
* micahg is almost done testing Seamonkey :-/02:58
LLStarkspeople still use that?03:01
micahgall in one?  they like the compozer?03:02
* micahg wants to use Seamonkey 2.1 once it's released03:02
LLStarksit's like using windows nt on a brand new laptop03:02
micahghmm, it's the same engine as FF3.5 and TB3.0, not that old03:03
LLStarksbut it still feels like it03:04
LLStarksinterface too03:04
LLStarksit's a relic of the netscape days that's been  prettied up like a corpse in a funeral home03:04
micahgLLStarks: I get complaints when it's not updated, people must like it03:05
LLStarksi remember when people had to decide between mozilla and the pre-1.0 (but no firebird/phoenix) firefox.03:18
LLStarksit was a very easy decision03:18
micahgjdstrand: seamonkey seems fine on Karmic and Lucid, I'd like to discuss with you at some point what didn't quite work, but what didn't work wasn't a regression06:17
fta2dpm, Hi, did you read my post about my new dashboard?10:04
dpmhi fta2, not yet, I've been offline most of the holidays and I'm just catching up. Let me do this now...10:06
dpmand happy new year! ;)10:06
fta2dpm, happy new year to you too10:06
fta2dpm, ok, no rush. it's on planet ubuntu, you'll get to it eventually10:07
dpmfta2, ah, cool, so I see you started your new blog10:08
fta2dpm, yep10:08
jdstrandmicahg: ack13:21
ftadpm, did you catch up?16:26
* micahg just realized he now has a Lucid VM to test the backport of lightning :)16:28
nardevis there any way to make custom font appear right in firefox as it is in chrome http://www.data.ba/stipendije.png16:30
micahgnardev: have you tried it in 4.0?16:31
nardevno, but this is production site16:32
nardevshoud work with 3.616:32
dpmhey fta, yeah, I did. I think the dashboard will be very useful for tracking down the translation errors that need to be fixed, but I do have one concern with people getting confused with two places showing statistics, and the discoverability of that page. Apart from that, it looks good to me - I saw on the blog post comments that someone had already found it useful to detect things to fix16:36
ftadpm, well, i don't think the new way lp exposes translation status makes sense, at least for chromium16:37
ftadpm, i don't really understand what they are trying to achieve, it was clear before, now, it seems bogus to me, everything green16:37
ftadpm, i had to do that to at least know what i should land upstream16:38
ftadpm, if you disagree, feel free to add a comment16:39
dpmfta, as I said before holidays, I don't debate the need you had for the statistics were shown before the change. It did make sense for Chromium. But for most of the projects in LP, those stats did not make much sense and did not represent the reality in many cases16:39
dpmsorry, I meant "for the way the statistics were shown before the change"16:40
ftabut it's not opt-in/opt-out, it has been imposed on everyone16:40
ftaso for me it was a loss16:41
dpmfta, that's true, but as Danilo said on the thread, if anyone has got any concerns, the best way to go forward is to raise them on that thread, or directly with the Launchpad Translations developers on #launchpad. Note that I'm not trying to give excuses here, as I'm not involved with LP development myself, I'm just trying to help, even if it's just directing the concerns to the right people16:44
ftaok ok.16:57
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