
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrocksgood morning07:37
pittiGood morning08:07
didrockshey pitti! Happy new year! How are you?08:09
pittihey didrocks, bonjour! I'm great, I enjoyed the long holidays08:10
pittiand you?08:10
didrocksI enjoyed it too, moving to my new flat :)08:10
pittigot everything settled?08:10
didrockshowever, I still have no Internet, so I'm on a flappy connexion08:10
didrocksnot yet, will get the bed this evening for instance :)08:11
pittiah, 3G and sleeping mattress :)08:11
didrocksyeah ;)08:11
didrocksbeen 20 days on a pneumatic mattress08:11
didrocksthis has to end :)08:11
didrocksair bed*08:12
pittididrocks: so now we have to re-learn what this computer thing is :)08:27
seb128hello there!08:27
didrockshey seb128!08:27
seb128hey pitti didrocks08:27
didrockspitti: exactly, it was so nice to be away from it for some time :)08:27
pittibonjour Monsieur Bacher! Bonne annee!08:27
seb128hey pitti, "gute neue jahre?" ;-)08:28
pittididrocks: me too; in all those two weeks I didn't work for more than perhaps 4 hours; spent lots of time with my family and friends, and played Descent 1 & 2 :)08:28
pittiseb128: "Gesundes neues Jahr" usually, but thanks!08:28
seb128Gesundes neues Jahr then! ;-)08:29
mvohey guys! happy new year everyone08:29
* pitti hugs seb128 and didrocks08:29
seb128I managed to not work at all in 2 weeks08:29
* pitti hugs mvo too, Gesundes Neues!08:29
seb128I'm not looking forwarding opening my mailbox08:29
didrockspitti: ahah, Descent! That's true you got it before the holidays :)08:29
* mvo hugs pitti, seb128, didrocks08:29
seb128hey mvo08:29
seb128happy new year!08:29
* didrocks hugs mvo, pitti and seb12808:29
pittididrocks: I bought d2 as well now, pretty nice08:29
didrockshappy new year mvo08:29
* seb128 hugs mvo pitti didrocks08:29
pittinow I have to get used to not sleeping until 908:30
didrocksnew bad habits? :)08:30
mvoand after peaceful two weeks my daughter decided last night, that 4 in the morning is the right time to get up and wake everyone up (took a good while until we slept again). so much for a good start into the working year ;)08:31
seb128hehehe, kids for you!08:31
didrocksurgh :)08:32
seb128pitti, or get used to sleep until 9 and work later :p08:32
* mvo will need a lot of tea to shake of the sleepiness08:32
seb128I gave up on waking up early, that's not for me :p08:32
mvolol@seb128 - kids help here too :p08:32
seb128didrocks, btw how was your moving?08:32
seb128you got internet at your new place?08:32
didrocksseb128: no Internet yet. I'm on a quite flappy connexion right now…08:33
didrocksseb128: the moving was great otherwise, thanks! :)08:33
didrocksI'll have my bed this evening normally08:33
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html -> nice, we just touched the trend line; about time to end the holidays :)08:33
didrocksalmost settled, but the moving was done with a snowy weather, quite scary :)08:34
seb128yeah, I had a though for you at this time08:34
seb128nice that you made it ;-)08:34
mvoweeeh, its always "fun", moving isn't it. good luck to settle everything08:34
seb128didrocks, where do you work from then? some coffee shop in the city ? ;-)08:35
seb128stealing some open wifi close by? ;-)08:35
didrocksseb128: thanks, yeah, it was obviously not the good 2 days for planning that :)08:35
didrocksseb128: right now, I'm on  free08:35
didrocks(with my parents id)08:35
didrocksfortunately a neighbour has free, so I can connect on this with other free user id08:36
didrocksbut the connexion is sometimes down08:36
didrocksit's ok for today with all email catching I guess08:36
didrocksif it really goes badly, I'll go to framasoft's house where I'm invited :)08:37
seb128when will you get your line working?08:38
didrocksdon't really know… Free has blocked all new connexion since the 15th december with its new freebox (V6) until today…08:39
didrocksso I should see things moving starting from now. (asking to france telecom to connect my flat back and then activate Free)08:40
didrocksthe new freebox will be sent starting tomorrow08:40
didrockshopefully I'll get something before going to Dallas08:40
didrocksand you? how was your holidays?08:41
seb128not touching the computer for 2 weeks was really great, I needed that08:43
didrocksnice :)08:44
seb128I should be better at taking some holidays during the year this year08:44
seb128I was really exhausted before the holidays08:44
seb128otherwise really relaxing time08:44
xclaesseah, seb128 was on vacation, that explain I didn't get much in my "apt-get upgrade"08:45
seb128sleep, tv, some video gaming (zelda)08:45
seb128nice winter weather outside for some walks08:45
xclaesseFYI, the only hard-dep missing in natty to build empathy-3 is gnome-keyring-308:46
didrocksseb128: excellent ;) indeed, we have a real winter weather this year08:46
pittimvo: oh, you already fixed the libgnome2-perl -> libgtk2-perl dependencies of gdebi and friends? danke!08:47
xclaesseunfortunately, ssh agent doesn't work with gnome-keyring3 from the gnome3 ppa :(08:47
dpmmorning and happy new year everyone!08:48
pittihey dpm, happy new year!08:48
dpmhey pitti, did you have nice holidays?08:49
didrockshappy new year dpm!08:49
pittidpm: I did! lots of family, friends, snow, and Descent playing08:49
dpmcool :)08:49
dpmheya didrocks, happy new year to you too ;)08:49
mvopitti: yw08:56
pittimvo: can bug 659438 be fixed in natty soon, so that we can move it to maverick-updates?09:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 659438 in python-apt (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Installation/Removal fails because of package which could not be located (faiulre in apt.Cache.required_download) (affects: 326) (dups: 177) (heat: 1678)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65943809:00
mvopitti: yes, might be fixed there already, I double check09:09
seb128oh, yeah, let's play ping mvo09:17
seb128mvo, what's up with my update-notifier fix to make user crash be reported under unity09:17
mvoseb128: I looked at it its fine, I had some minor nitpick but I forgot what it was, so I will look at it again today09:21
seb128mvo, it would be nice if you could land it in natty09:22
seb128so we receive bugs about unity09:22
seb128mvo, thanks ;-)09:22
mvomakes sense of course09:23
pittijasoncwarner: good morning, and happy new year! had some nice holidays?09:26
pittihey rodrigo_, happy new year! how are you?09:32
rodrigo_happy new year pitti09:33
rodrigo_and all09:33
pittiseb128: do you mind if I update gsettings-desktop-schemas to 0.1.3? control-center git head needs it09:33
seb128pitti, go for it09:35
seb128pitti, you can probably just sync on debian09:35
rodrigo_pitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gsettings-desktop-schemas/0_1_3_release09:36
pittirodrigo_: ah09:36
pittirodrigo_: is that any different than Debian's?09:36
pittiwe only use the lp:ubuntu/gsettings-desktop-schemas branch anyway, so syncing will update that as well09:36
rodrigo_pitti, no, so just syncing from debian should be ok09:36
rodrigo_hey seb128, happy new year09:36
pitticool, doing that then09:36
didrockshey rodrigo_, happy new year!09:37
rodrigo_didrocks, same to you :)09:37
pittiseb128, rodrigo_: yep, binary debdiff looks fine09:38
seb128rodrigo_, happy new year!09:38
rodrigo_also, see https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-desktop/2_91_4_release09:39
pittirodrigo_: need sponsoring? can do that09:42
rodrigo_pitti, yes, unless someone already updated it last week09:42
pittirodrigo_: into lp:ubuntu/g-d?09:43
rodrigo_pitti, no, this is g-d-3, so lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop/ubuntu-gtk309:43
rodrigo_I think that's the correct branch, seb128 ^ ?09:43
rodrigo_although it should probably be lp:~gnome3-team/... as robert_ancell and I discussed the week before last week09:44
pittirodrigo_: hm, these branches aren't compatible09:45
rodrigo_well wait, not sure about g-d-3, robert_ancell suggested to use ~gnome3 branches for stuff that is only on the gnome3 ppa09:45
rodrigo_and ~ubuntu-desktop/.../ubuntugtk3 for gnome3 versions of libs09:46
rodrigo_pitti, oh?09:46
pittibzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/martin/ubuntu/gnome3/gnome-desktop3/.bzr/repository/')09:46
pittiis not compatible with09:46
pittidifferent rich-root support09:46
pittirodrigo_: my local one is the checkout of lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop/ubuntu-gtk309:46
* pitti tries to upgrade to 2a09:46
pittirodrigo_: ah, that worked; sorry for the noise09:47
rodrigo_pitti, ah ok09:47
pittirodrigo_: btw, having #MISSING in *.symbols is not acceptable09:47
pittirodrigo_: I'll just remove them from the .symbols, as this is only a PPA etc., but it generally means that upstream screwed up the abi09:47
rodrigo_oh, that was the diff shown by dh_gensymbols, it indeed looked strange to me09:48
rodrigo_pitti, right09:48
rodrigo_btw, I had a problem the week before last week after upgrading, with ssh-agent never showing the password dialog, any idea if something broke there?09:49
* rodrigo_ upgrades09:49
pittiworks here09:49
rodrigo_pitti, with all up-to-date?09:50
pittirodrigo_: yes, I dist-upgraded almost every day09:50
rodrigo_hmm, maybe then it's something in the gnome3 ppa that broke it, but couldn't find what, so looking again09:51
pittirodrigo_: does gnome-control-center with gnome3 ppa work for you?09:53
pittirodrigo_: I get a "cannot open libgtk-x11-3.0.so library blabla" error09:53
rodrigo_pitti, yes, that's an upstream bug in gtk, ln -s /usr/lib/libgtk-3.0.so /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-3.0.so should fix it09:54
pittirodrigo_: oh, and I'll fix the version number; 2ubuntu1 -> 0ubuntu109:54
pittirodrigo_: heh, ok09:54
rodrigo_although g-c-c doesn't work for me now though09:55
rodrigo_(gnome-control-center:6793): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: specified class size for type `CcPanel' is smaller than the parent type's `GtkBin' class size09:55
rodrigo_I guess it needs a recompile09:55
pittirodrigo_: same here; it doesn't crash, but doesn't show anything09:57
pittirodrigo_: and you didn't update the patches09:58
rodrigo_ok, I'll try rebuilding it, let's see09:58
pittirodrigo_: in g-d309:58
rodrigo_pitti, hmm09:58
pittiPatch 00git_no_GDK_DRAWABLE.patch can be reverse-applied09:58
pittirodrigo_: 100_load_desired_settings.patch isn't in series, is that intended?09:59
pittirodrigo_: want to fix this yourself, or want me to?09:59
rodrigo_I'll fix it10:00
rodrigo_ok, so again, patches are not applied when I build locally, as it happened in my seahorse branch, any idea why that happens?10:01
pittirodrigo_: please pull from lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-desktop/ubuntu-gtk3 first10:01
pittirodrigo_: as I updated the branch format, merged from you, and did the version fix10:01
pitti(pull instead of merge should work and is cleaner)10:01
pittiRequested 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= 2.23.0' but version of GdkPixbuf is 2.22.110:01
pittirodrigo_: ^ do you know where I can get that from? It doesn't seem to be in the PPA10:02
pittiI thought we should have the GTK 3 stack in natty already10:02
seb1282.23 was realeased during the holidays10:02
pittiah, ok10:03
rodrigo_pitti, yeah10:03
pittiso we simply need an update of that?10:03
pittiwant me to do that?10:03
seb128it's in debian experimental10:03
pittii. e. merge it?10:03
seb128the diff with debian is probably small to null10:03
seb128that would be great10:03
pittiright on it10:03
seb128the gtk3 situation is weird10:03
seb128I'm still catching up on emails10:03
seb128but the ppa has a git snapshot?10:03
pittiseb128: that's fine; for these things I'd just rather confirm with you first10:03
seb128ricotz, could you not upload git snapshots to the ppa for gtk?10:04
seb128it's a gnome3 ppa not a crack of the day one10:04
pittirodrigo_: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+packages doesn't seem to?10:04
seb128the natty version is stucked in NEW10:04
seb128but maybe it's ok, I read it had some crasher issue10:04
rodrigo_seb128, he uploaded it because of the libgtk-x11* problem10:05
pittiseb128: if you talk about the new GTK, that was reverted10:05
ricotzseb128, hi, this was intended to fix some great problems, like rodrigo_  said10:05
rodrigo_seb128, so, once we have the fixed one in natty, we can remove it from the ppa10:06
pittiah, I'll NEW it10:06
pitti3 minutes too late, of course10:06
pittiseb128: so gtk+3.0 replaces the gdk-pixbuf package?10:07
pittior are we talking about two different things here?10:07
seb128we are talking about different things I think10:07
seb128but I didn't really follow what happened with gtk10:07
seb128or the breakage ricotz and rodrigo_ are talking about10:07
seb128what version was broken?10:07
pittiI seem to remember that 2.91.8 had a problem and broke gdm for many people, and then got reverted10:08
pittibut I don't see evidence of that in teh changelog, so maybe it wasn't gtk+3.010:08
seb128we never had 2.91.8 in natty10:08
seb128or not on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+publishinghistory10:08
baptistemmhi there10:08
baptistemmHappy New year10:08
seb128hey baptistemm, happy new year!10:08
ricotzpitti, gtk2.23.3 is broken and also gtk2.91.7 ;)10:09
pittiricotz, rodrigo_: gtk+3.0 binNEWed, but that's still 2.91.7, and the PPA has 2.91.8~git10:09
pittiseb128: ah, so it was gtk2, not gtk310:09
seb128pitti, so the gtk you just newed is broken10:09
baptistemmseb128: sorry If i sent you a picture of me yesterday :)10:10
pittiseb128: but we already have 2.91.7-0ubuntu1 in natty10:10
pittiseb128: i. e. the binNEW wasn't a new upstream version10:11
seb128oh right10:11
seb128so is 2.91.7 broken and how so?10:11
pittiit just re-adds pixbuf10:11
pittiseb128: jdstrand reported (with gtk2) a gdm failure; I didn't have that10:11
pittibeyond that I don't know details, I'm afraid10:11
pittigtk3 at least works with apport and jockey etc., although only without themes10:12
seb128ricotz, rodrigo_: what is broken in 2.91.7 and 2.23.3?10:12
ricotzseb128, 2.91.7 dropped some *.pc files and messed up a method return value10:13
ricotzand i think 2.23.3 broke the api10:13
seb128way to go gtk guys10:13
seb128we should really stay away from GNOME3 this cycle10:14
pittiseb128: gdk-pixbuf> we have one extra patch, the rest of the diff is just noise; I'll double-check if the patch is still necessary, and merge or sync10:20
didrockshum, I think I'm the only one with a broken bzr right?10:25
seb128didrocks, I neither dist-upgraded nor finished catchup with emails10:26
seb128so I didn't try yet, what is broken?10:26
didrocksI upgraded and downloaded my email in an cafe yesterday knowing my connexion today :) getting a big stacktrace on bzr branch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549771/10:27
pittididrocks: workaround: python2.6 /usr/bin/bzr ...10:28
didrockspitti: ok, was going to try that, should escape ~ as bash try to interpret it with python 2.6 as a command10:28
didrockspitti: working well, thanks! :)10:29
seb128pitti, what gobject-introspection binary versions did you reject?10:30
seb128pitti, the bug was in 0ubuntu2 and fixed in  0ubuntu3 I think10:30
seb128those were maybe a leftover of the broken upload?10:30
pittiseb128: ah, indeed10:31
seb128ok great10:31
pittiI really like the new shotwell, BTW; spent last night until 2 am to tag all my photos, now that shotwell actually puts those into the .jpg :)10:35
pittikenvandine: did you forward gdk-pixbuf 065_gir_set_packages.patch to upstream anywhere? this should be fixed there, too10:37
pittibonjour huats, bonne annee!10:41
seb128lut huats, bonne année !10:41
seb128pitti, yeah, that and it handles videos now10:42
seb128shotwell for the win ;-)10:42
pittiseb128: ah, it didn't before? yes, works well now10:42
seb128pitti, no it didn't before ;-)10:42
huatsbonne année too seb128 and pitti !10:42
pittiseb128: had it running for some 4 hours without a single crash; it just hangs a couple of times when the I/O from rewriting files gets too high10:43
seb128didrocks, btw I had fun with compiz after you left ;-)10:43
pittibut that's just a general linux misbehaviour10:43
didrocksseb128: I saw that! You played reverting my workaround :p10:43
seb128didrocks, it breaks menus for some reason10:43
didrocksseb128: that's evil, I don't make an upload at 3AM just for fun :p10:43
seb128and I didn't get the hang10:43
seb128didrocks, well there is no hang, that stacktrace of yours was a redhearing10:44
didrocksseb128: yeah, you are lucky :)10:44
seb128it does crash on start for everybody though10:44
seb128in the unity session10:44
seb128unity doesn't crash in the classic session10:44
seb128it's really weird10:44
didrocksabout the menu, sam told me it was because of something else he already had10:44
didrocksjust the workaround make it more often10:44
seb128like if you enable unity in ccsm in the classic session it works10:44
didrocksyeah, it's really a redhearing…10:44
seb128but it crashes in the unity session10:44
seb128confirmed by several people10:45
didrocksthat's why I fought it for 4 hours before deciding to go the workaround way…10:45
* Amaranth doesn't get a hang/crash when starting unity session10:45
seb128I don't get the difference between classic with unity on and unity10:45
didrocksAmaranth: try to remove the workaround in -0ubuntu310:45
AmaranthThere shouldn't be a difference10:45
didrocksAmaranth: and read the changelog10:45
Amaranthdidrocks: oh, right, someone put it back in10:45
AmaranthI never saw that hang though :)10:45
didrocksit's using the profile environment variable10:45
didrocksa different code path then10:45
seb128it's not an hang10:45
seb128it's a crash on start10:45
seb128bug #69156110:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 691561 in compiz (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "compiz crash on login to Unity desktop (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 263)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69156110:46
Amaranthseb128: Sam wanted to know if we could get the patch for bug 691545 applied in ubuntu10:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 691545 in libwnck (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[natty] moving a window between workspaces changes its position (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69154510:46
seb128^ the bug I just pointed is the crash without the workaround10:46
Amaranthyeah, not much info there10:47
seb128there is a debug stacktrace10:48
seb128Amaranth, the libwnck patch, seems fine to me, someone should add the patch to the bug and subscribe the sponsors10:48
seb128or get didrocks to sponsor it for you ;-)10:48
didrocksthe gconf backend is just wrong from the design in any case… I really hope in N+1 we can get the gsettings one10:48
seb128waouh, I'm done with email catching up10:48
didrocksI already answered to sam I can sponsor it once I've done with my emails10:48
seb128well not with the bug boxes10:48
pitticongrats seb128 :)10:48
didrockslucky you :)10:48
seb128but everything else including debian and natty changes10:49
seb128I might just declare bugmail bankrupcy10:49
Amaranthoh oh oh, that bug is a dupe10:49
seb128set them all as read10:49
didrocksI think that's the perfect to tell "dx will handle unity bugs now" and mark the 700 emails marked as read :)10:49
Amaranthcrash in CompWindow::id()10:49
seb128Amaranth, known issue but no patch right?10:49
seb128didrocks, 1982 emails in my launchpad box10:50
AmaranthWhich is because screen->windows somehow ends up containing an invalid pointer and unity doesn't make sure they're valid before calling the id method10:50
seb128over 410 in my unity one10:50
seb128Amaranth, so 2 bugs, one in compiz and unity not being careful enough?10:50
Amaranthpretty much10:50
htorqueAmaranth, bug 685418 (i'm the reporter)? i don't get this spinning cursor anymore, though.10:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 685418 in unity "SIGSEGV in CompWindow::id() (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68541810:51
Amaranthscreen->windows should never have an invalid CompWindow pointer in there but if unity checked for it the problem would go away10:51
didrocksseb128: I'm just counting the unity one, not the "general/compiz/misc". It should be no more than 1200 though… I lose :)10:51
seb128hey htorque, happy new year10:51
htorqueseb128, thanks, to you (and everyone else) too :)10:52
seb128Amaranth, happy new year as well btw10:52
Amaranththanks, you as well10:52
didrocksseb128: 410 only for unity? oh, that's because you are not in the dx team and don't have upstream one it seems10:52
didrocksthat's an evil place as well :)10:52
seb128didrocks, right, I'm only in the unity team10:53
didrockshappy new year Amaranth and htorque10:53
seb128that's enough for my taste :p10:53
mvohey Amaranth, happy new year!10:53
Amaranthhappy new year didrocks and mvo :)10:53
didrocksAmaranth: btw, someone proposed to package -extra. I think you're not on it, right?10:55
Amaranthdidrocks: someone did it already10:55
dpmdidrocks, I've noticed that the "Ubuntu Classic Desktop" menu entry in gdm is not translatable (or at least I could not find the translation). Do you happen to know where it comes from?10:56
pittiseb128, rodrigo_: do you think we should have libgnomekbd3 in natty, similar to gnome-desktop and gtk?10:56
didrocksdpm: oh, I maybe didn't add it to the POTFILE10:56
seb128pitti, we can't10:57
seb128pitti, it's not versioned10:57
rodrigo_pitti, what seb128 says10:57
seb128pitti, the binaries and images etc don't have a versioned dir or name10:58
didrocksAmaranth: ok, it's the same person, it's just that I had no Internet during the holidays and was catching up today10:58
pittiseb128: we have abi 4, PPA has ABI 7?10:58
pittiseb128: ah, ok10:58
didrocksdpm: I'll check, thanks10:58
seb128pitti, well it only has 3 rdepends which need to be upload together anyway10:58
dpmdidrocks, thank you :)10:58
pittiseb128: and libgnomekbd 2.91 won't work with gnome 2.30?10:58
seb128g-s-d g-s g-c-c10:58
seb128pitti, it's using gtk310:58
didrocksAmaranth: so, once smspillaz will reorganize to have one tree and that we will split the packages, I'll rename and remove "fusion" in the name, agreed?10:58
pittiseb128: thanks for the heads-up; I just wondered because I remembered that we said "have the libraries, but not the apps"10:59
seb128pitti, there is nothing to win to update, as said only 3 rdepends10:59
Amaranthdidrocks: sounds good10:59
seb128pitti, no worry, yeah that's still the story when possible10:59
pittiseb128: would make it easier (or possible) to build gtk3 stuff on natty10:59
* Amaranth wanted to use the new 3.0 support for multiple tarballs in one source package to do that10:59
seb128pitti, I'm pondering rolling back gtk3 out of the CD10:59
didrocksAmaranth: I think smspillaz wanted to only make one tarball with everything in it. But I'll check. Yeah, source 3 will be nice. Not sure if we can push the lp team for daily builds11:00
pittiseb128: was it just me (apport, language-selector) who pulled it in?11:01
seb128pitti, yes11:01
seb128pitti, that's a topic for the rally though I guess, will be either to get mterry and robert_ancell in the discussion11:01
seb128but since we will not likely update any GNOME component in natty we could as well roll back gtk3 from the cd11:02
seb128if you could use gtk2 stack for apport and l-s11:02
xclaesseseb128, oh, no GTK3 for natty? :(11:02
pittiseb128: hm, in theory we should even be able to use g-i with gtk2?11:03
seb128pitti, yes11:03
seb128if you don't need any new api11:03
seb128xclaesse, well it's in natty but maybe not on the default installation11:03
seb128xclaesse, it will still be maintained in main and uptodate11:03
pittiseb128: not really; I ported to some GTK3isms, but shouldn't be too hard to support both11:03
* xclaesse hoped empathy3 would be on natty 11:03
seb128it will be in the gnome3 ppa11:03
didrocksdpm: confirmed, it was just missing from the POTFILES.in, do you have a bug report about it?11:04
seb128it's not really possible to bring one part of GNOME3 without everything11:04
pittiseb128: it's a lot more than apport and l-s, though11:04
pittiseb128: check sudo apt-get purge libgtk3.0-0 on a live system11:04
xclaesseseb128, sure it is everything or nothing... but hoped it would be everything :P11:04
xclaessebut I can perfectly understand it is risky11:05
seb128right, it's risky11:05
dpmdidrocks, I don't have a bug report because I did not know against which package to file it. If you need one, I'll be more than happy to do it11:05
seb128we will probably have a better experience for users with the ppa11:05
xclaessetbh I won't believe in GNOME3 into GTK 3.0 is released11:05
seb128since it means we will be able to update things after the natty freeze11:05
didrocksdpm: no, it's not needed. It was just to close it in case :)11:05
pittiseb128: hm, libcanberra-gtk0 depends on gtk3; that looks like a bug? (only libcanberra3-gtk-0 sohuld)11:05
seb128pitti, indeed11:06
pittiseb128: and mousetweaks; the rest is transitive dependencies11:06
seb128I didn't check this one but should be easy enough to downgrade the version if needed11:07
seb128but let's discuss it next week11:07
dpmdidrocks, great, thanks. So once fixed, which package should I check out to find the string? Was it gdm?11:07
seb128it just feels like natty is a short target for GNOME311:07
seb128GNOME3 is still changing a lot and breaking11:07
didrocksdpm: no, it's in gnome-session11:07
didrocksdpm: I just pushed the bzr branch right now, will upload it with other change later this week, maybe11:08
seb128it's not likely we will manage to get a great GNOME3 this cycle, upstream and distro work speaking11:08
pittiseb128: just as a heads-up, I'm currently investigating how much effort it is to separately package the g-c-c 3 user admin portion for natty, to replace gnome-system-tools11:09
dpmthanks didrocks11:09
didrocksdpm: yw :)11:09
pittiseb128: if we drop gtk3, then this will be postponed as well11:09
pittiseb128: it's not a biggie, as we already keep a lot of perl for apparmor, g-s-t doesn't take that much extra space11:10
seb128pitti, would probably be easier to package the standalone version fedora was using11:12
pittiseb128: YM system-config-user? no, that was too crackful11:12
seb128no, the new user admin11:13
seb128they wrote it as a standalone software first11:13
seb128they are using it for one or two cycle11:13
seb128well, what is in gcc3 now11:13
pittiseb128: ah; so it wouldn't bee too much of an UI shift for users?11:13
seb128I didn't try both versions so I can't really say11:14
seb128it seems like we could just stay away from that work until next cycle though11:14
rodrigo_the standalone version is a bit out of date, but maybe it might work11:14
pittiseb128: ok; I won't waste too much time on it; it's a WI of mine, but since the whole "remove perl" idea is pretty much moot due to apparmor..11:14
pittiLaney: "Investigate areas for banshee diet, notably splitting out less used plugins and dropping sqlite2 dependency" -> looks like this already happened to some degree?11:32
pittimvo: we already talked a while ago about dropping srcpkgcache.bin by default; I didn't notice any problem with that, but you had some concerns back then11:33
pittiMacSlow: gesundes Neues! how are you?11:34
Laneypitti: yes, sorry forgot about that — should be alright now11:36
Laneybanshee itself needs a quick MIR review, but from my POV it should be good to seed11:36
pittiLaney: cool, thanks11:36
pittiLaney: so this can be set to "DONE"?11:36
pittiLaney: thanks muchly11:37
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MacSlowpitti, Dir ebenfalls... healthy again... despite the nasty cold weather11:58
pittiMacSlow: ah, good to hear11:58
MacSlowpitti, only the trip to the south of spain didn't work... since I got a nasty flu at the start of the vacation11:59
geseris it expected that I've to send a SIGHUP to gnome-panel after login to make it visible in the "classic" gnome desktop?12:02
pittinot here; although I get all indicators crashing and have to reload them12:02
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geserfor me the panel is "not there" after login (but ps aux lists gnome-panel), after "kill -1" the gnome-panel it slides in with all applets12:06
geserI use the OSS radeon driver if it makes a difference (so metacity gets used for WM)12:08
didrocksgeser: did you just try to click on it rather than sending the SIGHUP?12:08
geserclick on the free space where the panel should be?12:09
didrocksit's just a reparenting issue making compiz not showing it IIRC12:10
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pittiMacSlow: ah, I got notify-osd to build on natty; I created https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/notify-osd/link-gcc-4.5/+merge/4502512:14
geserdidrocks: I've restarted my computer to reproduce it; nothing happens when I click on the space where the panel should be (and I've no compiz process running, only metacity)12:14
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pittiMacSlow: just in case someone else complains (some other folks were trying that as well)12:14
MacSlowpitti, ok... I've to complete the merge of a few patches.12:14
geserdidrocks: anything else I should try before I kill it?12:15
MacSlowpitti, have not compiled it yet since I moved to natty12:15
pittiMacSlow: should be an easy one12:15
pittiMacSlow: I'll cherrypick it to the Ubuntu package for now and upload12:15
didrocksgeser: no, really, you can kill it. that's weird… your default windowmanager is compiz or metacity?12:15
MacSlowpitti, ok... thanks for the heads up12:15
geserdidrocks: how can I check it? I've selected the classic desktop in gdm and use auto-login (I had trouble to get fglrx, unity and dual-screen to work so I went back to radeon and classic desktop)12:17
didrocksgeser: gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default12:18
geserdidrocks: /usr/bin/metacity12:19
didrocksgeser: ok, so your issue is different from compiz one. compiz isn't run at all on your machine (even not fallbacking in metacity)12:20
didrocksgeser: just in case: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager12:20
geserdidrocks: compiz12:21
didrocksgeser: oh ok, sorry, I misread the script then, compiz runs (the other key is deprecated) and then fallback to metacity12:22
didrockssomething wrong seems to happens though…12:22
didrocksto mimic that, I'll retry on a virtualbox without guest additions12:22
didrocksoh, just a test, if you metacity --replace, what happens?12:22
geserdidrocks: should I unset my default wm value to get the default? (this system got installed several releases ago and I don't remember every change I once did in the past)12:22
didrocksgeser: well, the default is gnome-wm and it will finally try to run compiz, so same effect, don't bother12:23
didrocksjust if you can make the other test, it will helps12:23
geserdidrocks: my running gnome-terminals flicker shortly but still now gnome-panel (but many warnings from metacity in the terminal)12:24
didrockshum, ok, not related to bad reparenting then. I have no clue for now :( I'll have a try in a virtualbox12:25
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pittiseb128: heads-up: I renamed the various "lpbindings" directories on lillypilly to "*.disabled", as lillypilly got upgraded to lucid; should be recent enough now12:32
pittiseb128: and using the local one causes tons of python warnings and cron spam12:32
seb128pitti, thanks, I noticed that as well12:32
seb128pitti, I just ran into that a few minutes ago while trying to figure why the versions page was outdated12:34
pittiI also get crashes12:34
pitti  File "/home/platform/desktop/versions/lpbinding/launchpadlib/httplib2/__init__.py", line 736, in connect12:34
pitti    sock.settimeout(self.timeout)12:34
pitti  File "<string>", line 1, in settimeout12:34
pittiTypeError: a float is required12:34
pittiseb128: do you get that, too?12:34
seb128that's the same crash version has12:34
nessitahello everyone!12:35
seb128hey nessita, happy new year!12:35
seb128how are you?12:35
Shred00how can i tell if my .bzr checkout is from "maverick" or "maverick-updates"?12:35
pittihey nessita, how are you?12:35
nessitaseb128:  happy new year to you too! :-)12:35
nessitapitti: pretty pretty good! you?12:35
didrockshappy new year nessita :)12:37
nessitadidrocks: thanks! happy new year for you as well12:38
pittiseb128: hm, when I run versions manually, I get an LP auth dialog; is the credential stored in lpbinding/?12:38
seb128pitti, no12:38
pittianyway, working now12:39
pitti(the auth bit)12:39
pittilet's see how far it gets12:39
seb128pitti, it should be in .launchpadlib12:39
pittihow long does this usually run?12:39
seb128in the user dir12:39
seb1283 minutes12:39
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html looks ok to you?12:41
seb128pitti, ok, I was wrong12:41
seb128versions.py:lp_cred = os.path.abspath('./lpbinding/ubuntu-desktop-cred')12:41
pittino error12:41
seb128pitti, yes, it's fine12:42
pittiseb128: ok, it created lpbinding with the cookie and cache12:42
seb128pitti, so the credential was in lpbinding/ubuntu-desktop-cred12:42
pittiI gave it "read public", so should be ok12:42
* seb128 hugs pitti12:42
pitti/build/buildd/notify-osd-0.9.29/./configure: line 2823: GNOME_COMMON_INIT: command not found12:49
pittithat's what I get on the buildds when I enable dh_autoreconf12:49
pittiprobably a missing build dep12:49
pittidoes that ring a bell for anyone?12:49
* pitti -> lunch, bbl12:50
seb128pitti, you need to bd on gnome-common12:53
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cyphermoxgood morning!!13:02
didrockshey cyphermox! happy new year :)13:02
cyphermoxhey didrocks! same to you :)13:02
cyphermoxwhile I have your attention... I'm struggling with a unity hack :)13:04
didrocksstruggling, litterally? :)13:05
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bcurtiswxHappy new year to all.  Off to work I go13:23
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pittiseb128: thanks13:33
nessitapitti: ping13:36
pittihey nessita13:37
nessitapitti: hey, I can't find the chat log were you (and some others) talked about dropping a package (evolution-couchdb I think?) from the CD, and letting the Ubuntu One Control Panel install it if needed. Would you have that piece of info available somewhere? I want to check that what I just said is correct or not13:37
pittinessita: I think it was spread over phone calls and some private mails, so I'm afraid I can't point to it13:38
pittinessita: it's one item in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/performance-desktop-n-install-footprint, though13:38
nessitapitti: oh, ok. Any idea who is best to ask about that?13:39
seb128it was discussing in a team meeting as well iirc13:39
seb128nessita, jasoncwarner13:39
seb128he has been in the discussions about that and should be able to point you to notes or people concerned by it13:40
nessitaseb128: right, thanks. Though I think I just found the piece of info I was looking for: "If we still need more space, drop evolution-couchdb from default install, which drops couchdb and erlang (6.7 MB)If we drop evo-couchdb, install evolution-couchdb when enabling it in the U1 control panel"13:41
seb128nessita, ok, feel free to ask if you want details13:42
seb128I think the item changed slightly13:42
nessitaseb128, pitti: I already proposed a branch where the u1cp installs evo-couchdb if not present. Shall I let him know?13:42
pittinessita: oh, sweet! please do13:42
seb128nessita, yes please do13:42
pittinessita: that's something I planned to look into during the rallye, but seems you are way ahead of us then :)13:42
seb128nessita, I think the plan is to drop it from the CD anyway, having extra translations for example instead would be a better deal for users13:43
nessitapitti: I'm trying to gain space on the CD for the control panel itself :-D13:43
seb128if we can easily install things on demand13:43
pittinessita: but landing this branch makes sense either way, both for people who uninstalled it and want it back, for custom installs, and derivatives13:43
nessitapitti: right13:43
pittiright, especially for services which need network anyway, like U113:43
pittiit just must be discoverable and easy to install what's needed13:44
pittifortunately aptdaemon makes that really nice these days13:44
* pitti hugs mvo and glatzor13:44
nessitaindeed, I used aptdaemon for the implementation and it went really well13:44
* nessita hugs too13:44
pittiseb128: two more megabytes on i386, and we can put back French!13:44
seb128pitti, waouh!13:45
nessitapitti: we need room for the control panel!13:45
ari-tczewpitti: I saw that you've added autoreconf support to notify-osd. I'm doing the same with lxpanel, but it built fail. can you help me?13:45
pittiari-tczew: you've got a lot?13:45
pittiari-tczew: sorry, "log"13:45
ari-tczewpitti: yeah, I'm sending on pastebin13:46
* didrocks hugs pitti for French being back :)13:46
pittididrocks: it's not yet..13:47
ari-tczewpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549826/13:47
kenvandinehappy new year everyone13:47
didrockspitti: it's just a "persuasive" hug :)13:47
didrockshey kenvandine, happy new year13:47
pittihey kenvandine, happy new year!13:49
pittiari-tczew: "config.status:2185: error: po/Makefile.in.in was not created by intltoolize" -- hm, haven't seen that yet; does it work locally?13:49
ari-tczewpitti: dunno, I'm not familiar :( how can I check it?13:50
pittiari-tczew: I mean, is that from the Launchpad builders, or a local build?13:50
ari-tczewpitti: pbuilder on my desktop13:50
Amaranthhmm, I have a feeling unity-panel-service just crashed but i didn't get an apport dialog13:51
Amaranthall my windows got their menus back and my indicators reloaded13:51
pittiari-tczew: so, presumably a simple autoreconf isn't enough, and you perhaps need gnome-autogen.sh?13:52
pittiari-tczew: (this is all pretty black magic to me, too..)13:52
pittiAmaranth: something recent in ls -l /var/crash/ ?13:53
didrocksAmaranth: that can happen if you have another user crash in /var/crash/.13:53
Amaranthpitti: nope, nothing at all in there13:53
ari-tczewpitti: dunno. previous package had 99* patch for autoreconf. Now I'd like to drop it and support by debian/rules.13:53
pittiAmaranth: did you enable apport in /etc/default/apport ?13:54
* glatzor hugs happy aptdaemon users nessita and pitti :)13:54
Amaranthbah, enabled=013:55
mvohey glatzor13:55
glatzorhey mvo !13:55
mvoglatzor: happy new year!13:55
glatzorhappy new year!13:55
AmaranthI thought that automatically flipped when using a development version13:55
pittiAmaranth: I think we'll enable it by default in alpha-213:55
* bcurtiswx_ waves to room13:55
pittihey bcurtiswx_13:55
bcurtiswx_hey pitti13:55
didrockshey bcurtiswx_13:56
bcurtiswx_hey didrocks :)13:56
bcurtiswx_happy new year to everyone13:56
didrockshappy new year to you too :)13:56
seb128pitti, the error you listed before is an autopoint thing, didrocks and mterry knows about it13:56
seb128hey bcurtiswx, happy new year!13:57
bcurtiswx_hey seb128, thx :)13:57
pittiari-tczew: so perhaps try adding an "autopoint" build dependency as a first try?13:58
mterrypitti, yeah, if you specify AUTOPOINT=true at the top of debian/rules13:59
mterrypitti, you can avoid running autopoint and screwing up po/Makefile.in.in13:59
ari-tczewpitti: it is13:59
ari-tczewmterry: trying14:00
mterryari-tczew, oh sorry, thought pitti was the stuck one  :)14:00
pittimterry: thanks anyway, though! good to know14:01
pittimterry: and happy new year! had some nice holidays?14:01
mterrypitti, yeah!  Lots of food  :)14:02
ari-tczewmterry: didn't help :(14:03
mterryari-tczew, really?  hmm14:06
seb128hey mterry, happy new year!14:07
mterryari-tczew, looking at anjuta (in which I dealt with this bug), I put "export AUTOPOINT = true" at the very top of debian/rules (right below #!/usr/bin/make line)14:07
mterryseb128, hi!14:07
ari-tczewmterry: now another FTBFS. dh_autoreconf: autoreconf -f -i returned exit code 214:11
mterryari-tczew, I've not seen that error.  Maybe start with a fresh directory?14:13
ari-tczewmterry: fresh directory? how? I'm dealing in pbuilder14:13
mterryari-tczew, OK, then forget fresh directory idea  :)14:14
mterryari-tczew, there is no other message?  Exit code 2 isn't much to go on14:14
Laneymterry: hey, happy new year14:15
Laneyas a Christmas present to you, Banshee is ready to review14:15
mterryLaney, :)  I believe that's on asac's plate14:15
Laneyit is? ok14:16
mterryI did the dependencies for ya though!14:16
Laneyupstream are asking about it so i'd appreciate reviews!14:16
Laneyyou did, thanks14:16
ari-tczewmterry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549834/14:16
mterryari-tczew, it looks like you included one of the quote marks in at the end of the export line14:17
Laneyasac: ^^^^^^^ could you add MIR reviewing banshee to your queue please14:17
pittimvo: we already talked a while ago about dropping srcpkgcache.bin by default; I14:45
pitti didn't notice any problem with that, but you had some concerns back then14:45
mvopitti: I briefly talked about this with donkult, he played with that but said it did slow down stuff14:48
pittimvo: which stuff?14:48
mvopitti: like tab completion even breaks, I have not tried it independantly14:48
mvopitti: and general all apt-cache releated stuff14:48
pittimvo: I thought that used pkgcache.bin, not srcpkgcache?14:49
mvopitti: right but pkgcache.bin is outdated there is no srcpkgcache to use as a template to build a new pkgcache.bin14:49
pittimvo: ok, so we'll leave it on, and documented on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducingDiskFootprint14:50
pittimvo: thanks for checking!14:50
mvopitti: I would suggest keeping it and if speed does not matter, then removing both14:51
mvopitti: but I will talk to donkult again (and look at the source) to see why we actually need them both, i'm not sure that this is still a valid design nowdays (in 2011 ;)14:51
pittimvo: it does seem to be a lot of duplicated caching indeed14:52
ari-tczewmterry: thanks!!!!14:59
mterryari-tczew, it works?  hot15:00
ari-tczewmterry: however, dunno why, during build my PC has been crashed :P15:00
ari-tczewmterry: yes, It works!15:00
mterryari-tczew, not my fault!  ;)15:00
ari-tczewmterry: yes I'm kidding15:00
mterryphew  :)15:01
ari-tczewbtw guys are you affected by bug in bzr?15:02
ari-tczewon natty15:02
pittiari-tczew: if you do lp:... addresses15:03
pittiari-tczew: pythohn2.6 /usr/bin/bzr ...15:03
ari-tczewpitti: MHM, cdbs has suggested it on bug 69388015:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 693880 in bzr (Debian) (and 3 other projects) "_ReportingFileSocket.readline lacks size argument (affects: 29) (dups: 10) (heat: 160)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69388015:04
seb128pitti, seems the cron job on people is not running?15:10
pittiseb128: oh? should be15:11
seb128neither the wi tracker nor versions got updated since your manual run15:11
pittiWI tracker works fine15:11
seb128are you sure?15:11
pittiI didn't run the WI tracker manually15:11
pittibut it finally updated after lunch15:11
seb128canonical-desktop-team-natty-alpha-2.html03-Jan-2011 14:35 46K15:11
seb128shouldn't it run every hour?15:11
pittiit's running now15:12
pittiseb128: that was 45 mins ago :)15:12
mvopitti: btw, I recently did a natty install and there was no /var/crash, what is creating it these days ?15:12
pittimvo: /etc/init/apport.conf, when enabled15:12
seb128pitti, hum, ok, so it's only versions15:13
seb128"HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized"15:13
seb128hum no, that's an old emaikl15:13
pittiuh? I ran it manually just fine15:13
seb128well it didn't update since15:14
seb128but there is no error either15:14
seb128doh, it did15:14
seb128pitti, ignore me15:14
pittiok :) was about to check it15:14
mvopitti: aha, nice, thanks15:14
seb128the clock on those is one hour off compared to us15:14
pittiyes, British time15:15
seb128stupid timezones :p15:15
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, empathy patches for the indicator and LP integration are all screwed up still and I wouldn't know how to fix them.  When you get a moment today I'd like to chat with you about it.15:22
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, sure15:22
kenvandinegot a bzr branch ?15:22
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, yes I'm just about to push to it, one sec15:23
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, it built from source fine (with the exception of disabling webkit temporarily), so it's something with our patches that's causing it to fail15:27
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, you'll need the gnome3 PPA15:27
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, ug15:28
kenvandinepaste me the build log :)15:28
mvoseb128: I merged your branch, many thanks. if you don't mind, could you give it a quick test run again before I upload? I modified it a little bit along the way15:28
mvoseb128: cleaning up some of the other cruft that it accumulated over the time15:28
seb128mvo, sure, just running from trunk?15:29
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, haha, sure.  let me run it again.  It'll be a few minutes.  bzr bd > buildlog.txt ?15:29
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, just copy the end of the output15:29
kenvandinewhere the failure is15:29
seb128hey kenvandine, happy new year15:30
kenvandinehey seb128, happy new year!15:30
seb128bcurtiswx_, there is a.build with the log in build-area after the build15:30
bcurtiswx_seb128, thanks, i did not know that15:30
mvoseb128: yep15:32
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, http://paste.ubuntu.com/549861/15:35
* kenvandine looks15:36
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, ok, looks like part of the patch is missing15:36
dpmpitti, quick question someone has asked me and I could not answer: at the technical level, why are the -en language packs necessary at all (except for providing variants such as en_UK and such)?15:38
dpmI mean, why are they always installed?15:39
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, which patch and missing?15:39
kenvandinethe indicator patch15:41
didrocksoh "nice": if you have both gir1.2-gtk-2.0 and gir1.2-gtk-3.0 installed and try repository.require("Gtk", "2.0"), you get:15:41
didrocksgi.RepositoryError: Requiring namespace 'Gtk' version '2.0', but '3.0' is already loaded15:41
didrockspitti: any idea? ^^15:41
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, but looking at your branch, it looks like the patch is complete15:41
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, the patches all get pushed in fine15:41
kenvandinei am looking15:42
didrocksmaybe, we should load gtk before webkit15:42
mterrydidrocks, this isn't helpful, but PyGI folks have told me that Gtk 2.0 is specifically not guaranteed to work and likely is broken15:47
didrocksmterry: that's the kind of news which are good for starting a new year, thanks! :)15:48
didrocksok, then, having the two binary packages doesn't make sense :/15:48
aquariusso if I'm writing a Python program which is using Gtk and Webkit, and I want Gtk 2, I should just use the old-fashioned static bindings? I thought the whole point was to use all this beautiful g-i stuff?15:49
mterrydidrocks, it *might* work.  I haven't tried in a while.  But that was their response when I found issues with gtk2.0 & pygi15:49
didrocksmterry: ok, thanks for the notice :)15:50
mterrydidrocks, but at the time, require() worked.  I think you're right, that something else is pulling in 3.0 before you are calling require()15:50
aquariusdidrocks, maybe I should just use the old-fashioned static bindings, then. I mean, the program's trivial anyway :)15:50
didrocksaquarius: the good news is that you will have dep detection at least :) (try to postive) :)15:50
mterryaquarius, yeah, old fashioned for gtk2 is my recommendation15:50
didrocksbe  positive*15:50
aquariusdidrocks, yeah, I like that. I was only using g-i because I thought That's What You're Supposed To Do These Days :)15:51
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, i do need more of the build log, can you just get me the whole thing?15:51
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, yes.  kenvandine@ubuntu.com ?16:06
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i have your canonical one in auto complete.. lol.. that one ok?16:08
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mterrysmspillaz, heyo.  Does an approval for a merge mean you want me to commit (I don't have write access) or is it part of a process where a branch needs (e.g.) 2 approvals?16:12
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bcurtiswx_kenvandine, sent :)16:15
smspillazmterry: not sure, but I'll commit it in any case16:20
smspillazmterry: thanks for finding that :)16:20
didrocksmterry: smspillaz: one is enough16:20
mterrysmspillaz, cool, thanks.  I really hate that bug16:21
smspillazmterry: I was worried that it was really NULL pointers in screen->windows () in which case I was going to be in a world of hurt16:22
mterrysmspillaz, heh16:22
asacLaney: ok looking into it16:22
rodrigo_my system is borked16:24
rodrigo_pitti, you dist-upgrade'd today?16:25
pittirodrigo_: yes16:25
pittimy morning exercise :)16:25
rickspencer3hey pitti, good afternoon ... no holiday today for you?16:25
pittihey rickspencer3, happy new year!16:26
pittirickspencer3: no, two weeks were quite enough :)16:26
rickspencer3Happy New Year to you!16:26
rickspencer3kenvandine, hey, so, gwibber can't find the WebView module?16:26
kenvandinehey rickspencer3, happy new year16:27
kenvandineyeah, known bug16:27
rickspencer3hi kenvandine!16:27
kenvandineupgrade problem with python and webkit16:27
kenvandineone sec16:27
rickspencer3kenvandine, I figured as much, is there a work around?16:27
bratscheHappy New Year, desktop hackers!16:27
rickspencer3hey bratsche16:27
pittihey bratsche, happy new year!16:27
didrocksrickspencer3: try with python 2.616:27
didrocksrickspencer3: we just saw something similar with aquarius some minutes ago16:28
rickspencer3well, I think then other modules won't be found16:28
kenvandinebug #68873216:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 688732 in pywebkitgtk (Ubuntu) "package no longer has WebView attribute after transition to python 2.7 (affects: 24) (dups: 9) (heat: 331)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68873216:28
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, aww beat me to it16:28
kenvandinebreaks miro too16:28
bratscheIt seems like bzr doesn't work well with Python 2.7 either.16:28
kenvandinewell, anything with webkit16:28
kenvandinebratsche, yeah, gotta specify the full path16:28
aquariusthings to do: break every webkit/python program that's ever existed. Backwards compatibility ftw, not. :)16:28
bcurtiswx_bratsche, balil has a patch for it.. i forget where it is tho16:29
rickspencer3$sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/webkit/16:29
kenvandinebug #69388016:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 693880 in bzr (Debian) (and 4 other projects) "_ReportingFileSocket.readline lacks size argument (affects: 31) (dups: 11) (heat: 176)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69388016:29
rickspencer3seems a bit brute force, but if works, I'll take it ;)16:29
bratschebcurtiswx_: For now I got it working by just doing "/usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/bin/bzr ..."16:30
kenvandinerickspencer3, it doesn't happen on new installs16:30
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, found your build failure... part of that libindicate patch isn't applying16:32
kenvandinefor src/Makefile.am16:33
kenvandinenot sure why though, it is clearly in the patch16:33
kenvandinebut not ending up in the source tree16:33
seb128no way16:33
seb128it might end up in the wrong directory though16:33
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, this is where idk what i'd do16:33
seb128what is in the diff there?16:34
seb128what dir is being listed?16:34
kenvandinedir looks right16:34
kenvandineand diffstat isn't showing the changes16:34
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, i am fixing :)16:35
rickspencer3bratsche, add pixbuf_add_alpha just adds a color to be an alpha channel, a color that will be transparent, I want to make whole images translucent16:35
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, what (in general) are you doing.. so I know what to do in the future16:35
bcurtiswx_and how would I know from that build log that the patch wasn't applying fully16:35
kenvandinei am just manually merging the changes i see in the patch to the source and i'll create a new patch16:35
kenvandinethe build log failed to link16:35
seb128where is the source you work on?16:35
kenvandineit wasn't finding symbols16:36
bratscherickspencer3: Okay, I didn't know what you meant then I guess.16:36
kenvandineseb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-
rickspencer3bratsche, it's hard to discuss and Google for, because interchange "opacity", "translucent", "alpha", "transparency", etc...16:36
bratscheheh, yeah.16:37
kenvandineseb128, look at src/Makefile.am in there16:37
rickspencer3anyway, I thought of maybe a better way ... I could add an alpha channel of a certain color, and then composite the image with that color16:37
kenvandineeverything from line 159 down aren't making it in the patched src/Makefile.am16:37
bratscherickspencer3: Oh, I get it.. so you're trying to apply the same alpha value all over the image?16:38
rickspencer3bratsche, right16:38
bratscherickspencer3: Makes sense.  Yeah, surprising that there isn't a simpler way to do that.16:38
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, seb128: i added the @@ -121,5 +124,8 @@ section because (i forget who) mentioned those might need to end up there16:38
bcurtiswx_might have been rickspencer316:38
bratscherickspencer3: It would be a simple API to add though.16:38
rickspencer3bratsche, well, then, by all means!16:39
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, so it was probably bad patch writing by me :(16:39
seb128bcurtiswx_, did you edit the patch by hand?16:40
bcurtiswx_seb128, yes and pushed it with quilt and refreshed it and committed it to the bzr16:41
bcurtiswx_all went OK there16:41
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, ah... hand editting is usually a bad idea :)16:41
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, what is the appropriate way then?16:42
bratscherickspencer3: btw, I thought you might be into this - http://www.npr.org/2011/01/03/132436422/first-listen-the-decemberists-the-king-is-dead16:42
* bcurtiswx_ is still learning proper practices16:42
seb128bcurtiswx_, quilt push, edit the file you want to edit and quilt refresh16:42
bcurtiswx_seb128, but don't edit the patch directly ?16:43
seb128you can if you know what you are doing16:43
seb128it's easy to screw a patch when editing it manually16:43
bcurtiswx_seb128, OK, thought I did, had a quick lesson on what everything meant.  I will just push it , edit the file (not the patch) and refresh. Thx :)16:43
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, there is another part of your change that worries me16:44
kenvandinestarting at line 133716:44
kenvandineyou removed a bunch of unrefs16:44
kenvandineand more16:44
kenvandinewell, one unref16:45
kenvandineand where the indicator is created16:45
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, hum.  even scarier for me.  I don't remember touching that section of code16:45
kenvandineit changed in your latest revision16:46
seb128well seems the revision before is the one where you did manual editing in the patch16:46
seb128so if the format is corrupted it might have leaded to other issues on the refresh16:46
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kenvandinebcurtiswx_, probably best to revert that last revision, undo the manual editing and fix it again16:47
bcurtiswx_seb128, well the edits to the non 20_libindicate were just changes in the upstream code, so I had to tell the patch how to re-identify where to apply the patch16:47
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bcurtiswx_seb128, is there a better way to do that than manual patch editing ?16:48
bcurtiswx_how do I revert in bzr16:50
seb128bcurtiswx_, not sure how you did the editing16:50
seb128usual way is quilt -f patch16:50
seb128edit the file to reapply the change16:50
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asacseb128: Laney: is banshee going to replace rhythmbox?17:01
seb128asac, yes17:12
seb128asac, well it's going to be the default player for new installs, we will not replace on upgrade17:13
asacseb128: just UNE or everywhere now?17:13
seb128asac, there is no UNE, we only have 1 edition17:13
asacseb128: ok ... are you guys sure about this? or is it just a mood that might change end of cycle? ;) after all its mono and thats a big PITA :/17:14
seb128we are sure about it for this cycle17:14
seb128we can revisit if rhythmbox catches up, but right now banshee has lot of manpower compared to rb17:15
asacseb128: is there proper indicator support for banshee?17:15
seb128sort of17:15
seb128we don't have an indicators for players anymore17:15
seb128they just talk mpris over dbus17:16
jcastrothere's full sound menu support (just kind of buggy for me right now)17:16
seb128but banshee does that and better than rb (support playlists)17:16
asacok approved, milestoned the arm bug and dropping out17:17
Laneythanks asac17:17
Laneyplease seed! yay!17:18
jcastroLaney: you are legend.17:18
jcastroLaney: what did the space swap end up costing? iirc last I looked at it it was within a meg or two?17:18
Laneyhaven't crunched it yet, but something like that17:19
seb128asac, thanks!17:21
dobeypitti: still around?17:22
bcurtiswx_"<seb128> usual way is quilt -f patch, edit file to reapply, refresh".. so when a patch file fails because of an upstream function rename, would it be better to edit the patch directly in this case, since the patch doesn't apply ?17:27
seb128bcurtiswx_, usually editing a name or a line is fine, editing the magic numbers and the patch format is not as easy17:32
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czajkowskikenvandine: you by any chance back from holidays ?17:44
kenvandineczajkowski, yup17:45
kenvandineczajkowski, happy new year :)17:45
dobeyi guess pitti is not still around17:47
czajkowskikenvandine: welcome back :)17:47
kenvandinethx :)17:47
* bryceh waves17:48
kenvandinehey bryceh17:48
kenvandineczajkowski, what can i do for you?17:48
Amaranthmterry: so the CompWindow::id() crash was actually a bug in unity then?17:48
mterryAmaranth, seems that way17:48
czajkowskikenvandine: and sure as you're here I've a gwibber question for you :) on the special laptop, when I've my multi column up and running gwibber sounds like it's about to take off eating CPU and in the last 2 weeks very slow to update columns, waiting almost an hour now for it to update main tweets.17:49
Amaranthmterry: phew, was worried smspillaz would wait until the rally and make me help figure out why screen->windows was getting NULLs :)17:49
mterryAmaranth, :)17:49
kenvandineczajkowski, ugh... humm17:49
kenvandineczajkowski, can you send me the sqlite db?17:49
czajkowskikenvandine: last time I updated this machine was about 3-4 wks ago before xmas and not used it much over the hols so only really noticed how bad it was over the last 2 days17:50
kenvandineand the log17:50
kenvandineczajkowski, also... FYI, identi.ca is broken... for everyone17:50
kenvandinethey changes the SSL cert17:51
dobeyhey kenvandine17:51
kenvandinehey dobey17:51
czajkowskikenvandine: ahh ok, but this was just general twitter.  I also don't seem to be able to get the sqlite to open17:51
dobeykenvandine: is there anything with new gwibber that cleans out the old desktopcouch dbs for gwibber?17:51
kenvandinejust email me the file17:51
kenvandinedobey, doesn't clean it out17:52
dobeysorry, bad linux17:53
dobeykenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/59510017:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 595100 in couchdb (Ubuntu) "~/.local/share/desktop-couch/.gwibber_messages_design stores too much space! (affects: 8) (heat: 40)" [Undecided,New]17:53
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kenvandinedobey, ugh... that sucks17:55
kenvandinei complained when mine hit like 300M17:55
czajkowskikenvandine: the .sqlite is to large to send17:58
dobeydear firefox17:58
pittihi dobey17:58
pittidobey: happy new year!17:58
czajkowskioh I may have gotten it out via gmail17:58
seb128pitti, oh, still there ;-)17:58
pittiback from dinner, quickly (talking to my wife)17:59
seb128pitti, is there any reason you didn't upload the gnome-desktop3 update from rodrigo?17:59
seb128mterry, seems you screwed libcanberra in some way17:59
seb128the gtk2 lib depends on the gtk3 one17:59
dobeypitti: hey! i guess i can bug you in the morning. no need to upset the wife :)18:00
pittidobey: heh, ok18:00
mterryseb128, hrm18:00
mterryseb128, that does seem wrong18:00
pittiseb128: there were some problems with it (patches need updates), he said he wanted to fix them18:00
pittiok, good night everyone then!18:00
seb128pitti, oh ok, I saw that you merged in the vcs but didn't upload so I was wondering if that was an oversight18:00
seb128'night pitti!18:00
rickspencer3good night pitti!18:00
pittiseb128: right, I needed to do some adaptions and asked him to pull first18:01
czajkowskikenvandine: thanks for looking at this btw18:01
mterryseb128, indeed, libcanberra-gtk0 depends on libcanberra-gtk3-018:01
* mterry investigates18:01
seb128didrocks, could you comment on bug #696902?18:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 696902 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gnome-sessions new .desktop files missing from POTFILES.in (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69690218:05
seb128the patch seems correct but I was not sure if sessions or strings were still to be updated or if you delayed translating those for a reason18:05
didrocksseb128: I already fixed in the packaging branch18:06
seb128didrocks, ok, so comment to say that :p18:06
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)18:06
didrocksthe other files aren't necessary18:06
didrocksI'll, thanks seb128 :)18:06
seb128ok, time for some sport and dinner18:15
didrockssee you seb128! enjoy18:17
dobeyhow do i make firefox preserve my settings correctly now?18:21
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bcurtiswx_kenvandine, was GtkWindow *window changed in GTK3 ?19:30
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy- with errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/549960/19:41
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, the code in question is in 31_really_raise_window.patch19:42
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, i thought you had already fixed that one20:08
kenvandinelet me look at your branch20:08
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i went back fairly far20:09
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, that is what you had done before20:11
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, thanks.20:15
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, np20:15
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, http://paste.ubuntu.com/549977/  i hope this is new enough20:39
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, seems to me it's stuff with the indicator functions not getting recognized.. but it's different than before20:52
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, looks like the same as before... when the Makefile.am wasn't updated21:19
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bcurtiswxkenvandine, what would my next step be.  Is this a patching issue again?22:18
cyphermoxheading home, bbl.22:23

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