
cr3roadmr: hi there!14:49
=== moustafa_ is now known as moustafa
drizzleanyone here using mago17:30
drizzlei am trying to execute the first example ./bin/mago -a gedit17:30
drizzleand am getting no love17:30
drizzle  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 561, in create_connection17:30
drizzle    raise error, msg17:30
drizzlesocket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused17:30
drizzleanyone have any recs?17:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jibeldrizzle, hi, which release are you using ? do you have enabled accessibility ? It looks like at-spi-registryd is not running17:40
drizzlei enabled accessibility17:41
drizzlelet me verify17:41
drizzlei have enable assistive technologies checked17:42
drizzleand have rebooted since enabling17:42
drizzlei am running Ubuntu 10.1017:42
drizzlewith all packages up to date17:42
drizzleit was a fresh install17:42
jibeldrizzle, hm, don't run as sudo but as normal user. root can't connect to the socket opened by the user.17:44
drizzlewhat if i have rootsudo enabled?17:45
drizzlewhat use to run it as?17:45
jibeldrizzle, what do you mean ? Why do you want to run the test as root ?17:45
drizzlelet me retry17:46
drizzleone sec17:46
drizzlei thought i had something setup where i am always running as root17:47
drizzlebut my prompt says "daz@daz"17:47
drizzlemy username is daz17:47
jibeldrizzle, it's clearly a bad habit to be always run stuff as root.17:47
drizzlegiven the situation how is the mago error resolved17:48
drizzlei would like to get cracking on this project17:48
jibeldrizzle, just run17:48
jibel$ ./bin/mago -a gedit17:49
jibeldrizzle, without the sudo17:49
drizzlejust tried17:49
drizzlei got the same17:49
drizzlesocket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused17:49
jibeldrizzle, I tried there, and I get the same error with sudo, but the test runs fine without it. Does the command "id" indicates that you're identified as root (uid=0) ?17:52
drizzledaz@daz:~/ldtp/mago$ id17:53
drizzleuid=1000(daz) gid=1000(daz) groups=1000(daz),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),111(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare)17:53
jibeldrizzle, looks fine.17:53
drizzleim going to start crying17:55
jibeldrizzle, when you run without sudo, do you get the exact same error ?17:56
drizzlei have tried both17:56
drizzleTraceback (most recent call last):18:00
drizzle  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>18:00
drizzle  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ldtpd/__init__.py", line 51, in main18:00
drizzle    pyatspi.setCacheLevel(pyatspi.CACHE_PROPERTIES)18:00
drizzlethat is the top18:00
drizzleis it something with file permissions maybe?18:00
jibeldrizzle, the problem is "RuntimeError: Could not find or activate registry"18:01
jibeldrizzle, there's probably something wrong with the permissions of the sockets in /tmp/orbit-daz/18:02
jibeldrizzle, sometimes a logout/login may solve problems with the at-spi daemon.18:02
drizzlei will try that18:02
jibeldrizzle, or a complete reboot will clean /tmp18:02
drizzlei just redownloaded the source18:03
drizzlebzr branch lp:mago18:03
drizzleand htis is what i get now18:03
drizzleTraceback (most recent call last):18:03
drizzle  File "./bin/mago", line 12, in <module>18:03
drizzle    from mago.cmd.main import main18:03
drizzle  File "/home/daz/mago/mago/cmd/main.py", line 10, in <module>18:03
drizzle    import ldtp18:03
drizzle  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ldtp/__init__.py", line 257, in <module>18:03
drizzle    _populateNamespace(globals())18:03
drizzle  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ldtp/__init__.py", line 60, in _populateNamespace18:03
drizzlegoing to relogin/out18:04
jibeldrizzle, that's because the ldtpd daemon can't start because it can't connect to the at-spi registry hence the client fails to start.18:04
drizzlethat fixed it18:06
drizzlei think what happened was when i first ran as root18:06
drizzleit set some permissoins18:06
drizzleprobably incorrectly18:06
drizzleand then when i re-downlaoded source18:06
drizzleand ran as normal things were set right18:06
drizzlelogout and log back in fixed it18:07
drizzleim wondeirng if it also has something to do with the fact that i use auto-login for ubuntu18:07
drizzleand actually using the command prompt sets somethign diffently18:07
jibeldrizzle, cool. I think that's because you first run it as sudo, and the permissions on the socket dir were wrong.18:08
drizzlethank you jibel18:08
drizzlefor the help18:08
drizzleim pretty stoked18:08
jibeldrizzle, you're welcome. don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about mago/ldtp.18:08
drizzler u leader?18:09
jibeldrizzle, no, I'm just writing tests for mago.18:09
drizzlewho is leader?18:09
drizzleAra Pulido?18:09
drizzleare you staff or volunteer?18:10
jibeldrizzle, staff, I'm maintaining mago too.18:10
drizzlehow long as staff?18:12
drizzlesry for the interrogation18:14
drizzlehow do you determine which new tests to right?19:11

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