
kim0raymdt: Morning10:06
superxglhi, is there any one who have successfully configured hadoop on Eucalyptus cloud?14:13
superxglDoes any one know how to do ?14:14
kim0superxgl: hey, I once configured a hadoop cluster. I don't really think they're related14:20
kim0i.e. after you get your cloud instances running, you can run hadoop on top like any other application right14:21
superxglthe problem is14:40
superxglhow  to make hadoop  interact with walrus, instead of copying data from local file system to hdfs?14:41
superxgland how to start several instances such that each instances runs like a  slave node of hadoop?14:42
superxgl how to ensure that hadoop access my private cloud s3(walrus in eucalyptus) instead of the amazon's s3?14:44
superxgli want to setup a hadoop cluster using the vm instances in the cloud14:45
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zoopstersuperxgl: forgive my ignorance as I've never set it up, but as I understand it you would use it the same as you would in EC215:13
zoopstersuperxgl: the same syntax/usage model applies to hadoop in UEC/eucalyptus as it would in EC215:15
superxglzoopster: thank you. but how cloud i make hadoop interact with walrus?15:17
zoopstersuperxgl: do you mean how do you change the configuration to point to walrus vs hdfs?15:18
zoopstersuperxgl: it's the same as changing it to s3, no?15:19
superxglzoopster: hmm..let me think15:20
zoopstersuperxgl: so for a basic hadoop implementation you change the details in the hadoop-ec2-env.sh  not sure about cloudera's or yahoo's implementation15:22
zoopstersuperxgl:  if you are replacing hdfs with s3 then you need to update the hadoop-site.xml file with the appropriate changes for s3?15:23
zoopstersuperxgl: looks like whirr is a better option these days...same concepts apply15:24
superxglzoopster:  thank u very much.i will have a try.15:25
superxglhmm..what is whirr? sorry, i dont know it. i will google15:25
zoopstersuperxgl: have fun... http://incubator.apache.org/whirr/15:26
zoopstersuperxgl: keep in mind that most syntax will be the same in ec2 as in eucalyptus - the naming and paths may be different, but the concepts are similar if not identical15:27
superxglzoopster: thanks:) u help me a lot today.15:28
zoopstersuperxgl: glad to help...let us know how it works out!15:30
kim0whirr looks cool thanks @ zoopster15:30
superxglzoopster: thanks again. i will have a try15:31
kim0superxgl: Once you get it running like a champ, and if you're interested about sharing your setup with the community, please let me know :)15:31
superxglkim0:  okay. i will:)15:32
kim0superxgl: rock on :)15:32
superxglthanks :)15:33
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CharlieSuAnyone setup OVPN on Ec2 before?  I'm trying on a Ubuntu instance and anytime I add a bridge interface and bring it up my instance goes dark.  No more network connectivity.  Any ideas?   This is the config I'm adding.  https://gist.github.com/e9ed7188be1d1ee04f1620:46
erichammondCharlieSu: I wrote this a long time ago: http://alestic.com/2009/05/openvpn-ec221:04
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