
DasEi_sev8, that means there is the hd seen first; you should a boot live cd and chroot into the sys and then ask again here, so one can take a look00:01
fractalis there a way to roll back to 10.04 from 10.10??00:01
ActionPa1snipfractal: clean install is the only way00:01
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have just copied a copy of ubuntu onto a flashdrive through another partition but the problem is that the flashdrive is not bootable directly but i was able to boot it when i added it to the desktop's version of ubuntu's grub; i'm currently booting through the usb drive, now how do i install grub on it?00:02
r00t4rd3dnsd_, i know how you can fix it00:02
ActionPa1snipparanoidphreak: how did you put the Ubuntu onto the flash device?00:02
Rigorm0rtisparanoidphreak, grub-install might be what you're looking for.00:02
nsd_r00t4rd3d: shoot00:02
paranoidphreakActionPa1snip: using gparted00:03
r00t4rd3dnsd_, http://opensourceexcedio.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/plymouth-new/00:03
sev8DasEi_: OK I'll try.  I only have physical access to the machine for a few more hours tomorrow (it's just hit midnight here)00:03
DasEi_paranoidphreak, should first try if subergrubdisk boots it, then chroot in and install by grub-install00:03
r00t4rd3drun that script and you can change the resolution00:03
trimetaI was upgrading my laptop from 10.04 to 10.10, but it appears that metacity crashed at some point during the upgrade. Now the system is stuck at Grub's "do you want to update the install" question, but without metacity I can't focus on that window (the main upgrade window is blocking it), and I can't restart metacity because apparently something from gdm is missing.00:03
DasEi_sev8, same time here, channel is 24/700:04
ActionPa1snipparanoidphreak: so you booted to an ubuntu install media then installed to the USB using that?00:04
trimeta(I switched to VT1 to try and restart metacity, but even with metacity --display :0 it didn't work.)00:04
nsd_r00t4rd3d: thanks a million00:04
nsd_r00t4rd3d: I'll give that a try00:04
paranoidphreakRigorm0rtis: i have tried the grub-install command like this: sudo grub-install /dev/sdc1 but it didn't work00:04
r00t4rd3dnsd_, i just used to today to fix a grub screen issue i had00:05
DasEi_paranoidphreak, no, install to sdc00:05
Rigorm0rtisparanoidphreak, you might want to install it to the device itself, /dev/sdc00:05
kdashllo people00:05
bluezone(ubuntu 10.10) DOWNLOADING torrents or downloading packages using apt-get slows down my network enourmously, internet music streams must buffer every 5-10 seconds  and pigning google reaches 1-2k ms, THIS is not an isp throthling issue (100% sure) since windows does not have such an issue00:05
DasEi_paranoidphreak, else you install to a partition and need a chainloader00:05
sev8DasEi_: thanks. A sysadmin friend suggested that I add the mount command to /etc/rc.local as a workaround.  If I don't manage to find the cause of the problem I can use the workaround for the time being00:05
lucasI was trying upgrade my pitivi, from source code, so did did break all applications that use gstreamer00:05
[N2k]PaMpaVeRdeis this mIRC?00:06
trimetaAnyone have ideas on answering Grub's question even though metacity died and I can't switch to its window?00:06
Rigorm0rtisBlue1, sounds to me like you're just saturating your internet connection. Normal operation for any torrent download, it would happen on windows too.00:06
kdasI have seen on the forums that people are requesting Gobolinux hidden directories on Ubuntu anyone know if anything has ever been pulled off?00:06
ActionPa1snip[N2k]PaMpaVeRde: how do you mean?00:06
bluezoneRigorm0rtis: it does not happen on windows, i just tried it :S, something isn't properly coded imo00:07
paranoidphreakActionPa1snip: no, i had originally installed this OS inside a vm and then i copied it to the flashdrive, after that, i ran "sudo update-grub" on the host machine so i could add it to the host's grub list and after rebooting, i booted inside the flashdrive's version of ubuntu00:07
r00t4rd3d-[N2k]PaMpaVeRde- VERSION xchat 0.26.1 Linux 2.6.35-24-generic-pae [i686]00:07
[N2k]PaMpaVeRde<ActionPa1snip> how can i enter to #the_conquerors00:07
ActionPa1snipbluezone: find out your network chip to see if there is a bug logged for the issue00:07
paranoidphreakDasEi_: oh ok, thanks00:07
OrangePeelmy letter next to g doesn't work, I substitute it by using "J" .....Jow do I reset tJe top Places, Administrator bar in tJe top left bar. Wjat's tJe terminal code?00:08
bluezoneActionPa1snip: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)00:08
Rigorm0rtisbluezone, when it comes to torrents slowing your internet, it is either your torrent client throttling you, or you happen to be downloading at a faster rate.00:08
ActionPa1snip!panelreset | OrangePeel00:08
ubottuOrangePeel: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:08
NiftyLettuceI have an hp dv5z-1000 laptop and it does not detect my fan temperature or rpm's, I have read enough to the point that I have concluded the issue is the linux kernel, my current version is Linux laptop 2.6.32-26-generic-pae -- does anyone here have advice on how to downgrade the kernel or how to resolve?00:08
bluezoneits not only torrents it is also apt-get downloads Rigorm0rtis00:08
ActionPa1snipbluezone: i don't need it, you do. See if there is a bug logged for it00:08
ActionPa1snip!bug | bluezone00:08
ubottubluezone: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:08
paranoidphreakRigorm0rtis: thanks everyone for the suggestion, i'll give it a try00:09
OrangePeeltjank you ActionPa1snip00:09
Rigorm0rtisbluezone, what is your connection speed to the internet?00:09
pietrhello. i would like to consult how to turn-off home folder encryption (ubuntu 10.04)00:09
bluezoneRigorm0rtis: humm... its a little under fiber, (bell fibe)00:10
Rigorm0rtisbluezone, do your other computers' network connections get slow when you're downloading?00:10
DasEi_pietr, you encrypted your homefolder at setup ?00:11
aimioActionPa1snip, i made a xorg file and moved it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then i restarted back from X, and when i logged in i got a popup asking me if i want to load modmap files, and the available files is xmodmap should i load this or ignore it. ?..00:11
pietrDasEi_: during install00:11
kdasAnyway anyone who is interested in Gobolinux hidden directories for Ubuntu then you can check it out: http://k2z.com/?p=8000:11
bluezoneRigorm0rtis: and vice versa also no.00:12
DasEi_pietr, you would need space in the size of the home folder for a new partiton, then move stuff over, no on the fly-reversal there00:12
ocmsRzrhi, I'm trying to set up samba to share between ubuntu 8.04 and windows seven, how do I set sharing permissions from the commandline?00:12
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Rigorm0rtisbluezone, no they don't get slow? If that's the case I don't know why then. :)00:12
bluezoneRigorm0rtis: same xD00:13
lahwranhow do I find out what a wireless card supports? currently looking at this and trying to decide if it's a good idea00:13
DasEi_ocmsRzr, in smb.conf and on the folders themselves with chmod +R00:13
Guest3877i did upgrade to 11.04 now my gfx card is not recognized! i need to put gnome in classic session mode how to do so?00:13
DasEi_!samba | ocmsRzr00:13
ubottuocmsRzr: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:13
AndrewMCGuest3877: ask in #ubuntu+1 for help with 11.0400:14
pietrDasEi: so backup my stuff and them do something like 'rm -rf /home/peter' ?00:14
av_ocI was wondering if someone could help me with postfix.  I am running postfix with courier and have successfully been able to send and receive mail to and from my domain to the outside.  The problem is when I try to connect to the server from outside the domain, I can receive mail via pop3 but the server is not authenticating on the outgoing side SMTP.  any ideas?00:15
eigarholla and happy new year! Is there a way to _not_ show "n days ago" in Evolution (e-mail)? I'd like Date all the way.00:15
buckyav_oc, will your isp let you.. most block those ports00:16
doobienIs it ok to update from LTS to LTS, or do i have to update to the normal updates also.00:16
DasEi_lahwran, http://www.linux-drivers.org/00:16
ActionPa1snipdoobien: yes LTS to LTS is completely advised and supported00:17
the_cyber_guyhow do i get this http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7307/ekooreonboard.jpg onscreen keyboard on ubuntu. any idea ?00:17
av_ocbucky - isp isn't the issue, i am using a mailhop service through dyndns.  clients from within the domain can send mail out to external addresses fine00:17
pietrDasEi_: so backup my stuff and then do something like 'rm -rf /home/peter' ?00:17
aimioanyone, good with xorg.conf editing ?..00:17
doobienOK then, cool, I am going to wait to update then :)00:17
notsgnikhello , can someone help me with iptables? is returning "No chain/target/match" i'm on ubuntu 10.1000:18
detrix42anyone familiar with a program called Chandler? a Personal Info Manager.00:18
av_ocbucky - also what is strange is that i can connect to the server from the outside and receive, i just cant connect to send.  it is an authentication issue00:18
mezimezimhi, on ubuntu for netbook (using Unity), some programs don't have their menu in the top horizontal bar, anyone has an idea if that is normal/how I could fix that?00:18
detrix42notsgnik: I suggest you use firestarter00:18
lucasdecastroHow can I restore a package installed from source code? this one is gstreamer00:19
notsgnikdetrix42, i can't i need to do it on cmmand line00:19
DasEi_pietr, yes,or simply, after setting new /home in fstab, reformat old /home with gparted00:19
wolterI am using, says 0AD, nvidia drivers 260.19.X where X < 21, are those not the latest? There are no updates in my update manager. Using ubuntu 64bit 10.1000:19
m1rubuntu 10.04 - 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) - soundcard randomly disapears, intel hda spurious response error on bootup00:19
m1rany tips how to fix ?00:20
detrix42notsgnik: I am not good myself with iptables.00:20
ActionPa1snipwolter: nvidia.com has00:20
ActionPa1snipso you have the latest00:20
wolterubuntu maintained?00:21
wolterSorry, which is the latest version i can get through apt?00:21
DasEi_!latest | wolter00:21
ubottuwolter: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.00:21
notsgniksomeone know how to use iptables to rerout trafic , i've used some i've found on google but the result is still "no chain/target/match"00:22
bluezonewolter: use apt-cache search "program"00:22
ActionPa1snipwolter: well no, nvidia make the driver00:22
wolterDasEi_, I am aware of that, but I am just asking which is the latest version i can get through apt00:22
DasEi_wolter: so easily possible there are newer ones, and sometimes they also work flawless00:22
NiftyLettuceanyone help on my issue mentioned regarding hp00:22
pietrDasEi_: thank you. I will give it a try00:22
bluezonerepost issue NiftyLettuce00:22
DasEi_wolter: apt-cache search / apt-cache show nvidia*00:23
s5sI've rarely installed any updates in Maverik. Why ins't it getting any updates?00:23
DasEi_s5s: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:23
rez410How can I get the keyring to automatically login on boot up?00:24
nsdr00t4rd3d: I ssh'd into the machine that needed it and the fix worked beautifully, thanks again!00:24
DasEi_s5s, any unusal output ?00:24
s5sDasEi_: I didn't ask how to update. Also you should use aptitude and you should use safe-upgrade instead of upgrade00:25
DasEi_s5s, as it diifers in ?00:25
s5sDasEi_: ?00:25
r00t4rd3dnsd, np00:25
DasEi_s5s, I prefer using one management, if possible00:26
s5sDasEi_: I didn't say otherwise00:26
DasEi_s5s, what the message an update command returns ?00:26
r00t4rd3dironic FloodBot is flooding00:26
* DasEi_ brb00:28
s5sDasEi_: That there are no updates00:28
carbm1Anybody know if its possible to repair grub on a live usb created with the "Startup Disc Creator"?00:28
s5scarbm1: yes00:28
rez410How can I get the keyring password to login automatically?00:28
s5srez410: what's the point of it then?00:29
carbm1s5s, I know how to fix a hard drive... but I can not figure out a live usb drive.00:29
s5scarbm1: if it's a live USB why don't you just recreate it?00:30
lickalottgents, default host drive for ubuntu run from live cd = sda1?00:30
rez410s5s, well I want to be able to ssh into the box without having a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. As of now it logs in but asks for the keyring password so it can connect to my wirless network.00:30
kyle1so, peeps.  where do i get screenlet plugins from?00:31
rez410s5s, so right now when it reboots i have to enter that in at the box itself before i can ssh00:31
r00t4rd3drez410, System , Preferences , Passwords and Encryption keys00:31
rez410r00t4rd3d: then?00:31
s5srez410: you can put the password in /etc/network/interfaces00:31
s5srez410: and get rid of Network Manager00:32
r00t4rd3drez410, highlight Login , right click change pass , leave blank00:32
rez410s5s, ok then it will login automatically?00:32
s5srez410: yes. You have to specify the SSid and password. Not to mention that you can put all that in rc.local00:32
s5srez410: as an ifconfig command00:32
s5srez410: but /etc/network/interfaces is there for that particular reason00:33
onelineris there any way to match soundcerd jack to types( choose the jack for microphone) or is it more plug n pray?00:33
rez410s5s, how do I get rid of network manager?00:33
s5srez410: uninstall it00:33
Pawmaniachey all00:33
rez410s5s, ok I thought you meant something different00:34
bluezoneActionPa1snip: there is not bug logged for my issue00:34
s5srez410: better yet purge it.00:34
s5srez410: the package is called network-manager00:34
bluezone(ubuntu 10.10) DOWNLOADING torrents or downloading packages using apt-get slows down my network enourmously, internet music streams must buffer every 5-10 seconds  and pigning google reaches 1-2k ms, THIS is not an isp throthling issue (100% sure) since windows does not have such an issue00:34
tjgillieshow to i enter control chacters into a text editor? for example ascii character 1 (^A)?00:34
s5stjgillies: \001 ?00:35
tuborgbluezone: wow, sucky00:35
onelinerbluezone: apt-get is bandwidth greedy00:35
tjgilliess5s: is there a key combo to insert the char?00:35
bluezoneoneliner: :(00:36
onelinerif you notice, downloads in ubuntu work at 115% max transfer than windows00:36
onelineron any connection00:36
s5stjgillies: I really don't understand your question in the first place. Text editors contain characters which can be found on the keyboard00:36
rez410s5s, what is the format for the interfaces file?00:36
s5srez410: man interfaces00:36
bluezoneoneliner: well what about torrents, no explanation for that. that is also ubuntu stupidity i presume00:37
onelinerwhat about torrents?00:37
Pawmaniacwould someone explain the situation with unrar, synaptic says its not free?00:37
bluezonetorrents will do the same thing, the will screw up enourmesly, the speed at which pages will load and buffer up my internet streams00:38
bluezonethis does not happen on windows :S00:38
BiDDohi all00:38
onelinercap the torrent client00:38
bluezoneit is\00:38
trismPawmaniac: it is closed source, although there is an open source version, unrar-free (some archives may require the non-free version though)00:39
bluezoneoneliner: what torrent client do you use?00:39
onelinerwindows makes choices for you, it slows down the torrent, with ubuntu, you get to make the choice, and are responsible for knowing how to enforce it00:39
BiDDoim trying to create a shared folder between win7 host and ubuntu guest in vbox00:39
Pawmaniactrism: yep, i got one of those archives, a 3.000:39
onelinerin networking terms, the stupidity is a layer 8 issue :)00:39
bluezoneoneliner: i know how to cap torrents and set process priority00:39
bluezoneoneliner: that is not the issue00:40
bluezoneoneliner: it stilll slows me down more than normal00:40
Pawmaniactrism: so if i get it, it wont be in a trial or anything00:40
=== Amgine_lurking is now known as Amgine
BiDDodoes anyone know how to allow me to see the shared folder I have linked within vbox with ubuntu00:41
trismPawmaniac: yes, it is free to use, you just can't look at the code00:41
Pawmaniactrism: kk, thanks00:41
BiDDoi have found a couple console cmds online but seem to get an error when mounting the folder to the newly created dir00:41
BiDDoany ideas peeps00:43
The_Mavericki ended some bash processes. everything going to be alright?00:45
guampaer, how could i know?00:45
The_Maverickme either :(00:45
bluezoneoneliner: so what torrent client do you use? not only is it slowing me down, i'm getting speeds of 10kBps -.-00:45
BiDDocan someone help me please00:46
bluezonethe same torrent get 1.1mBps on win00:46
ActionPa1snipbluezone: any bugs for your wireless chip at all?00:46
ActionPa1snipbluezone: I'd create one then00:46
bluezoneActionPa1snip: yep :)00:47
onelinermaybe you could run a speed test from one of the dls benchmarking sites00:47
onelinerjust to double check00:47
bluezoneActionPa1snip: if this countinues tommorow i will xD00:47
luxurymodeApologize if this is the wrong place for this, but anyone have recommendations for a good, reasonably priced CPU?00:47
onelineralso if you are behind a router make sure port mapping is appropriate for your current torrent client00:47
The_Mavericklike i said. i ended some bash processes. think thats going to have any severe effects?00:48
bluezoneoneliner: ports seem to be well configured00:48
Pawmaniacluxurymode: what price range00:48
luxurymodePawmaniac, $200-40000:49
schnuffle1BiDDo: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=1586800:49
tifflorcan someone help me to find out why I can't change the serial port speed with setserial on my gsm modem?00:49
ActionPa1snipbluezone: could try ndisgtk + windows driver to see if its the driver00:49
Pawmaniacluxurymode; care if its AMD00:49
moocawneCan anyone please help me? I have a hp laptop and I'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 and my broadcom wireless card is suddently not being recognised by either operating system00:49
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luxurymodePawmaniac, should I? ;000:49
tiffloror stty00:50
tifflorI get the following errors00:50
The_Maverickmoocawne i just used 10.01 and it let me connect with my broadcom00:50
Pawmaniacluxurymode: they run a bit hotter but are better than intel in my opinion00:50
ActionPa1snipmoocawne: boot to windows and enter device manager, tell the OS not to energy save on the device and disable it frmo waking up the system, this will lock the device from other OSes00:50
tifflorstty: /dev/ttyUSB0: unable to perform all requested operations for the stty00:50
schnuffle1moocawne: wifi disabled in bios settings?00:50
luxurymodePawmaniac, oh ok. Then I don't care i guess00:50
tifflorand setserial -a /dev/ttyUSB200:50
tifflorCannot get serial info: Invalid argumentsetserial -a /dev/ttyUSB200:50
tifflorCannot get serial info: Invalid argument00:51
moocawneActionPa1snip: can't boot to windows at the moment, every time it gets to the startup screen in windows it goes black and will only show me the cursor00:51
Pawmaniacluxurymode: but if you go AMD you can get their best processor, a 6 core00:51
The_Maverickno help here obviously...00:51
ActionPa1snipmoocawne: then i recommend you get that sorted too00:51
luxurymodemoocawne, bust out the windows 7 boot cd. boot to it and click to repair startup00:51
luxurymodePawmaniac, hmm. 6 core? sounds too good to be true00:52
moocawneluxurymode: don't have the cd with me! This just gets better and better! If I could sort out the wifi in 10.10 I would be happy at the moment00:52
Pawmaniacluxurymode: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681910384900:52
moocawneI've had the broadcom card working fine in 10.10 until a few weeks ago and not it won't even recogise the card and the wifi led will not turn blue it only stays amber00:52
luxurymodemoocawne, hmm. gotta hang on to that cd. I had the same problem last week.00:53
ActionPa1snipmoocawne: if windows is holding it, it won't be accessible00:53
moocawneschnuffle1: how would I check that/00:53
Pawmaniacluxurymode: believe it00:53
luxurymodemoocawne, every geek in town gave me the craziest suggestions...then i just put the cd in and voila00:53
tinkerHi all.  I'm on Ubuntu 10.10.   When copying files to a USB mp3 player ( Sansa )  I get multiple copies of the same tracks in the mp3 player.   When I look at the contents via Nautilus I only see one copy.   How can I get rid of the extra copies in the mp3 player?00:53
luxurymodePawmaniac, looks pretty boss00:53
luxurymodePawmaniac, how bout motherboards?00:53
moocawneluxurymode: I've had it working fine before in 10.10, any suggestions?00:53
schnuffle1press F2 or DEL to enter bios and check the settings00:54
moocawnebecause i don't have the windows disk at the moemnt00:54
luxurymodemoocawne, sorry i meant i had the booting to windows issue00:54
Pawmaniacluxurymode: depends, going full custom build?00:54
luxurymodemoocawne, but i know that wireless cards can be a biatch00:54
luxurymodemoocawne, there was a podcast way back in the day on linuxreality about it00:54
moocawneluxurymode: about wifi problems is it?00:55
luxurymodePawmaniac, trying to figure that out actually. If there's a cheap solution to get a case with a sufficient motherboard and power supply then i'd do that, but it'd be fun building from scratch. whaddya think?00:55
luxurymodemoocawne, yeah i think so. sec...00:55
ActionPa1snipmoocawne: the guys in ##windows may be able to get your windows booting, you can then boot to liveCD and reinstall grub and the dualboot will be fine00:56
rebekahDoes anyone know a better emulator type thing than virtual box...virtual box isn't working for me.00:56
Pawmaniacluxurymode: motherboards are actually the most important choice when custom building, but not buying pre-built00:56
moocawneActionPa1snip: will i have to delete the 10.10 I have at the moment? I have currently 120gb windows 7 and 30gb 10.1000:56
BiDDook im lost00:57
BiDDoi am completely green at this stuff00:57
luxurymodePawmaniac, not important when buying prebuilt?00:57
BiDDoit cant be this hard really00:57
jkalex05Hey guys how come when I watch streaming videos and they are full screen they are choppy?00:57
luxurymodePawmaniac, lets assume im going full-on custom built..00:57
luxurymodemoocawne, try asking at http://www.linuxquestions.org/00:57
moocawneluxurymode: will do, I'm going to try that now, thank you00:57
schnuffle1rebekah: alternatives: kvm, openvz, vmware plaxer depending on your needs00:57
luxurymodemoocawne, try http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/00:58
richgilbertothis is my first real attempt at an ubuntu install00:58
Pawmaniacluxurymode: not  unimportant, but not as important00:58
richgilbertowhew, at least i can get IRC working00:58
jkalex05anyone know?00:58
jkalex05Hey guys how come when I watch streaming videos and they are full screen they are choppy?00:58
luxurymodePawmaniac, gotcha. so i dont even know what to look for in a motherboard. a basic primer (or maybe a link to a good one)?00:59
luxurymodePawmaniac, also, not sure if it matters, but i'll be installing ubuntu only on this machine00:59
luxurymodePawmaniac, i want everything that plays nicest with linux. guess HDs is the main issue there...00:59
Jinxed-I am not able to see my cd/dvd drive on my ubuntu partition but it works fine in the windows partition01:00
schnuffle1luxury: main issue is graphics01:00
richgilbertoluxurymode: i feel like you'd be hard pressed to find a hd that didn't play nice with linux01:00
Pawmaniacluxurymode; but anyway, you first need to think of wheer you want to be endgame... graphics, (crossfire sli)  cpu, ram, other little goodies, sound card01:00
luxurymoderichgilberto, well my raided drive acted like a biznatch01:00
luxurymoderichgilberto, i guess i just need to avoid RAID01:00
richgilbertoor use linux utils to RAID it01:00
richgilbertonot sure01:01
Pawmaniacluxurymode: oh and the big one, how much you want to upgrade in the future01:01
schnuffle1raid works perfect with real hardware controller or only softwrae01:01
richgilbertomy issue right now is ubu wont recognize my graphics01:01
schnuffle1but avoid those semi raid chips01:01
richgilbertowhich is weird because i have just intel onboard right now01:02
BiDDook i want to start from scratch again01:02
zetherooafter not finding much on the net about this issue I am asking here ... I am trying to use my BT mouse in 10.10 .. problem is that after each and every reboot I have to re-sync the mouse ... also after replacing batteries the mouse has to be re-synced ...01:02
luxurymodePawmaniac, honestly my real goal here is to build a machine that is relatviely cheap compared to pre-built, but still a solid machine built MY way. I happen to have a boss Dell XPS right now which has a freakin huge tower, tons of space, etc. But I'd love the learning experience of building a machine from scratch. I don't even mind if I end up spending $1000+, but I'd like it to be  alot better than pre-built $1000 machine. Ge01:03
luxurymodet what I'm sayin?01:03
BiDDoi have somehow mad two directories that i would like to delete and start again.  are media/sf_music and media/ win7-shared01:03
BiDDohow do i kill them??01:03
schnuffle1rm /<pathtodirectory>01:04
richgilbertoschnuffle - -R?01:04
schnuffle1yes but first he should have the path right :)01:04
Diamondciteluxurymode: From personal experience, custom self built machine has additional markup so spec wise it might actually not compare to a Brand name built system of the same cost, instead you get a machine that will probably be easier to fix in the future and is probably more upgrade friendly.01:04
richgilbertorm -R /path? or no01:05
Pawmaniacluxurymode: there is a lot out there to choose from01:05
luxurymodeDiamondcite, the pre-built might end up being more upgrade friendly?01:05
schnuffle1so dor me it would be rm -fR ...01:05
Diamondciteluxurymode: Pre-built is less upgrade/repair friendly, but is maybe higher spec.01:05
thebloggui'm using ubuntu 10.10 on an asus f3jc (hda intel soundcard) and whenever i hear some sounds like pidgin's log in sound it makes some kind of short-timed noise. can someone help me?01:05
luxurymodePawmaniac, right. I guess I want ultra-upgradability. pretty decent graphics. lotta RAM, huge HDs, etc01:05
luxurymodeDiamondcite, right. was confused...01:06
Pawmaniacluxurymode: give me a minuet and ill throw  together a list of parts for a barebone01:06
BiDDokeeps telling me i dont have permission01:06
BiDDoor no such directory01:06
luxurymodeDiamondcite, any way to get semi-prebuilt where its very upgradeable. maybe just a tower, power supply and motherboard?01:06
schnuffle1what was your command?01:06
luxurymodePawmaniac, thank you sir!01:06
BiDDormdir /media/sf_music01:07
moocawnethanks for your help people01:07
BiDDothis is doing my head in01:07
richgilbertohey, i know theres a bunch of information out there on this (that's actually part of the problem) but i'm trying to get my intel 82865G integrated graphics working so I can get a proper screen resolution. i have the intel drivers installed and everything but no dice...01:07
Diamondciteluxurymode: Anything Non-mass oem brandname might turn out better? Dell, HP machines are not upgradeable ^_^01:07
SDemonUAHello, here !  Can i ask for a help with GRUB ?01:07
schnuffle1do you see it with: ls -l /media01:07
BiDDois that a cmd01:07
luxurymodeDiamondcite, gotcha. only thing ive ever done to my dell is add a third HD01:07
ShadesEdge_Why is my name like that?01:08
BiDDoim green as so baby steps01:08
schnuffle1rich which distro01:08
richgilbertoBiDDo these are all commands in terminal01:08
luxurymodeDiamondcite, Pawmaniac btw keep in mind that ii would need a custom case that looks exactly like this http://goo.gl/CIaqP01:08
richgilbertoschnuffle: ubu 10.1001:08
thebloggui'm using ubuntu 10.10 on an asus f3jc (hda intel soundcard) and whenever i hear some sounds like pidgin's log in sound it makes some kind of short-timed noise. can someone help me?01:09
richgilbertoBiDDo: type "sudo rmdir /(FolderYouWantToDelete)"01:09
Diamondciteluxurymode: That case probably costs more than some of the parts inside it?01:09
elliottluxurymode: wow. that is the ugliest case i have ever seen.01:09
luxurymodeyeah. kidding... LOL01:09
BiDDook ls cmd  comes up total 4401:09
luxurymodejust searched for the most retarded one i could find...01:09
BiDDorhys@rhys-VirtualBox:~$ ls -l /media01:10
BiDDototal 4401:10
BiDDodrwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 40960 2011-01-02 18:28 sf_music01:10
BiDDodrwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 2011-01-03 10:09 Win7-Shared01:10
richgilbertoby the way, luxurymode - that case makes me want to cry01:10
luxurymodepastebin! | Biddo01:10
BiDDothe whole screen01:10
luxurymoderichgilberto, lol yea me too. wowsers, right?01:10
dhaivatCome check out the topic at #dhaivatrocks!!01:10
BiDDoor in future01:10
luxurymodebiddo, the relevant parts. always01:10
luxurymodedont paste multiple lines and flood the channel ;)01:11
BiDDowill do in future01:11
richgilbertoschnuffle1: any ideas of something good to use? i think making an xorg.conf seems a little patchy (and it didn't work anyway)01:11
BiDDowhy is this so damn hard01:12
richgilbertoI tried xrandr to insert new modes manually but couldn't get something that properly filled the screen01:12
rez410s5s: so i removed network-manager and edited my /etc/network/interfaces file but it isnt connecting automatically.01:13
schnuffle1to mount the share your command sgould be: sudo mount -t vboxsf <name of your share> /media/sf_music01:13
dhanijeremygreetings everyone!01:13
daze21hey - I'm on Windows, and I just got Virtual Box and am about to get Ubuntu on it01:13
dhanijeremywhich is better, mp3 or ogg format in terms of quality?01:14
Pawmaniacluxurymode: oh, are you nvidia/ati?01:14
schnuffle1The best way would be to delete your custom config and recreate one01:14
BiDDoyayah i deleted one01:14
daze21I clicked to install... and now I've reached this page that says "Allocate drive space." One of the options says "Erase and use the entire disk."  This won't hurt my normal OS - the Windows stuff, right?01:14
BiDDonow just the sf_music01:14
luxurymodePawmaniac, my current machine is, yes.01:14
BiDDoit tells me resource busy on the sf01:15
schnuffle1  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:15
msandoydaze21: If you are in Virtualbox, you had to set up a disk for the install01:15
richgilbertoschnuffle1: i did that01:15
Pawmaniacluxurymode: nvidia OR ati01:15
daze21msandoy: yeah... I think I did...01:15
msandoydaze21: Does it not state a certain size of the disk in question?01:16
richgilbertoschnuffle1: didn't seem to work out, still doesn't recognize my card or monitor01:16
Pawmaniacluurymode: or do you not care01:16
daze21msandoy: where? on the page that says "Allocate...etc."01:16
schnuffle1Hm, have you installed the xorg intel driver?01:16
msandoydaze21: Yes, on that page..01:16
luxurymodePawmaniac, ATI Radeon01:16
daze21msandoy: no, it doesn't01:16
luxurymodePawmaniac, little confused bc BIOS is somehow linked with nvidia01:16
msandoydaze21: Moment, I'll start up an install in VB..01:17
richgilbertoschnuffle1: It seems to have installed on installation01:17
luxurymodePawmaniac, sort of a noob with vid stuff01:17
jimibuschim also having ati radeon problems.01:17
SDemonUAHello, I need some help with GRUB . After installation on PC with WinXP Ubuntu 10.10 I can't load XP . XP is in GRUB menu but it didn't starts with it. Anyone know what it can be ?01:17
richgilbertoschnuffle1: or at least that's what software center says01:17
Pawmaniacluxurymode: ATi is tha way to!01:17
luxurymodejimibusch, im not having problems with it. though if you're having problems in ubuntu you proll need to install ATI catalyst01:17
msandoydaze21: In Virtualbox, you started by choosing New from top left?01:17
luxurymodePawmaniac, er...huh?01:17
schnuffle1rich: Seems :) check it to be sure, finally I'll start vbox and ubuntu, apparently this seems to create a lot of probs01:18
daze21msandoy: yes01:18
msandoydaze21: Ok, lets work from there..01:18
richgilbertoyup, there's that little checkmark01:18
daze21msandoy: I got this virtual box running for something called Ubuntu; and its OS Type is Ubuntu01:18
richgilbertoschnuffle1: *yep, it's installed01:18
msandoyYou then gave it a name, and chose Ubuntu as OS?01:19
daze21I had to get this .iso file from online01:19
Pawmaniacluxurymode: sorry, left off go, ATi is the way to Go!01:19
zetherooafter not finding much on the net about this issue I am asking here ... I am trying to use my BT mouse in 10.10 .. problem is that after each and every reboot I have to re-sync the mouse ... also after replacing batteries the mouse has to be re-synced ...01:19
jimibuschcan anyone direct me too a room that i can ask about ati and linux? so i don't flood this room?01:19
msandoyThen you accepted or changed the ammount of RAM, right?01:19
richgilbertozetheroo: care to share the name of the device?01:20
luxurymodePawmaniac, honestly, my current machine is pretty boss. a linux admin said the disk speed was like crazy fast and machine is faster than the servers he works with it at hostgator.01:20
daze21msandoy: I did everything step-by-step that was said here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox01:20
amitwhen i am opening a web named musicindiaonline.com it says that proxy/firewall detected.....trying alternative connection method. This problem starts today.how to resolve this01:20
ActionPa1snipluxurymode: what disks do you use?01:21
Pawmaniacluxurymode: ok... so a no go?01:21
BiDDook so what does a little x symbol on a folder mean01:21
zetheroorichgilberto: the mouse?01:21
schnuffle1luxury: you get the most speed/money investing in a SSD for the OS disk01:21
richgilbertozetheroo: yeah, the mouse01:21
cowboydrenschnuffle1: +101:21
schnuffle1This speeds up the whole thing a lot01:21
amithelp me!01:21
msandoydaze21: Ok, if you followed this, and chose to create a new hard drive, you are good to go..01:21
ActionPa1snipschnuffle1: did you see the 24 SSD array video :)01:21
schnuffle1Next thing RAM and only big CPU if you have some numbercrunching going on01:21
zetheroorichgilberto: logitech01:22
cowboydrenI have a $300 laptop with a $100 SSD that feels like an $800 laptop. :)01:22
msandoydaze21: Let ubuntu use the complete drive, that is the easy sollution.01:22
zetheroorichgilberto: M/N: M-RCQ14201:22
richgilbertoluxurymode: I put a SSD in a new iMac for a music venue to record HD video of concerts - crazy low latency ^_^01:22
cowboydrentranscoding MPEG2 to h.264 still makes me angry.01:22
daze21msandoy: okay. so I'm going to choose the "Erase and use the entire disk" option...01:22
skorvbind9+dhcp3 or dnsmasq (for multiple lan)01:22
schnuffle1I installed a SSD on a customer laptop and the customer couldn't believe the difference01:22
amitwhen i am opening a web named musicindiaonline.com it says that proxy/firewall detected.....trying alternative connection method. This problem starts today.how to resolve this01:22
skorvwhatz your advice01:22
ActionPa1snipI'd just get a tonne of RAM, Linux will use the free ram for cache so will eventually get most of the OS in ram which is faster than any SSD as they still only give 300MB/s01:23
schnuffle1date12: thiss will dleete windows01:23
cowboydrenThis thing reboots from desktop -> cold -> desktop in about 32 seconds.01:23
schnuffle1daze21: this will delete your win install01:23
Karaya1Alright let's spark a debate... Ubuntu one. Thoughts?01:23
FlannelKaraya1: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support, thanks.01:24
zetheroorichgilberto: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/428/3287?WT.z_sp=Image01:24
daze21schnuffle1: um what? msandoy is he right?01:24
schnuffle1Ubuntu One nice idea bad license, so no go for me01:24
richgilbertozetheroo: do you have a bluetooth dongle or is it internal?01:24
zetheroorichgilberto: but the BT receiver is just some generic Chinese thing ...01:24
msandoydaze21: As long as you followed the instructions from that site, and you had the same screens, Virtualbox will not damage your computer.01:24
daze21schnuffle1: I'm running it in a virtual box01:24
daze21msandoy: okay... :)01:24
richgilbertozetheroo: so we're not sure if it's the mouse or the dongle that's the issue, right?01:25
KimLarouxActionPa1snip, does linux use the free ram for cache by default or do you have to set something so it does so? I just upgraded from 2gb to 4gb and I see no performance gain.01:25
zetheroorichgilberto: sounds right01:25
cowboydrenKimLaroux: have you created tmpfs for your caches?01:25
schnuffle1Aaaahhh, okay uuufs  than you can just take the while drive, using seperate partitions and LVM is not necessary if you don't know for what it can be good01:25
zetheroorichgilberto: though both devices are active they do not re-sync automatically01:25
luxurymodeActionPa1snip, SATA 2 RAID 0 With Dual 500GB Hard Drives01:26
richgilbertois there a big number on the bottom of the mouse? perhaps separated by colons?01:26
luxurymoderichgilberto, sweet01:26
richgilbertozetheroo: is there a big number on the bottom of the mouse? perhaps separated by colons?01:26
BiDDohey guys what does an X on a file folder mean???01:26
KimLarouxcowboydren, I can't recall "creating" such a thing... is it like swap?01:26
zetheroorichgilberto: you mean like a MAC addresS?01:26
luxurymodePawmaniac, no i still wanna do it, i mainly want to learn from it. so main thing really is to build something very upgradeable.01:26
NixGeekActionPa1snip: I'm running with 4gb of ram and It never goes above 1GB usage, so it might of been as fast as It could be at 2GB01:26
cowboydrenKimLaroux: first, you're running a 64-bit installation, right?01:26
luxurymodePawmaniac, just kinda wanted some suggestions for general guidelines01:26
richgilbertozetheroo: yessir01:26
zetheroorichgilberto: BT Address ... yes there is one on the mouse01:27
KimLarouxcowboydren, yes01:27
richgilbertowhat is it01:27
DogoDaveI want to buy a wireless network adaptor that is capable of wireless N 2 and 5 Ghz,  I have a netgear dual band router (WNDR3700) is the netgear USB wireless adaptor supported?  I am thinking not but I want something robust and fast that will work well with my router.  I have exceeded my limit of frustration trying to get my old linksys wireless adaptor to work with ubuntu only to be knocked out when I update01:27
cowboydrenKimLaroux: gimme a sec01:27
ActionPa1snipNixGeek: if you run:   free    you will see a lot of it is being used for disk cache01:27
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zetheroorichgilberto: 00:07:61:cf:06:a601:27
KimLarouxcowboydren, take all your time, thanks for the tip =D01:27
luxurymodePawmaniac, so far you think AMD may be better than intel, 6 core is boss, ATI is the way to go....01:27
MJ94_Hello, my name is Michael, and I am new to Ubuntu. I normally use Quassel (quassel-irc.org/downloads) as my main IRC client, but I can't seem to find a version of Quassel for Ubuntu 10.10.  If anyone is able to assist me, that would be appreciated. Thank you.01:27
elkyBluetooth in (a fresh install of) maverick isn't prompting my phone for a pin for pairing. Is there something else i need to install for this to happen?01:28
ActionPa1snipNixGeek: the kernel realises unused ram is wasted ram so caches a lot of stuff off the disk, but frees it if real apps are executed01:28
luxurymodeMJ94, screw that. XChat.01:28
Pawmaniacluarymode: ok then, well i wold go with a mobo with LOTS of slots01:28
ActionPa1snipMJ94_: try:   apt-cache policy quassel01:28
ActionPa1snipluxurymode: if the user likes it, let them use what they want. Linux is about choice01:28
richgilbertookay, so what we need to do is add a line somewhere on startup that looks something like "hidd --connect 00:07:61:cf:06:a6"01:28
cowboydrenKimLaroux: look at steps 2 and 3 here01:28
luxurymodeActionPa1snip, you're right. was just being a bra01:28
NixGeekActionPa1snip: it still says i've got over 2GB free, but I didn't know that and it seems like a great feature01:29
waza-ariHey all, can i open another gnome session on tty1?01:29
* cowboydren would like to be a bra sometimes...01:29
ActionPa1snipNixGeek: it is :)01:29
luxurymodePawmaniac, right. what do i look for in a mobo (besides the extensibility)?01:29
cowboydrenKimLaroux, do you use Firefox or Chrome?01:29
luxurymodePawmaniac, memory, SCSI vs. EIDE, etc...01:30
zetheroorichgilberto: I have to go out for a couple hours ... will you still be around for a while?01:30
daze21msandoy: okay everything's good =)01:31
KimLarouxcowboydren, Chrome01:31
msandoydaze21: Nice...01:31
Pawmaniacluxurymode: usb 3.0, sata 3.0, crossfire capability, multiple PCI-E slots along with regular PCI slots01:31
richgilbertozetheroo: probably not, but here: the name of your mouse is Logitech V470. Cross reference that with "ubuntu" and you'll find lots of useful info01:31
cowboydrenKimLaroux: add something like this to your /etc/fstab and reboot01:31
msandoydaze21: Now you can play around with it, and learn how it works before you do a dual boot install..01:31
zetheroorichgilberto: thanks for the help ... ;)01:31
cowboydren(replace jon with your username)01:31
pookyI have what may seem an off question, is there a way to make the panel a fixed width without making it run edge to edge?01:32
BiDDoi am starting to get ready to smash giving me the shits01:32
MJ94_ActionPa1snip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549681/01:32
luxurymodePawmaniac, ok awesome. what would be a healthy amount of slots?01:32
KimLarouxcowboydren, I'll try that out, thanks!01:32
richgilbertoBiDDo: are you still trying to delete a directory?01:33
cowboydrenKimLaroux: going from 2gb to 4gb isn't really much of a performance upgrade until you put that other space to use, like putting /tmp and a user cache into it.01:33
daze21msandoy: yayyyy.  I'm glad to finally start learning/using ubuntu. I need this.  But is there a quick keyboard shortcut to run firefox or terminal?01:33
luxurymodePawmaniac, crossifre is for ATI, allowing multiple GPUs?01:33
cowboydrendaze21: alt+f2 "firefox" ?01:33
earwigsanyone else experiencing a nasty memory leak with Chomium under unbuntu?01:33
richgilbertoBiDDo: did you even open the terminal yet?01:33
msandoydaze21: ctrl+alt+t is terminal01:33
KimLarouxcowboydren, well it's the type of thing I thought was done automatically... what other things can I shove into my ram?01:33
daze21msandoy: oh that's good! thanks!01:33
ayekaHi all!  I've got an unusal problem.  Here's my situation:  I have two network cards, eth0 (internet) and eth3 (lan).  Programs such as Transmission and Apache2 work fine, however, I can not any sort of internet connectivity such as firefox or apt-get on the server.  I can access the internet just fine using another computer on my network.  Also, I have noticed that NetworkManager seems to be...01:33
msandoydaze21: I usually make shortcuts..01:34
BiDDothink it is somehow linked to windows and it wont allow the delete trying to disable the share through vbox now and force removing it01:34
BiDDothen I will start from scratch trying to link it again and but it into the home folder rather that dir01:34
cowboydrenKimLaroux: it's really that you're starting with such a large amount in the first place...01:34
msandoydaze21: Rightclick the items in the applications list, and choose add to panel or add to desktop..01:34
daze21msandoy: okay.  I was jw, b/c on windows I could just hit windows key + down and then enter, you know?01:34
ayeka... disabled on this server, and I am also using a firewall program named Firestarter (which I've had no problems before)  All I have done is switched out a bad NIC for a new one.01:34
MJ94_Hello, my name is Michael, and I am new to Ubuntu. I normally use Quassel (quassel-irc.org/downloads) as my main IRC client, but I can't seem to find a version of Quassel for Ubuntu 10.10.  If anyone is able to assist me, that would be appreciated. Thank you. I have ran apt-cache policy and the results can be found here (http://paste.ubuntu.com/549681/).01:34
BiDDoi hope you guys can assist in the sharing cmds01:34
daze21this is greattttttttttt01:34
cowboydrendaze21: ?01:34
Pawmaniacluxarymode: 2 PCi-E minimum for unreadability 4 if you want to go all out 2 regular PCI, and yes crossfire links the GPUs together so they can work in conjugation01:34
KimLarouxcowboydren, what do you mean?01:35
KM0201MJ94: pretty sure quassel has an ubuntu version01:35
ayekaOh, and I'm using Ubuntu Server 9.0401:35
BiDDoit keeps telling me that I dont have the permission to access or delete this sf_file01:35
daze21cowboydren: yeah, I knew about the alt+f2, but that's just running, not a shortkey...01:35
MJ94_KimLaroux: Can you help me find it?01:35
msandoydaze21: Well, I only have windows in virtualbox, not using it for anything else than troubble tracing.01:35
KM0201!info quassel | MJ9401:35
ubottuMJ94: quassel (source: quassel): KDE/Qt-based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 775 kB, installed size 2764 kB01:35
ActionPa1snipayeka: Jaunty is dead01:35
sacarlsonayeka: your dns config is mest up eather your not geting dhcp service or you have a static ip without seting /etc/resolv.conf01:35
daze21ctrl+alt and ctrl+shift+alt with arrow keys are cool....01:35
richgilbertoBiDDo: maybe you should close the programs that are using the directory.01:36
KM0201MJ94: sudo apt-get install quassel    that should do it.01:36
ayekalovely.  I can't seem to update due to this internet problem I'm having.01:36
msandoyYou can customize all keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu to your own liking.01:36
ActionPa1snipBiDDo: prefix the command with sudo01:36
cowboydrenKimLaroux: 2GB is a LOT. You can run Ubuntu 10.10 in as little as 512mb, but you'll be hitting the swap a lot. 2GB gives you a lot of headroom. Adding 2 more (or 4, or 14) just isn't that much of an improvement by itself.01:36
ActionPa1snipayeka: there are no jaunty updaes, it's EOL01:36
MJ94_KM0201: I've seen that, but I don't know what it means.01:36
ayekaokay, let me look at the /etc/resolv.conf01:36
ayekais that eth### dependent?01:36
KM0201MJ94: open a terminal.. and type "sudo apt-get install quassel"  no quotes, hit enter, then type your password and hit enter... watch in awe.. :)01:36
ActionPa1snipayeka: no, resolv.conf applies to all interfaces01:37
daze21just curious... what does "ls" stand for? list?01:37
cowboydrenKimLaroux: I have already put /tmp and two Chrome user caches (both users logged in) in RAM, and I'm barely hitting swap.01:37
MJ94_KM0201: I did that right before you typed it. Thanks. ;)01:37
schnuffle1ayeka: both cards in DHCP mode? If yes then one overrides the routing infos of the other01:37
cowboydrenMem:       3794888    3754944      39944          0      56076    177079601:37
KimLarouxcowboydren, well, I develop programs for microcontrolers and I often had the 2gb filled up during my work01:37
ActionPa1snipdaze21: i think so01:37
Flanneldaze21: LiSt, yeah.01:37
ayekahmm, strange,   The only difference between yesterday and today was that I swiched out interface cards.  Eth2 was bad, eth3 is the new card01:37
daze21sudo stands for "super user do" right?01:37
luxurymodePawmaniac, gotta have the old PCI for good measure?01:37
richgilbertoHey is there anyone that can assist in my graphics issue? maybe in private chat as not to bother others?01:37
ayekaboth STATIC01:37
KM0201MJ94_: no prob... are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?01:37
msandoydaze21: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts should keep you occupied for a while. :-)01:37
Flanneldaze21: Switch User DO, but close enough.01:37
daze21msandoy: heavennnn01:37
MJ94_KM0201: The former.01:38
cowboydrendaze21: yes01:38
msandoydaze21: ls is the same as dir in DOS.01:38
schnuffle1Bidd: when you do a sudo mount does your share shows up?01:38
richgilberto!info intel01:38
ubottuPackage intel does not exist in maverick01:38
ActionPa1snipdaze21: yes01:38
luxurymodePawmaniac, unreadability?01:38
msandoydaze21: Only much more advanced..01:38
daze21Flannel: wait it is? "Switch User" ? that's interesting... I thought it was Super User?01:38
KM0201MJ94_: system/admin/synaptic package manager... is an easy to use GUI tool, you can search it for packages using the search feature01:38
daze21well ppl are saying super user... okay01:38
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daze21msandoy: how is it advanced?01:38
ActionPa1snipdaze21: su is switch user, if no name is given, it defaults to root. Which will fail in a standard ubuntu install01:38
cowboydrenNow if I could just find a decent MPEG4 encoder. Handbrake is great, but it's soooo slooooooow.01:38
MJ94_KM0201: Thanks!01:38
KM0201MJ94_: no prob01:38
Pawmaniacluxurymode: you could get by without them, but no sound cards or networks cards01:39
ActionPa1snipdaze21: so if you have multiple users you can run:  su foo   and the commands you run will be as foo01:39
msandoydaze21: open terminal and type man ls01:39
daze21ActionPa1snip: thanks!!01:39
luxurymodePawmaniac, oh i want those. lol01:39
KM0201MJ94_: and in case it wasn't clear... you can also use synaptic to install packages w/ a few clicks (synaptic is basically a GUI front for apt-get)01:39
max_sharpeWhat does foo mean?01:39
SDemonUAMm... who know how to load WinXp in GRUB ?01:39
richgilbertomax_sharpe: foo is just kind of filler01:39
MJ94_KM0201: Thank you. :)01:40
daze21max_sharpe: it's just used as a filler, like xyz or something01:40
ActionPa1snipmax_sharpe: its a commonly used word for names or variables in linux-land, another is bar01:40
ActionPa1sniprichgilberto: exactly01:40
MJ94_KM0201: /me watches in awe ;)01:40
schnuffle1ayeka: does dns resolving work?01:40
ActionPa1snipmax_sharpe: you'll see foo and bar all over the place01:40
daze21msandoy: getting there...01:40
luxurymodePawmaniac, speaking of sound cards. i want awesome sound.01:40
max_sharpeyeah i just wondered if it actually mean something01:40
daze21You know what's amazing to me??01:40
richgilbertospeaking of FUBAR, my computer...01:40
max_sharpeif  you want awesome sound then you want awesome speakers01:41
KM0201MJ94_: only thing is, Quassel is a KDE app, it's gonna require a ton of KDE dependencies(not a big deal in the whole scheme of things)... xchat is another popular IRC client for linux.01:41
daze21This laptop I'm on... it doesn't have a sound card or something, so it could never, ever play sound!!  Every youtube video, every movie, video game, etc.... no sound.01:41
daze21But when I boot Ubuntu, it plays SOUND. wow. howwwww01:41
r00t4rd3dKM0201, negative , in synaptic there is a version that has no kde dep01:41
schnuffle1daze: usb sound01:41
DogoDavecould someone be so kind as to point me to an up to date list of ubuntu compatible wireless network adaptors.01:41
richgilbertoI'm on smuxi - it doesn't seem too bad01:41
cowboydrenDogoDave: it's easier to list the ones that -don't- work.01:41
KM0201r00t4rd3d: is that right?... hmm, !info listed it as a KDE app..01:41
ActionPa1snip!hcl | DogoDave01:42
ubottuDogoDave: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:42
cowboydrenIt's clearly not 1999 anymore. :)01:42
daze21msandoy: ohhh so "man" is like manual :)01:42
richgilberto!info smuxi01:42
ubottusmuxi (source: smuxi): graphical IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1build2 (maverick), package size 9 kB, installed size 56 kB01:42
max_sharpedaze they make usb and pmcia sound cards01:42
Pawmaniacluxurymode: got to have speakers that can output that sound now, but ya SPUs are no big deal as long as you dont want to record01:42
msandoydaze21: Remember to get the virtualbox guest additions, and install them in your ubuntu vb. this makes resizing the screen alot better, and mouse and keyboard grab becomes seemless.01:42
ActionPa1snipDogoDave: try get one with a broadcom 43xx chip and you can install the driver using the hardware manager app01:42
DogoDavecowboydren lol01:43
MJ94_KM0201: I wanted just the client, not the monolithic client. :)01:43
msandoydaze21: Yes, you can type man, then any kind of linux command.01:43
MJ94_How do I uninstall and get just the client, KM0201 ?01:43
KM0201richgilberto: i like smuxi's icon... because then i don't have people thinking the "xchat" icon on my desktop is somehow a pornographic chat program01:43
ubuntuuim at the splash screen for ubuntu 10.10 i hit enter and choose english and then iit goes back to ubuntu splash with the 5 dots underneath and doesnt go any further, i have made several iso.  is there a problem with the iso on the ubuntu site?01:43
ubuntuuim at the splash screen for ubuntu 10.10 i hit enter and choose english and then iit goes back to ubuntu splash with the 5 dots underneath and doesnt go any further, i have made several iso.  is there a problem with the iso on the ubuntu site??01:43
KM0201MJ94_: i'm not really sure what you just said.01:43
ubuntuuwoops sorry for the 2 pastes01:43
ActionPa1snipubuntuu: did you MD5 test the ISO you made the CD with?01:43
richgilbertoKM0201: HA! then again, nobody ventures into my lair anyway...01:43
MJ94_KM0201: PM?01:43
DogoDaveThank you will check that out01:44
cowboydrenubuntuu: more likely that the burned image is corrupted or that you have a real hardware problem.01:44
KM0201MJ94_: everything you just installed, is required to install/run quassel01:44
daze21msandoy: oh I see how it's way more powerful...01:44
KM0201MJ94_: sure if you want01:44
BiDDoschnuffle1 nope01:44
ActionPa1snipubuntuu: it's a question...did you?01:44
ubuntuuill check my hardware i do have a 1tb drive for ubuntu and a 2tb drive for backup01:44
KM0201richgilberto: i know, believe me..lol.. i got asked that question like 10x, so i kept xchat, renamed it "IRC" in the menu and on the desktop, and changed the icon to the smuxi icon.. no more qustions.01:44
luxurymodePawmaniac, right. i think my sound is pretty good now, just dont have great speakers01:44
ubuntuui didnt md5 it01:44
ActionPa1snipubuntuu: then how did you know the ISO was complete and consistent??01:45
schnuffle1Oke than what happens when you do a sudo rm -fR /media/sf_music?01:45
ActionPa1snip!md5 | ubuntuu01:45
ubottuubuntuu: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:45
luxurymodePawmaniac, dont even know what the heck sound card i have. realtek? or is that the codecs...01:45
daze21Is there a shortcut to getting that tomboy note thing to open?01:45
ubuntuucasue it booted right to the cd01:45
daze21I mean, some default shortcut...01:45
BiDDoill give it a go01:45
BiDDohere is what im looking at when trying to open it fyi01:45
luxurymodePawmaniac, some ALC888 thing...01:45
ubuntuuty for the help01:45
ubuntuuill check thos issues01:45
ActionPa1snipubuntuu: doesn't matter there could be bit errors throughout the cd which may affect the  install but the initial boot data may be ok01:45
St0n3-C0l<schnuffle1> => I think rm means remove01:45
Pawmaniacluxurymode: i once wanted to get MIDI to go with my Reason/Cubase rewire system. i ended up getting a $350 SPU, after about a week of looking and comparing01:46
ActionPa1snipubuntuu: there is also the ability to test the CD for defects, did you run that?01:46
St0n3-C0l<schnuffle1> => Make sure you know what your doing when you run that command01:46
schnuffle1Bidd: do a sudo chmod 777 /mdeia/sf_music and try agaon01:46
luxurymodePawmaniac, wowsers. i dont need anything that insane01:46
msandoydaze21: Search around on the internet for "The linux command line.pdf", it is a free book explaining everything.01:46
luxurymodePawmaniac, whats the damage thus far to do this?01:46
ActionPa1snip!manual | msandoy01:46
luxurymodePawmaniac, sec...01:46
ubottumsandoy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:46
daze21msandoy: thank you.01:46
schnuffle1Ston I know :)01:46
mouseI'm having trouble playing dvds.  It only gives the error message "Read Error From: Error reading from DVD."  Any suggestions?01:47
coz_mouse,   have you installed the restricted extras?01:47
schnuffle1mouse: libdvdcss installed?01:47
luxurymodePawmaniac, my current graphics is AMD Radeon 4850 Dual01:48
ActionPa1snipmouse: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh01:48
luxurymodePawmaniac, sorry ATI01:48
=== root is now known as Guest80341
msandoydaze21: np01:48
ActionPa1snipGuest80341: running an irc client as root is really a BAD idea01:48
Pawmaniacluxurymode:  thats some killer graphics already01:48
cowboydrenI hope KimLaroux comes back soon...01:48
r00t4rd3dActionPa1snip, please explain in detail why01:48
splogeAny good links for a noob learning linux?01:49
luxurymodePawmaniac, yea. games are pretty ridiculous on here.01:49
mouseschnuffle1, coz_, ActionPa1snip,  Thank you.  Just didn't know what name to look for.01:49
luxurymodePawmaniac, though i dont care about games as much01:49
aeon-ltdsploge: depends on what you wanna learn01:49
krunalwhast the command to see which video card i'm using (i have dual video cards on my laptop)01:49
splogeabsolute basics to start with01:49
krunalr00t4rd3d, lspci lists both cards01:49
ActionPa1snipr00t4rd3d: the app has the access of root, so if the app / process gets captured by an attacker then the attacker will gain the priiveledges of the account. If it is ran by user then it will only get user rights which are significantly more limited01:50
cowboydrenkrunal: lspci -v will tell you what's available. Best to get into X and use it's tools.01:50
sidracerhello, does anyone use unetbootin here?01:50
KM0201sidracer: i've used it quite a few times01:50
sidracerKM0201:  and it worked?01:50
KM0201sidracer: it's always worked for me just fine01:50
krunalcowboydren, http://pastebin.com/bTJjxFyi01:51
sidracerKM0201:  just tried it... same old thing doesn't work01:51
sidracerKM0201: don't believe it01:51
KM0201sidracer: whats it doing?01:51
daze21Is it normal that "cd" is case sensitive?  the windows cmd wasn't...01:51
sidracerworst program ever01:51
richgilbertosidracer: you're using it on a netbook i assume?01:51
BiDDoschnuffle1: pm01:51
cowboydrenkrunal: does X start?01:51
sidracerwhen was it created?01:51
luxurymodePawmaniac, what about motherboard in terms of HD speed (GB/s) supported? i want faaast disk. im used to it now. cant go back01:51
sidracerrichgilberto:  no01:51
KM0201sidracer: it's not the worst program ever, it works fine, you're just having some sort of issue out of it.01:51
sidracerdesktop and yes, my mobo supports usb boot up01:51
krunalcowboydren, how do i see if X is started01:52
luxurymodePawmaniac, any support for 6gb/s is good?01:52
cowboydrenWell, are you using a text console or graphical apps right now?01:52
sidraceri think it's more than 5 yrs old and does same thing01:52
ActionPa1snipr00t4rd3d: running many web apps as root is pretty dumb, like web browsers running as root can be vulnerable to malicious code and such, again if a nasty javascript or flash app trys to access stuff then it will have the access of the running user01:52
cowboydrenluxurymode: Dude; that's fast.01:52
sidraceri followed instructions to add iso and it displayed the three steps with final one to reboot...01:52
ActionPa1snipdaze21: linux is case sensitive for everything01:53
sidracerbut, when i reboot and load the usb stick... it has a screen with unetbootin title01:53
daze21ActionPa1snip: thanks.  and is there a difference between " and '?  what about / and \ ?01:53
luxurymodecowboydren, yea. i dont even know what my current motherboard supports. but its fast as anything01:53
sidracerunetbootin is designed for ubuntu, right?01:53
KM0201sidracer: not necessarily, its designed for linux01:53
richgilbertosidracer: what are your specs01:53
Pawmaniacluxurymode: ok i have i general idea of what i would do, been a wile sense i went hardware searching, as my current is beast, but a last year01:53
thethinkeri want to play a dvd in ubuntu, solution?01:54
sidracerKM0201:  oh, come on01:54
sidracerI looked at the home page of the developers and it's ubuntu based01:54
kaddi_!nonfree >kaddi_01:54
ubottukaddi_, please see my private message01:54
KM0201sidracer: what?... you do realize Ubuntu isn't the only linux derivative out there don't you?01:54
cowboydrenluxurymode: I just got a 64GB SSD for $99 at Microcenter, and I just couldn't be happier.01:54
sidraceryes, so?01:54
sidracerthey branched off after the ubuntu-based design01:54
KM0201sidracer: my point is, its not just for ubuntu, it's for a lot of different distros01:54
richgilbertocowboydren: you serious? buy me 1501:54
sidracerbut, it's ubuntu centric01:55
cowboydrenluxurymode: richgilberto: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=7798765&l=1f3777c7c0&id=58913093301:55
Pawmaniacluxurymode: HD speed is determined my the HD, not the mobo01:55
KM0201sidracer: ok, if you say so.01:55
sacarlsonthethinker: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:55
sidracerrichgilberto:  my hardware is not the problem01:55
coz_thethinker,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  and also run this command      sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh01:55
sidraceri have a quad core processor01:55
KM0201sidracer: then if your hardware is not the problem, then there's another issue, and its likely not unetbooting, because i've used it many tiems w/o issue01:55
sidraceri've tried it many times always with an issue01:56
a7i3n   /quit01:56
KM0201sidracer: then you have an issue obviously01:56
sidraceri thought maybe they fixed it by now but nope01:56
krunalActionPa1snip, can u help? i have nvidia optimus (2 video cards....nvidia and intel) - how do i see which one i'm currently using01:56
richgilbertosidracer: then it's the software's fault. you're right. is this what you've come in here to be told?01:56
r00t4rd3dsidracer, you could always try pendrive linux's Universal USB Installer01:56
cowboydrenluxurymode: and if you wonder if that's fast, on your machine in gnome, run System -> Administration -> Disk Utility -> Benchmark01:56
coz_krunal,   disable the nvidia in the bios and use the intel01:56
sidracerr00t4rd3d: oh, pendrive linux site?  oh, yeah01:57
krunalcoz_, there is no option to disable the nvidia.... i know i shouldn't have got this video card but no choice now01:57
richgilbertoisn't there a How To on ubuntu.com of how to make a bootable usb drive without using other software?01:57
sidraceri haven't been to that site in a while...it's an idea, thianks01:57
Pawmaniacluxurymode: like this HD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682213653301:57
coz_krunal,  oooo   open terminal  paste this command     lspci | grep -i vga01:57
sidraceri usually use cd or dvds for live media because the usb programs are so buggy especially unetbootin01:58
thethinkercoz_: what next?01:58
sidraceri've tried it in both linux and windows... problems in both01:58
coz_thethinker,   is t his  64 bit or 32 bit?01:58
thethinkercoz_: 6401:58
Dribblehey I'm having problems with my screen goes out all the icons buttions and such wont show up this is very anoying im using nivida drivers on lts with 64pro any ideas or solutions?01:58
KM0201sidracer: have you considered that possibly, your thumb drive is the issue?01:59
krunalcoz_, http://pastebin.com/xF7bGMye01:59
sidracermy thumb drive works fine but thanks01:59
coz_Therstrium,   scroll to bottom of page    http://packages.medibuntu.org/maverick/w64codecs.html   download the  w32codecs and install them ...that should be it01:59
mouseConcerning the problem with playing dvds, do I need to restart before these changes will take affect because they seem to be making no affect now.01:59
nunyawhat is a good simple command line podcast program?01:59
KM0201sidracer: i have one thumb drive that "works fine".. but will not work w/ unetbootin, thats why i asked.. but you seem to have all the answers, so good luck w/ your problem01:59
coz_krunal,   are you sure there is no way in the bio to disable that nvidia ??01:59
krunalcoz_, yea i'm sure02:00
coz_krunal,  I assume  this is a laptop?02:00
krunalcoz_, yes.. laptop. I want to use the nvidia only02:00
luxurymodecowboydren, 64 gb's kinda small, no?02:00
luxurymodecowboydren, i have a terabyte right now02:00
cowboydrenluxurymode: no.02:00
Dribblehey brain02:00
brainive been saying hi for an hour02:00
skraitohey brain02:01
Pawmaniacluxurymode: and then this mobo www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681313164702:01
braini dont have any questions02:01
cowboydrenluxurymode: you use the 64 for the OS and apps, you put your data (video, music) somewhere else. Don't put data that you're going to read and write a lot on an SSD unless it's dedicated to that purpose. What do you want the speed for, specifically?02:01
KimLarouxcowboydren, the idea is great and it does seem to help with performance... only problem is; my /home is encrypted, so I cannot mount somthing inside it before it's decrypted...02:01
sidraceri don't have the answers... except for my experience being unetbootin is no good02:02
cowboydrenKimLaroux: I forgot that bit.02:02
luxurymodecowboydren, oh oh. gotcha. just mount a diff disk for your real data. gotcha02:02
Dribbleso my display drivers keep going in and out and I cant see anything02:02
muerto_en_vidaesto no es el irc hispano., no??02:02
coz_krunal   you will have to blacklist the nvidia I believe02:02
guampamuerto_en_vida: no, #ubuntu-es si02:02
luxurymodecowboydren, dont need major speed just so used to crazy fast disk that i dont wanna notice any real difference. im spoiled!02:02
lahwranok when I do sudo apt-get install x*, why does it treat it like I did *x*?02:03
luxurymodePawmaniac, those look great.02:04
KM0201lahwran: huh?02:04
cowboydrenluxurymode: If you're doing HD video capture in real time, spending lots of money on a great big SSD is necessary. My fully-functional OS drive uses less than 10GB of space at any given time. This ain't Windows Vista.02:04
luxurymodePawmaniac, happen to know of towers that make for ease of access, etc?02:04
Alan502Hey, Can somebody help me runing jinput on ubuntu lucid 64bit? I installed the maverick packages wich say "all architectures" and should work fine on lucid, as they told me. However there is a problem with a class named "LinuxEnvironmentPlugin"... can somebody help me?02:04
Pawmaniacluxurymode: the HAF case02:04
cowboydrenHAF <drool>02:04
luxurymodecowboydren, right. gotta more fully appreciate linux and the beauty of mounting discs02:05
KimLarouxIt works great if I skip it and then manually mount it ounce I'm logged in... hmmm, is there a place I can put a command to be executed at login?02:05
Pawmaniacluxurymode: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681111922502:05
cowboydrenluxurymode: but a Benjamin buys a LOT of fun. :)02:05
lahwranubuntu-artwork and ubuntu-desktop are both metapackages, correct?02:05
luxurymodePawmaniac, jesus02:05
IdleOnePawmaniac luxurymode can you two move this convo over to #ubuntu-offtopic please.02:06
cowboydrenThe CoolerMaster Scout is nice, too, but kinda' funky.02:06
luxurymodePawmaniac, sick02:06
Olsonhello, i'm looking to make a panel button that mutes/unmutes microphone. I make screen casts and sometimes in an hour I need to cough or drink water and i'd like to be able to mute that out, without after editing02:06
Dribblenviida display drivers screen goes in and out???02:06
cowboydrenDribble: what release?02:06
Dribblelucid lts02:06
cowboydrenDribble: I had trouble with that too. nVidia or X.org drivers?02:06
=== herent is now known as herent-laptop
Dribblenot sure02:07
Dribblex.org i think02:07
cowboydrenDribble: $ xdpyinfo02:07
cowboydrenDribble: is turning off the nVidia driver an option, or do you -need- the acceleration?02:08
sacarlsonOlson: you can add a hot key System>preference>keyboard hotkeys02:08
DribbleI really do need it I use blender alot02:08
cowboydrenDribble: understood.02:08
Olsonsacarlson, ok thanks i'll look in to that now :)02:09
cowboydrenDribble: since that's really an nVidia problem, I'm not sure how far you'll get.02:09
guampaOlson: you can do it, set up in the panel a launcher for a script that mutes/unmutes the mic, perhaps using amixer02:09
r00t4rd3dtry this in xchat /exec firefox weather.com yahoo.com msn.com02:10
cowboydrenDribble: is there any chance that you can backdate to a version of the nVidia driver that didn't flicker, or has it always flickered since you put Lucid on that machine?02:10
Dribbleyeah i've been having this issue for quite a while and have tryed various attemts from online forums but It did get fixed for a while after an update then I updateed at again and it came back02:10
xivenI hope that doesn't go into the chat02:10
cowboydrenDribble: you may have hit a wall, friend.02:10
DribbleIt was working fine with 9.10 then after I upgraded to lucid all hell broke lose02:11
Dribblefrom what I read they say its a issue with the new kernal for some reason02:11
Dribbleyeah I'm good but i'm not that good02:11
cowboydrenDribble: sounds likely. That's the thing that sucks with Free(ish) software. :-/02:12
ubuntuuthank you the setup now works02:12
ubuntuu0ne l0ve everyone02:12
Dribbleyeah do you know if that has been an issue with the 10.1002:12
cowboydrenDribble: I'm not working on that machine anymore. :(02:12
Olsonguampa, yah, that's what i'm looking to do, or maybe using the keyboard shortcut method sacarlson mentioned, though I dont know the command to mute microphone like that and it's not in the default keyboard shortcut menu to assign a key to02:13
honeypot_hi I used network manager to share my wireless internet with the RJ45 port, in DHCP it works but it assigns to another ip range02:13
honeypot_could anybody explain if this is normal plz?02:13
cowboydrenDribble: built it for a friend. Dropping ubuntu on it was just a toy, and that was a few months ago.02:13
sacarlsonOlson: on my list in keyboard short cuts it's on the top called mute02:14
ubuntuudoes the server edition have all the guis too?  or do I have to apt-get them all?02:14
NixGeekWhen I open blender, I get a window of static and when I run a screen saver other than blank I get static with the ati catalyst driver.  It's more annoying than necessity, but I would like to have beldner working,02:14
cowboydrenCore2 Duo, GT420 video, lots of fun for a few days. :)02:14
DribbleI guess i'll have to keep reading or learn how to program a kernal :)02:14
cowboydrenDribble: hint: google "kernel," not "kernal." ;002:14
Olsonsacarlson, yes.. "volume mute" i see that.. however it doesn't affect the microphone recording level i'm  looking to mute02:15
cowboydrenKimLaroux: so, what are you going to do about the encryption thingie?02:15
sacarlsonOlson: oh your right that's for output not input mic02:16
KimLarouxcowboydren, well, I thought about making it noauto but then I can't find a way to execute a command at login02:16
cowboydrenKimLaroux: can you add it to /etc/rc.local?02:16
honeypot_I'm sharing internet with another network card02:16
majnoonwhat is mode +j ??02:16
honeypot_what should static IP address be plz02:17
KimLarouxcowboydren, would not that make it execute during boot?02:17
rwwmajnoon: join limits. see http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml02:17
Olsonsacarlson, yeah i use ALSA anyway so i'm looking to mute the "front mic" input with some kind of command02:17
cowboydrenKimLaroux: yes and no. It's done by root, and it's done after boot, not done by the kernel during boot.02:17
Gartralcan someone help me get my Ambeient Light Sensor working in 10.10 on a cr-48?02:18
cowboydrenKimLaroux: just a thought.02:18
KimLarouxafter boot, but before login... so that is not helping, the key here is to execute it after I login02:18
GeekSquidGartral: any luck with the multi-touch?02:18
cowboydrenKimLaroux: gotcha.02:18
majnoonrww just first time i seen that one02:19
Dribbleyou can't upgrade from lucid to 10.10?02:19
GartralGeekSquid, NOPE02:19
cowboydrenSeriously, out of 1331 users, nobody reading this screen knows about Handbrake replacements? ;)02:19
Dribblehandbrake replacements02:19
Olsonguampa, can you point me in the right direction towards making alittle on/off script for muting/unmuting the microphone volume using ALSA?02:20
cowboydrenHandbrake is a great tool, it's just slower than Christmas.02:20
GartralGeekSquid, all i've found requires either every dev on planet earth learn dbus, or me recompile my kernel, and the latter is impossible on a cr-4802:20
schnuffle1Acidrip ogmrip, i use ogmrip02:20
cowboydrenschnuffle1: the kicker is that I already have all of the MPEG2 MKV files, I just want to transcode them.02:21
schnuffle1it's a nice tool and supports matroska02:21
sacarlsonOlson: I found it http://askubuntu.com/questions/12100/keyboard-shortcut-command-to-mute-unmute-microphone02:21
veritasAnyone have any ideas on getting a logitech web cam to work with ubuntu?02:21
cowboydren(and put them into an mp4 container instead of mkv)02:21
aiguo110请问有Chinese 人?02:21
GeekSquid!cn | aiguo11002:21
ubottuaiguo110: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:21
Olsonsacarlson, ohh that looks like just the ticket thanks very much :)02:21
somethingintereshi all I've made a bootable USB of Ubuntu netbook 10.10 and run Wubi from within Windows but all it presents me with is two buttons one called "Demo and Full Install" and the other "Learn More". "Demo and FI" asks me to restart my computer last time I used Wubi the install happens from within Windows is this still the case?02:22
aiguo110Thank you02:22
boernhey guys, can you tell me the command with i can access to the internet?02:22
cowboydrenMakeMKV is a fast, robust ripper, and I like keeping the original transport streams.02:23
GeekSquidGartral: nothing is impossible, considering Gos was built from ubuntu... theory says they started with Gos when they built Chrome02:23
cowboydrenboern: eth0 up?02:23
boernfor wlan?02:23
KM0201somethinginteres: should be, but wubi is a mess.. i'd think about doing  a "normal" install if I were you.. it's not hard.02:23
cowboydrenboern: I'm being mean. But you're being vague. $ ifconfig wlan up02:24
cowboydrenboern: are you asking how to start a browser, or are you having network connection problems?02:24
tortoise7hi folks, near the end of a fresh install of 10.04 amd64, grub failed to load.... instead of aborting install... i continued without  a boot loader.... now, in the tryout mode on the system..... i am not seeing how to install grub.... suggestions?02:24
GeekSquidcowboydren: problem is, every program that does what handbrake does uses ffmpeg or mplayer's transcode ... essentially running the same scripts02:24
cowboydrenGeekSquid: blegh. Thanks for that, though.02:25
somethinginteresKM0201: yeah, usually I would but I am "renting" this netbook so...02:25
boerni just want to access to my wlan with the terminal02:25
ActionPa1sniptortoise7: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:25
cowboydrenboern: okay. when you run "ifconfig wlan" what does it say?02:25
Olsonsacarlson, yes, that does exactly what I needed, thank you so much for taking the time to seek that out for me02:26
boernLink encap:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:1f:3c:55:1e:d602:26
boern          inet Adresse:  Bcast:  Maske:
boern          inet6-Adresse: fe80::21f:3cff:fe55:1ed6/64 Gültigkeitsbereich:Verbindu02:26
KM0201somethinginteres: well it's not like you can't do a restore before you return it(which i imagine you'd do anyway)02:26
tortoise7ActionPa1snip:  no windows at all.... but will go look... thanks02:26
cowboydrenboern: looks like it's attached to a local network with a private IP address.02:26
boernsomething like that02:26
ActionPa1sniptortoise7: you do it in the livecd, nothing to do with windows at all02:26
boernyes, but i need the command because i would like to start ubuntu in the terminal mode02:27
cowboydrenboern: or did you manually configure that address?02:27
ActionPa1sniptortoise7: this is a little better: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html02:27
somethinginteresKM0201: Wondering how I'd be able to do that, bit of a n00b when it comes to this stuff02:27
boernno i have not done any thing02:28
tortoise7ActtionPa1snip:  Thanks!02:28
KM0201somethinginteres: well, most netbooks, etc.. hve a restore partition.02:28
cowboydrenboern: sounds like you're up and running. can you "ping www.google.com" ?02:28
KM0201in the event you wanted to restore, just boot the restore partition, restore the drive to the way it was when you got it, and give it back.02:28
somethinginteresKM0201: Ah OK I see this one does have a restore partition. How do you normally boot into it?02:28
ayekaHi all.  I finally got a chance to look at my /etc/resolv.conf.  There was nothing in the file besides a comment.  Is my interface file correct:02:29
boerncowboydren: yes i can02:29
ayekaauto lo02:29
Olsonguampa, thanks as well man, it's sorted :)02:29
ayekaiface lo inet loopback02:29
ActionPa1snipayeka: can you ping
ayekanot on the server02:29
ayekabut I can from my laptop02:29
ActionPa1snipayeka: which system is having the issue? or is it both?02:29
ayekait's like my netowrk traffic passes through, but if I want to activly use my internet conection on the server it doesn't work at all02:30
KM0201somethinginteres: usually ike f8.. or maybe f2, during boot up.. it should say when you turn the netbook on.. "press xx for restore utility" or something like that02:30
cowboydrenboern: then you're up. what else do you want to know?02:30
ActionPa1snip!ics | ayeka02:30
ubottuayeka: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:30
ayekaonly the server.  Transmission and apache both work fine02:30
ayekaI'm currently using firestarter.  Had no problems up until this morning when I changed out a  bad NIC with a new one02:30
somethinginteresKM0201: OK thanks for that. So doing a normal install I'd just tell Ubuntu netbook to "install beside" windows?02:31
KM0201somethinginteres: yes... and just pay attention to the space you assign02:31
Condoritohi all, & happy new year.02:31
CondoritoHave a wireless problem, question please02:32
Olsongoodbye guampa and sacarlson thank you again, keep up the good work :)02:32
ayekanetwork manager doesn't seem to work on the server either.  Says that the device is not managed02:32
zulaxany link on setting up rails3 server on ubuntu?02:32
somethinginteresKM0201: OK I'll give it a whirl thanks. I've mucked around with the live CD and Unity is going to take me some time to get used to. :)02:32
sacarlsonayeka: so try at the command line sudo dhclient ethX   X being the network card you plan or have hooked to the internet that has a dhcp server runing02:32
KM0201somethinginteres: you can use a normal gnome interface if you want to...02:33
KM0201personally, i hate unity02:33
NixGeekha!  I beat the computer.  enabling xinerama instead of letting catalyst control dual screens, and everything if working!02:33
ayekamy network is 100% staticly assigned02:33
ohzieayeka: ( o_o)02:33
Condoritosomeone in the neighborhood has a wireless they left called "default" and ubuntu always tries to unlock it first before my own. how do I exclude it from attempting to connect to this "default" wireless?02:33
ActionPa1snipNixGeek: wtg :)02:33
NixGeekWxxept for the network icon in the top corner has a white background, any fix for it?02:33
sacarlsonayeka: then you will need to manualy modify your /etc/resolv.conf,  if that's not it then you have a winbind problem02:34
ActionPa1snipCondorito: remove the SSID from network manager's knowledge02:34
ayekawhat do I need to put in my resolv.conf?02:34
schnuffle1ayeka:zould it be that the new card has a new name that zou haven|t configured yet_02:34
ActionPa1snipsacarlson: ayeka cannot ping so it's not a dns issue02:34
somethinginteresKM0201: ah, that's good to know. I like to give everything a fair chance, but the ability to change to GNOME is nice.02:34
schnuffle1azeka> nameserver IPofnameserver IS THE MINIMUM02:34
BlueFish_anyone use firestarter?02:35
ayekathe old card was named eth2.  the new one is eth3.  i changed the name in my /etc/networking/interfaces accordingly and rebooted02:35
DasEiayeka: how do you connect ?02:35
CondoritoActionPa1snip; okay, have you got a link that explains how to, please?02:35
ayekaeth0 is the internet assigned NIC in firestarter, which is static assigned to what my ISP assigned to me02:35
BlueFish_i need to allow azerus aka vuse to access the internet  without having to stop the fire wall.I just dont know which port to open?02:36
ayekaeth3 is also a static ip, is my gateway that all my other networked computers use to access the internet02:36
sacarlsonayeka: you need to put a dns ip address in it like http://www.opendns.com/     02:36
schnuffle1azeka and where does zour default gatewaz point to_02:36
ayekadns-nameservers isn't good enough in the /interfaces file?02:36
DasEiayeka: so you got a static, not dynamic ip, then resolv.conf needs the dns-server you want to use , f.e. the provider ones or opendns or the like02:37
juniourhey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:37
CondoritoActionPa1snip: am I on the right track with this? "gconf-editor"02:37
juniourhelp me02:37
ayekaso then I just do:02:37
ayekaint eh file?02:37
FloodBot4ayeka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
BlueFish_anyone know which port i should open to allow azerus to connect to internet02:38
ayekasorry, normally I would use pastebinit, but I can't access that through the server right now02:38
sacarlsonayeka: add a line to /etc/resolv.conf with: nameserver
juniourhey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:38
sacarlsonayeka: the dhclient ethX would have done all that for you02:39
Jinxed-Why isn't my dvd drive showing up?02:39
juniourhelp me02:39
ayekaI can't use the dhcp mode thoguh, because I have statically assigned ip from my isp02:39
cowboydrenjuniour: same problem myself.02:40
sacarlsonayeka: solution #2 then02:40
emHey I made a wireless connection with the network manager applet, but I can't see how to delete it. It keeps showing up in the drop down menu. How do I get rid of that?02:40
Jinxed-Any idea why my dvd drive shows up in windows but not ubuntu?02:40
KM0201em: right click nm-applet, edit connections, wireless tab, delete it02:40
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DasEiayeka: put a nick when replying to s.o. ; you usually don't edit resolv.conf, the ip nedds nameserver in front in that file, rather do a gateway or /etc/interfaces to set a custom one02:41
juniourhey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:41
juniourany help02:41
sacarlsonayeka: look at this for details of what is needed for static: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html02:41
emKM0201: I thought that would work too, that deletes it from the list but not from the drop down menu of created wireless connections in the 'create wireless connections' menu02:41
schnuffle1Jinxed check if the user in group cdrom02:41
KM0201em: i imagine when it rescans again, it will see that its gone.02:41
ubuntuuim also using the check disc for defects, will that help?02:42
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juniourhey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:42
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mbvpixies78Hi everyone!  I just installed Ubuntu Server (10.04) and have no network connection.  I've been troubleshooting for days.  Can anyone help me find what it is I'm overlooking?02:44
juniourwhy my system is not detected by other mobile02:44
juniourhey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:44
r00t4rd3dmbvpixies78, wired or wireless ?02:44
DasEimbvpixies78: yes..02:44
mbvpixies78r00t--  wired02:44
sacarlsonmbvpixies78: wire or wireless?02:44
DasEimbvpixies78:router via dhcp ?02:44
mbvpixies78yes, wired, router to ATT modem dhcp02:45
juniourhelp me02:45
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juniourany hel02:45
mbvpixies78I'm not trying anything fancy--  just want to get it connected02:45
DasEimbvpixies78: sudo dhclient in terminal returns ?02:45
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somethingintereswhen I enter my wifi p/w for the first time it asks me for a password for a new 'keyring' can someone give me more details on what this is/means?02:46
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r00t4rd3dI just firgured something cool out for xchat. Google searches :D If you wanna try , goto Settings , Advanced , User Commands , Add New , for name put g and the command put exec firefox www.google.com/search?q="&2" then in xchat you can do /g whatever02:46
mbvpixies78lemme check (using KVM switch) brb...02:47
=== HarryZ is now known as pyrx
junioursomethinginters enter the wifi password i think asking for encrypted password02:47
Ninteti am listening to a radio station that needs a broadcast compressor02:47
mbvpixies78is there any faster way than having to write down what I see and type it here?  For example, does Ubuntu server have anything built-in to allow me to copy and paste to you?02:47
Nintetin Totem02:47
Nintetcan i install a DSP plugin to compress the signal?02:48
Condoritovery odd. only my own wireless appears to be in the ID list, and the "default" does not show up.02:48
rww!pastebinit | mbvpixies7802:48
ubottumbvpixies78: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:48
Condoritoyet it still tries to connect to it.02:48
DasEimbvpixies78: notnetworked is bad..02:48
rwwmbvpixies78: although if you don't have networking, that won't help much02:48
juniourany help hey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:48
DasEi!who | mbvpixies7802:49
ubottumbvpixies78: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:49
Nintetany audio wonks in here?02:49
Condorito!wireless SSID management02:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:49
r00t4rd3dNintet, no mic in skype ?02:49
Nintetits a radio station02:49
Nintetthrough Totem02:49
mbvpixies78!who | Das  like this?02:49
ubottuDas  like this?: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:49
NintetPirate DJs02:49
Nintetscreaming lowd ;(02:49
Nintetsub.fm for the record...02:49
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:50
r00t4rd3dturn the volume down in alsamixer ?02:50
DasEimbvpixies78: just look at other messages, like , from your side : DasEi : like this ?02:50
Nintetbut the thing is that i cant listen to this wituout a broadcast compander or something... is there a player with plugins in Ubuntu?02:50
juniourubottu hey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:50
Ninteta simple compressor?02:50
mbvpixies78: DasEi : like this?02:50
DasEijuniour: ubott-u is the channel ro-bot02:50
DasEimbvpixies78: yess02:51
Nintetrobots have bodies02:51
Nintethe is a bot02:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:51
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)02:51
mbvpixies78: DasEi : thanks02:51
ubottuTeh lolops r in ur chanelz, wotchin u mizbehav02:51
NixGeekhe's an irc bot so he has a "body" that is a computer connected to the internet running him02:51
DasEimbvpixies78: back to the issue, did sudo dhclient connect?02:52
NixGeekit's not a female bot!02:52
Nintetwhich audio player has a compressor plugin?02:52
mbvpixies78DasEi :  It gave a lot of feedback...  what do I look for?02:52
juniour hey i am not able to send files to mobile via bluetooth02:53
somethinginteresKM0201: booted into the netbook install options presented were to manually specify partitions or to erase disk. I chose to specify the partition manually but I'm not sure which partition I should use. There's 4 in total "sda1-4" 2 are ntfs one is fat3202:53
DasEiNintet: link to the station ? (pm me )02:53
DasEimbvpixies78: ip assigned,like bound to 192..02:53
KM0201somethinginteres: well thats only 3 partitions, if 2 are NTFS, and one is fat3202:54
Jinxed-Any idea why my dvd drive shows up in windows but not ubuntu?02:54
NixGeek!no gender is <reply> I'm an awesome bot, so of course I must be male02:54
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mbvpixies78: DasEi :  Yes, it says bound to and now I can ping my router02:54
sacarlsonJinxed-: the drive or the dvd disk that you put in the drive?02:55
r00t4rd3dNintet, totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin  or totem-xine-firefox-plugin or mozilla-mplayer02:55
IdleOneNixGeek: please don't submit useless edits to the bot02:55
blacksunsevenI'm trying to do a clean install of Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS from USB. I've tried both unetbootin and usb-creator-gtk and neither results in a bootable usb drive for me. I've done this process before with other versions of Ubuntu so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong.02:55
DasEimbvpixies78: aharr, so things get easier now, switch over and work on from this box ?02:55
NixGeeklike gender is a useful factoid?02:55
somethinginteresKM0201: sorry the last is "(unknown)"02:55
Nintetr00t4rd3d: that has a simple compressor?02:55
r00t4rd3dnot sure02:55
IdleOneNixGeek: I didn't say the factoid was useful. I said your edit was useless02:56
mbvpixies78: DasEi :  yes, most definitely..  what do you recommend first?  Install xfce (KDE is too bloated and slow for the old box)?02:56
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)02:56
kingrayrayHey guys, I have ubuntu 10.10 running fine on my laptop, but i just had my cdrom drive die on me, and now it won't boot cause it's looking for the cdrom. Anyone know how to manually get past grub disabling the cdrom it seems to be looking for?02:56
Nintetr00t4rd3d: what i want is a player with a DSP compressor... like the threashold attack release gain...02:56
* KimLaroux loves Linux.02:56
mbvpixies78: DasEi :  Thank you btw02:56
mbvpixies78: DasEi :  I'd never seen that command before02:57
NixGeekIdleOne: May I ask how come a useless factoid can be added, but can't be edited with something just as useless?  and is it fair that the bot gets to say it's female?02:57
IdleOneNixGeek: the bot is female. why argue that fact.02:57
sacarlsonkingrayray: if your booting from cdrom I assume it's a cdrom media failure02:58
ChelseaHi all, How do I use find to filter (and maybe sort) by symlink?02:58
DasEimbvpixies78: specs of the box ? cpu, ram ?02:58
IdleOneNixGeek: perhaps I should have been a little less rude. In the future could you please make edit request that are useful/helpful.02:58
CondoritoI has a lot to read, all of a sudden. singing off. thanks & bye.02:58
kingrayrayi'm not booting from cdrom, the OS is installed fine- its just timing out trying to talk to the cdrom for some reason. I basically just need to come up with a custom grub entry, I think02:58
blacksunsevenso... is there some issue with installing server isos and trying to boot with them from USB?02:58
mbvpixies78DasEi :  1.7 GHz Athlon XP (2100+), 512 MB RAM02:59
NixGeekIdleOne: gladly, and I had no reason to edit it, or to argue the point, i'm sorry about that.02:59
ayekaTHANK YOU!!!!    Adding nameserver in my /etc/resolv.conf did the trick.  Thank you!!02:59
ayekanow i'm going to attempt to have the update manager upgrade my server to 10.10...or 10.04..what ever the current release is.02:59
juniourcowboydren bluetooth works02:59
DasEimbvpixies78: so nothing wrong with gnome03:00
DasEimbvpixies78: sudo apt-get install gdm03:00
sacarlsonkingrayray: ok you installed it to hard disk but at grub2 it needs a cdrom,  can you boot a live cd and pastebin the /boot/grub.lst file?03:01
mbvpixies78DasEi :  I want to use it for a samba file server (have Win 7 box) and as a web server, btw, my hopeful goal03:01
kingrayraysacarlson: that's the problem, i cannot boot a cdrom because the drive physically died. i just need to get the system to stop looking for / trying to use it03:01
kingrayraysacarlson: i'm attempting to manually get through grub with the commandline, but i'm not sure how well it'll work03:02
sacarlsonkingrayray: ok can you just unplug the cdrom drive then,  it should time out at some point I would think03:02
mbvpixies78DasEi :  returns package gdm not available03:03
ayekaan upgrade/update question:  In Update Manager, when I have the button to upgrade me to 10.x from 9.x...is that the same thing as running the following terminal command:  sudo apt-get upgrade   ?03:03
kingrayraysacarlson: ideally i would but i don't know how to take the laptop apart :p i guess i could look that up. when i boot the recovery mode entry, it hangs waiting for a response from a drive that the bios doesn't even see03:03
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mbvpixies78DasEi :  update repository list?03:03
DasEimbvpixies78: nothing wrong with it,also can later on boot, thus gdm installed, boot in headless still03:04
juniourupdate manger03:04
sacarlsonkingrayray: wow I've never seen this one03:04
juniourayeka in update manager03:04
DasEimbvpixies78: sudo apt-get install gdm gnome-terminal && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:04
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kingrayraynormal boot drops me to busybox cause the cdrom doesn't respond (cause it's "not there")03:05
DasEimbvpixies78: might be some stuff :)03:05
stmillerwhat is a good cd ripper like grip? That can do multiple tracks at once03:05
juniourayeka settings->updates03:05
kingrayraysacarlson: i'm going to try to let it time out, it just keeps saying "please be patient" after "SRST failed (errno=-16)03:05
juniourin relase updates change lts to normal release then upgrade03:06
mbvpixies78DasEi :  ok, thnxs, brb03:06
juniourayeka got it03:07
aimioanyone know of a good like tweak the "sh***t out of ubuntu desktop".. i want to make it shine :)03:08
sacarlsonkingrayray: if it ever does boot make sure you look in /etc/fstab to be sure cdrom is not set to be mounted at any time03:08
mbvpixies78DasEi :  something's still not right--  I struck out there.  "no packages available"03:08
bearblack_hello. this is say something test 123.03:08
kingrayraysacarlson: yeah that's the plan :P heck if i have to i'll pull the drive and toss it in this box and remove the line :p03:08
ayekaright, I understand there are options to change what I can update via the update manager.  I want to know is there a terminal command that I can run that does the same thing that clicking on the button for upgrading to the next release version of Ubuntu in update manager.  Like I'm using 9.10 right now.  I go in to update manager, and it says I can upgrade to 10.04.03:08
DasEiaimio: new to ubuntu ?03:08
juniouraimio sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak03:08
DasEimbvpixies78: ping google.com  works?03:09
aimiojuniour, not that kind of tweak, i mean like visual tweaking.03:09
sacarlsonkingrayray: I guess usb flash boot might be an option but it might end up in the same place03:09
mbvpixies78DasEi : yes, ping google works fine03:09
junioursudo apt-get install ccsm03:09
aimioDasEi, not just have not been involved in ubuntu for a long time not sure what is good at this point.03:10
bartekWhen Ubuntu moved upstart files to /etc/init -- How can I guarantee these files will also run on boot? I can execute them using initctl but the custom ones I have do not start up on boot, I have to manually start them03:10
DasEiaimio: checkout gnome.org03:10
sacarlsonkingrayray: third option is pxeboot if your bios supports any of these03:10
aimioDasEi, thanks.03:10
DasEiaimio: simplecssm, cairo-dock.. what's your experience?03:10
juniouraimio application->ubuntu software center type ccsm and install it03:10
kingrayraysacarlson: it appears it timed out, is there a way to resume boot from busybox?03:11
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sacarlsonkingrayray: try help03:11
DasEiaimio: a search ubuntu perfect desktop on ubuntugeek gives additional hints03:11
bozdoghi everyone, happy new year03:12
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aimioyeah thanks, i am looking into it now :D03:12
DasEimbvpixies78: so seems your sources.list  may lack sth., which distro is it ? is there an ssh installed ?03:12
juniouraimio compiz will give u 3d effect cube deskop etc03:12
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aimiojuniour, i am not looking to make so much effect just want something small but that standsout in a "bling way" :)03:12
bozdoganyone tell me how to look at other computers connected through a router ?03:13
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mbvpixies78DasEi, This is Ubuntu Server (no frills) 10.04.  I installed the LAMP option, but not ssh03:13
bozdogrunning ubuntu 10.10 on both machines03:13
[thor]aimio: cairo-dock-gtk03:13
DasEi!ccsm | aimio03:13
ubottuaimio: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz03:13
[thor]oops -glx i mean03:13
juniouraimio have you tried dock03:13
mbvpixies78DasEi, basically, it's all command-line, unless I'm unaware of any installed GUIs03:13
blacksunsevenfor whatever reason, my computer refuses to boot from usb with ubuntu server on it03:13
aimioi will try it all now, sec.03:14
DasEibozdog: ping?03:14
bozdogi can't find network manager although it is installed03:14
BiDDoschnuffle1: hey bud you still around03:14
blacksunsevenis there a way to specify, in grub or ubuntu, to start the ubuntu 10.04 installer from the usb drive?03:14
[thor]aimio: http://www.glx-dock.org/mc_album.php?a=303:14
DasEimbvpixies78: lsb_release -a  tells about distro,  sudo service ssh start     reveals if it's installed03:14
bozdogdon't know the ping address03:15
NixGeekbozdog: try right-clicking on a panel and adding notification area03:15
sacarlsonblacksunseven: you can modify the settings in your bios to boot usb first03:15
bartekHow can I guarantee certain scripts will startup on boot? Since upgrading mySQL and Daemontools no longer autostart on boot and require a manual launch03:15
juniourblacksunseven wt prob you r facing?03:15
DasEibozdog: put nick when answering; ifconfig shows the ip of a box03:15
Jinxed-I am unable to access my cdrom due to permissions but it says it is mounted03:15
Jinxed-any ideas?03:15
DasEibozdog: nmap lets you scan whole subnets03:15
NixGeekbios reminds me, I still need to overclock this computer.  I think I got all the bugs worked out03:16
sacarlsonblacksunseven: you can also setup a grub2 custom to specify a usb boot and set that as default boot03:16
mbvpixies78DasEi, ok, brb03:16
bozdogDasEi ok thanks i'll try03:16
=== Shaded is now known as meegan
blacksunsevenI've tried booting from USB first but no dice - I've done this before without issue but there seems to be some angst with Server 10.0403:16
BiDDoanyone able to help out with sharing folders from win to vbox03:16
juniourblacksunseven change the booting order make external device 1st and enable it03:17
=== meegan is now known as bradIeigh
juniourblacksunseven go to bios03:17
blacksunsevenjuniour, sacarlson : i've already tried modifying the boot orders03:17
DasEiBiDDo: lil' busy just now, checked the FAQ on virtualbox homepage ?03:17
blacksunsevendisabling all drives except the usb drive (which is recognized in bios)03:17
GeekSquidBiDDo: please take your question to #vbox03:17
blacksunsevenfor what its worth, unetbootin and usb-creator-gtk both encounter this problem03:18
juniourhave uu made external 1st and enabled it03:18
blacksunsevenjuniour: yeah03:18
Nintetso VLC doesnt get a compressor untill v 1.203:18
=== bradIeigh is now known as Shaded
sacarlsonblacksunseven: what is the issue?  does your bios support usb boot?03:18
blacksunsevensacarlson: yes, i've done this before with ubuntu 8.04, no problems03:19
juniourwt the error u r getting03:19
blacksunseven(on the same computer)03:19
blacksunseveni'm getting the typical "invalid boot device, please insert bootable media etc etc"03:19
juniourblacksunseven error tell me?03:19
ubuntuudoes anyone know why ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 is giving me this message............03:19
DasEiNintet: thanks for feedback, maybe take that question to #ubuntu-studio03:19
mbvpixies78DasEi, Lsb_,, :  "No LSB modules available, Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, lucid...  ssh isn't installed03:19
Nintetyeah spare that compressors are standard hardware on INPUTS ONLY03:20
ubuntuumounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed03:20
Ninteti mean... seems like players should have one by defualt03:20
sacarlsonblacksunseven: sounds like a usb flash that was installed poorly,  can you boot this usb on any other system?03:20
ubuntuudoes anyone know this error?03:20
DasEiNintet: and if you know winamp can do, use latest wine and have winamp there03:20
blacksunsevensacarlson: i'll try it out, one sec03:20
mocramisdoes anybody knows how to restart the sound system ?03:20
kingrayraysacarlson: well physically removing the drive worked- turns out all you need on this hp lappy is to remove one screw and a paperclip. lol03:20
nit-witblacksunseven, do you know the per-session boot menu key prompt03:20
Ninteti mean, its not a problem with the distro...03:20
kingrayraysacarlson: thanks for the help :)03:21
juniourblacksunseven have u installed universal installer in ur usb inad installed it and selected the write iso03:21
Nintet audio is just shrouded in mystery03:21
mocramisi thought it was something like restart aoss, but it doesn't seems to work03:21
sacarlsonkingrayray: ya there not that hard,  good to hear03:21
DasEimbvpixies78: so seems you only got a very poor install there, can you boot a live cd on that box ?03:21
Guest12982yep corrupt usb-created03:21
max_sharpeHey does anyone know or know where i could find the specs to mininum specs for ubuntu notebook remix?03:21
nit-witmax_sharpe, same as a regular desktop03:22
DasEi!specs | max_sharpe03:22
ubottumax_sharpe: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu03:22
sacarlsonkingrayray: you might also find if you plug it back in now it will work,  80% of all failures are just the connectors03:22
mbvpixies78DasEi, yeah--  Fedora 14 was too slow, Xubuntu seemed to work alright03:22
blacksunsevennit-wit: you mean my bios boot menu? yeah i've tried that, no dice03:22
Guest12982Ubuntu Netbook Remix is designed to run well on netbooks with typically minimal specs, i.e.:03:22
Guest12982    * Intel Atom processor @ 1.6 GHz03:22
Guest12982    * 512MB of system memory (RAM)03:22
Guest12982    * 4GB of disk space03:22
Guest12982    * Screen of 1024x600 resolution03:22
FloodBot3Guest12982: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
Guest12982    * Graphics chipset with support for visual effects03:22
blacksunsevenjuniour: yeah, followed the ubuntu howto03:22
CanonAnyone install "Ubuntu Pentest Edition"?03:22
nit-witblacksunseven, no there is a out of the bios key prompt hit at boot as if going to the bios mine is f12 yours may be different03:23
juniourblacksunseven ur usb size ?03:23
blacksunsevennit-wit: yeah, that's what i meant by boot menu03:23
nit-witblacksunseven, not in the bios03:23
mbvpixies78DasEi, I intially wanted Fedora 14 Security Lab spin, for school, but it couldn't connect to the internet except really slowly.  However, I ran Fedora 9 on this same hardware in 2007 with not network problems03:24
kingrayraysacarlson: yeah thats what im thinking, but ive had problems with this drive for a while. i will probably just replace it lol03:24
blacksunsevenjuniour: 16GB, though i've partitioned it to only have one 2GB FAT32 bootable partition03:24
blacksunsevennit-wit: i assure you we're speaking about the same menu03:24
bartekWhy does placing files in /etc/init in Ubuntu latest not make them autostart on boot?03:24
DasEimbvpixies78: the specs of it are fine for your purpose, but seems you did a minimal install missing essential things.. so03:24
blacksunsevennit-wit: i hit F10 for mine03:24
nit-witblacksunseven, there is the bios boot from menu and another one outside the bios03:24
blacksunsevenhmmm, maybe this sucker doesnt boot at all03:24
blacksunsevennit-wit: i know03:24
nit-witblacksunseven, cool03:25
blacksunsevenso the usb drive doesnt appear to boot on another system03:25
DasEimbvpixies78: easiest boot a live cd, so I can connect and so we can set it up03:25
ubuntuumounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed03:25
nit-witblacksunseven, is it a cruzer03:25
ubuntuuiim trying to install 10.0403:25
sacarlsonblacksunseven: I have had problems with fake usb flash drives,  make sure the drive is good with hwtest or other method03:25
blacksunsevennit-wit: no, it's a mushkin03:25
mbvpixies78DasEi, any suggestions as to which live CD?  Is there one for Ubuntu Server or can any distro be made to suit my purposes?03:26
ubuntuuii might have to install the server edition03:26
blacksunseventhat's the exact drive03:26
mbvpixies78DasEi, I have several live cd's burned03:26
r00t4rd3dheh the cr-48 can run ubuntu , osx , win7 :/ http://blog.laptopmag.com/google-cr-48-notebook-hacked-to-mac-os-x-windows-7#axzz19wI8HPDp03:26
DasEimbvpixies78: better a live cd, aka lucid/maverick desktop-iso03:26
mocramisok, fouand it, it was alsa-reload03:27
DasEimbvpixies78: server cd is no live03:27
mbvpixies78DasEi, is it possible to use Kubuntu and just use xfce to increase performance?03:28
sacarlsonblacksunseven: you can test the integrity of the usb flash simply by just writing the iso file to the disk and do an md5sum on it to verify that the space needed for an iso is good on the device03:28
DasEimbvpixies78: alsothatboxisn't to weak to do a standard install and remove btw. strip down unwanted services for the later use03:28
Daryl_could i get help configuring a Belkin wireless NIC for DSL in this channel?03:28
DasEimbvpixies78: yes,can switch surfaces03:28
NixGeekmbvpixies78: if you run "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" you can install xfce on any distro03:28
NixGeekmbvpixies78: not distro, sorry, any any fork of ubuntu03:29
DasEiNixGeek: rural install missing essentials is current state, no apt working03:29
marculesty rww03:29
somethinginterestrying to install Ubuntu netbook atm on an Asus eee there's 4 partitions and I am not sure how to go about safely installing UNetbook so I can return the rental at the end of my contract03:30
sacarlsonblacksunseven: here in Thailand about 2 out of 3 usb flash disks are fake and only have a fraction of the space they are configured to hold03:30
Daryl_could i get help configuring a Belkin wireless NIC for DSL in this channel?03:30
mbvpixies78DasEi, so just download Ubuntu desktop 10.04?03:30
detrix42anyone here know if I can export mail from kmail and imported to thunderbird?03:30
DasEimbvpixies78: yes03:30
nit-witsomethinginteres, wubi if its a rental03:30
NixGeeksomethinginteres:  wouldn't it be against hte terms of your contract to install ubuntu on a rental?03:31
DasEimbvpixies78: once you got a working sys, everything can be altered for special purposes, if more new to this, easier way03:31
nit-witsomethinginteres, if you have a big enough thumb t=you could do a full install like 8 gigs or more03:31
ToxicsgI am thinking of using an old PC as a home server, any suggestions as to which might be the best Linux Distro to use. The PC is a Pentium 4 3.00Ghz, 512mb Ram. I am used to Ubuntu as a main OS. Thanks.03:31
somethinginteresNixGeek and nit-wit: I have given Wubi a go but it doesn't seem to work. Just shows me two buttons "Demo and Install" and "Learn More" the "demo" button just boots into the liveusb. Seems like a wubi bug03:32
mbvpixies78DasEi, that makes sense--  I wasn't sure how to proceed but I've learned a lot more commands over the past two days than ever03:32
DasEiToxicsg: this is ubuntu, more a question for #linux or search at distrowatch03:32
juniourToxicgs u cna use any version03:32
trisquelhi! I wanted to dd over 500GB to mz external drive, did "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=backup.img"03:33
somethinginteresNixGeek: not sure about the terms on that one. I did tell them I had intended to install ubuntu and no objections were raised but I would prefer to use wubi if I could03:33
jumbojackHas anyone else experienced their desktop locking that can be fixed by restarting x11-common?03:33
trisquelit stiopped after 4GB saying file too big03:33
dciderubuntu 10.10 shows I have a floppy (floppy0) under Places but I dont have a floppy drive. how to get rid of the icon....thx03:33
Flanneltrisquel: Is the enternal drive formatted as FAT?03:33
ToxicsgI cannot send to channel ##linux03:33
DasEimbvpixies78: yes, I would be able to do a choosen install, but if there isn't enough experience, that expert install can become a hassle03:33
juniourToxicsg u can use any version ur config is good03:33
DasEi!register | Toxicsg03:33
ubottuToxicsg: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:33
trisquelFlannel, zes fat3203:34
DasEiToxicsg: ask in #freenode03:34
Flanneltrisquel: FAT32 has a 4GB filesize limit03:34
detrix42anyone here have any problems running KDE programs on a netbook? My wife installed a bunch of KDE programs on her netbook. now it runs like crap. windows graying out all the time. Just trying to figure out what is causing it.03:34
NixGeekToxicsg: add some ram and that will be as fast as most new computers now.  my new build has a 3.2GHZ processor and it's almost the fastest I could find03:34
somethinginteresnit-wit: that's when running wubi off the bootable thumb if I download wubi.exe to my desktop and run it I am presented with the normal screen i.e. specifying were to install and how big to make it. Username/pass etc03:34
trisquelFlannel, drive has lots of free space, i could reduce partition and create a new one. what file szstem would zou recommend for mz external usb hdd?03:34
mbvpixies78DasEi, I dread the manual partitioning part03:35
DasEidetrix42: install htop, conky and see what's eating up ressources, ram ?03:35
detrix42DasEi: thanks03:35
ToxicsgThank you all.03:35
mbvpixies78While I'm downloading..  Can anyone recommend a distro for a 500MHz AMD K62, 256 MB RAM?03:36
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NixGeeksomethinginteres: how about an ubuntu live usb, get a 32GB flash drive for $40-50 adn then you can have ubuntu wherever you are.03:36
trisquelFlannel: I was told ext was preferrable on external drives, dunno why03:36
DasEi!low memory | mbvpixies7803:36
trisquelwhat should i use?03:36
nit-witsomethinginteres, sounds like you know the way to install but you might want this thread in your bookmarks.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919803:37
Flanneltrisquel: ext3 would work just fine, yeah.03:37
DasEimbvpixies78: purpose of it ?03:37
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Flanneltrisquel: Also, using dd probably isn't the best way to back stuff up anyway, since any unused space wont be compressed/ignored03:37
Flannel!backup | trisquel03:37
ubottutrisquel: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:37
=== horsewhisper is now known as banisterfiend
=== banisterfiend is now known as horsewhisper
emon my desktop I went to 'create wireless network' and I set one up with WPA encryption. But then when my laptop found that connection it only gave WEP as a choice for the password. What's going on there?03:38
mbvpixies78DasEi,  It's just sitting here and would be nice to use for attacks/ security, setting up another server for something else to learn with03:38
bozdogDasEi i can ping machines on my network just wondering if there is a more friendly application that will allow me to navigate across drives etc03:38
DasEimbvpixies78: that's more a candidate for headless then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems03:39
juniourem creat wep connection03:39
BiDDoI DID IT FIANLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   THREE CHEERS FOR ME03:39
somethinginteresnit-wit: thanks.03:39
juniournot wap03:39
trisquelFlannel: thx, itÇs reallz to be fast as IÇm late on it. ThereÇs onlz 100 MB of free space, and I want a one command backup that does all persoanl data, szstem,, /boot, MBR, encrzption, so I guess dd is fine for that. itÇs not meant to be for incremental backups or so, just as i need to hand in my laptop for repair and later want to copy back03:39
BiDDowheres my cheers03:39
juniourthat will work03:40
BiDDo*shakes fist03:40
DasEimbvpixies78: else there a specialized distros, though it works below PIII ubu is not that fun no more03:40
somethinginteresNixGeek: I thought of that but the USB pen runs so slow. I'll give wubi a crack03:40
trisqueland should be bootable again withou new installation03:40
nit-witsomethinginteres, no problem wubi has some problems but fixable and that thread is a great help.03:40
emjuniour: I did and that does work. But WEP is not as good as WPA and I don't understand why my desktop can make a WPA encrypted WAP and my laptop can find it but then only give me a choice of WEP for the password.03:40
DasEiBiDDo: congrats03:40
emWEP is not as good as WPA03:40
=== tball is now known as Terrax121
z0mbieI have ubuntu providing sftp services with openssh and authentication by Active directory with likewise-open. I set a ftpusers group to be chrooted to a shared folder. Is there a way to deny all but several windows domain user accounts to be allowed to log into ubuntu and access the sftp server?03:41
juniouri know that03:41
trisquelFlannel or is it insecure?03:41
DasEimbvpixies78: so you d/l desktop now, install and then come back?03:41
trisquelFlannel, would you rather recommend me using ext3 pr ext4?03:41
mbvpixies78DasEi, what does headless mean exactly?03:41
Flanneltrisquel: Not at all.  Just wasteful, but if its just a small bit, or infrequent, it's fine.  You seem to understand that already.03:41
juniourem i have tried it it workns in wep i dont know the reason03:41
BiDDoThanks Dasei03:41
DasEimbvpixies78: no gui, commandline only03:41
MrNibbleshappy new year you bunch of legends03:41
Flanneltrisquel: Whichever you'd prefer.  ext3 is supported on more platforms (older ones), but if you're in a well controlled environment, it doesn't matter a whole lot03:42
somethinginteresnit-wit: there's no way to make the install size greater than 30GB that you know of? The netbook has a 170GB drive that's effectively empty atm03:42
mbvpixies78DasEi, yeah, I'm downloading.  Headless would be good practice then for that third box03:42
DasEimbvpixies78: right, after having the parachute" of gui in a suffiecient machine, where you can learn terminal, too03:43
mbvpixies78DasEi, very much agreed03:43
nit-witsomethinginteres, I have no idea I have only installed wubi for a bootscript read out for helping wubi users.03:43
cntbhi  found this on the net http://johnny.chadda.se/article/unlock-the-gnome-keyring-upon-login/ will it wotk on netbook lucid ?03:45
somethinginteresnit-wit: OK no worries03:45
cntbfor unlock annoying keyring on start03:45
Cpt_Zyphhey guys i just installed ubuntu desktop for a friend and im having a hard time with his usb wifi dongle.. i can get it to work and i have followed the guide for the WG111T adapter but even tho i added the ndiswrapper line to the /etc/modules when the machine restarts i have to completly reinstall the driver through wine which is a pain in the butt.. what am i missing here?03:45
mbvpixies78DasEi, and when I finally get some money, I'll buy a cheap mobo/processor for the third box, maybe make it a media server or something03:45
trisquelFlannel: thank you. you helped me a lot. :D  am repartitioning now.03:45
nit-witcntb, the keyring is for the wireless correct03:46
bwallenHow big of a USB drive do I need to install ubuntu on a netbook?03:46
cntbnit-wit most prolly03:46
nit-witbwallen, at least 1 gig03:46
bwallennit-wit: thanks03:46
nit-witcntb, right click the wireless and click the all users and autoconnect03:47
nit-witcdlclick the edit the the wireless then edit sorry03:47
cntbdont know nit-wit  connects either way I think but appears for my old man who doesnot understand03:47
emdoes ubuntu have troubles with WPA?03:47
nit-witcntb, which Ubuntu03:47
DasEiEm: if the wireless-chipis set up well, no03:48
sacarlsonbwallen: I guess a 1 gb should work, you need about 800meg or so03:48
nit-witem, not gemerally03:48
cntbalrady says auto03:48
cntbalrady says auto nit-wit03:48
sacarlsonbwallen: unless they uncompress then you would need about 2.5gb03:48
nit-witcntb, how about all users03:48
emIve just never owned a laptop where wireless works without problems.03:48
cntbnit-wit: lucid *^^^^03:49
nit-witcntb, same screen03:49
DasEiEm: really,depends on chip,and pcmia..03:49
nit-witcntb, all users?03:49
emnit-wit, DasEi on my desktop I went to network manager and 'created a new wireless network' I gave it a name and chose a WPA password for it.  Then my laptop (also running Ubuntu) found that network but only gave a choice of WEP for putting in a password.03:49
Cpt_Zyphwhen ya guys get a second .. ill be on here for a few but im at a complete loss on this darn adapter 8(03:49
rwwem: I have a laptop and desktop, both of which have worked fine with WPA1 and 2 and Ubuntu. It's a driver-specific issue, I think :(03:50
nit-witem, what version of Ubuntu are you using03:50
max_sharpequestion for you03:50
max_sharpeits trying to connect to your existing network?03:50
emdesktop is lucid and laptop is maverick.03:50
Cpt_Zyphcheck that list for driver and auth known issues03:50
Cpt_Zyphwell there is a list for internal sry i was on the usb page cuz of my current problem etc but shoudl be easy to find03:50
dciderubuntu 10.10 shows I have a floppy (floppy0) under Places but I dont have a floppy drive. how to get rid of the icon....thx03:51
DasEiem: assuming drivers are fine and chips wpa-capable, try wpagui03:51
emI created the wireless network with my desktop (it has a wireless card in it also) and then i tried finding it with my laptop. I can only make WEP encryption work though because with WPA my laptop finds it but won't give an option to type in the WPA password!03:51
=== Shadowolf is now known as Abhish
emDasEi: how can I tell what brand my laptop's wireless device is?03:52
max_sharpeis the wireless adapter on your laptop newer?03:52
emwell the laptop is newer than the desktop.03:53
DasEimax_sharpe: install hwinfo and look up, or gnome-device-manager03:53
bastidrazorem: lspci | grep -i net03:53
Cpt_Zyphem there should be a comand thats it03:53
embut the desktops wireless card was bought specifically because I was told it works well with Linux. The wireless card in the laptop is random and i don't know what it is yet.03:53
Cpt_Zyphsry i know fedora better still learn'n ubuntu03:53
Cpt_Zyphwell to be honest take the wifi adapater out if you dont understand the command output from the above commadn and get the sticker / chip label information and see if it has known issues03:54
DasEiem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo03:54
cntbthks nit-wit will go sleep and check it next reboot03:54
emit says it is a "Network controller: Intell Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 100003:54
Cpt_ZyphDasEi are you proficent with wifi adapter issues i have a new one for me im kinda stuck03:54
emdoes that sound like what it is?03:54
SlothPanda_my gnome panel disappeared -- any ideas for fixing it?03:54
Cpt_Zyphem ya03:54
Cpt_Zyphem read that link DasEi gave you03:55
DasEiEm : that's a 1000 it seems (not using it) should support wpa03:55
SlothPanda_no ideas for bringing my gnome panel back? this is kind of a bummer :(03:57
emit went away?03:57
bastidrazorSlothPanda_: in a terminal type: gnome-panel &03:57
DasEiEm: to tell more precise, chip is needed, hwinfo will deliver that info :03:57
DasEiEm: sudo apt-get install hwinfo pastebinit , sudo hwinfo | pastebinit03:58
DasEiem: give url here03:58
=== horsewhisper is now known as banisterfiend
SlothPanda_thanks, that was bizarre03:59
SlothPanda_I tried to run that and it said it was uninstalled03:59
SlothPanda_I just reinstalled and it came back with all my settings03:59
paranoidphreakhi everybody, which partition type is the best for storing data; the reason i'm asking this is because i'm currently using ext3 to store to data and i accidentally deleted some files and i had tried to retrieve it but i wasn't successful. i used 'photorec' to retrieve some video files i had lost but once i recovered them, the whole video were unable to be played03:59
SlothPanda_no wonder I couldn't find the package to update lol03:59
wers_I have a shared media fat32 partition between OS X and Ubuntu. on Ubuntu, would it be nice to use it as "/shared" or is there a better location?03:59
skilzI'm wondering if anyone can help me, this is driving me MAD!!!! I have a Acer Veriton 2800 and the CPU fan is so noisy sometimes it sounds like a jet plane taking off reving up and slowing. I want to regulate the speed so it stays the same and not rev up and down as it is very annoying at night when I am trying to sleep!03:59
NiftyLettucehaving trouble detecting CPU fan04:00
NiftyLettucesame area as you skilz04:00
NiftyLettucecan't detect fan sensor04:00
skilzim ready to smash the damn thing04:00
NiftyLettucei finally got cpu sensor working... hp dv5z laptop... hp crippled bios, had to edit custom linux kernel04:00
skilzthrow it out the window04:00
NiftyLettuceubuntu 10.0404:00
NiftyLettuceseriously I am with you lol04:00
DasEiparanoidphreak: deleted with rm is quite lost, else use trashbin or mv command, no linux-fs will really help you there04:00
josh_Hi everyone. Im trying to reinstall xp but my install disc doesnt recognize my partitions. I have tried unallocated Fat and ntsf file systems but all refuse to work. I got it working virtually but the system cant handle that smoothly enough.04:01
skilzis there some program I can use to set the fan rpm?04:01
NiftyLettuceskilz: have you tried lm-sensors and sensors-applet to monitor the RPM's?04:01
DasEiparanoidphreak: else you are free to watch the hex of the hd-structure.. become an old being :)04:01
NiftyLettuceskilz: you can set the fans to kick in at certain temperatures I believe04:01
NiftyLettuceskilz: my problem is that I can't detect fan sensor...04:02
paranoidphreakDasEi: the thing was, i had purchased a harddrive and i had cut-and-pasted into the new drive and after a day, the drive crashed; so, i tried retrieving it from the original hard-drive where the data was before i had cut-and-paste04:02
Cpt_ZyphDasEi may i ask you a question regarding my wifi usb dongle not working after restart? i followed the instructions and all works well except the restart part https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/WG111T04:02
sacarlsonem: I like DasEi: wpagui idea,  that sounds promising http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347269 ,  the device you have can be seen with lsusb or lshw04:02
skilzNiftyLettuce: thats what I want to change, they do kick in at certain temeratures which is annoying, i'd rather it just go going full time04:02
skilzi hate hearing it rev up then slow down then 5mins later rev up again04:03
DasEiskilz: depends on chipset, lm-sensors and fancontrol do some, and as mentioned above, there are also ways to set triggers04:03
NiftyLettuceskilz: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fan_Speed_Control04:03
NiftyLettucesimilar to ubuntu04:03
justinpeelI am running LInux with an ATI Mobility Radeon 43xx series card and have been trying to get the drivers to work. The drivers installed with Additional Drivers weren't working so well, so I decided to try the one from the ATI website. It seems to kind of work (fglrxinfo makes me think so), but direct rendering is not working (glxinfo | grep direct). Does anyone have any suggestions?04:03
NiftyLettuceDasEi: any input on getting fan sensors working? 10.0404:04
ubuntuuquestion....does the server edition run gnome and compiiz like the desktop edition?04:04
justinpeelI'm using Ubuntu 10.10, btw04:04
xanguaubuntuu: if you install desktop, yes04:04
skilzNiftyLettuce: Ok, I installed lm-sensors now how do I use it?04:04
jimibuschQuick help! My video resultion is perfect at login screen. After login. It has lines in it. How can i fix this?04:05
DasEiskilz: install lm-sensors and run sensors-detect as root first, then check if speed is read at all, next question is if box supports pwm04:05
Alan502Hey, Can somebody help me runing jinput on ubuntu lucid 64bit? I installed the maverick packages wich say "all architectures" and should work fine on lucid, as they told me. However there is a problem with a class named "LinuxEnvironmentPlugin"... can somebody help me?04:05
NiftyLettuceskilz: sudo sensors-detect04:05
NiftyLettuceskilz: then sudo sensors04:05
james__how do i install wine on here?04:05
NiftyLettuceskilz: say yes to all04:05
paranoidphreakDasEi: sucks......so do you recommend me using ntfs;04:06
ubuntuuapt-get install wne04:06
skilzsudo Sorry, no sensors were detected.04:06
skilzEither your system has no sensors, or they are not supported, or04:06
skilzthey are connected to an I2C or SMBus adapter that is not04:06
FloodBot3skilz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
ubuntuusorry this laptop keyboard is screwy04:06
DasEiparanoidphreak: no, I recommend mv to a folder deleted04:06
paranoidphreakDasEi: oh ok.....thanks04:07
skilzim screwed04:07
ubuntuuiim a paranoid frak after the last hacker rooted ubuntu 10.04 remotley04:07
DasEiskilz: hardware ?04:07
james__any1 know?04:07
skilzDasEi: sorry?04:08
ubuntuuapt-get install wine04:08
DasEiskilz: which hardware ?04:08
skilzDasEi: What do you mean? It didn't detect anything...04:08
james__hold on please04:09
DasEiskilz: so I ask which hardware you are using04:09
Cpt_Zyphcan anyone help me with my wifi adapter not working after machine resets?04:11
james__alright yes ubuntuu?04:11
ubuntuujames__ run as root or do sudo su apt-get install wine04:11
ubuntuuthen it should be installed04:11
ubuntuujust a matter of configing it after that04:11
james__where do i put it in at im not goodwih computers04:12
Cpt_Zyphjust type what it said04:12
skilzDasEi: Acer Veriton 280004:12
jimibuschwhy is my screen resulution messed up after login screen? how can i fix this?04:12
=== geek is now known as Pyre-
=== Pyre- is now known as Pyre
=== Pyre is now known as Pyre__
Cpt_Zyphit will install it self and should be accessable via your appilcations menu on top left of your screen04:12
ubuntuuapt-get install wine will put it in the programs drop down part of gnome04:12
Pyre__Hey guys i need help to get my wifi card working its the belkin N card04:12
ubuntuucpt_zyph is right04:12
Cpt_Zyphman so many wifi questions tonight lol04:12
Pyre__i had it working till i got off the livecd lol04:13
Cpt_ZyphWG111T wont work after restart anyone able to help?04:13
GeekSquidubuntuu: watch what you say sudo su apt-get is waaaay redundant.... we use sudo by itself04:13
ubuntuuifconfig wlan0 up04:13
ubuntuuto bring up wifi adapter04:13
ubuntuuhopefully that works04:13
soreauIs there a way to download youtube videos if they're html5?04:13
Pyre__premission denied04:14
ubuntuube root04:14
ubuntuuor run sudo su and that command04:14
skilzDasEi: Acer 945P01-G-8KS2H veriton 2800 Motherboard BTX. Pentium 404:14
Pyre__it doesnt see my wifi card i think i need the driver04:14
jimibuschHow can i fix my screen resulution after start up login screen???04:14
skilzNiftyLettuce: Hey i typed 'sensors' and I got this Adapter: Virtual device04:15
skilztemp1:       +55.0°C  (crit = +88.0°C)04:15
james__it says the pack is missing or obsolete04:15
GeekSquidubuntuu: sudo su is not the correct syntax .... sudo -i if you need persistance .... but should not be used by novices04:15
Pyre__got it :D04:15
ubuntuujimibusch i forget that command, its an xserver command04:15
skilzNiftyLettuce: acpitz-virtual-004:15
NiftyLettuceskilz: so that is telling you the CPU temperature, you need to configure it to read fan etc04:15
Pyre__the sudo ifconfig wlan0 up worked but i had to install the driver :D04:15
Pyre__sees the card just doing the driver now :) ty04:16
skilzNiftyLettuce: How do I do that?04:16
NiftyLettuceskilz: you will need to manually control fans via sudo pwmconfig04:16
ubuntuislovedUpdate-manager keeps telling me "not all updates can be installed" it's trying to do a distro upgrade but I never told it to? I'm on 10.04 and want to stay on LTS04:16
Pyre__i restart now correct for the changes to take place?04:16
keith-ok so i have netbook edition working. if i use fglrx drivers, unity won't work. if i use radeon, my computer locks up randomly04:16
keith-any hints at help:?04:16
skilzNiftyLettuce: /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed04:17
NiftyLettuceskilz: this might assist http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1297008&page=5 -- I recommend a lot of googling using search like: +asus +fan +sensor +control04:17
DasEiskilz: can you give a link for that satchel  can't find it04:17
DolittleAnybody know why after a update mozilla seems to be running slower?04:17
NiftyLettuceskilz: thats because you need to add them via modprobe (sensor)04:17
skilzNiftyLettuce: Can you plz pm me with instructions04:17
NiftyLettuceskilz: you can manually add them with sudo gedit /etc/modules04:17
GeekSquid!pm | skilz04:18
ubottuskilz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:18
ozzloyi'm having trouble running rosetta stone with wine.  i've searched the webs and it seems to be ubuntu specific.  here's a transcription http://pastebin.com/9D7c0yCf can i get some help?04:18
NiftyLettuceskilz: email me with your system specs niftylettuce@gmail.com04:18
DasEiskilz: the problem is one needs to know exactly the used chips to search for solution, either provide a link to acer or get it from hwinfo or such04:19
NiftyLettuceskilz: ill brb, trying out a 3d ati driver04:19
james__i still cant get wine04:19
ozzloyseems to be an audio problem, but i can make noise just fine with wine config sound tester04:19
GeekSquid!winehq | ozzloy this is not wine support ... it is ubuntu support, we do not support wine04:19
ubottuozzloy this is not wine support ... it is ubuntu support, we do not support wine: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:19
sacarlsonDolittle: that could be due to many things,  does ping google.com resolve an an address fast?04:19
Cpt_Zyphmy WG111T adapter can work when i manualy install it with windows driver but wont work after restart what am i missing?04:19
xanguajames__: sudo apt-get install wine04:19
Alan502Hey, Can somebody help me runing jinput on ubuntu lucid 64bit? I installed the maverick packages wich say "all architectures" and should work fine on lucid, as they told me. However there is a problem with a class named "LinuxEnvironmentPlugin"... can somebody help me?04:19
ozzloyGeekSquid, that's why i prefaced that with that it seems ubuntu specific04:19
GeekSquidozzloy: not ubuntu specific ... wine specific, and not supported here04:20
=== ubuntu is now known as vultraz
xanguaozzloy: and wich part is ubuntu specific¿04:20
jimibuschWhy am i trying to get people to go from windows to linux and i can't even figure this shit out. fuck this bullshit.04:20
GeekSquid!language | jimibusch04:21
ubottujimibusch: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:21
ozzloysomething about pulse audio in ubuntu.  if it's a wine thing i'll go to wine's irc channel for sure04:21
skilzjimibusch: Please don't use profanity to express your frustration.04:21
Dolittlesacarlson:well im not to sharp on what a good ping time is but it's taking alot longer than usual to load any page04:21
GeekSquidozzloy: you might have better luck running RS in a virtual machine04:21
xanguaozzloy: there is nothing about pulse in your pastebin04:22
ozzloyi don't have a copy of ms windows though04:22
Alan502Hey, Can somebody help me runing jinput on ubuntu lucid 64bit? I installed the maverick packages wich say "all architectures" and should work fine on lucid, as they told me. However there is a problem with a class named "LinuxEnvironmentPlugin"... can somebody help me?04:22
xangua!repeat | Alan50204:22
ubottuAlan502: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:22
skilzDasEi: whats the command to generate a txt file with the output of hwinfo04:22
Alan502xangua, sorry :P04:23
jumbojackHas anyone else experienced their desktop locking that can be fixed by restarting x11-common?04:23
DasEiskilz: sudo hwinfo > hwinfo.txt04:23
ozzloyxangua, there was stuff about pulse in the forums i found searching for "wine rosetta stone 'audio error'" which brought me to this and a bunch of other threads: http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?p=51160&sid=3d6b94bf882cd0063f68e5a905d07d3e04:23
skilzDasEi: cheers mate04:23
Cpt_Zyphanyone have a second? im not finding anything on the net thats helping me with this restarting wifi usb adapter not working 8(04:24
GeekSquidAlan502: jinput? never heard of it, not part of the ubuntu package tree, from what I can tell04:24
Alan502GeekSquid, look for libjinput, it's a java library04:24
ozzloy'audio error' isn't very specific, i wish the wine output was better04:24
Alan502GeekSquid, it's on the ppa, for maverick :)04:24
GeekSquidAlan502: ppa huh, you'll need to contact the package maintainer04:25
Dolittle Anybody know why after a update mozilla seems to be running slower?04:25
ozzloyok, i'll go try winehq, but i have a feeling they're gonna point me back here.  thanks for the attention xangua and GeekSquid04:26
Alan502GeekSquid, ah I see, i'll look if his e-mail is on the page04:26
DasEiskilz: sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:26
skilzDasEi: Ok, http://pastebin.com/UNUWE7Qa04:26
DasEiskilz: pastebinit hwinfo.txt04:26
jimibuschyou guys just lost yourself a linux user. WINDOWS 7 I GO!04:27
Cpt_Zyphnetgear WG111T usb adapter wont work after PC restart... i have added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules which i was told would allow it to work on restart. but its still not working04:27
GeekSquid!blacklist | Cpt_Zyph04:28
ubottuCpt_Zyph: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »04:28
mbvpixies78DasEi, ok I burned Ubuntu desktop 10.04.1 i386 and am now installing it04:28
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: you will need to blacklist any other modules that were trying to access the card04:28
earwigsdun Dun DUN!04:28
Cpt_Zyphubottu im sry i don tfollow why would i be wanting to blacklist a module?04:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:28
DasEimbvpixies78: yupp04:28
Cpt_Zyphthere are no wifi adapters its a desktop.. so how do i find out what to blacklist?04:28
geekso its still not letting me use my wifi04:29
=== geek is now known as Pyre__
Cpt_Zyphonly built in etho and this usb dongle04:29
Pyre__seems to me i cant get the driver for the bcm431104:29
tarun_helllo all, how can possibly can i help people out here.04:29
DasEiskilz: so it's a pentium d with a ich7 intel bridge, that'll I call capable of it04:29
Dolittle Anybody know why after a update mozilla seems to be running slower?04:29
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: modprobe will automatically load the 'wl' module and possibly others when you plug in the USBwificard04:29
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid so i use the windows driver install app to get it working and modprobe should show me a list of what other modules are trying to use this?? ill do that command now one sec04:30
Jordan_Utarun_: If someone asks a question and you think you can help, chime in.04:30
Pyre__i have the belkin N pci express wifi card and i need the driver for it04:30
DasEiskilz: find /sys/ -name "*pwm*" | pastebinit04:31
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid may i ask for a pastbin command to link you the output becuase im a little confused here.. im not sure what would be trying to access this usb dongle apon boot04:31
GeekSquidtarun_: make sure to stick to the ubuntu code of conduct and irc guidelines  see /msg ubottu !coc  ... and /msg ubottu !guidelines04:31
DasEiCpt_Zyph: which command ? dmesg ?04:31
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid here are the instructions i took to get the adapter to work in teh first place https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/WG111T04:32
muntoalguien habla espa;o;l04:32
Pyre__any help?04:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:32
skilzDasEi: You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.04:32
DasEiskilz: find /sys/ -name "*pwm*"04:32
DasEiskilz: any output ?04:32
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: lsmod | pastebinit04:33
Cpt_ZyphDasEi im not sure my adapter isn't working without using "windows wireless driver" application to manualy install the .inf file04:34
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid rgr one sec04:34
EpicFialGuywhat is the equivalent command of mounting partitions in nautilus?04:34
IdleOnePyre__: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:34
skilzDasEi: nope04:34
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid http://pastebin.com/HCm710eb04:35
DasEiEpicFialGuy: man mount tells,  and create a dir to mount to04:35
EpicFialGuyDasEi: exactly how does a mounting command says to make a folder in/media ?04:35
DasEiEpicFialGuy: like      sudo mkdir /media/sdb1 && sudo mount /dev/sdb1  /media/sdb104:36
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid also if this helps http://pastebin.com/SnrDjmFG04:36
DasEiEpicFialGuy: set sdb1 to your needs04:36
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Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid line 612 i believe04:36
Dolittle Anybody know why after a update mozilla seems to be running slower?04:37
Pyre__geek@dell:~$ sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb04:38
earwigsDoinkle - bloatware?04:38
Pyre__FATAL: Module ssb is in use.04:38
FloodBot3Pyre__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
Cpt_ZyphDolittle many reasons for such a thing.. have you done the firefox tweeks? i dunno why its not in the ubuntu guide but the fedora guide has it.. see if that helps maybe?04:38
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: I trust you have run ndisgtk and loaded the appropriate windows driver ... there are 2 or 3 files it will need as I remember?04:38
skilzDasEi: No output what to do?04:38
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid correct.. im using the adapter now and its working jsut fine04:38
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid only issue is the restart.. i must load the windows driver app in system menu .. remove driver and reinstall it to get the adapter ot work once more04:39
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: aaah, you'll need a script that runs it at boottime04:39
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid im buidling this machine for my brother in law.. and while he isn't a completle noobie im just trying ot make it work properly before handing it over ot him04:39
Pyre__wifi section is still greyed out04:39
DasEiskilz: did you load the drivers found by sensors-detect ? sudo pwmconfig should work then04:40
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid interesting.. so adding that ndiswrapper entry to /etc/modules is not enough? scripting is new to me may i ask for a bit of direction ?04:40
RicyHi folks.  I have used a pay as you go linux kiosk, which logs you out once your credit/time has run out. Is there any guides on doing this for a home computer running. ubuntu?04:40
AgentBlairhi, are there any issues with wireless drivers in the 64-bit version of ubuntu, i can't connect to the internet04:40
aimiohow come i don't have "System > Administration > Login Window." and how do i get it..04:41
muntoalgun latino04:41
Cpt_Zyphaimio what are you trying to obtain?04:41
Cpt_Zyphaimio the ability to log out  to a different user?04:41
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DasEimbvpixies78: I'm becoming tired and will leave in an hour, but your task is easy fullfilled with the channel ((if you need no rest, too)04:41
Jordan_U!es | munto04:42
ubottumunto: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:42
Pyre__this sucks04:42
DasEineedn't * , mbvpixies7804:42
Northwoodshow to install lamp ( linux apache mysql php ) on latest desktop version ?04:42
aimioCpt_Zyph, no i want to change my login screen/themes.04:42
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid is the script at boot up difficult to do ?04:43
Northwoodslatest ubuntu desktop ,  version , how do i check my version ?04:43
xangua!lamp | Northwoods04:43
ubottuNorthwoods: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:43
Northwoodsthanks xangua04:43
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: no, very simple ... looking for the right howto now04:43
Alan502GeekSquid, ah I see, i'll look if his e-mail is on the page04:43
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid thank you very much sry i was afraid i was interupting that *) .. please take yoru time ill be here04:43
aimioCpt_Zyph, http://images.maketecheasier.com/2010/01/gdm-themes-loginprefs.jpg04:43
Alan502GeekSquid, sorry wrong message xD04:43
aimiothats what i am looking for..04:44
skilzDasEi: /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed04:44
DasEiskilz: did you load the drivers found by sensors-detect ?04:44
xanguaaimio: no such thing with the new gdm04:44
skilzDasEi: sensors-detect didn't find anything04:44
Cpt_Zyphaimio gdm has changed the way you alt your log in window its a known change04:44
skilzNO NO NO for everthing scanned04:44
aimioCpt_Zyph, may i ask how you do it now ?.04:44
Cpt_Zyphaimio that looks like an outdated guide to change your gdm logon screen.. look for a more current guide i dont recal its been so long04:45
Cpt_Zyphaimio i just know that after they made the change i didn't bother learn'n how to do it anymore .. but i do recal reading it has been changed04:45
Cpt_Zyphone sec let me see if i can find an old link04:45
Cpt_Zyphur use'n ubuntu 10.10 or something?04:45
mt1mmaHow do I schedule a job using cron?04:45
aimioCpt_Zyph, yeah 10.1004:45
skilzDasEi: Sorry, no sensors were detected.04:45
geek__k so i cant get my wifi card to work at all04:45
Cpt_Zyphaimio http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=how+to+change+gdm+theme+ubuntu+10.10&aq=3&aqi=g4g-o1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=83f87efc6f926f1304:46
geek__starting to piss me off04:46
DasEiskilz: I'm tired now, your hardware is neither exotic nor non pwm-equipped and can sure be found on the forums, sorry for me not using it04:46
Cpt_Zyphshould have a plethera of things to read on the topic sense the changes sry.. im stuck on my own wifi issues atm will try to help later if possable04:46
aimioCpt_Zyph, maybe i can help you with your wifi,04:46
skilzDasEi: what does that mean?04:46
thorsten11its funny people have wifi issues and i have always had nic issues.04:46
thorsten11must be lucky in the wifi i guess04:47
aimioCpt_Zyph, tell me the, issue.04:47
skilzDasEi: Please don't give up on me!04:47
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: see that your driver files are in /etc/ndiswrapper ... if not   sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/drivers/drivername.inf04:47
mt1mmaI added the line "13 10 * * * /usr/bin/gedit /home/***/Desktop/t1.txt" to crontab.04:47
DasEiskilz: you will, weaponized with hwinfo.txt and the exact, at acer findable model , ask/search for the correct modules to load04:47
geek__my lsmod http://pastebin.com/jMA5NY8H04:48
mt1mmaBut the file is not opened, why?04:48
jsvanaAlright, so I have an older (2005ish) Ubuntu-based livecd that, when booted, throws "mount: Mounting /dev/sda2 on /cdrom failed: Invalid argument."  Any ideas?04:48
thorsten11I know i'm joined late but what chipset is skilz using?04:48
mbvpixies78DasEi,  ok, I appreciate the help.  It's about done installing so hopefully someone can help me strip it down so to speak, if need be04:48
cctx005I have a question....I was reading that when 11.4 comes out, you'll be able to choose your desktop at the login screen (Unity, Gnome etc..)04:48
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid there are files in a folder .. the following path /etc/ndiswarpper/netwg11t/netwg11t.inf04:48
cctx005with 10.10, are you able to install additional desktops like KDE without installing a whole new OS?04:49
skilzDasEi: I don't understand what you just said makes no sence.04:49
skilzNiftyLettuce: You around?04:49
DasEimbvpixies78: can do the fine tuning in the later, install shh fail2ban samba pastebinit for now04:49
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: hmmm, not sure as it will work if the files are that deep... best bet is to have the inf and sys files at the root of /etc/ndiswrapper04:50
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid should i restart and see if the files are still in the ndiswarpper location?04:50
vultrazwhats in store for the 11.04 release?04:50
DasEivultraz: ask in #ubuntu+104:50
Cpt_Zyphunderstood ill cp them theri now im guess'n i should include all files in the netwg11t folder? (all of this was craeted by something other then my self) so i figured it was as it should be04:50
mbvpixies78DasEi,  sounds like a plan, will you be around later in the week?04:51
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: no, they arn't going anywhere,... try sudo cp /etc/ndiswrapper/netwg11t/netwg11t.* /etc/ndiswrapper04:51
geek__can someone help me get my wifi to work thanks04:51
=== michael is now known as Guest56724
vultrazok thanks :)04:51
mt1mmaDoes somebody use cron here?04:51
Guest56724hey all i would like to istall windows onlinux but cd drive is stuffed can anyone help me04:51
thorsten11geek_ first off what chipset are you working with?04:52
geek__its an old dell inspiron 640004:52
DasEicould someone help skilz with his acer, exact model not found yet, hw: http://pastebin.com/UNUWE7Qa to get pwm-fan running ?04:52
GeekSquid!cron | mt1mma04:52
ubottumt1mma: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:52
geek__card is like bcm4311 if i recall04:52
geek__belkin N04:52
geek__model is fsd807304:52
=== lance_ is now known as Guest91702
Guest56724how do i find that out?04:53
geek__opps s is a 504:53
magn3tsAnyone know where Banshee transcodes to04:53
geek__my lsmod http://pastebin.com/jMA5NY8H04:53
DasEigeek__: bcm 4311 ?04:53
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:53
Cpt_Zyphok copy the file to the root of ndiswrapper folder .. try'n a restart now04:53
thorsten11thats what i was wondering04:53
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: cool cool04:54
mt1mma@ubottu I tried it, do I need to setup any permissions?04:54
thorsten11broadcom or not04:54
DasEimbvpixies78:yes, others here are capable, I'm hanging around here from time to time, have a good time04:54
Guest56724how do i find out wat chipset i'm using?04:54
geek__0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)04:54
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid other weird issue i noticed was i always have to install it manually from the .wine folder.. if i moved the .inf anywere else it never seem to work or said failed ..04:54
geek__i think thats my belkin04:54
thorsten11Guest56724 lspci04:54
geek__03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX [14e4:170c] (rev 02)04:54
geek__built in i believe :)04:55
DasEimbvpixies78: a /whois Nick in messenger or a buddyalarm let's you check if people are online04:55
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid no go.. ill try cp everything from that folder to the ndiswrapper root and see if it needs the other files with the .inf file to work04:55
thorsten11geek_ thats the nic04:55
drcw :)04:55
chattanu r chinese?04:55
chattandrcw: ?04:55
geek__oh okay... sorry been a long day04:55
chattandrcw: CBA u r ?04:56
thorsten11geek_:  should look like : Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)04:56
geek__so how do i get that first i showed to work cause i followed the site04:56
DasEigeek__: let's rest04:56
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: cd into the folder where the drivers are and type sudo ndiswrapper -i drivername.inf04:56
geek__0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)04:56
thorsten11geek_:  thats what we were wondering04:56
Cpt_Zyphsays driver netwg11t is already installed04:56
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid says its already installed..04:57
geek__so its saying that my belkin card isnt being seeing at all?04:57
Cpt_ZyphGeeksquid if i go to the windows driver app its still there but wifi networks are not even detectable.. if i remove it and then reinstall it by navigating to the .wine folder then it works04:57
drcwi Sorry, I can't speak English04:57
geek__if i can get one wifi to work ill be happy04:57
thorsten11geek_:  I have to do a search but i found a great set of instructions once on compiling the broadcom driver yourself.04:57
Flannel!cn | drcw04:57
ubottudrcw: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:57
thorsten11geek_: worked flawlessly04:58
geek__ill take a try lol04:58
geek__just that first one failed04:58
drcwthink ubottu04:58
GeekSquidCpt_Zyph: I am stumped and headed to bed, Hope you can get this fig'd out04:58
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid the blue LED light on the dongle is blinking but no wifi options available.. only way to get it working seems to be to remove and reinstall .. which dosn't sound right04:58
Cpt_ZyphGeekSquid thanks dude me too.. thanks for your help04:58
Cpt_Zyphaimino have any ideas?04:59
geek__geek@dell:~$ sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl04:59
geek__FATAL: Module ssb is in use.04:59
Northwoodsany key shortcut for terminal window ?05:01
Cpt_ZyphNorthwoods you can make one05:01
Danny78Question:  my old old computer can boot from cdrom and it says bootable cd in drive, yet it won't boot from it...  ??05:02
NorthwoodsCpt_Zyph: not any by default , how can i make one ?05:02
geek__2011-01-03 00:01:02,342 WARNING: modinfo for module wl failed: ERROR: modinfo: $05:02
geek__couldnt find mod wl05:02
Danny78could an IDE expansion card prevent booting from cdrom?  I'm trying to install mini Ubuntu05:03
freemanhow do I restrict users from changing the ubuntu panel I have set up ?05:03
Cpt_ZyphNorthwoods http://www.ubun2.com/question/210/what_ubuntu_terminal_shortcut_key05:03
Northwoodsthankyou Cpt_Zyph05:03
geek__guess my help kinda left :(05:03
drcwNo Chinese here?05:03
drcw :(05:04
GeekSquiddrcw: no, chinese in #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-hk05:04
=== squ1d is now known as censorebiscuit
=== censorebiscuit is now known as censoredbiscuit
AscavasaionIf I want to install Ubuntu and have two monitors on the same computer... ie, doubling the viewable desktop area... do I just pop two graphics cards in, attach monitors and install Ubuntu?05:04
NorthwoodsCpt_Zyph: thanks , its great & simple, keyboard shortcuts in preferences , crlt+alt+t , works great05:05
Danny78Ascavasaion, you can use one graphics card if it has more than one connection---  I connect to my tv that way05:05
GeekSquidAscavasaion: not quite that simple... you would be better off buying an ATI or Nvidia that easily supports 2 displays, many of them do and are very reasonable05:05
geek__so whos gonna help me here to get my wifi up05:05
Danny78geek, I know a little, what's the problem?05:06
Northwoodsuname -m , gives me i686 , is it reffering to i386 ?05:06
geek__when i try to connect to a wifi spot its all greyed out... guess i need to install the driver05:06
AscavasaionGeekSquid and Danny78: I have some old graphics cards lying around here... it is an old machine.05:06
geek__https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx doesnt work05:07
rs0832Northwoods, it's the same thing05:07
gobbegeek__: what is the make and model of your wifi-card05:07
rs0832Northwoods, 32 bit05:07
GeekSquiddrcw: 请键入以下 /join #ubuntu-cn05:07
sidraceri tried unetbootin again... that application sucks05:07
geek__its not seeing the pci express card so it sees the built in one05:07
geek__0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)05:07
=== banisterfiend is now known as horsewhisper
sidraceris there a reliable usb boot utiliity out there?05:08
gobbegeek__: system -> administration -> additional drivers05:08
gobbegeek__: and you need to be connected to internet with ethernet to be able to download drivers05:08
geek__im on a cat5 cable now :P05:08
geek__i dont see admin05:08
Danny78geek,  and if you disable the onboard one?05:09
gobbegeek__: you dont's see what?05:09
GeekSquidAscavasaion: no promises, but all you can do is try05:09
AscavasaionGeekSquid: Oh :(05:09
geek__the administration> additional drivers05:09
gobbegeek__: it's under system menu05:09
GeekSquidAscavasaion: if you have 2 of the same card, even better05:09
Danny78Ascavasaion, what are your options as far as the types of graphics cards vs. the available mobo slots?05:09
geek__i have hardware drivers05:09
Ascavasaiongeek__: Oh no... one is an old AGP, and the other an even older PCI :)05:09
geek__i had the wifi working before lol05:10
geek__not sure why its not seeing my belkin N card though05:10
gobbegeek__: which version you are running?05:10
geek__i got 10.0405:10
gobbegeek__: ubuntu?05:10
gobbegeek__: oh that's the reason05:10
geek__i think the ubuntu i have upstairs sees my wifi05:11
AscavasaionDanny78: : Oh no... one is an old AGP, and the other an even older PCI :)05:11
geek__let me see if i can find it05:11
Danny78Ascavasaion, does either have more than one video port?05:11
giovannidoes anyone know how i could manually configure an s-video output on an ati video card (mobility x700)?05:11
gobbegeek__: you can find additional drivers from somewhere in xubuntu aswell, i just don't recall what is correct menu for that05:12
AscavasaionDanny78: No.05:12
Danny78Ascavasaion, I've never heard of running two graphics cards of different types like that together...  maybe get a cheap one off ebay with 2 video ports and the appropriate cables?05:13
AscavasaionDanny78: Hmm :(05:13
Danny78Ascavasaion, I was just browsing and they're dirt cheap05:13
geek__i gotta go to windows and download ubuntu05:13
geek__lost my cd05:14
gobbegeek__: you can find the same menu from xubuntu aswell, just browse thru menus05:14
gobbegeek__: check under settings or something05:14
geek__nah i kinda wanna go to ubuntu though lol05:14
geek__it actually sees my real wifi card05:14
gobbegeek__: so you have active ethernet-connection there now?05:14
gobbegeek__: if yes, just install ubuntu-desktop metapackage05:14
geek__with the ethernet cable yes05:14
gobbenot need to reinstall whole thing05:14
Danny78Ascavasaion, or, use a vga splitter cable with a card you have  http://www.nextag.com/Belkin-PRO-Series-VGA-329880/prices-html05:15
AscavasaionDanny78: but surely that would make two copies of the same display?05:15
ox3aI need some help installing kde manually from source05:15
Danny78Ascavasaion, not sure since I've never tried it05:15
AscavasaionDanny78: Aaaah, thank you.05:15
ox3aI do not want other application like, koffice, kmail. Just i need to install desktop environment.05:17
milamberhas anyone been able to get eclipse to play nice w/ pkg-config in 10.04?05:17
BiDDoanyone know how to successfully edit a start up script to mount a shared folder on start05:18
Danny78Ascavasaion, there are used video cards under $1005:18
AscavasaionDanny78: Thank you.05:18
AbhiJitfor some reason i want gnome as when we 1st time instll os. shld i just reinstll it frm net or frm cd?05:23
AbhiJitinstll cd 10.0405:23
milamber!panelreset | AbhiJit05:24
ubottuAbhiJit: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:24
AbhiJitmilamber, no05:24
evilbugwhat's a good tv-tuner that works well with ubuntu?05:26
AbhiJit!hardware | evilbug05:26
ubottuevilbug: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:26
milamberevilbug: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video05:27
evilbugthank you.05:28
emwhat's going on there?05:29
BiDDohow do i run #sudo mount -t sharefile  /home/user/sharefile on start up??05:31
giovannihow can i configure an s-video output on an ati video card (mobility x700)? i am using 10.0405:32
milamberBiddo: System>>Preferences >> Startup Programs (after you turn that into a script)05:32
amerineseIs there any way to share files with a host system other than setting up a samba share?  I'm using virtualbox and ubuntu is the vm05:32
ox3ahey none here who know about kde?05:32
giovanniamerinese: thumb drives work well :)05:33
amerinesegiovanni... er thanks... =)05:33
kristiinaguys. i have broadcom bcm4312 14e4 rev1. wireless stops working at times. i found that the driver(proprietary) is not the one that should bo intalled. can anyone  help how to instal manually?05:33
kristiinai'm new to linux05:34
milamberBiDDo: the other option is !cron05:35
BiDDowhats that05:35
BiDDoand for some reason it is telling meinvalid argument when i try and run the cmd now05:35
creativeembassyhey everyone05:35
milamber!cron | Biddo05:35
ubottuBiddo: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm05:35
creativeembassytrying to get 10.10 installed on an old school laptop05:35
GeekSquid!kde | ox3a05:35
ubottuox3a: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:35
GartralGeekSquid, argh, i need 3g05:36
cp2_4evakristiina, what do you mean "stops working a times"??? what times?05:36
creativeembassyI installed the linux driver for the wireless card, but I don't know what the name of it is to modprobe it05:36
Gartral!jp | drcw05:36
ubottudrcw: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい05:36
creativeembassyand it's not working with iwconfig05:36
GeekSquidGartral: I have been reading... Have you removed the battery, under the sticker, there is a switch ... DEV MODE ... Which will allow you to install ubuntu kernel, I think05:36
milamberBiDDo: you should probably use absolute paths for both args05:37
creativeembassyI can see it on lspci05:37
kristiinacreativeembassy: after fresh install of 10.10 ubuntu it worked for a day and yesterday stopped. and today works. network is OK, checked on other netbook.05:37
BiDDomilamber: it was working 10mins ago05:37
creativeembassy02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Belkin Device 701f (rev 20)05:37
creativeembassyI haven't gotten it working yet here05:38
GartralGeekSquid, NO! that allows you too install Ubuntu, again, part of the BIOS Bootstub is contained in the chrome kernel, replacing the chrome kernel without reflashing the BIOS is a BAD IDEA05:38
lfuser-485 hi there, need some help here to extract a .bin file05:38
kristiinacreativeembassy: proprietary driver is not the one that should be there. cars is bcm4313 and driver installed is bcm431205:38
creativeembassyrunning a lshw now05:38
lfuser-485anyone here can help me out?05:39
GeekSquidGartral: so you have seen this http://www.chromium.org/poking-around-your-chrome-os-device05:39
Organized_ChaosYou need help to extract a .bin file from what? A RAR or a zip or a tar.gz file?05:39
milamberBiDDo: are you unmounting before trying to remount? and the -t should only be included if you are going to specify a type of drive05:39
soreau! help | lfuser-48505:39
ubottulfuser-485: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:39
lfuser-485its a .bin file05:39
GartralGeekSquid, yes, i've read that page05:39
creativeembassykristiina: I'm sorry, I don't understand you. Do you have the same problem? Or are you trying to help me out? :-p05:39
lfuser-485i need to view its content in windows05:39
chris_osxlfuser-485: then it is already "extracted"05:39
soreaulfuser-485: Why do you think you need to extract a bin file?05:39
chris_osxlfuser-485: if you want to make it executable type chmod +x file05:40
kristiinacreativeembassy: i thought you want to help me:)05:40
Organized_ChaosA .bin file is a binary file, it's not in an archive or anything that needs to be extracted05:40
chris_osxlfuser-485: if you "view" a bin file you will see strange letters no more05:40
creativeembassykristiina: no, sorry! I'm trying to get my own wireless card working! :-D05:40
BiDDoi am using "sudo mount -t vboxsf share /home/user/share05:41
lfuser-485according to a friend of my, she say the bin file contain a dat file i need to copy05:41
giovannilspcilfuer-485: you need to mount it in windows along with its cue file to see its contents05:41
cp2_4evakristiina, so I was asking at what times does your wireless stop working?05:41
chris_osxlfuser-485: then run the file, maybe it is self extracting05:42
lifestreamHmmm... a friend of mine wants to know what Graphics Card he has, and what drivers he's using for it. In Linux. How would he find out? Thanks :)05:42
lfuser-485i tried that, an error message pop up05:42
chris_osxwhat message?05:42
lfuser-485windows cant read the bin files05:42
chris_osxlfuser-485: is it a linux file?05:42
giovannilspcilfuer-485: well can you use an ISO in windows? try bchunk -v image.bin image.cue cd to convert it05:42
lfuser-485saying it might be a format that windows cant read05:42
milamberBiDDo: that is a little different than the one you posted earlier. cron is the utility that will allow you to run that at boot.05:42
creativeembassyAnyone, after installing a linux driver from Realtek and rebooting, where does it go? I can see the wireless card in lshw (without a driver on the configuration line), but I don't know how to get the driver working for it...05:42
GeekSquidGartral: I'd love to give you more help, but I don't as of yet have a 48, if I did, I'd already be under the hood if not crawling through the tailpipe05:43
giovannilifestream: lspci | grep ati or nvidia05:43
chris_osxlfuser-485: so what kind of file is it? is it a linux executable or what?05:44
GeekSquidGartral: I also read somewhere that the cutoff date was Dec 21st .... we'll see if that is still true05:44
giovannianyone know anything about svideo outputs?05:44
GeekSquidgiovanni: nvidia or ati?05:44
giovannigeeksquad or itel :)05:45
GartralGeekSquid, actually, hthats from google's chromenotebook site, then they took that warning down and left the sign-ups.. soo..05:45
giovannigeeksquad: or *intel :)05:45
chris_osxlfuser-485: i can't help you if you don't tell me anything05:45
GeekSquidGartral: ooooh that may be good news05:45
giovannigeeksquad: err oh i am using an ati x70005:45
lfuser-485its a software for linux05:45
milamberlfuser-485: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/bin     as you can tell there are *many* types of bin files. more information is needed for anyone to even have a chance at helping05:46
chris_osxlfuser-485: so why do you think that windows will run it if it is software for linux?05:46
BiDDoseems to be an issue with the guest additions05:46
lfuser-485i had install the software in fedora05:46
giovannigeeksquid: err squid! my apologies!05:46
lifestreamthanks giovanni !05:46
GeekSquidgiovanni: atitvout is the package you need05:46
lfuser-485but need the license inside the bin file05:46
giovannigeeksquid: excellent, i shall try that05:46
lifestreamgiovanni,  do you think this is what shows the drivers?  dpkg -l | grep nvidia   (or ati)05:47
chris_osxlfuser-485: ok, so you want to have the licence key that is inside the .bin file05:48
chris_osxwhat software is it?05:48
lfuser-485its a processing software for work05:48
GeekSquidGartral: I would almost expect you to be hiding out in #chromium-os05:49
kristiinacp2_4eva: randomly05:49
chris_osxlfuser-485: hang on05:49
GartralGeekSquid, im in chromium-users05:49
giovannilifestream: well that lists all packages but not specifically drivers or modules05:49
cp2_4evakristiina, i don't see how a driver would be the problem if it's even working sometimes you know?  What have you tried to fix it?05:50
GeekSquidGartral: I know the 48 comes with 100mb/mo on verizon .. is there also a wifi card? or a RJ-45?05:51
dr0idI can delete any file in my pen drive, just want to format it, how05:51
chris_osxlfuser-485: seismic fata software?05:51
GartralGeekSquid, the Verizon access time is USELESS for me, that's why i want OFF of it05:51
lfuser-485its for processing seismic data05:52
GartralGeekSquid, yes, but i dont have any form of internet outside of wireles tethering my phone, and no, no rj4505:52
chris_osxlfuser-485: looks like it is linux only05:52
giovannigeeksquid: i am getting a cryptic "no vesa bios" error when i run "atitvout ntsc auto". any clue?05:52
lfuser-485if in linux, can i view the file inside the bin file?05:52
lfuser-485i had a pc setup in fedora05:53
GeekSquidgiovanni: and the Catalyst Control center is no help either?05:53
pyrxDo you need some help GeekSquid?05:53
chris_osxlfuser-485: yes i guess so05:53
Jordan_Udr0id: Install and use "gparted", or use System > Administration > Disk Utility that comes with Ubuntu.05:53
GeekSquidpyrx: nope05:53
kristiinacp2_4eva: not much so far.  you see priorietary driver that has been intalled automatically is for bcm4312 and this one in  bcm4313.05:53
lfuser-485how do i do that?05:54
creativeembassyAnyone, after installing a linux driver from Realtek and rebooting, where does it go? I can see the wireless card in lshw (without a driver on the configuration line), but I don't know how to get the driver working for it...05:54
chris_osxlfuser-485: i would just run the file05:54
chris_osxby entering it in the terminal05:54
chris_osxif it is not executable05:54
lfuser-485i had run the files and its installed05:54
chris_osxtry chmod +x foo.bin05:54
lfuser-485but need to get the license file to get it running05:55
GeekSquidGartral: I feel a little spoiled right now, I am on FIOS getting 20mbps down, could easily fill my HD in a few days05:55
EpicFialGuyhow do i set ownership of ntfs partition with a mount command?05:55
chris_osxlfuser-485: do you definitely know that the license is inside that .bin file?05:55
lfuser-485i tried that cmd05:55
milamber!chown | EpicFialGuy05:55
ubottuEpicFialGuy: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:55
pyrxDo you need some help ubottu?05:55
lfuser-485cant view the file05:56
EpicFialGuychown is not the case05:56
GeekSquidpyrx: ubottu is a bot ... are you? if so I suggest you leave05:56
chris_osxlfuser-485: wait a sec you said you can't "view" the file on windows05:56
EpicFialGuyi need that to be mounted from fstab05:56
chris_osxso what happens if you run it on the terminal?05:56
BiDDook so this is the error that is now happening am i missing something.http://imagebin.org/13074405:56
chris_osxon linux05:57
tuborgyes fs is spelt fs05:57
EpicFialGuy"sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o defaults,owner=EpicFialGuy,user /dev/sdaX /windows" makes the partition root's property05:57
lfuser-485because i cant view those file in fedora, so try to get it in windows05:57
ossisHello. I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu on my netbook. It now says my firmware for wireless is missing...help? :(05:57
pyrxDo you need some help ossis?05:57
lfuser-485see if i can copy the file05:58
GeekSquid!guidelines | pyrx05:58
ubottupyrx: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:58
GeekSquid!coc | pyrx05:58
ubottupyrx: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .05:58
pyrxDo you need some help ubottu?05:58
EpicFialGuyI want that to change, so that this partition mounted by root would be my property05:58
chris_osxwhat is this file anyway? is it seismic data?05:58
chris_osxthat happens to contain you license?05:58
lfuser-485its a installer05:58
chris_osxso it's nothing you would actually "view"05:59
lfuser-485the license files is inside the bin file according to my friend05:59
GartralGeekSquid, good for you.. my credit is shit cause i'm 20 years old05:59
Gartralexcuse my language05:59
GeekSquidrww: or Pici are you around, I think we have a bot playing with us... pyrx is our culprit05:59
chris_osxlfuser-485: well obviously not05:59
chris_osxlfuser-485: because if it was inside, you woudl already have the license key06:00
ranjanHi all, is there any one who got attacked by gosh.tar.gz ???06:00
chris_osxlfuser-485: and since it is a linux executable you will definately not succeed in running it on windows06:00
stewEpicFialGuy: add a uid= option06:00
EpicFialGuythanks, gonna try06:00
ossis"firmware missing" for wireless...what does it meeeeann?06:00
ActionParsnipossis: what wireless chip do you use?06:01
BiDDoany ideas http://imagebin.org/13074406:01
ActionParsnipossis: firmware is a little file which tells the driver how to tak to the device06:01
tuborgfs is spelt fs?06:01
GeekSquidGartral: plan B ... starbucks06:01
ossisI'm not sure...what do I have to type in the terminal to find which chip I have?06:01
EpicFialGuyuid=<number of mine> still makes it property of root06:01
chris_osxlfuser-485: generally, license files are distributed seperately from the installer06:01
lfuser-485the installing steps said that need to copy the license key to a certain directory,06:01
chris_osxlfuser-485: so i would email halliburton to get another license file06:02
lfuser-485i see06:02
chris_osxlfuser-485: right. that's the usual procedure06:02
lfuser-485the is no other ways to extract it?06:02
ActionParsnipBiDDo: have you asked in #vbox ?06:02
chris_osxlfuser-485: well how do you want to extract something that is not there06:02
rs0832 06:03
milamberBiDDo: is this what you are trying to do? http://virtualdebian.blogspot.com/2007/12/sharing-folders-with-virtualbox.html06:03
ossisActionParsnip: I'm not sure...what do I have to type in the terminal to find out which chip I have?06:03
lfuser-485ok, thanks06:03
ActionParsnipossis: sudo lshw -C network06:03
chris_osxlfuser-485: ask your friend for the license key06:03
lfuser-485see if i get halliburton to get me the licence06:03
goetteris there a way to identify which display a process is running in?06:04
chris_osxlfuser-485: and copy that thing into the directory where it belongs06:04
GeekSquidchris_osx: halliburton has commercial support, and this is obviously commercial software, which is not supported here06:04
chris_osxlfuser-485: i don't know your software so follow the installation routine06:04
lfuser-485ok, thanks chris_osx06:04
GeekSquidlfuser-485: ^^^06:04
chris_osxGeekSquid: well it isn't even ubuntu, but fedora that this software obviously runs on which makes it even worse06:05
GeekSquidchris_osx: on top of that Halliburton is the war machine06:06
chris_osxGeekSquid: i know mines and such06:06
ossisActionParsnip: it gave me a big long output of stuff, where can I post it so you can see?06:06
chris_osxwufenkehu3: stop it06:06
rs0832!pastebin | ossis06:07
ubottuossis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:07
ActionParsnipossis: you only need the product line06:07
chris_osxGeekSquid: hasn't dick cheney got 5% of halliburton?06:08
GeekSquidchris_osx: more than mines, full ground support, staff, transport, and half of the supplies (including most of the food/kitchens) in the Middle East,, sorry if I have digressed into offtopic land, I don't like them06:08
ossisActionParsnip: I don't know what the product line is. Here http://paste.ubuntu.com/549724/06:08
chris_osxGeekSquid: well quite frankly i can understand that :-)06:08
WanderfelsHello, i saw this on other linuxes (and used in on xp): a folder-button in panel, when i click it, menu pops up with subfolders and files, when i hover subfolder, menu pos up with sub-subfolders etc. How to do this under ubuntu?06:08
ActionParsnipossis: in the output, you see where it says "Product:" ....thats the product line06:09
ActionParsnip!broadcom | ossis06:09
ubottuossis: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:09
sanduz2does anyone know what kernel version ubuntu 10.04 use? just curious06:09
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic06:09
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)06:09
sanduz2is there a way to find out which one 10.04 uses?06:10
ActionParsnipsanduz2: thats the one!06:10
ActionParsnipsanduz2: read the text06:10
sanduz2are you sure? it says maverick there06:10
chris_osxGeekSquid: that seismic data software doesn't look bad though ;-)06:10
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic lucid06:10
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)06:10
ActionParsnipsanduz2: my bad, sorry06:10
GeekSquidsanduz2: 2.6.32-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP06:11
sanduz2thank you very much ActionParsnip06:11
sanduz2and GeekSquid06:11
milambersanduz2: at the terminal: uname -a06:11
GeekSquidsanduz2: I may be behind a little with this instance, rebooting is difficult when my lappy is also a server06:11
ActionParsnipGeekSquid: is it needed 24/7, surely a reboot at around 4am is good...06:12
=== squ1d is now known as CensoredBiscuit
CaneToadMy ubuntu audio just stopped in the middle of a song.... yeah if I reboot it will come back to normal, but how do I restart pulse audio or whatever it is to get audio back?06:14
AbhiJitfor some reason i want gnome as when we 1st time instll os. shld i just reinstll it frm net or frm cd?06:15
GeekSquidActionParsnip: nope, right now I need high availability, at least until this contract is over, I get 6 or 7 x 250mb ish files every hour and it is concurrent, so it never stops, what the client wanted and the only way I could do it is staying at my parents and using their FIOS, connecting it all with tor06:15
ActionParsnipCaneToad: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*   then press ALT+F2 and run:  pulseaudio06:15
MagusOTBCan somebody reccomend me a GUI tool for editing LaTeX? I've been using macTeX for some time and would like something similar for ubuntu.06:15
ActionParsnipGeekSquid: dude my last company achieved 99.999% availability and our citrix server rebooted nightly06:15
ActionParsnipGeekSquid: you need a maintenance window so you can work on stuff to keep it available06:16
GeekSquidActionParsnip: this application needs more nines, and it is only for a couple of months, then I get paid, then I get more servers, in a datacenter where my availability will be near 99.9999999 , as the application will be distributed among multiple servers across multiple connections, true N+2 or better06:18
milamber!info texlive | MagusOTB06:19
ubottuMagusOTB: texlive (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2009-10 (maverick), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB06:19
tuborgall good06:19
CaneToadActionParsnip: pulseaudio is back up but there's no sound, any steps to diagnose...there's nothing relevant in dmesg06:24
gabrielukhi.im trying to set up a remote connection trough my ubuntu desktop and a remote desktop (debian/gnome).i installed properlly vncserver into debian,but now when i use vinagre to view the remote desktop is a problem.vinagre asks for a password.i do not know wich password to insert,root pass?or the one i set up when installed vnc server?06:24
phoe6Is there a way to get the ipaddress of a machine without logging in? ( I it is connected to the network).06:25
CaneToadphoe6: got a router?06:25
phoe6I don't have control over it06:25
phoe6CaneToad: I am working remotely and my desktop is rebooted.06:25
GeekSquidgabrieluk: the vnc password when you set it up ... we technically don't support debian here06:26
phoe6some one might have a access to physical desktop, I can ask them to reboot again.06:26
giovannigabrieluk: it is likely the pwd assigned to the user account\group that vncserver is in06:27
CaneToadphoe6: if you can, you should get your systems people to configure dhcp so it always issues your computer the same IP address06:27
GeekSquidgiovanni: not necessarily, vnc usually has its own password specific to it06:28
Loihey guys i installed Ubuntu yesterday but i can't seem to get php5-gd to work with php.06:28
phoe6CaneToad: that should be helpful. - I shall try for it.06:29
giovanniGeekSquid: err indeed. i have ssh in my head by default. apologies all06:29
phoe6But at the moment, does the boot process show the ipaddress?06:29
GeekSquidLoi: have you installed php5-gd, you may need some other things to make it work06:29
LoiGeekSquid, yeah06:30
gabrielukwhen i installed vnc server it asked me if i wanted 2 passwords,and i did 2.also,when creating the passwords it gave me some strange message...password 4 intruncate...sumenthing like that06:30
avinashhmhi, is there any special way to mount a ROOTFS ... i have booted from a pendrive-installed-ubuntu and tried mounting ROOT partition of my laptop drive using - sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda6 /media/l-root/ ... but looks like hung ... is anything wrong06:31
somethinginteresany recommendations for thesis writing software on Ubuntu?06:32
Jordan_Uavinashhm: "mount" hanging is usually not a good sign. Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?06:32
GeekSquidLoi: is this a webapp... php5-gd has been compiled by default with the suhosin patch, I make the assumption it is a webapp, if not, I may have other ideas, ... If you'll give me an Idea of your application, I can probably point you in the right direction06:33
chris_osxhow can i see which version of libgtk i have installed?06:33
Jordan_Usomethinginteres: Depending on your thesis and other needs, LaTeX might be a good choice.06:33
avinashhmJordan_U, i ll paste ...06:33
LoiGeekSquid, what to say? i had the PHP script on another distro(Debian) and it worked by default06:33
Jordan_U!pastebin | avinashhm06:34
ubottuavinashhm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:34
LoiGeekSquid, it makes an image with info06:34
GeekSquidLoi: webapp or cli script?06:34
avinashhmJordan_U, its @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/549726/06:35
avinashhmi want to inform that , yesterday by mistake i ran a fsck on my mounted root .. after this its not booting .. thats why wanted to take backup and install new ..06:35
GeekSquidLoi: you wouldn't mind pastebining the script, or at least the portion that is calling the gd function?06:35
somethinginteresJordan_U: I'll have to look into this. My brief googling for thesis writing software yielded LaTeX as well. It's a social science thesis.06:36
LoiGeekSquid, just a asec06:36
nduganhi... I am trying to get a snapscan usb flatbed scanner to work on 10.04... lsusb finds it ... sane-find-scanner seems to... but 'simple scan' does not :( ... can anyone help?06:37
LoiGeekSquid, you mean this?06:37
Loi$im = imagecreate(300, 70);06:37
Jordan_Uavinashhm: I would recommend rebooting (just because with mount hung the state of things is unknown), then running fsck (this time with the filesystem unmounted :).06:37
TaylorcoHow do I run a memory test using a ubuntu without installing it?06:37
mozasomethinginteres, i also recommend Latex (with something else to help see how it looks in the end, i personally use TexWorks, but you can choose between many other versions.06:38
milamber!livecd | Taylorco06:38
ubottuTaylorco: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.06:38
avinashhmJordan_U, accepted .. i ll reboot and try ... b4 that any time u came across this .. @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/549720/ ... when i say its not booting, it comes and stands here ..06:38
somethinginteresmoza: thanks for that. I'm trying to understand how it is different to say LibreOffice or some such.06:38
mozasomethinginteres, the advantage is that it can take documents with large number of pages, or even assemble multiple chapters, and has a neat presentation that is printing like with not much effort in the end.06:38
jinjonBoohey guys i need help installing Folding@Home.. anyone familiar with that??! i wanna join the ubuntuTeam!!06:39
zaoulWhat features do I loose when symlink /proc/mount to /etc/mtab?  I want to use SNMP MIB fsHRAcess to determine read write status, which seems to read /etc/mtab,  but if the partition set to read only it does not update /etc/mtab?  Really the MIB should read /proc/mounts. So two things, I do need a quick fix so what would I loose, and I guess I could talk to the snmp folks about the MIB?06:39
mozaThesis are often long (even more in social science, i think) and things like openoffice.org might break down more easily if you feed them 100 pages.06:40
GeekSquidLoi: seems like the right direction, ... and the error I assume is "call to undefined function" ... what does phpinfo() tell you? is GD enabled?06:40
mozalast message was for somethinginteres06:40
Loijust a second GeekSquid06:41
jinjonBoohey guys i need help installing Folding@Home.. anyone familiar with that??!...06:41
somethinginteresmoza: yeah, I had that problem with my honours thesis. The formatting went crazy06:41
milamberchris_osx: dpkg -l | grep libgtk06:42
amerineseJust read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide  I've just enabled home directory sharing, and I'm seeing two folders that both point to my home directory.  What's up with the duplication and how can I get rid of it?  (the directories are called "homes" and "jimmybot")06:42
LoiGeekSquid, Additional .ini files parsed /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/gd.ini06:42
chris_osxmilamber: thanks06:42
mozasomethinginteres, another advantage of Latex is that you can handle the references/bibliography with tools that will do many things automatically. It is a little more difficult to set up in the beginning, but in the end it saves an enormous amount of time in not having to handle all references one by one.06:42
GeekSquidLoi: you have restarted apache? i trust06:42
Jordan_Usomethinginteres: With LaTeX you don't need to worry about formatting (or table of contents and similar things), it's all automagic.06:42
LoiGeekSquid, yep06:43
Jordan_Usomethinginteres: That said there is a definite learning curve.06:43
nduganhi... I am trying to get a snapscan usb flatbed scanner to work on 10.04... lsusb finds it ... sane-find-scanner seems to... but 'simple scan' does not :( ... can anyone help?06:43
somethinginteresmoza,  Jordan_U: sounds worth it. I am trying to learn from my previous mistakes sounds like LaTex will be helpful there. If there's any tutorial you used to learn the ropes that'd be really helpful06:45
mozaJordan_U, somethinginteres, indeed, some time is needed to get it to work and take advantage of everything, but with a good environment and some help, i definitely think it is worth it. Even more if you don't have at your disposition an editor that can redo all the formatting for you in the end :).06:45
mozasomethinginteres, i used texworks as an environment and jabref to handle my references06:45
phonex01hello all06:45
phonex01nice to see you guys06:45
tortoise7fresh install 10.04/amd64..... 1.254642 kernel panic - not syncing: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)   does this mean another complete install???06:45
somethinginteresmoza: OK thnks06:46
phonex01guys may i ask question about phones !06:46
GeekSquidLoi: see post 5 and 6 on this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26836306:46
Loitortoise7, is the HDD u installed on the first one?06:46
Loialright GeekSquid06:46
phonex01i have Nokia c3 but when i connect to a WLAN and use proxy this is a problem !06:46
mozasomethinginteres, i think i just used the documentation on their websites http://jabref.sourceforge.net/ and http://www.tug.org/texworks/ and some help from fellow users.06:46
phonex01but when i connect to a network that does not havea proxy everything good06:47
avinashhmJordan_U, just FYI before i restart, the logs were not really related to sda6 .. actual logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/549728/ ... i ll reboot and get back ..06:47
tortoise7Loi: yes....only 1 hdd on this laptop06:47
GeekSquidphonex01: I don't know if nokia is capable of using a proxy, and is not supported here, sorry06:47
phonex01yes there is proxy option06:48
somethinginteresmoza: ah, perfect06:48
LoiLoi: you sure the root partition is on (0,0)06:48
phonex01and i configure but i cant connect to the internet !06:48
Loiand not (0,1)06:48
GeekSquidLoi: talking to yourself again?06:48
=== z is now known as Guest23177
Loio shit06:48
Loithat was for u tortoise706:49
tortoise7Loi: i believe so.... checking now... as soon as the cd boots up06:49
LoiGeekSquid, it still fails06:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
tortoise7Loi: during install, it showed in the advanced box... sda for boot up06:50
phonex01hi guys where i can find full Apple Mac copy i want use it in virtualbox06:51
GeekSquidLoi: did you create gd.ini .... if so, I do not believe this is the correct way in ubuntu.... in php.ini you need to uncomment the "extension = gd.so"06:51
Loitortoise7, do you have everything in one partition?06:51
Loitortoise7, or in multiple ones?06:51
phonex01Apple Mac Snow Leopard ?06:51
shaggy2I have alot of windows clients connecting via ftp, should I install clamav?06:51
LoiGeekSquid, its reading gd.ini which has that line in it06:52
tortoise7Loi: in 7 plus a large freespace06:52
tanders121phonex01: http://store.apple.com/us/product/MAC_OS_X_SNGL06:52
inaetyI just signed up for the Ubuntu One Music mobile service.  But I'm not sure how to get all my music (~35 gigs) uploaded.  Do I just right click > synchronize like any other folder/file?06:52
Loitortoise7, 7 paritions?06:52
ndugan'scanimage -L' says no scanners... but 'sudo scanimage -L' does find my scanner... how do I fix this ?06:52
phonex01hi man i need a free one !06:52
tortoise7Loi: yes seven06:53
Loitortoise7, which parition is / on?06:53
Jordan_U!ot | phonex0106:53
ubottuphonex01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:53
GeekSquidLoi: give me a few ... I am loading a VM with LAMP installed so I can look at things06:53
LoiGeekSquid, alright06:53
tortoise7Loi: sda1, the second06:53
Loitortoise7,  try change the (0,0) to (0,1)06:54
Grendelhello les linuxiens06:54
tanders121phonex01: get a job06:54
phonex01i have a job !06:55
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette, and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.06:55
tortoise7Loi: would that be a change in a config file somewhere?06:55
phonex01hi ubottu why you are so mad !06:55
rs0832phonex01, ubottu is a bot06:55
rs0832!bot | phonex0106:56
ubottuphonex01: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:56
tortoise7Loi: only the first partition shows bootable....06:56
momenim having the following problem with gtk-recordmydesktop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10310548#post1031054806:56
Loitortoise7, you can either change it from the grub menu  or in /boot/grub/menu.lst if you have the hdd mounted06:56
Loitortoise7, /boot/grub of the hdd not the cd of course06:57
phonex01what do you mean by " a bot !"06:57
ndugan'scanimage -L' says no scanners... but 'sudo scanimage -L' does find my scanner... how do I fix this ?06:58
First2noneHello everyone06:58
phonex01oh yah i got that you are the one who kick people out !06:58
milamberndugan: it's not broke06:58
phonex01hello First2none06:58
First2noneCould someone give me some assistance, as I'm new to linux and having some trouble06:59
BiDDowtf is it so hard to get a share folder to mount06:59
nduganmilamber, how do I get to scan as a user not root then.06:59
phonex01hi First2none ask anything !06:59
phonex01there is a big heads here and they are allll ready to help !07:00
phonex01there is * there are !07:00
First2noneOk idk really how to ask it07:00
First2noneUm my graphics card isnt working right with linux07:00
Loitortoise7, did you try change it yet?07:00
First2noneAnd its making it where I'm unable to play WoW07:00
phonex01g to System > Administration > additional Drivers07:01
uBUXUBuFirst2none, have u tried the ubuntu driver07:01
milamberndugan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompileSaneFromSource07:01
phonex01and see if you have supported package for your Graphics card07:01
First2noneI'm on Ubuntu 9.10 32bit07:01
phonex01oh man , for god sake why dont you use ubuntu 10.1007:01
First2noneI tried it earlier and it wasnt working right so i downgraded to 9.1007:01
rwwphonex01: 9.10 is still fully supported07:02
pandalcchey everyone. I have a problem. I run windows 7 64bit and today i dual booted ubuntu 10.10 on a seperate hard drive. i installed all updates on it. everything was running fine until I rebooted into windows. then the internet broke on both operating systems. if anyone thinks they can help i can explain more07:02
First2noneI guess i could try upgrading again and see if it works then07:02
First2noneHmm i didnt even think of doing that07:02
Jordan_Umilamber: Do you have a particular reason you expect compiling sane from source will help?07:02
phonex01i know that ! thank you for hint !07:02
nduganmilamber, thanks I will look into that.07:02
rwwphonex01: welcome07:02
Jordan_Undugan: What is the output of "groups"?07:02
tortoise7Loi: i have the 1st partition mounted.... there is no menu.lst..... only grub.cfg and grubenv in the /boot/grub directory07:02
milamberJordan_U: there is a section on that page that addresses if the scanner is only found w/ sudo07:02
Loitortoise7, oh you have grub207:03
Loitortoise7, then edit that07:03
phonex01listen install 10.10 because when you update 9.10 it will take a lot of time as i expect you dont have fast internet connection07:03
circelzIs there a way to open a program in a specific location+size from the command line?07:03
tortoise7Loi: typing grub from the cli, i get : grub is not currently installed.....07:04
First2noneI actually do have pretty fast internet07:04
pandalccCan anyone assist with my internet "breaking" after installing ubuntu 10.1007:04
First2nonebut i'm about to download the 10.10 iso now07:04
nduganJordan_U, "ndugan adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare"07:04
Loitortoise7, just reboot the pc without the cd , and edit it from there07:04
phonex01ok then update it !07:04
Loitortoise7, you either need to press tab or e not sure07:04
First2nonehehe i'm downloading at an average of 800kbps to 1mbps07:05
rs0832Loi, what is tortoise7 trying to edit?07:05
phonex01oh great07:05
First2noneDo you think i should do a fresh install or update?07:05
tortoise7loi: that is a problem.... booting results in the kernel panic right after the bios loads07:05
phonex01this is not that fast !07:05
Loitortoise7, oh.07:05
Loirs0832, the grub config07:05
rs0832Loi, because of the kernel panic?07:06
phonex01install 10.10 from crash that would be better , believe me !07:06
GeekSquidLoi: do you have php5-cli installed?07:06
phonex01fresh install07:06
LoiLoi, yeah it said (0,0) is not a valid device07:06
LoiGeekSquid, dont think so07:06
First2nonealrighty sounds good to me :{P07:06
rs0832Loi, hmm ramdisk07:06
rs0832Loi, so has he tried to edit grub.cfg? from the livecd?07:07
phonex01update may cause a lot of problems ! and you still new , if you had problem in your first lunch you will hate ubuntu for ever hahahah07:07
Loidont think so07:07
GeekSquidLoi: install it, won't hurt anything ... then I'd like you to do a php --info | pastebinit ... if you don't have pastebinit installed install that too07:07
tortoise7rs0832:fresh install 10.04/amd64..... 1.254642 kernel panic - not syncing: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)  does this mean another complete install???07:07
ox3ahello rs0832 !07:07
pandalccCan anyone assist with my internet "breaking" after installing ubuntu 10.10 and updating?07:08
rs0832tortoise7, not necessarily... can you pastebin the grub.cfg?07:08
rs0832ox3a, hi:)07:08
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
tortoise7rs0832: pastebin?07:08
rs0832!pastebin | tortoise7 copy and paste the contents of the file grub.cfg to the pastebin:07:09
ubottutortoise7 copy and paste the contents of the file grub.cfg to the pastebin:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:09
tortoise7rs0832 : i am currently looking at the system, booted from the live cd. and have the boot partition mounted07:09
rs0832tortoise7, yes.. open the grub.cfg from the hd and paste the contents on http://paste.ubuntu.com07:10
tortoise7rs0832: that will take a bit... the amd machine is NOT on the net... and has no irc.... i am here on an old mac machine.07:11
rs0832tortoise7, ah ok07:11
rs0832tortoise7, then tell me , is it a single boot?07:11
Loi1Oops i crashed07:12
Loi1GeekSquid, apparently its already installed.07:12
momenim having the following problem with gtk-recordmydesktop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10310548#post1031054807:12
GeekSquidLoi: so ... php --info | pastebinit07:13
uBUXUBupandalcc, please provide more information07:13
tortoise7rs0832: yes... single boot.... 10.04 amd64 only07:13
Loi1GeekSquid, http://pastebin.com/UB8QGZ5h07:13
rs0832tortoise7, ok open the grub.cfg and search for a line, 'root ='07:14
hudson_On my laptop I have an unencrypted /boot, and a crypt-luks volume with the rest. After I type the password for the encrypted partition, everything just hangs, no output to screen. How do I debug this?07:14
tortoise7rs0832: grub.cfg pasted in pastebin    /549731/07:14
hudson_and, can I somehow decrypt and mount my encrypted sysroot and install packages?07:14
pandalccI run windows 7 64bit. I dual booted 10.10 today on a seperate partition. I updated 10.10 with everything in the update manager. I then rebooted, back into ubuntu, and found the internet would not connect. I went back to windows, and it wont connect there either. This happened last time I tried to dual boot ubuntu07:15
pandalccIt tried to identity internet access but fails. I use an eternet cable and never adjusted any internet settings. It doesnt recognize it anymore07:15
tortoise7rs0832 root ='(hd0,1)'07:15
rs0832tortoise7, yes07:16
Loi1tortoise7, thats what it says?07:16
Loi1tortoise7, if it says (hd0,1) try (hd0,0)07:16
uBUXUBupandalcc, have u had his problem dual booting windows and 10.04?07:16
rs0832tortoise7, on the live filesystem, browse to /boot/ if you can07:16
pandalccubuxubu, i havnt tried to dual boot 10.04.07:16
uBUXUBupandalcc, is it hard wired or wireless?07:16
pandalcchard wired07:17
tortoise7rs0832: make that change for all instances.... or just the first07:17
pandalccand im currently connected via my tetherd android.. thats the only way I can get my internet to connect07:17
rs0832tortoise7, dont make any changes...07:17
uBUXUBuis windows installed 1st pandalcc07:17
pandalccyes. I installed it on windows from a usb drive07:17
MuscovyAfter installing Libreoffice, it broke and uninstalled OpenOffice. I'm trying to get OpenOffice back, but I get loads of dependency errors. Any idea how to fix it?07:17
uBUXUBuis it a modern computer pandalcc07:18
tortoise7re0832: cli at boot07:18
rs0832tortoise7, the grub.cfg is fine... browse to /boot one the livecd filesystem, not the hd07:18
pandalccyes it is. i had no problems until i dual booted07:18
pandalccits only about a year old07:18
uBUXUBupandalcc, tell me the basic specs07:18
uBUXUBuoh ok 1 year ol07:18
pandalcc2.67ghz quad core. 4gb ddr3 ram07:18
pandalccnot quite sure about my motherboard. i can look it up?07:19
uBUXUBupandalcc, i now for a fact i can do a perfect dual boot with doze and buntu 1004 cos i just recently did about a half dozen of them07:19
Jordan_UuBUXUBu: Have you tried shutting down completely then starting up into windows again? (*not* just rebooting)07:19
uBUXUBuso if u wanna do that pandalcc i can help perfectly07:19
pandalcchmm. well i first need to get my internet back up and running07:19
nduganI am having trouble with scaning :( "scanimage -L" doesn't work :(  but "sudo scanimage -L" does... I have made myself a member of the scand group... what can I do?07:19
uBUXUBubut i'd wanna do it fromscratch step by step pandalcc07:20
Jordan_UuBUXUBu: The only thing I can think of that Ubuntu could do that would affect windows' ability to connect would be loading different firmware, which should be unloaded by a full shutdown (but not always by a reboot).07:20
pandalccis it possible that ubuntu messed with windows in any way? that seems like the only explination07:20
rs0832tortoise7, did you find it?07:20
Guest95974Who here is familiar with Pulseaudio Local network soundcard/audio sharing07:20
pandalccjordan_u, is there a way to reset the firmware or redownload the correct one?07:20
uBUXUBudid u catch that pandalcc07:20
uBUXUBuok ok07:21
GeekSquidLoi1: see mine ... Line 210 - 222 ... http://pastebin.ca/2037564 , yours doesn't have it07:21
tortoise7rs0832: yes, there now at cli07:21
Ub3r-N00bhey guys, does anyone know how gdm themes are installed in 11.04 ?07:21
milamberndugan: did you follow the permissions section on the link i sent you?07:21
rs0832tortoise7, use the gui to browse there(nautilus) and check if you see any kernel there07:21
Loi1GeekSquid, mind pastebinning your php.ini??07:22
GeekSquidUb3r-N00b: that question is for #ubuntu+107:22
=== ibyss is now known as Guest86415
Jordan_Upandalcc: Shut down completely then boot into windows again. If that works then we can be more confident that firmware is the problem and try to find the right version from there.07:22
Ub3r-N00bGeekSquid, thanks07:22
=== horsewhisper is now known as banisterfiend
pandalccjordan_u, by the way I completey formatted the drive that i installed ubuntu on, and deleted the partitions. so I dont think its left of my system07:22
nduganmilamber, those seem to be already done... there is a entry for the usb id of my scanner..07:23
EdowardoWho here is familiar with Pulseaudio Local network soundcard/audio sharing?07:23
GeekSquidLoi1: http://pastebin.ca/203756807:23
sjuxaxUsing Grub 1. At a console. How can I list devices?07:23
pandalccjordan_u, and ok i will shutdown and boot back up.07:23
tortoise7rs0832: bcmwl-kernel-source-5......  software package... is the only hit in search for kernel07:23
GeekSquidsjuxax: lspci , lsusb07:23
sacarlsonsjuxax: if didn't even know that was posible from grub07:24
uBUXUBupandalcc, perfect if u already deleted 1010 and wanna start fresh with 1004 ill bet it works07:24
sjuxaxNot devices attached to the computer via PCI etc., I mean disk devices that GRUB sees07:24
mactimesJordan_U, Has anyone already asked him to check for ISP service?  Cable modem leds?  Cable modem reboot?07:24
rs0832tortoise7, do an ls and tell me what files are there07:24
sjuxaxgrub2 has ls, I remember grub1 having something but don't recall what it was exactly07:24
Jordan_Usjuxax: "root (TAB" (where TAB means pressing the tab key).07:25
Loi1GeekSquid, still Call to undefined function imagecreate()07:25
hudson_I've managed to mount the encrypted partitions, but how can I change root from the livecd to the "cryptroot" to install packages?07:25
GeekSquidLoi1: GD is not loaded on your php --info ... seems it is not installed or not loading when apache starts07:25
uBUXUBui would just reinstall my windows network dirver and reinstall ubuntu 10.04,,,boom done pandalcc07:25
Jordan_Uhudson_: sudo chroot /mountpoint/07:26
Loi1GeekSquid, :/07:26
mactimesJordan_U, Since he's got no service for both systems, maybe his ISP could be facing issues delivering IP addresses via DHCP and he'd only notice that after rebooting the system...07:26
nduganmilamber, there is a line "ATTRS{idVendor}=="06bd", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0002", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"" in the mentioned file07:26
Loi1GeekSquid, i replaced your php.ini with mine07:26
Loi1GeekSquid, i dunno what else to do07:26
GeekSquidLoi1: uh ... that is 8.04LTS ,07:26
milamberndugan: what version of ubuntu?07:26
Loi1GeekSquid, isnt the config the same07:26
EdowardoWho here is familiar with Pulseaudio Local network soundcard/audio sharing?07:27
tortoise7rs0832: abi-2.6.32-21-generic, grub, system.map"ditoo #" generic. config"ditto #"genirc, memtest86+.bin vmcorinfo"ditto#"genric... that is all07:27
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
nduganmilamber, 10.0407:27
Will_Dstar trak with the valcuns?! well mostly07:27
Will_Dsry wrong channel07:27
GeekSquidLoi1: should be close, but not sure what changes between versions... and you restarted apache again ... I'd like to see /var/log/apache2/error.log07:28
rs0832tortoise7, ok now, copy the files abi-2.6.32-21-generic, system.map-2.6.32-21-generic and config-2.6.32-21-generic from there to the /boot directory on you hd07:28
Loi1GeekSquid, second07:28
Jordan_Umactimes: Good point.07:28
GeekSquidLoi1: do we have a motion07:28
tortoise7rs0832: ok.... standby07:29
Loi1GeekSquid, http://pastebin.com/Uxa6NwUH07:29
mactimesJordan_U, Either that or his NIC has deep fried somehow....07:30
pandalccjordan_u, ok im back and I did a complete shutdown. my internet is still not working properly07:30
Jimmy89hey guys quick question, thinking of changing from debian to ubuntu. Is it much easier to install graphics drivers, xbmc etc?07:30
mactimespandalcc, Do you mind if I ask you some questions?07:31
pandalccmactimes, sure no problem07:31
mactimespandalcc, I've been discussing your issue with Jordan_U.  You said you're on cable modem, right?07:31
hudson_Jordan_U: thanks, that wasn't so hard :)07:31
pandalccmactimes, that's correct07:31
mactimespandalcc, Do you have the maker and model of your cable modem?  If not, can you tell me what are the indicator leds your cable modem has and which of them are on, blinking and off?07:32
mactimespandalcc, And just to confirm, you've installed latest Ubuntu version, 10.10, correct?07:33
pandalccmactimes, i did install that yes. but i uninstalled it once my internet stopped working07:33
GrendelI have the linux ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx on my vista partition ;)07:34
mactimespandalcc, No problem.  What system is running in the machine now?07:34
pandalccand about the cable modem. I just unplugged the ethernet cable from my computer, plugged it into my ps3, and it worked fine07:34
tortoise7rs0832: those files are already there... and match for size and date....07:34
soreauJimmy89: Most graphics cards have drivers working by default, with the exception of nvidia, their driver is easy to install with jockey-gtk07:34
milamberndugan: you substituded your values in the rulefile, correct? and added yourself to the correct scanner group? then logged out and logged back in?07:34
GeekSquidLoi1: what is this? /usr/lib/php5/20090626/gd.so ... cd into /usr/lib/php5 and ls that directory to see the actual place it should be07:34
pandalccim currently on windows 7 64 bit ultimate07:34
Jimmy89yeh ati drivers is what I am currently having trouble with on debian07:34
rs0832tortoise7, ok.. overwrite them07:34
rs0832tortoise7, is there an initrd-2.6.32-21-generic and vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic on the livecd filesystem also? if there is, copy those too07:35
Adman65hey all07:35
soreauJimmy89: Which model card do you have?07:35
Adman65is there a way I can regrub something from an install cd?07:35
Loi1theres no gd.so in there GeekSquid07:35
Grendeli have a ATI Catalyst Card and it work fine on ubuntu :D07:35
Adman65i messed up and need to do just the boot loader part07:35
mactimespandalcc, Ok.  Do this:  Reboot your cable modem.  Wait for 30 seconds, right click your network interface and select 'Repair'.07:35
nduganmilamber, there is no group "scanner"07:35
Jimmy89yeh I am thinking of changing, just so I don't have to compile each time a new xbmc comes out etc :p07:36
tortoise7rs0832: will overwrite... looking for the others.07:36
GeekSquidLoi1: but there is a number? like 2009xxxxx07:36
pandalccmactimes, sure thing - brb07:36
Jimmy89I have a HD3200 (integrated on the 780gx chipset)07:36
Loi1GeekSquid, yes07:36
GeekSquidLoi1: what is that number07:36
mactimespandalcc, After you do that, let me know the cable modem leds if it doesn't work.07:36
Loi1GeekSquid, 2009062607:36
iflema!grub2 | Adman6507:36
ubottuAdman65: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:36
hudson_after "crypt_setup done successfully", all just goes black. how can I turn on the good ole verbosity on boot to see what went wrong?07:37
Grendelsystem -> administration -> drivers ;) the catalyst control center is here :D07:37
milamberndugan: this is a known bug and here are the *known* workarounds. it is a permissions issue and udev is def going to be involved in a permanent fix. here are some more comments on how to make things work: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/21757107:38
soreauJimmy89: The open radeon driver has good support for the HD series. You can optionally install (and remove) fglrx with jockey as well07:38
fructoseI'm on a system with 256MB RAM and would like to use Eclipse, but it's painfully slow. Is there a solution besides adding more RAM? I have heard of using Flash drives as RAM, but don't find much support for that idea online.07:38
Adman65is there some way to take an existing install and recreate /boot ?07:39
pandalccmactimes, I reset the cable modem, and my router just incase. All the leds are working. the internet works in the rest of my house. It's just my PC that wont connect07:40
mactimespandalcc, Hummm.07:40
sjuxaxDo the Maverick Live CDs use GRUB2?07:41
mactimespandalcc, Isn't the network interface card set do 'disabled'?07:41
pandalccmactimes, how do I check that?07:41
milamber!info grub2 maverick | sjuxac07:42
ubottusjuxac: grub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 47 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc sparc mipsel)07:42
GeekSquidLoi1: at this point I'd reccommend a complete reinstall of the php stack, seems like a whole bunch of things are fubar'd, ... remember 'sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename' will get rid of all configs, then install the stack again, and that should fix things up appropriately07:42
mactimespandalcc, In the Windows 7 settings panel, you have the Network Connectinos thing.  There you'll find your attached network interface cards.  Double click each of them.  If it opens the properties, just close the properties window.  But check if any of the give you a message 'Enabling'.07:43
mactimespandalcc, Keep your cable connected to the interface while you do that.07:43
GeekSquidLoi1: do a sudo apt-get update before you reinstall07:44
pandalccmactimes, give me a minute07:44
mactimespandalcc, Ok.07:44
pandalccmactimes, I have no idea where to find that :p07:46
mactimespandalcc, I'll tell you what.07:46
pandalcci found it07:47
mactimespandalcc, Ok.  How many interfaces are there?07:47
pandalcca Broadband Connection07:47
mactimespandalcc, Does any of them says 'Disabled' close to it?07:47
pandalcca Local Area Connection (which keeps identifying, and sayig the network cable is unplugged which its not)07:47
mactimespandalcc, Humm.  Double check if the cable is tight there.07:48
pandalccmactimes, my broadband connection is disabled right now. but im assuming this is because the LAC is not working07:48
mactimespandalcc, So, enable the broadband connection.07:48
sresuHow to concatenate two text files? I tried join command but coudn't get it done properly ...07:48
rwwsresu: cat file1.txt file2.txt07:49
viddycat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt07:49
rwwconCATenate ;)07:49
mactimespandalcc, Also, double check if that cable is tightly connected to the interface on both ends.07:49
sresurww: It doesn't work...07:49
pandalccmactimes, the cables are snugly in place. if it matters, the port gives one longer orange flash, followed by 4 quick yellow flashes07:50
mactimespandalcc, If not, remove the cable, expand the lock a bit (careful not to break it) and connect again (you should head a 'click')07:50
pandalccthe port on my computer07:50
Loi1GeekSquid, works perfectaly now thanks07:50
mactimespandalcc, Ok, right click that interface and click 'repair'.07:50
tortoise7rs0832: searching hi/lo for those additional files ....not on the cd.... perhaps i need a newer installer...??07:50
GeekSquidLoi1: not a problem, glad I could help07:50
rs0832tortoise7, noever mind about the other two then07:51
pandalccmactimes, "Troubleshootig couldn't identify the problem" :\07:51
rs0832tortoise7, can you get the internet on the live cd, temporarily atleast?07:51
mactimespandalcc, Ok.  Right click on that, select 'disable'.  Wait for 10 seconds, right click the interface again and choose 'enable'.07:51
pandalccmactimes, alright07:52
karthick87Sometimes when i right click new folder is created.Is there any way to delay context menu..?07:52
tortoise7rs0832: yes.... where shall i go?07:52
rs0832tortoise7, have you connected the internet?07:52
pandalccmactimes, same problem. It says enabled, identifying, and then says network cable unplugged.07:52
rs0832tortoise7, then try running the following command in a terminal : sudo update-initramfs -k all -u -b /mnt/sda1/boot07:53
tortoise7rs0832: yes07:53
mactimespandalcc, Humm.  I'd really check that cable or the NIC.  Since you have no connectivity on both systems and they are completely independent, it can only be a hardware (Interface or cable) problem.07:54
mactimespandalcc, Since you are able to connect your PS3 with that same cable on the very same port on the router, I'd say the problem lies on your Network Interface Card itself.07:55
pandalccmactimes, hmm. a driver issue? ive updated it to the latest via properties07:55
tortoise7ea0832: update-initramfs is disabled since running on read-only media.... tho, in firefox i can reach google...07:56
mactimespandalcc, Not a driver issue.  I mean the physical interface itself, since it won't work for both OS'es07:56
pandalccmactimes, if it matters - I have a Realtek RTL8168D/8111D Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.20)07:56
rs0832tortoise7, ok 1 se07:56
pandalccmactimes, I see. Was there a way for ubuntu to *somehow* mess with it?07:57
mactimespandalcc, Humm.  Would you mind if I took a look at it via TeamView?07:57
mactimespandalcc, No way Ubuntu could have messed it up for Windows.07:57
mactimespandalcc, Ubuntu wouldn't touch Windows drivers.07:57
rs0832tortoise7, did you specify the -b properly?07:57
pandalccmactimes, thats what I thought too, but its the only reason I could think. nothing else makes sense07:57
pandalccmactines, but yes, we can do that. tell me how to set it up07:58
sresuviddy: cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt The contents of file1 should come first before file2 right? But here its happening other way ...07:58
rs0832tortoise7, what version of ubuntu are you on?07:58
mactimespandalcc, Let me get the TeamView app download link for you.  Just a sec.07:58
pandalccmactimes, Ok07:58
tortoise7rs0832: i believe so.... no other error returned.... 10.04 amd/6407:59
sresurww: cat file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt The contents of file1 should come first before file2 right? But here its happening other way ...07:59
mactimespandalcc, http://www.teamviewer.com/download/TeamViewerQS.exe07:59
mactimespandalcc, That's the quick support version, no need to install it.07:59
=== nikolei is now known as alex[TROLL]
pandalccmactimes, downloading it now08:00
rwwsresu: file1.txt should be on top, with file2.txt underneath it. I just tested o.O08:00
mactimespandalcc, Just send me a private message with the id and password to connect once you start it up.08:00
pandalccmactimes, will do. my download will be slow as im using 3g tethered internet08:00
ActionParsnipcat file1 > file3  cat file2 >> file308:00
sresurww: Oh yes, it should be. But I don't know why its doing other way.. Does it sort as per time?08:00
mactimespandalcc, What's the ETA for the download to complete?  I need to buy cigarettes, will take about 10 minutes to go and come back.08:01
rwwsresu: no08:01
rs0832tortoise7, can you compile stuff from source?08:01
Jordan_Usresu: Cat is a fairly basic command, my guess is that you're missing something simple (like you're opening an old "File3" rather than "file3".08:01
rwwsresu: I hate to ask basic questions, but are you sure you're not mixing the files up :\?08:01
pandalccmactimes, you've got time to do that. i can wait since you've been patiently helping me08:02
sresurww: Actually I'm finding it wierd asking about cat. Let it be .. I'll figure it out08:02
mactimespandalcc, Ok.  I'll be back in about 10 minutes.  I'm smoking my last one.  BRB.08:02
sresuJordan_U: Nope08:02
ActionParsnipi love your attitude pandalcc :-)08:02
tortoise7rs0832: perhaps.... are the init* files available via synaptic?08:03
h-deesresu: Have you tried what ActionParsnip suggested?08:03
Jordan_Urs0832: tortoise7: update-initramfs needs to be run in a chroot (with /dev/ /proc/ /sys/ and /dev/pts/ mounted in the chroot).08:03
sresuh-dee: Oh, yes, working with join now08:03
pandalccActionParsnip, haha thank you. Im really glad that I found help here. I was clueless as what to do08:03
rs0832Jordan_U, k thanks :)08:04
h-deeh-dee: sad to know cat didn't worked out.08:04
Jordan_Urs0832: You're welcome.08:04
h-deesresu: sad to know cat didn't worked out.08:04
sresuh-dee: Nope, I'm doing something wrong.. It usually works right08:05
rs0832tortoise7, so we chroot?08:06
kilian76how do i know if i should download 64 bit version or 32 bit version for the server edition?08:06
rwwkilian76: do you know if your server supports 64-bit?08:06
rs0832kilian76, depends on what hardware you have08:06
sresuanyways thanks08:06
tortoise7rs0832: backtracking a bit.... what happens if i change all the instances in grub.cfg of hd0,1 to hd0,0    ??08:07
kilian76i am unsure, its a 10 yr old pc. that i am converting to a server08:07
rwwkilian76: then get 32-bit08:07
kilian76it had XP professional08:07
kilian76i am assuming 32bit08:07
Jordan_Utortoise7: That will have absolutely no effect.08:07
rwwif it's 10 years old, it's probably 32bit, and you won't notice either way.08:07
kilian76:) cool08:07
kilian76thanks rww08:07
rs0832tortoise7, grub is fine... the problem is after the grub part (it reaches the kernel and then panics)08:07
ActionParsnipkillan76: if you have more than 4gb ram, go 64bit. or if the server is to use sql08:07
rs0832tortoise7, which means grub works fine08:08
tortoise7rs0832: ok.... chroot wants some arguements....08:08
pandalccwhat is grub?08:08
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ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:08
Line_a boot loader08:08
=== alex[TROLL] is now known as alexlea
ERGlabsanyone want to give me a crash course on how to manage drivers via console?08:09
pandalccI see, thanks108:09
ERGlabsor is 3 am the wrong time for such things?08:09
rs0832tortoise7, mount the hd(sda1) to /mnt08:09
kilian76ActionParsnip: it does not have 4gb of 3am.. i think 1 gb of ram. but will need MySQL.08:09
tortoise7rs0832: just to verify.... here is the original error msg:1.254642, kernel panic not syncing: vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown -block(0,0)08:10
rs0832tortoise7, yep08:11
lellaciao  atutti08:11
p2p4hi room : )08:12
p2p4hi pandalcc : )08:12
kilian76re: 32bit vs 64bit, should i use 64bit for mysql?08:13
sresucat cannot overwrite files?!08:13
rs0832tortoise7, did you mount it? (sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt)08:14
rww!it | lella08:15
ubottulella: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:15
raskolHow can I add a custom resolution? All search results involve editing xorg.conf which currently is default and very basic and I feel they must have moved the functionality somewhere08:15
mactimespandalcc, Ok, I'm back08:15
tortoise7rs0832: sorry.... had to stoke the fire.... yes mounted08:15
rs0832tortoise7, no problem... mounted it to /mnt right?08:16
lella_ciao a tutti08:16
tortoise7rs0832: i believe so.... no error from the cli08:16
JyZyXELhow do you stop an LVM?08:17
JyZyXELso you can fiddle with the physical devices08:17
rs0832tortoise7, ok.. now we mount the others... first : sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev08:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:18
rwwubottu: tell lella_ about it08:18
ubottulella_, please see my private message08:18
rwwubottu: tell lella_ about list-it08:18
hudson_when using chroot, should I do something special for proc and dev? mount --bind, or something like that08:18
rs0832tortoise7, sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc08:19
rs0832hudson_, yes.. sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc, for example08:19
lella_ciao  atutti08:19
rwwoh for crying out loud08:20
hudson_rs0832: thanks.08:20
rwwlella_: Speak only English here. Italian in #ubuntu-it, not here.08:20
rs0832hudson_, y/w08:21
tortoise7ra0832: mount point  /mnt/dev does not exist08:21
rs0832tortoise7, what command did you use to mount sda1?08:21
tortoise7rs0832:sudo mount sda108:23
rs0832tortoise7, unmount it and use: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt08:23
tortoise7no/////  was sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt08:24
rs0832tortoise7, did it mount properly?08:25
tortoise7in disk utility.... it shows mounted at /mtn08:27
michaelhi is there a way to install the itunes on a ubuntu system?08:27
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nduganmilamber, I got the scanner  to work thanks for the link.08:27
JyZyXELhow do i stop LVM so i can yank a disk out?08:28
h-deeGuest18793: Use WINE!08:28
rs0832tortoise7, ok do this.. unmount it, open a terminal, and use the commands here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549743/08:28
nduganJyZyXEL, is the LVM on top of a RAID device?08:28
greppyh-dee: does wine and the current itunes work now?  last time I took a swing at it, it was... rough.08:29
rs0832tortoise7, copy and paste the commands from there to avoid errors08:29
JyZyXELndugan: its just on top of two physical devices08:29
h-deegreppy: I didn't tried but my friend recently successfully installed it over Ubuntu 10.10 using Wine (must be latest version)08:29
nduganJyZyXEL, I have never done it... but I think you need to tell LVM to move all the data over to the other HDD first.08:30
=== alexlea is now known as alex1234
greppyh-dee: of wine, or ubuntu?08:30
h-deegreppy: however I'm not sure about the iTunes version he used. But Wine was latest updated.08:30
tortoise7rs0832:  would like to copy paste.... 2 different machines.... let me find an irc for ubuntu and try from there.08:31
IledenAnyone here with experience about bluetooth GPRS? Everything seems ok, and when I run "pon BluetoothDialup" my phone initiates a modem connection, then immediately drops it. /var/log/messages reports "LCP terminated by peer" right after ppp0<-->rfcomm0 and pap authentication. I've used the phone successfully before with the exact same chatscript and other config, and same bluetooth adapter, and the connection also works with Win7 so it's not impossible... Any diagn08:31
rs0832tortoise7, ah ok.. if you want you can use http://webchat.freenode.net08:31
hudson_Jordan_U: got any knowledge on recovering grub in an encrypted lvm system? your name popped up in a google hit :)08:32
h-deegreppy: Guest18793: Check this http://blogote.com/2010/linux-tips/top-itunes-alternatives-for-linux.html Alternatives for itunes on Linux08:33
torti7rs: tortoise7 here....08:37
rs0832torti7, yes08:37
rs0832torti7, do you want me to resend the paste?08:37
rs0832torti7, http://paste.ubuntu.com/549743/08:37
torti7ok.... if you have the patience,  please do so.08:38
rs0832torti7, http://paste.ubuntu.com/549743/08:38
knitt1wtf is floodbot?08:39
rwwknitt1: a bot that prevents flooding08:39
torti7rs0832:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /mnt08:40
sresuHow can edit metadata for any file? Atleast to add description which name cannot cover??08:40
rs0832torti7, ok then try the rest08:40
torti7rs0832:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev mount: mount point /mnt/dev does not exist08:40
sresuNot by adding note but adding desciprion08:40
torti7rs0832: same error for all the rest  ...08:42
rs0832torti7, create the folders in the /mnt directory and then tryt08:42
r00t4rd3dset this clown straight http://memeburn.com/2011/01/ubuntus-fundamental-flaw-frozen-full-screen-apps/08:43
rs0832torti7, done?08:43
knitt1rww: why did he kick me from #ubuntu-unregged? and how did i even get there?08:48
torti7rs0832:  done and done.... thank you for the education thus far.08:48
rs0832torti7, :)08:48
rs0832torti7, now can you paste an ls of /mnt?08:49
uBUXUBui have w708:49
uBUXUBuand buntu08:49
dannyLopezhow I can add the updates of the another distro?08:49
torti7rs0832:ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ ls abi-2.6.32-21-generic     lost+found      System.map-2.6.32-21-generic config-2.6.32-21-generic  memtest86+.bin  vmcoreinfo-2.6.32-21-generic dev                       proc            vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic grub                      sys08:49
torti7ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ ls abi-2.6.32-21-generic     lost+found      System.map-2.6.32-21-generic config-2.6.32-21-generic  memtest86+.bin  vmcoreinfo-2.6.32-21-generic dev                       proc            vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic grub                      sys08:50
rwwknitt1: people are redirected to #ubuntu-unregged if they're unregisted and try to join #ubuntu while the network's having spam problems. channel ops (usually me, actually) periodically have floodbot clear the channel while there aren't any spam problems, because some users automatically rejoin on removal and end up in #ubuntu.08:50
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:50
torti7rs0832: sorry about the double post;08:50
rs0832torti7, thats ok08:50
hudson_If I boot from the live-cd and manually decrypt/unlock my encrypted partitions, can I install Ubuntu "inside" afterwards?08:50
knitt1rww: it was in the middle of the night08:51
rwwknitt1: and?08:51
knitt1but looking at my name it seems i got diseconnected08:51
rwwah. yeah, probably.08:51
rwwfreenode had some connection issues earlier08:51
knitt1rwi was asleep at that time08:52
knitt1* rww08:52
rs0832torti7, seems like your system hasnt mounted sda1 properly08:52
rwwyeah, sorry. took me a minute to figure out what you were pointing out :)08:52
rs0832torti7, so we'll do it manually, ok?08:52
rs0832torti7, so i'll give you the commands one by one, and you run them08:53
torti7rs0832: ready when you are.... i have all night....08:53
rs0832torti7, k08:53
PupUser88b8f4I am planning to change from puppy linux to ubuntu08:53
rs0832torti7, first: sudo umount /mnt/dev/pts08:54
torti7rs0832: done08:54
rs0832torti7, then: sudo umount /mnt/sys08:54
rs0832torti7, then: sudo umount /mnt/proc08:55
PupUser88b8f4And i want ubuntu No graphic but terminal where can i get (Text-only)08:55
rs0832torti7, finally: sudo umount /mnt/dev08:55
rs0832torti7, now open the disk utility08:55
=== BlueOyster is now known as blueoyster
rs0832torti7, unmount sda108:56
knitt1wtf. cannot change nick while banned on channel08:57
PupUser88b8f4And i want ubuntu No graphic but terminal where can i get it (Text-only ubuntu)?08:57
ragixHi, How do i make my wireless ethernet interface be active at boot time08:57
knitt1what happenen dd yesterday night?08:57
ragixPupUser88b8f4: alternate installer08:57
knitt1* happened08:57
rs0832torti7, now using the file browser, open /mnt and check if it is empty08:58
PupUser88b8f4ragix, What do you mean?08:58
ragixNevermind, I think i have found it.08:58
first2noneHows it goin everyone08:59
rs0832torti7, now open a terminal if you dont have one open08:59
h-deePupUser88b8f4: Ubuntu has Alternate Edition alongwith Desktop/Server, which provides advanced installation option08:59
rs0832torti7, now run: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt08:59
torti7no error09:00
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: Where can i find the choices09:00
ssfdre38how can i get pop3 and imap servers on my server?09:00
rs0832torti7, k now run: sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev09:00
h-deePupUser88b8f4: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download Check this09:01
rs0832torti7, now : sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc09:01
rww!dovecot | ssfdre3809:01
ubottussfdre38: IMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol09:01
ragixis it "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" for dhcp?09:01
rs0832torti7, now : sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys09:01
jamilafrench salon plais09:01
ragixthe example i have uses static09:01
rwwjamila: /join #ubuntu-fr09:01
ragixand im too lazy to look it up ;)09:02
rs0832torti7, now : sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts09:02
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jamilarww: OK tanks09:02
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: thanks09:02
h-deePupUser88b8f4: :-) Good Luck with installation.09:03
rs0832torti7, now: sudo chroot /mnt09:03
torti7rs0832:chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory09:03
rs0832torti7, hmm09:04
torti7rs0832:  hmmmmm indeed09:05
rs0832torti7, did you enter it exactly? sudo chroot /mnt ?09:05
PupUser88b8f4next quesion is what  is the system requirements to install ubuntu server (Final question)09:05
torti7rs0832: cut and paste...09:05
rs0832torti7, ok try it in a new terminal..09:05
torti7rs0832: same error09:06
h-deePupUser88b8f4: Ubuntu Server Edition runs on any Intel or AMD x86, AMD_64, EM_64T processors. It requires a minimum of 192MB of RAM and 1GB of disk space. (Source: Ubuntu.com)09:06
Anonymousso this is oz hiphop chat???09:07
rs0832torti7, hold on09:07
=== k-lined is now known as K-LINE
=== HarryS is now known as K-Lined
torti7rs0832: please give me 2.5 minutes.... need to check the generator.... brb.09:07
=== K-LINE is now known as Guest69100
=== K-Lined is now known as HarryS
rww!nickspam |09:08
ubottu: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »09:08
=== Guest69100 is now known as K--Lined
Anonymousanyone from australia?09:09
Dwade09i have wine 1.0 in my package manager how do i get wine 1,3?09:10
torti7rs0832:  back... had to manually change the fuel over.... solenoid stuck... bitter cold here.09:10
rs0832torti7, ah k09:11
h-deeDwade09: try 'sudo apt-get upgrade wine'09:11
Dwade09h-dee,  thanks i will after i install wine,09:11
h-deeDwade09: then why don't you install the latest version itself available in ubuntu repos using 'install' instead of 'upgrade'09:12
tom866hi, i installed lastpass into firefox, i hit restart firefox and firefox never restarted. then, it didn't restart!! i went into system monitor, and it was still running and i had to end the process. does this now mean my firefox installation is messed up? i was also updating the system using update manager, and it found that something called firefox bin was still running, and it said that if it doesn't restart i will expirience proble09:12
Dwade09h-dee,  its not showing in package manager its only showing 1.009:12
lifestreamUmm... I've got a really really silly question... If I use SSH to copy files from my other computer (same house, same router)... umm.... Will it connect over the internet, or locally?  ... does this make sense?09:12
rs0832torti7, try: sudo chroot /mnt update-initramfs -k all -u -b /mnt/sda1/boot09:13
Flannellifestream: Are you connecting via a LAN IP?  (Like 192.168.x.x)09:13
nightcrowhiya, can someone tell me what is the difference between apt-get install bind and apt-get install bind9 (in other words the difference between bind and bind9)09:13
axp2lifestream: only locally if you're on the same LAN09:13
lifestreamFlannel, hmm... I suppose I would, right?  (I haven't set it up yet, because I'm not sure)09:13
torti7rs0832:chroot: cannot run command `update-initramfs': No such file or directory09:14
Flannellifestream: You probably would, and if that were the case, it wouldn't go through the internet, just your intranet09:14
h-deeDwade09: my wine version is 1.2.1 and seems like its the latest available in ubuntu repos. If you want 1.3, you got to download and install the package manually. It won't show up in Package manager.09:14
Iledentom866: does firefox start ok, now that you've ended the process?09:14
rwwnightcrow: you want bind9. 'bind' used to be the package for bind 8 a long time ago, and is now just a virtual package for the bind9 package.09:14
lifestreamFlannel, axp2 okay, thanks ;-)  I will give it a try!09:15
tom866well when i went to youtube.com and played a few videos i found it was quite laggy09:15
tom866i don't know09:15
Dwade09thanks h-dee09:15
nightcrowthanks rww09:15
axp2lifestream: i'd suggest you'd have trouble doing the ssh over two PCs via the internet unless you meant to, because you'd have to set up port forwarding and open the right ports etc. to do it09:15
Iledentom866: was it laggy before?09:15
rs0832torti7, k  the first chroot command should work.... can you ls /mnt and pastenbin it?09:15
tom866can't be too sure09:15
Iledentom866: a once crashed firefox process isn't anything to worry about, if there are no other symptoms.09:16
tom866no i mean youtube is laggy09:16
lifestreamaxp2,  yeah, I  wouldn't want to do that anyway, my DSL is only 80kbps, so it would take foreverrrrrrrr09:16
tom866when i play a video09:16
first2noneHey could someone give me some assistance with virtual box and installing windows 7 into it?09:16
Iledentom866: unfortunately, youtube is often laggy with linux. It's a problem with flash-support, Adobe isn't very linux-friendly.09:16
PupUser88b8f4just forgot to asked! How can i connect to wi-fi with "iwconfig"?09:17
tom866and with xchat, do you use it to connect to channels like these?09:17
Iledentom866: annoyes me a lot. too bad the problem is pretty much at Adobe's end, so nothing much that can be done about it. you might try activating HTML5 embedded version of youtube, at http://youtube.com/html509:17
Iledentom866: yes, AFAIK xchat is used to connect to IRC networks, like the one where this channel is. I don't use it myself though, so I don't know much about it.09:18
PupUser88b8f4just forgot to asked! How can i connect to wireless router with "iwconfig"?09:18
h-deePupUser88b8f4: Check for man pages.09:19
acidflashif someone has an unlimited amount of failed login attempts, does the root account no lock you out automaticaly?09:19
tom866also, my ubuntu is dual booted with windows via wubi, i find that sometimes i lose internet connection.09:19
rs0832torti7, tell me something,09:20
Iledentom866: I haven't been all that impressed with the performance of the html5 version either. HD youtube is pretty much out of question either way. It's really, really annyoying, you'd think a silly little video is something that would be available for smooth playing platform-independently already, but no. :(09:20
rs0832torti7, do you have a separate partition for /boot?09:20
rs0832torti7, it seems that only /boot is on sda109:20
rama_hi guys, sorry to bother you, but i need some help :) here the question09:21
rama_reading this guide09:21
rama_i see that is possible to use an "hd" as a media for install ubuntu09:21
tom866also, my ubuntu is dual booted with windows via wubi, i find that sometimes i lose internet connection.09:21
rama_is possible to do the same with 10.10? (there is a guide for that?)09:21
Iledenrama_: yes.09:21
alex87_i've compiled some libraries in /opt/ffmpeg, but how do i make ./configure see them?09:22
rama_i need to try a setup on a remote server, without cd/usb or any kind of access, just console redirect, and this seems the only change09:22
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: Sorry but i am moving to use ubuntu (from puppy linux to ubuntu) so i don't want to check because i might not have man command on puppy linux can you check for me please ?09:22
rama_ileden, any help about boot params? i have manage to load the kernel from 10.1009:22
rama_but it block here "[    8.182357] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk"09:22
Iledenrama_: ... but I'm not sure if there's a guide for that somewhere or not09:22
rs0832torti7, can you pastebin the out put of sudo fdisk -l09:23
Flannelrama_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server%20and%20network%20installations and more specifically, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH09:23
torti7rs0832:  /boot    /   /usr  /var   /home   /tmp    swap  /usrlocal  is how this is laid  out along with a bunch of freespace  on a .5 terabyte drive09:23
nightcrowhiya, can some one help me please - my bind service fails to start. When i look at daemon.log it tells me: loading configuration from named.conf and below it says: named.conf.options fetched glue is obselete and below that it says named.conf:13 'cname' undefined category09:23
nightcrowplease help09:23
rs0832torti7, each on differentt partitions?09:24
rama_flannel, i have also read this guide, but seems that in that way i can't setup a mdadm array, or i am wrong?09:24
h-deeDwade09: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/iwconfig.8.html Here's the man page. I don't use iwconfig, so I'm not sure what options to use exactly. This link could help you.09:24
h-deePupUser88b8f4: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/iwconfig.8.html Here's the man page. I don't use iwconfig, so I'm not sure what options to use exactly. This link could help you.09:24
torti7rs0832: yes, that is correct09:24
rama_if the same guide apply with a mdadm instead of hdX i'll give a try , what do you think about that?09:24
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: I tried on my computer with ubuntu but i don't understand when i type "man iwconfig" it shows everything but i don't understand what it says09:24
rs0832torti7, ah ok.. so now i know why chroot didnt work :)09:24
Flannelrama_: You should be able to, theres just some additional steps involved.  It's the same high-level steps though09:24
h-deeDwade09: Sorry...not for you. LOL!09:25
AmtraskHello, how can I force Ubuntu 10.10 to load a proprietary LKM when it boots? I have to use "depmod <module name>" manually right now09:25
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: The leatest  message i sent you is in terminal09:25
torti7rs0832:  apparently this is an incorrect  partitioning ?09:25
rama_ah, and also, probably i want be able to use ext4 maybe, cos the "starting" boot env is a linux with 2.4 kernel09:25
rs0832torti7, not incorrect... i just didnt know you had done it that way09:25
=== knitt1 is now known as knittl
rama_but, maybe i can do two installs..umm, anyway, let me have a try with that :) thx for your hint09:26
Matrixsiemka :D09:26
SzatanJotPeelo :D09:26
h-deePupUser88b8f4: Simply typing iwconfig shows anything? Any automatically detected drivers?09:26
Matrixco tam ?09:26
torti7rs0832:  my error, i apologize, i did not think that it mattered.09:26
rs0832torti7, no matter :) we;ll fix this.: run these commands :09:26
rwwMatrix, SzatanJotPe: This is an Ubuntu support channel, not a chat or nonsense channel.09:27
FloodBot1SzatanJotPe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
PupUser88b8f4on this computer (The one i am going to move to use ubuntu)?09:27
rs0832torti7, http://paste.ubuntu.com/549751/09:27
acidflashdoes root lock you out, if you have x number of failed attempts?09:27
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: on this computer (The one i am going to move to use ubuntu)?09:28
h-deePupUser88b8f4: You're currently using Puppy Linux, so when you move over to ubuntu, most probably it will detect the drivers automatically. And I assume you connect via DHCP (Dynamic IP)?09:28
h-deePupUser88b8f4: No harm trying on this one.09:29
IledenAnyone here with experience about bluetooth GPRS? Everything seems ok, and when I run "pon BluetoothDialup" my phone initiates a modem connection, then immediately drops it. /var/log/messages reports "LCP terminated by peer" right after ppp0<-->rfcomm0 and pap authentication. I've used the phone successfully before with the exact same chatscript and other config, and same bluetooth adapter, and the connection also works with Win7 so it's not impossible... Any diagn09:29
torti7rs0832: done and done.09:29
rs0832torti7, ok now pastebin the output of : sudo fdisk -l09:30
tasslehoffpuh. back with an older kernel, but the latest one was not configured correctly. how can I reconfigure/reinstall the latest kernel on my system?09:30
nightcrowany ideas of how to fix my problem?09:30
nightcrowmy bind service fails to start. When i look at daemon.log it tells me: loading configuration from named.conf and below it says: named.conf.options fetched glue is obselete and below that it says named.conf:13 'cname' undefined category09:30
ePaxHow do i add new panel to a new display... i dont have any panels on new display?09:31
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: Even i read the man page i am still confuse beacause i don't understand the man page can you grap me the example code please?09:32
h-deePupUser88b8f4: I never needed to configure via iwconfig, so I'm not sure of an example. However, this link looks promising http://www.techmetica.com/howto/manual-wireless-configuration-with-iwconfig-in-ubuntu/09:33
rs0832torti7, on which of those is the / mountpoint??09:33
torti7rs0832: for boot up it is sda109:35
rs0832torti7, and what is on sda5?09:36
h-deePupUser88b8f4: Hey check this.... it shows an example http://crunchbang.org/archives/2007/12/18/configure-wireless-on-the-command-line/ NEAT AND SIMPLE09:37
torti7rs0832: looks like the file system aspects for the os09:38
=== ogra is now known as Guest54665
rs0832i take it sda5 is / ?09:39
rs0832torti7, i take it sda5 is / ?09:39
rs0832torti7, does sda5 contain vmlinux and initrd.gz files?09:41
torti7rs0832: i believe that is correct... according to my notes anyway..... interestingly, disk utility does not specify that information09:41
rs0832torti7, ok then we'll mount sda409:41
rs0832torti7, ok then we'll mount sda5*09:41
rs0832torti7, so in a terminal, : sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt09:41
nightcrownothing guys?09:41
nit-witnightcrow, I missed your question just logged on09:42
rs0832nightcrow, you might need an update or your configuration is wrong09:42
NickolasHello everyone. This is my first time in X-CHat so be easy on me ok. :-) I need a little help please.09:42
nightcrownit-wit: let me paste09:42
nightcrowmy bind service fails to start. When i look at daemon.log it tells me: loading configuration from named.conf and below it says: named.conf.options fetched glue is obselete and below that it says named.conf:13 'cname' undefined category09:42
nightcrowrs0832: i have updated09:42
rs0832nightcrow, i mean some dependancies09:43
PupUser88b8f4h-dee: Now i get it but do i have to be root?09:43
rs0832torti7, done?09:43
torti7rs0832: wait one... those 2 files are NOT there.... searching the other partitions09:44
h-deePupUser88b8f4: Not sure. If it says "Permission Denied" anywhere. Use 'sudo' assuming you know the root password.09:44
Nickolas~~I have a DPI issue that I need some help with please. There is a clear but noticeable bar scrolling from bottom to top of my monitor. Help if ya can please. Thank you kindly.09:44
rs0832torti7, k... vmlinuz and initrd.img09:44
h-deePupUser88b8f4: :-)09:44
nightcrowrs0832: i dont think that is it09:45
nightcrownit-wit: any ideas?09:45
nit-witnightcrow, not really sorry09:45
nightcrowno worries09:45
nightcrowthank you09:45
rs0832nightcrow, just a suggestion... did it work before?09:45
nightcrowdoes anyone else have any ideas?09:45
nightcrowrs0832: no - let me explain the process09:45
torti7rs0832: i stand corrected... vmlinux is there times 6 variations... but not initrd.gz09:45
Nickolas~*~I have a DPI issue that I need some help with please. There is a clear but noticeable bar scrolling from bottom to top of my monitor. Help if ya can please. Thank you kindly.09:45
rs0832torti7, k lets mount it then09:46
nightcrowrs0832: nit-wit: i had a linux machine which is our DNS running ubuntu 6.06 i took another machine and installed 10.04 on it and migrated all the samba confs and everthing... and it works fine09:46
nightcrowbut the bind doesnt work09:47
torti7irs0832: lots of init* files tho.... ok... i will start mounting09:47
Nickolas~*~ Anyone?09:47
casmith790hi there. after checking sudo lshw -C network, it says wireless network disabled. [on my other computer] -- version lucid upgraded from hardy. Is there any way to easily enable this?09:47
ytfyfdoes anybody know why the archieve manager doesn t support rar files09:47
greppynightcrow: what version of bind was on the old box?09:47
nightcrowim guessing its because the bind from 6.06 is different to the bind i installed on 10.0409:47
nightcrowgreppy: how can i check?09:47
greppydpkg -l | grep bind09:47
=== ytfyf is now known as aleron
rs0832nightcrow, check the config files09:47
=== aleron is now known as dfvfs
first2noneHey could someone help me to mount an iso09:48
rwwubottu: tell dfvfs about rar09:48
nightcrowrs0832: what am i looking for?09:48
ubottudfvfs, please see my private message09:48
nightcrowgreppy: one moment please09:48
rs0832nightcrow, have a look at this: http://www.net.cmu.edu/groups/netdev/docs/bind9/Bv9ARM.ch06.html09:48
first2noneHello anyone available?09:49
rs0832torti7, did you mount it? (command : sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt)09:50
bonjoyee!ask | first2none09:50
ubottufirst2none: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:50
tom866hi, i was on before, i also find that wheni maximise the ubuntu siftware center it is a little slow09:50
first2noneI need help to mount a .iso09:50
nightcrowgreppy: old = bind 8.461 new = bind9 1:9.7.009:50
nightcrowchecking rs083209:51
h-deefirst2none: Check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38195909:51
torti7rs0832: sda5 mounted09:51
greppynightcrow: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/networking/news/dnsandbind_0401.html may help you.09:51
casmith790The weird thing is the wireless was working 4 hours ago, but I closed the screen and the computer froze. Cutting the power and then 4h later loading the computer back up meant that the wireless had stopped working for some reason09:52
rs0832torti7, ok, now: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot09:52
mactimespandalcc, Yoz!09:52
mactimespandalcc, Ready?09:52
nightcrowgreppy: thank you09:53
mactimesfirst2none, mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/test09:53
nightcrowill check these out ansd get back to you both rs083209:53
rs0832nightcrow, good luck09:53
mactimesfirst2none, Make sure directory /mnt/test exists.09:53
nightcrowthank you rs083209:53
r00t4rd3dI dont get the non-free unrar , when you run it , it says UNRAR 3.93 freeware09:53
home-alonehi . I dont have any sound Ubuntu 10.04 ...asif@ubuntu:~$ aplay -l09:53
home-alone**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****09:53
home-alonecard 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 82801DB-ICH4]09:53
home-alone  Subdevices: 1/109:53
home-alone  Subdevice #0: subdevice #009:53
FloodBot1home-alone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
home-alonecard 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958]09:53
rs0832torti7, now sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev09:54
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home-aloneI have no sound09:54
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rs0832torti7, now: sudo mount /proc /mnt/proc09:54
rs0832torti7, wait09:55
rwwr00t4rd3d: it's free as in price. it's not free as in free software09:55
rs0832torti7, now: sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc09:55
nightcrowgreppy: that article is great09:55
nightcrowjust doesnt give any solutions :)09:55
sre5hi to all09:55
first2noneshit i think i just fucked up my whole linux09:55
sre5Any body now ns-2 here09:56
greppynightcrow: heh, basically you are going to have to rebuild your config.09:56
sre5Any body now ns-2 here09:56
sre5Any body now ns-2 here09:56
sre5Any body now ns-2 here09:56
FloodBot1sre5: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:56
pradeepu there09:57
pradeeppls i have issues on my kubuntu09:57
pradeepwarning cannot open consolekit session : unable to open session : cannot launch daemon file not found or persmission invalid09:58
nicofsI've got linux-headers installed, that don't match my kernel version. Is that bad?09:58
nightcrowgreppy: seems so09:58
pradeepthat is error message am getting when am login09:58
Jordan_Upradeep: Try asking in #kubuntu09:58
nicofs(headers 2.6.32 and kernel 2.6.29)09:59
r00t4rd3dConsoleKit needs eggdbus09:59
r00t4rd3di read that on internets10:00
first2nonenvm i got lucky lol10:00
first2noneok could u post the info again to mount the iso file10:00
pradeepJordan_U, but have you seen any error like this before10:00
Jordan_Upradeep: No, I haven't.10:01
FloodBot1yadavamit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
r00t4rd3dpradeep, entertain me and check if you have libeggdbus-1-0 installed10:02
pradeepJordan_U, paste the issue on the forum still no answer wondering what kind of error is this besides could you  help me seraching from the internet for solution please10:03
pradeepr00t4rd3d, sorry i did not get you10:03
r00t4rd3dcheck if you have that package installed10:04
rama_hello again, another questiom following this guide for install overSSH https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH10:06
pradeepr00t4rd3d, yes it is installed on synaptics10:06
rama_after that "/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"10:06
rama_i whould have an etc on mnt/ubuntu standing to the guide10:06
rama_but, i haven't :)10:06
rama_debootstrap doesn't give any error btw10:07
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rama_any idea?10:07
pradeepr00t4rd3d, you there10:09
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rs0832ox3a, yes?10:11
casmith790hi there. I am now successfully connected to wireless but cannot find my own WPA-protected router (have done so on this computer before). Is there an easy way to search for networks then enter my wpa password in? (ubuntu 10.04 LTS)10:12
r00t4rd3dpradeep, did you just upgrade ?10:12
gobbecasmith790: is your wlan configured to hide ssid?10:17
casmith790I'm not sure, but I can't search for any wireless networks, not search for lots and not find mine10:19
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Guest8876greetings evryone10:20
gobbecasmith790: it looks like your wireless has configured to hide it's ssid, you can connect there by selectin "connect to hidden wireless network"10:20
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casmith790okay, where would I find that option?10:20
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gobbecasmith790: from network managers menu, which versin you are using?10:20
Tito0096What is a good parititon setup for a 16gb SSD?10:20
casmith790ubuntu 10.0410:20
casmith790upgraded from hardy10:21
Iledencasmith790: At least when I click on the networking icon, it provides a list of wlan networks to connect to. is this list empty for you? however your wlan connection still works?10:21
gobbecasmith790: so just click the wireless from upper menu, same one that you used earlier to connect10:21
gobbecasmith790: in bottom there is option to connect hidden ones10:21
gobbeIleden: it might be that wlan is configured to hide it's ssid, which is quite normal10:21
casmith790when I click the menu a box comes up with connection properties10:21
devcorkvinceHow can I install adobe-flash on chrome without firefox? Im using awesome wm and browser chrome only no firefox?10:22
casmith790then if I click "Configure" I get a choice of Wired/Wireless etc, but I can't search for a list of networks10:22
mattyh88hey, when installing the perl module DBD:Pg it asks me for path to pg_config. When i do "whereis pg_config" it prints nothing .. what do i need to do to? :)10:22
Iledengobbe: true, though not if the list is completely empty (and he/she's expecting to see some networks)10:22
casmith790there isn't a list, not that it's empty :/10:22
gobbecasmith790: second last from the bottom should be "Connect to Hidden Wireless Network"10:23
cctx005When i move the mouse pointer near the top of a window, it often quickly minimizes and maximizes again...I turned off clicking for my trackpad on my laptop but it still is a problem10:23
gobbecasmith790: don't you have that?10:23
casmith790No, that option doesn't exist.10:23
cctx005does anybody know why that could be happening? it's really annoying10:23
h-deedevcorkvince: I think Chrome has Flash pre-installed.10:23
casmith790the documentation I've found shows that other versions had a network manager that allowed roaming but I can't find the option in lucid10:23
gobbecasmith790: can you take screenshot with that menu open?10:23
casmith790um that may be difficult, it's on another computer and I don't have a USB stick to hand10:24
gobbecasmith790: well explain what you see there10:24
cctx005any ideas?10:24
Nitocrisis it posibile to run synaptic from cd to reistall linux-image?10:24
h-deecctx005: try checking in for compiz settings.10:25
VPHaving Ubuntu 10.04, can not install Windows applications in Wine. pl help10:26
casmith790well initially if I click on Network Connections a box that says Connection properties: eth0. Then if I click configure a wired connection (that I used in another house) and then if I click on the wireless tab buttons with add/edit/delete and no networks save the one I tried to add but it didn't work10:26
gobbeVP: if you have problems with windows-application and wine, you should ask it from #winehq10:26
cctx005h-dee: can you provide a little more detail? I'm brand new to linux...I'm not sure what compiz is10:26
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casmith790if I click "configure"... sorry10:26
VPgobbe:Thanks. Followed.10:27
first2noneHey does divx webplayer work on divx or is there something that substitues for it or what?10:27
h-deecctx005: Its a windows manager in Linux. Open your Ubuntu Software Center, and search for word 'compiz', you'll see AdvancedDesktop Effects Settings (ccsm). install that and check that utility...loads of option.10:28
casmith790thanks for the help anyway guys, I guess you have a program that I don't :/10:28
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phonex01hello guys10:31
Adman65how can I determine which button on my mouse is "button6" etc10:31
cctx005h-dee compiz looks to be installed, but I can't find the advanced desktop effects settings...do you know where in the menu it installed by default?10:31
Nitocrisis there a way to reinstall linux-image-generic-xxxx via ubuntu CD?i got kernel panic vfs not syncing10:31
bromiumhi everybody! got a problem with hibernation. can anybody help me please?10:31
h-deecctx005: Go to System -> Preferences. You'll find there10:32
casmith790!! I found it sorry guys I must've been really thick, a second meter came up when I started adding notification areas to my titlebar and this had the network on.10:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:32
casmith790thanks for your time10:32
Iledencasmith790: did you say that the wireless connection still works for some network? or can you not connect to any wlan?10:32
psycho_oreosNitocris, not easily but doable10:32
Iledencasmith790: ah, ok, good. :)10:32
Nitocrispsycho_oreos, i got time and some sills :)10:32
h-deebromium: what's the problem?10:32
juniourhey any software that record desktop activity10:33
bromiumi got acer aspire revo r3700. i removed preinstalled linpus & installed ubuntu 10.10. but the nettop doesn't hibernate. please help10:33
chucheHi all, is there a channel specific for talking about UI customization?10:33
Iledenjuniour: what do you mean by recording desktop activity?10:33
casmith790cheers :)10:33
juniourileden like u sreenshorts i wanna record10:34
psycho_oreosNitocris, for starters you need to learn how to chroot into ubuntu setup, make sure you have internet connectivity and from there download and reinstall linux image10:34
h-deebromium: Make sure you have 'hibernate' package installed. Not required in some cases, but mine wasn't working too. Go to Synaptic Package Manager, search for hibernation package and install it.10:34
juniourIdelen like live wt i am doing i t will be recorded10:34
BiDDohi all10:35
bromiumh-dee: thanks for your advice10:35
h-deebromium: :-)10:35
flyguy97_hi all10:35
juniour hey any software that record desktop activity10:35
flyguy97_how do I change my nick10:35
Iledenjuniour: you mean recording what you see on your screen as a video? yes, there's software for it, but I don't know what it is. maybe someone else does.10:35
Nitocrispsycho_oreos : internet is working.i was thinking to sudo apt-get isnatll linux-image-bla bla10:36
psycho_oreosflyguy97_, /nick <newnick>10:36
juniourya Ileden10:36
first2nonejunior: did you try googling it?10:36
flyguy97_thank you psycho_oreos10:36
psycho_oreosNitocris, that won't necessarily work, especially if you did not chroot into your ubuntu setup10:36
h-deejunior: I used to use a software on XP - child save. It was a keylogger cum activity recorder. If nothing works out, try using that through Wine.10:36
mozaAdman65, you can find a way to display all events from the mouse and try pushing each one by one and see what you get, or maybe read the documentation if there is one for the mouse model.10:37
psycho_oreosflyguy97_, nw, btw you need to remove those parenthesis "< >"10:37
BiDDocould anyone help me  create a boot script that will automatically mount a shared folder10:37
juniour hey any software that record desktop activity10:37
flyguy97_thank you10:37
flyguy97_any idea why i'am able to post on irc but all other internet is down?10:38
psycho_oreosBiDDo, you can do that via editing /etc/fstab as superuser10:38
psycho_oreosflyguy97_, probably DNS issue10:38
psycho_oreosjuniour, have you actually tried "screen recorder; linux" using google?10:38
cctx005is there a menu sidebar in 10.10?10:38
flyguy97_do you know of any public dns's that i can use until my isp sorts out their issues10:39
cctx005I've seen some screenshots of people with sidebars running ubuntu10:39
h-deecctx005: Use Google Desktop.10:39
Nitocrispsycho_oreos : i think i get it.How to chroot in the installed ubuntu? The hdd is /dev/sda1 i  can access it normaly under the CD10:39
psycho_oreosNitocris, you'll need to read documentation, search for `chroot-HOWTO'10:40
flyguy97_rww: doesn't look like any ip address i've ever seen10:40
psycho_oreosor actually..10:40
psycho_oreos!chroot| Nitocris10:40
ubottuNitocris: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:40
r00t4rd3dcctx005, lets see the shots10:40
Nitocrispsycho_oreos : aha :)10:40
gongkui124hello everyone10:41
rwwflyguy97_: it's Google's public DNS servers10:41
rwwflyguy97_: the backup one is, if you want two.10:41
IledenI have a Win7/Ubuntu dualboot laptop. When I turn down the brightness (with Fn-f5 key combo) on Win7, for example to minumum, then boot to linux, the screen is still the same dimness. However, this Win7 minimum value is now the MAXIMUM linux can reach. Any ideas how to fix this?10:41
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Nitocrispsycho_oreos: chroot to /root  on the hdd?10:44
psycho_oreosNitocris, no not /root10:44
Nitocrispsycho_oreos: chroot to / on the hdd?10:45
ppMorenoalguien que ayude sobre el tema de hibernar suspender enportatil10:45
psycho_oreosNitocris, yup but you might also want to make sure virtual fs are mounted like /dev, /proc, etc10:45
psycho_oreos!es | ppMoreno10:45
ubottuppMoreno: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:45
bromiumh-dee, thanks for your help. now hibernation works. respect. u da man.10:46
Nitocrispsycho_oreos : i believe thats the case10:46
h-deebromium: glad I could help. :-)10:46
psycho_oreosNitocris, you need to study on mounting :)10:46
psycho_oreos!mount | Nitocris10:46
ubottuNitocris: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:46
psycho_oreosactually mount can also attach directories to another directory via binding10:47
Nitocrispsycho_oreos: i can menage to mount the hdd  :)10:47
Nitocrispsycho_oreos: i will be doing it via ssh in like 3 hours...i think it will be fun :)10:48
Sentohi, i have ubuntu on my new desktop, and im trying to get my Belkin surf & share wireless network adapter to work but its not working! is there anything i can do or do i need to use ethernet cord? if i need ethernet cord ill have to move the PC :(10:48
psycho_oreosNitocris, things may/may not work if you just mounted that without mounting other virtual filesystems.. don't worry you'll know when you see things don't actually work10:49
abhishek1Ubuntu 10.04 not supported  for installing windows applications10:49
nmvictorffmpeg -i AVSEQ02.DAT -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ar 8000 -ab 32k -y clip.3gp10:49
abhishek1kindly  help10:49
bromiumanother problem: after every reboot sound is switched off (including mic), so i have to manually go to the sound applet & switch it on once again. how do i fix it?10:49
nmvictorI am converting a .DAT(mpg) to .3gp so i can play on my phone but their is no audio and the video is slow, the command I have been using is [ ffmpeg -i AVSEQ02.DAT -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ar 8000 -ab 32k -y clip.3gp ], what should i do, please help10:49
h-deeabhishek1: try wine10:49
Nitocrispsycho_oreos : sweat and learn eh?10:50
raw_http://pastebin.com/Hs5FYZqh <-- any idea what this kernellog means and how to fix it?10:50
abhishek1h-dee: in ubuntu 10.04 wine is already installed10:50
abhishek1notepad working properly10:50
raw_it happens on much network traffic10:50
psycho_oreosNitocris, that or learn from people whom have had to chroot before :)10:50
h-deeabhishek1: not all apps supported through wine. which app you trying to install?10:51
nmvictorI am converting a .DAT(mpg) to .3gp so i can play on my phone but their is no audio and the video is slow, the command I have been using is [ ffmpeg -i AVSEQ02.DAT -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ar 8000 -ab 32k -y clip.3gp ], what should i do, please help10:51
abhishek1h-dee: i want to install adobe reader 8.010:51
h-deebromium: Check for Sound Preferences by clicking Sound Applet.10:51
h-deeabhishek1: Well that I don't think would install. For more info, go to #winehq channel. By the way, why you need Adobe reader? There are many good PDF readers available in Linux.10:52
bromiumh-dee: this is where i go first in order to switch sound on back10:53
h-deebromium: What is your selected Hardware Profile?10:53
psycho_oreosraw_, not that I know much about debugging but according to that log it seems to be cifs specific issue10:54
raw_psycho_oreos, i've also tried sshfs which segfaults on large network traffic10:55
psycho_oreosraw_, that might be driver issue then, which wired/wireless chipset?10:55
bromiumh-dee: digital stereo (hdmi) output10:55
raw_psycho_oreos, but yes, it can be a samba problem. but as SLUB states something, it could also be something else... well i have not a real idea10:56
psycho_oreosahh forcedeth.. that could be problematic10:56
OPTIMistвсем привет10:56
OPTIMistкак настроение, с новым наступившем!!!10:56
h-deebromium: I don't know, but maybe you could try switching between profiles.10:56
psycho_oreos!ru| OPTIMist10:56
ubottuOPTIMist: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:56
OPTIMisthi all, happy new year!10:57
psycho_oreosraw_, you'll need to find a support channel for kernel specific problems, its a little beyond my scope as there could be more than just one source of issue10:57
ubuhapy ny all10:57
psycho_oreosI personally still believe it could be driver issue, this maybe supported by trying to download large files using other protocols10:58
ubunid chanel  for talking simgrid10:58
narcislinuxhi , can i have a linux that work with rpm and deb at the same time ?and all package manager ?10:59
rwwnarcislinux: Ubuntu doesn't do that, no.11:00
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Iledennarcislinux: why?11:02
FrozenKnightHmm any idea why I can't set cursors with gcursor? :D11:03
FrozenKnightHmm wouldn't it even be very hard if not impossible to do?11:03
narcislinuxIleden:  i want use of arch mirror and ubuntu mirror  at same time11:04
raw_psycho_oreos, okay thank, i will write to the kernel mailing list if i dont find a solution11:04
FrozenKnightI mean, installing a package in deb should make all the rpm triggers to show that it's installed.11:04
narcislinuxIleden:  with one os11:04
BiDDothis is the line i have to use each time I start up   "sudo mount vboxsf -t music1 /home/rhys/share/music1" how or where do i but this so that it will automatically mount on startup11:04
psycho_oreosraw_, nw11:04
BiDDoI tried fstab but errored out11:05
FrozenKnightHow do I set the pointer cursor in ubuntu? :)11:05
FrozenKnightI have installed some cursor themes and gcursor :)11:06
FrozenKnightbut I can't seem to be able to set it with gcursor.11:06
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ryan_languagelabHi. I am not getting apt status update in the task bar area. How can I enable this?11:08
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ryan_languagelabHi. I am not getting apt status update in the task bar area. How can I enable this?11:11
Elizabeth|2Hello everyone11:12
Elizabeth|2I need a bit of help11:12
r00t4rd3dwith ?11:12
Elizabeth|2I set up my SIXAXIS controller to work with ubuntu11:12
Elizabeth|2all in all fairly straightforward11:12
Elizabeth|2When playing a game in WiNE11:13
h-deeryan_languagelab: What are you exactly seeking to?11:13
Elizabeth|2the character just goes to the left11:13
Brendan_He Guys,11:13
=== Brendan_ is now known as Guest27000
Elizabeth|2I think this has to do with a mismatch in the mapping11:13
ubuhola amigo11:13
Elizabeth|2so, how do I figure out what corresponds to the joysticks in the gamepad mapping configuration11:13
Elizabeth|2the game in question is devil may cry 4. But if iirc, the same thing happened with some geometry wars clone a long time ago.11:14
Elizabeth|2but iirc*11:14
ryan_languagelabh-dee: I just switched from xubuntu to ubuntu... in xubuntu, a little icon would appear in the task bar telling me that after the automated apt-get checks, there are N packages available to upgrade. i no longer see that. in addition, i no longer see when apt requires a restart (when I know it should)11:14
r00t4rd3dElizabeth|2, I personally have no idea about controllers , someone else here might. You could also check #winehq here on freenode11:14
r00t4rd3dim sure there is more people in there who have setup controllers11:15
Elizabeth|2r00t4rd3d: I'll give it a shot11:15
Elizabeth|2and I'll be back here to pester if I'm met with no success11:15
h-deeryan_languagelab: Haven't used XUBUNTU, so not sure what exactly you're seeking to, but if you use command line, you do see the status (even through Software Manager), not sure of any icon. Most packages won't require you to restart. In case if it do, the Power icon on the top-right will turn Red.11:17
ryan_languagelabh-dee: okay thanks11:17
Iledenryan_languagelab: the same status icon should be there that is in xubuntu (i use both). something is wrong, check your update-manager settings.11:18
cyberlordhello still having problem with my pidgin-ppa broken package11:18
rs0832cyberlord, broken package?11:19
r00t4rd3dcyberlord, have you loaded synaptic package manager , gone to Edit , Fix broken packages ?\11:19
ryan_languagelabIleden: i just did check the update settings. The bigger issue is I'm not sure what parts of the indicator-applet are activated11:19
ryan_languagelabTo be honest, I think the indicator applet is horrible (there are no ways to move icons, etc)11:19
rs0832cyberlord, sudo apt-get -f install11:19
Iledenryan_languagelab: hm, come to think of it, I'm cannot be sure i've seen it in 10.10.11:19
r00t4rd3dryan_languagelab, ive never seen anything like that11:20
Iledenryan_languagelab: agreed on the horribleness. :)11:20
r00t4rd3din 101011:20
cyberlordwell. let me d that11:21
lost_and_unfoundhi all, basic question: how can i add a new path to $PATH but as a system-wide and not as a user session (~/.bashrc) ? Thanks11:21
ryan_languagelabthis is how my task bar looks: http://www2.ryankaskel.com/misc/ubuntu/task_bar_area_20110103.png11:21
ryan_languagelabwhat is missing? I don't want the social stuff but "Add to panel..." and the indicator applet stuff don't play well together11:22
rs0832lost_and_unfound, doesnt export PATH='path here' work?11:22
lost_and_unfoundrs0832: so export will add it abd it will stay in the $PATH even after a reboot ?11:23
rs0832lost_and_unfound, yes11:24
lost_and_unfoundrs0832: thanks11:24
rs0832lost_and_unfound, :)11:24
cyberlordr00t4rd3d, I have done that but it is saying: Errors were encountered while processing: pidgin-ppa E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:24
cyberlordI am not able to install any package again11:25
r00t4rd3dsudo apt-get -f install11:26
JyZyXELhow do i see what driver owns a certain block device?11:26
Sentowhat would yall recommend for a not too expensive laptop that is good for linux?11:29
r00t4rd3da free cr-48 from google :D11:29
r00t4rd3dor anything made in the past 5 years11:29
Sentoim also thinking of getting a android phone, does andoird work good with linux?11:30
r00t4rd3dseeing how android is linux , most likely11:30
Sentooh nice11:30
Sentoi like sony vaios the best i think! they are sexy!11:31
nirazioI have a x86 64bit dell inspiration pc and it doesn't contain a amd cpu. Should I install "amd 64 10.04" or "x86 32 10.04"?11:31
AnggaDj98they worth $2200 here11:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:31
JyZyXELhow do you find out the device driver name for a certain block device device node?11:31
rs0832nirazio, if it is 64 bit you can install either 32 or 64bit11:32
r00t4rd3dnirazio, are you using wubi ?11:32
llutznirazio: use amd64, its for intel too. its just amd who invented the 64bit-extensions, so the name11:32
Vonorhi. the daily natty-server-amd64.iso shuts down a little bit after the partitioning part11:32
nirazior00t4rd3d: not using wubi11:32
rwwVonor: natty discussion and support is in #ubuntu+1, not here11:32
coldjackHello I have the following problem: I connected a Dolby Digital 5.1 system on my computer now I have ubuntu 10:04 in the sound settings, the profile selected as an analog surround 5.111:33
coldjackI have only ever change over to a different profile and then back to analog so my surround 5.1 subwoofer the bass is playing, how can i change this?11:33
r00t4rd3dColdFyre, System , Preferences , Sound11:35
r00t4rd3dthen hardware tab11:35
r00t4rd3dat the bottom  , Profile11:35
r00t4rd3dI think is what your looking for ?11:35
r00t4rd3dPlay around with different profiles and use the Test button11:36
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Guest3455hi everyone!11:40
manbraHi Guest345511:40
=== Dean is now known as Guest58800
Guest3455can anybody help me on how to use aircrack-ng?11:41
coldjack r00t4rd3d: yes i mean this11:41
coldjacki change the profile11:41
spaniardghey. I am setting up ubuntu server and am having issues with rsa auth working when there is no one locally logged in.11:41
coldjackbut i need 5.111:41
nirazioIs there a PPA for vim 7.3 - ubuntu 10.0411:41
FrozenKnightYay, I solved my problem. I had forgotten about the appearance/customize button11:41
manbraGuest3455, you probably won't find that info here11:42
manbraGoogle is your friend11:42
=== hlj is now known as Jalumar
manbraSpecifically, there is a life hacker tutorial, which you can easily follow11:42
Guest3455thanks manbra11:42
manbraAssuming you are using bt411:43
r00t4rd3dGuest3455, #aircrack11:44
ubuntur00t4rd3d, sorry crashed my system11:45
r00t4rd3ddid i help with that ?11:45
ubuntur00t4rd3d, using a live disk11:45
ubuntuit was my fault11:45
r00t4rd3dwhat u do ?11:46
vitto89hi guys, I would like an help to install the wless card dwl g-13211:46
r00t4rd3dvitto89, we need the chipset , lspic in a terminal11:46
ubuntui tried uninstalling the console kit then reinstalling it again11:46
Guest3455i just installed aircrack-ng from synaptic package manager but i dont know how to use it and i dont know where to find it either.11:46
spaniardgcan anyone help with my sshd on ubuntu server. rsa authentication fails when no one is locally logged in. it appears the daemon is running but it doesn't accept my key unless I am signed in on the server11:47
r00t4rd3dvitto89, look for a line like this 05:05.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)11:47
greppyspaniardg: is your home directory encrypted?11:47
r00t4rd3dvitto89, paste ONLY the network line here11:47
r00t4rd3dvitto89, the command is lspci11:48
r00t4rd3dopps :D11:48
leomast247hey, quick question, when i try to run WINE with a game i get a message sayin "No JVM could be found on your system. Please define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to an installed 32-bit JDK or JRE." What do i do?11:48
r00t4rd3dinstall java11:48
leomast247i did but to no prevail11:49
r00t4rd3dhow did you install it ?11:49
r00t4rd3dsynaptic package manager ?11:49
Guphow can I restart system monitor panel applet? mines frozen.. restarting the panel just made the applet disappear. cant re add it either. rebooting works, but this happens from time to time and it would be good to find the process to kill or something to bring it back11:49
leomast247went to their website and got the linux self extracting file11:50
r00t4rd3dleomast247, thats why11:50
rumpe1leomast247, you need it for wine/windows ... not for linux11:50
leomast247ran it through the terminal and got a folder..now what11:50
r00t4rd3ddelete that folder11:50
r00t4rd3dand the bin you downloaded11:50
aaafhello everybody i have trouble with ubuntu as guest os in virtualbox: the ethernet device is not listed as eth0 but lspci does list it. how can i debug that?11:50
chucheleomast247, yes and get the Windows version instead11:50
r00t4rd3dleomast247, dont get the windows one.11:51
leomast247what should i do then11:51
r00t4rd3d!java | leomast24711:51
ubottuleomast247: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.11:51
alexandrhappi new year!!!11:52
aaaf2sorry everybody i was having the network device problem but lost network connection11:52
r00t4rd3dleomast247, open the Synaptic Package Manager11:52
leomast247im kinda new so what is !java11:52
leomast247how do i open the SPM11:52
vitto89sorry, after lunch11:53
kristiinacan anyone help i want to install broadcom bcm4313 14e4rev1 hybrid driver from their site but i failed. i was able to extract it but then how to install it?11:53
rogstaaaf2: have you installed the virtualbox guest drivers11:53
r00t4rd3dSystem , Administration , SPM11:53
leomast247ok now what11:53
r00t4rd3dkristiina, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:53
aaaf2rogst, no but i though that wasn't necessary since i don't use virtio or something, just the emulation of a stardard intel network card11:54
r00t4rd3dleomast247, search for jre11:54
coldjacknow i get a tone out of my subwoofer11:54
coldjackbut i want a bass11:54
nirazioWhen I installed the ubuntu 10.04 amd 64bit, the screen is shifted to left and cannot be fully showed on the monitor. I cannot even seclect the list on the top pannel. How should I adjust it?11:54
coldjackwhat must i chage11:54
leomast247ok i got a few stuff11:54
Guest3455hi! im also having trouble installing an exe file its always error. what will i do to install?11:55
e01vendetta-online say that i have not /dev/dsp, how can i fix it?11:55
r00t4rd3dleomast247, install sun-java6-jre11:55
h-deeGuest3455: try using wine11:55
h-deenirazio: try changing desktop resolution11:55
kristiinar00t4rd3d: been there, but it's not what i want, the driver is OK, but sometimes internet stops for no reason. network working fine. It's the driver beacuse i can see thet the one intalled is for a different wifi card:)11:56
leomast247ok its downloading11:56
Guest3455h-dee: how will i use wine? im just new with this. pls help!11:56
nirazioh-dee: how?11:56
aaaf2rogst, im fucking stupid, virtualbox somehow renamed the ethernet devices and that's why my /etc/network/interfaces configuration didn't autoconfigure the net network device11:56
psycho_oreos!language| aaaf211:56
ubottuaaaf2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:56
rogstaaaf2: ah :D11:56
aaaf2psycho_oreos sorry11:57
h-deeGuest3455: First install Wine. Its an emulator to install Windows application (not all supported). For that go to Terminal and type: sudo apt-get install wine11:57
h-deenirazio: Go to System -> preferences -> Monitors11:58
Guest3455h-dee: i already have wine installed, what will i do next?11:59
Elizabeth|3:( :( :( :(11:59
h-deefrom the command-line, navigate to the folder containing and type: wine <name of file>11:59
Guest3455do i still need to configure wine?12:01
h-deeGuest3455: Most probably you don't. By the way, which app you trying to install, and did you tried using that command?12:01
pidgin_abcCan anyone explain me the reason why, using pidgin, i have some contacts blocked in one pc and in another one they are not12:06
earwigsone of your instant messangers recording the blocked users locally while the other stores them remotly?12:07
pidgin_abcI can I change that option?12:08
pratzhey guys can you recommend some good app for backing up files, i am working on a small project and i need to backup all my code on daily bases12:08
earwigsmaybe this will help http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/720212:09
rocket16How can I execute a command after a delay in terminal?12:11
jorge__hi, i'm trying to make a debian package out of a source package but i'm facing some trouble... I've used dh_make to generate the debian but that doesn't seem to be enough... when the building reachs the make install, it tries to install the files to /usr directly instead of the directory it's supossed to isntall to (debian/building-something?), some help? where should i start checking?12:11
sacarlsonpratz: I think I would use rsync , if you want to automate you can setup a cron job on a daily or other time basis12:11
icerootrocket16: sleep12:11
rocket16iceroot: I see. Thanks. :)12:11
icerootjorge__: edit the file debian/dirs  so the rules-file is creating the directories before installing something into them12:11
sacarlsonpratz: being it's code or anything text I would also try setup a git directory for it so you can go back and see what you changed over time12:12
pratzsardonyx: thanks12:13
jorge__iceroot: thanks, i'm reading about debian/dirs file now =)12:14
paulDi think im getting attacked on port 5699012:15
jorge__iceroot: i've added the directory to debian/dirs but it's the same, the makefile tries to "install" the files to /usr/include/wfdb instead of the package building directory, the contents of the debian/dirs file is just usr/include/wfdb12:16
paulDcomodo is showing a log from a bunch of different ips, all connecting to the same dest. port12:16
FrozenKnightHey, I have installed, I think, motif, and wanted to go and see how it is... how do I do that as gdm doesn't show it.12:16
sacarlsonpaulD: what application would you have listening at 56990?12:16
FrozenKnightLike trying to start mwm gives "Another WM is already running" message12:17
paulDsacarlson: i ran fport and it didnt return anything12:17
ThornpaulD: torrent by any chance?12:17
paulDsacarlson: and I ran netstat and nothing is listening on that port12:18
FrozenKnightHeh, any ideas as to how to start mwm? :D I'm a newbie :)12:18
paulDThorn, no sir12:18
rocket16In Festival, we need to execute (SayText "Text" nil) from its prompt to make the computer speak. But, is there a way to do it from the shell itself, without invoking festival? i.e, using a single command?12:19
sacarlsonpaulD: well hard to be attacked on a port that doesn't listen,  udp maybe?12:19
paulDi started to just filter with my fios router thinking it would be easy, considering it is only port 56990, but for some reason things are still leaking through12:19
ThornpaulD: even if you aren't running p2p at all somebody else who had that IP before you could run it, if your ip is dynamic12:19
r00t4rd3dpaulD, sudo apt-get install gufw12:20
rwwrocket16: festival has a --pipe switch. perhaps try    echo "(SayText \"Text\" nil)" | festival --pipe12:20
paulDim entirely new to networking, i think i learned more in that past 5 hours than i did in a lifetime, should i be concerned about loss of internet speed if i'm getting this many requests?12:20
MrDrewmsg nickserv12:20
SoyoIn gnome (ubuntu 10.04.1) when windows open the top part is about the edge of the screen but the mouse will not go up there. It only happens under my username.12:20
r00t4rd3ddont do it MrDrew !12:20
rwwrocket16: --batch might be useful too. See the festival manpage12:21
r00t4rd3dill ghost you :D12:21
rocket16rww: Oh! It works, many thanks.12:21
ghostcube-.- who called12:22
paulDmsg nickserv12:22
r00t4rd3dpauld ,nothing12:22
r00t4rd3dpaulD, if you do apt-get install gufw , its a gui for your firewall12:23
r00t4rd3dwill stop the attackerz :X12:23
paulDim actually on windows r00t12:23
r00t4rd3dwell then you deserve to be attacked :D12:24
Soyo./whois paulD12:24
paulDlol try me soyo12:24
paulDj/k as well, please dont12:24
SoyoI'm a noob anyway I'm harmless12:25
SoyoI could ping you to death if it was 199512:25
paulDwith my current setup id probably cripple12:25
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode12:25
paulDdr willis, thanks12:25
Dr_WillisI need to get a cloak one of thes days12:26
vitto89hi at all, someone can help me to install the dwl g-132 wireless card?12:26
paulDanyone ever dabble with diy wifi antennas ?12:26
sacarlsonr00t4rd3d: to me the only thing a firewall is good for is if you have a port that you listen on and you only want it to work on some parts of your network,  if you want no one to listen just don't open a port to listen there.12:27
james296has anyone here noticed issues refrershing the list of repositories in synaptic?12:27
james296also, whenever I try to search in synaptic, it closes on me automatically12:28
Soyojames296: which repositories are you using?12:29
james296the default set12:29
Dr_WillisHmm.. according to the cloak url given above. You can use your nickserv password as the server password when connecting and it will auto identify.12:29
Soyojames296: universe?12:29
SoyoDr_Willis: that seems less secure..12:30
Dr_WillisSoyo:  given the # of times ive seen people paste their password in here.. its a tossup12:30
james296so how can I fix that problem?12:31
Soyojames296 Do you have DNS?12:32
james296Im not sure12:32
Soyoif you open a browser and type google.com will it come up?12:32
james296it used to always work in the past, now it simply hasnt for the past several weeks12:32
james296of course12:32
james296if I didnt have a working internet connection I wouldnt be on here would I? Im being serious12:33
Soyojames296 you can have internet without dns12:33
Dr_Willisive not noticed synaptic crashing on me.12:33
Dr_WillisThere have been some isp issues along the east coast the last month however.12:33
Dr_Willis(east coast of the USA) :)12:34
alcexhimsoyo are you referring to DHCP?12:34
james296so should I have it check for the fastest server?12:34
SoyoI am in USA on the east coast... let me try an update12:34
=== james is now known as Guest53453
SoyoFetched 590kb in 2 secs12:35
Dr_WillisI recall seeing all sorts of twitter posts and articals during the xmas break about eastern seaboard outages.12:35
Dr_Willisbut that sholdent crash synaptic12:35
Soyoalcexhim: no12:35
linkerhow to install opera in ubuntu?12:35
james296heres a short error I get when trying to update through the main server, not the US server...12:35
honeypot_I used network manager to share internet coming to wlan0 with eth112:35
james296Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.lzma  Sub-process /usr/bin/lzma returned an error code (1)12:36
james296Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:36
Dr_Willissounds like a bad file on the server12:36
=== honeypot_ is now known as honeypot
vitto89linker: just download it from opera.com12:36
Soyojames296: were other files successful?12:37
linkervitto89, how to download it from terminal12:37
Iledenlinker: sudo apt-get install opera ?12:37
Dr_Willislinker:  latest opera.deb from the opera web site works. and adds a repoistory to the system to keep it updated12:37
james296I dont know, dont think anything can update12:37
honeypotI used network manager to share internet coming to wlan0 with eth1, does eth1 now run a DHCP server? I keep getting adresses of another IP range but internet works...12:37
Iledenlinker: ah, right, not in repos unless added via their .deb...12:37
james296thats the only thing listed in the result box12:38
Dr_Willisdeb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free #Opera Browser (final releases)12:38
Dr_Willisthe repo for Opera. from Opera :)12:38
james296so what might my problem be?12:38
Soyonetsplit I remember back when I was teenager we used to take channels over during net splits and put bots in there, lol.12:38
sacarlsonhoneypot: I guess all you need is to bridge them and your original dhcp will provide what's needed,  I'm not sure how network-manager does it but I assume that's what they do12:39
Dr_WillisHmm. i see all tehse Translation-us messages again when i update.. never have figured out whythey show up.. then vanish.12:39
Dr_WillisIgn http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security/main Translation-en_US12:39
tehoweSoyo: did that ever pan out to anything useful or just fun12:39
=== root__ is now known as glh5
Soyotehowe: negative, just fun12:40
Dr_Willisjames296:  extras worked for me --> Hit http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release.gpg12:40
honeypotsacarlson, when I bridge them will eth1 clients be as if they are connected directly to router (like wlan0)?12:40
akash6190guys i need help for configuring my usb web cam12:40
vitto89I'm trying to install the dwl g-132 wless card, but it still don't work. someone can help?12:40
Dr_Willisjames296:  deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main12:40
Dr_Willisakash6190:  how have you tested the webcam so far?12:41
james296what do you mean12:41
IledenSoyo: ah, the golden days of moral irresponsibility *longing sigh*12:41
sacarlsonhoneypot: yes they will all get the same gateways and dns server data12:41
Dr_Willisjames296:  that line in my sources.list is working at this time. I am in Indiana.12:41
akash6190yeah it works on windows ...on linux it is not being detected12:41
somethinginteresIs there a way to change the location of the "Music" folder?12:41
SoyoIleden: ah the golden days of having nothing better to do.12:41
james296so are you saying the servers are down??12:41
SoyoI do miss it12:41
Dr_Willissomethinginteres:  the ubuntu-tweak program can do that.. theres proberly other ways.12:41
sacarlsonhoneypot: what mode does it put your wifi card in?  adhoc?12:41
honeypotthat way I'll disable what network manager did, and set up the bridge12:42
Dr_Willisjames296:  the one i just used seesm to be up. It could be  it selects them from a pool. and one of the pool servers is down12:42
honeypotscarlson: no AP mode12:42
rumpe1somethinginteres, try $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs12:42
honeypotI mean client mode12:42
james296but its been like that for me for a couple weeks12:42
sacarlsonhoneypot: cool,  my ralink can't get into AP mode12:42
james296would it seriously be down for that long?12:42
tehoweSo, erm, how does Canonical's move towards cloud storage help or hinder the attack on Internet anonymity staged by Kasperksy, Microsoft's OpenID et al?12:42
Dr_Willisjames296:  see what extras server is in your sources.list12:42
Dr_Willisjames296:  that one i just used.. is working.12:42
IledenSoyo: indeed. and the golden days of realizing how inexistant the school computer security is compared to one's own mad skillz...12:42
somethinginteresDr_Willis rumpe1: that's what I'm after12:43
Dr_Willisanonymity is nice... but can get in the way of getting stuff done.. so you have to balance things out.12:43
honeypotscarlson: sorry, it's in client mode (managed?) alfa 1000mw it supports AP mode though12:43
james296deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main12:44
Soyovitto89: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthred.php?t=14601812:44
honeypotscarlson, I'll disable what network manager did, could you tell me where I get some info to bridge two cards plz12:44
SoyoIleden: lol yesss12:45
sacarlsonhoneypot: oh your shareing in the oposite direction from wifi to ethX,  that works too12:45
honeypotscarlson: yah, I need ethX to recieve internet just like wlan0 does12:45
SoyoCORRECTION vitto89: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14601812:45
tehoweDr_Willis: I have some misgivings that dissidents in rather nasty states will suffer... I hope that 'balance' will be balanced in these here parts.12:46
james296so Im still unable to fix the problem here12:46
rww!ot | tehowe12:46
Dr_Willisakash6190:  how have you even tried to use it on linux? you tried it in the program 'cheese' yet?12:46
honeypotscarlson internet: wlan0==>eth112:46
sacarlsonhoneypot: I thought you were sharing?  you are recieving on both to that machine?12:46
rwwtehowe: heh. well, if ubottu weren't being odd, she'd tell you that #ubuntu is for Ubuntu tech support, and that #ubuntu-offtopic is probably a better venue for your question12:47
sacarlsonhoneypot: ok12:47
Dr_Willisakash6190:  it may be its not supported if cheese dont see it. You coudl try the next alpha relase of ubuntu and see if it works in that.12:47
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:47
james296no one/12:47
honeypotscarlson I used sharing because that's what I chosed in network manager "share this connection...." in IPv4 settings :)12:48
Soyojames296: what package are you trying to fetch?12:48
SoyoOpera browser?12:48
=== geek is now known as Guest98340
james296well the main default repos12:48
Dr_Willisjames296:  try perhaps -> deb http://us.extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main12:48
konninetHi, anyone og you is using audacity in Ubuntu?12:49
sacarlsonhoneypot: you should see if network-manager didn't already do it for you by looking at ifconfig  if you want to setup yourself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces12:49
Guest98340hello i was wondering if anyone can help me get my wifi working im now on ubuntu12:49
=== Guest98340 is now known as Pyre__
Soyo!wifi | Guest9834012:50
ubottuGuest98340: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:50
Dr_WillisGuest12982:  does the system -> admin -> addational drivers tool - suggest any extra drivers?12:50
leomast247guest98340:do u have a wired connection available that would be easier to setup stuff with12:50
honeypotscarlson: the problem net manager did many things else... I have DHCP running in eth1 now and wlan0 addresses are 192.168.0.X but eth1 IPs served by eth1 dhcp are 10.42.43.X12:50
Pyre__im wired right now12:50
honeypotscarlson: internet work thogh in eth112:51
james296no that made my error much worse, infact now it says Something Wicked Has Occured12:51
Pyre__my lsmod12:51
SoyoI'm wired too :D12:51
Dr_WillisPyre__:  check the addational drivers tool, and do a  update/upgrade of the ssytem yet?  what is your excat wireless card?12:51
Pyre__its already installed but its still greyed out12:51
Pyre__i have a belkin12:52
Soyojames296 woah I never got that error message: "Something Wicked Has Occured"12:52
honeypotscarlson: I can't access the computer connecting the eth1 since it's in another IP range (other than from the PC having both net cards)12:52
Pyre__how can i check again i forgot the command12:52
sacarlsonhoneypot: ok IC they routed instead of bridge,  I guess they almost do the same thing,  but I would still use bridge in a lan12:53
ranjanis there any list of anonymous proxy servers that can be used to block its usage with squid??12:53
james296so is this problem on my end or what???12:54
kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?12:54
Soyojames296 it could be you or a server in between you and the repository12:54
james296oh by the way guess I should mention Im running the 64 bit version12:54
james296so Im the only one getting this problem?12:55
Pyre__ralink rt286012:55
Pyre__and a bcm431112:55
daniel_treeis there a linux viable solution for resofting samsung mobile phone ?12:55
SoyoI just did an update a few minutes ago no sweat12:55
sacarlsonranjan: google has tons of free open anonmous server list available,  not sure about your block part12:55
james296WHY ME!!!!12:55
Soyodaniel_tree: sdxdevelopers.org12:56
honeypotscarlson: yah I prefer bridge than to connect to the PC on eth1 from other clients... unless you show me how to access the IP in different range... I don't want to forward every port I needed, I need eth1 client to be on same LAN as wlan012:56
Soyodaniel_tree: they have an irc channel too...12:56
daniel_treeSoyo,  the site doesn work ..12:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:57
Soyodaniel_tree: Sorry its sdx-developers.com12:57
Pyre__that doesnt really work :P12:57
sacarlsonhoneypot: ya the bridge will open all services on your lan to all that are on it on eater side12:57
arunomiHi i need some help, im trying to recover some lost data and i cant get chroot to work?12:58
Soyodaniel_tree: also try #sdx-developers12:58
arunomichroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory12:58
kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?12:58
honeypotscarlson: great! so as if wlan0 was virtually divided to serve two clients right?12:58
daniel_tree #sdx-developers12:58
SoyoI have a rooted Samsung Epic 4G myself ;)12:58
Pyre__0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)12:58
daniel_treeSoyo, I will take a look..thanks12:59
sacarlsonarunomi: why do you need to chroot to recover data,  can't you just mount the disk from a live cd or other and copy it to some place else?12:59
prologicHow do I get the bz2 module for Ubuntu 10.10 for python 2.6.2 ? Nothing seems available in the cache13:00
Pyre__geek@Dell:~$ sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl13:00
Pyre__FATAL: Module ssb is in use.13:00
honeypotscarlson: router will see wlan0 and eth1 as two different wireless clients?13:01
Pyre__so i guess theres no help13:01
arunomiim have this typ of problem13:01
horseatingweedsI'm working with exim4. I can send email to my account on locahost. I'm trying to send an email to another system on my network but it fails. The error log says host lookup did not complete. What does that mean?13:02
forsetiusI have a problem with Internet connection sharing - can I speak here?13:02
ranjanhorseatingweeds, its the problem with your DNS server:)13:03
honeypotforsetius: yah this is what I'm doing at the moment13:03
kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?13:03
Soyoforsetius: You don't need +v to speak here :)13:03
Soyo!ask | forsetius13:03
ubottuforsetius: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:03
forsetiusok, good13:03
arunomiMy ubuntu system chrasht and my home dir is encrypted13:03
deadroothello all. sorry to be a bother, but would somebody direct me to a channel that discusses public key cryptography?13:03
horseatingweedsI used the IP. name@
arunomiso this is a page that have a solution http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/13:04
arunomibut i cant get the chroot to work13:04
Dr_Willisdeadroot:  #ssh may know a good source for that.13:04
Soyoarunomi: did you write down the encryption code? (please DO NOT post it)13:04
deadrootDr_Willis: thank you very much :)13:04
ranjanhorseatingweeds, better ask in #exim13:04
CensoredBiscuitI broke my tty13:05
deadrootah, there's practically nobody there :(13:05
horseatingweedsranjan, ok13:05
arunomino but the pass doc is still there.13:05
Soyoarunomi so you could decrypt it that way then13:06
Soyo!hi | MadCarburetor13:08
MadCarburetorIs it very difficult to install Photoshop on Ubuntu using WINE?13:08
Dr_Willis!appdb | MadCarburetor13:08
ubottuMadCarburetor: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:08
Soyolol !hi no more?13:08
rwwSoyo: nope13:08
Dr_WillisMadCarburetor:  i think it depends on the version of Photpshop13:08
SoyoI loved !hi... give a minute to mourn its loss13:09
r00t4rd3dno !hi is <reply> BYE !13:09
Pyre__still having wifi issues13:09
mongyMadCarburetor, ive had CS2 running without any problems.13:09
MadCarburetorIs WINE hard to use for a noob?13:09
Soyoubottu: I don't know anything about !hi...13:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:09
mongyMadCarburetor, check appdb on winehq.org13:09
forsetiusso I have 2 Ubuntu PCs - desktop and laptop. At desktop I have Huaiwei dongle accessed on desktop as ppp0 and also eth0 wired connection. Using Firestarter + dhcp3-server solution, I'm setting up the ICS. Effect: connection sharing works, not the Internet CS though. Pings from laptop to desktop works, laptop gets DHCP lease with DNS records, even Empathies on laptop and desktop see each other on local connection. But browsers can't resolve hostname an13:09
forsetiusd digs are unsuccessful.13:09
Dr_WillisMadCarburetor:  wine /path/to/whatever.exe    is the core of it all....13:10
MadCarburetorMongy, i'm doing that right now13:10
Dr_Willis!wine | MadCarburetor13:10
ubottuMadCarburetor: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:10
thimsI have been having some issues with an FTP server, and it seems to do the same thing regardless of the FTP daemon running (eg proftpd or vsftpd). I can connect to the daemon just fine from localhost, but when I try from a remote computer I get an error "421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection" even though the service is running. I ran both daemons in strace and see the daemon recognizing the connections and I can 13:10
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:10
thimscould it be a library issue? I am still in the process of ruling out a network issue, I dont think it is network but I am still looking into it.13:10
r00t4rd3dthims, do you have a router ?13:11
prologicAnyone ?13:11
Soyoubottu: you may not be intelligent but I still love you13:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:11
forsetiusFirestarter is reporting no problems on the firewall side. So, what I'm missing?13:11
thimsyeah, the ports are open and forwarded appropriatley13:11
prologicI can't seem to find a package for python-bz213:11
thimsproftpd was working fine for months, then one day it started doing this and now I cannot find a resolution for the life of me.13:11
MadCarburetorI think i'll just keep using GIMP.13:11
thimsr00t4rd3d: ^13:12
thekidwhat do these numbers in the first column mean in dmesg output ? ( eg. "[40556.254368] generic-bluetooth" .. etc ) is this a timestamp of some kind?13:12
r00t4rd3dthims pm13:12
arunomisorry i got diconnected13:12
SoyoGIMP is pretty win13:12
kristiinaproblem: ubuntu recognized broadcom bcm4313 as broadcom bcm4312 and runnung on this driver from 4312. Internet drops sometimes for quite a long time (network OK during these time). can anybody help:)13:13
MadCarburetorI used Photoshop on my friends Windows laptop and i found the UI much better then GIMP.13:13
arunomiso like i was saying be for i got disconnected13:13
thekidprologic: python-bzutils maybe?13:13
arunomii need help with my chroot13:13
prologicthekid, I looked at that, but didn't think that was it - I'll try13:13
sacarlsonarunomi: I see another solution that doesn't use chroot http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133769313:14
prologicthekid, it's something else ...13:14
forsetiusanyone can offer any hint?13:14
Dr_WillisMadCarburetor:  it all depends on what you are used to.13:14
sacarlsonarunomi: not sure if it's the same or not13:14
arunomiok il look in to it thanks13:14
shadow42085I am trying to install ubuntu server via floppy using netboot but I need to start the installer how can I do it using GPXE floppy13:14
MadCarburetorMaybe, But i had never used Photoshop Before, and i've been using GIMP for a few years.13:15
jaderamisohello guys! i recently migrated to ubuntu, i was hoping to get some information on the ubuntu forums, but i cant access it. the site said that the adminstrator banned my IP.13:15
Dr_Willisjaderamiso:  You are not using some proxy or tor are you?13:15
shadow42085I am trying to install ubuntu server via floppy using netboot but I need to start the installer how can I do it using GPXE floppy??13:16
pucko-what's gpxe? (never heard of the 'g' before)13:16
thekidprologic: do you have the libbz2-dev package installed?13:16
shadow42085it's based off of Etherboot13:16
prologicthekid, yes I do.13:16
esc_phr34khey guys is there much difference between normal install of ubuntu and alternative install13:17
pucko-shadow42085: oh, so it works on non pxe hardware?13:17
gobbeshadow42085: i don't think that it's possible quite easy13:17
prologicthekid, ImportError: No module named bz213:17
Dr_Willisesc_phr34k:  just the installer is different.13:17
gobbeesc_phr34k: alternative has different installer and has more stuff on cd13:17
Dr_Willisesc_phr34k:  the alt installer has a few differnt options also. but most people dont  need them13:18
Soyojaderamiso: maybe you should try a proxy...13:18
jaderamisoDr_Willis : im not using any proxy13:18
Dr_Willisesc_phr34k: the 'end' install is the same as far as i can tell13:18
rs0832jaderamiso, do you have a dynamic ip address?13:18
shadow42085well it's trying to get it working on a no-cd/usb boot server13:18
esc_phr34kDr_Willis, and gobbe  thanks just noticed that some options are not there while googling to resolve some issues13:18
shadow42085the cd drive is bad13:18
=== woju is now known as qiaoji
taranhow to install a LDAP server?13:19
shadow42085old scsi not terminating properly13:19
gobbeshadow42085: usb-intaller works quite ok13:19
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer13:19
apricotwanna search in Nautilus 2.32.0 (Ubuntu 10.10) like Dolpuin in KDE:  '*.re4;*.flk;xx?.xyz'  - HowTo ?13:19
vitto89can someone help me installing the dwl g-132 wless card?13:19
thekidprologic: since the bz2 module doesn't get compiled automatically according to the docs, it looks like you need to recompile python after you installed libbz2-dev by specifying the --enable-bz2 option or sg like that ( --help should tell ) , if you dont have access to the necessary compilers/libraries and have to use the packages then you're out of luck as of now :(13:20
sacarlsonshadow42085: you need to setup a pxe server something like this https://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install13:21
jaderamisoDr_Willis : yeah i think so, does that cause the problem?13:21
fzlamnhi all13:21
Soyovitto89: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14601813:21
prologicthekid, I'm more than happy to compile python from source (I normally use a source-based distro) - but won't that break ubuntu ? shouldn't I be recompiling python the "debian/ubuntu" way ? If so, I've forgotten how :/13:21
rs0832jaderamiso, possibly... it's happened to me before13:22
fzlamncan i install windows7 in ubuntu laptop without effecting my ubuntu partition?13:22
forsetius I have 2 Ubuntu PCs - desktop and laptop. At desktop I have ppp0 and eth0 connections. Using Firestarter + dhcp3-server solution, I'm setting up the ICS on desktop. Effect: connection sharing works, not the Internet CS though. Pings from laptop to desktop works, laptop gets DHCP lease with DNS records, even Empathies on laptop and desktop see each other on local connection. But browsers can't resolve hostname and digs are unsuccessful. Any hints what13:23
forsetius's wrong with DNS queries forwarding?13:23
Soyofzlamn: If it is on a separate partition, Yes. But I would create that partition first before using Windows installer13:23
thekidprologic: no it won't break anything, but you should purge the installed packages first from /usr because it can obviously conflict with /usr/local but you probably know this. no other problems should arise13:23
Jibadeehaanyone know what the gnome-set-ngs-daemon process is - it really slows down my machine shortly after login and consumes 96% IO making all my apps slow down13:23
fzlamnsoyo: using gParted rite?13:24
thekidprologic: no idea about the "ubuntu way", just download/compile the normal way, it will work :)13:24
Soyofzlamn that is one way, yes.13:24
Jibadeehalooks like gnome-set-ngs-daemon is gnome-settings-daemon13:25
rs0832prologic, you can install it fine.. your preinstalled python can be python and new one , pythonx.y13:26
mole1I can't get Rhythmbox to locate or play an audio cd...(normal cd bought from the shop) or any cd. I put a cd in the tray and nothing happens and nothing appears in the side panel of Rhythmbox. When last in this room I was advised to install ubuntu-restricted-extras which I have done, but no change to Rhythmbox. This is my first experience of linux so have no idea what to do next...can't find much on this problem on the internet...most people want to stop the autopla13:27
Pyre__thanks for the help.... wait no one really helped13:28
Dr_WillisPyre__:  thers always the forums13:28
Pyre__nothing helped from there13:28
jaderamisoDr_Willis : got disconnect, i thnk i have dynamic ip13:29
shadow42085mole1 give up on rythmbox use VLC13:29
Dr_Willisjaderamiso:  monitor your ip. it could be someone attacked the forum servers crom your current ip. is why its banned13:29
jaderamisoDr_Willis : ill do it, thanks13:30
ArabusHi, I have subversion installed on multiple machines running lucid via the package manager - this locates the binary in /usr/bin/svn. I also ahve an additional installation of svn in /usr/local/bin where I keep the recent release. My PATH on both machines is /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games.  When using `which svn` on one machine i get /usr/bin/svn on the other I get /usr/local/bin/svn. Anyone know why?13:30
vitto89thank you Soyo but I've just tried a too similar guide but still don't work13:31
mole1Thanks shadow42085..is this because it is a common problem with rhythmbox...how do I get vlc apt-get install vlc?13:31
shadow42085yeah you go thought the software center13:31
mole1Shadow why did you abandon Rhythmbox?13:32
prince12UBUNTU IS VERY GODD:)13:34
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jon__So any of you into Symbian?13:37
thekidmole1: rhytmbox can be evil sometimes, CD problem: 1) insert disc 2) Music/Scan removable media  Other problems: press ctrl+O , select the folder with the mp3 files or whatever music you have, and it will import your collection ( and you need the restricted extras package to play anything "useful" )13:38
jon__Dude you should get ultamatix, it'll get you all the codecs etc.13:38
ubottuUltamatix is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu.  Use of this software may cause damage to your Ubuntu install.  Do not suggest its use in this channel. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/99905.html and !automatix for more info.13:39
jon__Okay, well... In ubuntu software centre search for  ubuntu restricted extras13:40
thekidjon__: he's disconnected13:42
St0n3-C0lanyone knows how to restore grub2 after Windows install? I tried searching but so far all results are of grub13:44
dnivra!grub2 | St0n3-C0l13:44
ubottuSt0n3-C0l: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:44
forsetiusoh, It's ok when I ping from laptop to desktop but ping from laptop to Internet (Google's IP for example) yields "connect: Network is unreachable" msg. Why is that? Still fighting with Internet connection sharing13:45
ashish_hi, I want to write my own C header files, is there any framework I can user?13:45
thekidSt0n3-C0l: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7 -> see method #313:45
St0n3-C0lthanks a ton13:45
hai2uGood morning, does anyone know a good alternative to Spiceworks that runs on Ubuntu (particularly inventory/monitoring/alerts over helpdesk)13:47
St0n3-C0lIt's done13:47
Dr_Willisforsetius:  sounds like your dns setting is not correct on the laptop. try pinging the web site via its ip#13:47
ashish_hi, I want to write my own C header files, is there any framework I can user?13:47
St0n3-C0lThanks dnivra and thekid13:47
thekidforsetius: 1) enable internet sharing on desktop 2) type "route add default gw <desktop ip>" then it's done13:47
dnivraSt0n3-C0l, np :)13:47
forsetiusDr_Willis: did it - ping -c 4 (Google's IP) yields network is unreachable13:48
Dr_Willisforsetius:  then that points to your default route being incorrect I think.13:49
forsetiusthekid: this "route add..." should be given on laptop?13:49
=== rs0832_ is now known as rs0832
thekidforsetius: check settings: type "route" on  the laptop, last line should be "default <desktop ip>" if it's missing the laptop doesn't know that the desktop is sharing it's connection. If you have a line saying default or with a different ip address than your desktop then "route del default <badip>" "route add default gw <desktop"13:50
arunehello, I spent christmas learning debian source packaging to be able to use ppa for building a project automaticallly for i386 and amd64, it was a great experience13:50
arunehowever, I have a question13:51
forsetiusthekid: it's missing, some weird network address B class is at the end13:51
rs0832arune, go ahead13:51
thekidforsetius: assuming desktop is correctly setup for connection sharing then yes, you need to configure the laptop to actually use it, it wont happen automatically, so you need to modify the routing table ( tell it the desktop is the gateway to the internet ) using the route command13:52
aruneIm currently developing a script to automatically upload the project automatically to launchpad ppa daily if there is a new svn revision13:52
arunethe problem Im facing is the signing of the source package13:52
ph8hey all, i've configured a 16GB swap partition across two drives as a logical volume (LVM) - it's encrypted on top of this. When i try to swapon -a I get "swapon failed: cannot allocate memory" - any ideas why that might be?13:52
ph8this is a new install13:52
arunehow do I sign gpg with password automatically?13:53
aruneone work around is to have a passwordless gpg key13:53
thekidforsetius: delete the bad line starting with default, by typing "route del default gw <ipaddress>", then add the desktop ip as gateway "route add default gw <desktop ip>"13:53
dnivraarunce, to automate providing passphrase when a protected key is used, try installing gnupg-agent. i think it'd work.13:55
dnivraoops i mean arune, to automate providing passphrase when a protected key is used, try installing gnupg-agent. i think it'd work.13:55
dnivrasorry arunce :)13:55
dnivra!info gnupg-agent | arune13:56
rs0832dnivra, hey :)13:56
ubottuarune: gnupg-agent (source: gnupg2): GNU privacy guard - password agent. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.14-1.1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 301 kB, installed size 660 kB13:56
dnivrars0832, hey!13:56
aruncednivra: np13:56
kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?13:56
arunednivra: will check it out, my server is running 8.0413:56
rs0832dnivra, mind a ubuntu crossover connection question?13:56
hacked_kernelhow to encrypt file ?13:57
ololHi, I'm currently trying to install ubuntu server 10.10 on my server, I try to encrypt harddrives with 1TB of data on them, and the installation seems to hung up on 33% (creating ext4). I've tried to leave it over the night, but when it didn't finish within 18hours I gave it up. Any ideas?13:57
dnivraarune, well i run a 10.10 client and it always asks for passphrase since gnupg-agent isn't running but i never tried installing it. might work.13:57
arunednivra: you right, there is some error message each time I run debuild13:57
forsetiusthekid: is there a way to completely wipe the routes table? to start anew as you dictated13:57
aruneor rather a warning message13:57
kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?13:58
dnivrahacked_kernel, check out gnupg13:58
dnivra!info gnupg | hacked_kernel13:58
ubottuhacked_kernel: gnupg (source: gnupg): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.10-2ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1043 kB, installed size 5212 kB13:58
kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?13:59
thekidforsetius: delete line by line I guess :) however if you can ping the desktop from the laptop it means everything is fine, just need to a "route del default" "route add default gw <ipaddress" and that's all13:59
forsetiuswell, now I have the "default" line and 2 others before it14:00
thekidforsetius: that's how it should be14:00
dnivraarune, i think you've to run it as 'debuild -S -k<key>' to sign.14:01
forsetiusthekid: it reads: default    idunn.local    UG    0    0     0    eth014:01
forsetiusidunn is the desktop's name14:01
arunednivra: yes, thats what I do, and it asks me for the passphrase after a warning about the agent14:01
dnivraarune, yeah the warning would be something like 'gpg agent not available for the session' i think.14:02
forsetiusI issued desktop's IP and it substituted it with hostname14:02
thekidforsetius: if you can ping idunn.local then it's correct on the laptop side, try pinging outside addresses14:02
arunednivra: thanks a lot, I will try14:02
dnivraarunce, sure np :)14:02
Greeperwhat do you call a fsck and a chmod?14:03
Greepera shinbuntu14:04
psycho_oreos!offtopic| Greeper14:04
ubottuGreeper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:04
Greeperhow is fsck and chmod offtopic?14:04
bluji have a 75GB / partition.. i want to resize this to 50GB and then use the remaining 25GB as / for another distro im installing. tips? i seem to be able to use resize2fs from a live dvd to resize my 75GB partition, but i ran into problems creating/formatting a new partition afterwards last time, tips?14:04
r00t4rd3dpsycho_oreos, some human interaction is allowed14:04
Greeperfile system check = fsck14:04
psycho_oreosyou're meant to ask for support not to paste some joke?14:04
presleyhi, i'd like to play counter-strike on linux, i installed it with wine and launched, but it doesn't work with OpenGl, i have intel 945GME videocard and it seems opengl to be, can anybody help??14:05
forsetiusthekid: nope, 100% packet loss14:05
bonjoyeebluj: use gparted14:05
blujbonjoyee, ty.14:05
dnivrapresley, ask in #winehq14:05
thekidforsetius: 100% loss to the desktop or to an internet host?14:05
Greeperno ty14:05
forsetiusthekid: to internet host, to desktop is ok14:06
=== hadeS_ is now known as Guest8981
thekidforsetius: then the laptop configuration is correct. Problem is at the desktop side.14:06
Greeperubuntu is the poormans os14:07
=== Greeper is now known as TeamsterLinux
thekidforsetius: ( pinging desktop = ok , pinging outside 100% loss means the laptop is correctly sending the packets to the gateway (desktop) yet the desktop doesn't function as an "internet sharing device" so it doesnt forward packets back and forth, that's what needs to be fixed) if the desktop is running linux then tell some more about how did you setup the "connection sharing"14:09
p2p4i'd rather be a poor man with brains. than a rich man, with no brains.14:09
TeamsterLinuxthekid im getting packet loss to thekid14:09
TeamsterLinuxwhat do i do, i use ping on ubuntu14:09
forsetiusthekid: on desktop there is ppp0 configured in NetworkManager via Auto (PPP) and eth0 via Connection Sharing14:09
TeamsterLinuxding ding ding14:10
p2p4hi TeamsterLinux.14:10
forsetiusalso, I installed Firestarter and dhcp3-server14:10
TeamsterLinuxhhi p2p414:10
thekidforsetius: what does "iptables -t nat -L" say on the desktop?14:10
IledenAnyone here with experience about bluetooth GPRS? Everything seems ok, and when I run "pon BluetoothDialup" my phone initiates a modem connection, then immediately drops it. /var/log/messages reports "LCP terminated by peer" right after ppp0<-->rfcomm0 and pap authentication. I've used the phone successfully before with the exact same chatscript and other config, and same bluetooth adapter, and the connection also works with Win7 so it's not impossible... Any diagn14:10
TeamsterLinuxirc sucks14:11
* TeamsterLinux leaves14:11
* TeamsterLinux splits like a tree and leaves14:11
bonjoyeeIleden: have u tried network-manager?14:11
GunniTeamsterLinux you suck14:11
p2p4does anyone in here know if i can use an Ubunutu5 machine to act as a apt-cacher, to ubuntu10 machines i have on my lan?14:11
TeamsterLinuxgunni i know, i do suck14:11
forsetiusthekid: 3 empty sections, 3 times: policy ACCEPT14:11
TeamsterLinuxbang bang bang14:12
Iledenbonjoyee: no because I prefer not to use it for the bluetooth connection, and didn't expect it to matter. But I'll try and see if it works.14:12
Pici!ot | TeamsterLinux14:13
ubottuTeamsterLinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:13
bonjoyeeIleden: for me..it works otb with my nokia 523314:13
f10d0rhi all :) i need halp to find diferents between folder i have two folders and i need find files who is in one but isn't in another ... help???14:13
forsetiusthekid: after enabling firestarter's firewall: in POSTROUTING: MASQUERADE all  -- anywhere anywhere14:14
TeamsterLinuxCosa vuoi pici?14:14
forsetiusthekid: and on laptop digs got through at last14:14
TeamsterLinuxpici seems to like to throw a ! in front of people14:14
ohzief10d0r: To diff two directories in my home directory: diff  ~peter ~george14:14
=== Adam__ is now known as abradley
TeamsterLinuxi wonder if you like the sicilian mafia too :)14:15
ohzieTeamsterLinux: Derp derp derp14:15
PiciTeamsterLinux: This is a support channel.  If you want to be offtopic, try #ubuntu-offtopic14:15
forsetiusthekid: seems it's working now. I just have to keep firestarter running14:15
TeamsterLinuxpici i need support with the ! command, help me please!14:15
Iledenbonjoyee: yeah, it did work for me in the previous laptop, where the direct "pon" worked also.14:15
ohzief10d0r: Does that do what you needed?14:15
TeamsterLinuxyou seem to have a facination with !, tell me more!14:15
f10d0rit shows only folders14:16
f10d0ri neeed files14:16
ohzief10d0r: Oh dear. One moment.14:16
f10d0rall files14:16
ohzief10d0r: No it says it checks files as well. =O14:17
forsetiusthekid: thanks a lot for advice14:17
thekidforsetius: if you dont' want to keep it running you can always share the connection manually by typing "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE " the console on the desktop14:17
ohzief10d0r: i just tried it and it does files as well. What did you do?14:18
thekidassuming ppp0 is your outside connection14:18
thekidsorry no idea about firestarter never used it14:19
stefanoshello, how can i add language to keybord on KDE?14:19
LogicallyDashingstefanos you want #kubuntu14:19
forsetiusthekid:  will issuing it once will suffice or do I have to put it in /etc/rc.d or similar?14:20
stefanosi have installed KDE on ubuntu..14:20
niohello all i need some help to resize my partition14:20
stefanos<LogicallyDashing>i have installed KDE...14:20
thekidstefanos: http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html#regional-keyboardlayout14:20
LogicallyDashingstefanos, yes, well, you still want #kubuntu, because that is what you call ubuntu when it's running kde14:20
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arunomiwhy do chroot give this message chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory14:20
Thomas_Andersonnio: you can use gParted14:21
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Thomas_Andersonnio: it's very easy to use14:21
nioi am using ubuntu 8.04lts and need to resize my / from the partition of vmware how to do that because i think i need to unmount / is this possible14:22
niogparted didn't allow to resize /14:22
LogicallyDashingnio, you just boot from a cd14:22
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LogicallyDashingin vmware you could use a cd image14:22
Thomas_Andersonnio: do it with the LiveCD14:22
User3543Hello, I am having a slight problem with Ubuntu14:23
gobbenio: are you running ubuntu virtualized?14:23
niobut what will happen to my vmware if i resize its partition14:23
stefanosthekid,  thank you14:23
thekidforsetius: settings on both the laptop and the desktop will wanish after a reboot ( maybe even on reconnect regarding the desktop ) so yes you need to add the commands ( route add default gw <desktop>, and iptables -t nat... on the desktop ) to some kind of init script than runs these. On the desktop you should add the iptables line to /etc/ppp/idontremember/ifup.d  so it will share the connection upon connect automatically, on the laptop it14:23
thekid doesn't matter where you put it really, /etc/rc.local is perfect.14:23
niono i am not using virtual ubuntu14:23
gobbenio: so you are running ubuntu under vmware or vmware under ubuntu?14:23
stefanosLogicallyDashing, yes.. i am new :)14:23
User3543I tried to install xampp, but received some errors when I try to run it. After some research online, I think this may have something to do with it being a 32 bit application? Could this be the problem?14:24
nioi am using vmware under ubuntu to test14:24
theoswe are having a conference about ubuntu and open-source. can anyone guide me how to get some ubuntu cds shipped? its urgent14:24
ph8can anyone tell me how to stop an active lvm device? i want to stop it and remove it, vgremove/lvremove says it's 'open' - but it's not mounted anywherre14:24
ph8* anywhere14:24
gobbenio: are you running lvm?14:24
gobbenio: if so, you can enlarge partitions on fly14:24
forsetiusthekid: thanks again, bye14:24
Iledenbonjoyee: right, ok, stupid me for not trying that. it works when I set it up from the network manager... wonder why it doesn't when I use it directly.14:24
niohmm.. lvm?14:24
wildc4rdam I likely to be able to run a Simulator in Wine that uses DirectX 3D acceleration?14:24
niohow to find out that14:24
LogicallyDashingwildc4rd, it depends on what version of directx14:25
theoslike about 100-20014:25
nuno_nunesHi  :)14:25
gobbenio: pass sudo df -h to pastebin14:25
PiciUser3543: Is there a reason you're using xampp instead of the LAMP stack that is in the Ubuntu Repositories?14:25
LogicallyDashingwildc4rd, you should look it up in appdb.winehq.org14:25
forsetiusbye all14:25
bonjoyeeIleden: did u follow any guide to setup from the cli? id like to learn that as well..could you post the link?14:25
thekidwildc4rd: you should be able to, it's working for me "by itself" didn't configure anything but my single d3d game ( sam and max) runs perfectly14:25
User3543Pici: I believe with xampp MySQL is already set up whereas with lamp it requires some sort of configuration? I have not used lamp before so I may be mistaken?14:26
stefanosLogicallyDashing, were is the theme change?14:26
lackevafanHello, anyone here who can help me with a little problem ?14:26
niogobbe it is showing my partition information14:26
LogicallyDashingstefanos, what are you talking about?14:26
thekidwildc4rd: you should try it and if it fails copy the error here14:26
LogicallyDashing!ask | lackevafan14:27
ubottulackevafan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:27
Iledenbonjoyee: sure, it was the ubuntu wiki guide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup14:27
stefanosLogicallyDashing, soz.. wrong asked.. how do I change the theme layout on KDE?14:27
bonjoyeeIleden: thanks14:27
User3543ie. I was under the impression that with xampp it's essentially install it and run, whereas lamp is more complicated14:27
LogicallyDashingstefanos, in KDE System Settings, under Appearance14:27
gobbenio: put it to pastebin14:27
gobbenio: and what does command sudo lvdisplay say14:28
Iledenbonjoyee: not the easiest, but the problem is my phone keeps changing Dialup channels, and I have a custom script set up to check which channel the phone has active, and bind the connection to that channel...14:28
PiciUser3543: It is a little more complicated, but with the packages in the repositories you are gauranteed security updates. Also, we do not support xampp here, only the packaged install.14:28
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:28
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niocommand not found gobbe14:28
niogobbe command not found14:28
gobbenio: ok, put output of the df to pastebin, and give url14:29
stefanosLogicallyDashing, thank you again :)14:29
coz_nio,  what are you trying to do ?14:29
wildc4rdlogicallydashing/thekid, Thanks, looking on that site it seems that it installs but won't run properly14:29
niocoz_ need to take the extra size of the vmware partition to / bcoz it is 90% full14:30
coz_gobbe,   oh sorry...:)  I thought the command not found was  "gobbe"  lol14:30
wildc4rdtime to dig out the old Windows CD, lol14:30
MrUnagii have sftp users rooted to /jail/home.......how can i allow access to an external drive to these users?14:30
mattyh88hi, where can i find the httpd.conf file (apache)14:30
gobbecoz_: :D14:30
shadow42085ok dhcp is failing to start and stop14:30
lackevafanToday I changed the cpu in my server using ubuntu server 10.10, now the problem is that when I try to boot up the server it just becomes a black screen. Even when I try to reinstall via the LiveCD i only  get a black screen when you press the "Install to Hard Drive ', someone who can help me?14:30
User3543Pici, thank you I am looking at the link you posted now... Out of curiousity, is there any difference between the method on that website compared to this command which I found at ubuntuforums.org? ie. sudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server apache2 phpmyadmin14:31
niogobbe what you want when you say output of df command to "pastebin" file and which url y r talking14:31
PiciUser3543: No difference.14:31
gobbenio: well, copy-paste what that comamnd gave and put it to pastebin14:31
shadow42085ok dhcp is failing to start and stop any ideas?14:31
Iledenbonjoyee: not sure if network manager can handle the rebinging. if it can, I'm fine (though I'd like to know a command that opens the connection, to bind it to keyboard shortcut...)14:31
PiciUser3543: Although the lamp-server install doesn't include phpmyadmin.14:32
gobbenio: pastebin.ubuntu.com14:32
dannyLopezhi I haave a problem whit this page14:32
gobbedannyLopez: what kind of problem14:33
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kyle1when i plu a USB HDD in. it would auto display on desktop. now it doesn't, i have to goto computer.. any idea?14:34
dannyLopezgobbe: the plugin of windows media player14:34
now3dHi. can anyone tell me if there is an amd64 build of Ubuntu Netbook Remix release?14:34
gobbenow3d: there is not14:34
aeon-ltdnow3d: no14:34
gobbenow3d: netbook is only for 32bit14:34
mattyh88why isn't there anything in my /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file? apache is running well ....14:34
ech_Phr34kcan someone tell me how do get control centre its not in system-preference or administrator14:34
coz_dannyLopez,   sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-restricted-extras14:34
aeon-ltdnow3d: most netbooks are 32bit so it would be pointless (for compatibiility and performance gains)14:34
now3dgobbe: Ah ok. So my 4GB netbook with 64bit cpu must run the desktop one?14:34
User3543Pici: Ah okay, so phpMyAdmin is the difference. I do need phpMyAdmin actually.... with the "sudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server apache2 phpmyadmin" does it just download phpMyAdmin and I have to set it up manually, or does it do otherwise?14:34
JuJuBeeHow do I configure apache to process a php file rather than offer for download?14:35
dannyLopezcoz_: I have the extras14:35
gobbenow3d: netbook remix is same as desktop, but it has ubity-desktop as default14:35
niogobbe here is the url http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/549845/14:35
coz_dannyLopez,   also install vlc and the  vlc pluging for firefox  hold on let me get package name14:35
User3543JuJuBee, it mentioned that problem at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP14:35
now3dgobbe: ok, so I can run the desktop amd64 CD, and then apt-get install ubity-desktop14:35
gobbenio: and sudo /sbin/lvdisplay didn't return anything?14:35
User3543Search for the line "Does your browser ask if you want to download the php file instead of displaying it?"14:35
gobbenow3d: yes14:35
nioit says no file14:36
now3daeon-ltd: i think some netbooks are 64bit, or if they are 12", perhaps they are no longer called netbooks!14:36
nioi mean no command found14:36
hibbaanyone installed handbrake on 11.04?14:36
coz_dannyLopez,  mm  its playing here without it but the  package is named  mozilla-plugin-vlc14:36
now3daeon-ltd: Are you a UK limited company? like IT contractor?14:36
gobbenio: ok, so you don't have lvm's14:36
gobbenio: then extending is much harder14:36
thekidnow3d: the netbook edition has the possibilty of chosing between the usual gnome desktop / netbook desktop on the login screen so get the netbook version, you won't miss out on anything the desktop edition has to offer14:37
coz_dannyLopez,  recently I have been installing all vlc packages in the repository...so far no issues on any website14:37
llutzhibba: for11.04 use #ubuntu+114:37
niogobbe what will happens if i uninstall vmware and then try to resize using livecd14:37
dannyLopeztks coz_14:37
hibbathanks! :)14:37
gobbenio: well, there's no need to uninstall vmware14:37
vikas_windows 7 not booting after installing ubuntu 10.10 on dell inspiron 151014:37
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IledenIs there a CLI command I can run to open a specific Mobile Broadband connection via Network Manager?14:37
aeon-ltdnow3d: no, why?14:37
now3dAre you all mostly in the USA?14:37
User3543Pici: thanks for your help, hopefully lamp works out well... i'll give it a try now :)14:38
gobbenow3d: no14:38
now3daeon-ltd: We use "ltd" as abreviation of "Limited company214:38
aeon-ltdnow3d: your going offtopic now14:38
ech_Phr34kcan someone tell me how do get control centre its not in system-preference or administrator14:38
nioactually i have to learn quemu vmware is easy14:38
now3daeon-ltd: Was going to ask about USA laptop and getting ubuntu working on it..14:38
aeon-ltdnow3d: i know my name was just some random oxymoron i made up - 'aeon' - endless upon endless 'ltd' a limit14:38
thekidvikas_: that's a common mistake, you need to buy a new laptop and win7 license :D or... tell us what does "not booting" mean? any error message? ( ntlrd is missing or the like, black screen of death..? )14:39
JuJuBeeUser3543: I read that and still doing  prompting for download libapache2-mod-php5 is  installed and php5  mod is enabled...14:39
now3dI was going to get a "Asus Eee PC 1215N", however, the reviews look pretty bad at getting ubuntu working on it. Looking at Dell Vostro 13" now, or Dell ADamo14:39
aeon-ltdnow3d: if you really want 64bit just use regular ubuntu, however whats funny is that unr isn't actually more suited for anything on a netbook besides crappy trackpads and small keyboards14:40
Thomas_Andersonech_Phr34k: go to Preferences->Main Menu->System and click on Control Center14:40
Thomas_Andersonech_Phr34k: it will appear in the menu14:40
thekidnow3d, aeon-ltd is right14:40
aeon-ltdnow3d: if you're willing to put the work into getting all hardware to work, its roughly the same (except a few chipsets)14:40
now3daeon-ltd: yes, i understand.  I am just aware of the address limits.. if the machine has 4GB ram, I presume possibly not all of it is addressable from 32bit mode..?14:41
thekidnow3d: asus 1005ha here, tried both, no difference14:41
ech_Phr34kThomas_Anderson,  i cant see control centre14:41
llutznow3d: use the pae-kernel to use your full 4gb on 32bit14:41
now3dthekid: do you mean not even more effort needed?14:41
GaryDanyone know how to make xdg autostart work with openbox? it seems like xdg-autostart is missing.14:41
ech_Phr34kThomas_Anderson,  got it thanks14:42
thekidnow3d: i have 16g ram in a 32bit box and of course it's addressable ( lookup highmem support in the kernel )14:42
thekidnow3d: dont' ask how it works i have no idea but it does :)14:42
p2p4hi room14:43
aeon-ltdnow3d: there is a separate kernel designed for 32bit ubuntu to accesss 4gb of ram, its called the pae kernel14:43
aeon-ltdnow3d: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE14:43
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now3dthekid: ;)  so maybe there is absolutely no benefit for me using 64bit edition on this 64bit 13" laptop, may make more sense to keep runing in 32bit mode.. saves 2bytes off every pointer too ;)14:44
thekidnow3d: no more effort or anything, the netbook edition is basically just offers you a different "theme" optimized for small screens but you can always start a normal gnome session14:44
JuJuBeeUWhy does apach2 on ubuntu prompt me to download php file instead of processing? I did sudo a2enmod php5 and sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 and restarted apache. Still no luck14:44
p2p4can i use a ubuntu5 machine to act as a local repository(apt-cacher) sever, for ubuntu 10, lan members?14:44
now3daeon-ltd: thanks for the link14:44
aeon-ltdnow3d: also most netbooks don't come with 4gb of ram or more, its easier and more cost effective to change your software instead of upgrading hardware14:44
EketI'm having problems installing ubuntu 10 onto my new laptop14:45
suprengrhopefully not OT but...  last night I installed Docky.... wouldn't that have saved some good people doing hard work on Unity some time [as in set it vertically for UNE and leave choice for desktop].  Anyone know if there's a tech reason why not?14:45
Eketcan someone help14:45
niowhat will happens if i uninstall vmware and then try to resize using livecd14:45
ethanoluh, is wubi broken?14:45
ethanolI want to use 'rob' as my username cause that is my name, and it keeps saying enter a valid username :\14:46
vikas_thekid, the boot selection failed because required device is inaccessible,14:46
ethanoloh, it actually wanted me to specify a password, nothing wrong with my username. weird error message...14:46
theoswe are having a conference about ubuntu and open-source. can anyone guide me how to get some ubuntu cds shipped? its urgent14:47
thekidJuJuBee: did you check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled if it's really there?14:47
aeon-ltdtheos: uhhh, they don't do that anymore iirc14:47
Picitheos: You may want to ask in #ubuntu-community-team14:47
aeon-ltdtheos: just burn some, but md5sum first14:47
Picip2p4: Ubuntu 5? If you mean 5.04 or 5.10, then those two releases are entirely unsupported.14:47
theosoh thanks :)14:47
JuJuBeethekid: yes it is there a link to the .conf and load are present14:48
GaryDcan anyone help me get xdg autostart working in openbox?14:48
GaryDi have python-xdg installed, but it seems that the xdg-autostart script is missing. i have no /usr/lib/openbox14:50
ethanolugh. how can I get wubi to download faster? it's going at like 15kb/s... I have a 50mbit line here :<14:50
nerdy_kidI am looking to buy a bluetooth adapter for my desktop, would this be compatible with ubuntu?  http://www.amazon.com/Kensington-K33902US-Bluetooth-Micro-Adapter/dp/B000YA1XU2/ref=pd_sim_e_6  thanks!14:50
EketHey guys i REAALLLY need some help14:51
bonesyhello everyone :)14:51
EketI have to be able to use my laptop14:51
nerdy_kidethanol: you can download the .iso before hand and stick it in the same dir and wubi will use that instead of downloading it14:51
r00t4rd3dethanol, just u a torrent to download a iso , very fast , then put wubi and your iso in the same folder and run wubi14:51
Eketand without an operating system it won't work at all14:51
ethanolah ok14:51
bonesyjust wondering if anyone could help me out with something from wineHQ14:52
bonesyI want to download a patch, so I clicked on it14:52
bonesybut all I got was this page of code14:52
thekidvikas_: fix windows using this tutorial: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392 , after it boots you need to reinstall grub2. Boot from a live cd, mount the drive like sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt , then grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda , then reboot from hdd. start linux, and type update-grub in case windows is missing from the bootmenu. That's it in a nutshell :D14:52
ethanolcan wubi install 10.10 ?14:53
r00t4rd3dethanol, here are the official torrents http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#bt14:53
ethanolyeah grabbed one of those14:54
ethanolonly getting 2.2mb :( but it beats 15kb/s14:54
Eketmy installation have stopped at the "who are you?" part14:54
Eketthe forward button won't light up when it says "ready when you are"14:55
bonesyhave you got your password correct?14:55
rs0832Eket, are you using uppercase letters in your username?14:55
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EketI did14:56
Eketand now it works14:56
EketTHANKS rs083214:56
User3145Hello again... Pici, good news the LAMP install seemed to go fine14:56
rs0832Eket, no problem:)14:56
bonesyno ideas?14:56
sander^workHow can I turn on the boot menu, so I can choose another kernel than default one?14:56
User3145There's just two problems, and I suspect they are easy fixes... the first being I can't seem to save a file into var/www/ as it says I do not have the correct permissions?14:57
r00t4rd3dUser3145, use gksudo gedit14:57
r00t4rd3dfrom a term14:57
r00t4rd3dbut be careful14:58
gobbeUser3145: or add your user to www-data group14:58
Thomas_Andersonsander^work, it's displayed by default by GRUB14:58
ethanoldamnit. wubi does not accept 10.10 ?14:58
r00t4rd3dyeah it does14:59
ethanolit says it's downloading 10.0414:59
rs0832sander^work, if you have single boot, try keeping shift pressed from boot14:59
ethanoleven though 10.10 iso is in the same directory14:59
User3145Thanks, I tried using gksudo and I can now edit the file (just to test, I edited index.html) however when I reload http://localhost the change does not take effect? I am probably missing something obvious, but when I used EasyPHP on Windows a simple change like this would take effect straight away14:59
r00t4rd3dethanol, wubi and the iso in a folder all by themselves14:59
r00t4rd3dif it still trys to download , redownload wubi14:59
N1k0sHello everyone.  Just wondering if their is a Bash command to switch to a different ubuntu "workspace".  Any help is appreciated.15:00
ethanolis it that picky? :<15:00
r00t4rd3dsure is15:00
ethanolnope, redownloaded still mentions 10.0415:01
r00t4rd3dcancel it , delete wubi.exe then dl new copy15:01
rs0832N1k0s, perhaps wmcontrol? - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3561425&postcount=615:01
thekidN1k0s: i guess bash doesn't know much about your X session, definiately not the workspaces so .. i guess there's not without some minor coding, check the source of the workspace switcher applet maybe, no better idea.15:01
r00t4rd3dN1k0s, hold down alt - ctrl and use the left right arrow keys :/15:02
Bilzhello. i currently have a partition  on /dev/sda1, ubuntu10.04 32 bit. i want to install ubuntu 10.10 64 bit to try it out. im going to install it on a partition /dev/sda7 (or something). if i decide its better and i want to get rid of 10.04, is it possible to copy all my files over from sda7 to sda1 and it still work okay (after formating sda1). what things would i need to change? ( i know i dont need to copy it over, but its prettier :P)15:02
ethanolr00t4rd3d, I did that15:02
thekidN1k0s, switch to uid0 and emulate keypresses :D15:02
lamik_Hello, How i can online internet with console? I have add internet in the custom aplication gnome.15:02
DThoughtN1k0s: there might be an dbus function to do so15:02
r00t4rd3dethanol, do you have a way to mount the iso with like daemon tools ?15:02
shadow42085dhcp fails to restart15:02
ethanolr00t4rd3d, possible. I'll try15:03
thekidlamik_: browse the internet with "lynx" from the console ( view web pages ) if you meant that...15:03
Sir_FawnpugHello everybody; I am attempting to install sun-java6 on 10.10 server using the Sun Java6 Community PPA. I used15:03
shadow42085dhcp fails to restart any idea's15:03
GaryDno one knows about xdg autostart?15:03
r00t4rd3dethanol, there is wubi in the iso too , use that one15:03
System_Default_0Where can I find the Java plugin for Ubuntu 10.10?15:03
BluesKajshadow42085, wifi or ethernet?15:03
j_ayen_greenis there a utility that writes 0's to free space in ext4?15:04
r00t4rd3dethanol, use winrar to extract the wubi from the iso15:04
Sir_FawnpugI used add-apt-repository to add the PPA to the list, and it shows up in /etc/sources.list. However, even after running apt-get update, I am unable to pull the sun-java6 package.15:04
ethanolr00t4rd3d, used 7zip15:04
shadow42085i am using my laptop so wifi15:04
ethanolr00t4rd3d, thanks - says 10.10 now :)15:04
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: Use the dd if command15:04
r00t4rd3dethanol, ive had that problem too sometimes15:04
r00t4rd3dgood good15:04
Sir_FawnpugSystem_Default_0, I believe there's icedtea, if you want to install Sun's version you have to use a PPA15:04
BluesKajshadow42085, try sudo dhclient15:04
System_Default_0Sir_Fawnpug: Ok15:05
ethanolr00t4rd3d, oh bloody hell lol, now it says it's download 10.10 :15:05
rs0832Sir_Fawnpug, you dont need a ppa for the sun java15:05
thekidN1k0s, maybe get a keylogger source code so you know how to interact with the keyboard .. but it's really messy to do. Rather write a "server" that runs on the graphical interface, and a client that connects to it so it should work, but no simple solution15:05
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: ok...is there any negative side effects to doing that? I need to do it so I can get the vbox hard disk file for 20gb file system back to 20gb instead of 50.15:05
r00t4rd3dethanol, you have daemon tools installed ?15:05
User3145gobbe: is "sudo useradd -G www-data myusername" the correct command to add my account to the www-data group?15:05
ethanolr00t4rd3d, meh, 1m 20s left, I can live with  that15:05
r00t4rd3dlol k15:06
GaryDi have searched forums, google, blogs, and more trying to find the answer. i just can't find it.15:06
rs0832Sir_Fawnpug, you just enable the partner repositories15:06
Sir_Fawnpugrs0832, perhaps I've missed it; I couldn't find it anywhere in multiverse, and various places I've read have said that I needed too15:06
Sir_FawnpugBut I'm probably mistaken15:06
Sir_Fawnpugrs0832, OK, I'll give that a try.15:06
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: Are you telling me that, you need to reasign your disk space?15:06
rs0832!java | Sir_Fawnpug15:06
ubottuSir_Fawnpug: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:06
shadow42085well i am running ubuntu live cd through vmware15:06
shadow42085so my laptop is hooked up via wifi15:07
rs0832!partner | Sir_Fawnpug The partner repositories15:07
ubottuSir_Fawnpug The partner repositories: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:07
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: I don't know what that means. the vbox channel, i was told i need to zero the free space in the guest, then compress the vdi file in the host... they suggested dd if=/dev/zero of=/zerofile.bin and them rm /zerofile.bin15:07
j_ayen_greenbecause the free space won't be given up by vbox if it's not 0's15:09
gobbeUser3145: sudo useradd -a -G www-data username15:09
rs0832Sir_Fawnpug, oh, and make sure you remove the icedtea plugin, so that sun-java plugin can replace it in your browser15:09
Ub3r-N00bhey there, guys i might need some help, yesterday I installed ubuntu 10.04 made some skype calls and my mic was working, today I updated to 11.04 and now the mic cannot record anything15:09
Ub3r-N00bcould someone help ?15:10
User3145gobbe: tried that, just like the command I posted above.. it just prints out a series of lines from the man page15:10
User3145-g, --gid GROUP name or id of the primary group... etc15:10
shadow42085hmm maybe it will work better if i am in my install of linux15:10
User3145invalid option 'a' in fact15:10
theosthanks guys :)15:11
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: but he added "this will fill up your harddisk completely! may cause trouble with loggers and stuff" ... which I wanted to check on first. he had said the zerofil utility would be the first choice, but i don't see one for ext415:11
gobbeUser3145: you can do that from graphical management also15:11
User3145Hmm, hold on. I just re-ran the command and now it says "useradd: user 'user' already exists" so it must have added15:11
Thomas_AndersonUb3r-N00b, Ubuntu 11.04 is under development; install ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat15:12
gobbeUser3145: sorry, sudo usermod -a -G www-data username15:12
rs0832Ub3r-N00b, try the the #ubuntu+1 channel if no one here can help... that is the 11.04 support channel15:12
gobbeUser3145: useradd also is able to modify groups15:12
Ub3r-N00bThomas_Anderson, thanks15:12
Guphow can i see when the last nvidia driver update was installed and potentially roll back? (my screen res has fallen back to 1024x768 since last reboot.  1680x1050 is nowhere to be seen in the settings)15:13
User3145gobbe: the usermod command didn't output anything so it looked to be successful15:13
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: dd if=/dev/zero of=/zerofile.bin maybe is gonna erase your disk.15:13
User3145However I still can't save any files15:13
gobbeUser3145: you can see that with id username15:13
DThoughtN1k0s: http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/xdotool#desktop_and_window_commands15:13
User3145gobbe: sorry, what do you mean by ID username?15:13
=== Keith__ is now known as keith-
gobbeUser3145: you can see that you have new group15:14
StaRetjiFolks, is there a way to downgrade xfce4? If yes, can some help me here, just need few tips15:14
GaryDno one knows how to make xdg autostart work in openbox?15:14
gobbeUser3145: command id username15:14
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: well definitely do Not want to do that. how would I use dd if to just 0 the free space?15:14
rs0832User3145, type it in the terminal : id <username>15:14
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: I'm on it.15:14
User3145Okay, I've entered that command15:14
User3145I do see www-data in the list15:15
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: I found something: http://david.currie.name/archives/2006/12/07/shrinking-linux-vmware-images15:15
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: i'll have a read...thanks!15:15
thekidGaryD: http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Autostart15:15
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: You're welcome.15:15
runaheyas. I upgraded to maverick and now I don't have the InnoDB engine in mysql. any hints?15:15
Sir_Fawnpugrs0832, getting sun-java6-jdk works now; thanks for the help15:15
andrejpanone question about vim configuration at ubuntu, I'm tryint to put this line:set viminfo='1000,f1,<500,:100,/100 to my .vimrc15:16
Sir_Fawnpugrs0832, and icedtea was a suggestion I made to somebody else, I forget who though.15:16
kyle1i have a folder with sub folders/files.  how do i set permissons to all?? GUI15:16
keith-so i have an ati mobility radeon hd4225. If i use the radeon driver my system locks up at random. If I use the ati driver unity will not work (i'm using 10.10 netbook edition).... i would love to just use the radeon driver, but i can't pinpoint what is causing the lockup. anyone with a suggestion?15:16
User3145If www-data appears in the list, why am I still having problems with the permissions on var/www?15:16
rs0832Sir_Fawnpug, :) no problem15:16
andrejpanbut I  got error: bash: ./.vimrc: line 10: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''15:16
System_Default_0I can't install Java because I have a slowpoke internet connection.15:16
gobbeUser3145: clsoe terminal and reopen it15:16
thekidGaryD: google 1st hit so possibly not what you're looking for but have a look, maybe...15:16
Sir_Fawnpugrs0832, I just needed the sun-java because I'm running a minecraft server15:16
gobbeUser3145: group change will be efective after relogin or reopen of terminal15:16
GaryDthekid: no help there. i have no problem using the autostart.sh file. what i want is to be able to drop desktop files in the /etc/xdg/autostart and /.config/autostart folders and the programs will start at login.15:16
Sir_FawnpugAnd I usually use ubuntu for my servers15:16
rs0832Sir_Fawnpug, k cool:)15:17
User3145gobbe, When accessing var do I always have to precede the command with sudo, even though I have added the account to the www-data group15:17
thekidGaryD: nothing useful found so i would just modify the autostart.sh to your needs15:17
gobbeUser3145: no you dont15:17
kyle1i have a folder with sub folders/files.  how do i set permissons to all?? GUI15:18
User3145ie. cd www/ results in "Permission denied"15:18
gobbeUser3145: cd /var/www ?15:18
gobbeUser3145: have you changed permissions of www-folder?15:18
System_Default_0User3145: Try performing it as root.15:18
gobbeUser3145: it should be world readable15:18
GaryDthe kid: i am building a custom ubuntu based on openbox. a minimal setup. however, i want to be able to use xdg autostart.15:18
User3145cd var/www results in No such file or directory15:18
User3145Yes I changed it to 774, should I make it 777?15:18
gobbeUser3145: cd /var/www15:18
gobbeUser3145: well, 775 would be better15:19
User3145gobbe, with the slash I still get permission denied15:19
thekidkyle1: press alt+f2, then type find /folder/ -iname * --exec chmod 777 {}\;  no better idea :D15:19
gobbeUser3145: yep, so your userrights are wrong, /var/www needs to be readable by everyone or apache is not working15:19
User3145chmod 775 www/ (when inside the var directory) results in "Operation not permitted"15:20
gobbeUser3145: sudo chmod 755 /var/www15:20
User3145I thought sudo was no longer required now?15:20
User3145With sudo, no error15:20
gobbeUser3145: you need sudo to change rights15:20
gobbeUser3145: but you can write there15:21
User3145Ah okay15:21
gobbeUser3145: if you have changed rights to any files under /var/www you need to correct them also15:21
User3145If I try "touch test1.php" I still get "Permission denied"15:21
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: that post implies that on a ntfs file system (which is what my host is) I can use vmware diskmanager to shrink the volume?15:21
gobbeUser3145: sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www15:21
gobbeUser3145: have you changed other rights?15:21
j_ayen_greeni guess that's more a vbox question15:22
gobbeUser3145: who is owner of /var/www?15:22
System_Default_0j_ayen_green: Yeah.15:23
User3145gobbe: My main account, user, I presume15:23
Guest12982gobbe: I am :D15:23
User3145I just installed lamp though15:23
gobbeUser3145: can you check them=15:23
Guest12982gobbe: ls -al /var/www15:24
Guest12982gobbe: I have root15:24
User3145I don't know the command to check the directory owner?15:24
gobbeGuest12982: what kind of problem do you have?15:24
gobbeUser3145: ls -al /var | grep www15:24
User3145Okay, what should I be looking for in that line of output?15:25
Guest12982gobbe: how do we pm.. I don't a problem, thought I was answering yours :D15:25
thekidkyle1, : actually the command is "find /whatever/ -exec chmod 777 {} \;" sorry15:25
unknoownsomeone know any nice programming or computer books ??15:26
carpediembabyhi .. I have an issue with WiFi .. laptop keeps asking for the key .. I'm using irc from mobile ..15:26
rs0832User3145, why are you trying to change the permissions?15:26
gobbeGuest12982: i dont have problem, i'm trying to help :)15:27
User3145I can't write to any files15:27
gobbeUser3145: what else15:27
Iledenunknoown: there's some good lists of those online, search for that at http://stackoverflow.com15:27
gobbeUser3145: there should be also owner and group15:27
rs0832User3145, well, if it means anything, i am using cherokee server, and /var/www has the same permissions15:27
unknoownwhat to search for ileden15:27
User3145After that: 2 root root15:27
Guest12982carpediembaby: cancelling will get rid of wireless key (although not recommended by Ubuntu)15:27
User31454096, the data and time then "www"15:28
Iledenunknoown: umh, "programming books" or just "books"... geez...15:28
User3145*date and time I mean15:28
carpediembabyguest12982 : cancelling ?15:28
Guest12982gobbe: lol not a problem.. problem. " what ya looking at lad"15:28
User3145I don't see my user account "user" in there anywhere, but I have never run that command before so I don't know if that is a bad thing or not?15:29
gobbeUser3145: sudo chown root:www-data -R /var/www15:29
unknoowni am a school student i know like basic java, php, javascript, sql, c++ and got all those which one next you guys think :p15:29
badbobHI, I'm a newbie using 10.10, and I've managed to install my WUSB600N, and I can see wireless networks, but can't connect.  Any suggestions?  Installing the WUSB600N was a huge hassle, could it be stuck in broadcast mode?  I don't know how to change it :-(15:29
rs0832unknoown, diveintopython.org15:29
Pici!ot | unknoown15:29
ubottuunknoown: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:29
thekidUser3145: sudo chown root.www-data -R /var/www15:29
unknoowncode complete 2 maybe15:30
=== root is now known as Guest98523
Guest98523hellouw peeps15:30
User3145Okay I ran sudo chown root:www-data -R /var/www15:30
=== Guest98523 is now known as KLK
User3145"touch test1.php" results in Permission denied still15:30
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: ok...so ignoring the utility part of that post, since it's for vmware and not vbox, the example they give of using dd is the same as I pasted before, so will it NOT erase my whole disk then?15:30
KLKi need  help  with  burning a Iso file to dvd15:31
gobbeUser3145: did you do that in /var/www ?15:31
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thekidUser3145: chmod 770 /var/www15:31
coz_KLK,   which buring application are you using15:31
User3145gobbe: yes15:31
gobbethekid: no15:31
MJ94Hi. I am using OS X right now, but I'd like to dual boot Ubuntu 10.10. I've read documentation, but I need assistance. Can I just go into the Ubuntu install and partition it or do I have to do something before?15:31
gobbethekid: /var/www needs to be readable15:31
rs0832gobbe, so he cant even read from it15:32
KLKcoz none yet iam on backtrack live cd15:32
astrostli've noticed some apps (e.g. firefox) living in /usr/lib and linking out to /usr/bin.  seems to be happening with increasing frequency.  is this some new standard?15:32
thekidgobbe: /var/www should really not be readable for 'others' but as you wish :)15:32
gobbers0832: ?15:32
coz_KLK,   ah  mmm  and you want to burn a cd  while on the live cd?15:32
Guest12982MJ94: use ubuntu to partition I guess. Not sure which is best installed over other ie win 1st then Ubuntu 2nd is recommended15:32
gobbethekid: why should not?15:32
thekidits better to just add ppl to the www-data group than allowing global access15:33
rs0832gobbe, i was asking if the problem was that he couldnt even read from the directory15:33
gobbers0832: aah, ok15:33
Thomas_AndersonMJ94: the ubuntu installer will automatically create a partition for ubuntu next to MAC and let you do dual boot15:33
MJ94Thanks Thomas_Anderson.15:33
User3145This is just an offline install so I can run some PHP scripts incidentally15:34
ghisen|homeHi i have a Realtek® 8112L network card and no drivers installed from clean install of ubuntu 10.10. I installed the r8168-8.020.00 drivers and now i got network.. but only syncing in 10mb/s instead of 1000mb/s. I had this problem last time a did a format but can't remember how i solved it.. any ideas?15:34
KLKcos ive been to jail for 2 month an i forgot mu win7 pass so i need to burn an iso file to disk to  reeset my win 7 pasword sitting on backtrack 4  livecd15:34
User3145Realistically the computer won't even by connected to the internet that often15:34
thekidgobbe: just because your paranoid it doesn't mean they're not out to get you that's why :D15:34
RippleEffectI can not apt-get update anymore. I am getting the error: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `grub' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.15:34
RippleEffect(Reading database ... 75%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:15:34
RippleEffect files list file for package 'grub-pc' is missing final newline15:34
RippleEffectE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)15:34
FloodBot4RippleEffect: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
gobbethekid: ok :-D15:34
User3145As long as I can create files and edit files and do all of the basic stuff, I'll be good to go15:34
KLKcos so yes i want to burn iso  on live cd  but i dont know   how or what tool to get15:34
coz_KLK,   mm I have no idea then   you may want to go to the #backtrack channel if it still exists   I think they renmaed it let me check15:35
gobbeGuest12982: well, who's now owner of files in /var/www ?15:35
gobbeGuest12982: ls -la /var/www15:35
KLKcos its a ubuntu distibrution15:35
RippleEffectAny idea?15:35
User3145Now it says 2 root www-data15:35
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N1k0sThanks everyone who replied to my question.  I appreciate the help.15:35
coz_KLK,   yes it is  but  backtrack has its own  channel for issues ,,, hold on15:35
thekidKLK: if you're using ubuntu then get brasero, it's very simple to burn an image with it15:36
shadow420ok I am in ubuntu15:36
KLKcos ok how do i get an  installe it15:36
User3145Running ls -la /var/www I get a couple of results actually.... for index.html, test.php and . (dot) it's root and www-data15:36
KLKi tryed apt-get brasero15:36
coz_KLK,   ok the channel is   #backtrack-linux15:36
User3145for .. (dot dot) it's root root15:36
User3145Which would make sense seeing we're only changing www/15:36
coz_KLK,   to get to that channel...where you type here ,,, type    /join  #backtrack-linux15:37
Jatzhey guys, how do I change the colour of the menus? I changed the theme from ambiance to clearlooks but all the menus and menubars stay black15:37
KLKcoz_ ok15:37
thekidKLK: system / administration / synaptic package manager , search for brasero and install it. after it's done you'll find it in the applications menu. Start it, choose burn image, select the iso file, insert disc and done.15:37
User3145So for instance, I now try: "touch test1.php" and I get: "touch: cannot touch 'test1.php': Permission denied"15:37
rs0832Jatz, click the customize button in the theme selection box15:37
KLKcoz_ shit it says iam banne wtf15:37
geirhaUser3145: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions15:38
breadcrumbKLK it's because you're logged in as root user. *!*root@ is banned there15:38
macoUser3145: are you in the www-data group?15:38
coz_KLK,   mm is your name registered on freenode?15:38
breadcrumblogin as other user and you shou ld be able to get in15:38
Jatzrs0832: I don't see where to change it under customise15:38
Gupmy screen-res has reverted back to 1024x768 today after a reboot, probably updates installed since last reboot.   It is meant to be 1680x1050 and has been working for months!  I have restored a backup xorg.conf from a few weeks ago and it has made no difference.  I have tried editing the modelines. what else can I try. (nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210])15:39
macoUser3145: and have you logged out and back in (or opened a new terminal and switched to working in it) since joining that group?15:39
KLKthekid its  not the same layout15:39
rs0832Jatz, you want to change the color of the windows and menus, right? or did i miss something?15:39
KLKcoz_ no15:39
User3145maco: yes I have, gobbe suggested I did that earlier15:39
coz_KLK,   where you type here   type    /msg nickserv  register help15:39
RippleEffectIs there a command to fix broken packages?15:39
User3145There's no harm in trying again though15:39
KLKhow  do i log in as root15:39
macoUser3145: so if you type "groups" www-data is listed?15:39
Jatzrs0832: the menus. as in "File Edit View" or the context menus. they're all black even if I change the theme15:40
macoKLK: either you already *are* or you need to change the ident in your client15:40
AbhiJit!sudo | KLK15:40
ubottuKLK: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:40
User3145maco, no it isn't15:40
coz_RippleEffect,   you can open synatptic pakcate manager  go to   the Edit menu and choose  "Fix broken packages"15:40
campbellgolf_any recommendations for an Ubuntu based SFTP VMware appliance?15:40
macoUser3145: log out & back in15:40
RippleEffectWhat is the package name for grub? grub-pc?15:41
macoUser3145: assuming you already put yourself in there in /etc/group or through some other metho15:41
thekidKLK: sudo bash , type your password, and you're root. If you want to login as root actually, you need to give root a password first, so "sudo bash" then "passwd and now you can login as root. Technically. But root is disabled for a reason15:41
ghisen|homeHi i have a Realtek® 8112L network card and no drivers installed from clean install of ubuntu 10.10. I installed the r8168-8.020.00 drivers and now i got network.. but only syncing in 10mb/s instead of 1000mb/s. I had this problem last time a did a format but can't remember how i solved it.. any ideas?15:41
macothekid: please dont give those instructions here15:41
TyphAnyone else have trouble getting Evolution filters to run automatically with imap account?15:41
User3145It was suggested I use sudo usermod ... earlier15:41
rs0832Jatz, the color of the text? if you want just the background color, change it in the 'controls' tab of the customize window15:41
thekidmaco: ok sry15:41
geirhathekid: No, sudo -s instead of sudo bash, and sudo -i will log you in as root.15:41
metallicoi have problems with evolution freezing all the time with ms exchange 200315:42
RippleEffectcoz_, there is no option to repair. Only "mark for removal" and "mark for installation".15:42
macothekid: klk's trouble is that they need to make their client *stop* saying they're root15:42
metallicois there any other exchange client available to try on ubuntu?15:42
coz_RippleEffect,   look under the File menu then15:43
KLKmaco ok \15:43
compdocyour evolution is using Imap?15:43
User3145maco, I'm logging back in now15:43
RippleEffectcoz_, When I click on "fix broken packages" nothing happens.15:43
KLKmaco i cant use  the commands peeps are tellign me15:43
coz_RippleEffect,  no it is definilty under the Edit menu  in synaptic15:43
Thomas_Andersonmetallico, what do you mean by "Exchange client"?15:43
dannyLopez/bin/sh: ruby: not found how i fix this?15:43
coz_RippleEffect,  hit the Apply button15:43
RippleEffectcoz_, yes I know but nothing happens when I click on it.15:43
cheteenhi guys15:44
KLKmaco is there any easy way for me tobur my iso so i can boot my win 7 iam not linux man15:44
macoKLK: they're telling you how to log in as root. the fact that your client is reporting that you're *already* root is what's keeping you out of the backtrack channel15:44
j_ayen_greenSystem_Default_0: the potential issue, as little as I understand it, is that with the dd command filling the entire disk prior to my rm'ing the disk file, that would leave no room for the logging daemon(s) to write log files...?15:44
rs0832User3145, would you mind telling me what you want to do? sorry , but i joined in the middle of the conversation15:44
coz_RippleEffect,   if nothing happens...which package do you think is broken?15:44
User3145Originally I wanted to install xampp15:44
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macoKLK: and no, there is no way to make backtrack linux stop being linux15:44
User3145But someone here recommended LAMP instead15:44
cheteenanbody can help me?15:44
RippleEffectcoz_, dpkg: warning: files list file for package `grub' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.15:44
RippleEffect(Reading database ... 75%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:15:44
RippleEffect files list file for package 'grub-pc' is missing final newline15:44
RippleEffectE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)15:44
rs0832User3145, hmm ok15:44
macoUser3145: the X in xampp just stands for "put your os here" anyway ;-)15:44
FloodBot4RippleEffect: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:44
dannyLopez/bin/sh: ruby: not found how i fix this? someone?15:44
=== Guest99744 is now known as _________xD
geirhadannyLopez: Install ruby?15:45
compdocmetallico, your evolution connects with Imap?15:45
Tyrnisplop all15:45
coz_RippleEffect,   ooo  you may have to reinstall grub15:45
rs0832User3145, if you are just looking to configure your server with a gui, why not use cherokee15:45
thekidKLK: i don't really get the problem maybe but it's easy to tell if you have root privileges just look at the command prompt. If it ends with "#" it means you're root. If it ends with "$" you're not. ( that's the default )15:45
cheteenanybody can help me?15:45
Thomas_AndersondannyLopez, are you sure you ahev Ruby installed?15:45
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User3145rs0832, I'm open to any method15:45
User3145I haven't heard of cherokee before15:45
coz_RippleEffect,   if that is the case  i would move over the #grub channel and also take a look at this   http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide15:46
User3145To be honest, I would like to get this working seeing it is so close... it just seems like a permission problem15:46
=== crallion is now known as crallionx
macoKLK: just go into your irc client's preferences area. there should be a spot where you set up your identity.  that's where your nick is set as KLK. you'll see a textbox near there with "root" in it. change that and you'll get into the channel fine15:46
User3145I can access localhost in my browser and the page appears, so Apache seems to be working15:46
rs0832User3145, for what exactly are you trying to change the permissions?15:46
compdoccheteen, you have to ask a more detailed question15:46
User3145Because I can't create or edit any files15:46
macoUser3145: if you look in /etc/group is your user listed in the www-data group?15:46
metallicono, i mean ms exchange15:47
rs0832User3145, that is normal... you have to do it as root15:47
Thomas_Andersoncheteen, expose your problem, someone will help you15:47
thekidcheteen: help you with what?15:47
rs0832User3145, even my server is that way :)15:47
User3145rs0832... as root?15:47
macors0832: but thats a pain in the rear for /var/www for the web dev. and you might want to give perms to your devs to edit in there if you're a sysadmin.. easy to use unix groups15:47
shadow420i am trying to install ubuntu server 10.10 on a cd-rom less dell power edge 230015:48
macoshadow420: pxe?15:48
macoUser3145: less /etc/group15:48
=== Edo is now known as Guest35246
rs0832User3145, so you are unable to assign permissions then?15:48
shadow420maco pxe was not availabe at the time the server was made15:48
geirhaUser3145: pastebin the ouptut of:   id;ls -ld /var/www15:49
User3145I don't have an etc/groups15:49
macoshadow420: then its wayyyy too old to boot from usb, huh?15:49
macoUser3145: singular15:49
User3145or group15:49
shadow420yea scsi interfaces15:49
macoUser3145: you included the / before etc when you typed the command, right?15:49
shadow420unless i can get grub to find it15:49
Guest35246Who here is familiar with darkice and device input output with pulseaudio? I'm having device issue with getting the right port to be broadcasted.15:49
thekidshadow420: have you tried booting/installing from an usb stick?15:49
cheteenMy problem in compiz15:49
User3145Yes, I am in /etc/15:49
cheteenI cant Use Cube atlantis15:50
User3145There is no group/ subdirectory15:50
macoUser3145: its not a directory15:50
macoUser3145: it's a file15:50
macoUser3145: hence the "less" command15:50
User3145Is it a hidden file?15:50
macoUser3145: no, then its name would start with a dot15:50
shadow420the bios has no usb boot15:50
KLKthats not what i meant about the changin linux to anything...here goes i have been to  jao for a while and i forgot my win 7 login password so i have downloaded a win 7 reeset boot cd iso.. but iam sitting on backtrack 4 live cd cus i cant get acces to my win 7 ,,,i need to burn my downloaded ido to disk  in order to regain acces 2 my win 7 box15:50
User3145Okay, sorry about that. YEs, I'm looking at the file now15:50
macoUser3145: ok, type "/www-data" and hit enter. it'll search for htat string15:51
thekidUser3145: the group file is in /etc and it's not a hidden file15:51
KLKiso NOT IDO15:51
Thomas_Andersoncheteeen, have you installed the plugin?15:51
macoUser3145: is your username somewhere at the end of the line?15:51
cheteenwhy I cant Open Dialog window15:51
rs0832User3145, you might try chmod o+rw -R /var/www15:51
User3145Yes, it's like www-date:x:33:user15:52
User3145sudo chmod again?15:52
User3145Or regular?15:52
geirhaUser3145: No, don't do that.15:52
shadow420maco server is a pe 2300 usb boot started around 200215:52
geirhars0832: Don't tell people to compromise their system15:52
shadow420this was made before that15:52
rs0832geirha, i didnt mean it like that15:52
sam__after hibernate sound does not work on 10:10 alsa restart does not fix. Any ideas?15:53
geirhars0832: g+rw is likely what he needs.15:53
rs0832geirha, hmm ok15:53
User3145So run: chmod g+rw -R /var/www       ?15:53
Thomas_Andersoncheteen, does "cube atlantis" plugin appear in the pluginlist in CompizConfig?15:54
shadow420the old debian sarge floppy can find it15:54
Guest35246Who here is familiar with darkice and device input output with pulseaudio? I'm having device issue with getting the right port to be broadcasted.15:54
rs0832geirha, thanks.. m not that familiar with permissions so i didnt realise15:54
binili wonder why linux user hate windows while nothing is said about apple??15:54
User3145operation not permitted.... worked with sudo though15:54
thekidUser3145: just type "adduser www-data yourname; chown root.www-data /var/www -R; chmod 770 /var/www -R" and you're done.15:54
badbobI'm a newbie using 10.10, and I've managed to install my WUSB600N, and I can see wireless networks, but can't connect.  Any suggestions?  Installing the WUSB600N was a huge hassle, and I'm connected now through the same device on XP... Can someone please offer some advice?  Thanks15:54
shadow420the raids and other pieces15:54
AbhiJitbinil, big boy 1st. little later15:54
User3145I just did touch test3.php and no error15:54
User3145Looks like it might have worked15:55
geirhaUser3145: Now all members of the group that owns those files will have read and write permission to all files under /var/www15:55
System_Default_0Bye people.15:55
User3145geirha, all members of the www-data group?15:55
stewUser3145: wait,  you probably don't want files in /var/www to be executable and writable by www-data15:55
rs0832geirha, what is o? (permissions)15:55
stewUser3145: does www-data really need write access to the files?15:56
geirhaUser3145: If you previously ran something like sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www, then yes.15:56
shadow420is there a way to trick the debian sarge floppy to access my pc and get it's files15:56
geirhars0832: other, that means everyone.15:56
thekidUser3145: better use chmod 750 /var/www -R , unless you want php/apache to be able to write anywhere in /var/www, which you dont :)15:56
rs0832geirha, oh yeah.. keep confusing that15:56
stewUser3145: this makes it easier for people to take advantage of vulnerabilities on your webserver15:56
shadow420once i get an os on it i can install ubuntu15:56
unknoowncan i download code complete 2 somewhere?15:56
User3145stew, I'm not putting this website online15:57
stewthekid: why would he want files in /var/www to be executable?15:57
User3145Not intentionally anyway!15:57
User3145It's a local offline setup for testing15:57
r00t4rd3dgksudo gedit is alot easier :D15:57
joltmanI am running 10.10 x64 (upgraded from 9.04 through 10.10) and I have an iPhone 3GS running 4.0.0 (not another version).  I have had to create a mount folder under /media called iPhone...i have to run ifuse /media/iPhone everytime I plug the phone in...i thought that this was supposed to "just work"15:57
shadow420is there a way to trick the debian sarge floppy to access my pc and get it's files??15:57
joltmanwhat am I doing wrong?15:57
GravHi. Is there a way to install Ubuntu so it will see disks in raid 0 during install15:58
shledahi, is it possible to install Ubuntu along with Windows on same drive w/out partitioning C drive?15:58
thekidstew: good point15:58
r00t4rd3djoltman, for starters updating from 9 to 10.1015:58
joltmani said I'm running 10.1015:58
Gupplease help - my screen-res has reverted back to 1024x768 today after a reboot, probably updates installed since last reboot.   It is meant to be 1680x1050 and has been working auto-detected for months!  I have restored a backup xorg.conf from a few weeks ago also tried a few how-to's editing modelines etc and it has made no difference. What else can I try? (nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210])15:58
GupHow can i see if an update has been installed for a package (nvidia drivers) and possibly roll back to the previous version?15:58
User3145r00t4rd3d seeing you mention it, when I run gedit terminal is flooded with errors.... GdkPixbuf CRITICAL etc etc15:58
User3145Is this unrelated to the LAMP install? I suspect it is and if so I won't worry about it15:59
r00t4rd3dyeah that happens i dont know why15:59
geirhars0832: This is a good read btw. http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions15:59
joltmanr00t4rd3d:  I was running 9.04 back in May of 2009, and I've upgraded through every release (not all at once, but when the new OS was released)15:59
joltmanso I'm currently on 10.1015:59
joltmanand i have the libimobiledevice-utils installed too15:59
joltmani just don't know why i have to manually run the ifuse command?15:59
shledahi, is it possible to install Ubuntu along with Windows on same drive w/out partitioning C drive? sorry if question is repeated I got DC and missed responses15:59
rs0832geirha, i'll have a look.. thanks15:59
r00t4rd3djoltman, upgrading can break stuff15:59
r00t4rd3dfresh install ftw15:59
honeypotcan't add wlan0 to bridge xxxx: operation not supported16:00
joltmanr00t4rd3d:  I see...well, i'm at work...and not really doing anything else right now...lol16:00
honeypotcould you suggest what the reason be16:00
egor_tensinHey guys! Is there any way to "join" strings in bash? Basically, I need make 'a|b|c' from 'a b c'.16:00
User3145Everybody, thank you for your help. I do appreciate this as I am fairly new to Unix16:00
genii-aroundhoneypot: Likely your adapter doesn not support being set into promiscuous mode16:00
TyphAnyone else have trouble getting Evolution filters to run automatically with imap account?16:00
User3145The only other thing which I wanted to mention, which I am sure is a hell of a lot easier... in LAMP how do I log in to MySQL so I can create a database?16:01
hay09can squid3 support socks proxy ?16:01
honeypotgenii-around: it's the alfa 1000mw possibleN16:01
r00t4rd3dUser3145, lol i gave you wrong command :X16:01
thekidshleda: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer16:01
egor_tensinUser3145: mysql -uroot -p, AFAIR16:02
r00t4rd3dUser3145, gksudo nautilus16:02
r00t4rd3dnot gedit :/16:02
r00t4rd3dthat opens file manager as root16:02
shledathekid I have ISO file with me, actually have a USB boot disk16:03
JackOfHeartsany one knwo plasmoid thaqt works same like winows 7 bar?16:03
GravIs there a way to see raid during Ubuntu install?16:03
JackOfHearts u now small icons  wich turn on programs but works liek  a task manager16:04
delocatedMorning. My laptop is using a key when trying to connect to and remote ssh server for all users. Where do I disable this16:04
User3145egor_tensin thanks16:04
dreamwalkLooking for advice on wireless device in Ubuntu(newest release), anyone willing to help?16:04
delocatedI thought I set it up for one user, not all added to system16:04
honeypotis there a way to boot ubuntu on the least ressources????16:04
dreamwalkHoneypot, I would try Wubi16:05
delocateddreamwalk, advice for what16:05
honeypotdreamwalk, thank you!16:05
dreamwalkdelocated , I have a belkin wireless usb network adapter16:05
egor_tensinUser3145: You're welcome.16:05
dreamwalkand, it's been giving me some issues.16:05
carl_i know one guy where a wubi install died16:06
carl_dunno if that happens occasionally16:06
dreamwalkI have the ndisgtk installed16:06
honeypotdreamwalk wubi is a windows program, I already have ubuntuinstalled16:06
carl_you could run Windows on top of Virtualbox maybe16:07
dreamwalk, but it's not staying connected to the network. It sees the network...16:07
honeypotI thought of reducing graphics or even lightweight ubuntu distribution16:07
dreamwalkdelocated , may I pm you?16:07
r00t4rd3ddream what wireless security do you have set on router ?16:08
dreamwalkIt's WEB16:08
delocatedI dont know anything about ndis16:08
delocatedI dont use it16:08
dreamwalkThanks anyways :)16:09
User3145egor_tensin, there might be one other thing you can point me in the right direction for. When installing LAMP I also installed phpMyAdmin... where can I find this, as it has not been put inside var/www automatically?16:09
User3145Once I've got phpMyAdmin up, I think that's everything I need16:09
r00t4rd3ddreamwalk, in a term , type lsusb , the last line will say your wireless info , copy and paste just the last line here16:09
Thomas_Andersonhoneypotr, try using some lightwigth desktop environement like xfce16:10
dreamwalkr00t4rd3d ,may I message you privatly with thes details?16:10
r00t4rd3djust do it here for all to see16:10
egor_tensinUser3145: try visiting
r00t4rd3dim just curious the chipset of that card16:11
dreamwalkwell, unfortuantly, I'm dual booted, right now I'm in windows, as I can't access the web from inside Ubuntu.16:11
User3145egor_tensin: not found 404 error16:11
dreamwalkIs there another way to tell you this?16:12
willggCan anyone help me with Ndiswrapper?16:12
dreamwalkWillgg, what do you need?16:12
User3145Ah hang on, I think I found something at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP16:12
User3145Might be the answer16:12
maxylopesHi how decode text Êp^{6³yí^sGóš16:12
stack_I upgraded an 8.04 server to 10.04.  It has a software raid.  Every time it boots, it dumps to initramfs shell and I have to run "mdadm" to recognize the array and then exit to continue the boot.  How can I fix this?  One weird thing, my mdadm.conf file looks like the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/549864/16:12
NoNaMeNois it possible to hide just some mounts in gnome?16:12
r00t4rd3dndiswrapper should only be used as a last resort16:12
willggdreamwalk: well i want to use a netgear adaptor16:13
maxylopesWhat with to open file to read this? Êp^{6³yí^sGóš16:13
norenhello all, I am from India, looking for a paid support of ubuntu server in india, any advice please16:13
trimpoyoyoyo. i really need help mounting an sd card. strugglin like buggery. help anyone16:13
willggor is there a way to share an internet conenction from windows 7 to ubuntu?16:13
egor_tensinhm, are sure phpmyadmin is installed? try executing "aptitude show phpmyadmin | grep 'State: installed'", it should actually output 'State: installed' line. if it doesn't then it means phpmyadmin is not installed at all.16:14
egor_tensinUser3145: previous was for you.16:14
maxylopesGuuuuuys how to read this? Êp^{6³yí^sGóš i open file with gedit and got that how to read it? :(16:14
willgghow can i share internet from a windows 7 maching to an ubuntu one? or should i use my netgear with ndswrapper?16:14
User3145egor_tensin, looks to be working now16:15
User3145http:// loaded16:15
TMKCodeswhat was the command to get sudo password question gui?16:15
macowillgg: ask in ##windows how to set up an ad hoc network16:15
macoTMKCodes: gksudo16:15
r00t4rd3d11:15am bedtime :D16:15
User3145Had to add Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf  to apache2.conf :)16:15
willggbut i want it to share with ubuntu16:15
egor_tensinUser3145: oh crap, totally forgot =)16:16
macowillgg: doesnt matter. you set up an ad hoc network from the OS you want to share *from*16:16
macowillgg: then just have everything else join it16:16
User3145Is there a better way to start and stop apache than "sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl start/stop" ?16:16
FishFacemaxylopes: You might want to put that on http://paste.ubuntu.com/ - Because putting it in here doesn't show all characters16:17
macoUser3145: sudo stop apache216:17
User3145stop: Unknown job16:17
macoUser3145: or sudo service apache2 stop   (if the first didnt work...but i think apache uses upstart so it should)16:17
r00t4rd3duser17, you dont need to use /usr/sbin/16:17
r00t4rd3dyou can do sudo apachectl stop16:17
cahippycan anyone help me with installing an os on vmware16:18
TMKCodesmaco, thanks16:18
cahippyusing ubuntu9.0416:18
egor_tensinUser3145: if you're really laze, you can add 'alias a2stop="sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop"', 'alias a2start="sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start"' to your ~/.bash_aliases file =)16:18
User3145Worked with "service" :)16:18
egor_tensinUser3145: *lazy16:18
User3145egor_tensis, that sounds good I'll give it a shot :)16:18
enochdoes anyone knows a good software to draw d&d maps on ubuntu?16:19
george_hello friends. I have a ubuntu 10.10 and recentrly installed kde, wich I've decided to use from now on. Question is: why some apps look like gnome like chrome, foxit etc? Any way to fix this? Thanks in advance16:19
cahippyhow do u use usb with virtualbox16:19
egor_tensinUser3145: you'll actually need to launch new terminal or even logout to get this to work16:20
maxylopespastebin didnt helped :(16:20
User3145Did you mean .bash_profile ?16:20
Guest12982cahippy: I don't think you can, only available in the purchasable version :S16:20
cahippywill vmware work on 9.04 so i can usb to work16:21
macoUser3145: .bash_aliases is automatically included by .bashrc *if* it exists16:21
macoUser3145: so you can go ahead and create .bash_aliases -- just a technique for keeping stuff more organised since .bashrc is huge by default16:21
ZykoticK9cahippy, the VBox you download directly from Oracle (free as in price) supports USB - it's the Open Source (in the ubuntu repos) version that does not.16:22
gribouilleI've just passed LPIC101. has anyone passed LPI level 1 here ?16:22
Pici!ot | gribouille16:22
ubottugribouille: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:22
cahippythanx zyk16:22
ZykoticK9!tab > cahippy16:23
ubottucahippy, please see my private message16:23
yankeeanyone that use qemu on 10.xx?16:23
cahippycool bro16:23
egor_tensinUser3145: afair, you'll need to logout and login to reload .bash_profile and just to launch new terminal to reload .bash_aliases. but they are both can be successfully reloaded with "source ~/.bash_aliases" and "source ~/.bash_profile". not sure about this though16:23
compdocyankee, I use it on another OS, but Im thinking of switching16:24
yankeecompdoc, it works on 10.10?16:24
compdocI use 10.04 lts server16:24
compdocit works there16:24
User3145I don't have a bash_profile it seems16:24
Guest12982Does anybody know of a good document to pdf converter?16:24
DiamondciteGuest12982: OpenOffice has an option to export to PDF.16:25
yankeeok, with it, i can have the windows emulated on base system?16:25
DiamondciteGuest12982: And most programs in Linux can print to PDF.16:25
Guest12982Diamondcite: :D16:26
compdocyou need the right cpu to run windows in qemu - it has to support VT16:26
ZykoticK9compdoc, actually qemu does NOT require cpu virtualization - why it is SO SLOW all the time.16:26
compdocits not slow at all16:27
ZykoticK9compdoc, i believe you are thinking of kvm16:27
ZykoticK9compdoc, qemu is the slowest virt i've every seen!16:27
compdocisnt kvm/qemu what they use?16:27
egor_tensinUser3145: me too =) i'm a bit confused with all this ".bash_profile", ".bash_aliases" and ".bashrc". man page explains everything, it's a pity that i have no time to read it. so you probably can replace ".bash_profile" with ".bashrc" in my previous message and it will still make sense16:27
macocompdoc, ZykoticK9:  kvm is based on qemu and is not slow16:27
ZykoticK9compdoc, kvm is related to qemu - but they are not the same16:27
compdocqemu and kvm have merged16:27
=== williamgeorgegar is now known as willgg
ZykoticK9maco, kvm is a whole new ballgame agreed - but qemu by itself is super slow - still powerful, still cool - but slow16:28
macoZykoticK9: does it even exist on its own anymore?16:28
User3145Hmm, command not found for either a2stop or a2start16:28
compdocnot that Ive seen16:28
ZykoticK9maco, yes - as it does not require cpu virt16:28
IdleOnemaco: if I add my aliases to ~/.bash_aliases I need to uncomment #if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then... in ~/.bashrc right?16:29
User3145After running source and logging out and logging in again16:29
macoIdleOne: i didnt think it was commented since it's an if...but if it is, then ye16:29
SweNewbieHi how do i change kernel parameters? I want to add "acpi=off noapic"16:30
IdleOnemaco: ok thanks16:30
egor_tensinUser3145: IdleOne's message is just in time. do you have "#if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then ..." line commented in your ".bashrc"?16:30
User3145It doesn't appear to be commented out in my bashrc16:30
macoSweNewbie: edit /etc/default/grub -- add that to the quotesy bit in:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"16:30
User3145No, no preceding hash16:30
SweNewbiemaco: thanks alot i will try that :)16:31
macoSweNewbie: afterward, run "sudo update-grub"16:31
User3145It looks like: 'alias a2stop="sudo... etc16:32
User3145is the inverted comma required?16:32
yellabs-r2how would i , from the bash , add an desktop launcher ? whats the command ? for example for firefox ..16:32
MatsyGood day. When trying to install Ubuntu from a Windows machine, I can't seem to use a custom ISO. The ISO file is in the same folder as the Wubi executable, and it's a desktop ISO, yet it still presents the install screen with 10.04.1 when the ISO presented is 10.10. Any ideas on how to fix this?16:32
egor_tensinyou mean this sign ' ? no, it's __not__ required16:33
horriblehi, what's a good tool for monitoring my router via snmp?16:33
User3145I'll remove it16:33
User3145Does a comma or new line separate the different aliases?16:33
egor_tensinUser3145: as an example, my .bash_aliases: http://slexy.org/raw/s2hHUPuOrx16:33
SweNewbiemaco: i will do :)16:33
User3145Why when I press the up or down arrow do letters appear? Very frustrating16:34
User3145I've used unix a few times before and it has never done that16:34
User3145This is in vim16:34
macoUser3145: because it's the tiny vim16:34
ZykoticK9User3145, are you in vi?  install the real vim!  problem solved.16:34
macoUser3145: its behaving like vi instead of vim16:35
User3145Sorry, yes I meant vi16:35
ZykoticK9User3145, Ubuntu comes with a terrible vim-tiny installed by default - one of the first things i do with all fresh installs is install vim16:35
User3145Ah, cheers16:36
User3145Well the alias is working now!16:36
maxylopesHi do somebody play minecraft?16:36
User3145I can't thank (all of you) enough for the help you've given me16:36
MatsyMeh, I can't seem to fix this issue..16:37
AbhiJitmaxylopes, some one in #ubuntu-offtopic16:37
User3145Thanks for your patience as well I might add, I've learnt quite a bit in the last hour or so16:37
maxylopesNo i have problem with opening file16:37
maxylopesit has no extention16:37
maxylopesbut it is text file16:37
tonycrete1991hello, I was multibooting windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 but then I had to delete the ubuntu partition and format it. I had grub installed and now i get a grub error and a grub rescue command line16:37
ZykoticK9tonycrete1991, grub had a folder in your ubuntu partition called /grub - and you deleted it's files.16:38
systemg33kis it possible to update to 64bit ubuntu from 32bit ubuntu without reinstalling? maybe updating kernel?16:38
User3145Okay I'll be heading off now. Thank you all once again, I really appreciate. Oh, and happy new year! :) Bye16:38
egor_tensinUser3145: glad to help.16:38
ZykoticK9systemg33k, reinstall is only way16:38
tonycrete1991ZykoticK9, probably, but now how do I get this fixed??? :16:38
macosystemg33k: no. and thats not an update. update means newer versions. they're just recompiles of the same code16:38
User3145:) cya16:38
systemg33kZykoticK9, if i reinstall does that mean i will loose all my settings/files?16:39
ZykoticK9tonycrete1991, use windows to somehow add the Win7 boot loader?  ask in ##windows.  Or reinstall Ubuntu?  Not sure what you want to do.16:39
ZykoticK9systemg33k, probably - unless you have your home folder on a separate partition.16:39
macosystemg33k: if you want to keep your user settings, just go into manual partition mode, reuse the same partition, and choose not to format it. /home will be saved16:40
compdoctonycrete1991, I think you need to update the MBR16:40
xanguasystemg33k: if you don't make a copy of your important files, yes16:40
systemg33kZykoticK9, ouch16:40
systemg33kmaco, ok16:40
tonycrete1991ZykoticK9, the thing is I can't even boot windows to change some settings... I am using ubuntu live cd right now...16:40
ZykoticK9systemg33k, see maco!16:40
systemg33kxangua, ok16:40
ZykoticK9tonycrete1991, ask how to reinstall the windows loader over grub in the ##windows channel16:40
Piggohey anyone here know how to get surfraw working with chrome?16:40
macosystemg33k: your user files are also in /home and so safe with my method. things like /var/www/ if you have a webserver are not though16:41
Dr_Willistonycrete1991:  use  a win7 install cd. or some how tell the pc to boot any windows recovery partitons you gto16:41
Piggoit just opens up a new tab after every command16:41
systemg33kmaco, will things like wine applications be saved? not sure if those are in home folder.16:41
Dr_Willissystemg33k:  they are in ~/.wine16:41
macosystemg33k: yes theyre in ~/.wine16:41
systemg33kDr_Willis, oh darn it.16:41
ZykoticK9systemg33k, ~ = home16:42
nuotashi all16:42
systemg33kZykoticK9, ah ok got it16:42
compdocanyone ever seen a situation that when 10.04.1 is busy, it wont open programs like a terminal window or the system monitor?16:42
Dr_Williscompdoc:  only when ive used up all my ram and swap16:43
horriblehi, what's a good tool for monitoring my router via snmp?16:44
Thomas_Andersoncompdoc, do you mean "out of memory" by busy?16:45
Picihorrible: mrtg, munin, cacti16:45
genii-aroundhorrible: mrtg is pretty good16:45
horriblePici, genii-around: will they work good even if i use them ony my desktop, which isn't always-on?16:45
Guest12982anybody know best way to connect to  a TSG??16:45
compdocThomas_Anderson, I have a large transfer going using rsync, and the transfer is going fine, but programs wont open. Im going to have to ait until the xfer is finished16:46
Picihorrible: No. All of those are for long-term graphing of snmp data. You aren't going to get much out of it if you don't have an always-connected computer.16:46
Guest12982through virtual machine running XP?16:46
compdocits been transferring since last night16:47
Picihorrible: nagios might be better if you just care about 'is this thing on' type of data.16:47
sacarlsoncompdoc: on system that were out of memory that used swap got slow like that16:47
Zaheruxhello; I have changed my icon theme but the explorer type windows (documents, music etc.) still display the old one16:48
Zaheruxwhat do I do?16:48
sacarlsoncompdoc: I also has some bad boot that did detect all the mem they had and ended up very slow for the same reason16:48
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, make sure you have applied the new theme with the new icon set16:49
ZaheruxI have done, and it works with everything else16:50
Zaheruxjust not those things...16:50
M33P_Hi. I installed a raid card (serveraid LSI M1015 ) and now my kernel panics on boot with "no valid memory map found"16:51
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, check if they are present in the /usr/shar/icon/"Your Theme"/places16:51
Dr_WillisZaherux:  try logging out/back in perhaps.  Could be some aps are using the old icon cache.16:52
Pici!es | PILar16:52
ubottuPILar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:52
sacarlsonM33P_: I've been playing with software raid in simulation that's been working very well, I know nothing about your card,  what will it try to boot from?16:53
douglanyone know of a way to make 10.10/compiz config have mouse trails?16:53
PILar "/Joun #ubuntu-es"16:53
M33P_it will try to boot from first hdd since there are no device attached to the raid16:53
macoPILar:  sin "  y es "join" no es "joun"16:53
sacarlsonM33P_: oh ok well try another slot if you have one16:54
ZaheruxThing is, I'm using a seperate icon theme to the actual theme16:54
M33P_sacarlson, i don't16:54
M33P_1 off pcie x16 slot16:54
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, so choose a theme and customize it selecting the icon theme you want to use16:54
Zaheruxand the iconz that keep coming up is not even the default for that theme16:55
M33P_basically, i tried the memmap= kernel parameters to override, but nothing happens16:55
ZaheruxI have, with every available icon theme I have16:55
Zaheruxnothing changing it16:55
sacarlsonM33P_: try another kernel16:55
M33P_the livecd boots fine, but displays different memory maps16:56
sacarlsonM33P_: so not much memory?16:56
M33P_no, overriden ones i think16:56
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, have you tried to restart computer?16:56
Anjerhow do i run my deluged as another user?16:56
M33P_sacarlson, i still have 2G ram available in the livecd16:57
Dr_WillisAnjer:  via the su command, is one way to run an app as a differnt user.16:57
Zaheruxwill do!16:57
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, or simply try to lof out16:57
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, or simply try to *log out16:57
sacarlsonM33P_: ok well use that kernel then,  move forward or backward in kernel16:57
Zaheruxactually, before I go, I noticed it renders the top bar from that theme to begin with, before swapping to the other one16:57
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, and then log in16:57
Zaheruxwierd; I'll be back if it's still like that :P16:58
Zaheruxthanks for the help!16:58
AnjerDr_Willis: okay, so what command should that be?16:58
Thomas_AndersonZaherux, ok, i hope it will work16:59
M33P_sacarlson, will try but I don't like the fact that my memmap= parameters arent even read by the kernel16:59
AnjerDr_Willis: su - <user> <app_name> ?16:59
Dr_WillisAnjer:  check 'man su'  i rarely use it.16:59
genii-aroundAnjer: eg: su -c "command to do here" username-to-do-it-as17:00
Dr_Willisor su --help17:00
presleydoes anybody use qutim?17:00
sacarlsonDr_Willis: why do people hate me when I use sudo su?17:01
AbhiJiti hve all issues of fcm. i wnt to search whch of thm has artcl on <exmple> topic. how to do this?17:01
sacarlsonDr_Willis: I just did a man on su and it seems to be well documented and still works17:02
compdoci hate all the sudo junk - I log in as root17:02
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stefanoshello, how can i conect wi-fi networks on Kubuntu?17:02
AbhiJit!wifi | stefanos17:03
ubottustefanos: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:03
Thomas_Andersoncompdoc, it's dangerous to log in as root17:03
sacarlsoncompdoc: I don't go as far as making a password for root like you do any more but to each his own,  I won't complain17:03
AbhiJit!manual | stefanos17:03
ubottustefanos: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:03
compdocThomas_Anderson, thats what they say17:04
Dr_Willissacarlson:  sudo su, is 'redundant' and may or may not give a proper 'enviroment' and  you may as well just do 'sudo -i'17:05
FaiLicanhey guys, if i want to open a program such as firefox via ssh how do do, it said no display defined or something17:05
Dr_WillisFalados:  you did enable X forewarding?17:05
compdocI only use ubuntu as a server, and when I set one up, I install a lot of stuff, and change a lot of files - cant handle all the sudo stuff17:05
Dr_WillisFaiLican:  enable X forearding. :)17:05
FaiLicanhow do i enable that, sry17:05
horrible_compdoc: i can recommend the sudo -i command17:06
Dr_WillisFaiLican:  and firefox is 'special' if you jsut run 'firefox' you will get teh local machines firefox. unless you use the --noremote option. (or some option like that)17:06
sacarlsonhorrible_: I prefer sudo -s that keeps my pwd the same17:06
sacarlsonhorrible_: sudo -i moves me to pwd /root17:07
Dr_Willis!ssh | FaiLican17:07
ubottuFaiLican: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:07
Dr_WillisFaiLican:  its the -X or -Y option17:07
Dr_WillisSSH is one of those apps - thats worth reading up on.17:08
FaiLicanwell, im not acually needing ssh my computers are really close so i just use it to learn for the future17:09
BluesKajssh is for computers in the same location/office /house, on the same network, FaiLican17:10
Dr_WillisSSH is for everything. :)17:10
kbrosnanFaiLican: --no-remote for firefox17:10
BluesKajwell as longas you don't use a dynamic IP , I suppose17:10
sacarlsonBluesKaj: well that's what no-ip.com is for right?17:13
FaiLicanssh is fun but vnc is funnier17:13
sacarlsonFaiLican: ya but you can turn vnc on from ssh17:13
* compdoc hugs his vnc4server17:14
sacarlsoni found that the x11vnc can do reverse connect too, so you can connect and help people behind firewalls and nat with it17:15
=== shorty is now known as Guest28160
BluesKajsacarlson, dunno about no-ip.com17:16
praxwhich plugin is need to make amarok work??17:16
sacarlsonBluesKaj: no-ip.com enables you to keep connected with a program that updates your ip to the dns called noip217:17
BluesKajsacarlson, yeah my ISP offers easydns as a paid option , but I personally have little use for such a service17:18
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
sacarlsonBluesKaj: you must not have need for it with static ip17:19
hachmisalut les amis17:20
abderrezzaqet oui17:20
hachmije suis sur lubuntu 10.1017:20
praxwhich plugin is need to make amarok work??17:20
hachmiet j arrive pas a installer les codecs17:20
xangua!fr | hachmi17:20
ubottuhachmi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:20
hachmiil est ou??? ubuntu fr?? merci17:21
BluesKajsacarlson, my IP is dynamic , but I don't need a static internet IP , altho my home network uses them17:21
AbhiJit!fr | hachmi17:21
ubottuhachmi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:21
hachmihey every bady17:22
FaiLicani didnt get my no-ip service to work, my router is the problem i think17:22
hachmii m on lubuntu 10.10 and i can t setup codec for mpg avi video17:22
hachmican you help me??17:22
resnoif i set a user to have access to write a file via samba. does that overcome any other rules against writing to that folder?17:22
BluesKajhachmi, install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:23
sacarlsonFaiLican: you have to turn the port forwarding on17:24
xanguaBluesKaj hachmi better install lubuntu-restricted-extras (yes, it does exists)17:24
sacarlsonFaiLican: port forwarding is a function that I have seen in all adls modems I have looked into17:25
wyclifhi all17:25
studentzHi there:  trying to buy a tablet. I'm thinking about bamboo wacom any advice?  Which apps work with this tablet in Ubuntu? Thanks17:25
ayuditaun preguntita?17:26
moustafastudentz: I have a graphire4 (the bamboo's ancestor), you can use the tablet with just about any piece of software available on Ubuntu17:26
=== donald is now known as Guest17658
fcuk112_hi, i noticed some disk activity on my ubuntu media server...  seems there is a process smbd -F doing some disk writes (observed using iotop).  anybody know why this is running?17:26
leftistis tracker-store necessisary? i know it is used for indexing but it  is a resource hog17:27
moustafastudentz: I can confirm the following: Blender, MyPaint (highly recommended for input sensitive digital painting) and the GIMP (although it will require you activate the sensibility features)17:27
BluesKajFaiLican, if your no-ip.com uses and application to connect to their site then you probly neeed to set a tcp & udp port range with permissions for that no-ip application17:27
henaaqueis it possivle to create any kind of virtual server using debootstrap?17:27
studentzmoustafa Thanks How about drivers?17:27
wyclifI want to install Ruby on Ubuntu, but I have been warned by Ruby devs to use #rvm instead of apt. Also can't seem to join the #rvm channel and can't figure out why.17:27
sacarlsonfcuk112_: could be someone is moving files on your samba network shared file link17:27
BluesKajFaiLican, these settings I'm referring to will be on your router17:28
xangua!es | ayudita lugan17:28
ubottuayudita lugan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:28
moustafastudentz: I can't speak for the Bamboo, but the Graphire is pretty much plug and play.  Since the Bamboo is basically the Graphire, you should have little to no issues17:28
moustafastudentz: The only thing I know to exist (and that may have been resolved) is for the Bamboo with touch17:29
moustafastudentz: Only issue, that is17:29
ayuditadonde escribo eso? disculpa soy novato17:29
fcuk112_sacarlson, i am not aware of any transfers going to the media server.  could it be something sinister?17:29
studentzmoustafa thanks17:29
leftistis tracker-store necessisary? i know it is used for indexing but it  is a resource hog17:29
moustafastudentz: No problems17:29
delinquentmeHey all ! does anyone have a SIMPLE solution to get IE 8 + 9 on an ubuntu machine?17:30
sacarlsonfcuk112_: when I failed to firewall my samba I found people downloading my video from it,  you can look at your network trafic with wireshark to find what address it may be coming from17:30
xangua!wine | delinquentme17:30
ubottudelinquentme: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:30
luganescibelo como si estuvieras chateando ayudita17:30
leftistwhere can i locate tracker-store so i can disable it?17:30
digitalfizdelinquentme, only way i know really is to use a virtual machine17:31
gobbe!es | lugan17:31
ubottulugan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:31
wyclifdleinquentme: I would recommend VirtualBox with the Win of your choice17:31
sacarlsonfcuk112_: oh and those people on my samba were from the Internet17:31
moustafadelinquentme: Other than trying via WINE or Codeweavers, I don't think it would be possible17:31
moustafadelinquentme: IE was made by Microsoft for Microsoft products, thus unlikely to exist outside Windows17:32
wyclifdelinquentme: VirtualBox17:32
delinquentme!codeweaver | delinquentme17:32
MrUnagieven root can't change the permissions of an attached usb drive?17:33
moustafawyclif: Issue with the VirtualBox method is that it requires a Windows license17:33
gobbeMrUnagi: it can, depends how did you mount it17:33
leftisti look in indexing preferences and i dont see anyway to disable it. tracker-store. this thing is using 100% cpu for all the workstations. is it necessisary to have it in the fs?17:33
MrUnagigobbe: plugging it in17:33
wyclifmoustafa: yep, I assumed he has that.17:33
sacarlsondelinquentme: when my bank only excepted IE to use there service I found I could change my firefox headers to make them thing I was using IE,  it still worked fine17:33
studentzdelinquentme: this project looks nice http://browserling.com/  unfortunatelly is not open source17:33
gobbeMrUnagi: what is the filesystem in usb?17:34
MrUnagigobbe: fat17:34
MrUnagigobbe: i think17:34
delinquentmethanks guys :D17:34
buayaonlinegobbe: fat3217:34
MrUnagigobbe: any ideas?17:35
gobbeMrUnagi: can you copy-paste output of "sudo mount" to pastebin.ubuntu.com?17:36
sacarlsonMrUnagi: you can't change premision on a files system that has none, like fat32 and a few others17:36
gobbefat and fat32 doesn't support acl17:36
NierokI can't print with my Kyocera FS 1550+17:36
MrUnagiso it has to be ext3?17:36
leftistlook can someone answer me this question then since nobody seems to the earlier ones. how do  i just remove tracker-store?17:36
wyclifNierok: can you be a bit more specific? Errors you're getting, &c.?17:37
=== Gabi is now known as rapid
=== rapid is now known as Gabi
leftistseveas are you around?17:38
Nierokwyclif: It doesn't notice the printer, i tried 3 USB ports17:38
IledenI have a Win7/Ubuntu dualboot laptop. When I turn down the brightness (with Fn-f5 key combo) on Win7, for example to minumum, then boot to linux, the screen is still the same dimness. However, this Win7 minimum value is now the MAXIMUM linux can reach. Any ideas how to fix this?17:38
MrUnagigobbe: sacarlson so it has to be ext3?17:39
gobbeMrUnagi: or other filesystem that supports acl's17:39
sacarlsonMrUnagi: why can't you check?  sudo fdisk -l  or sudo mount?17:39
gobbeIleden:  it seems that your laptops brightness-buttons are software-buttons, and it causes that kind of things17:39
MrUnagisacarlson:  i did, but if i already got my answer i thought it wouldnt matter17:40
sacarlsonMrUnagi: it could be anything you partitioned it to including ext2, ext3, ext4, ntfs, fat32, swap.....17:40
MrUnagii didnt personally format the drive17:40
MrUnagiand it is 600 miles away lol17:40
wyclifNierok: have you tried adding the printer under System>Administration>Printing>Add Printer?17:41
mikbrentleftist :  sudo apt-get remove tracker ?17:41
Iledengobbe: yes, it seems so. They only work after booting to OS.17:41
ZykoticK9Ileden, doesn't happen to be a EEE 1005PE does it?17:41
leftistseems to simple mikbrent but i'll give it a try17:41
=== cmg is now known as dusanyu
gobbeIleden: you could try to google with your laptop model + linux17:42
gobbeIleden: and see that is there any solution with drivers or something17:42
IledenZykoticK9: why no, but it's 1001PX :)17:42
leftistworked mikbrent i just wonder what the consequences are going to be with tracker-store removed from the fs?17:43
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
ZykoticK9Ileden, i have to use // GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor splash" // to get my brightness controls working in 10.10 with my 1005PE.  Don't know if that would help you at all though.  Best of luck.17:44
Guest63529So does anyone know if its even possible to compress pulseaudio networking?17:44
mikbrentleftist : i think its just a component of a search tool..  apt description shows "metadata database, indexer and search tool"17:44
MrUnagiugh i cant unmount the drive17:45
MrUnagisudo umount -f /media/disk says umount: /media/disk: device is busy.17:45
ZykoticK9Ileden, doesn't seem to mention a 1001px - but see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Asus 1001P17:45
mikbrentso id guess if you had something like a deskbar search tool like google desktop or something that may whack out or get outdated17:45
Iledengobbe: I've only found via google issues where backlight doesn't work at all17:45
ignarpsMrUnagi, fuser -c /media/disk or to kill off the pids. fuser -ck /media/disk17:45
Iledengobbe: I've only found via google issues where brightness control doesn't work at all17:45
ignarpstry that17:46
leftistmikbrent ok. i will decide on these ws what to do. i just removed it on this laptop for a test. but i appreciate your input. thank you :D17:46
=== mue__ is now known as mue
MrUnagithat did it ignarps thank you17:46
ignarpsyour welcome17:46
gobbeIleden: ok :(17:47
IledenZykoticK9, gobbe: thanks, I'll try to go trhough some of the fix steps for the other issue, see if it solves this one...17:48
FaiLicanI have a question, my windows are on defult to maximize when I open them, such as firefox or a directory. how do i change that?17:48
txomonhello!, does anyone know how languages are programed?17:50
txomonis it at compilation time or later?17:50
soreauFaiLican: You can have your window manager control this behavior or you can try resizing the windows then closing them and see what happens when you reopen them17:50
GeekSquidFalLican: firefox will open in the size it was closed in... so if you resize the window, quit firefox, and restart it will be the size you left it in17:50
soreautxomon: That is a subjective question. Which program specifically?17:50
FaiLicansoreau: ok, ill try17:51
txomonsoreau: I was thinking about any shell program17:51
txomonfor example "help"17:51
panoshi, in the past few days i have noticed a decrease on my torrent download speed(previus 1.4Mb/s now 200kb/s), without to change anything, + when downloading with rapidshare everything is ok, any suggestions?17:51
soreaupanos: What makes you think the problem is on your end?17:52
aimioi have added, dock and elegant GNOME, and an epic background, is there any more thing's i should fix, (i'm looking to make my desktop shine)..17:52
GeekSquidpanos: check your seed ratio ... you have to give a lot to get a lot17:52
sacarlsonpanos: pick a file with more seeders17:52
Guest63529So does anyone know if its even possible to compress pulseaudio networking?17:52
panosas i said, i have changed nothing17:53
soreautxomon: Some programs have translation tables written in markup format while there is nothing stopping anyone from hard coding translations into the binary (if its a compiled program)17:53
sacarlsonpanos:  you downloading the same files?17:53
txomonsoreau: what is markup format?17:53
GeekSquidGuest63529: that statement "compress pulseaudio networking" doesn't compute ... what are you trying to do?17:53
soreaupanos: If you havent changed anything but there is a change when connecting somewhere else, the problem is likely - somewhere else17:54
soreautxomon: Like xml style17:54
sacarlsonpanos: even with the same files the seeder number changes over time,  and as GeekSquid said that is also correct17:54
bindihey, i hope this isnt too offtopic, but i'm trying to use this guide http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=524890&postcount=5 and i am unable to get things to work. I'm on the "sudo irw" part, what didnt output anything when i pressed buttons on the remote - then i tried the next command - but i don't have a /dev/lirc0 (even specified so in the config)17:54
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
ignarpsGuest63529, check the pulse audio mailing list.  they have talked about compression a few times on the list17:54
Guest63529GeekSquid: haha sorry. Currently I have pulseaduio device chooser sending audio from one machine to another17:55
aimioIs awsome window manger still the best choice ?..17:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:55
Guest63529GeekSquid: Yes, but so far I havent seen them mention the standard signal, only the RTP17:55
panossoreau: it seems very strange, i tried to download the ubuntu.iso and the speed was lame17:55
soreautxomon: Some programs use pootle. For example, this is the compiz source tree http://cgit.compiz.org/compiz/core/tree/ Click on the po directory and see the files inside17:56
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MrUnagisudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/teststick/......did i do that wrong?17:56
txomonsoreau: ammm ok so pootle is a ... what? to use languajes?17:56
Guest63529GeekSquid: It seems like tehreis no documentation on it17:57
soreautxomon: In short, it is however the programmer programs the program ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pootle17:57
GeekSquidGuest63529: cool idea, because it is a Real Time Protocol, compressing the stream would make heavy demands on both processors, and you'd have a delay going on... that and I am not sure how that would work17:57
txomonsoreau: thanks a lot!17:58
sacarlsonpanos: there is another posibility,  your ISP has changed there policy,  since I am a ISP I do the same when only 10% of my customers are using 99% of my bandwidth I throttle there bandwidth usage17:58
Guest17658Looking for a newbiefied version on how to install and run conkyforecast. Anybody have any places i could look? I have googled and googled but all pretty much the same. Something simple  tyavm  :-)17:58
Guest63529GeekSquid: Good point! Heh. The real problem is that my audio would be choppy from the bandwidth if I use any heavy demanding audio apps like Skype17:58
soreautxomon: translating can be tricky. If you can find the ubuntu translation team, try asking them how they do it17:58
Guest63529GeekSquid: So i figured a lightweight encoding to ease it17:59
panossacarlson: this seems reasonable, ill check it out17:59
GeekSquidGuest63529: have you considered using JACK, I believe compression is an option there18:00
BluesKajSkype loads the cpu audiowise...odd I thougt it as the video18:00
sacarlsonpanos: they won't tell you,  as I don't tell my customers eather,  I don't want them to know18:00
panossacarlson: iĺl check my laptop on a friends house to see what down speeds i get there18:01
Guest63529GeekSquid: I just installed it actually. I might play around with that next, seems a little buggy though.18:01
GeekSquidGuest63529: another thought, if you are using it for skype (not music) why would you need anything more than ulaw (phone quailty) 22,000kbps 8bit stream... would pass the audio across the network with about 1/4 the data rate of CD quality18:02
matsyOkay. I managed to get everything working. I have an external USB device formatted as NTFS currently. Do you have any idea how I could access it from Ubuntu? It doesn't seem to see it..18:02
matsyThe Disk Utility does seem to see it. I'm just assuming it isn't mounting it as a valid device..18:03
Guest63529GeekSquid: Yes, but I do use it for music as well.. or at least trying to anyway. heh.18:03
Guest63529GeekSquid: That might be my alternative.18:03
matsyIt's a 1.5TB HPFS/NTFS formatted volume as well..18:04
=== Guest28160 is now known as AsD
=== AsD is now known as Shortay
GeekSquidGuest63529: I'm guessing here, you are using this to get streams from one place to another wirelessly? ie computer in bedroom is server and computer in livingroom is media center/playback18:05
muskieQuick question, is there a way to check/update the drivers for my Intel Graphics chipset in 10.10?18:05
sacarlsonpanos: you might find his better since the bandwidth usage on his account has not used as much as you over there accounting window of time,  mine is accounted in a daily usage,  your ISP may be weekly, hourly or other18:05
=== CripperZ is now known as N00D
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:06
=== Nuit is now known as Motoko
GeekSquid!info xserver-xorg-video-intel | muskie this is the latest18:07
ubottumuskie: xserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.12.0-1ubuntu5.1 (maverick), package size 244 kB, installed size 988 kB (Only available for amd64 hurd-i386 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 netbsd-i386)18:07
=== Motoko is now known as Rhun
soreaumuskie: You can use xorg-edgers repo to get later drivers18:07
=== horrible_ is now known as horrible
Guest63529GeekSquid: Maybe later, but for now this is on a ethernet cable. I:m trying to consolidate my audio cables I have too many devices hooked up to my surround sound system. So I'm either stuck with a ground loop isolator and deal with a drop in audio levels, or get crummy feedback.18:07
muskieGeeksquid: thanks!18:07
matsyGah. I give up. I'm amazed this doesn't work out of the box. It's a simple external HD. I'm going back to Windows.18:07
Guest63529GeekSquid: I figure if I can ditch the audio cables it would make my life easier, and the wireless feature is a huge bonus.18:08
muskieThanks, soreau18:08
GeekSquidGuest63529: tell you a little secret from audio land where I grew up, distance from the ground is a big factor (as are bad grounds)18:09
sacarlsonGeekSquid: so far from ground is better?18:09
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:10
GeekSquidsacarlson: no, closer is better in most cases, but if you have an audio device 100ft from ground and another 10ft from ground and they are connected you will get a nasty buzz18:11
slingshot316hey guys ! i just changed my splash screen in ubuntu 10.10 and now my computer is stuck at the splash screen .. someoe please help me18:13
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bluethundrit seems that my gpg setup is a bit fubar..  http://dpaste.com/293750/18:14
wesideI gotta question, or a problem.18:14
bluethundrdoes anyone have any ideas on how I can get around this error?18:14
Guest63529GeekSquid: Thanks for your help btw.18:14
wulu__wich splashscreen? Grub or the boot background?18:14
GeekSquidGuest63529: i'd make a reccommendation here... take a wire and hard wire a ground to a screw on each component of your audio system, should get rid of your buzz18:14
slingshot316wulu__: boot splash screen18:14
The_Maverickwith localepurge. which do i select to remove everything BUT english. is it just "en" that needs to be selected?18:14
wulu__hm sry cant help with that one - if grub is installed maybe try to hit "e"18:15
wulu__ and add nosplash or something like that in the grub commandline18:15
slingshot316wulu__: i dont have grub installed :(18:16
wulu__hm ok then, try 2 boot from the live cd18:16
slingshot316wulu__: and then ?18:17
slingshot316wulu__: its plymouth splash screen setting18:17
slingshot316wulu__: how do i restore it back?18:17
The_Maverickanyone able to help with the language packs?18:17
wulu__hm sry, i dont know about the ubuntu splash, just a bit about the grub stuff18:18
Nutubhello, i have a problem with booting windows 7 in grub2, i had to install it again after windows installation, and now i have no problem for booting linux but not the same for windows 718:18
patr1othi all18:18
Guest63529GeekSquid: I actually did that! hahaha. However I get lines on my monitors if I do... This house is just really old. I think i will need to buy a power regulator to place in front of my equipment to solve the ground issue, the cable company has even had a problem with it...18:18
slingshot316wulu__: okay18:18
syn3rgyHow do I make my desktop pink?18:19
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syn3rgyI wanna have a pony with a rainbow on a pick desktop. My GF wont use Ubuntu if I don't fix it for her.18:20
syn3rgysry pink desktop18:21
aimiosyn3rgy, install GNOME coller pick..18:21
The_Maverickagain language packs... anyone?18:21
syn3rgywow this system boots soooooo fast!!18:21
wulu__slingshot: maybe that helps http://askubuntu.com/questions/12483/emergency-i-cant-start-ubuntu-10-04-blank-screen-when-booting-help-me18:21
aimioThe_Maverick, for ubuntu or just a specific program?..18:22
syn3rgyMy old system took like 2 days (really) to even start it up the first time!18:22
vieweri got a promise sata 300 tx4 sata ontroller card.  and it only came with drivers for redhat and suse.  theres also linux source code.  any suggestions how to proceed?18:23
The_Maverickaimio lol all i need to know is what to select when removing language packs with locale purge. i just want english. so i was wondering if all i need to select is english or all the en_blah blah18:23
aimioThe_Maverick, thats seems about right just select.18:24
The_Maverickaimio so JUST "en" and not "en_de or en_sa" and so forth..18:24
zesozehi I getting the follow error when try to run a program: ./surfrace5_0_linux_32bit: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:25
lifestreamOkay.. I asked yesterday and the day before... I don't understand networking at all...! I installed SSH server on my other computer, ... now how do I access it from this computer? (behind same router, not through the internet) o_o18:25
zesozeI have libstdc++6 installed ..18:25
milamberlifestream: what os are you running on the computer you are using now?18:25
aimioThe_Maverick, yes only en depends how you want your keys setup. as the en_de etc etc.. relates to how your keys are setup.18:25
lifestreamHi milamber, both are linux18:25
zesozeI tried to create symlink of libstdc++6 to libstdc++518:25
zesozeI but it does not work....and I can't find stdlibc++5 in apt repository18:26
slingshot316wulu__: yea let me rtry18:26
syn3rgyssh -2 -v -i (your key) -P (your port) noob@yourIP18:26
The_Maverickaimio so i can select just "en" and it will remove all the other packs and nothing to do with my language will be messed up?18:26
milamberlifestream: all that should be required is: from the terminal: ssh -l<loginname> <ipaddressofsshserver>18:27
syn3rgyI don't use a password for ssh. I got the pub key on the server18:27
aimioThe_Maverick, first of all what language do you want to keep ?18:27
Nutubhello, my problem is that i can't use the update-grub command18:27
The_Maverickaimio just english.18:27
birdman007Should I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10?18:27
aimiothen you should not delete en18:27
aimiojust the rest..18:27
syn3rgybirdman007 hell yeah18:28
Nutubit shows the next error: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: /boot/grub/device.map:2: No open parenthesis found18:28
syn3rgyMaverick is really nice18:28
Guest12982birdman007, YES18:28
wyclifbirdman007: depends on how much you want a LTS18:28
syn3rgyBut if your using a server you might like the LTS18:28
lifestreamhmm thanks milamber. so..  I'm pretty dense.. (^^;)  so... the loginname is the username I use at my other computer? And... do you know how I would find the IP of that computer?18:28
The_Maverickaimio thanks18:28
aimioThe_Maverick, Np..18:28
linuxfreakerWhen is Ubuntu 11.0 4 Alpha 2 bits being available?18:28
birdman007i'll upgrade why not :)18:28
Guest12982I need a new Ubuntu project? suggestions..18:28
sacarlsonNutub: what did you do, some manual editing in grub?18:29
milamberlifestream: the login name is the username on the other computer. to get the ip go to the other computer and at the terminal type: ifconfig18:29
syn3rgyCan I pick up the source tree for Ubuntu 10.10 with git? I mean userland and the kernel.18:29
wyclifbirdman007: only reason not to would be if you were a developer and wanted some added stability18:29
syn3rgyI mean like OpenBSD18:29
syn3rgyexport CVSROOT=anoncvs@anoncvs.example.org:/cvs18:29
syn3rgycvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -rOPENBSD_4_8 -P src18:29
milamberlinuxfreaker: you want #ubuntu+118:29
GeekSquid!launchpad | syn3rgy18:30
ubottusyn3rgy: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:30
aimiowhats the best window manger do you guys think ?..18:30
GeekSquid!best | aimio18:30
ubottuaimio: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:30
syn3rgyAhhh damn that I soo got to look at guys Thx ubottu and GeekSquid18:30
hwildecan someone tell me about Bug #500834    and why do I have to run "lsusb" to wake up the joysticks?18:30
wyclifWow, Ubuntu finally made The Setup: aaron.boodman.usesthis.com18:30
Nutubsacarlson, i only want to update grub for boot with windows 718:30
red2kichwilde: lsusb (it lists all usb devices).18:30
hwildered2kic, why don't joysticks work until that is run?  how does running that even fix it ?18:31
aimioi asked beacuse i only know of one. < awesome window manger and i can't seem to make it work on my system.. > thats why i ask just of one other choice..18:31
hwildeaimio, icewm is pretty sweet18:31
syn3rgyI really don't like how can't get out of the windows manager with Ctrl Alt backspace ?18:32
syn3rgyHow do I get out of X18:32
wyclifaimio: "Best" is hard to qualify unless we know how you define "best."18:32
red2kichwilde: It does not. Maybe it's messed up. Yeah, it should "just work" -- I'm looking at that bug.18:32
milambersyn3rgy: crtl alt F118:32
red2kichwilde: I'm guessing it does not register joystick being plugged in -- until you run it.18:32
syn3rgymilamber thx18:32
wyclifaimio: i.e. do you mean fastest, easiest to use, most stable, &c &c18:32
hwildered2kic, dmesg registers it and /dev/input/js0 exists18:32
nirazioIs there a Sticky Note application for ubuntu?18:32
aimiowyclif fastest and easiest and stable..18:33
hwildenirazio, tomboy notes18:33
syn3rgymilamber is it just the "normal startx to get back into metacity (gnome)"18:33
milambersyn3rgy: i use ctrl alt F7 to get back18:33
wyclifaimio: I use LXDE...nothing fancy but blazing fast18:33
hwildeaimio, icewm is very lightweight and stable.18:33
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red2kichwilde: It is definitely a bug. Interesting one, indeed.18:34
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hwildered2kic, I know this...18:34
aimiowyclif, i need one that is good for coders, beacuse i need to have a lot of windows open and be able to tile them right etc..18:34
hwildered2kic, it's been confirmed over 7 months now18:34
wyclifaimio: I'd second icewm, awesome, xmonad (latter two are tiling WMs)18:35
cache_surplushappy new year :)18:35
The_Maverickaimio i dont think it is deleting anything...18:35
aimiothanks wyclif, hwilde..18:36
wyclifaimio: ratpoison if you're brave and can do without a mouse18:36
aimioThe_Maverick, what is your command when you try and delete?..18:36
aimiowyclif, i heard you can do like a shortkey to disalbe  ratpoison when you need to get mouse control..18:37
aimiodon't know if that is right.18:37
docinthedesertHi, i'm having a rough time with an HP Mini 110.  Would love to install Ubuntu on it, but the wireless and ethernet ports don't work with Ubuntu net remix18:37
docinthedesertany help?18:37
The_Maverickaimio it asks me all this information about man pages and if i want to display the out put and so forth. i pick to show the output and it closes and just doesnt do anything18:37
wyclifaimio: Sounds familiar, probably possible to turn it off18:37
mattyh88how do you see if 'sendmail' works on my system?18:37
slingshot316how do i revert changes made to plymouth18:38
aimiowyclif, i shall check them all out.18:38
teemuHey, I have a slight issue with 3G dongle and PIN code.18:38
cache_surplusdocinthedesert: ?18:38
wyclifaimio: only thing about xmonad (worthy project IMO) is that you have to have Haskell to run it18:39
cache_surplusubuntu net remix? is that a trance song?18:39
hihihi100how do idownload a cvs file? terminal?18:39
syn3rgyOK cool so I got out of Gnome with Ctrl Alt F1. startx does not get me back into gnome?18:39
IledenZykoticK9, gobbe: Well well, adding the grub option, now my brightness works as it should. Thanks!18:39
milamber!cvs | hihihi10018:39
ubottuhihihi100: cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/18:39
aimiowyclif, yeah that i know.. i checked a tut on it like 12 min ago..18:39
IledenThought it was kinda fun to get the screen really, REALLY dark. :) But better to be able to get it back to brgiht :D18:39
teemuI've entered the PIN code to the wireless connection but yet when the computer boots some dialog asks for PIN code, and when I enter the correct one it says it's incorrect.18:40
teemuWhen I cancel the dialog connection is established18:40
syn3rgyCtrl Alt F1 worked =D How do you get back into Gnome again ?18:41
Renegade001Anyone know where/how to get a Dribbble invite?18:41
red2kicsyn3rgy: F7.18:41
red2kicsyn3rgy: With the latter Ctrl + Alt18:41
Renegade001I really need it's API :(18:41
red2kic!tty | syn3rgy18:41
ubottusyn3rgy: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.18:41
syn3rgyAhh screens18:42
syn3rgyI see18:42
syn3rgyIs there a way to not automagicly boot into X? I was looking at /etc/gdm a bit18:42
earthlingautomagicly lol ..18:43
trism!nox | syn3rgy18:43
ubottusyn3rgy: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:43
cache_surplusdocinthedesert: HP Mini 110 / Compaq Mini 100c/110c Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 Karmic: The  Karmic version "just works", with almost everything supported, without  tweaking. Wired NIC works nicely, sound works nicely, built-in SD card  reader works too. The wireless driver needs to be activated first --  choose the STA one, not the b43 (which makes the machine hang during  boot).18:44
red2kic!boot | syn3rgy18:44
ubottusyn3rgy: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:44
sacarlsonsyn3rgy: the server install won't boot into X,  is that what you want?  you can also disable gdm start18:44
red2kicsyn3rgy: You can disable gdm18:44
cache_surplusdocinthedesert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks18:44
milambersyn3rgy: what version of ubuntu?18:45
earthlingi hate it that ubuntu disabled some runlevels18:45
MrUnagii have an sftp user jailed into /jail/home/user.........how can i give them access to /media/thumdrive?18:45
syn3rgykewl...maybe not the most common way to do things but if it works.18:45
red2kicsyn3rgy: "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove" -- Me think.18:46
earthlingMrUnagi : Have you tried creating links with adequest permissions in there home folder18:46
desaiui woke up this morning, turned on my computer, and the wireless network manager icon is missing from the tray18:46
milambersyn3rgy: there is a regular option for that SYSTEM >> ADMINISTRATION >> LOGIN SCREEN18:47
red2kicdesaiu: ALT+F2 --> nm-applet18:47
syn3rgyWow they made this so easy that even my mother could use this. I mean it in a good way. I would like to see more ppl move away from Windows to *nix18:47
mmaksimovdesaiu, start nm-applet manually?18:47
MrUnagiearthling: i tried ln -s but when i try to cd to it i get errors ill try it again18:47
cache_surplusdocinthedesert: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/9.10/release/18:48
trismred2kic: that is unlikely to work since gdm is started by upstart now, although renaming /etc/init/gdm.conf to gdm.conf-disabled or editing the start on line in that file to include "never" works18:48
desaiuthat's it18:48
desaiuthank you red2kic and mmaksimov18:48
desaiui couldn't think the name of it18:48
MrUnagiearthling: i get Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory18:48
inaetyIs anyone here familiar with the ubuntu one mobile music service18:49
cache_surplusdocinthedesert: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/9.10/release/ubuntu-9.10-dvd-i386.iso18:49
earthlingMrUnagi : U want to give them access to any new thumbdrive that is/will in the future be plugged in ?18:49
sacarlsonMrUnagi: no ln -s will still have the same privliges as the link it points to,  so copy to his jail or open is jail to include it?18:49
MrUnagiearthling: that would be nice, but specifying a single one is fine too18:49
MrUnagisacarlson: would ig et no such file or directory even if it was a permission issue18:50
red2kictrism: Ah.18:50
red2kicsyn3rgy: You got that message from trism above?18:50
sacarlsonMrUnagi: no I guess not18:50
MrUnagisacarlson: thanks for the suggestion18:50
ZykoticK9Ileden, glad you fixed it!18:51
cache_surplusanother satisfied ubuntu user fixed :)18:51
syn3rgyred2kic yeah thx !!18:51
earthlingMrUnagi : have you checked if the dir is still there wn executing this command? because those dirs are temperory and are created for only as long as the pendrive is plugged in.18:52
GeekSquidcache_surplus: you can fix the machine, you can't fix the user18:52
MrUnagiearthling: it is there, and the drive is still plugged in18:52
earthlingMrUnagi : oh.18:53
MrUnagithe ln is owned by root....and chown doesnt change the ownership18:54
MrUnagiand changing the home directory doesnt work18:56
cache_surplusanother satisfied ubuntu user issue fixed :)18:56
GeekSquidwhat's the app that is in System>Admin>Printing, I need to pkill it?18:56
earthlingMrUnagi : are you sure chown does not work .. $chown newuser:newuser dir_name ? are you trying to change permissions as root user or ftp user ?18:58
AmisHi! o/18:59
IledenZykoticK9: Also, the brigness notification popup indicator bar thingie is now gone - but I never liked it anyway. :)18:59
Guest12982anyone know ho to connect to tsg using ubuntu19:00
sresu_Is there any GUI application for wondershaper like packages?19:00
sresu_!info wondershaper19:00
ubottuwondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-5 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB19:00
Guest12982TSC does not do the job19:00
MrUnagiearthling: ^19:00
AmisSo I was wondering where should I search about the high temperature of my CPU under ubuntu?19:00
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KM0201Amis: probably google, there's a lot of things that can cause that19:00
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KM0201Amis: laptop?19:01
PiciGuest12982: Maybe if you clarify what TSG is we can help you.19:01
AmisKM0201, yes19:01
Guest12982Pici, terminal services gateway19:01
Guest12982need to RDP into work19:02
AmisI can cook my breakfast on it but there aint any processes running at all19:02
KM0201Amis: yeah, some laptops it happens, some it doesn't.. i think it depends on how the fan is controlled (some use a windows app to do that).. My Acer used to run a little hot.. I hated Vista so much, i just bought a cooling pad.. problem solved.19:02
GeekSquidGuest12982: tsclient is the mstsc of linux19:02
MrUnagii have an sftp user that is jailed in /jail/home/user.....how can i give them sftp access to a usb drive on /media/drive?19:02
AmisThe fan does it's job, it the CPU itself whats hot19:02
jackinloaduphey i have a server running with a web service that is only available on port 8090. is there anyway to view that webpage locally on completely different computer? tunneling or something?19:03
GeekSquidAmis: how hot?19:03
Guest12982GeekSquid, yes but so far unable to connect, anybody else managed to connect using tsc19:03
jackinloadupi forgot to mention that the service is localhost only19:03
AmisGeekSquid, just a second, I try to find out where can I get the info (....)19:03
jackinloadupi would like to keep it that way for security purposes if possible19:03
sresu!info mastershaper19:05
ubottuPackage mastershaper does not exist in maverick19:05
sresu!info mastershaper lucid19:05
ubottuPackage mastershaper does not exist in lucid19:05
DciteNot wondershaper?19:05
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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GeekSquidAmis: install sensors-applet19:06
MrUnagiwhy can i not change the permissions of a usb drive?19:06
BuayaOnlineAmis: CPU Frequency Scaling is enable?19:06
MrUnagiomg this is annoying!19:06
UBuxuBUbecause u must change the attributes19:06
earthlingMrUnagi : dont know man .. i am able to change here ..19:06
MrUnagiearthling: what fs19:07
MrUnagiUBuxuBU: what do you mean19:07
DesertDoodanyone trying zorin os4?  (a ubuntu based distro)19:07
GeekSquidMrUnagi: drivemount is not a user on your system19:07
earthlingMrUnagi : ext3 .. though fs type should not matter19:07
MrUnagiGeekSquid: actually it is lol19:07
MrUnagiearthling: odd....the command goes through, but root still owns the drive.....i cant even chmod 75519:07
GeekSquidMrUnagi: really? you were in the wrong place /media/Teststick is what you were operating on, you were in /home/drivemount19:08
NoNaMeNohow do I install latest nvidia 96xx driver?19:09
NoNaMeNoI cant find the PPA19:09
IledenMy WLAN is acting up pretty weird. It works fine on Win7, but on dualboot Ubuntu, it has trouble connecting and has up to 40% packet loss or may disconnect. However, changing WLAN channel from the router seems to fix the issue for a while (few hours). Any ideas how to debug?19:09
AmisGeekSquid, my CPU is jumping between 53 and 60 which is pretty high compared to the windows os19:09
NoNaMeNothis page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia19:09
AmisBuayaOnline, how exactly check that?19:09
MrUnagi"/home/drivemount/" is the users sftp jail, i am trying to give them access to "/media/Testick" GeekSquid earthling19:09
NoNaMeNosays there is a PPA with the latest drive, but I can't find which PPA19:09
earthlingMrUnagi :exit19:09
npoBaJlhow can I check a program's currently installed version on my machine?19:09
earthlingMrUnagi : sorry :-(19:10
metalfan_why did the ubuntu 10.10 installer use /dev/sdx in /etc/fstab instead of uuids?19:10
NoNaMeNoany idea?19:10
GeekSquidAmis: windows calculates it in deg F, linux calculates it in Deg C... do the conversion19:10
earthlingGeekSquid  drivermount user exists otherwise chown would have thrown a error19:11
AmisAt me it does it in Celsius, you can be sure about that19:11
MrUnagiGeekSquid: I was trying to change ownership of the dive19:11
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
GeekSquidMrUnagi: why not mount it at boot, via fstab19:12
MrUnagiGeekSquid: it mounts at boot19:12
earthlingMrUnagi : have u tried changing the permissions of the actual folder in /media/Testick and not its link in Teststick in home/drivermount19:12
MrUnagiearthling: yes, stays with root and 77719:12
AderlassHi there. :)19:13
BuayaOnlineAmis: simple way, just add CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor applet on your panel. and left click on it to check whether it on Performance or other option19:13
MrUnagiim so frustrated19:13
AmisI added19:13
kenny_duehitanyone know why ubuntu insists on changing what drives are assigned to sda, sdb, etc? it changes them almost everytime I boot19:13
MrUnagiis there another way19:13
AmisNow I see it's juping between 933 and 2400 which I guess is bad19:14
earthlingMrUnagi : darn , one more thing can u try , create a folder with liberal rights say 'dir1' , then mount the stick to that folder 'dir1' then create a link for that location to the sftp user ..19:14
AmisIt shouldn't be up that high19:14
GeekSquidAmis: that is your cpu frequency, not bad19:14
AmisBut it shouldn't keep it that high when theres no demand for performance19:15
gobbekenny_duehit: how id you assigned them?19:15
kenny_duehiti don't auto mount them, they mount on demand (ubuntu default) when I go to them under places19:16
kenny_duehitunless I miss interprited your question...19:17
MrUnagiwhat the crap19:17
MrUnagisome how now Teststick ins /19:18
MrUnagiis /19:18
MrUnagiall i did was unmount, mkdir Teststick, sudo chown useradd:sftp Teststick, chmod 766 Teststcik, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/Teststick19:19
aLemmerI just installed Hamachi on Ubuntu 10.10, but I can't access my RDP server, which also has Hamachi installed. I'm trying to use Remote Terminal Client. I can ping the RDP server and log into it via Windows, but not through the Remote Terminal Client, which can access other RDP servers, just not via Hamachi.19:20
snipeTR"Long-Therm" What is the difference?19:20
MrUnagiyea thats not right, fstab just mounted it as something else because it existed already19:20
BuayaOnlineAmis: how about by disable visual effect (System - Preferences - Apperarance)?19:20
jbrouhardAmis: if you're calculating CPU Temp as long as you do not exceed 70 degrees Celcius, you're fine.  average CPU (even for mine) is somewhere around 48-5419:20
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kenny_duehitgobbe: what do you mean how did I assign them?19:21
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earthlingMrUnagi : told u :-)19:21
MrUnagiearthling: told me what19:21
gobbekenny_duehit: well, i didn't quite understand what is your problem?19:21
wyclifI can't figure out why I have bash installed but no .bash_profile19:21
gobbekenny_duehit: you mean that disk that is used in / is next time mounted somewhere else?19:21
guerillapchi is there some option for apt-get that only fetches the packages?19:22
gobbekenny_duehit: or what?19:22
guerillapcand which i can run at the same time as installing?19:22
earthlingMrUnagi : that while mounting the drives get mounted to folders that are temperoly created in /media folder .19:22
MrUnagiearthling: so basically i cant change the permissions19:22
kenny_duehitgobbe: yes.  1 boot, sda is for my 20gb drive. next boot sda links to me 500gb drive19:22
Piciwyclif: Because we don't distribute a .bash_profile file in /etc/skel/19:23
henaaque  /join #jolicloud19:23
GeekSquidguerillapc: sudo apt-get install -d packagename .. will download the files to /var/cache/apt/archives19:23
kenny_duehitgobbe: I would like to force consistency19:23
MrUnagithis is beyond frustrating19:23
horriblekenny_duehit: how about you refer to them by UUID instead?19:23
MrUnagiall i want to do is give an sftp user access to that drive19:23
guerillapcGeekSquid: can i run it while it installs something?19:23
gobbekenny_duehit: can you upload your /etc/fstab to pastebin.ubuntu.com19:23
AmisBuayaOnline, I disabled them but it seems to have no effect at all. I may just have to live with the fact that some kind of ghost script keeps my CPU spinning19:23
Amisjbrouhard, the only thing this thing bothers me is because it isn't this high on the windows os19:24
earthlingMrUnagi : What you can do is create a dir and manually mount new flash drives to that directory19:24
shcherbakMrUnagi: does link not work with ftp?19:24
kenny_duehithorrible: I am coding a conky setup and I don't think hddtemp can't use uuid19:24
MrUnagiearthling: that is what i tried to do earthling19:24
kenny_duehitgobbe: ok, give me a second19:24
MrUnagishcherbak: no it tells me the path doesnt exist19:24
shcherbakMrUnagi: oh, didnt know.19:25
delacHuawei E1552 works quite well in Maveric except that the stick is never recognized on boot and needs to be re-inserted for it to work. Does anyone know how to make it work without re-insertion?19:25
GeekSquidguerillapc: no, the dpkg lock file will keep this from happening, if you wanted to dl one package at a time you could get it from http://packages.ubuntu.com19:25
MrUnagishcherbak: any other ideas?19:25
guerillapcGeekSquid: if i delete the lock file?19:25
shcherbakMrUnagi: not really, i not keen in ftp.19:25
AmisSomething else: where can I check which of my two video cards linux is currently using?19:25
GeekSquidguerillapc: don't do that, the lock file is to keep your system from breaking19:25
hwildeBug #500834 ?19:26
kenny_duehitgobbe: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/549956/19:26
guerillapcGeekSquid: im currently doing updates and it takes a hell of a lot time, id just delete the lock file while it installs the udpates and download only the files that i want to install19:26
gobbekenny_duehit: and what about sudo blkid19:27
horriblekenny_duehit: you can refer to the disk by UUID when using hddtemp. you can find the device under /dev/disk/by-uuid/19:27
guerillapcGeekSquid: does the lock file have anything else to do than tell programs that i am currently using the packagemanager?19:27
jbrouhardAmis: i'd check top (or htop) to see if your CPU is spinning cause of a background system (which is entirely possible since linux loads stuff into background)19:27
vikke_hello, I want to change the behaviour of my touchpad, right now when I "tap" it with two fingers it emulates a right-click, I want to change this to a middle mouse button click (mouse 3), can any1 point me in the right direction?19:28
kenny_duehitgobbe: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/549957/19:28
kenny_duehithorrible: orly?  I'll have to play with that.  still though, for other things too, I am going to presue this forcing consistance dev names...19:29
AderlassWill i get UNE support here? :-)19:29
gobbekenny_duehit: aah, so those are external disks. you can mount them using uuid's still19:29
GeekSquidguerillapc: very not reccommended, the lock file keeps the system safe, if you are updating, chances are it is also upgrading the kernel, which means you'll need a reboot... if you are trying to install something specific tell me what it is and I can tell you the dependencies so you can get everything you need via the web19:29
ArachonI'm getting a "failed to initialize OpenGL display" when I try to run Braid, I was thinking this may be due to outdated drivers, but where can I find drivers for an Intel GMA3150? I suppose they'd be locked down and whatnot?19:29
earthlingMrUnagi : u there ?19:29
MrUnagiearthling: yea19:29
horriblekenny_duehit: the only names that are guaranteed to be consisted are the UUID ones19:29
earthlingMrUnagi : what ftpd are u using ?19:29
earthlingMrUnagi : vsftpd ?19:30
MrUnagiearthling: thats the server side yes?19:30
ArachonAderlass: I'm not really too savvy with Linux, but I've been toying a bit with UNE, I could try giving you a hand19:30
antovilahi! somebody speak portuguese?19:30
Pici!pt | antovila19:30
ubottuantovila: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:30
guerillapcGeekSquid: hm k ill wait till it finishes19:30
kenny_duehitgobbe: I know I can mount using uuid's, but is there a way to force a uuid to be assiciated with a specific dev?19:30
gobbekenny_duehit: uuid is consistent19:31
MrUnagiwhatever ubuntu has by default19:31
GeekSquidAderlass: UNR/Unity is supported here19:31
earthlingMrUnagi : ok.19:31
AderlassAh okay, thanks Arachon & GeekSquid. :)19:31
kenny_duehitgobbe: right, any hacks to force dev's to specific uuid's?19:32
slapperDCC SEND "startkeylogger" nigger19:32
Aihetleosguys im trying to write in the abiword and every word i writing the abiword put a line above the latter how to fix this problem???19:32
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.19:32
kenny_duehitgobbe: no is an acceptable response.....19:32
matsyOkay. I'm going to try again. I would really like to get this working. I have a 1.5TB external USB HD, and it doesn't seem to get mounted from Ubuntu. It's an NTFS-formatted partition as well. How would I succeed in mounting it?19:32
kenny_duehitI hope not to hear it though....19:32
horriblekenny_duehit: the UUID devs are consistent. the sda etc devs are not. use the consistent ones if you need consistency19:33
earthlingMrUnagi : ok. just paste ps -ef|grep ftp. i will do some RnD and let you know by tomo .. have some other stuff going on right now.. but the prob seems a bit interesting so will try helping out.19:33
kenny_duehitfine........ *grumble grumble*19:33
MrUnagikserver   1552  1230  0 14:33 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto ftp19:34
kv102tany reason my mem cards don't auto mount to desktop.  Are listed in computer view?19:35
hash_ada yang dari indonesia?19:35
Pici!id | hash_19:35
ubottuhash_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia19:35
hash_makaci y19:35
z3ligHello.. I'm looking for a way to see network packet stats per tcp socket in Linux.. Any ideas?19:36
z3lig specifically, I'm looking to see how many packets a given socket has seen inbound and outbound19:36
hash_#ubuntu -id19:36
GeekSquidz3lig: netstat -ntap19:37
z3ligGeekSquid, that provides aggregate stats19:37
z3lignot socket level statistics19:37
MrTcphi folks19:37
AmisAny ideas how to identify the active video card where 2 cards avilable?19:37
sergeyhelp winfast tv 2000 xp19:38
hash_!id | ubottu_19:39
ubottuhash_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia19:39
hash_gak ada org di ubuntu-id19:40
Myrttihash_: /join #ubuntu-id19:40
GeekSquidz3lig: wireshark comes to mind, but you want to see per process, right? hmmm19:41
matsyPer process? I thought it was per socket19:41
matsyI would believe that with a smart Wireshark filter, you'd be able to succeed.19:41
z3ligGeekSquid, yeah.. I'm sure I can do it realtime with tethereal but I'm looking for historical as well19:42
cruncheryo all19:42
z3ligmatsy, not per process but per socket19:42
matsyThat's what I said.19:42
GeekSquidz3lig: you have to create a history, tethereal/ethereal/wireshark will create the history, then it is a matter of grepping through the mess that is created19:42
z3ligGeekSquid, yeah.. I hear ya19:43
I-are-anyone have an idea as to why zsnes sound is not working?19:43
z3ligI was hoping that Linux kept the stats somewhere19:43
matsyGrepping? In Wireshark? What.19:43
=== hajoscher is now known as hajoscher2
kilian76hey all19:43
sergeyteamviewer id394055497 parol4116 help winfast tv 2000 xp19:43
z3ligI'm very familar with how to do this going forward with wireshark19:43
kilian76i need a bit of help as i am about to load up ubuntu server19:43
kilian76do i want to install as a Cloud?19:44
mattyh88how can i test if sendmail works?19:44
sutadesignhello all19:44
z3ligbut that's for data going forward..  surprised that there isn't somethin in linux that tracks this19:44
z3ligit does it on a global basis19:44
sydneyDoes anyone know of good incremental backup software?19:44
npoBaJlhow can I check a program's currently installed version on my machine?19:44
KM0201npoBaJl: in terminal   program name --ver  will usually do it19:45
matsyz3lig: A per-socket history would take unnecessary system resources.19:45
KM0201npoBaJl: sorry... program name --version19:45
ubentoboxCan anyone by chance tell me which package I should install on Ubuntu Server for the sole use of sending out CMS alert emails?  Like Wordpress Password Request or Article Subscriptions?19:45
npoBaJlKM0201 thanks19:46
sutadesignI installed ubuntu with with default settings, I am using it to host a server for a java application, anyone know any good resources to read on what I can unistall from server to get it down to the bare essentials19:46
z3ligmatsy, I don't know if I agree19:46
horriblesydney: sbackup, rdiff-backup or simplebackup19:46
KM0201npoBaJl: no prob19:46
rtXshutdown -r +60 after boot pc? how do it?19:46
sydneyhorrible:thanks! will look it up19:46
kilian76can anyone tell me about Cloud?19:46
KM0201sutadesign: server edition is pretty bare bones as it is... what more do you want to remove?19:46
matsyz3lig: I would believe that in 99% of the situations one wouldn't need it. It's a very specific requirement.19:46
khamerI know that ctrl-f = ^f, ctrl-shift-f = ^F, there equivalent shorthands for meta/alt?19:47
sutadesignthat was my answer lol, I am just going to backup files and install server edition, I installed client19:47
=== hajoscher2 is now known as hajoscher
z3ligmost networking devices track this, e.g. content switches19:47
KM0201sutadesign: oh ok.. yeah, honestly installing server edition would be easier/smarter19:47
z3ligF5 is one example.. and it is linux based19:47
matsyOh, I really am not the one to talk. I can't even get an external HDD working on my Ubuntu machine.19:47
sutadesignthanks btw19:47
mwcarrollif I run rsync to sync over ssh, and I'm uploading a big file, and run the same script, say a minute later (due to cron), what happens?19:48
KM0201matsy: how can an external drive not work?19:48
GeekSquidkilian76: a cloud is multiple servers, in most cases, a single server doesn't act as a cloud, what kind of server are you trying to setup?19:48
matsyKM0201: It doesn't seem to want to mount it.19:48
sergeyкто по русски говорит?19:48
GeekSquid!ru | sergy19:48
ubottusergy: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:48
kilian76thanks GeekSquid, i am setting up a single private network, a fully functional webserver19:48
matsyKM0201: It is an NTFS formatted External HDD, and I just expected it to work 'out of the box'19:49
kv102tany reason my mem cards don't auto mount to desktop.  Are listed in computer view... any ideas?19:49
matsyKM0201: But apparently, even in Disk Utility, it doesn't give me any option to mount the device.19:49
KM0201matsy: usually they do.19:49
KM0201all of mine do.19:49
GeekSquidkilian76: a webserver can be setup a number of ways, and it depends on what kind of application you are running but usually a LAMP server is all you will need19:49
matsyCould it be because it is NTFS?19:49
KM0201matsy: all mine are ntfs as well.19:49
max_sharpethats seems odd19:49
macokv102t: open gconf-editor and look at /apps/nautilus  -- should be a checkbox for that19:49
kilian76thanks, i will need to use Apache, MySQL, PHP.19:50
matsyKM0201: Do you have any idea what could be the problem then? It's a healthy device, working on my WIndows box without any issues19:50
sergeyubottu - я использую убунту 5 дней самостоятельно не получилось19:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:50
KM0201matsy: when you plug it in/turn it on... if you run sudo fdisk -l (lowercase L) does it show the drive in the output?19:50
GeekSquidkilian76: that is what LAMP is Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP19:50
Besogonsergey, Go to #ubuntu-ru19:50
kilian76thats what i thought :)19:50
matsyIt shows the drive.19:50
matsyDisk /dev/sdb: 1500.3 GB, 1500301910016 bytes19:51
matsy/dev/sdb1               1      182402  1465136128    7  HPFS/NTFS19:51
dajhornubentobox: Postfix is the supported MTA in Ubuntu.  You'll be prompted for a usage profile when you install it.  These profiles just work for most people.19:51
KM0201matsy: that is strange.... do you see anything in /media    ?  that would be the drive.19:51
matsyNaw, I don't19:52
kv102tmarco: i have some preset volumes that are visable19:52
matsyOnly my Floppy Drives, and the Windows 7 'System Reserved' drive is there.19:52
matsy*are there.19:52
kv102tmaco: i have some preset volumes that are visable19:52
foureight84guys, what's a good filesystem for nas on ubuntu? ext4?19:52
KM0201matsy: in the /media folder?... i've never saw a floppy drive there, but i guess it could be19:52
macokv102t: ah i remember...it only shows external / removable drives19:52
matsyYeah, really. ls /media gives me floppy, floppy0 and System Reserved.19:53
KM0201oh ok19:53
dajhornfoureight84: Yes.19:53
matsyBut, floppy0 seems to be some kind of link to floppy.19:53
KM0201matsy: what version of ubuntu are you using?19:53
=== Look is now known as Guest71771
matsyKM0201: 10.1019:53
kv102tmaco: So is there anything to be done. - i can't find any options in config edit19:54
kilian76i am now asked about LVM Partitioning?19:54
macokv102t: if theres no checkbox there for it then no19:54
vultrazdoes anyone know how to deal with ext4 filesystems in slax?19:54
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macovultraz: slax the distro?19:55
KM0201matsy: maybe this?19:55
KM0201* pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@ has joined #ubuntu19:55
matsyKM0201: I just installed the box. I didn't install anything fancy yet.19:55
vultrazuh download it from slax.org so i guess yes19:55
KM0201matsy: try that link19:55
GeekSquidvultraz: we do not support slax here19:56
vultrazthen where can i ask?19:56
kilian76how do i know what to partition?>19:56
rocket16In the command echo "(SayText \"Text\" nil)" | festival --pipe, is there a way we can use it to make festival speak out the current date?19:56
macovultraz: slax may have its own channel. if not, ##linux or maybe even ##slackware19:57
horriblevultraz: slax maybe has a support forum or an irc channel19:57
kilian76I think I want to do the Entire Disk with an LVM?19:57
dajhornmwcarroll: The target can be left in an inconsistent state, especially if the delta is large.  If the delta is small, then you could get lucky and have the last instance dominate.19:57
Picirocket16: replace Text with `date`19:57
rocket16Pici: Tried, but it only makes it speak "date" (the word itself)19:58
kv102tnew issue, i have a NAS with it's own format. all working. I have mounted the NAS to desktop. I have been moving lots of files between laptop and NAS, now it seems to have set permissions to the files on the NAS if i use the mount icon. If i go direct all is OK.  I need to clear all the security as more than one user uses the files and most of them are now locked.19:58
GeekSquidkilian76: LVM is used in raid sitiuations, LVM is not necessarry unless you have setup a raid stack... just a ext4, or let the installer do it automatically19:58
matsyKM0201: It doesn't even want to run. It just doesn't appear19:58
mwcarrolldajhorn: so, theoretically, if the file was large enough, and cron were running every minute, I could have infinite rsyncs running all competing for bandwidth?19:58
Picirocket16: Make sure you use the grave accents.19:58
kilian76thanks, ehats ext4?19:58
dajhornmwcarroll: Yes, which is why you want to add a lock to the cron job.19:58
hihihi100can i make ubuntu open, as default, 6 tabs in my home folder when i log in?19:58
GeekSquid!ext4 | kilian7619:58
matsyKM0201: I installed it successfully, and the application just opens up for a split second, and then closes.19:59
KM0201matsy: start it in terminal and when it crashes, see what terminal says19:59
mwcarrolldajhorn: how do I add a lock to the cron job?19:59
matsyOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/hal/fdi/policy'19:59
kilian76the installer is pre-selected Guided-use entire disk and set up LVM19:59
kilian76GeekSquid, do you suggest I choose the Guided - use entire disk, option?20:00
GeekSquidkilian76: that would be reccommended20:00
matsyOkay, fixed that problem20:00
JackWatI was just taking a look at this wiki page, and it indicates that 'apt-get dist-upgrade' will upgrade all packages on the system. is that correct? I thought that would do a whole version upgrade (10.04->10.10)20:00
rdsworkshi, I'm having an issue getting ssh to work via outside my lan. I've forwarded the port, checked hosts.allow/deny, iptables doesn't have any entries... could someone lend a hand?20:00
dajhornmwcarroll: I don't remember.  Let me check the man page.20:01
kilian76thanks GeekSquid, it now asks me with disk to partition.  SCSI1 (0,0,0) or SCSI1 (0,1,0)  both are 120GB20:01
plumhey guys20:01
matsyKM0201: In that application, it doesn't see the external HD20:01
Mike_FlipI am having trouble getting a live cd to boot on my imac I held down c and selected  try but then just blackness any suggestions?20:01
plumIs there a way i can expand my ubuntu partition? i tried in gparted and it couldn't do that because the partition was mountea20:02
plummounted *20:02
maxohi, I've got an external usb hard drive, but sometimes when using it, Ubuntu suddenly unmounts it. I've checked the logs, and found this: http://pastebin.com/cZQ7wVB7 - but I'm not sure what it means?20:02
macoplum: do it from a live c20:02
horribleplum: is it a lvm volume?20:02
sburjan`plum: you have to boot from a live CD, and make sure you don't have the partition mounted20:02
plumhorrible: what do you mean lvm volume?20:02
KM0201matsy: i wish i had a logical explanation for you.20:02
KM0201matsy: all of mine work out of the box.20:02
horribleplum: i mean, are you using LVM for your partitions?20:03
plummaco and sburjan` : so once in a live cd if i do that, will my data be lost from that partition?20:03
plumhorrible: i've never heard of LVM, so i assume i'm not... i'm not sure though..20:03
dajhornmwcarroll: Run man `flock` and look at the example.   Cut-and-paste.20:03
horribleplum: take the advice the others gave you20:03
matsyKM0201: Meh. I'm just going back to Windows then. I can't seem to find any solution either20:04
macoplum: no20:04
JackWatplum: you have to use the alternate install disk to intall with lvm.  if you dont know what it is i highly doubt you have it, but you shoudl. its awesome20:04
macoplum: if you try to resize it without a live cd...THEN your data would be lost20:04
KM0201matsy: it's gotta be something simple20:04
JackWatplum: gparted offer a livecd on their site. use it to extend your partition.20:04
maxoSurely if there was a faulty sector, it still shouldn't unmount the entire hard-drive?20:04
GeekSquidkilian76: so there are 2 drives in your system, and depending on what you need in terms of size, 120g enough for you? or do you need the full 240g of both drives, you could manually do it and put the webserver "/var/www" on the second drive or just stick with the first and add the other one later, or setup raid1 so it sees both drives as one partition20:04
ad11hi all. does anyone knows what this is....  E: /var/cache/apt/archives/pidgin-data_1%3a2.7.9-1ubuntu0+pidgin1.10.04_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/48/facebook.png', which is also in package pidgin-facebookchat 020:04
matsyKM0201: Yeah. I was hoping for that. I'm checking the system logs now20:05
Mike_FlipI am having trouble getting a live cd to boot on my imac I held down c and selected  try without installing but then just a black screen any suggestions?20:05
ad11i cant upgrade this package20:05
plumi see... thanks guys :)  i was worried about losing data because i tried to resize my friend's Windows Bootcamp partition on his mac, and after it resized properly, the partition disappeared from his bootcamp. we had to delete and recreate the partition and lost his Windows data.20:05
macoad11: its a packaging bug20:05
JackWatmaxo: that looks like the usb cable was pulled. that'd unmount it :P20:05
macoad11: what version of ubuntu are you on?20:05
nibbler_ad11, that means that 2 packages have the same file in them, so they should not be installed at the same time20:05
kilian76i think set up as raid120:05
ad11and the update manager gives me this20:05
kilian76how would i do that GeekSquid?20:05
maxoJackWat, no it's definitely plugged in. Because it unmounts it, and then remounts it again20:05
macoad11: oh 10.04 i guess from the package name20:05
ad11thanks nibbler20:06
matsyKM0201: It is visible almost everywhere: Jan  3 12:21:09 ubuntu kernel: [    2.482257] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Samsung  STORY Station         PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 CCS20:06
KM0201matsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB20:06
ad11i am on 10.0420:06
macoad11: let me see if that bug's been reported20:06
dajhornMike_Flip: Do you have a PPC or an Intel iMac?20:06
JackWatmaxo: something is happening to the usb device. its offlining it the same as if it had been unplugged and plugged back in20:06
GeekSquidkilian76: depending on the bios of your system you can do it with hardware ... see the following trigger20:06
maxoJackWat, also, the light on the front of the usb drive starts flashing orange instead of green - not sure what that means though20:06
ad11ok thanks maco :)20:06
GeekSquid!raid | kilian7620:06
ubottukilian76: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:06
JackWatmaxo: Jan  3 20:00:06 max-laptop kernel: [43376.065505] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 920:06
dajhornMike_Flip: How old?20:06
Mike_Flipmay 201020:06
JackWatmaxo: the lights are hardware specific20:06
dajhornMike_Flip: Does it boot the Mac OS X disc normally?20:07
mattyh88what do you need to fill in: "system mail name" (reconfiguring mail)20:07
z3ligAll..  I'm looking for a network testing application for Ubuntu..  something that will do scheduled file transfers between two or more nodes, pings, traceroutes and will graph the data too boot.   Any suggestions?20:07
kilian76so i can't do that while i am in the Setup/Install from Ubuntu?20:07
maxoJackWat, I'm trying to work out whether it's a hardware or software issue, so it sounds like it's hardware perhaps?20:07
dajhornMike_Flip: You probably just have a dud Ubuntu CD-R.  Reburn it and try again.  Remember to burn it as an ISO.  If you can see the ISO on the CD-R, then you have burned it incorrectly.20:07
JackWatmaxo: i would do more research on the line i pasted to you. im not sure what causes that.20:07
matsyKM0201: Could it be because I might've  used exFat?20:08
lesshastecan anyone recommend an applicant to stream music to a DLNA compliant receiver?20:08
KM0201matsy: exfat? .. can't say i know what that is20:08
Medoosalut ma belle bonne annee20:08
Mike_Flipdajhorn:  i have already used this disc on a windows machine it worked fine20:08
horriblelesshaste: ushare20:08
kilian76in the install, i chose the Manual partition option, and then i see the Configure software RAID?20:08
matsyKM0201: Eh, new version of FAT32 specially designed for USB devices..20:08
HJessHi, I hope somone could help me out a bit with ZFS-fuse .. I've did a bad thing with a cacheing setting makeing my /dev/sdb1 to wipe out, forced me to reinstall all over. - Thats done now, but when I want to reimport my pool (zpool import) I can see that the same setting is still there .. ( http://pastebin.com/hc1PxDdE ) do anyone know how to remove this setting when the dataset is not loaded yet?20:08
KM0201matsy: i thought you said it was ntfs?  otherwise, yeah i'd say thats possible.20:08
lesshastehorrible: thanks.. do you use it?20:08
horriblelesshaste: no.20:09
lesshastehorrible: :(20:09
matsyKM0201: That's what I assumed. But it might just say that because it 'doesn't know it'20:09
lesshasteI'll rephrase the question :)20:09
ben_qwhy can't KDE and Gnome use the same password-wallet? I always have to open it twice =/20:09
lesshastecan anyone recommend an applicant to stream music to a DLNA compliant receiver that they use themselves?20:09
horrible!anyone | lesshaste20:09
ubottulesshaste: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:09
npoBaJlIs there a reason I cannot access shared files on a Win7 PC in a Win7-created homegroup? My machine keeps asking me for a password that doesn't exist....20:09
KM0201matsy: i dunno to be truthful.... it's possible.. i've never heard of exfat20:09
JackWatwhats the best way to tell if i installed the binary nvidia drivers or im using the ones from the ubuntu repo?  i just installed a new kernel and i dont wanna bork on restart as im remoted in currently.20:09
GeekSquidkilian76: never done it that way, not sure, but you might be able to do it with hardware, some systems have raid management built in, you'd have to look at the docs for your system20:09
dajhornMike_Flip: Then you have a difficult problem.  I would reburn the disc anyways, or try the USB installer.20:10
Picimatsy: AFAIK There is no Linux implementation of exfat.20:10
KM0201matsy: Pici well, that would explain his problem20:10
=== michaelc is now known as callahan
matsyPici: I just read about an open source read solution for exFat. I can try it, to see if it can identify the drive..20:10
matsyIf it can't, something else is up, probably.20:11
macoad11: where did you get version 2.7.9?20:11
JackWatnpoBaJl: can you connect via smbclient without a un/pw?20:11
dajhornPici: matsy:  exFAT is available from the PPAs.20:11
vantagewhat is the default password for root?20:11
=== jocrawfo is now known as jcrawford
rocket16Is there a way to echo the current date? Whenever I try the date command with echo, only "date" is returned, :(20:11
Pici!root | vantage20:11
ubottuvantage: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:11
JackWatvantage: wat20:11
Mike_Flipdajhorn: ok thanks20:11
matsydajhorn: From the PPAs? I'm new to these terms..20:11
GeekSquidmatsy: this is an external nas, is there a web-server based management utility on the box, it may allow you to negate permissioning from there20:11
Picidajhorn: Well I guess things have changed since I last researched it.20:11
vantagejackwat i did not define  a root password when installing20:11
ad11maco : i just did un apt-get update and than upgrade20:12
matsyGeekSquid: Naw. It's just an external HD connected to this Ubuntu machine.20:12
ad11from terminal20:12
dajhorn!ppa | matsy20:12
ubottumatsy: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.20:12
JackWatvantage: use sudo with your user password.20:12
npoBaJlJackWat,  I installed samba and am using my nautilus browser.... is there something else I should use? Last time I tried this I was accessing a WinXP PC and there were no problems....20:12
vantagejackwat everything has to be done with sudo?20:12
matsyIt was exfat.20:12
matsyNo wonder it didn't work :+20:12
JackWatnpoBaJl: use the terminal. # smbclient //192.168.0.x/share20:12
ad11maco : my pidgin is 2.7.920:12
HJesssudo su - ;)20:12
horriblerocket16: try running the 'date' command instead of the 'echo' command20:12
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JackWatvantage: you can use sudo to set a root pasword and su to it20:12
matsydajhorn: Do you know if their solution is write-enabled?20:12
JackWatvantage: # sudo passwd root20:12
Pici!noroot | JackWat vantage20:12
ubottuJackWat vantage: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:12
macoad11: 2.6.6 is the version in 10.04.... do you have a PPA or some other repo added for it?20:12
npoBaJlJackWat,  I'll try it thanks.20:13
dajhornmatsy:  exfat is encumbered and might not be in the official release for a while.   PPAs are unsupported and provided by 3rd parties.20:13
GeekSquidHJess: that is not the appropriate way of doing things, we use sudo -i20:13
dajhornmatsy:  https://launchpad.net/~relan/+archive/exfat20:13
JackWatdont support setting a root password? that's retarded.20:13
macoad11: 2.7.9 is apparently uploaded but not yet on the servers for 11.04, but thats it...20:13
horribleHJess: sudo -s is much better than sudo su -20:13
macoJackWat: no need for offensive language20:13
rocket16horrible: I know, thanks. But I want to combine it with echo, for example to say "Good morning, today is #date"20:13
ad11as i remember well ive added pidgin repos20:13
HJessGeekSquid: could be20:13
HJessDo anyone know if there exists a support channel for ZFS-Fuse ?20:13
ad11maco: probably its a pidgin dependecy problem20:13
matsydajhorn: I'm going to try that, and see if it works20:14
npoBaJlJackWat,  "smbclient //ip-address/share asks for my password and returns "session setup failed: SUCCESS - 0"20:14
JackWatim in here trying to offer some help, not to be hassled. good day.20:14
macoad11: its not  dependency thing. it's someone packaged it wrong so the same file is in two packages. but i cant figure out who packaged it since that package doesnt look like it actually came from ubuntu20:14
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ad11maco: it probably didn't20:15
macoad11: then you need to talk to whomever packaged it. it's not an ubuntu bug.20:15
ad11maco: so hot fix now the var/lock20:15
trismrocket16: possibly: echo "(SayText \"$(date +'%A %B %e')\" nil)" | festival --pipe;20:16
ad11maco: i have this update manager attention icon i have on the sys try20:17
rocket16trism: Yeah, already got it working. Thanks, but I wanted something that would say "Good morning, today's date is <date>". :( Anyway, thanks.20:17
macoad11: for now, i'd say lock the version on those packages in synaptic or remove pidgin-facebookchat until its fixed20:17
ad11maco : ok thanks :)20:17
matsyBefore I will be able to do this though: How do I unmount a device?20:17
macoad11: look in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* to try to figure out where the package is coming from and notify them of teh bug20:18
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matsyNever mind that question ;)20:18
coz_matsy,  which type of device?20:18
ad11maco: ok i will.20:18
helpmehelpmehi, everone. I plugged in my usb card reader with a card inside, but ubuntu does'nt show it. pls hepl20:19
rocket16trism: Oh, that did the trick. :D Many thanks!20:19
helpmehelpmelsusb does show it, howoever: irc.freenode.net.20:19
helpmehelpmetypo: lsusb _does_ show it: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1976:1307 Chipsbrand Microelectronics (HK) Co., Ltd.20:19
horriblehelpmehelpme: did you try manually mounting it20:19
matsydajhorn, GeekSquid, KM0201: It is working now! I have full read/write access to the exFat partition. And it just seems to work. Thanks a bunch!20:19
helpmehelpmehow come it doesn't appear in the "computer folder" or on the desktop?20:19
KM0201matsy: congrats20:19
dajhornmatsy: Welcome.20:19
helpmehelpmehorrible: how do i muont it?20:19
helpmehelpmehorrible: i'm a newbie20:20
kilian76Does anyone know how to change the Bootable Flag to On from Off in the Raid set up20:20
matsyThere has to be a way to automatically mount it though? Last question ;)20:20
horriblehelpmehelpme: go to System > Administration > Disk Tool20:20
horriblematsy: udev20:20
arooni-mobileis there anyway to get a widget layer with a hotkey in METACITY as i want my screenlets to appear there.  any ideas?20:20
KM0201matsy: when you turn it on, it doesn't automount?20:20
helpmehelpmehorrible: i'm in "Disk Utuililyt", but I don't see the USB device20:21
tortoise7where in the file system, does the mail program evolution normally live?  10.04  lts20:21
dajhorntortoise7:  Run `which evolution` at a terminal prompt.20:22
red2kictortoise7: ~/.evolution + ~/.config/evolution -- I think.20:22
matsyKM0201: No, I have to do it by hand20:22
nirazioI have installed  "nautilus-gksu" But it doesn't add any entry to right click..Can anyone help me???20:22
MrUnagii have a sftp user that is chrooted to /jail/home/user....how can i give that user access to /media/drive?20:22
red2kicnirazio: "nautilus -q"20:22
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KM0201matsy: look at "configuring automounting"  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB20:23
konninetHi, anyone of you is using audacity? I am looking for an option I cannot find in the linux version.20:23
matsyKM0201: Did that already, both keys were enabled already20:23
KM0201oh ok.20:23
jamesiarmesI have a number of virtual servers running Ubuntu 8.04. I am working on testing an upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04. After running do-release-upgrade and restarting, it dumps me to a BusyBox shell saying that /dev/sda1 does not exist. I have googled the error message and a number of post point to grub, but my /boot is on /dev/sda1 so I can't even look at my configuration to verify whether it could be the problem or not.20:24
tortoise7dajhorn: Thanks20:24
tortoise7red2kic: Thanks20:24
dajhornMrUnagi: If you're running something like schroot, then change the /etc/schroot/mount-defaults file.20:24
dajhorntortoise7: Welcome.20:24
MrUnagidajhorn: using this method http://shapeshed.com/journal/chroot_sftp_users_on_ubuntu_intrepid/20:24
dajhornMrUnagi:  If you're just using the plain chroot, then you'll need to do --rebind mount for the media device.20:25
tortoise7my google fu is failing me.... there is a patched version for ntop/ubuntu.... this fixes the random quits in ntop.... anyone have a link for this version?20:25
TNorrisI would like to disable a specific (faulty) USB port. The command 'echo -n "0000:00:1d.0" > unbind' works, but I would like to be able to do something like blacklist the specific device port (for persistence). Any ideas?20:25
MrUnagi--rebind mount?20:25
horriblejamesiarmes: maybe /dev/sda is now /dev/sdb or something else. this problem can occur when you use relative device names (/dev/sd..) instead of UUID20:25
MrUnagidajhorn: i think i got it....at least for a new user20:26
dajhornMrUnagi:  `mount --rebind /here /there` ... Okay.20:26
MrUnagidajhorn: are you saying bind to the home directory?20:26
jamesiarmeshorrible: I did an ls on /dev and there are no /sd* devices listed at all20:26
kilian76when it asks me about Software RAID device type.. it lists RAID0 RAID1 RAID5  RAID6 and RAID10.. what do i choose?20:26
hwildekilian76, choose to read on wikipedia about raid levels20:27
dajhornMrUnagi: Bind the /media directory into the chroot tree so that the restricted user can see it.  Read `man mount` for details and an example.20:27
helpmehelpmehorrible: hello?20:28
horriblehelpmehelpme: yes?20:28
helpmehelpmehorrible: did you see my last message20:28
horriblehelpmehelpme: which one20:29
helpmehelpmehorrible: my usb device does not show up in disk_utility20:29
horriblehelpmehelpme: i saw it20:29
helpmehelpmehorrible: what should i do now? 8 - ( I'm stuck20:29
horriblehelpmehelpme: i don't know the answer to your question, that's why i didn't answer20:29
yitz_Where are services started from with the new Upstart setup? I don't see networking in /etc/rc?.d/20:29
helpmehelpmehorrible: i'm so sad at ubuntu.20:29
helpmehelpmehorrible: i wish ubuntu was like mac or windows20:30
dajhornyitz_:   Check /etc/init/20:30
horriblehelpmehelpme: installed by default when you buy the computer?20:30
helpmehelpmei wish I didn't need to spend time fixing problems which shouldn't even be existing.20:30
m4khow do I compile mysql from source ? i'm using 10.0420:30
helpmehelpmehorrible: no, i installed ubuntu over it.20:30
mongyhelpmehelpme, its because its not thats the reason you are even using it20:30
yitz_Thanks, dajhorn20:30
horriblehelpmehelpme: if you want better support than these volunteers, you can buy support from canonical.com/support20:30
dajhornyitz_:  Welcome.20:30
helpmehelpmemongy: huh?20:31
helpmehelpmemongy: i don't get it.20:31
maxocan you access the device from the places menu?20:31
horribleyitz_: use the "service" command20:31
Picim4k: Why do you need to compile mysql from source?20:31
helpmehelpmemaxo: talking to me?20:31
yitz_horrible: To add/remove services?20:31
Pici!who | maxo20:32
ubottumaxo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:32
Dakine58Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could help me out with an installation problem im having with Ubuntu?20:32
dajhorn!justask | Dakine5820:32
ubottuDakine58: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:32
helpmehelpmemaxo: pls use my nick name, so that I know.  maxo, the answer is "No, the usb device does not show up in Places20:32
mongyanyone got 10.10 to recognise an ipod touch as more than a mass storage cam device?20:32
helpmehelpmemaxo: but it does show up in lsusb20:32
horribleyitz_: no, the "service" command is used for starting and stopping services20:32
horribleyitz_: do you want to ask us how to create your own service?20:33
yitz_horrible: Yes. I was asking where it pulls the list of services from, to start during boot20:33
lesshastecan anyone recommend an applicant to stream music to a DLNA compliant receiver that they use themselves?20:33
m4kPici, i'm not able to install mysql from apt-get20:33
hihihi100can i make ubuntu open, as default, 6 tabs in my home folder when i log in?20:33
m4kPici: i'm not able to install mysql from apt-get20:33
Picim4k: What version of Ubuntu are you running and what error are you getting?20:33
horribleyitz_: i just checked the man page for "service", and it seems it checks for such scripts in /etc/init.d . use /etc/init.d/skeleton as a template if you want to make your own20:34
Dakine58After I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop computer and shut down. when I restart I get a root device error. I have reinstalled various times and even tried Fedora with the same results20:35
m4kPici: i'm using 10.04 and I tried installing from apt-get as well as from synaptic, but the when I run mysql it gives me this error "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2"20:35
yitz_horrible: /etc/init.d/ contains all service/daemon startup scripts. Not everything there ought to be ran on boot20:35
dajhornlesshaste:  The default music player,  Rhythmbox, has a plugin that can be both a DLNA client and server.20:35
nit-witDakine58, are you booting more then 1 OS and if so what?20:35
lesshastedajhorn: oh?!20:35
m4kPici: I even tried purge mysql-server and then reinstalling it but again the sam error20:36
horribleyitz_: what is your question20:36
SnakkahJust out of curiosity, could anyone tell me why Emerald themes just randomly decided to start working after I installed and configured Cairo-Dock?20:36
=== denny- is now known as denny
yitz_I was wondering where "service" stores the list of daemons to start on boot. dajhorn told me it uses /etc/init/20:36
yitz_horrible: I was wondering where "service" stores the list of daemons to start on boot. dajhorn told me it uses /etc/init/20:36
Picim4k: Is mysqld running?20:36
lesshastedajhorn: have you tried it?20:36
mundix#join pyrocms20:36
horribleyitz_: it's /etc/init.d20:37
MrUnagilol i umounted /dev/sdb =x20:37
dajhornlesshaste: Yes.  (?)20:37
yitz_horrible: So everything in there is ran on boot?20:37
lesshastedajhorn: do you need coherence too?20:37
horribleyitz_: i don't know20:38
erUSUL!upstart > yitz_20:38
ubottuyitz_, please see my private message20:38
dajhornlesshaste: No.  (Why does this matter?)20:38
nirazioWhat's the Linux equivalent of Windows disk imagers like Acronis True Image or Norton Ghost?20:38
JovaroHi, I am trying to copy a movie from my camera to the computer but I keep getting an "Error getting file", copying photos works just fine. Anyone got a clue what that could be?20:38
lesshastedajhorn: ok.. I am trying to work out how to do it20:38
erUSULyitz_: you have /etc/init/ for upstart services, and /etc/init.d/ for old SyS V init scripts20:38
m4kPici: yes I did started it from /etc/init.d/mysql start but still it gives same error20:38
lesshastedajhorn: http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com/2008/10/rhythmbox-media-server.html for example claims you do20:39
Jovarothe movie I am trying to copy is pretty large, 1.8 gig, could that have something to do with it?20:39
dajhornlesshaste: So?  What is the outstanding problem that you're having?20:39
lesshastedajhorn: working out what I need to install, currently :)20:40
soundworksI need to create a live cd without autologin20:40
m4kPici: i did service mysql start and it give me this error <start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.59" (uid=1000 pid=7780 comm="start) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))>20:40
soundworksAnyone has an idea how to do this ?20:40
dajhornlesshaste:  Just try it.  Ubuntu almost always handles dependencies for you.  If you can see the plugin, then it will probably work.20:40
vultrazcan someone help with a recovery after a "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" message during boot?20:41
vultrazdetails when answered20:41
gnugr!i'm trying to run mrtg and i'm getting this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/549978/20:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:41
lesshastedajhorn: the coherence plugin? I can't see it20:41
dajhornlesshaste: The UPNP/DLNA plugin, unless you have an unusually weird setup.20:42
vultrazive booted off a live cd and am in terminal what do i enter?20:42
FloodBot2lilei: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
lesshastedajhorn: I can't see that currently20:42
vultrazive used sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt and cd /mnt what do i do next?20:43
xim_i am trying to use my nvidia gts 450 to do dual monitors.  I am using nvidia-settings, and i can only get it to mirror the desktops instead of extending into the second space?20:43
dajhornlesshaste: Did you install the rhythmbox-plugin-coherence package, or did you try to install it from upstream?20:44
MrUnagidajhorn: i have mounted it into the drive, and i can indeed see it, but i cannot write to it as i do not have permissions, however chmod and chown change nothing, can you not change those when it is mounted?20:44
the_drowwhere can I get the latest boost build? I only see boost 1.40 package in the package manager?20:44
lesshastedajhorn: installing it now using sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-plugin-coherence20:44
vultrazplease help anyone20:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:44
lesshastethe_drow: see if there is a ppa20:44
xim_i got kicked, if anyone responded please repeat20:44
m4kCan I compile and use mysql on ubuntu 10.0420:44
dajhornMrUnagi:  Filesystems like FAT don't have permissions.   Is the /media mount FAT16 or FAT32?20:44
soundworksAny knows how to disable autologin in a live cd ?20:45
MrUnagidajhorn: ntfs20:45
jribsoundworks: why?20:45
the_drowlesshaste: and how do I do that?20:45
soundworksbecause I have to this20:45
soundworksto do20:45
jribsoundworks: k...20:45
lesshastethe_drow: google :)20:45
soundworksand dont know how20:45
N370alguien escribe español XD20:45
jribsoundworks: if you tell us why you have to do it, we're more likely to be able to help you20:46
dajhornMrUnagi: Similar problem, but NTFS permissions ("ACLs") cannot be changed by the default NTFS driver.20:46
jrib!es | N37020:46
ubottuN370: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:46
MrUnagidajhorn: so i should format in ext3?20:46
N370gracias :D20:46
dajhornMrUnagi:  That would be an easy solution.  Another solution would be to do an /etc/fstab mount with user and group options.20:46
soundworksmy collegues want to present their program to other scientist20:46
MrUnagidajhorn: can you mount a drive to 2 mount points?20:46
CharlieSuAnyone setup OVPN on Ec2 before?  I'm trying on a Ubuntu instance and anytime I add a bridge interface and bring it up my instance goes dark.  No more network connectivity.  Any ideas?   This is the config I'm adding.  https://gist.github.com/e9ed7188be1d1ee04f1620:46
jribsoundworks: try to keep your question on one single line20:47
Dr_Willissoundworks:  you caould do a 'sudo service gdm stop' to stop X from starting.. if thats what you need.20:47
dajhornMrUnagi:   Kindof-sortof-mostly.   Let the media mount happen automatically, and then do a rebind mount to make it visible in your chroot environment.20:47
soundworksI dont neeed to stop X20:47
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MrUnagidajhorn: i must have done it different, i simply mounted it into the chroot environment......but doing that i can only let one user at a time see it20:48
soundworksI need to remove the autologin of the live cd, so that everyone who use the cd has to enter a password20:48
Dr_Willissoundworks:  so you get to the gdm login screen on the live cd.. theres only 1 user you can login as..20:48
the_drowlesshaste: nothing with the latest version as far as I can see20:48
jribsoundworks: the answer to your question depends on why you actually want to do it.  i.e. what you want to accomplish...20:48
magyarhi, is there a bot on #ubuntu?20:48
lesshastethe_drow: ok20:49
dajhornMrUnagi:  Okay, then you need to learn how to use the mount bind command.  (The point of jailing users is to prevent them from having access to shared resources.)20:49
jribmagyar: a few, yes20:49
JovaroI am trying to copy a large movie from my camera to the computer (1.8 gig) but I keep getting : Error getting file. Does anyone know what causes that?20:49
the_drowbut my question was why boost 1.4.0 is provided and not the latest version?20:49
jrib!sru | the_drow20:49
ubottuthe_drow: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates20:49
MrUnagidajhorn: correct, essentially i have a vm with limited space, i am just trying to expand the available space to an external drive20:49
magyarjrib: looking for similar as dpkg in #debian20:49
jribmagyar: ubottu20:49
magyarjrib: thank you20:49
zs1otb_hi, I have a problem with my 10.04. There is no video but there is audio on totem movie player and vlc. I have tried all suggestions up to now but still there is no video... any ideas20:49
Dr_Willisthe_drow:  ubuntu dosent update thigns constantly. with each release things are froze at teh version avail at that time. except for security updates.  theres not a lot of upgraded things.20:49
dajhornMrUnagi:  On your system, would it be safe for your users to share the same chroot tree?20:50
MrUnagidajhorn: that would be easier, but i am trying to avoid it20:50
konninetDakine58: that depends in what consits your problem20:50
zs1otb_hi, I have a problem with my 10.04. There is no video but there is audio on totem movie player and vlc. I have tried all suggestions up to now but still there is no video... any ideas20:50
MrUnagidajhorn: mount -rbind olddir newdir is what i need right?20:50
dajhornMrUnagi: What kind of data are your chroot'd users sharing (or not sharing) on the removable device?20:50
maxozs1otb_, what's the video format20:51
konninetDakine58: sorry, i was not up to date20:51
MrUnagidajhorn: pictures videos etc20:51
BluRayhello.. i got an alix board.. and i want to install ubuntu.. is it possible to do it? it's a i586 geode LX in that board20:51
zs1otb_maxo: avi, wmv, any format20:51
dajhornMrUnagi: No, just use the regular --bind so that more than one user can see it.20:51
soundworksI think autologin is applied by the casper scripts respectively by live-iniramfs, how to change this scripts in a way that they dont do autologin anymore20:51
MrUnagii read it wrong20:51
maxozs1otb_, but have you tried different video files in all of those formats20:51
dajhornMrUnagi:  --rbind moves the mount point instead of duplicating it.20:51
sasquatch1I have a nvidia geforce 8600m gt video card on my laptop and I was wondering what drivers I should install? nvidia-173-dev or nvidia-96-dev?20:52
the_drowso I can't rely on those packages being up to date?20:52
zenohow do i force a fsck on reboot?20:52
jribthe_drow: "up to date" in what sense?20:52
zs1otb_<maxo> I have un installed all vidoe related programs and re-installed everything20:52
dajhornsasquatch1:  nvidia-current instead.20:52
the_drowlatest version, latest bug fixes etc.20:52
zs1otb_<maxo>but still no video. but there is audio20:52
magyarjrib: does the bot has instructions for upgading 10.04 to 10.10?20:53
sasquatch1dajhorn: Thank you.20:53
dajhornsasquatch1:  The 256 drivers go back to the 6000 series.  (Welcome.)20:53
MrUnagiah it works thank you dajhorn20:53
jribthe_drow: "latest version" is ambiguous.  Anyway, security patches are cherry-picked and applied to the versions in ubuntu20:53
dajhornMrUnagi: Welcome.20:53
jrib!upgrade > magyar20:53
ubottumagyar, please see my private message20:53
MrUnagidajhorn: now i can extend the chroot mainly by folder permissions correct?20:53
magyarjrib: got it, thanks20:53
jribthe_drow: did you red the link ubottu sent, it should explain this20:54
jribread even20:54
the_drowjrib: but it's only security fixes? say boost 1.5.0 contains new features. The package won't be updated due to that if I understand correctly20:54
MrUnagidajhorn: like chmod 700 would block anyone from even seeing the directory but the owner?20:54
dajhornMrUnagi:  Yes, if you reformat from NTFS to EXT4 (or some other posixly filesystem.)20:54
MrUnagior ext3?20:54
zenohow do i force a fsck on reboot?20:54
zenofor ext420:54
m4kCan I compile and use mysql on ubuntu 10.0420:54
MrUnagiext4 must be new =/20:54
ProtiKAnyone know what the apt-get thing for samba is?20:54
MrUnaginew things scare me lol20:55
zenoalso is ext4 good enough to be usable?20:55
frxstremhow can I temporarily stop the SSH server (openssh-server)?20:55
MrUnagiProtiK: apt-get install samba20:55
dajhornMrUnagi:  ext4 is the default for new systems.20:55
macofrxstrem: sudo service sshd stop20:55
sihillrfxstrem remove sshd?20:55
jribthe_drow: right, not for new features. The policy is to just cherry pick major bug fixes and security issues.  Having said that, you might find a ppa that tries to stay in sync with upstream releases (sacrificing stability)20:55
ProtiKMrUnagi: Thanks :)20:55
frxstremsihill: well, as it's just temporarily, I'd prefer not to20:55
zs1otb_hi, I have a problem with my 10.04. There is no video but there is audio on totem movie player and vlc. I have tried all suggestions up to now but still there is no video... any ideas20:55
macofrxstrem: er, ssh not sshd20:55
jribfrxstrem: sudo service ssh stop20:55
frxstremmaco: I'll try that20:55
soundworksanyone know howto create a livecd without autologin using debootstrap?20:55
sasquatch1dajhorn: Will I have to uninstall Nouveau driver or will Ubuntu autoselect the nvidia driver for use?20:56
Nickolas~x~ Greetings. I need some help if anyone is available.20:56
jrib!ask | Nickolas20:56
ubottuNickolas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:56
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frxstremmaco, jrib: thanks :D20:56
NickolasUbuntu 10.4. Sony Bravia 32" monitor. "Clear" bar scrolling from top to bottom. Looks to be a DPI issue but I can not set the DPI in Ubuntu 10.4 because it appears to be locked. Help if you can please. Thank you.20:56
campbellgolffor an SSH server, how do I lock down all of the users to share one directory for SFTP share?20:56
dajhornsasquatch1:   Install the proprietary nvidia driver and reboot.  You should get a prompt (by the jockey program) asking you whether to use the new driver.   Don't touch the nouveau stuff.20:56
NickolasDPI issue? Ubuntu 10.4. Sony Bravia 32" monitor. "Clear" bar scrolling from top to bottom. Looks to be a DPI issue but I can not set the DPI in Ubuntu 10.4 because it appears to be locked. Help if you can please. Thank you.20:57
sasquatch1dajhorn: Ok great. Thank you. Much appreciated.20:57
macoNickolas: xrandr --dpi 9620:57
dajhornsasquatch1:  Welcome.20:57
macoNickolas: whats that say?20:57
tim__hello. I have a belkin G wireless router [model number if needed] I want to make into a wireless repeater. I have DSL connected to a 2wire. Does any one know how I can achieve this? The dd-wrt firmware is not compatible with this belkin router.20:57
NickolasXrandr - Not sure what you are asking me20:58
zs1otb_I have a problem with my upgraded 10.04. There is no video but there is audio on totem movie player and vlc for all formats. I have tried all suggestions up to now but still there is no video... any ideas20:58
macoNickolas: xrandr is a command20:58
jribtim__: not really an ubuntu question20:58
mattyh88how do i change default MTA?20:58
macoNickolas: in a terminal, if you type "xrandr --dpi 96" what is the output?20:58
brontoeeezs1otb_, what have you try?20:58
tim__jrib, direct my questions to?20:59
dajhornmattyh88:  Just install the one that you want.   The MTAs in Ubuntu usually conflict with each other.20:59
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, run "gstreamer-properties" and on the Video tab / for Default Output - Plugin, select the "X Window System (No Xv)" dropdown20:59
zs1otb_<brontoeee>I have instal;led all the lib' suggested, I have even uninstalled all video related progs and then installed all of them..20:59
mattyh88dajhorn: exim4 and sendmail are both installed20:59
mattyh88dajhorn: (with my new installation)20:59
Nickolas   1360x768       60.0 +21:00
Nickolas   1280x768       59.9*21:00
Nickolas   1024x768       75.1     70.1     60.021:00
Nickolas   800x600        75.0     60.321:00
Nickolas   640x480        75.0     60.0     59.921:00
FloodBot2Nickolas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
Nickolas   720x400        70.121:00
jribtim__: belkin customer support if you can't use custom firmware like ddwrt or some other custom firmware21:00
dajhornmattyh88: Hmmm...  You should prefer exim4, because it is in 'main' and will get security updates.21:00
NickolasAm I still on?21:00
NickolasY or N21:01
ZykoticK9Nickolas, yes we read you21:01
NickolasSo how do I change the DPI in Ubuntu 10.4?21:01
mattyh88dajhorn: well, i haven't got much of a choise i think, as bugzilla only supports smpt/sendmail21:01
dajhornmattyh88:  Every MTA that I've used provides a /usr/sbin/sendmail work-alike.  Let me check something...21:02
NickolasThere is a bar scrolling from bottom to top of screen in UBUNTU 10.421:03
NickolasHow do I fix it21:03
dajhornmattyh88: The bugzilla package in Ubuntu has this dependency:  exim4 |  mail-transport-agent21:03
dajhornmattyh88:   exim4 should therefore be compatible.21:03
JovaroI am trying to copy a large movie from my camera to the computer (1.8 gig) but I keep getting : Error getting file. Does anyone know what causes that?21:04
mattyh88dajhorn: ah okay, but i fired up the interface to reconfigure exim421:04
campbellgolfUbuntu Server SSH question: How can I set up SSH / SFTP for different users and lock them into a specific directory tree?21:04
zs1otb_<ZykoticK9> tried that no go21:04
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, don't know then.  good luck.21:04
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, do you have mplayer installed?21:05
mattyh88dajhorn: now i get an error remote_smtp_smarthost defer (111) connection refused21:05
mattyh88dajhorn: when sending mails that is from bugzilla21:05
NickolasThere is a bar scrolling from bottom to top of my screen. Not a solid bar. Transparent. How do I fix this?21:06
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dajhorncampbellgolf: Look at the ChrootDirectory option in the sshd_config man page.21:06
SliMMfor some reason, on the live version of ubuntu 10.10, everything on the screen freezes after a few seconds of not moving the mouse21:06
campbellgolfdajhorn roger that21:06
SliMMAny idea why? It's pretty annoying to watch a movie while moving the mouse constantly21:07
dajhornmattyh88: You'll need to provide more information.  If you didn't reboot, then exim probably isn't listening on port 25, or is listening on just
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, try "mplayer -vo gl VIDEO_FILE.FOO" and see if you get output - then try these other vo options: xv x11 - do any of those 3 work?21:07
mattyh88dajhorn: yes i think i've only put
mattyh88dajhorn: didn't realy get that whole config process of exim421:08
KM0201Nickolas: what do you mean a 'bar scrolling'21:08
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mattyh88dajhorn: like what do i need to fill in @ 'system mail name'21:08
Nickolasdajhorn--is he screen saver on?21:09
kavelotI'm trying to use ubuntu without a mouse... how to I open the desktop menu? (ctrl-ESC on windows)21:09
dajhornmattyh88: Dunno.  This depends on your configuration, like whether you have a real external IP address, and who the MTA is forwarding to.21:09
dajhornmattyh88:   I would first relax the localhost restriction, and check whether it works.21:10
NickolasKM0201 - it seems to be a dpi issue21:10
mattyh88dajhorn: localhost restriction? only mailing options locally you mean?21:10
ZykoticK9Nickolas, DPI = Dots Per Inch, that vertical scrolling line sounds like a refresh rate issue - are you using a CRT or a LCD (LCD shouldn't have that issue i believe)21:11
dajhornmattyh88: Right now, your exim installation is probably listening on port 25 only on localhost.  If bugzilla is trying to use the default interface, then you need to configure exim to listen everywhere.  ie:  (I don't remember the option, you'll need to read the setup docs.)21:11
shadaloowine: /home/shadaloo/.wine is not owned by you21:12
ZykoticK9Nickolas, ummm, sorry i have no suggestions then.21:12
shadaloowtf is this?21:12
zs1otb_<ZykoticK9>I tried to run what you said in terminal and it says File not found: 'VIDEO_FILE.FOO' Sorry if I'm stupid but is it correct what I did21:12
shadalooI'm trying to run wine as rooot21:12
Nickolasoh man21:12
FloodBot2shadaloo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
shadalooFloodBot2: stfu newb21:12
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, "VIDEO_FILE.FOO" needs to be replaced by one of your actual video files (you'll need to be in the same directory as well)21:13
e01how can i get /dev/dsp in 10.1021:13
zs1otb_<ZykoticK9> sorry blonde moment21:13
naiadI'm wondering if anyone here uses deadbeef ( media player ) and if they do are you able to drag and drop files from asamba share into it?21:14
shadaloowine: /home/shadaloo/.wine is not owned by you21:15
shadalooI'm running as root21:15
ZykoticK9!language | shadaloo21:15
ubottushadaloo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:15
shadaloogod you guys suck21:15
ZykoticK9!ops | shadaloo21:16
ubottushadaloo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!21:16
shadalooZykoticK9: die in a fire faggot21:16
vzwguyjayafternoon all21:16
vzwguyjayhope i can please get some help21:16
vzwguyjaydo i just ask the room?21:16
=== MuNk`_ is now known as MuNk`
dajhorn!justask vzwguyjay21:16
ZykoticK9!ask yes | vzwguyjay21:16
wrd!enter | vzwguyjay21:16
ubottuvzwguyjay: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:16
wrd!ask | vzwguyjay21:17
ubottuvzwguyjay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:17
inaetyIs anyone here familiar with the ubuntu one mobile music service21:17
vzwguyjayokay i am trying to install something on a host and i get an error that states somewhere along the lines of cannot commit to /etc and then it says something about hg21:18
ZykoticK9inaety, your probably best asking in #ubuntuone channel21:18
inaetythanks ZykoticK921:18
wrdvzwguyjay: what is that something? hg is probably mercurial ...21:18
vzwguyjayyes it is in relation to mercurial21:19
lolcathello, why is upstart so scary?21:19
vzwguyjaycan i fix it automatically?21:19
n0a1iasanyone wanna help me set up a VMware of windows 7?21:19
ikonian0a1ias: try ##windows21:19
n0a1iasim on ubuntu21:19
ikonian0a1ias: try ##wmware21:19
ikonia #vmare21:19
vzwguyjayso can i fix that automatically?21:20
n0a1iasok thanks, but is there an alternative to VMware? i hate pirating software21:20
ZykoticK9n0a1ias, virtualbox21:20
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ikonian0a1ias: vmware isn't pirate, just buy a license21:20
ikonian0a1ias: you asked for help with vmware21:21
vzwguyjayi notice in lucid that alot of things are completed automatically21:21
vzwguyjayany suggestions?21:22
zs1otb_<ZykoticK9>x11 worked21:23
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, what video card are you using?21:23
zs1otb_good question it is a Fujitsu Laptop.. stand by let me check21:24
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, "lspci | grep -i vga" from terminal will tell you.21:24
zs1otb_ZykoticK9>01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN400/PM800/PM880/PN800/PN880 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 02)21:26
ZykoticK9zs1otb_, I'd try opening "gstreamer-properties" and on the Video tab try - X Windows System (X11...) -- sorry I have no experience with VIA video stuff.  best of luck.21:26
leomast247anyone know how to download mp3s and put them on my music library in rythmbox?21:27
lickalottis anyone familiar with virtualbox?21:27
ZykoticK9leomast247, the downloading part is OT for this channel.  But Rhythmbox is set to look in a directory for it's music library, simply put the mp3s in that directory.21:28
guampalickalott: watcha wanna know?21:28
lickalottI'm running 10.10 inside VB and can't for the life of me figure out how to mount my host hardrive21:28
leomast247ok cool thanks :)21:28
leomast247where can i talk about the topic?21:28
wrdlickalott: why would you *want* to do that?21:28
lickalottsda - no sda1 - no sda2 - no sda5 - no21:28
guampalickalott: you wont see host drives/partitions inside a guest21:29
lickalottso I have to use the "storage" tab only?21:29
ZykoticK9lickalott, research "shared directories" i think it's called - never used it myself.21:29
jumbawhat do i do when i get an Installation Step Failed?21:30
guampaall you'll be able to see is the virtual drives/partitions, yes, defined in that tab21:30
atpa8ai some lines to sysctl.conf but after reboot they don't seem to be executed... any idea?21:30
lickalottbasically if everything works okay (win apps ported over to debian) i will likely swap OS's21:30
lickalottVB is my trial run before I go full on21:31
ZykoticK9lickalott, do you play many games?  If so, then you'll probably be disappointed.21:31
ZykoticK9lickalott, you might consider a dual boot if above is true.21:32
guampaor if you use Proppellerheads Reason :'(21:32
leomast247how come when i play music in rythmbox i dont hear anything...and yes volume is on21:33
mikvaI have a 32bit system that I want to use 4gb of ram with.  I have checked my CPU flags, and the processor does have support for the PAE extention, 'uname -a' indicates that I have the pae kernel running, yet my system still indicates only 3.1gb of ram being utilized.  Is there anywhere I can go from here?21:33
campbellgolfdajhorn  that was helpful, it lead me to this which is exactly what I was looking for.  http://wiki.lapipaplena.org/index.php/How_to_mount_SFTP_accesses21:34
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
guampamikva: perhaps the remaining ram is used by an onboard video card?21:35
GeekSquidmikva: is your ram shared with video?21:36
ZykoticK9mikva, i consider PAE a "hack".  It does allow the system to use more then 4GB of memory, but each program is still limited to the 3.XGB - if you open a bunch of memory intensive programs does it go beyond 3.1?21:36
guampathose shared ram types21:36
kavelotare there some "windows like" firewall for linux (ie, "program X is trying to connect to Y. allow?" baloon)?21:36
mikvaguampa, I doubt the video card is using almost a full GB of shared ram, but I'll check21:36
jumbawhat do i do when i get an Installation Step Failed?21:36
guampamikva: mine does21:37
mikvaguampa, what's a good way to find the video ram usage?21:38
guampamikva: hmm lemme see21:38
mikvaZykoticK9, is what you're saying that each program cannot address more than 3gb in it's own process but something like process A: 2gb and process B: 2gb would use up the 4gb?21:38
ZykoticK9mikva, correct - combined it can use the 4GB21:39
mikvaZykoticK9, that's interesting.  You wouldn't happen to know if virtualbox has seperate address space for each VM concurrently running?  I guess I should just check once I get my situation fixed.21:40
guampamikva: this one's great http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-find-linux-vga-video-card-ram/21:40
ZykoticK9mikva, certainly using multiple VBox instances (on my 64bit machine) I can use all my memory21:41
bikerichHello all... my first time using irc chat .is there a beginner's place to go?21:41
jumbawhat do you usually choose as a System mail name>21:42
mikvaZykoticK9, yes, but you're using 64bit.  I'm wondering if PAE would limit that if virtualbox uses RAM all within one thread or process or whatever limits the 32bit address space21:42
jumbawhat do you usually choose as a System mail name>21:42
ZykoticK9mikva, that i don't know - it probably does... sorry.21:43
bikerichmerry christmas to all, and to all a goodnight21:43
mikvaZykoticK9, that's ok.  It's something that I should just check for myself :)21:43
ZykoticK9guampa, thank - I've looked for the video information before - and you just found me my answer :)21:43
leomast247hello i have downloaded a game app for ubuntu and have ran the downloading process and got a folder what should i do now?21:44
l33tUbunuhaxorany l33t haxors here21:44
guampaZykoticK9: glad to help, that method was a good find for me too ;)21:44
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: do you have a support question in regard to ubuntu ?21:44
mikelissIs there a simple way to tell a booting machine not to resume from a disk image?21:45
l33tUbunuhaxorwhy arent there codecs on ubuntu  like on mint?21:45
coz_l33tUbunuhaxor,  not sure what mint does to get around the licensing21:46
mikvaguampa, my video card is only using 256mb of ram, so I dont think 4gb -> 3.1 gb is explainable by shared video ram21:46
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor:there are, you just install them21:46
leomast247 hello i have downloaded a game app for ubuntu and have ran the downloading process and got a folder what should i do now?21:46
ikonia!codecs| l33tUbunuhaxor21:46
ubottul33tUbunuhaxor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:46
guampamikeliss: are you using an OS under two diff exec environments?21:46
ikonialeomast247: what do the install instructions tell y ou to do21:46
jumbawhat do you usually choose as a System mail name>21:46
mikelissguampa, what do you mean exec environment?21:47
guampamikeliss: like "native" and "virtualized"21:47
leomast247i just did the download command in terminal and it got it as a folder21:47
ikonialeomast247: ok, so what do the install instructions tell you to do21:47
mikelissguampa, No, it's a fairly normal machine, except that the resume image seems to be corrupted, and every time I boot, it tries to use that image.21:48
maxoAny idea what the following means? (it's in /var/log/messages) :   kernel: [46695.316289] words[14675]: segfault at bf534ff0 ip 08048bf3 sp bf534ff0 error 6 in words[8048000+1000]21:48
mikelissguampa, The other problem is that the disk is encrypted, but I think that's the cause of the problem, not the solution.21:48
leomast247idk what instructions ur talking about21:48
ikonialeomast247: the ones either on the website you got it from, or from the developers who made it, or within the pacakge21:48
xim_will the driver to my sata card which is made for suse or the other for redhat work in my ubuntu 10.4 machine?21:49
leomast247there is just a folder in my downloads folder called alienarena-7.5021:49
l33tUbunuhaxorwhat is the most ubuntu way to get an apache server running on ubuntu? im trying to download XAMPP but afrihost is full of shit got a 8kb/s download21:49
max_sharpehey i have a question is telnet or ssh automatically installed in a standard ubuntu desktop install?21:49
maxoah sorry actually got it21:49
ikonialeomast247: read the website you got it from, it should have instructions or a contact information from the makers you can ask for instructions, or look in the folder fo instructions21:50
guampamikeliss: never faced that prob, trying to find some info ..21:50
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: use lamp, not xampp as xammp is a self contained platform that is not supported21:50
GeekSquidmax_sharpe: neither, install openssh-server if you want ssh access , whereas telnet is very unsecure and should not be used21:50
maxomax_sharpe, pretty sure ssh isn't21:50
mikelissguampa, awesome. I tried too, but didn't find anything using error messages...I'm trying the grub IRC channel too, but so far only silence there.21:50
max_sharpebut anyof them inst installed by default right?21:51
GeekSquidl33tUbunuhaxor: install apache2 or lamp-server21:51
guampamikeliss: is the system able to boot?21:51
l33tUbunuhaxork? what is the closest thing to Usbwebserver on windows? i used that for some php dev and worked really easy21:51
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: apache21:51
delacHuawei E1552 works quite well in Maveric except that the stick is never recognized on boot and needs to be re-inserted for it to work. Does anyone know how to make it work without re-insertion?21:51
leomast247kk found it thanks21:52
l33tUbunuhaxorusbwebserver is apche with mysql and php admin gui interface21:52
mikelissguampa, Nope, that's the problem. I press the power button, it asks for my password for the encrypted disk, I put it in, then it tries to resume from the disk image.21:52
=== seiflotfy_ is now known as help
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: apache/mysql/php and then use what ever gui's you want21:52
l33tUbunuhaxormy name is just for trolling mint channel btw hahah21:52
=== help is now known as Guest41209
ubuntuhi kukuruzo21:53
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: no one is interested in your name21:53
mikelissguampa, After that, it gives me an error, "The system snapshot image could not be read." The error goes on, but eventually asks, "Do you want to continue boot?" To which I answer Y, which does nothing, I'm guessing because it's frozen at that point.21:53
l33tUbunuhaxorok so if i dont use any gui and just pure apache where would the apache root b?21:53
ubuntuнарод ктонить курит марихуану21:53
l33tUbunuhaxorikonia:Ur name is boring21:53
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: look in the apache config, it will tell you where the "DocumentRoot" is21:53
ikonia!ru | ubuntu21:53
ubottuubuntu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:53
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: I'm interested in support discussion only in this channel, nothing more please.21:54
ubuntuспасибо (sorry)21:54
l33tUbunuhaxorIkonia: what is someone like you doing in this channel..with ur brains u should be in Gentoo or arch linux support channel21:54
ikonial33tUbunuhaxor: I'll say it one more time, I'm interested in support discussion in this channel only, nothing more21:55
jumbadoes anyone know about Apparmor?21:55
mongyl33tUbunuhaxor, he's ours and we're keeping him21:56
MLHickeycan you use IMAP in evolution instead of pop?21:56
jumbadoes anyone know about Apparmor?21:56
itaylor57MLHickey: yes21:56
l33tUbunuhaxorlol hes pretty good id get frustrated if i was him21:56
MLHickeyfor a gmail account21:56
l33tUbunuhaxorpeace out21:56
mongyMLHickey, yes21:57
MLHickeyok thanks, all these set up tutorials are using POP21:57
mongyMLHickey, in fact, you get all your folders sync`d,..21:57
mongyMLHickey, if you want a simpler, push method, try gm-notify21:58
guampamikeliss: this may be something to try shttp://www.mattcutts.com/blog/ubuntu-freeze-no-resume-image/21:58
xim_will the driver to my sata card which is made for suse or the other for redhat work in my ubuntu 10.4 machine?21:58
nibbler_jumba, i know about apparmor, but i assume that is not the answer you were looking for.21:58
nibbler_xim_, if the driver is not in the kernel, but you have to download an rpm for suse/rh and there is not rpm for ubuntu, than it at least wont work out of the box21:59
MLHickeymongy, is that in the package manager?21:59
mongyMLHickey, yes.  its not an email client, its just a notifier..which takes you, when you click it, to gmail page22:00
MLHickeyyea, i guess that's simpler and it's push22:00
mongyMLHickey, I only mention it because email isnt a huge part of my life.. and this is enough.22:01
mikelissguampa, hmm...can't get the recovery mode to work, so that's a non-starter, unfortunately.22:01
jumbaduring set up22:01
jumbaits asking me for directorys space delimited.22:01
MLHickeysame for me mongy, just a simple notification would be fine22:01
vzwguyjayim having an issue with something that states mercurial22:02
mongyMLHickey,  well thats the ticket.  There are others but they require delay between checks22:02
vzwguyjayhow do i fix it?22:02
itaylor57MLHickey: and setting up gmail in evolution is a pain22:02
MLHickeythat's what it seemed like haha22:02
max_sharpeanother simple question22:02
max_sharpehow to change your root password if you don't know it22:03
area51pilotgmail works just fine in Evolution22:03
mongyMLHickey, in evolution,,, even if you try to do pop, it sets imap... well ironically, imap works better22:03
zmityahi Gents22:03
ZykoticK9!root | max_sharpe22:03
ubottumax_sharpe: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:03
Sweetumsmax_sharpe: you'll have to boot into a rescue environment22:03
zmityaI have a 64bit server (lucid)22:03
zmityawhen I run ldd, it says "not a dynamic executable" .. why ?22:03
guampamikeliss: did the recovery option show up in the menu when pressing ESC? did it fail?22:03
max_sharpeOhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh22:03
max_sharpeokay ill google that22:03
max_sharpehold on22:03
max_sharpei forget about that featureeeeeeee22:04
mikelissguampa, yeah, the recovery option shows up, but does the same thing as the non-recovery option.22:04
Sweetumsmax_sharpe: Oh that works too if you're using 'sudo'. If you can use sudo and want to set a root PW for some reason, you would do 'sudo su -' to switch to root shell and can then use the standard 'passwd' command. That's not the "Ubuntu way" though :)22:04
daniel_treeI had installed gnome-elegant and now I installed orta theme..and I dont know how to set nautilus theme to be elementary ...any suggestions ??22:04
max_sharpeOkay thanks22:04
leomast247hello i am installing a game known as alien arena (for ubuntu) from their site. I have already unpacked the file and got a folder in the downloads folder. I then followed the insttructions which told me to change to the alien arena directory and type in the command ./configure but i just get an error22:04
ZykoticK9Sweetums, max_sharpe don't use "sudo su -"!  if you NEED too use "sudo -i"22:04
daniel_treeI want to get rid of the text below back forward up arrows...in nautilus22:05
vzwguyjayor if it has to do with permissions is there a way to set grant all to all permissions?22:05
SweetumsZykoticK9: That can be really annoying if I have to do tons of things as root. Thanks but I'm a big boy - I can handle 'root'. I'm not scared :)22:05
guampamikeliss: get to the grub menu again and select recovery mode, but instead of enter press "e"22:05
wrdleomast247: you're probably missing dependencies , libraries or header files22:05
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SweetumsAnyone have ldapscripts running without issue? I can authenticate using the standard LDAP command-line tools and ldapscripts seems to be configured correctly, but the log says it's not providing the right credentials22:06
leomast247how do i get them22:06
mikelissguampa, yeah, that's where I'm at now...I just tried the noresume option, but that didn't work either.22:06
horribleSweetums: try "sudo -s". it lets you do tons of things with root priviligies, without having to log in as root.22:06
leomast247wrd: it checks for all these different things and says no22:06
nibbler_leomast247, read the output of configure carefully, its all there. and no, it is not easy.22:06
xim_nibbler_, ok thanks.  im going to have to recompile the kernel i guess.  will i have to do that for all my drivers every time i update the kernel?22:06
Sweetumshorrible: That still requires me to run 'sudo' each and every time though, no?22:07
xim_sweetums, sudo su22:07
horribleSweetums: no22:07
pravinis it possible to have this "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kubuntu-9.04-DesktopEffects.png" type of visual effect in ubuntu22:07
Dakine58Having an issue after I install Ubuntu. Screenshot: http://tinypic.com/r/fvwjdc/722:07
Sweetumsxim_: Yes I know - *I* was the one that suggested that initialyl :)22:07
OrangePeelUsing Brasero ... Data DVD, it puts the files on the disk but right before it starts actually copying the data(burning) ... it says22:07
zmityaguys, when I run ldd, it says "not a dynamic executable" .. why ? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/314037/22:07
OrangePeelUnable to mount Data disc (03 Jan 11)22:07
OrangePeelError mounting: mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only22:07
OrangePeelmount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /media/Data disc (03 Jan 11) busy22:07
nibbler_xim_, well, if the driver is open source and well, then it is in the default kernel. just boot your harware from ubuntu life-cd and see if the hardware works22:07
FloodBot2OrangePeel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
xim_Sweetums, sorry didnt scroll up22:07
horriblexim_: "sudo -s" achieves the same thing, but is better than "sudo su"22:07
Sweetumshorrible: See the problem is - 'sudo' != Replacement for sensibility22:07
Sweetumsxim_: No wories, this thing goes FAST :)22:07
max_sharpeokay maybe this will stump you all i don't remember my user password for ubuntu is there a way to let me change it with out reinstalling?22:08
horribleSweetums: well are you asking for support or are you here to complain about the ubuntu design choices22:08
wrdleomast247: read the requirements sections of your game, and try to figure out which packets are actually missing. install the -dev versions of these libraries and then configure shall not fail.22:08
guampamikeliss: if this doesn't work you'll need a livecd then, boot and restore the system from it22:08
nibbler_leomast247, use nopaste, dont PM others22:08
GeekSquid!ccsm | pravin22:08
ubottupravin: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:08
horribleSweetums: i might remind you that none of us here has any part in designing or coding ubuntu22:08
ZykoticK9!password | max_sharpe22:08
ubottumax_sharpe: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:08
Sweetumshorrible: not complaing about design choices at all. Sorry if that was implied. I'm simply saying 'sudo rm -rf /' isn't going to save you over 'sudo su - ; rm -rf /'22:08
xim_nibbler_, the driver is open source, its on the manufacturers website, your saying its probably already in the kernel? it was open source back during edgy time22:09
dajhornzmitya:   Run `file mysqld` to get more information.   You're running a local copy of MySQL, not the Ubuntu package, so you're asking for help in the wrong place.22:09
n0a1iashey, ive got something thats locking my root, is that maybe a virus?22:09
n0a1iasno matter how rare?22:09
GeekSquid!root | n0a1ias22:09
ubottun0a1ias: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:09
nibbler_xim_, well, you need to find out - anyway, kernel-recompile wont be needed anyway, as its enough to compile a module. just find out if it is included in the standard kernel of ubuntu, easiest way is to boot a cd....22:09
zmityadajhorn: please see my post: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/314037/22:09
n0a1iasthats not at all what im talking about, GeekSquid22:10
n0a1iasim talking about sudo22:10
horribleSweetums: there are other advantages of sudo. such as not having the different administrators share the same password.22:10
dajhornzmitya:   What are you expecting to see that you aren't getting?22:10
mediahello ! I have to configure alsa to swap some channels to get surround working. Do you know where I can find a good introduction to alsa ?22:10
Sweetumshorrible: Agreed. This isn't a sudo sucks argument. I'm pro sudo.22:10
leomast247nibbler_: ok sorry22:10
mikelissguampa, Ugh...if I had a dollar for every time this system made me do something like that just to boot, I'd be a somewhat richer person.22:11
GeekSquidn0a1ias: I don't care how possible you think a virus is... I haven't actually seen one effect a linux machine yet, and when it does happen I expect it to come to the top of google news22:11
n0a1iasguys, somethings locking my root open right now, all i have open is this xchat22:11
horribleSweetums: well still, i recommend using "sudo -s" over "sudo su"22:11
zmityadajhorn: well, I was curious for the linked libs maybe ?22:12
mikelissguampa, if I do the liveCD route, do you know how to manually delete the disk image?22:12
guampamikeliss: i'd be a millonaire too if got paid for every OS lock up / destruction i did22:12
zmityadajhorn: but I forgot this parameter: --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static22:12
xim_nibbler_, i feel like i could really waste days and days and days of my time if i dont start out in the right direction, how would i know on a boot cd if it was working or not.  its a sata card.  when it boots it actually says no bios found (for the sata controller) and then doesnt detect my two drives plugged in.  maybe the driver is already fine and this is another problem?22:12
zmityadajhorn: so it is *really* not a dyn linked app22:12
Sweetumshorrible: To each his own. For those not familiar with sudo or system administration in general, I'd agree with you. I still prefer using 'sudo su -' if I'm going to be doing heavy lifting. But I'm not in any way suggesting that is the right thing to do (nor am I saying it's the wrong thing - it just is).22:12
zmityadajhorn: thanks anyway22:12
dajhornzmitya:  Yup.22:12
guampamikeliss: i can help you in doing what the link above mentions, which is simply recreating the swap partition22:13
ZykoticK9!wfm | Sweetums22:13
ubottuSweetums: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/22:13
horribleSweetums: what "heavy lifting" can you do with "sudo su -" that is harder to do with "sudo -s"22:13
horribleSweetums: they are used in *exactly* the same way22:13
nibbler_xim_, sounds like a driver problem. well, its a problem at least which might stop you from using ubuntu.22:13
=== Guest41209 is now known as seiflotfy
GeekSquidSweetums: the correct way of sudo persistance is sudo -i ... sudo su has it's vunerabilities22:14
aLeSDhow to paste a file on the back of another ?22:14
aLeSDfile1 > file2 ?22:14
Sweetumshorrible: Ah I see now. I thought you said I had to type 'sudo' everytime with -i. I see now that both -s and -i work.22:14
horribleaLeSD: >>22:14
zmityaaLeSD: file1 >> file222:14
pravinThanx GeekSquid22:14
xim_nibbler_, ubuntu is on an IDE drive, its only my extra stuff on sata, so i can boot, but now you have me thinking maybe it isnt the driver, the no bios error happens like right after the memory post and ide detection and before ubuntu starts loading22:15
Sweetumswow -i and -s are rather subtle22:15
=== pixelpirate_ is now known as PooPirate
MLHickeythis is probably one of the dumber questions here, but if i install a program and it doesn't go into the applications drop down, where does it go?22:15
itaylor57MLHickey: what program?22:16
ZykoticK9MLHickey, if you installed a console application it won't show in the menu22:16
kthomas_vh_the applications menu is just an ALIAS22:16
kthomas_vh_whereis gm-notifier?22:16
GeekSquidMLHickey: rt-click your panel, Add To panel ... Add the gmail notifier22:17
MLHickeythanks i've only been on ubuntu for a few days22:18
xim_MLHickey, or if you installed it through synaptic you can find the package and goto properties and see the installed files, look for the ones under /bin/ or /usr/bin for the executable names22:18
itaylor57MLHickey: there are not dumb questions, we are all noobs at some level :>)22:18
guampamikeliss: found threads with your error message now22:18
guampacouldn't find nothing before22:18
mikelissThat's something...I haven't found anything so far....22:18
MLHickeyok, so most programs install in the user/bin area, thanks i just didn't know if there was a list of installed programs22:19
mikelissMLHickey, You can generate a list of installed programs, yes.22:19
mongyMLHickey, its gm-notify, then look in your indicator menu, and or, system, prefs gm notify config22:20
mikelissMLHickey, But I just read over your request...that's probably not what you want...disregard me. Generally, if you want to run a program that's not in the applications drop down, you can type the name in a terminal22:20
Adman65anyone successfully remapped caps lock to control for use in vim/gvim? I have it remapped in Xmodmap, but doesn't seem to work in vim/gvim22:20
bcjHow can I tell when my vpnc client was last run?22:21
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MLHickeythanks, I found it in the preferences and I have it auto start,22:22
=== OD is now known as Proger
Sweetumshorrible, GeekSquid: Thanks for the tip about sudo. Hard to break a habit but I'll take at look at those flags further. You're right as those seems superior to su -.22:22
erUSULAdman65: i did it in System>Preferences>Keyboard and works everywhere (i do not use vim though)22:22
userhi dear22:22
bencahillcan anyone tell me why the trash icon on my 10.10 install is separated from the desktop icons, limiting the space on the bottom panel?22:22
MLHickeyis there a shortcut to open the terminal?22:23
atpa8ahello again22:23
bcjMLHickey: You can set one22:23
atpa8ahaving a problem with sysctl not loading sysctl.conf on reboot. any help?22:24
bcjMLHickey: System | Preferences | Keyboard shortcuts22:24
jmmmphi, is anyone in the mood to help with some partition structuring in maverick?22:24
mikelissguampa, what threads have you found? I'm still striking out.22:24
bcjMLHickey: I have mine mapped to Windows+P (prompt)22:24
daniel_treehttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/install-gnome2-globalmenu-in-ubuntu.html this will also remove the menu from program windows ?22:24
bencahillMLHickey: Ctrl + Alt + T22:24
bencahillbcj: Ctrl + Alt + T22:25
MLHickeyok got it all set up22:25
guampamikeliss: oops replied to you in other channel, google for +"system snapshot image could not be read"22:26
bcjbencahill: I didn't ask the question22:26
bencahillbcj: just fyi :)22:26
bcjbencahill: Ok, cheers, but I have it set that way for legacy reasons22:26
itaylor57bencahill: thanks for the info I i didn't know that one22:26
bencahillitaylor57: I actually learned it on here a few weeks ago :)22:27
bencahillso does anyone know why the trash icon on my system is so far to the left? :-/22:27
itaylor57bencahill: what desktop are you using?22:27
bencahillitaylor57: gnome, default ubuntu 10.10 install, 1st desktop22:28
bencahillitaylor57: (1st as in the desktops on the bottom-right, whatever they are called :) )22:28
bencahill!ask | jmmmp22:29
ubottujmmmp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:29
first2noneHello I need some help with my graphic drivers22:29
itaylor57bencahill: its just that mine is on the far right22:29
jmmmpubottu: got it22:29
first2noneI need to find some and idk where to look22:29
TomsBI'd like to zip folder. how?22:30
jribTomsB: right click -> create archive22:30
TomsBcommand line22:30
bencahillitaylor57: I think mine used to, as well, could be something with the screen resolution change that I had the nvidia thingy save to xorg.conf22:30
jribTomsB: zip ...22:30
GeekSquidTomsB: man zip22:31
first2noneAnyone here who could help me fix my graphics issue?22:31
TomsBno manual entry for zip22:31
bencahillkhyron: /join #ubuntu-br22:31
jribTomsB: install it22:31
sihillanyone sending mail's from a bash script?22:31
TomsBemmm pat-get ?22:31
jribTomsB: yes22:31
bencahillTomsB: sudo apt-get install zip22:31
jribTomsB: do you specifically want to use zip?22:32
jmmmpI want to have read-write access to my ntfs + fat32 partitions as standard. I'm not managing it with pysdm, does anyone can point me on how to manage this?22:32
TomsBanything to archive files in folder22:32
muratsplatHi everybody22:32
lolcatI use upstart, how do I open folders?22:32
jribTomsB: you can create a tar.gz: tar czvf filename.tar.gz file1 file2 ...22:33
jriblolcat: open folders in what context?22:33
TomsBfile1 file2.. ?22:33
first2noneTomsB: sudo apt-get install zip22:33
TomsBI have hundreds of them22:33
first2noneright click file hit compress22:33
TomsBin one folder22:33
jribTomsB: that's fine, put the folder there...22:33
TomsBty, installed zip .22:33
TomsBhmhm sec22:34
first2noneTomsB : if you right click towards the bottom it should say compress22:34
TomsBI'm on command line22:34
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
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first2noneCould someone assist me with my graphic problem>22:35
jribfirst2none: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:35
lolcatjrib: I want to see the files in my home folder and my seedbox folder22:35
first2noneI have22:35
=== kaiser is now known as Guest84722
skalragghello, i know this may be offtopic but anyone know of any irc channels that deal with java programming when dealing with middleware, thanks22:35
jriblolcat: go to the Places menu → Home22:36
itaylor57skalragg: ##hava22:36
itaylor57skalragg: ##java22:36
h00kskalragg: ##java maybe.22:36
clarezoehi, is caljohnsmith in this channel. I have a serious problem about my partition. All my partitions are now unallocated in GParted, I cannot boot to my system either.22:36
clarezoeI have a serious problem about my partition. All my partitions are now unallocated in GParted, I cannot boot to my system either.22:37
dajhornclarezoe: No, caljonhnsmith is not in this channel.22:37
TomsBtanks for help!22:37
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
clarezoedajhorn, thanks, can you help? or do you know anyone else who is very good at this22:38
dajhornclarezoe: Fixing a broken or missing partition table is difficult.   What did you do?22:38
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=== pulgoki_ is now known as pulgoki
GeekSquidGuest84722: welcome to ubuntu can we help you with something?22:39
=== IPNixon__ is now known as IPNixon
clarezoedajhorn, I had my windows partition and it was too small, then I tried to change the size, but it was a primary partition. Then I changed the primary partition to logical and then I couldn't boot to windows anymore. Just feel so stupid after all these. I haven't backed up my data yet22:40
Guest84722GeekSquid: i'm just doing some tests, thanks22:40
adrian15clarezoe: It might work or not but the easiest way of solving this is using gpart (not gparted) probably from system rescue cd22:41
first2noneI need help finding the right graphic drivers for my computer so I can play computer games22:41
clarezoeadrian15 thanks, I've never used gpart, I'm trying it first22:42
erUSULfirst2none: System>Admin...>Hardware Drivers22:42
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first2noneNothing shows up here22:42
clarezoeadrian15 any tips, I've never used parted, I'm afraid of losing any data22:42
erUSULfirst2none: what graphic card do you have?22:42
first2noneIts the onboard one that came with the laptop22:43
adrian15clarezoe: but22:43
erUSULfirst2none: lspci | grep -i vga22:43
adrian15clarezoe: I do not understand... gparted does no longer detect your windows logical partition ?22:43
erUSULfirst2none: run that on a terminal22:43
adrian15clarezoe: The program which I have recommended your is gpart22:43
first2none00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:44
clarezoeadrian15 no not at all, the whole hard drive is detected as unallocated22:44
wolfricis there anyway to make the area i can select around a window to resize it bigger? Right now it's like threading a needle to get the edge to resize it22:44
erUSULfirst2none: run this too --> glxinfo | grep -Ei '(direct|render)'22:44
clarezoeadrian15 but fdisk can show all the partitions22:45
adrian15clarezoe: And how's that? Did you do anything else when changing primary partition to logical partition ? How did you do that ?22:45
erUSULwolfric: use a different theme for the window manager. System>Preferences>appearence22:45
first2noneI had to install22:45
clarezoeadrian15 I did bootrec /fixboot and something like that using the windows cd22:45
=== khyron is now known as BlackCamenRIder
first2nonedirect rendering: Yes22:46
first2noneOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT x86/MMX/SSE222:46
Nautilusanyone know if gsmartcontrol is included in a ubuntu livecd?22:46
adrian15clarezoe: Wrong! Using Windows tools after using Gparted is often a bad idea.22:46
gibranhey i got a question? is Pidgin virus safe? are there any other alternatives? just like to use ym22:46
erUSULfirst2none: you have the correct drivers already installed and working22:47
first2noneWell when I play a game on here i have the graphics set low as possible22:47
clarezoeadrian15 and I used Partition magic and it said something was wrong I don't remember then fixed it, then the partitions are gone22:47
first2nonebut it still doesnt work right22:47
clarezoeadrian15 I didn't use gparted to resize22:47
adrian15clarezoe: What the hell22:48
first2noneand sometimes it says I dont have a compatible graphics card22:48
GeekSquidwolfric: another option, rt-click on the title bar and select resize22:48
clarezoeadrian15 yeah, I know. I'm becoming mad22:48
=== BlackCamenRIder is now known as black
gibranhey i got a question? is Pidgin virus safe? are there any other alternatives? just like to use ym22:48
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erUSULfirst2none: intel grpahics performance is less than stelar unfortunetly22:48
first2noneThe graphics are all glitchy and half my body is gone22:48
GeekSquid!repeat | gibran22:48
ubottugibran: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:48
first2noneHmm ok22:48
clarezoeadrian15 after googling, I think only caljohnsmith may help22:49
gibransir yes sir22:49
adrian15clarezoe: It seems that you have made an homeopathic treatment to a human body and then you call a doctor to re-alive the body. ;)22:49
first2noneAnything I could do to possibly make them any better?22:49
campbellgolfI need to Chroot SFTP users22:49
adrian15clarezoe: Please use a pastebin to show me your partitions22:49
adrian15clarezoe: The fdisk -lu output I mean22:49
erUSULfirst2none: yo could try with the xorg-updates ppa. newer drivers may help22:49
erUSUL!ppa | first2none22:49
ubottufirst2none: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.22:49
clarezoeadrian15 haha, the comparable is so true22:49
clarezoeadrian15 just a moment22:50
GeekSquidgibran: at ease soldier, You arn't going to be getting any viruses, and empathy is built into the OS now which makes Yahoo messaging really easy... Click on your name on the top right and click chat accounts and setup your YM account through there22:51
asdashello pals anyone know what line i need on grub to set a new menu.lst file ?22:52
first2nonelol idk which to pick22:52
delinquentmewhats the tag to run the uncomplicated fire wall graphically ?22:53
GeekSquidasdas: grub is deprecated... Grub2 is the new way which doesn't use a menu.lst file... see the following thing from ubottu22:53
GeekSquid!grub2 | asdas22:53
ubottuasdas: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:53
clarezoeadrian15 I'm using the ubuntu live cd now. strangly, no internet, could you help me out with that too?22:53
erUSULdelinquentme: install gufw ?22:53
asdasdo you know on grub22:54
gsrFrom what I understand, the gutmann algorithm for securely deleting data from solid state drives requires 38 passes, because of issues with magnetic residules being used to recreate partial or even full files.  Since a USB key is flash memory, and uses FG transistors instead of a magnetic plate, are the 38 passes required to safely delete from flash memory?22:54
asdaswhat is the command line ?22:54
clarezoeadrian15 and I'm using irc in another computer22:54
adrian15clarezoe: I prefer other one to do that. Easy fix: Use a cable22:54
clarezoeadrian15 I'm using a cable22:54
delinquentmeerUSUL, thanks!22:54
OrangePeelUsing Brasero ... Data DVD, it puts the files on the disk but right before it starts actually copying the data(burning) ... it says22:55
OrangePeelUnable to mount Data disc (03 Jan 11)22:55
OrangePeelError mounting: mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only22:55
OrangePeelmount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /media/Data disc (03 Jan 11) busy22:55
adrian15clarezoe: And you do not have dhcp on your network ?22:55
FloodBot4OrangePeel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
first2nonealright i installed xorg updates ppa now what?22:55
adrian15asdas: sudo update-grub       might do what you are asking22:55
asdasim asking22:55
asdaswhat line on grub sets a new menu.lst22:55
asdasi dont want to install a nerw grub or update22:56
asdasmy grub22:56
first2noneerUSUL: u still there22:56
erUSULfirst2none: yes22:56
clarezoeadrian15 sorry, my bad, the cable fell off, now I have internet :)22:56
adrian15asdas: Do you want to chainload a menu.lst from another menu.lst maybe ?22:56
GeekSquidgsr: if you follow the Government Wipe protocoll 38 passes is correct, if you are the average user, deleting the file is just fine22:56
first2noneok I have installed the xorg updates ppa now what?22:56
=== nisstyre is now known as Nisstyre65
asdasyessss kind of im building a multiboot usb22:56
asdasand i need my menu.lst to point to an other22:57
gsrGeekSquid: so FG transistors leave residual physical information, like magnetic drives?22:57
adrian15asdas: It is something like this: chainload (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu2.lst22:57
SofoxHey, I've an intersting problem, I'm trying to record my desktop while I play a game, but it seems whatever screen recorder I use, the colours seem to be washed out, a lot lighter. Any idea what could be causing this?22:57
FrEaKmAn_hi, can I use DTrace on ubuntu?22:58
asdasthanks adrian15 i will try this and report bac22:58
rictechi anyone using ubuntu on ps3?22:58
adrian15asdas: Try searching "hermanzone grub" on google he might have some howto on this (Check for grub legacy as you are using menu.lst files)22:59
humanbeanHello peeps, new to ubuntu, just hanging out if you dont mind22:59
first2noneWell are you looking or dont know or what?22:59
adrian15!ask | humanbean22:59
ubottuhumanbean: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:59
GeekSquidgsr: some guy at NSA or CIA or Homeland came up with that number, he was working with one transistor at a time, to see how much voltage between turning the transistor on/off it would take to push the transistor into the opposite state, the less voltage the closer to the previous state it would be. and as always the Govt is doing things overkill23:00
humanbeanthanks i will just watch for now23:00
clarezoeadrian15:  hi, here is my fdisk -ul output http://paste.ubuntu.com/550025/23:00
adrian15clarezoe: Do you have 120 Gigabytes or more ?23:01
clarezoeadrian15:  120 G23:01
HeTaLIs there any software to check what programs are using how much of my internet speed?23:01
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GeekSquidHeTaL: ps aux23:02
first2noneerUSUL: you gonna finish helping me?23:02
GeekSquidHeTaL: strike that ... netstat -ntap23:02
rictecHeTaL: USE IFTOP -I ETH023:02
adrian15clarezoe: What is it supposed to be sda7 partition ?23:02
rictecsoory for caps23:02
erUSULfirst2none: i pointed to the docs on using ppa's. did you read it?23:02
first2noneOh i didnt see the link23:03
gsrGeekSquid: awesome, thanks for the info!23:03
rictecanyone using ubuntu 10.04 on a PS3?23:03
jmmmpI want to have read-write access to my ntfs + fat32 partitions as standard. I'm not managing it with pysdm, does anyone can point me on how to manage this?23:03
erUSULfirst2none: see here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates23:03
clarezoeadrian15:  I think it is Dell laptop special partition for music playing without booting into windows. something like that, I've never used it23:03
SofoxAny idea what's causing colours to be too light on a screen record?23:03
erUSULfirst2none: everyhing you need should be there (specially the "Read about installing" link )23:04
GeekSquid!fstab | jmmmp23:04
ubottujmmmp: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:04
adrian15clarezoe: So... sda5 was a primary partition in an earlier life ? Or maybe sda6 ? You might guess them by their sizes (blocks column)23:04
erUSULfirst2none: if you have a specific problem in a specific step in the process; ask23:04
first2nonethe only part i'm having is idk which package to pick23:04
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=== asdas is now known as KaV
clarezoeadrian15:  sda 5 was the primary partition before I changed it23:05
* rictec i guess i m the only one lol23:05
erUSULfirst2none: do not pick any package; add the repositorie in software sources23:05
rictecthank you people23:05
first2noneerUSUL: I already did23:05
erUSULfirst2none: read the "Adding this PPA to your system" paragraph23:05
clarezoeadrian15: and it was around 19G before, and I changed it to 30G23:05
jmmmpubottu: I know about fstab's existence, but it would help me to know the normal parameters to correctly mount a read-write partition at boot time. From that on I could see if I can improve on that.23:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:06
clarezoeadrian15: maybe a bit more23:06
first2noneerUSUL: Its already added idk what to do next tho23:06
erUSULfirst2none: then just run the update manager ( some packages will be updated ) and reboot23:06
first2noneerUSUL: Ah ok lol23:06
delinquentmeAnyone have any thoughts on how to view the "localhost" of a DIFFERENT computer within your local router?23:06
erUSULfirst2none: System>Admin...>Update manager23:06
first2noneYea i got it and there were updates from xorg so hope it goes well23:07
jribdelinquentme: what do you mean by "view the "localhost""?23:07
erUSULfirst2none: good luck23:07
adrian15clarezoe: I do not what to advise you. Maybe to use gpart, maybe not. And then use a windows howto on how to recover windows boot. You might succeed even if the windows partition is logical23:07
delinquentmejrib, i mean id like to be able to see what that individual machine is viewing at URL : http://localhost:3000 ... on a different computer within that intranet23:08
first2noneerUSUL : ty for the help23:08
erUSULfirst2none: no problem23:08
jribdelinquentme: use the internal ip address for that machine (ifconfig will tell you)23:08
GeekSquidjmmmp: that link tells more than I can explain here, if you know about fstab, then you know that in order to do what you need to do you need to edit fstab with the directives described in the community document23:08
clarezoeadrian15:  I've tried many ways by windows howtos, and the conclusion I've learn was to change it back to primary23:09
adrian15clarezoe: By the way23:09
adrian15clarezoe: Have you tried to mount the windows partition manually to save your data into a usb hard drive?23:09
adrian15clarezoe: I might help you on that23:09
delinquentmejrib, yeah im doing that .. so far not working .. is the port number important?23:09
jribdelinquentme: what *exactly* are you doing?23:09
itaylor57erUSUL: i have an intel graphics card,and trying to do rendering 3g is a "windmill toppeling quest" from horseback23:10
jmmmpGeekSquid: that's true. but so far my efforts with fstab were infrutiferous. I'll try again, though23:10
clarezoeadrian15:  yeah, now I only care about the data, if I can backup the data, then I will wipe the harddrive23:10
GeekSquidjmmmp: perhaps if you will pastebin your fstab, I can take a look23:10
clarezoeadrian15:  could you help me with that?23:10
taiyalWhat repositories do I have to enable in order to install a 2.6.36 kernel and its source package through apt?23:10
adrian15clarezoe: So if you click on Places it does not mount the windows partitions?23:10
delinquentmejrib, im running ruby on rails .. and i have a local server running on my " BIG machine " .. i would like the " LITTLE machine " to view the current state of the code the BIG machine has showing on its local host  ( for IE debugging purposes )23:11
clarezoeadrian15:  I can see the partitions under Places, but cannot mount23:11
dwarderwhere should i pud zenddebugger module on ubuntu?23:11
adrian15clarezoe: Open a terminal23:11
clarezoeadrian15: sure23:12
adrian15clarezoe: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda5 ; sudo mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda523:12
jribdelinquentme: ok that clarifies what you want to do, but you said you did something ("that").  What exactly did you do?23:12
nylhow can i rotate screen in xorg.conf?23:12
KaVchainload -> menu.lst doesnt work23:13
jmmmpGeekSquid: I'll try a couple of things and reboot for sure. thanks, hopefully I won't bother you23:13
clarezoeadrian15: yes, it works, thanks23:13
gibranhi anyone knows how i can see the people who are online on yahoo messenger? im using empathy23:13
adrian15clarezoe: You can do the same for sda623:13
delinquentmejrib, i have the little computer ( with IE ) opening the internal network URL ( ) .. as well as i have all ports opened using GUFW on the BIG machine .. ( ubuntu )23:13
clarezoeadrian15: yeah, I think I know how to do that!23:13
Inlitehey guys, Im new to ubuntu - I downloaded a new veriosn of blender and it wont run, when i try to open it in terminal it says its not there. any ideas?23:14
jribdelinquentme: and on BIG, serves up the ruby on rails site?23:14
dwarderwhere should i pud zenddebugger module on ubuntu?23:14
clarezoeadrian15:  thank you very much! Now I can go to bed and won't have nightmares23:14
adrian15clarezoe: If you even learn how to revert a logical partition to a primary partition please report back in www.supergrubdisk.org so that I implement it in Rescatux23:14
delinquentmejrib, nah actually it does not23:14
jribdelinquentme: how do you view the site on BIG?23:15
clarezoeadrian15: yeah, sure!23:15
clarezoeadrian15: I will backup my data and playaround with it, haha23:15
KaVany other ideas on how to point to an other menu.lst on grub4dos ?23:15
delinquentmejrib, Ohhhh ok its just
adrian15KaV: It should work what I have told you23:16
jribdelinquentme: ok, so add the port number to 192.168.whatever on little23:16
adrian15KaV: You might need to specity the grub device... I do not know if grub4dos has such a variable23:16
delinquentmeboom !23:16
first2nonewow that was retarted23:16
delinquentmehuzza! jrib thanks man :D23:17
first2noneerUSUL: You still there?23:17
KaVadrian15 wait i ll check it again23:17
adrian15KaV: You know... instead of (hd0,0)... I do not know if you are using first partition on the usb by the way23:17
adrian15KaV: And if you set your bios so that your pendrive is the first one23:17
adrian15KaV: Having a look at menu.lst at a pastebin would help23:17
KaVits a single line no need to paste it.. :) chainloader (hd0,0)/bt4-r2/boot/grub/menu.lst23:18
first2noneerUSUL: I have installed updates and restarted now how do i see if it worked?23:18
itaylor57first2none: you may be exceeding the capabilites of you grapics chip23:18
taiyalWhat repositories do I have to enable in order to install a 2.6.36 kernel and its source package through apt?23:19
first2noneI sure hope not :(23:19
adrian15KaV: I might be aslept. It is not chainloader ... it is configfile23:19
KaVerror 13 invalid or unsupported executable format23:19
damo_fhi all23:20
banisterfiendoff for the w/e bye23:20
vantagewhat command will show current disk space...23:20
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govielInlite: did you install or just donwload the folder?23:21
Guest76602adrian15 yes thats it :) works23:21
erUSULfirst2none: see if performance is improved or not. we just have upgraded to newer versions of the driver; there is no waranties that that will imporve things23:21
GeekSquidvantage: df -a23:21
Guest76602KAV: thanks23:21
=== KaV is now known as Guest40301
Inlitegoviel, I downloaded and unwrapped23:21
damo_fI'm a noob to Ubuntu and was looking to run the netbook verson on my laptop booting from USB so far I've managed to get everything going and mounted my NAS, but is there a easy way I can remove the splash screen that comes up on boot that askes if I want to trial or install?23:21
Paatushi guys23:22
* adrian15 Going to bed23:22
Inlitegoviel, http://imagebin.org/13084923:22
Paatushas anyone here set up a mail server in ubuntu?23:22
erUSUL!mta | Paatus23:23
ubottuPaatus: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA23:23
dorbinwhat is the command for checking for updates?23:23
Paatusyea but how should i configure it, and what ports should i forward and so on?23:24
jmmmpI can't get the right parameters with fstab. a) my ntfs partition can only be unmounted by root, and b) the vfat partition isn't mounted read-write at boot time (only if I unmount+mount it). can anyone help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/550029/23:24
Paatusand what adress to MX?23:24
KM0201dorbin: sudo apt-get upgrade23:24
vantagegeeksquid do you know where the config is located for gnome. like for menu config and if i wanted to exec a script on start up23:24
itaylor57first2none: <erUSUL> first2none: see if performance is improved or not. we just have upgraded to newer versions of the driver; there is no waranties that that will imporve things23:24
first2noneJust got to System>Admin>Update Manager23:24
KM0201first2none: thats not really a command, but it works just as well.23:24
govielInlite: type ./blender once you are in the folder23:24
dorbinKM0201: cheers!23:24
first2noneYea i tested to see if the graphics have changed any but they havent23:25
GeekSquidvantage: userspace or kernelspace?23:25
Paatuscan anyone help me set up a mail server?23:25
first2noneSo I guess I'll just stop bugging with it cause the card just might not be able to push it23:25
vantagegeeksquid ... blah im thinking of flux box23:25
NixGeekvantage: to execute a script at startup go to system>preferences>startup applications23:25
vantagenixgeek Thanks23:25
NixGeekvantage: your very welcome, glad to help23:26
Paatusi got a web server running on the server and i want to be able to have emails on it (e.g. admin@server.com ) and to mail from it using php23:26
Paatuscan anyone help me or atleast point me in the right direction?23:26
eradicusI have created a bootable usb using pendrive linux and kubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso, the problem is the video doesn't work after grub, a black screen is shown all through out.23:27
cheteenhi I need Some information for IDENEB anybody can help me?23:27
Paatusi got a web server running on the server and i want to be able to have emails on it (e.g. admin@server.com ) and to mail from it using php23:27
Paatuscan anyone help me or atleast point me in the right direction?23:27
itaylor57first2none: what are you trying to run?23:27
GeekSquidPaatus: I really like vpostmaster for setting up mail servers, makes useradmin and domain managment easy ... sendmail will sendmail regardless but there are so many differnet levels of mail that without a better idea of what this is used for it is a little difficult to point you in the right direction23:28
GeekSquid!repeat | Paatus23:28
ubottuPaatus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:28
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first2noneeradicus: Why dont you just use "unetbootin"?23:28
vantageNixgeek does gnome use eterm xterm or what for their terminal's Where would the config be for the menu's23:28
Paatusthanks Geeksquid23:28
wrdPaatus: you need to install a mailserver to do that. usually you want a combination of smtp (maybe postfix) and imap (cyrrusm, curier, or dovecot) if you want webmail you could look into squirrelmail or something similar.23:28
first2noneeradicus: Its a simple program that will make a perfectly bootable copy of whatever linux you have23:28
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
NixGeekvantage: you mean like deleting and adding stuff to menu's? try system>preferences>main menu23:29
eradicusfirst2none, it's already bootable, the issue is the video, after grub.23:29
vantagelol Nix not use to all this gui stuff.....23:30
first2noneAh i have the same problem with my desktop so i had to use this laptop23:30
first2noneeradicus: I never did find out the issue with that23:30
ocean hi guys. i have just installed ubuntu 10.10 64 bit on my hp dv6-3150sa laptop.installation was flawless. After restarting the first thing I did was to install the updates. a message poped up for a restricted driver for my graphic card, which i installed as well. When i restared my computer i found my desktop missing and its takin me to the command mode. can any one help pls23:30
Paatusguys.. if i explain my situation. can you tell me what to do.. the options are many and i've tried back and forth all day23:31
Paatusis that ok?23:31
delawareocean:  try typing startx and see what message you get23:31
GeekSquidPaatus: that's fine, if it is a long, long question, consider putting it into a pastebin23:31
erUSULPaatus: http://www.davidhurst.co.uk/2007/06/19/php-mail-and-ssmtp-on-debian-linux/23:31
Paatuswow thanks erUSUL23:32
Paatusbut.. on my domain how can i configure a smtp subdomain? cause i should do that right?23:33
oceani am getting a long output, but one of the line says fatal server error no screen found23:33
soreauocean: Which graphics card is it?23:33
Paatusi got a subdomain called mail but how do i make it a smtp?23:34
oceanon my laptop its written ATI mobility radeon premium graphics23:34
delawareiirc his laptop should have the ati mobility radeon 4250 gpu23:34
chrometigerI have 2 hard drive icons on my desktop , how can i make their icons revert back to default?  i've changed them now I want them to use the system icon theme i have running23:35
PaatuserUSUL: how can i make a subdomain a smtp domain? :D23:36
oceanwhen i tried restarting the laptop with ac power disconnected it did not even go to command mode. it gave a message error at low memory23:36
Rajkoi get gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25623:36
Rajkoand then gnome power manager says in the corner that its configuration is bad23:36
Rajkoand it looks unskinned like win9823:36
Rajkoand i cant log in because i get the 256 error again23:36
Rajko10.10 x6423:37
soreauocean: Try this from a root prompt: apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx && rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && reboot23:37
taiyalWhat repositories do I have to enable in order to install a 2.6.36 kernel and its source package through apt?23:37
Rajkohow do i fully remove gnome including config files23:37
Rajkoand then reinstall it23:37
Paatusdoes anyone know how to make my subdomain a smtp server?23:38
delawareocean:  the restricted drivers are adaptations of the ati graphics drivers that give you full potentional of your graphics card in your system versus the generic graphics card driver which is slow (very slow) but useable.  I have an older hp laptop wth nvidia graphics card inside.  I have never had a problem with using restricted drivers, and I highly reccomend them.  the only other thing I can think of besides what soreau has23:39
delawaresuggested is:  have you played with any bios settings that could have an impact?23:39
oceanis that X11 or Xll in the command line?23:39
soreaudelaware: Its not a generic driver, its the open radeon driver and its quite capable23:40
oceanwhat should i do after removing them23:40
soreauocean: X eleven23:40
GeekSquidPaatus: your question is application specific .. I reccommend taking your questions to #postfix23:40
oceanso am i going to miss the full potential of my graphic card if i remove it? :-(23:41
soreauocean: The default radeon driver should be active by default after you remove fglrx23:41
delawaresoreau:  the driver you first start out with then you install ubuntu is a gneric driver, then you can opt to enable the restricted driver which is the open radon driver.  correct me again if i'm wrong.23:41
taiyalUbuntu gives you the open radeon driver by default23:42
nit-witso anybody have ant experience with western digital HD's and firmware ie smartware23:42
soreaudelaware: You are wrong. The open radeon driver is the default. Fglrx is the proprietary/catalyst driver that is optional for newer radeon cards23:42
delawaresoreau:  okay, that sounds right.  thanks, (re-learn) something everyday.23:43
taiyalWhat repositories do I have to enable in order to install a 2.6.36 kernel and its source package through apt?23:43
Paatushow do i know if my smtp server requires authentification?23:43
oceanyes i installed the the restricted driver later23:43
chrometigerI have 2 hard drive icons on my desktop , how can i make their icons revert back to default?  i've changed them now I want them to use the system icon theme i have running23:43
NixGeeknit-wit: I have an older western digiatal hd in my computer and it's fine, It was in a dell computer that got hit by lighning and then I moved it when I build this computer.23:43
Rajkothanks a lot guys23:43
Rajkoit was chmod 1777 /tmp23:43
delawarenit-wit are you trying to disable the annoying virtual drive on a wd hd?23:43
uzi__taiyal: the main repository has both of it.23:44
taiyalthe default repositories only have up to 2.6.35 something23:44
uzi__taiyal: you just have to enable it through software center.23:44
* KM0201 guesses Rajko wasn't happy with the service he got for what it cost...23:44
taiyaloh, I haven't tried software center yet, only synaptic23:44
oceansoreau i am trying to restart my computer now and nothing comes up when  i choose ubuntu23:45
nit-witdelaware, I was just trying to help somebody intall Ubuntu installed rebooted in then rebootes to a no disc whic I have a sourceforge link on23:45
soreauocean: Then you have bigger problems than just graphics drivers23:46
nit-witdelaware, would help to know the disable or hide though, appears available in the latest firmware23:46
delawarei agree with soreau23:46
oceanhow can i figure it out23:46
jmmmpI can't get the right parameters with fstab. a) my ntfs partition can only be unmounted by root, and b) the vfat partition isn't mounted read-write at boot time (only if I unmount+mount it). can anyone help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/550029/23:46
oceanreinstalling ubuntu can it help?23:46
nit-witNixGeek, thanks for the response23:47
soreauocean: Did you turn the machine completely off and wait a few seconds to restart it?23:47
taiyaluzi__: my Software Center only shows kernels up to 2.6.35 (I'm using 10.10 here)23:47
NixGeeknit-wit: happy to help23:47
delawarenit-wit if you want to hide a virtual drive on a wd hd, you have to have a windows pc to run wd's software to modify the firmware and turn off that option.23:47
soreauocean: Since fglrx and radeon are two very different drivers, it might be a good idea to power down the machine completely and cold boot it to make sure the card isnt in a nonfunctional state23:48
nit-witdelaware, Thats what I thought thanks.:)23:48
uzi__taiyal: i think you could just add natty respository. i'm not sure if they have
taiyalokay, I'll try that, thanks23:49
oceanwhat is cold boot, sorry soreau to aks that Q?23:49
diecastartsHailz to all :) just a quick question (what would be the best compression to use on dvd image)23:49
campbellgolfwhat is the URL where I can type config snippets?23:49
FraserHello all i have a prob when i or a prog tries to change the screen res i get thrown back to the log in screen  ? any ideas23:49
diecastartsI'm try to clean up my External23:49
uzi__ocean: when you start your computer from poweroff state.23:49
soreauocean: cold boot means to turn the machine off and wait a few seconds before restarting it23:49
oceanso what is the recomended way of doing it on the hp laptop23:49
diecastartspoor TB drive with 3gbs left lol23:50
oceanok, i will try that now23:50
dwarderplease tell me where should i put my php module?23:50
uzi__3gbs is a lot.23:50
diecastartswell no i have to do a whole format23:50
diecastartsso i need a good compresstion tool23:50
dwarderwill /etc/php5/apache2 ok?23:50
NixGeekjmmmp: use ntfs-config to do it graphically. install with "sudo apt-get install ntfs-config"23:50
diecastartsgui or command ref if anyone knows off hand23:50
oceandoes this mean that ubuntu is not flawless on 64 bit.23:51
soreauocean: Nothing is flawless but ubuntu works pretty well all in all23:51
diecastartsi know i could use the stander ones .. but just though maybe there is better compressions23:51
diecastartsI don't care the time it takes lol23:52
KM0201ocean: i guess depending on your hardware, it might be flawless23:52
uzi__nothing is flawless23:52
jmmmpNixgeek: also for the fat32 partition?23:52
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oceanI tried that soreau twice. no joy once the booting up page came up but it don do anything23:53
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soreauocean: Was this an upgrade or a clean install?23:53
GeekSquidjmmmp: should look a little more like this  /dev/sda1 /media/sda1     ntfs-3g rw,nls=iso8859-1,   0 023:54
oceanits a brand new laptop and a clean install23:54
oceanit worked on first reboot23:54
diecastartsso no ione really know a good compression program? or did i miss my answer sorry :)23:54
tortoise7anyone have clue as to why grub fails to install and dpkg returns error 1.... on a fresh install with custom partitions..... and yet everything installs just fine if automatic installation is allowed...... 10.04/ amd64/ 500GB hdd /  no other os.23:54
soreauocean: I dont know what happened but you can try reinstalling and dont install the fglrx driver23:54
oceanso what is that driver for soreau.23:54
soreauocean: It is the proprietary driver AMD/Radeon releases for newer radeon cards though it is less stable than the open radeon driver23:55
oceanwould it affect the perfomance of the graphics functionality of the laptop?23:55
NixGeekjmmmp: use GeekSquid's thing, it'll probably be better.  It's been a bit since i messed with mounting NTFS partitions23:55
soreauocean: Yes23:56
jmmmpGeekSquid: thanks. do you know also about the vfat one?23:56
oceanwhich is the better one?23:56
NixGeekfor fat32, basically the same thing except instead of NTFS-3g, put vfat23:56
jmmmpNixGeek: yes, the ntfs program only asked for read/write (which is already ok)23:56
soreauocean: In my opinion, the open radeon driver is better23:56
=== francisco is now known as Guest70125
oceanincluding the better function as well?23:57
soreauocean: But its still in heavy development and not yet optimized23:57
kingosHi, can anyone give me help with ndiswrapper here?23:57
oceanwhich is in heavy development?23:57
soreaukingos: Which chip is it?23:57
oceanopen on restricted?23:57
soreauocean: open is an acronym of restricted23:57
kingossoreau: bcmwlhigh523:58
soreau! ndiswrapper | kingos23:58
GeekSquidjmmmp: /dev/sda6     /media/sda6  vfat   defaults,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=000 0 023:58
ubottukingos: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:58
canonAnyone here using NodeZero?23:58
kingossoreau: both with default, and compiled from svn, after I install the driver, both ndisdriver -l and lsusb hang23:58
{C}ronosis there a way to remount usb drives without unpluging and repluging?23:58
soreaukingos: If lsusb hangs, that is not good23:59
oceanso what kind of driver is installed on a custom ubuntu install23:59
kingossoreau: clearly :)23:59
aeon-ltd{C}ronos: i suppose, with umount23:59
soreau{C}ronos: umount and mount23:59
kingossoreau: so what can I do about it?23:59
soreau{C}ronos: Or click on it in nautilus23:59
{C}ronosdoesnt quite work the way i would expect23:59

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