
=== Guest83503 is now known as tetsuo--
iWillAnyone got anything I can do? I am so bored!09:34
earthFind bugs in Ubuntu. :)09:34
iWillI'm kinda new09:35
iWillCan you introduce me??09:35
iWillearth: the operating system?09:36
iWillI don't have it...09:37
gobbewell...now i got answer to my bug from creator, it seems that it's problem with external firewall, not in ntp09:45
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=== iWill is now known as Will_k
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c2tarunI need help in downloading and installing kubuntu. Can anyone tell me any channel for this.13:26
Picic2tarun: How about #kubuntu ?13:26
c2tarunThanks :)13:27
njinHello, i'm testing Kubuntu and I've report a bug against the screensaver, so wich is the kubuntu screensaver?15:17
penguin42njin: There is a kscreensaver and libkscreensaver515:21
ScottKnjin: Please report bugs against kdebase-workspace.15:24
njinpenguin42:thanks, assigning to kscreensaver lp automatically assign to kdeartwork15:24
njinScottK:Thanks, i modify it then15:25
dakermvo, bug 69686116:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 696861 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Looping messagebox if you cancel a purchase (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69686116:12
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njinhello, partman is configured by ubiquity or directly by the user ? (meaning has partman a graphic tool or receive settings from ubiquity ?16:36
drizzleanyone here use the launchpad scripts?16:39
drizzlethe greasemonkey scripts?16:39
mvothanks daker16:41
hggdhdrizzle: many of us do16:57
drizzleis there anything special i need to do to get them working?16:57
drizzleive installed them manually in both firefox and chrome16:58
drizzleand they don't appear to be taking affect16:58
drizzlewhichever one16:58
drizzleis there anything more than the .js files i need? i saw config.xml, but that looked specific to one function16:58
drizzlewill re-read docs17:04
om26erwhich package implements global menus for QT apps?17:31
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hggdhoh, drizzle is gone...17:32
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ScottKom26er: I think it's plasma-widget-appmenu17:48
ScottK(or something close to that)17:48
om26erya that might be17:49
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pecosohey guys, i've review bugcontrol and surfing the web and not found my bug. can help me?19:41
rorkpecoso: maybe specify the bug, the manual for reporting bugs is in the channel topic19:45
charlie-tcaMaybe no one has filed it yet?19:45
pecosorork, ok19:46
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=== exbio is now known as gosth

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