r00t4rd3d | is there something wrong with floodbot ? | 01:51 |
r00t4rd3d | it keeps flooding.... | 01:51 |
r00t4rd3d | sets j , unsets j and on on on on | 01:52 |
IdleOne | Could someone explain why the bots keep setting +j -j ? | 02:13 |
rww | because FloodBot2 thinks it's in emergency mode and the rest don't. I just restarted 2, hopefully that'll fix it. | 02:14 |
rww | fyi, I got a PM from GreenTree, webchat from user-0cdfjit.cable.mindspring.com/, calling me a pansy, so it appears Gretchen from yesterday decided to wander outside of the range my IP bans are set on ;( | 02:15 |
elky | and 4 of the 6 on @24.* are in #u | 02:23 |
elky | though, none of them using webchat | 02:24 |
elky | rww, was the ident still starting with 182? | 02:25 |
rww | He's still online as GreenTree, and we don't share any channels, so I guess he's not bored enough right now or something/ | 02:25 |
rww | elky: 18d7ce5d | 02:25 |
rww | gateway idents are a hexidecimal representation of the IP. so first two are the same because the 24 is the same, but the rest isn't. | 02:26 |
elky | there is only one other webchat person on from 24.* and they're only in freenode and defocus | 02:27 |
rww | nick? | 02:27 |
elky | satsujin | 02:28 |
rww | wrong ISP, so I think we're good for now. | 02:28 |
elky | yep so ban 18*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.24* | 02:30 |
elky | im doubting gretchen is going to install a client | 02:30 |
rww | some of his previous instances were on clients. one was on a shellhost :\ | 02:30 |
elky | ah | 02:30 |
elky | we'll deal with them when/if they arise | 02:31 |
elky | just obstruct him as much as possible now | 02:31 |
rww | I think banning any webchat users on 24.* is a little overbroad, personally. Would rather leave things as they are until he tries joining again. | 02:31 |
bearblack_ | hello i am back after about 2 days. 1 day you said for me to go away for a night | 02:34 |
bearblack_ | primal focus is to have ability to join #ubuntu in the future | 02:35 |
bearblack_ | if it helps, i did throw up yesterday 6 times in a row | 02:36 |
bearblack_ | got the flue my parents had | 02:36 |
IdleOne | how is that supposed to help us? | 02:36 |
bearblack_ | ubuntu is more than just an operating system. it is a community. almost a way of life | 02:37 |
bearblack_ | by me sharing with you personal facts of my life, it opens doors | 02:37 |
Flannel | Howdy bearblack_. Let me take a look | 02:37 |
bearblack_ | i really enjoyed that linux viruses page in the ubuntu wiki. it had a link to the bukowsi project and i learned quite a bit | 02:40 |
bearblack_ | one really begins to appreciate the thought put into things, such as ubuntu and linux | 02:41 |
bearblack_ | odd. no ubuntu open source females in florida | 02:48 |
Flannel | bearblack_: I'm not sure how that relates to the task at hand | 02:49 |
bearblack_ | what task would you have me do | 02:49 |
bearblack_ | i can program | 02:49 |
rww | elky: I think for ircd-eight, I'll ask for $troll extban feature. Magically stops any collateral damage ;( | 02:53 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, NixGeek said: !no gender is <reply> I'm an awesome bot, so of course I must be male | 02:54 |
rww | ubottu: notreally-#ubuntu-offtopic > NixGeek | 02:55 |
bearblack_ | so whats up | 02:55 |
Flannel | bearblack_: What have you done over the past few days, besides getting sick, that you think would warrant the ability to rejoin #ubuntu today? | 02:56 |
bearblack_ | i have learned to be more tolerant | 02:57 |
bearblack_ | and laugh at myself and not be so serious all the time | 02:57 |
bearblack_ | i actually want friends now. not fame. | 02:57 |
Flannel | bearblack_: How is this different than the last time or two you've been in this same situation? | 02:59 |
bearblack_ | this time i have no doubts. i am simply a changed person. | 02:59 |
bearblack_ | before i would overload my self with expectations of what i need to be worth something | 03:00 |
bearblack_ | but now i know that every little thing i can do can count and there is no pressure | 03:00 |
Flannel | bearblack_: And if you were let into #ubuntu, you'd be able to actually follow the code of conduct and IRC guidelines? I know you've said at least twice in the past that you've read and agree to them. | 03:03 |
bearblack_ | yes. the only thing i will do is ask questions or provide solutions if i have a good answer | 03:07 |
Flannel | bearblack_: Alright. I've gone ahead and removed your ban in #ubuntu. Please join there and say something so I can verify I've got everything | 03:08 |
bearblack_ | it should of shown up | 03:09 |
Flannel | bearblack_: Yep. Alright, you're all set up it seems. | 03:11 |
bearblack_ | ty and have a nice night/day. going to go read stuff | 03:12 |
IdleOne | marcules: anything we can help you with? | 03:12 |
marcules | Äh? No? | 03:13 |
marcules | Don't know which channel redirected me here | 03:13 |
rww | marcules: one sec, I'm checking into it | 03:14 |
IdleOne | you were sent here because of a inappropriate comment you made in #ubuntu | 03:14 |
marcules | what | 03:15 |
rww | IdleOne: I'll handle it, it's my ban | 03:15 |
IdleOne | no problem | 03:15 |
rww | marcules: I banforwarded you from #ubuntu because your /quit message was inappropriate for #ubuntu. | 03:15 |
marcules | I don't even know what my current quit message is… let me check | 03:16 |
rww | marcules: Part of our channel guidelines is that messages, including /quit messages, need to be family friendly. The one you had was about some celebrity (I think?) and asking for nude photos. | 03:16 |
marcules | lol :D | 03:16 |
rww | If you change it, I'll remove the ban. | 03:16 |
marcules | I'll translate it, if you'd like ^^ | 03:16 |
rww | I had Google do that already. Unless my summary above is wrong, I think we get the idea. | 03:17 |
marcules | It's about Wikileaks (Vici Lieks) and a boulevard-"paper" here | 03:18 |
marcules | But I could exclude #ubuntu from my autojoin-list if you'd like | 03:19 |
rww | marcules: Hrm, now that you've enlightened me on what a Vici Lieks is... with the caveat that it's rather borderline, I'll remove the ban. I'd prefer it if the /quit message changed, but I'm not going to exclude you from #ubuntu for it. | 03:21 |
marcules | I'd change it for #ubuntu but xchat doesn't support channel specific quit-messages | 03:22 |
rww | indeed. It's not supported by the IRC protocol itself, in fact :( | 03:22 |
marcules | hm :\ | 03:23 |
marcules | I'll look for another one, but I found this rather amusing :D | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | marcules: You can always leave #ubuntu before quitting. | 03:23 |
marcules | yeah, but I'm not sure if I'll remember this every time | 03:23 |
rww | I'll admit, I find it amusing. The issue is that since it's borderline, you might end up getting pulled in here again by another op with a different (but still understandable, imho) definition of "family friendly". | 03:24 |
marcules | It'll be changed ;) | 03:26 |
rww | alrighty. thanks for understanding :) | 03:27 |
rww | either way, I've removed your ban, so you're free to /join #ubuntu, with the caveat that if this comes up again, I'll defer to the judgement of the other op. | 03:29 |
IdleOne | marcules: I am glad everything is resolved now. Kindly part the channel as per the no idling policy in this channel. Thank you. | 03:37 |
elky | IdleOne, i know you didn't mean it in this way, but "kindly <do action>" is read in the tone of "<do action> kthxbai!" to many folks. | 03:39 |
elky | Just something to be aware of. | 03:39 |
rww | elky: did you bring enough pastries for the whole class? ;( | 03:40 |
IdleOne | will keep that in mind | 03:40 |
IdleOne | thank you elky | 03:40 |
Flannel | rww: I hope so! I'm hungry! | 03:40 |
IdleOne | I have canollis in the fridge | 03:40 |
* IdleOne is embarrassed to say i am not sure about the spelling | 03:40 | |
elky | IdleOne, no problem. I think its interpretation is taken from some tv show i'm not familiar with or something, but i know it's been sore for some folks | 03:41 |
elky | IdleOne, two n's i think | 03:41 |
IdleOne | two n's 1 l | 03:41 |
IdleOne | anyway they are yummy | 03:41 |
Flannel | IdleOne: Cinnamon rolls are better | 03:43 |
IdleOne | in the morning with coffee, yup | 03:43 |
elky | i was opped up? | 03:48 |
IdleOne | for a minute | 03:48 |
elky | oh, probably leftover from removing gretchen's ban for this channe | 03:48 |
Flannel | elky: For 17 hours! | 03:49 |
Flannel | and yes | 03:49 |
Flannel | er, no. From setting it, looks like. | 03:49 |
Flannel | oh wait, theyre next to each other, from removing it! pay no attention to my previous comment | 03:50 |
elky | Flannel, i removed it, | 03:50 |
Flannel | elky: You set it too | 03:50 |
elky | well yes, but chicken, egg, etc | 03:50 |
rww | chicken | 03:50 |
elky | bwark! | 03:50 |
IdleOne | haha | 03:50 |
rww | phonex01 really likes sentences that end in ! | 07:00 |
mneptok | http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&sll=35.196151,-106.731448&sspn=0.014834,0.033023&ie=UTF8&ll=35.196133,-106.731448&spn=0.014834,0.033023&z=16 | 07:02 |
mneptok | note the 2 major north-south streets | 07:02 |
mneptok | allows fun signage like - http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4097/4747440725_09fed08e38.jpg | 07:03 |
mneptok | i like this town. :) | 07:03 |
* mneptok wanders over to -motu | 07:05 | |
* rww starts -motr | 07:06 | |
tonyyarusso | lol | 07:08 |
mneptok | wait until april 1 | 07:08 |
elky | tonyyarusso, How's your australian geography? | 07:11 |
elky | Tell me what's wrong with this picture: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/12/30/article-0-0C9A810A000005DC-731_634x574.jpg | 07:11 |
tonyyarusso | elky: terrible, but I'll look anyway | 07:11 |
mneptok | elky: are Cylons coming? | 07:11 |
tonyyarusso | wth is "Capricornia"? | 07:12 |
elky | Yar. | 07:12 |
elky | This is precisely our query too. | 07:12 |
elky | WTG DailyFail | 07:12 |
rww | "The people of northern North Queensland, sometimes called "Far North Queensland" [8] or "Capricornia", have long held views and self-identification distinct from that of the southern parts of the state." | 07:12 |
rww | it's the Quebec of Australia! | 07:12 |
mneptok | hostie ... | 07:12 |
elky | Like seriously where did they /find/ that map? | 07:13 |
Flannel | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Queensland | 07:13 |
tonyyarusso | rww: well done | 07:13 |
tonyyarusso | Poor parallel though. Quebec wants to be a separate country, not a separate state within a country. It's already its own province. | 07:14 |
elky | Tell them to call the dailymail | 07:14 |
tonyyarusso | More accurate would be to compare it to the calls for northern Ontario to split from southern Ontario. | 07:14 |
rww | tonyyarusso: one step at a time! | 07:14 |
Flannel | While we're at it, should cut California in half too! | 07:15 |
tonyyarusso | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ontario#Secession_movement | 07:15 |
rww | I like how none of the comments on that article mention Capricornia, and 90% of them are about global climate change | 07:15 |
* tonyyarusso is mad about climate-induced oddities | 07:16 | |
tonyyarusso | We got two feet of beautiful snow, and then lost of bunch of it when it decided to shoot up above freezing and dump inches of RAIN on it. | 07:17 |
maco | tonyyarusso: friday i was skiing and decided i'd do 30 runs then go in. as i was riding the lift for run #30, it started raining. good call, eh? | 09:11 |
tonyyarusso | indeed | 09:12 |
tonyyarusso | I had to throw tarps over my work-in-progress quinzee to try to save it from total destruction | 09:13 |
tonyyarusso | It's probably all ice now though :( | 09:13 |
* rww glances at elky, puts popcorn in microwave, watches -bugs | 09:34 | |
elky | is this someone you're familiar with? | 09:34 |
rww | no, but redirecting people who sound like five year olds to a dev channel usually ends badly/amusingly/both | 09:35 |
elky | this is true | 09:35 |
rww | (and yes, he did actually join there) | 09:35 |
elky | rww, he's bored again | 11:48 |
elky | lol | 11:49 |
rww | he said he wasn't using Windows and then the room got silent for a while and I got bored and left | 11:49 |
rww | s/Windows/Ubuntu/ | 11:50 |
elky | Ok. I'm diagnosing "troll". | 11:54 |
rww | nah, he's actually on an iPhone | 11:54 |
rww | CTCP VERSION reply from Will_k: Colloquy 1.3.2 (5075) - iPhone OS 4.1 (ARM) - http://colloquy.mobi | 11:54 |
elky | Sure, but the first thing any windows user does when bored and on an iphone is to whine about boredom to a bunch of Linux geeks? | 11:55 |
elky | And ask for something to do. | 11:55 |
rww | Take a survey of OS usage in #ubuntu-offtopic. Pretty sure about half of the active users don't use Ubuntu ;( | 11:55 |
elky | Sure, but this kid isn't even a regular | 11:56 |
elky | he's just appeared out of nowhere | 11:56 |
rww | he's getting removed from the channel next time he fails at language appropriateness, but he's not a troll because of OS | 11:56 |
rww | it's eternal january. the winter school vacation that feels like it's never going to end ;( | 11:56 |
elky | i didn't say he was a troll because of OS. i said it because he's wandered in from nowhere and whined about boredom and turned down every suggestion since | 11:57 |
rww | fun fact: he averages 3 words per line. seriously. | 11:59 |
rww | oh, wait, no, 4.2 words. my eye skipped a row. | 12:00 |
rww | how did chickens turn into meth. that channel is insane. | 12:06 |
elky | are you in agreement with me yet? | 12:12 |
rww | on a related note, I absolutely adore that new ubottu feature where it parses removal messages. | 12:13 |
elky | I'm thinking about going in to someone's community area and demanding to be fanned and fed grapes. Then, when i don't get enough attention, i'll accuse them all of being rude. Who wants to join me? | 12:17 |
Pici | ubottu: test | 12:47 |
ubottu | Failed! | 12:47 |
rww | ubottu: why do you hate me | 12:47 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:47 |
* rww shrugs, glitch in the matrix | 12:47 | |
ubottu | In ubottu, r00t4rd3d said: ubottu no !hi is <reply> bye! | 14:17 |
Pici | rww: around? | 14:19 |
LjL | genii-around: hey. happy 2011 :) | 15:23 |
genii-around | LjL: You too! | 15:23 |
* genii-around makes a fresh pot of coffee for everyone | 15:23 | |
jussi | genii-around: !! :D | 15:23 |
* genii-around hugs jussi | 15:24 | |
* jussi hugs genii-around | 15:24 | |
jussi | genii-around: how are things going? you ok? | 15:24 |
LjL | genii-around: we bought a nespresso machine :o | 15:24 |
genii-around | jussi: For the most part things are all right. Trying to ease back into work after being gone so long and i'm still having some physical probs but nothing drastic | 15:26 |
jussi | genii-around: great to hear. hope things continue to improve | 15:27 |
LjL | but most importantly, can you drink coffee yet? :( | 15:27 |
genii-around | LjL: My doc says 2-3 small cups a day is all right. But not like i was drinking it before | 15:28 |
LjL | genii-around: well trade quantity for quality then! get a good manual espresso machine and learn to operate it to get awesome coffee :P | 15:29 |
genii-around | I actually have a bodum ( or french press ) here | 15:33 |
jussi | LjL: Ive a stovetop expresso :) | 15:33 |
LjL | genii-around: french press doesn't make very good coffee, at least in my mom's opinion who is quite a bit more of a coffee connoiseur than me. if you like american-style coffee though, i keep hearing about this weird, extremely simple (but not exceptionally cheap) "aeropress" thing | 15:35 |
* genii-around googles | 15:35 | |
Pici | aeropress sounds like a wordpress competitor. | 16:48 |
* charlie-tca thinks aeropress should be a newpaper about airplanes | 16:50 | |
LjL | Pici sounds like something you squeeze | 16:54 |
* LjL squeezes Pici | 16:54 | |
h00k | oh hey. coffee. | 17:32 |
h00k | genii-around!! | 17:32 |
h00k | !11one! | 17:32 |
* genii-around slides h00k a coffee | 17:32 | |
h00k | I am actually out...thank you | 17:33 |
genii-around | :) | 17:34 |
mneptok | genii-around: i actually *am* drinking coffee | 17:35 |
* mneptok just ground and cone-dripped a carafe | 17:36 | |
genii-around | I had two cups already today, saving my third doctor-approved cup of coffee for just after lunchtime... | 17:38 |
genii-around | I could drink decaf in meantime but what's the point, really... | 17:38 |
mneptok | i have 2 large mugs in the morning | 17:40 |
genii-around | mneptok: I'd like to have as much coffee as before but I'm on a caffeine restricted diet now :( | 17:43 |
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
h00k | I had two travel mugs of coffee separated by a red-bull. | 17:45 |
genii-around | Meh. | 17:45 |
h00k | so far. next pot is on. | 17:46 |
* genii-around vicariously enjoys his coffee through h00k and mneptok | 17:47 | |
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs | ||
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
Tm_T | oh, unagi is back | 19:19 |
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 19:32 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 19:32 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 19:32 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 19:32 |
Pici | meh | 19:32 |
Myrtti | what has gone into people again? | 19:45 |
* Pici shrugs | 19:45 | |
Tm_T | monday? | 19:45 |
Pici | Yeah | 19:45 |
Myrtti | suppose so... | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | new year, got to start over? | 19:46 |
* Tm_T had worse than typical monday <3 | 19:46 | |
mneptok | Tm_T: quiet. it's just past noon here. don't curse me. | 19:48 |
ubottu | In ubottu, GeekSquid said: !ext4 is the new default filesystem on Ubuntu since Karmic 9.04, and any later version | 20:01 |
Myrtti | not from 9.04, surely? | 20:02 |
charlie-tca | I didn't think we moved to ext4 until maverick? | 20:04 |
Pici | hrm. | 20:13 |
Pici | !noroot | 20:13 |
ubottu | We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 20:13 |
Pici | I could have sworn we had something in there about only setting it if you were warned of its implications beforehand. | 20:14 |
Pici | rww ^^ looks like you were the last editor | 20:15 |
LjL | rww: yer in trouble | 20:23 |
topyli | heh | 20:24 |
ubottu | ZykoticK9 called the ops in #ubuntu (shadaloo) | 21:16 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1475 users, 4 overflows, 1479 limit)) | 22:35 |
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1478 users, 4 overflows, 1482 limit)) | 22:35 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1477 users, 4 overflows, 1481 limit)) | 22:35 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1484 users, 2 overflows, 1486 limit)) | 22:36 |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!