
=== ogra is now known as Guest54665
=== Guest54665 is now known as ogra_
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
rsalvetiogra: getting back to work I believe the main issue for getting images is the u-boot mkimage transition11:07
rsalvetifor some reason people decided to remove it first before fixing the archive11:08
rsalvetito be faster than debian, but this is still being discussed there11:08
rsalvetiogra: and something would be good to have a final conclusion is the kernel for omap 3, and trying to use the linaro one11:09
rsalvetiif not this week, at least let's have a discussion next one11:09
janimodo pandaboard wlan work on natty? I installed the mavertick packages from TI PPA but they don;t seem to work (no chip found by modprobe)11:10
ograrsalveti, i'd like to solve it this week11:10
ogradepending on workload11:10
ografor mkimage we're waiting for the MIR11:11
ograi agree, it was bad to remove uboot-mkimage first, complain to lool11:11
rsalvetijanimo: hm, I believe you need to get a new wlan package11:11
ogranot that the images did build though11:11
rsalvetiwell, we got a broken image for days just because of the mkimage mess11:12
rsalvetithe package was removed at 12-1411:12
rsalvetibut yeah, still waiting for the MIR11:12
rsalvetijanimo: try using https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev/+archive/omap-trunk11:13
rsalvetiogra: another thing is that I got a new x-loader package for omap 3 and omap 4, and will try to update it this week11:14
rsalvetithe good thing is that I'm building both from the same sources11:14
rsalvetiso one less package at the archive11:14
loologra: Why complain to me?11:15
rsalvetijanimo: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_OMAP_trunk11:16
janimorsalveti: thanks. upgrading to that PPA now11:16
rsalvetijanimo: ti updated most packages for 10.1011:16
rsalvetibut natty is using the same kernel11:16
rsalvetijanimo: you may need a new x-loader11:16
janimorsalveti: hmm, does that affect the wlan chip?11:16
rsalvetiif you're using the latest natty's kernel11:16
loologra: I didn't trigger the mkimage issues; the packages were automatically imported from Debian11:16
janimoam using 35- 1001 I think11:17
rsalvetijanimo: not directly I believe, but it's good to use the new x-loader with latest kernel11:17
loologra: I just noticed because I have mkimage on my laptop and I saw the uboot-mkimage package as obsolete after an upgrade11:17
ograhmm, so removals happen automatically ?11:18
janimorsalveti: but uBoot actually uses the kernel image on the first partition, and regardless of what I upgrade to on / that kernel is used still right?11:18
ograi thought that needs manual action11:18
ograthen i dont blame you :)11:18
rsalvetiI believe it was manually removed11:18
rsalvetibut it wasn't lool11:18
loologra: I have no idea whether they happen automatically; I didn't request removal, and I'm not an archive admin11:18
rsalvetijanimo: yes, but after a kernel update the flash-kernel tool is called11:19
rsalvetiand then it upgrades the kernel from the first partition11:19
janimoah, ok11:19
janimodid not know that11:19
rsalvetilool: ogra: bug 67490411:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 674904 in uboot-mkimage (Ubuntu) "Please remove uboot-mkimage from the archive (affects: 1) (heat: 77)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67490411:23
* ogra rants a bit on that bug11:26
ograasac, are you still active in the MIR team (i.e. could you approve u-boot) ?11:27
asacogra: is that upstream u-boot?11:30
* asac thought we already had some u-boot in main11:31
hrwI even made a patch for u-boot to ship uboot-mkimage transitional11:31
loolasac: it's upstream u-boot11:32
asacogra: bug id please11:32
hrwlool: can you finally review it?11:33
loolasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/u-boot/+bug/69261311:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 692613 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "[MIR] u-boot (affects: 1) (heat: 509)" [Undecided,New]11:33
ograbug 69261311:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 692613 in u-boot (Ubuntu) "[MIR] u-boot (affects: 1) (heat: 509)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69261311:33
loolhrw: Ah right; I have it in my TODO for a while, I wanted to fix some small things and fix the i386 build issue as well, but didn't get to it before the break; sorry about that11:33
hrwlool: happens. next time I will request bugs/reviews probably so others could look too11:34
loolasac: uboot-mkimage was in main, and uboot-envtools is in main; uboot-mkimage is gone and was a fork of the upstream u-boot code11:34
asaclool: ftbfs on i38611:35
loolhrw: Note that the package name will change too, so I expect we will have to do another round11:35
loolasac: I've noted that in the MIR11:35
asaclool: does this ship anything besides uboot-mkimage?11:35
asace.g. any u-boot bootloader?11:35
loolasac: Yes; it ships u-boot11:35
loolasac: but we don't use these images11:35
loolthe Debian maintainer is semi-convinced that we need to split mkimage in a separate package11:36
asaclool: so no: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549796/11:36
loolThis is discussed in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=59493711:36
ubot2Debian bug 594937 in u-boot "u-boot: Create binary package for each supported machine instead of for each architecture" [Wishlist,Open]11:36
asacnot a single relevant bootloader for ubuntu ;)11:36
loolasac: It's the Debian package11:37
asaccouldnt we at least produce omap3 from that source?11:37
ogratheoretically we could11:37
loolasac: I don't see any harm in keeping whatever Debian maintains; we don't care about the bootloader bits11:37
rsalvetibut we're using the linaro one for that11:37
rsalvetifor both omap 3 and omap 411:38
loolI don't see why we should move away of Linaro's u-boot11:38
ograwe would have two omap source packages again (linaro omap4 and debian omap3) it would somehow defeat the purpose of unifying but techincally we could indeed build the omap3 binary11:39
ograand i belive there is work going on in debian to actually do that11:39
asaci would prefer to wait for u-boot-tools to arrive from debian ... until then couldnt we just use one of our existing u-boot packages to provide mkimage11:39
* ogra remembers a discussion about building official debian omap3 kernels, they will for sure also build bootloaders if they do that11:40
loolasac: Well, we could split u-boot in two in the way that we anticipate Debian to do it and provide the patch11:40
asacthats fine with me11:40
looland by we, I obviously don't specifically mean me  :-)11:41
guerbyrsalveti, hi and happy new year :)11:42
rsalvetiguerby: hey!11:42
rsalvetihappy new year!11:42
guerbyrsalveti, my pandaboard still freeze every few days, did you get any feedback from TI on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/690370 ?11:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 690370 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "Strange out of memory on pandaboard (affects: 1) (heat: 202)" [Undecided,New]11:42
rsalvetiguerby: ti is getting back to work today too, so I expect something this week11:43
guerbyrsalveti, ok great! thanks for your work on this. I'm still  hoping to put the pandaboard online :)11:43
rsalvetiguerby: sure, will try to do some work on this bug this week11:43
ian_brasilmy membership of ubuntu-mobile is due to expire - is this team deprecated now?11:44
ograif you are intrested in arm work, there is ubuntu-armel11:46
* hrw will look at uboot/i386 ftfbs11:50
ograhrw, i doubt thats easily solveable without a package split11:51
loolhrw: see u-boot mailing-list11:52
loolhrw: I propose two fixes; the maintainer of the board says he is working on sending the patc h11:52
loolhrw: I think we should just send two patches11:52
hrwlool: official uboot ml one?11:52
loolhrw: Yes11:53
loolhrw: MID 20101220111358.GA28532@bee.dooz.org11:53
hrwlool: author name would be better...11:55
hrwgmane lacks mid search11:55
loolhrw: It does have it12:46
loolhrw: http://mid.gmane.org/20101220111358.GA28532%40bee.dooz.org12:46
hrwok, thx12:52
aksh1hi all , i have downloaded  http://rcn-ee.net/deb/rootfs/maverick/ubuntu-10.10-r3-minimal-armel.tar.7z17:35
aksh1how to install unity in that17:36
aksh1to create a netbook image17:36
rsalvetiaksh1: if you're using this rootfs already then you just need to install unity, but it doesn't work that well with GL ES17:39
aksh1rsalveti, then do i need to do any changes ?17:41
rsalvetiaksh1: you need to install the unity package17:41
aksh1rsalveti, but you told that it doesn't work well17:42
aksh1with GL ES17:42
rsalvetiaksh1: sure, I wouldn't recommend to use it with gl es17:43
rsalvetiyou can, but it's very slow and crashes a lot17:43
rsalvetithat will be fixed for natty17:43
aksh1rsalveti, what will be the best17:43
rsalvetifor now on arm the efl netbook interface is the best option17:44
rsalvetior other wm like xfce17:44
aksh1rsalveti, how about lxde17:44
aksh1which is good better performance  in xfce4 and lxde17:44
rsalvetiaksh1: could be, just never tried17:45
ograion surely has the better performance ;)17:45
rsalvetiI'd use evilwm17:46
aksh1evilwm ?17:47
* ogra always loved wm2 17:47
rsalvetievilwm is a very minimal wm17:47
rsalvetiyou can only open a terminal with it hehe17:47
rsalvetiand move it17:48
ograwm2 already has a tasklist17:48
ograand shiny window decorations17:48
ograogra@ac100:~$ apt-cache show wm2|grep -i size17:49
ograInstalled-Size: 11617:49
ograSize: 3309617:49
ograogra@ac100:~$ apt-cache show evilwm|grep -i size17:49
ograInstalled-Size: 9617:49
ograSize: 3023617:49
ograhmm, but evilwm wins the size battle17:49
aksh1rsalveti, i am looking a wm with full fledged gui to test utouch17:49
rsalvetiogra: ;-)17:49
ograi guess you cant have bling without paying for it ;)17:50
ograaksh1, then take the efl launcher17:51
janimoGrueMaster: I get banshee UI coming up over ssh -X and I can use the menus. no crash so far18:00
* janimo has just started banshee for the first time ever18:00
janimolast liune in the log is [Info  19:58:16.396] nereid Client Started18:00
janimoso right before you see the exception18:01
janimothis is an up-todate natty on pandaboard18:01
GrueMastersame here/18:03
GrueMasterWill try normal desktop to see if it is a netbook-ui issue.18:03
GrueMasterNope, still fails.  Different error though, but I suspect the root is the same.18:10
ogradid you wash your fingers before firing it up ? its very fragile ;)18:12
janimoGrueMaster: so you can reproduce on panda/natty too?18:12
GrueMasterThis is panda/natty.18:12
janimowithin seconds from startup?18:12
janimocan you check if it crashes with ssh -X too?18:13
janimonot that it should be much of a difference18:13
GrueMasterIt doesn't stay up long enough to use the menus.  Will try ssh -x.18:13
janimojust to make sure I can try reproduce without pulling out the HDMI cable18:13
janimowhich means no dual monitor on my workstation :D18:13
GrueMasterAlso, I am not getting any window frames in classic desktop mode.18:13
GrueMaster(different issue).18:14
ograGrueMaster, remove maximus or disable it in the session settings18:15
ograi thought i had solved that one in maverick18:15
ograis that a maverick->natty upgrade ?18:15
ograor a plain natty install18:15
janimoFYI mine is a natty image made with rootstock18:16
ogradont trust rootstock18:17
ograits as close as possible to a real install, but after all not identical18:17
rsalvetiogra: alsa-utils is still broken :-)18:19
rsalvetianother package to fix soon18:19
ografirst images ... then packages18:19
ograi also have a broken shadow to fix and doko slowly gets nasty18:19
GrueMasterogra: This is the last natty image prior to mkimage snafu, updated to latest packages.18:20
ograthat should have the fixed maximus18:20
ograkeep the pieces until next week and i'll take a look18:20
janimoogra: rootstock is recommened in the wiki, it is no longer to be used?18:21
rsalvetijanimo: it's ok to use it18:21
janimoare there better ways to do the same?18:21
rsalvetibut while reproducing issues, the best option is to use the preinstalled image18:21
ograjanimo, rootstock is o for building for unsupported HW, for test and development images, but you will only get 100% identical results on the real images18:21
rsalvetijust because the supported images are the preinstalled ones18:22
janimoI used rsalveti's instructions to have / on an external USB drive so could not really use the preinstalled image18:22
ograthere is no guarantee that rootstock builds 100% the same as we do with the preinstalled image18:22
janimoit is much much faster this way that on SD card18:22
janimowell probabaly not the same, but for individual user space app testing I think there should be no differences18:23
rsalvetijanimo: sure, while debugging and building stuff the usb disk usage is the best option18:23
rsalvetibut while reproducing and testing bugs, try using the preinstalled one18:23
ograthe setup might differ18:23
aksh1i have installed plymouth and updated initrd using update-initramfs -u18:23
aksh1do i need to change boot commandline18:23
ograrootstock doesnt track what changes are in oem-config for example18:23
aksh1mem=512M console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 omapfb.mode=dvi:hd720-24@60 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait  is my commandline18:23
ograso if you use rootstock and set up a user from cmdline, your user setup might be different18:24
ograthe way we build the image with rootstock isnt 100% identicaql to livecd-rootfs so fixes that go in there might not be in rootstock18:24
ograetc etc18:24
ograaksh1, add quiet and splash as keywords18:25
ograand make sure your boot setup uses the uInitrd indeed18:26
aksh1ogra, i am not sure uInitrd updated one is used while booting18:28
aksh1bcoz default initrd will get updated in /boot/ folder and beagleboard has other /boot partition18:29
ograany reason why you didnt use one of the official netbook images for the beagle ?18:30
ograyou wouldnt have to fiddle with that now18:30
aksh1ogra, want to know how to create similar image18:31
ograwell, the same things i wrote for janimo above apply to these images since they are built with rootstock ... they are "similar" but not identical18:33
GrueMasterogra: I looked at the image and maximus is not running while in classic desktop.  I have plenty of SD cards, so I will preserve this one for you to eval.18:33
ograthings like the bootloader setup definitely differ heavily18:33
ograGrueMaster, weird, maximus isnt running but you dont get window borders either ?18:34
ograsounds more like metacity being broken18:35
ograi heard roumors that metacity would be dropped in favor of a 2D compiz18:35
ogranot sure what the status on that is18:35
GrueMasterogra: http://members.dsl-only.net/~tdavis/Screenshot.png18:37
GrueMasterApparently, compiz is the registered WM currently running.18:43
ograso thats likely a 2D compiz bug then18:44
ograi think the code is very very young18:44
davidmogra, http://www.viewsonic.com/gtablet/spec.htm18:45
GrueMastermust be.  There is no compiz-config utility installed.  grrr,18:45
ogradavidm, hmm, sounds like the folio you can buy here18:46
aksh1ogra, after adding quiet splash it is giving kernel panic18:47
ograif its the same, it is overpriced, very bad android adaptions, very bad touchscreen18:47
GrueMasterI was emailed info on this:  http://www.tangent-tycoon.com18:48
rsalvetivery bad android adaptations is kind of expected18:48
rsalvetibut not a bad touchscreen18:48
GrueMasterI asked if we could get some eval units to install a real OS, but no reply.18:48
rsalvetiGrueMaster: very very ugly hehe :-)18:48
rsalvetiubuntu should be a lot better18:49
GrueMaster120GB HD.  2Gb ram.  Just to run Win7 POS edition.18:49
* rsalveti takes a break18:50
* ogra thinks the galaxy is the only serious ipad competitor atm18:50
GrueMaster1.87 lbs.  I think my netbook is lighter.18:51
ogramine surely is (700grams)18:51
GrueMasterHeh.  To get the extended battery version, you have to buy it with Win7 Pro.18:53
GrueMaster$100 difference.18:53
GrueMaster$595 or $695.18:53
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