
coz_hey all14:28
thorwilhi doctormo! i have one development branch and a packaging branch on lp. for the first rev of the packaging branch, the reference to the devel branch is clear.15:20
thorwilbut now, several devel revs later, easiest would be to copy the files i need to the packaging branch. but is there a way to associate the packaging rev with a devel rev, then?15:20
doctormothorwil: Hey15:28
doctormothorwil: I don't understand, could you explain some more about what you mean?15:29
thorwildoctormo: oh, and happy new year! :)15:29
doctormothorwil: Prosit Neujahr15:29
thorwilheh, excellent!15:30
thorwildoctormo: see https://launchpad.net/backtestground15:30
thorwildoctormo: i created a packaging branch and continued development in trunk15:30
thorwildoctormo: for the 2nd release (1st wasn't announced due to an error in it), i want to update the relevant files in packaging15:31
doctormoInteresting, is this similar to my genetic background wallpaper packaging?15:32
thorwildoctormo: now i wonder if there's a way to let LP know that the changes in packaging come from a specfic trunk revision15:32
thorwildoctormo: not at all15:32
thorwildoctormo: just scripts for cropping/resizing images to wallpaper resolutions, for making screenshots with transparent desktop15:33
thorwiland as addition a script that expects a screenshot with transparent desktop to crop/resize it, repeating parts of any panel found to fill gaps15:35
doctormothorwil: Interesting set of scripts, so, do you need me to review?15:36
thorwildoctormo: thanks, i don't need a review, but wouldn't mind feedback :)15:38
doctormothe bin/__init__.py is redundant,15:38
doctormoThe commands are a bit cryptic, and sizes might clobber some other package by mistake.15:39
thorwilah right, just there for local convenience, shouldn't have checked that in15:39
thorwildoctormo: unique but not cryptic names are hard to come up with15:40
coz_mm  "yhafk"  seems both unique and cryptic  :)15:41
doctormoSo perhaps 'background-crop' 'background-extract' and 'background-sizes'15:42
doctormoIt's an old one 'YHAFK' == You have a full keyboard.15:42
doctormoYou can remove the sodipodi and inkscape namespaces from your svg template, they're not required.15:44
doctormo'as such' unless you want to take advantage of some editability in inkscape.15:44
thorwili vaguely recall that layers are not handled right in plain svg15:45
doctormothorwil: yep, layers are just groups, but you can keep that and not have the metadata, defs or sodipodi window frame guff.15:46
* thorwil writes todo15:49
doctormothorwil: In the svg generation, try using printf syntax like so: http://pastebin.ca/203773315:50
thorwilbut of course! that really was a hack15:55
doctormoWell I could claim printf is too since xml.minidom should be used instead ;-)16:01
thorwilheh, sometimes treating xml as just text does make things simpler. at least if you start out having never messed with a structured xml representation16:05
* thorwil pushes cleaned up svg_generator.py17:30
thorwildoctormo: oh, and thanks! :)18:30

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