=== axisofentropy is now known as adam_vollrath === bac` is now known as bac === jack is now known as Guest92648 === jack is now known as JackWat [18:23] billfarrow! [18:48] nivex: Hi Kev [19:58] anybody alive? [19:58] i was just looking at this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/%20RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora [19:59] it says that 'yum update' is equal to 'apt-get dist-upgrade'. is that correct? i thought dist-upgrade would upgrade you from 10.04 to 10.10, not just update the newest packages [19:59] dist-upgrade is listed twice as 'upgrade all packages' and 'upgrade entire distro' [19:59] Upgrade packages [19:59] yum update [19:59] rpm -Uvh [args] [19:59] apt-get dist-upgrade [19:59] Upgrade the entire system [19:59] yum upgrade [19:59] apt-get dist-upgrade [19:59] whoops. sorry for spam./ [20:00] <_marx_> dist-upgrade won't go to the next release unless you've edited /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the next release repos [20:01] <_marx_> it will upgrade the entire distro _if the sources have been changed [20:14] ah so is there any difference between upgrade and dist-ugprade? [20:14] <_marx_> yeah [20:15] <_marx_> kernel packages aren't included [20:16] <_marx_> maybe some other things too but that's what i've noticed [20:19] <_marx_> right now this box shows 8 packages either way [20:21] <_marx_> i'm not aware of a yum line that will go to the next release === Mootbot-UK_ is now known as Mootbot-UK