
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|Away
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cndbryceh, Sarvatt, what's the status of the latest xorg-server upload?19:01
=== jbs is now known as Bernardo|Away
brycehcnd, heya19:03
cndbryceh, hey, happy new year btw19:03
brycehcnd, there were some various last minute additions to it, which is what we had been worried about19:04
brycehI looked through the patches for several of those things and wasn't too put off, but I'd like to hear opinions from RAOF and Sarvatt first19:05
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
cndbryceh, do you know what happened with the upload? pitti noted that there was a huge debdiff that seemed wrong19:05
brycehoh, you must be referring to something else19:06
brycehsorry thought you were asking about the new xserver release19:06
brycehcnd, link me?19:06
cndahh, no, I mean the maverick xserver update19:07
cndone sec on the link19:07
cndbryceh, sorry for the delay: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/67001619:19
ubot4`Launchpad bug 670016 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Xorg crashes when performing gesture (affects: 1) (heat: 71)" [Undecided,New]19:19
cndat the end of the comments you'll see pitti note the debdiff issues19:20
cndit's entirely possible that I'm the one at fault since I updated the git repo :)19:20
cndI was just wondering if you knew what might have happened19:20
brycehok looking19:25
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as jbs
jcristaulooks like it was built from a dirty tree19:28
brycehjcristau, yeah, I found the dirty tree it was built from19:30
cndbryceh, I hope that tree isn't a clean clone from git.debian.org :)19:32
brycehnot sure what it was from.  blaming my git skilllessness for now19:35
brycehcnd, reuploaded19:38
Sarvattevery time I start getting ready to put xserver 1.10 into the PPA -- <keithp> aaronp: I've got some RandR 1.4 proto changes to propose...19:50
Sarvattgot mesa fixed up to use the natty packaging though, will push that in there in tomorrow's update19:51
brycehSarvatt, heh19:52
cndbryceh, thanks!20:02
cndSarvatt, did keithp acquiesce?20:02
Sarvattaaronp asked if the abi was frozen to update the nvidia blob and they said nope20:06
cndoh, actually, I read that backwards20:12
cndI see that keithp was saying there's changes to be made still20:12
Sarvattbryceh: hmm so we need some way to get the dmesg from the actual crash not after the reboot..20:12
Sarvatthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/694244 looks the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/68638820:13
ubot4`Launchpad bug 694244 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i965gm] GPU lockup (EIR: 0x00000010) - Invalid GTT entry during Display B Fetch (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Incomplete]20:13
Sarvattthat ickle commented on https://bugs.freedesktop.org//show_bug.cgi?id=3239620:13
ubot4`Freedesktop bug 32396 in Driver/intel "[i965gm] GPU lockup - Invalid GTT entry during Display B Fetch" [Normal,New]20:13
Sarvatttoo bad /var/log/dmesg stops after boot is done20:13
brycehSarvatt, yeah20:14
brycehSarvatt, are you sure they're the same?  the gpu dumps look different to me20:16
brycehone seems to involve a bunch of 3D calls, the other doesn't20:16
Sarvattbryceh: they're from the same person and have the same EIR/PGTBL_ERR/INSTDONE, yeah I'm positive20:24
brycehah, didn't notice it was the same guy20:25
Sarvattcompiz was probably doing something at the time of one of the crashes and not the other20:25
Sarvattme neither or I woulda duped it earlier :)20:25
Sarvatt5 bugs, woohoo20:26
brycehfor bug #692677 I'm thinking of just dropping the patch... would prefer to actually solve it, but it's not clear looking at the patch what could be wrong with it20:35
ubot4`Launchpad bug 692677 in nvidia-settings (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Desktop login to unity leads to hang and compiz crash when X Server Display Confirmation is clicked on (affects: 1) (heat: 394)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69267720:35
brycehlunch first tho... bbiab20:35
brycehSarvatt, I was thinking next week if we have time it might be useful to do a group walk-thru of all the X bugs marked high priority, and get some movement on them.21:05
Sarvattbryceh: sounds good to me, platform services has a packed schedule and I'm not sure when will be good but will see then21:14
brycehwonder if alberto will be there21:14
Sarvattoh it's nowhere near as packed as I thought https://wiki.canonical.com/PlatformServices/DallasSprint201121:16
brycehoh good21:16
brycehyeah typically sprints are not nearly so booked, like uds's, but some teams do more structured stuff than others21:17
brycehmaybe we could do 1 hr each morning following plenary21:18
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
Sarvattohh RAOF is already in texas!21:26
brycehI can't keep track of that boy21:29
Sarvattyeah week vacation before the sprint the wiki says21:31
bryceh694289 and 694381... more of our favorite bug21:42
brycehSarvatt, have you ever gotten an -nvidia install on a usb key to work?21:45
Sarvattback in karmic/early lucid, didn't try again for a long time there21:46
marjoSarvatt: FYI, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/69309321:47
ubot4`Launchpad bug 693093 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i945gme] 2.6.37-10.24: Black Screen on Boot (affects: 8) (heat: 337)" [High,Confirmed]21:47
marjoSarvatt: thx for your help again21:47
brycehhmm, wonder what changed21:50
Sarvattthat really should be an alpha 2 targetted bug but not comfortable adjusting the grub task since cjwatson is particular about those21:50
brycehlast commenter on #685017 said he got it working with -nvidia .2921:51
Sarvattbryceh: i bet they installed from nvidia.com21:52
Sarvattand now that i think about it, when I did have it working I also installed from nvidia.com21:52
Sarvattback when that used to work in karmic/early lucid21:53
Sarvattthere's no .29 in x-updates natty21:53
brycehinteresting; how do you think that differs?21:53
Sarvattno dkms, no jockey, no update-initramfs21:53
Sarvattno gl21:54
brycehyeah so that points back to not needing initrd updates21:54
Sarvattasked for logs to see whats up21:56
tormodhappy new year everyone! can anyone give bug 635362 some sponsor love?21:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 635362 in xserver-xorg-video-savage (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Xorg assert failure: X: /usr/include/xorg/privates.h:122: dixGetPrivateAddr: Assertion `key->initialized' failed. (affects: 14) (dups: 11) (heat: 138)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63536221:58
brycehhiya tormod22:03
brycehtormod, on it22:05
tormodbryceh, thanks!22:05
brycehtormod, looks good.  uploaded22:08
tormodthanks again22:08
Sarvatthttp://semiaccurate.com/2011/01/02/sandy-bridge-biggest-disapointment-year/ -- someone should tell him to try any other distro livecd where he won't even get a 2D desktop :)23:11
brycehSarvatt, hmm, someone should send me one of those sandybridge machines23:59

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