal-unit-gfx does not exist in natty16:15
speedvinIf you want to use graph unit (that one is in the package) you need packages svgalib1 and svgalib1-dev16:15
speedvin!info freepsacal-units-gfx16:15
ubottuPackage freepsacal-units-gfx does not exist in natty16:15
charlie-tcaThat is not a valid ubuntu package16:15
speedvinwait ;)16:15
speedvinI will check that one again!16:15
speedvin!info fp-units-gfx16:16
ubottufp-units-gfx (source: fpc): Free Pascal - graphics libraries units. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0-2 (natty), package size 955 kB, installed size 8232 kB (Only available for all i386 powerpc sparc amd64 armel)16:16
charlie-tcaThen you can use this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs/#Filing%20bugs%20at%20Launchpad.net16:18
speedvinWhat do you think?16:18
charlie-tcaand request the extra stuff be linked as either dependencies or recommended16:18
speedvin    http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fp-units-gfx/+filebug?no-redirect like this?16:20
speedvincharlie-tca: ok thanks for help ;)16:21
charlie-tcano problem16:23
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speedvincharlie-tca: hmm it can't find fp-units-gfx package on launchpad ;(16:31
charlie-tcalet me look for it16:32
charlie-tcathe package on launchpad is fpc16:33
charlie-tcafp-units-gfx is part of       fpc16:33
speedvincharlie-tca: it's a meta package ;)16:33
charlie-tcait's what you file the bug against, though16:34
penguin42oh heck all the fpc stuff is quite hairy16:34
speedvinthen fpc not fp-units-gfx?16:34
speedvinOk I need to go!16:44
DrHalanhey, when will gnome3.0 arrive in natty?17:29
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AmaranthDrHalan: It won't17:32
om26erAmaranth, not even a single app will be 3.0?17:32
Amaranthom26er: Not unless they can work with the 2.0 components17:33
Amaranthom26er: But since pulling in one part of GNOME 3.0 generally requires pulling in all of it I suspect we'll see little if any 3.0 stuff in natty17:33
* om26er read somewhere desktop team is planning to remove gtk3 from the live cd :(17:34
penguin42Amaranth: I thought the libraries were supposed to be compatible?17:34
penguin42om26er: Not much point in having the lib on the livecd if nothing uses it17:34
Amaranthpenguin42: Libraries generally are since they have SONAME changes to go with the ABI bump, yes17:34
om26erthen natty would be a boring release :p17:34
AmaranthBut you need gnome-settings-daemon and such too to get proper theming and last I heard you can't run both the 2 and the 3 versions (or even install them side-by-side) and they only theme GTK2 or GTK3 apps, respectively17:35
penguin42oh that's a mess17:35
AmaranthAnd similar issues with other daemons that make the desktop work17:35
Amaranthkeyring daemon, etc17:36
DrHalanim more excited about gnome/gtk 3.0 than i am about unity...17:36
AmaranthDrHalan: You're in luck, there is a PPA :)17:36
DrHalani guessed so17:36
AmaranthOf course if you install everything from the PPA I'm pretty sure you can only run gnome-shell17:37
AmaranthUnless GNOME sorts things out for gnome-panel 3.0 and the PPA installs that too17:37
AmaranthDrHalan: But GNOME 3.0 without gnome-shell is pretty boring so I'm guessing that's what you're looking for17:39
DrHalanwell im alos curious about the more up to date verison of the apps like epiphany or nautilus.17:43
DrHalanthere shoud be RGBA-windows in gtk3.0 too i read17:44
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om26ereven empathy 3.0 depends on gtk3 :|17:46
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DrHalanyeah but maybe it can be backportet to gtk218:06
DrHalanso what apps still need gtk2 ?18:06
DrHalanare the ubuntu apps already protet to the new gnome-python apis?18:07
bjsniderAmaranth, what ppa is that?18:11
penguin42https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gnome3-builds ?18:11
Amaranthoops, too late18:12
penguin42actually, it tells you not to use it!18:12
AmaranthDrHalan: I don't know if the RGBA by default thing happened for GTK+ 3.018:12
penguin42https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+packages apparently18:12
AmaranthDrHalan: Apps can make their windows RGBA in 2.x though18:12
DrHalanyeah but i want full rgba theming18:12
DrHalani know that some apps like the gnome-terminal already have transparency18:12
AmaranthDrHalan: afaik some of the ubuntu apps were ported to GTK+ 3.0 and friends but are being brought back down to 2.x for natty18:13
Amaranthnatty+1 will get all the 3.0 stuff18:14
DrHalanso waht will natty bring except for unity18:14
DrHalana new kernel and  xserver i guess...18:15
Amaranthnew firefox, kernel, X, mesa, unity, whatever we can update without pulling in all of GNOME 3.018:15
AmaranthThat's the current plan, anyway18:15
AmaranthJumping to 3.0 a month after it (hopefully) gets released seems a bit foolish anyway18:16
AmaranthAnd what would we do if it got delayed?18:16
DrHalandelay natty too ?18:18
AmaranthDrHalan: For how long? :)18:18
DrHalando you seriously think that gnome3.0 will be delayed again18:19
DrHalanokay thats pretty likely :D18:19
AmaranthDrHalan: I'd say delayed or hated, based on what I've seen of it so far :/18:19
DrHalanyeah maybe a new gui-toolkit AND shell is too much...18:20
Amaranthwell, the toolkit part is just removing deprecated things, massively changing how it actually draws things to the screen, and changing the input system...18:21
Amaranthoh, and how it themes things!18:21
AmaranthAll good changes and they were generally small enough to be well reviewed before landing but I dunnno18:22
DrHalanyeah but the gtk-changes is what i really care about because they seem the right move18:22
DrHalanatm i have a setup with gnome-panel and docky i don't really want to trade that for unity or gnome-shell18:23
AmaranthDrHalan: from an end-user perspective GTK+ 3.0 is the same as GTK+ 2.x unless something writes a cracktastic theme engine for it18:23
Amaranthassuming the RGBA-by-default stuff actually landed18:23
AmaranthDrHalan: The major benefit in 3.0 I can see is that it should be easier to port to wayland18:24
DrHalanhehe well wayland stilll has a long way to go18:25
DrHalanatm moment it only supports OpenGL ES for example :P18:25
DrHalanand compiz needs to be ported to libwayland-sever too...18:26
DrHalanwhatever g2g bye! thanks for the help18:27
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bjsniderAmaranth_, why do we have a gnome 3 ppa when it seems like these are packages that already should be in natty?19:04
Amaranth_bjsnider: Because GNOME 3 is all or nothing19:05
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bjsniderso move off gnome 219:06
Amaranthbjsnider: too much stuff still needs gnome 219:06
Amaranthand gnome 3 might be delayed, have major issues, etc19:06
Amaranthbjsnider: Just wait for natty+1 to have 3.2 :)19:06
alex_mayorgawhy did I get a pidgin package on today's update?19:15
alex_mayorgais it coming back?19:16
alex_mayorgaI removed firefox to use firefox-4.0, now each time something tries to open a URL I get "Error showing url: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)", tips to fix this?19:26
alex_mayorgalooks like a mutation of bug 19844919:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198449 in Apport "Please use xdg-open rather than calling firefox" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19844919:32
penguin42there is something a bit odd going on with the selection of processes to run for opening URLs19:37
alex_mayorgapenguin42: to me or in general?19:37
penguin42alex_mayorga: General19:37
penguin42alex_mayorga: There is something that's changed and I'm not sure anyone is quite sure what19:37
alex_mayorgapenguin42: oh! I thought it was due to me using a "Custom" "Preferred application", namely firefox-4.019:38
penguin42alex_mayorga: It may be, but for me it was insisting on using firefox even though I have the preferred set to chromium19:39
alex_mayorgapenguin42: was just switching to chromium to test19:39
alex_mayorgabut looks like the same thing, got a bug number?19:39
Amaranthpenguin42: They seem to blame it on compiz somehow19:40
alex_mayorgaI got no compiz here, as far as I know19:40
Amaranthbug 68773219:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 687732 in compiz (Ubuntu) "gtk.Label <a href> link-activate signal broken with compiz in natty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68773219:41
penguin42bug 67012819:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 670128 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "gnome-open uses firefox while it's not the preferred browser" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67012819:41
penguin42There are some other weird file association screwups going on as well19:41
alex_mayorgagetting the bug while clicking that link :S19:42
Amaranthpenguin42: that bug is a good example of the problems of mix-and-match GNOME 319:43
penguin42Amaranth: How come?19:44
Amaranthnot even glib is safe to upgrade and it isn't changing ABI :/19:44
Amaranthpenguin42: "Downgrade to a glib2 that's not targetted for GNOME 3, or upgrade the control-center to GNOME 3. It's a packaging bug, with mismatching versions."19:44
alex_mayorgahow do one does that? pardon the n00bnes19:45
yofelwe don't have gnome-control-center 3, you'll have to downgrade glib19:47
AmaranthEither that or we'll have to patch glib to work around this19:47
alex_mayorgayofel: would it come in eventually? I can like copying&pasting links for a couple days or so19:48
yofelprobably, I don't keep track of this19:48
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 654746 in xdg-utils "add gnome3 support, make default browser work again for xdg-settings" [Medium,New]19:48
Amaranthalex_mayorga: It'll definitely be fixed before April :)19:48
alex_mayorgaAmaranth: :O19:49
Amaranthugh, my phone isn't converting the timezones on calendars19:50
penguin42Amaranth: There's some other stuff as well; things like the Places menu opening evince for some people - all odd19:50
Amaranthcalendar was set for 2PM GMT+1 (so 7AM my time) and thunderbird alerted me at 6:50am but my phone just alerted me now (1:50pm)19:51
yofelAmaranth: as for apport, it checks what's set in gconf (It does that to get the right 'new-window' parameter)19:51
Amaranthpenguin42: well, we don't actually have a Places menu like gnome-panel had19:51
yofelalex_mayorga: ^19:52
penguin42Amaranth: On classic desktop19:52
Amaranthpenguin42: what people running Unity think is their regular Places menu is the nautilus desktop Places menu19:52
yofelalex_mayorga: what do you have set for '/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command' in gconf?19:52
alex_mayorgadunno if the Minefiel crashes I get is related as well http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/08d9a80a-cfee-45a6-b7ab-490e7211010319:53
alex_mayorgayofel: how do I check?19:53
yofelalex_mayorga: gconftool --get /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command19:53
alex_mayorgayofel: /usr/bin/firefox-4.0 %s19:54
* yofel scratches head19:55
alex_mayorgalooks like Minefield does set it, but crashes along the way19:55
alex_mayorgasee my crash report above19:55
alex_mayorgado I bug Mozilla?19:55
alex_mayorgaor is this Ubuntu's fault all along?19:55
yofelno idea about the crash, I don't use gnome19:55
yofelwell, use apport-cli then until gnome-open is fixed I fear, or feel free to mess with /usr/share/pyshared/apport/ui.py line 885 yourself19:58
alex_mayorgayofel: can you note that on the actual bug, please?19:59
yofelwhich one? 198449?19:59
alex_mayorgayofel: looks like it, yup!20:01
nperryIn the gnome-classic desktop how is it defined to launch gnome-panel, would like to replace it with awn :)20:08
nperryHmm, seems to be that everytime I close gnome-panel it opens again20:20
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qziois there some way to reset gnome/unity settings21:48
qzioI haven't done anything special,80% in the panel quits unexpected, I need to re-add them to the panel EVERY reboot (gnome)21:48
qzioand unity is unusable since I can't create two terminals, and there is no alt+f2 launcher.21:49
qzioI hope this is because some weird settings that have entered my system, because this can't truly be the defaults.21:49
qzioI tried to delete .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gcond21:50
qzioand .metacity21:50
qziodidn't help21:50
Daekdroomqzio, Of course it's not the defaults22:02
Daekdroomqzio, Unity is not even close to how it's supposed to be at the release time.22:02
DaekdroomIt's alpha quality software.22:02
qzioyeah I figured that much out :)22:17
qziohowever, it kind of bugs me that a bounch of things that is functional is "unexpexted quited" upon login.22:18
qziothey work without problem if I just add them once again to the panel22:18
qzioand the next reboot, BOOM they crash22:18
DaekdroomMy problems here are more like.. metacity doesn't start with classic GNOME and unity doesn't start with desktop edition :P22:19
qzioheh :)22:19
DaekdroomBut I'm blaming that on the fact that it's not a fresh install.22:19
qziom, yeah, I guess. it's alpha, But I never had this much trouble ever with an ubuntu alpha22:20
qzioI was forced to upgrade do to the kernel in 10.10. It filled my logs with rubbish.22:20
qzioI should have just backported the kernel :(22:20
DaekdroomI was going to wait longer before installing natty, but given I'm getting a new machine in a few days, I thought it wouldn't hurt to try.22:21
h4fSomething happed and my mouse is now reverted (x y axis)23:13
h4fI had similar issues in before distsributions23:13
h4fhow do I make it work as before23:13
h4fwhen I move mouse UP its going DOWN and vice versa23:14
holsteinmaybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/16480/inverted-mouse-axis-on-a-ubuntu-live-usb23:15
alex_mayorgah4f: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=483723 perhaps23:16
h4fbut why did it get inverted by itself ?23:22
holsteinif its happended before23:22
holsteinits probably something to do with that particular hardware23:22
holsteinnot sure though23:22
h4fyes it happened .23:22
h4fhm. I think its after a hibernate of sleep23:23
holsteinyou might have one of those notebooks that dont like to wake up in buntu23:23
Roeycan anyone please help me out with this (without bouncing me to some other channel)... I don't know why, but on my Kubuntu 10.10 system, as of KDE 4.6 beta 1 up to and including RC1,  my Keyboard Settings (repeat rate, language switcher key combo, making Capslock an additional Control) are no longer respected by any app, even though the settings show up fine in Keyboard Settings23:26
holsteinif you hadnt said dont bounce you, i would have said try #kubuntu ;)23:27
holsteini suppose it would be easy enough to try gnome and confirm that this is a KDE issue23:28
Roeywhat do you mean23:47
Roeyholstein:  the problem transcends individual user accounts on this system23:47
holsteinRoey: i was just wondering if this was happing in gnome as well23:48
holsteinsomething similar23:48
Roeysomeone in this channel or another one asked me earlier to print my x keyboard map and to search for any Keyboard Settings-introduced verbiage there23:53
Roeynot that I could find it23:53
holsteinearlier today?23:56
holsteinwasnt in here...23:56

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